Perspective technologies of the baking industry. The main trends in the development of the baking industry. Is it possible to bargain with retailers

Considering the great contribution Food Industry in the country's economy and the solution of demographic problems, state support should be optimized taking into account macroeconomic indicators development of the country.

The transition to an innovative type of development involves the inclusion of new factors of economic growth that meet the challenges of the long term. The action of these factors will ensure that the Russian food and processing industry enters the trajectory of sustainable growth in the range of 3.5 - 5 percent per year.

The peculiarity of the transition to an innovative type of development is to reach the level of developed countries in terms of production efficiency in terms of global competition, which is possible in the conditions of modernizing the technical base of industry, priority development of industries focused on the production of socially significant food products, ensuring the rapid development of industries that allow implement Russian competitive advantages. Such an approach requires the implementation of a complex of interconnected in terms of resources, timing and stages of transformations.

Innovative development of the food and processing industry in 2013-2020 is supposed to be carried out in 2 stages, due to the development of the agro-industrial complex and the possibility of attracting investments in the modernization of the industry, as well as the allocation of budget funds for research and development work.

Table 1.

Volumes of projected investments, million rubles

2013 - 2020 - total year 2013 year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

implementation of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of bakeries, workshops and sites for baking bakery products based on innovative technologies and modern resource-saving equipment - modernization of 959 production lines with a capacity of 24 tons per day and 825 lines with a capacity of 12 tons per day;

Expansion of the range of manufactured bakery products, including through the introduction of innovative technologies that increase the nutritional and biological value of products,

· The use of new generation packaging materials;

· An increase in the production of dietary and micronutrient-enriched bakery products up to 300 thousand tons per year.

Reconstruction and modernization of bakery production will reduce production costs, ensure a decrease in the specific consumption of energy resources per unit of manufactured products and ensure a minimum level of prices for manufactured bakery products.

The implementation of the Strategy for the medium term (2013-2016) provides for the modernization of the technological base bakery industry with the renewal of 618 main technological lines in 287 bakery organizations in Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Moscow, Ryazan, Tver, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Saratov and Sverdlovsk regions, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Mordovia.

Table 2.

Prospects for the development of the bakery industry in Russia

The total volume of investments will amount to 43,728 million rubles, of which the organizations' own funds - 26,236 million rubles and borrowed funds- 17492 million rubles.

Modernization of the bakery industry will expand the range of products manufactured, increase the nutritional and biological value of bakery products, and reduce the specific consumption of energy resources per unit of manufactured products.

As a result, by the end of 2016, the rate of renewal of fixed assets will be brought to 12.2 percent, and the volume of annual production of dietary and micronutrient-fortified bakery products - up to 130 thousand tons.


The bakery industry is one of the leading food branches of the agro-industrial complex and performs the task of producing essential products. In Russia, bread is an essential product, it is regularly bought by everyone and everywhere. The supply of the most affordable food product for all segments of the population depends on how effectively the industry functions and develops. According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the level of consumption of this important food product in our country in different years was different and depended, first of all, on the economic situation in the country and the level of income of the population.

In Russia there are more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70 thousand tons of bread daily, or 500 g of bread per person. At the same time, up to 90% of the industry's production capacity is concentrated at 990 enterprises. Bakeries of relatively small capacity, which are usually called mini-bakeries, have become widespread. At the same time, production at small bakeries increased by 11% (from 715 thousand tons to 772 thousand tons), but this volume is less than 10% of the total production in Russia. A decrease in the production of bakery products in the country, a drop in demand and an increase in costs, naturally, have a negative impact on economic performance work of enterprises.

Currently, there are the following problems hindering the development of the bakery industry:

Physical wear and tear of the main production assets
(50 - 80 percent);

· Low profitability of production (1 - 3 percent);

Dependence on foreign suppliers due to the lack of domestic bakery equipment.

Taking into account the large contribution of the food industry to the country's economy and solving demographic problems, state support should be optimized taking into account the macroeconomic indicators of the country's development. In this regard, they proposed a number of measures within the framework of the Strategy for the Development of the Food and Oil Refining Industry until 2020. Reconstruction and modernization of bakery production will reduce production costs, ensure a decrease in the specific consumption of energy resources per unit of manufactured products and ensure a minimum level of prices for manufactured bakery products.

By 2020, the accumulated potential of technologies and investments, corresponding to industrialized countries, will determine the continuation of sustainable development trends in the food and processing industry, relying on the innovative development vector as the main driver of economic growth.


1. Materials of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the draft Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Food Security"

2. Dracheva L.V. Modernization of the food industry in Russia // Bakery of Russia, No. 3, 2012

3. Kerashev M.A. Economics of the food industry: Textbook. for universities. - Krasnodar: Printing. courtyard of the Kuban, 2001.

4. Muratshin A.M. Harmonization of Russian legislation in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of products (services) with international rules and regulations // Khlebopechenie Rossii, No. 1, 2012

5. Reshetnikova A. Innovations in the food market: who will be in demand? Bakery in Russia, No. 4, 2012

6.. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2012 N 559-r

7. Terentyev N.T. The Tenth Reporting and Election Congress of the Russian Union of Bakers The bakery industry of Russia in 2008-2012.

8. Shutilov F.V. "Teacher - 2000" URL: http: // 11.11.2008

9. Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics - Vol. 4, No. 4, 2003. Burdukov PT, Saetgaliev P.Z. Russia in the system of global food security, - M., Agro-Press, 2004.

12. Site data URL: http: //

14. Site data of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL: http: //


Appendix 1. Structure of consumer spending by households

The structure of consumer spending by households
(based on the materials of a sample survey of household budgets; as a percentage of the total)

Consumer expenses - total
including for the purposes of consumption:
food and soft drinks 45,8 41,7 37,7 36,0 33,2 31,6 28,4 29,1 30,5
of them:
Food 43,8 39,7 35,8 34,2 31,5 29,9 26,8 27,6 28,8
bakery products and cereals 8,5 7,1 6,4 6,5 5,6 5,1 4,5 4,8 4,8
meat 13,2 12,4 10,9 10,5 10,2 9,7 8,6 8,6 9,1
fish, seafood 2,6 2,4 2,1 2,1 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,8 2,0
dairy products, cheese and eggs 5,7 5,3 4,8 4,8 4,4 4,1 3,9 4,1 4,2
oils and fats 2,5 2,3 1,9 1,7 1,4 1,2 1,1 1,2 1,1
fruit 2,5 2,4 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,0 2,1 2,2
vegetables 3,1 3,1 3,0 2,6 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,4 2,5
sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and candy 4,7 3,8 3,4 2,9 2,5 2,4 2,0 1,9 2,2
other food 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,6 0,7 0,8
soft drinks 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,7
alcoholic beverages, tobacco products 3,6 3,2 3,2 3,0 2,7 2,7 2,4 2,3 2,4
of them:
alcoholic drinks 2,4 2,2 2,2 2,1 1,9 1,9 1,7 1,6 1,7
tobacco products 1,2 1,0 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,7
clothes and shoes 13,6 13,5 12,6 11,6 10,7 10,9 10,4 10,4 10,4
of them:
clothes 9,7 10,0 9,5 8,8 8,1 8,2 7,7 7,8 7,7
shoes 3,8 3,5 3,1 2,9 2,6 2,7 2,6 2,6 2,6
housing services, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 7,1 8,7 10,5 10,8 11,3 12,1 11,6 10,4 10,8
of them:
current maintenance and repair of living quarters 1,8 2,3 3,2 3,0 2,9 3,3 3,4 2,7 2,0
water supply and others public Utilities 1,4 1,8 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,1 2,8 2,6 2,9
electricity, gas and other fuels 3,2 3,7 4,3 4,5 4,8 4,9 4,5 4,3 5,1
household items, household appliances and home care 6,1 6,6 7,3 6,9 7,2 7,3 7,3 7,5 7,0
of them:
household items 2,4 2,5 3,0 2,7 3,5 3,4 3,9 4,0 3,8
Appliances 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 1,9 1,6 1,9 1,4
home care products and services 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,1 1,1 1,0 1,0
health care 2,1 2,3 2,2 2,4 2,5 3,0 3,1 2,9 3,1
out of him:
medicines, medical equipment 1,3 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,5 1,5 1,7
outpatient services 0,5 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,2 1,1 1,1
hospital services 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,3
transport 7,7 9,3 9,2 10,2 12,2 12,5 16,6 15,5 13,4
out of him:
purchase Vehicle 3,0 4,0 3,7 4,6 5,9 5,5 9,9 8,2 6,0
vehicle operation 2,2 2,6 2,7 2,7 3,4 3,9 3,6 4,2 4,4
transport services 2,5 2,7 2,8 2,9 2,9 3,1 3,0 3,1 3,1
connection 1,4 1,8 2,4 2,9 3,7 4,0 3,8 3,7 3,8
organization of recreation and cultural events 4,7 4,8 6,0 6,3 7,1 6,4 6,4 7,7 7,3
of them:
audiovisual and photographic equipment, information processing equipment 1,8 2,0 2,7 2,8 3,2 2,5 2,3 2,8 1,9
leisure services 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,3
services of recreation centers, tourism 0,8 0,8 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,7 2,5 2,3
education 1,2 1,5 1,3 1,7 1,8 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,5
hotels, cafes and restaurants 2,6 2,5 3,1 3,5 2,9 2,6 3,0 3,0 3,4
of which catering 2,5 2,4 3,0 3,5 2,9 2,5 2,8 2,8 3,2
other goods and services 4,1 4,1 4,5 4,7 4,7 4,9 5,2 5,9 6,4

Data from the website of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences URL: http: //

Data from the site Federal Service state statistics. URL:

Site data URL:

Data from research company Intesco Research Group URL:

Terentiev N.T. Tenth Reporting and Election Congress of the Russian Union of Bakers Bakery industry in Russia in 2008-2012.

Site data URL:

Data from research company Intesco Research Group URL:

Data from the website of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL:

Data from the website of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL:

Data from research company Intesco Research Group URL:

Kerashev M.A . Economics of the food industry: Proc. for universities. - Krasnodar: Print. yard of Kuban, 2001.

Materials of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the draft Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Food Security" Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics - V.4, No. 4, 2003.

Site data URL:

Official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Samara Region URL:

Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

Terentiev N.T. Tenth Reporting and Election Congress of the Russian Union of Bakers
Russian bakery industry in 2008-2012

Strategy for the development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2012 N 559-r

Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

Dracheva L.V. Modernization of the food industry in Russia // Bakery of Russia, No. 3, 2012

Strategy for the development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

Data from the website of the research company ID-MARKETING. URL:

Strategy for the development of the food and processing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

1. Data from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:


Labur Elena Alexandrovna

2nd year student, specialty "Commodity science and examination of the quality of consumer goods" BF RGTEU, RF, Bryansk

Nikitina Elena Vladimirovna

scientific adviser, lecturer of the highest category, BF RGTEU, Russian Federation, Bryansk

The food industry in Russia unites about 30 industries, which are characterized by certain manufacturing technologies and various production organization. From the standpoint of the priority of national interests, the main goal of the development of this type of industry is to meet the needs of the country's population in high-quality food, so the food industry is a strategic industry of the state.

The baking industry is one of the leading food sectors of the agro-industrial complex and performs the task of developing essential products, and also provides about 10% of the revenue of the entire food industry. In 2013, the volume of the retail market for the sale of bakery products amounted to over 500 billion rubles. According to these data, the production of bread ranks 4th among food products after meat products, dairy products and confectionery.

Bread is the most important food product for most Russians, and therefore the number of bakery enterprises is constantly growing in the country's food market, and, as a result, competition in this sector of the food industry is growing.

The bakery industry is represented by a large number of economic entities, different in terms of potential, volume and range of products, financial components, etc. .

Currently, more than 10 thousand bakeries and bakeries operate in Russia. However, due to the increase in prices for raw materials, the continuing growth of energy tariffs (18-25% per year), depreciation of equipment and the use of low-tech production systems, the individual costs of enterprises are growing. As a result, there is a partial decrease in labor productivity, not enough effective use raw materials, human, temporary, financial, energy and other resources.

The profitability of many bakeries is currently very low. Thus, the average annual profitability of the baking industry in 2012 was 3%, in 2013 it did not exceed 5%, which is not enough for a competitive business and jeopardizes the further development of the industry.

According to experts, Russian bakery is 98% medium and small business, and 80% of enterprises employ from 15 to 100 people.

The level of competition in the bakery market, according to experts, is low, based on the ratio of the number of bakery entities to the number of inhabitants. It is important to note that if the situation with bread in large cities is quite good, then small villages experience a shortage of bread, so experts believe that the bakery segment has a huge potential for growth.

The bakery industry is one of the most labor-intensive branches of the food industry. To produce 7 million tons of bread, 5.5 million tons of flour are processed annually, and significant amounts of other raw materials, electricity and gas are used.

Behind these figures is, first of all, the work of 300 thousand workers and specialists, 80% of whom are women. Are the conditions of their work compatible with the tasks that we set for ourselves? If we consider the personnel potential of bakery as the highest value, then, of course, yes. However, at present the level manual labor in the baking industry is 50%, and in some areas - 100% and does not differ from manual operations of the 20-30s of the twentieth century. The reasons are both the lack of funds for the purchase of equipment, and the lack of domestically produced equipment itself.

In Russia, at the moment, automatic technological systems with a high degree of production diversification for the production of bakery products are not produced at all. Of course, there are such lines abroad.

As a result, for the production of 1 ton of bakery products of 7-10 types on foreign equipment, 3 people are employed, we have 6-8 people with a higher fuel and electricity consumption. The development of the bakery industry should be based on innovations that give Russian firms competitive advantages. The industry is in dire need of the development of science, the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, engineering developments, modern management. Necessary condition The successful integration of Russian enterprises into the international economic space is the active use of world experience and the latest scientific developments. The latest achievements of the industry were presented at the Modern Bakery exhibition, while the unconditional discovery of 2012 was the innovative development of Soyuz Corporation - cocoa butter equivalents.

The Russian equivalent of cocoa butter is an absolute novelty, since so far not a single domestic enterprise has been able to produce an equivalent. In addition to the Soyuz corporation, foreign specialists also took part in its creation, using manufacturing process advanced and unique food technologies.

Cocoa Butter Equivalent was developed as a high-tech replacement for cocoa butter and opens up new opportunities for expanding the range and increasing the economic efficiency of confectionery products. The product is made from rare types of natural vegetable oils and has the characteristics of the best varieties of cocoa butter. The invention of this equivalent is intended to remove the dependence of bakery enterprises on imported raw materials and realize the country's potential for growth in the production of chocolate products, increasing their competitiveness in the world market.

This innovation makes it possible to solve one of the key issues that arise in the course of Russia's participation in the WTO - increasing the safety of manufactured products. This problem sounds particularly acute, primarily due to the presence of trans-isomers in domestic confectionery and bakery products. Prohibited for use in developed countries world, trans-fatty acids remain the most pressing food safety issue in Russia, which can be removed only by abandoning obsolete ingredients.

Thus, the active use of the developments available in the country is a natural approach of strategically thinking enterprises and a guarantee successful development industry and adaptation of Russian confectioners and bakers to changing market conditions.

However, at present, the development of the baking industry in Russia is associated with a number of objective and subjective problems. During 2007-2012 there is a tendency to reduce the production of bakery products by 1.5-3% annually, which is reflected in table 1. This happens for the following reasons: financial position many enterprises remains unstable, the profitability of the industry does not exceed 2.5-3%, the level of average wages is 25%-30% lower than the average for the economy, there is no regional infrastructure for baking. In addition, bakery enterprises do not belong to agricultural producers and are not subject to measures state support.

Table 1.

Volumes of production of bakery products in Russia, t

Table 2 shows the value of the production of bakery products for 2010-2011.

Table 2.

Production volumes of bakery products by individual product groups, tons

Name of the assortment group of bakery products



Bread and bakery products, total

Bread and bakery products from rye and rye-wheat flour, total

Bakery products made from wheat flour, including:

premium wheat flour

wheat flour of the 1st grade

wheat flour 2nd grade

wheat flour with the addition of grain products

Sweet bakery products

Pies, pies and donuts

Bakery products, dietetic and products for children

Rusk products, croutons

Bagel products (bagels, bagels, dryers)

Crispy baked bread

Semi-finished bakery products

Other bakery products

In accordance with the data presented in Table 2, it can be seen that the main share in production (about 80%) is made up of mass varieties of bread with low added value. In addition, there is an insufficient production of dietary bakery products with an emerging trend towards its fall.

Changes in the diet and consumer demands make their own adjustments to the assortment structure and quality of bread and bakery products. Despite the fact that domestic bakery enterprises can offer customers a wide range of products (over 700 items), new products in the industry do not exceed 5% of the total. Therefore, one of the promising tasks for the development of the baking industry is to expand the range of bread and bakery products through the development of new technologies and recipes. In order to improve the range of bakery products, it is necessary to monitor the changing needs of the population in order to better meet them.

Consumers pay special attention to the quality of bakery products. Improving the quality of products depends on measures taken to improve safety, strengthen control of technological processes, introduce new and improve traditional technologies, ensure the sealing of packaging, use modern environmentally friendly packaging materials, etc.

Strict requirements must be introduced so that gray-colored bread with additives made in unsanitary conditions does not appear on sale. In this regard, it is necessary to speed up the adoption of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of flour".

The lack of the necessary state control over the quality of grain has led to the use of feed grain to obtain bakery flour with the use of improvers - various additives of a chemical nature. Bread baked from such flour can cause irreparable harm to the health of consumers due to the presence of harmful chemicals, residual elements from the use of plant protection products, microbiological pollutants and other harmful impurities that accumulate in the body and lead to serious diseases.

According to Nadezhda Shkolkina, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, state support for the development of the bakery industry is currently insufficient. So, the only measure of state support for the industry, provided for The state program development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020, subsidizing the interest rate on loans from commercial banks for investment purposes, which is insufficient.

In this regard, in order to create high-quality varieties of bakery products for various purposes, more attention should be paid to scientific research on the molecular and genetic foundations of the gluten complex of grain, and a system for forecasting, assessing and managing quality in the entire technological chain should be developed: seeds-grain-flour-bread. To solve this problem, it is advisable to combine the efforts of scientists, experts, breeders, grain producers and processors, representatives of professional associations and state quality control bodies.

Russia's accession to the WTO has increased the requirements for the competitiveness of domestic bakery enterprises, in connection with which the country needs a comprehensive modernization in the bakery industry. Moving to sustainable economic growth in all spheres of industry and agricultural production is possible only if a full-fledged innovation system, all the constituent parts of which - science, innovation and new technologies should be in close interaction with each other and actively supported by the state at the legislative level.

Comprehensive modernization involves:

· Creation of a new mechanism for financing and attracting investments;

· Improvement of the assortment;

· Improvement of the level of organization of all elements of the management system, including economics, logistics, marketing;

continuous professional development of personnel;

· Increasing the level of environmental safety of bakery enterprises.

These conditions will create certain competitive advantages for Russian producers in the domestic and foreign agri-food markets.


  1. Kovalev V.S. Strategy for improving the management efficiency of food industry enterprises: textbook. allowance. M.: AgroNIITEIPP, 2013. - 27 p.
  2. Kvasova S.A. Improving the efficiency of domestic bakery enterprises and the impact of the WTO // Management of economic systems. - 2013. - No. 12.[ Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 10.03.2014).
  3. Morozov N.G. The current state of the baking industry in Russia // Young scientist. - 2008. - № 1. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 10.03.2014).
  4. Prokofiev V.E. Market analysis of bakery products // Food industry. - 2012. - No. 5. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 10.03.2014).
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The profound transformations that took place in the Russian economy in the 1990s affected all sectors of the food industry, including the baking industry.
During this period, enterprises produced about 18 million tons of bread per year, including state-owned 12 million tons on average. The latter were part of the territorial production associations of the baking industry of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. About 1,500 bakeries had strong production, technical and financial ties, as well as a marketing network.
Currently, enterprises that were part of the public sector have become joint-stock companies. Despite this, they have not changed their profile and purpose and continue to provide the population with bread.
In 2002, 8.66 million tons of bakery products were produced in Russia, of which 7.02 million tons were produced by bakery enterprises that are on an independent balance sheet. Small enterprises (bakeries) produced 715 thousand tons, or 10.2% of the output of independent industries, or 8.8% of the total output in the country. Significant volumes of production of bakery products - 1.37 million tons, or almost 16%, are concentrated on large industrial enterprises and mini bakeries. Individual entrepreneurs produced 277 thousand tons of products, which amounted to 3.2% of the total volume of their production in the country.
It follows from the above that almost 28% of all manufactured products are produced in bakeries. individual entrepreneurs and in non-core industries.
Taking into account the current state of the industry, there have been changes in the assortment, which led to the conversion of part of the lines for the production of pan and hearth bread to the production of bakery and fancy products. At the same time, changing the assortment does not always contribute to solving the problem of healthy nutrition of the population,
The production of bread from rye baking flour has sharply decreased, in many regions it is not produced at all. The production of rye bread was replaced by the production of bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour. In general, the production of rye bread and bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour in 2002 amounted to 36.2% of the total production of bakery products. Moreover, the production of bread from rye flour is constantly decreasing. This decrease is explained by the shortage of rye flour.
It should be noted a steady increase in the production of bakery products from baking wheat flour of the first and highest grades, and from baking wheat flour of the second grade - a constant reduction (in 2002, 236 thousand tons were produced, or 2.7% of the total volume of sold bakery products), which is contrary to the traditional tastes of the population and the science of healthy eating. The most widely used bread is made from wheat flour of the first grade, the nutritional value of which is lower than products made from wheat flour of the second grade, both in terms of protein content and the content of vitamins and microelements. The situation with the production of dietary bakery products has not changed. Their production in 2002 amounted to 46 thousand tons, or 0.6%, and at the moment does not meet the needs of the population. The share of bakery products has increased significantly and is about 20% of the total production, and the production of rich products with a significant content of sugar and fat increases by almost 10% annually, which is not approved by doctors.
A positive trend in changing the assortment is the growth in the production of low-moisture bakery products - crackers and lamb products. In 2002-2003. the market for rusks increased by 30% per year and their production exceeded 2.2% of the total production of bakery products.
In 2003 there were serious changes in the market of bakery products. Bakery enterprises found themselves in conditions in which positive development trends slowed down, many bakeries and bakeries became unprofitable or went bankrupt. The reason is the rise in prices for grain and flour, as well as for other types of raw materials, electricity, gas, etc., as a result, selling prices for bakery products increased by 32%. All this had a negative impact on production volumes. The cost of bread production increased by an average of 2 times for all cost items.
This situation led to a significant decrease in the profitability of production, and in some cases to its negative value, the suspension of work on the technical renovation of production and, as a result, a reduction in the range and deterioration in the quality of products. As a result, about 200 enterprises out of 1,500 ceased to exist. Ho in the industry there are strong enterprises with a strong material and technical base, established sales markets, constant active work by their expansion, a competent and far-sighted leader; preservation professional personnel and their gradual renewal at the expense of young specialists; good business contact With local authorities authorities, wide use of scientific developments of the State Research Institute of the Baking Industry, close interaction with partners within Russian Union bakers. Such enterprises include OAO Lipetskkhlebmakaronprom, an experimental bakery of the State Research Institute of the Baking Industry, OAO Irkutsk Khlebozavod, OAO Bakery and Confectionery Plant, Kazan, State Unitary Enterprise Yekaterinburg Khlebokombinat, OAO Arkhangelskkhleb, OAO Serpukhovkhleb, OAO Bread, Novocherkassk and a number of others. These enterprises have entered the market system and, using a balanced and accurate account of their capabilities, they work and develop steadily.
The future of the baking industry depends on the continuity of generations, on the training and acquisition of professional skills by the younger generation and on ensuring close contact with highly professional workers of the older generation and scientists from industry research institutes and universities.

Describing the general state of the baking industry, it should be noted, first of all, that the country's baking base, including enterprises of different capacities, profitability, and various forms of ownership, is currently able to provide the population with bread and bakery products both in quantity and in assortment.

There are more than 10,000 bakeries in Russia (including 1,500 large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70,000 tons of bread a day, or 500 grams of bread per person. At the same time, up to 90% of the industry's production capacities are concentrated at 990 enterprises.

One of the features of the baking industry is the concentration of production capacities on large enterprises and, at the same time, the presence of a large number of small enterprises of various forms of ownership. The industry is represented by both newcomers - private bakeries, and former state-owned bakeries, which were corporatized during privatization. In Russia, the bulk of bread production is concentrated in large enterprises. More than 80% of all bakery products are produced here.

Bakery enterprises of relatively small capacity, which are commonly called mini-bakeries, have become widespread. At the same time, production at small bakeries increased by 11% (from 715 thousand tons to 772 thousand tons), but this volume is less than 10% of the total output in Russia.

In the last decade, approximately 200 out of 1500 bakeries have ceased to exist. Some bakeries found themselves in a very difficult position; a number of enterprises in the regions have been redesigned for the production of vodka; many dozens of bakeries reduced bread production by several times.

The food and processing industry remains investment-attractive for Russian and foreign businesses, this is demonstrated by the dynamics of investment in its modernization, which in 2005-2010 amounted to 905.7 billion rubles.

Demand for the products of industries that produce socially significant food products (flour and cereals, baking, fish, dairy, meat, sugar and oil and fat industries) is stable. This factor largely predetermines the development of the raw material base for these industries and the influx of investments in the modernization of the technological base of organizations in the food and processing industry.

According to Rosstat in 2011, the cost of bread made from wheat flour of 1 and 2 grades, including loaves, looked like this:

Table 1.

The structure of the retail price for bread made from wheat flour of 1-2 grades, including loaves.

Thus, the cost of bread is 70% of its value.

The decrease in the production of bakery products in the country, the fall in demand and the increase in costs, of course, have a negative impact on the economic performance of enterprises. The profitability of bakery production in 2006 was less than 10%, and the number of unprofitable enterprises, that is, in essence, bankrupts, is constantly increasing. Low profitability directly affects the prospects for the development of the industry as a whole. Thus, there is a downward trend in performance indicators of the Russian bakery industry.

Chapter 3. Problems and prospects for the development of the baking industry

Industry issues

The main problems of the baking industry are quality, assortment, technical equipment of enterprises. In industry, up to 50% of the total volume of flour with reduced baking properties is processed; large bakeries use continuous technologies that have a number of disadvantages, including those that affect the quality of bread.

In the conditions of modern economic crisis and the restructuring system of economic relations, the importance of improving personnel management is sharply increasing, which makes it possible to increase production efficiency through the purposeful development and reasonable use of the creative forces of a person, increasing the level of his qualifications, competence, and initiative. At the same time, it is important for a manager of any level to know how his actions in personnel management are reflected in the final results of the enterprise, how they affect production efficiency, competitiveness and product sales.

In the pricing policy, the situation is complicated by mini-bakeries, which, with low profitability in modern market conditions, simply will not survive due to the high cost of bread produced with the constant rise in prices for electricity, water, and raw materials. Nowadays, mini-bakeries can compete with bakeries only by reducing the quality of products: switching to "fast" technologies, changing the proportions in the original raw materials, etc. In market conditions, bakeries reduce the output of bakery products, and their market shares are occupied by mini-bakeries. The negative phenomena of the market elements associated with the conversion and liquidation of bakeries are manifested against the general background of a decrease in the production of agricultural products, including grain - the main raw material for the baking industry. According to experts, this year the country will produce 10-15 million tons of grain less than last year, when the yield was record. But last year's grain stocks were sold by resellers abroad with a profit of 30 billion rubles for them. Moreover, the grain was raked out so thoroughly that in the country the price of bread rose by a third, and the quality of bread began to fall everywhere. At all times in the world, grain speculation was ranked among the most serious crimes, but not in Russia.

Methods of qualitative competition, which reduce the importance of price as a factor determining the demand of the population, are associated with guaranteeing the impeccable quality of products, their originality and originality. In recent years, enterprises of the baking industry in Russia often face the problem of flour quality. In recent years, the structure of the production of grain, flour and bread has changed significantly, as well as their quality and consumption.

To obtain baking flour that meets all the requirements of the state standard, it is necessary to have a weighted average gluten content of at least 24% in the grinding batch. Only in this case, strictly observing the technological process of grinding wheat, it is possible to obtain baking flour with a gluten content in the highest grade of at least 28%, in grade 1 - at least 30%. If the wheat gluten in the grinding batch is less than 24%, then flour is produced according to specifications with a gluten content of 23% to 27%. In recent years, there has been a downward trend in the main indicators of wheat quality - protein and gluten.

In these circumstances, flour mills are forced to work in conditions of limited choice, since only in a number of regions flour is produced according to technical specifications. In general, in Russia, such flour is produced approximately 30% of the total.

The high price of flour and the ability to produce bread from flour according to specifications led to a decrease in the profitability of bakery enterprises, the suspension of work on the technical renovation of production, the departure of highly qualified personnel and, as a result, a reduction in the assortment and some deterioration in quality. However, this state of affairs does not stop the leaders of many regions, demanding, including from low-profit and close to bankruptcy enterprises, to keep the price of bread.

To create high-quality varieties for various purposes, it is necessary to strengthen scientific research on the molecular genetic foundations of the gluten complex of grain, develop a system for assessing, predicting and managing quality along the entire technological chain: seeds - grain - flour - bread. It is advisable to unite the efforts of scientists, breeders-practitioners, seed growers, grain producers and processors, representatives of professional associations and state quality control bodies around solving this problem.

A certain role in solving this problem is assigned to the creation of adequate quality regulations. The outdated database of documents regulating the use of resources (output rates, consumption of packaging materials, fuel, electricity, and much more) needs to be revised. The system of technical regulation will improve the culture of management, will contribute to the formation of an effective system for managing the processes of production, supply, marketing, and service. This is directly related to the formation of a network of business processes and the construction of a process management system, including regulations for the implementation of business processes, the development of regulations on departments, job and work instructions that meet the requirements of business processes. As a result, it can be assumed that there will be an improvement in the quality of bread and bakery products. Transformations in the field of management are necessary, as they are the basis for the dynamic development of enterprises.

Today, the village, the main producer of grain, is also suffering. Compared to last year, 10 million hectares of arable land remained unsown. The agricultural machine park has over 70% wear and tear. From the decrease in the level of mechanization in agriculture, the country annually loses up to a third of the harvest by 120-150 billion rubles. All this affects the state of the country's complex bakery economy, which is already going through difficult times.

If we consider Russian market industrial equipment as a set of social and economic relationships between consumers, manufacturers and intermediaries, it can be said with full confidence that in reality the process of interaction between market participants has not yet begun. With a large number of intermediary companies and manufacturers of equipment for the production of bakery and confectionery products, the market does not have a sufficient number of proposals that can satisfy all consumer needs. This situation contributes to a fairly easy entry into the market and exit from it. At the same time, almost every new member market can find its own consumer niche here and organize effective work.

The financial and economic activities of bakeries are negatively affected by unstable prices for raw materials and materials, unstable flour quality, limited profitability of production, and administrative interference in the economy of enterprises. In most regions, the issue of creating the necessary stocks of grain for baking is not being resolved, which indicates the absence of a clear policy in the sustainable provision of the population with bread. The bakery industry has sharply reduced its participation in the financing and development of scientific research, using only the developments of past periods. results scientific activity GOSNIIHP due to poor awareness is extremely underused at Russian bakeries.

Current state technological equipment bakeries and bakeries is alarming. The wear rate of equipment in bakeries and bakeries is 65-75%, and these percentages continue to increase. Only 30% of enterprises are in a satisfactory condition, a significant part of the technological equipment has been in operation for more than 20 years. The main equipment (baking ovens) was developed back in the 30s.

One of the serious problems of bakeries is the acute lack of investment, while the bakery industry is one of the least investment-attractive sectors of the food industry. Despite the steady demand for bread and bakery products, the effect of such negative factors as the relatively low performance indicators of a large bakery business and the policy of price containment for mass varieties of bread (grades 1 and 2), which are practiced by regional authorities, do not lead to an increase in investment activity in this industry.

Thus, due to the decline in production over the past 10 years, the production of bakery products has significantly decreased, and also due to profitability restrictions (in the regions), most enterprises do not have funds not only for technical re-equipment, but also for replacing worn-out equipment. Since the equipment for the baking industry is constantly being improved, its wear and tear in enterprises and the limited financial opportunities predetermine the lag of the industry in its development.

Low level of utilization of existing production capacities caused by a drop in production and sales of products. Due to the increase in the number of bakery enterprises, increased competition, with a decrease in the volume of products, the use of production capacities decreases.

The capacity of the industry enterprises as of the end of 2010 is 25 million tons. in year. In 2010, the enterprises produced 7.702 million tons. bread and bakery products. Thus, the capacities of most bakery enterprises are used by 30-40%. This negatively affects the price competitiveness of manufactured products, since the share of conditionally fixed costs (depreciation of fixed assets, salaries of management personnel, expenses for the maintenance of buildings and equipment, repairs, etc.) in the unit cost of production increases. Correspondingly, prices for bakery products are growing.

The decline in the use of production capacity at bakery enterprises is due to a number of reasons:

Lack of flexible technological chains that allow stopping equipment in the event of a drop in demand, as well as the impossibility of baking products of different weight in one oven, which reduces their load and productivity;

High energy consumption of furnace equipment operating in a continuous cycle;

The capacity of the existing equipment is designed for the production of a large daily volume of products, which complicates the effectiveness of its use for the production of small batches;

Lack of rhythm in the delivery of raw materials, which leads to a halt in production and disruption of the fulfillment of orders from trade organizations;

Liberalization of prices and the lack of state control allowed enterprises to increase the size of profits and profitability of production not by increasing output, introducing new technologies, but by increasing prices;

The lack of a strategy for behavior in the market led to a deformation of production, i.e. bakery enterprises operate as a handicraft craft workshop with low economic efficiency, weak technical and technological base.

These problems were noticed and government bodies... In this regard, they proposed a number of measures within the framework of the Strategy for the Development of the Food and Oil Refining Industry until 2020. We will consider their forecast in the next chapter.

The food and processing industry in Russia is one of the strategic sectors of the economy, designed to ensure a sustainable supply of the population with the necessary high-quality food.

Bread was and remains one of the main food products of the population of our country. The daily widespread consumption of bread makes it one of the most important food products, the nutritional value of which is of paramount importance. It provides over 50% of the daily energy requirement and up to 75% of the plant protein requirement.

During the transitional period, the prerequisites were created at the regional level for a radical modernization of the technical base of bakery, increasing nutritional value and the taste of bread. Currently, bakeries have the opportunity to purchase any kind of raw materials, materials, food additives, improvers; have a well-trained cadre of managers, specialists, workers; are able (in the presence of investment resources) in a short time to install modern technological equipment.

However, at present, bakery enterprises also face serious problems that hinder their development. This is the rise in the cost of raw materials, and the impossibility of updating equipment due to their high cost, as well as the rise in prices for electricity and water, a high level of taxation, etc. All these factors lead to an increase in the cost of products and bakery enterprises are forced to raise prices for bread and bakery products.

The quality of products also suffers, since many enterprises, in order to increase their profits from the sale of products, either use cheaper, but low-quality raw materials, or violate the rules of the technological process of bread production - which negatively affects the quality finished products and, consequently, on the health of the population.

The correct organization of the production of bakery products and the economical use of resources in bakery are the priority tasks of the industry, on the solution of which the quality of the products and the reduction of their costs depend, and, consequently, the growth of profits of bakery enterprises, their competitiveness, the possibility of introducing new progressive equipment into production and the ability to exit to new consumer markets.

Thus, since bakery products are in constant and widespread demand among the population, bakeries have favorable conditions for increasing production volumes. However, only by properly organizing the production of bakery products, an enterprise can get positive results.

By consuming bread and bakery products, a person satisfies his energy needs by 40-50%, protein requirements by 30-40%, B vitamins by 50-60% and vitamin E up to 80%. According to the estimates of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, about 70 million people satisfy their food needs by 80% with bread.

The nutritional value of bread is determined by the content of individual components and energy value, taking into account the digestibility coefficient.

Bread made from various varieties of wheat and rye flour contains 40-50% moisture and 50-60% solids. The composition of dry matter includes carbohydrates (about 45%), a small amount of proteins (8-9%), as well as fats, minerals, vitamins and acids. The content of the main groups of nutrients in bakery products depends on the recipe.

The energy value of bread depends on the moisture content (the more moisture, the lower it is) and on the amount of individual dry matter components. Bakery products have a high energy value and, together with grain products, fill more than 40% of the body's daily energy needs.

The nutritional value of bread is the higher, the more fully it satisfies the body's needs for nutrients and the more precisely the chemical composition corresponds to the formula of a balanced diet. Baked goods provide one-third of the body's protein needs and a significant portion of the carbohydrate and B-vitamin needs.

At the same time, bread proteins are not complete: they lack the essential amino acids lysine and methionine. Therefore, in the process of bread production, its protein value is increased by enrichment with dairy products, proteins of legumes and oilseeds (soybean, sunflower). Thus, bread is a source of many essential amino acids for the human body: it satisfies the need for lysine by 19-21%, methionine by 20-22%, tryptophan by 36-40%.

The mineral and vitamin value of bread depends on the type of flour: the greater the yield of flour, the higher it is.

In baking, one of the oldest branches of the food industry, the terminology and main groups of goods have historically developed by now. Over time, these concepts and definitions have stepped over the scope of production and are now widely used not only in technological manuals, but also in regulatory documents.

The classification proposed below includes not only a simple list of the assortment of bakery products, but also a range of features that characterize them, including weight, the main components of the recipe, and features of processing methods.

1) Bread - products weighing no more than 0.5 kg, the recipe of which usually includes only the main raw materials. The group includes pan and hearth bread made from rye, wheat flour and their mixtures.

2) Bakery products - from wheat flour with a mass of not more than 0.5 kg, the recipe of which, in addition to the main raw materials, usually includes sugar and fats in a total amount not exceeding 14%, as well as other types of additional raw materials. The group includes long loaves, rolls, challahs, braids, cod, rolls, rushes, etc.

3) Sweet products - from wheat flour of the highest and first grade; the recipe includes sugar and fats in a total amount of at least 14%, as well as other types of additional raw materials. The group includes muffins, bakery mix, bars, cakes, puff products, etc. Products of the group differ sharply in the types of additional raw materials and in the content of sugar (from 7 to 30%) and fat (from 7 to 25%), they have an inherent appearance (grade) shape and finish.

4) Lamb products - low humidity (not more than 19%) with a characteristic ring-shaped (or elliptical) shape; cooking ends with baking. The group includes bagels (weight of one product 20-40 g), drying (weight 4-10 g) and bagels (weight 80-100 g).

5) Straws and breadsticks - products of low humidity, the preparation of which involves, after baking, exposure for many hours at a certain temperature and humidity, cutting into slices and drying to a given moisture content (8-12%), The group includes crackers (product weight not less than 5 g) , simple and rich, and crackers (product weight is not more than 5 g).

6) Patty products - from wheat flour; filling is added during molding. The group includes pies (product weight not less than 200 g), open and closed, and pies (product weight not more than 200 g).

In Russia, by regions, there are today more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70 thousand tons of bread in assortment (more than 700 items), or 500 g of bread per person. Their capacity is approximately 25 million tons per year.

If we consider the volume of sales of bread and bakery products, we can see that in many regions of the country the share of bread consumption per person is much lower than the consumption norms for wheat and rye bread established by the Russian government decree No. 192: men - 520.5 g / day, women - 348 g/day, pensioners and children from 7 to 15 years old - 301.4 g/day, children from birth to 6 years old - 137 g/day (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Comparative assessment of the consumption of wheat and rye bread in the regions

A decrease in bread consumption may be due to the following factors:

Decrease in raw materials of the baking industry;

- "underconsumption", due to a significant decrease in the standard of living of the population, in which it is impossible even to purchase the necessary amount of consumer goods to maintain the vital activity of the body;

The transition of part of the country's population to home-baking (for example, in a number of districts of the Omsk region, a car delivering goods to rural shops brings sacks of flour instead of bread);

Growth of per capita monetary incomes, reorientation of the population's demand for the purchase of more expensive and high-grade foodstuffs.

The volume of bread production in Russia is reduced to unacceptable volumes from the point of view of the nutrition of the population. The population does not receive the required amount of bread, although it spends up to 10% of its income on its purchase against 4-5% even 15 years ago. In addition, there is a widespread increase in the consumption of flour per ton of bread due to a decrease in the mass of the loaf. For example, when the industry at one time was transferred to the production of bread weighing 800 g instead of 1 kg, losses in Russia amounted to about 50 thousand tons of flour. Now, due to the increase in the cost of raw materials, electricity and services, enterprises everywhere reduce the weight of a loaf or loaf so that the price increase is not so noticeable.

At all times, the dynamics of the consumption of bread and bakery products was considered an indicator of the standard of living of the people. On the one hand, if consumption was reduced, this indicated that the population began to eat more rationally. On the other hand, the actual value of bread consumption cannot be extremely low in a situation where "very many people can only afford bread and potatoes, or bread and tea."

It is logical to assume the possibility of illegal production of the analyzed products within the framework of industrial and small-scale bakery. This point of view is shared by many experts. According to V. Maltsev, Deputy Chief State Bread Inspector of the Russian Federation, "we consume bread within the limits of the recommended consumption rate, and the difference in production - 6 million tons - is the unaccounted products of mini-bakeries." This "lost" bread is eaten by the population.

Based on the results of inspections conducted by the Trade Inspectorate, the following main violations were identified.

1) At enterprises producing bakery products:

Production and sale of low-quality bread and bakery products;

The mass of products is not indicated in the shipping documents (when weighing, the fact of a difference in mass was established);

Deviation from the mass established according to GOST in the smaller direction;

Negligence of production personnel (the mass of dough pieces is not controlled);

Mismatch appearance bread to the requirements of GOST; the invoices do not indicate the time of removal of products from the furnace;

Production of bread with violations of the requirements of sanitary rules;

Violation of the technological process of bread production (flour is not sifted);

Violation of the norms of storage of flour.

2) In the retail network:

Availability of expired bakery products for sale;

Dirty shelves where bread is stored;

Sale of low-quality products (bread has slips, cracks, vague shape, stale);

Lack of necessary equipment in the tent (scales, handouts, washbasin);

There are no agreements with enterprises supplying bakery products;

Improper storage of bread on racks (that is, "in bulk") or in the wrong place (in the vestibule).

Despite the absence of special measures to demonopolize such an industry as bread baking, the process of developing competition in the bread market is intensifying. The emergence of new economic entities that bake high-quality bread and compete with bakeries, an increase in the assortment and the availability of bread throughout the day, the absence of queues for bread, improved customer service - the emergence of a large number of retail outlets can be considered positive consequences.

Given the changes in the structure of the baking industry and the development of market relations, it became possible to expand the range of bakery products in order to improve the diet of the Russian population.

In Russia, where bread is one of the staple foods, it is rational to balance chemical composition and energy value bakery products. With this in mind, the creation of a wide range of new bakery products of reduced energy value, which have a preventive value, is very important.

In conditions when the ecological situation in a number of regions is unfavorable (soil contamination with radioactive substances, pesticides are contained in grain, microscopic toxic fungi are found in certain grain batches, etc.), in order to protect the health of consumers of bread and bakery products, regular production and strict state control over the quality of raw materials and finished products at bakery enterprises.

The main reasons for non-standard products at bakery enterprises are violations of the rules of the technological process, the use of cheaper, but poor quality flour, the uncontrolled use of bread and bakery product quality improvers. It is necessary to pay special attention to the latter. When using low-quality flour for baking, the correct use of improvers can improve the quality of bread. However, due to their incompetence or in order to extract more profit from the sale of bread, the dosage of improvers and the duration of fermentation and maturation of the dough are violated. The result is bread of good presentation and voluminous shape, but crumbly crumb inside; such bread cannot be cut with a knife, the taste leaves much to be desired.

It often also turns out that, despite the recipes and full-fledged products that have been sufficiently proven in practice, to get bread good quality fail. All failures, as a rule, are associated with a violation of the temperature regime during the preparation of the dough and its baking. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipes and the given modes, and accurately measure and weigh the consumable products - only then can high quality bread be guaranteed.


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