Contests for girls by March 8. 1st competition "Culinary catch-up"

A very interesting game that will amuse any audience. For carrying out it is necessary to prepare in advance the plates with the inscriptions:

  • Dentist's office
  • School principal's office
  • Zoo
  • Restroom
  • Construction
  • Pension Fund
  • Bakery
  • Uninhabited island
  • Basement

Participants sit with their backs to the audience. Each of them has a plate on the back with the inscriptions suggested above. You cannot say out loud what is written, otherwise the game will lose interest. The guests know what will be discussed, but the participants do not and the participants can answer the questions proposed by the moderator as they please, except for "yes" and "no".

Questions to suggest:

  • Do you often go there?
  • Do you like this place?
  • Who do you usually take with you there?
  • What items do you take with you when you go to this place?
  • What are you doing there? How much money are you willing to spend on this place?
  • Who would you like to take with you next time you go there?
  • Culinary intuition

The contestants are blindfolded and given a fork in their hands. The task is to determine what is in front of them by touching each proposed product with a fork. You can use an apple, onion, potato, tomato, cucumber, etc. in the competition. For each correct answer 1 point.

  • Defile

Participants are invited to pass in the manner written on a piece of paper that they draw out. The options can be as follows:

  • famous yogi;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Fairy princess;
  • a toddler who has just learned to walk;
  • Sergey Zverev;
  • President of Russia;
  • bodybuilding champion;
  • rat Shushera;
  • famous supermodel;
  • ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Draw a flower

4-6 people participate. The guys are building one after another, sideways to the guests. The last player is shown a simple drawing of a flower drawn on paper and asked to draw it, without saying it aloud, on the back of the participant standing in front of him. Now he is already trying to draw what, as he understood, was drawn on his back. And so we reach the first participant, who depicts the final drawing on paper. As a rule, the drawing reaches the last player in a distorted form.

  • Guess the toy

To conduct such a game, the participants need to blindfold and give a soft toy in their hands. Task: guess what kind of toy was in the hands. Usually, this game is fun, because the manufacturers soft toys allow some oddities in the appearance of their products.

  • Happy Holidays!

Couples boy-girl involved. It is necessary to prepare aprons, scarves and flowers in advance (according to the number of pairs). The participating couples stand on the starting line. At the finish, opposite each pair, chairs are placed on which a flower, an apron and a scarf are placed. At the signal from the leader, the boys run to the chairs, take the apron, return to the starting line and put the apron on the girl. After that, they again run to the chair, take the handkerchief and return to the girls again and put the handkerchief on them. They do the same with the flower, return to their pair, kneel down, hold out the flower and say: "Happy Holidays!"

  • Miss Sponges

Girls are invited to paint their lips with bright lipstick, after which

they will have to leave a lip imprint on a small square sheet of cardboard. FROM back side sign whose sponges are. The members of the jury should evaluate this competition, but it is best to mark the girls in the nominations (Miss Sugar Sponges, Miss Mysterious Lips, Miss Seductive Lips, Miss Smile, etc.).

  • Royal feast

Imagine that you have been invited to a royal feast. Various treats were displayed on the tables, but all their names began with the letter "K". Participants in the allotted time should write down on a piece of paper what these could have been.

  • A game of wits

Each participant has a set of six letters: K, O, S, I, L, K, A. The leader asks the girls a question, the answer to which they must make up of the proposed letters. For each correct answer 1 point, + 1 point for the first one who coped. Questions can be, for example, the following: Winged fashionista, striped dress. Growth, albeit a crumb, will bite - it will be bad! (Wasp). She is about the size of a small dog, but can, like a wolf, throw herself into a fight. Erect ears and predatory teeth. From the fur of a fluffy red fur coat. (Fox) etc.

  • Choose a gift

To play the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards, which are put in different bags. The participant pulls out a card from the first bag, reads the name of the item written on it. Then he takes the second one from another bag, and reads the action that he will perform with this item. The one with the funniest hits wins.

1 set of cards (items):

  • toy
  • flowers
  • pomade
  • nail file
  • hairbrush
  • ring

2 set of cards (actions):

  • play and admire
  • sniff and indulge
  • paint
  • torment
  • comb
  • wear on a finger
  • Joke for girls

The girls are told that now they will play one very interesting game... To do this, ask them to stand in a circle, then squat down and put their hands on the floor. After that, the facilitator asks each one in turn to repeat after him the phrase "I (person's name) do not know how to play this game." After everyone has pronounced this phrase, the presenter gets up, dust himself off and says, looking down at everyone: "Well, why are you here then?"

Games for moms on March 8

  • Question answer

To participate in this game, mothers and their children are invited, who sit separately from each other. Each is given a piece of paper and a pen. Participants are asked questions, the answers to which they write down without voiceover. The pair with the most matches wins.

  • Best Female Singer

Mothers are invited to sing children's songs to the soundtrack. But sometimes during the performance the phonogram dies down, and the mothers continue to sing, because the main thing for them is not to get lost. After a while, the phonogram is added again and it becomes clear whether the participant coped with the task or not.

  • Mom is back

Participants need to quickly walk a certain distance with a book on their heads, while holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other and sweeping in front of them.

  • What's on the plate?

For the competition, you need to prepare plates with sugar, salt, soda, flour, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet. Participants are blindfolded and asked to feel what is on each plate. The one who named the contents of all the plates correctly receives the medal “For excellent knowledge of cooking”.

  • big washing

You will need a rope with linen, a basin, two assistants. The assistants hold a taut rope on which the laundry is attached with clothespins. A basin is located at the feet of the participants. At the signal of the presenter, the woman collects the linen (unclenches the clothespins). The foot moves the basin in such a way that the laundry gets into it. You can only move the basin with your feet; you cannot lower the rope. The winner is the one who copes faster.

  • Mom is a detective

Women are welcome, 5-6 people. A child rises on the stage and defiles around the stage for 1 minute. After that, the child goes backstage, where some details are changed for him. appearance, after which he returns to the participants. The facilitator says in advance how many differences need to be found. Mothers should name (or write down on a piece of paper) what changes have occurred.

  • Mom and baby

Mothers are invited to participate, who are invited to swaddle a newborn (doll). But for the purity of the experiment, moms are divided into pairs and their touching hands are tied. It is in such a difficult situation that mothers should swaddle.

  • Compliment

The game is played in the form of a verbal duel. Each participant must convince her rival of her superiority. For this, one of the participants says: "I am the most beautiful", the other answers her: "But I am the smartest." Then the third is connected, etc. You cannot repeat yourself. The one who will win more qualities will name and will never be repeated.

  • Ringing

Contestants will receive hoops. Their task is to place as many children as possible in their hoop. The participant must put the hoop on the child, lower the hoop along the body to the floor and allow the child to step over the hoop. The task is completed for a while. The winner is the participant who managed to catch more people in 1 minute.

Games for preschoolers on March 8

  • Guess Mom

Children - participants are blindfolded. Mothers line up in front of them. By touch, from hand to hand, children must find their mother.

  • Mom is going to work

The competition is for girls. On the tables are beads, lipstick, a mirror, clips and a purse. At the command of the leader, the participants must put on clips, beads, put on lipstick, take a purse and run to the opposite wall.

  • Fun warm-up

All participants stand in a circle, alternating between mother and child. The players pass the object in a circle to the music (you can take any). As soon as the music stopped playing, the participant who had the object in his hands must complete the presenter's task. For parents, tasks are given more difficult (for example, sing, recite a verse, say 10 compliments to the presenter, etc.). It is easier for children, for example, to laugh out loud, kiss all the mothers in a circle in turn, shake hands with everyone, sit down 5 times, etc.

  • Who will be the first to blow off the ball

As a rule, no holiday is complete without balloons... With them, you can also organize a lot of interesting entertainment. For example, this:

first you need to mark the start and finish line. At the command of the presenter, the children begin to blow each on their own ball. Whose ball reaches the finish line the fastest, he won.

  • Create a human face

For this game on March 8, you will need balloons, scarves, markers. Couples involved - a mother with a child. At the command of the presenter, the mother should inflate the balloon to a medium size, tie a scarf on it in the way that grandmother's scarves are usually tied under the chin. After that, the ball is passed to the child, who must draw a person's face with a marker. Whoever copes with this task faster and better becomes the winner.

Contests for high school girls on March 8

For high school girls, you can organize a competition program "From Smile to Gesture", which will be aimed at the manifestation of any of the six senses (smell, hearing, sight, taste, intuition, touch). When selecting contests for this event, you can use, for example, the following:

  • "Connoisseurs of the senses"

For 1 minute, the participants write down the names of emotions or feelings that a person can experience on a piece of paper.

  • "Mysterious scent"

Girls identify the contents of the jars by smell and write down the answers on a piece of paper. Jars can be mint, coffee, allspice, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, etc.

  • "Jewelry fingers"

There are many different small things in a three-liter jar. Participants with a blindfold must groping for the object that the presenter will name. The task is completed for a while.

  • "Perfect pitch"

The girls are asked to listen to the audio recording with sounds and determine what they heard. The task is performed in turn, the sounds are different for everyone.

  • "Tastes could not be discussed"

Blindfolded participants are invited to drink the juice and determine its taste. Choose juices for the competition with a double taste - plum-apple, carrot-banana, etc.

  • "I sit high, I look good"

A boy appears on stage with many different accessories and small details in his clothes. For a minute, the participants look at him, after which the child leaves so that in a couple of minutes he will reappear on the stage. The task of the participants is to determine what has changed in his appearance.

The winner of such an event leaves the celebration with the proud title "Lady Perfection".

In conclusion competition program the participants will be awarded. So that no one is offended, the awarding can be carried out in nominations.

Each girl needs a leaf and a pen. There are 3 columns written on the leaf: trees, berries, mushrooms. At the command of the presenter, in 1 minute, each of the participants must remember and write more than the other female trees, berries and mushrooms, for example, birch, aspen, raspberry, cherry, toadstool, oyster mushroom and so on. The girl who can make the biggest list in a minute will win.

With a flying gait ...

Participants of the competition take turns approaching the presenter and receive a card with an assignment. The task indicates which gait the participant will have to walk along the podium with. This can be the gait of a photo model, an old woman Shapoklyak, a man, an athlete, a wounded soldier, and so on. The winner is the participant whose task the audience guessed by her gait.

Ladies handbag

Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to make the most complete list of what must be in every women's handbag in five minutes. Then the lists of teams are compared and only those options are counted that are not repeated by the other team. The winner is the team that ends up with the fullest "bag".

Your name is affectionate

The participants are divided into teams. The presenter calls any female name, and the participants come up with diminutive versions of its pronunciation. For example, Irina - Irishka - Irulya - Iriska - Irinochka - Irusik - Irenok - Irusenok and so on. The team with the most options wins.

Jack of all trades

Participants of the competition are given a felt-tip pen in each hand and voiced the task: you need to draw a cat with your left hand, and a dog with your right. You need to draw animals at the same time on different sheets of paper, and do it very quickly. The most skillful "jack of all trades" wins.

The best of the best hostesses

The girls sit in a circle and take turns listing their housekeeping skills, for example, the first girl says: “I can bake pies”, and the second continues: “I can iron linen”, the third continues: “I can take care of indoor flowers” ​​and so Further. The game goes right through. Who of the girls can no longer list their merits for the master's affairs, he flies out. The best three hostesses are given appropriate titles and prizes.

All girlfriends in pairs

Girls are divided into pairs (optional). Each of the participants is given a leaf and a pen. Without looking at each other's leaves, the girls answer the questions of the presenter. For example, favorite actor, favorite food, favorite color, favorite song, and so on. Which pair will have more matches, that pair will win.

Girls girls

All girls love to listen to music. All the participants sit in a circle and take turns singing lines from songs in which there is a mention of girls, girls, girls, for example, "Girl-girl", "Girls are standing, stand to the side", "I drew you", "Girl Olya "," The best girl "," Girls in our yard "and so on. The game continues to crash. Those who do not sing the song are eliminated, and the three participants who held out to the end receive prizes, for example, headphones or a disc with karaoke songs.

Girls know cars too

Girls are divided into teams of 3-4 people. Each team receives a leaf with the same number of identical images - signs of different cars (Mercedes, Toyota, Honda, and so on). It is desirable that there are a lot of such signs. At the start command, the girls' teams begin to remember the brands of cars and sign them. The team that is the first to correctly sign all the signs will be the winner and each team member will receive a prize, for example, a cool keychain in the form of a car.

Orientation in space

All the girls stand in a circle, and the presenter will take turns to set the "rhythm" of the game, that is, name the various places in which the participants allegedly find themselves, and the girls must quickly navigate and demonstrate their actions in accordance with given place... So, the presenter names in turn the places, for example, "at a party at the rapper," "on the stage of the ballet," "at the races," "in the circus, we are walking along a tightrope," and so on, and the girls show. The most artistic and creative will receive prizes.

Leading. Good day! Merry hour!

I greet all of you!

We are meeting with you on the eve of a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day. This is the first spring holiday. There is still snow on the streets, winter is not losing ground, but the sun is shining in a different way, sparrows chirp in a different way. And the first breath of spring is already felt in the air. What is Spring like? Still very young, like our girls.


Happy holiday

Happy holiday clear

Happy sunny and wonderful holiday,

Happy holiday of affection, love and attention,

Happy feminine charm!

We are starting the "Come on, girls" competition, in which the fair half of our classes, our lovely girls, take part.

A truly charming woman is always natural, devoid of pretense, falsehood, and, of course, dressed fashionably and tastefully.

So, our beauties! Please welcome! (Girls come out to the music.)

Leading... Thank you girls, today all the girls are just adorable.

And now let us welcome those who will evaluate you today - this is our jury consisting of:

1st Competition "Warm-up"

Leading. To understand all the intricacies of the household, you need to know a few tricks. Do you know them?

How do you know if a cake is baked? (pierce wooden stick: if the dough does not stick to the stick, then the cake is ready).

How to peel an onion to keep tears from flowing? (hold the knife under cold running water)

What should be done so that the egg does not burst during cooking? (add salt to the water)

What should be done so that the beets do not lose their color during cooking? (add a little vinegar to the water)

Things to do without adding water to make salty soup

became normal? (put a few raw potatoes in the soup for a while).

What needs to be done to make potatoes cook faster? (as the water boils, put a spoonful of butter or margarine in a saucepan).

To make the egg whites whisk faster, what needs to be done? (Cool the proteins, add a pinch of salt)

2nd Competition "Merry Cooks".

Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There were various treats on the tables, but all with the letter "K". For 5 minutes, each girl writes down possible meals on sheets of paper.

How many dishes are listed - so many points each gets.

3rd Contest "Swaddle the baby"

Z and 1 minute you need to swaddle the doll.

4th competition "Culinary catch-up".

Leading... For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Magpie's signature dish (porridge).

2. Zucchini delicacy (caviar).

3. Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes).

4. What is left of the jam when all the berries have been eaten out of it (syrup).

5. A bakery product that can be steered (steering wheel).

6. The product that the crow was going to have for breakfast (cheese).

7. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and chicken (omelet).

8. Fruit kefir our way (yogurt).

9. What caused the princess's insomnia? (pea).

10. An apricot on a dry hunger strike? (dried apricots).

11. Which of the notes is not needed for the compote? (salt).

12. The fruit boxers love? (pear).

Leading: And now every girl has to present her dish.

5th Competition "Dress Up Sister"

The girls call out one boy from the audience. He will play the role of "little sister". On command, they must tie a bow on the head of the "sister", put on a dress on her and say the words "How I love you, my little dear!"

The winner is the one who does it quickly, efficiently and speaks the words expressively.

6th competition "Give a compliment"

The game is played in the form of a verbal duel. Each participant must convince her rival of her superiority. For this, one of the participants says: "I am the most beautiful", the other answers her: "But I am the smartest." Then the third is connected, etc. You cannot repeat yourself. The winner is the one who names more qualities and will never repeat it.

6th Contest "Basket"

Each participant is invited to take a piece of paper in the basket and guess the riddle written on the piece of paper. Children's riddles with answers

This little

Serves in the house

Many years.

Who is sick here

Who is healthy -


Always ready.


He loves only one thing -

Soar like birds, but

No thread and no wind

Not even a meter will fly by.


Everybody calls him to visit.

And when he comes, they run away.

What a ladybug

Nobody else


Even though it's new

But in small holes

Daily aunt Raya

Catches "hares" on trams

And he always finishes them.

What does she do?


A meek prisoner for years

I live inside the oven

And I cook soups with borscht,

I bake rolls.

I give warmth to the house,

But always in me, believe me

More terrible than rolling thunder

Bloodthirsty hidden beast.

The fan is like this:

Lightweight, flat, painted.

For him always, my friend,

Your hand is the engine.

What are these fields

Can't we go a meter?

(Along the brim of the hat)

He's not so so

Not so easy.

He is the boss


That's all

Follow him


(Traffic light)

Will work

And in the end,

Be healthy,


So much firewood!

I declare to everyone in a row -

Move away from the chickens.

At least I have the appearance of a bird

But the character is like a lioness.

(Mother hen)

Although he is striped,

But, nevertheless, they do not have a mustache.

Although it has its own tail,

But short and dry.

He has round sides

Like a muffin - a bun.

And since great-grandfather's times

He is everyone's favorite sweet tooth.

Who is this toddler?

What do you think?...

He ran into Gleb

In the heat of the moment -

I tore off the cap from Gleb

By chance.

These jokes are not quite

The kid looked around -

Think and answer

Leisurely -

Who tore off the cap

With a baby?

It's hot outside.

Pours "snow" as if from a bucket

The whole courtyard is covered with

And it doesn't melt a bit.

(Poplar fluff)

That's how wondrous pranks are -

Diamonds are burning on the grass

Millions of them, but still

You can't put it in chests.

I look at the mare -

Drinks gasoline, not water.

Even though they came out of the oven,

And do not roll at all,

And I'll tell you a secret

There is no flour and no gram in them.

But lucky with clay -

Each one has more than three kilos


Forest, meadows, gardens, houses

Winter has snowed.

The birds are very cold

But not hungry at all.

They have us, in the bushes of willows,

The dining table is set.


Everyone and everything

I will display.

And I don’t judge.


7th Competition "Lessons of Etiquette"

Leading... Holidays are different. But what they have in common are gifts! So, how to accept gifts ...

Now each participant will answer the question, for each correct answer - 1 point.


1. If the gift is not very happy, then you ... (will not show disappointment)

2. Having received a gift, you ... (unfold it and say something like this: "How great! I am very glad to receive this book, I have dreamed about it for a long time. Thank you!)

3.If you were presented with flowers, then you ... (happily put them in a vase so that everyone can clearly see)

4. If you were presented with sweets, then you ... (treat them to guests at tea)

5.Can I refuse a gift? (To refuse is to seriously offend the giver).

6. If any of the guests came without a gift, then ... (greet him as cordially as the rest).

8th competition "Ball"

The task is hidden in the ball. Each takes a ball, pops it and reads the task that needs to be completed. (carry a book on your head, sing a song about mom, guess a toy,


Our competition ends,

What else can we say?

Allow me goodbye -

Wish you health!

Be cheerful, rich,

Give everyone a good light!

Always come to school

And live to be a hundred years old!

Lovely girls! Dear mothers! Always be beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, happy, healthy.

And now let's give the floor to the jury.

(The jury sums up the results of the competitions and awards the participants with diplomas.)

Thanks everyone for playing. Bye!

March 8 is a holiday loved not only by women, but also by girls. Therefore, every year in different classes primary school there are holidays for girls, where boys congratulate their classmates and arrange various contests for them.

We present to your attention the scenario of the competition program "Come on, girls" for grades 1, 2 and 3. Competitions can be held both individually and by distributing girls into groups or teams. Boys are members of the jury.

Come on, girls - presentation

The script of the competition "Come on, girls".

Purpose: development of creative thinking, imagination and the ability to cooperate in a micro group.

Develop the horizons and speech of students;

Learn to communicate in a team;

Develop imagination and memory.

  1. Organizational moment

Congratulations to the boys.

Clockwork we guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations, girls,
Happy Women's Spring Day!
In the lessons we sit
And we look at the girls:
And beautiful and smart -
Better just not to find.
There is a magazine on the table
Well, it has fives.
Because in our class
Smart girls.
Lucky you girls
You are already happy
Because we are with you -
The most beautiful.
Why are we all dancing here
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

  1. Main part.

Today we will find out which of our girls is the smartest, smartest and most economical. And the boys will help us with this.

Selection of the jury members.

For each correct answer, the girl receives a token. Whoever has more tokens wins.

First competition Who quickly?

1. Very thick paper?


2. Transparent adhesive tape


3.Unit of score in sports


4. A person is given only 1 time

(a life)

5. A log floats along the river. Oh, and it is feisty.


6. Disposable bee weapon

(the sting)

8. Farewell to Winter


9. Which bird has a snowy name?


10. The organ of taste


11. Chocolate is real gold of the Alps.

(Alpen Gold)

12 male sheep


13 the dog house


Second competition. "Write the poem at the last word in the line"

Leaflets with words are distributed.

do not Cry,



Third competition "Finish the verse"

Little son to father

and asked


And what is

Fourth competition " Culinary duel "

  1. The steering wheel is undersized.

2. The product that the crow was going to have for breakfast .

3. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and chicken .

4. Magpie's signature dish is thieves.

5. Fruit kefir is not our way .

  1. A bakery product that can be steered .

7. The bird who got into the soup for his thoughts .

8. The name of the porridge that Denisk Korablev poured out of the window .

9. Soft-boiled potatoes.

10 maxi cake

11 what was left of the jam when all the berries were eaten out of it


12. Zucchini delicacy .


Fifth competition " Who knows more fairy tales? "

Write down the names of the fairy tales for the pictures.

Sixth competition "Mom. What is she like?"

Write as many adjectives as possible that characterize your mom in 3 minutes.

ANSWERS: Sweetheart, pretty, beautiful, pretty, charming, charming, attractive, lovely, wonderful, lovely, irresistible, elegant, graceful, bright, flawless, perfect, perfect, unmatched, stunning, incomparable, wonderful, amazing, amazing, amazing, delightful, unique, unique, priceless, charming, sweet, fresh, dazzling, gorgeous, unearthly, beloved, loving, cheerful, cheerful, vigorous, judicious, erudite, educated, faithful, faithful, open, understanding, sincere, kind, soft, gentle, affectionate, caring, romantic, sensual, temperamental, graceful, magical, fabulous, divine, incredible, mysterious, mysterious, interesting, captivating, unforgettable, not like others, not like everyone else, the best, best of all, above all praise, excellent.

Seventh competition "Fill the refrigerator"

Put as many items in the refrigerator as possible - words starting with C

ANSWER Cheese, sour cream, juice, lettuce (leaves), pork, lard, sausages, sausages, sauce, mackerel, herring, herring, curd cheese, whey, celery, jelly, plums, morels, currants

Summarizing. Awarding of the winners.

MOU "Soldier's Secondary School"

Rakityanskiy district, Belgorod region

Prepared and conducted

Senior counselor

Syromyatnikova E.V.

2012 - 2013 academic year


1. Development of abilities to perceive and evaluate the world from the point of view of harmony of perfection and beauty.

2. Cohesion of the children's team.

3. Development of students' skills to actively demonstrate their abilities, ingenuity, creativity.

4. Education in students of universal and moral values.

Participants: students (girls) in grades 5-7, divided into 3 teams of 5 people.

Duration: 1 hour.

Event progress

Leading. Good day! Merry hour!

I greet all of you!

We are meeting with you on the eve of a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day. This is the first spring holiday. There is still snow on the streets, winter is not losing ground, but the sun is shining in a different way, sparrows chirp in a different way. And the first breath of spring is already felt in the air. What is Spring like? Still very young, like our girls.


Happy holiday

Happy holiday clear

Happy sunny and wonderful holiday,

Happy holiday of affection, love and attention,

Happy feminine charm!

We are starting the "Come on, girls" competition, in which the fair half of our classes, our lovely girls, take part.

A truly charming woman is always natural, devoid of pretense, falsehood, and, of course, dressed fashionably and tastefully.

So, our beauties! Please welcome! (Girls come out to the music.)

Leading ... Thank you girls, today all the girls are just adorable.

2 teams take part in our competition.

And now let us welcome those who will evaluate you today - this is our jury consisting of:



1st Contest "Greetings"

Teams must introduce themselves, greeting, motto.

Competition with spectators

Leading. To understand all the intricacies of the household, you need to know a few tricks. Do you know them?


How do you know if a cake is baked? (pierce with a wooden stick: if the dough does not stick to the stick, then the cake is ready).

How to peel an onion to keep tears from flowing? (hold the knife under cold running water)

What should be done so that the egg does not burst during cooking? (add salt to the water)

What should be done so that the beets do not lose their color during cooking? (add a little vinegar to the water)

Things to do without adding water to make salty soup

became normal? (put a few raw potatoes in the soup for a while).

What needs to be done to make potatoes cook faster? (as the water boils, put a spoonful of butter or margarine in a saucepan).

To make the egg whites whisk faster, what needs to be done? (Cool the proteins, add a pinch of salt)

Leading ... So, a little warm-up. For each correct answer 1 point.

"Culinary catch-up".

1. Magpie's signature dish is thieves (porridge).

2. Zucchini delicacy (caviar).

3. Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes).

4. Maxi - cake (cake).

5. What is left of the jam when all the berries have been eaten out of it (syrup).

6. A bakery product that can be steered (steering wheel).

7. The product that the crow was going to have for breakfast (cheese).

8. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and chicken (omelet).

9. Fruit kefir our way (yogurt).

10 Bagel - undersized (drying).

11. The bird who got into the soup for his thoughts (turkey).

12. What did Buratino eat in the tavern, paying for himself, the cat and the golden fox? (crust of bread).

13. What caused the princess's insomnia? (pea).

14. Apricot who went on a dry hunger strike (dried apricots).

15. Which of the notes is not needed for the compote? (salt).

16. The fruit that boxers adore (pear).

Competition "Merry Cooks".

Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There were various treats on the tables, but all with the letter "K". Within 5 minutes, each team writes down possible meals on a piece of paper.

How many dishes are listed - how many points each team gets. Leading: And now each team has to present its own dish.

Competition with spectators

Miss Elegance Contest

Put the object on your head, and, trying not to drop it, do the following exercises:

a) go from one end of the stage to the other, avoiding obstacles

b) sit down and then return to the starting position.

The winner is the one who never drops the item on the floor.

Competition "Dress up little sister"

The girls call out one boy from the audience. He will play the role of "little sister". On command, they must tie a bow on the head of the "sister", put on a dress on her and say the words "How I love you, my little dear!"

The winner is the team that does it quickly, efficiently and speaks words expressively.


Fashion is always walking next to us,

Somewhere serious, somewhere funny,

Fashion in deeds and actions, but before -

The main fashion is fashion in clothes.

So we offer you

The latest fashion - a suit for any weather!

This has not been seen before

Cardin and Zaitsev, Chanel and Dior!

Leading. And the next competition is called"Fashion of the 21st century".

Teams must construct a suit from available materials. Gracefully carry a book on your head. Demonstrate and comment on the costume, the runway run.

Leading. Attention! Creative competition - "Hello, we are looking for talents!"

Each team performs a song about mom.

Contest "Winders"

Each participant is invited to rewind the threads from one ball to another and guess the riddle written on a piece of paper and embedded in the ball. The length of the threads in all balls is the same. Whose team is the first to rewind the strings is awarded a point. For solving the riddle - an additional point.

Competition "Actress"

It is necessary to recite a verse from the song: "A big crocodile walked the streets, she, she was green ...":

a) with sadness;

b) with an expression of horror;

c) with open laughter;

d) as if I ran 500 meters;

e) telling how a terrible secret;

f) with indignation.

Leading: While the girls are preparing questions for the fans.


1. What will happen to a crow when she turns 7 years old?

(The 8th will go).

2. What do the village boys walk barefoot on?

(On the ground).

3. The first syllable is a pet, the second is a measure of area, the whole word is the name of the river.


4. Two people walked and talked. “She's white,” says one. “No black,” says another. “I also have a red one,” says the first. What is the conversation about?

(About currants).

Contest "Makeup artists"

Leading ... Boys can show our girls their lip makeup skills.

The task. Make up lips with a blindfold. The accuracy of the lipstick application is evaluated.

Competition "The Most Virtuoso"

Participants of the competition are invited to fold napkins to decorate the festive table. The more options the better.

Comic competition "Chatterboxes"

Leading. Remember A. Barto?

That chatterbox Lida, they say -,

So Vovka invented it.

And when I talk,

I have no time to chat.

We have no doubt that the participants of our competition really have no time to chat. But still, which of them is more talkative?

The task. You need to speak without interruption for one minute

(you can just fantasize).The content of the story, expressiveness, humor, regulations are taken into account.

Competition "Lessons of Etiquette"

Leading ... Holidays are different. But what they have in common are gifts! So, how to accept gifts ...

Now each participant will draw a question, for each correct answer - 1 point.


1. If the gift is not very happy, then you ... (will not show disappointment)

2. Having received a gift, you ... (unfold it and say something like this: "How great! I am very glad to receive this book, I have dreamed about it for a long time. Thank you!)

3.If you were presented with flowers, then you ... (happily put them in a vase so that everyone can clearly see)

4. If you were presented with sweets, then you ... (treat them to guests at tea)

5.Can I refuse a gift? (To refuse is to seriously offend the giver).

6. If any of the guests came without a gift, then ... (greet him as cordially as the rest).


Our competition ends,

What else can we say?

Allow me goodbye -

Wish you health!

Be cheerful, rich,

Give everyone a good light!

Always come to school

And live to be a hundred years old!

Lovely girls! Always be beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, happy, healthy.

And now let's give the floor to the jury.

(The jury sums up the results of the competitions and awards the participants with diplomas.)

Thank you all for playing. Bye!


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