Make a good presentation of the product. Nine key rules for product presentation in sales. To make it clearer for you, let's look at an example

Product presentation is the most important stage of the sales cycle. It can be called a performance and even a show with you in the lead role. The purpose of the presentation is to awaken potential client interest in the product. Even the largest global companies spend enormous sums on organizing presentations, preparing presentation models, samples, printed materials; constitute commercial offers; create animations and videos.

Presentations exist different types: from self-presentation (when the presenter introduces himself before the speech) and handing the client an advertising brochure and short story about a product or service, indicating the main points (the so-called "") to large-scale events with concerts, songs, receptions, etc. Which presentation you choose depends on the features of your product, corporate policy, and the amount of investment in your product.

In this lesson, we will cover the main points of presentations, as well as give a few valuable advice on how to avoid common mistakes

First steps

So, your task is to make a presentation. You have already arranged a meeting with the client, and he is ready to listen to everything that you tell him. Keep in mind that the client's consent to a meeting does not at all elevate you to any special rank, and, of course, does not guarantee that the deal will be concluded. Given that the client will evaluate you in any case, you will need, firstly, to conduct a self-presentation, i.e. introduce yourself competently and briefly tell about yourself, and, secondly, convince the client, because literally every day he can listen to dozens of different proposals.

In some cases, you will be interacting with a decision maker, such as a manager or just an individual. In others - with ordinary employees who play the role of intermediaries between you and the one who will have the last word. It may be that you will be one of several managers giving a presentation for one client, which means that you will have competitors. Therefore, even before the meeting, you need to find out who will be present at the presentation, and whether you will have rivals. Thus, you will be aware of how best to prepare, who will be easy to convince, and who will have to be “tinkered with”. The next step is to establish a key figure.

Establishing a key figure

Starting to give a presentation, thank the person who invited you, look at everyone present if there is more than one, and try to understand who is the key player - the one who makes the decisions.

In any group, even in the smallest one, there is always a leader, and you can recognize him in relation to those around him, non-verbal signals, appeals, etc. You can also determine the leader by looking at the one who took the most the best place, for example, in front of you, or at the head of the table. Experience is needed here, and with practice you will learn to recognize the “main” in the first minutes.

The key is brevity.

The main part of the presentation should be as short as possible, because keeping attention on something for a very long time, especially if it is not very interesting initially, is quite difficult for any person. The rest of your presentation should be about engaging potential buyers with questions, demonstrations of prepared materials, offers to touch the product, etc.

That is why many companies today use special software that allows you to quickly analyze customer needs. For example, when selling financial or insurance services, financial or insurance calculators are used, where you just need to enter specific data about a person in order to get an instant result - the level of profitability or the cost of an insurance policy. Work on these programs with your clients so they can see how and what counts and be passionate about the process.

But what if you do not have such programs? What if you only have a few flyers or brochures on hand? And there is a way out of such situations.

Firstly, you don’t need to “buy” a potential buyer with everything that you have to read at once, otherwise the person’s attention will be focused on what he is holding in his hands, and not on your words. Use printed materials as an auxiliary tool - point with a pen to information about what you are discussing at a particular moment. You can generally put the materials aside, telling the client that you will leave the brochure to him, and he will have time to read it. This will help you maintain control of the situation and keep the focus on your speech.

Sellers of intangible goods must master one very useful skill - the skill of creating positive images in the imagination of people. If you can't show a person something tangible, "draw" them a picture of how their life will change after buying your product. For example, you sell insurance policies - create in a person an image of calmness and confidence in the future, an image of the security of his health or property. Do you sell fitness memberships? - let a person feel strong, energetic, healthy, beautiful, young after classes in your club!

In short, when selling any intangible product, the most important thing for you as a seller is to let the potential buyer understand and feel exactly what your unique product and how exactly it will be useful for him.

And, summing up our lesson today, we want to give you a few useful tips presentation guides that will help you avoid the most common presentation mistakes.

Common presentation mistakes and how to avoid them

The experience of many managers and salespeople is replete with a huge number of errors, the cause of which is the banal lack of precautions. The tips below, of course, do not exhaust the topic, but they will still serve as good food for thought and help in your work. The essence of these tips is that the preparation for any presentation should also be based on the observance of a number of preventive measures:

  • Make sure proper quality visual aids. Fingerprints, bloopers, smudges, torn corners and other “highlights” on your visual aids will not tell the client about your originality, but that you do not follow the details, and will make a bad impression. You don't want to shock the public with things like that, like the rubble on the table or a bunch of packages that you are always digging through to get something. Absolutely everything: from leaflets to a projector should be in order and make you want to touch and see.
  • Understand how, what and where it connects. If your presentation involves the use of any equipment, be sure to prepare a place for it, cables and extension cords, find sockets, find out which wire and where to insert. Check the charge level of the batteries. Many potentially successful presentations failed due to elementary shortcomings in the technical part.
  • Pay attention to the little things. Imagine that you have enjoyed a wonderful computer program for presentations, but suddenly came into force, and something happened that violates your plans: a short cable, no additional outlets, a broken router, etc. In other words, even if you are 100% sure of everything, arrive at the meeting point at least half an hour or an hour earlier, so that in case of force majeure you have time to eliminate it. Strive to provide for absolutely everything, even to a certain extent.
  • Make your presentation personal. People have a negative (or at least uninterested) perception of a text that has already been told hundreds of times to someone; they feel like just another line on your list of those who need to sell something. To impress each individual, strive to tailor your presentations to those with whom you communicate: exclude elements that seem unnecessary to you, add something new, create examples based on the interests of your client or group of people. This is a truly professional approach, and any person will immediately notice that you have come to him.

And finally: any of your presentations should be carefully rehearsed. You must have comprehensive information on any issue about your product, down to the device of a particular mechanism. Rehearse your performances as much and as often as possible so that they become perfect. But at the same time, do not forget to avoid monotony, use different behavioral techniques, use creativity and learn to work with the public. There is no specific period after which you can be sure of the effectiveness of your presentations, because everything here depends on your desire and enthusiasm, diligence and perseverance. And be aware of the necessary pauses if the presentation is long.

Always its in preparation. But at the same time, be prepared for surprises, failures, unforeseen questions and tricky situations.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

The leader is the seller of hope. Napoleon

We continue to study with you, Dear Friend (or dear girl), my author's sales technique, which suits absolutely everyone. Even for those who do not like and do not want to sell. For those who do not like and do not want to sell - we do not sell, but create solutions. So, you have done "Research" and found "Problem and Need". After that, it is desirable to “Create a Solution” together with the buyer, and he will gladly give you the money. After all, you helped him solve a problem or get a need. This general scheme, or

2 Basis of Sales is to make your potential buyer become interested and come to you. Author's Method: I.P.I.P.I.P.

3 Basis of Sales- this is how to present the created solution so that the buyer does not have any doubts that this is exactly the SOLUTION. There is an author's technique for this: 4-"P". And in this article we will consider in detail its second "P" - Presentation.

Each buyer can get a Ford-T of any color, provided that this color is black. Henry Ford

In any case, you need to learn how to PRESENT. A presentation is a way to beautifully tell and show a solution to a client. Make sure that he is happy and sure that this is exactly what he needs.

To do this, I developed the 4-P system. You need to go through 4 simple and understandable steps.

Stage 1. Prelude.

I already wrote about this stage in a previous article. Just like in sex, in sales and presentations, foreplay often determines everything else. If you prepare well and prepare a potential buyer, then the purchase is almost inevitable.

The purpose of the prelude is to explore needs and problems. Establish contact and trust. Awakening and strengthening the interest of the buyer. Sometimes, with the right foreplay, the buyer himself asks the seller to complete the process faster. He already wants to buy. Simply because the seller has aroused such great interest and trust in him that the buyer is ready to simply give everything to the seller.

There was a case when an elderly woman was walking down the street. It started to rain and she went to the store. It was in New York about 100 years ago. The seller in the store, seeing an elderly woman, brought a chair and invited her to sit down. From that moment began one of the most successful careers that time. The elderly woman turned out to be the mother of Andrew Carnegie (the richest man in America at the time). And the polite salesman who brought her the chair was Charles Schwab. After this incident, his mother recommended Andrew to take this very pleasant and polite person. And a few years later he became a manager in the business of Andrew Carnegie. With a salary of 1 million dollars a year.

Stage 2. Presentation.

The prelude is over and the buyer is waiting for the offer. Ideally, he asks him to quickly offer a solution to his problem.

I suggest giving the buyer a lot of S.A.L.O. The purpose of this stage is to give the buyer logical arguments and evidence that your solution suits him.

As you already understood SALO is an abbreviation for the first letters of certain words. The purpose of this SALO is to convince the client that your proposal will solve his problem.

Use the following arguments. They usually convince adequate and normal people:

1. Specialists and statistics. These are facts. This is what experts and scientists say. This is what inspires respect and trust in any normal person. I always start with this kind of evidence. He is the most reliable.

2. Authority. After that, it's good to refer to opinion leaders. There are people (Philip Kirkorov and other comrades) whose opinion is considered authoritative. But this kind of evidence is hard to guess. Because authorities are different for everyone. If experts and statistics are trusted by all normal people, then authorities are different for everyone. And for some, there are no authorities at all.

If you can't listen, you won't be able to sell anything. Carolyn Marland, Managing Director of Guardian Group

Everyone lives by selling something. Robert Louis Stevenson

3. Personal experience. You can tell your personal experience. You will be sincere and truthful. But often this is not enough. A very good and effective way to give a little personal experience to the buyer. To do this, there are “probes” or the first hour (day, week) for free. If the buyer likes it, then the rest of the evidence is no longer needed. Unfortunately, this method is not always possible to apply.

4. Public opinion. People cannot be wrong. This is what we were taught as children. Society stands on this assumption. Therefore, if everyone thinks that this is so, then it is so. When the number of participants in my trainings approached 100,000 people, and the number of books that people bought exceeded 200,000, I myself realized that they definitely work.

I love to confirm the correctness of my ideas by public opinion. To do this, I use folk wisdom. Sayings and proverbs. Those expressions that most Russian-speaking people absorbed with their mother's milk. These ideas are usually 100% credible. Therefore, they are very good to use in sales. For example, high-priced items can be promoted with the proverb “the miser pays twice” or “we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

For almost any presentation, you can find folk wisdom that confirms what exactly you need to buy right now.

  • 1-P - Prelude
  • 2-P - Presentation

In the next article I will write about 3-P - Make a Decision. It's about helping the buyer make their decision RIGHT NOW.

And in order for you to remember this information well, do the exercise and write the answers in the comments.

The exercise. Find S.A.L.O. for the following ideas:

1. Why you should take an online program:

2. Daily exercise is vital: Specialists - Statistics: Authorities: Personal experience that proves that this program should be taken: Public opinion:

- Full Name?
- Mamedov Abram Ivanovich.
– Nationality?
- Buryats.
– Religion?
- Catholic.
– And what do you want?
- I want to be a woman!
“Listen, you are already forty-seven years old.
- So what?
- Look for yourself for a long time ...

We hope that our tips will help you improve your skills and make your sales more effective! We Know - You Can!

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Reading makes one knowledgeable, conversation makes one resourceful, and the habit of writing makes one accurate.

Bacon Roger

Of course, we are not one of those who will agitate to buy something unnecessary. A person should get what is useful to him at work, at home, on vacation, etc.

But in order to explain to him that this thing or this service will really be useful to him, a well-built presentation of the product is needed.

How to properly present a product?

There are no trifles here, everything is important: how you seat people, and what material they will see on the screen, on the stands, what documents they will receive, etc.

Set the right goal for yourself

Your task is to convince customers of the need to purchase a product or service. Do not try to make the presentation of the product to the buyer too colorful (music, cartoons and other attributes are not required).

Build your product presentation stages, a system of arguments, and move from point to point along this “thread”, without letting the audience get distracted from the desired topic. Get people to ask the questions you want and answer them in a way that re-explains the benefits of what's being presented today.

Determine attendance

This determines the plan for the presentation of the product, the complexity of constructing a description, and the angle at which the material will be presented, and the arguments that convince you to acquire this and that.

Product presentation: an example of what to focus on

  1. Say, if this is a story about a new foreign tour, be ready to tell how much customers will save if they go in a group, tell about the conditions for this particular audience (youth about pubs and discos, travelers with children about a water park and playgrounds).
  2. If the contingent of listeners is mixed, arguments should be prepared for each microgroup: for someone - "This will allow you to optimally organize the work of the team", for someone - "With the help of our device you can do the same work with less stress."

Never consider yourself a master!

Unfortunately, this is a fairly common mistake. A person has held five, ten, twenty presentations - and says to himself: "Ah, what is there to cook there? I already know how to conduct a product presentation, because I have said so many times that..."

Self-confidence often fails. You need to check everything: maybe you should supplement the text of the product presentation with new digital data, try out some new advertising move, simply check the state of the audience (whether the lights are on, whether the paper and pencils are laid out), whether the computer is working, not erased whether you need the slides by mistake.

The embarrassment when the audience is presented with a model of a new sanatorium, and a popular curse is written on the model in red pencil, is remembered for a long time. The correct presentation of the product is a well-planned algorithm of actions and offers. Absolutely every presentation must be prepared.

And more specifically?

It is clear that the rules for product presentation state that its standard text should be addressed to a given industry, group, problem. Talk about the problems of this particular group of listeners - and how the tool you offer helps to solve it.

Don't go into too much detail, there is a very high risk of error that professionals will notice, but the fact that you understand their problems and offer a concrete solution to them greatly contributes to the commercial success of the presentation.

Your job is to solve customer problems

You are not just offering some kind of product or service - you are striving to make life easier for customers, optimize their workdays or make holidays unforgettable. The more enticing your product ad, presentation, and problem-solving proposal, the more likely your product or service will be purchased.

Appearance, rate of speech and amount of information

Our task is to ensure that the client is not distracted, so heavy make-up, provocative clothes, harsh perfume are not for us. Something neutral, elegant without pretentiousness, so as not to distract attention to yourself.

Product presentation doesn't have to be boring. Throwing numbers, demonstrating chart after chart is wrong. Always remember the rule of "losers at the last desk", that is, speak clearly, at a moderate pace, without overloading your speech with arguments. If there is too much data, it scatters the attention of the listeners.

Carefully select only what needs to be explained, and more detailed information can be posted after the presentation on the Internet or distributed in the form of a colorful brochure, so that a person can familiarize himself with all aspects at his leisure and, even if he was not convinced during the presentation, he himself "matured" to the right decision.

Tell us about those who have already used your services

You don't have to name specific names (and you can, if they're impressive!), but written acknowledgments, especially if they're about cost savings or the high performance of your product, will reinforce the presentation.

Why is your firm preferred?

An effective product presentation always includes information about how many years the company has existed, about additional services provided by you, about warranty periods, delivery, installation.

In a word, the whole set of arguments calling for buying something from you should be with you. And, of course, these should not be empty words - only what you can actually do.

Don't forget the little things

Too plentiful treats are, in fact, bad - "a full belly is deaf to learning." But to put a bottle of mineral water and a glass in front of each listener, during a break, if one arises (undesirable, but it happens!), Organize tea and coffee and sweets and cookies - these are the very little things that show that the company is not interrupted from penny to penny that it is a solid institution.

You can prepare for each participant a folder or a package handed over at the end of the presentation (there will be a small souvenir and a set of necessary promotional documents). Everything affects the perception of the presentation, even a broken air conditioner or noise in the corridor.

Suggest possible options for continuing the conversation

This can be either personal consultations, or an additional meeting, or testing the proposed product in practice. Interest in your products must be maintained!

A well-organized and successful product presentation is the key to your commercial success!

Benefit selling stage Among all the other steps of the visit, the fact that during the presentation of the new product the climax finally occurs: the seller, the buyer and the product meet in one place. Naturally, in order for the effectiveness of this stage to be one hundred percent, competent preparation is necessary.

You prepared the ground for a successful sale when you carried out, planned your visit and found out .

All previous actions were thoughtful preparation of this key stage - stage of sale of benefits.

Selling Benefits(or product presentation) is the point in the development of your dialogue with the client when there is an opportunity to make a successful sale. This opportunity is provided only to those who clearly understand what the client wants from the business and to those who are confident in themselves and believe in their own product.

For this reason, the benefit selling phase should be short, clear, and at the same time expressive and comprehensive.

The main thesis that any person who makes sales should remember: Don't force the product!

It is wrong to force your customer to buy what you are interested in.

If a sales representative begs to buy a new product, citing the fact that he will not receive a salary, then he is a bad salesman. He does the worst thing that can be done in business: he solves his problems at the expense of others.

This is exactly what happens when your best friend buys something he doesn't need from you.

There is no better way to ruin your reputation as a business consultant (which is exactly what a salesperson does) there is no better way.

For a successful sale, you must first reconsider your attitude to what you are doing.

Remember: you are not selling a specific item. You are selling the benefits that this product can bring to your partner's business. Essentially, you are helping your partner grow their business.

Namely, for this, at the stage of needs analysis, we were interested in the motivation on the basis of which the client's business is conducted. the customer and the benefits of purchasing the product must coincide at the time of the presentation of the new product.

And then, the chain ATTENTION - INTEREST - DESIRE - ACTION will receive its logical conclusion in a successful transaction.

The structure of this stage is simple and is expressed by the following formula:

  • P + P + V + question - a clue;

  • H = feature of the product; the quality of the goods, which is inalienable;

  • P \u003d advantage of the goods; additional features of the product in relation to other products arising from features;

  • B = benefit from the purchase of goods; the result that the client will receive as a result of the sale of goods.

  • Lead question = a closed question that directs the client to accept your offer.

In fact, this stage satisfies the curiosity that should have appeared in the client at the stage.

Benefits describe the result: more profit, more buyers, more turnover...

Let us now turn to each of the elements of the stage.

Each structural component follows logically from the previous one.

  • A trait is an inherent quality or characteristic of a product.

This concept implies a high degree of objectivity. That is, a feature cannot be any immeasurable or non-objective statement.

When voicing a trait, it should be understood that it must be specific. Thus, your personal assessment of the product cannot be a feature: this chocolate is delicious, this juice is good… Such features should not be used when presenting a product, as they have a high degree of subjectivity.

As a rule, when choosing a feature that will be used in the presentation of the product, choose the following. Next, we will talk about the features that can mainly be applied to FMCG products.

  1. Price;
  2. Number of species;
  3. Form factor (not applicable to services);
  4. Color or design solution for packaging;
  5. Production technology;
  6. Place of production (imported or domestic product).

Depending on the specifics of the product, additional items may be included here.

For example, manufacturers chewing gums they can talk about the presence / absence of a filler, cosmetics for men - about the type of facial skin care product (gel, foam, lotion), tobacconists - about a mixture of tobacco ...

The advantage is logically inseparable from the feature, for this reason, you should carefully compare the possible features and their pluses before starting to broadcast them to the client.

For example, if you talk about such a trait as “imported product” compared to analogues, then the advantage will be (in our country :)) “higher quality”.

If we are talking about “higher cost”, then the advantage can be described as “higher margins” or “attracting wealthy buyers”.

In principle, several advantages can be selected for the same trait, depending on the specific product or situation.

If you need help in determining the benefits for certain traits, you can ask questions directly in the comments. To the best of my ability, I will help.

  • A benefit is a favorable result that a buyer will receive by agreeing to your offers.

Benefit meets the selfish interests of the buyer, asking the question: "What will it give me?".

Every time you promise BENEFITS, you are talking about the future favorable result that a client or buyer can expect using your products, ideas.

Therefore, usually the buyer wants to know how he can get this benefit.

The most important thing when moving to a conversation about the benefits that your product provides is to logically connect them with the information that you received in the stage.

Benefits must fully satisfy the previously voiced needs of the client.

The final optional building block of the Benefit Sale phase is lead question, which is essentially a consent confirmation request.

The standard question - the lead looks like: “Is this what you need?”

In conclusion, I will give an example of the option of selling benefits, which will illustrate all of the above.

Assume that SMART cigarettes are being sold in outlet, the motivation for doing business for which is to obtain additional profit.

» The ITG tobacco factory presents SMART cigarettes. SMART cigarettes are characterized by the presence of THREE flavors (Strong, light and super-light), which gives the buyer the opportunity to choose the preferred option.
Accordingly, this product will be successfully sold and bring you profit.
But making a profit is what you need?

And now let's analyze this "monologue" from the point of view of a structured approach to sales and what is written above.

  1. "ITG Tobacco Factory presents SMART cigarettes" - Sales item designation(it is better to have a sample in hand so that the client can get to know it better).
  2. “SMART cigarettes are characterized by the presence of THREE types of taste (Strong, light and super-light)…” – designation characteristic feature . In this case, "number of species/tastes" is used.
  3. “..which gives the customer the option to choose their preferred option.” - advantage designation of this product: choice.
  4. “Accordingly, this product will be successfully sold and bring you profit.” - designation benefits, which fully corresponds motivation our client.
  5. “But making a profit is what you need?” - a question is a clue. Transaction confirmation request.

As a further note, it should be noted that general intonations that should sound during the presentation must exude confidence in the product and its competitiveness.

The time that is usually spent on voicing all the information should be no more than 1 minute.

It is also extremely important not to state more than ONE FEATURE - ONE ADVANTAGE and ONE BENEFITS.

Firstly, so as not to slow down the stage of selling benefits, and secondly, so that you have additional arguments in case of objections.

As practice shows, the success of such a sales algorithm is about 80-90%.

All the essentials for successful presentation your product in sales. Only live, working techniques, worked out in practice!

Rule #1: People don't care about the product

  • We listen to the words markers client. They tell us about his need (“small”, “powerful”, “beautiful such”)
  • We combine the product with the customer's need!
  • We translate the product into results and benefits for the client.

People really don't care what new TV the company has released. The client is interested in how this TV will help solve the problem of leisure. The dialogue between the seller and the client is reminiscent of “putting together a puzzle”. If you managed to choose a product for the client’s request, or “deploy” your product with the right side, everything will work out.

Rule #2

  • The language of use is a speech module.
  • It helps to reveal the benefits of the product by separating the characteristic from the benefit that the customer receives.
  • This makes the salesperson's speech clear and understandable to the customer.

The schema looks like this:

For example:

This laptop has a protection function ("3 D" space tracking sensor), which will save your personal data if you fall. (photos, movies, music)

I always give an exercise to master this skill at the training. Participants complete the following table:

The price is open to the buyer. The benefits are often hidden.

The client does not see all the benefits. The task of the seller is to open a profit and close the price.

This can only be done if you use the Language of Use. A characteristic of a product is neither good nor bad in itself. It can be taken both positively and negatively. Benefit is something that envelops life, creates comfort, fulfills needs.

Rule #3

  • "Circle of Argumentation" is a speech module that allows you to "link" the customer's need with the proposed product.
  • Up to this point, it is assumed that you have used the Question Funnel and are now reaping the rewards of the Argumentation Circle.
  • The language of use is an integral part of this scheme. We just add the client's need, in the form of marker words.

“So, you said that you often go on business trips…” If we consider the “view from above”, then this is the Circle of Argumentation.

And if you imagine it figuratively, it is like a spiral, when one circle ends, the next one begins. For example, going to the next round “And also, you said that you often play online…”

So circle after circle, we clearly and calmly, addressing the needs of the client, reveal to him all the advantages of our offer. The main thing is not to swirl the client! Pause and monitor the client's emotional reactions.

Rule number 4. "Read" the model

When you read a book on your own, "to yourself" is your goal - so that you yourself understand the meaning. When, for example, you read a book aloud to a child, or quote something to your colleague, then your goal is for the other person to understand you.

So it is with the “read” method of the model. This means reading the model “out loud” to the client, revealing all the benefits.

  • The key idea of ​​the model (“why they buy it”).
  • Functional/emotional benefit. Be able to explain using one or another benefit.
  • Technology or functional features. "Chips" of the model.
  • "Product Story". “One customer bought last month and came and thanked us because…”

Rule #5: Key Idea (Speech Modules)

The key idea is “what they buy for”. Two to three key phrases will help the client understand the main benefits. If you can read a model, then you are always ready to communicate - to sell!

Example: laptop Toshiba mini NB305:

  • For those who appreciate freedom and style.
  • Compact, stylish, battery life up to 11 hours.

Methodological materials with models and key ideas are usually available in every company. If not, urgently create, otherwise the sellers will tell such tales of the Vienna Woods that it will not seem enough.

Rule number 6. Men and women

Men and women are different in almost every way, so why shouldn't they shop differently?

Therefore, you need to remember the main points:

  • Functional / Emotional benefit.
  • Maintaining a 3:1 balance. Men need 3 functional benefits and 1 emotional. Opposite women.
  • Behavior of men and women in the store. Women are process oriented, while men are result oriented.

According to Paco Underhill, merchandiser and founder of Evirosell, women actually enjoy shopping more: calmly shopping, looking at products, comparing quality and prices, talking to sellers, asking them questions, trying on selected items, and finally pay for purchases.

Compared to women, men in stores are like stray bullets. Men move through the aisles of the store faster than women, and, moreover, spend less time looking at the goods. In many cases, it's hard to get their attention on something they didn't intend to buy. Usually they do not like to ask where the department with the goods they need is located, and they generally do not like to ask questions to sellers.

Rule number 7. "No" walking encyclopedias "

"The Walking Encyclopedia" is a very scary kind of seller. It will overwhelm you with an information avalanche, and those of the clients who do not have time to escape earlier remain buried under a pile of incomprehensible information.

This is a seller, a monologue lover. It all seems to him that he is passing a certification exam for knowledge of the product. AU! We are already selling! And before us is a living person, a buyer.

What to do to prevent this from happening:

  • Watch the client's reactions. The client is more likely to be “alive” or “dead”
  • Take breaks.
  • "Do you know how to check?" 1 minute test. This is a simple and so memorable criterion that the buyer will be able to tell others about it. As if revealing secret information to the client “Do you know how to distinguish a good air conditioner from a bad one?”, “Know how to check what it is Genuine Leather?”. It would be nice if the buyer, by means of a simple test for him, could check the product for compliance with the standard.
  • Give the product a hand. Include the Client in the presentation. "Puppy effect". Test drive for cars are based on this.
  • "What's your impression?" Summary question. Otherwise, there is a redundancy of arguments and the intonation of the last phrase hangs.

Rule #8


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