We need Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. How to make money for the New Year. We are exploiting Santa Claus. Modern Santa Claus

-\u003e Manufacturing, construction, agriculture

Kvass production

Annual growth in production and sales of kvass is 25% -30%. There is a reason to think seriously and take a closer look at the leavened business more closely. Analyzing the situation, we can say that your own kvass production - a very interesting and profitable niche for small and medium-sized businesses.

The production of kvass is considered a highly profitable business, the profitability of kvass production exceeds 100%, and in a successful scenario, the production of kvass can bring the investor up to 300% per annum.

Today manufacturers offer a huge selection of equipment for the production of kvass for every taste and budget, including mini-factories for the production of kvass. It is possible to purchase both separate isolated equipment and turnkey mini-production.

For a shop for the production of kvass with a capacity of 5 thousand liters per day will require production room measuring 12 x 20 x 6 m, or an area of \u200b\u200b40 sq. m under the hangar for placing the equipment of the mini-plant. Requirements for the premises (site) - availability of water supply and sewerage. Set necessary equipment mini-plant for kvass production includes fermentation and blending tanks, a syrup boiler, a wort dilution tank, a syrup measuring tank, a heat exchanger, a refrigerating machine, a gram, a set of pumps, a washing and filling station. In addition, you will need equipment to organize retail (barrels or cooler trolleys with kegs) and transport. All this pleasure will cost you about 70-120 thousand dollars.

However, do not be afraid! The production of such a capacity is focused rather on medium business and is given as an example. To begin kvass production it is possible with much less investment, choosing a set of equipment of lower power for more acceptable money for small business. In addition, it is worth carefully studying all offers for leasing such production equipment.

Let's see and calculate what the profitability of kvass production is. As a basis for calculating the production of kvass, let us take the figures carried out by the "Kwasyanya" company, which is engaged in the production and sale of live fermented kvass.

For the production of kvass, a special fermentation apparatus and two additional containers are required. All this costs 16,500 and 7,000 rubles, respectively.

  1. Kvass concentrate 4 kilograms x 100 rubles \u003d 400 rubles;
  2. Granulated sugar 5 kilograms x 21 rubles \u003d 105 rubles;
  3. Yeast 50 grams \u003d 6 rubles;
  4. Aromatic raw materials (mint, currant leaf, cherry leaf) \u003d 30 rubles;
  5. Electricity \u003d 72.71 rubles;

Total ingredients and energy resources: 613.71 rubles for the production of 86 liters of "live" kvass.

A plus wage 10,000 rubles / 22 days / 8 hours x 1.262 \u003d 71.70 rubles per hour (where 1.262 are mandatory payments with payroll).

To produce 86 liters of kvass, 3 people / hour will be required.
To produce 172 liters of kvass, 6 people / hour will be required
For the production of 258 liters of kvass, it will take 9 people / hour

The total costs for the production of kvass are:

  • 86 liters - 613.71 rubles + 71.70 rubles x 3h \u003d 828.81 rubles
  • 172 liters - 613.71 rubles x 2 devices + 71.70 rubles x 6h \u003d 1657.62 rubles
  • 258 liters - 613.71 rubles x 3 devices + 71.70 rubles x 9h \u003d 2486.43 rubles

The cost of a liter of kvass is the same for all three cases. It is 9.64 rubles.

Little to produce kvass, it needs to be poured into containers and sold. What will be the profit from the sale of kvass?

Profit calculation when selling kvass in PET bottles of 1.5 liters (the most common and demanded container on the market):

86 liters of kvass \u003d 57 bottles of 1.5 liters.
172 liters of kvass \u003d 114 bottles of 1.5 liters
258 liters of kvass \u003d 172 bottles of 1.5 liters

  1. Bottle costs:
  2. PET bottle - 4.98 rubles;
  3. Cover - 0.53 rubles;
  4. Label - 1.70 rubles.

Total: 7.21 rubles

The recommended price for the sale of live kvass in one and a half liter bottles starts from 50 rubles. As a result, the total revenue from the sale of 57 bottles per day will amount to at least 2850 rubles. If you subtract from this the costs of kvass production and bottles, then the net profit will be 1,614.81 rubles per day. When 57 bottles of kvass are sold at a price of 50 rubles per bottle, the monthly profit (for 30 days) will amount to 48,444.30 rubles.

If 114 one and a half liter bottles of kvass are sold per day at a price of 50 rubles, then the revenue will be 5700 rubles, the profit - 3229.62 rubles per day. For a month (30 days) the profit from the sale of 114 bottles of kvass for 50 rubles will be 96,888.60 rubles.

In summer, apart from the sale of kvass in 1.5 liter PET bottles, the sale of kvass for bottling will give very good revenue. In the summer heat, kvass at street points goes simply "with a bang."

In production bottling kvass the cost of a liter of the drink will already be 9.83 rubles (compared to kvass intended for bottling, a new ingredient is added - kvass wort concentrate). The price recommended by the supplier of kvass concentrate and wort is 23 rubles per liter. As a result, the daily profit of the outlet selling kvass in the case of selling 86 liters of the drink is 1132.39 rubles, when selling 172 liters - 2264.78 rubles, when selling 258 liters - 3397.17 rubles. The monthly profit will be equal to RUB 33,971.70, RUB 67,943.40 and RUB 101,915.10, respectively.

It can be seen from the above calculations that the prime cost of kvass is low, and the business of producing and selling kvass itself is quite highly profitable.

We constantly hear about small business development from the media. An increasing number of people are trying to go about their business, opening shops, law offices, travel companies and so on. But life does not consist only of work. A person also needs holidays, which provide an opportunity to relax, having received positive emotions.

One of the most beloved holidays is New Year.

And what is the New Year without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden? That's when annual problems arise: for customers - whom and how to invite as New Year's characters, for performers - where to get more orders and think over a mini-congratulation.

You can independently organize a business in the new year, the result of which is making a profit, and not bad.

Having decided to start a New Year's business, the first step is to think about how to declare yourself, and this must be done in advance and several times. You can run a creeping line on a local TV channel, advertise in a newspaper, or simply post them on the street (although they can be fined for this, and then the chances of making a profit will fall).

Ideally, it is better to have a license for this kind of activity (usually it is given for several types of different activities). By legal issues it is better to go to www.av-reg.ru. The resolution will protect from many problems with the law and customers, who have become more demanding for quality services.

Next, you need to create a team Santa Claus-Snow Maiden. Better if it will family business in the new year, then all the proceeds will remain in the family. It is also necessary to have personal transport, as hiring a driver will reduce your profit.

The costumes can be rented or purchased if you intend to do this seasonal activity for more than one year. New Year's suits are a separate article, as this is another opportunity to successfully do business in the new year. You can additionally do the costumes (only in advance) and then use them yourself, sell them or rent them out.

All orders are recorded, a route for their implementation is drawn up. At the entrance to the customer's house, it is necessary to notify him of the approach of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Before ordering and immediately after its execution, it is better to inform your loved ones about it (in case of unforeseen circumstances).

In order to win back the order with high quality on the New Year's holiday, it is also necessary to carefully prepare a mini-congratulation, taking into account the age characteristics of customers. Payment is usually made immediately after the order is completed, but various options are acceptable, including prepayment.

New Year's business is a mutually beneficial enterprise, since, in addition to making a profit, it also brings moral satisfaction.

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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The cost of the project, taking into account working capital, will amount to 15,443,000 rubles. More than 70% of this amount is planned to be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment.

Transport companies more and more often they prefer to service their fleet not in garages, but in modern cargo service stations, however, this business has many nuances, which we will discuss in the article.

The cost of the project for the organization of scientific shows will require money in the amount of 150,000 rubles. The payback period with a pessimistic sales forecast will be 9 months.

Let's talk a little about how you can make money on the eve of the New Year, which is about to come.

New Year's bustle and traditions are appreciated all over the world. There are many different types of business that are seasonal in nature, but the most magical and massive festivities attract many enterprising people to organize some kind of New Year, unusual and outstanding business.

If we turn to the primary source of the New Year's commotion, it will be clear that this holiday was initiated by entrepreneurs of that time (XVIII century), so that the New Year's fair was profitable.

It is possible to earn money on Santa Claus even now by providing a traditional service - calling Santa Claus to a matinee, to an event, to his home.

Santa Claus is not expensive

Moms and dads of our country are looking for affordable prices for the service. All family forums start looking for a New Year's wizard for their children in a month or a month and a half. In the discussions, issues such as prices, scenarios are raised, and they are looking for where it is better to order Santa Claus.

Children retain faith in a fairy tale as long as their parents support it, and the Russian Santa Claus is the most anticipated wizard who will bring the desired gift and turn life into fairy magic.

Holiday agencies honestly admit that New Year's applications far exceed the capabilities of the on-staff animators.

That is, people want to receive a service and are ready to pay for it. Only with a caveat - far from any money. Only a certain category of people can apply to professional agencies, the rest, having heard the amount exceeding their expectations, refuse the application. High prices in holiday organizations are due to vital necessity, taxes have to be paid from something, so they cannot provide services at reduced prices.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem that 95% of aspiring entrepreneurs face! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for the entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

This is where opportunities open up for non-professionals, since the average and large companies this market is unprofitable. The niche of services available to the population for calling Santa Claus will allow enterprising people with good business inclinations to earn money.

Small format and costs

Despite the fact that you do not have a large entertainment company, you need to register as an entrepreneur; an individual entrepreneur is enough. There are several options for the development of such a company:

  • Closing after New Years;
  • Submit a declaration with zero income until next New Year;
  • Expand by providing services for organizing non-New Year's events.

If you are in the mood for a seasonal part-time job, it is better to close the IP after the end of the holiday festivities. The cost of opening / closing an individual entrepreneur is the amount of the established state duty for the relevant procedures of 800 and 160 rubles at the moment. It is not necessary to order a seal, as well as to open a separate current account.

The costs don't stop there. To maintain new year business the appropriate attributes are needed - costumes for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter. The average cost of ready-made suits is about 5-10 thousand rubles. It is believed that you need to have about 5 pairs of animators (an excellent solution is to hire students, since they are active, energetic and hardy) in order for the profit to be more or less tangible.

Organizational issues can be dealt with independently - advertise, hire performers and come to conclude contracts. Mobility will play into your hands in hot weather, as consumers do not like going to the office, even if it is located within walking distance. Arriving to draw up documents at home to customers, draw up driving directions - this will come in handy for the actors who will work on the application.

Advertising and other expenses should also be considered. If enough people know about you, advertising costs will pay off many times over. So, everything about everything to start a small temporary holiday agency you will spend about 70 thousand rubles.

Margin and rates

This year, prices for the services of fairy-tale characters have already been announced, and you can familiarize yourself with them more closely. The price list for the visit of Santa Claus changes depending on the date to which he is invited fabulous guest with her granddaughter. 15 minutes of festive performance will cost:

  1. 2600 RUB - when ordering animators before December 15;
  2. RUB 3100 - for the presence of Santa Claus at the holiday after December 25;
  3. RUB 9,000 - on New Year's Eve right after the chimes.

Prices vary everywhere, but only approximate rates are given. Regional specifics and saturation of the services market can significantly adjust these amounts.

If we calculate all the initial data, it turns out that for a month of work with 5 pairs of actors, the profit of the New Year's holiday agency will not be less than 200,000 rubles. But such an amount appeared after the tariffs were reduced by 40% from the above and taking into account transportation costs, employee salaries (up to 7 thousand rubles per day for each pair) with full workload of animators - up to 14 addresses per day.

Good to know

New Year's businessmen who have already spent these holidays in a working environment shared their experience.

  • It is not necessary to buy suits or order their tailoring, renting is the best solution to save money. The collateral can be quite high (some companies require up to 100% of their value as collateral). You need to understand that you should not count on the return of the entire amount, since "production costs" in the form of minor damage to clothes are quite likely. And still, these costs are lower than buying sets of New Year's costumes.
  • For the role of Santa Claus, choose men with a rolling sonorous voice. The realism of the hero will maintain your reputation and leave happy children and their parents.
  • If potential employees have a craving for alcohol, they will regularly drop out of the workflow. Bad habits should be banned. On holidays, you do not have to sit still, you have to monitor your employees in between trips to conclude new contracts.
  • Remember, taking a serious approach to the entertainment industry, even if it is seasonal, can be very profitable. Do not miss all the nuances, and next year you will receive even more orders, which means net profit.

The favorite children's character today is still Santa Claus. Even adults who dream of getting happiness and some extraordinary miracle for the New Year are waiting for Santa Claus. Therefore, the New Year's idea: Santa Claus at home as a business will be a wonderful way of earning money for many people who want to please children and bring adults New Year's happiness.

What is the business

It is worth noting that this idea is relevant only during the New Year holidays. However, if you are a creative person, then you can continue a similar one even in the summer. But for this case, completely different costumes and different scenarios will be needed. It is worth saying that you can entertain children and adults at absolutely any event. For example, it can be: corporate party, birthday or anniversary.

In the New Year season, the demand for calling Santa Claus at home or for corporate events soars several times. Similar business has some advantages. In particular, to organize a case you will need:

  1. small start-up capital,
  2. new Year's costumes,
  3. creative charm,
  4. personal desire,
  5. car for movement.

New Year is a hot time for every fairytale character. However, most often, Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka are called to various children's matinees, corporate parties and other events. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble and to generate income, you must carefully plan your work schedule.

How to organize a business idea: Santa Claus at home

The Santa Claus home business idea requires a thorough approach. However, the most important task is planning the holidays. In addition, you need to take care of conducting high-quality advertising campaign... It is worth noting that you need to advertise your services long before the New Year holidays. After all, only in this case, customers can notice you and invite you to their fabulous holiday.

The best way to advertise such a business is visual advertising. Radio advertising is not the best way for a similar case. For high-quality advertising, you should choose: magazines, leaflets and flyers. In order to find worthy clients, you need to attend matinees in school and preschool institutions.

Pay attention to reading the publication:

For successful business you will need people who will play different roles. Be today fairytale heroes agree:

  • students,
  • non-working people
  • theater workers.

In addition, it is worth coming up with interesting scenario for every holiday or matinee. It is important to make it unique and very interesting.

Idea for business Santa Claus at home suitable for those people who wish to make money in their free time. It is worth saying that such a business can bring very good profits. And all because today calling Santa Claus at home can cost about 3 thousand rubles. And participation in corporate events has a much higher cost.

  1. To have a large list of clients on New Year's holidays, you need to make your program unique and very interesting. It is not recommended to stop there. Therefore, the standard performance program must be supplemented with new innovations. For example, it is recommended to develop new scenario, add pyrotechnics and life size puppets to the performance.
  2. Santa Claus must take into account that the main thing in his work is a fascinating and interesting performance. But gift bags with sweets can be decorated in completely different ways. This is not the main thing in this kind of work.
  3. When leaving the house, it is worth remembering about each member of the family. For example, if Santa Claus was called for small children, you still need to think about other family members. Small gifts are suitable for adults. For example, it can be key chains or other memorabilia. Be sure that such a congratulation will not leave anyone indifferent. And you don't have to make such surprises. Therefore, it is worth considering this recommendation in order to find new clients.
  4. It is recommended to shoot congratulations from Santa Claus on video or camera. Professional photography or high-quality video filming can bring additional income.
  5. For a one-time call, you can select assistants. For example, it can be very different fairy tale characters... In this case, everything depends on the script written.
  6. The presence of the Snow Maiden will help increase earnings. Therefore, you need to think about the selection of a suitable candidate.

Idea for business Santa Claus at home: How to properly prepare for the holidays

It has already been said above that it is best to prepare for the New Year season in advance. The best time to prepare is autumn. Therefore, on free autumn evenings it is worth choosing the correct and interesting repertoire, which will consist of:

  • songs,
  • poems,
  • contests,
  • riddles.

If you do everything correctly, everyone will like the holiday and you will have new clients in the very near future.
The preparatory stage includes the choice of costumes. Today for new year holiday Santa Claus costume can be bought or sewn by hand. It is recommended to buy two suits for a good profit. After all, children love the classic Santa Claus. And adults like to see Santa Claus on their holidays. Sewing or buying a Santa Claus costume can cost 3 thousand rubles.

Presenting gifts is considered an important factor in Father Frost's visit. Therefore, it is worthwhile to specifically discuss this point with the parents. In addition to gifts, Santa Claus must have various sweet little things with him, which will be awarded to the winners of various competitions.

In conclusion

As you can see, Santa Claus home as a business idea is a great chance to earn some real money on New Year's days. However, in order to implement the conceived idea, you need to work hard and approach this matter with great responsibility.


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