Regulation 88 of 21.04 1993 is in force. Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. Deputy Head of Household Affairs, Head of Household

Active Edition from 21.04.1993

Name documentDECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.04.93 N 88 "ON APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL EMPLOYED IN SERVICING PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS (Kindergarten, Nursery-Gardens, Kindergartens)"
Type of documentregulation, standards
Host bodyMinistry of Labor of the Russian Federation
Document Number88
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of revision21.04.1993
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • "Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation", No. 5, 1993 (Resolution)
  • M., Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1993 (Norms)
NavigatorNotes (edit)

DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.04.93 N 88 "ON APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL EMPLOYED IN SERVICING PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS (Kindergarten, Nursery-Gardens, Kindergartens)"


The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the Standards for determining the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens), developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards at the All-Russian Center for Productivity of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia.

2. To establish that the Standards for determining the number of personnel, approved by this Resolution, are recommended for use in preschool institutions, regardless of departmental subordination, forms of ownership and management.

3. Ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations within three months, taking into account the need to submit applications to the Central Bureau of Labor Standards for the publication of Standards for determining the number of personnel approved by this Resolution.

The Central Bureau of Labor Standards shall ensure the publication of the required number of these standards.

Deputy Minister of Labor
Russian Federation

Ministry of Labor of Russia
dated April 21, 1993 N 88


The collection is intended to determine the number of employees of preschool institutions, regardless of their departmental subordination.

The standards for determining the number were developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in conjunction with the Ministry of Education of Russia with the participation of preschool institutions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

The collection contains standards for the following management functions:

preschool management;

accounting and financial activities;

educational and pedagogical activity;

preparation of baby food;

housekeeping service;

organization of swimming training for children preschool age.

1. General part

The standards for the number of employees employed in preschool institutions are established taking into account the provision of normal conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

1.2. The collection contains standards for the number of workers in crèches, crèches-kindergartens, kindergartens.

The standards cover the following management functions:

Management of a preschool institution: head of a preschool institution, deputy. head by rec. slave.; educational psychologist; Deputy Head for Household Affairs, Head of the Household; clerk (secretary-typist);

Accounting and financial activities: Ch. accountant, accountant of I and II categories, cashier;

Educational, pedagogical and recreational activities: educator, assistant educator, music director, physical education instructor, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist;

Baby food preparation: chef, cook, kitchen worker;

Housekeeping services: storekeeper, castellan, operator for washing and repairing work clothes (linen), loader, gardener, stoker, fireman, operator, coachman or driver, worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings, cleaner office space, watchman;

1.3. The standards for the number are established based on the maximum occupancy of groups in a general preschool institution:

under the age of one year - 10 children;

at the age from one to three years - 15 children;

over the age of three - 20 children.

If necessary, it is allowed to complete groups with children of different ages... Children from 1 to 6 years old are accepted in groups with round-the-clock stay.

For children with developmental disabilities, the maximum occupancy of groups in a preschool institution is:

Children with developmental disabilitiesNumber of children in a group up to:
early age up to 2 yearspreschool age from 3 to 7 years
speech disorders6 10
with phonetic-phonemic speech impairment and impaired pronunciation of individual words 12
hearing impairment
deaf6 6
hearing impaired and late deaf6 8
visual impairment
blind6 6
visually impaired6 10
with squint and amblyopia6 10
violation of the musculoskeletal system6 8
mentally retarded6 10
with profound mental retardation 8
with a complex defect5 5

1.4. The basis for the development of standards for the number is based on the following data:

staffing tables of employees of various preschool institutions;

The results of the analysis and research of the time spent (photographs and self-photographs) on the work performed by the staff of preschool institutions;

statistical data characterizing the factors affecting the labor costs of workers employed in preschool institutions;

the results of the study and analysis of a survey of employees of preschool institutions (questionnaires, collection of proposals) to improve their work.

1.5. When developing standards for the number of employees of preschool institutions, the following materials were used:

"Regulations on the procedure for the development of normative materials for the regulation of labor", M., 1968;

"Temporary regulations on a preschool institution", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of February 23, 1991 N 119.

1.6. The names of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, as well as the content of their work, are established in accordance with "for the positions of employees of institutions and educational organizations" approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 11, 1992 N 33, "Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions employees "approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 30. The names of the professions of workers are indicated in accordance with the" Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions of workers who were assigned monthly salaries ", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 31.

1.7. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 51 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" medical care educational institution(including a preschool educational institution) is provided by health authorities. An educational institution is obliged to provide a room with appropriate conditions for the work of medical personnel.

1.8. When preschool institutions leave for summer cottages, the number of employees at this time is set in accordance with the standards calculated for the round-the-clock stay of children, taking into account work on weekends.

1.9. For works not provided for in the collection, local standards are established using technical standardization methods.

1.10. The numerical values ​​given in the normative tables with the indication "to" are to be understood inclusively.

2. Regulatory part

The standards for the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions have been developed in relation to six functions:

Preschool management;

Accounting and financial activities;

Educational, pedagogical and recreational activities;

Preparation of baby food;

Housekeeping service;

Organization of swimming training for preschool children.

The standards make it possible to determine the number and composition of work for each position of an employee and working profession.

2.1. Management of a preschool institution Head of a preschool institution

Scope of work. Supervises all types of activities preschool in accordance with the charter. Organizes a team of pedagogical and other workers to achieve high efficiency educational work with children, use scientific organization labor in the educational process. Monitors the implementation of the education program. Ensures the creation of appropriate conditions for strengthening the health of children, their upbringing and education in accordance with the requirements of pedagogy and hygiene. Forms contingents of pupils, providing them social protection... Bears personal responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

Organizes work with parents on raising children in the family. Creates the necessary conditions to provide children with food, the work of medical personnel, control over their work in order to strengthen and protect the health of children, rational use of budgetary allocations, as well as funds from other sources. Disposes of the available property and funds, submits an annual report on the receipt and expenditure of funds of the founders. Ensures the correct placement of personnel, creates the necessary conditions for improving the business qualifications of workers, strict observance of state interests, labor and production discipline. Establishes, in accordance with labor legislation and internal labor regulations, the terms of reference for employees of a preschool institution. Organizes work on the certification of employees. Ensures fulfillment collective agreement between the administration and the workforce.

The head of the preschool institution carries out communication with the public, enterprises and organizations. Provides training and instruction on safety measures, periodic medical examination of persons servicing high-risk installations and working at height, and all employees of the preschool institution undergoing preventive medical examinations.

During the vacation of the head of the household (assistant to the head of the economic part), he provides material and technical support to the preschool institution. Reports on the work of the institution to the relevant authorities.

V established by law order is responsible for the implementation educational programs in accordance with the plan and schedule of the educational process, the quality of upbringing children, their life and health, violation of their rights and freedoms.

Deputy head for educational and methodological work

Scope of work. Provides methodological guidance for the teaching and educational activities of the staff of the preschool institution. Provides and monitors the implementation of the educational program and correct setting education and training of children in all age groups. Directs and supervises the work of the educational staff. Provides methodological assistance to educators.

Organizes the work of a methodological office in a nursery, a kindergarten, a nursery-kindergarten, summarizes instructional and methodological material on the upbringing and teaching of children. He studies and summarizes the best practices in raising children, organizes the exchange of work experience between educators, and conducts consultations for educators in order to provide them with practical assistance. Develops proposals to improve the efficiency of the educational process and methodical work... Systematizes methodological and compiles information materials. Submits for discussion of pedagogical councils topical issues of raising children, ensures the preparation of materials and active participation of educators in the work of pedagogical councils, monitors the implementation decisions taken... Organizes work to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents and ensure continuity in the work of educators of different age groups, as well as a preschool institution.


Scope of work. Carries out work in a preschool institution aimed at ensuring the mental health and development of the personality of children. Identifies conditions that complicate the formation of a child's personality, and through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation, assists children, educators and parents in solving personal, professional and other specific problems. Together with educators, plans and develops developmental and psychocorrectional programs learning activities taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of the child's personality. Identifies children with emotional and intellectual developmental delays. Examines and provides social and psychological support to children with mental and physical defects. Advises managers and employees of a preschool institution on the development of this institution, practical application psychology focused on increasing the social and psychological competence of children, educators, parents.

Deputy Head of Household Affairs, Head of Household

Scope of work. Supervises the maintenance of the preschool institution. Ensures the safety of household equipment, its restoration and replenishment, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the premises and in the surrounding area. Monitors the condition of the premises and takes measures for their timely repair. Provides workers with stationery and items household use... Supervises the work of junior staff.

Is a financially responsible person. Ensures the timely delivery of food products, takes part in the preparation of menu-layouts and requirements-applications for food products, ensures the implementation of fire-prevention measures, the sanitary regime of the preschool institution and the adjacent territory.

Clerk (secretary-typist)

Scope of work. Receives and registers correspondence. In accordance with the resolution of the head of the enterprise, he submits documents for execution, prepares registration cards. Keeps a card index of the passage of documentary materials, monitors their execution. Provides the necessary information on registered documents. Sends the executed documentation to the addressees. Keeps records of received and sent correspondence, organizes and stores documents of the current archive. Prepares and submits to the archive of the enterprise documentary materials, completed office work, and a registration card file. Ensures the safety of passing service documentation.

Keeps time records of working hours, monitors the timely attendance and departure from work, the presence of employees of the preschool institution at their workplaces. Submits timesheets for payment of labor on time to the accounting department. Draws up documents and prepares draft orders for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, prints individual materials. Collects certificates from parents to establish payment for the maintenance of children. Draws up reports on the attendance of children over the past month, draws up a report card for meals for employees of a preschool institution.

Table 1


Job titlesNumber of groups up to:
3 4 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 St. 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Head of a preschool institution1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Deputy head by rec. and methodical. work- 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 2 for every 10 groups 1 must.
Deputy head housekeeping work- - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Head economy0,5 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 1
Clerk (secretary-typist)0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Educator-psychologistfor every 3 groups 0.25 units.
2.2. Accounting and financial activities

Scope of work. Carries out work in various areas accounting(accounting for fixed assets, commodity material values, production costs, financial results economic activity, settlements with suppliers and customers, as well as for services provided, etc.). Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at maintaining state discipline and strengthening cost accounting. Carries out acceptance and control of primary documentation for the relevant areas of accounting and prepares them for counting processing. Reflects in accounting transactions related to the movement of funds and inventory. Draws up accounting estimates of the cost of products, works (services), identifies the sources of losses and non-productive costs, prepares proposals for their prevention. It calculates and transfers payments to the budget, contributions to state social insurance, funds to finance the wages of workers and employees, taxes and other payments and payments, as well as deductions of funds to economic incentive funds and other funds.

Participates in the economic analysis economic activities of an enterprise (institution) according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify on-farm reserves, in the implementation of measures to improve workflow, in the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting and reporting in order to identify on-farm reserves, in the implementation of measures to improve workflow, in the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting based on the application computing technology, as well as in taking inventory Money, inventory items, settlements and payment obligations. Prepares data on the relevant accounting areas for reporting, monitors the safety accounting documents, prepares them in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive.

table 2


Number standards, peopleNumber of groups up to:
3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 St. 24
0,5 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 2

The position of the cashier is entered at the rate of 0.25 units. - for every 5 groups, no more than 1 unit. - to the institution.

2.3. Educational and pedagogical activity 2.3.1. Scope of work by position Educator

He plans and organizes the life activities of children, their upbringing, prepares them for schooling. Based on the study of the individual characteristics of children, the recommendations of the psychologist, plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with them (with a group or individually). Together with health workers ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, conducts activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, is responsible for their life and health. Organizes the implementation of the daily routine by children, taking into account the age of the children, self-service work, provides hygienic care for children early age... Carries out work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits. Studies the individual abilities, interests and inclinations of children, their family circumstances and living conditions. Interacts with parents of children or persons replacing them. Coordinates the activities of the assistant educator and other employees within the framework of a single educational process.

Works in accordance with the program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten, in contact with other educators of the group, music director and a physical education instructor.

Monitors the behavior of children during the adaptation period. Regularly informs the leading employees of the preschool institution about the state of health of the children. Draws up a monthly report card for children. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

Caregiver assistant

Preparation and organization of classes, creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort. Implementation of educational functions in the process of conducting classes with children, health-improving activities, introducing children to work, instilling in them sanitary and hygienic skills. Participation in the creation of a safe developmental environment that meets psychological, hygienic and pedagogical requirements. Security sanitary condition premises, equipment, inventory; protection and promotion of the health of children, supervision and care of them: accompanying for walks, dressing, undressing, washing, hardening, feeding, bathing, putting children to bed under the guidance of a teacher, drying children's clothes. Change of linen, clothes, washing and cleaning of dishes, premises. Receiving and delivering food from the catering unit to the group.

Musical director

Carries out the development of musical abilities and emotional sphere of the child, the formation of aesthetic taste, using different types and forms of organization musical activities... Stimulates the development of creative activity in preschool children. Coordinates the work of preschool specialists and parents on these issues. Determines the directions of pedagogical activity, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, as well as their creative abilities, using for this purpose the existing conditions for the development of children.

Physical education instructor

Carries out work on teaching children in accordance with the program and methods of physical education. Determines the tasks and content of classes, taking into account the age, fitness, individual and psychophysical characteristics of children. Teaches children the skills and technique of performing exercises, forms their moral and volitional qualities. Provides complete safety of children during physical and sports activities. Provides first aid. Constantly monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and the condition of the premises. Together with medical workers, he monitors the health of children and regulates their physical activity. Responsible for the life and health of children.

Teacher-defectologist (teacher-speech therapist, speech therapist)

Organizes and carries out educational and correctional work with children with developmental disabilities. Examines children, determines the structure and severity of their existing defect. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of children. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deviations, restore impaired functions. Works in close contact with teachers and educators, attends classes and lessons. Consults teaching staff and parents on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities. Maintains constant communication with medical workers of the educational institution. Must have appropriate visual aids and materials for examining and working with children. Maintains the necessary documentation.

2.3.2. Methodology for calculating the number of group personnel (educators, caregivers' assistants)

The number of group personnel is determined taking into account:

Maximum occupancy of groups by children (p. 1.3);

Length of stay of children in the group;

The number of working days of the childcare institution (groups in the preschool institution) per week;

The standard working hours of the educator and the assistant educator per week (depending on the type of preschool institution).

The number of educators is calculated for one position for each group per shift:

In nursery and preschool groups with day stay children - based on their work in a group during the entire operating mode of the institution (group);

V nursery groups ah with a round-the-clock stay of children - based on their work in a group within 24 hours;

In preschool groups with round-the-clock stay of children - based on their work in a group for 14 hours.

The number of assistant educators is calculated for one position for each group per shift, during the entire operation of the institution.

The number of working days of the childcare facility per week:

6-day work week; 5-day work week.

The standard working hours of the educator per week:

In groups for children with developmental disabilities (for children with mental or physical disabilities) - 25 hours;

In other cases - 36 hours.

The standard working hours of the assistant educator per week in groups:

For children with tuberculous intoxication - 36 hours;

For mentally retarded children and children with lesions of the central nervous system and mental disorders - 36 hours;

In other cases - 40 hours.

The number of educators and assistants to educators in a group is calculated by the formula:

Where Kn is a coefficient that takes into account the planned absenteeism of workers during holidays, illness, etc.

Where% of planned absenteeism is determined by accounting data.

Example 1. General purpose group. The number of children in a group over the age of three is 20 people.

The mode of operation of a preschool institution is 6 days a week, with a 9-hour stay for children, 10% are planned absenteeism according to the accounting department.

Example 2. General purpose group. The number of children under the age of one year - 10 people, 10% - planned absenteeism.

The mode of operation of the preschool institution is a 5-day working week with a 24-hour stay for children.

The number of educators in the group:

Example 3. General purpose group. The number of children in a group over 3 years old is 20 people.

The mode of operation of the preschool institution is a 5-day working week with a 5-hour stay of children (walking), 10% - planned absenteeism.

The number of educators in the group:

2.3.3. Standards for the number of employees engaged in educational and pedagogical activities
N p / pJob titleunit of measurementNormative number
1. Educator calculation according to the method of clause 2.3.2
2. Caregiver assistant calculation according to the method of clause 2.3.2
3. Musical directorfor each group of children over the age of 1.5 years, occupancy 15 - 20 people.0,25
4. Physical education instructor (without teaching children to swim)for every 2 groups of children aged 3 years and older0,25
5. Teacher-speech therapist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologistfor each group for children with developmental disabilities established occupancy1


In institutions with 4 or more groups with round-the-clock stay of children in the presence of an isolation ward, an additional number of assistant educators is established, the calculation of which is made according to the methodology of clause 2.3.2.

2.4. Preparation of baby food Labor organization

The structure of the catering unit includes: a kitchen with a blank and a washing room, a pantry for dry products with a refrigeration unit and a pantry for vegetables. The lower surface of cabinets, chests, shelves should be at least 15 cm from the floor.Washing, blank and dispensing facilities are separated from the kitchen by equipment or screen partitions with a height of 1.2 m or should be separate in the catering blocks of administrative buildings of preschool complexes institutions. The catering facilities should be located on the ground floor. Pantries for storing vegetables and dry products are located in the food unit, but isolated from the kitchen. Walk-through pantries and passage to them through the kitchen are not allowed. In preschool institutions for 90 or more places, the entrance to the catering unit must be separate. The floors in the washing and billet must have ladders with a slope to drain water into the sewer.

For the preparation and processing of food, electrical equipment should generally be installed.

In gasified areas, it is allowed to install gas stoves and other closed-type equipment with a discharge for combustion products into exhaust ventilation ducts.

In rural kindergartens up to 50 places (inclusive), it is allowed to use solid fuel stoves with a firebox included in a separate room.

Processing tables food products and the preparation of culinary products must have a smooth surface. Tables can be all-metal stainless steel or duralumin. Tables upholstered with aluminum or galvanized iron are allowed, tightly fitting to the base of the table, with careful soldering of the seams. Galvanized iron tables are only permitted for processing raw meat and fish. For cutting the dough, there should be tables with wooden covers made of tightly knit boards, wide and thick, of hard wood, with a smoothly planed surface.

For cutting meat, fish, vegetables and other products, you should have special cutting boards made of hard wood (ash, birch, maple, oak), smoothly planed, without gaps, the boards should be marked: MC - raw meat, MB - boiled meat, РС - raw fish, РВ - boiled fish, ОВ - boiled vegetables, OS - raw vegetables, etc. It is necessary to store the boards on special shelves or in plastic bags.

Waste and waste are collected in metal buckets or tanks with lids, which are cleaned as soon as they are filled to no more than 2/3 of their volume. At the end of the day, buckets or tanks, regardless of filling, should be cleaned daily, rinsed with 2% soda ash solution, and then rinsed with hot water and dried.

Kitchen utensils should be aluminum, stainless steel, tinned iron (baking sheets, buckets, etc.), cast iron (pans). Storage tanks and buckets drinking water, utensils for storage and transportation of bulk products (cereals, flour) are allowed from galvanized iron. All kitchen utensils should be stored on special shelves or racks, soft utensils in cabinets.

For washing kitchen utensils, metal baths made of stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin, etc. should be installed, with hot and cold water supply to them. An air gap is provided at the place where the bathtub is connected to the sewerage system.

In the premises of the catering unit, wet cleaning should be carried out daily - washing floors, wiping windows, equipment, spring-cleaning- at least once a week using detergents and 1% chloramine solution or 0.5% clarified bleach solution.

Cutting tables, boards and small wooden objects - shovels, ladles, etc. should be washed with hot water (temperature 50 - 60 degrees C) with baking soda, soap, mustard and doused with boiling water, then dried.

Cookware is washed in hot water (45-50 degrees C) using food grade detergents, rinsed with boiling water and dried on rack shelves under sinks or a stovetop. Metal inventory should be calcined in the oven after washing; after use, the meat grinders are disassembled, washed, poured over with boiling water and dried thoroughly.

Napkins, cheesecloth, sieves through which vegetable broths are filtered, squeezed juice from berries and fruits, each time after use they are washed in hot water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Brushes, ruffs, washcloths, rags after washing dishes, kitchen utensils and tables are washed, boiled in a 2% solution of baking soda for 15 minutes, dried and stored in a sealed container.

Tableware and tea ware - earthenware and porcelain (plates, dishes, cups), stainless steel (spoons, forks) should be in each group and stored in the buffet. It is not allowed to use crockery with chipped edges.

For washing group dishes in pantries, a sink of two compartments is installed.

When washing dishes, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them of food debris, rinse twice in hot water (temperature 50 - 60 degrees C) in one case - with the addition of detergents (mustard, baking soda, soap, Progress powder, trisodium phosphate at the rate of 100 - 200 g per 10 liters of water), then pour boiling water over and dry on rack shelves. Spoons and forks are washed in the same way as tableware, and then dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes. Tea ware is washed separately from the dining room in two waters at a temperature of 50 - 70 degrees. C.

Dishwashing rags are boiled in 2% baking soda solution for 15 minutes and stored dry in a closed labeled container.

Dishes for babies - bottles for milk and milk mixtures, after preliminary cleaning with ruffs, are boiled for 15 minutes until boiling in a container with a closed lid (water should cover the bottles), and then dried. After use, nipples should be washed, boiled for 15 minutes in a glass container, which should be boiled once a day.

Kitchen equipment (mounted) includes: a washing bath for 2 compartments, a boiler, a digestion boiler, a universal machine, a refrigerating cabinet, an electric meat grinder, a vegetable cutter (potato cutter), an ultraviolet irradiator, a frying cabinet, and scales.


Scope of work. Organizes the work of production. Constantly monitors the quality of raw materials entering production, strict adherence to cooking technology, standards for laying raw materials and sanitary rules. Conducts daily from nurse rejection of finished food. Implements correct organization production process, ensures the use of new equipment and progressive technology, the introduction of a rational organization of labor, distributes responsibilities among cooks, provides instructions on cooking technology and other production issues. Monitors compliance with instructions on labor protection and safety. Chefs are not exempt from work as cooks.

Participates in the preparation of a promising and daily menu, together with the nurse and the head of the children's institution, in the implementation of nutritional standards for a month.


Scope of work. Performing auxiliary work in the manufacture of dishes and culinary products. Peeling, peeling potatoes, fruits, vegetables, fruits and berries before or after washing them with knives and other devices. Bulkhead of greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, potatoes. Removal of defective copies, impurities. Washing vegetables, rinsing them after cleaning, peeling. Slicing bread, potatoes, vegetables, herbs. Defrosting fish, meat, poultry. Gutting fish, poultry, game. Cutting herring, sprat. Processing of offal, etc.

Cooking dishes for children of different ages in nurseries, kindergartens, nurseries-kindergartens: milk mixtures of type "B", reconstituted adapted milk mixtures "Malyutka", "Malysh", "Vitalakt" and similar ones; viscous, semi-viscous, pureed and crumbly cereals from various cereals; boiled, stewed, baked mashed potatoes and other vegetable dishes; vegetable, fruit, fruit and vegetable and meat and vegetable salads, vinaigrettes; cooking meat and chicken broths; vegetarian, puree, cold and bone broth-based soups. Preparation different types sauces, tomato, sour cream, milk and fruit sauces; soufflé, meatballs, gache, cutlets, goulash and other dishes from meat, chicken and fish products; brains, gas and other offal dishes; cereal casseroles; vegetables with meat, eggs and cottage cheese; dairy and egg dishes. Preparation of hot and cold drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, mousses, jellies and other third courses. Kneading yeast and unleavened dough, baking buns, pies, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, crackers and other products from it. Serving and serving food in accordance with age norms for infants and preschool children.

Provides high-quality sanitary condition of premises, equipment, inventory.

Note. Ancillary (kitchen) worker may be entrusted with ancillary work.

Kitchen worker

Scope of work. Delivery of semi-finished products and raw materials from the pantry. Opening of barrels, boxes, bags of food, opening of tin and glass cans. Unloading products from containers. Transportation of products, containers, dishes in the kitchen. Filling boilers with water. Delivery finished products to the distribution. The inclusion of electric, gas boilers, stoves, cabinets, boilers. Collection of food waste. Provides high-quality condition of premises, equipment, inventory. Carries out cleaning of the catering unit, washes kitchen utensils, equipment, inventory.


Number standards, peopleNumber of children in children's institution before:
30 50 60 80 100 110 120 140 160 175 190 210 225 260 290
2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9,5


1. In preschool institutions that have 3 or more nursery groups or groups with round-the-clock stay of children, an additional 0.5 units of the position of a cook are established.

2. The position of a chef is established in establishments with at least 8 groups.

2.5. Housekeeping Service Storekeeper

Scope of work. Acceptance to the warehouse, weighing, storage and delivery from the warehouse of various material values ​​and food products. Ensuring the timely preparation of orders and delivery of food products. Checking the compliance of the accepted values ​​with the accompanying documents. Moving material assets to storage sites manually or with the help of stackers and other mechanisms with their layout (sorting) by type, quality, purpose and other characteristics. Organization of storage of materials and products in order to prevent damage and loss. Management of the work on loading, unloading goods and placing them inside the warehouse. Drawing up defective statements, acts for write-off, as well as for shortages and damage to products. Accounting for the availability of stored material assets in the warehouse and maintaining reporting documentation on their movement. Participation in conducting inventories.

2.5.1. Number standards: 1 storekeeper - for the number of groups in a preschool institution from 6 groups and above; 0.5 units - for the number of groups from 4 to 5.


Scope of work. Receiving, checking and issuing overalls, footwear, sanitary clothes, linen, removable equipment (covers, curtains, etc.) and safety devices. Sorting of used clothes, linen, etc., labeling them, handing over for washing, minor repairs and ironing after washing. Keeping records, control over the correct use of overalls, linen, etc. Participation in drawing up acts for the cancellation of worn-out special and sanitary clothing, linen and other items. Registration of the established documentation. Sewing children's light clothing, linen, etc. Minor repairs of overalls and linen by hand and on a sewing machine. Shortening of sleeves, trousers and overalls of workwear. Sewing of overalls, festive costumes for children.

2.5.2. Standards for the number of castellans (people)

Table 6

Number standards, peopleNumber of groups up to:
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 St. 24
0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2

: The numbering of tables is given in accordance with the official text of the document


1. In the nursery, the standard for the number of castellans increases by 0.5 units. if there are at least 2 groups of toddlers.

2. In a preschool institution, if necessary, 0.5 units can be introduced. seamstress positions (from 8 groups or more).

Worker washing and repairing overalls (linen)

Scope of work. Washing, drying and ironing workwear and other industrial items: towels, curtains, linen, etc. - manually and by machines. Preparation of washing, starch and blueing solutions. Workwear and linen washing. Drying in tumble dryers (chambers) or in vivo. Ironing on presses, calenders or by hand. Acceptance, sorting and distribution of overalls and other items. Registration of the established documentation.

2.5.3. The standard for the number of workers for washing overalls (linen) - 0.5 units. positions for every 50 - 60 kg of dry linen.

In the presence of nursery groups, the standard for the number of workers for washing overalls (linen) is established: for 2 - 3 groups - 0.25 units; 4 - 5 groups - 0.5 units; 6 and more groups - 1 unit.


1. Positions of workers for washing linen are established in cases where it is not possible to use the services of communal laundries, and in the presence of nursery groups required amount positions (part of the position) can be established when using these services.

2. Preschool institutions with tuberculosis intoxication do not use communal laundry facilities.

Standards for the number of workers in other professions

2.5.4. The number standard is 0.5 loader for the number of groups in a kindergarten from 3 groups, and with a subsequent increase for every 5 groups, it increases by 0.5 units.

2.5.5. If you have an orchard or land plot with ornamental plantings with an area of ​​at least 1.5 hectares, one position of a gardener is established.

2.5.6. If there is a stove heating in a preschool institution, the position of a stoker is established at the rate of: 0.25 units. - for every 2 ovens.

In the presence of central heating, the positions of machinists - stokers or operators of boiler houses are introduced at the rate of: 1 position - in each boiler house; 2 positions per shift - in boiler houses using solid fuels (peat, coal), with a heating surface of boilers of 75 sq. m; 1 position per shift - with gas heating.

With district heating (CHP):

1 position - if there is a heating point; 1 position - if there are boilers and pumps per shift.

2.5.7. If there is a horse or road transport in a preschool institution, the position of a carter or driver is established.

2.5.8. In preschool institutions, workers for complex maintenance and repair of buildings are introduced in accordance with production needs: 0.25 units. positions - for every 2 groups.

Additionally: 0.5 positions - in the presence of a pool and 4 - 8 groups; 1 position - if there is a pool and 9 or more groups.

2.5.9. The position of a cleaner of office premises is established at the rate of: 0.5 units. - for every 250 sq. m of cleaned area, but not less than 0.25 posts per institution.

2.5.10. The standards for the number of guards are established according to the standards for interdepartmental security.

2.6. Organization of swimming training for preschool children

Swimming lessons for preschool children are organized in pools of different types, which are determined by their design features, conditions and operating characteristics.

In practice, for teaching preschoolers to swim, it is advisable to use the following types of pools:

1. Covered small-sized<*>pools:

In preschool buildings or annexes to them (for one kindergarten, for several kindergartens);

In buildings of cultural and sports complexes, swimming pools, departments and sports societies (the so-called "paddling pools");

In the buildings of children's sports complexes serving preschool institutions and primary grades of secondary schools in the microdistrict;

In the buildings of children's clinics - for young children.

<*>Small pools include all pools, the sizes of which are less than those accepted for the pools of sports complexes.

2. Open small-sized pools in the areas of preschool institutions.

3. Indoor and outdoor sports-type pools (track length - 25 and 50 m).

4. Collapsible pools.

5. On natural reservoirs - fencing of coastal seabed areas for studies; the simplest water stations with an artificial bottom (floating pools); outdoor pools on the shore of the reservoir. To teach children to swim, it is advisable to have a pool with a size not less than that established by the Building Norms and Rules.<*>- 3 x 7 m, up to 80 cm deep. Such pools are convenient for primary training in swimming for younger preschoolers. The experience of kindergartens shows that for organizing classes with a group of older preschool children, swimming pools with a large bath (12.5 x 6 m, depth - 1.2 - 1.5 m) are advisable.

<*>SNiP II-64-80. Building regulations. Part II. Design standards. Chapter 64. Preschool institutions. Gosstroy of the USSR. M., 1981.

The most convenient shape of the pool is rectangular. Other pool shapes (square, oval, round) are possible depending on local conditions. For lowering children into the water, it is necessary to provide for the device of a vertical ladder with handrails. It is advisable to cover the steps of the stairs with ribbed rubber or other non-slip material.

The bathtub is finished with plain tiles. The pool must have at least two dressing rooms equipped with hangers for clothes and towels, banquets, sofas. Dressing room floors are covered with rubber mats or wooden bars.

At the pool, shower rooms are required with at least 2 - 4 shower installations for washing the body of children before entering and leaving the pool, and toilets. The number of showers, changing rooms, toilets is determined by the capacity of the pool. Facilities for drying children's hair should also be provided in the pool area.

In order to ensure the safety of children and prevent injuries, rubber mats are placed when leaving the pool and out of the shower so that children do not slip on the wet floor.

All rooms that are allocated for preschool children must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, be equipped with appropriate furniture, hangers for linen, towels, bathing and toiletries... When equipping the premises, measures must be taken to prevent child injuries.

In any case, the size of the pool should allow for classes with a group of children of at least 8 - 10 people.

Swimming lessons for children in the outdoor pools are organized during the summer months. Depending on the climatic conditions bathing time may vary. In the middle lane - 2 - 3 months, in the southern regions - up to 3 - 4 months.

At the pools on the plots the following is required: shower installations; foot baths before entering the pool (0.8 - 1 x 0.1 m), areas for undressing and dressing children, which should be equipped with benches and sofas with hygienic cover, towel racks.

The most expedient location of the pool on the site should be considered its equipment in a place where the entire surface of the water is heated by the sun. This is especially important if the pool water is not heated.

Collapsible pools can be installed outdoors, their operating conditions should be close to those of open small-sized pools.

In the event that there is no pool in the kindergarten, you need to prepare a place for swimming and teaching children to swim in the river, lake, sea. When choosing a place for swimming, one should take into account the nature of the reservoir and the shore, the condition of the bottom, the speed of the water flow, as well as the distance from the reservoir to the kindergarten. It must be coordinated with the city or district OSVOD and the sanitary service.

The section of the reservoir for bathing children should have a flat sandy bottom, be dense and not silty.

The bottom of the reservoir should be examined in advance and cleaned of foreign objects - stones, snags, algae and other objects. There should be no keys in the children's bathing area.

The transition from shallower to greater depth should be uniform, gentle, with a gradually lowering bottom.

For children of younger preschool age, the depth of the reservoir should not exceed 60 cm, the older one - 80 - 90 cm, the speed of the current - no more than 0.5 m / s.

The water in the reservoir must be clean and transparent. The suitability of the water for bathing children is established by the sanitary inspection authorities. It is possible to conduct classes with children at an air temperature of +24 - 25 degrees. C, water - +23 degrees. C.

For classes, children are divided into subgroups of 12 - 15 children. The duration of the lesson together with the preparation for children of different preschool ages is recommended from 10-15 to 30-40 minutes per subgroup (on land no more than 3-5 minutes).

Hygienic requirements for the premises of the pool, their equipment and water quality

Swimming with preschool children must be carried out in pools that meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements. They provide: efficient ventilation, sufficient illumination of all rooms; a favorable level of temperature and air, cleanliness and order are maintained.

In accordance with the Sanitary Regulations<*>the air temperature in the pool room is maintained at +29 degrees. C; in the dressing room and shower room - within +25, +26 degrees. C, water in the pool - +27, +30 degrees. C. The floor in the children's pool is heated, the crossings are heated, and measures are taken to prevent drafts.

<*>Sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of places of employment in physical education and sports. N 156776. M., 1980.

The water supplied to the pool must comply with GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water" in all respects and meet the following requirements: turbidity - no more than 1.5 mg / liter; chromaticity - no more than 20 degrees; transparency - not less than the depth of the bath (along the cross); smell and taste - no more than two points; residual chlorine - 0.3 - 0.5 mg / l; if-titer - no more than 3; the content of ammonia is not more than 0.5 mg / l; oxidizability - 4 mg / l.

Disinfection of water in the pool, regardless of its type, size, water filling system, is required.

In small-sized children's pools, water drainage and disinfection, provided that there is a constant supply of fresh water of at least 10-15% of its volume, should be carried out at least once every 10 days.

With a daily change of water, the method of disinfection, the regularity of quality analyzes, the presence of residual chlorine, as well as the cleaning system for the pool bowls are established by the regional sanitary and epidemiological station, taking into account the number of groups involved ( bandwidth), the size of the pool.

The bath is disinfected every time the pool is emptied. It is thoroughly washed with a soap and soda solution, cleaned with a brush, followed by rinsing with hot water from a hose.

In accordance with the existing recommendations (Collection of basic instructional and methodological materials on the section of hygiene of children and adolescents. USSR Ministry of Health. Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Administration. M., 1975) daily cleaning is carried out in the pool premises, ventilation is carried out, and the current disinfection of the premises is carried out. Disinfectable: walkways, floors, locker room benches, foot bars or rubber mats, door handles, handrails. They are wiped with a rag moistened with 0.5-1.1% chloramine solution. The panels are periodically disinfected to a level of at least 2 meters from the floor in the pool hall, utility rooms (during sanitary days) as The final stage general cleaning.

The current control over the sanitary state of the main and auxiliary rooms of the swimming pool, carrying out regular disinfection is carried out by medical workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

In the event that the children's swimming area is part of a sports pool, it must have its own separate cleaning and disinfection system.

The requirements for water quality and sanitary conditions of an outdoor pool should be similar to those for indoor pools.

Inventory and equipment

Indoor and outdoor pools should be equipped with devices that allow you to control and maintain an appropriate sanitary and hygienic condition, thermometers for measuring air and water temperatures, psychrometers for determining air humidity.

At the pool, you must have inventory and equipment to ensure the safety of swimming and insurance of children during classes:

Long pole (2 - 2.5 m) for support and insurance of swimming learners;

Lifebuoys (1 - 2);

Baby float;

Separating paths for fencing the bathing area;

Colored floats, flags (for fencing the swimming area on the river, the sea and the place where children are on land).

We also need other aids and toys designed for the most effective organization of swimming lessons, carrying out various exercises and games that contribute to the successful development of children in the water and the formation of swimming skills.

These include:

a) foam boards (for each student);

b) inflatable toys;

c) small toys made of dense rubber (sinking);

d) hoops.

All aids and toys must be sanitized in accordance with hygiene requirements.

Requirements for children's clothing, bathing and toiletry

When visiting the pool, each child must have the following bathing accessories: swimming trunks, rubber cap, bathing slippers, towel, rubber sponge, washcloth, soap, hairbrush.

In preparation for a swimming lesson, children should undress in their dressing room to their underwear, put on their sweatshirt or cape over it, socks and slippers on their feet; take your swimwear and go to the pool.

Before starting classes, children are encouraged to visit the toilet. Then they take off their clothes, fold or hang them as quickly and neatly as possible. Before entering the water, children should thoroughly shower themselves with soap and a washcloth (sponge). The water temperature of the hygienic shower is +36 degrees. C. After that, the children take a cold shower for a while (about 30 degrees C). At the exit points from the shower room to the bypass path, a walk-through foot bath is provided.

After leaving the pool, children take a warm shower, the temperature of which is 2 - 4 degrees higher than the temperature of the water in the pool. After swimming and showering, they thoroughly dry themselves with a towel and dry their hair.

Additional job responsibilities of employees of preschool institutions when servicing pools Head of a preschool institution

Provides conditions for conducting swimming lessons and monitoring the operation of the pool; carries out general management of the organization of work with educators and parents, includes teaching children to swim in overall plan work of a preschool institution; defines the responsibilities of employees when conducting swimming lessons and monitors their implementation; together with medical staff a preschool institution and a physical education instructor is responsible for the safety of children and compliance with all requirements for the conditions and organization of swimming lessons.

Educator-methodologist (deputy head)

Participates in the development of a swimming schedule for each age group; assists educators in organizing the pedagogical process in groups in connection with swimming lessons, if necessary, makes changes to the working group regime, takes part in the development of the content of swimming lessons for different age groups; helps educators in working with parents in preparing children for classes in the pool; monitors the implementation of educational work in the kindergarten in general, including the implementation of the program for teaching children to swim.


Takes part in drawing up the schedules of the group's training sessions (taking into account the children visiting the pool) and strictly monitors its implementation; checks the children's swimwear, helps them prepare everything they need for swimming in the pool (towel, washcloth, soap, swimming trunks, hat, etc.); during swimming lessons of one subgroup conducts preparatory exercises, warm-up with another, prepares her for exercises in the water; controls the ventilation of the group room; in the preparatory period for classes, teaches children to quickly dress, undress, neatly fold their clothes, wipe their bodies dry with a towel; acquaints children with the rules of behavior in the premises of the pool and directly during swimming lessons; works with parents on preparing children for swimming; monitors the health of children, maintains close contact with parents, a doctor and a nurse in order to timely identify children who need a sparing regimen or free them from swimming.

groups; draws up schedules for swimming lessons for each group together with the head of the preschool institution and the senior educator; carries out the implementation of the drawn up schedule of classes; keeps a diary (journal), which records the content of swimming lessons and its assimilation by children; keeps a log of children's attendance at swimming classes, finds out the reasons for missing classes; conducts conversations with group educators and service personnel on the organization of swimming lessons; organizes preliminary work with parents on preparing children for classes in the pool, conducts conversations with children who begin classes in the pool, about the rules internal regulations in the pool room and their implementation; monitors the order in the pool, the behavior of children and makes sure that children comply with the instructions of teachers; assists children in undressing and taking a shower, especially in the absence of a teacher or assistant educator, teaches them to strictly observe hygiene requirements; maintains contacts with medical personnel, checks, together with the nurse, the hygienic state of the conditions for conducting classes in the pool, is fully responsible for order during classes and the safety of children in the water; constantly improves his skills, methodological techniques for working with children, and also conducts propaganda among the staff of the preschool institution and parents; participates in carrying out physical culture and health-improving work; advanced training of educators in the theory and practice of physical education.

Headcount standard: 0.25 units - for every 2 groups.

Chlorination plant operator

Scope of work. Provision of maintenance of the chlorination unit, performance of work related to the use and storage of chlorine, as well as plumbing work, elimination of chlorine leaks in emergency situations.

Conducting the process of chemical water purification, disinfection, desalination, control of the parameters of the technological mode of water preparation; temperature, pressure, water flow rate, concentration of regenerating solutions according to the indications of control and measuring instruments and the results of chemical analyzes.

Start and stop of the serviced equipment in emergency and normal conditions. Carrying out preventive inspection and participation in the current repair of the serviced equipment and apparatus of the filter hall, systems for the preparation and supply of hypochlorite and chlorine.

Headcount standard: 0.5 units. - for a pool with service for up to 8 groups; 9 and more groups - 1 unit.

Pool cleaner

Scope of work. Checking the sanitary condition of the showers and changing rooms of the pool. Thorough daily cleaning of showers, shower toilets, dressing rooms; wet wiping the floor and walls with brushes with soap or alkaline solutions with continuous rinsing with water, cleaning taps. Monthly preventive disinfection of showers, toilets. Preparation of cleaning solutions.

Checking the sanitary condition of the swimming bath room and keeping it clean. Dust wiping, wet wiping of the floor, equipment. Cleaning garbage cans. Washing bath bypass paths by hand and using hoses. Damp wiping of walls, doors. Preparation of various cleaning solutions. Washing bathtubs when draining water from the pool.

Takes part in the processing of bathing accessories (towels, sponges, caps), if they belong kindergarten; assists the educator or assistant educator in dressing children; helps to bring children to class and take them to the group room after class.

Headcount standard: 0.5 units. - with the number of groups with which swimming lessons are conducted, up to 8; 1 unit - if there are 9 or more groups.

On the website "Zakonbase" is presented the REGULATION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.04.93 N 88 "ON APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF STAFF EMPLOYED IN MAINTENANCE OF PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use the convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the website "Zakonbase" you will find the REGULATION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.04.93 N 88 "ON APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF STAFF EMPLOYED IN MAINTENANCE OF PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS, changes and amendments. This guarantees the relevance and accuracy of the information.

At the same time, download the DECREE of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 04.21.93 N 88 "ON APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF PERSONNEL EMPLOYED IN SERVICING PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS.

Standards for determining the number of personnel involved in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens) (approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1993 N 88) Is this decree in effect or not. I think it was canceled by the Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated 09.19.2013 No. 4317 / 02-18. Best regards, Veronica!


Answer to the question:

"The standards for determining the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens)" approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1993 N 88, have not been canceled and continue to operate in a general manner.

The above resolution, as well as the standards themselves, were not canceled. In addition, it should be noted that the letters of the Ministry of Labor are not normative legal acts, that is, documents that are binding and legally binding. Such letters are issued to clarify controversial issues of legislation and are of a recommendatory nature. This follows from Article 5 Labor Code RF, Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the RF, approved by Decree of the Government of the RF dated June 19, 2012 N 610.

Thus, the "Standards for determining the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens)" approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1993 N 88, can be applied in a general manner.

It should be noted that such standards are not mandatory and are of a recommendatory nature, which is directly indicated in paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1993 N 88. For more details on determining the number of employees of an organization, see the appendix to the answer below ...

As for the Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated 09.19.2013 No. 4317 / 02-18, it is necessary to clarify that a document with such details does not exist (not published in the public domain). Therefore, it is not possible to comment on its content.

Details in the materials of the System:

Situation: How to determine the number of employees in an organization or department.

The number of employees of an organization (a separate subdivision) is determined by its head in accordance with the structure of the organization, its functions and levels of management.

As a general rule, employers are free to determine both the staffing by positions and professions, and the number of employees performing a particular job function.

Moreover, for certain types activities, as well as institutions and organizations, there are legally established standards for the number that are binding. To a greater extent, this concerns government agencies and departments. So, for example, the structure and staffing table central office federal body the executive branch is approved by its head within the wage fund and the number established by the President or the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the register of positions and other acts that determine the normative number of the relevant units (). Another example is the procedure for forming the structure and staff of the Central Office of Rospotrebnadzor ().

At the same time, there is a number of legislative acts on the determination of the staffing level, which are of a recommendatory nature. In particular, such are provided for budgetary organizations. In this document, the calculation of the staffing is based on labor standards, on the basis of which the required number of employees is calculated to perform a particular job function.

The number of staff on the basis of labor standards can be determined by the formula:

The normative fund of working time of one employee per year is conventionally taken as 2000 hours.

An example of calculating the number of employees of a structural unit

The organization provides services in the field of laundry and opens up a new structural subdivision- laundry. To calculate the number of staff, the personnel department employees are guided by the approved ones.

The planned performance indicators for the new laundry are defined as follows:

  • The amount of processed linen per shift - 12,000 kg;
  • the operating mode of the laundry is 1-shift.

The HR specialist determined the optimal number of employees for the new laundry as follows:

The number of employees in the laundry, according to the approved Headcount Standards, is 1.7, that is, 2 people.

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and human resources Ministry of Health of Russia

Best regards and wishes for a comfortable work, Igor Ivannikov,

expert of the personnel information system "Personnel System"

The most important changes this spring!

  • There have been important changes in the work of personnel officers that must be taken into account in 2019. Check in the game format to see if you have taken into account all the innovations. Solve all the problems and receive a useful gift from the editorial staff of the "Personnel Business" magazine.
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"On the approval of standards for determining the number of personnel engaged in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens)"

Edition of 04.21.1993 - Valid


dated April 21, 1993 N 88


The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the Standards for determining the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens), developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards at the All-Russian Center for Productivity of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia.

2. To establish that the Standards for determining the number of personnel, approved by this Resolution, are recommended for use in preschool institutions, regardless of departmental subordination, forms of ownership and management.

3. Ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations, within three months, taking into account the need to submit applications to the Central Bureau of Labor Standards for the publication of Standards for determining the number of personnel approved by this Resolution.

The Central Bureau of Labor Standards shall ensure the publication of the required number of these standards.

Deputy Minister of Labor
Russian Federation

Ministry of Labor of Russia
dated April 21, 1993 N 88


The collection is intended to determine the number of employees of preschool institutions, regardless of their departmental subordination.

The standards for determining the number were developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in conjunction with the Ministry of Education of Russia with the participation of preschool institutions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

The collection contains standards for the following management functions:

preschool management;

accounting and financial activities;

educational and pedagogical activity;

preparation of baby food;

housekeeping service;

organization of swimming training for preschool children.

1. General part

1.1. The standards for the number of employees are recommended to determine and justify the required payroll number of employees of preschool institutions, the rational organization of their work.

The standards for the number of employees employed in preschool institutions are established taking into account the provision of normal conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

1.2. The collection contains standards for the number of workers in crèches, crèches-kindergartens, kindergartens.

The standards cover the following management functions:

Management of a preschool institution: head of a preschool institution, deputy. head by rec. slave.; educational psychologist; Deputy Head for Household Affairs, Head of the Household; clerk (secretary-typist);

Accounting and financial activities: Ch. accountant, accountant of I and II categories, cashier;

Educational, pedagogical and recreational activities: educator, assistant educator, music director, teacher-speech therapist, teacher-defectologist;

Baby food preparation: chef, cook, kitchen worker;

Housekeeping services: storekeeper, castellan, operator for washing and repairing work clothes (linen), loader, gardener, stoker, fireman, operator, coachman or driver, worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings, cleaner of office premises, watchman;

1.3. The standards for the number are established based on the maximum occupancy of groups in a general preschool institution:

under the age of one year - 10 children;

at the age from one to three years - 15 children;

over the age of three - 20 children.

If necessary, it is allowed to complete groups of children of different ages. Children from 1 to 6 years old are accepted in groups with round-the-clock stay.

For children with developmental disabilities, the maximum occupancy of groups in a preschool institution is:

Children with developmental disabilitiesNumber of children in a group up to:
early age up to 2 yearspreschool age from 3 to 7 years
speech disorders6 10
with phonetic-phonemic speech impairment and impaired pronunciation of individual words 12
hearing impairment
deaf6 6
hearing impaired and late deaf6 8
visual impairment
blind6 6
visually impaired6 10
with squint and amblyopia6 10
violation of the musculoskeletal system6 8
mentally retarded6 10
with profound mental retardation 8
with a complex defect5 5

1.4. The basis for the development of standards for the number is based on the following data:

staffing tables of employees of various preschool institutions;

the results of the analysis and research of the expenditure of working time (photographs and self-photographs) for the work performed by the personnel of preschool institutions;

statistical data characterizing the factors affecting the labor costs of workers employed in preschool institutions;

the results of the study and analysis of a survey of employees of preschool institutions (questionnaires, collection of proposals) to improve their work.

1.5. When developing standards for the number of employees of preschool institutions, the following materials were used:

"Regulations on the procedure for the development of normative materials for the regulation of labor", M., 1968;

"Temporary regulations on a preschool institution", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of February 23, 1991 N 119.

1.6. The names of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, as well as the content of their work, are established in accordance with "for the positions of employees of institutions and educational organizations", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 11, 1992 N 33, "Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry positions of employees" , approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 30. The names of the professions of workers are indicated in accordance with the "Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions of workers who were assigned monthly salaries", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 31.

1.7. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 51 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", medical care of an educational institution (including a preschool educational institution) is provided by health authorities. An educational institution is obliged to provide a room with appropriate conditions for the work of medical personnel.

1.8. When preschool institutions leave for summer cottages, the number of employees at this time is set in accordance with the standards calculated for the round-the-clock stay of children, taking into account work on weekends.

1.9. For works not provided for in the collection, local standards are established using technical standardization methods.

1.10. The numerical values ​​given in the normative tables with the indication "to" are to be understood inclusively.

2. Regulatory part

The standards for the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions have been developed in relation to six functions:

Preschool management;

Accounting and financial activities;

Educational, pedagogical and recreational activities;

Preparation of baby food;

Housekeeping service;

Organization of swimming training for preschool children.

The standards make it possible to determine the number and composition of work for each position of an employee and a working profession.

2.1. Preschool management

Head of a preschool institution

Scope of work. Supervises all types of activities of a preschool institution in accordance with the charter. Organizes a team of pedagogical and other workers to achieve high efficiency of educational work with children, the use of the scientific organization of labor in the educational process. Monitors the implementation of the education program. Ensures the creation of appropriate conditions for strengthening the health of children, their upbringing and education in accordance with the requirements of pedagogy and hygiene. Forms contingents of pupils, ensuring their social protection. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

Organizes work with parents on raising children in the family. Creates the necessary conditions for providing children with food, the work of medical personnel, monitoring their work in order to strengthen and protect the health of children, rational use of budget allocations, as well as funds from other sources. Disposes of the available property and funds, submits an annual report on the receipt and expenditure of funds of the founders. Ensures the correct placement of personnel, creates the necessary conditions for improving the business qualifications of workers, strict observance of state interests, labor and production discipline. Establishes, in accordance with labor legislation and internal labor regulations, the terms of reference for employees of a preschool institution. Organizes work on the certification of employees. Ensures the implementation of the collective agreement between the administration and the labor collective.

The head of the preschool institution carries out communication with the public, enterprises and organizations. Provides training and instruction on safety measures, periodic medical examination of persons servicing high-risk installations and working at height, and all employees of the preschool institution undergoing preventive medical examinations.

During the vacation of the head of the household (assistant to the head of the economic part), he provides material and technical support to the preschool institution. Reports on the work of the institution to the relevant authorities.

In accordance with the procedure established by law, is responsible for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the plan and schedule of the educational process, the quality of upbringing children, their life and health, violation of their rights and freedoms.

Deputy head for educational and methodological work

Scope of work. Provides methodological guidance for the teaching and educational activities of the staff of the preschool institution. Ensures and monitors the implementation of the education program and the correct formulation of the education and training of children in all age groups. Directs and supervises the work of the educational staff. Provides methodological assistance to educators.


Scope of work. Carries out work in a preschool institution aimed at ensuring the mental health and development of the personality of children. Identifies conditions that complicate the formation of a child's personality, and through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation, assists children, educators and parents in solving personal, professional and other specific problems. Together with educators, she plans and develops developmental and psychocorrectional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of the child's personality. Identifies children with emotional and intellectual developmental delays. Examines and provides social and psychological support to children with mental and physical defects. Advises managers and staff of a preschool institution on the development of this institution, the practical application of psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of children, educators, and parents.

Deputy Head of Household Affairs, Head of Household

Scope of work. Supervises the maintenance of the preschool institution. Ensures the safety of household equipment, its restoration and replenishment, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the premises and in the surrounding area. Monitors the condition of the premises and takes measures for their timely repair. Provides employees with office supplies and household items. Supervises the work of junior staff.

Is a financially responsible person. Ensures the timely delivery of food products, takes part in the preparation of menu-layouts and requirements-applications for food products, ensures the implementation of fire-prevention measures, the sanitary regime of the preschool institution and the adjacent territory.

Clerk (secretary-typist)

Scope of work. Receives and registers correspondence. In accordance with the resolution of the head of the enterprise, he submits documents for execution, prepares registration cards. Keeps a card index of the passage of documentary materials, monitors their execution. Provides the necessary information on registered documents. Sends the executed documentation to the addressees. Keeps records of received and sent correspondence, organizes and stores documents of the current archive. Prepares and submits to the archive of the enterprise documentary materials, completed office work, and a registration card file. Ensures the safety of passing service documentation.

Keeps time records of working hours, monitors the timely attendance and departure from work, the presence of employees of the preschool institution at their workplaces. Submits timesheets for payment of labor on time to the accounting department. Draws up documents and prepares draft orders for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, prints individual materials. Collects certificates from parents to establish payment for the maintenance of children. Draws up reports on the attendance of children over the past month, draws up a report card for meals for employees of a preschool institution.

Table 1


Job titlesNumber of groups up to:
3 4 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 St. 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Head of a preschool institution1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Deputy head by rec. and methodical. work- 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 2 2 for every 10 groups 1 must.
Deputy head housekeeping work- - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Head economy0,5 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 1
Clerk (secretary-typist)0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Educator-psychologistfor every 3 groups 0.25 units.

2.2. Accounting and financial activities

Scope of work. Performs work in various areas of accounting (accounting for fixed assets, inventory, production costs, results of financial and economic activities, settlements with suppliers and customers, as well as for services provided, etc.). Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at maintaining state discipline and strengthening cost accounting. Carries out acceptance and control of primary documentation for the relevant areas of accounting and prepares them for counting processing. Reflects in accounting transactions related to the movement of funds and inventory. Draws up accounting estimates of the cost of products, works (services), identifies the sources of losses and non-productive costs, prepares proposals for their prevention. It calculates and transfers payments to the budget, contributions to state social insurance, funds to finance the wages of workers and employees, taxes and other payments and payments, as well as deductions of funds to economic incentive funds and other funds.

Participates in the economic analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise (institution) according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify on-farm reserves, in the implementation of measures to improve document flow, in the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting and reporting in order to identify on-farm reserves, in the implementation measures to improve document flow, in the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting based on the use of computers, as well as in the inventory of cash, inventory, settlements and payment obligations. Prepares data on the relevant accounting areas for reporting, monitors the safety of accounting documents, prepares them in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive.

table 2


Number standards, peopleNumber of groups up to:
3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 St. 24
0,5 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 2

The position of the cashier is entered at the rate of 0.25 units. - for every 5 groups, no more than 1 unit. - to the institution.

2.3. Educational and pedagogical activity

2.3.1. Scope of work by position


He plans and organizes the life activities of children, their upbringing, prepares them for schooling. Based on the study of the individual characteristics of children, the recommendations of the psychologist, plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with them (with a group or individually). Together with medical workers, it ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, conducts activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, is responsible for their life and health. Organizes the implementation of the daily routine by children, taking into account the age of the children, self-service work, provides hygienic care for young children. Carries out work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits. Studies the individual abilities, interests and inclinations of children, their family circumstances and living conditions. Interacts with parents of children or persons replacing them. Coordinates the activities of the assistant educator and other employees within the framework of a single educational process.

Works in accordance with the program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten, in contact with other educators of the group, a music director and a physical education instructor.

Monitors the behavior of children during the adaptation period. Regularly informs the leading employees of the preschool institution about the state of health of the children. Draws up a monthly report card for children. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

Caregiver assistant

Preparation and organization of classes, creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort. Implementation of educational functions in the process of conducting classes with children, health-improving activities, introducing children to work, instilling in them sanitary and hygienic skills. Participation in the creation of a safe developmental environment that meets psychological, hygienic and pedagogical requirements. Ensuring the sanitary condition of premises, equipment, inventory; protection and promotion of the health of children, supervision and care of them: accompanying for walks, dressing, undressing, washing, hardening, feeding, bathing, putting children to bed under the guidance of a teacher, drying children's clothes. Change of linen, clothes, washing and cleaning of dishes, premises. Receiving and delivering food from the catering unit to the group.

Musical director

Carries out the development of musical abilities and the emotional sphere of the child, the formation of aesthetic taste, using different types and forms of organization of musical activity. Stimulates the development of creative activity in preschool children. Coordinates the work of preschool specialists and parents on these issues. Determines the directions of pedagogical activity, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, as well as their creative abilities, using for this purpose the existing conditions for the development of children.

Physical education instructor

Carries out work on teaching children in accordance with the program and methods of physical education. Determines the tasks and content of classes, taking into account the age, fitness, individual and psychophysical characteristics of children. Teaches children the skills and technique of performing exercises, forms their moral and volitional qualities. Provides complete safety of children during physical and sports activities. Provides first aid. Constantly monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and the condition of the premises. Together with medical workers, he monitors the health of children and regulates their physical activity. Responsible for the life and health of children.

Teacher-defectologist (teacher-speech therapist, speech therapist)

Organizes and carries out educational and correctional work with children with developmental disabilities. Examines children, determines the structure and severity of their existing defect. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of children. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deviations, restore impaired functions. Works in close contact with teachers and educators, attends classes and lessons. Advises teachers and parents on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities. Maintains constant communication with medical workers of the educational institution. Must have appropriate visual aids and materials for examining and working with children. Maintains the necessary documentation.

2.3.2. Methodology for calculating the number of group personnel (educators, caregivers' assistants)

The number of group personnel is determined taking into account:

Maximum occupancy of groups by children (p. 1.3);

Length of stay of children in the group;

The number of working days of the childcare institution (groups in the preschool institution) per week;

The standard working hours of the educator and the assistant educator per week (depending on the type of preschool institution).

The number of educators is calculated for one position for each group per shift:

In nursery and preschool groups with daytime stay of children - based on their work in a group during the entire working hours of the institution (group);

In nursery groups with round-the-clock stay of children - based on their work in a group for 24 hours;

In preschool groups with round-the-clock stay of children - based on their work in a group for 14 hours.

The number of assistant educators is calculated for one position for each group per shift, during the entire operation of the institution.

The number of working days of the childcare facility per week:

6-day work week; 5-day work week.

The standard working hours of the educator per week:

In groups for children with developmental disabilities (for children with mental or physical disabilities) - 25 hours;

In other cases - 36 hours.

The standard working hours of the assistant educator per week in groups:

For children with tuberculous intoxication - 36 hours;

For mentally retarded children and children with lesions of the central nervous system and mental disorders - 36 hours;

In other cases - 40 hours.

The number of educators and assistants to educators in a group is calculated by the formula:

Chiav = Tc x T ,

Chyav - the number of educators or assistant educators in the group;

Tc - the duration of the stay of children in the group per shift;

T is the number of working days of the childcare facility per week;

Тн - the standard working time of the educator and the assistant educator per week.

The payroll number of employees (NP) is determined by the formula:

Chsp = Chiav x Kn,

where Kn is a coefficient that takes into account the planned absenteeism of workers during vacation, illness, etc.

where% of planned absenteeism is determined by accounting data.

Example 1. General purpose group. The number of children in a group over the age of three is 20 people.

The mode of operation of a preschool institution is 6 days a week, with a 9-hour stay for children, 10% are planned absenteeism according to the accounting department.

9 x 6 x 1.1 = 59,4 = 1,65.
36 36
9 x 6 x 1.1 = 59,4 = 1,49.
40 40

Example 2. General purpose group. The number of children under the age of one year - 10 people, 10% - planned absenteeism.

The mode of operation of the preschool institution is a 5-day working week with a 24-hour stay for children.

The number of educators in the group:

24 x 5 x 1.1 = 132 = 3,67.
36 36

The number of assistant educators in the group:

24 x 5 x 1.1 = 132 = 3,30.
40 40

Example 3. General purpose group. The number of children in a group over 3 years old is 20 people.

The mode of operation of the preschool institution is a 5-day working week with a 5-hour stay of children (walking), 10% - planned absenteeism.

The number of educators in the group:

5 x 5 x 1.1 = 27,5 = 0,76.
36 36

The number of assistant educators in the group:

5 x 5 x 1.1 = 27,5 = 0,69.
40 40

2.3.3. Standards for the number of employees engaged in educational and pedagogical activities

N p / pJob titleunit of measurementNormative number
1. Educator calculation according to the method of clause 2.3.2
2. Caregiver assistant calculation according to the method of clause 2.3.2
3. Musical directorfor each group of children over the age of 1.5 years, occupancy 15 - 20 people.0,25
4. Physical education instructor (without teaching children to swim)for every 2 groups of children aged 3 years and older0,25
5. Teacher-speech therapist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologistfor each group for children with developmental disabilities established occupancy1

In institutions with 4 or more groups with round-the-clock stay of children in the presence of an isolation ward, an additional number of assistant educators is established, the calculation of which is made according to the methodology of clause 2.3.2.

2.4. Preparing baby food

Labour Organization

The structure of the catering unit includes: a kitchen with a blank and a washing room, a pantry for dry products with a refrigeration unit and a pantry for vegetables. The lower surface of cabinets, chests, shelves should be at least 15 cm from the floor.Washing, blank and dispensing facilities are separated from the kitchen by equipment or screen partitions with a height of 1.2 m or should be separate in the catering blocks of administrative buildings of preschool complexes institutions. The catering facilities should be located on the ground floor. Pantries for storing vegetables and dry products are located in the food unit, but isolated from the kitchen. Walk-through pantries and passage to them through the kitchen are not allowed. In preschool institutions for 90 or more places, the entrance to the catering unit must be separate. The floors in the washing and billet must have ladders with a slope to drain water into the sewer.

For the preparation and processing of food, electrical equipment should generally be installed.

In gasified areas, it is allowed to install gas stoves and other closed-type equipment with a discharge for combustion products into exhaust ventilation ducts.

In rural kindergartens up to 50 places (inclusive), it is allowed to use solid fuel stoves with a firebox included in a separate room.

Tables for food processing and cooking should have a smooth surface. Tables can be all-metal stainless steel or duralumin. Tables upholstered with aluminum or galvanized iron are allowed, tightly fitting to the base of the table, with careful soldering of the seams. Galvanized iron tables are only permitted for processing raw meat and fish. For cutting the dough, there should be tables with wooden covers made of tightly knit boards, wide and thick, of hard wood, with a smoothly planed surface.

For cutting meat, fish, vegetables and other products, you should have special cutting boards made of hard wood (ash, birch, maple, oak), smoothly planed, without gaps, the boards should be marked: MC - raw meat, MB - boiled meat, РС - raw fish, РВ - boiled fish, ОВ - boiled vegetables, OS - raw vegetables, etc. It is necessary to store the boards on special shelves or in plastic bags.

Waste and waste are collected in metal buckets or tanks with lids, which are cleaned as soon as they are filled to no more than 2/3 of their volume. At the end of the day, buckets or tanks, regardless of filling, should be cleaned daily, rinsed with 2% soda ash solution, and then rinsed with hot water and dried.

Kitchen utensils should be aluminum, stainless steel, tinned iron (baking sheets, buckets, etc.), cast iron (pans). Tanks and buckets for storing drinking water, utensils for storing and transporting bulk products (cereals, flour) are allowed from galvanized iron. All kitchen utensils should be stored on special shelves or racks, soft utensils in cabinets.

For washing kitchen utensils, metal baths made of stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin, etc. should be installed, with hot and cold water supply to them. An air gap is provided at the place where the bathtub is connected to the sewerage system.

In the premises of the catering unit, wet cleaning should be carried out daily - washing floors, wiping windows, equipment, general cleaning - at least once a week using detergents and 1% chloramine solution or 0.5% clarified bleach solution.

Cutting tables, boards and small wooden objects - shovels, ladles, etc. should be washed with hot water (temperature 50 - 60 degrees C) with baking soda, soap, mustard and doused with boiling water, then dried.

Cookware is washed in hot water (45-50 degrees C) using food grade detergents, rinsed with boiling water and dried on rack shelves under sinks or a stovetop. Metal utensils should be ignited in the oven after washing; after use, the meat grinders are disassembled, washed, poured over with boiling water and dried thoroughly.

Napkins, cheesecloth, sieves through which vegetable broths are filtered, squeezed juice from berries and fruits, each time after use they are washed in hot water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Brushes, ruffs, washcloths, rags after washing dishes, kitchen utensils and tables are washed, boiled in a 2% solution of baking soda for 15 minutes, dried and stored in a sealed container.

Tableware and tea ware - earthenware and porcelain (plates, dishes, cups), stainless steel (spoons, forks) should be in each group and stored in the buffet. It is not allowed to use crockery with chipped edges.

For washing group dishes in pantries, a sink of two compartments is installed.

When washing dishes, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them of food debris, rinse twice in hot water (temperature 50 - 60 degrees C) in one case - with the addition of detergents (mustard, baking soda, soap, Progress powder, trisodium phosphate at the rate of 100 - 200 g per 10 liters of water), then pour boiling water over and dry on rack shelves. Spoons and forks are washed in the same way as tableware, and then dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes. Tea ware is washed separately from the dining room in two waters at a temperature of 50 - 70 degrees. C.

Dishwashing rags are boiled in 2% baking soda solution for 15 minutes and stored dry in a closed labeled container.

Dishes for babies - bottles for milk and milk mixtures, after preliminary cleaning with ruffs, are boiled for 15 minutes until boiling in a container with a closed lid (water should cover the bottles), and then dried. After use, nipples should be washed, boiled for 15 minutes in a glass container, which should be boiled once a day.

Kitchen equipment (mounted) includes: a washing bath for 2 compartments, a boiler, a digestion boiler, a universal machine, a refrigerating cabinet, an electric meat grinder, a vegetable cutter (potato cutter), an ultraviolet irradiator, a frying cabinet, and scales.


Scope of work. Organizes the work of production. Constantly monitors the quality of raw materials entering production, strict adherence to cooking technology, standards for laying raw materials and sanitary rules. Every day with the nurse, he is collecting the finished food. Carries out the correct organization of the production process, ensures the use of new equipment and progressive technology, the introduction of a rational organization of labor, distributes responsibilities among cooks, provides instructions on cooking technology and other production issues. Monitors compliance with instructions on labor protection and safety. Chefs are not exempt from work as cooks.

Participates in the preparation of a promising and daily menu, together with the nurse and the head of the children's institution, in the implementation of nutritional standards for a month.


Scope of work. Performing auxiliary work in the manufacture of dishes and culinary products. Peeling, peeling potatoes, fruits, vegetables, fruits and berries before or after washing them with knives and other devices. Bulkhead of greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, potatoes. Removal of defective copies, impurities. Washing vegetables, rinsing them after cleaning, peeling. Slicing bread, potatoes, vegetables, herbs. Defrosting fish, meat, poultry. Gutting fish, poultry, game. Cutting herring, sprat. Processing of offal, etc.

Cooking dishes for children of different ages in nurseries, kindergartens, nurseries-kindergartens: milk mixtures of type "B", reconstituted adapted milk mixtures "Malyutka", "Malysh", "Vitalakt" and similar ones; viscous, semi-viscous, pureed and crumbly cereals from various cereals; boiled, stewed, baked mashed potatoes and other vegetable dishes; vegetable, fruit, fruit and vegetable and meat and vegetable salads, vinaigrettes; cooking meat and chicken broths; vegetarian, puree, cold and bone broth-based soups. Preparation of various types of sauces, tomato, sour cream, milk and fruit sauces; soufflé, meatballs, gache, cutlets, goulash and other dishes from meat, chicken and fish products; brains, gas and other offal dishes; cereal casseroles; vegetables with meat, eggs and cottage cheese; dairy and egg dishes. Preparation of hot and cold drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, mousses, jellies and other third courses. Kneading yeast and unleavened dough, baking buns, pies, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, crackers and other products from it. Serving and serving food in accordance with age norms for infants and preschool children.

Provides high-quality sanitary condition of premises, equipment, inventory.

Note. Ancillary (kitchen) worker may be entrusted with ancillary work.

Kitchen worker

Scope of work. Delivery of semi-finished products and raw materials from the pantry. Opening of barrels, boxes, bags of food, opening of tin and glass cans. Unloading products from containers. Transportation of products, containers, dishes in the kitchen. Filling boilers with water. Delivery of finished products for distribution. The inclusion of electric, gas boilers, stoves, cabinets, boilers. Collection of food waste. Provides high-quality condition of premises, equipment, inventory. Carries out cleaning of the catering unit, washes kitchen utensils, equipment, inventory.


Number standards, peopleNumber of children in a child care facility up to:
30 50 60 80 100 110 120 140 160 175 190 210 225 260 290
2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9,5

1. In preschool institutions that have 3 or more nursery groups or groups with round-the-clock stay of children, an additional 0.5 units of the position of a cook are established.

2. The position of a chef is established in establishments with at least 8 groups.

2.5. Housekeeping service


Scope of work. Acceptance to the warehouse, weighing, storage and delivery from the warehouse of various material values ​​and food products. Ensuring the timely preparation of orders and delivery of food products. Checking the compliance of the accepted values ​​with the accompanying documents. Moving material assets to storage sites manually or with the help of stackers and other mechanisms with their layout (sorting) by type, quality, purpose and other characteristics. Organization of storage of materials and products in order to prevent damage and loss. Management of the work on loading, unloading goods and placing them inside the warehouse. Drawing up defective statements, acts for write-off, as well as for shortages and damage to products. Accounting for the availability of stored material assets in the warehouse and maintaining reporting documentation on their movement. Participation in conducting inventories.

2.5.1. Number standards: 1 storekeeper - for the number of groups in a preschool institution from 6 groups and above; 0.5 units - for the number of groups from 4 to 5.


Scope of work. Receiving, checking and issuing overalls, footwear, sanitary clothes, linen, removable equipment (covers, curtains, etc.) and safety devices. Sorting of used clothes, linen, etc., labeling them, handing over for washing, minor repairs and ironing after washing. Keeping records, control over the correct use of overalls, linen, etc. Participation in drawing up acts for the cancellation of worn-out special and sanitary clothing, linen and other items. Registration of the established documentation. Sewing children's light clothing, linen, etc. Minor repairs of overalls and linen by hand and on a sewing machine. Shortening of sleeves, trousers and overalls of workwear. Sewing of overalls, festive costumes for children.

2.5.2. Standards for the number of castellans (people)

Table 6

Number standards, peopleNumber of groups up to:
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 St. 24
0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2

The numbering of tables is given in accordance with the official text of the document

1. In the nursery, the standard for the number of castellans increases by 0.5 units. if there are at least 2 groups of toddlers.

2. In a preschool institution, if necessary, 0.5 units can be introduced. seamstress positions (from 8 groups or more).

Worker washing and repairing overalls (linen)

Scope of work. Washing, drying and ironing workwear and other industrial items: towels, curtains, linen, etc. - manually and by machines. Preparation of washing, starch and blueing solutions. Workwear and linen washing. Drying in tumble dryers (chambers) or in vivo. Ironing on presses, calenders or by hand. Acceptance, sorting and distribution of overalls and other items. Registration of the established documentation.

2.5.3. The standard for the number of workers for washing overalls (linen) - 0.5 units. positions for every 50 - 60 kg of dry linen.

In the presence of nursery groups, the standard for the number of workers for washing overalls (linen) is established: for 2 - 3 groups - 0.25 units; 4 - 5 groups - 0.5 units; 6 and more groups - 1 unit.

1. The positions of workers for washing linen are established in cases where it is not possible to use the services of communal laundries, and in the presence of nursery groups, the required number of positions (part of the position) can be established when using these services.

2. Preschool institutions with tuberculosis intoxication do not use communal laundry facilities.

Standards for the number of workers in other professions

2.5.4. The number standard is 0.5 loader for the number of groups in a kindergarten from 3 groups, and with a subsequent increase for every 5 groups, it increases by 0.5 units.

2.5.5. If there is an orchard or a land plot with ornamental plantings with an area of ​​at least 1.5 hectares, one gardener position is established.

2.5.6. If there is a stove heating in a preschool institution, the position of a stoker is established at the rate of: 0.25 units. - for every 2 ovens.

In the presence of central heating, the positions of machinists - stokers or operators of boiler houses are introduced at the rate of: 1 position - in each boiler house; 2 positions per shift - in boiler houses using solid fuels (peat, coal), with a heating surface of boilers of 75 sq. m; 1 position per shift - with gas heating.

With district heating (CHP):

1 position - if there is a heating point; 1 position - if there are boilers and pumps per shift.

2.5.7. If there is a horse or road transport in a preschool institution, the position of a carter or driver is established.

2.5.8. In preschool institutions, workers for complex maintenance and repair of buildings are introduced in accordance with production needs: 0.25 units. positions - for every 2 groups.

Additionally: 0.5 positions - in the presence of a pool and 4 - 8 groups; 1 position - if there is a pool and 9 or more groups.

2.5.9. The position of a cleaner of office premises is established at the rate of: 0.5 units. - for every 250 sq. m of cleaned area, but not less than 0.25 posts per institution.

2.5.10. The standards for the number of guards are established according to the standards for interdepartmental security.

2.6. Organization of swimming training for preschool children

Swimming lessons for preschool children are organized in pools of different types, which are determined by their design features, conditions and operating characteristics.

In practice, for teaching preschoolers to swim, it is advisable to use the following types of pools:

1. Covered small-sized<*>pools:

In preschool buildings or annexes to them (for one kindergarten, for several kindergartens);

In buildings of cultural and sports complexes, swimming pools, departments and sports societies (the so-called "paddling pools");

In the buildings of children's sports complexes serving preschool institutions and primary grades of secondary schools in the microdistrict;

In the buildings of children's clinics - for young children.

<*>Small pools include all pools, the sizes of which are less than those accepted for the pools of sports complexes.

2. Open small-sized pools in the areas of preschool institutions.

3. Indoor and outdoor sports-type pools (track length - 25 and 50 m).

4. Collapsible pools.

5. On natural reservoirs - fencing of coastal seabed areas for studies; the simplest water stations with an artificial bottom (floating pools); outdoor pools on the shore of the reservoir. To teach children to swim, it is advisable to have a pool with a size not less than that established by the Building Norms and Rules.<*>- 3 x 7 m, up to 80 cm deep. Such pools are convenient for primary training in swimming for younger preschoolers. The experience of kindergartens shows that for organizing classes with a group of older preschool children, swimming pools with a large bath (12.5 x 6 m, depth - 1.2 - 1.5 m) are advisable.

<*>SNiP II-64-80. Building regulations. Part II. Design standards. Chapter 64. Preschool institutions. Gosstroy of the USSR. M., 1981.

The most convenient shape of the pool is rectangular. Other pool shapes (square, oval, round) are possible depending on local conditions. For lowering children into the water, it is necessary to provide for the device of a vertical ladder with handrails. It is advisable to cover the steps of the stairs with ribbed rubber or other non-slip material.

The bathtub is finished with plain tiles. The pool must have at least two dressing rooms equipped with hangers for clothes and towels, banquets, sofas. Dressing room floors are covered with rubber mats or wooden bars.

At the pool, shower rooms are required with at least 2 - 4 shower installations for washing the body of children before entering and leaving the pool, and toilets. The number of showers, changing rooms, toilets is determined by the capacity of the pool. Facilities for drying children's hair should also be provided in the pool area.

In order to ensure the safety of children and prevent injuries, rubber mats are placed when leaving the pool and out of the shower so that children do not slip on the wet floor.

All premises allocated for preschool children must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, be equipped with appropriate furniture, hangers for linen, towels, bathing and toilet accessories. When equipping the premises, measures must be taken to prevent child injuries.

In any case, the size of the pool should allow for classes with a group of children of at least 8 - 10 people.

Swimming lessons for children in the outdoor pools are organized during the summer months. Depending on the climatic conditions, the bathing period may vary. In the middle lane - 2 - 3 months, in the southern regions - up to 3 - 4 months.

At the pools on the plots the following is required: shower installations; foot baths before entering the pool (0.8 - 1 x 0.1 m), areas for undressing and dressing children, which should be equipped with benches and sofas with hygienic cover, towel racks.

The most expedient location of the pool on the site should be considered its equipment in a place where the entire surface of the water is heated by the sun. This is especially important if the pool water is not heated.

Collapsible pools can be installed outdoors, their operating conditions should be close to those of open small-sized pools.

In the event that there is no pool in the kindergarten, you need to prepare a place for swimming and teaching children to swim in the river, lake, sea. When choosing a place for swimming, one should take into account the nature of the reservoir and the shore, the condition of the bottom, the speed of the water flow, as well as the distance from the reservoir to the kindergarten. It must be coordinated with the city or district OSVOD and the sanitary service.

The section of the reservoir for bathing children should have a flat sandy bottom, be dense and not silty.

The bottom of the reservoir should be examined in advance and cleaned of foreign objects - stones, snags, algae and other objects. There should be no keys in the children's bathing area.

The transition from shallower to greater depth should be uniform, gentle, with a gradually lowering bottom.

For children of younger preschool age, the depth of the reservoir should not exceed 60 cm, the older one - 80 - 90 cm, the speed of the current - no more than 0.5 m / s.

The water in the reservoir must be clean and transparent. The suitability of the water for bathing children is established by the sanitary inspection authorities. It is possible to conduct classes with children at an air temperature of +24 - 25 degrees. C, water - +23 degrees. C.

For classes, children are divided into subgroups of 12 - 15 children. The duration of the lesson together with the preparation for children of different preschool ages is recommended from 10-15 to 30-40 minutes per subgroup (on land no more than 3-5 minutes).

Hygienic requirements for the premises of the pool, their equipment and water quality

Swimming with preschool children must be carried out in pools that meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements. They provide: efficient ventilation, sufficient illumination of all rooms; a favorable level of temperature and air, cleanliness and order are maintained.

In accordance with the Sanitary Regulations<*>the air temperature in the pool room is maintained at +29 degrees. C; in the dressing room and shower room - within +25, +26 degrees. C, water in the pool - +27, +30 degrees. C. The floor in the children's pool is heated, the crossings are heated, and measures are taken to prevent drafts.

<*>Sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of places of employment in physical education and sports. N 156776. M., 1980.

The water supplied to the pool must comply with GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water" in all respects and meet the following requirements: turbidity - no more than 1.5 mg / liter; chromaticity - no more than 20 degrees; transparency - not less than the depth of the bath (along the cross); smell and taste - no more than two points; residual chlorine - 0.3 - 0.5 mg / l; if-titer - no more than 3; the content of ammonia is not more than 0.5 mg / l; oxidizability - 4 mg / l.

Disinfection of water in the pool, regardless of its type, size, water filling system, is required.

In small-sized children's pools, water drainage and disinfection, provided that there is a constant supply of fresh water of at least 10-15% of its volume, should be carried out at least once every 10 days.

With a daily change of water, the method of disinfection, the regularity of quality analyzes, the presence of residual chlorine, as well as the cleaning system for the pool bowls are established by the regional sanitary and epidemiological station, taking into account the number of groups involved (throughput), the size of the pool.

The bath is disinfected every time the pool is emptied. It is thoroughly washed with a soap and soda solution, cleaned with a brush, followed by rinsing with hot water from a hose.

In accordance with the existing recommendations (Collection of basic instructional and methodological materials on the section of hygiene of children and adolescents. USSR Ministry of Health. Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Administration. M., 1975) daily cleaning is carried out in the pool premises, ventilation is carried out, and the current disinfection of the premises is carried out. Disinfectable: walkways, floors, locker room benches, foot bars or rubber mats, door handles, handrails. They are wiped with a rag moistened with 0.5-1.1% chloramine solution. The panels are periodically disinfected to a level of at least 2 meters from the floor in the pool hall, utility rooms (during sanitary days) as the final stage of general cleaning.

The current control over the sanitary state of the main and auxiliary rooms of the swimming pool, carrying out regular disinfection is carried out by medical workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

In the event that the children's swimming area is part of a sports pool, it must have its own separate cleaning and disinfection system.

The requirements for water quality and sanitary conditions of an outdoor pool should be similar to those for indoor pools.

Inventory and equipment

Indoor and outdoor pools should be equipped with devices that allow you to control and maintain an appropriate sanitary and hygienic condition, thermometers for measuring air and water temperatures, psychrometers for determining air humidity.

At the pool, you must have inventory and equipment to ensure the safety of swimming and insurance of children during classes:

Long pole (2 - 2.5 m) for support and insurance of swimming learners;

Lifebuoys (1 - 2);

Baby float;

Separating paths for fencing the bathing area;

Colored floats, flags (for fencing the swimming area on the river, the sea and the place where children are on land).

We also need other aids and toys designed for the most effective organization of swimming lessons, carrying out various exercises and games that contribute to the successful development of children in the water and the formation of swimming skills.

These include:

a) foam boards (for each student);

b) inflatable toys;

c) small toys made of dense rubber (sinking);

d) hoops.

All aids and toys must be sanitized in accordance with hygiene requirements.

Requirements for children's clothing, bathing and toiletry

When visiting the pool, each child must have the following bathing accessories: swimming trunks, rubber cap, bathing slippers, towel, rubber sponge, washcloth, soap, hairbrush.

In preparation for a swimming lesson, children should undress in their dressing room to their underwear, put on their sweatshirt or cape over it, socks and slippers on their feet; take your swimwear and go to the pool.

Before starting classes, children are encouraged to visit the toilet. Then they take off their clothes, fold or hang them as quickly and neatly as possible. Before entering the water, children should thoroughly shower themselves with soap and a washcloth (sponge). The water temperature of the hygienic shower is +36 degrees. C. After that, the children take a cold shower for a while (about 30 degrees C). At the exit points from the shower room to the bypass path, a walk-through foot bath is provided.

After leaving the pool, children take a warm shower, the temperature of which is 2 - 4 degrees higher than the temperature of the water in the pool. After swimming and showering, they thoroughly dry themselves with a towel and dry their hair.

Additional job responsibilities of employees of preschool institutions when servicing swimming pools

Head of a preschool institution

Provides conditions for conducting swimming lessons and monitoring the operation of the pool; carries out general management of the organization of work with educators and parents, includes teaching children to swim in the general work plan of a preschool institution; defines the responsibilities of employees when conducting swimming lessons and monitors their implementation; together with the medical staff of the preschool institution and the physical education instructor, is responsible for the safety of children and compliance with all requirements for the conditions and organization of swimming lessons.

Educator-methodologist (deputy head)

Participates in the development of a swimming schedule for each age group; assists educators in organizing the pedagogical process in groups in connection with swimming lessons, if necessary, makes changes to the working group regime, takes part in the development of the content of swimming lessons for different age groups; helps educators in working with parents in preparing children for classes in the pool; monitors the implementation of educational work in the kindergarten in general, including the implementation of the program for teaching children to swim.


Takes part in drawing up the schedules of the group's training sessions (taking into account the children visiting the pool) and strictly monitors its implementation; checks the children's swimwear, helps them prepare everything they need for swimming in the pool (towel, washcloth, soap, swimming trunks, hat, etc.); during swimming lessons of one subgroup conducts preparatory exercises, warm-up with another, prepares her for exercises in the water; controls the ventilation of the group room; in the preparatory period for classes, teaches children to quickly dress, undress, neatly fold their clothes, wipe their bodies dry with a towel; acquaints children with the rules of behavior in the premises of the pool and directly during swimming lessons; works with parents on preparing children for swimming; monitors the health of children, maintains close contact with parents, a doctor and a nurse in order to timely identify children who need a sparing regimen or free them from swimming.

Caregiver assistant

Assists the teacher in preparing children for swimming lessons, monitors the cleanliness and order in the dressing room, helps children in undressing and dressing; ventilates the premises, ensures the creation of such conditions in the group room so that children after visiting the pool cannot catch a cold; brings subgroups of children to the pool and takes them after swimming to the group room; at the end of the course, organizes the appropriate processing and drying of bathing accessories; helps children to clean up the rest (slippers, sponges, soap) if they bring them from home.

Standards for the number of employees serving the pool of a preschool institution

Physical education instructor

Scope of work. Conducts swimming lessons according to the "Physical culture in kindergarten" program, taking into account the age composition of the group; draws up schedules for swimming lessons for each group together with the head of the preschool institution and the senior educator; carries out the implementation of the drawn up schedule of classes; keeps a diary (journal), which records the content of swimming lessons and its assimilation by children; keeps a log of children's attendance at swimming classes, finds out the reasons for missing classes; conducts conversations with group educators and service personnel on the organization of swimming lessons; organizes preliminary work with parents to prepare children for classes in the pool, conducts conversations with children who are starting classes in the pool, about the internal regulations in the pool room and their implementation; monitors the order in the pool, the behavior of children and makes sure that children comply with the instructions of teachers; assists children in undressing and taking a shower, especially in the absence of a teacher or assistant educator, teaches them to strictly observe hygiene requirements; maintains contacts with medical personnel, checks, together with the nurse, the hygienic state of the conditions for conducting classes in the pool, is fully responsible for order during classes and the safety of children in the water; constantly improves his skills, methodological techniques for working with children, and also conducts propaganda among the staff of the preschool institution and parents; participates in carrying out physical culture and health-improving work; advanced training of educators in the theory and practice of physical education.

Headcount standard: 0.5 units. - for a pool with service for up to 8 groups; 9 and more groups - 1 unit.

Pool cleaner

Scope of work. Checking the sanitary condition of the showers and changing rooms of the pool. Thorough daily cleaning of showers, shower toilets, dressing rooms; wet wiping the floor and walls with brushes with soap or alkaline solutions with continuous rinsing with water, cleaning taps. Monthly preventive disinfection of showers, toilets. Preparation of cleaning solutions.

Checking the sanitary condition of the swimming bath room and keeping it clean. Dust wiping, wet wiping of the floor, equipment. Cleaning garbage cans. Washing bath bypass paths by hand and using hoses. Damp wiping of walls, doors. Preparation of various cleaning solutions. Washing bathtubs when draining water from the pool.

Takes part in the processing of bathing accessories (towels, sponges, hats), if they belong to a kindergarten; assists the educator or assistant educator in dressing children; helps to bring children to class and take them to the group room after class.

Headcount standard: 0.5 units. - with the number of groups with which swimming lessons are conducted, up to 8; 1 unit - if there are 9 or more groups.

3. Ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations within three months, taking into account the need to submit applications to the Central Bureau of Labor Standards for the publication of Standards for determining the number of personnel approved by this Resolution.

The Central Bureau of Labor Standards shall ensure the publication of the required number of these standards.

Deputy Minister of Labor
Russian Federation

Ministry of Labor of Russia
dated April 21, 1993 N 88

The collection is intended to determine the number of employees of preschool institutions, regardless of their departmental subordination.

The standards for determining the number were developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in conjunction with the Ministry of Education of Russia with the participation of preschool institutions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

The collection contains standards for the following management functions:

preschool management;

accounting and financial activities;

educational and pedagogical activity;

preparation of baby food;

housekeeping service;

organization of swimming training for preschool children.

The standards for the number of employees employed in preschool institutions are established taking into account the provision of normal conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

1.2. The collection contains standards for the number of workers in crèches, crèches-kindergartens, kindergartens.

The standards cover the following management functions:

Management of a preschool institution: head of a preschool institution, deputy. head by rec. slave.; educational psychologist; Deputy Head for Household Affairs, Head of the Household; clerk (secretary-typist);

Accounting and financial activities: Ch. accountant, accountant of I and II categories, cashier;

Educational, pedagogical and recreational activities: educator, assistant educator, music director, physical education instructor, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist;

Baby food preparation: chef, cook, kitchen worker;

Housekeeping services: storekeeper, castellan, operator for washing and repairing work clothes (linen), loader, gardener, stoker, fireman, operator, coachman or driver, worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings, cleaner of office premises, watchman;

1.3. The standards for the number are established based on the maximum occupancy of groups in a general preschool institution:

under the age of one year - 10 children;

at the age from one to three years - 15 children;

over the age of three - 20 children.

If necessary, it is allowed to complete groups of children of different ages. Children from 1 to 6 years old are accepted in groups with round-the-clock stay.

For children with developmental disabilities, the maximum occupancy of groups in a preschool institution is:

Children with developmental disabilities

Number of children in a group up to:

early age up to 2 years

preschool age from 3 to 7 years

speech disorders

with phonetic-phonemic speech impairment and impaired pronunciation of individual words

hearing impairment


hearing impaired and late deaf

visual impairment


visually impaired

with squint and amblyopia

violation of the musculoskeletal system

mentally retarded

with profound mental retardation

with a complex defect

1.4. The basis for the development of standards for the number is based on the following data:

staffing tables of employees of various preschool institutions;

the results of the analysis and research of the expenditure of working time (photographs and self-photographs) for the work performed by the personnel of preschool institutions;

statistical data characterizing the factors affecting the labor costs of workers employed in preschool institutions;

the results of the study and analysis of a survey of employees of preschool institutions (questionnaires, collection of proposals) to improve their work.

1.5. When developing standards for the number of employees of preschool institutions, the following materials were used:

"Regulations on the procedure for the development of normative materials for the regulation of labor", M., 1968;

"Temporary regulations on a preschool institution", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of February 23, 1991 N 119.

1.6. The names of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, as well as the content of their work, are established in accordance with "on the positions of employees of institutions and educational organizations "approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 11, 1992 N 33,"Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees "approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 10, 1992 N 30. The names of the professions of workers are indicated in accordance with"Tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide occupations of workers who were assigned monthly salaries ", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 31.

1.7. In accordance withp. 4 Art. 51 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", medical care of an educational institution (including a preschool educational institution) is provided by health authorities. An educational institution is obliged to provide a room with appropriate conditions for the work of medical personnel.

1.8. When preschool institutions leave for summer cottages, the number of employees at this time is set in accordance with the standards calculated for the round-the-clock stay of children, taking into account work on weekends.

1.9. For works not provided for in the collection, local standards are established using technical standardization methods.

1.10. The numerical values ​​given in the normative tables with the indication "to" are to be understood inclusively.

The standards for the number of personnel employed in servicing preschool institutions have been developed in relation to six functions:

Preschool management;

Accounting and financial activities;

Educational, pedagogical and recreational activities;

Preparation of baby food;

Housekeeping service;

Organization of swimming training for preschool children.

The standards make it possible to determine the number and composition of work for each position of an employee and a working profession.

Scope of work. Supervises all types of activities of a preschool institution in accordance with the charter. Organizes a team of pedagogical and other workers to achieve high efficiency of educational work with children, the use of the scientific organization of labor in the educational process. Monitors the implementation of the education program. Ensures the creation of appropriate conditions for strengthening the health of children, their upbringing and education in accordance with the requirements of pedagogy and hygiene. Forms contingents of pupils, ensuring their social protection. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

Organizes work with parents on raising children in the family. Creates the necessary conditions for providing children with food, the work of medical personnel, monitoring their work in order to strengthen and protect the health of children, rational use of budget allocations, as well as funds from other sources. Disposes of the available property and funds, submits an annual report on the receipt and expenditure of funds of the founders. Ensures the correct placement of personnel, creates the necessary conditions for improving the business qualifications of workers, strict observance of state interests, labor and production discipline. Establishes, in accordance with labor legislation and internal labor regulations, the terms of reference for employees of a preschool institution. Organizes work on the certification of employees. Ensures the implementation of the collective agreement between the administration and the labor collective.

The head of the preschool institution carries out communication with the public, enterprises and organizations. Provides training and instruction on safety measures, periodic medical examination of persons servicing high-risk installations and working at height, and all employees of the preschool institution undergoing preventive medical examinations.

During the vacation of the head of the household (assistant to the head of the economic part), he provides material and technical support to the preschool institution. Reports on the work of the institution to the relevant authorities.

In accordance with the procedure established by law, is responsible for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the plan and schedule of the educational process, the quality of upbringing children, their life and health, violation of their rights and freedoms.

Scope of work. Provides methodological guidance for the teaching and educational activities of the staff of the preschool institution. Ensures and monitors the implementation of the education program and the correct formulation of the education and training of children in all age groups. Directs and supervises the work of the educational staff. Provides methodological assistance to educators.

Organizes the work of a methodological office in a nursery, a kindergarten, a nursery-kindergarten, summarizes instructional and methodological material on the upbringing and teaching of children. He studies and summarizes the best practices in raising children, organizes the exchange of work experience between educators, and conducts consultations for educators in order to provide them with practical assistance. Develops proposals to improve the efficiency of the educational process and methodological work. Systematizes methodological and compiles information materials. Submits for discussion of pedagogical councils topical issues of upbringing children, ensures the preparation of materials and active participation of educators in the work of pedagogical councils, monitors the implementation of decisions made. Organizes work to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents and ensure continuity in the work of educators of different age groups, as well as a preschool institution.

Scope of work. Carries out work in a preschool institution aimed at ensuring the mental health and development of the personality of children. Identifies conditions that complicate the formation of a child's personality, and through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation, assists children, educators and parents in solving personal, professional and other specific problems. Together with educators, she plans and develops developmental and psychocorrectional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of the child's personality. Identifies children with emotional and intellectual developmental delays. Examines and provides social and psychological support to children with mental and physical defects. Advises managers and staff of a preschool institution on the development of this institution, the practical application of psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of children, educators, and parents.

Scope of work. Supervises the maintenance of the preschool institution. Ensures the safety of household equipment, its restoration and replenishment, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the premises and in the surrounding area. Monitors the condition of the premises and takes measures for their timely repair. Provides employees with office supplies and household items. Supervises the work of junior staff.

Is a financially responsible person. Ensures the timely delivery of food products, takes part in the preparation of menu-layouts and requirements-applications for food products, ensures the implementation of fire-prevention measures, the sanitary regime of the preschool institution and the adjacent territory.

Scope of work. Receives and registers correspondence. In accordance with the resolution of the head of the enterprise, he submits documents for execution, prepares registration cards. Keeps a card index of the passage of documentary materials, monitors their execution. Provides the necessary information on registered documents. Sends the executed documentation to the addressees. Keeps records of received and sent correspondence, organizes and stores documents of the current archive. Prepares and submits to the archive of the enterprise documentary materials, completed office work, and a registration card file. Ensures the safety of passing service documentation.

Keeps time records of working hours, monitors the timely attendance and departure from work, the presence of employees of the preschool institution at their workplaces. Submits timesheets for payment of labor on time to the accounting department. Draws up documents and prepares draft orders for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, prints individual materials. Collects certificates from parents to establish payment for the maintenance of children. Draws up reports on the attendance of children over the past month, draws up a report card for meals for employees of a preschool institution.

Table 1


Job titles

Number of groups up to:

St. 24

Head of a preschool institution

Deputy head by rec. and methodical. work

for every 10 groups 1 must.

Deputy head housekeeping work

Head economy

Clerk (secretary-typist)


for every 3 groups 0.25 units.

Scope of work. Performs work in various areas of accounting (accounting for fixed assets, inventory, production costs, results of financial and economic activities, settlements with suppliers and customers, as well as for services provided, etc.). Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at maintaining state discipline and strengthening cost accounting. Carries out acceptance and control of primary documentation for the relevant areas of accounting and prepares them for counting processing. Reflects in accounting transactions related to the movement of funds and inventory. Draws up accounting estimates of the cost of products, works (services), identifies the sources of losses and non-productive costs, prepares proposals for their prevention. It calculates and transfers payments to the budget, contributions to state social insurance, funds to finance the wages of workers and employees, taxes and other payments and payments, as well as deductions of funds to economic incentive funds and other funds.

Participates in the economic analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise (institution) according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify on-farm reserves, in the implementation of measures to improve document flow, in the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting and reporting in order to identify on-farm reserves, in the implementation measures to improve document flow, in the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of accounting based on the use of computers, as well as in the inventory of cash, inventory, settlements and payment obligations. Prepares data on the relevant accounting areas for reporting, monitors the safety of accounting documents, prepares them in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive.

table 2


Number standards, people

Number of groups up to:

St. 24

The position of the cashier is entered at the rate of 0.25 units. - for every 5 groups, no more than 1 unit. - to the institution.

He plans and organizes the life activities of children, their upbringing, prepares them for schooling. Based on the study of the individual characteristics of children, the recommendations of the psychologist, plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with them (with a group or individually). Together with medical workers, it ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, conducts activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, is responsible for their life and health. Organizes the implementation of the daily routine by children, taking into account the age of the children, self-service work, provides hygienic care for young children. Carries out work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits. Studying the individual abilities, interests and inclinations of children, their family circumstances and living conditions. Interacts with the parents of children or persons replacing them. Coordinates the activities of the assistant educator and other employees within the framework of a single educational process.

Works in accordance with the program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten, in contact with other educators of the group, a music director and a physical education instructor.

Monitors the behavior of children during the adaptation period. Regularly informs the leading employees of the preschool institution about the state of health of the children. Draws up a monthly report card for children. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

Preparation and organization of classes, creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort. Implementation of educational functions in the process of conducting classes with children, health-improving activities, introducing children to work, instilling in them sanitary and hygienic skills. Participation in the creation of a safe developmental environment that meets psychological, hygienic and pedagogical requirements. Ensuring the sanitary condition of premises, equipment, inventory; protection and promotion of the health of children, supervision and care of them: accompanying for walks, dressing, undressing, washing, hardening, feeding, bathing, putting children to bed under the guidance of a teacher, drying children's clothes. Change of linen, clothes, washing and cleaning of dishes, premises. Receiving and delivering food from the catering unit to the group.

Carries out the development of musical abilities and the emotional sphere of the child, the formation of aesthetic taste, using different types and forms of organization of musical activity. Stimulates the development of creative activity in preschool children. Coordinates the work of preschool specialists and parents on these issues. Determines the directions of pedagogical activity, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, as well as their creative abilities, using for this purpose the existing conditions for the development of children.

Carries out work on teaching children in accordance with the program and methods of physical education. Determines the tasks and content of classes, taking into account the age, fitness, individual and psychophysical characteristics of children. Teaches children the skills and technique of performing exercises, forms their moral and volitional qualities. Provides complete safety of children during physical and sports activities. Provides first aid. Constantly monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and the condition of the premises. Together with medical workers, he monitors the health of children and regulates their physical activity. Responsible for the life and health of children.

Organizes and carries out educational and correctional work with children with developmental disabilities. Examines children, determines the structure and severity of their existing defect. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of children. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deviations, restore impaired functions. Works in close contact with teachers and educators, attends classes and lessons. Advises teachers and parents on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities. Maintains constant communication with medical workers of the educational institution. Must have appropriate visual aids and materials for examining and working with children. Maintains the necessary documentation.

The number of group personnel is determined taking into account:

Maximum occupancy of groups by children (p. 1.3);

Length of stay of children in the group;

The number of working days of the childcare institution (groups in the preschool institution) per week;

The standard working hours of the educator and the assistant educator per week (depending on the type of preschool institution).

The number of educators is calculated for one position for each group per shift:

In nursery and preschool groups with daytime stay of children - based on their work in a group during the entire working hours of the institution (group);

In nursery groups with round-the-clock stay of children - based on their work in a group for 24 hours;

In preschool groups with round-the-clock stay of children - based on their work in a group for 14 hours.

The number of assistant educators is calculated for one position for each group per shift, during the entire operation of the institution.

The number of working days of the childcare facility per week:

6-day work week; 5-day work week.

The standard working hours of the educator per week:

In groups for children with developmental disabilities (for children with mental or physical disabilities) - 25 hours;

In other cases - 36 hours.

The standard working hours of the assistant educator per week in groups:

For children with tuberculous intoxication - 36 hours;

For mentally retarded children and children with lesions of the central nervous system and mental disorders - 36 hours;

In other cases - 40 hours.

The number of educators and assistants to educators in a group is calculated by the formula:

Chiav =

Tc x T



Chyav - the number of educators or assistant educators in the group;

Tc - the duration of the stay of children in the group per shift;

T is the number of working days of the childcare facility per week;

Тн - the standard working time of the educator and the assistant educator per week.

The payroll number of employees (NP) is determined by the formula:

where% of planned absenteeism is determined by accounting data.

Example 1. General purpose group. The number of children in a group over the age of three is 20 people.

The mode of operation of a preschool institution is 6 days a week, with a 9-hour stay for children, 10% are planned absenteeism according to the accounting department.

9 x 6 x 1.1



9 x 6 x 1.1



Example 2. General purpose group. The number of children under the age of one year - 10 people, 10% - planned absenteeism.

The mode of operation of the preschool institution is a 5-day working week with a 24-hour stay for children.

The number of educators in the group:

24 x 5 x 1.1


The number of assistant educators in the group:

24 x 5 x 1.1


Example 3. General purpose group. The number of children in a group over 3 years old is 20 people.

The mode of operation of the preschool institution is a 5-day working week with a 5-hour stay of children (walking), 10% - planned absenteeism.

The number of educators in the group:

5 x 5 x 1.1



The number of assistant educators in the group:

5 x 5 x 1.1



N p / p

Job title

unit of measurement

Normative number


calculation according to the method of clause 2.3.2

Caregiver assistant

calculation according to the method of clause 2.3.2

Musical director

for each group of children over the age of 1.5 years, occupancy 15 - 20 people.


Physical education instructor (without teaching children to swim)

for every 2 groups of children aged 3 years and older


Teacher-speech therapist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist

for each group for children with developmental disabilities established occupancy


In institutions with 4 or more groups with round-the-clock stay of children in the presence of an isolation ward, an additional number of assistant educators is established, the calculation of which is made according to the methodology of clause 2.3.2.

The structure of the catering unit includes: a kitchen with a blank and a washing room, a pantry for dry products with a refrigeration unit and a pantry for vegetables. The lower surface of cabinets, chests, shelves should be at least 15 cm from the floor.Washing, blank and dispensing facilities are separated from the kitchen by equipment or screen partitions with a height of 1.2 m or should be separate in the catering blocks of administrative buildings of preschool complexes institutions. The catering facilities should be located on the ground floor. Pantries for storing vegetables and dry products are located in the food unit, but isolated from the kitchen. Walk-through pantries and passage to them through the kitchen are not allowed. In preschool institutions for 90 or more places, the entrance to the catering unit must be separate. The floors in the washing and billet must have ladders with a slope to drain water into the sewer.

For the preparation and processing of food, electrical equipment should generally be installed.

In gasified areas, it is allowed to install gas stoves and other closed-type equipment with a discharge for combustion products into exhaust ventilation ducts.

In rural kindergartens up to 50 places (inclusive), it is allowed to use solid fuel stoves with a firebox included in a separate room.

Tables for food processing and cooking should have a smooth surface. Tables can be all-metal stainless steel or duralumin. Tables upholstered with aluminum or galvanized iron are allowed, tightly fitting to the base of the table, with careful soldering of the seams. Galvanized iron tables are only permitted for processing raw meat and fish. For cutting the dough, there should be tables with wooden covers made of tightly knit boards, wide and thick, of hard wood, with a smoothly planed surface.

For cutting meat, fish, vegetables and other products, you should have special cutting boards made of hard wood (ash, birch, maple, oak), smoothly planed, without gaps, the boards should be marked: MC - raw meat, MB - boiled meat, РС - raw fish, РВ - boiled fish, ОВ - boiled vegetables, OS - raw vegetables, etc. It is necessary to store the boards on special shelves or in plastic bags.

Waste and waste are collected in metal buckets or tanks with lids, which are cleaned as soon as they are filled to no more than 2/3 of their volume. At the end of the day, buckets or tanks, regardless of filling, should be cleaned daily, rinsed with 2% soda ash solution, and then rinsed with hot water and dried.

Kitchen utensils should be aluminum, stainless steel, tinned iron (baking sheets, buckets, etc.), cast iron (pans). Tanks and buckets for storing drinking water, utensils for storing and transporting bulk products (cereals, flour) are allowed from galvanized iron. All kitchen utensils should be stored on special shelves or racks, soft utensils in cabinets.

For washing kitchen utensils, metal baths made of stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin, etc. should be installed, with hot and cold water supply to them. An air gap is provided at the place where the bathtub is connected to the sewerage system.

In the premises of the catering unit, wet cleaning should be carried out daily - washing floors, wiping windows, equipment, general cleaning - at least once a week using detergents and 1% chloramine solution or 0.5% clarified bleach solution.

Cutting tables, boards and small wooden objects - shovels, ladles, etc. should be washed with hot water (temperature 50 - 60 degrees C) with baking soda, soap, mustard and doused with boiling water, then dried.

Cookware is washed in hot water (45-50 degrees C) using food grade detergents, rinsed with boiling water and dried on rack shelves under sinks or a stovetop. Metal utensils should be ignited in the oven after washing; after use, the meat grinders are disassembled, washed, poured over with boiling water and dried thoroughly.

Napkins, cheesecloth, sieves through which vegetable broths are filtered, squeezed juice from berries and fruits, each time after use they are washed in hot water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Brushes, ruffs, washcloths, rags after washing dishes, kitchen utensils and tables are washed, boiled in a 2% solution of baking soda for 15 minutes, dried and stored in a sealed container.

Tableware and tea ware - earthenware and porcelain (plates, dishes, cups), stainless steel (spoons, forks) should be in each group and stored in the buffet. It is not allowed to use crockery with chipped edges.

For washing group dishes in pantries, a sink of two compartments is installed.

When washing dishes, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them of food debris, rinse twice in hot water (temperature 50 - 60 degrees C) in one case - with the addition of detergents (mustard, baking soda, soap, Progress powder, trisodium phosphate at the rate of 100 - 200 g per 10 liters of water), then pour boiling water over and dry on rack shelves. Spoons and forks are washed in the same way as tableware, and then dipped in boiling water for 15 minutes. Tea ware is washed separately from the dining room in two waters at a temperature of 50 - 70 degrees. C.

Dishwashing rags are boiled in 2% baking soda solution for 15 minutes and stored dry in a closed labeled container.

Dishes for babies - bottles for milk and milk mixtures, after preliminary cleaning with ruffs, are boiled for 15 minutes until boiling in a container with a closed lid (water should cover the bottles), and then dried. After use, nipples should be washed, boiled for 15 minutes in a glass container, which should be boiled once a day.

Kitchen equipment (mounted) includes: a washing bath for 2 compartments, a boiler, a digestion boiler, a universal machine, a refrigerating cabinet, an electric meat grinder, a vegetable cutter (potato cutter), an ultraviolet irradiator, a frying cabinet, and scales.

Scope of work. Organizes the work of production. Constantly monitors the quality of raw materials entering production, strict adherence to cooking technology, standards for laying raw materials and sanitary rules. Every day with the nurse, he is collecting the finished food. Carries out the correct organization of the production process, ensures the use of new equipment and progressive technology, the introduction of a rational organization of labor, distributes responsibilities among cooks, provides instructions on cooking technology and other production issues. Monitors compliance with instructions on labor protection and safety. Chefs are not exempt from work as cooks.

Participates in the preparation of a promising and daily menu, together with the nurse and the head of the children's institution, in the implementation of nutritional standards for a month.

Scope of work. Performing auxiliary work in the manufacture of dishes and culinary products. Peeling, peeling potatoes, fruits, vegetables, fruits and berries before or after washing them with knives and other devices. Bulkhead of greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, potatoes. Removal of defective copies, impurities. Washing vegetables, rinsing them after cleaning, peeling. Slicing bread, potatoes, vegetables, herbs. Defrosting fish, meat, poultry. Gutting fish, poultry, game. Cutting herring, sprat. Processing of offal, etc.

Cooking dishes for children of different ages in nurseries, kindergartens, nurseries-kindergartens: milk mixtures of type "B", reconstituted adapted milk mixtures "Malyutka", "Malysh", "Vitalakt" and similar ones; viscous, semi-viscous, pureed and crumbly cereals from various cereals; boiled, stewed, baked mashed potatoes and other vegetable dishes; vegetable, fruit, fruit and vegetable and meat and vegetable salads, vinaigrettes; cooking meat and chicken broths; vegetarian, puree, cold and bone broth-based soups. Preparation of various types of sauces, tomato, sour cream, milk and fruit sauces; soufflé, meatballs, gache, cutlets, goulash and other dishes from meat, chicken and fish products; brains, gas and other offal dishes; cereal casseroles; vegetables with meat, eggs and cottage cheese; dairy egg dishes. Preparation of hot and cold drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, mousses, jellies and other third courses. Kneading yeast and unleavened dough, baking buns, pies, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, crackers and other products from it. Serving and serving food in accordance with age norms for infants and preschool children.

Provides high-quality sanitary condition of premises, equipment, inventory.

Note. Ancillary (kitchen) worker may be entrusted with ancillary work.

Scope of work. Delivery of semi-finished products and raw materials from the pantry. Opening of barrels, boxes, bags of food, opening of tin and glass cans. Unloading products from containers. Transportation of products, containers, dishes in the kitchen. Filling boilers with water. Delivery of finished products for distribution. The inclusion of electric, gas boilers, stoves, cabinets, boilers. Collection of food waste. Provides high-quality condition of premises, equipment, inventory. Carries out cleaning of the catering unit, washes kitchen utensils, equipment, inventory.


Number standards, people

Number of children in a child care facility up to:


1. In preschool institutions that have 3 or more nursery groups or groups with round-the-clock stay of children, an additional 0.5 units of the position of a cook are established.

2. The position of a chef is established in establishments with at least 8 groups.

Scope of work. Acceptance to the warehouse, weighing, storage and delivery from the warehouse of various material values ​​and food products. Ensuring the timely preparation of orders and delivery of food products. Checking the compliance of the accepted values ​​with the accompanying documents. Moving material assets to storage sites manually or with the help of stackers and other mechanisms with their layout (sorting) by type, quality, purpose and other characteristics. Organization of storage of materials and products in order to prevent damage and loss. Management of the work on loading, unloading goods and placing them inside the warehouse. Drawing up defective statements, acts for write-off, as well as for shortages and damage to products. Accounting for the availability of stored material assets in the warehouse and maintaining reporting documentation on their movement. Participation in conducting inventories.

2.5.1. Number standards: 1 storekeeper - for the number of groups in a preschool institution from 6 groups and above; 0.5 units - for the number of groups from 4 to 5.

Scope of work. Receiving, checking and issuing overalls, footwear, sanitary clothes, linen, removable equipment (covers, curtains, etc.) and safety devices. Sorting of used clothes, linen, etc., labeling them, handing over for washing, minor repairs and ironing after washing. Keeping records, control over the correct use of overalls, linen, etc. Participation in drawing up acts for the cancellation of worn-out special and sanitary clothing, linen and other items. Registration of the established documentation. Sewing children's light clothing, linen, etc. Minor repairs of overalls and linen by hand and on a sewing machine. Shortening of sleeves, trousers and overalls of workwear. Sewing of overalls, festive costumes for children.

2.5.2. Standards for the number of castellans (people)

Table 6

Number standards, people

Number of groups up to:

St. 24

: The numbering of tables is given in accordance with the official text of the document


1. In the nursery, the standard for the number of castellans increases by 0.5 units. if there are at least 2 groups of toddlers.

2. In a preschool institution, if necessary, 0.5 units can be introduced. seamstress positions (from 8 groups or more).

Scope of work. Washing, drying and ironing workwear and other industrial items: towels, curtains, linen, etc. - manually and by machines. Preparation of washing, starch and blueing solutions. Workwear and linen washing. Drying in tumble dryers (chambers) or in vivo. Ironing on presses, calenders or by hand. Acceptance, sorting and distribution of overalls and other items. Registration of the established documentation.

2.5.3. The standard for the number of workers for washing overalls (linen) - 0.5 units. positions for every 50 - 60 kg of dry linen.

In the presence of nursery groups, the standard for the number of workers for washing overalls (linen) is established: for 2 - 3 groups - 0.25 units; 4 - 5 groups - 0.5 units; 6 and more groups - 1 unit.


1. The positions of workers for washing linen are established in cases where it is not possible to use the services of communal laundries, and in the presence of nursery groups, the required number of positions (part of the position) can be established when using these services.

2. Preschool institutions with tuberculosis intoxication do not use communal laundry facilities.

2.5.4. The number standard is 0.5 loader for the number of groups in a kindergarten from 3 groups, and with a subsequent increase for every 5 groups, it increases by 0.5 units.

2.5.5. If there is an orchard or a land plot with ornamental plantings with an area of ​​at least 1.5 hectares, one gardener position is established.

2.5.6. If there is a stove heating in a preschool institution, the position of a stoker is established at the rate of: 0.25 units. - for every 2 ovens.

In the presence of central heating, the positions of machinists - stokers or operators of boiler houses are introduced at the rate of: 1 position - in each boiler house; 2 positions per shift - in boiler houses using solid fuels (peat, coal), with a heating surface of boilers of 75 sq. m; 1 position per shift - with gas heating.

With district heating (CHP):

1 position - if there is a heating point; 1 position - if there are boilers and pumps per shift.

2.5.7. If there is a horse or road transport in a preschool institution, the position of a carter or driver is established.

2.5.8. In preschool institutions, workers for complex maintenance and repair of buildings are introduced in accordance with production needs: 0.25 units. positions - for every 2 groups.

Additionally: 0.5 positions - in the presence of a pool and 4 - 8 groups; 1 position - if there is a pool and 9 or more groups.

2.5.9. The position of a cleaner of office premises is established at the rate of: 0.5 units. - for every 250 sq. m of cleaned area, but not less than 0.25 posts per institution.

2.5.10. The standards for the number of guards are established according to the standards for interdepartmental security.

Swimming lessons for preschool children are organized in pools of different types, which are determined by their design features, conditions and operating characteristics.

In practice, for teaching preschoolers to swim, it is advisable to use the following types of pools:

1. Indoor small-sized pools:

In preschool buildings or annexes to them (for one kindergarten, for several kindergartens);

In buildings of cultural and sports complexes, swimming pools, departments and sports societies (the so-called "paddling pools");

In the buildings of children's sports complexes serving preschool institutions and primary grades of secondary schools in the microdistrict;

In the buildings of children's clinics - for young children.

Small pools include all pools, the sizes of which are less than those accepted for the pools of sports complexes.

2. Open small-sized pools in the areas of preschool institutions.

3. Indoor and outdoor sports-type pools (track length - 25 and 50 m).

4. Collapsible pools.

5. On natural reservoirs - fencing of coastal seabed areas for studies; the simplest water stations with an artificial bottom (floating pools); outdoor pools on the shore of the reservoir. For teaching children to swim, it is advisable to have a pool of at least the size established by the Building Norms and Regulations - 3 x 7 m, up to 80 cm deep. Such pools are convenient for initial teaching to swim for younger preschoolers. The experience of kindergartens shows that for organizing classes with a group of older preschool children, swimming pools with a large bath (12.5 x 6 m, depth - 1.2 - 1.5 m) are advisable.

SNiP II-64-80. Building regulations. Part II. Design standards. Chapter 64. Preschool institutions. Gosstroy of the USSR. M., 1981.

The most convenient shape of the pool is rectangular. Other pool shapes (square, oval, round) are possible depending on local conditions. For lowering children into the water, it is necessary to provide for the device of a vertical ladder with handrails. It is advisable to cover the steps of the stairs with ribbed rubber or other non-slip material.

The bathtub is finished with plain tiles. The pool must have at least two dressing rooms equipped with hangers for clothes and towels, banquets, sofas. Dressing room floors are covered with rubber mats or wooden bars.

At the pool, shower rooms are required with at least 2 - 4 shower installations for washing the body of children before entering and leaving the pool, and toilets. The number of showers, changing rooms, toilets is determined by the capacity of the pool. Facilities for drying children's hair should also be provided in the pool area.

In order to ensure the safety of children and prevent injuries, rubber mats are placed when leaving the pool and out of the shower so that children do not slip on the wet floor.

All premises allocated for preschool children must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, be equipped with appropriate furniture, hangers for linen, towels, bathing and toilet accessories. When equipping the premises, measures must be taken to prevent child injuries.

In any case, the size of the pool should allow for classes with a group of children of at least 8 - 10 people.

Swimming lessons for children in the outdoor pools are organized during the summer months. Depending on the climatic conditions, the bathing period may vary. In the middle lane - 2 - 3 months, in the southern regions - up to 3 - 4 months.

At the pools on the plots the following is required: shower installations; foot baths before entering the pool (0.8 - 1 x 0.1 m), areas for undressing and dressing children, which should be equipped with benches and sofas with hygienic cover, towel racks.

The most expedient location of the pool on the site should be considered its equipment in a place where the entire surface of the water is heated by the sun. This is especially important if the pool water is not heated.

Collapsible pools can be installed outdoors, their operating conditions should be close to those of open small-sized pools.

In the event that there is no pool in the kindergarten, you need to prepare a place for swimming and teaching children to swim in the river, lake, sea. When choosing a place for swimming, one should take into account the nature of the reservoir and the shore, the condition of the bottom, the speed of the water flow, as well as the distance from the reservoir to the kindergarten. It must be coordinated with the city or district OSVOD and the sanitary service.

The section of the reservoir for bathing children should have a flat sandy bottom, be dense and not silty.

The bottom of the reservoir should be examined in advance and cleaned of foreign objects - stones, snags, algae and other objects. There should be no keys in the children's bathing area.

The transition from shallower to greater depth should be uniform, gentle, with a gradually lowering bottom.

For children of younger preschool age, the depth of the reservoir should not exceed 60 cm, the older one - 80 - 90 cm, the speed of the current - no more than 0.5 m / s.

The water in the reservoir must be clean and transparent. The suitability of the water for bathing children is established by the sanitary inspection authorities. It is possible to conduct classes with children at an air temperature of +24 - 25 degrees. C, water - +23 degrees. C.

For classes, children are divided into subgroups of 12 - 15 children. The duration of the lesson together with the preparation for children of different preschool ages is recommended from 10-15 to 30-40 minutes per subgroup (on land no more than 3-5 minutes).

Swimming with preschool children must be carried out in pools that meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements. They provide: efficient ventilation, sufficient illumination of all rooms; a favorable level of temperature and air, cleanliness and order are maintained.

In accordance with the Sanitary Rules, the air temperature in the pool room is maintained at +29 degrees. C; in the dressing room and shower room - within +25, +26 degrees. C, water in the pool - +27, +30 degrees. C. The floor in the children's pool is heated, the crossings are heated, and measures are taken to prevent drafts.

Sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of places of employment in physical education and sports. N 156776. M., 1980.

The water supplied to the pool must comply with GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water" in all respects and meet the following requirements: turbidity - no more than 1.5 mg / liter; chromaticity - no more than 20 degrees; transparency - not less than the depth of the bath (along the cross); smell and taste - no more than two points; residual chlorine - 0.3 - 0.5 mg / l; if-titer - no more than 3; the content of ammonia is not more than 0.5 mg / l; oxidizability - 4 mg / l.

Disinfection of water in the pool, regardless of its type, size, water filling system, is required.

In small-sized children's pools, water drainage and disinfection, provided that there is a constant supply of fresh water of at least 10-15% of its volume, should be carried out at least once every 10 days.

With a daily change of water, the method of disinfection, the regularity of quality analyzes, the presence of residual chlorine, as well as the cleaning system for the pool bowls are established by the regional sanitary and epidemiological station, taking into account the number of groups involved (throughput), the size of the pool.

The bath is disinfected every time the pool is emptied. It is thoroughly washed with a soap and soda solution, cleaned with a brush, followed by rinsing with hot water from a hose.

In accordance with the existing recommendations (Collection of basic instructional and methodological materials on the section of hygiene of children and adolescents. USSR Ministry of Health. Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Administration. M., 1975) daily cleaning is carried out in the pool premises, ventilation is carried out, and the current disinfection of the premises is carried out. Disinfectable: walkways, floors, locker room benches, foot bars or rubber mats, door handles, handrails. They are wiped with a rag moistened with 0.5-1.1% chloramine solution. The panels are periodically disinfected to a level of at least 2 meters from the floor in the pool hall, utility rooms (during sanitary days) as the final stage of general cleaning.

The current control over the sanitary state of the main and auxiliary rooms of the swimming pool, carrying out regular disinfection is carried out by medical workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

In the event that the children's swimming area is part of a sports pool, it must have its own separate cleaning and disinfection system.

The requirements for water quality and sanitary conditions of an outdoor pool should be similar to those for indoor pools.

Indoor and outdoor pools should be equipped with devices that allow you to control and maintain an appropriate sanitary and hygienic condition, thermometers for measuring air and water temperatures, psychrometers for determining air humidity.

At the pool, you must have inventory and equipment to ensure the safety of swimming and insurance of children during classes:

Long pole (2 - 2.5 m) for support and insurance of swimming learners;

Lifebuoys (1 - 2);

Baby float;

Separating paths for fencing the bathing area;

Colored floats, flags (for fencing the swimming area on the river, the sea and the place where children are on land).

We also need other aids and toys designed for the most effective organization of swimming lessons, carrying out various exercises and games that contribute to the successful development of children in the water and the formation of swimming skills.

These include:

a) foam boards (for each student);

b) inflatable toys;

c) small toys made of dense rubber (sinking);

d) hoops.

All aids and toys must be sanitized in accordance with hygiene requirements.

When visiting the pool, each child must have the following bathing accessories: swimming trunks, rubber cap, bathing slippers, towel, rubber sponge, washcloth, soap, hairbrush.

In preparation for a swimming lesson, children should undress in their dressing room to their underwear, put on their sweatshirt or cape over it, socks and slippers on their feet; take your swimwear and go to the pool.

Before starting classes, children are encouraged to visit the toilet. Then they take off their clothes, fold or hang them as quickly and neatly as possible. Before entering the water, children should thoroughly shower themselves with soap and a washcloth (sponge). The water temperature of the hygienic shower is +36 degrees. C. After that, the children take a cold shower for a while (about 30 degrees C). At the exit points from the shower room to the bypass path, a walk-through foot bath is provided.

After leaving the pool, children take a warm shower, the temperature of which is 2 - 4 degrees higher than the temperature of the water in the pool. After swimming and showering, they thoroughly dry themselves with a towel and dry their hair.

Provides conditions for conducting swimming lessons and monitoring the operation of the pool; carries out general management of the organization of work with educators and parents, includes teaching children to swim in the general work plan of a preschool institution; defines the responsibilities of employees when conducting swimming lessons and monitors their implementation; together with the medical staff of the preschool institution and the physical education instructor, is responsible for the safety of children and compliance with all requirements for the conditions and organization of swimming lessons.

Participates in the development of a swimming schedule for each age group; assists educators in organizing the pedagogical process in groups in connection with swimming lessons, if necessary, makes changes to the working group regime, takes part in the development of the content of swimming lessons for different age groups; helps educators in working with parents in preparing children for classes in the pool; monitors the implementation of educational work in the kindergarten in general, including the implementation of the program for teaching children to swim.

Takes part in drawing up the schedules of the group's training sessions (taking into account the children visiting the pool) and strictly monitors its implementation; checks the children's swimwear, helps them prepare everything they need for swimming in the pool (towel, washcloth, soap, swimming trunks, hat, etc.); during swimming lessons of one subgroup conducts preparatory exercises, warm-up with another, prepares her for exercises in the water; controls the ventilation of the group room; in the preparatory period for classes, teaches children to quickly dress, undress, neatly fold their clothes, wipe their bodies dry with a towel; acquaints children with the rules of behavior in the premises of the pool and directly during swimming lessons; works with parents on preparing children for swimming; monitors the health of children, maintains close contact with parents, a doctor and a nurse in order to timely identify children who need a sparing regimen or free them from swimming.

Assists the teacher in preparing children for swimming lessons, monitors the cleanliness and order in the dressing room, helps children in undressing and dressing; ventilates the premises, ensures the creation of such conditions in the group room so that children after visiting the pool cannot catch a cold; brings subgroups of children to the pool and takes them after swimming to the group room; at the end of the course, organizes the appropriate processing and drying of bathing accessories; helps children to clean up the rest (slippers, sponges, soap) if they bring them from home.

Scope of work. Conducts swimming lessons according to the "Physical culture in kindergarten" program, taking into account the age composition of the group; draws up schedules for swimming lessons for each group together with the head of the preschool institution and the senior educator; carries out the implementation of the drawn up schedule of classes; keeps a diary (journal), which records the content of swimming lessons and its assimilation by children; keeps a log of children's attendance at swimming classes, finds out the reasons for missing classes; conducts conversations with group educators and service personnel on the organization of swimming lessons; organizes preliminary work with parents to prepare children for classes in the pool, conducts conversations with children who are starting classes in the pool, about the internal regulations in the pool room and their implementation; monitors the order in the pool, the behavior of children and makes sure that children comply with the instructions of teachers; assists children in undressing and taking a shower, especially in the absence of a teacher or educational assistant, teaches them to strictly adhere to hygiene requirements; maintains contacts with medical personnel, checks, together with the nurse, the hygienic state of the conditions for conducting classes in the pool, is fully responsible for order during classes and the safety of children in the water; constantly improves his skills, methodological techniques for working with children, and also conducts propaganda among the staff of the preschool institution and parents; participates in carrying out physical culture and health-improving work; advanced training of educators in the theory and practice of physical education.

Headcount standard: 0.25 units - for every 2 groups.

Scope of work. Provision of maintenance of the chlorination unit, performance of work related to the use and storage of chlorine, as well as plumbing work, elimination of chlorine leaks in emergency situations.

Conducting the process of chemical water purification, disinfection, desalination, control of the parameters of the technological mode of water preparation; temperature, pressure, water flow rate, concentration of regenerating solutions according to the indications of control and measuring instruments and the results of chemical analyzes.

Start and stop of the serviced equipment in emergency and normal conditions. Carrying out preventive inspection and participation in the current repair of the serviced equipment and apparatus of the filter hall, systems for the preparation and supply of hypochlorite and chlorine.

Headcount standard: 0.5 units. - for a pool with service for up to 8 groups; 9 and more groups - 1 unit.

Scope of work. Checking the sanitary condition of the showers and changing rooms of the pool. Thorough daily cleaning of showers, shower toilets, dressing rooms; wet wiping the floor and walls with brushes with soap or alkaline solutions with continuous rinsing with water, cleaning taps. Monthly preventive disinfection of showers, toilets. Preparation of cleaning solutions.

Checking the sanitary condition of the swimming bath room and keeping it clean. Dust wiping, wet wiping of the floor, equipment. Cleaning garbage cans. Washing bath bypass paths by hand and using hoses. Damp wiping of walls, doors. Preparation of various cleaning solutions. Washing bathtubs when draining water from the pool.

Takes part in the processing of bathing accessories (towels, sponges, hats), if they belong to a kindergarten; assists the educator or assistant educator in dressing children; helps to bring children to class and take them to the group room after class.

Headcount standard: 0.5 units. - with the number of groups with which swimming lessons are conducted, up to 8; 1 unit - if there are 9 or more groups.


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