Presentation on the topic of environmental materials. Presentations on ecology. Ecology as a science

Ecology is one of the most important disciplines. On it, students learn how to protect and protect environment. Unfortunately, it is problematic to learn it qualitatively only from textbooks, and in this case, presentations on ecology will be an excellent way out of the situation. It is much easier and easier to visually show something than to explain it in words for a long time. Each presentation contains a large number of slides, audio and video, so classes on ecology will become truly interesting and informative for students.

Presentations on ecology are made in PowerPoint, here you will find a large assortment of presentations on ecology, which can be downloaded absolutely free. To do this, you need to go to the selected presentation and click on the "download" button. Before that, you can see each slide and view their description, you do not have to download the files first and only then realize that this is not quite what you need. If you have difficulty finding the topic you need, you can use the search for all presentations, enter a keyword and we will select the most suitable works for you.

Here you will find presentations on ecology for both lower grades as well as for high school students. Thanks to the clarity, colorfulness of the slides, correctly structured and divided into blocks of information, the audience will be easier to perceive the subject and better concentrate on the topic.

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Slides captions:

Ecology Ecology is a science that studies the interaction of animals and plants.

What are the types of pollution? People pollute water, air, land.

Water pollution On the banks of lakes and rivers, people build factories and plants. Thus, they pollute the water in these reservoirs!

Life on earth is not possible without water! Each person consumes not 1 or 2 liters of water per day, but much more! the earth has the most water.

Air pollution. Without air, as well as without water, life on earth is not possible! But his people also pollute by building factories, factories and just driving a car.

Earth Pollution of the earth is also very dangerous! Earth. Like everything else, it must be protected, protected and protected.

What happened can't be returned! How many beaches have turned into garbage dumps! How many quarries dug and left. But there you could relax and enjoy life!

Animals suffer! Animals suffer from soil, air and water pollution!!!

The situation can still be saved! Stop driving! Get up and walk. Don't be lazy! And it will help everyone!

Protect the environment!!! "Save nature" - everyone can say! But not everyone can do it.

What is your world like? GREENPEACE is engaged in the protection of nature. But what nature will be like in the future depends on everyone. Including from you!

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Zheleznodorozhny Urban District, Moscow Region


st. Novaya, 34 8-495-527-55-37



Nomination "Global Ecology"

Ganina Natalia

4th grade students

MBOU NSh №13

Project Manager:

Anisimova Valentina Alekseevna

(social teacher)





    Forest areas.

    Animal world.

    Air space.


    The soil.




Relevance of the problem

More and more often we hear and pronounce the word "ecology". Science is complex, important and necessary. Science is up to date. Ecology is the science of relationships in nature, the relationship of man to the environment. The riches of the Earth are exhausted faster than they are restored.

Natural resources, which we had not so long ago in abundance, are being depleted. Nature cannot heal its wounds indefinitely. It is possible that in recent weeks another mammal, another bird or another plant has disappeared from the face of the Earth. Let's remember that each animal or plant is unique.

Objective of the project:

    Attracting the attention of others to an environmental problem;

    Expanding horizons in the system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);

    Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, to admire it, the desire to preserve it);

Project objectives:

Learn to observe objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions by establishing causal relationships between objects of nature.

Cultivate environmental skills safe behavior in nature;

To cultivate a sense of empathy and a desire to help needy objects of nature: plants, insects, animals, birds, humans.

Implementation stages

Preparatory stage

Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods.

Research phase

Search for answers to the questions posed in different ways.


Summarizing the results of the work in the different form, their analysis, consolidation of the acquired knowledge, the formulation of conclusions and, if possible, the preparation of recommendations.

Project result

Ecological culture is understood as a holistic system that includes a number of elements:
- system of ecological knowledge;
- a culture of feelings (sympathy, empathy, a sense of patriotism);

A culture of environmentally educated behavior.

As a result of work on the project, we expect:

    raising environmental and cultural awareness;

    acquiring the skills to pose and solve problems, anticipate situations, make informed conclusions about the state of the environment;

    making a feasible contribution by each person to the protection of the environment.


Russia is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of forest reserves. Forest fund area in Russian Federation exceeds 1180 million hectares.

Do you know?

    Forests are playing important role in water purification. The fact is that the root system of trees forms such soil conditions that purify groundwater, making it truly pure and natural. Taking care of trees means taking care of water for our descendants. And one of the goals of the "Springs of Russia" is just a manifestation of concern for future generations of Russians.

The role of forests in the natural complex and economic activity hard to overestimate. Over the past 20-25 years, the state of forest resources has been continuously deteriorating, and the situation with forest use has become aggravated. Representatives of the authorities are doing everything to preserve and increase the region's forests. But malicious violators destroy trees.

Each of us can contribute to the conservation of trees.

So, in October, the contest “Let's save nature together!” was held at our school, students, teachers and parents planted trees. Interesting and helpful.

Animal world

The role of animals in the biosphere and human life is extremely great.

In itself, the diversity of animal species is beneficial to humans. They serve as sources of nutrition, technical and medicinal raw materials, keepers of the genetic fund for improving the breeds of domestic animals.

From year to year, scientists record a decrease in the number and extinction of animals for the following reasons:

Habitat disturbance;

Overexploitation, fishing in prohibited areas;

Direct destruction in order to protect products;

Accidental (unintentional) destruction;

Environmental pollution.

The protection of animals is, first of all, the protection of their habitats.

My call: do not destroy the nests of birds, do not pollute nature, treat it with care!


Water is a constant, inseparable companion of a person throughout his life. It is more valuable than oil, gas, coal, iron, because water is indispensable. It plays a decisive role in a person's life.

"Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without believing that you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life, you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings, with you the forces that we have already said goodbye return to us. You are the greatest wealth in the world!”

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

We, people, do not perceive this value: the waters of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are polluted every day. Unscrupulous businesses dump their waste into the water. It is necessary to strictly control their work in the field of environmental protection!

Many years ago, Cook (a navigator) found lumps of fuel oil in the ocean, the largest were the size of potatoes! But what about the inhabitants of the reservoirs? They get a lot too!

Each of us can make a contribution to environmental protection - do not throw garbage! Especially near the water!

The soil

You know that the Moscow region has a number of minerals. In the first place among them in terms of reserves and use is peat, there are also various clays, there are many deposits of limestone rocks in the Moscow region, there are brown coal, iron ore.

So, we see that although the land of Moscow is not very rich in minerals and ores, there is also material in its depths for construction and crafts, and even for decoration. We just need to take care of nature.

The soil is being destroyed due to improper mining, fertilizer application, water and air pollution.

Soil protection is the most acute global problem of today.

Air space

Our planet is shrouded in a continuous thick layer of atmosphere, which consists of a mixture of gases, water vapor, moisture drops, ice crystals. The thickness of the atmosphere is approximately 20 thousand kilometers.

The atmosphere is the "clothes" for our planet. It protects the Earth from overheating and cooling, protects all living things.

90% of air pollutants come from fuel combustion in power plants, factories (smoke emissions) and car engines.

Air pollution has a harmful effect on living organisms.

In an attempt to solve this problem, people install filters in factories, invent gas-powered cars, and plant trees.

Each of us can contribute, for example, by planting a tree. Tree leaves purify the air.


Planet Earth is a common home for all people. Only prudent management and reasonable use of its wealth can ensure the well-being and safety of the inhabitants of our planet!



For students

    Big encyclopedia of the animal world. M.: CJSC "ROSMEN-PRESS", 2007.

    I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Plants./Comp. L.A. Bagrova - M.: TKO "AST", 1995.

    I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Animals./Comp. ETC. Lyakhov-M.: TKO "AST", 1999

1 slide

District competition of environmental educational and research projects "The impact of anthropogenic pollution on human health" "TO THE NATIVE VILLAGE - OUR CARE" Authors of the project: Timofeeva Valeria, 14 years old Isakova Ekaterina, 14 years old student of the 8th grade of the Vazyanskaya secondary school Leaders: Bazanova M.G. - teacher of chemistry and biology, Malakhova O.V. - geography teacher

2 slide

Man is a part of nature, and by destroying nature, he destroys his future, the future of his descendants. “We are all passengers of the same ship named “Earth”, and there is simply nowhere to transfer from it” Antoine de Sainte-Exupery Rationale for the project

3 slide

Purpose: to study the influence of anthropogenic factors on human health. Tasks: generalization of knowledge about anthropogenic factors; updating knowledge about pollutants that are very dangerous for all living things; study of the level of pollution of the atmosphere and nature by anthropogenic (artificial) sources

4 slide

Research hypothesis. If a person does not learn to process the products of his activity harmful to all living things, then this can lead humanity to a catastrophe and self-destruction.

5 slide

Forms of work: excursions; sociological survey research and calculation work in teams; drawing up tables and charts by means computer technology; messages and presentations of students; subbotniks for cleaning and landscaping the village; publication of leaflets - appeals to the villagers

6 slide

8 slide

Stage 2 - sociological survey Do you think our village is clean or polluted?

9 slide

2. Which aspect causes you the greatest concern: Gas contamination; garbage pollution; Other aspects.

10 slide

11 slide

12 slide

13 slide

Stage 3 - research: 1. Identification of the effect of combustion products on atmospheric air. We found out: 1. As a result of burning garbage, a huge amount of carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere, which destroys the ozone layer of the atmosphere. 2. When polyethylene waste is burned, toxic substances (benzpyrenes, carbon monoxide, unsaturated hydrocarbons, dioxins) are released that suppress the immune system, are carcinogens, lead to early aging, cause gene changes, suppress human reproductive function, affect the psyche, etc.

14 slide

2. Determination of the degree of air dustiness at different times of the year in areas near the school, near the road and in the center of the village. autumn

15 slide

16 slide

Degree of dust content in snow Snow samples were taken in different parts of the village: No. 1 - near the school No. 2 - near the road No. 3 - the center of the village The amount of dust per 1 sq.m. per season Snow sampling area mf, y ms, y m,g Quantity dust (g) per 1 sq.m. for season #1 2.6 2.95 0.35 35 #2 2.6 3.23 0.63 63 #3 2.6 3.26 0.66 66

17 slide

3. Mechanical pollution of the village. Types of garbage Number of items 1. Plastic bottles 2. Glass containers 3. Plastic bags 4. Paper containers 5. Tin cans 6. Animal corpses 7. Worn tires 16 6 15 37 8 2 3

18 slide

Stage 4 - analysis of research results During the study, it was found out that the air is polluted by the person himself as a result of his careless activities; Clarified the quantitative characteristics of anthropogenic pollutants, found out their impact on human health; Convinced of the global nature of anthropogenic air pollution and the need for urgent action to clean it up; Learned that snow is an indicator of air pollution; We were convinced that mechanical pollution not only spoils the beauty of our village, but is no less dangerous for human health.

19 slide

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Human progress leads to undesirable pollution of nature and air; The atmosphere knows no boundaries, which means that the air in one place can be strongly influenced by actions taken in another, and these actions must be reasonable. Preserving the purity of nature and air for our and future generations is not only the task of all mankind as a whole, but also of each person individually. Everyone should remember this.

Class hour on the environmental theme "The fate of the planet is in our hands!" for high school students.

Scenario class hour on the theme "The fate of the planet is in our hands!"

Bitkova Lyudmila Vasilievna, mathematics teacher of the first category, municipal budgetary educational institution"Forest secondary school", the village of Lesnoy Zubovo - Polyansky district of the Republic of Mordovia.
Material Description: The classroom is designed for high school students. The event is relevant at the present time, since every person must be environmentally educated and environmentally cultured.
The proposed material can be useful to class teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers of geography. A class hour using ICT in an accessible and exciting way allows children to realize their creative potential, instills a sense of unity with nature, responsibility for preserving and increasing its wealth.
Age category participants: 10th grade students.
Location: educational audience.
Conduct form: themed classroom.
Target: formation of a responsible attitude to nature, development of ecological thinking.
- to acquaint students with the consequences of human impact on nature, environmental problems that need to be addressed at the present stage;
- to promote the education of love for the native nature;
- Replenishment of students' knowledge of ecology.
Preliminary preparation:
- holding a drawing competition in the classroom on the theme “The planet is sick”;
- selection of material for the class hour,
-preparation by students short messages about one of the environmental problems;
- selection of poems, music;
- distribution of material among students;
- preparing a presentation.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, student drawings, signal cards, pictures of nature,
Class layout: exhibition of students' drawings on the board; attach photos of nature, urban, industrial landscapes; write the topic and epigraph for the class hour on the board.
Resources: Computer presentation.

Class plan.

I. Organizational moment
1. Introductory speech of the class teacher.
II.Main part
1.Speech by students.
2. Forest ecology and human health.
3. Animals and plants are in danger.
4. Dumps - giant "abscesses" on the body of the Earth.
5. Water is the beginning of all beginnings.
6. Contest "experts - ecologists".
III Final part
IV Summing up the class hour (reflection)

Event progress.

I. Organizational moment

(music by Y. Antonov "Alarm Bell" sounds)
Introductory remarks by the class teacher:(Slide 1)
Guys! Today we have a class hour dedicated to ecology. Ecology… We often hear this word. What does it mean? (Children's answers) "Ekos" - in Greek dwelling, "logos" - science. The science of the living conditions of organisms. Hence, ecology is a science that gives a person the opportunity to live with nature in complete harmony. Comply with all its laws - this is an ecological culture.
A sad picture is an abandoned house: the walls are covered in dirty smudges, the windows are broken, the doors are broken. But many times more terrible is the mismanagement and desolation in a dwelling where there are no walls and windows, but a sky smoky with thousands of chimneys, barbarously cut down forests. Turbid waters of rivers and lakes poisoned by poisonous effluents. And to live in it is not only for us today, but also for those who will come after us.
We live strangely, wrongly. We protect the valuable, but we do not protect the priceless. If nature becomes bad, it will certainly be bad for us, people.
The alarm bell sounds the word "ecology" at the moment. Humanity is on the verge of a global ecological crisis. I, like all people, are concerned about this issue. Look at the drawings (exhibition of drawings) and you will see a terrible picture of our planet. Do we need such a planet? (Slide 2)

An "environmental bomb" is as dangerous for humanity as a nuclear one. Therefore, for us there is no more serious concern than to find the strength, the means to save nature. Alexander Tvardovsky was one of the first to draw attention to the interaction of man and nature, to the need to foresee the long-term consequences of the transforming human activity in the environment. He wrote: For in nature one cannot take a step, So that that hour, is it so, She cannot be paid with something, For this very step ...
The future of the planet is ours, our care and our mind. This topical environmental theme and our class hour is dedicated "The fate of the planet is in our hands!". (Slide 3) I took the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery as the epigraph of the class hour: “Get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order and immediately put your planet in order.”
Let's listen to a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov "Moon of the Earth".

II.Main part

Student:(Slide 4)
Spinning in space, in the captivity of its orbit,
Not a year, not two, but millions of years,
I am so tired…
My flesh is covered
Scars of wounds - there is no living place.
Steel torments my earthly body,
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
All that I had and have
Man considers his goodness.
Isn't that why, burning with vengeance,
I rebel against the insane forces
And, shaking the firmament with an earthquake,
I give my answer to all grievances.
And it is no coincidence that formidable volcanoes
They splash out the pain of the earth with lava ...
Wake up, people! Call the countries
To save me from death!
Student: Forest ecology and human health.(Slide 5)
Ecological catastrophe - this phrase is familiar to everyone now. Humanity faces many unresolved problems, but one of the main ones is ecology and health. Mankind takes, or rather takes away from nature every year tens of billions of tons of substances and materials for its needs. At least 20 billion tons of solid and gaseous atmospheric pollution and the same amount of organic waste are “returned” to it. Plants on the planet are no longer able to actively process carbon dioxide released during fuel combustion. In addition, forests are disappearing at a tremendous rate. The green robe of the earth is reduced by 1% annually. Increasingly, forests are dying from deforestation, fires, dirty air, more and more cities are covered in smog. Why are forests disappearing? Poverty and greed driving force all this. Demographic boom and the need for agricultural land. The area of ​​deserts every 10 years increases by 600 thousand square kilometers. And, as a result, the genetic pollution of the planet unfolds, “diseases of civilization” arise: an increase in the number of allergic and neuropsychiatric diseases, malignant tumors. All this leads to a violation of the human gene pool: the number of congenital anomalies has increased, and the average life expectancy is decreasing.

Student:(Slide 6)
My planet is a human home,
But how can she live under a smoky hood?
Where is the gutter - the ocean?!
Where all nature is trapped
Where there is no place for a stork or a lion,
Where grasses moan: “I can’t do it anymore!” ... (Slide 7)

Teacher: Many serious experts are worried. They point to the “tumors” that have spread everywhere: huge oil slicks on the surface of the oceans, fish corpses in poisoned rivers, a curtain of smog over cities, birds in fuel oil (slide 8)

Student: Like giant "abscesses" on the body of the Earth - landfills. (Slide 9)

They cause pain and disgust. Garbage is gradually becoming a monster of civilization. It is human nature to leave behind all sorts of garbage and various wastes in the process of activity. A lot of it accumulates in one human life. And how a person will deal with them depends on his culture and upbringing. Either he will dump it here or - in a place reserved for garbage. Waste decomposition time:
Bus ticket - 1 month.
Banana peel - up to 6 months.
Paper cup - up to 5 years.
Tin can - 10 years.
Woolen sock - 1 year.
Wooden stick - 4 years.
Wooden painted board - 13 years.
aluminum, plastic bottles- more than 500 years.
Glass bottles - never.

"Scars" on Earth - asphalt roads. Concrete continues to devour the Earth. "Save!!!" asks nature. "Help!!! she pleads.
Student: Water is the beginning of all beginnings.
Every day a person consumes 150 liters of water. Fresh water suitable for use on Earth is only 2 percent, and 3/4 of it falls on the glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctica. More and more often you can hear about the drinking hunger hanging over a person. The whole state of Algeria exists on imported water. Hong Kong receives water from China through a pipeline. The shortage of water is felt in Greece, where it is valued more than wine.
Rivers! Those blue arteries feeding lakes, seas and oceans! Today, many of the Earth's rivers have turned into fish cemeteries. In regions of Siberia, rivers are polluted due to oil pipelines. Clouded "Earth's eyes" - lakes, seas, oceans.
Student:(slide 10) Mediterranean Sea. Oceanographers predict that this closed water area without tides for 20 years can turn into a large dead body of water! Is this gloomy prophecy a true prediction?
Student:(slide 11) In a pre-infarction state today Black, Sea of ​​Azov who already had a massive heart attack. Critical points are where the Danube and Don flow, containing in their waters the entire periodic table and especially a lot of mercury.

Student: North Sea. (Slide 12) Prince Charles, heir to the English throne, called it a big cesspool, saying that while we wait for the doctors' diagnosis, the patient may die. And here is the diagnosis made by environmental scientists to the Baltic Sea. “The Baltic today looks like an exorbitantly obese person suffering from shortness of breath.” The main enemies of the Baltic are urban and industrial discharges: phosphorus and nitrogen entering with urban runoff cause rapid growth of algae that absorb oxygen.
Student:(slide13) Literally suffocates today from Wastewater and once the cleanest Lake Ladoga. A few years ago, the whole Ladoga bloomed! Blue - green algae captured even the center of the lake, which has never happened before.

Student:(slide 14)
The focus of ecological disaster - Aral Sea, "evaporated" before the eyes of one generation. Once rich in fish. It is now, over vast expanses, a semi-desert in which the ships sailing here are forever buried. The sea level (and the volume of water in it) is rapidly decreasing due to the withdrawal of water from the main feeding rivers of the Amudarya and Syrdarya. Excessive abstraction of water for irrigation of agricultural land has turned the world's fourth largest lake-sea, before rich in life into the barren desert. At the moment, the drying Aral Sea has gone 100 km from its former coastline. As if about the Aral Sea, Federico Garcia Lorca wrote: “It fell silent, died out, cooled down, dried up, disappeared. The desert remains.

Student: The number of ecologically unfavorable cities is growing catastrophically all over the world, whose air, poisoned by industrial emissions, becomes unsuitable for life. This is the situation in the Tyumen region, where oil is produced. The great minds of the past foresaw the consequences of man's thoughtless conquest of nature. They warned: the human race can destroy itself. Exterminating vegetable and animal world, poisoning the earth, water, air. By the third millennium there was a crisis in the relationship between man and nature. We live like on a powder keg. Next to us every day, every hour is a time bomb that can explode at any moment. "A man cuts the branch on which he sits."
You are a man, you are only a part of nature!
You are always responsible for the planet.
So why are you, even for the sake of benefit,
You bring her so much grief and harm!
Student:(Poems by R. Rozhdestvensky)
Do no harm, man, neither to the birch, nor to the sea,
Wet path and a bird flying into the darkness.
Together with all its unthinkable power
Do no harm to yourself...
Do not delude yourself with the numbers of immediate Benefits,
rivers to mangle and mountains to pluck you wait.
Instead of erecting something without thinking,
You better chill and think. Do no harm…
Contest "connoisseurs - ecologists".(Slide 15-16)
Classroom teacher: "Knowledge is power"- rightly says the proverb. Today we will make sure of this at the competition. "experts - ecologists"(Students have signal cards 1, 2, 3).
1. Most of the garbage that pollutes the earth is:
1) plastic, 2) glass, 3) metal.
2. To recycle plastic, it must be:
1) compost, 2) burn under special conditions,3) melt down.
3. Harmful emissions affect:
1) only to those regions where pollution appeared, 2) to nearby regions, 3) even in areas remote from the place where the pollution "saw the light"
4. The most terrible "additive" to water:
1) household waste, 2) pesticides, 3) mineral fertilizers.
5. Which of the radioactive waste is purposefully dispersed into the environment:
1) gases, 2) liquids, 3) solids.
6. After graduation laboratory work in chemistry, your friend poured the used reagents into the sink, and not into a container specially prepared for this purpose. How do you do:
1) pour your reagents in the same place as him, 2) explain to him why this should not be done, 3) tell about his actions to the teacher.
7. A man broke a thermometer. How should he do it:
1) throw the remnants of the thermometer out the window so that relatives do not see them, 2) call representatives of DEZ, 3) leave everything as it is (removing the broken glass of the thermometer).
8. What would you do if, walking along the shore of a reservoir, you saw a rusty bucket near an old fire:
1) cleared the shore by throwing a bucket into the water, 2) would not pay attention, 3) took the bucket to a nearby dump or buried it in the ground.
9. Due to the excess of nitrogen fertilizers applied to the soil, two people working in the field were poisoned by nitrates. What an employer should do:
1) prohibit the use mineral fertilizers in the fields, 2) consider the incident as an accident, 3) reduce the amount of nitrate fertilizers applied to the soil and continue to use fertilizers in accordance with accepted standards.
10. What soil is best to apply phosphorus fertilizers:
1) alkaline, 2) sour, 3) neutral.
Classroom teacher:
Well-being is not only a roof over your head, a car, beautiful clothes. Well-being is unthinkable without healthy food, without clean air, clean water, without a landscape that pleases the eye, without flowers and birds singing. Wisdom consists in remembering this today, prejudging tomorrow. The future of the Earth is in the hands of people. This is stated by the poet A. Plotnikov in a poem "Black spots":
The gray-haired ocean rattles the alarm,
He hides resentment in the depths
Black, rocking spots
On a steep angry wave.
People became strong like gods
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands.
But terrible burns darken
At the globe on the sides.
We have long "mastered" the planet,
The new age is marching on.
There are no white spots on Earth
Will you erase the black ones, man?
I'm sorry, Earth, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
We humans hurt you so much.
We carry the burden of conscience for this,
They looked at a lot and ... did not see.
We thought then: it was necessary.
We zealously burned, dried and chopped.
And, now for this we are rewarded:
Blooming gardens, fields were replaced by rot and dust.
Student: It is time for everyone to realize that we live in an ozone dandelion, that our Earth is a lonely heavenly flower located at a fortunate distance from the sun. And we blow up bombs in a dandelion! We gnaw through its vulnerable shell, erase the pollen, brush off the tender stamens of the forests. Man must understand: all living things have the same right to exist. Nature has no stepchildren, everything is her favorite children: a man, a thin caterpillar, and a tiny ladybug. It only seems to a person that the silent loss of some thread from the fabric of life is insignificant. Delusion! The "fabric" becomes less durable and less bright, and it is impossible to return the lost.
Nature is in such a swooning state that it is no longer enough to protest against its pollution. What is needed is not papers, not conferences, not meetings, but real creative help to green, clean, clean, save. Protecting and increasing the wealth of our native land is everyone's duty. It depends on all of us as a whole and on each individually whether the song of the nightingale will sound, whether transparent springs will breathe coolness, whether fish will splash in the clear water of rivers and lakes, whether there will be a blue sky above us. (Slide 17)
All people have one planet
And the winds have no boundaries on it,
As there are no boundaries to the streams of light
And flights of wild birds.
And we need to save the planet
For those who will come after us.
And we thoughtlessly pour poisons
And we poison our house without sparing. (I. Lando)

III Final part

Classroom teacher:
- What are the signs of a formidable disaster for the planet?
1. Deforestation.
2. Death of animals.
3. Water pollution.
4. Air pollution.
5. Garbage accumulation.
6. Soil poisoning.

Who is to blame for all the causes of the planet's disease? (Person)
What measures do you think should be taken to protect the planet?
1. Prevention of poaching activities;
2. Reasonable development and use of territories;
3. Protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants;
4.Reduce environmental pollution.

- What are you doing to save our planet?
Student: Forestry is organized in our school. We clean up garbage in the village, in the forest, along the banks of the Vad River.
We fence off anthills.

We make birdhouses and hang them on trees.

Student: We take care of the parent.

Student: We do not cut down trees, but instead we plant them. We go planting trees in the forestry.
Student: We do not make fires in the forest. And if we kindle, then we extinguish the fire, applying all the precautionary rules so that a fire does not start. In hot summer days We make sure there are no fires.

Student: We throw garbage only in containers. We must remember that it sometimes takes many years and even centuries for the natural processing of waste.
Student:(slide 18) Let's take care of our Earth! Everywhere, at every step, all together and each separately! The Earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, and we have only one. Tomorrow will be what we create today! Hope will save the world, it remains to live in every human heart.
Take care of the Earth! Take care!
Time turns sharply
Joy, inspiration and care,
Ancient kinship living properties.
Tree of hope, anxiety.
Revelations of earth and heaven.
The sweetness of life, milk and bread,
Take care of kindness and pity,
To fight for the weak.
Take care of the future.
This word is from my notebook.
I give everything! And I will accept everything from you
Just take care of this Earth!

You have everything
For later and for now
Rivers, mountains and forests
blue skies,
Oceans, palm trees, snow.
And I, the Earth, is one for all.
I'd be glad to give you everything
But don't offend me!
And then I will stay
All for you and forever.

Summing up the class hour: (reflection)

Classroom teacher: Are you interested in today's conversation? What facts surprised you? What impression did you have after reading the classroom materials?
Answers: Anxiety. Feeling of danger. Faith in the mind and conscience of man. Hope that people will see the light and stop the catastrophe.
Classroom teacher: Ecology! Ecological catastrophy. We often hear this word, the phrase on TV. President of the Russian Federation V. Putin believes that "the issue of ecology should be put in the first place, because our health, the future of our children depends on it." And I urge you to treat nature consciously, responsibly. Show your involvement in its preservation. The planet is sick! We must heal her!
Remember: (Slide 19)
Earth is the only planet
Where life is possible!
Let's save it for future generations! The fate of the planet is in our hands!
The song "Starland" sounds.

Presentation on the topic: The fate of the planet is in our hands


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