Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Where to post your resume? How to build a career in a new job

Career occupies an important place in the structure of the needs of a modern person, thereby influencing his satisfaction with work and life in general. A successful career provides a person with material well-being, satisfaction of his higher psychological needs, such as the need for self-realization, for respect and self-respect, for success and power, the need for the development and expansion of the space of fate.

Career (from the French "carriere" - running, profession, field) - fast and successful advancement in official or other activities; achievement of fame, fame or material gain. Career in a broad sense is a sequence of professional roles, statuses, activities in a person's life. This is an active comprehensive achievement by a person of previously designated posts and positions in professional activity; successful promotion or career development; a set of types of conscious productive activities that a person is engaged in throughout his life (including study, work, leisure). Career in the narrow sense is the actual sequence of positions held, jobs or positions in the team by a specific employee.

Career is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout working life person. It should be emphasized that the understanding of a particular career is always subjective, that a career does not mean any other success or failure, except in the individual's own judgment. That is, only the individual who makes it can judge his career. It can be successful for him, even if from the outside it looks like a chain of failures and life collisions. In order to realize your life career consciously, it is necessary to master the methods of building a career strategy, that is, to master modern methods and techniques of self-marketing.

Career strategy is a way to build a career in such a way that the very method of promoting and organizing activities ensures the optimal use of driving mechanisms and weakens the effect of any factors of deterrence and resistance. With this understanding of career strategy, the strategic goal is to ensure the sustainability of the career process. Career strategy includes the goals that a person pursues in his career, their combination with life values and the basic principles and rules for the implementation of career goals.

Career strategy principles:

  1. The principle of continuity. None of the achieved career goals can be final or serve as a reason for stopping. Progress may be slowed down or interrupted due to emerging difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to create a resource reserve (additional knowledge, strengthening social ties, health, etc.).
  2. The principle of meaningfulness... Any career action must be appropriate. Knowledge of the general goals and characteristics of the movement ensures the optimal choice of the route. The activities carried out should be socially productive, only then the promotion will be supported by the environment.
  3. The principle of proportionality. The speed of individual advancement should be commensurate with the general movement in the group of leaders. Team promotion is usually safer.
  4. The principle of agility. Straight-line movement is possible only on a polygon or a "clean" track. Such conditions do not exist in a career. Attempts to move on " high speed"And" only directly "are always fraught with destructive collisions. Strategically, a career maneuver involves: mitigating a collision through compromise; "Skipping ahead" in a dangerous area of ​​a risk-averse opponent and expectant follow-up; "Bypassing an obstacle" without significantly changing the route.
  5. The principle of economy. On a particular field, the method of activity always wins, which gives the greatest result with the least expenditure of resources. Productivity is increased by elevation in skill, by joining forces, by increasing motivation. The career path is long. For many, this is practically the whole life. To build a successful career, it is important to skillfully distribute forces along the way. Match career aspirations with real opportunities.
  6. Visibility principle... It is better if the person making a career will be noticed earlier. Often, talented people are unsuccessful in their careers due to being invisible. If the result can be proud, it must be presented and used for this at any convenient opportunity.

Career strategy rules:

  1. Set yourself only realistic goals.
  2. Believe in your capabilities.
  3. Not to waste time working with an unpromising boss, but to become necessary for the proactive leader.
  4. Prepare to take a higher-paying job that will soon become vacant.
  5. Get to know and appreciate others who can contribute to their careers.
  6. Expand your knowledge, acquire new skills.
  7. Make a plan for the day and for the whole week, in which to reserve a place for your favorite activities.
  8. Remember that everything in life changes: we, our knowledge, skills, market, organization, environment and so on. We must be able to assess these changes.
  9. You cannot live by one past.
  10. You must quit as soon as you are convinced that it is necessary.
  11. When looking for a new job, you need to rely primarily on yourself.
  12. The organization should declare itself.

Building professional career is inextricably linked with career goals, the image of the desired result, which at different periods of life can change each other at different rates, have different levels and priorities, or be absent altogether.

As an immediate motive, the goal directs and regulates conscious human activity, giving it consistency and consistency. In a self-marketing system, a goal is a specially revised dream prepared for fulfillment. Like a dream, a quality goal should be attractive, inspiring, but unlike a dream, it is more specific, detailed, somehow measurable, defined in time, and obligatory for achievement.

The process of setting a goal for building a career includes three main phases:

Phase number 1 - finding goals: "what do I want?" (goals should be clear).

Phase # 2 - Situational Analysis: What Can I Do? (registration of personal resources).

Phase 3 - formulating goals: "what am I getting started with?" (specific practical goals with clear results and timelines).

There are certain principles for setting a career goal, which almost every employee or job seeker person and the level and significance of which can be completely different. We invite the reader to choose one of his personal or professional goals, correlate it with the principles of setting a career goal below and answer the proposed questions:

1. Attractiveness. The choice of a career goal is often associated with the prestige of a position in public opinion. This condition must be taken into account, but it is important that this position is attractive in individual plan... In this respect, it should correspond to personal interests, values, ideas. Such a choice of a goal helps to get carried away with it and, therefore, it is easier to overcome the difficulties of "rough" work when moving towards it.

Security Question: Do you really like what you have chosen as your career goal?

2. Reality. A novice worker does not aim at the position of industry minister or department head (although a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad). More realistic is the goal of professional advancement and development of the ability to perform the closest position in the organizational hierarchy.

Security question: do you know what position you can take as a young specialist, having received a professional education? Do you like her? See what the next professional step might be?

3. Consistent closeness. The range of targets disperses aspirations. Breakdown of movement into stages concentrates efforts. Sequential goal setting brings the final goal closer.

Security question: do you see the milestones in achieving your professional goal? Do you know what needs to be done today to advance along the chosen path in order to build a career?

4. Progressiveness and consistency. Each of the subsequent subgoals should involve building up abilities and capabilities. If the goal is achieved in a jerk, without ensuring the readiness to master a new position, the career process loses its stability.

Security question: do you understand what knowledge, experience and abilities will be required from you in obtaining professional education?

5. Possibility of target adjustment. In the process of promotion, his motives may change. To move towards the goal, rigidly focusing on the initial motives - violence against oneself and inhibition of the career process.

Security question: is it easy enough for you to abandon what you have planned when, halfway to achieving the goal, you are disappointed with the result? If so, how to build a career in this case?

6. Possibility of performance evaluation. The goal should be formalized and include criteria for assessing its achievement. Correlation of the results obtained with the previously set goal is the basis for assessing the effectiveness and further planning of career development.

Security question: do your professional goals in building a career have qualitative and quantitative indicators? Can they be measured?

  1. If all questions are answered positively, it is worth considering whether you really objectively assess the current situation. Is it too perfect?
  2. If all questions are answered in the negative, think about whether you really want to achieve the stated goal. How will you build your career? Maybe this is not your goal?
  3. If positive and negative answers alternate, you can rejoice: you are a living person and nothing human is alien to you, there is something to scold and praise yourself for. You have some career strategies, and then everything depends on you. There is a chance to get even better. Good luck on the way to setting goals!
P.G. Break. The art of self-marketing. Employment without problems. - H. 2009. See also:

Career is a person's subjectively conscious own ideas about his labor future, expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with his work activity. This is the progressive advancement of the career ladder; changes in the skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration rates associated with the employee's activities. A person's life outside of work has a significant impact on one's career and is a part of it. Career - moving forward along the chosen path of activity, in other words, it is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout the working life.

“Making a career” means achieving a prestigious position in society and greater powers, higher status, power, and a high level of income. This means prestige from the point of view of broad public opinion. There is a close connection between the concepts of "career" and "success".

Striving for recognition and success, it is necessary to objectively assess your strengths and capabilities on this path. And the following question will not be superfluous at all: is the chosen goal attainable. Only a sober analysis of one's own desires and one's inner potential will make it possible to achieve real achievements.

Career development is a continuous process during which a person gets to know himself in order to choose his field of activity, and then a specific profession. When looking for the direction of your professional career and profession, you should pay attention to three essential aspects:

    The profession should be interesting and exciting,

    The profession must correspond to the abilities,

    Opportunity to find work in this profession.

A person builds a career - the trajectory of his movement - himself, in accordance with the peculiarities within and outside the organization of reality and, most importantly, with his own goals, desires and attitudes. There are several fundamental trajectories of a person's movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types of careers.

Professional career - the growth of knowledge, skills, and abilities. A professional career can go along the line of specialization (deepening in one chosen at the beginning of the professional path, the line of movement) or transprofessionalization (mastering other areas of human experience, associated, rather, with the expansion of tools and areas of activity).

Intra-organizational career - associated with the trajectory of a person's movement in the organization. She can walk along the line:

    Vertical career - job growth;

    Horizontal career - advancement within the organization, for example, work in different departments of the same hierarchy level;

    Centripetal career - advancement to the core of the organization, the center of control, ever deeper involvement in decision-making processes.

There are certain career stages, the classification of which is usually based on a whole complex of different signs: age, accumulated experience, level of personality development, etc. general characteristics stages, relying on the fact that at different stages of a person's career satisfies various needs (Table 8).

Table 8

Manager career stages and needs met

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Age, years

Achievements, goals

Moral needs

Physiological and material needs


Study, tests at different jobs

The beginning of self-affirmation

Security of existence


Mastering work, developing skills, forming a qualified specialist or leader

Self-affirmation, the beginning of achieving independence

Safety of existence, health, normal wages


Career advancement, acquisition of new skills and experience, professional development

Growing self-affirmation, achieving greater independence, beginning of self-expression

Health, high wages


The peak of improving the qualifications of a specialist or manager. Improving your qualifications. Teaching youth

Stabilization of independence, growth of self-expression, beginning of respect

Raising the level of wages, interest in other sources of income


Preparing for retirement. Preparing the shift for a new activity in retirement

Stabilization of self-expression, growth of respect

Maintaining wages and increasing interest in other sources of income

When meeting with a new employee, the HR manager should consider the stage of the career that he is going through at the moment. This can help clarify the goals of professional activity, the degree of dynamism and, most importantly, the specifics of individual motivation.

Career stages are not always associated with professional development stages. A person who is at the stage of promotion within the framework of another profession may not yet be a high professional. Therefore, it is important to separate the career stage - the time period of personality development and the professional development phase - the periods of mastering the activity.

In accordance with the phases of development of a professional, there are:

    Optant (option phase). A person is concerned about the issues of choice or a forced change of profession and makes this choice. There can be no exact chronological boundaries here, as in relation to other phases, since age characteristics are set not only by physiological, but also by multifaceted cultural conditions;

    Adept (adept phase). This is a person who has already embarked on the path of commitment to the profession and is mastering it. Depending on the profession, this can be a long-term or a very short-term process (for example, a simple briefing);

    Adaptant (phase of adaptation, getting used to work by a young specialist). No matter how well the process of training one or another professional in educational institution, it never fits "like a key to a lock" in a production job;

    Internal (internal phase). An experienced worker who loves his job and can independently, more and more reliably and successfully cope with basic professional functions, which is recognized by colleagues at work, by profession;

    Master (ongoing mastery phase). An employee can solve both simple and the most difficult professional tasks, which, perhaps, not all colleagues can handle;

    Authority (the phase of authority, like the phase of mastery, is also added to the next one). A master of his craft, already well known in the professional circle or even outside it (in the industry, in the country). Depending on the forms of certification of workers adopted in a given profession, it has certain high formal indicators of qualifications;

    Mentor (mentoring phase). An authoritative master of his craft in any profession "grows" like-minded people, adopters of experience, students.

Career planning is one of the areas of personnel work in an organization, focused on determining the strategy, stages of development and promotion of specialists. This is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, strategy and plans for its development, expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

The list of professional and job requirements, fixing the optimal development of a professional for taking a certain position in the organization, is a careerogram, a formalized idea of ​​which path a specialist must go in order to get necessary knowledge and master the necessary skills to work effectively in a specific location.

Career planning in an organization can be carried out by: HR manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager). The main career planning activities specific to different planning subjects are presented in table. nine.

Table 9

The specifics of career planning activities

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Career advancement is determined, as a rule, not only by the personal qualities of the employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, the system of internal motivations), but also by objective conditions. Among the most important objective characteristics of a career are:

    The highest point of a career is the highest position that exists in a particular organization in question;

    Career length - the number of positions on the path from the first position occupied by an individual in the organization to the highest point;

    Position level indicator - the ratio of the number of persons employed at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is at a given moment in his career;

    The indicator of potential mobility is the ratio (in a certain period of time) of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is located.

Depending on the objective conditions, an intra-organizational career can be promising or dead-end - an employee can either have a long career line or a very short one. The HR manager, already at the admission of the candidate, should design a possible career and discuss it with the candidate, based on the individual characteristics and specifics of motivation. The same career line for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities.

Almost every person is faced in his life with such a problem as choosing a career. At the same time, everyone strives to achieve certain success in life: to conquer any peaks, achieve the best results, strive for excellence and professionalism in any area and, undoubtedly, get satisfaction from work.

Choosing a profession is a very important decision, since mistakes along the way can lead to the most negative results. The choice of a profession itself depends only on the person personally, so you need to have an idea of ​​your own inclinations and abilities, as well as existing professions. To bypass competitors in the labor market and get an interesting job with which a person will successfully cope, it is not enough to have an irresistible desire to get it - you need to have certain qualities and personal characteristics, special knowledge, good education and correctly navigate in a specific situation. And it must be remembered that the main thing in work is not only earnings, but also the pleasure received from it.

The choice of a career is one of the most important decisions that a person makes in his life, since a person's achievements in a particular field of activity depend on the correspondence between his personality and the nature of his work, as well as on combining personal expectations in the field of personal career with the capabilities of the organization. ...

There is an intense competition in the labor market between those wishing to take the most "profitable" workplace... In such conditions, achievement of career goals is impossible without a timely developed strategic plan. This is especially important at the initial stage of job search, where you can apply your professional skills.

Each person prioritizes several landmarks that “set the tone” for the entire career strategy. When people are aware of the factors that influence or "attach" them to a particular career path, it becomes possible to carry out the most efficient search meaningful work for them. To build (choose) a career correctly, you need to correctly assess your potential and personal qualities.

We must not be afraid to reveal our strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include: educational level, skills and abilities, experience, physical indicators; all these aspects are under the control of the person himself. Weaknesses include negative aspects vocational training(which can be eliminated), self-doubt, unwillingness to work.

Having the ability to self-esteem, a person himself is better than others able to realize his strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, he can make the most effective decision to increase his chances of success. It is not wise to plan for something that is unlikely to be achieved.

To assess the personality traits, to optimize the choice of the field of professional activity at the beginning of the professional path, it is important to take into account the personality type of the person choosing the field of activity. HR consultant J. Holland argues that individual personality (values, motives and needs) is one of the important factors career choice. He identified that there are six basic personality orientations that determine the types of careers people are most likely to pursue. Based on research using his vocational test, J. Holland identified the following basic individual orientations (Fig. 6, Table 10):

    1. Realistic orientation... People with this orientation tend to engage in physical labor, requiring skill, strength and coordination: forestry, farming and agriculture.

    2. Research orientation. These people tend to pursue careers associated more with introverted activities (thinking, organizing, interpreting) than affective (feeling, interpersonal communication and emotions): biologists, chemists, teachers.

    3. Artistic orientation... Here people are inclined towards a career that requires self-expression, artistic creation, expression of emotions and individuality: artists, musicians, advertising creators.

    4. Social orientation ... These people tend to pursue careers that involve interpersonal rather than intellectual or physical interactions: diplomatic service, social work.

    5. Entrepreneurial orientation... These people are prone to careers that involve verbal activity associated with influencing others: managers, lawyers.

    6. Conventional orientation... These people prefer careers that provide structured, regulated activities, as well as professions in which it is necessary for the subordinate to match their personal needs with organizational ones: accountants, financiers.

Rice. 6. Typology of personalities of J. Holland

Most people have several orientations, and Holland believes that the more similar or compatible these orientations are, the less internal conflict and the easier it is to make decisions about choosing a career.

According to Holland's research, the two closest orientations on the diagram correspond to the most compatible ones. Holland believes that if a person has two orientations next to each other, he will have fewer problems when choosing a career. However, if the orientations turn out to be opposite (for example, realistic and social), a person may have more uncertainties in choosing a career and further work, because his interests imply different types of careers.

Table 10

Summary table of personality typology by J. Holland

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Although, according to Holland's concept, one of the types of personality orientation always dominates, a person can adapt to conditions using strategies of two or more types. The closer the sectors of the circle of the dominant and second (third) orientation, the more integral the personality. Taking into account the content of dominant and non-dominant orientations, one can choose those types of activity that are closer to a person and in which he will be more successful. If the dominant and subsequent orientations are far from each other, it is more difficult to choose a career.

Another typology that can be used for career choice is that of E.L. Klimov. The methodology proposed by him helps to make a choice of a professional career based on those skills and abilities from the implementation of which a person gets the greatest satisfaction, which is the most important prerequisite for the growth of labor productivity, a reliable guarantee against various mistakes and omissions. All activities are divided here by subject of labor:

    Type P - "man - nature", if the main, leading subject of labor - plants, animals, microorganisms.

    Type T - "man - technology", if the main, leading subject of labor is technical systems, material objects, materials, types of energy.

    Type H - "person - person", if the main, leading subject of labor is people, groups, collectives, communities of people.

    Type З - "person - sign", if the main, leading subject of labor is conventional signs, numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages.

    Type X - "human - artistic image" if the main, leading subject of labor - artistic images, the conditions for their construction.

The HR manager, as a rule, encounters a person who already has a profession, however, it is important to know how the person made his choice. The following main situations of choosing a profession can be distinguished:

    Tradition - the question of choice did not arise due to tradition, customs;

    Chance - the choice happened by chance, due to some event;

    Duty - the choice of a profession is associated with the idea of ​​duty, about your mission, vocation or obligations to people;

    Target choice - the choice is associated with a conscious determination of the goals of professional activity, based on the analysis of real problems and ways to solve them (before the choice is already known about the future professional activity).

How is the choice of a career path usually carried out in practice? If you have not decided from the very beginning (say, during your studies at a university) what your professional path will be, then one of the most important decisions that you have to make in your life will be the decision on the choice of the type of activity. If you have considered this question seriously enough, then by the time of the final choice you have several ideas in your head, which, however, have yet to be clarified. You can make inquiries from a variety of sources of knowledge and experience. One of these sources is your connections.

During the transition to work, you have at your disposal:

    Home and family ties;

    Connections, possibly established through sports and hobbies;

    Numerous contacts, which in the long term may become the basis of your professional contacts (contacts with university teachers, people with whom and for whom you worked during your studies, during vacations, etc.).

All of the listed possible contacts are needed in order to find a person who has practical experience in the kind of activity that you consider as your possible professional career. For example, if you are thinking about a career as an accountant, then you need to find among the connections at your disposal a person who could tell you what such a job promises in principle. If there is no such specialist among your acquaintances, then you need to use the contacts at your disposal to find a competent person.

However, when you use connections as a source of career advice, you put yourself in great danger, since any advice you receive from your contacts about your future career should be assessed soberly, given the emotional aspect of the counselor's words. It is better to find out the opinion of several people and find out where their assessments agree. Compare what your acquaintances have in common with information from other sources. The method of seeking advice by activating the connections at your disposal will also come in handy when you have to solve the next big problem - finding your first job.

In market conditions, the achievement of average statistical results is usually rated low. The same rule applies to professional activities. Therefore, you need to achieve outstanding success in those areas that are considered most important by management and clients. The secret of professional success is to create for yourself the reputation of a high-class specialist in the business you are directly involved in, regardless of whether you work in government agency or have your own business. You can always make a significant contribution to the success of your company by the intensity and quality of your work, and stand out from the crowd of other employees.

Create your own brand

Identity politics, or brand building - brand, which is called the basis of all marketing theories, pays special attention to the identity and individuality of a particular person. The brand serves as a sign of originality and identity that distinguish a product or a person from the world around him. We all know some well-known brands. Their identity is usually deeply rooted in the minds of consumers. In some cases, the influence of the brand is so strong that it is used as a synonym for the name of the corresponding product, as happened, for example, with diapers.

Sometimes we think of a famous person whose identity is very vividly expressed. You can achieve the same success. To do this, you need to be considered an outstanding, irreplaceable employee at your company, who does his job skillfully and makes a significant contribution to the prosperity of the company. In marketing language, this is called internal identity politics. An employee with his own identity makes outstanding progress while simultaneously focusing his efforts on enhancing the identity of the entire enterprise. Raising the level of identity of individual employees of the enterprise has a powerful impact on the popularity of the products and services offered by the enterprise in the market.

What is a private label? Any proper name is already a brand. Every person has a name. Every person acts, thinks and reacts to something in both public and private life. At the same time, his actions, thoughts and reactions can be both positive and negative. If you want to achieve success in life, then you should look at yourself as an unchangeable branded product and build your behavior in accordance with this. In order to create your own brand, you need to take six steps sequentially.

First. Find out everything related to the work of your enterprise. One of the intermediate goals should be to obtain maximum information about the identity of the enterprise's brand, its meaning and mission in the market for goods and services. Find out if the business is respected by customers, suppliers, competitors and employees. It is necessary to understand what is the uniqueness of the enterprise and how it fundamentally differs from other organizations of the same profile.

Second. Evaluate the attitude of the personnel of the enterprise towards oneself. Examine your own contributions to the business in detail and see how other employees treat you. Ask others how they would tell a third party about you. Does the received data meet your expectations? Find out what others have to say about your recent successes, especially with regard to constructive criticism.

The third. Determine the identity of your own brand. Explore your lifestyle, the time during which you changed, the cultural environment and society in which you rotated and rotate, your work and the attitude of other people towards you at different periods of your life, when, as you think, you took the highest bar ... After an impartial study of your personality, you should have an idea of ​​who you really are, what you want, how you differ from others, and what you feel inclined towards. Try to summarize everything you've come up with in your reasoning and write a short summary of your identity.

Fourth. Make a list of tasks... Make a chronological list of the assignments you have completed that have been highly rated by management and which you find most successful. Concentrate on those tasks that make you stand out from the crowd. Understand what was the secret of the success of these tasks, activate yourself, do not expect that interesting projects will fall on you. Try to find and develop them yourself, not hoping for a lucky break. Understand that projects that you personally design will help build and strengthen your identity.

Fifth. Promise yourself to be true to your brand. The sum of the concepts and qualities that define your identity represents the promise that you must make with your "token of faith." All future actions should strengthen your identity.

Sixth. Tell everyone about your creed. When you've finally found your promise, share it with others. Tell us about it inside and outside the company. Don't think that this is about shameless self-promotion. No, you just tell others what you can and what abilities and skills you have.

Only after in his professional life you will part with the misunderstood modesty and faith in blind chance and start consistently, from morning to evening, to work on creating your own identity, you will get a chance to achieve the desired position within the enterprise.

To find your brand, you should do the following:

    Find out what policy your company pursues to create its own brand;

    Learn to look at yourself through the eyes of other people;

    Define your own identity;

    Make a list of projects that match your identity and that you yourself would be happy to implement;

    Make a written promise to yourself to direct all your future actions towards strengthening your identity.

The result will certainly be a successful career.

Correct positioning

If someone's name is associated with outstanding success, broad competence and as a result becomes known, the marketing value of its owner increases. After all, any name, whether it refers to an individual, an enterprise, or social group, becomes a brand. The extent to which a particular name is strengthened in the memory of the target group depends on the fact that this person or this group people do it. The secret of the strengths of any brand lies, firstly, in the correct positioning, and secondly, in the ability to influence the consumer's decision and his willingness to make a purchase.

A successful branding program (positioning) develops a certain concept, which is then forever affirmed in the mind of the target group as unchanging and original. This applies as much to products and services as it does to the individual.

First of all, you need to find the right niche for the correct positioning, bearing in mind that in a slightly modified form it uses the same methods that are used in modern advertising. Each person can develop their own positioning strategy in order to present a product, service, enterprise, organization, or, finally, himself in the best light.

Correct positioning assumes that the promoted product is delayed and remains in the mind of the target group. At the same time, there are three possibilities to engage in your own positioning, while abandoning competition:

    - "optically" change yourself or your products;

    Give it a new or additional meaning;

    Provide a broader profile of product use.

When a customer finds himself in a situation of choice between products, he begins to look for any distinguishing features in them. The product must have such characteristics that, as a result of the purchase, give the buyer the impression that he has made the best purchase possible. You can change your positioning in better side by introducing virtual or actual changes in its quality into it. Virtual changes suggest that a person, using certain methods, creates a new vision of his personality or his products in the minds of the target group. New positioning, created through virtual rather than actual changes, usually differs from the previous one in greater originality and originality. Often, for a new positioning, it is enough to change the packaging, price, name, etc.

By actual or qualitative changes, we mean an actual change or at least a fundamental improvement in the product.

Compared to positioning achieved through actual change, virtual positioning tends to be more powerful and more gripped in people's minds. There are many examples that show that faith and conviction as a product are much more powerful than naked reality.

Positioning strategy is not necessarily based on constantly creating something new and different. Rather, it connects and connects existing thoughts, gives them a certain look and provokes new associations. Try and you, without resorting to actual innovation, find a different positioning for what sets you apart.

Thanks to the vast experience gained through numerous studies marketing strategies and intensive consultation, the German expert Petr Savchenko found that many enterprises have a number of memorable distinctive qualities that do not correspond to the outside world and exist, as it were, secretly from the consumer. Therefore, you need to behave in such a way that the target group thinks positively of you and from time to time remembers you with gratitude and satisfaction. Beware of poor communication.

According to experts, knowledge in our time is updated every two years. And the world is changing almost before our eyes. The education received today is no longer "education for life" and is not a guarantee of a successful career. Its guarantee is only "education throughout life." This is natural: if knowledge quickly becomes obsolete, it means that it needs to be updated even faster in order to achieve success in your professional activity. Self-education is one of the ways to update existing knowledge and acquire new ones.

If education can be characterized as a process of acquiring systematic knowledge and a specific way of thinking, then experts define self-education as education by correspondence course with complete self-control. Today, many people striving to achieve career success learn on their own, while mastering short time colossal amount of information. The ability to learn helps them in this - the main skill necessary for a person engaged in self-education. It manifests itself:

    In the ability to make decisions about one's own learning process, developed self-motivation;

    In the correct use of the basic techniques of mental activity and intellectual strategies (mental, logical, etc.) in relation to the subjects studied, in the developed skills of organizing their own time, in the ability to plan and control their activities;

    In the ability to find the necessary information and choose the appropriate methods of studying it;

    In sociability - the ability to make acquaintances, plan communication with people you are interested in, cooperate with them.

Self-education, in principle, can be of two types: systematic and situational, when knowledge and skills are acquired as the need for them arises. Systematic education is of particular importance, since only it contributes to an increase in the professional level of a person and leads to career success. The most important thing in this process is to attract all external resources, to engage in self-education using various sources.

The main and traditional source is books and the media. In principle, a lesson on books - self-instruction manuals, textbooks, teaching aids, etc. is a classic way of self-education. Today you can easily find the necessary literature on any topic. There are also a lot of mass media today, however, they are heterogeneous in terms of the level and quality of presentation of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to be critical of the materials published in them, especially new and unusual ones.

With the development of the global Internet, a new source for self-education has appeared - the ability to use electronic libraries and study materials from various sites. Distance self-education through the Internet is also developing. Another source of self-education is special training computer programs. Many of them are generally provided free of charge along with the corresponding software... Computers, of course, today are not in every home, but it is quite possible to use the office in your free time. This will only increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the management.

Attending various conferences, seminars and exhibitions is another very useful, and most importantly, a very interesting source of self-education. Participation in such events allows you to always keep abreast of events, learn in time about new directions, ideas and developments in which modern scientists and researchers are engaged.

Another important source of self-education that people often forget about is the reality around us. The events that take place around us, and the people with whom we meet and communicate, can enrich our knowledge no less, and sometimes even more, than other sources. The main thing is to be able to see and hear, and also to understand that you can learn something from any person.

Speaking about the surrounding reality, experts, first of all, advise remembering the importance of perceiving any information that falls into your field of vision. They recommend learning how to transform it into the most useful for yourself, "pass" through your professional prism, and also always wonder how this information can be useful in your future activities. All kinds of hobbies and hobbies can also be attributed to the sources of self-education. Especially if they are directly or indirectly related to the professional activities of a person.

In any case, in the process of self-education, it is necessary to use all of the above sources, not forgetting about any of them and combining them optimally. Only in this case will this process be effective.

Experts say that everyone who has achieved significant success in their work, regardless of its type, has been doing a lot of self-education. They associate this not only with the acquisition of new knowledge, but also with the fact that this type of education develops the skills of creative understanding of reality and the ability to independently analyze various information, events and phenomena. A person has to overcome the unknown, so he develops independence and independence of thinking, resilience in overcoming difficulties that arise. In addition, it has long been known that nothing is absorbed as well as what is obtained by one's own labor.

Most people have “normal” jobs: 9 to 6 and year-end bonuses. There is nothing wrong with such work, but there are other stories - about people who are in leadership positions by the age of 30, happily run to work and influence people's lives. Career coach Raghav Haran told the secrets of successful people, and we share them with you.

And before building a career, ask yourself the question ""

1. Requirements for the candidate - the subject of negotiations

As a child, I went to the store with my Hindu grandfather. He carefully looked at each item in the basket, and when we approached the cashier, he began to bargain - I was very ashamed at that moment! But surprisingly, he often succeeded.

Noah Kagan, founder of AppSumo, uses a trick called the coffee challenge: you walk into a coffee shop, place an order, and ask for a 10% discount on payment. On the indignant questions of the cashier, continue to insist on your own and, most likely, you will receive a discount.

In the film Who Am I, the protagonist demonstrates how it works:

"There are a lot of things in life that we perceive as something that is not negotiable, although in fact it is."

I once applied for a business development manager position that required candidates with three to five years of experience, and I had about zero experience because I was still in college at the time. Instead of sending a resume and waiting for an answer, I decided to act: I wrote to potential partners of the company and offered options for cooperation, pretending that I was already working for this company. Then he told the recruiter about the work done and the results and received an offer.

When I applied for the position of product designer at Quora, I did a usability test of their mobile app, wrote out a few design proposals, and sent them to the department head. He answered me and called me for an interview. If you want to impress a recruiter with your resume - do it in ours.

Most of the requirements for candidates are negotiable if they are not professions such as theoretical physicist, surgeon, lawyer or judge. You just need to prove that you can be useful. People who are afraid to break the rules usually spend years and lose money trying to achieve a goal that requires much less effort in reality.

2. Impostor Syndrome is Good

The New York Times explored the reasons why certain groups of people are more economically successful than others. This may sound politically incorrect, but Asians, on average, are far more successful than everyone else.

“Indian Americans earn nearly double that (roughly $ 90,000 a year, while the median household income is $ 50,000). Iranian, Lebanese and Chinese Americans also earn more. ”- NY Times.

The main reason is cultural differences. The more successful groups of people have three of the same characteristics:

  • superiority complex;
  • Feelings of insecurity or a feeling that they are not good enough at what they do;
  • control over impulsivity.

Combined with the belief that you can achieve whatever you want, discipline and a constant desire to live better, we get the formula for a successful and effective career.

3. "Reality" is an illusion

The reality around us completely depends on what we are used to. When I was younger, I had friends from poor families, their parents did not have higher education... When they found out that my father is a doctor, they said, "Wow, this is so cool!" As if it was something incredible. In their understanding, becoming a doctor was unrealistic, because they did not understand how to achieve it.

House Doctor Foreman, who became a doctor despite difficulties, said:

“If someone told me that they dream of becoming a doctor, I would think that this is an attainable goal. Because I know what it takes to get into medical school, I know internal process and communicate with people who have successfully gone through it. "

There are an infinite number of things that you take for granted, but that seem incredible to others.

Get a diploma? There’s a guy somewhere who doesn’t dream of going to college because none of his family has a diploma. Working for a Fortune 500 company? This seems unrealistic for people whose parents work in the lowest paid jobs. Create a multimillion dollar business? An upper middle class teenager thinks this is impossible.

Work side by side with some of the best in the industry, read their books, listen to their interviews, study what they've learned - and one day these crazy crazy dreams will come true.

4. Do not choose a career based on average salaries and employee demand

When you are fighting for the first place in your business, the "average" does not matter. I find it funny when people say "writers don't make money" - I made five figures in a few months from a couple of blog posts and emails, helped hundreds of people find their dream job, and built an audience of 6,000+ people.

In any industry, people who strive to be the best get enough money and success, and the rest fight for the rest. Likewise in programming - the best developers are hired by Google and Apple, and the rest, satisfied with two-week online courses, only dream about it.

Do what you like and try to be the best at what you do. The rest will come.

5. Choose a boss, not a company

People think that if they get a job at Facebook or Goldman Sachs, they will be employed for life. No, the key to a successful career is having a good mentor. The mentor will introduce you to a narrow circle of professionals in the field, next to whom you will grow and acquire your own connections.

A mentor will save you from mistakes that will be worth several years of wasted time and effort. One day I was about to get a job, but one of my mentors (a prominent figure in Silicon Valley) said I shouldn't do it. This advice saved me months, if not years, of going in the wrong direction.

Surround yourself with the right people - this will open up great opportunities and save you from serious mistakes.

6. Don't be afraid to give up money for a good experience

Hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller once said:

“If you are starting a career and are offered the choice of a good mentor or a big salary, always choose a mentor. These are incomparable things. And don't even think about leaving this mentor until your knowledge takes shape and reaches its peak. There is nothing more valuable in my business or in many other businesses than a good mentor. And many kids are too short-sighted in the pursuit of fleeting money instead of preparing themselves for life in the future. "

Literally everyone old man argues that the main mistake of young people is impatience. Young people are focused on the near future (working in cool companies to impress family and friends), but do not think about far-reaching goals.

Don't be afraid to take a low-paying job in a good company now so you don't think about money at all in the future.

7. What brought you to level 1 will not help you to climb to level 2

At the very beginning of a career, technical skills are essential. You are tested for knowledge of Excel or writing code, etc. But over time, communication skills come to the fore - how you can find a common language with people and work in a team.

Most people think that if they reach heights in their craft, it's in the bag. This is partly true - being a master of your craft is very important, but you need a little more than that. You need to understand how to maneuver in the world of corporate politics, find an approach to a harmful business partner, or how to motivate employees. And it's also cool not to wait for a task from a manager, but to do something yourself: invent, implement, analyze.

8. Real education begins after college

It's sad that many people think they know everything because they graduated from university. In fact, most of the material from the lectures cannot be applied in real life.

Successful people read more than one book a month, listen to podcasts, go to conferences, read research studies, and discuss The Next Big Thing with other successful people. Therefore, they can “connect the dots” between unrelated objects and use these insights to discover more possibilities - they see the world from a different angle and from different angles.

9. Take action

When you do something professionally, go online and write about it. Help those who are now at the start of the path, as you once were, and are trying to understand how this is done.

Impact builds trust: the larger your audience, the more people will take you seriously.

10. Don't outsource your company's success

One day, a prominent venture capitalist in the Valley decided to work at a coffee shop for a month. Imagine an incredibly successful CEO at the cash register, taking orders and serving coffee. He wanted to learn how a coffee shop works from the inside: to understand logistics, systems, bottlenecks, inefficiencies, visitor flow, etc.

Most people do not even want to think about such a low-prestige job. They find jobs at companies like McDonald’s or Starbucks bad by default, and that only jobs at big name companies are good for their future careers.

But a company is only as good as you make it good. For someone who has worked at McDonald’s to learn from the inside out in the restaurant business, and then open his own fast food, this job will be the most valuable experience in the world. On the other hand, a person who wants to get a job once and for all with a couple of high-profile brands on their resume is likely to be disappointed.

There is no default job bad or good - it is what you do it.

11. Successful people never enter the front door.

Alex Banayan (author of books on business, venture partner at Alsop Louie Partners - ed.) Spoke very well on this topic:

"[Everything successful people] treat life, business and success ... like a nightclub. It always has three entrances. The parade, under which 99% of people line up in a long line and hope that they will be admitted. The second door, where billionaires and members of the elite club freely enter. But there is always a third door. To get into it, you need to jump out of the line, run down the street, climb onto the dumpster, knock a hundred times, break the window frame and crawl through the kitchen. But it always works. Whichever way Bill Gates sold his first computer or Steven Spielberg became the youngest director in Hollywood, they all entered through the third door.

No one gets extraordinary opportunities by acting on the beaten track. It amazes me how many people want to get their dream job, which is being claimed by thousands of competitors, just by submitting a resume. This is not how it works. The game is to notice the "unspoken rules" around you and give people what they need, even before they ask you to. This is the only way to win.

A successful career has become one of the essential components of modern life. What is hidden underneath this frequently used word? How to build a successful career in the modern world? How did the new science of careerism come about? MBA and HRM, interviews and staff leasing, headhunting and resumes and much, much more.

Don't look down on your career
The time will come - you yourself will understand, probably,
Career in everyone's life is important
Career, career, career ...

If you have not yet realized that career is not a luxury, but a means to achieve professional goals, we will prove this simple truth to you.

The 21st century has brought the meaning of the word "career" to a qualitatively new level. Building a career in the modern world is becoming a prerequisite self-realization in professional activity. It’s hard to imagine a successful and stable company that doesn’t advertise career opportunities. It is even more difficult to imagine a specialist who would not dream of the position of the head of a department, department, company, holding ... In the depths of such aspirations, the now so often used word "careerist" was born. For many, it has a negative connotation, implying a person who is unprincipled, indifferent to the interests of colleagues and the company; for professionals in the personnel market, it is rather a positive characteristic.

In the modern world, it is important to be not just a good specialist, it is important to be the best. This requires a wide range of knowledge and skills with which you can purposefully and confidently build your career, namely:

  • terminology of an HR specialist;
  • a correctly written resume;
  • a well-written cover letter;
  • preparation for interviews, interviews in the company;
  • possession of information about the labor market, employment, the most successful and stable companies-employers;
  • good educational background;
  • obtaining a second higher, additional education;
  • passing business programs, refresher courses, etc.

Of course, there are many aspects of building a career, and all of them play a primary role in the career growth of young professionals. However, the result is worth it: success in the profession is, first of all, the success of you as an individual, it is your professional and personal self-realization.

Climbing the rungs of the career ladder has never been easy, especially in today's environment of constant growth of companies. The labor market in Russia is gradually approaching world standards, mastering new laws in the field of employment and personnel management. This causes the appearance

  • Career studies- the science of self-realization, the ways of using the creative potential of the individual.

Simultaneously with the emergence and development of a new science, its conceptual apparatus is also formed. Curriculum Vitae, MBA, HR management, ERP, assessment, headhunting, HR and recruiting agency, coaching, personnel leasing, interviews, resumes, qualifications, back office, front office- these are just a few of those concepts that you need to know modern man to find an interesting, prestigious and highly paid job.

In order for you to navigate these terms as well as professionals, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them.

CV (Curriculum Vitae)- biography (lat.), assumes a broad, detailed, fairly detailed presentation of the educational and professional experience of the author. Resume and CV are not synonymous. The resume is a short, important extract from the autobiography of a person's professional activity. CV - Biography. It is more appropriate in the case of an exclusive transfer of information, namely at a personal meeting, or after a preliminary discussion of your candidacy by phone with a subsequent request from the employer to send a more detailed version.

MBA(Master of business administration) - roughly translated into Russian as "master of business administration (management). A program that enables people with higher education to acquire in-depth knowledge of business administration. Its purpose is to provide theoretical and practical training in the field of management and train senior managers.

HR department(Human Resourse Department) - a division, a department in the company, whose employees are engaged in personnel issues of the enterprise, accounting and selection of personnel.

Interview(interview) - a focused conversation, the purpose of which is to get answers to the questions provided by the program. The interview allows you to: take into account the level of preparedness and culture of the respondent, his attitude to the topic of the survey; flexibly change the wording of questions, taking into account the personality of the respondent and the content of answers to previous answers; ask additional questions, etc. Distinguish between free and standardized interviews.

Note: Distinguish between free and standardized interviews, incl. deep I., group I., debatable I., hard I., clinical I., soft I., directed I., undirected I., mediated I., And by competencies, I. stress, semi-formalized I., psychological I. . and etc.

Personnel leasing(Staff leasing, Staffing) - a form of change in the number of personnel, in which an independent creditor company transfers for a certain period one or more of its employees with whom it has labor contract, at the disposal of another borrowing firm, obliging these employees to work for the borrowing firm during the "lease" period. At the same time, the employment contract concluded by the employees with the creditor company remains in force.

Headhunting(Headhunting - "headhunting", or Executive Search) - an exclusive search for a top position, involving a special technology for finding a candidate and reaching him. Sometimes the task is to persuade a certain professional to move to the customer's company, sometimes you need to find a rare specialist or top manager in accordance with the client's wishes. Headhunting is the most highly paid part of the recruiting business.

So, success in achieving your goals in your career!

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Building a career is a complex, multi-step process. And in many respects it is due to the individual approach to this issue. For someone it is important to constantly grow and develop, someone strives to try themselves in a new quality, and some do not hide that the ability to "rule" is the most important thing for them. Another category of "careerists" is motivated by the pursuit of decent earnings.

Experts identify four areas of career building:

Bureaucratic- promotion in position, and at the same time responsibility and salary.

Professional - increasing competence, the possibility of improving the qualifications of an employee.

"Family"–Career is based on close interaction with everyone with colleagues, as well as on employee participation in corporate events, support of the firm's traditions, etc.

Democratic - a person must be listened to, his opinion must be conveyed to other people, he must be satisfied in his ambition.

Dear Applicant! To get favorable conditions for the "start", You must decide how you intend to build a career... That is, which way of building is the most effective and acceptable for you. In particular, one should not neglect the "family" or "democratic" directions, since often they not only "complement" professional and bureaucratic careers, but in many cases even help to achieve the goal much faster.

Note that the predominance of one of the above areas indicates the ill-conceivedness of building a career. For example, underestimating a professional career in a company with a certain corporate culture can even at the stage probationary period(and sometimes at an interview, when performing test tasks) lead to the fact that you "do not fit" into the company. It is necessary to think through the implementation of a career in all directions. Then it will be much easier for you to "get along" in the first days of work with the team, "harmoniously" enter its corporate interests, become your own. Naturally, the starting positions for building a career will be very good.

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About career directions.

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"Family" organization ". A company with a similar corporate culture usually prefers to operate according to the principle "Everyone is friends to each other, and work is our common home". "Alternative family" will not let you get bored at work, but there may be a problem with fast career growth. After all, there are no careerists in a family.

"Bureaucratic organization". Everyone knows how much he gets, who obeys whom, what orders are being discussed with whom. Progress depends on the leadership. In a company with a similar corporate culture, you can count on two options for developing your personal career. First: the manager sees that you have high potential, so you can soon, showing your talent and stability in achieving the tasks set, expect to be promoted. The second option resembles the type of Soviet career building. Today it is popular in some Western countries, for example, in Canada. Its essence is that the transition to the next step in career ladder systematic and depends on the number of years worked and certification characteristics. Usually in such an organization, your career practically does not depend on the initiatives you have shown.

Democratic Organization will allow you to reach your full potential. Compared to previous companies, the conditions for career growth are much better here.

Note that each of the listed "organizations" connects "Professional organization". Whatever direction you choose for the development of your career, whatever corporate culture you choose, your professional qualities play a primary role everywhere. And only based on what, how and in what time frame you are able to do, your further progress depends. To a greater extent - in a democratic organization, to a lesser extent - in a family organization.

However, dear job seeker, do not forget about “static” positions, in which you, as a rule, will not build a career. For example, a secretary or a sales manager. In this case, the opportunity for career growth will be provided by the transition from smaller organizations to larger ones. On the other hand, experienced executives who care for the good of the firm may resort to career imitation. However, if you showed yourself from the most positive sides, real career growth is also not excluded: the boss can introduce new job titles or, after additional training, transfer to other areas of work.

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Demand for your qualities

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Successful career advancement depends on many things. However, the decisive factor remains skills and professional qualities, which are in high demand in the labor market. Basically, these qualities depend on the individual interests of a person and the goals that he has set for himself. However, there are qualities that are in demand in the labor market always and everywhere.

The US Department of Labor has compiled a list of ten skills that are in high demand among employers.

1. Problem solving ability. The ability to recognize problems, study and make correct and effective decisions is highly regarded in the field of public service, business, medicine, science and engineering.

2. Vocational skills. The ability to handle electronic and mechanical devices is highly valued in the fields of engineering, telecommunications, and transport.

3. Ability to communicate with people... Success in an organization's activities depends both on the atmosphere within the team itself and on the quality of the relationship that has developed between employees and their customers.

4. Programming. A good specialist in this field has a good chance of finding a good job.

5. Pedagogical skills. In today's world, the endless ocean of all kinds of information has increased the demand for qualified teachers and instructors, especially in the fields of education, public and social services, trade and management.

6. Science and mathematics."Mathematicians" are highly regarded as they bring progress in medicine, engineering and science.

7. Money management. Investment brokers, accountants, social workers are always valued.

8. Information management. Today system analysts, specialists in the field of information technologies and database administrators.

9. Knowledge of foreign language... In the context of globalization, knowledge and ownership foreign languages significantly increases the chances of finding a good job.

10. Business management. Have high demand successful management skills, including managing people, systems, resources and finance, understanding customer needs and the ability to turn this knowledge into profit.

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