Script for Halloween at school. Halloween Scenario: Fun Halloween Program for Kids Halloween Scenario for Adults

Halloween or All Saints' Eve is a holiday of evil spirits, vampires, witches and other similar characters. Traditionally, it is celebrated in English-speaking countries, but in our country they began to celebrate it not so long ago and it is of an unofficial nature. Halloween is most actively celebrated by young people and children who are always striving for something new and unusual. And the very idea of ​​a holiday - to laugh at your fears, is not so bad, especially for children. And to make this day fun and unusual, organize a children's quest for Halloween, the scenario of which we offer you.

This quest is suitable for children aged 10-12 years old and is intended to be spent at home. If you are planning a party with friends at home, then such a Halloween scenario for children is perfect for the role entertainment program for guests.

Since the quest is dedicated to Halloween, the theme is appropriate - we are looking for a treasure of a black spider. And the main goal will be a bag of sweets - the one with which the kids go home and beg for treats.

The treasure is guarded by a black hairy spider, from which the evil witch stole the eyes. The task of the children is to find all 8 eyes of the spider, and he will give them a bag of sweets for this.


  1. Cardboard box. It is possible from under the shoes or the like. Paint it black and write the word “HELP”. Inside there is a note (print or write by hand);
  2. 8 eyes. You can buy them at stores with sewing supplies or craft supplies. As a last resort, we draw and cut out ourselves;
  3. Notes for all stages (we save them to our computer and print or write by hand);
  4. Pumpkin - a figurine made of cardboard or paper;
  5. Invitation card and decryptor (print);
  6. Crossword (print);
  7. Card with arithmetic task (print);
  8. Decryptor to the card (print);
  9. Mirror puzzle card;
  10. Plastic disposable cup and capsule from kinder surprise. We hide the picture in the capsule, fill it with water and freeze it. To prevent the capsule from floating out of the water, we weight it or glue it to the bottom of the glass;
  11. A picture with an extra object (print it out, put it in a capsule);
  12. Picture with a rebus (print);
  13. Picture with a labyrinth (print);
  14. Spider figurine made of paper or cardboard. We make it not very small so that all eyes fit on it;
  15. Glue stick or double-sided tape to glue the eyes;
  16. A bag of sweets (at your discretion).

Print a lot? In the comments to the article there will be a link to download all the pictures and notes in one file.

First stage - meeting

Children enter the apartment and see a black box with the words “HELP” on it. Opening the box, they find a note:

A dark and cool place is a pantry or refrigerator (depending on what is in the apartment). If we carry out the quest in a private house, you can hide the pumpkin in the cellar. The task of the children is to find her.

The second stage - the location "Pumpkin"

The children find a pumpkin, and next to it is a note:

Together with the note there is a postcard and a transcript for it.

The children's task is to find four objects, match them with the decoder, and then add a word from the received letters. As a result, the children should get the word “ WATER”, Which means that you have to go where there is water. the choice of location is yours. Options: bathroom, toilet, kitchen. For example, you can hide the following note under the kitchen sink. And for passing this stage, children receive 1 spider eye.

Third stage - location "Crossword"

Quest participants find the following note:

Next to the note is a piece of paper with a crossword puzzle. Children solve it and get the code word “ SOFA”, As well as one more spider's eye.

Answers to the crossword puzzle:

  1. witch
  2. zombie
  3. vampire
  4. pumpkin
  5. halloween

The fourth stage - the location "Arithmetic"

Here, the children are also greeted by a note, to which a card with a task is attached, as well as a decoder to it.

As a result of the calculations, the participants in the quest should get the number 40. Compare with the decryptor - 4 - "van", and 0 - "on", which means the next stage - bath... Well, children get another black spider eye.

The fifth stage - location "Mysterious riddle"

We hide the note and the card with the task under the bath, you can cover it with something for reliability.

Here is the note itself:

And here is the card with the task:

Sixth stage - location "Frosty"

V freezer the quest participant finds a plastic glass in which water is frozen, and in this water - a capsule. The task of the children is to melt the ice and get the capsule with the next task.

And the essence of the next task is to find an extra object in the picture. It is this object that is the clue indicating the further direction. Well, don't forget to give them another eye)

And here is the picture itself:

It is easy to guess that all the illustrations in one way or another relate to Halloween, except for one - the TV in the very bottom row, which means that the next clue is waiting for the participants near TV.

Stage seven - location "Rebus"

At this location, a note with a picture can be hidden behind the TV - attached with tape, but if the TV is on a dresser or cabinet - we hide the note somewhere inside the cabinet so that the kids have to look for it a little.

Note on this stage the quest looks like this:


After a short reflection, the children come to the conclusion that the word is encrypted in the picture “ Window”, Which means you have to move to the window. And for their efforts, the participants receive one more, the sixth eye of the black scary spider, which means that there are only two more eyes left to find in order to receive the main prize for completing the quest.

Stage eight - Labyrinth location

Here comes the most interesting thing, because, as a rule, there is more than one window in an apartment. In addition, the next task can be safely hidden under a flower pot or pinned behind a curtain.

Having finally found a note, the children read it:

The labyrinth itself is also found here.

Two of the three paths do not lead anywhere, and only one leads to the image of the exit with the image of the balcony, which means that the further path of the participants lies on the balcony.

Stage nine - Meeting the spider, the last eye and a sweet prize!

Since the balcony is such a place where you can easily hide something, at this stage the task of the children will simply be to find the spider figurine and its last eye. In a conspicuous place, we leave only note number 9:

And here's the spider template:

The participants then attach all of the spider's eyes with glue and receive their well-deserved bag of sweets.

The scenario of the quest is designed so that preparation for it is as simple as possible, but you still need to prepare. To do this, as mentioned above, you need to save to your computer and print all the pictures from the article. To simplify this process, you will find in the comments a link to the file with pictures.

And now a little about the main prize. Its composition completely depends on your capabilities and imagination, here are some ideas:

  • small packages of cookies;
  • chocolate candies;
  • homemade cakes - muffins, cookies, gingerbread;
  • small toys, you can soft;
  • stickers;
  • hairpins, elastic bands (if girls are involved);
  • small figures of cars, if there are boys among the participants.

But the main part is still better to make sweets, because it is them that children collect for Halloween, dressing up in costumes.

Any of the stages of the children's quest for Halloween can be replaced, modified at your discretion, adjusted to the preferences and interests of the participants, because the main thing in this whole venture is that the children are happy and get a pleasant experience from completing the quest!


Adult party script

Three leading:Executioner, Death, Witch

From 19 o'clock, the hosts meet the guests: The executioner at the entrance, Death pretends to be dead at the table and scares those who enter, the Witch does dirty tricks (throws evil spirits into food) on the first and second floors. The Executioner and the Witch persuade everyone, under pain of a curse, to order something from a special Halloween menu. At this time, a recording of music sounds. The musicians arrive at 19-30. At 20 o'clock, when live music appears, the presenters take the stage.

Executioner:Welcome to the cafe ... (name of the cafe) - a stylish cafe in the heart of the city ... (name of the city)! Today we have gathered to say goodbye to the old, bad, and unnecessary with the help of rituals. Say goodbye to autumn and celebrate Halloween.

Death:Today, on Halloween night, we will enter the unknown new, we will meet winter. Only on this night are the gates of time open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of the transition is coming.

Witch:Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past or future. Only today are we enjoying the mystical "now" that does not exist.

Executioner:Halloween time is the time to throw off the burden of worries and vanities that have accumulated over the summer. Today we are following the example of trees that are freeing leaves that have outlived their life. After all, if the tree does not throw off the dead leaves, they will not give it the opportunity to come to life again in the spring.

Death:Halloween dates back to far, far back in history, and is said to be at least two thousand years old. According to the ancient belief, it is today at night that the door to the other world will open, and the inhabitants of hell will penetrate the earth.

Witch:Moving to another time is never easy. The gate is well guarded. We Witches and Demons have legalized this holiday for especially evil and dark jokes.

Executioner:We came up with a Halloween symbol - a pumpkin head. It symbolizes the end of the harvest, the evil spirit and the fire that scares him away.

Death:Today you have to dress up in scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the ghosts. The only thing that cannot be done on this day ...

ALL (in chorus):Don't be offended by anything.

Witch:today you have to guess, dance until you drop and hooligan, only today you can do whatever you want. So let's start our evening with a groovy dance and have some fun tonight! The orchestra plays 2-3 groovy melodies. At this time, the presenters invite the audience to dance, and also walk around the hall and distribute ivy sheets to everyone, explaining that they have to guess on them and everyone must take them for themselves. Three leaders come out - Executioner, Death, Witch.

Executioner:So here we go for Halloween Divination!

Death:Everyone needs to make a wish! Have you made a guess? Have you all wondered?

Witch:Women are the first to start guessing! Get your ivy leaves! Everyone raised a leaf! It is necessary to say loudly after me: "Ivy, ivy, I love you, I keep you on my chest." We hide the leaf on the chest! Let's repeat on! "The first one who speaks to me, the one and the husband will be mine." The result of the fortune-telling will be known literally during one dance. The orchestra plays one slow melody.

Witch:The women were the first to start guessing and the first to know the result!

Executioner:And we are starting Halloween divination for men! Men, get out your pieces of paper and write your names and phone numbers on them. You do not need to indicate your surname, place of work, marital status, only name and phone number! Hand over the leaves to us! The Witch and the Executioner are collecting the leaves!

Death:So, all the leaves are collected! In order to look into the future of our men, we will have to wait a little, the result will not be as fast as that of women! The leaves will be kept in our cafe until the summer solstice. If by that time the leaf is still green, you will have happy year and all your wishes will come true. Men! Come to the cafe on June 22 and you will find out your destiny for the whole year.

Witch:However, it is clear that if you visit our cafe more often, you will always be happy! Everyone dances! The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner:I look, everyone is amused, no one is afraid anymore!

Death:We must scare everyone! Let's summon a mummy! ALL: Mummy here! Mummy!

The witch invites two teams of 3-4 people to participate in the game and play the game "Mummy": you need to wrap one of the team members with a roll of toilet paper, making a mummy out of him. The winner is the one who did it faster and more accurately.

Death:The winner gets a dish called "Halloween Etude". Serves the dish. The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner:What a delicious dish from the chef of our cafe ... (name, surname) the previous winner won! Who else wants to try their luck and refresh themselves with a new dish absolutely free? Take part in the next game!

Death:It will be a game for those who want to know if he will get married or will get married this year. We invite those who wish! The participants of the game stand in the center of the hall. The Executioner and the Witch take out the basin and place it on a stool.

Witch:Whoever gets the apple out of the basin first will marry or be the first to marry this year! After the game, prizes are awarded to the winners - a girl and a boy.

Executioner:You will be celebrating your wedding this year, so a wedding cake from the cafe ... (name of the cafe) will come in handy!

The witch brings out the "wedding" cake. The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

Executioner:As we found out, several weddings will be celebrated this year, and our next game is for those who are already sailing in the sea of ​​love.

Death:We invite couples to come to the site!

The spouses come out, line up, respectively, in pairs. Witch: Now you will swim in a dance on the sea of ​​love. But as soon as the music stops, you have to get on one of these "islands". The presenters conduct the game "Sea of ​​Love". They show and lay out “islands” (sheets of paper), the number of “islands” is equal to the number of playing pairs. Music turns on. While the music is playing, all players “swim” in the “sea of ​​love” without going to the islands. As soon as the music is abruptly turned off, couples should instantly jump “on the islands”. It turns out that there are two players on one island. The islets are cut to fit only two feet. Therefore, the couples stand almost close to each other, each on one leg, holding on to each other. Anyone who cannot stay on the island and falls into the "sea" will be "swallowed up by the sea", that is, he leaves the game (and takes the island with him). Game continues. There are one fewer islands, which means that again someone will not be able to resist and will fall into the sea. The last remaining pair is awarded a prize (souvenir). The orchestra plays 2-3 tunes.

The game "Bows" is held. Three or more players are involved. The main player becomes in the middle, let's start with the girl. The other two players are blindfolded. For example, men. One of them is given yellow ribbons. He must walk up to the girl with his eyes closed and tie a yellow bow on her anywhere. Now the second man comes up to her, gropes for a yellow bow and unties it. Then the players change places - the girl ties a bow. And so on until everyone has tried all the roles.

The "Symbol of the Holiday" competition is being held: the symbolic color of the holiday is yellow, we find among the guests the one in whose costume the most yellow color. (The prize is a bottle of "Champagne".) The party ends with dancing, and a competition "Best dancing couple" can be held. Hilarious announcements during a party

Witch:Here one man really wanted to take a picture with me. The cost of a photo is 13 rubles, 28 kopecks. (repeat 2 times).

Death:Who wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with Death - you are welcome at my table. (repeat 4 times)

Executioner:Who wants to sing a love song with me? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles. Who wants me to sing a love song? It is inexpensive - only 10 rubles. By popular demand from the audience, I will now perform a love song.

Halloween Scenario: A fun Halloween program for kids

3.8 | Votes: 20

On the night of October 31 to November 1 in the USA and Europe, and in recent years in the CIS countries, Halloween is celebrated - All Saints Day. The Holidays Workshop has prepared a Halloween script suitable for children from 7 to 14 years old and a selection of entertainment for younger children. If you decide to try on a mystical image and have fun Halloween - this article is for you!

This Halloween scenario does not require lengthy and complicated preparation, and the holiday will turn out to be just wonderful! The hosts of the event are the Witch and the Barabashka (artistic adults dress up in them). If you wish, you can pick up other characters. All invitees should be warned in advance to come up with images of any evil spirits: ghosts, witches, sorcerers, mummies, zombies. For greater impact, you can invite an aqua make-up artist to the event - he will help the guests to transform into the desired characters.

Themed souvenirs (eyes on springs, key rings in the form of pumpkins, cats, witches) or sweets can be used as prizes for participants in competitions.

The holiday begins with the speech of the leading witch.


Hello! Welcome to the horror feast! I see that all the evil spirits have already gathered ... after all, today is our day - a terrible and solemn Day of All Saints. It is on the night of October 31 to November 1 that the souls of the dead come from the other world.

Barabashka (in a mysterious tone): Finally! That will be the night! Scary stories about coffins, creepy dances in the company of ghosts and just horrible entertainment! You are ready? Then let's start our sabbath!

Game "I am the scariest and worst"

The purpose of the entertainment is to introduce everyone present, to liberate and create a friendly atmosphere.

Guests become or sit around the host. The host takes a small pumpkin (you can soft toy) and begins the game with the words "I am the most terrible and terrible witch who ...". Then she tells what she does, for example, takes sweets from children or eats spiders for breakfast and why she chose this image. Then the presenter passes it on to the first participant, who talks about himself and so on in a circle until everyone introduces themselves.


Everyone knows that the symbol of Halloween is a glowing pumpkin. But, do you know, my dear monsters, where did this attribute come from?

The legend of the glowing pumpkin

Long ago, the crook and drunkard Jack invited the devil to his Halloween party. After the gatherings, the man argued with the guest that he would not climb a tree. The devil quickly climbed to the top, but the cunning Jack painted a cross on the tree and the devil could not go down. Then the man offered to remove the cross in exchange for the fact that he would never tempt him again.

After his death, Jack was not allowed to go to heaven, because he was a sinner, but the devil did not allow him to go to hell, giving him only a red-hot corner. Jack hid the charcoal in the onion and since then appears with it on the eve of All Saints Day. Later in the United States, the onion was replaced by a pumpkin, and since then, the glowing orange vegetable with a sinister smile has been a symbol of the holiday of Halloween.

Contest "Symbol of the Holiday"

The presenters invite children to make the main attribute of the holiday on their own. Each participant is given a small pumpkin and a black marker (for children under 10) or a knife (for older children).

The task is to draw or cut a scary face in the allotted time (for example, 15 minutes). Then the presenters determine "The scariest Halloween symbol", "The most original Halloween symbol", etc. Children will be able to take their creations home after the holiday.


Oh, how many times have I had to celebrate All Saints Day ... I can't even count it. But, one thing I remember well - there has always been a funny game with donuts!

Game "Sweet Tooth"

This entertainment is traditionally present in the Halloween script. For the competition you will need donuts (can be replaced with soft bagels) and two ropes or threads. Two donuts are hung on strings at the height of the participants. Then a couple is selected wishing to take part in the competition.

The task of the players is to eat the treat without using the hands. The winner is the one who copes faster and receives a prize from the hosts.


My old friend Count Dracula gave us a treat for our holiday.

Contest "Feel like Dracula"

The hosts offer the most daring guests of the holiday to taste the "blood of an old magician" (tomato or cherry juice). Everyone gets a glass with a drink and a straw. At the signal from the facilitator, the participants begin to drink. The winner is the one who empties the glass first.


My friends, monsters, witches and ghosts. Yesterday I received a letter from my nephew, Casper. Him big problems with horror homework. Little Casper needs to learn how to appear in public so that everyone's knees tremble. And you can't do without your help.

The game "What a horror!"

Each participant takes turns demonstrating a "scary and terrible" appearance in public. To do this, you can use a white cloth or sheet. The winner is chosen by vote or applause.


Eh, Witch, what are our guests all terrible! But, this is not enough, because often evil spirits have to get out of the most unexpected situations.

Fun "Magic Pumpkin"

You need to make a container in advance from a large one, having cleaned all the contents and rinsed thoroughly. You should also prepare tasks for the participants - write on the pieces of paper (for showiness, their edges can be burned) what they should do, for example:

  • Tell a scary story;
  • Recall 5 proverbs or sayings in which mystical creatures are mentioned ("the devil is not so terrible as he is painted", "in the middle of nowhere", "to sell his soul to the devil", etc.);
  • Dance the dance of Baba Yaga with a broom;
  • Name 13 mystical characters;
  • Name 10 ingredients of the magic potion, etc.

Participants take turns pulling a note with an assignment from the pumpkin and completing it. After the end of the competition, everyone will receive sweets.


Although they call us not very kind, we love to have fun and dance. We invite everyone to the disco!

After the dance, the presenters offer the children festive treats. You can organize a candy bar, where guests can enjoy themselves at any time of the event. Read more about how to decorate a sweet table for Halloween in an original way.

If the holiday will be attended by children under 6 years old, you can make changes to the Halloween script by adding several activities that are appropriate for their age.

"Collect the monster"

Each participant receives a picture (witches, pumpkins, ghosts) cut into pieces. You need to collect the image. You can run a speed competition.

"Magic potion"

Indoors, you need to scatter artificial flowers, leaves, pumpkins, rubber spiders, frogs, snakes. The task of the children is to collect the ingredients for the preparation of the potion in the amount indicated by the presenter. For example, 10 maple leaves, 3 daisies, 5 frogs, and 4 snakes.

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I am always glad to help in holding and organizing the holiday!

October is almost over, which means that the most creepy-interesting night of the year is approaching - the eve of All Saints Day - Halloween. More recently, the holiday was celebrated only in Britain and America, and today the whole world is looking forward to October 30, it is on this night that Halloween is celebrated. Everyone, from small to adults, wants to try on the images and costumes of witches, devils, goblin, demons, vampires, zombies and other evil spirits. Leaving such a reason without everyone's attention is a huge sin, so we decided to provide you with an interesting and scary scenario for Halloween for youth, students, teenagers, children. At school, at university or at work - it doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate such a multifaceted holiday. The main thing is that you are ready for new unusual and non-standard ideas Halloween celebrations!

Interesting kids' script for Halloween at school

Halloween is a great fun and scary holiday, and there are dozens of ways to have fun at school. Celebrating All Saints' Eve is considered a good way to diversify school days and defuse the atmosphere in the team. And since today's educators simply have to keep up with the times, an interesting children's Halloween script at school should be suitable for today's students.

Ideas for a kid's Halloween script at school

The leading Halloween parties at school can be:

  • Damn and Dracula
  • Fairy Godmother and Wicked Witch
  • Water and Goblin
  • Baba Yaga and Kikimora
  • Two features
  • Zombie and Tooth Fairy

Otherwise, it all depends on the organizer's imagination. The main thing is not to forget about the most important things, without which Halloween is impossible:

Unusual Halloween scenario for high school students and teenagers

Despite the fact that the triumph of cheerful evil spirits came to us recently, it managed to gather a huge staff of young fans. An unusual scenario for Halloween for high school students and teenagers is prepared in advance so that the holiday every year is memorable and unique. A script that is both frightening and fun at the school requires the patience of the teachers and the free time of the participants. After all, the organization of a holiday dedicated to all evil spirits is not an easy task. Everything - from decorations and makeup to opening speeches and pranks - must be thoughtful and harmoniously combined.

Ideas for an unusual Halloween scenario at school for teens

First of all, the participants of the holiday gather on Halloween in the decorated assembly hall to display and protect their costumes. The winners, determined by the audience vote, receive prizes and scary titles. Then the presenters appear on the stage in the images of Woland and Azazello for various competitions, tricks, dances, games. Woland, according to episodes of the book and the film, sits in his throne on the stage and announces the program numbers, while his assistant performs secondary functions at the school Halloween party.

  • "Devil's Tail". Each participant is tied with a rope-tail with a pencil at the end. With the tip of a pencil, you need to get into the neck of the bottle as quickly as possible;
  • "Sweet Treasures". All participants need to collect sweets and goodies in the auditorium. Whose prey is the greatest, he is the winner;
  • "Witch's Bones". Preliminarily, bones are laid out in the assembly hall, which participants must find in a minimum amount of time.

An unusual Halloween scenario for teenagers and high school students based on "The Master and Margarita" ends with a ball at Satan's with a terrible waltz of evil spirits and dances to terrifying music. At the end of the holiday, Woland chooses the king and queen of the dark forces and rewards them with terrible decorative crowns made of bones and nails with spiders and bats.

Scary Halloween Script for Students and Youth

Scary Halloween script for students and young people has several important nuances. Strange surroundings, eerie costumes and themed entertainment are among them. At the mention of the holiday of Halloween, each person has the same association - a pumpkin lantern "Jack's Lamp". It is not difficult to make it with a sharp knife and minimal skill. It is important to create several such symbolic attributes for the holiday and place them at the entrance, in the corridors, on the stage and on tables. You can also attach other decorative elements to them: artificial fog, scarecrow, cobwebs, figures of ghosts and ghosts, etc.

Appropriate musical accompaniment plays an important role in preparing a scary Halloween scenario for young people. The track list must certainly contain dark compositions ("Requiem", "Ball at Satan's"), Celtic music, several crazy driving tracks for wild dances. In no case should you forget about outfits. At the celebration of the dark forces, face control is important. The holiday will be incomplete without creepy costumes of witches, demons, gnomes, devils and other evil spirits.

Scary Halloween Scary Scenario Ideas for Youth and Students

Any scary Halloween party should include multiple contests and many entertaining games... Most often, the script includes contests for the most original costume, the funniest performance, the most terrible image, the funniest character, etc. The winners can be presented with souvenir bats, ghost-shaped lollipops, tickets to an unusual fear room as a gift. By the way, such a room can be a good attraction. In a separate corner, you need to arrange tables in the form of a labyrinth, on which ugly exhibits will be located:

  • Dead Man Jack's heart is a sluggish tomato in its juice;
  • Dead Man Jack's Blood - thick tomato juice;
  • Dead Man Jack's Eyes - Boiled quail eggs with a drawn pupil;
  • Dead Man Jack's Tongue - Raw Beef Liver;
  • Dead Man Jack's hair is a tousled wig on a ball or ball;
  • Dead Man Jack's Guts - Raw Pork Guts;
  • Dead Man Jack's teeth are white hard candies;
  1. "Worms and the Eyes of the Witch"
  2. "Pharaoh"
  3. "Horror"
  4. "Death walks between us"

A special place in the scary scenario for young people and students is given to the dance block. The theme of the dances is the sabbath of witches. Girls are encouraged to dance with brooms, guys - with dummies of axes, knives, scissors, saws. So much so that the mood will last until next Halloween.

Scariest School or College Halloween Scenario - Best Ideas

Today, only a set of funny and fascinating traditions has remained from the ancient pagan celebration. On the eve of All Saints' Day, young people try on the images of unclean forces, dress up their homes and public places in eerie decorations, they carry out the rituals "Mischief or a gift", "Treat or regret", and also organize parties according to the most terrible Halloween scenarios. Unlike Celtic sacrifices, today's holiday, although it claims to be the most nightmare of the year, still remains fun and reckless.

Best ideas scariest Halloween scenarios:

  1. Vampire party
  2. Haunted house
  3. Rise of the Dead
  4. Scary tales for adults
  5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  6. Visiting the surgeon
  7. "Wii"
  8. Werewolf time
  9. All the circles of hell
  10. Sabbat: witch, goblin, water

Taking one of these themes as an idea and complementing it with eerie staging, dull music and nightmarish trials, you can create the scariest Halloween scenario.

A Halloween script for kids, teens, students and young people doesn't have to be the scariest, but it should certainly be interesting. Qualitative script happy holiday at school for children consists of a lot of important nuances, which are important to remember at all stages of preliminary preparation!

This fun and eerie holiday, thanks to its mysterious atmosphere, has managed to fall in love with both adults and children. If you have managed to preserve the childlike spontaneity and love of adventure in your soul, Halloween is exactly the holiday that you just need to include in your family traditions. Coming to us from afar, it will acquaint you and your children with the festive culture of other countries, and joint preparation for it will give you many pleasant moments of creativity and communication.

Children's Halloween party: pleasant chores

How to decorate your house for Halloween? There are many options! And if you consider that all children are initially talented, there will be no end to interesting solutions.

Here are some ideas to take on board:

1. Decorate the walls and doors with fun signs and posters drawn, of course, with the children. The content of the tablets may be as follows: "Door to the fifth dimension", "Beware, hungry mosquitoes", "Biting is prohibited!", "Do not scare away bats", "Scary room", etc.

2. Charming ghosts, cut from a sheet of Whatman paper, will gladly sit on the walls and ceilings of your home.

3. Thematic figures - bats, spiders, pumpkins, etc. you can also cut it out of colored paper and hang it around the apartment, or you can decorate the windows with them. By the way, such themed stickers can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

4. Cut autumn twigs will help create a magical holiday atmosphere.

5. Various Halloween figurines, bought in the store (very cute figurines are sold in the Red Cube chain of stores) or hand-made, will decorate window sills and bookshelves.

6. Pumpkins! The more of them there will be at the holiday, the better. From a pair of large pumpkins, you can make festive lamps with funny faces, and use the rest to decorate the room.

7. It's hard to imagine Halloween without the mysterious flickering of candles. Candles create an amazing atmosphere, but be careful - on children's party fire safety measures must be observed.

8. Autumn leaves, straw and others natural materials- the best that you can think of for decorating your home and a festive table.

9. Terribly cute tantamares, depicting all kinds of monsters and ghosts, you can easily draw yourself on a piece of Whatman paper, and then cut out holes for the face and hands. The main thing here is not artistic skill, but the love and care that you put into your creations!

10. Decide in advance how many fun kids your house can handle, and make cute pumpkin or autumn leaf invitations for all your guests.

Children's Halloween Party: Festive Table

"Cheap and cheerful" - a festive table draped with black and orange mesh, which can be purchased at any fabric store, will look very impressive. Do the same, and fix all the knots and folds with decorative spiders. It is good to additionally decorate the table with a natural composition of pumpkins, leaves and candles and other Halloween paraphernalia.

The festive menu should consist of healthy children's dishes , decorated and named in accordance with the holiday theme. For example: all kinds of pumpkin dishes - stewed stew served in a hollowed-out pumpkin, golden pancakes, pumpkin pie; juices and compotes are predominantly red in color, but you always need to have an alternative option for children who do not want to eat red foods due to allergies; salads, decorated in the form of shapeless cranks with eyes made of olives or peas; vegetable and fruit slices in the form of eyes, smiling jaws, etc. - there are no boundaries for imagination. Sandwiches, pies, cookies can also be decorated in the most amazing way.

Kids Halloween Party: Costumes

Any themed holiday involves costumes, and Halloween is no exception. You can purchase ready-made suits, or you can make a suit yourself. Anything that will somehow overlap with our theme will be a suitable option: vampire robes, pirate robes, a witch costume or a ghost - all this to the point.
Take care of your guests' outfits too. Of course, for sure, they themselves will not come empty-handed, but just in case, prepare some elements of costumes for the invited children and adults - to walk like that!

Children's Halloween party: games and contests

1. Test. Opening the Halloween party, arrange a "test" for the children to learn the habits of otherworldly inhabitants:
- to the most terrible howl;
- to the loudest stomp;
- knowledge of the traditional horror dance (dance competition for attentiveness when repeating movements).

These "tests" will help to engage children in the holiday process and to activate their attention.

2. Horror story-repeater. Now the guys move in single file behind the leader, repeating the words and movements behind him:

We enter the dark forest ( take a few creeping steps forward),
Where are the trees up to heaven ( pull our hands up)!
We will wander along the path ( a few more steps),
We will wander into the thicket of the forest ( we spread our fingers to make it look like tree branches).
We walk to the ravine ( sneak),
Oh, we will endure fear ( trembling):
Rumble everywhere, howl everywhere ( stomping and making scary sounds) –
It's time for us to run home ( children run scattered and hide in all directions, and the presenter is trying to catch them)!

3. Hungry monster. This charming monster with an open mouth must be drawn in advance on a piece of Whatman paper and glued to a cardboard base. The monster's mouth is cut off, and a stand is glued to this structure at the back so that the cardboard can stand on the floor. You can also use a tall box, on one of the wide sides of which a monster is drawn and its mouth is cut out. The task of the children is to "feed" the monster by throwing tennis or plastic balls into the open mouth. The winner is the one who hits the target more times.

4. Crossing the swamp. For this competition, prepare bumps cut from paper or from the remains of linoleum. Children will need to "go through the swamp", entering only on the saving hummocks. One participant is given three bumps, after a perfect step, he must shift one bump forward and take the next step, etc. The game is a relay race. The fastest competitor (or team) wins.

5. "Take care of your eyes!" Another relay game. We need a tablespoon and a tennis ball painted under an eyeball. Participants need to quickly and very carefully bring the "eye" in the spoon to the destination. The winner is the team that can complete the task faster and more accurately.

6. Dinner for the witch. Under the guidance of the presenter, children will need to find the ingredients for dinner, scattered and hung around the room in advance: rubber snakes, lizards, various insects, bats and spiders. The presenter reads the recipe, for example: we need 15 bats for the roast, 2 cockroaches, 10 caterpillars, etc., and the guys are looking around the room for ingredients in the right amount. A small snack after such a competition suggests itself!

7. Trail of horror. While the children are busy in the hall, quietly lay out in the hallway or corridor several cardboard boxes with different fillers that are unpleasant to the touch: wet moss, crumpled newspaper, rustling bags, a damp cloth, a heating pad with warm water. When everything is ready, invite the children to walk along this terrible path one by one. The main condition: the eyes of the participants must be closed, and they must step barefoot.

8. Vampires. Before the start of the competition, tell the legend that we took over the possession of a vampire lord and are obliged to abide by the rules of the vampire's daily routine. Together with the children, we recall at what time of day they sleep and at what time they are awake. We select the "victim" and place it at the window. And the "vampires" - all the other children, are located on the opposite side of the room in their "crypt". The task of the children is to move only when the presenter announces the onset of night, and freezing in place at the word "day", try to catch the victim as quickly as possible. Whoever catches it wins.

9. Small artists. Children are given orange balloons and black permanent markers (others may “smear”). You need to draw a Halloween monster on the ball. The funniest grimace wins.

10. Night rest. Remember what indescribable delight and horror various horror stories caused in your childhood? Light a candle, sit the kids around it and announce a competition scary stories... The candle is carefully passed from one participant to another, and the one near whom the candle stops must tell his "horror story". The main thing here is not to overdo it and finish too creepy stories on an optimistic note, causing smiles and laughter. Believe me, the amazing atmosphere, fascinating stories and the opportunity to fantasize a little will bring a lot of pleasure to both the storytellers and the listeners.

Do not forget about the festive disco with fun dance competitions: with balls sandwiched between the bellies - for the closest couple, with a mop in hand - the most cheerful and mobile witch, with repetition of movements - for attentiveness and accuracy and etc.

And finish the competition part at a festively laid table, "planting" in the center of the table a pumpkin cleaned in advance with all sorts of sweet suitable themes - licorice sweets in the form of worms, "scary" gummies and curly cookies.

Interesting ideas and happy holidays!

© 2011 Attention! The script was developed specifically for the Prazdnodar website: an encyclopedia of holidays. Full or partial reprint of the material and its publication on other websites is possible only with the written consent of its author and the editorial board of the website. Attempts to unauthorized use of materials in commercial purposes are illegal and prosecuted.


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