An interesting mother's day script for schoolchildren. The scene about mom is funny for mother's day. Ending the scenario Mother's Day at school

Entertaining performances - drawings will help make the holiday interesting and please its guests. Original scenes for Mother's Day will help to amuse both parents and educators and teachers. Uncomplicated plots, easy presentation of numbers will help to make the holiday colorful and fun. Short and funny numbers are great for elementary school students and kindergarten... High school students can play entertaining incidents. The considered video examples with ideas for the selection of characters will allow you to find the best option for both schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Funny and funny sketches for elementary school for Mother's Day

Children who have only recently become schoolchildren should definitely prepare a funny scene for Mother's Day. Such a number will help them to show themselves on the positive side, to reveal their acting talents and at the same time just to please their beloved mom. Playing around everyday and family situations is excellent for solving such a problem. Looking at each other's usual flaws, you can have fun laughing at them and come up with an extraordinary solution to everyday problems.

Number "How I Help Mom" \u200b\u200bfor primary and secondary school

This issue examines the situation when the would-be assistant tries to write essays on the topic “Helping Mom”. And at this time, my mother tries not to distract her from her studies and herself does household chores:

Cool scene for Mother's Day in the elementary school "Mom's Children"

An interesting number tells about mom's golden children who haunt her after household chores. Such a performance is suitable for students primary grades.

Funny scenes from high school students for Mother's Day with interesting videos

High school students usually choose their own performance numbers. Therefore, each of them will be able to find that Mother's Day scene for high school students, which will be played out really beautifully and original for them. Teachers should only help the children with the rehearsal, advise good costumes, suggest creating simple decorations.

Scene on the video for high school students for Mother's Day - "Mom and Me"

One girl is playing her mother, the second is gradually growing up daughter. The issue displays different everyday situations, shows how the relationship between parents and children changes with their growing up. The difference between individual episodes is conditionally 5 years.

Ideas for funny and short Mother's Day scenes for schoolchildren with examples

Funny and short sketches for Mother's Day for children are usually selected by teachers. But by asking the children to choose the dialogues they like from the proposed options themselves, you can be sure that they will learn them well and play them out beautifully. It is advisable to select texts with in simple words and a clear meaning. This will help the students understand the comic nature of the situation and portray it as believably as possible when performing. Among the proposed options, you can find really original and funny scenes for Mother's Day:

Mom, we wrote at school !!!

What did you write?

The teacher says to the student:

Tomorrow, let your grandfather come to school!

Do you mean father?

No, grandpa. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes with your homework.

Little Johnny, who would you like to become?

A lion or a tiger!

For everyone to be afraid of me.

Even a teacher?

Oh no! Nothing can frighten our teacher.

The teacher gave an essay on the topic: "If I were a director of a company ...".

Everyone writes diligently, and only Little Johnny looks out the window.

Why don't you write?

I'm expecting a secretary.

It is very beautiful to perform such performances both in the initial and in high school... It is important to help the children in choosing costumes. This can be casual wear or special outfits. The selection of costumes should take into account the peculiarity of the scene about Mother's Day, the theme. The performances can be supplemented by a separately selected entertainer. One of the students can independently announce the numbers, which will help the performing students not to confuse the order of performances.

Kind sketches for Mother's Day in kindergarten: video tips for teachers and parents

It is not difficult to choose entertaining numbers for kids, because they are best suited for kids. Funny performances will be interesting for children from primary, secondary and senior group... But when choosing a script and drawing up dialogues, musical accompaniment, you need to take into account some rules. They will help you to correctly compose the number and prepare well for it:

  1. Conversations should be short and entertaining, and children should feel comic in the situation. Therefore, funny numbers should include short and simple remarks. This will help the baby to remember the text faster and to reproduce it easily. And even if, because of the excitement, the child forgets his words, he will be able to improvise and express the thought in such a phrase.
  2. Musical accompaniment should be appropriate and quiet. High-quality background music can be considered the key to a successful performance. Therefore, funny scenes for Mother's Day in kindergarten are not complete without entertaining compositions. But they should sound low, otherwise they will distract the guys from the number.
  3. Costumes must match the child's appearance in the episodes.

It is necessary to choose such outfits that can completely transfer the child into a fictional scene. For example, if mom, dad, son are acting out, it is recommended to choose suitable suits: for dad - trousers and a shirt, for mom - a beautiful dress, for son - a T-shirt and jeans.

Children in kindergarten should change their clothes backstage. Indeed, on a holiday, they will be smart and beautiful, so the transformation into an image will take place during the event. It is important for girls to choose simple suits that are easily fastened with Velcro or a snake. After all, parents usually do lush hairstyles for babies: there is no way to spoil such beauty.

Fascinating short scene about Mother's Day in kindergarten - "Deuce again"

The guys are shooting a film about how the son gets a deuce again. The director tries to consider the performance from different angles: comic, tragic. The room is accompanied by appropriate music and therefore looks great and cheers up well.

An entertaining children's scene for Mother's Day "Family" for primary and secondary groups

Children depict everyday scenes in which parents do not pay attention to their child. The comic nature of the situation is emphasized by the corresponding "busyness" of adults: they read the newspaper, talk on the phone. The situation is ridiculed by transferring it to such little actors.

The abstract is presented on 12 sheets and is accompanied by a colorful presentation.

Holiday progress

Presentation "Mom"

Lead 1.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries!
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

Conjuring from any misfortune
(She really has no good!)
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud sublime mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
So here she stands for centuries
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is molded with footprints
How many ways you walked
Apple tree - decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun always applaud her
This is how she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms! .

Lead 2.

Playing with primordial power
Nature created the world - mother,
And, apparently, she invested
All beauty and grace.
History is stubbornly silent
We hear the names of men
And the woman remained a mother
And we honor her for that.

“Hello, today we are glad to welcome in this hall our dear guests, all the guys, and, of course, the sweetest, beloved and only mothers!”. “Oh, how wonderful this word is:“ mother ”! Today we would like to give pleasant moments of joy to mothers sitting in the hall, and twice to mothers - grandmothers. I think it will be fair if today all attention is paid only to you - our relatives! After all, today is Mother's Day. "

Lead 1.

The words "mother", "mother" are among the most ancient on earth and sound almost the same in languages different nations... Mom, Mom! How much warmth is hidden by the magic word, which is called the closest, dear, only person. Mom follows our path in life. Mother's love warms us to a ripe old age.

Lead 2.

Mom not only does not get enough sleep at night, but worries and cares for the child to be healthy, well-fed, cheerful, happy. Mother is a window into big world... She helps the child to understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars ... these are beauty lessons for a lifetime ...

(Ballroom dance performed)


From a pure heart, in simple words
Let's talk, friends, about mom.
We love her as a good friend
For the fact that we have everything together.
Because when we have a hard time
We can cry on our own shoulder.

We love her also for the fact that sometimes
It becomes stricter in the wrinkles of the eye,
But it is worth confessing to come with your head,
Wrinkles will disappear, the storm will rush away.

For the fact that always without concealment and directly,
We can open our hearts to her.
And just because she is our mother,
We love her dearly and dearly.

There is the most gentle word in the world:

It is pronounced in infancy by children,

He is remembered in separation and anguish -

Let our feelings out -

You warm like the sun, and in the rain, and in the cold,

Your mother's hands can do everything -

Sorry for our involuntary insults,

For sleepless nights that don't make it more beautiful.

Oh, how sometimes we are stubborn

We will forever be indebted to you.

Thank you for everything infinitely.

Be the happiest, the most beloved

Nobody knows everything like a mother

No one, like a mother, understands

Nobody can caress like that

No one has compassion like a mother.

Nobody like a mother can give

No one like a mother can forgive.

And so love and expect

Nobody like a mother can either.

Who twists when we
Saddened at times.
How much joy mom has
If someone praises us.
How much torment she had with us,
And she doesn't need awards,
Mothers dream about one thing -
About the love of your children.

If it hurts me

Mom with a kind hand

Soothes pain

And it brings peace with it.

And when the toy is new

I rejoice loudly

Smiles with me

My dear mother.

Let the wind carry with it

What I will open to everyone:

In the whole world, in the whole world

Mom is the best - mine.

It happens -

The dog barks.

Rosehip pricks

The nettle will sting.

And at night I will dream

Huge pit.

You will fail

Falling, you shout out:

And mom will appear

Next to me

And everything that scared

Will pass by the side.

She will smile -

The splinters will disappear

Scratches, abrasions,

Bitter tears…

“What luck! -

I think, -

That the best mom is

Mom is loved by everything in the world.

Mum - best friend!

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around!

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble -

Mommy will come to the rescue

Will always help out!

Mom has a lot of strength, health

Give it to all of us.

So the truth is not in the world

Better than our mothers!

Happy Holidays Today

Congratulations to mom

I'm tight by the neck

I hug Mom.

The most beautiful

My mommy.

Obedient all day ...

I promise to be.

Who warms with love

Everything in the world is in time

Even play a little?

Who will always comfort you

And wash and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - a kiss?

Here she is always what -

My mom is dear!

Mom can be without shame

Give the "Hero of Labor" medal

All her affairs can not be counted

I don't even have time to sit down

And cooks and washes

Reads a fairy tale at night

And in the morning with great pleasure

Mom goes to work

And then - shopping.

We can't live without a mother.

We are glad to arrange a holiday

No pity

One reward for all

And one sorrow for all,

So that we learn with pleasure

Didn't shame the class

To make people honest from us.

So that we live for a reason

On their land

And have not forgotten yet

Never about her.

We are simple girls

We are simple boys

We declare to the whole world

What is dearer than mom

There is no man!

Wonderful gifts we

For the holiday we give mom

The bouquets are bright

Air red balloon.

We also give a song

It rings and pours

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

(The song sounds to the tune of the song by A. Pugacheva "Daughter")

And we have a special day today,

Most best holiday - a holiday for mothers!

The holiday is the most tender, the kindest.

He, of course, is very dear to us!


We will bake for mom

Big pie - big

Fragrant and ruddy

A little gold.

And on this day they decided

My dad and sister,

What will we all do

For mommy dear!

Dad and I were wise for so long:

What good could we do?

And they decided to congratulate the moms with a song.

We sincerely wish you happiness!



Lead 2.

We are holding a fun competition and game program today. Five teams take part in the game.

(The presenter introduces the participants of the competition)

Lead 1.

Our first competition is called "Presentation". In this competition, our participants will have to tell about their family and common hobbies.

(Competition "Presentation" is being held)

Lead 2.

While the jury is summing up the results of the first competition, we will watch the scene "Three mothers"

(Performed scene "Three mothers")

(There are four chairs around the table. In the foreground there is a toy chair with an elegant doll sitting on it. Other toys are to the side).


Tanya in the evening

I came from a walk

And the doll asked:


How are you, daughter?

Again you crawled under the table, fidget?

Sit out all day without lunch again?

It's a real trouble with these daughters!

Go to dinner, turntable!

(He takes the doll and puts it at the table)


Tanyushin's mom came home from work

And Tanya asked:


How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - shouted granny a hundred times,

And you answered: "Now and now."

It's just trouble with these daughters

Soon you will be like a thin match.

Go to dinner, turntable!


Here grandmother, mother's mother, came

And she asked my mother:


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Don't have a minute left for food again?

Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?

You can't work all day without lunch!

Soon you will be like a thin match.

It's just trouble with these daughters

I have already become a doctor, and everyone is a fidget.

Go to dinner, turntable!


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room

Three mothers are looking at their daughters -

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Lead 1.

We continue competition program... What will be the next competition. You will determine for yourself by tearing off a petal and saying magic words

Fly fly petal

Through joy and delight

Just touch your hand

Read the task for us.

Contest "Shifters"

We have replaced every word in the proverb with almost the opposite in meaning. Your task is to return the original appearance to the proverb.

- New enemy is worse than old nine (Old friend is better than new two)

- Sell a stroller in the winter and a dump truck in the summer (prepare a sled in the summer and a cart in the winter)

- Milk is boiling over the standing sand (Water does not flow under the lying stone)

- The night is fun in the morning, because there is no one to rest (The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do)

- With laziness, you will catch a bird in the forest (You cannot easily catch a fish from a pond)

Competition "Sensitive Heart"

They say that mother feels her child with her heart. Every blindfolded mother, having touched only the hands of children or the heads, should choose her own.

Concert number

In the house she is busy with good deeds,
Quiet, kindness walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us.
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where do you ask
There is so much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
This is mom, mom, mom!

Competition "Overtaking"

All teams take part in this competition at once. The task of the participants is to guess the conceived word faster than others.

- It is in every home

- This word consists of a root, prefix, suffix and ending A

- They are different, for example, wooden

- This word begins with the same letter as the capital of France.

- You can attach something to it

- This word is cognate with the missing word "The forest is cut, ... they fly"

- They are usually on a rope

- They are used to hang the laundry after washing

Competition "Friendly family"

This competition will help us to determine the most friendly family where everyone knows each other well. The leader asks the question, the mother writes the answer on the sheet, and the child gives the answer aloud. Whoever has more matches will be the winner in this competition.

- What is your mother's favorite dish?

- What color is mom's eyes?

- What perfume does mom use?

- Mom's favorite flowers?

- Mom's favorite TV show.

- How does mom spend her free time?

- What could upset mom?

- With what words does your mother greet you when you return from school?

- What would my mother spend a win of one million rubles on?

- How do you help mom around the house?

(A game is played with the audience. Two mothers take part. Boys stand around the first, girls around the second. Everyone runs to the music or dances (mothers too). At the end of the music, everyone has to stand up to “their” mother.

Competition "Culinary"

Our mothers have another profession - housewife. The house is supported by my mother. They take care of their children and husband, cook, clean and do a lot. Did you know that during the year, mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year. During the year, our mothers go shopping for more than 2000 km.

Determine the name of the dish by the selection of products

- 5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking soda (biscuit dough)

- 3 cups milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 25 g butter, 0.5 teaspoon sugar, 0.5 teaspoon salt, minced meat (meat pancakes)

- 4-5 boiled potatoes, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 fresh or soaked apple 100 g of sauerkraut, 50 g of green onions, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, ¼ glass of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of mustard, sugar taste (vinaigrette)

- For 400 g of fatty lamb - 2-3 cups of rice, 200 - 300 g of carrots, 150 - 200 g of onions, 200 g of lamb (or beef) fat or vegetable oil, salt, salt, pepper (Uzbek pilaf)

- 500 g of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 100 g of raisins, ¼ vanillin powder, 1 glass of berry or fruit syrup, 3 tablespoons of butter (curd casserole)

Competition "Literary"

Today we will see how well our participants know fairy tales. In 5 seconds you need to find the answer to the question asked. Either mom or child can answer. If the participants do not answer the question, it goes to the next one. So we ask questions and you answer.

- A fabulous creature who skillfully mint gold coins with a blow of a hoof (antelope)

- Chip and Dale - what kind of animals are they? (chipmunks)

- Snake from the book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (Basilisk)

- He visited the land of midgets and giants (Gulliver)

- He used a heating device as a transport (Emelya)

- The bird that became the wife of Prince Guidon (Swan)

- What title did Puss in Boots give to his master (marquis)

- The scientist cat told tales, heading in this direction (to the right)

- The shrub with beautiful white flowers that gave the name to this heroine (Jasmine)

- In fairy tales it is pronounced to make a miracle happen (spell)

- A genie from a bottle who performed many miracles for his savior (Hottabych)

- He is actor in Hoffmann's story about the mouse king (Nutcracker)

Fairy creaturesguardians of mountain treasures (elves)

- What is the name of the heroine of one of the works of Astrid Lindgren, whose name became the title of the story (Pippi - Long Stocking)

- A tiny girl who helped a swallow out of trouble (Thumbelina)

Concert number "Chastushki"

Don't be afraid for me mom

I won't fall off my chair.

So what if I swing,

I'm holding on to the cup!

Mom, I broke my watch

Give me some chocolate -

After all, good is always for evil

Everyone needs to answer!

Olya had a fight with her mother,

She sat down on the floor and roared:

- Let me back stork

It will carry you away in your beak!

Mom told me "not allowed"

Today, exactly a thousand times!

On canceling an evil word

We must issue a decree.

- You again, dear son,

I played with hooligans.

- So good children to me

Nobody let me close.

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,

Cabbage pies -

Petya learned his lessons

Everything and even oral!

I train with a barbell

I started to pump muscles,

But here's mommy's bag

I can't lift it in any way!

Mom looks so angry

After all, I eat without appetite.

As if from this porridge

It all depends on our happiness!

- Who is the most obedient in the family,

Tell us straight.

- well, of course, we will answer you.

This is our mother!

Competition "Charades"

The first syllable in my place means

Where do the ships come;

The second is the savior of animals on earth;

And the whole is the one who dresses us all. (tailor)

We walk on the first,

And this is in all homes;

We find the second in the alphabet;

And the whole is in the closets. (shelf)

My first syllable is a preposition.

The second syllable is a summer house.

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve. (a task)

I am composed of two syllables.

Are you ready to guess me?

From the beginning a note sounded

Then the most important seasoning.

And together I'm a vegetable in the garden.

I grow in a pod on the garden bed. (Beans)

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole in the museum

You can easily find it. (picture)

Lead 2.

The competition program has come to an end, but we continue. Let the jury sum up the results of the competition, and you, our dear, beloved, relatives, accept congratulations from your children.

Our dear dear, dear ones,
We promise you in chorus:
First of all, get A's in class.
Ride carefully down the hill.
Do not tear new trousers.
And don't fight, don't swear
Do not break glass with washers,
Do not climb into the attic,
So be it soup and porridge.

Forgive us and understand, mothers.
You don't scold us, mothers.
We are such children as people.
It's hard to rebuild
But about us, relatives, do not
Worried too much
We love you very much - this time!
And we are not a step without you - that's two!

We wish you peace and love
We wish you eternal youth!
May the joys be long
And griefs are fleeting
Let everything be like
In a good fairy tale:
Good luck, thousands of flowers
Health, laughter, smiles, happiness,
Works worthy of poetry.

(Children give gifts to mothers)

The jury announces the results of the competition.

(The song "We wish you happiness" is played)

In a world where crazy snow swirls

Where the seas threaten with steep waves

Where for a long time

Sometimes we are waiting for the message.

What would be easier in a difficult hour

It is very necessary for each of us, everyone needs it very much

Know that there is happiness!


We wish you happiness

Happiness in this big world.

Like the sun in the morning

Let it go into the house.

International Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May (in 2019 - May 12), and on the last Sunday in November (in 2019 - November 24) - Mother's Day in Russia.

In many schools there are matinees dedicated to these holidays, cool watch and themed evenings with poems and songs in honor of mothers.

The guys draw pictures, make crafts, write essays about their mothers. There are many ideas on how to arrange a Mother's Day holiday at school. We will tell you about some of them.

How interesting is Mother's Day at school?

This holiday should become bright and memorable: children should give their mothers maximum positive emotions. We offer one of the options for organizing Mother's Day for elementary school students.

To create a festive mood, decorate the room accordingly. The range of possibilities here is very wide - from garlands to balloons throughout the hall. You can make paper flowers, colorful garlands and other decorations at extracurricular activities.

Draw posters for the holiday, publish a wall newspaper. Another idea for how to organize Mother's Day at school is to arrange a colorful congratulatory collage of photos of the heroes of the occasion. Pictures can be accompanied by proverbs and sayings about mothers, lines from songs and warm wishes.

Make up interesting scenario events, having thought over all the details of the school holiday on Mother's Day, and select the appropriate props for the various numbers. A few days before the celebration, hold a rehearsal with all the participants so that the guys know who is performing for whom and how much time they have to perform.

The holiday will begin with congratulations from the host:
- Hello dear friends! We are all someone's children, and for each of us the word “mother” is the most important and dear one among the rest. So let us warm the hearts of our mothers with our love and warmth.

The guys will read poems:
- Today is a holiday, now is a holiday,
Holiday of our lovely mothers!
This holiday, the most tender,
Comes to us in November!

There is no end to different gifts
And in verse words
After all, today is the main holiday
Holiday of our mothers!

Our hall sparkles with lights
He gathered guests loved ones.
The fun hour will be shared with us
The smiles of our lovely mothers.

On our holiday today
Boredom is not allowed.
We want your mood
Had only a score of "five".

Another idea about how to celebrate Mother's Day at school is this: each child will have to tell about his mother: describe her in one phrase (for example, “My mother is a great cook”, “And my mother sews beautiful dresses”).

Or maybe you will like another idea of \u200b\u200bthis school holiday? On Mother's Day, you can present mothers with awards in various nominations: "The smartest mom", "The most beautiful", "The most creative", "The most musical", etc. Every woman should become a winner in one of the nominations.

To have an interesting Mother's Day, do not forget to include various games and contests for children and adults in the holiday program.

Children will need to answer questions:

  • In which city or village was your mother born?
  • Where did she study?
  • What is her job?
  • What color is your mom's hair?
  • What color are mom's eyes?
  • What flowers does she like?
  • What is her favorite song?
  • Her favorite food?

What ingredients does mom use to cook porridge or soup, bake a cake (etc.).

Then the host will give the task to the mothers:
- On the eve of the holiday, the guys painted your portraits. Today they are in front of you. You must recognize yourself and your artist by the portrait.

(All participants will then receive small prizes.)

Another idea for a school holiday on Mother's Day is to play funny scenes at the concert, for example, this one. 6 boys in aprons and chef's hats appear on the stage.

1st boy:
- Mother's holiday, mother's holiday!
It smells like delicious cake
And fresh flowers in a vase ...
Everything spun around!

2nd boy:
- Our mom is resting:
Dad is a cook and a caretaker ...
Sighs very sadly,
Sweat on your forehead and in your nose!
On this day for all men
There are a hundred reasons to worry!

Then the guys take turns:
- Is that kind of perfume presented?
- Is the tea brewed well?
- How long have soups been boiled?
- How much cereal to put in porridge?
- How long does it take to cook the chicken?
- Do you need to stew meat?
- Where to buy a cake for the holiday?

3rd boy:
- Our dear mothers!
We declare without embellishment,
Honestly, sincerely and directly -
We all love you very much!

4th boy:
- Though open spaces beckon us,
We are not a step away from mom!
Dad and I can move mountains ...
If mom says how!

More ideas for a Mother's Day concert at school

What else can you do to make your Mother's Day holiday interesting? Guys with good vocal abilities can perform a beautiful song in solo or duet. There are a great many songs about mothers.

Children who go to elementary school can sing the song "Mom" (words by D. Nepomnyashchy, music by V. Shainsky), "Mom for a mammoth" (words and music by A. Petryasheva), "We sang a song" (words by O. Fadeeva, music by V. Ivannikov) and others.

Alteration songs dedicated to mothers can also be performed at the holiday. They will surely like the song to the tune of the song "What they teach at school":

Take the first steps
Draw circles
Mothers teach, mothers teach,
Mothers teach!
Walk briskly with a foot
And don't notice the stones
Mothers teach, mothers teach,
Mothers teach!
If it hurts you fell
They are in a hurry to pity you
Only mothers, only mothers,
Only mothers!

Learning the first words
We always say first
The word "mom", the word "mom",
The word "mom"!
We are always glad to see her
And we smile, loving,
To my mother, to my mother
His mother!
And congratulations today,
And good luck to everyone
To my mothers, to my mothers,
To your mothers!

You can include funny ditties in the school festive concert for Mother's Day.

Our dear mothers!
Autumn sun
Let him raise with us
Your mood!

I wanted to get up early
To please mom
But no one guessed
Wake me up earlier.

Here's to clean once a year
I decided to fry,
And then four days
Couldn't wash me off.

We promise today
Only joy to give you.
And so that you do not get upset,
Only "five" to bring.

What other numbers would be good for a Mother's Day concert at school? The guys who are engaged in dance clubs must perform beautiful numbers. It could be pair dance or a performance by a group of children.

- Dear mothers, our holiday has come to an end. We were very pleased to see your smiles and happy eyes of the guys.

- Thank you for your kind hearts, for the desire to be near the children, to give them warmth. Thank you for your participation in our celebration and for being the very best!

Then the children will give their mothers gifts.

Do not forget to leave 30-40 minutes at the end of the party for tea, and ask the children in advance to bring food for the sweet table.

\ Documents \ School holiday scenarios

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Mother's Day holiday script: "My mom is the best!"

Mother's Day script provided by: primary school teacher MOU secondary school № 28, p. Mostovskaya, Mostovsky District, Krasnodar Territory, Malyukova V.N., email: [email protected]

Equipment: The school class is festively decorated with garlands of flowers and balloons. Stand on the central wall "My mom is the best", "Today is a holiday - Mother's Day!"... Here are photographs of mothers, essays about mothers, drawings on the theme "My mother".

The song "Orenburg downy shawl" is played.

1 student

I sing that which is eternally new, And although I do not sing a hymn at all, But in my soul the born word finds its music.

2 student

This word is a call and an incantation, In this word there is a soul. This is the spark of the first consciousness, the first smile of a baby.

3 student

This word never deceives, The creature is hidden in it, In it is the source of everything. There is no end to it. I say it: MOM!


Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances and surprises. The words "mother", "mother" are one of the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages \u200b\u200bof different nations. This suggests that all people respect and love mothers. The word “mother” is also used to refer to their Motherland to emphasize that she is a mother to her children. Many countries celebrate Mothers Day ... People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them. We also decided to make such a holiday for you to show how much we love and appreciate you.

1 student

Different children live on the planet, But all the children in the world love their mothers It happens that we do not listen to mothers, And mothers teach us good deeds.

2 student

And mothers teach us how to be kind, How to protect and love our Motherland. Moms can do anything, moms will help, Moms know how to understand everything.

3 student

Our dear mothers, We ourselves admit that, of course, we do not always behave well.

4 student

We love you very, very much, We will be kind to grow. And we will always try to behave well.


I decided to cook compote On my mother's birthday. Took raisins, nuts, honey, a kilogram of jam. I put everything in a saucepan, Stir it, poured water. I put it on the stove and added fire. To make it tastier, I won't regret anything! Two carrots, onion, banana, Cucumber, a glass of flour, half a biscuit I added to my compote. Everything was boiling, steam was swirling, Finally, the compote was cooked! I took the pot to my mom: "Happy birthday mommy!" Mom was very surprised, laughed, admired. I poured compote for her. Let him try soon! Mom drank a little And ... coughed into her palm. And then she said sadly: “A miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you! Delicious!"


Mother teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Let's play the game "Ma-moch-ka!". I will ask a question, and you answer in unison: "Mommy!" Only amicably and loudly!

  • Who came to me in the morning? (Mommy!)
  • Who said: "It's time to get up"?
  • Who managed to cook the porridge?
  • Who poured tea into the cup?
  • Who braided my braids?
  • Was the whole house swept up alone?
  • Who kissed me?
  • Who kiddies love to laugh?
  • Who is the best in the world?

Leading. Well done! And now, dear guests, watch the "Wranglers" scene.

Scene "Wranglers".

1 student

I have such a mother, -

Everyone is jealous, I know!

2 student

From what? Why then?

Mom is better with me!

3 student

Who said you got it?

Mom is the best - mine!

2 student

Here you are, (name), why do you love your mother?

1 student

For the fact that without concealment and directly

We can trust her with our heart

And just for the fact

That she is our mother

We love her deeply and dearly.

1 student

3 student

We love her like a good friend.

For the fact that we have everything together.

Because when we have a hard time

We can cry on our own shoulder.

3 student

(name), why do you love your mother?

2 student

We love her also for the fact that sometimes

Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.

But it is worth confessing to come with your head,

Wrinkles will disappear, the storm will rush away.

1 student

(name), and what should we do so that mom does not upset.

4 student

And you don't always see mom

In her labor worries,

And if mom sometimes

Come tired from work

Warm her with your care

Help her in everything then!


There are large families in our class, this is (list). Mom's arms rocked children in the cradle when they were little. It was mom who warmed them with her breath and lulled them with her song.

1 student

I love you, mom, why, I don't know

Probably because I live and dream

And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day.

For this I love you, dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you, mom!

You are my best friend.

2 student

Not knowing fatigue

No rest every hour

Day and night dear mother

Everyone worries about us.

Lulling us, feeding us,

She sang to us by the bed.

She taught us first

Kind joyful words.


And now a competition for mothers "Sing a lullaby" is announced.

1 student

How many nights she did not sleep,

If suddenly we were sick.

How much did she cry

In a small room in the dark.

Who twists when we

sad at times.

How much joy mom has

If someone praises us.

How much torment she had with us,

And she doesn't need awards,

Mothers dream about one thing -

About the love of your children.


All our mothers love flowers very much. Flowers give people joy. And in the summer they will not get bored, and in the winter they bring us freshness and warmth. Our game is called “Know the flower”. Your task is to guess which flower we are talking about.

1. This flower is called the sister of mercy. Its popular names are: popovnik, white-headed, Ivanov's color. This flower is considered national symbol Russia.

2. People call this flower a boby, a commotion, a ringing grass. Grain growers are not very fond of this flower.

3. The flower of the sun is what they call it. He came to Russia from Holland. For many years, people walked around the overseas guest, trying to figure out what kind of plant it was.



Guys, let's give mothers flowers and gifts.

1 student

So that life does not burn you through the years,

So as not to cry from repentance,

Forever: nowhere and never

Don't make your mom cry.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms!

May the sun always applaud her

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

Performing the song "Solar Circle ..." with the mothers

Thanks to all the guys, guests, mothers for your attention and participation in the holiday, dedicated to the mothers... Until next time.

The end of the script Mother's Day at school.

Primary school teacher Larionova L.V.

MOU SOSH №21, Ramenskoye 2013


Show the significant role of the mother in the family and society, develop feelings of respect and love for the closest person - mother.

- promoterallyingchildrenandparents, the formationpositiveemotions.

Tasks holiday :

- be able toto expresshislovetomothersacrossart, word, music;

- to createsettingcomfortforfreecommunicationandrecreation;

- showcreativeabilitypupilsclass.

Preparatory work:

1. Prepare an exhibition of drawings "My sweet mother"

2. Conduct an interview with students "Why is your mom the best?"

3. Make a "magic" chamomile: on back side petals are written the words "the most charming", "the most affectionate", "the kindest", "the most charming smile", "the most beautiful eyes", "the sweetest", etc.

4. Prepare balloons with wishes for a gift to mothers.

5. Invite parents to a holiday.

Holiday progress.

Teacher: Close your eyes, listen. You will hear my mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse him. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. You still did not know how to speak, but my mother understood you without words. She knew what you want. Mom taught you how to walk, talk, mom read you the very first book. Mom was always there. Everything that you saw, everything that surrounded you, began with your mother….

Clip on the screen "Conversation with God" (Appendix # 1).

Leading. Good day!

Leading ... Hello our dear mothers!

Leading. And also the mothers of our mothers and fathers are beloved grandmothers!

Leading ... We welcome our second mothers, our teachers.

Leading ... Traditionally, Mothers Day of Russia is celebrated in our country at the end of November.

Leading. Mom is the only one whose life from beginning to end is dedicated to us children.

Leading. And no matter how old we are, mother is interested in every step we take, every deed is important.

Leading. Only the mother's heart experiences our successes and mistakes as its own.

Leading ... As long as we love and cherish our mothers, everything will be fine both at home and in the country.

Leading ... Our concert program we named

"Mom" - sounds like a poem, like a song!

Leading. We dedicate it to you!

Together ... Happy holiday, dear ones!

Leaders leave. A song about mom is being sung.

1. There are many kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
From two syllables, a simple word "mom"
And there are no words dearer than it.

2. This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mom, dear mom -
This is what is sacred forever.

3. How many words we want to say
To all the women of our beloved land
Wish them health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck.

4. We live in the world for a few years
And we don't know much else, friends.
But I believe in victory and success,
When your mother is with you!

all Our friendly class is glad to congratulate
All mothers on the whole planet
Thank you mom say
Both adults and children!

1 . November walks through the courtyards

In the rays of coolness, light.

Today is our mothers' holiday

And we are pleased with that.

2. Today we have gathered to say to our mothers: thank you very much!

3. Thanks for your hard work!

4. For sleepless nights at our cribs!

1. For your patience during our training!

2. On behalf of all children, we say:

All - Low bow to you, our dear mothers!

3. Happy holiday!

4. Happy holidays!

1.Happy holiday,

2. wonderful, wonderful!

3.Happy holiday of affection, love

and attention!

4. Happy feminine charm!

( dance) 2b class, 3b class

Music is playing at the exit of the 1st class.

    Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than mom's.

    You will not find eyes in the world

Affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are dearer.

    Hundred ways, roads around

Walk around the light:

Mom is the best friend

Better than mom no!

    What's the very first word?

What is the most important word?

What is the brightest word?


    And I want it again, and I want it again

Say it softly, say it loud

The most important word of a child.


    If I read the ABC book,

I say the first word again.

There are very few letters in it:

Two short syllables:


    Come on, M

Give your hand to A.

Come on, MA,

Give your hand to MA.

MA and MA, and together - MOM!

I write this myself.

Need to know,

How to write

The letter "M" and the letter "A".

I will write the entire notebook:

M and A, MA and MA.


I creak quietly with a feather.

Look quickly mom

That's how I love you!

It was morning in a quiet house
I wrote in the palm of my hand
Mom's name.
Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
Not on a stone wall,
I wrote on my hand
Mom's name.
It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It got noisy in the middle of the day
- What have you hidden in your palm? -
They began to ask me.
I opened my hand:
I kept my happiness. (A. Barto "Mama")


For your patience and care, kindness and affection, accept funny ditties from your children.

    So the holiday has come
    We are head over heels happy.
    Let's sing to our mothers
    We are our ditties.

2. Dear nani mothers

weditties we will sing to you.

Congratulations on the holiday

And hello big to you!

3. Alla went mushrooming,
I chose a beautiful mushroom.
Collected, as on selection,
Every mushroom is a fly agaric!
Oh deeds, oh deeds
Mukhomorov typed! (2 times)

4. Mama instructed Misha
Remove the pits from the cherries.
Misha managed to do everything,
He took out the bones and ate the cherries.
Oh deeds, oh deeds
Misha's cherry let him down!

5. Larisa assured us:
These are narcissus onions
And on our flowerbed suddenly
Green onions began to grow.
Oh deeds, oh deeds
Larissa let us down!

6. Whether in the garden, in the garden
Volodya helped weed.
After helping him
Nothing grows there.
Oh deeds, oh deeds
Nettles have blossomed there!

7. Narwhal flowers Marina
And gave the calf.
He did not understand beauty
I took and ate her flowers.
Oh deeds, oh deeds
It's a pity for the little narwhal!

8 to get mom to work

The evil alarm clock did not wake up

I give him tonight

I unscrewed three parts.

9 my mother's anger is like the first snow

It melts fast, fast

Us for pranks she

Forgives one hundred times a day!

10.Walk by the hand with my mother,

I hold my mom tight

So that mom is not afraid

So that one is not lost.

11. So I decided that I was on a holiday

I will do to my dear mother -

I will become very obedient

Kisses for a week!

12. I love my mommy very much!

I declare directly.

There's a new star in the sky

I'll call it "mom"!

13 I'm so proud of the heroic

My dear mommy!

Because our mom

It’s the hardest thing to be!

14 I train with a barbell

I started to pump muscles,

But here's mommy's bag

I can't lift it in any way!

15.We finish singing ditties

And we give this advice:

“Help more mothers -

They will live for 100 years!

(poem about mom winner: 1st grade, 3rd grade)

Pupil : Listen! Listen! Listen!

Today we sing for you!

All the kindest, best

Warmed by the warmth of your eyes.

We say "Thank you!"

We, relatives, to you.

Because the Earth is beautiful

Kind mothers!


1 student: Mom is the most precious thing.

2 student: mom gives us life.

3 student: With its help we take the first steps….

4 student: And the first word that we say is also "mom".

Who warms with love
Everything in the world is in time
Even play a little?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - a kiss?
Here she is always what -
My mom is dear!

Who we first meet

Coming to the white light, -

So this is our mommy

She's no sweeter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world will be warmed with it,

All century she tries




























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{!LANG-e54402f94e7b7a3473f9b26b08eff1f9!} {!LANG-0e2a80f0edfd53ba5c7cdd3d4d8e6d96!}




Not only children love mothers,

If anything happens

Give it to all of us.


































Pupil {!LANG-f11efba6fd6cb4425885d68af7eb9c6a!}



Pupil {!LANG-ab71db70990bc0e20d161ee0e512999a!}






Pupil {!LANG-12980a70eb85e5ea4e93e350dd8412ba!}









Pupil {!LANG-a6ef4e17c0fc2fe2d763bf74f6198f89!}



Leading {!LANG-87ca64f042a05b9058444d9f3818d5f2!}


{!LANG-119f6282daa626c9a8592ada1577ca24!} {!LANG-69f5d49ae5c961b0c7cdd9d5e5a54580!}


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All {!LANG-422392699d627b026371619fef614ad9!}

{!LANG-c827bceadbad8f1bec8eb8de2d8298ab!} - {!LANG-943875e8acf95b745b1406052d08d91f!}














Wonderful gifts we
For the holiday we give mom
The bouquets are bright
Air red balloon.
We also give a song
It rings and pours








































