Purchase identification code is not filled in correctly. Ikz will be formed in a new way. How to complete the custom order section

Purchase ID is a unique set of numbers for each purchase. The customer forms it independently. The Ministry of Finance decided to adopt its own procedure for the formation of this code. From the article you will learn how the Ministry of Finance proposed to form an IKZ.

On October 19, 2018, a draft Order of the Ministry of Finance was published on the official website of draft regulations. He claims new order generation of a procurement identification code (IKZ).

Currently, the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade No. 422 of June 29, 2015 is in force. However, in connection with the transfer of powers to the Ministry of Finance to regulate contract system it is necessary to update the procedure for the formation of the IKZ. This can only be done by accepting a new order.

IKZ structure under the new order

The purchase identification code is a 36-digit digital cipher, in which:

  • 1-2 digits - the last two digits of the year when the notice of the procedure was published, invitations to bid were sent or a contract was signed with sole supplier;
  • 3-22 digits - the customer's identification code, which forms, approves and maintains the procurement plan and schedule. It corresponds to the customer's identification code, which is formed in the manner approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 127n dated 12/18/2013;
  • 23-26 digits - the number of the procedure that is included in the procurement plan (unique values ​​from 0001 to 9999 are assigned within the framework of the year in which it is planned to place notices of the procedure, invite to bid or conclude a contract with a single contractor);
  • 27-29 is the number of the procedure that is included in the schedule in accordance with the plan (unique values ​​from 001 to 999 are assigned within its sequence number in the procurement plan);
  • 30-33 - information about the object cipher according to the catalog of goods, works, services. It is formed on the basis of OKVED2, with details down to a group of goods;
  • 30-31 digits - class;
  • 32 - subclass;
  • 33 - group;
  • in 30-33 digits "0" is indicated, if they pass:
    • purchases in accordance with clause 7 of part 2 of Art. 83, paragraph 3, part 2 of Art. 83.1 and clauses 4, 5, 23, 26, 33, 42 and 44, part 1 of Art. 93 44-FZ;
    • procedures that are reflected in several codes of the procurement object according to KTRU;
  • 34-36 - code of the type of expenditure by budget classification. It is determined in accordance with budgetary legislation.
  • in 34-36 digits "0" is indicated, if pass:
    • public procurement budgetary, autonomous institutions and GUP and MUP;
    • government purchases, in which the expenses for financial support are reflected in several codes of the type of expenses of the budget classification.

ICZ at the planning stage

When the customer generates and approves the procurement plan when forming its identification code in the 27-29th digits, the value "0" is filled.

When the customer generates and approves the schedule, the order number of the record on such a purchase is indicated in the 27-29 digits of the IKZ, which is formed within the number of the consolidated purchase in accordance with the approved plan.

To the customer (state state-financed organization), additional cash for purchases under Federal Law No. 44-FZ for the repair of buildings under CWR 243 and for the supply of equipment under CWR 244. When generating the purchase identification code, the customer correctly generated the purchase identification code under CWR 243, and made a mistake under CWR 244. All information is posted in the EIS. When generating notifications, conducting electronic auction, the signing of the IKZ contract was left with an error. What should he do now and pay for the delivered goods so that there is no misappropriation budget funds?


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Since the IKZ remains unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends, in this case, cancel the purchase with the wrong CWR and create a new position in the procurement plan and schedule.

Since the contract has already been concluded, it must be terminated and a new one must be concluded with an indication of the correct IKZ.

How to change CWR in IKZ

Igor Tsukanov, Assistant, Procurement Division, Public Sector Organization, Contract System Development Department, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

If you indicated an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new item in the purchasing plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IKZ remains unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide "Formation and placement of procurement plans and purchase schedules "version 7.0.25).

Change in IKZ: limits to the state institution were brought up in December 2017, procurement plans, schedule plans passed treasury control and were posted. The purchases of "Kaspersky" were carried out according to KVR 244 (in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule). "We learned" about the change in the CWR "today." Followed by CWR 242. What will be the basis for making changes to the procurement plan and schedule? After all, the GRBS also changes the CWR. Should the contract be terminated or is it possible supplementary agreement?


If you indicated an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new item in the purchasing plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IKZ is unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends.

How to generate a procurement identification code33

Attention: after the customer has indicated in the IKZ information about the serial number of the purchase in the schedule, the code cannot be changed. The ban is valid until the end of the period during which information and documents on the purchase are stored, established by law Of Russia about archives.

Situation: how to change CWR in IKZ

If you indicated an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new item in the purchasing plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IKZ is unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide "Formation and placement of procurement plans and purchase schedules "version 7.0.25). *

Situation: what to do if the customer entered into a contract, and then found that he incorrectly indicated the CWR code in the IKZ at the planning stage

Terminate the contract and repeat the purchase. Reason: IKZ is not changed until the time when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends. This is stated in paragraph 8 of the Procedure for the formation of the IKZ, which was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development in order No. 422 dated June 29, 2015. *


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