Advertising plan for a year example. PR plan and advertising (marketing communications). Campaign Organization Projects for Hallmark

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Tutorials According to this discipline

Planning advertising activities It provides for the definition of its goals, ways to achieve them and creates the conditions (firm) conditions for the implementation of its features in the context of competition. The procedure for the purpose determines the prospect of the application of advertising in the enterprise and creates conditions for evaluating its effectiveness. Implementation of advertising objectives obliges everything structural units Enterprises to act in relationship.

When developing an advertising plan, the main and secondary goals are distinguished. The main goal should be formulated in writing so that if necessary, to gradually clarify it, not allowing errors. Without a clear goal, it is impossible to successfully carry out advertising activities and accurately determine its result.

The purpose of advertising events may be short-term, medium-term and long-term. The definition of the goal is time consuming, complex and practically not always to the end of the task. The established goal should be real, achievable for a certain period and defined means.

The purpose of the goal eliminates the errors when creating and distributing advertising agents. It is a guideline for each artist, opens the necessary space for his creative initiative.

Depending on the demand and proposal, the plan provides for advertising events on a specific product or service. Advertising plans allow the enterprise to determine the action program in advance as a result of changing conditions in the market of goods (services).

The management of the enterprise should ensure careful planning of interrelated elements of a set of promotional activities to obtain the maximum effect. Rightly planned and well-organized advertising is able to have a significant impact on the efficiency of the enterprise. Using diverse means of communication, advertising contributes to the establishment and deepening of contacts of manufacturers with consumers, expanding the knowledge of the population about goods and services.

IN developed countries Firms plan advertising events after developing its annual budget. Wide spectrum advertising services Various agencies and firms make it possible to carry out almost any intentions in this area. Unfortunately, this form is not always acceptable for russian entrepreneurssince at small enterprises planning the annual budget is not always possible due to the instability of the economic situation and permanent change laws and taxes. In addition, there are difficulties in the manufacture and placement of advertising.

Advertising not only reports product information, but also forms his image, gives him a socio-psychological significance, asks his position among competing goods. The basis of any competent advertising is the two components: a well-thought-out concept of advertising, i.e. advertising strategy, and creative advertising strategy.

Advertising strategy provides questions how to build an advertising campaign to implement marketing tasks, that is, to determine the property of the goods, which must convey the advertising message to a specific target audience.

  • 1. The specificity of the product category.
  • 2. The specificity of the goods itself and the ability to highlight and report its properties significant for consumer.
  • 3. Actions of competitors in advertising.
  • 4. Mind the target audience.

The creative advertising strategy is, as a rule, the copyright solution to the implementation of the advertising problem. It is focused primarily on the type of perception by the consumer of the advertising message and on the advertisement of the goods or the trademark.

The strategy should contain a constant search for the idea that breaks and overturns the stereotypes of the market.

Developed strategies are applied in planning promotional activities at the company and when developing advertising messages. Advertising planning is advisable to exercise in four stages.

On the first stage It is desirable to draw the leaders of the main units to draw up an advertisement plan with the direct participation of the representative of the advertising department, if any. Initially, the list of goods or services that are needed advertising is determined. Then - periods of time for advertising.

On the the second stage Planning for each product or service are determined by the types of advertising purposes.

Reinforcing advertising - A variety of reminding advertising, designed to support consumers who have already bought goods, and convince them of the correctness of the choice made by them in the hope of repeated purchases of this product on their part.

For example, informative advertising can create knowledge of brand and a new product, or familiarize consumers with regime Store work, or reduce the time spent by sellers for answering questions. The purpose of existing advertising may be achieving the preferences of the company's brand, an increase in shopping attendance or commitment to achieving this kind goods. The objectives of reminding advertising may be the stabilization of sales, support for brand commitment, supporting the recognition of the image of the company, etc.

Besides this stage The media and the timing of advertising in them are determined.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of manufacturing additional advertising materials For this event.

It is advisable to identify several options for placing advertising in the media (main and somewhat spare). Then the advertising department or advertising specialist is charged with the preparation of information on publications, media, the approximate volume of messages, their value and distribution periods. Based on the information received, specific publications, the media, the timing of the release of advertising messages are determined, the costs of them are calculated. All work carried out allows you to form a draft plan for advertising.

In the third stage Real dimensions are determined moneywhich can be used for advertising.

In the process of budget development, a number of moments should be taken into account.

What are the costs of various alternatives (the price of 30-Cended TV advertising compared to advertising announcement In the journal for a whole page)?

Depending on the allocated funds, the project project is adjusted. If the funds are not allocated enough, then in the plan you can change the frequency of advertising, reduce the area of \u200b\u200bpublishing or change the publication, the time of broadcasting the advertising message, etc.

At the fourth stage The planning is made by the final coordination of the need for advertising with real possibilities for a certain period (quarter, year).

It is better to develop a plan for a year, as it gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe needs of the enterprise in advertising, plays a positive role in the admission of proposals for advertising from the media or exhibition committees. In this case, a minimum of time is required to assess the need for a proposed advertising event.

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Advertising planning linked to marketing planningmay be carried out at three levels: an annual advertising plan, campaign plans, text strategies for separate advertising appeal outside the advertising campaign. Plan of advertising and campaign plan similar in composition and structure, concentrating on the following elements of the plan:

  • § Coverage of the audience: Who do you want to embrace?
  • § Assignment strategy: What do you want to say?
  • § Advertising delivery funds strategy: When and where will you contact them?

The scheme at which the development of an annual advertising plan or a campaign plan is to some extent similar to that of which marketing plan is being developed. The situational analysis section and the definition of goals and strategies, for example, are present in both cases. The most important differences are in the sections responsible for the treatment strategy and advertising tools. Typical plan Advertising or campaign consists of the following sections: Introduction, situational analysis, problems of using advertising, favorable opportunities to use advertising, key strategic decisions, objectives of advertising, target audience, competitive advantages of goods, image and characteristics Goods, product position, creative plan, media plan, communication plan, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal sales, sponsorship, merchandising, packaging, advertising in places of sale, sales and evaluation, budget.

The first step towards the development of an advertisement plan (as well as a marketing plan) is not planning, but tillage, in other words, research and review of the state of affairs in terms of communications. This section details the search and analysis of important information and trends affecting the market, competition, consumer behavior, the company itself, product or brand. The keyword in the title of this section is the analysis, understanding of the entire information collected and its meaning for the future success of the product or brand.

Advertising can only solve those problems that are associated with advertising appeal, such as image, attitude, perception, knowledge or information. It cannot solve the problems associated with the price of the goods or its availability, but the appeal can change the view that the price is too high. It can also submit a limited distribution product as an exclusive.

When developing an advertising strategy, there is a group of key decisions: establishing goals and definition of target audience, competitive advantage, position of goods, creation of image and individual differences brand.

The definition of advertising goals is directly follows from the answer to the question: what result is required to obtain, affecting the target audience? Usually advertising seeks to create, change or strengthen relationships that make consumers try to test a new product, buy it again or go to the consumption of another brand of goods. The advertisement of the trademark is aimed at creating an image or individuality of the goods and its position.

Advertising determines the target audience - people who are sent to appeal. The target audience may be equal to the target market, but often it includes people who are not related to possible consumers. For example, the target audience of the dietary program may include doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists and government agencies involved in health and nutrition, and not just consumers.

Target audiences are described from the point of view of their demographic categories. Since these categories often intersect, the process of describing the audience is also the process of narrowing the target audience.

An important step in determining the competitive advantage is the analysis of your goods in comparison with the goods of your competitors. Analysis of differences is an easy way to structure work. First you need to make a table with the listing important characteristics Your goods and goods of your competitors. Then it is necessary to understand how important every characteristic is for the target audience, and evaluate your own item for these characteristics. Yours competitive advantage Lies in the area where you have a strong characteristic important for the target audience and weak competitors.

Positioning is a marketing strategy that creates a certain position of the goods and the perception of its buyer compared to competing goods.

An important part strategic process is consideration and combination with advertising strategy Other elements marketing communications. These elements are to which sales stimulation, public relations, packaging, direct marketing, personal sales, sponsorship and other means of promotion are considered in subsequent chapters.

The latest section of the advertising plan contains strategy execution details, including a calendar schedule and budget definition, as well as methods for evaluating success. The implementation of the promotional plan, no doubt, is its most difficult stage. It contains thousands of smallest details and skip at least one of them can lead to failure of the entire campaign. Therefore, advertising agencies should have special specialists to coordinate all stages of the implementation of the plan responsible for the accurate fulfillment of all its prescriptions.

The advertising budget is usually part of the overall budget of the promotion of the goods laid into the marketing plan. In other words, a certain proportion of the marketing budget is allocated for marketing communication purposes, from where the part falls on advertising.

The budget size is important from the point of view of an advertisement plan or campaign, as it determines how the volume of advertising the company can afford. The budget also determines how many campaigns and target audiences firm or brand will be able to support.

PR plan and advertising (marketing communications)

Marketing Communication Plan is a section general Plan Marketing, which describes:

  • Marketing tactics to use a company to establish contact with target audience;
  • Expected results,
  • Work plans with potential customers;
  • Plan of promotional events (consolidated advertising budget).

Marketing communications are funds with which you

you can introduce potential customers with your product / service; convey to them the necessary information about the product / service.

Marketing tactics involves the use of the following activities to establish contact with the target audience:

  • Direct sales - Technical techniques of promotion with direct sales involve use as tools to create customer relations and their motivation to purchase, individual calls, mass telemarketing, mailing electronic messages (Direct Mail), loyalty programs, viral marketing;
  • Advertising (ATL) - paid messages of convincing nature in the media, Internet, on radio and television, in outdoor advertising, SMM, etc. The most effective means of forming the brand and loyalty of customers to the brand;
  • Sales Stimulation (BTL) - involves using of various types coupons, offer as probes for samples of goods, gifts when buying goods / services, promotions, e & epsmeservation, etc.;
  • PR-activity (from English, public Relations. - public relations) - informal communication with a potential customer audience in order to create a positive image of the company in external environment and promoting the opinions of satisfied consumers wide scale;
  • Website - a comprehensive tool for interacting with customers.

When developing media plan, tasks are solved aimed at fulfilling the marketing purposes.

The effectiveness of the media store is determined by the integrated choice of advertising motors to cover required amount target audience, frequency and intensity of advertising campaigns and advertising time.

Financing of marketing communications requires compilation advertising budget: definitions of its overall size and distribution in the main directions marketing expenses and periods of advertising events.

The following methods for determining the overall size of the consolidated advertising budget are used:

  • percentage of turnover (revenue);
  • Evaluation of own planned advertising agents;
  • According to the principle of similarity (assessment of funds spent by competitors).

Any event included in the plan requires substantiation of its inclusion in the plan of advertising events and drawing up their estimates. Such work involves knowledge of media planning. Therefore, advertising agencies are often attracted to draw up media plan.

Calculate marketing costs for a business plan for the opening of a new car

the Lersk Center in the Normium segment as part of a group of companies. 1. Marketing strategy and action plan

Target group of buyers

80% Men, 20% Women, 40 years old, 3 car in the family, 2 property object

Positioning the product and brand in relation to major competitors

Creative copywriting, an increase in advertising, focus on the "best in class". Marketing programs for each model. Ensuring the emotional process of buying and maintaining a car

Public relations

Available contacts with press: 210 media in a pool, more than 600 contacts

Marketing (ATL)

Sales promotion activities suitable for the brand: Internet - main tool. Additionally: outdoor advertising, press, radio

Direct marketing. What programs do you plan to run so that potential customers know about the new center? What customer database do you plan to use?

We have a database of one dealer and a combined database of a group of companies, including competing brand databases.

With RM system

To work with databases, we have our own high-tech CRM system, including a complaint system with a consideration time autocontrol. At the same time, ready to install and actively work with a centralized database

Address Marketing

To master new data from potential customers and supporting the loyalty of existing, it is supposed to use the following tools: segment-oriented customer service; Improving the indicators "Price - quality of service"; Underline clients' success stories in non-advertising; Improving training and motivation staff

Marketing Events (BTL)

Stamp promotion activities: test drives, emotionally organized launches, co-branded events

Contacts with client / complaint processing

It is planned: to organize contact center, hot line with clients; Contacts with customers support through a personal manager

After-sales service / Care of clients

The overall job satisfaction is formed from such indicators (and programs developed to them), as: flexibility in adjusting under the client's schedule when recording on service maintenance (round-the-clock service program, remote car receiving program); politeness, friendliness and care of personnel to the wishes of the client (actively informing customers about the details and schedule of the service process); Punctuality when receiving and issuing a car, the validity of the work performed and the adequacy of the services rendered to the paid money (the program KPI Personnel based on the NPS index); appearance and convenience of the dealership and waiting area

Information materials

To inform customers is planned to publish a digest special offers, seasonal booklets under the after-sales service program, co-branding directories

Other marketing materials and activity

Touch marketing, customer quality research, gifts to customers, etc.

2. Forecast for the 1st year

Individual customer or group events

Dealer forecast

Dealer forecast


Posters, banners, stickers, etc.

Distribution materials

Catalogs, brochures, other materials

Customer Database Management

License for software, attracting consultants and contractors, etc.

Direct Marketing

Acquisition and work with databases, follow-up activities

Communication with customers and promotions

Test drives, VIP-presentations, clinic service SERVICE CLINIC) etc.

Support club lovers club

Events for club members, financial support, etc.

3. Total forecast for 1-3 years

The expected results of the marketing communications plan reflect the efforts of the business for the formation of a client base and sales growth.

Additional literature on the topic

  • 1. Nazaykin, A. N. Medialaning by 100% / A. N. Nazajkin. - M.: Alpina Business Buks, 2005.
  • 2. Buzin, V. N. Media Planning for Practitioners / V.N. Buzin, T. S. Buzin. - M.: Top, 2006.
  • 3. Advertising business. Activity advertising agencies, creating advertising, media planning, integrated communications / ed. J. F. Jones. - M.: Williams, 2005.
  • Lound (Launch) - Marketing management of the launch of a new product, even before the coming of this product on sale and ensure maximum demand for goods in the moment of sales. It is accompanied by an active marketing campaign, in the process of which communications with the target audience for informing the fundamentals, qualitative characteristics, trademark values.


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