Production of products at public catering establishments. Functional features of a catering enterprise. Fast food establishments













Minsk 2014

Analytical chemistry: Methodological recommendations for the study academic discipline and completing home tests for students of the correspondence department


Production of products and organization of public catering "

Qualifications: Technician-technologist. - Minsk: MGPTK culinary, 2014

Developer: S.S. Gavrichenkova, 2 category chemistry teacher

Considered at a meeting of the cycle commission

in the specialty "Production of products and organization of public catering"

Educational institution

"Minsk State Professional

Technical College of Cooking ", 2014


The academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" is one of the fundamental sciences.

The purpose of teaching the discipline is to teach the theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry and the acquisition of skills practical application methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for the determination of compounds of inorganic and organic nature, the correct assessment of the results obtained.

The study of the course of the discipline "Analytical Chemistry" is based on the course "General and Inorganic Chemistry". It is assumed that the student is able to perform particular reactions of the opening of cations and anions, can calculate the concentrations of H +, OH - ions, has an idea of ​​the hydrolysis of various types of salts, complex compounds, poorly soluble compounds, and can calculate the concentration of ions based on the solubility product (PR) in solution (and vice versa); knows how to equalize redox reactions, etc.

In the process of studying the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry", specific tasks should be set and successfully solved for the assimilation of the entire theoretical material of the academic discipline by students.

When presenting the program material, it is necessary to pay attention to safe and rational methods of conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance, rules for working with chemical utensils, reagents, methods of research and assessing the quality of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products, the use of modern devices and equipment, security issues environment.

As a result of studying the discipline "Analytical Chemistry", students

must know:

at the presentation level:

  • the main tasks of the discipline and its importance in the analysis of the composition of substances;
  • the role of analytical chemistry in the study of phenomena and processes occurring during the storage and processing of raw materials, semi-finished products, food products;
  • modern devices and equipment used for research and assessment of the quality of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products;
  • the importance of qualitative, quantitative and physicochemical methods of analysis for the technochemical control of raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products;

at the level of understanding:

  • theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry and substantiation of the methods of analysis used;
  • methods of analysis, their essence, methods of conducting and processing the results;
  • essence and methods of titration;
  • rules for working with chemical utensils, reagents, instruments and equipment;
  • safe and rational methods of conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances;

should be able to:

  • choose methods and analyze raw materials, products of its processing, food and culinary products;
  • prepare solutions of titrants and with their help determine the content of substances in the analyzed solution;
  • carry out the necessary statistical processing of the analysis results;
  • comply with labor safety requirements when conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances.

In the process of studying an academic discipline, it is necessary to educate students for hard work, accuracy, accuracy, responsibility for the analysis.

The course of the discipline "Analytical chemistry" for the implementation of the educational program of secondary specialized education is studied by specialists with the qualification "technician-technologist". In connection with the paired system of training sessions in an educational institution, it is necessary to present theoretical material by combining the main topics, according to the thematic plan of the academic discipline before performing the main laboratory work. V educational process technical and didactic teaching aids should be widely used.

In order for learners to acquire strong professional skills, it is necessary to consider in the classroom non-standard situations, ways to resolve them during laboratory work. The topic of laboratory work is due to the task of developing students' skills for independently conducting a chemical experiment.

The laboratory workshop includes works on the qualitative analysis of mixtures of ions, the quantitative determination of substances by titrimetric and physicochemical methods of analysis. Laboratory work is performed by students individually and independently under the supervision of a teacher.

In order to control the knowledge of students, it is envisaged to carry out compulsory control work. Tasks for her are developed by the teacher and approved in the prescribed manner.


The main type of work of a student of the correspondence department is independent study of the course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" according to the specified literature. Extracurricular independent work of students includes preparation for laboratory work, doing exercises and homework assignments, independent study of individual sections. Methodical instructions and the control questions set out in this methodological guide should assist in the independent work of students of the correspondence department in the intersessional period.

The work of students of the correspondence form of education on the course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" consists of the following elements:

1. attendance of lectures;

2. independent study of material from textbooks and teaching aids;

3.execution test assignments, laboratory workshop;

4. control of the studied material in the form of writing a mandatory test for an academic discipline;

The student must know:

1. Theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry.

2. Principles and methods of chemical qualitative analysis (fractional and systematic)

3. Principles and methods of chemical quantitative analysis (gravimetry and titrimetry).

4. Theoretical foundations of physicochemical (instrumental) methods of analysis, their application to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the analyzed objects.

The student must be able to:

1. Work independently with educational, reference and methodological literature on the discipline "Analytical chemistry".

2. Choose the correct method of analysis in accordance with the analytical task and the specified accuracy of determination.

3. Master the technique and carry out various gravimetric and titrimetric determinations.

4. Correctly perform calculations of the analysis results and evaluate them using methods of mathematical processing.

5. Work with instruments - analytical balances, pH meters, ion meters, devices for electrochemical analysis methods, photoelectrocolorimeters and spectrophotometers.

6. Apply the knowledge gained for the analysis of compounds of inorganic and organic nature in the technochemical control of food products.

The lecture course of the academic discipline "Analytical Chemistry" includes three main sections:

    • introduction and theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry;
    • quality chemical analysis;
    • quantitative analysis, including physical and chemical (instrumental) methods of analysis.

The student performs one home test, the test option corresponds to the student's serial number in the journal, if the number is two-digit, the test option is determined by adding the numbers. The work must be submitted on time.


The main

  1. Analytical chemistry. Chemical methods of analysis / Under. ed. O. M. Petrukhin. - M.: Chemistry, 1992
  2. Vasiliev V.P. Analytical chemistry: 2 hours - Moscow: Higher school, 1989
  3. Piskareva S.K. Etc. Analytical chemistry: Textbook. for environments. specialist. study. institutions / S.K. Piskareva, K.M. Barashkov, K.M. Olshanov. - 2nd ed. revised and add. - M .: Higher. shk. - 1994
  4. Saenko O.E. Analytical chemistry: a textbook for secondary specialized educational institutions / O.E. Sayenko. - Rostov on / D: Phoenix, 2009.


  1. Analytical chemistry / I.A. Popadich S.E. Traubenberg, N.V. Ostashenkova, F.A. Lysyuk. - M .: Chemistry, 1989
  2. Analytical chemistry / Ed. prof. A.A. Ishchenko. - M. Academia, 2004
  3. Zhvanko Yu.N. Analytical chemistry and TCA. - M .: Higher school, 1980
  4. A.P. Kreshkov Analytical chemistry course. - M .: Chemistry, 1985
  5. Tolstousov V.N., Efros S.M. Quantitative Analysis Problem Book. - M .: Chemistry, 1986
  6. Yaroslavtsev A.A. Collection of problems and exercises in analytical chemistry. - M .: Higher school, 1966.


MINISTRY of Labor, Employment and social protection REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN





Department of Food Technology

Specialty 260501.65

Food service technology


on industrial practice

Naberezhnye Chelny


1. Section Organization of supply and storage

2. Section Organization of production. Operational planning

3. Section System of certification of products and services of the enterprise. Regulatory and technological documentation at the enterprise

4. Individual task


List of sources used


canteen supply warehousing assortment

Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and organization of consumption, as well as characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and consumer services and differing in types, specializations.

With the transition to market relations in our city, the number of catering establishments has also increased. The attendance of such enterprises by the population is growing every day. This can be explained by an increase in the standard of living of the population, interest in culture. foreign countries and to their cuisine in particular, the lack of time for cooking, the desire for a variety of their leisure time.

For passing industrial practice I chose LLC “ElAZ-avtomarket” as a trainee-technologist. This company provided me with all the necessary information and documentation to complete the diary and write this report.

The sales area is 408m 2. Autosalon "ElAZ-automarket" is located at the address: Elabuga. Production works from 08:00 to 17:00, the car showroom is open from 09:00 to 18:00.

Composition of employees:

Car dealership director,

Production director,

Cooks (1 person - IV grade, 3 people - III grade),



Security guard,


Ancillary worker.

The range of products is relatively large and corresponds to the approved assortment list of products. The canteen uses self-service selling methods. In addition, in the self-service department, the buyer can independently purchase the goods, and the seller can also serve the buyer through the counter, the calculations will be made by the buyer in the settlement node.

A very good location has been chosen: you can easily drive up, there is a parking place.

Manufactured products:

Vitamin, Health, Original, Meat, Grenadier, Gourmet, Temptation, Nutritious, Field.

First meal:

Meat borsch, Spicy soup with potatoes and rice, Buckwheat soup with egg and herbs, Noodle soup with chicken and herbs, Soup with fish meatballs, Meat okroshka.

Second courses:

Sea tongue baked with vegetables, Appetizing beef, Beef stroganoff, Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat, Kazan-style manti with sour cream, Dumplings with broth and herbs, Kiev cutlets, Chicken with vegetables.

Side dishes: Buckwheat porridge (crumbly), Rice porridge, Mashed potatoes, Pasta and cheese.

Flour confectionery:

Puff pastry with apples and dried apricots, Crispy nuts, Gubadia with a court, Honey cake, Eclairs.

Drinks: Tea with sugar, Tea with lemon, Tea with honey, Green tea, Coffee, Coffee with milk, Coffee with cream, Cocoa.

The dining room at the ElAZ-avtomarket is a public catering facility designed for the production of hot and cold snacks, first and second courses. Implementation finished products carried out through the trading floor. The variety of products depends on the preferences of the personnel, working conditions and other factors. The operating mode depends on the working hours of the car dealership.

All requirements are in accordance with the labor code of the Russian Federation, which states that work time should not exceed 160 hours per month, are respected, cooks work 8 hours a day.

I reviewed and studied the employee start-up schedule.

In all production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises, signs indicating the phone number of the fire brigade are posted in conspicuous places.

The order has established the appropriate fire safety regime for the enterprise:

The procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day has been determined;

The following are regulated: the procedure for carrying out temporary hot and other fire hazardous works; the procedure for examining and closing the premises after the end of work; actions of employees upon detection of a fire;

The procedure and terms for passing fire-prevention instructions and classes on the fire-technical minimum have been determined, and those responsible for their implementation have been appointed.

The places and the permissible amount of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products located in the premises at a time have been determined;

A procedure has been established for cleaning combustible waste and dust, storing oiled overalls.

Section 1. Organization of supply and storage facilities

1.1 Organization of supply

The enterprise receives both semi-finished products and other products: vegetables, fruits, flour, meat, etc. The delivery of goods is carried out depending on the type of product: perishable products, milk, bread are delivered daily in the morning. The rest of the products are delivered during the day. (see table 1.1)

1.1 Forms, routes, methods of delivery and payment for products

Products Suppliers Forms Routes


Payment Methods
Fruits ChP Ivanov Transit Pendulum Centralized Cashless
Vegetables Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Pendulum Centralized Cashless
Meat Ip Kudryashov Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Bird Ip Kudryashov Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Milk products Yelabuga Dairy Plant Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Flour Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Pendulum Centralized Cashless
Grocery Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Seasonings, sugar Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Butter, mayonnaise Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Canned products Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
Coffee Tea Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless
A fish Ip Kudryashov Transit Pendulum Centralized Cashless
Eggs Wholesale base Elabuga Transit Pendulum Centralized Cashless
Bread Ip Khusnutdinov Transit Around the ring Centralized Cashless

Table 1.2- Rhythm of deliveries

The goods are accepted by the warehouse worker, he checks the date of manufacture, the appearance of the goods and the quantity. Acceptance of goods on waybills. The transit form of supply to the enterprise is "supplier-enterprise". Delivery of products is carried out in a centralized way. Delivery of goods is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers, so the company does not have its own transport. The delivery of products is mainly carried out along circular routes. A list of potential suppliers is formed, which is constantly updated and supplemented. Criteria for selecting suppliers by the price and quality of the supplied products, as well as the reliability of supplies, terms of order fulfillment, the remoteness of the supplier from the consumer.

1.2 Organization of storage facilities

Warehouses of public catering establishments serve for acceptance of products, raw materials and semi-finished products from suppliers, their short-term storage and distribution. The premises have a convenient connection with the production premises.

Acceptance of goods is carried out by warehouse workers. Warehouse premises are located in separate premises, they have a convenient connection with production premises.

The complex of warehouse operations of this enterprise is the following sequence:

Transport unloading;

Acceptance of goods;

Placement for storage;

Release of goods from storage locations;

Intra-warehouse movement of goods.

The warehouse group includes premises for storing food, which are divided into refrigerated and non-refrigerated. Perishable foodstuffs are stored in refrigerated rooms: meat, fish, fats, dairy, etc. The required temperature in the chambers is maintained by means of mechanical cooling. Vegetables, drinks, dry foods are stored in non-refrigerated rooms.

Warehouse equipment includes racks, podtovoy for placement and storage of products, weighing, refrigeration equipment.

To prevent losses and spoilage of products in warehouses, an optimal mode of storage of goods is provided in accordance with their physical and chemical properties.

From the warehouse premises of the catering enterprise, the release of products is carried out for production at the request of the production manager. Based on the requirement, the accounting department draws up the requirements - invoices, which are signed by the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise, and after the release of the goods - by the head of the warehouse and who received the goods. When leaving, the storekeeper observes the order: the goods received earlier are released first.

Table 1.3-Composition of the warehouse of the enterprise

Location of refrigeration equipment

Type of raw material to be stored

Quantity of goods

required per day (kg)

Shelf life of commodity

stocks (days)

Quantity of goods

to be stored (kg)

Conditions of storage of goods Storage method

Equipment required

for product placement

Storage room for vegetables without refrigeration Fresh carrots 4 2 8


Bulk Storage container
Potato 95 2 100


Bulk Storage container
Onion 10 2 20


Bulk Storage container
Garlic 1 5 5


Box Rack

Warehouse group/ A room for storing vegetables, fruits, herbs, milk-fat gastronomy

Fresh lemon 4 2 8


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh oranges 5,5 2 11


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Onion 10 2 20


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh sweet pepper 10 2 20


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh cucumbers 20 2 40


Box Refrigerator cabinet

Fresh green salad

9 2 18


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Green onion 0,5 2 1


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh apples 7 2 14


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh bananas 7 2 14


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh pears 7 2 14


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh tangerines 6 2 12


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Fresh grapes 6 2 12


Box Refrigerated cabinet
Cream 20% 6 2 12


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Milk 4 2 8


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Butter 5 2 10


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Table margarine 2 2 4


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Cheese 4 2 8


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Sour cream 0,5 2 1


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Mayonnaise 9 2 18


Shelving Refrigerator cabinet
Frozen veal 1 3 3


Bulk Freezer chest
Frozen beef 3,5 3 10,5


Bulk Freezer chest
Frozen beef kidneys 1,5 1 1,5


Bulk Freezer chest
Food frozen bones 4 3 12


Bulk Freezer chest
Chickens of the 1st category giblets. frozen 23 3 69


Bulk Freezer chest
Frozen pork (cutlet meat) 2 3 6


Bulk Freezer chest
Frozen beef (cutlet meat) 2 3 6


Bulk Freezer chest
Frozen pork loin 5 3 15


Bulk Freezer chest
Frozen beef (tenderloin) 6 3 18


Bulk Freezer chest
Warehouse group/ dry food pantry Tomato puree 2 7 14

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Vegetable oil 10 7 70

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Wheat flour 6 5 30

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Coffee 1 10 10

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Sugar 7 7 49

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Chocolate 0,5 5 2,5

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Tea 0,1 5 0,5

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Salt 2 10 20

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Ground black pepper 0,04 10 0,4

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Bay leaf 0,03 10 0,3

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Lemon juice 0,1 10 1

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Bread crumbs 0,2 10 2

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry
Vinegar 3% 1 10 10

10 ... 12 о С Humidity

Shelving Dry food rack / pantry

Section 2. Organization of production. Operational planning

2.1 Organization of work of blank shops

The meat and fish shop provides for the processing of meat, fish and poultry in one room. Located next to the hot shop. Highlighted tools, containers, cutting boards, cutting knives, marked for processing meat and fish. Also, the enterprise has a meat grinder, refrigerating chambers. The meat is delivered to the enterprise in frozen half carcasses. The meat processing process consists of the following operations:

The meat is thawed, washed, dried, deboned, trimmed and stripped, and then semi-finished products are prepared. The meat comes to production from large suppliers.

Fish processing takes place in the same workshop as meat processing. There is a partition in the workshop that separates the processing of fish from meat. Frozen fish arrives at the enterprise mostly gutted.

The good quality of raw materials is made upon receipt. They check the color, smell, condition of the carcasses. The organization of labor, the general management of the workshop is carried out by the head of production. In the workshop, three workers, a fourth-class chef, cuts meat, deboning parts. The cook of the fourth category is responsible for the preparation of semi-finished products, and the third one processes poultry and fish meat.

The vegetable shop is located next to the cold one. The workshop is equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations. Mechanical culinary processing of vegetables is carried out in the vegetable shop and is carried out as follows:

The vegetables are sorted according to the size of the degree of soiling and suitability, the vegetables are washed by hand to remove the dirt, the eyes and stalks are removed, the peeled vegetables are rinsed. There is a sink for washing the hands of the staff.

The workshops are open from 8:00 to 17:00.

Meat shop production program

Table 2.1- Amount of raw materials for processing

2.2 Organization of work of preparatory shops.

The hot shop is the main shop of the enterprise, it is located next to the meat and fish shop. It completes the technological process of food preparation: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products is carried out, heat treatment of products for cold dishes. From the hot shop, ready-made meals are delivered directly to the distribution showcases for sale to the consumer. The hot shop production program is based on the assortment of dishes. 1 cook of the fourth category and 3 cooks of the III category work 5 days a week for 8 hours. The hot shop is equipped with the following equipment: oven, hot plate, two tables, shelves, one microwave oven, scales, one refrigerator, two sinks, boards, knives.

The dishes prepared in the hot shop comply with the requirements of state standards. The sanitary condition is normal. There are washing baths and hoods. There are sinks for washing the hands of staff. Rubber mats are available.

At the enterprise, the cold shop has a separate workplace in the general production area, so it sells a large assortment of salads for the dining room.

After cooking and portioning, the products of the workshop are not subjected to secondary processing, therefore, sanitary rules are strictly observed when organizing production process, and the cooks - the rules of personal hygiene.

The workshops are open from 8:00 to 17:00.

2.3 Organization of work of auxiliary workshops

The washing room is located opposite the cold shop. The washing room does not have podtovariye for used dishes, there are racks for clean dishes and utensils, washing tubs with three compartments for soaking, washing and disinfecting used dishes and rinsing them. They wash the dishes with brushes and detergents. After processing, the inventory, kitchen utensils and intrashop containers are dried and stored in a specially designated place on racks with a height of at least 0.5-0.7 m from the floor.

I would suggest getting a dishwasher. This, firstly, will speed up the work, and secondly, it will improve the sanitary condition of the dishes.

2.5 Organization of work of trade groups of premises

The trading floor is reserved for special place for the sale of products, there are showcases.

The working hours correspond to the trading floor's working hours from 8:00 to 17:00, sellers serve.

Has a convenient connection with the hot, cold and meat and fish shops.

In refrigerated display cases, a certain temperature is maintained, which contributes to the long-term storage of products.

Business hours Turnover of 1 seat per day Average% of hall load Number of visitors in 1 hour
1 8.00-9.00 - 0 -
2 9.00-10.00 1 10 2
3 10.00-11.00 1 15 4
4 11.00-12.00 1 90 20
5 12.00-13.00 1 80 15
6 13.00-14.00 1 60 10
7 14.00-15.00 1 50 9
8 15.00-16.00 1 60 11
9 16.00-17.00 1 40 8
Total: 79

2.6 Operational planning

The company has approved a turnover plan for a month, based on this plan, a production program for the day is drawn up.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

Drawing up a planned menu for a week, based on it, develop a menu plan that reflects the daily production program of the enterprise; preparation and approval of the menu;

Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

Registration of invoice requirements for the release of products from the pantry in production and receipt of raw materials;

Distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for cooks in accordance with the menu plan.

The enterprise is not mechanized enough, I would make my suggestions. In a cold shop, it is necessary to purchase a vegetable cutter, since everything is mostly done by hand, and this increases the risk of transmitting infection and bacteria to the products. Also, I would divide the meat-and-fish shop with a partition.

Section 3. Product quality control at the enterprise

3.1 Certification of products and services of the enterprise

The following types of catering services are subject to certification:

Catering services (restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars, snack bars and other public catering establishments, public network enterprises);

Services for the manufacture of culinary products and confectionery products;

Services for the sale of culinary products.

Catering services certification includes:

Applying for certification (application form)

Consideration and decision making on the application

Assessment of the conformity of services to the established requirements, including: analysis of documents, verification of the organization of the technological process and the provision of services on site

Decision-making on issuance (refusal to issue) a certificate of conformity

Issuance of a certificate of conformity and permission to use a conformity mark

Inspection control of certified services.

Certification verifies the characteristics of the services and uses verification methods that allow:

Carry out the identification of the service, including checking its belonging to the classification group in accordance with regulatory and technical documents

Completely and reliably confirm the compliance of the service with the requirements aimed at ensuring its quality and safety for the life, health and property of the consumer, the environment, established in the regulatory documents governing this service.

List of basic documents for certification of services

Articles of Association (copy)

Certificate of entry into the register legal entities MNS (copy)

Certificate of registration of TIN in the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection (copy)

Goskomstat certificate (copy)

Lease (sublease) or ownership agreement (copy)

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service for the type of activity (copy)

Assortment of manufactured and sold public catering products (copy)

Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Authority on the certification object (copy)

Retail license alcoholic beverages(copy)

Certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions for goods (optional copies)

Contracts with service organizations (for the provision of utilities, garbage disposal, disinfection, equipment repair)

Technical and technological documents of the organization (copies)

Equipment list, incl. measuring instruments

List of personnel (production and service)

Protocols of laboratory tests of products in AIL (for microbiological and physicochemical indicators)

The list of services provided by the enterprise in accordance with GOST

Classification of catering services

4.2.1. The restaurant catering service is a service for the production, sale and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacture of all major groups from different types raw materials, purchased goods.

4.3. Culinary and confectionery manufacturing services include:

Manufacturing of culinary products and confectionery products according to the orders of consumers, including in a complex design and with additional registration at public catering establishments;

Production of dishes from the customer's raw materials at the enterprise;

4.4. Services for organizing the consumption of products and services include:

Organization and service of celebrations, family dinners and ritual events;

Catering and service for conference participants, seminars, meetings, cultural - mass events in recreation areas, etc .;

Home service waiter (bartender) service;

Delivery of culinary products and confectionery products by customer orders, including in banquet performance;

Delivery of culinary products, confectionery and consumer services at work and at home;

Delivery of culinary products and confectionery products by order and customer service along the way passenger transport(including in a compartment, cabin, aircraft cabin);

Reservation of seats in the hall of a catering establishment;

Organization of a rational complex nutrition.

4.5. Services for the sale of culinary products include:

Sale of culinary products outside the enterprise;

Leave meals at home;

Completing sets of culinary products for the journey, including for tourists for self-preparation of culinary products.

4.6. Leisure services include:

Organization of music services;

Organization of concerts, variety shows and video programs;

3.2 Regulatory and technological documentation at the enterprise

The normative and technical documentation of this enterprise is: a collection of recipes, technical and technological maps, technological maps, technological schemes, a hardware and technological scheme of production, specification of technological equipment, a payroll for the consumption of raw materials according to the menu, reports on work, acts of control, etc. etc.

When drawing up technological maps, calculation cards, technical, technological and technological schemes, they are guided by a collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. All documentation is kept on a computer and in paper form.

This company provided me with the entire list of regulatory and technical documentation, after reading which, I came to the conclusion that it meets all the requirements, standards and is kept in perfect order.

The quality of production products, first of all, depends on the quality of incoming raw materials. This company, concluding a supply contract food products confident in the supplier. The company has implemented a product quality management system. The quality system is not only a means of ensuring the quality of goods, but also a criterion for assessing the reliability of a supplier.

The main document in the development and implementation of the quality system is the "Quality Manual", which contains reference data (standards, regulatory and technological documentation, etc.). Quality control can be external and internal.

External control is control by the local administration, SanPiN.

Internal control is exercised by the administration of the enterprise: director, head of production. The beginning of the working day begins with a hand check. Employees undergo a medical examination once every three months

The most important conditions for the production of high quality dishes is the strict observance by all employees of the standards for laying raw materials and the implementation of the technological process in strict accordance with the established requirements.

List of dishes in great demand:

Salads: "Original", "Gourmet", "Nutritious". Short-term storage of dishes for sale is carried out in medium-temperature display cases.

Unfilled salads must be sold within 18 hours from the date of manufacture, seasoned with mayonnaise or sauce - within 12 hours, provided that they are stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees Celsius. Adding eggs to salads with dressings shortens the shelf life to six hours.

3.3 Quality control of manufactured products

Quality is understood as properties and characteristics products that cause customer satisfaction, and as the absence of imperfections, enhancing the customer's sense of satisfaction.

Quality control of manufactured products is carried out during manufacture. The company carries out delivery and control over the receipt of products with quality certificates. Develops measures to improve technological processes compliance with which ensures the production of products in strict accordance with the documentation. Carries out preventive control of equipment for technological accuracy.

Be sure to make a note that the raw materials, foodstuffs, semi-finished products for this dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOST, OST, TU) and have certificates and quality certificates.

Quality and safety indicators. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, consistency), physicochemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.

Indicators food composition and energy value... Provides data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish, which is important for organizing the nutrition of certain groups of consumers (dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, baby food, etc.)

The quality of the food prepared by them is periodically checked by employees of higher echelons.

In meat, poultry and fish dishes, the correctness of cutting, pieces, their shape is assessed, noting the presence of pieces cut along the fibers or strongly deformed, the state of the breading.

The degree of readiness and consistency of meat products, poultry and fish is determined by a piercing with a cook's needle: it should easily enter the thickness of the product. Determine the color on the surface and on the cut.

The consistency of minced meat products should be loose, juicy, slightly elastic.

When braking vegetable side dishes, attention is paid to the quality of cleaning vegetables and potatoes, the thoroughness of removal dark spots and rotten places, their correct and accurate cutting; in fried vegetables, for the presence or absence of severely burnt vegetables Their readiness is determined by crushing, chewing or cutting. The consistency should be soft and juicy.

Laboratory control consists in checking the quality and safety of raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products and compliance with technological and sanitary and hygienic regimes for the production of dishes, confectionery products, carried out under a contract with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Table -3.1 Quality control of manufactured products

Control stages Responsible person or group of persons (position) Control points Normative and technical documentation Operational actions in case of non-fulfillment of controlled quality indicators
Input Head production Acceptance of products by quantity, by recalculating containers, weighing. if the goods arrived in a non-defective container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to demand opening the container and checking the net weight Consignment note, s / f, certificates of quality and conformity

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act on the identified shortage is drawn up, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called for perishable goods immediately after the shortage is detected, for the rest no later than 24 hours.

An act of non-compliance is also drawn up.

Operating The correctness of the technological process, compliance with recipes, the quality of incoming raw materials, finished products and semi-finished products Technological maps, technical technological maps, collections of recipes, standards Selection of raw materials with certain technological properties, improvement and modernization of technological operations and modes, taking into account the properties of raw materials, sorting of finished products according to quality gradations.
Day off Head production, chef Serving dishes and products, inserting raw materials, serving temperature Technical and technological maps, standards Replacement of a dish, collection from the cook

The quality control of products is carried out at the enterprise. All raw materials supplied to the enterprise are supported by appropriate certificates and certificates. Finished products are stored strictly within the implementation period.

Individual assignment

Selection of efficient production technologies

For effective work canteen and its profitability, it is necessary to use new technologies for the production of culinary products. The main merit here belongs to modern, high-tech equipment, which is a priority component of the introduction successful business in this area.

I recommend arranging equipment and cooking zones depending on the operations to be performed. The correct arrangement of machines increases the efficiency of the staff, eliminates unnecessary movements, mistakes, waste of raw materials and increases income. And

Develop an ergonomic and resource-saving kitchen project;

Introduce effective technologies for personnel management;

Reduce the number of personnel to the required minimum;

Debug the stability of the quality of dishes;

Introduce a transparent and reliable accounting system;


The dining room at the ElAZavtomarket car dealership can satisfy the requirements of any person. The work of the kitchen staff goes smoothly. All food preparation operations are carried out in a specific order.

Passing practice at this enterprise, I got acquainted with the organizational and production structure of the enterprise, the material and technical supply system, studied the trade and technological equipment and the main technological operations of production and established their influence on the formation of quality finished products, studied the range of confectionery products, methods and forms of quality control and accounting for raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, studied the main types of regulatory documents and other issues specified in the program.

The assortment is relatively diverse, the dishes produced by this enterprise are of high quality and prepared in compliance with all technological standards.

The quality control of products is carried out at the enterprise. All raw materials supplied to the enterprise are supported by appropriate certificates and certificates. Finished products are stored strictly within the expiration date.

I got acquainted with the work of the trading floor, the washing room. I filled out the documents on my own and accepted the goods. I studied the ways of decorating and serving dishes.

Observing the progress of work at the enterprise, I would like to make my suggestions for improving the work:

Dividing the meat-and-fish shop into two independent zones

Purchase of a vegetable cutting machine, kitchen knives

I also have some remarks on the way of work:

When preparing dishes, chefs do not fully follow the rules of the technological process;

There is a lack of discipline among the staff.

List of sources used

1. Equipment for trade and public catering enterprises. Textbook / Ed. V.A. Gulyaeva. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2004 .-- 543 p.

2. Organization of production at public catering establishments. Textbook / Ed. L.A. Radchenko.- Rostov n / a.: PHOENIX, 2004.- 352 p.

3. Cooking technology. Textbook. N.I. Kovalev, M.N. Kutkina, V.A. Kravtsova. Moscow: Business Literature, Omega-L, 2005 468 p.

4. Vasyukova A., Pivovarov VI, Pivovarov KV Organization of production and product quality management in public catering: textbook. allowance. - M. Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K" 2006.-296s.

5. Zayko G.M. Organization of production and service at public catering establishments. - Moscow - Rostov - on - Don: "March", 2005. - 192s.

6. Smagina I.N., Smagin D.A. "Organization commercial activities in public catering ". - M .: "Eksmo", 2005. - 336s.

7 Public catering. Collection of normative documents. - M .: "Gross Media", 2005. - 208 p.

8. Collection of recipes for national dishes and culinary products for public catering enterprises of all forms of ownership. - M .: "Gamma Press", 2003. - 832 p.

9. Usov V.V. "Organization of production and service at public catering establishments." - M: "Academy", 2002. - 416 p.

10. GOSTs, OSTs in public catering (in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"). - M .: Book service, 2006.-128s.

11 Rubina E.A. Sanitation and food hygiene: Textbook. manual for stud. universities. - M .: Academy, 2005 .-- 288 p.

Appendix No. Characteristics of technological equipment

equipment identification Brand Appointment Feature (power, performance, etc.) Total time of use, h
Refrigerator cabinet

Designed to store a working stock of products.

150 24
Industrial scales SW-0.2 4 Weighing products 4
Baker's cabinet UNOX 1 intended for baking only confectionery and small bakery products 7
microwave oven Lg 1 intended for heating ready meals 2
Electric cookers 2 serve for frying and cooking on hot plates 8
Plate UNOX 2 serve for frying and cooking on stove top. 6
Meat grinder MUM300 1 intended for grinding meat and fish 2

Currently, the importance of public catering enterprises is increasing. This is due to changes in the methods of processing raw materials, the development of communications, the intensification of many production processes, and the improvement of delivery methods. Let's consider further what public catering is today.

general characteristics

The main issues that relate to the area under consideration are explained in various regulations international and domestic type. The standards and requirements for this sector are set by GOST. Catering can be characterized in many ways. So, it is understood as methods of cooking in large quantities, which are implemented without a preliminary agreement with consumers. Also, any type of food organized outside the home is called public.

General classification

Catering establishments can be in the private or public sector. The latter includes institutions for schoolchildren and preschoolers, convicts, military personnel, as well as people employed in the civil service and undergoing treatment in hospitals. The private sector can include many of the food service establishments listed above. It also includes restaurants and other types of outlets that generate income. The private sector includes organizations that produce prepared foods sold through any of the channels listed above.

The meaning of the sphere

The development of society contributed to the formation of a socially organized nature of food. Economic significance this area is to create conditions for increasing productivity and improving the quality of labor activity. This is achieved by providing adequate nutrition at the place of study and work of citizens. The most important tasks of the sphere under consideration also include the provision of savings in labor and funds, the creation of prerequisites for an increase in the free time of people, especially women. Public catering is a type of activity related to the production, processing, marketing and consumption of relevant products, as well as the provision of services to citizens.


Catering includes all organizational forms, in which mass consumption is expressed (in children's institutions, hospitals, etc.), the tasks of which include the restoration and maintenance of the population's health at the required level. Services within the industry in question are provided in exchange for cash citizens. One of the main features of the sector is the commonality of trade and technological, material and technical, and administrative and economic structures.

Industry functions

Within the framework of the sector under consideration, the production and sale of products, as well as the organization of public catering, are carried out. The first function is considered basic and original. In the production of food products, labor costs account for about 70-90% of all industry costs. This process involves the creation of a new product. Own catering products are sold with additional value and new consumer qualities. In terms of the range of their functions, the organizations of the industry under consideration differ from companies involved in other industries. For example, businesses operating in Food Industry, produce products that can usually be consumed after additional processing. As for the goods produced in this sector, they are not subject to long-term storage and transportation. This, in turn, requires the organization of product consumption on the spot. However, it should be noted that in recent years the situation has changed somewhat. In particular, enterprises engaged in public catering are organizing the production of confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products and other goods, as well as their sale to the retail network through wholesale distribution.


Catering services today provide:

Snack bars;



Their activities can be carried out through the use of unprocessed raw materials or semi-finished products. They can be part of the structured education system or be independent. Organization of a public catering enterprise is a process that has rather stringent requirements. In particular, they relate to the external and internal design of establishments, indoor microclimate, appliances and tableware, furniture, assortment and menus, music service, etc. The catering rules stipulated in regulatory enactments must be strictly observed by all entities involved in the industry.

Classification of companies

By the nature of production, catering enterprises are divided into:

  1. Pre-finishing.
  2. Handouts.
  3. Blanks.

The latter can be either separate workshops or their complexes. Each such unit may have separate production tasks and functions. The workshops are intended for the mechanized centralized production of culinary, bakery and confectionery products, as well as for the supply of prepackaging companies, shops, retail outlets... Such enterprises specialize in the processing of raw materials and the production of semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness, as well as culinary products from poultry and other animals, fish, vegetables. Preparation companies carry out direct preparation of dishes with the subsequent implementation and formation of a consumption system. Such establishments use various recipes in their work. Distribution-type catering establishments are not characterized by the presence of any special production. Such establishments sell finished products, which, in turn, receive from procurement and other companies. The organization of public catering by such establishments is carried out in special rooms. For companies of a mixed type, the production and trade process is carried out in a full cycle.


Depending on it, there are universal and specialized catering establishments. The first ones carry out the preparation of dishes from different, and the second ones - from a specific type of raw material. Today, the service market is filled horizontally. This means that a lot of Chinese and Japanese restaurants are opening, while traditionally few European ones.

Service nature

Catering services can be provided at different levels:

  • First.
  • Higher.
  • Suite.

The class of an institution is a complex of distinctive features of a particular type of enterprise, which characterizes the conditions, level and quality of service. The above categories are assigned to bars and restaurants. Cafes, canteens and snack bars do not have classes. Depending on the contingent, there are public institutions and those located on the territories of educational and medical institutions, industrial structures.

Time and place of functioning

Catering establishments can be permanent or seasonal. Various summer cafes are open during spring and summer. They offer a relatively small assortment of home-made dishes and purchased products. Such establishments are located in semi-closed, closed or open-type buildings. Catering equipment in these temporary cafes is simple. They do not have exquisite furniture; counters, as a rule, are made in the same way as those found in pavilions and kiosks. Permanent establishments are fundamentally different from summer cafes. First of all, they are located in closed structures, equipped with equipment for carrying out various operations. Depending on the location, the establishments can be stationary or mobile.

Functional affiliation

A separate group includes the organization of catering on airplanes, road, sea and rail transport. Hotel service covers different market segments. Also specific is the provision of off-site food products and the production of culinary products. The fast food system includes mobile kiosks and stationary establishments.

Other catering establishments

Such establishments as buffets are considered separately. They represent structural units, which are intended for the sale of culinary products in a limited range. Buffets can work independently or operate at other facilities where public catering is carried out (restaurants, canteens). In the latter case, the establishment must have the same category as the structure to which it belongs.


They represent production and economic complexes. They include preparatory and procurement establishments, which use the same technology for preparing products, culinary stores and auxiliary services. Usually they act as the head objects of a unitary enterprise in the system of consumer cooperation. The culinary plant is a procurement enterprise. The workshops are designed for the centralized production of bakery, culinary and confectionery products. They also supply pre-procurement enterprises, trade retail network, shops. Culinary factories have their own outlets and cafeterias.

Fast food establishments

Public catering can be carried out in the "fast food" system in stationary or portable facilities. Fast food establishments are intended for the production and sale, as well as ensuring the consumption on the spot of a constant assortment of simple cooking. In their activities, such enterprises use semi-finished products of industrial or own production.

Stationary objects

The tent is a catering facility where a small assortment of home-made and purchased goods is sold. The tent belongs to the stationary network, it is located in a light closed building. It provides for two or more workplaces, a utility room. There is no trading floor. The pavilion is a public catering facility in which the sale of its own products in a narrow range and purchased goods is carried out. It is located in a temporary or permanent building. The pavilion may include a trading floor.

General requirements

The nomenclature of standards is established by GOST R 52113. General requirements the following activities:

  1. Social targeting.
  2. Functional suitability.
  3. Security.
  4. Ergonomic
  5. Aesthetics.
  6. Informativeness.
  7. Flexibility.

Social targeting

This requirement for catering provides for:

  1. Security and availability for consumers of different categories.
  2. Compliance of the services provided to the expectations of buyers, including regarding the assortment, form and method of service, professionalism of the staff.
  3. The presence of certain conditions and benefits for unprotected categories of citizens (children, disabled people, and so on).

Functional suitability

This requirement assumes:

  1. Timeliness and accuracy of work, including compliance with the regime established at the enterprise, the assortment list of dishes, drinks and products, compliance with the waiting time and order execution, and so on.
  2. Ensuring the choice of services by the consumer.
  3. Correspondence of the personnel involved in the service, professional purpose, qualifications, competence, and so on.

Other requirements

The ergonomics of services reflects the compliance of the conditions of their provision and the devices and furniture used in the service process with the physiological, anthropometric and hygienic capabilities of clients. Aesthetics characterizes the harmony of design and style unity of the premises. This requirement also applies to the appearance of employees, table setting, menu design, and more. Informativeness presupposes the timely, reliable and complete receipt by consumers of information in the service room and outside it concerning services, products and the company itself. The requirement for flexibility characterizes the ability to change. Adjustment of the list of services provided is carried out in accordance with the needs of the population and living conditions.

Catering technology

Without knowledge of this area, it is impossible to build production. The technology of public catering products includes various methods of cooking, processing raw materials, and standards for components. Specialists involved in this area must know the procedure for dispensing products, the limits of manufacturing costs. One of the most important points is the technical equipment of the entire process. Specialists must know the features and be able to rationally use various devices used in the production and sale of products. Foodservice technology also includes a culture of service. The training of specialists is carried out in the relevant specialized institutions. The employee's responsibilities include:

  1. Development and implementation of optimal production modes.
  2. Using modern cooking methods.
  3. Development of standards for material and labor costs, order of work.
  4. Streamline processes and reduce costs.
  5. Control over the observance of discipline and the correct operation of the equipment.
  6. Supervision over the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the production process.

The technology of public catering also involves the study and use of the experience of world-class establishments that have proven themselves in the area under consideration.


And this heading says it all, no matter what you
production did not work, be it:

Canteen - enterprise Catering ,
consisting of blank and finishing shops with a single
the technological process of manufacturing products.

A cafe - catering establishment providing
the consumer of catering and leisure services, or
without leisure, selling specialty, customized dishes
, confectionery and bakery products, alcoholic and
soft drinks.

A restaurant - catering establishment providing
consumer services for organizing food and leisure, with
a wide range of sophisticated dishes
, including specialties and products, hot and other
drinks, confectionery and bakery products.

As you put things in order, so they will be
treat your colleagues and subordinates. Will you
queen or king in its production it all depends
from you. . We begin to put things in order from today.

Today we will look at production in the form of a step-by-step
plan of the main directions. All your production
consists of three main components:
1 Preparation of workshops. 2 Preparation of all necessary documents.
3 Working with staff.

Let's consider each component of production separately.
Shop preparation includes 10 divisions:

1 Kitchen or hot shop where all the sacrament takes place
preparation of semi-finished products, the first and second
2 Meat shop where blanks and semi-finished products are made from
meat, fish, chicken, etc.

3 Cold shop creative workshop for making snacks

4 Vegetable shop all vegetables are cleaned here
potatoes, onions, carrots, beets. Fresh vegetables cucumbers
, tomatoes undergo primary processing in the workshop. Fresh
the greens are moving.
5 Egg processing shop is a responsible link in production
, all raw eggs pass through it to the finishing shops.
6 Wash compartment of kitchen utensils compartment
production where dishes from the kitchen and all workshops are washed.
7 Washing compartment for tableware compartment where
the dishes from the dining room are washed.

8 The confectionery shop is the most "delicious" and "sweet" here
pastry chefs conjure over their masterpieces, bake buns
, cakes and all sorts of goodies.
9 Bread slicer branch where bread comes and is cut
per serving.
10 Hygiene room or sanitary unit, a department necessary for the entire production team
.Preparation of documentation for production:
1 Costing cards.
2 Technological maps.
3 Technical and technological maps.
4 Rejection log.
5 Journal of sanitary inspection of personnel (journal
6 Notebook for the dilution of disinfectants (10% solution of chlorine
7 Notebook of temperature control of production
(daily taking thermometer readings in cold weather -
silo chambers, cabinets).
8 A notebook of critical remarks.
Work with personnel:
1 Job descriptions.
2 Safety instructions.
3 Sanitary books.
4 Safety Journal.
The work of putting things in order is very painstaking, but if
do everything right, you will definitely feel
queen or king. Start tidying up
production done we created step by step plan of our
actions and in the following articles we will consider
each item in detail.

If you have something to add, or give advice, be sure to
leave your comment. I will be glad to talk to you

Receive articles directly to your mail by putting your e-mail.

See you.

PS ... All materials in the preparation of your catering production, you can find by following this link:


In public catering, there are three forms of organization of production:

  • production of products from the processing of raw materials to food preparation and its sale;
  • preparation of semi-finished products and their sale;
  • organization of food consumption with little preparation for sale.

In other words, by the nature of the organization of production, enterprises with a complete and incomplete technological cycle are distinguished.

At enterprises with a complete technological process, the processing of products begins with the receipt and storage of raw materials and ends with the sale of finished products. At enterprises with an incomplete technological process, due to the centralized receipt of semi-finished products, only their preparation and sale are carried out.

Raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Public catering enterprises receive raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Raw materials are products from which culinary products are produced according to the scheme: processing of raw materials - cooking - selling. Semi-finished products are products that have undergone primary processing at procurement enterprises and have different degrees of readiness. Dishes and culinary products that are ready for sale are called finished products.

Foodservice products are perishable and need to be sold quickly. Various products and raw materials used for the preparation of dishes and culinary products are also not subject to long-term storage. In this regard, when organizing the technological process, public catering enterprises must ensure the maximum reduction in the storage time, processing of raw materials and the sale of finished culinary products.

Consumer demand for catering products varies depending on a number of factors (season, sales of certain food products in stores, etc.). Therefore, in order to correctly determine the volume of the production program and the range of products, it is necessary to take into account the demand of consumers for various types of dishes and culinary products.

The variety of processed raw materials, the sale of products consumed locally in large quantities, and the direct impact of its quality on the health of the population require strict adherence to the rules of the sanitary regime in production and control over the quality of food. Therefore, it is of great importance for the correct organization of the technological process at public catering enterprises that the chefs comply with the norms for the investment of raw materials in accordance with the approved recipes, the organoleptic assessment and rejection of ready-made dishes and culinary products.

An important factor that determines the characteristics of the production process of public catering enterprises is their transfer to work with semi-finished products. The centralized and integrated supply of enterprises with semi-finished products creates opportunities for the most rational use of technological equipment, an increase in labor productivity, a narrower specialization of workers, it makes it possible to reduce the cooking process, and reduce production costs.

Characteristics of the production structure

The essence of the organization of production is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of cooking.

Distinguish between enterprises with a shop-floor structure and a shop-free structure of production.

At enterprises with an insignificant production volume or working on semi-finished products, a shopless production structure is established (snack bars, barbecue, dumplings). Here, all production processes are carried out by one or more brigades, which are subordinate to the production manager. Such an organization of labor allows more efficient use of the labor of cooks, the practice of combining professions, etc.

On large enterprises a shop-floor structure of production was formed and procurement shops (vegetable, poultry, meat, fish, meat-fish) were created; precooking (hot, cold); specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary). At public catering enterprises operating on semi-finished products, a workshop for the completion of semi-finished products, a workshop for processing greens is organized. Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A technological line is a production site equipped with necessary equipment for a specific technological process. For example, in the cold shop of a large enterprise there is a line for preparing salads and vinaigrettes, fruit for drinks, in the hot shop - soups and second hot dishes.

This makes it possible to more rationally organize work, mechanize individual production processes, and rationally use the skills of workers.

Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions

For the successful expression of the production process in catering establishments, it is necessary:

  • choose a rational production structure;
  • production facilities should be located along the technological process in order to exclude counter flows of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, the blank shops should be located closer to the warehouse, but at the same time have a convenient connection with the finishing shops;
  • to ensure the flow of production and the sequence of the implementation of technological processes;
  • correctly place the equipment;
  • to provide workplaces with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;
  • create optimal working conditions.

Production facilities should be located on the ground floors and oriented to the northwest. The composition and area of ​​industrial premises are determined by Building Norms and Design Rules (SNiP II-L. 8-71), depending on the type and capacity of enterprises.

The area of ​​production facilities must ensure safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment as well as the area of ​​the aisles.

The area of ​​production premises is calculated by the formula:

S total = S floor / K cn

where S total is the total area of ​​the shop, m 2; S floor - useful area of ​​the workshop occupied by the equipment, m 2; K cn - area utilization factor, taking into account the passages between the equipment.

The optimal area of ​​production facilities, their rational placement and the provision of production shops with the necessary equipment are the main conditions, the fulfillment of which allows you to properly organize the technological process of cooking. When placing production facilities, it is important to follow the sequence of the stages of the technological process.

Various types of equipment should be placed in production workshops in accordance with the nature of the technological process, while observing the safety and labor protection rules for workers. So, the distance between machines and devices should be from 0.7 to 1.0 m, and between the equipment and the wall - 0.7 m, between the working front of the plate and production tables - 1.2-1.5 m.

The practice of domestic and foreign enterprises has shown that the most appropriate for modern public catering enterprises is the linear principle of equipment placement. The lens is assembled from separate sections, specialized for performing certain technological operations. All sections should be the same in height and width (depth), and their length should be a multiple of a certain value (modulus) set for all sections. The equipment intended for completing such lines is called sectional modulated equipment.

The linear principle of the arrangement of sectional equipment of all types ensures the consistency and convenient interconnection of various stages of the technological process. It also makes it possible to create better conditions work for service personnel, provides convenience for the movement of intrashop transport.

For creating necessary conditions of labor of workers, the temperature regime in production premises... So, in the blank shops, the air temperature should not exceed 16-18 ° C, and in the hot shop - 22-25 ° C. Special ventilation systems must ensure the removal of superheated air, vapors and waste gases. For this, exhaust mechanical ventilation and supply and exhaust ventilation are installed. With exhaust ventilation, stale air is removed from the premises by a fan, and fresh air enters through the pores of the walls or specially left channels and holes in the walls and coverings, as well as through the ventilation inlet grilles. With supply and exhaust ventilation, separate fans are mounted in the premises, causing movement and exchange of air, or ventilation supply and exhaust installations, installations are equipped, when air is supplied and removed through channels made of tin, brick or plastic, and its inflow is regulated by means of grilles. Such an installation consists of ducts and fans, and air is sucked in using a system equipped with cleaning and humidifying devices, heaters.

When using exhaust ventilation, the suction of air from industrial premises is stronger than from sales areas, so the air from the hall moves in the direction of the kitchen. However, ventilation by exhaust ducts is often insufficient for industrial premises of a restaurant (kitchen, washing, cold shop). The release of a large amount of heat, vapors, moisture by machines and devices requires the use of mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation. Ventilation hoods should be located above the source of steam and heat. Above the main kitchen stove, a ventilation canopy is arranged, which removes vapors and heat generated during cooking.

In the production premises of some modern enterprises, to create and maintain an artificial microclimate and set temperatures, humidity, mobility and air purity, they use automatic installations for air conditioning.

The production premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewerage. Water is supplied to baths, sinks, as well as stoves, boilers and other equipment. When constructing a sewerage system, a quick disposal of waste water is provided. Bathtubs, sinks, washbasins are equipped with hydraulic seals to prevent the penetration of sewage odors.

Organization of the workplace

A workplace is a part of the production area where an employee performs individual operations, using the appropriate equipment, utensils, inventory, tools. Workplaces in catering enterprises have their own characteristics depending on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, and the range of products.

The area of ​​the workplace should be sufficient to ensure the rational placement of equipment, the creation of safe working conditions, as well as a convenient location of equipment and tools.

Workplaces in the workshop are located along the technological process.

Workplaces can be specialized and versatile. Specialized workplaces are organized in large enterprises, when an employee performs one or several homogeneous operations throughout the working day.

In medium and small enterprises, universal jobs dominate, where several heterogeneous operations are carried out.

Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, equipment and utensils.

Production workshops

Large catering enterprises have a variety of workshops specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: meat, fish, vegetables, hot, cold, confectionery. Warehouse, container, sanitary facilities and some other services are referred to as auxiliary shops.

A workshop is an administratively separate primary production unit of an enterprise, in which mechanical culinary processing of raw materials, preparation of semi-finished products or the release of finished products are carried out.

Figure 1 - Structure of production workshops

With the increase in the capacity of the hall of the enterprise, its workshop structure also becomes more complicated, which makes it possible to improve the organization of labor and production. A workshop is singled out as an independent production unit in cases where this area of ​​work specializes in the manufacture of certain products and several teams of workers work in it under the guidance of foremen (foremen).

Blanks workshops

In the procurement shops, they carry out mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and the production of semi-finished products for supplying them to the hot shop of their enterprises, as well as preparatory enterprises (branches), culinary stores, and small retail chains.

In enterprises with an average capacity of halls, the processing of meat, poultry and offal is concentrated in one workshop, as well as the processing of all vegetables. At enterprises with a small capacity of halls (up to 100 seats), two workshops are organized: meat and fish and vegetable.

When organizing procurement shops, the flow of production and the sequence of technological processes must be achieved, for which the lines for processing certain types of products are determined. So, in the vegetable shop, it is advisable to organize three processing lines: potatoes and root crops; onion vegetables; cabbage, herbs and other vegetables.

At enterprises where meat and fish semi-finished products are prepared in one shop, lines for processing meat, poultry, by-products and fish are organized.

The mode of operation of the blank workshops depends on the type of enterprise, the volume of production and the method of selling semi-finished products. Procurement shops serving only their own company operate, as a rule, in one (day) shift. In the evening, the chef on duty prepares portioned semi-finished products according to the orders of visitors.

Meat shop

The production of semi-finished products at procurement enterprises increases every year. Many restaurants, cafes and canteens are supplied with natural, breaded and minced meat semi-finished products.

Its purpose is the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and game. At enterprises with a large production volume, supplying other public catering enterprises with semi-finished meat products, a separate room is allocated for the meat shop.

Processing of meat and fish at small-capacity enterprises with a complete production cycle can be carried out in one room, subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements of the sanitary regime.
Meat is often supplied frozen, therefore the first step in the technological process of meat processing is defrosting, i.e. thawing. For this, special chambers and defrosters are used, where the carcasses are stored in a suspended state at a positive temperature.

Cutting the carcass into pieces - the next operation - is carried out using a band or circular saw. In small enterprises, carcasses are divided into parts on a chopping table (a round deck of hard wood) with a butcher's ax and a cleaver knife. A large cleaver knife is used to chop the bones of lamb, poultry, game; small bones and meat for stews are chopped with a small knife.

Then deboning, stripping and cutting of meat into portions are performed. These operations are carried out on production tables with lids made of of stainless steel, duralumin or marble. Deboning of meat, trimming the pulp and removing it from the bone are carried out with the help of a large and small boning knives, stripping of meat and cutting it into portions - with the help of large, medium and small knives (chef's three). At the same time, large pieces are cut with a large knife, small pieces are cut with a medium one and fillets are removed, with a small one they clean out individual parts of the carcass and perform some other operations. Chopped pieces of meat are loosened with a ripper or hoe.

For the preparation of minced meat, large enterprises use meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive, for small ones - universal drives with replaceable mechanisms, or use desktop meat grinders.

When processing poultry, game and beef, large enterprises allocate a special room with an opal forge; small enterprises allocate special jobs.

Fish shop

Primary processing of fish and production of fish semi-finished products takes place here. The technological process of fish processing includes the following operations: thawing frozen fish, soaking salted fish, cleaning from scales, gutting and washing, cutting, preparing semi-finished products and storing them.

The fish is thawed in baths with two compartments in running or periodically changed water. The fish are unloaded from the baths with wire ladles. Flounder, mending, sturgeon fishes are scalded to facilitate further processing. For this purpose, hot water is supplied to the baths and a grate with handles is used. Large sturgeon fish are thawed on metal racks with a bottom tray at room temperature. A mechanical fish cleaner or hand scrapers are used to remove scales from the fish.

Fish are gutted with small chef's knives on special tables with a groove, back and sides. Here heads, tails and fins are cut off. The tails and heads are chopped off with a medium chef's knife on cutting boards, the fins are cut off with scissors. After gutting, the fish is washed in a tub with two compartments and placed on baking sheets.

The preparation of fish semi-finished products is carried out on a separate table, where there are cutting boards, a set of chef's knives, spices, and scales. At small enterprises, a meat grinder is used to prepare minced fish, at large enterprises - a universal drive with a set of mechanisms. Fish semi-finished products are stored chilled for no more than 12 hours, fish mass - 6 hours.

Vegetable workshop

At enterprises, the vegetable shop is located in such a way that, on the one hand, it is located not far from the vegetable warehouse, and on the other hand, it has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. In this case, convenience is created for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables to the workshop, as well as the technological chain: warehouse - vegetable workshop (preliminary processing) - hot workshop (final processing).

In modern specialized vegetable shops, the production of an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packaging potatoes and vegetables in bags, a line for the production of peeled sulphitated potatoes, a line for preparing potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and garnished potatoes, a line for preparing salads and vinaigrettes.

The need to use special equipment, which is selected depending on the capacity of the enterprise, dictates the peculiarities of processing various types of vegetables. So, sorting of potatoes is carried out at large procurement enterprises in sorting machines. In small enterprises, where it is not possible to install sizing machines, manual sorting of potatoes and root crops by size is not performed.

Potatoes and root vegetables are washed in special washing or washer-cleaning machines (in large enterprises) or potato peelers with a smooth disc (in small enterprises), as well as in baths. The machines are loaded using a conveyor that transports the potatoes from the hopper to the vegetable store. The washed vegetables with the help of another conveyor enter the cleaning machines, where the potatoes are peeled, and then they are further cleaned.

At large procurement enterprises, where separate production lines for processing potatoes, root crops and other vegetables are organized, continuous cleaning machines are used for cleaning potatoes, and batch-type machines are used at medium and small enterprises.

When peeling potatoes, thermal and chemical methods can be used. In the thermal method, special high-temperature ovens or apparatus are used to peel potatoes, where the potatoes are treated with steam. In the chemical method, potatoes are processed in a special apparatus with a solution of caustic soda.

Slicing is the next stage in the processing of potatoes and root crops. For this purpose, vegetable cutters are used, cutting vegetables into strips, cubes, slices. Figured cutting of potatoes is carried out by hand on cutting boards made of hard wood using carbide knives, grooves, small and medium knives of the chef's troika.

Cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage are processed manually. For shredding vegetables, shredding boards are used. Onions, garlic and horseradish are processed in a special workplace equipped with a fume hood. Prepared vegetable semi-finished products in wooden tubs, hams, as well as baskets are delivered to the hot shop.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of labor protection and safety measures in the vegetable shop. Only employees who are familiar with their device and who have undergone special instructions may be allowed to work on the machines. Work rules and safety posters must be posted near machines. Employees are prohibited from lowering their hands into the working chambers of potato peelers and vegetable cutters. The starting devices of the machine must be covered, and the machines must be properly grounded and grounded. Containers for loading vegetables into the machine are allowed with a capacity of no more than 8-10 kg. Carrying goods for women is allowed with a weight of no more than 20 kg. To ensure the requirements of the sanitary regime, it is necessary to remove waste from the workshop in a timely manner.

Work vegetable shop organized by the production manager.

Organization of work of the poultry workshop

The centralized production of semi-finished products from chicken, processing of by-products is carried out by poultry shops. They process raw materials from poultry farms. Specifications and technical instructions the preparation of the following types of semi-finished products from poultry is envisaged: carcasses of chickens and chickens; natural fillet and breaded fillet, chicken leg, turkey leg, chicken breast, tobacco chicken; thigh, drumstick of chicken, turkey; offal of chickens, turkeys.

In addition to poultry, by-products (kidneys, liver, tongues, heart, etc.) are processed in the workshop.

Finishing shops

Cold shop

Its purpose is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When placing a cold shop, it should be provided for its convenient connection with the kitchen, where the products are heat-treated for the cold shop, and with the blank shops, from where the products are delivered to the cold shop, which are then sold without heat treatment. Products of the cold shop are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop.

For the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sandwiches, sweet dishes, cold soups, a cold workshop is organized. Its products are sold both directly in the hall and in buffets and culinary shops.

Since in a cold shop a significant number of dishes and products are not subjected to heat treatment, it is necessary to especially strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the technological process.

In accordance with the technological process, workplaces should be clearly delineated for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc.; salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime for storing and dispensing cold dishes (10-14 gr.).

The production program of the workshop (plan-menu) includes the range and quality of prepared dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold drinks. In the dining room, cooks of the 3rd, 4th and 5th categories work.

To fulfill the production program in the workshop, workplaces are provided, which are equipped with equipment, utensils and implements, depending on the type of technological and production operations performed.

The main operations carried out in the workshop: cutting prepared products, portioning and arranging cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, the workplaces of cooks are organized, the appropriate equipment, inventory, tools are used.

Based on the fact that the workshop prepares dishes and cold snacks not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish between jobs for the manufacture of products from various types of raw materials.

The products of the workshop are mostly perishable, therefore refrigeration equipment is required: cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigerating chambers with additional shelves for short-term storage of cooked products, a low-temperature counter and an icemaker.

A universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, as well as slicers, a ham and sausage cutter, a butter splitter, a vegetable cutting machine, production tables with slides, refrigerated containers and a refrigerated cabinet are the main equipment of the cold shop.

Store products for making salads and vinaigrettes in a slide. Cheese, sausage, aspic, etc. are stored in the refrigerator for a short time. There should also be cutting boards and scales on the table. Separate marking boards are used for processing raw vegetables.

For the purpose of cleaning and cutting products manually, special devices and tools are used: egg cutters, apple cutters, dredges, etc.

From sweet dishes in restaurants they prepare jellies, mousses, compotes, sell canned and fresh fruits, ice cream with fruits and jam, whipped cream, etc. laying out dishes, tongs. On the working table of a chef preparing sweet dishes, there should be a bathtub, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, scales, various dishes, a specialized universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms for wiping fruits, berries, whipping mousses, creams, sambucs.

When organizing the workplace, the chefs place a rack with clean dishes to the left of the production table for portioning cold dishes and snacks, reinforce the shelves for tools and utensils under the table cover, install a slide for spices and seasonings and scales on the table. On the right, a rack is installed with trays for prepared dishes and snacks.

Many businesses have a separate work area for making sandwiches.

Some ice cream parlors, children's cafes and large restaurants make ice cream from dry or liquid mixes. For this purpose, a freezer is installed. Small restaurants and cafes sell ice cream from cold storage plants.

The foreman, who organizes the delivery of dishes and controls the quality, supervises the work in the cold shop. Cooks of the 5th and 6th categories prepare the most responsible and labor-consuming ordered and banquet dishes, portion and arrange them. Chefs of the 4th category prepare food: they boil potatoes and vegetables, fry meat and fish semi-finished products for cold dishes, cut vegetables, process herring.

Hot shop

This is where the technological process of cooking ends.

In the hot shop, products and semi-finished products are heat treated, broths are cooked, soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses are prepared, culinary flour products - pies, pies, etc., are baked, used as a side dish for first courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes.

Semi-finished products from the milestones of the blank workshops are sent to the hot shop. Therefore, the hot shop is located in such a way that it has convenient communication with the cold shop and is adjacent to the distribution, as well as to the washing table and kitchen utensils.

If the enterprise has several halls located on different floors, then in this case the hot shop can be located on the same floor with the main hall, which has the largest number of seats. The finished products are delivered to the rest of the halls by lifts and hoisting lifts, and they are warmed up during distribution with the help of food warmers.

The work of the hot shop, like other production sites, largely depends on the correct organization of workplaces, their equipping with the appropriate equipment.

Large enterprises are equipped with technological lines for preparing first and second courses, sauces, side dishes. The equipment is arranged in three parallel lines: in the middle of the workshop, heating equipment is installed in one line, and on both sides of it, workplaces are equipped to prepare products for heat treatment. On a specially equipped line, products are processed for the first courses, on the other - for the second courses, sauces and side dishes.

The hot shop is equipped with stoves, cooking kettles with cold and hot water supply, ovens, electric pans, refrigerators, shelves, production tables, etc. At large enterprises, hot shops can have two sections: a soup section for preparing first courses and a sauce section for preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces.

Cooking first courses in the soup section begins with boiling broths, for which electric and gas boilers of various capacities and boilers are used.

At the chef's workplace, there should be a table scale, a set of knives for the chef's troika, and cutting boards. For cutting, shredding, wiping vegetables, they use a universal drive with special mechanisms, a pulping machine, for sautéing vegetables - electric pans, for supplying hot water - continuous boilers. In addition, a refrigerated metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide) is arranged at the workplace of the soup cook.

Due to the production of a relatively wide range of first courses in restaurants, the range of products of the slide is quite diverse: pickles, onions sautéed with tomato, chopped greens, olives, olives, lemon, croutons, etc.

In the hot shop of modern public catering enterprises, when organizing the workplaces of cooks, sectional equipment is used using the linear principle of its placement. All heating sectional equipment is installed in line with one-way service. The depth of the sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

They use various options for arranging sectional equipment, depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its layout. In small kitchens, heating equipment is placed along the walls with local ventilation suction devices.

Parallel to the line of heating equipment, a line of production tables is placed. In larger kitchens, several workplaces are allocated for cooks engaged in the preparation of soups, second courses, and in accordance with this, equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room, against the wall, etc. It is recommended to install certain types of heating equipment parallel to each other.

In order to prepare first courses, along with boilers of various capacities, pans for steaming vegetables, production tables with a built-in bath and small-scale mechanization devices are installed.

Second courses are prepared in boiled, fried, stewed, baked, stewed form in the sauce section. To improve the quality of dishes, specialization of chefs in the preparation of certain types of dishes, which is carried out at large enterprises, is of great importance.

The main equipment of the sauce department was a fire, gas or electric stove. Currently, specialized equipment is becoming more and more widespread for the preparation of second courses - electric, gas and steam boilers for cooking vegetable and cereal dishes, electric pans for frying products in the main way and in deep fat, barbecue ovens, electric fryers, ovens and other equipment.

A special workplace is allocated for the preparation of fish dishes. In small canteens, where there is no possibility for the division of labor and specialized equipment is not used, the cook's workplace is a table and a stove located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from each other. The cook's workplace should be equipped with a refrigerator for semi-finished products and a rack. It is also necessary to have dial and post scales, cutting boards, sets of knives and other tools, dishes with spices and seasonings.

When placing a workplace in a restaurant, the convenience of letting waiters get prepared meals in portions directly from the stove is taken into account.

When organizing workplaces for cooks preparing second courses, great advantages gives the use of sectional equipment with a linear arrangement. In order for all heating equipment to be used strictly for its intended purpose, the lines for preparing second courses are composed of the following sections: a plate with a solid frying surface, stoves with burners, deep fryers, a special oven. The heating line is complemented by bain-marie for storing side dishes, main courses, production tables with a built-in bathtub and a refrigerated container.

The work of the hot shop in the restaurant is headed by a 6th grade cook, who is responsible for the organization of the technological process, the quality and compliance with the output of cooked dishes. He prepares customized and banquet meals. In the team of cooks responsible for the preparation of the second courses, there are several cooks of the 5th and 6th categories, not counting the foreman.

Specialized workshops

Confectionary shop

V production structure the confectionery shop occupies a special place in the enterprise. He works independently, regardless of the hot shop.

The confectionery department includes rooms for kneading dough, cutting and baking, making cream and finishing products, processing eggs, proving yeast dough.

Its purpose is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise, but also to the stores of culinary products, home kitchens, buffets, and preparatory enterprises.

The confectionery shop is a separate production facility that operates independently of the kitchen.

It includes dough-mixing, dough-cutting, baking, cooling departments, rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition. In addition, restaurants provide a pantry and a refrigerated chamber for a daily supply of raw materials, a pantry for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products, in which puff pastry is cooled, washing equipment and sterilization of pastry bags.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery department must correspond to the sequence of the operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of counter flows of raw materials and finished products.

When cutting and forming confectionery products, a dough dividing machine, various molds, recesses are used. The confectioner's workplace should have a production table, a chest for flour, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a box for knives, mobile shelves with pastry sheets for prepared products.

The dough is rolled out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to obtain a dough layer of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigerating cabinet for cooling butter, as well as for cooling dough in the manufacture of puff products.

For the purpose of preparing fillings, minced meat, syrup and fondant, a small stove (gas or electric) is installed and a meat grinder and a pulverizing machine (from a universal drive) are used.

Confectionery products are baked in pastry and bakery cabinets.

Also used are bakery ovens operating on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. In pastry cabinets, you can maintain a certain mode.

When decorating confectionery, separate production tables are used, and at large enterprises special rooms are allocated for this purpose. Tables should have drawers for tools; a rack for pastry bags is strengthened on the table lids, a syrup tank and scales are installed. Movable racks should be located near the working tables for the delivery of finished products to the refrigerator or on an expedition.

The confectionery shop must have its own washing compartment for washing dishes and equipment. In a bathroom with two or three compartments, the dishes are washed with soda, then rinsed with a 2% solution of bleach. It is especially important to keep the piping bags and tubes clean, as even the slightest cream residues can lead to bacterial contamination. Therefore, this inventory is processed in an autoclave, then rinsed in a bath with clean water.

Washing kitchen utensils

Kitchenware washing facilities in all catering establishments are located next to the hot shop and the food waste chamber. In the washing room there should be podkazovye, on which put the dishes received for washing, containers for food waste, baths with two compartments, racks with shelves-lattices for drying washed dishes, a ladder for water drain.

The dishwasher solves the problem of washing dishes, but in the absence of one you have to do it manually.

The used dishes entering the washing area are preliminarily cleaned of food debris using wooden spatulas and washed in the first compartment of the washing bath with brushes or washcloths in hot water using detergents. Then, in the second compartment, the washed dishes are rinsed with hot water (90 ° C). If there are remnants of burnt food on the walls of the dishes, warm water is poured into the dishes to allow the crust to soak. Leftover food is collected in buckets with lids and then transported to the food waste storage room. It is not allowed to wash dishes for different purposes in the same water.

Cutting boards are washed, then boiled water is poured over them in the same way as the dishes.

The cooking kettles are treated with water at a temperature of 50 ° C using brushes and rinsed with hot water at least 70 ° C. It is allowed to use detergent.

Kitchenware in small businesses is washed in a dishwashing dish. For this, a bathtub with two compartments and a rack are installed, and the washing room is divided by a partition in the form of a barrier.


In enterprises where visitors are served by waiters, the distributor is located on the production area. It should be conveniently connected to the kitchen, buffet, bread slicer, washing tableware, cold shop, and have sufficient width for the normal movement of waiters with trays and carts. In this case, the dispensing room is separated from the sales area by a capital wall or a sliding partition. In enterprises with self-service of visitors, handouts can be located both in the hot shop area and in the trading floor.

In order to ensure the convenience of the work of waiters and distributors and to maintain the required temperature of the dishes in the hot shop, thermal cabinets are installed in which dishes are placed for serving hot dishes. It is also recommended to install icemakers for the waiters to use.

When dispensing dishes, certain dishes are used. First courses in restaurants are served in cupronickel soup bowls with a capacity of one to three or more servings. Broths and puree soups are released in broth bowls. For the holiday of second courses, cupronickel dishes are used for one, two, three servings. Dishes with sauce are served in round dishes with lids - rams, cold dishes and snacks - in porcelain dishes.

A waiter, receiving a dish from a distributor, should pay attention to its design.

The appearance of the dish should be aesthetically pleasing, appetizing, the main product should be located against brand name depicted on the plate. If a portion consists of two pieces, for example meat, the dispenser places them so that they cover each other's length. The garnish is laid on the side, in a slide. With a complex side dish, you should pay attention to the color combination of individual components of the side dish, for example, vegetables of different colors and fresh herbs.

The release of products should be fast, with a certain weight and temperature. The temperature of the first courses and hot drinks during vacation should not be lower than 75 ° С, the second - 65 ° С, sauces - 75 ° С, cold and sweet dishes - 7-14 ° С, ordered (portioned) dishes - 80-90 ° С ... In self-service enterprises, the temperature of the first and second courses should be 10 ° C higher.

Certain storage periods for ready-made meals are set for the distribution, which are determined by the need not only to comply with sanitary requirements, but also the preservation of taste. By the beginning of rush hours in the cold shop, various types of vegetable garnishes must be prepared and decorated for their uninterrupted supply to the distribution of the enterprise. The shelf life of ready meals is 2 hours. After this time, the entire portion may be rejected.

In restaurants, where, in most cases, dishes are released from the stove, a slide for spices and seasonings, dishes required for serving dishes, a dispensing tool: pouring spoons with a capacity of 0.25-0.5 l, sauce spoons with a capacity of 25-30 cm, forks with ejectors, shovels, tongs, two-kilogram dial scales.

Storage facilities

The warehouse facilities of catering enterprises include refrigerated chambers for storing perishable and semi-finished products, uncooled pantries for storing dry food, vegetables, storage rooms for inventory, linen and other items of material and technical equipment.

Areas of storage facilities are determined depending on the nature of the enterprise's work. For example, in restaurants that use raw materials, refrigerated chambers, as well as pantries for storing dry products, must have a larger area than in preparatory enterprises, where there is no need to store raw materials. In small enterprises (no more than 50 places), various perishable products can be stored in one chamber, but in compartments specially designated for each type of product or in labeled containers. At large enterprises, meat, fish, and gastronomic products should be stored in separate chambers. Restaurants usually have separate pantries for bread, as well as storage rooms for wine and spirits, soft drinks, fruits.

Preparing and procurement enterprises supplying semi-finished products should include expeditions with refrigerated chambers for short-term storage of products before shipment.

There are certain requirements for the placement of storage facilities. They should be located at the same level, and the planning provides for a convenient connection with the production departments. Warehouses (pantries) are equipped with racks, cabinets, chests, bins, pots, scales. Refrigerated chambers should contain goods, mobile shelves, lattice shelves, hanging beams with hooks.

For storage of various groups of goods in warehouses, a certain temperature regime and corresponding humidity are maintained. When placing food in pantries, certain rules must be followed:

  • products should not be placed near water pipes, heating system, cooling devices;
  • products should be located at a distance of at least 20 cm from walls and floors;
  • walls and ceilings of storerooms should be smooth and easy to sanitize;
  • in uncooled pantries, both natural and artificial lighting are allowed, in pantries for storing vegetables - only artificial lighting;
  • pantries of small enterprises can have natural ventilation, in pantries of enterprises, where there are more than 100 places, supply and exhaust ventilation.

For the storage of goods, their properties and specific features must be taken into account: hygroscopicity, ease of smelling, the ability to change quality under the influence of sunlight. It is necessary to provide an acceptable commercial neighborhood.

NOT ALLOWED joint storage of goods with a pungent smell, for example, fish together with goods that easily perceive this smell (fruits, tea, etc.). Raw materials and finished products are stored separately. The cooled and chilled meat (carcasses) is stored suspended on tinned hooks on a hanging track or on hangers, ice cream is stored in stacks. For storage of frozen poultry, racks are used, chilled poultry - boxes. To store chilled fish of small breeds, baskets or boxes are used, where crushed ice is added. Sturgeon fish are kept suspended on tinned hooks.

Certain requirements must be met when storing dairy products. They are stored in a refrigerated chamber at a temperature of 1 to 6 ° C and a relative humidity of 80 to 85%. Butter is stored on the shelves of shelves, in containers or in pieces in parchment, cheeses - with heads stacked on the shelves so that they do not come into contact with each other.

Cottage cheese, sour cream are stored in barrels with lids, milk - in the container in which it was received.

Gastronomic goods - sausages, sausages - are stored suspended on tinned hooks or in boxes lined with galvanized iron.

Potatoes and vegetables are stored in basements with artificial lighting (at an air temperature of 2 to 5 ° C and a humidity of 80–90%), in bins with a layer of no more than 1.5 m or in boxes; pickled cucumbers - in barrels; sauerkraut - in barrels under pressure; berries, fruits, lettuce, sorrel, green onions - in boxes, baskets, sieves.

Bottles with wine, mineral water are stored horizontally in cabinets with sliding doors or in drawers; alcoholic beverages, soft drinks - in stacks, six boxes high. The air temperature should be from 8 to 15 ° С, and the humidity should be 70–75%. Wine bottles are viewed in the pantry using a special light screen.

Warehouses should be equipped with a variety of tools: cooking, gastronomic, cheese knives, cutter knives, meat axes and saws, wooden shovels, stainless steel spoons, ovoscopes, a tool for opening containers, etc.

The shelf life of raw materials in the warehouse of a restaurant depends on its type, location, distance from food depots, climatic conditions this area.

All food products that are stored in the warehouse must be labeled with the date of issue and the period of sale, as well as with the name and details of the supplier or manufacturer. The data on the label must correspond to the data specified in the consignment note and recorded in the product movement log.

Raw materials from the warehouse are released to the production shops of the restaurant, to branches and buffets on the basis of an application. During the receipt of the products received from the warehouse, their compliance with the invoice for the assortment, weight and quality is checked.

In large restaurants, schedules are set for the release of goods from the warehouse, warehouse workers prepare the goods in advance. It is necessary to transfer products from the supplier's containers into a clean, labeled internal container directly in the chamber. It is forbidden to import or bring into the workshops products in the supplier's container.

Operational production planning

The essence of operational planning is to draw up an enterprise program. The planning of the enterprise program is dealt with by production managers, heads of production departments, chefs' foremen.

Operational production planning is carried out in a certain sequence, therefore, at each stage, it is necessary to create certain organizational conditions that contribute to the correct organization of the technological process, rational organization of labor, and the clear performance of each employee of their duties

Operational work planning of the production of procurement enterprises

To draw up the production program of the blank enterprise, the following data are required: the range of products (semi-finished products, culinary products, flour confectionery products); technical equipment of the enterprise; a network of catering establishments and a retail network that have entered into contracts with a procurement company or specialized procurement shops; the range and quantity of products required for these enterprises; the volume of semi-finished products produced by food industry enterprises for pre-food enterprises.

An important place in the operational planning of production is occupied by the dispatch service. Operational planning of the production of a procurement enterprise and specialized procurement shops is carried out in the following sequence. Enterprises with which a contract has been concluded draw up daily orders for semi-finished products, culinary and flour confectionery products and transfer them to procurement enterprises in dispatching services (departments). Received orders in the dispatch service are summarized for all types of products and transferred to the shops in the form of a day production plan... One copy of the order is sent to the expedition for subsequent order picking. Applications are accepted the day before their execution. This is due to the fact that the production department needs to get the required assortment and quantity of raw materials and products in advance for the implementation of the technological process of manufacturing products on demand.

Semi-finished products and culinary products are produced in accordance with TU, OST, as well as the data of the Collection of standards for waste and losses during cold and heat processing of raw materials.

To calculate the output of vegetable semi-finished products, use the formula:

where P o.p. - weight (net) of vegetable semi-finished products, kg; R about. - weight of vegetable raw materials (gross), kg; N is the waste rate depending on the type of raw materials and the season according to the Collection of recipes for dishes,%.

To calculate the output of semi-finished meat products from a given mass of raw materials, use the formula:

where Q m.p. - the number of semi-finished meat products of this type (pcs., Portions, kg); Q m - mass of meat (gross) from which semi-finished products are produced, kg; β -% taking into account specific gravity the corresponding parts of the meat (stripped) for culinary cutting; g p is the mass of a portion of a semi-finished product, kg (according to the Collection of recipes).

Operational planning in enterprises with a full production cycle

Each catering establishment must have a monthly turnover plan, based on this plan, a production program for the day is drawn up.

In restaurants, where the assortment of dishes is very large, the menu mainly includes customized a la carte dishes, so it is difficult to plan in advance the number of dishes produced, but, taking into account the past experience, in a restaurant it is possible to plan the release of the number of semi-finished products (when processing meat, poultry, fish) and how much food needs to be received from the warehouse per day.

In catering establishments with a certain contingent of consumers (canteens at manufacturing enterprises, educational institutions, childcare facilities, rest homes, etc.), you can more clearly plan the work of production for every day.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

  • drawing up a planned menu for a week, a decade (cyclical menu), on its basis the development of a menu plan reflecting the daily production program of the enterprise; preparation and approval of the menu;
  • calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;
  • registration of the invoice requirement for the release of products from the pantry in production and receipt of raw materials;
  • distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for cooks in accordance with the menu plan.

The first stage of operational planning is the preparation of a planned menu. The presence of a planned menu makes it possible to provide a variety of dishes on days of the week, to avoid repetitions of the same dishes, to ensure a clear organization of the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, timely sending applications to wholesale depots, industrial enterprises, to properly organize the technological process of cooking and labor of production workers. The planned menu indicates the assortment and number of dishes of each item that can be prepared at the given enterprise on days of the week or decade. When drawing up a planned menu, the qualifications of cooks, consumer demand, the possibility of supplying raw materials and the seasonality of raw materials, and the technical equipment of the enterprise are taken into account.

The second and main stage of operational planning is the preparation of a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the production manager on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise.

It contains the names, recipe numbers and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand.

The main factors that must be taken into account when drawing up the menu include: the approximate range of products recommended for catering enterprises, depending on its type and type of ration provided, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

An approximate assortment of dishes (assortment minimum) is a certain number of names of cold dishes, hot dishes, drinks typical for various catering establishments (restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in the pantries and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in the types of raw materials and in the methods of heat treatment (boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked); also take into account the qualification structure of workers, production capacity and equipping it with trade and technological equipment, as well as the labor intensity of dishes, i.e. time spent on preparation of a unit of production.

When approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the day of the enterprise's trade.

In catering establishments with a free choice of dishes, operational planning begins with drawing up a menu plan for one day in accordance with the turnover.

Calculation of raw materials and preparation of tasks for the teams of cooks. Operational control over the work of production

The calculation of the amount of raw materials and products required for cooking is made on the basis of the menu plan and the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

In addition to calculating raw materials for cooking, raw materials for the production of flour confectionery and culinary products sold through a culinary store are calculated separately, then a summary table for calculating raw materials is compiled.

Based on these calculations, a bill of lading is drawn up to receive products from the pantry. Then the production manager gives assignments to the foremen of the shops or workers on the implementation of the production program for the next day and releases them with products.

The task specifies the names of dishes and the quantity, the schedule for the release of their batch, i.e. the number of dishes of each type that must be released by a certain time, taking into account the sale of dishes at the distribution.

Employees of the vegetable shop of the enterprise with full production cycle an order is given for the production of semi-finished products. The amount of raw materials required to complete the task (Q gross) is calculated from the specified net weight, taking into account the percentage of waste when processing raw materials, depending on the season

If a catering establishment starts working at 7-8 am, then semi-finished products are harvested in the evening of the current day. If the enterprise starts working late, at 11-12 o'clock, then the chefs start their duties 2-3 hours before the opening of the trading floor.

The cooking and culinary assignment is the daily work plan for each team of cooks. On the basis of the task received, the foreman or senior chef places the cooks in the work areas and organizes control over the progress of the production task.

At the end of the working day, the cooks report to the foreman or directly to the production manager on the number of semi-finished or ready-made meals produced according to the task received and the actual sale of dishes. Financially responsible persons keep an operational record of the movement of raw materials and finished products and monitor the consumption of products, ensure compliance with the norms for the investment of raw materials.

Regulatory documentation of catering establishments

Compilations of recipes for dishes and culinary products, along with industry standards and technical conditions are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering enterprises. Used: Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, 1981-1983, 1994, 1996; Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products of the cuisines of the peoples of Russia, 1992

In dietetic canteens and departments, the Collection of recipes for dishes and dietetic food for public catering enterprises of 1988 is used. The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as the consumption rates of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations for the interchangeability of products. The recipes indicate: the names of the products included in the dish, the norms for the nesting of products with gross and net weights, the yield (mass) of individual finished products and the dish as a whole.

The norms for the nesting of products with gross weight are calculated in the formulations for standard raw materials of the following conditions: beef and lamb - 1st category, pork meat, offal (except udder) - frozen, udder - chilled; poultry (chickens, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys) -semi-gutted 2nd category; fish - large frozen or of all sizes, uncut, with some exceptions; for potatoes, waste rates are accepted until October 31, for carrots and beets - until January 1, etc. In each Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, the conditions of all types of raw materials and products are indicated.

When using raw materials of a different condition for the preparation of dishes than provided for in the recipes, the rate of input of raw materials in gross weight is determined by recalculation based on the net weight specified in the recipes, the value of which remains constant, and the percentage of waste established according to the Collection of recipes for raw materials of the corresponding condition. When using raw materials of other conditions or substandard raw materials, the norms for the output of dishes should not be violated.

Appendices to the Collection contain tables for calculating the consumption of raw materials, the output of semi-finished products and ready-made meals, the size of losses during the heat treatment of dishes and culinary products, the norms of interchangeability of products when preparing dishes.

In order to fully meet the demand of consumers, catering enterprises can develop new recipes for dishes and culinary products. The recipes for specialties are developed taking into account the approved norms of waste and losses during cold and heat treatment of various products. They must have a novelty in the preparation technology, high taste, originality of design, and a successful taste combination of products. For all dishes with a new recipe and specialties, technological documentation is developed and approved by the head of the enterprise: STP, TU, technical and technological technological charts. The collection of recipes is guided in the preparation of calculation cards, which indicate the norms for the investment of raw materials, the output and the selling price of the finished dish, technical, technological and technological maps.

Technological maps

The high quality of finished products consists of many factors, one of them is compliance with technological requirements for food processing and cooking at all stages of the production process.

Cooks and pastry chefs must be provided with technological maps at the workplace. These cards are drawn up for each dish, culinary or confectionery product on the basis of the Recipe Book used in the given enterprise.

The technological maps indicate: the name of the dish, the number and variant of the recipe, the rate of input of raw materials in gross and net weight per serving, and also a calculation is given for a certain number of portions or products prepared in boilers of a certain capacity, the output of the dish is indicated. The maps also provide short description the technological process of preparing a dish and its design, attention is drawn to the sequence of laying products, depending on the timing of their heat treatment, the requirements for the quality of the dish, the coefficients of the labor intensity of the dish are characterized.

Technological maps are drawn up in the prescribed form, signed by the director, the head of production and a calculator and stored in the card file of the head of production.

Technical and technological maps (TTC) are developed for new and specialty dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold only in this enterprise. The period of validity of the TTK is determined by the enterprise itself. TTK includes sections:

  1. Product name and scope of TTK. Specify the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval; give a specific list of enterprises (branches), which are given the right to produce and sell this dish.
  2. List of raw materials for making dishes.
  3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to make a note that raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for this dish (products) comply with regulatory documents (GOST, OST, TU) and have certificates and quality certificates.
  4. Bookmarking rates, raw materials with gross and net weight, rates of output of semi-finished products and finished products.
  5. The description of the technological process, the mode of cold and heat treatment, ensuring the safety of the dish, is given by the used food additives, dyes, etc.
  6. Requirements for registration, filing, sale and storage. The specifics of registration, rules of filing, order of sale, storage should be reflected (in accordance with GOST R50763-95 "Public catering. Culinary products sold to the population.")
  7. Quality and safety indicators. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, consistency), physicochemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.
  8. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value. Provides data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish, which is important for organizing the nutrition of certain groups of consumers (dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, baby food, etc.)

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the company's file cabinet. The responsible developer signs the TTK.

The regulatory and technological documentation used by public catering enterprises also includes: industry standards (OST), enterprise standards (STP), technical specifications (TU) and technological instructions (TI) for products produced by industrial and procurement enterprises to supply other enterprises ...

Industry standards (OST) are the main regulatory document governing the production of semi-finished products and culinary products. OSTs are developed and approved by the ministries of the meat and dairy industry, food industry, fish industry, which produce products for public catering.

Technical specifications (TU) are developed by the public catering research institute, which is the basic organization for the standardization of public catering products. Technical specifications are the main regulatory document that determines the production of semi-finished products only at public catering establishments. OST and TU contain requirements for the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products in terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators.

Technological instructions (TI) are introduced simultaneously with the standards (technical specifications). They are the main technological documents that determine: the range of produced semi-finished products; quality requirements and consumption rates of raw materials; the procedure for carrying out technological processes; packaging and labeling requirements; conditions and terms of storage and transportation.

Enterprise standards (STP) are being developed for culinary products with unconventional methods of cold and heat treatment, for new processes.

The STP project is coordinated with the territorial sanitary and epidemiological service. The STP is approved by the head of the enterprise for a period approved by him.

The technological process outlined in the STP must provide the indicator and safety requirements established by state acts. STP cannot violate GOSTs.


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