All types of greenhouses and sizes. Types of greenhouses and their photos. Application of metal pipes

Many owners of private houses dream of having a greenhouse on their plots. This agrotechnical structure will help the owners to provide their families with greens and some types of vegetables in late spring or early summer. Well, some greenhouse designs involving heating and lighting systems are used for growing crops all year round.

A greenhouse with your own hands can be built of wood and brick in combination with metal elements, have a frame structure, for example, made of light metal-plastic pipes.

When implementing the idea, first of all, the place where the greenhouse will be installed is determined. The size of the future structure directly depends on its area.

Next, you need to decide when this structure will be used - only in the spring or throughout the year. If the "winter" option is chosen, then you need to know that the construction will cost much more, since more materials will be required for it, and lighting, heating, plumbing and ventilation will also be necessary.

Then, you need to choose the material of manufacture and the type of construction of the greenhouse. To focus on one of them, I will consider several of the most commonly used options.

The design of greenhouses, in principle, is not very complicated, so any owner of the site can build it independently. To do this, you only need to prepare material and tools. Greenhouses can be divided into types based on various criteria - this is the material of manufacture, the shape of the structure, whether it will be stationary or temporary.

Greenhouse cover material

Several different types of materials are used to cover greenhouses. They should be transparent, may have shades favorable for plant growth. For example, which has become especially popular recently, sometimes not only a colorless transparent, but also a yellowish or green shade is chosen.

The KINPLAST company offers high-quality cellular polycarbonate for greenhouses. The material has excellent technical and operational characteristics. KINPLAST is the leading polycarbonate manufacturer in the domestic market. The line of cellular polycarbonate includes such brands as WOGGEL - a material created in cooperation with foreign colleagues; SKYGLASS is a versatile polycarbonate with excellent affordable price; as well as specially designed grades of polycarbonate for use in agriculture AgroTITAN.

Glass is often used to cover the walls and roof of the greenhouse. In terms of its structural structure and transparency, it is excellent for this room, but for the installation of glazing, it is necessary to create a particularly reliable solid frame structure, since this material has considerable weight. Capital winter greenhouses are sometimes erected from metal-plastic frames and double-glazed windows, but such a structure will be extremely expensive.

Another option that is most often used to cover greenhouses is plastic wrap. It can be used to pull on a frame made of any material, since it has a very low mass. Recently, a special reinforced film has appeared on sale, which is more durable, and it is easier to fix it on the frame crate.

To determine the choice of material, you need to carefully study its performance characteristics, which are presented in this table:

Material valuation optionsCellular polycarbonateGlassFilm
Mount and weight It is lightweight and can be used in certain structures without additional frame elements, as well as without a foundation.Glass has the greatest weight in comparison with other covering materials, and when choosing it, it will be necessary to consider a reliable frame installed on the foundation.Polyethylene has a very low weight, but requires special fixing.
If the material is not reinforced, then it is fixed to the frame through special slats and additionally fixed with thin stretched ropes.
Durability Polycarbonate as a greenhouse cover can last 18 ÷ 25 years, depending on its quality.
This material is flexible and has sufficient rigidity to be a self-supporting element.
Fixed to the frame, it does not deform and does not distort.
Glass can last for a long time, as it is not affected by ultraviolet rays and moisture.
On the other hand, glass is a fragile and inflexible material, therefore it does not tolerate mechanical stress, heavy loads and deformation of the frame structure.
Polyethylene has the lowest service life in comparison with other covering materials, as it is subject to the influence of ultraviolet radiation, from which it gradually deteriorates.
In addition, it cannot be called resistant to temperature extremes.
Noise isolation Cellular polycarbonate well dampens the noise of wind and rain due to its structure.If the installation of the material is performed poorly, then during a strong wind gusts of air can penetrate inside, and the glass can ring.The film will not protect the greenhouse from noise, and if the wind is very strong, then the material will rustle strongly in the wind.
Appearance Polycarbonate gives the building an aesthetic appearance and can make an ordinary greenhouse a real decoration of the territory.Correctly installed glass will give the greenhouse a neat appearance.The film looks neat and remains transparent only for the first season of its use, and even then - not always.
Then, under the influence of the sun, temperature changes and wind, it becomes cloudy and loses its aesthetic appearance and light transmittance.
Safety Polycarbonate has a high strength, exceeding that of glass, by about 200 times, and also about 15 times lighter.
In the event of a fall, the material does not break and cannot be injured by fragments of people inside or near the greenhouse.
Poorly installed glass is extremely dangerous for people working inside.
In addition, if fragments fall into the soil of the greenhouse, then you can seriously injure yourself during the subsequent processing of the land.
Therefore, if the installation of glass is planned, then it is recommended to entrust its installation to professional craftsmen.
It is completely safe for both people and the greenhouse soil.
Care This material is easy to care for - it is enough to wash it with water, setting a strong pressure in the hose.
However, it should be noted that the dust on the polycarbonate surface is almost invisible, so the greenhouse does not have to be washed often enough.
Rain drops remain on the glass, and dust is well retained.
It takes a lot of physical effort to get rid of dirt on the surface.
It is especially uncomfortable and dangerous to carry out cleaning activities on a greenhouse roof.
The plastic film is not washed, because after wet cleaning, stains remain on it, and it becomes cloudy, which makes it difficult for the full penetration of light inside.
The only way out in case of severe contamination is to completely replace the film.
Created microclimate Polycarbonate is able to reliably insulate the greenhouse and protect plants from the wind.
Vapors deposited on internal surfaces flow through them into the soil.
In addition, the material not only perfectly transmits light, but also makes it softer and more diffused.
The heat generated by the soil and plants is reliably stored indoors, which creates a greenhouse effect.
Glass is not able to create high thermal insulation, if it is not metal-plastic structures with glass units.
The material perfectly transmits light, but does not scatter it, and sometimes even focuses on a specific bed, which is extremely harmful for plant leaves.
Dense new polyethylene film is capable of creating high thermal insulation, but over the season, under the influence of temperatures, sun and wind, it becomes thinner and loses its original qualities.
Therefore, it is recommended that the film cover be changed every year.

Having weighed all the "pluses" and "minuses" of materials, and also taking into account the design of the planned structure, it will be possible to make a choice of the type of coating.

Greenhouse constructions

Greenhouses have different designs - it can be a spacious room or just a large box covered with a glazed frame. Also used are structures that extend half of their height into the ground. It will be possible to stop your choice on one of the varieties only after the owner understands the features of each.

  • The simplest greenhouse structure, which can be built from scrap materials, consists of an ordinary box, for example, 2000 × 1500 mm in size, assembled from boards and installed in a favorable area of \u200b\u200bthe local area. For such a greenhouse, old ones are often used as a roof.

These greenhouses are usually used for growing seedlings or greenery from early spring to late autumn.

  • Another option for a simple and affordable greenhouse is a simple frame structure made of metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes, fittings, and sometimes even thick steel wire, covered with plastic wrap.

If plastic pipes are chosen for the greenhouse, then even female hands can make a frame out of them, since this material bends quite easily and keeps its shape well.

A similar version of the greenhouse can be used throughout the spring-summer season, from spring to late autumn. The convenience of the design lies in the fact that after planting seeds, for example, tomatoes, under the film, after germination and strengthening, the seedlings can not be transplanted. It is simply thinned out, and when a stable and comfortable temperature for plants is established outside, the film is removed from the structure, opening the free flow of air and sunlight. In very hot weather, a special mesh can be quickly thrown over the created frame, creating partial shade, but allowing light to penetrate to the plants in necessary ones.

  • A more complex structure, which is assembled from a wooden beam and covered with a film, can also be used throughout the spring-summer season. The sizes of such a greenhouse can be different - they vary on how many seedlings are planned to be planted, and taking into account the convenience of the gardener.

In this design, an articulated raising of the roof must be provided for access to the plants of sunlight and air. This is also a seasonal version of the structure, and it is advisable to use it only for growing seedlings, since in stable summer temperatures it is recommended to grow vegetables and greens in the open field.

Video: homemade greenhouse on a wooden frame with a film coating

  • If you need to grow a small amount of greenery or seedlings, you can make a greenhouse from a metal barrel, in which slots are made in the form of windows. A plastic transparent film is used as a roof in this structure - it can be removed at any time, opening access to air, and, if necessary, closed so that the night coolness of the off-season does not harm the plants.

  • A more complex greenhouse design, in which it is already possible to install moderate heating and start using it in the very early spring. It consists of a wooden or metal-plastic frame. This is already a full-fledged room, and in it not only plants, but also the gardener will be protected from wind and low temperatures. Such a greenhouse can be covered with a very dense plastic wrap or cellular polycarbonate. When creating a structure from pipes, you need to remember that it will turn out to be quite light, and a strong wind can move it from its place, damaging the seedlings, therefore, to tie it to the place, it is necessary to drive metal corners or fittings into the ground.

An interesting solution - the greenhouse frame is welded from very inexpensive polypropylene pipes and accessories for them.

  • The capital structure of the greenhouse, equipped with heating and irrigation, can be used throughout the year. In order for such a greenhouse to work effectively, it is usually made of metal-plastic or aluminum structures and double-glazed windows, which are installed on the foundation.

This greenhouse is already a real capital structure

For easier provision of heating and delivery of water to the greenhouse, such structures are often attached to the southern wall of the house. In this case, the building will function as a kind of winter garden, which at any time of the year will delight the owners not only with fresh vegetables and herbs, but also with the color of ornamental plants.

Sometimes greenhouses are attached to the south side of the house, and they become real "winter gardens"

  • Another option for a winter greenhouse, the design of which helps to save on heating costs, is a room that goes half its height into the ground. This building, due to its high energy-saving qualities, is often called a "thermos greenhouse". To achieve the desired effect, a foundation pit is being dug for this greenhouse, which goes into the depth of the ground by 1600 ÷ 2000 mm. Additionally, walls with a height of 500 ÷ 700 mm are erected above the ground surface, and then the entire structure is covered with a frame made of a bar or a metal corner.

The work on the construction of the building is quite laborious and time-consuming, but during its operation it will be possible to save enough on its heating system. One of the important points in the construction of a greenhouse-thermos is the arrangement of not only the heating system, but also effective ventilation.

Greenhouse roof shape

The next criterion by which greenhouses are subdivided is the shape of the roof. Insolation largely depends on this, that is, high-quality lighting of the room, and therefore the creation of optimal conditions for growing plants.

  • Gable roof

Greenhouses with a gable roof can be most often found in suburban areas, since it is this shape that contributes to effective lighting of the room from above. Providing the correct location of the greenhouse, the sun will work all day from sunrise to sunset, promoting the growth of plants.

"Classic" version - gable roof

Therefore, such a design is often used to create winter options for greenhouses, since at this time of the year the plants experience a lack of sunlight.

  • Arched structure

Arched structures are made of metal-plastic pipes or metal elements. The former are usually covered with plastic wrap, while the latter is usually coated with polycarbonate. Metal structures can be purchased ready-made, and they only need to be assembled on the site. Well, the frame made of metal-plastic pipes is easy enough to make yourself.

The convenience of such a greenhouse lies not only in its maximum illumination, but also in the fact that snow and water do not accumulate on the arched roof, which means that the coating will not be subject to deformation due to heavy load. Again, you will not need to climb to a height to remove snow from its surface.

  • Shed roof

One of the common options for a "serious" greenhouse is a strip foundation

  • Under it, along the markings, a ditch-trench is dug, having a depth and width of 300 mm.
  • Since the walls of the greenhouse are not as heavy as those of residential buildings, a foundation depth of 300 mm is sufficient to withstand relatively light loads.
  • Above the ground, the base can be raised to a height of 200 to 500 mm, depending on whether the foundation will function as walls or they will be made of bricks.
  • A sand cushion with a thickness of 50 ÷ 70 mm is laid and tamped into the finished trench, a layer of the same thickness is poured on top of it, crushed stone is distributed.
  • A formwork made of boards and beams is fixed along the trench, into which roofing material is laid, which will become an excellent waterproofing for the foundation.
  • The next step is to fill the formwork with concrete, spread it, and then pierce it with a bayonet shovel and gently tap on the formwork to remove air from the solution.
  • If the frame is made of a metal corner or it will be needed to fix wooden blocks, then sometimes the support posts or pieces of the corner can be immediately embedded in the foundation.
The basis for a greenhouse thermos

For a thermos greenhouse, it is necessary to dig a fairly deep pit, and if you plan to arrange an agrotechnical structure of a large area, you will have to use specialized equipment, since such manual work will take a lot of time.

  • After marking the site, it is recommended to remove the top layer of fertile soil from it. After removal, the soil is piled up, because it is perfect for laying a finished greenhouse in the beds.
  • When digging a pit, among the layers you can stumble upon clay, which should also not be mixed with the rest of the soil, as it can be useful for waterproofing walls or making adobe blocks for insulating a greenhouse.
  • The pit is deepened so that the gardener working in the greenhouse feels free, and there is a lot of free space above it. In order to maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse, and the soil does not freeze, it is recommended to deepen the pit by about 2000 mm.

If the pit is not deep enough, then the side walls will have to be raised, since it will be ideal when the total height of the pit will correspond to the growth of the gardener.

  • The greenhouse is usually two to five meters wide. If the room is made wider, then it will quickly cool down, and a large amount of electricity will be required for lighting and heating. In addition, the design of the transparent dome would be too complex.
  • When digging a foundation pit, a ramp descent is arranged on one side of it, where, together with the construction of the walls, a staircase in several steps and an entrance door to the greenhouse will be installed.
  • To start work on ennobling the walls, a base is made under them. To do this, a trench is dug around the perimeter inside the pit. After that, the formwork is arranged in it and in the same way, as in the case already considered, the strip foundation is poured.
  • After the foundation is ready, you can move on to covering the walls with bricks or foam blocks. When laying, one or two ventilation pipes are immediately installed in the wall opposite to the entrance door, at a height of 400 ÷ 500 mm from the floor.

The ventilation pipe is taken out and raised above the ground by 1000 ÷ 1500 mm.

  • Separately, it must be said about the masonry, since in this case, it is made in a special way.

- To save on insulation, instead of bricks or foam blocks, which are not cheap, you can use clay extracted from a pit, which is mixed with chopped straw and adobe bricks are formed from this mixture.

- If there is no desire to waste time, and there is an opportunity to purchase foam blocks, which are called fixed formwork, then you can immediately get "bricks with insulation". The blocks are hollow, and they are filled as they are installed on top of each other with concrete mortar. Having chosen the last option, it will be necessary to separate the foam wall from the soil surface of the excavation with roofing material or plastic wrap.

After the solution in the blocks hardens, a film or roofing material is hooked onto it, and the gap remaining between the waterproofing material and the soil wall of the excavation is filled with clay or a mixture of clay and soil, and filling, periodically tamped.

- If a brick is chosen for wall decoration, then it is insulated from the outside with the help of polystyrene, which is mounted between the brick and the soil wall. Thermal insulation material must also be protected or with roofing material. The resulting gap, as in the first case, is filled with soil.

  • If the walls rise above the ground by 400 ÷ 600 mm, then they also need to be insulated and waterproofed. If desired, the wall protruding above the ground can be trimmed decorative coating - it can be clinker tiles or plastic lining for outdoor use.
  • If the walls are low, then after waterproofing they can be sprinkled with a layer of expanded clay, which is covered from above with corrugated board, which is fixed to the top of the wall. The corrugated board will ensure the outflow of water that will drain from the greenhouse cover and keep the walls dry.
Wooden foundation

Another material for the foundation can be wood, or rather, a wooden beam, having a cross-sectional size of 100 × 150 or 150 × 150 mm. Such a foundation is suitable for a greenhouse that is used seasonally - from spring to autumn.

In order for such a foundation to serve for a long time, the wood must be treated with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds and installed on a sandy, well-tamped pillow. Another option is to raise it above the ground using concrete slabs.

Construction of a greenhouse thermos

The installation of all greenhouses takes place in different ways, depending on the type of construction and the period of use of the structure, since the "winter" options require a more careful approach and additional functions. This is probably the most difficult option to consider.

  • After the walls are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the frame under the greenhouse cover.
  • The frame is mounted from a metal profile or a wooden bar.

  • The first step on the walls of the greenhouse is to fix a strapping from a bar of 100 × 150 mm. Fixation is carried out with anchoring or using embedded embedded elements.
  • The rafter system must be assembled from a bar of the same section as the harness. To install the rafter legs on the harness, marking is carried out, since the rafter pairs must be distributed at the same distance from each other.
  • The rafters are fixed to the strapping with metal corners, and in the upper part they are interconnected using metal plates or using a ridge board.
  • Wooden lathing bars are fixed on the rafters, but with a fairly large step. There should be no more than two or three of them for each slope, so that they do not block the sunlight.
  • Polycarbonate sheets are laid on the crate, which are fixed to it using special fasteners with bushings and rubber gaskets to prevent the possibility of leakage.

  • Having completed the fastening of the covering material to the slopes, it is installed in the same way on the gable parts of the roof.
  • After that, the door frame and the door itself are installed. It is desirable that the door leaf also be equipped with a transparent insert.

Creation of optimal conditions for plants in the greenhouse

Greenhouse thermal insulation

In a greenhouse with a gable roof, one of its slopes must necessarily go out to the south side. The second side inside the greenhouse is recommended to be finished. Such a system will help not only keep warm, but even enhance the illumination inside the structure, since the sun, falling on the insulation foil, will be reflected into the room.

The insulation is fixed on the rafters with self-tapping screws, then it is folded onto the wall and glued to its surface using liquid nails. All walls of the greenhouse are insulated in the same way, only the transparent southern slope is left uninsulated, and you can leave the western end transparent side of the structure.

It should be noted that foil-clad foamed polyethylene is an excellent vapor barrier membrane, and is able not only to enhance the lighting of the greenhouse, but also to retain water vapor and carbon dioxide inside it, which are the main nutrient medium for photosynthesis, which determines the growth and development of plants.

In order for the heat not to leave the greenhouse, it is necessary to create a reliable tightness of the greenhouse space. To do this, it is imperative to install doors or latches on the ventilation holes, on which it will be possible, as necessary, to set the desired gap or close them completely.

Greenhouse heating system

2. The infiltration coefficient depends on the difference between the external and internal temperatures in the greenhouse. You can use the following table:

3. The temperature inside the greenhouse (denoted in the formula t1), is usually taken equal to:

  • For growing seedlings - + 25 ° С;
  • For the normal development of vegetable beds - + 18 ° C.

If any exotic plants are grown, then the corresponding values \u200b\u200bare taken.

4. Outside temperature ( t2) are taken based on the results of meteorological observations in a particular region - the minimum during the coldest week during the planned season of use of the greenhouse.

5. Indicators of thermal conductivity ( wтп), that is, the amount of thermal energy that is transferred to the outside by a covering with an area of \u200b\u200b1 m2 at a temperature difference of 1 ° C, depends on the type of material and its thickness. The table below shows the values \u200b\u200bfor the most commonly used coating materials for stationary greenhouses:

MaterialThermal conductivity (W / m2 × ° С)
- thickness 4 mm;5.82
- thickness 6 mm;5.77
- thickness 8 mm;5.71
Monolithic polycarbonate sheet:
- thickness 4 mm;5.33
- thickness 6 mm;5.09
- thickness 8 mm;4.84
Cell polycarbonate sheet:
- thickness 4 mm;3.6
- thickness 6 mm;3.5
- thickness 8 mm;3.3
- thickness 10 mm;3.0
- thickness 16 mm;2.4

Having all the necessary data, it will not be difficult to calculate the required power of electric heating of the greenhouse. It's even easier to use the online calculator below.

Modern greenhouse structures or greenhouses of a new generation are becoming more and more popular with gardeners and gardeners, due to the significant number of advantages and features of such structures. Most summer residents are gradually moving away from building structures from scrap materials and preferring fundamentally new greenhouse structures that can satisfy even the most demanding consumer requirements.

General information

Modern greenhouses and greenhouses are characterized not only by optimal dimensions, but also by an improved profile that is used in the construction process. The presence of distinctive characteristics allows you to optimize the selection of a greenhouse or greenhouse for a summer residence in strict accordance with the requirements that are imposed by agricultural technology for growing a certain type of plant. However, the presence of excellent protective properties, a high level of wear resistance and maximum ease of self-assembly remains unshakable and uniform for all prefabricated structures.

Distinctive features of modern greenhouses are:

  • the ability of the structure to consistently maintain the temperature regime necessary for growing, which is due to the presence of high-quality thermal insulation;
  • creation of optimal conditions for protection from excessive UV radiation without reducing the quality of lighting of the entire greenhouse area;
  • simple and easy operation of the greenhouse with a minimum need for maintenance, as well as the absence of requirements for dismantling in the winter;
  • a high degree of wear resistance of the structure and the ability to easily withstand frosts, gusty winds and other negative external influences without the formation of corrosive changes and destruction;
  • fire safety of all materials and elements used in the manufacturing process of the greenhouse structure;
  • a high level of mobility of the structure and the ability to easily change the location of the greenhouse;
  • availability for a wide range of consumers and low cost of construction.

Types and types

To date, manufacturers produce several design options, which are designated as modern greenhouses and greenhouses for backyard farming. The following types of modern greenhouses belong to the category of the most demanded for summer cottages:

  • Detached gable greenhouse. The classic version is characterized by effective use space. Today there is a version with a solid bottom and with a fully glazed type.
  • Wall-mounted gable greenhouse. The optimal greenhouse structure for tall plants and grapes, due to the significant amount of light and excellent microclimatic conditions. Differs in a fairly high cost. You may be interested in the article.
  • Single-pitched wall greenhouse. Installed exclusively along the western or southern wall of a residential building. It is characterized by a fairly low cost and ease of maintenance.
  • Dutch. The design is distinguished by the presence of side walls expanding downward and a gable roof. This feature allows you to get the most warm and bright building that can be used for growing tall and climbing plants.
  • Modern polygonal greenhouse. This option is quite expensive and has six, seven or nine vertically positioned edges. Most often used for decorating a summer house or growing potted flower crops.
  • Dome-shaped version of the greenhouse. Another representative of decorative structures for decorating the landscape of the personal plot. An excellent option for florists, but the price is significantly higher than most standard greenhouse designs.
  • Modern. The most useful design for small summer cottages. It is most often used as an unheated greenhouse structure and requires careful selection of varieties and ripening times of planted garden crops.

We are building a modern greenhouse (video)

Unusual designs

Tropical or heated greenhouse

Can be used for growing garden crops all year round. Requires the installation of a heating system and lamps for additional lighting of the greenhouse space. The optimal design option for tropical plants and garden crops that need constant control of growth and development, as well as special temperature and humidity parameters. A tropical greenhouse cannot be built with lumber.

Orchid greenhouse

Equipment features

The correct equipment of modern greenhouse facilities has a direct impact on the cultivated garden crops. This type of structure requires the installation of equipment that will maximize the effectiveness of maintaining a certain temperature regime during the entire growing season of the grown crops.

In addition, some design options require the installation of additional lighting, an irrigation system and the installation of a high-quality ventilation system. Such installations will reduce the time and effort for greenhouse maintenance, as well as have a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of the crop.

Today, all modern greenhouses and greenhouse structures used to grow almost all types of vegetables, as well as berries and herbs. The basic principles of the construction and use of such structures make it possible to subdivide greenhouse structures into the following categories:

  • depending on the technical parameters, greenhouses and hotbeds can be floral, combined, vegetable and breeding;
  • depending on the season of use, the structures are divided into spring-summer and year-round;
  • depending on the technology used for growing, all greenhouses are divided into hydroponic, shelving and soil construction options;
  • depending on the type of building materials used in the manufacture of building materials, greenhouse structures can be built on the basis of metal structures, wooden or polymer frames;
  • depending on the type of coating, they differ, as well as polycarbonate and film structures for growing garden crops;
  • depending on the design features, greenhouse structures can be straight, arched, block or hangar.

Growing plants in a modern greenhouse (video)

Modern options for greenhouses and greenhouses have fairly simple, but at the same time effective structures that can be built easily and quickly on their own. It should be borne in mind that the highest quality structures are produced only by proven and reputable domestic or foreign manufacturers.

Using greenhouses to grow flowers and crops is a win-win.

It protects plants from adverse climatic conditions and allows you to grow them all year round.

The structure consists of a base cover and a frame to which it is attached. The choice of material and configuration for the base is strictly regulated by established standards.

For the construction of the frame, galvanized or steel profiles of rectangular or square cross-section are applicable. Moreover, each of the materials has both its own advantages and disadvantages.

Frame types

The peculiarity of the galvanized profile is its budgetary cost and low weight. However, such a frame cannot be called durable. A large number of elements are used to give stability during assembly.

The connecting parts require additional reinforcement. This is a fairly lightweight structure, so it should not be installed with heavy rainfall and strong winds.

Bases made of rectangular steel are difficult to manufacture, which affects their final cost.

Due to its increased resistance to mechanical stress, the material requires additional processing against rust and corrosion.

Here are a few points to look out for when choosing a framework:

  • The thickness of the metal must be at least 1.2 mm;
  • It is advisable to choose designs with solid arcs;

Preference is given to profiles with a square or rectangular cross-section, the ideal parameters of which are 20 x 40 millimeters. Before buying, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the proposed copies.

The choice of polycarbonate

The good performance of the greenhouse is due to the right choice cover. It has been proven that polycarbonate is ideal for these purposes and not only.

The choice of coating depends on the type of material, its thickness, as well as light transmittance.

There are two main types of polycarbonate:

  • Cellular (cellular).
  • Monolithic.

The first option wins in its characteristics due to several layers of material and the presence of longitudinal bridges between them.

This polycarbonate is lightweight, transmits light and is resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Being flexible, the honeycomb material is highly resistant to mechanical stress. The light transmittance of the material helps to create a greenhouse effect.

Polycarbonate, intended for outdoor decoration, including greenhouses, is treated with a special compound that protects it from the effects of damaging ultraviolet rays.

The presence of such a coating is indicated by a mark on the package, "UV protective layer".

The thickness of polycarbonate for greenhouses ranges from 4 to 10 millimeters. For arched structures, thickened sheets are recommended. For vertical greenhouses, thinner sheets are suitable.

Type of structures

Among the many configurations, the most common are arch-shaped greenhouses, wall-to-wall, single-slope or gable greenhouses.

The choice of the type of greenhouse is due to the financial capabilities of the buyer, as well as its direct purpose.

The first to appear was a gable greenhouse. Outwardly, it resembles a small country house with a flat roof and vertical walls. This is the easiest type to install and, moreover, the most affordable financially.

Shed or in other words wall structures are installed on the sunny side. The roof slope is maximum.

This is the only way to avoid snow stagnation. The main support is the wall of a house or an outbuilding.

The greenhouse, whose shape resembles a drop, has additional stiffening ribs, which makes the whole structure more stable.

Arch-type greenhouses can be solid and have only one entrance, or have lifting side walls. The second option is convenient in that it provides free access to the beds and makes it possible to fully ventilate the room.

Regardless of the design, polycarbonate greenhouses must be securely attached to the foundation. The base of the steel frame is usually welded and the galvanized steel is held together with dowels and anchors.

Today, the size of greenhouses is practically unlimited, and their choice depends on the size of the site itself, on which they will be installed.

Photo of polycarbonate greenhouses

With the advent of modern materials on the market, in particular polycarbonate, almost all modern greenhouse designs are covered exclusively with this material. This is due to the good characteristics of the material itself, as well as the ever-decreasing price for it. Let's start by describing the merits of polycarbonate over other materials such as glass, plastic wrap, etc.

A greenhouse is a structure designed to protect the soil and grow vegetables.

Material advantages:

Polycarbonate is a cellular material that transmits sunlight well, traps UV rays, and is resistant to atmospheric precipitation and mechanical stress.

  1. High impact resistance. Lightweight polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass and 10 times stronger than PVC and acrylic plastics.
  2. High fire and heat resistance.
  3. Low specific gravity and extreme lightness (cellular polycarbonate with the same coverage area is 16 times lighter than glass and 3 times lighter than acrylic polymers of the same thickness).
  4. High light transmission (material transparency reaches 87%), noise and sound insulation, high resistance to chemicals. Resistant to many atmospheric conditions: sunlight, snow, rain.
  5. In addition to everything, manufacturers guarantee the service life, as well as the unchanged properties and durability of polycarbonate for 12 years.
  6. Polycarbonate is safe and easy to use (the material does not crack and does not break, thus does not form sharp fragments).
  7. High UV protection (a special protective layer is used to prevent harmful UV radiation from entering the greenhouse).
  8. The lightness of the sheets and the excellent structural qualities of the material make it possible to make light, elegant and original designs.

Polycarbonate needs quality care. The surface of the greenhouse must be cleaned of dirt, because during the year dust, dirt, small twigs and leaves will accumulate on it.

Disadvantages of the material:

  1. If you put a polycarbonate sheet on a greenhouse with a special ultraviolet layer inside, then the service life of the sheet will decrease exactly four times. Therefore, during installation, you need to pay attention to which side you put the sheet.
  2. The material has a hollow structure, where water and dirt get into, which leads to faster heat transfer and deterioration of light transmission, and it also spoils the appearance.

The frames of future greenhouses are being built and manufactured under polycarbonate. They differ in shape and in the material used in their manufacture.
What form of greenhouse is chosen most often? The most common forms include an arched greenhouse and a tent greenhouse. All others are considered modifications of these two kinds.

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Varieties of greenhouses

Arched greenhouses are factory-made greenhouses. Their advantages are: low cost, ease of assembly, low consumption of polycarbonate.

The disadvantages are: low functionality, extreme beds have a low height. Such greenhouses can be chosen for small crops: eggplant, pepper, etc.

A tent greenhouse has more functionality than an arched greenhouse.

Tents - such a greenhouse design is made according to their own sketch or they buy a finished factory product. The advantages of tents are non-standard size, the ability to accommodate any culture in them, good functionality, individual design.

The disadvantage of tents is the need to choose a more durable material for the frame. When constructing a frame, an increased snow load must be taken into account. Also, the disadvantages include the higher cost and higher consumption of material for the covered area than in arched structures.

Materials used for the production of frames

The galvanized "hat" type profile is reliably protected from corrosion.

  1. Galvanized profile "hat" type. Its advantages include ease of transportation (you can easily transport it by car), reliable protection against corrosion. Low cost due to ease of fabrication and streaming. The disadvantages include the complexity of the assembly, a large number of bolted connections. For example, to assemble an 8-meter greenhouse, you will need to tighten more than 1200 bolts. By the way, you can collect such a greenhouse for more than one day. Frames of this type can withstand a load of no more than 20 kg / m2. Therefore, in case of heavy snowfall, the snow must be removed from the greenhouse surface immediately. Of course, there is a more durable profile, but its price is comparable to the price of structures from a profile pipe. In addition, the absence and mismatch of holes and incomplete equipment are often encountered.
  2. Galvanized square or rectangular pipe... The greenhouse is produced both in collapsible and all-welded form. Due to the minimum of connections, the frame can be assembled in a short time, within 1-2 hours. The complete greenhouse can be assembled in 4-5 hours. Such products can withstand severe snow loads. Some structures have a reinforced frame and can withstand a load of up to 250 kg, and each arc can withstand a load of 250 to 300 kg. Choosing such a greenhouse, you can install it both on the foundation and on the ground, without fear of deformation of the frame.

The disadvantage of such greenhouses is the need for painting, their cost is higher than that of the "hat" profile. All-welded ones have large dimensions, which is not very convenient for transportation, although they are considered the most durable.

Each owner of a private house has a personal plot that is suitable for growing vegetables. Some of them dislike direct sunlight and dry land. There are also different requirements for their watering. When using an open method, it is not always possible to create all the conditions necessary for growing these crops. An alternative and very convenient option for this is a greenhouse in the country or a personal plot.

Being engaged in agriculture, we gradually came to such a convenient method as growing vegetables and berries in a greenhouse. It allows us to create the microclimate necessary for our capricious plants in a closed space.

Greenhouse designs allow us to protect the culture we cherish both from the scorching heat and from severe frosts. In a closed room, certain conditions are created in which it is easy to maintain the same state for a long time.

There are many types of greenhouses that you can use. They are different in appearance, principles of work, dimensions and building materials from which they are built. Also, greenhouses that we build on our own can have a variety of shapes.

The main forms of greenhouse structures:

  • Hemisphere;
  • Pyramid;
  • Oval shape;
  • Rectangular;
  • Smooth;
  • Trapezoidal shape.

The most common is the oval shape, since it is the easiest to manufacture.

Making a greenhouse: do-it-yourself optimal design

Greenhouse manufacturing can be very diverse. You can purchase ready-made greenhouse parts in a store and assemble it yourself at home, or you can search for unnecessary building materials on your site and build a greenhouse structure. You can use everything that is at hand: boards, glass, old furniture, film, plastic bottles, boxes. Having picked up required material, we draw a drawing and make a construction. A homemade greenhouse is not so correct, but it costs less.

Greenhouses, the optimal design of which is made by hand, is the best. They are often talked about in television programs about agriculture and vegetable growing. There is also a lot of information about them in magazines and other periodicals.

It is not worth spending a lot of money on purchasing the necessary building materials for such greenhouses. There are always a lot of different items on summer cottages and backyards. Look around, think, and you will definitely find almost all the materials necessary for the construction of this structure.

The building material for building a greenhouse with your own hands can be:

  • Wooden plank;
  • Rebar rod;
  • Not thin hazel;
  • PVC pipes;
  • Steel corner;
  • Coarse mesh.
  • Old window frame;
  • Glass sheet;
  • Polycarbonate sheets;
  • Dense greenhouse film.

When building such a greenhouse, you first need to make a frame of the desired shape, and sheathe it with a covering material.

Greenhouse device: its difference from a greenhouse

Unlike his brother - a greenhouse, correct greenhouse - the structure is different. It is more expensive and more durable. A more careful and balanced approach is needed to build a greenhouse. The material for its construction should be chosen one that can last a long time. And it works differently.

The design of the greenhouse is such that it is mostly a permanent stationary structure that can be used at any cold season. It requires observance of special rules during its construction.

A greenhouse differs from a greenhouse in that it is installed in one place. Whereas a greenhouse, you can move to different places on your land.

Other differences:

  • Even a simple greenhouse is usually much larger than a greenhouse;
  • The greenhouse frame is made thoroughly, taking into account that it will remain in place all year round;
  • Often, the greenhouse is placed on a prepared foundation;
  • The greenhouse cover is made reliable and of high quality. This is so that she has the opportunity to serve us for a long time.

If you decide to build a large greenhouse on your site, then you must prepare for the fact that this structure will require a lot of time and effort from you.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse or greenhouse components: device and maintenance

To build a greenhouse or greenhouse correctly, you need to have special knowledge, both construction and agricultural. The design of a greenhouse is different from that of a greenhouse. If greenhouses are temporary structures, small in size, then greenhouse structures are large stationary structures that can occupy a large area of \u200b\u200bland.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse device is a whole system of various processes that are collected together in one large structure. All these processes are aimed at providing the conditions necessary for growing plants.

In view of the fact that greenhouses require a frequent presence from us, and this home-made construction must be of high quality, in compliance with safety rules.

The greenhouse structure includes:

  • Foundation;
  • Frame;
  • Roof;
  • Covering cloth;
  • Capacity for irrigation;
  • Brackets;
  • Air vents or transoms for ventilation;
  • Ground as a floor;
  • A door;
  • Electric wires, lighting;
  • Heating system.

If the greenhouse area is large, then try to make doors on both sides. This method will give you the opportunity not to cross the entire greenhouse with the containers when harvesting, and will make it easier for you to improve the greenhouse.

Arched greenhouse structures: their pros and cons

The look of the greenhouse comes from the shape of the roof of the building. The roof, in turn, depends on the type building material, which was used for the construction of the frame. Material compatibility also plays an important role. It is not advisable to cover greenhouses made of wood with polycarbonate, and those made of film should be pulled over a frame made of steel reinforcement.

Greenhouse structures with an arched roof are quite new. They note a number of advantages over other types of greenhouses. If you want to build a new greenhouse, then you should think about whether to put a greenhouse in the form of an arch on your site.

These are the best greenhouses. They are well suited for the construction of polycarbonate structures, or dense greenhouse films. Very often, similar to such arched greenhouses, small greenhouses are built for growing all types of seedlings. Arched greenhouses are also suitable for equipping a winter greenhouse.

The advantages of an arched greenhouse:

  • Almost no snow accumulates on the arched roof;
  • The arched shape has very good wind-blowing properties;
  • Through the arched roof, daylight scatters in an arc-like manner, and this has a good effect on the fruiting and growth of plants;
  • Cellular polycarbonate can withstand heavy loads very easily;
  • The arrangement of honeycomb sheets contributes to good thermal insulation;
  • It is more practical than greenhouses, which have other shapes;
  • It is not necessary to build a foundation to build it;
  • She has a beautiful, aesthetic appearance.

If modern watering and heating are made in an arched greenhouse, then such a greenhouse will become not only beautiful, but also very productive. In arranging the greenhouse, special importance must be given to electrical work. The method and quality of lighting is very important when growing vegetables, as well as heating, the principle of which, often, consists of electric heating elements. In view of this, the construction of a greenhouse must begin with the arrangement of an electrical interchange.

Modern greenhouse designs and their types (video)

Each of us has our own hobbies, occupations and occupations. Someone is happy to stand at the machine, while someone really likes to work on the land and grow vegetables. If you also have a desire to devote yourself to gardening and growing vegetables in a greenhouse, study this topic thoroughly, view pdf photos and videos. They will help you understand the process better.

Examples of greenhouse improvement (photo of ideas)


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