Download presentation General characteristics of Latin America. Presentation - Latin America Natural resources and population. Farm Latin America

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Educational and educational tasks:

- to form a concept and idea of \u200b\u200bLatin America, as a historical and cultural and historical-geographical region.
- to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bLatin America, their characteristics of an economic and geographical location.


- Develop the ability to draw up a response in the form of a scheme.
- Continue to form geographical skills: analyze cartographic and statistical materials, give a brief description of countries.
- Work on common educational skills: compare and summarize, listen.


  • Wall-mounted political map of the world, atlas, multimedia projector.
  • Handout For students: TPO (Note. Materials of the festival 2009-2010) Technological card, test.
  • Methods of the form of training activities: partially ash, heuristic conversation.
  1. Presentation "Features of Latin America".
  2. Territory study plan.
  3. Himself. Working with TPOs (notebook with printed basis).
  4. Studying new material composition of the region.
  5. Work on the map at the board "Features of the geographical position of the mainland South America".
  6. The history of the opening of the region. Formation of a political card.
  7. A variety of Latin American countries (S.R., Scheme).
  8. Relief tasks.
  9. Test.

During the classes

1. Teacher's introductory word:

- Today, we will start our lesson not quite usually, first we will make a virtual journey through some countries. You faces the task: After watching the presentation, answer the question: what region will we study today?

2. Show Presentations.(1-14 Slide)


After watching, children ask a question.

- Guys, you determined, with which region we will meet today? (Latin America)-( slide 15).

- Show it on the map. ( slide 16)

- Let's remember the plan for which we give the characteristic of the region.

tutorial p.330: territory, borders, position; natural conditions and resources; population; economy, territorial structure; Characteristics of the largest countries (Brazil); Environmental protection and environmental problems.

- So, name the topic of our lesson. "Territory, borders, position of the region on a political map" - write down in the notebook . (Slide 17)

- The purpose of our lesson: learn the composition of the region, consolidate the ability to determine the geographical location of the countries and their features.

To go to the study of a new material, let us recall that we are already known about the countries of the region.

To do this, discover the TPO (theme 5, block 1, work by options).


Independent work of students with TPOs (10min.). Attachment 1

5. Studying a new material.

Teacher's introductory word.

- What is part of Latin America?

Latin America is called the Western Hemisphere region between the United States and Antarctica. It includes: Mexico, Central America, West Indies and South America. Moreover, Mexico, West India and Central America are often combined into the Caribbean subregion. In total, the region includes 33 sovereign states, as well as 14 countries that are the possessions of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States. (These are small islands in the Caribbean).

The territory of Latin America is stretched from north to south by 13 thousand km., And from west to east to 5 thousand km.

In which part of the world is the region? (America), what is in it? (Two mainland).

- In honor of which traveler is America named? (Amerigo Vespucci).

- Guys, who opened the mainland South America? (Christopher Columbus). H.Columb lived in Portugal. He decided to open the way to India Western way. For the first time, he opened the Bahamas, one of which he called San Salvador. So, as he was looking for a way to India, the natives began to call the Indians. Opened tobacco and potatoes on the island of Cuba, won the whole world later. With the opening of new lands (15-17V.), the era of their colonization of the Spaniards and Portuguese began.

- How do you understand the word Colonization? (Capture, mastering new lands).

6. Story of settlement, development of the region. Forming a political map : The name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bcomes from the prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of Romanesque (Latin) peoples in this part of the world of the world's prevailing (Latin) peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula, Portuguese. Which in 15-18 centuries won this part of America and colon exchanges.

Before the arrival of Europeans on the mainland there were developed states: Aztecs ( slide 18.) with the capital tenochtitlan, the territory of modern Mexico and Maya ( slides 19,20) On the Peninsula Yucatan (Mexico), as well as the Empire of the Inca ( slides 21,22) On the west coast of South America (Peru, Ecuador) with the capital in Cusco.

All these civilizations were destroyed with the arrival of European colonialists.

Most of the modern states of Latin America are the former colonies of Spain, and Brazil is the former Portuguese colony.

Find this confirmation in the atlas with .... (correctly, only in Brazil - the population speaks in Portuguese, the Spanish language is dominated on the rest of the territory).

Is there any developed countries in this region? (not).

All 33 sovereign states are among the developing.


Pay attention to the scheme that needs to be briefly fill, applying conditional signs. As the scheme is filling out in the notebook, fill the circuit board on the board.

- What was the basis of the allocation of the region of Latin America? (p.331 uch.)

- Features of the boundaries between countries.

- Create a scheme "Diversity of Latin American countries."

(Slide 23.)


. Work on the map: Relief tasks.

A) The state was washed by two oceans, forming two bays from the territory. FROM

the north it borders with one more developed in the economy of the country.

Call the country, bay, border state. (Mexico slides 24-27).

B) On the territory of this country there is the most dry desert of the ATACAMA world. She belongs to the island in the Pacific Ocean - O. Pasha ( slides 28-32.).

C) part of the country has a harsh climate. The territory is called Patagonia. (Argenine slide 33).

D) in the territory of this country there is the highest waterfall in the world of Angel.

(Venezuela slide 34).

E) a country where the cane, cocoa beans and raw materials for chemical industrial (Brazil are grown. slide 35-36).

E) Guess the picture. (Cuba slide 37-40.).


Fastening material: test. Appendix 3.


Summing up lesson.

Guys, today we studied the peculiarities of the geographical location of Latin America. Tell me, what do the features of the territory affect? (On a variety of natural conditions and the availability of natural resources, which determine the specialization of the economy). Suitable the topic of our next lesson: "Natural Resources".

D / z


- Repeat the types of natural resources, do practical work on the k / to the "features of the countries". Find on the map "Geographical names", write them down and apply on to / to.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

2 Slide

Slide description:

Latin America is a region located between the United States and Antarctica. It includes: Mexico Country of Central America West India South America Square - 21 million square meters. Population - 520 million people

3 Slide

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4 Slide

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Countries of South America Argentina Brazil Bolivia Venezuela Guyana Guiana (French) Columbia Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Chile Ecuador

5 Slide

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Mexico and Central America Mexico Belize Guatemala Honduras Costa Rica Nicaragua Panama Salvador

6 Slide

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West India (Caribbean countries) 1) Bahamas 2) Haiti 3) Dominican Republic 4) Cuba 5) Jamaica

7 Slide

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In Latin America, unitary states are dominant, but the most large countries - Federation of Argentina Mexico Venezuela Brazil Saint Kitts and Nevis

8 Slide

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The overall characteristics of Latin American countries of Latin America - the former colonies of Portugal and Spain in the country of Latin America became independent at the beginning of the XIX century. Ethnicity: Indians, European immigrants (Creoles), Africans High population growth rates, a large share of youth Economic addiction from the USA religious composition - in most Catholics

9 Slide

Slide description:

Latin American Natural Resources Rich Natural Resources Oil Venezuela, Mexico, Ecuador Iron Rud Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Mexico Copper Ore Chile, Peru, Mexico Boxita Jamaica, Suriname, Brazil Drag. Metals Columbia, Brazil, Peru Sound Hydrocessions Tropical Forest Recreational Resources

10 Slide

Slide description:

Latin America Square. Structure. Political map of the region. S \u003d 21 million km2 As part of Latin America, several subregions are distinguished: 1 - Mexico; 2 - Countries of Central America; 3 - countries of West Indies; 4 - Andean countries; 5 - countries of the la-board basin; 6 - Brazil. The composition of the subregions of Latin America. Mexico Central America West India Andean Countries Countries Basin La Cards Brazil Mexico Guatemala Salvador Honduras Belize Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, Suriname, and others. Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Peru Bolivia Chile Paraguay Uruguay Argentina Brazil

11 Slide

Slide description:

46 states 33 sovereign states currently within the region are located 46 states and possessions of some countries in Europe and the United States. Independent states in the region 33. Under the form of the country's government, Latin Ame Rica is distinguished by great homogeneity. All of them are republics. A special place is occupied by Cuba - the only country of the region relating to the socialist states. In the form of an administrative-territorial device in Latin America, unitary states are translated. The four of its largest countries and one state of the West Indies have a federal device. Unitary Federated Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

12 Slide

Slide description:

Schedule. Dynamics of the population of Latin America. THE TASK. Analyze the schedule for the growth of the population of Latin America and answer the following questions: 1. What is the number of Latin America's population? 2. How many times the population of the region from the beginning of the twentieth century increased? 3. Compare the growth rate of Latin America's population with other regions.

13 Slide

Slide description:

Natural population of Latin America. Reproduction of the population and natural increase. Atlas Maps p. 10-11. After analyzing the cards and chart, you can conclude that for lat. Ameri-ki is characterized by II type of pro-production. This affects the number and age structure of the regional population. 1. Consider the thematic map "Birth rate". As can be seen, on the map the prevailing color - yellow, therefore, the number of born over the year per 1000 inhabitants of the lat. America averages 25 people. (Examined the map, click the mouse 2 times). 2. Consider the thematic map "Mortality". As can be seen, a light green color is dominated on the map, therefore, the number of dead per year per year per 1000 inhabitants of the lat. America averages 7 people. "Birth rate" "Mortality" will now analyze, received information from the cards and consider the "Natural Growth" chart. The green column shows the number of born per year per 1000 inhabitants (25), the blue column is the number of dead per year per year per 1000 inhabitants (7). And the lilac column shows the difference between the number of born and the dead (25 - 7 \u003d 18). Therefore, the population of Lat. America is growing at a speed of 18 people. per 1000 inhabitants per year. ("If you are not too lazy?" Calculate, knowing the population of Lat. America for 2000 g, how many residents have become in this region in 2001, etc.). Click 2 times.

14 Slide

Slide description:

For the ethnic racial composition of the population of Latin America, ha-rakterna is a great difficulty, which is associated with a feature of its historical development. Many representatives of large ethnic groups have been formed in this region in a new time. Three main elements were involved in their formation: the indigenous Indian population, immigrants from European countries and slaves exported from Africa. Machu Picchu is the ancient city of Inca. Ancient temple of Aztecs. The preserved monuments of the Precucumbian period indicate a high level of development of the culture of Aztecs, Maya and Inca. This culture was completely destroyed by the Spanish-Portuguese conquerors. Hernandez Cortez in 1521 with incredible cruelty destroyed the state of the Aztecs. Francisco Pissaro with the same cruelty destroyed the state of the Inca. In 1532, he was fraudulently captured by the Supreme Inqua Ataulpu, who in exchange for his freedom offered a unheard of ransom: Fill the Golden Room in which he was in the sortie. The Supreme Inca kept his word, but the Spaniards, having received gold, executed it. Before the arrival of Columbus, the number of indigenous population was 20 million people, and in 1521 - 7.3 million people.

15 Slide

Slide description:

Almost a complete extermination of the Indians put the question of working force before the colonializers, which was allowed by the import of black slaves from Africa. The total number of blacks brought to America amounted to 10 million people. So there are three main racial ethnic elements. Indigenous population European migrants Africans of Beztecia Maya Spaniards, Portuguese (Creoles) Metis Mulatto Sambo

16 Slide

Slide description:

More homogeneous. Prevail-gives Spanish and Portuguese-cue languages. Spanish is the state in 18 countries (250 million people). Porto-Gali language in one country of Brazil - 170 million people. In Mek Sich, Bolivia, Paraguay, along with Spanish, are considered to be Aztec, Kechua.

17 Slide

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Characteristic accommodation features: - The least populated region of the world with an average density of 25 people. at km. square; The non-uniformity of the size is strongly expressed; The proportion of high-mountain population is high.

18 Slide

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Urbanization is characteristic of a false UR-banning. The formation of slum areas, "Yasov poverty", in which up to 50% of the population of many cities live. The largest cities with a population of more than 10 million people.

19 Slide

Slide description:

INDUSTRY. For a long time, the re-gion industry was characterized primarily by the development of mining industries. However, recently the leading role has become processed to the manufacturing industry (especially black, non-ferrous metal, oil refining, as well as electronics and mechanical engineering). In Brazil, electronics, car, shipyard, aircraft and aircraft were developed; In Mexico, Argent Tine - production of cars, machines. AGRICULTURE. Presented by two completely different sectors. The first sector is a high-pressure, plantation economy. The world's largest manufacturers of bananas - Costa Rica, Colombia, Ek-Vador, Honduras, Panama. On the courts-refrigerators, the entire collection of bananas is exported to Europe, the United States, and on the road they repense. In Cuba 1/2 of all processed lands occupied by plantations of sugar cane. Sugar plants produce more than 5 million tons of sugar per year. Sugar industry - Cuba specialization industry. The second sector is a consumer minor household, not affected by the "green revolution." Peasants occupied in it grow corn, manica, beans, vegetables, potatoes.

23 Slide

Slide description:

Features of the economy of Latin America in the level of development are ahead of the developing countries of Asia and Africa decreases the share of agriculture, the share of the manufacturing industry in the extractive industry is growing - fuel mining, 20% of ore raw materials for Brazil, Mexico, Argentina has 2/3 of industrial production. High-grade households are combined with a small-handed leading branch of C / X - crop production, the monoculture of agriculture occupies a relatively high share in GDP, especially in Central America specialization in C / x: Coffee - Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala Sugar - Guyana, Cuba , Belize Bananas - Ecuador, Honduras, Panama Wheat - Argentina

Latin America Countries - 8. Tomsk Regional Center for Internet Education. 11. 13. Natural conditions. The purpose of the lesson: from the west is washed by the Pacific Ocean, from the East - Atlantic.

"America Africa" \u200b\u200b- justify your point of view ("Yes, why? Or" no "why?). Guest - Indian Maya tribe. Maya temples have been preserved today. A k s u m s o n g ay y and l and b e r t o m b y k t u s u d a n and f p and ka n c y K y. Priests - Keepers of Knowledge. What are the oceans and the seas that wash the shores of North and South America?

"History of Latin America" \u200b\u200b- the conquest of freedom in 1804 Latin America in the XIX-early XX century: time of change. At the head of the uprising Tousssen-Louver. 1492g.- Opening of the Columbus of America. End of XVIII-beginning. The fundamental question as was the education of independent states in Latin America? The main periods for independence.

Latin America is the process of increasing the role of cities and the spread of the urban lifestyle. Lesson plan: Objectives: the highest step of ethnic community. State Latin America, in The population of which the Indian population prevails. Problem. Business task. The country of Latin America, the largest exporter of bauxite.

"American Culture" - Benjamin Franklin - Head of American Enlightenment. Mass poetry of the revolutionary period. Hamingue participation in the struggle of the Spanish people against fascism. Humanistic pathos story "old man and the sea." About 10% of the country's population consider themselves atheists. Francate literature literature in English Literature in French.

"Mesoamerica" \u200b\u200b- in legend it says that one day, it is not clear for what reasons, the wise men - the color of the people - again sat on their ships and floated to the east, promising to return on the eve of the end of the world, and the remaining people settled the surrounding lands and began to call himself named his The Great Leader, Cudesman and the High Priest Olmek Walton.

Total in the subject of 18 presentations

Brazil-country Latin America


student 10-B class

HSSH №119

Mangel Dmitry.

Latin America


1 . Territory, composition and political map of Latin America.

2. Brazil:
  • geographical position;

  • state device;

  • population, climate;

  • natural resources;

  • economy;

  • transportation.

  • attractions.

Square of Latin America.


Countries of La Basin Political map of the region

The composition of the subregions of Latin America.


Geographical position

State in South America. In the West borders with Argentina (border length of 1,224 km), Bolivia (3,400 km), paragail (1,290 km) and Peru (1,560 km), in the north - with Venezuela (2,200 km), Guyana (1 119 km ), French Guiana (673 km) and Suriname (597 km), in the North-West - with Colombia (1,643 km), in the south - with Uruguay (985 km). In the east and north, Brazil is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The overall length of the border is 14,691 km, the length of the coastline is 7491 km. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 8,511,965 km (Sushi Square - 8 456 510 km2). Brazil is the largest state of South America and takes almost half of the continent.

State device

Full name is the Federal Republic of Brazil. State system - Federal Presidential Republic. The country consists of 26 states and 1 federal district, in which the capital is located - Brazilia. Independence from Portugal Brazil received on September 7, 1822. The latest Constitution was adopted on October 5, 1988 National holiday - September 7 - Independence Day

The head of government is the president appointed by the government. The legislative power belongs to the two-challenging parliament (national congress), consisting of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The most influential political parties: the Batch of Brazilian Social Democracy (PBSD), the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PBDD), the Liberal Front Party (PLF), Social Democratic Party (SDP).


The population is 160,737,489 people, the average population density of almost 19 people / km2. Most residents live in the Atlantic Coast area. The largest ethnic group is represented by Europeans (Portuguese, Spaniards, Germans, Italians) - 54.7%, black Africans make up 5.89% of the population of the country, Moutique - 38.45%. In addition to the citizens of Brazil, in the country more than 3 million immigrants are, mainly Indians, Arabs, Japanese, Italians, Germans, French. Official language -Portugal, distributed also Spanish, English, German, Italian. Birth rate - 21 people 1 000 (1995). Mortality - 9 people. per 1,000 (the level of child mortality - 57 children per 1,000 newborns). The average life expectancy: men-57 years, women 67 years old (1995). From the entire working-age population (57,000,000 people according to 1989) in the service sector occupied 42%, in agriculture -31%, in industry - 27%.


The climate is changing from the North-West to the southeast of the wet equatorial to a seasonal-wet subtropical. The average temperatures of January from 23 to 29 ° C, July - from 16 to 24 ° C. Sidelines: from 500 mm per year in the northeast of Brazilian plateaus up to 1,200 mm in the southern regions of the country, the average annual precipitation rate in the west of the Amazon lowland is 3,000 mm.

Natural resources

The main potential for the development of the Brazilian economy is its huge natural resources.

The monetary unit - Real (1 (R $) Real is 100 centavo).


Brazil can be attributed to industrialized countries, although it is customary to the group of developing.

Brazil enters the top three economic leaders of industrial products.

The most developed industries:

Transport communications

Transport equipment is weak. Despite the greater length of railways, their bandwidth is very low, better developed - air and road transport.

A huge role is played by sea

transport and marine transport

Ports, all roads in the region

lead to the seabed.

30 612 km laid in Brazil
Latin America's natural resource potential

Coursework studentiiii-th year of the Faculty of Maskorobogoy Darya Borisovna

Moscow State Open University

Faculty of International Economic Relations, Department of World Economy and Marketing

Moscow - 2002.


The climbing of a person to the heights of socio-economic progress is closely connected with the use of various natural resources. The modern industry of the world consumes a huge amount of raw materials. Its value in the total costs of industrial production is 75%. This circumstance puts very sharp problems to ensure the main types of raw materials in many countries.

Latin America is 33 politically independent states located south of the United States of America (including the Islands of West Indies). Even one view of the card gives an idea of \u200b\u200btheir diversity: large and small, thick and rare-eliminated, flat and mountain, continental and island countries significantly distinguish countries and in terms of socio-economic development, which in turn is closely related to a wide variety of natural historical Political and in particular environmental conditions. The purpose of my work is to consider natural resource potential Latin America, understand the placement of natural resources on its territory, understand what stocks separate species Natural resources.

Overview of Latin America

Latin America is called the Western Hemisphere region, located between the United States and Antarctica. It includes Mexico, Central America, West India and South America. Mexico, Central America and West India are often united in the subregion of Mesoamerica (secondary America). In South America, two subregions are distinguished: Andean (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile) and Laplat countries, or Atlantic (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil). In the last subregion, three first countries together with Chile are often combined into the South Cone subregion.

The name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bcomes from the prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of Romanesque (Latin) peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula - Spaniards and Portuguese, who in the XV - XVII centuries, which in this part of the world. We won this part of America, colon exchanges and then compiled the most important component of the nations formed here. The colonial seizures of other European countries - Great Britain, France, the Netherlands - in this region began later and were relatively small, respectively, slightly and ethnic influence of their peoples. Currently, out of 33 politically independent states of Latin America at 18 (about 63% of the population), the official and predominant language is Spanish, in one - Brazil (34%) - Portuguese, and in 14 small countries (about 3%) official languages \u200b\u200badopted by French (Haiti), English (Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Bahamas Islands, Grenada, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize) and Dutch (Suriname) (Table 19). In recent years, in connection with the receipt of independence, all small "nonlaistan" countries of West Indies, as well as Belize, Guyana, Surinames are united to the geographical subregion "Caribbean countries", and the entire region in UN nomenclature is now called Latin America and Caribbean countries. However, outside of official documents and publications, the entire region continue to be called on the long tradition of Latin America, which will be for brevity and we.

Latin America countries unite the community of historical fate and much in modern socio-economic development. All of them are the former colonies of European countries who have achieved national sovereignty from their metropolis. Most Spanish colonies won independence in the liberation war of 1810 - 1825. Already during its occurrence, these economically weak states fell into a financial dependence first from the UK and France, then from the United States.

The collapse of the colonial system, which began after World War II, affected Latin America. The people of Cuba, which rose to the armed struggle for genuine national independence, in January 1959 won a decisive victory; Many colonies of Great Britain have achieved sovereignty. Of great importance for strengthening the democratic movement in Latin America was overthrowing the Nicaraguan People in 1979. The despotic regime of the Somme Clana.

The United States of America continues to control the territory captured by them.: Puerto Rico (which announced the "freely joined US state"), the zone of the Panama Canal, Virgin Islands. They hold in their hands and the system of military bases, including Guantanamo in Cuba.


With an increase in the production of industrial products in the world, the subsoil of the Earth contained in them is becoming increasingly important among natural resources for the development of productive forces.

Latin America is provided by almost all known species of mineral raw materials; In many of them, it stands out among other regions of the world. Here are the most unusual combinations of minerals on relatively small territories.

From fuel and energy resources oil and natural gas. Their stocks are timed to sedimentary rocks in the defaults of the Patagonian platform, as well as to the intermountain deflection of the prekordiller and the Andes (Province of Neuquen, Mendoza, Salta). The main oil deposits are located on the outskirts of the geosyncline area of \u200b\u200bthe Andes, in its edge or intergigurine deflection. Almost all over the Trinidad and Venezuela to the North-West Argentina, oil-bearing fields are common along the eastern advanced deflection of the Andes. Investigated, and even more so mastered, not all promising areas; Little mastered the plots of advanced deflection in Ecuador and Peru. The western advanced deflection of the Andiy geosyncline region is expressed on land in the form of limited segments of the coastal plain in the west of Ecuador and Northern Peru, north and south of Guayaquil. Productive sandstones and sands contain in highly deployed tertiary shallow clays and are at a relatively small depth. The availability of these territories helped to identify oil-bearing wealth here and proceed to their development in the 70s of the 19th century. The largest deposits of oil in Latin America are not connected with advanced, but with interguric deflection. Such are the famous deposits of the Maracaibo basin and the brave of Magdalen. The same type includes oil fields in the Jurassic and chalk sandstones of Western Argentina's preorder. With the discovery in the 70s of the XX century. The largest oil fields in the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, on the shelf in the area of \u200b\u200bCampeche Bay, Mexico took one of the leading places in the world in stock and oil production. Significant and probable reserves of it are estimated at 14 billion tons (1990); Mexico is inferior in Latin America only Venezuela (17 billion tons). Small stocks of bituminous and subbitaminal coal are available in Patagonia.

In Latin America, there are considerable reserves of radioactive minerals (uranium, thorium), which have become a base for development nuclear energy. Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico are most major resources.

Latin America is very rich with high quality iron ores - more than 1/4 world stocks. Essential fields Confined to metamorphic rocks of the South America of the Precambrian continental shield. On an extra-competitive first place - Brazil, where stocks make up 80 billion tons, including those explored with an iron content of more than 54% - 42 billion tons. One of the world's largest deposits of iron ore (18 billion tons) - Karazhas in steam , which, according to preliminary estimates, is twice as much as the entire ore potential of Minas Gerace, where almost all other exploited deposits are currently being. Another major iron ore area is located in Mata Grosu, 2000 km from the sea coast. The total reserves of one of the world's largest Mutun deposits in Bolivia (not yet exploited) are estimated at 40 billion tons.

The most significant deposits of Nickel, Cobalt, Chrome, Titan are also confined to the Brazil-Venezueel Shield and Islands of West Indies. Andes are the largest rules (Bolivia, Peru), Molybdenum (Chile), Bismuth (Peru, Bolivia) in the region. To the Andiy folded belt, as well as the crystal nuclei of the precocader and Pampino Sierra, the deposits of metal ores are confined, of which Argentina is sufficiently provided with lead-zinc, copper, manganese ores and rare metals - tungsten and beryllium; There are iron ores (Sierra Grande in Patagonia), but low quality.

In some peripheral intermountain depressions of the Andes there are small deposits of stone and brown coals and lignites from which the largest of the coal basins of the middle chili are. But all other Latin America countries have an acute deficit in the corner and are forced to import it.

The unique "tin belt" stretches through the Andes of Bolivia, Peru and the adjacent areas of Brazil. According to the latest estimates here is concentrated to 1/3 of the reserves of the tin of the world. Solid deposits are adjacent to the deposits of antimony, 1/2 reserves (and about 70% of production) of this mineral belongs to Bolivia. Peru and Mexico are the largest resources of lead-zinc ores. In these so-called. Mesotermal depths were put in the main ore of copper and polymetals. These deposits are characterized by very rich rude clusters. A vivid example of a similar type is the famous serr-de-pasco deposit in Peru, lying in the crater of an ancient volcano with a diameter of 25 km, at an altitude of 4.5 thousand m. In the processing of Peruvian polymetallic ores, a significant amount of bismuth, arsenic, as well as Gold and antimony. 95% of the reserves of mercury of Latin America are concentrated in Mexico (about 5.5% of all in the capitalist world). The region has more than 1/4 world stocks of bauxite, including almost 1/2 of them - in sedimentary rocks Brazilian plateau, the rest - on the eastern outskirts of the Guiangic Highlands, as well as on Jamaica and other Islands of West Indies.

Despite visible operation for five centuries, gold reserves are still not exhausted. In recent years, large deposits in the Amazon basin in Brazil and Orinoco Basin in Venezuela are open, as well as in the foothills of the Andes in Argentina. In recent years, Brazil is experiencing a new "golden fever": the discovery of new gold deposits in Amazonia moved there more than 300 thousand prospectors ("GarimPayiros"), and then the giants of the world gold industry from Canada, the USA, South Africa. For 1990-1995 Officially registered gold mining increased from 40 to 80 tons. Mexico is firmly held by the first place in the world for silver extraction, the abundance of which at one time struck and attracted Spanish conquistadors; The main deposits are Las Torres (Guanajuato) and Lampasos (Sonora state), the third - Peru. Rossi platinum is in Colombia.

From non-metallic fossils need to be noted large deposits of sulfur, arsenic and graphite in Mexico, diamonds - in Brazil are now mined in limited quantity And mainly for industrial purposes), Venezuela and Guyana, quartz, mica, asbestos, Barita, Magnesit - in Brazil, Selitras - to Chile. In many countries there are phosphorites, dolomites, gypsum, platitum, kaolins, etc.

The desert climate of the central and Western Andes turned out to be a very favorable factor in the formation of the non-metallic mineral raw materials of the Andes. It is mainly obliged to his origin and such a well-known Chilean Selith, and significant reserves of iodine and boron. The Selitra and iodine deposits are associated with biochemical processes in the drying relic of reservoirs in Atakam, and the borators accumulated in small lakes as a result of the activities of volcanoes, fumarole and geysers and are confined to Salaares near the active volcanic foci of Northern Chile. Argentina stands out by one of the largest fields of natural borats in the world.

In pegmatite veins of Eastern Cordillera Colombia, a large number of emeralds are mined. Minor, but numerous deposits of various metals are almost everywhere.


Rivers - one of the most important and still few involved in economic activities Latin America's wealth. About 60% of the region's area belongs to the basins of the world's largest rivers, and their integrated use requires joint or agreed actions of various states. Amazon's pool (more than 7 million km2) covers the territory of seven countries; More than 2/3 of him falls on Brazil. Pool of the La Board (more than 4 million km2) stretches within the borders of five states. The rivers of this basin are largely proceeding through irrigation zones. Orinoco pool (about 1 million km2) is located within Venezuela and Colombia. According to water resources, Latin America, having about 1/4 of the global flow, is in the first place among the five continents in the size of the runoff for 1 km2 of the territory and per capita. One of the most significant features of the economic geography of Mexico that affects many aspects of the country's economic life is the separation of water resources from the main areas of their consumption. Over 80% of hydroresources are concentrated in the low-altitude part suffering from excess moisturizing. Inside areas where the bulk of the population lives, a chronic water deficit is experiencing. The hydropower potential of Mexican rivers is estimated at 10 million kW. The largest potential is the rivers of the tropical part of the coastal areas. Systems of the Atlantic Ocean rivers have the greatest transport value. In the territory of Brazil, fresh water reserves are great. Their largest source - Amazon River. Hydroenergy reserves are estimated at 255 million kW (1993). The most intensively used for the hydrostralization of the pool river Parana, giving almost 2/3 of the power of all HPP countries. Of great importance for energy, and for the water supply of the northeast has the San Francis River. The economic hydropotential of the Argentine Rivers is estimated at 30 million kW, most of him falls on the Paranta pool - Uruguay and the Patagonia River. Parana - the second along the length and area of \u200b\u200bthe basin of the South America River; Plays a big role in the economic life of Argentina and as shipping artery, and as a source of electricity and water supply.

Large lakes in Latin America little. Numerous only ended glacial lakes in the southern Andes. In the central Andes at an altitude of 4000 m lies the largest of the high mountain lakes of the world - the Tectonic lake Titicaca. In Central America, the largest lakes - Nicaragua and Managua, both of them occupy the most of the depressions of Nicaragua. In desert and semi-desert areas are huge salt marshes, and on wet lowlands - extensive swamps.

The main features of the relief and climate determine the nature of the drain and hydraulic industry and the availability of water resources of Latin America. Being mostly in low latitudes and open wet winds from the Atlantic, as a whole, they get almost 2 times more precipitation than the average land of the land. The river stock is also almost 2 times higher than the average figure for the globe. But the distribution of the river network of the source in their territories is extremely uneven and is often very unfavorable for economic use. The stock is the highest with steep atmosphere mountain slopes (West Colombian and Patagonian Andes, the eastern slopes of the ridges of Central America and Gwianky Plateau), as well as with flat, but constantly and abundantly secured by Amazonian precipitation. These same areas have the most thick and uniform-free river network with the largest (more than 7 million square meters) of the river pool and the very long-water river of the world - Amazon. There are still very accurately installed and reserves of hydroenergoresours. For example, in the energy balance of Brazil (1992), approximately 1/3 falls on hydraineengia (and its share is growing). If the mountain rivers almost do not have transport value, then Amazon itself and many of its upper tributaries shipping up to the Andes. Several less flow in seasonally wet subeupvatory and east tropical areas, still well-well-well-wired river network. But the predominance of mountain or flat relief and dense rocks determines the steep drop in rivers or the definition, on the one hand generating a large energy potential, and on the other, it is very imperative shipping. Even such large rivers of this type, as Parana, San Francis, Magdalena, the largest tributaries of the middle and lower amazon and the upper orinoco with its right tributaries, shipping only on separate segments. Only on the exit to the plains, they become available to ships up to the mouths. In addition, it is very unfavorable for transport, and for irrigation, and for hydropower, the mode of these rivers with fluctuations in water consumption during the year by 15-20 times. "Amendments" in nature have to be made by the construction of large reservoirs and irrigation channels. Smaller watercourses in the winter drought sharply melted or dry out completely, violently, devastating flooding flooding in the rain period.

Still sharply reduce and limiting the possibilities of the development of rivers porous, often lessoidal or sandy soils of tropical and subtropical plains. It is observed even with a large amount of precipitation. Normally small stock from the inner deserted flatbed of Northern Mexico, central Andes, in the Pacific coastal deserts, in the continental regions of North-West Argentina. All these territories are almost devoid of runoff in the ocean, surface watercourses and even drinking water. At the same time, the need for water agriculture and mining industry It is in these areas is huge. Therefore, for example, in Peru, the transfer of water to the West from the Amazon basin is carried out.

Page_Break-- Soil and vegetation

Since the territory of the equatorial union-wet climate occupies a significant area in Latin America, then the constant-wet evergative equatorial forests in its vegetation is widespread in its vegetation. Evergreen forests cover almost all Amazon lowland, most of the Guiangian Highlands and the North of Brazilian. However, solid arrays of typical hyilen are distributed only in Western, low and constantly wet Amazonia. In the east and on the adjacent slopes of the Guy and Brazilian Nagrain as a result of the dry period, as well as the features of the soil-soil and relief, there are quite extensive areas of edging, herbal-shrub formations, savannah, and a significant admixture of deciduous types of trees in the forests.

For typical guilles, a delicacy, multi-tiery and shady, wealth and a variety of species composition are characteristic. They prevail in them primarily in them by the family of legumes, then the pool, rutovy, palm trees, laurels, and other Liaans are also represented by the genus of fikuses, and the family of mimosu and cactus, etc.

Evergreen equatorial forests are developing in latitite, often apodulated soils. In the most Amazon Valley, low floods within a few months is under water. It is formed with wetlastic allyuvial soils and flooded, depleted in the composition of the hyiley forests - Igapo. The vegetation of unproofy placory areas is the most magnifiable and diverse - "Solid Earth".

Wet oriental Lokins of the Andes in Equatorial and Sub-Equatorial belts and Western slopes and lowlands of the Andes of Colombia and the Northern Ecuador are dressed by mountain wet forests in latitite and red soils. Palm trees are dominated by a height of 1000-1500 m, in the second belt (up to 2500-2800 m) palm trees are inferior to the leading role of bamboo. In the "cold" belt (3200-3500 m), highland guyuy is developing - evergreen small trees and shrubs from the families of myrth, heather, minor bamboo and enclosures of tree fern.

Similar to vegetation and soils of Andiy mountain gylya and tropical forests covering the most wet oriental slopes of coastal servers of Brazilian Highlands and North Guiangsky. The main difference is the admixture of deciduous types of vegetation. For the eastern plains and the plane of tropical and sub-screen latitudes of Latin America are characterized by various types of savannah, edging, shrub formations in varnish red, red-brown and red-brown soils.

Large arrays of typical savannass are common in South America only in the southwestern, flat and low-lying part of the plains of Orinoco, where they are called Llanos. The articular representative of the trees in them is Mauritius Palma. The red soils of Llanos in the Orinoco in the upper part acquire almost black painting associated with the high content of organic substances as a result of the decomposition of thick herbal cover. Strong dryness and the duration of the period of completely devoid of precipitation in the northeast of Brazilian Highlands led to a special type of tropical deserted parsley, with an abundance of cactus, baobab, milk and barbed and burning shrubs. The cereals and the complex color in the area are almost absent, and the ephemerial impossible cover appears only a few days after the rain. Red-brown and especially the red-brown varnish soils of this area are very low, skeletal and crugs. Often, as a result of erosion and deflation of small particles, dense cemented concrete shells forming iron-born latitite bark are completely naked.

South of 20˚ sh. In the high arrays of Brazilian Highlands in the conditions of a cooler and moderately wet climate, evergreen are common, mostly severe forests on mountainous red and yellow-bearing soils. South tropics they replace very light and rare subtropical mixed forests. Power plates of Parana in the subtropical zone are occupied by a loosely sensible grassy formation.

Drointent formations of vegetation and soil types adapted to a long period of drought or flooding, characterize both tropical plains of Chaco. Spiny acacia, mimosa, cacti, mope, sometimes passioned by Lianami are spread on the dry and elevated West on red-brown soils. For interfluve spaces with different types of latheitic red color and gray-brown soils are characterized by dry palpal, plots of steppes or cored forests of Cabracho. Wax palm trees grow on wet colors; Extensive swamps occupy lowland territories in the north, in the foothills of the Andes, in the east of the region in Paraguay and Paran and in the north of Meternrachia. South of 28-29˚ Yu.Sh. In the subtropical belt, Spotted vegetation rarely radiates, acquires even more twiser-friendly character and gradually goes into semi-deserts of Western Argentina. On scanty, not rarely saline desert serozes develop only low-spirited deciduous shrubs, not always fixing dunes, cacti. To the east, where the amount of precipitation increases, the semi-desert is replaced by a dry subtropical steppe on gray-brown soils.

Eastern, low and wet Pamppa with fertile black soil and meadow soils were once covered with dense cover of perennial cereals and dysdootilic dispersion. But at present, this natural vegetation of subtropical steppes in the northeastern part is destroyed by grazing, and in the western - spark. It is still south, in the Patagonia, the serozes are replaced by brown soils. Herbal "background" also make up cereals and dissemination, but the leaves of their very hard and barbeds. Sustainers, mostly evergreen, acquire a pillow-shaped, decent look and are much more similar to Verperamen, rather than with the steppes.

The Central Andyian Highlands is distinguished by the greatest continentality, harshness and dryness of climate in Andagors. Plants adapting to adverse environmental conditions, in its desire to preserve heat and moisture and resist the strong gusts of the wind, acquire a pillow-shaped, pillowing look, pressed against the ground. On a spotted rarefied background of low-grassy grassy, \u200b\u200bdeveloping on low-power serboans, the coronal shrubs are highlighted.

The most desert type of soil and vegetation is timed to the Pacific coast and the slopes between 5 and 28˚ Yu.Sh. Among almost bare sands, where only single xerophytes survive, rail tapes from evergreen spiny shrubs, Yves and reeds are distinguished. The northern outskirts of the desert are marked by the sections of dry edge of the transition to the savannahs of Western Ecuador. Due to the rapid increase in the amount of precipitation to the south of 38˚ Yu.Sh. Forests become more powerful and dense, sent by Liana. The main component in them is evergreen beats with an admixture of magnolia and coniferous, and in the lower tiers, as in mountain gylys, tree-like fern and bamboo. Under these wet evergreen forests, mining brown tillats are developed. The extreme south of chili is characterized by subnatrotic mixed forests, lower, poor and sparse compared to previous, although similar to them in the species composition. Among these forests, spots of peatlands appear more and more often towards the south, but the evergreen flora in Latin America reaches the extreme polar limit of woody vegetation. However, the upper belt of the forests make up beeches with foliage and coniferous foliage. They prevail on the dry eastern slopes of the Anda Patagonia. Above their bare rocks and eternal snow, there are wetlands, and below, along the coast of Versatorship.


Human need B. different types Natural resources are non-etinakov. So, without oxygen, a person cannot live and a few minutes, while without uranium or plutonium he managed to millennia. Different and the cost of mastering natural resources are different: sometimes they are minimal, but much more often the development of natural resources requires large capital investments, especially when it comes to the use of expensive equipment and technology, incessing deposits, etc.

The placement of natural resources by Latin America countries, as well as on the planet as a whole, is characterized by unevenness. As a result, there are noticeable differences between countries in the level and characteristics of their provision of natural resources.

The significant range of soil-climatic conditions of Latin America allows you to grow cultures and tropical, and moderate belts, creates prerequisites for different types of agriculture.

It is important today the question of the fate of the forests of Amazonia. Here Selva (Gilaya) - over 5 million km2 - the world's largest array of evergreen wide forests. It is called "light planets": vegetative all year round, Selva gives up to 40% oxygen highlighted by the vegetation of the globe into the atmosphere. Extermination of forests is fraught with severe consequences for the climate of the entire Earth, rivers, soils. But it is in this direction that events are developing. Becomes in Amazonia, especially in Brazil, reinforced agricultural colonization based on the covered fire system has already caused considerable damage to its forest wealth. The state of land resources around the world, and, above all, in developing countries, causes serious concerns due to the tasks of increasing food production.

The area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land in Latin America is expanding, which is largely due to the reduction of forest areas. The high-firing agriculture system is widely used, which leads to the spread of erosion processes. These processes are observed in all countries of Latin America - from Mexico to Argentina, including in the extensive plains of Pamppa. Erosion, deflation covered most of the land treated in these countries. In order to combat the destruction of the soil, land study, their inventory is carried out, and well-known anti-erosion measures are carried out, but so far in very limited limits.

Of the 33 states, only two Bolivia and Paraguay do not have access to the sea. But the distribution of the river network of the source in their territories is extremely uneven and is often very unfavorable for economic use.

The dependence of the economy of Latin American countries from foreign monopolies is often hampered by the exploration of many minerals.

The main problems are the study of resources and the organization of their large-scale and rational use. It is also very important to study the possibilities of cooperation of Latin American countries in the field of cooperation of natural resources with an advanced development of industries that produce extensive use and means of production.


Volsky V.V. Socio-economic geography of the foreign world. - M.: Kron-Press, 1998.

Lukashova E.N. South America. - M.: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1983.

Spiridonov I.A. World economy. Tutorial. - M.: Infra-M, 2001.

Countries and peoples. American. Overview of Latin America. Central America. Red college. Bromley Yu.V. And Dr. - M.: Thought, 1981.


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