Igor Mann - Marketing Machine. The manager becomes director. Marketing machine. The manager becomes director text

Anna Yuryevna Tourusin, Igor Borisovich Mann

Marketing machine. The manager becomes director

From the partner of the publication

The modern world is changing every second. Marketing in it plays an increasing role. Consumers have become picky and demand a special relationship. To conquer their trust and love, you need to come up every day something new. The introduction of innovation in the consumer dialogue and customer care becomes the most important trends needed for business development.

For purposeful bright marketers, it is time of interesting opportunities. But to use them, talent and ambitions are not enough. You need to be a leader, ready to lead the team and organize business processes and the work of people in the right way. How to become such a leader? About this and tells the book of Igor Manna "Marketing machine. The manager becomes director. "

This is a "textbook" of the most practical orientation, which tells in detail about everything you need to know the head of the marketing service of the new formation. I am sure this book will help marketers learn how to properly arrange priorities in work, skillfully manage your team, find a common language with management, colleagues, customers and partners. And make the right marketing.

I have no doubt that the "marketing machine", like other books of Igor Mann, will become a beneficial investment and point of reference for the Russian marketers for further career growth.

Mikhail Herchuk, Vice President of Commerce MTS

What happened to us for three years, which have passed since the release of the previous publication of this book, and what have we added to the new edition?

If we answer these two questions - we will answer ninety percent of the issues that are interested in the potential reader of the new edition.

Anna did not happen practically nothing new: Business As Usual. Stability - a sign of skill. Only the circle of customers expanded, and her company began to engage new topic - assessment and formulation of customer focus in commercial companies.

I have more news: I left the company "Arktel" after two years of work (and ten years of work in the telecommunications industry in general), managed to work in a new sphere for yourself - in real estate (in MIAN), and then went to free swimming, doing Publishing business.

But the soul, I am still a marketing director. This is probably forever ...

In the "Tools" section, three new chapters appeared: "Test Drive - for Sales Drive", "FAQ rules" (written in collaboration with Ilya Andrianov), "stuck like a price list."

In the section "Nellotch" - six replenishments: " Official duties. Right "," Rules of Speech "," Stages of the Big Road "," Marketing 2.0 "," cheap and useful "," How to quickly increase sales: Personal responsibility. "

In "applications with comments" - two: "Letter to the Motherland", "a lot of nothing" (co-authors of this material - Ilya Andrianov and Yana Kharitonova).

In the section "What will say colleagues?" There are five new interviews with interesting marketers. Additionally, we once again carefully reread text, in some places Richtua and upgrading the "car".

In general, the work was done sufficient to name the third publication supplemented and improved.

Fasten seat belts.

Igor Mann, Anna Tourusin

Dedicated to our parents


Preface is the most important part of the book.

Even the reviewers read the preface.

Philip Gedalla

It is believed that potential readers first pay attention to the cover, then scroll through the book and read entry.

And in this entry, we would immediately want to answer their questions.

Who is this book for? Who is the perfect reader? What, speaking by a professional language the target audience?

First, this book is for the one who wants to become a marketing director or is preparing to become very soon (this is our main reader audience).

Secondly, this book is for the marketing manager who dreams of becoming director ("the bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general").

Thirdly, this book is intended for marketing directors. We are waiting for you approval, comments, critics, but most importantly - such books. We must share our experience not only with those who work with.

And finally, this book for all those who liked the book "Marketing by 100%". We managed to write a book in the same vein - fun, specifically and useful.

Who is "good director"?

Good director is:

▪ leader and good boss (for their subordinates);

▪ Good professional (for colleagues, business partners, customers, suppliers, journalists, etc.);

▪ good colleague;

▪ Good subordinate and ally (for the director of the company and founders).

This book is just about how to be a good colleague, boss and professional. We are confident that you will find here many ideas and thoughts - for yourself, for your team, for your marketing.

So take a pencil, open a book ... nice and useful reading, colleague!

Igor Mann, Anna Tourusin

P.S. The book is written by us together, but for greater dynamism and creation of empathy (these words we know! But do not be afraid, there will be no more in the text!) We decided that the book should be written on the first person - and this "face" will be Igor .

Warning reader

Our book is not very large in volume. There are three reasons.

Firstly, I told a lot in the books "Marketing by 100%: Remix" and "Marketing. And now questions! ". Those techniques, approaches that work for the manager will work for the director. I would not want to repeat.

Secondly, director (or those who seek this position) are quite busy people, they have no time to read fat books. Therefore, as last time, the minimum of water, the maximum of recommendations.

As well as in the case of a "marketing per 100%: remix", I apologize to apologize, if somewhere somehow used other people's thoughts. I read too much, I communicate, not to get under the influence of others.

Thirdly, as in the case of the book "Marketing by 100%: remix", this is just the beginning. I am waiting for your feedback, reader (and thanks in advance!).

therefore good reading, Reader! And before meeting on the Internet, in life and on the pages of the next edition!

Igor Mann.

The beginning of the way

Work - Happiness

Often they ask me: what is work-happiness? It seems to me that we can talk about full and partial cases. Partial - when work gives you either moral, or material satisfaction.

Full happiness - when you get from your work and moral (interesting work, namely, the scale of the tasks used by the toolkit, the number of subordinates, the level of submission, the circle of communication, the magnitude of the marketing budget), and material satisfaction ( wage and other material benefits).

So, my advice: if you are looking for new job (or she will suddenly find you), then look for you must be complete happiness.

Discrepiate the offer when it is not interested (for money or professionally), dangerous (physically or for reputation) or shame (contradicts your principles or just your upbringing).

Do it tactfully ("Thank you very much for the offer, but ..."). Who knows? The situation in this company will change (for example, the manager who did not like, or the founders, will change, and as a result of this - attitude to marketing) or in your current work, and the proposal will already seem interesting to you.

Do not burn bridges and offer about work.

Look for complete happiness - moral and material satisfaction from work. Who seeks will always find.

They say that well where we are not. But there are companies about which you probably can say: "Well, that there is no me."

And if you specify a simple question-test "Will this work be my complete happiness?", Then you will relieve yourself from many further doubts, disappointments and experiences.

The modern world is changing every second. Marketing in it plays an increasing role. Consumers have become picky and demand a special relationship. To conquer their trust and love, you need to come up every day something new. The introduction of innovation in the consumer dialogue and customer care becomes the most important trends needed for business development.

For purposeful bright marketers, it is time of interesting opportunities. But to use them, talent and ambitions are not enough. You need to be a leader, ready to lead the team and organize business processes and the work of people in the right way. How to become such a leader? About this and tells the book of Igor Manna "Marketing machine. The manager becomes director. "

This is a "textbook" of the most practical orientation, which tells in detail about everything you need to know the head of the marketing service of the new formation. I am sure this book will help marketers learn how to properly arrange priorities in work, skillfully manage your team, find a common language with management, colleagues, customers and partners. And make the right marketing.

I have no doubt that the "marketing machine", like other books of Igor Mann, will become a beneficial investment and point of reference for the Russian marketers for further career growth.

Mikhail Herchuk,

vice President for Commerce MTS

What happened to us for three years, which have passed since the release of the previous publication of this book, and what have we added to the new edition?

If we answer these two questions - we will answer ninety percent of the issues that are interested in the potential reader of the new edition.

Anna did not happen practically nothing new: Business As Usual. Stability - a sign of skill. Only the client's circle expanded, and its company began to engage in a new topic - an assessment and formulation of customer focus in commercial companies.

I have more news: I left the company "Arktel" after two years of work (and ten years of work in the telecommunications industry in general), managed to work in a new sphere for yourself - in real estate (in MIAN), and then went to free swimming, doing Publishing business.

But the soul, I am still a marketing director. This is probably forever ...

In the "Tools" section, three new chapters appeared: "Test Drive - for Sales Drive", "FAQ rules" (written in collaboration with Ilya Andrianov), "stuck like a price list."

In the section "Nellotch" - six replenishments: "Official duties. Right "," Rules of Speech "," Stages of the Big Road "," Marketing 2.0 "," cheap and useful "," How to quickly increase sales: Personal responsibility. "

In "applications with comments" - two: "Letter to the Motherland", "a lot of nothing" (co-authors of this material - Ilya Andrianov and Yana Kharitonova).

In the section "What will say colleagues?" There are five new interviews with interesting marketers. Additionally, we once again carefully reread text, in some places Richtua and upgrading the "car".

In general, the work was done sufficient to name the third publication supplemented and improved.

Fasten seat belts.

Igor Mann,

Anna Tourusina

Dedicated to our parents


Preface is the most important part of the book.

Even the reviewers read the preface.

Philip Gedalla

It is believed that potential readers first pay attention to the cover, then scroll through the book and read entry.

And in this entry, we would immediately want to answer their questions.

Who is this book for? Who is the perfect reader? What, speaking by a professional language, target audience?

First, this book is for the one who wants to become a marketing director or is preparing to become very soon (this is our main reader audience).

Secondly, this book is for the marketing manager who dreams of becoming director ("the bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general").

Thirdly, this book is intended for marketing directors. We are waiting for you approval, comments, critics, but most importantly - such books. We must share our experience not only with those who work with.

And finally, this book for all those who liked the book "Marketing by 100%". We managed to write a book in the same vein - fun, specifically and useful.

Who is "good director"?

Good director is:

▪ leader and good boss (for their subordinates);

▪ Good professional (for colleagues, business partners, customers, suppliers, journalists, etc.);

▪ good colleague;

▪ Good subordinate and ally (for the director of the company and founders).

This book is just about how to be a good colleague, boss and professional. We are confident that you will find here many ideas and thoughts - for yourself, for your team, for your marketing.

So take a pencil, open a book ... nice and useful reading, colleague!

Igor Mann,

Anna Tourusina

P.S. The book is written by us together, but for greater dynamism and creation of empathy (these words we know! But do not be afraid, there will be no more in the text!) We decided that the book should be written on the first person - and this "face" will be Igor .

Warning reader

Our book is not very large in volume. There are three reasons.

Firstly, I told a lot in the books "Marketing by 100%: Remix" and "Marketing. And now questions! ". Those techniques, approaches that work for the manager will work for the director. I would not want to repeat.

Secondly, director (or those who seek this position) are quite busy people, they have no time to read fat books. Therefore, as last time, the minimum of water, the maximum of recommendations.

As well as in the case of a "marketing per 100%: remix", I apologize to apologize, if somewhere somehow used other people's thoughts. I read too much, I communicate, not to get under the influence of others.

Thirdly, as in the case of the book "Marketing by 100%: remix", this is just the beginning. I am waiting for your feedback, reader (and thanks in advance!).

Therefore, good reading, reader! And before meeting on the Internet, in life and on the pages of the next edition!

Igor Mann.

The beginning of the way

Work - Happiness

Often they ask me: what is work-happiness? It seems to me that we can talk about full and partial cases. Partial - when work gives you either moral, or material satisfaction.

Anna Yuryevna Tourusin, Igor Borisovich Mann

Marketing machine. The manager becomes director

From the partner of the publication

The modern world is changing every second. Marketing in it plays an increasing role. Consumers have become picky and demand a special relationship. To conquer their trust and love, you need to come up every day something new. The introduction of innovation in the consumer dialogue and customer care becomes the most important trends needed for business development.

For purposeful bright marketers, it is time of interesting opportunities. But to use them, talent and ambitions are not enough. You need to be a leader, ready to lead the team and organize business processes and the work of people in the right way. How to become such a leader? About this and tells the book of Igor Manna "Marketing machine. The manager becomes director. "

This is a "textbook" of the most practical orientation, which tells in detail about everything you need to know the head of the marketing service of the new formation. I am sure this book will help marketers learn how to properly arrange priorities in work, skillfully manage your team, find a common language with management, colleagues, customers and partners. And make the right marketing.

I have no doubt that the "marketing machine", like other books of Igor Mann, will become a beneficial investment and point of reference for the Russian marketers for further career growth.

Mikhail Herchuk, Vice President of Commerce MTS

What happened to us for three years, which have passed since the release of the previous publication of this book, and what have we added to the new edition?

If we answer these two questions - we will answer ninety percent of the issues that are interested in the potential reader of the new edition.

Anna did not happen practically nothing new: Business As Usual. Stability - a sign of skill. Only the client's circle expanded, and its company began to engage in a new topic - an assessment and formulation of customer focus in commercial companies.

I have more news: I left the company "Arktel" after two years of work (and ten years of work in the telecommunications industry in general), managed to work in a new sphere for yourself - in real estate (in MIAN), and then went to free swimming, doing Publishing business.

But the soul, I am still a marketing director. This is probably forever ...

In the "Tools" section, three new chapters appeared: "Test Drive - for Sales Drive", "FAQ rules" (written in collaboration with Ilya Andrianov), "stuck like a price list."

In the section "Nellotch" - six replenishments: "Official duties. Right "," Rules of Speech "," Stages of the Big Road "," Marketing 2.0 "," cheap and useful "," How to quickly increase sales: Personal responsibility. "

In "applications with comments" - two: "Letter to the Motherland", "a lot of nothing" (co-authors of this material - Ilya Andrianov and Yana Kharitonova).

In the section "What will say colleagues?" There are five new interviews with interesting marketers. Additionally, we once again carefully reread text, in some places Richtua and upgrading the "car".

In general, the work was done sufficient to name the third publication supplemented and improved.

Fasten seat belts.

Igor Mann, Anna Tourusin

Dedicated to our parents

The modern world is changing every second. Marketing in it plays an increasing role. Consumers have become picky and demand a special relationship. To conquer their trust and love, you need to come up every day something new. The introduction of innovation in the consumer dialogue and customer care becomes the most important trends needed for business development.

For purposeful bright marketers, it is time of interesting opportunities. But to use them, talent and ambitions are not enough. You need to be a leader, ready to lead the team and organize business processes and the work of people in the right way. How to become such a leader? About this and tells the book of Igor Manna "Marketing machine. The manager becomes director. "

This is a "textbook" of the most practical orientation, which tells in detail about everything you need to know the head of the marketing service of the new formation. I am sure this book will help marketers learn how to properly arrange priorities in work, skillfully manage your team, find a common language with management, colleagues, customers and partners. And make the right marketing.

I have no doubt that the "marketing machine", like other books of Igor Mann, will become a beneficial investment and point of reference for the Russian marketers for further career growth.

Mikhail Herchuk,
vice President for Commerce MTS

From authors

What happened to us for three years, which have passed since the release of the previous publication of this book, and what have we added to the new edition?

If we answer these two questions - we will answer ninety percent of the issues that are interested in the potential reader of the new edition.

Anna did not happen practically nothing new: Business As Usual. Stability - a sign of skill. Only the client's circle expanded, and its company began to engage in a new topic - an assessment and formulation of customer focus in commercial companies.

I have more news: I left the company "Arktel" after two years of work (and ten years of work in the telecommunications industry in general), managed to work in a new sphere for yourself - in real estate (in MIAN), and then went to free swimming, doing Publishing business.

But the soul, I am still a marketing director. This is probably forever ...

In the "Tools" section, three new chapters appeared: "Test Drive - for Sales Drive", "FAQ rules" (written in collaboration with Ilya Andrianov), "stuck like a price list."

In the section "Nellotch" - six replenishments: "Official duties. Right "," Rules of Speech "," Stages of the Big Road "," Marketing 2.0 "," cheap and useful "," How to quickly increase sales: Personal responsibility. "

In "applications with comments" - two: "Letter to the Motherland", "a lot of nothing" (co-authors of this material - Ilya Andrianov and Yana Kharitonova).

In the section "What will say colleagues?" There are five new interviews with interesting marketers. Additionally, we once again carefully reread text, in some places Richtua and upgrading the "car".

In general, the work was done sufficient to name the third publication supplemented and improved.

Fasten seat belts.

Anna Tourusina

Dedicated to our parents


Preface is the most important part of the book.

Even the reviewers read the preface.

Philip Gedalla

It is believed that potential readers first pay attention to the cover, then scroll through the book and read entry.

And in this entry, we would immediately want to answer their questions.

Who is this book for? Who is the perfect reader? What, speaking by a professional language, target audience?

First, this book is for the one who wants to become a marketing director or is preparing to become very soon (this is our main reader audience).

Secondly, this book is for the marketing manager who dreams of becoming director ("the bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general").

Thirdly, this book is intended for marketing directors. We are waiting for you approval, comments, critics, but most importantly - such books. We must share our experience not only with those who work with.

And finally, this book for all those who liked the book "Marketing by 100%". We managed to write a book in the same vein - fun, specifically and useful.

Who is "good director"?

Good director is:

▪ leader and good boss (for their subordinates);

▪ Good professional (for colleagues, business partners, customers, suppliers, journalists, etc.);

▪ good colleague;

▪ Good subordinate and ally (for the director of the company and founders).

This book is just about how to be a good colleague, boss and professional. We are confident that you will find here many ideas and thoughts - for yourself, for your team, for your marketing.

So take a pencil, open a book ... nice and useful reading, colleague!

Anna Tourusina

P.S. The book is written by us together, but for greater dynamism and creation of empathy (these words we know! But do not be afraid, there will be no more in the text!) We decided that the book should be written on the first person - and this "face" will be Igor .

Warning reader

Our book is not very large in volume. There are three reasons.

Firstly, I told a lot in the books "Marketing by 100%: Remix" and "Marketing. And now questions! ". Those techniques, approaches that work for the manager will work for the director. I would not want to repeat.

Secondly, director (or those who seek this position) are quite busy people, they have no time to read fat books. Therefore, as last time, the minimum of water, the maximum of recommendations.

As well as in the case of a "marketing per 100%: remix", I apologize to apologize, if somewhere somehow used other people's thoughts. I read too much, I communicate, not to get under the influence of others.

Thirdly, as in the case of the book "Marketing by 100%: remix", this is just the beginning. I am waiting for your feedback, reader (and thanks in advance!).

Therefore, good reading, reader! And before meeting on the Internet, in life and on the pages of the next edition!

The beginning of the way

Work - Happiness

Often they ask me: what is work-happiness? It seems to me that we can talk about full and partial cases. Partial - when work gives you either moral, or material satisfaction.

Full happiness - when you get from your work and moral (interesting work, namely, the scale of the tasks used by the toolkit, the number of subordinates, the level of submission, the circle of communication, the magnitude of the marketing budget), and material satisfaction (salary and other material benefits).

So, my advice: If you are looking for a new job (or she suddenly finds you), then you should look for complete happiness.

Discrepiate the offer when it is not interested (for money or professionally), dangerous (physically or for reputation) or shame (contradicts your principles or just your upbringing).

Do it tactfully ("Thank you very much for the offer, but ..."). Who knows? The situation in this company will change (for example, the manager who did not like, or the founders, will change, and as a result of this - attitude to marketing) or in your current work, and the proposal will already seem interesting to you.

Do not burn bridges and offer about work.

Look for complete happiness - moral and material satisfaction from work. Who seeks will always find.

They say that well where we are not. But there are companies about which you probably can say: "Well, that there is no me."

And if you specify a simple question-test "Will this work be my complete happiness?", Then you will relieve yourself from many further doubts, disappointments and experiences.

"In the old manner" - will not pass

Tradition - what you appeal to when you do not have time or money to do it right.

Kurt Alder

It is possible that you went around other candidates for vacant position It is because of more experience. But!

Old experience may not work in a new place.

And the fact that you are trying to introduce your old developments, use those techniques that worked perfectly for you before, you can even harm you.

In the book "Marketing by 100%: Remix" I told about one of my mistakes when I tried to use advertising with coupons in a new job place - did not work! Although on previous Place Work effect was just awesome.

It also happened with one of my favorite planning tools "TOP-5" (see "Remix"): In some companies, he was accepted with a bang and worked fine, in other boycotted and did not fit.

Says Natalia Gotselyuk: "And on the contrary - if some kind of marketing tool did not work at the last place of work, then this does not mean that it is necessary to throw it out forever as non-working. Mark Twain wrote that "the cat, once seen on the hot slab, will no longer be sitting on a hot plate. And on the cold too. " Let's not like a cat. "

What to do?

You can be a dog Pavlov, and can be a professor. Doubt even your own successful (and unsuccessful) experience.

Experiment. In a new place, develop a new experience.

And do not use the "stupid" experience old experience. Constantly transform, upgrade and expose it criticism.

Your first work week

For all my years spent in business, I have never seen a marketer, who, having received a new appointment, I would have looked around and said: "The cases are not bad. Perhaps we will not change anything. "

Jack Traut.

Unlike the marketing manager, for which the first working day is critical, the first week is important for the director.

What should he do for the first five working days?

In the book "Marketing by 100%: Remix" I wrote that the marketing manager is better to go to work at the end of the week - it will be easier to survive all the impressions of the new job. Marketing director is better to "live", feel all working week. Go to work on Monday (and just in case - do not go to work on April 1).

First you need to meet with all deputies general Director, other key people of the company, leading sales managers. Such meetings occupy from 10 minutes (you talk about yourself, agree on the meeting a little later, when you already have any first impressions) up to an hour. In a good company, such meetings are usually prepared in advance by the personnel department or the Assistant Director General.

The first week rule is simple: listen, write and promise!

I advise you immediately - from the first day - to start a completely new notebook for records. She oh how you need: recordings made during the first work week, you will need for further analysis, checks, prepare the first plan, and return to these records you will be repeatedly.

No matter how much you want to save paper, start a conversation with each new interlocutor from a new sheet: why others see what you talked with the previous interlocutor. And frankly, in this case, people will be with you, and the place for some additional records for a person / theme you will have.

Prepare for meetings, write questions in advance.

Why is it important to promise something to start, do, take, fix already at first meetings?

I think more simple way show that you are a man of business, does not exist. And in the end, you were hired for affairs. So promise what you do. Burn bridges, cut off your path to retreat.

Says Andrei Tennkov: "I fully agree. But, in my opinion, you should not promise very definitely and very categorically. Leave yourself the possibility of maneuver. It is possible that after meetings with other managers, your opinion on the correctness of the implementation of the promised will shake. "

Says Dmitry Andronov: "200% agree - the impressions of the first week are very important. But the handle and paper filter part of the thoughts: something you do not have time to write down, cut something so that you will not understand then. Recommendation is only a voice recorder. It is especially useful to record conversations with other directors: they can say a lot of interesting things that will not be perceived properly without work experience in the company. That is, returning to these records in 3-6 months, you can find a storehouse of useful information. And you need to promise, but carefully. Otherwise, you can fill a lot of unnecessary cones and get between several lights. In the first days of work, it is hardly possible to solve serious problems - and the directors of other divisions will "ship" with serious problems. Yes, and without understanding both in formal and informal processes in the new company, you can nourind trouble. Up to "departure" from it. That is, the promise should sound "I will definitely solve this problem for the maximum for x months," but I will not "be sure to solve this problem like this ..." or "... as you suggest."

Says Igor Mann: "Dmitry, just not a voice recorder! He kills frankness in 99% of cases! Are you not going to keep record hidden? Pencil, pencil, and only pencil! "

Says Polina Petrusha: "Russian specifics - meetings are not organized. They must be arranged, and often insist on organizations. Tip: P. e-mail Send to all those with whom you need to meet, mini-self-presentation and / or summaries, write questions that you personally want to discuss with these people, and ask to appoint time. "

Says Stanislav Britnikas: "Sometimes it happens (especially in russian companies) that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of marketing in business Even at the heads of units is rather vague. Yes, and about you, a newcomer, can know very little (a brief representation of the HR manager, sent by corporate mail, does not count). Therefore, it is useful to formulate two things bright and excco. "Who am I" and "Why I'm here", and, making the first bypass of the new colleagues, do not forget to "sell" yourself and your work. For example: "Do you know what I have been engaged in the last five years? Combined the capabilities of customer interests and interests. This is the essence of marketing that brings the company success and money. My task here is to do it even more efficient. "

Then meeting S. your new team: Each employee needs to be given at least an hour (let it be better allocated more time: there is nothing worse than to look at the watch during the first meeting). It is often difficult to start such a conversation: your interlocutors will most likely be quite fidgeted. If you feel it, then start the conversation with the presentation yourself, tell us where you used to work, who did what you did. You can tell about yourself not only as a specialist, but also as a person. Then just ask your interlocutor to tell a little about myself, about your work, career, tasks, achievements, problems ... As a rule, your new colleagues will follow the structure of the story you asked.

Give them the opportunity to ask you any question.

In turn, be pre-ready to ask questions you are interested in (prepare their five - seven, for example: "Why are you more proud of what you managed to do?", "What would you like, but haven't received the opportunity to do?" "What would you like to change (do)?", "You can't warn me about anything?").

Correct questions after meetings.

Meeting with employees is very important: already during the first meeting you can (should) understand who is who and who is what.

After meetings with the team - Meetings with basic marketing service providers. It is better to try to hold meetings on their territory. And we will demonstrate respect, and you will not be limited in time, and "pull" you will be less likely.

Says Polina Petrusha: "If linear specialists have established relationships with suppliers, it is better not to rush. Otherwise, the team might think that the head wanted to switch to herself. "

Meetings S. business partners - If they are - I recommend transferring the next week. As a rule, they are quite a few, they will not immediately be able to meet with everyone, but to allocate someone from the first week. It is better to meet with an employee (s), which is conducting business partners, get the first information from him, and then build a schedule of visits.

By the end of the week, when you miss all the information you received, analyze it, you should agree on a hour meeting with the Director General.

What to talk about on it? Tell us about the impressions of all meetings that you have taken place, about people with whom you met. Notify that you have not disappointed that they started working in the company (and if you have any doubts, concerns, misunderstanding, then this is the right moment to report them). Tell me about what you are going to take in the near future, about your priorities.

Ask the head of feedback. Specify priorities.

Says Andrei Tennkov: "My practice shows that Ideally should agree on regular meetings. At least at the initial period. Once a week, a month - otherwise the Time of the Chief will never be, and without his assistance you will not try anything. "

And no extremes do not need (see the epigraph to the chapter). Changes in best side (And they are expected from you, you hired for this) It is worth starting to start gradually (in the first month there is nothing radical to string for sure). You will have a weekend ahead in order to prepare the first "program" statement for your team (see chapter "Tell them, what marketing will now").

Says Sergey Cossacks: "The most terrible mistake for any top manager in a new place (and Marketing Director here is no exception) - the desire to immediately show itself before the new leadership, which is usually expressed in a sharp criticism of the existing marketing activities, the striving is all immediately and dramatically change and reorganize. Thus, it is easy to "block firewood" with obvious unpleasant and consequences. "Revolutionaries" in new places usually do not delay more than a month. "

First work week, like the first date, is important and will remember for a long time. And you and those with whom you have to meet. Prepare for it in advance.

Pyramid Manna

If you want to deal with marketing in the company in which you start working, then I recommend that you use the following tool (see Figure below).

I called this tool with a pyramid manna.

I am not sure that it will use the same glory as the pyramid of Heops, or popular as the Pyramid of Maslow, but it seems to me that it is better to be remembered by readers. Check when meeting.

For us, six sections are important, passing through which you can better understand the situation and improve marketing in the company.

FirstlyYou must understand that the marketing is understood in the company in which you came to work. The scatter of understanding can be gigantic - from simple Markomov work (only marketing communications) Before managing sales departments, new products and pricing.

Says Elina Goldov: "I sincerely believe that it needs to find out before your arrival in the company. This is a completely principal moment, from which it depends, whether you can be effective at this work whether you will be interested in it, etc.

A short example of my life. Best with the president and owner of one company (Position - Marketing Director). At the moment he is dissatisfied with I.O. Marketing Directors. And before him, this position was occupied by people who were completely satisfied with the president.

I find out that my potential boss understands under marketing, which tasks puts before marketing, which does not suit now, etc. In words, everything seems to coincide with my understanding of the role of marketing director. But then he utters an interesting phrase: "Now we drink coffee with ordinary cookies and sweets, Aranh, when I had A. (President Marketing Director), there were chocolates with our logo." I agree that chocolates with the logo, of course, is great. But in the negotiation, where we sit, the boards from the vendors of three years ago ... and attempted that it is much more important (distributor, and its entire business is tied to relationships with manufacturers).

As a result, as I was told later, I did not fit the company as "too educated." Although, maybe, for other reasons, I did not want to report ... The company is very worthy, and I liked the local people. But it is not so important. I am not ready to work in a company in which my work will be reduced to the order of chocolate with logos (exaggerating, of course). "

Says Igor Mann: "Elina, I do not argue! For this, this pyramid is offered. "

SecondlyYou must understand what external target audiences will be sent to your marketing.

In one of the companies in which I worked, we had only one target audience - customers (though it was very, very long ago), and there were already four of them in another: business partners, customers, press and universities of communication.

Says Sergey Cossacks: "Marketing in principle cannot have only one target audience (if only the leadership does not insist on this), because there is a concept of marketing macros. And the duty of the top marketer - identification of institutional audiences in your business and the desire for the creation of complete harmony in relationships with them. "

ThirdlyIt is important to understand who makes marketing in the company. It can only be a marketing team, but consultants and marketing service providers can also be added to it.

Says Sergey Cossacks: "Marketing in the company should deal with all its employees in a certain sense. Of course, it is not in mind that the financiers should write press releases, and service engineers to engage in the catalog. Here is primarily implied by customer-oriented the entire staff, and it is here that we have the most big problems (See the story about "Auchan" in the chapter "Time- Money, Time - Features"; although, however, the classic discounter format does not imply a convenience for buyers). The new marketing thinking of the whole personnel involves such an order of things so that every employee is quite consciously (and not because the company has another service improvement campaign) every day asked himself a question: "What I still can do this in my place to ease life Our customers? "

It is very difficult to achieve this, but nevertheless you need: this is the potential and the future of Russian marketing. "

If the company works through business partners, then, in my opinion, it is necessary to refer to the number of those who make marketing and marketing managers from partner companies.

It is clear that if suppliers and consultants are working on you, and business partners work with you, this is the zone of your responsibility (about this in the chapters of the "Oslastants", "Suppliers deserve even more" and "Marketing for a partner, with partners and through partners ").

Fourth and FifthIt is necessary to analyze the tools that enjoy in the company, as well as how fully and with what result it is used (I call this exercise "Audit of Marketing Tools". This is a very useful exercise that, with the right audit, gives many new interesting ideas).

The toolkit depends on very many factors (it seems to me that this is a topic for a doctoral dissertation - I give). I recommend to share it depending on your target audiences.

At sixthIt is important to understand what the indicators you will use to determine the effectiveness of marketing instruments and what indicators will evaluate your work, the work of marketing in general.

Perhaps all.

This pyramid, this simple, minimalist approach will help you not to miss an important and get a vision of a common picture in a matter of hours (days) ...

Works. Tested on people (Anna used it in working with many clients - they were pleased with the results).

Anna Yuryevna Tourusin, Igor Borisovich Mann

Marketing machine. The manager becomes director

From the partner of the publication

The modern world is changing every second. Marketing in it plays an increasing role. Consumers have become picky and demand a special relationship. To conquer their trust and love, you need to come up every day something new. The introduction of innovation in the consumer dialogue and customer care becomes the most important trends needed for business development.

For purposeful bright marketers, it is time of interesting opportunities. But to use them, talent and ambitions are not enough. You need to be a leader, ready to lead the team and organize business processes and the work of people in the right way. How to become such a leader? About this and tells the book of Igor Manna "Marketing machine. The manager becomes director. "

This is a "textbook" of the most practical orientation, which tells in detail about everything you need to know the head of the marketing service of the new formation. I am sure this book will help marketers learn how to properly arrange priorities in work, skillfully manage your team, find a common language with management, colleagues, customers and partners. And make the right marketing.

I have no doubt that the "marketing machine", like other books of Igor Mann, will become a beneficial investment and point of reference for the Russian marketers for further career growth.

Mikhail Herchuk, Vice President of Commerce MTS

What happened to us for three years, which have passed since the release of the previous publication of this book, and what have we added to the new edition?

If we answer these two questions - we will answer ninety percent of the issues that are interested in the potential reader of the new edition.

Anna did not happen practically nothing new: Business As Usual. Stability - a sign of skill. Only the client's circle expanded, and its company began to engage in a new topic - an assessment and formulation of customer focus in commercial companies.

I have more news: I left the company "Arktel" after two years of work (and ten years of work in the telecommunications industry in general), managed to work in a new sphere for yourself - in real estate (in MIAN), and then went to free swimming, doing Publishing business.

But the soul, I am still a marketing director. This is probably forever ...

In the "Tools" section, three new chapters appeared: "Test Drive - for Sales Drive", "FAQ rules" (written in collaboration with Ilya Andrianov), "stuck like a price list."

In the section "Nellotch" - six replenishments: "Official duties. Right "," Rules of Speech "," Stages of the Big Road "," Marketing 2.0 "," cheap and useful "," How to quickly increase sales: Personal responsibility. "

In "applications with comments" - two: "Letter to the Motherland", "a lot of nothing" (co-authors of this material - Ilya Andrianov and Yana Kharitonova).

In the section "What will say colleagues?" There are five new interviews with interesting marketers. Additionally, we once again carefully reread text, in some places Richtua and upgrading the "car".

In general, the work was done sufficient to name the third publication supplemented and improved.

Fasten seat belts.

Igor Mann, Anna Tourusin

Dedicated to our parents


Preface is the most important part of the book.

Even the reviewers read the preface.

Philip Gedalla

It is believed that potential readers first pay attention to the cover, then scroll through the book and read entry.

And in this entry, we would immediately want to answer their questions.

Who is this book for? Who is the perfect reader? What, speaking by a professional language, target audience?

First, this book is for the one who wants to become a marketing director or is preparing to become very soon (this is our main reader audience).

Secondly, this book is for the marketing manager who dreams of becoming director ("the bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general").

Thirdly, this book is intended for marketing directors. We are waiting for you approval, comments, critics, but most importantly - such books. We must share our experience not only with those who work with.

And finally, this book for all those who liked the book "Marketing by 100%". We managed to write a book in the same vein - fun, specifically and useful.

Who is "good director"?

Good director is:

▪ leader and good boss (for their subordinates);

▪ Good professional (for colleagues, business partners, customers, suppliers, journalists, etc.);

▪ good colleague;

▪ Good subordinate and ally (for the director of the company and founders).

This book is just about how to be a good colleague, boss and professional. We are confident that you will find here many ideas and thoughts - for yourself, for your team, for your marketing.

So take a pencil, open a book ... nice and useful reading, colleague!

Igor Mann, Anna Tourusin

P.S. The book is written by us together, but for greater dynamism and creation of empathy (these words we know! But do not be afraid, there will be no more in the text!) We decided that the book should be written on the first person - and this "face" will be Igor .

Warning reader

Our book is not very large in volume. There are three reasons.

Firstly, I told a lot in the books "Marketing by 100%: Remix" and "Marketing. And now questions! ". Those techniques, approaches that work for the manager will work for the director. I would not want to repeat.

Secondly, director (or those who seek this position) are quite busy people, they have no time to read fat books. Therefore, as last time, the minimum of water, the maximum of recommendations.

As well as in the case of a "marketing per 100%: remix", I apologize to apologize, if somewhere somehow used other people's thoughts. I read too much, I communicate, not to get under the influence of others.


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