Presentation: Natural resource potential of Latin America. Latin America subregions Geography presentation 11 cl Latin America

Class: 11

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Teaching and educational tasks:

- To form the concept and idea of \u200b\u200bLatin America as a historical-cultural and historical-geographical region.
- To form in students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe countries of Latin America, their characteristics of economic and geographical location.


- Develop the ability to formulate the answer in the form of a diagram.
- Continue to develop geographic skills: analyze cartographic and statistical materials, give a brief description of countries.
- Work on general educational skills: compare and generalize, listen.


  • Wall political map of the world, atlas, multimedia projector.
  • Handout for students: TVE (note. Materials of the Festival 2009-2010) technological map, test.
  • Form methods learning activities: partial-postive, heuristic conversation.
  1. Presentation “Peculiarities of Latin American Countries”.
  2. Territory exploration plan.
  3. Himself. work with TVE (notebook with a printed basis).
  4. Student of new material Composition of the region.
  5. Work on the map at the board "Features of the geographical position of the continent of South America."
  6. The history of the discovery of the region. Formation of a political map.
  7. Variety of Latin American countries (s.r., diagram).
  8. Puzzle tasks.
  9. Test.

During the classes

1. Introduction by the teacher:

- Today, we will start our lesson not quite usually, first we will make a virtual trip to some countries. Your task is to answer the question after watching the presentation: Which region will we study today?

2. Show Presentations.(1-14 slide)


After watching, the children are asked a question.

- Guys, have you decided which region we will get to know today? (Latin America)-( slide 15).

- Show it on the map. ( slide 16)

- Let's remember the plan according to which we characterize the region.

textbook p. 330: territory, borders, position; natural conditions and resources; population; economy, territorial structure; characteristic largest countries (Brazil); security environment and environmental issues.

- So, name the topic of our lesson. "Territory, borders, position of the region on the political map" - write it down in a notebook . (slide 17)

- The purpose of our lesson: To study the composition of the region, to consolidate the ability to determine the geographical position of countries and their characteristics.

To move on to the study of new material, let's remember what we already know about the countries of this region.

To do this, open TVET (Topic 5, block 1, work on options).


Independent work of students with TVET (10 min.). Appendix 1

5. Learning new material.

Introductory speech of the teacher.

- What is included in Latin America?

Latin America is the name of the Western Hemisphere region between the United States and Antarctica. It includes: Mexico, Central America, West Indies and South America. Moreover, Mexico, West Indies and Central America are often united into the sub-region of the Caribbean countries. In total, the region includes 33 sovereign states, as well as 14 countries belonging to the UK, France, the Netherlands and the United States. (These are small islands in the Caribbean).

The territory of Latin America stretches from north to south for 13 thousand km, and from west to east up to 5 thousand km.

In which part of the world is the region located? (America) what is included in it? (two continents).

- After which traveler is America named? (Amerigo Vespucci).

- Guys, who discovered the continent of South America? (Christopher Columbus). J. Columbus lived in Portugal. He decided to open the way to India by the western route. He first discovered the Bahamas, one of which he named San Salvador. As he was looking for a way to India, the natives began to be called Indians. The tobacco and potatoes he discovered on the island of Cuba later conquered the whole world. With the discovery of new lands (15-17 centuries), the era of their colonization by the Spaniards and the Portuguese began.

- How do you understand the word colonization? (seizure, development of new lands).

6. History of settlement, development of the region. Formation of a political map : The name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bcomes from the historically prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of the Romanesque (Latin) peoples of the Iberian Peninsula - the Spaniards, the Portuguese - that have developed in this part of the world. Which in the 15-18 centuries conquered this part of America and colonized it.

Before the arrival of Europeans here, there were developed states on the mainland: the Aztecs ( slide 18) with the capital Tenochtitlan, the territory of modern Mexico and Maya ( slides 19,20) on the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), as well as the Inca Empire ( slides 21,22) on the west coast of South America (Peru, Ecuador) with the capital in Cuzco.

All these civilizations were destroyed with the arrival of the European colonialists.

Most of the modern states of Latin America are former colonies Spain, and Brazil is a former Portuguese colony.

Find a confirmation of this in the atlas with .... (correct, only in Brazil - the population speaks Portuguese, the rest of the territory is dominated by Spanish).

Are there any developed countries in this region? (no).

All 33 sovereign states are developing countries.


Pay attention to the diagram, which needs to be filled out briefly using the symbols. As you fill in the diagram in the notebook, fill in the diagram on the board.

- What was the basis for the selection of the Latin America region? (p. 331 textbook)

- Features of the borders between countries.

- Draw up a diagram “Diversity of Latin America”.

(Slide 23)


... Work on the map: Tasks-riddles.

A) The state is washed by two oceans, forming two bays near the territory. FROM

in the north it borders on one more economically developed country.

Name the country, bays, border state. (Mexico slides 24-27).

B) The driest desert in the world, the Atacama, is located on the territory of this country. She owns an island in the Pacific Ocean - Easter Island ( slides 28-32).

C) Part of the country's territory has a harsh climate. The territory is called Patagonia. (Argenina slide 33).

D) On the territory of this country there is the highest waterfall in the world - Angel.

(Venezuela slide 34).

E) Country where cane, cocoa beans and raw materials for the chemical industry are grown. (Brazil slide 35-36).

E) Guess the picture. (Cuba slide 37-40).


Fastening material: TEST. Appendix 3


Summing up the lesson.

Guys, today we have studied the peculiarities of the geographical position of the countries of Latin America. Tell me, what is the influence of the characteristics of the territory? (On the variety of natural conditions and the availability of natural resources, which determine the specialization of the economy). This means the topic of our next lesson: "Natural resources".

D / Z


- Review the types of natural resources, do practical work on the c / c “Country Features”. Find "geographical names" on the map, write them down and put them on the box.

Slide 2


1. Territory, composition and political map of Latin America.

2. Population of Latin America:

  • dynamics of population growth;
  • reproduction;
  • ethnic composition;
  • linguistic composition;
  • placement of the population.

3. Household.

Slide 3

Latin America Square.

S \u003d 21 million km2

Composition. Political map of the region.

There are several sub-regions in Latin America:

1 - Mexico;

2 - Countries of Central America;

3 - Countries of the West Indies;

4 - Andean countries;

5 - Countries of the La Plata basin;

6 - Brazil.

Slide 4

Region political map

46 states

33 sovereign states

  • Currently, within the region there are 46 states and possessions of some countries in Europe and the United States. Independent states in the region 33.
  • In terms of government, Latin American countries are highly homogeneous. They are all republics. A special place is occupied by Cuba - the only country in the region that belongs to the socialist states.
  • In terms of the form of the administrative-territorial structure, unitary states prevail in Latin America. Its four largest countries and one state in the West Indies have a federal structure.


    • Brazil,
    • Mexico,
    • Argentina,
    • Venezuela,
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  • Slide 5

    • Latin America is part of the planet Earth, part of the planet of people.
    • Schedule. Dynamics of population growth in Latin America.
    • Population of Latin America
    • THE TASK.

    Analyze the graph of the dynamics of population growth in Latin America and answer the following questions:

    1. What is the population of Latin America?

    2. How many times has the population of the region increased since the beginning of the 20th century?

    3. Compare the dynamics of population growth in Latin America with other regions.

    Slide 6

    Population reproduction and natural growth

    • Natural population growth
    • Latin America.
    • Atlas maps p. 10-11.
    • After analyzing the maps and the diagram, we can conclude that for Lat. America is characterized by the II type of reproduction. This affects the size and age structure of the region's population.

    1. Consider the Fertility thematic map. As you can see, the predominant color on the map is yellow, therefore, the number of births per year per 1000 inhabitants of Lat. America averages 25 people. (After examining the map, click the mouse 2 times).

    2. Consider a thematic map "Mortality". As you can see, the map is dominated by light green color, therefore, the number of deaths per year per 1000 inhabitants of Lat. America averages 7 people.

    • Now let's analyze the information obtained from the maps and consider the "Natural growth" diagram. The green bar shows the number of births per year per 1000 inhabitants (25), the blue bar shows the number of deaths per year per 1000 inhabitants (7). And the lilac bar shows the difference between the number of births and deaths (25 - 7 \u003d 18). The population size of Lat. America is growing at a rate of 18 people. per 1000 inhabitants per year. ("If you are not too lazy?" Calculate, knowing the population of Latin America in 2000, how many inhabitants were in this region in 2001, etc.).
  • Slide 7

    Ethnic composition of the population

    • The ethnic racial composition of the population of Latin America is characterized by great complexity, which is associated with the peculiarity of its historical development. Many representatives of large ethnic groups were formed in this region already in modern times. Three main elements took part in their formation: the indigenous Indian population, emigrants from European countries and slaves exported from Africa.
    • Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca city.
    • Ancient temple of the Aztecs.
    • The preserved monuments of the pre-Columbian period testify to the high level of development of the culture of the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.
    • This culture was completely destroyed by the Spanish-Portuguese conquerors.
    • Hernandez Cortes destroyed the Aztec state with incredible brutality in 1521. Francisco Pissaro destroyed the Inca state with the same cruelty. In 1532, he fraudulently captured the Supreme Inca Ataulpa, who in exchange for his freedom offered an unheard-of ransom: to fill the room in which he was imprisoned with gold. The High Inca kept his word, but the Spaniards, having received gold, executed him.
    • Before the arrival of Columbus, the indigenous population was 20 million people, and in 1521 - 7.3 million people.
  • Slide 8

    • The almost complete extermination of the Indians raised the question of labor for the colonialists, which was resolved by importing Negro slaves from Africa. Total number Negroes brought to America totaled 10 million.
    • So there were three main racial and ethnic elements.
      • EUROPEAN
      • Resettlers
      • AFRICAN
      • SPANISH,
      • (CREOLES)
      • METIS
      • MULATTO
      • SAMBO
  • Slide 9

    Language composition

    • More uniform. Spanish and Portuguese predominate. Spanish is the official language in 18 countries (250 million people). The Portuguese language in one country, Brazil - 170 million. In Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, along with Spanish, the official languages \u200b\u200bare Aztec, Quechua.
  • Slide 10


    • the least populated region of the world with an average density of 25 people. per km. sq.;
    • uneven placement is strongly expressed;
    • high proportion of the high-mountain population.
  • Slide 11


    • False urbanization is characteristic. Formation of slum areas, "yarns of poverty", in which up to 50% of the population of many cities live.
    • Largest cities with population
    • more than 10 million people
  • Slide 12

    Economy of Latin America

    • Latin America can be classified as an industrialized region, although all of its countries are usually classified as developing.
    • The region's share in the global gross product is 8.5%.
    • 4/5 of all industrial production is accounted for by the three economic leaders - Brazil, Mexico, Argentina.
    • The region has a prominent place in world agricultural production.
  • Slide 13

  • Slide 14


    • For a long time, the industry of the region was characterized primarily by the development of mining industries. However, recently the leading role began to pass to the manufacturing industry (especially the black, non-ferrous metallurgy, oil refining, as well as electronics and mechanical engineering).
    • In Brazil, electronics, automobiles, shipbuilding, aircraft construction have developed; in Mexico, Argentina - production of cars, machine tools.
    • Economy of Latin America.
    • Industry and agriculture.


    • Represented by two completely different sectors.
    • The first sector is a highly commodity, plantation economy. The world's largest banana producers are Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Panama. On refrigerated ships, the entire collection of bananas is exported to Europe, the United States, and on the way they ripen. In Cuba, 1/2 of all cultivated land is occupied by sugar cane plantations. Sugar factories produce over 5 million tons of sugar per year. The sugar industry is a specialty industry in Cuba.
    • The second sector is a small-scale consumer economy not affected by the "green revolution". The peasants employed in it grow corn, cassava, beans, vegetables, potatoes.
  • Slide 15

    Economy of Latin America. Transport

    • Transport facilities in Latin America are weak. Inland waterway and pipeline transport are underdeveloped, despite the large length railways them throughput very low, better developed - air and automobile. Sea transport and seaports play a huge role, all roads in the region lead to the seaport.
    • Freight train. Brazil.
      • Road in the Andes.
      • Panama Canal.
      • Cartage transport.
      • River trams.
  • View all slides

    Brazil is a Latin American country


    10-B grade student

    HSSH No. 119

    Dmitry Manzheley

    Latin America


    1 ... Territory, composition and political map of Latin America.

    2. Brazil:
    • geographical position;

    • state structure;

    • population, climate;

    • natural resources;

    • economy;

    • transport communications.

    • attractions.

    Latin America Square.


    Countries of the La Plata basin Region political map

    The composition of the subregions of Latin America.


    Geographical position

    State in South America. In the west it borders with Argentina (border length 1,224 km), Bolivia (3,400 km), Paraguay (1,290 km) and Peru (1,560 km), in the north - with Venezuela (2,200 km), Guyana (1,119 km ), French Guiana (673 km) and Suriname (597 km), in the north-west with Colombia (1,643 km), in the south with Uruguay (985 km). In the east and north, Brazil is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the border is 14 691 km, the length of the coastline is 7491 km. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 8,511,965 km2 (land area - 8,456,510 km2). Brazil is the largest state in South America and occupies almost half of the continent.

    State structure

    Full name - federal Republic Brazil. The political system is a federal presidential republic. The country consists of 26 states and 1 federal district, in which the capital is located - Brasilia. Brazil gained independence from Portugal on September 7, 1822.The last constitution was adopted on October 5, 1988. National holiday - September 7 - Independence Day

    The head of government is the president who appoints the government. Legislative power is vested in a bicameral parliament (National Congress), consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Most influential political parties: Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PBSD), Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PBDD), Liberal Front Party (PLF), Social Democratic Party (SDP).


    The population is 160,737,489 people, the average population density is almost 19 people / km2. Most of the residents live in the Atlantic Coast area. The largest ethnic group is represented by Europeans (Portuguese, Spanish, Germans, Italians) - 54.7%, black Africans make up 5.89% of the country's population, mulattos - 38.45%. In addition to Brazilian citizens, there are more than 3 million immigrants in the country - these are mainly Indians, Arabs, Japanese, Italians, Germans, and French. The official language is Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Italian are also common. The birth rate is 21 people per 1,000 (1995). Mortality rate - 9 people. per 1,000 (child mortality rate - 57 children per 1,000 newborns). Average life expectancy: 57 years for men, 67 years for women (1995). Of the total working-age population (57 million people according to 1989 data), 42% are employed in the service sector, in agriculture -31%, in industry - 27%.


    The climate changes from northwest to southeast from humid equatorial to seasonally humid subtropical. Average temperatures in January are from 23 to 29 ° С, in July - from 16 to 24 ° С. Precipitation: from 500 mm per year in the north-east of the Brazilian Highlands to 1,200 mm in the southern regions of the country, the average annual precipitation in the west of the Amazonian Plain is 3,000 mm.

    Natural resources

    The main potential for the development of the Brazilian economy is its enormous natural resources.

    The monetary unit is the real (1 (R $) real is equal to 100 centavos).


    Brazil can be classified as an industrialized country, although it is customary to refer to the group of developing countries.

    Brazil is one of the three economic leaders in industrial products.

    The most developed industries:

    Transport communications

    Transport facilities are weak. Despite the great length of railways, their throughput is very low, and air and road transport is better developed.

    A huge role is played by mor-

    transport and sea

    ports, all roads in the region

    lead to the seaport.

    Brazil laid 30,612 km

    "Latin America countries" - 8. Tomsk Regional Center for Internet Education. 11.13. Natural conditions... The purpose of the lesson: From the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, from the east - by the Atlantic.

    "America Africa" \u200b\u200b- Substantiate your point of view ("yes" why? Or "no" why?). The guest is a Mayan Indian. Mayan temples have survived to this day. A to s u m s n g a y a l and ber t o m b u c t u s u d n a f r and k a n c y c y c y. Priests are the keepers of knowledge. What are the oceans and seas that wash the shores of North and South America?

    "History of Latin America" \u200b\u200b- The Conquest of Freedom in 1804 Latin America in the 19th and early 20th centuries: a time of change. At the head of the Toussaint-Louverture uprising. 1492 - Discovery of America by Columbus. END XVIII-BEGINNING Fundamental question How did the formation of independent states in Latin America take place? Major periods for independence.

    “Latin America” - The process of increasing the role of cities and the spread of urban lifestyles. Lesson plan: Objectives: The highest level of ethnic community. State of Latin America, in population which is dominated by the Indian population. Problem. Business assignment. A country in Latin America, the largest exporter of bauxite.

    American Culture - Benjamin Franklin - Head of the American Enlightenment. Mass poetry of the revolutionary period. Hemingway's participation in the struggle of the Spanish people against fascism. The humanistic pathos of the story "The Old Man and the Sea". About 10% of the country's population consider themselves atheists. Francophone literature Literature on english language Literature in French.

    "Mesoamerica" \u200b\u200b- The legend says that once, for some unknown reason, the wise men - the flower of the people - again boarded their ships and sailed to the east, promising to return on the eve of the end of the world, and the remaining people settled the surrounding lands and began to call themselves by their name the great leader, sorcerer and high priest Olmek Wimtoni.

    There are 18 presentations in total

    1 of 15

    Presentation on the topic: LATIN AMERICA

    Slide No. 1

    Slide Description:

    Slide No. 2

    Slide Description:

    Slide No. 3

    Slide Description:

    Latin America Square. Composition. Political map of the region. S \u003d 21 million km2 There are several subregions in Latin America: 1 - Mexico; 2 - Countries of Central America; 3 - Countries of the West Indies; 4 - Andean countries; 5 - Countries of the La Plata basin; 6 - Brazil. The composition of the subregions of Latin America. Mexico Central America West Indies Andean countries La Plata Basin Countries Brazil Mexico Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Belize Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, Suriname, etc. Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peruguay Bolivia Chile Paraguay Argentina Brazil

    Slide No. 4

    Slide Description:

    46 states 33 sovereign states Currently within the region there are 46 states and possessions of some countries of Europe and the USA. There are 33 independent states in the region. Latin American countries are highly homogeneous in terms of government. They are all republics. A special place is occupied by Cuba - the only country in the region that belongs to the socialist states. In terms of the form of the administrative-territorial structure, unitary states prevail in Latin America. Its four largest countries and one state in the West Indies have a federal structure. UNITARY FEDERAL REPUBLIC Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

    Slide No. 5

    Slide Description:

    Latin America is part of the planet Earth, part of the planet of people. Schedule. Dynamics of population growth in Latin America. THE TASK. Analyze the graph of the dynamics of population growth in Latin America and answer the following questions: 1. What is the population of Latin America? 2. How many times has the population of the region increased since the beginning of the 20th century? 3. Compare the dynamics of population growth in Latin America with other regions.

    Slide No. 6

    Slide Description:

    Natural population growth in Latin America. Population reproduction and natural growth. Atlas maps p. 10-11. After analyzing the maps and the diagram, we can conclude that for Lat. America is characterized by the II type of reproduction. This affects the size and age structure of the region's population. 1. Consider the Fertility thematic map. As you can see, the predominant color on the map is yellow, therefore, the number of births per year per 1000 inhabitants of Lat. America averages 25 people. (After examining the map, click the mouse 2 times). 2. Consider a thematic map "Mortality". As you can see, the map is dominated by a light green color, therefore, the number of deaths per year per 1000 inhabitants of Lat. America averages 7 people. "Fertility" "Mortality" Now let's analyze the information obtained from the maps and consider the diagram "Natural increase". The green bar shows the number of births per year per 1000 inhabitants (25), the blue bar shows the number of deaths per year per 1000 inhabitants (7). And the lilac bar shows the difference between the number of births and deaths (25 - 7 \u003d 18). Hence the population of Lat. America is growing at a rate of 18 people. per 1000 inhabitants per year. ("If you are not too lazy?" Calculate, knowing the population of Latin America in 2000, how many inhabitants were in this region in 2001, etc.). Click the mouse 2 times.

    Slide No. 7

    Slide Description:

    The ethnic racial composition of the population of Latin America is characterized by great complexity, which is associated with the peculiarity of its historical development. Many representatives of large ethnic groups formed in this region already in modern times. Three main elements took part in their formation: the indigenous Indian population, emigrants from European countries, and slaves exported from Africa. Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca city. Ancient temple of the Aztecs. The preserved monuments of the pre-Columbian period testify to the high level of development of the culture of the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas. This culture was completely destroyed by the Spanish-Portuguese conquerors. Hernandez Cortes destroyed the Aztec state with incredible brutality in 1521. Francisco Pissaro destroyed the Inca state with the same brutality. In 1532, he fraudulently captured the Supreme Inca Ataulpa, who in exchange for his freedom offered an unheard-of ransom: to fill the room in which he was imprisoned with gold. The Supreme Inca kept his word, but the Spaniards, having received gold, executed him. Before the arrival of Columbus, the indigenous population was 20 million, and in 1521 - 7.3 million.

    Slide No. 8

    Slide Description:

    The almost complete extermination of the Indians raised the question of labor for the colonialists, which was resolved by importing Negro slaves from Africa. The total number of blacks brought to America was 10 million. So there were three main racial and ethnic elements. INDIGENOUS POPULATION EUROPEAN RESPONSES AFRICANS ITZTEKS MAYA SPANISH, PORTUGUESE (CREOLE) METIS MULAT SAMBO


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