Design work gzhel around the world. The project "The Magic Dance of Gzhel!" project (senior group) on the topic. Aesthetic developmental environment

Marina Ermolaeva
Creative project "Fairy Gzhel"


Formation creative personality begins already in preschool age, so education creative ability is one of the main tasks in working with children.

Great potential for disclosing children's creativity concluded in the visual activity in the process of familiarization with folk applied art. According to N.P.Sakulina, young children perceive work folk craftsmen deeper and fuller than paintings and easel sculptures. I consider it necessary to actively use the samples of folk creativity in the artistic education of children.

Analyzing the results of monitoring, we came to the conclusion that children have an insufficiently formed system of qualities and properties that a preschooler must acquire in his physical, mental and aesthetic development for successful schooling.

Decorative painting and modeling based on gzhel in interesting, in an unobtrusive manner, solve these problems.


Children don't have enough formed:

Fine motor skills and hand coordination.

Brush and pencil techniques.

Cognitive processes and function: perception, imagination, presentation, perseverance and accuracy.


Development of artistic creative abilities of children in the process of familiarization with folk applied art.



Expand and deepen children's understanding of Gzhel painting.

To acquaint children with the history of occurrence Gzhel art.

Consolidate children's knowledge about the features Gzhel painting: its flavor, main elements.

Learn to consider products, highlighting the details of the pattern.

Learn to make patterns based on Gzhel painting.

Improve the skills of working with paints, with brushes, cotton swabs.

Mixing two colors on palette: white with blue.


Cultivate interest in art Gzhel masters, showing the close connection of folk arts and crafts with folk traditions, music and oral art.

To educate the aesthetic perception of folk craft.


To develop such qualities as perseverance, attention, accuracy when working with paints. To enable children to feel like a folk master.

Develop a sense of rhythm and color in composing gzhel pattern.

Implementation mechanisms the project:

Study of methodological literature

Monitoring the visual activity of children

Replenishment of the developing environment

Individual, subgroup work with children in regime moments

Directly educational activity:

1. History of origin gzhel dishes.

2. Excursion to the museum Gzhel painting

3. Artistic creation(Painting) tableware painting based on Gzhel painting

4. Artistic creation(clay crafting) gzhel dishes

5. Collective application "Horses are not simple, painted horses"

Type of: short-term, group, complex.

Children's age: 6-7 year of life preparatory group.

Planned product: Collective applique with drawing elements

Terms of implementation: from the 4th week of October to the 3rd week of November.

Complex-thematic planning:

GCD and ML in regime moments Objectives Timing

1 Working with parents collecting dishes and other items in style gzhel... Actively involve parents in cooperation with the kindergarten in development work creative personality . 28.10-11.11

2 Conversation: history of occurrence gzhel dishes... To acquaint children with the history of occurrence gzhel dishes 08.11

3 Printed information for parents "Drawing with children" To acquaint parents with the peculiarities of decorative painting in senior preschool age. 08.11

4 Excursion to the museum Gzhel painting... Expand and deepen children's understanding of Gzhel painting.

5 Didactic game "Collect the dishes" Teach children to carefully select the pattern and shape of the dishes. 10.11

6 GCD Hood. Creation(Painting) Painting mugs based on gzhel painting Learn to paint the silhouettes of dishes using the basic elements Gzhel painting 11.11

7 Conversation about the characteristic features of painting Gzhel toys Introduce children to the characteristic elements Gzhel painting 13.11.

8 GCD Hood. TV-in modeling of dishes from clay using a tape method. To acquaint children with the material for sculpting clay and the tape sculpting method. 15.11

9 Reading and memorizing poems by L. Kulikova about gzhel patterns... To instill a love for the artistic word. 17.11

10 Did. the game "Find an extra pattern" Develop attentiveness, logical thinking in children. 17.11

11 Folk game wattle To acquaint children with Russian folk culture, through awareness of the role folk games In human life. 20.11

12 GCD Hood. TV-in collective work application with drawing elements "Horses are not simple painted horses" Strengthen children's knowledge about gzhel pattern... Paint silhouette gzhel horse, then cut it out and compose a collective composition using the applicative technique. 21.11

Project fabulous gzhel

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 3 of the city of Vladivostok"


"The Magic Dance of Gzhel"


Gnezdilova Ulyana Arsentievna.

music director

Project passport

Project type: Short-term, group, creative.

Project motto: "Gzhel - a winter fairy tale in Russia."

Verbitskaya Irina Borisovna MBDOU №3 Vladivostok, educator;

Gnezdilova Ulyana Arsentievna - MBDOU No. 3, Vladivostok, musical director.

Project participants:older children, group educators,

Experts, parents.

Project resources:visual - didactic material "Samples of painting Gzhel", a music center, multimedia projector, training presentations, a selection of videos and audio recordings, authoring developments (song, dance performance), laptop, fiction on the topic "Folk crafts of Russia."

Project structure

Relevance :

Today, in the age of computerization and high technologies, when Life is going in such a rapid rhythm, it is especially important to take time to develop the delicate strings of the child's soul: kindness, joy, creativity. To feel the spiritual life of your people, to express yourself creatively in it, you need to accept its history and culture. The essential content of Russian culture is his way of life and creativity, created over a centuries-old history. Therefore, it is important for children not only to form artistic taste, but also to introduce them to art and artistic activity, active development of space, using the heritage of their people.

Problem : complete or insufficient awareness of preschoolers about Russian traditions, ornaments, patterns.

Target : - the formation and development of the moral, spiritual and creative potential of the child, based on the culture and creativity of the Russian people.

Tasks :

  • To acquaint children with the Russian decorative art "Gzhel";
  • Enrich children's impressions with works of modern poets and composers (on this topic), Russian lyric music;
  • To create conditions for the development of healthy feelings, morality and creativity on the example of the culture of the Russian people.

Expected results. To teach to highlight the characteristic features of the Gzhel craft (material, color, shape). To be able to create decorative compositions with elements of Gzhel painting. To form an interest in folk culture, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, patriotic pride in Russia, rich in talents. Create prerequisites for independent creative activity. Expand the musical and choreographic skills of preschoolers.

Project stages

I preparatory stage

  1. Selection of didactic and methodological literature about the history of painting and the masters of Gzhel painting.
  2. Selection of audio and video materials about the Gzhel folk craft.
  3. Questioning parents in order to identify the degree of awareness of the directions of Russian painting.
  4. Diagnostic examination of children.
  5. Drawing up a work plan for a project, the purpose of which is to arouse children's interest in the folk art of painting by their ancestors.

II Main stage

1) Working with children

Educational:to form the ability to distinguish features of color, pattern, material and convey this in works.

Developing: develop the ability to compose decorative compositions according to your own idea, using elements of Gzhel painting (droplets, leaves, roses, twigs, curls, spirals, lattice, wavy lines).

Educational: to foster a sense of pride in the greatness, talent and creative heritage of their people.

Social and communicative development:outdoor game "Miracle Bird"; didactic game "Collect the pattern".

Cognitive development: Conversations on the topic "Gzhel - the city of masters", "What is the creative heritage?"; continuous educational activity "Gzhel's Blue Fairy Tale".

Speech development:

reading fiction about the masters and trends of Russian painting; learning poems about Gzhel; memorizing the words of the song "Gzhel", acquaintance with the work of the composer Yu. Sinyavsky.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

drawing on the theme "Blue Gzhel"; application on the theme "Fairy flower", staging a choreographic sketch "My name is Gzhel", learning the song "Gzhel" muses. U. Gnezdilova, listening to the song "Forget-me-not Gzhel" muses. Y. Chichkova, lyrics P. Sinyavsky.

2) Working with parents

Exhibition joint work parents and children on the topic "Our dear Gzhel ..."

III Final stage

1) Final event: family evening "City of Masters".

2) Product of the project: production of albums "We draw Gzhel"; handicrafts "Dishes in the style of Gzhel"; design of the "City of Masters" stand; creative works of children and their parents on the theme "Our native Gzhel".

3) Presentation of the project on the theme "Gzhel - a blue fairy tale" at the city methodological association.


1. Veraksa, N. E. Komarova, T. S. Vasil'eva, M. A. Birth to School: Approximate Basicgeneral education program preschool education / N.E. Veraksa, T.S.Komarova, M.A.Vasil'eva. M.: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2011.-336s.

2. Mishakova, V. Native suburbs [Text] V. Mishakov // Child in kindergarten. SPb .: 2003 # 5.- p63.

3. Bobrova, M. A Heavenly azure: [Text] M. A Bobrova // author's tale /

Preschool education... SPb.: 2006.№ 2.- p20.

Visual - didactic material

4. Vohrintseva, S.N. Gzhel: cognitive and educational coloring book for children preschool age/ S. N. Vohrintseva / -E.: Publishing house of the Country of fantasies, 2005.- 8s.

5. Lykova, I.A. Heavenly gzhel: album for children artistic creation children 3-7 years old: a visual-methodological guide for teachers and parents / I. A. Lykova.-M.: Publishing house Karapuz, 2008.-10s.

6. Chizhkova, T.N. Dorofeeva, A.N., Gzhel: a visual and didactic guide for children 3-7 years old / T.N. Chizhkova, T.N. A. N. Dorofeeva.-M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2003.-10s.

Music material

7. Burenina, A.I. Rhythmic plastics for preschoolers: educational-methodical musical manual // Red Sarafan - P. Moriah's orchestra .- SPb .: LOIRO 2002.

8. Zaretskaya, N.V. Root, Z. Ya Gzhel // Holidays in kindergarten: holidays, songs, dances // M.: Airis-press, 2006.-152s.

9. Kuzmicheva, M.K. Lazuri round dance: // author's song with movements.

10. Music and arrangement by V. Andreev, isp. Folk group of the Russian national theater "Gzhel - Spring" / author's production of a choreographic sketch by U. Gnezdilova.

11. Swan, Spinning, Sudarushka // Russian lyric melodies performed by the orchestra of folk instruments named after N. Osipova // audio recording M .: Publishing house for childreneducational programs ... - news - TDA, 2005.

12. Chichkov, Yu.M. Sinyavsky, P Forget-me-not Gzhel: a collection of Chamomile Rus: songs for children and youth.- Moscow: Publishing house Soviet composer, 1990.- p74-77.

Internet resources

12. Oda Gzheli // Educational film // www. u ***** / pages / video / 12708

13. Fairy tale gzhel: [Text] Lesson in the senior group c4 // "*****"

14. Stages of Gzhel painting // Educational film // files. school-collection. *****

15. Folk crafts: poems, ditties, riddles // http: *****


Continuous abstracts educational activities and entertainment

I. "Blue Gzhel"

Productive decorative painting activities

Target -


Learn to highlight the middle of the composition with a rose flower

To consolidate the ability to paint with the end of the brush, with all the pile, by wetting

To foster love for folk traditions, folk art, using the example of the decorative and applied art of Gzhel

· Give children the opportunity to feel like folk craftsmen using artistic activities

Develop creativity, the desire to create beauty with your own hands

Materials and equipment:

Illustrative material on the topic "Gzhel". Items decorated with Gzhel painting. Products for painting. White and blue gouache, jars of water, brushes, napkins. Audio recording of the song "Forget-me-not Gzhel", music by Y. Chichkov.

The course of the lesson.

Educator. Guys! Do you like fairy tales? Children's answers

Educator ... Today I want to invite you to one of the fairy tales.

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, there is the village of Gzhel. A long time ago, there lived brave, but skillful craftsmen. Once they got together, they began to think about how to show them their skills, and to please people, to glorify their land. Thought and thought and came up with. They found wonderful clay, white and white, and decided to sculpt various dishes out of it and paint it with blue paint of different shades. The residents themselves liked to say that their sky is blue and blue like nowhere else in Russia. So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain.

The craftsmen drew patterns of flowers, droplets, stripes, nets on the dishes. Every master began to show his skill. One made a teapot: a spout in the form of a chicken's head, and a cockerel flaunts on the lid. Another made a whale-shaped oil can. On the back he sculpted a fabulous city with turrets and churches. The third master made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fabulous fish. The fish smiles, waves its tail, shakes its fins. Gzhel masters are great dreamers. Some of their cups are slender and tall, others look like a small barrel, and others are curly. They were sculpted by the masters of animals and birds: a rooster with a bushy tail, a cat - a bully, a mouse - a burrow. And they also loved to make watches in this village. Their shape is not simple, bizarre. They are painted with flowers, and on the top of the head there is a cockerel. It seems that now it is crowing "Time to sleep!" Each master had his own favorite pattern, with which he delighted everyone. And they had only one color ... blue. "

Educator. See what beautiful objects the craftsmen created. Only two colors, and how beautiful! Pay attention, guys, in almost all works there is an element of painting - a rose, a curl in the form of looped lines, a flower made of arched lines. Beautiful, is not it! Do you want to try yourself in the role of masters? the answers

Educator ... Let's warm up first.

Physics "Miracle bird"

Miracle - the birds have arrived (wave, arms up),

They came to us from Gzhel (give up).

On the branches they sat down (sat down)

Suddenly they fluttered, flew away (get up and fly away).

Educator. We rested a little, and now let's get to work. I brought you white plates. Let's decorate them with Gzhel patterns.

Educator. What pattern will we decorate the middle of the plate with? Answers

Educator. And let's draw a blue rose in the center (the teacher shows the sequence for drawing a rose). Don't forget to make a pattern around the edge of the plate as well. And so that your work goes well and argues, I will turn on the music for you.

Educator. See what beauty you have! You are true craftsmen!

Educator ... Tell me guys, what painting did we meet today?

Educator. What do you remember the main elements of this painting?

Educator ... So our fascinating journey into the world of fairy tales has come to an end. And I want to finish with these lines:

Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, watches,

Animals and birds of unprecedented beauty.

The village in the suburbs has become famous now,

Its name is known to all the people - Gzhel!

The inhabitants of the heavenly blue are proud in Gzhel,

You will not find such beauty in the world.

Heavenly blue that is so sweet to the heart,

The master's brush easily transferred to the bowl.

Every artist has his favorite pattern,

And in each of them the dear side is reflected.

Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring

And the skill is magical, admirable!

II. "Gzhel service"

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" Lepka

Target - introducing children to the art of Gzhel masters


Learn to highlight the characteristic features of a given trade (material, color, shape)

· Encourage children to create a decorative composition based on the Gzhel painting.

· Strengthen the ability to sculpt in different ways, developing fine motor skills of the hands.

· To consolidate children's ideas about the Gzhel craft, the work of folk craftsmen.

· To foster love for folk art, a sense of respect and pride for their people.

Materials and equipment:

A letter from the clown Gosha. Didactic game "Collect the broken service". salty dough, napkins, boards, stacks, white and blue gouache, brushes.

Course of the lesson:

A knock on the door. The teacher brings in the package.

Educator : Look, guys, a package has come to our kindergarten. Who do you think she is from? Children's answers

Educator: Let's see (opens). Guys, here's a letter. I wonder who is it from? (reads the letter).

"Dear Guys! I am the famous clown Gosha Fortochkin. I want to ask you for help. My juggler friend - Knopa asked me for my favorite set to give tea to his friends. He liked the service so much that he decided to make a number with it. Indeed, the service was so beautiful - white, with a blue ornament. Just a feast for the eyes! Something went wrong at Knop's rehearsal. All my dishes were broken in him. Only one mug survived.

Dear children, help. I know you can do everything. Make me the same set, please. But out of excitement, I forgot what it was called. I only remember riddle about painting:

Blue - blue roses, leaves, birds.

Seeing you for the first time, everyone will be surprised!

Miracle on porcelain - blue font.

This is simply called painting ... Gzhel.

I am sending you pieces of my favorite set. Hope you can help me.

Clown Gosha ".

Educator: Look, friends, here is another envelope. It contains broken dishes. Let's put it together and see what kind of service did Gosha have?

Didactic game "Collect the broken service".

Educator: Guys, what a beautiful service! And what is the name of the painting with which it is decorated? Answers

Educator : What do Gzhel craftsmen make their products from? Answers

Educator : What kind of products do craftsmen make from clay? Answers

Educator: What pattern do the craftsmen use to decorate their products? Answers

Educator : Well, guys, are you ready to become craftsmen?


Educator: Let's warm up first.


“One - two - the flower is sleeping.

Three - opened the petal.

Once - closed,

Two - woke up

Together they reached out to the sun! "

Educator: Sit down more comfortably and let's get started. Please note that the pattern on all items of the service must be the same. Let's take a look at broken dishes. What patterns do you see on it (flower and border)? Where is the flower (in the middle) located? And what elements does the flower consist of (the middle is a ball, the petals are balls, flattened and pinched on one side)? What are the petals (droplets) like? And what is located along the edge of the product (border - roll up the balls and spread along the edge)? Don't forget, we start with a flower. And to make the work faster, I'll turn on the music for you.

Russian lyrical melodies are played by the orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

Educator : What good fellows you are! They made such a beautiful service. Real masters are craftsmen. In the old days, people used to say: "A craftsman brings joy to himself and to people." This is about you. You have pleased yourself and helped Gaucher. He will be very happy.

Tell me, what did we do today? What kind of business were we talking about? What colors are used in this craft? Do you think Gaucher will like our service? Children's answers

Of course you will like it, because we made it with love! And I want to end our lesson with these wonderful words:

Residents of Gzhel are proud

Heavenly blue.

You will not meet in the world

Such beauty!

Heavenly blue

That the heart is so sweet

Master brush on a cup

Easily transferred.

III. "Fairy flower"

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" Application

Target - familiarization of children with the art of Gzhel masters.


Learn to highlight the characteristic features of a given trade (material, color, shape)

Continue to teach children to create a composition using blue and white paper applique

· To develop color perception and color perception in the selection of material for the application.

Use the plucking method to enrich the experience and develop fine motor skills in the hands

· To consolidate the ability to see and highlight the elements of the pattern: dots, straight and wavy lines, flowers, leaves, birds.

· To form interest in folk culture, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, patriotic pride in Russia, rich in talents.

Materials and equipment:

Items decorated with Gzhel painting. Didactic game "Find similar dishes". Game exercise "Name the element of the Gzhel painting and show it on the dishes." Sheets of paper with silhouettes of dishes, which depict pencil sketches of Gzhel flowers. Colored paper(blue and light blue), glue brush, glue, napkins.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys! In the previous lessons, we got acquainted with a new type of painting. With which one, who will tell me? (Gzhel painting). And what items were painted by the masters? (dishes) What words can you pick up when talking about this dish? (gentle, thin, graceful, pale blue). All dishes are different, but what do they have in common? (decorated with a blue-blue pattern, on a white background) What did the craftsmen make such dishes from? (from clay).

Look around. Do we have Gzhel dishes in our group?

Didactic game "Find similar dishes".

Educator. Let's take a look at the dishes. What patterns do the craftsmen decorate their products with? (vegetable - flowers, grass). What elements of the Gzhel painting do you know? Let's name the element and show it on the crockery.

Didactic exercise "Name and show the painting element".

Oh yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both that and that are good,

Everything is smart and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

Here is a rose, and chamomile, dandelion, cornflowers,

With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off.

They did this miracle not far away,

They painted those dishes in Russia, in the town of Gzhel.

The edge of a porcelain miracle, and all around it are forests.

Blue-eyed dishes, like heaven in spring.

Vases, teapots and dishes, and shine on the table!

From painted dishes there is tastier and more fun!

Educator. What good fellows you are, guys. How much you already know. What pattern do the masters decorate the middle of their products? (Gzhel rose). And in life, is a rose blue? (answers). Perhaps this rose is fabulous. Old people say this:

Russian lyric melody sounds

In a distant land where summer always reigns, a merchant had a wife. In her garden there were many beautiful roses of different colors - white, red, and pink. One day a merchant gathered for goods in different countries... Gathering her husband on the road, his wife gave him a rose and asked him to take care of it: “She will never wither, because I love you very much! - she said. And the merchant left. He traveled for a long time and stopped in Russia. And we have a cold winter. The rose did not wilted from the frost, but simply turned blue. When the Gzhel masters saw this unusual rose, they were very surprised and wanted to draw it on their dishes. When the merchant returned home, he presented his wife with beautiful painted utensils with a blue rose.

Let us guys make dishes with a beautiful blue rose. But first, let's warm up.


Here's a big glass teapot, (puff up belly, one hand on the belt)

Very important, like a boss (the other arm is curved like a nose).

Here are the porcelain cups (sit down, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers (spinning, drawing a circle with their hands),

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons (reach out, close your hands over your head),

The head is on a thin stalk.

Here is a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes (to make a big circle).

Now you can get to work. We will make each petal of our fabulous rose from a separate piece of paper, tearing it off. But remember, every blue petal has a blue tint.

Educator. What a beautiful dish you have. Did you enjoy being in the role of masters? People says: " Good job has been living for two centuries ”.

Remind me what painting we talked about today? What are the main elements of this painting? What else is this painting called?

Educator. You are great fellows. Thank you for your work.

IV. "Heavenly azure of Gzhel".

Educational area "Cognitive development"

Integrated activities

Target: Acquaintance with the work of the Gzhel masters, with the history of the origin of the craft, the education of patriotic feelings: love and pride for their people, their Motherland, the craftsmen of Russia.


1. To form an idea of ​​the richness and diversity of the Gzhel craft, the features of the ornament, color, shape.

2. Learn to draw the simplest patterns (roses, buds, leaves, lattice, wavy lines, spiral) using blue color.

3. Strengthen the perception of the material by sounding and performing folk lyric music and songs, corresponding to the theme of modern composers, and artistic words.

4. To foster interest in the work of the masters of Gzhel, the desire to actively express oneself in it.

Materials for the lesson:several types of products painted with Gzhel (saucer with a cup, decorative panel, candlestick, horse, grandfather on the stove, kettle, vase), brushes, paints, paper, easel, sample drawing.

Preliminary work:

· Consideration of the albums "Heavenly Gzhel" by I. A. Lykova, "Gzhel" by S. Vokhrintseva, items painted with Gzhel.

Listening to the teacher's story about the history of the origin of the trade

· Consideration of the features of the ornament and color.

· Viewing the educational film "Stages of Gzhel painting" and slides "Gzhel dishes"

· Drawing a pattern (roses, bells, leaves, wavy lines, dots, mesh).

Learning songs, poems on a given topic

· Activate dictionary:decorative panel, ornament, revival, mesh, spiral, candlestick, craft, souvenirs.

Course of the lesson:

To a Russian folk melody, children enter the music hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: Today we will go with you to visit the Gzhel masters.

There is such a place in the Moscow region -

White grove, blue river.

In this quiet Russian nature

The echo of magical melodies is heard.

And the spring water brightens,

And the breath of the wind is stronger

Cornflower blue gzhel blooms,

Forget-me-not gzhel! P. Sinyavsky

I would like to start our journey with such amazing verses. In one village called Gzhel, which is located not far from Moscow, there are craftsmen who make amazing dishes with heavenly patterns. They make it from a special clay found in these places, which turns white when fired, even in the very name of this village the word “burn” is heard. Hear what legend the inhabitants of this village keep:

« This story happened on Christmas Eve. A poor woman lived in the same village with the amazing name Gzhel. To feed her only daughter, the woman had to make pots of clay, which was abundant in these places. She burned them in the oven and sold them in the market, and they lived like that. And my daughter Nastenka was clever: she would light the stove, sweep the floor, and go to fetch water.

Winter has come, and so severe, with a strong wind, with fierce frosts. And it was necessary, it will happen - Nastenka caught a cold and fell ill. Lies in bed, cannot get up. What are the only doctors

did not look at Nastenka, but could not cure her.

Christmas was approaching. There was so much snow that the snowdrifts reached the very windows, the trees in the forest stood in white lace,

snowflakes whirled merrily, sparkling with multi-colored sparkles. It was evident from everything that nature was rejoicing at the upcoming holiday - the Nativity of Christ. Only in Nastenka's house there is no time for the holiday: with every hour she was getting worse. Mother did not know how to please her daughter, how to alleviate her suffering. “Nastenka, the holiday will come soon, it will bring fun. Maybe it will give you strength? " - says mother. “My mother has no time for a holiday, no time for fun. But I have one cherished desire: I want to hold blue cornflowers and bells in my hands, admire their delicate beauty, ”Nastya replies. “But where can I find cornflowers in the middle of winter? Wait, spring will come soon. " Nastya did not answer, only she became even sadder. This conversation was heard by a young star who had just lit up in the sky. She felt sorry for Nastenka. And she decided to help the sick girl, especially since at Christmas all sorts of miracles happen. The asterisk decorated the window glass with such bizarre patterns that you cannot say in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen. What was there just not: cornflowers, and bells, and magic birds berries peck. The little star worked all night, but she did not have time to finish her work: the night came to an end. Then she turned to the clear sun for help: “The sun is my father, my time is over, I did not have time to fulfill Nastenka’s desire to the end, help me: put on fabulous patterns with magic power, you can do anything”.

The sun agreed, illuminated the marvelous patterns with its magic rays and they played merrily in the sun. And Frost did not lag behind the Sun: he painted wonderful patterns in a soft blue color. As soon as mother saw such a miracle, her hands reached out to the paints themselves. And delicate blue flowers bloomed on jugs, saucers, and cups. And Nastenka, looking at such a fabulous beauty, rejoiced indescribably, and rejoicing, gradually recovered and soon recovered completely.

Since then, the villagers have been engaged in the manufacture and painting of dishes, because everyone wanted to create such beauty. And the dishes, painted with gentle blue paint, are affectionately called

"Sky-blue Gzhel". The inhabitants of the village happily call themselves Gzheltsy and say that nowhere is there such a blue sky as they have above the roofs of houses, such wonderful colors and such a blue river. So they decided to preserve the blue of the sky forever and ever, so that both in the rain and in the fog the dishes shine with a heavenly color and remind of a gentle summer. " [3]

Leading: Why is Gzhel so fond of people? Because it was made with love and, first of all, for its extraordinary color! It is always white - blue, bright and just some kind of sonorous, as if a bell in the cold is ringing "dzin - dzin!" dzin - dzin! " A bell is heard far away, a pattern on the dishes can be seen far away.

The dishes from the masters come out snow-white, and the pattern on it is one

the only blue paint. Either the artist presses harder on the brush, then weaker, then he leads the pattern with all the pile, then with the very tip. As if not an artist draws with only one paint, and the conductor controls the whole orchestra. The conductor's wand helps to give birth to sounds, and the artist's brush helps to create colorful patterns.

The patterns on the Gzhel dishes are also very different. But the most beloved is the tea rose, which is called Gzhel. Roses are also not alike. Some are large and juicy, others are miniature and graceful, others are buds, and in the fourth, whole bouquets of roses. The most experienced craftsmen decorate dishes with outlandish birds, fish, unheard-of animals, otherwise they will depict scenes from people's lives: tea drinking, festivities, gatherings, round dances. In addition to roses, there are other flowers - chamomiles, bells, poppies, tulips, and next to them - birds, fish, trees and even whole cities.

shows several finished products from Gzhel. Children

consider the shape, pattern, color

Leading: Many poets admired Gzhel and composed their wonderful poems about a wonderful and wonderful craft. Let's listen.

Telling poetry

1 child: Blue - white dishes,

Tell me, where are you from?

It can be seen from afar came

And blossomed with flowers:

Blue, blue

Delicate, beautiful ...

So that you can't take your eyes off,

Oh, what a grace.

S. Vakhrushev.

2 child: Girls draw here

White pictures,

Blue pattern on them,

Like a spider web.

These blue flowers

We braided into patterns.

Blue paints carousel

Everywhere they call Gzhel! P. Sinyavsky

3 child: Next to the aspen in blue kerchiefs

Blue clusters on blue mountain ash

Blue dawns and bluebirds

Nothing beats this beauty

Colors are whirling in sonorous waves,

To make the pansies shine.

The pattern is flowing under the hand of the craftswoman,

So that he could not be repeated anywhere!

P. Sinyavsky.

4 child: The master took a brush in his hands

And dipped into the blue of heaven.

Instead of canvas - took whiteness

The vastness of our Russians

And patterns poured, monograms

Birds fluttered, gardens bloomed ...

Suddenly blue drops rang

The miracle of the Russian winter appeared to us,

With the same sonorous title - Gzhel!

Leading: Thanks for the wonderful poems guys. And how many musicians have written amazing songs inspired by the beauty of Gzhel. Let's sing one of the songs about Gzhel ?!

They perform the song by W.A. Gnezdilova "Gzhel"

Host: Gzhel, Gzhel,

Festive Gzhel!

Whirled like a white blizzard

Gzhel, gzhel!

Festive Gzhel,

Powdered blue flowers!

V. Steklov.

Leading: And now, guys, we will also try to become masters and will paint dishes in the Gzhel style.

Look, I have a drawing of a teapot on my easel. Look how handsome he is. Graceful nose, beautiful bent handle, cap. Let's take a look at it.

a) consider and call the form

b) consider the pattern and name the elements with which they are decorated

(roses, leaves, mesh, dots, wavy lines)

c) call the color of the background, pattern, vividness.

Leading: Now take a piece of paper with an outline. Now we will proceed to the most interesting part - the mystery of creating a magic pattern. You can draw the pattern that is shown on the teapot, or you can come up with your own. You can only use the color and pattern we need, the pattern that is characteristic of Gzhel.

d) children name the elements of the ornament

e) the teacher reminds children of the rules for using a brush and gouache, the sequence of applying a pattern, accuracy.

Russian lyrical melodies sound, children paint teapots. At the end of the schedule, the presenter puts the finished work on the stand and examines them with the children. Children look at the work, say whose work they liked the most.

Leading: So our wonderful lesson has come to an end. I think you felt like a master and enjoyed your creativity. We will make an exhibition for parents from our works. Now, let's sing a wonderful song about Russian craftsmen.

Singing a song " There are many craftsmen in Russia ",

lyrics by M. Kuzmicheva, music by A. Ivanov.

Children come out to the sound of Russian folk melody.

V. "On a visit to the masters of Gzhel"

cognitive - creative entertainment

To a Russian folk melody, children enter the music hall and

become a semicircle.

Leading : How many fabulous places Russia has,

Russia has countless cities,

Maybe somewhere it is more beautiful

But it will not be dearer than it is!

Our Russia is great

And our people are talented,

About artisans-craftsmen -

Rumor goes to the whole world!

They perform the song "Russia, Russia", music and lyrics by M. Kuzmicheva

after the performance, the children sit down

Leading: Today we will go with you to visit the masters of Gzhel.

In the suburbs, on the Russian side,

Where birches are dancing

Where are the clearings of ringing bells,

Azure cornflowers, and blue flax blooms.

Gzhel blooms, floats above the ground,

Our miracle is gzhel azure round dance!

I would like to start our journey with such amazing verses. In the classroom, we talked a lot about the art of Gzhel. Remember, in one village called Gzhel, which is located not far from Moscow, there are craftsmen who make amazing dishes with heavenly patterns. They make it from a special clay found in these places, which turns white when fired.

And who can tell me where the name of the village came from? (The word "burn" is heard in the name of this village) Yes, that's right! The inhabitants of the village happily call themselves Gzheltsy and say that nowhere is there such a blue sky as they have above the roofs of houses, such wonderful colors and such a blue river. So they decided to preserve the blue of the sky forever and ever, so that in the rain and fog the dishes would shine with a heavenly color and remind of a gentle summer.

Why is Gzhel so fond of people? (because it was made with love and, first of all, for its extraordinary color)

The dishes from the masters come out snow-white, and the pattern on it is with a single blue paint. But this pattern is so amazing that you want to look at it again and again.

Leading: Gzhel dishes are unusually good!

shows samples of dishes on the stand

The fame of her scattered all over the earth, and not only in our country, but also in distant overseas lands. And in foggy England, and in sunny Italy, and in elegant France, and in mysterious Japan, many people drink tea from blue - white cups, and tea is poured from Gzhel teapots. And the cups from the masters of various shapes, some in the form of a horse, lion or fish - you don't even immediately understand that this is a cup or a figurine.

The patterns on the Gzhel dishes are also very different. But the most beloved is the tea rose, which is called Gzhel. Roses are also not alike. Some are large and juicy, others are miniature and graceful, others are buds, and in the fourth, whole bouquets of roses. The most experienced craftsmen decorate the dishes with outlandish birds, fish, unheard-of animals, otherwise they will depict scenes from people's lives: tea drinking, festivities, gatherings, round dances. In addition to roses, there are other flowers - chamomiles, bells, poppies, tulips, and next to them - birds, fish, trees and even whole cities.

They make in Gzhel not only dishes, but also other useful items - clocks, candlesticks, caskets. And they are painted with famous celestial patterns.

shows several finished products from Gzhel.

Consider shape, pattern, color

Leading: Many poets admired Gzhel and composed their wonderful poems about a wonderful and wonderful craft. Let's listen

Telling poetry.

1 child : It's hard to believe: really,

Just two colors? Wonders!

This is how the artists from Gzhel

Heaven is being put on the snow!

What roses and peonies

The masters write on the cups.

And blue and white buds

Beautiful today as yesterday!

L. Kulikova.

2 child : Miracle with blue flowers,

With blue petals

With blue flowers

Delicate twists.

On white china

Like on a snowy field

From under the white snow

Blue flowers grow.

Really, really,

Have you heard about Gzhel?

3 child : Blue birds across the white sky,

A sea of ​​blue flowers

Jugs and mugs -

Fiction or fiction?

Gold hand goods.

Blue fairy tale

Feast for the eyes,

Like drops in spring!

Caress, care, warmth and patience-

Russian, ringing Gzhel!

4 child: From time immemorial to the present day.

Through the efforts of skilled masters,

Russia is adorned with a miracle - gzhel

Patterned in blue in white dresses.

Spring will decorate the morning

Delicate bouquets of wonderful gzhel,

And with a light breeze, as if

It will blow on us in the hot summer.

Sometimes autumn in bright colors

Nature's sweet creation,

Gzhel comes to us as a snowy tale,

The winters are anticipating the approach.

Well, in winter, cold, blizzard,

The fireplace will warm us with fire,

In which a hot flame is friends

With a blue-blue pattern! S. Ledkova

5 child: Grandmother and grandfather were sitting at the table,

They drank tea from Gzhel often, for many years.

Teapot, cups, mugs kept us warm

Lovely animals were pleasing to the eye.

But the grandson came with a girlfriend to his home.

Cuckoo walkers, fringed tablecloth ...

Maybe they are running wild somewhere in the distance,

Only in Gzhel he poured tea for her.

No matter how many millions of days fly,

We are without our Gzhel, as if without roots.

Whites and blues are delicate flowers,

This is all Russia - mom, dad, you!

Leading: Thanks for the wonderful poems, guys. And how many musicians have written amazing songs inspired by the beauty of Gzhel. Let's sing one of the songs about Gzhel.

They perform the song "Gzhel", muses. Z. Root.

Host: Gzhel, Gzhel,

Festive Gzhel!

Whirled like a white blizzard

Gzhel, gzhel!

Festive Gzhel,

Powdered blue flowers!

V. Steklov.

Leading: And the girls will now dance with the Gzhel scarves, which we painted together with their parents.

Dance with Gzhel scarves, music "Red Sarafan"

(for the rhythm of Burenina)

Leading: Guys, in the classroom we got acquainted with the Gzhel painting and I think that you remember its features well. What is characteristic of the Gzhel painting? (drawn in all shades of blue on a white background; floral ornament: roses, bells, cornflowers, poppies, curls, spirals, trellises; tableware, candlesticks, toys are painted)

Leading: Well done! Now we will play with you and we will find out everything about you!

Game "Find Gzhel painting"

Game progress: Children are built in 2 teams. On two tables are the planar silhouettes of the Gzhel and Dymkovo paintings. At the command of the presenter, the first children take the Gzhel silhouette and carry it to their easel and arrange it. Then they go back, passing the baton to the next child. Whose team will move Gzhel faster and not make mistakes?

Leading: Well done, did a good job! And now a creative task. We will now imagine ourselves as masters and try to create our own Gzhel magic pattern. Do you want to become artists?

Game "Create a magic pattern on a platter"

Game progress: Children stand in 2 teams. On the easels in front of each team, there is an outline of the plate without a pattern. Children lay out a pattern from the finished elements of the Gzhel painting and fix it with a glue pencil. Which team will complete the task faster? Whose pattern did the guests like the most?

Leading: Spilled Gzhel, floats above the Earth,

Our miracle Gzhel - azure round dance!

We braided these blue flowers into patterns,

Come out, honest people, dance the Gzhel round dance!

"Lazuri Round Dance", music and lyrics by M. Kuzmicheva

after the performance, the children continue to stand in a circle

Leading: There is one more game, are we going to play now?

Children: Yes!

Game "Mother Gzhel"

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The leader is chosen - mother Gzhel, she stands in the center of the circle, in her hands a blue ribbon. With the beginning of the music, it goes inside the circle, the children go in a round dance in the other direction and sing:

Mother Gzhel walked across the field,

Lost the blue ribbon

Whoever finds the tape will gain talent!

With the end of the singing, the round dance stops, and mother Gzhel waves a blue ribbon in front of the stopped couple, as if breaking it. Then he throws the tape to the floor. Children run in different directions around the circle. Whoever comes running first becomes the leader, while others become in a common circle. The game is repeated again. (3 times)

after the game, they invite the children to sit down

Leading : Great Russia is ours

And our people are talented,

About artisans-craftsmen -

Rumor goes to the whole world!

We are proud of you Russia,

There are no such craftsmen anywhere!

And Khokhloma, and Gzhel, and Dymka -

The whole world envies you!

children go out and stand in a semicircle facing the guests

The song "There are many craftsmen in Russia"

words by M. Kuzmicheva

Leading: So our journey to the masters of Gzhel has ended!

Did you guys like it? Now invite your parents and

Show viewers your work that you did at home.

The music of Y. Chichkov "Forget-me-not Gzhel" sounds, children walk in front of the guests, showing their works

Leading: And in memory of our holiday, we will present you with handkerchiefs with Gzhel painting, so that you will remember the amazing masters of Gzhel for a long time.

Lyrical music sounds, educators distribute handkerchiefs to children.

This project was developed for children of the senior group (5-6 years old) MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 28" of Shatursky municipal district Moscow region. The project is aimed at acquainting preschoolers with the history of the origin and traditions of Gzhel painting, fostering interest in folk culture.

The project is a series of activities for the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of children in order to educate preschoolers in interest in folk arts and crafts, a sense of pride in their people, respect for their traditions and history, involves the involvement of parents in the spiritual and moral education of children.

Relevance of the Project.

V modern world when the rhythm of life is impetuous and fleeting, it is especially important to take time to develop such spiritual qualities as kindness, joy, creativity. To feel the spiritual life of your people, to express yourself creatively in it, you need to know and understand its culture, created by the centuries-old history of the country. Love for their homeland is formed in a child from early childhood, when he is susceptible to everything bright and new. Through acquaintance with folk arts and crafts, carrying national traditions, the preschooler comes into contact with the life of the people, with what the people lived in the past and lives in the present. Folk arts and crafts develops the imaginative thinking of the child, imagination, influences the creative process, forms the moral and patriotic feelings of the younger generation.

Project theme « Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel "is very relevant today and puts in front of us problematic issues:

How to acquaint preschoolers with the history and traditions of Gzhel painting?

How to teach children in an accessible form to carry out the elements of the painting and make patterns from them according to their own design?

How to raise the level of competence of parents in the field of folk applied arts and crafts?

How to involve parents in active activities to educate the spiritual, moral and aesthetic feelings of children?

Objective of the project:

To develop in children a cognitive interest in Russian folk arts and crafts; to form and develop the moral, spiritual and creative potential of the child; create conditions for the active use of the knowledge and experience of children in their creative activity.

Project Objectives:

To acquaint children with the history of the craft and the traditions of the Gzhel craftsmen.

To form children's ideas about the richness and diversity of the Gzhel craft, the features of the ornament, color, shape.

To form practical skills in drawing up Gzhel patterns according to your own design, using elements of Gzhel painting (droplet, leaf, flower, twig, curl, spiral, mesh, straight and wavy lines, dots).

Enrich children's impressions with works of contemporary writers, poets and composers on this topic.

To instill an aesthetic taste for the world around us through familiarization with objects of folk art, means of expressiveness of products of folk craftsmen.

To foster patriotism, respect for the work of folk craftsmen and a sense of pride in the greatness, talent and creative heritage of our people.

Involve parents in participating in the Project.

Project participants: children of the older group, educator, parents of pupils.

Project implementation period: February-May 2016

Stages of the Project:

I-th stage: preparatory (organizational and diagnostic).

II-th stage: basic (practical).

III-th stage: final (final).

Schedule of the project implementation



Duration of the

Expected result, product of activity

I - preparatory stage (organizational and diagnostic)

Analysis of the educational process on this topic


1.02.2016 -5.02.2016

The software-methodical, visual-methodological support on this topic has been analyzed; availability of fiction

Parents survey


8.02.2016 - 11.02.2016

Identified educational initiatives of the family in this area

Interviewing children


16.02.2016 -19.02.2016

Revealed the level of knowledge of the pupils on the topic of the Project

Creation of a creative group of educators and parents in order to draw up an action plan for the Project

Educator, parents

until 29.02.2016

An action plan has been drawn up

Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment on the topic of the Project in a group

Educator, parents, children

During the Project

The subject-spatial environment is equipped with visual and didactic materials on the topic of the Project

Creation computer presentations dedicated to the arts and crafts of Gzhel


During the Project

Created visual and didactic material in the form of presentations

Creation of visual and didactic aids for conducting OOD


During the Project

Visual and methodological manuals on the Project topic were completed

Creation of materials for correspondence counseling of parents


During the Project

Inclusion of parents in the educational process on the topic of the Project

II - practical stage

Conversation "The Blue Miracle of Gzhel"


The conversation was held in accordance with the plan, the children got an initial idea of ​​the Gzhel painting

Legends-fairy tales "Where is the blue color in Gzhel";

Poems about Gzhel;

N. Suryaninova "Blue Flowers of Gzhel"



Formation of spiritual and moral ideas among preschoolers


To the local history museum of the city;

- "photo-excursion to the blue-and-white fairy tale of Gzhel"

Educator, parents

Excursions were conducted in accordance with the plan, the children got ideas about the originality of the Gzhel painting, about the production of products

Examining albums with products of Gzhel masters

Parents, children

During the Project

Albums on the Gzhel painting are considered

Organized educational activities "Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel"


according to the plan of the VOR

OOD was held in the form of a lesson

Replenishment of the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution with exhibits of Gzhel painting

Parents, children

During the Project

The museum has been replenished with new samples of Gzhel masters


During the Project

III - final stage (final)

Exhibition of children's works "Fabulous Gzhel"

An exhibition of children's works "Fairy Gzhel" was organized.

Summarizing the experience of the Project

The experience of working on the Project is summarized

Publication of Project materials on a personal website

Criteria and indicators of project efficiency.

  1. The quality of educational activities:

Increasing the proportion of pupils involved in work on spiritual, moral and aesthetic education;

An increase in the proportion of pupils who have enriched knowledge about the history of the origin and traditions of Gzhel painting.

  1. Inclusion of parents in the educational process:

Increasing the share of families interested in the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of children;

Increase in the share of parents who are satisfied with the services provided.

Expected results of the project.

The knowledge of children about the folk arts and crafts of Gzhel has been expanded and systematized.

Practical skills and abilities have been formed in drawing up Gzhel patterns according to their own design, using elements of Gzhel painting.

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution for spiritual and moral education and aesthetic development of children.

Enrichment of preschool educational institutions research projects and multimedia products dedicated to the decorative and applied art of Gzhel.

Visual and didactic manuals on the decorative and applied art of Gzhel have been created.

An exhibition of children's works "Fairy Gzhel" was organized.

Program developed additional education"Russian Patterns" (arts and crafts).

Additional materials:

  1. Conversation "The Blue Miracle of Gzhel".
  2. Reading of the author's fairy tale by M. Bobrova "Gentle Blue Miracle".
  3. Reading legends-fairy tales "Where is the blue color in Gzhel".
  4. Reading poems about Gzhel.
  5. Synopsis of organized educational activities in the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" (decorative painting) in the senior group. Topic: "Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel."
  6. Consultation for parents "The influence of folk crafts on the aesthetic education of preschool children."
  7. Excursion to the local history museum of the city of Shatura.
  8. Visual demonstration material.
  9. Carrying out "Photo-excursion to the blue-and-white fairy tale of Gzhel".
  10. Listening to musical compositions on the Project's theme (song "Fabulous Gzhel" music by V. Temnov, poems by O. Levitsky; choreographic compositions by V. Kornev "Eternal Russia", "Nizhny Novgorod filigree", "Zhostov's motives", "Pavlovo-Posad patterns").

Conversation "The Blue Miracle of Gzhel".

In one village called Gzhel, which is located not far from Moscow, there are craftsmen who make amazing dishes with heavenly patterns. They make it from a special clay found in these places, which turns white when fired.

Where did the name of the village come from? In the name of this village, the word "burn" is heard. The villagers happily call themselves Gzhel and say that nowhere is there such a blue sky as they have above the roofs of houses, such wonderful colors and such a blue river. So they decided to preserve the blue of the sky forever and ever, so that in the rain and fog the dishes would shine with a heavenly color and remind of a gentle summer.

Why is Gzhel so fond of people? Because it was made with love and, first of all, for its extraordinary color. It is always white and blue, bright and just kind of ringing, as if a bell in the cold is ringing "ding-ding!" Ding-ding! " A bell is heard far away, a pattern on the dishes can be seen far away. Either the artist presses harder on the brush, then weaker, then he leads the pattern with all the pile, then with the very tip. It’s as if he’s not an artist who draws with only paint, but the conductor runs the whole orchestra. The conductor's wand helps to give birth to sounds, and the artist's brush helps to create colorful patterns.

Gzhel dishes are unusually good! The dishes from the masters come out snow-white, and the pattern on it is with a single blue paint. But this pattern is so amazing that you want to look at it again and again.

Gzhel dishes are unusually good! The fame of her scattered all over the earth, and not only in our country, but also in distant overseas lands. And in foggy England, and in sunny Italy, and in elegant France, and in mysterious Japan, many people drink tea from blue and white cups, and tea is poured from Gzhel teapots. And the masters have cups of various shapes, some in the shape of a horse, lion or fish - you don't even immediately understand that this is a cup or a figurine.

The patterns on the Gzhel dishes are also very different. But the most beloved is the tea rose, which is called "Gzhel". Roses are also not alike. Some are large and juicy, others are miniature and graceful, some are buds, and some are whole bouquets of roses. The most experienced craftsmen decorate the dishes with outlandish birds, fish, unheard-of animals, and sometimes they will depict scenes from people's lives: tea drinking, festivities, gatherings, round dances. In addition to roses, there are other flowers - chamomiles, bells, poppies, tulips, and next to them - birds, fish, trees and even whole cities.

They make in Gzhel not only dishes, but also other useful items - clocks, candlesticks, caskets. And they are painted with famous celestial patterns.

"Delicate blue miracle". The author's fairy tale by M. Bobrova.

This story happened on Christmas Eve. A poor woman lived in the same village with the amazing name Gzhel. Her husband died, and in order to feed her only daughter, the woman had to bake clay pots and sell them in the market. A little light, she is already on her feet: she will light the stove, she starts to work. Yes, and daughter Nastenka is such a clever girl, and she will sweep the floor, and knead the bread, and run down to the well for water. So together they lived, and together any work is argued. Winter has come, but it is so severe, with strong winds, blizzards, wild frosts, fierce frosts. And a great misfortune had to happen. Nastenka fell ill, she is lying down, she cannot get out of bed. What doctors did not look at the girl, but could not cure. Christmas was approaching. There was so much snow that the snowdrifts reached the very windows, the trees in the forest stood in white lace, the snowflakes whirled merrily, sparkling with multi-colored sparkles. It was evident from everything that nature was rejoicing at the upcoming holiday - the Nativity of Christ. Only in Nastenka's house there was no time for the holiday, every hour she was getting worse and worse. Mother did not know how to please her daughter, how to alleviate her suffering. “Nastenka, soon the holiday will come - fun, joy will bring. Maybe it will give you strength? " - says mother. “I have no time for a holiday, mother, no time for fun. But I have a cherished desire - I want to hold blue cornflowers and bells in my hands, admire their delicate beauty! " - Nastenka answers. “Where can I find cornflowers and bells for you in the middle of winter? Wait, spring will come, cornflowers and bells will appear! "

Nastenka did not answer, only she became even sadder. And this conversation of mother and daughter was heard by a young star, which had just lit up in the sky. She felt sorry for Nastenka. And she decided to help the sick girl, especially since, as you know, at Christmas, all sorts of miracles happen. The star decorated the window glass with such bizarre patterns that you cannot say in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen! What was not there! And cornflowers, and bells, and magic birds peck berries. The little star worked all night, but she did not have time to finish her work: the night came to an end. Then the asterisk turned to the clear sun for help: "Sweetheart, my time is over, I did not have time to fulfill Nastenka's desire to the end ... Help me, put on my fabulous magic patterns, you can do anything!" The sun agreed and illuminated the marvelous patterns with its magic rays, and they began to play merrily! Yes, and Santa Claus did not lag behind the Sun: he painted wonderful patterns in soft blue. As soon as mother saw such a miracle, her hands reached out to the paints ...

And delicate blue flowers bloomed on jugs, and saucers, and on cups ... And Nastenka rejoiced, looking at such a fabulous beauty, rejoiced indescribably, and rejoicing, gradually recovered. And soon she completely recovered. Since then, the villagers have been engaged in the manufacture and painting of dishes, because everyone wanted to create such beauty. And the dishes, painted with gentle blue paint, are affectionately called "Sky-blue Gzhel". The inhabitants of the village happily call themselves Gzhel and say that nowhere else is there such a blue sky as they have above the roofs of houses, such wonderful colors and such a blue river. So they decided to preserve the blue of the sky forever and ever, so that in the rain and fog the dishes would shine with a heavenly color and remind of a gentle summer.

Legends-fairy tales "Where is the blue color in Gzhel".

Once the girls living in the village of Gzhel went to rinse their clothes on the river. And in the river the sky is reflected. The river is blue - and the sky is blue in it. The girls showed such beauty to the masters. And they decided that such a blue sky could not be found anywhere in the world. It was then that the masters began to paint their products in all shades of blue, as if they were trying to leave a piece of the blue sky on the dishes. And the patterns for painting were taken from nature - blades of grass, blades of grass in the field, flowers in the meadow and in the garden.

In a distant land where summer always reigns, a merchant had a wife. In her garden there were many beautiful roses of different colors - white, red, and pink. Once a merchant gathered to buy goods in different countries. Gathering her husband on the road, his wife gave him a rose and asked him to take care of it: "She will never wither, because I love you very much!" - she said. And the merchant left. He traveled for a long time and stopped in Russia. And we have a cold winter. The rose did not wilted from the frost, but simply turned blue. When the Gzhel masters saw this unusual rose, they were very surprised and wanted to draw it on their dishes. When the merchant returned home, he presented his wife with beautiful painted dishes with a blue rose.

Poems about Gzhel.

Blue and white dishes,

Tell me, where are you from?

It can be seen from afar came

And blossomed with flowers

Blue, blue

Delicate, beautiful ...

So that you can't take your eyes off,

Oh, what a grace.

S. Vakhrushev.

Here the girls draw

White pictures,

Blue pattern on them,

Like a spider web.

These blue flowers

We braided into patterns.

Blue paints carousel

Everywhere they call Gzhel!

P. Sinyavsky.

Next to the aspen in blue kerchiefs

Blue clusters on blue mountain ash

Blue dawns and blue birds -

Nothing beats this beauty

Colors are whirling in sonorous waves,

To make the pansies shine.

The pattern is flowing under the hand of the craftswoman,

So that he could not be repeated anywhere!

P. Sinyavsky.

The master took a brush in his hands

And dipped into the blue of heaven.

I took whiteness instead of canvas

The vastness of our Russians

And patterns poured, monograms,

Suddenly blue drops rang

With the same sonorous title - Gzhel!

How many fabulous places Russia has,

Russia has countless cities,

Maybe somewhere it is more beautiful

But it will not be dearer than it is!

Our Russia is great

And our people are talented,

About artisans-craftsmen -

Rumor goes to the whole world!

* * *Gzhel.

From time immemorial to the present day,
Through the efforts of skillful masters,
Russia adorns the miracle Gzhel
Patterned in blue in white dresses.
Spring will decorate the morning
Delicate bouquets of wonderful gzhel,
And with a light breeze, as if
It will blow on us in the hot summer.
Sometimes autumn in bright colors
Nature's sweet creation,
Gzhel comes to us as a snowy tale,
Winters anticipating coming.
Well, in winter, cold, blizzard,
The fireplace will warm us with fire,
In which, the hot flame is friends

* * * Gzhel.

An unpretentious pattern of shades of paint
White clay, porcelain - attributes of a fairy tale!
Like a child's hand on pieces of clay
I drew blue pictures in three strokes.
Having painted the round sides of the cups in rings,
In petals and clouds - tiles for the stove,
Blue lace, cobalt frost
As if a blizzard had covered curlicues of lines.
I made blue figures for the game,
For the fun of kids hares and whistles.
Hidden in the lightness of the brushstroke is the mystery of the miracle - clay.
An old craft has been living in Russia for centuries.
Generations of masters of blue and white Gzhel -
Magicians of two colors, our Botticelli!

Far to summer, a blizzard outside the window,

But this does not frighten the inhabitants of the village of Gzhel.

Love them open spaces, covered in snow,

Yes, the vastness of the cornflower-colored sky.

Craftsmen make dishes:

Cups and plates are a real miracle!

On porcelain white, as among the snow

Blue clouds of flowers blossomed.

As if white frost covered them,

I hurried to hide from the fierce frosts.

The blue rose bloomed in winter!

I'll bring the rose home with the cup.

On a hot summer afternoon I will take a cup -

I will definitely get into the winter right away!

Feel the coolness of the snowy plains

May I see the enchanting blue of the sky

And I will hear the blizzard sing again

What a miracle Gzhel will give me!

It's hard to believe: really,

Just two colors? Wonders!

This is how the artists from Gzhel

Heaven is being put on the snow!

What roses and peonies

The masters write on the cups.

And blue and white buds

Beautiful today as yesterday!

L. Kulikova.

Miracle with blue flowers

With blue petals

With blue flowers

Delicate twists.

On white china

Like on a snowy field

From under the white snow

Blue flowers grow.

Really, really,

Have you heard about Gzhel?

Blue birds across the white sky

A sea of ​​blue flowers

Jugs and mugs -

Fiction or fiction?

Gold hand goods.

Blue tale -

Feast for the eyes,

Like drops in spring!

Caress, care, warmth and patience -

Russian, ringing Gzhel!

Grandmother and grandfather were sitting at the table,

They drank tea from Gzhel often, for many years.

Teapot, cups, mugs kept us warm

Lovely animals were pleasing to the eye.

But the grandson came with a girlfriend to his home.

Cuckoo walkers, fringed tablecloth ...

Maybe they are running wild somewhere in the distance,

Only in Gzhel he poured tea for her.

No matter how many millions of days fly,

We are without our Gzhel, as if without roots.

Whites and blues are delicate flowers,

This is all Russia - mom, dad, you!

The village in the suburbs has become famous now,

Its name is known to all the people - Gzhel!

The inhabitants of the heavenly blue are proud in Gzhel,

You will not find such beauty in the world.

Heavenly blue that is so sweet to the heart,

The master's brush easily transferred to the bowl.

Every artist has his favorite pattern,

And each dear side is reflected:

Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring

And the skill is magical, admirable!

Residents of Gzhel are proud

Heavenly blue.

You will not meet in the world

Such beauty!

Heavenly blue

That the heart is so sweet

Master brush on a cup

Easily transferred.

In a quiet suburbs

The river Gzhelochka runs.

Along this river

The village is standing.

Willow thickets grow along the river

Craftsmen live in that village.

They make painted dishes,

They make a miracle in blue and white.

P. Sinyavsky.

There is such a place in the Moscow region:

White grove, blue river.

In this quiet Russian nature

The echo of magical melodies is heard.

And the spring water brightens,

And the breath of the wind is more audible.

Cornflower blue Gzhel blooms,

Forget-me-not Gzhel!

What could be more beautiful than Gzhel?

Her porcelain

And teapots, and samovars, mugs,

And dishes, funniest toys?

Stucco whitewash painted

Pots, lovely cups?

With our own hands

We cooked them ourselves!

N. Kutuzova.

Who came up with this word,

Is this word no wonder?

Gzhel used to be called Zhgel,

Was colorful, but now -

This miracle is blue

Spread out on a platter.

One stroke, two strokes

Curl and dots ...

Blossom on white clay

Blue flowers.

V. Gorichev.

In our workshop, cleanliness, comfort, peace.

They burn in the stove, they will become famous throughout the world

Gzhel crafts: cats, mice, squirrels ...

Under the brush of the magic craftswomen

Flocks of colorful birds come to life.

Magic flowers are waving their petals.

Gzhel paintings of wonderful beauty!

N. Kutuzova.

Oh yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both that and that are good,

All are smart and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

Here is a rose, and chamomile, dandelion, cornflowers,

They did this miracle not far away,

They painted those dishes in Russia, in the town of Gzhel.

The edge of a porcelain miracle, and all around it are forests.

Blue-eyed dishes, like heaven in spring.

Vases, teapots and saucers still shine on the table!

There is tastier and more fun from the painted dishes!

Blue-blue roses, leaves, birds.

Seeing you for the first time, everyone will be surprised!

Miracle on porcelain - blue font.

This is simply called painting ... Gzhel.


organized educational activities

in the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" (decorative painting) using ICT

in the older group.

Topic: "Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel."

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.

Technologies: information and communication technology, health-saving technology.

Target: to form children's interest in the decorative and applied art of Gzhel.



To acquaint children with the history and art of the Gzhel masters.

To form practical skills in drawing up patterns based on the Gzhel painting.

Practice drawing borders and floral patterns using thin lines and the droplet element. Improve the skills of working with paints (collect the required amount of paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush before dialing a different color), fix the painting technique with the end of the brush and with the entire nap. Exercise in mixing colors on the palette to get the desired shade.


To develop aesthetic taste and imagination, creative independence.


To foster patriotic feelings and interest in the art of folk artists.

Funds: multimedia projector, Personal Computer, presentation "Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel", screen, musical composition by V. Kornev, tables with elements of Gzhel painting, samples of decorated products, white paper silhouettes of Gzhel products (teapot, cup, plate), gouache, brushes (squirrel No. 2,3,5), jars of water, trays, napkins, easels.

Form of organization: group.

Literature: T. S. Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the senior group kindergarten". - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2009.

OOD move.

The first slide of the presentation "Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel" is on the screen.

Educator:- Hello guys. (Greetings are exchanged. Children sit on chairs in front of the screen).

Today I want to devote our lesson to one of the wonders of decorative and applied art - Gzhel painting. And where it came from and how it appeared, I'll tell you now.

(slide 2) A long time ago, in a certain kingdom, in our state, among the forests and fields, there was a village of Gzhel. She was famous not for pies and carpets, but for the handicrafts of local craftsmen. For a long time they made dishes from white clay. And it is not for nothing that the name of the village was associated with the word "burn", because clay products were fired in a furnace. Once local craftsmen gathered and began to think how they could better show their skills, please all people and glorify their land. They thought, thought and came up with. We decided to sculpt utensils such that the world had never seen.

(slide 3) Each master began to show his skill. One made a teapot: the nose in the form of a cockerel's head. Another saw a bull on the street, and fashioned it. The third master made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fabulous fish.

(slide 4) They go home and look, and around them a fabulous beauty spreads: a high blue sky with white clouds, a blue forest can be seen in the distance, a blue smooth surface of rivers and lakes, and above them a white fog spreads.

(slide 5) So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain.

The master took a brush in his hands

And dipped into the blue of heaven,

I took whiteness instead of canvas

The expanses of winter, Russian ...

And patterns poured, monograms,

Birds fluttered, gardens bloomed ...

Suddenly blue drops rang

The miracle of the Russian winter appeared to us,

With the same sonorous title - Gzhel.

People fell in love with the elegant dishes, and began to call it affectionately "Delicate blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel." The Gzhel craftsmen glorified their beloved land all over the world, told everyone what skillful craftsmen live in Russia.

To this day, the ancient town of Gzhel is still alive. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous craftsmen work in it, continue the glorious tradition, mold and paint amazing Gzhel dishes.

(slide 6) Gzhel masters are great dreamers. The cups are some slender and tall, others look like a small barrel, and others are curly, intricate. And everyone's handles are different.

(slide 7) At the sight of the Gzhel teapots, even the eyes run up. They are very good!

(slide 8) On Gzhel plates, wildflowers bloom in all their splendor: daisies, bells, cornflowers and, of course, a rose. You look at the flowers and it seems that they emit a blue magic light.

(slide 9) A porcelain butter dish "Fish-whale" ... on the back of a whale a fabulous city with turrets and churches is sculpted.

(slide 10) Gzhel toys are made in an amusing and intricate way: a little funny, but all the same beautiful.

(slide 11) They also make watches in Gzhel. Their shape is not simple, bizarre. From bottom to top they are painted with flowers, and at the very top is a cockerel. So it seems, now crows: "It's time to sleep!" Such beauty is created by the craftsmen of Gzhel!

(slide 12) Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, watches,

Animals and birds of unprecedented beauty.

The village in the suburbs is now famous.

Its name is known to all the people - Gzhel.

Now let's get some rest.

Physical education "Dishes":

Here is a large glass teapot , ("Inflate" the belly, one hand on the belt)

Very important as a boss. (the other is curved like a nose)

Here are the china cups (squat, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the china saucers (spin around you, drawing with your hands

Just knock - they will break. circle)

Here are the silver spoons (reach out, close your hands over your head)

Here is a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes. (make a big circle).

Educator: - And now I want to invite you to a fairy tale and feel like real Gzhel masters. On the tables are paper silhouettes of Gzhel items, but only they are white, not painted. Help to paint them ?

Children:- Yes, we will help! (pass and sit at the tables).

Educator: - Let's take a look at the main elements of the Gzhel painting. These are the curbs (shows table with the image of the borders). They are used to decorate the edges of products (shows borders on products)... They can be simple or complex. Draw them with thin lines and arcs, decorate with dots and droplets. Now remind me how you can draw thin lines?

Children:- Thin lines should be drawn with the end of the brush.

Educator: - One of the main elements is a "droplet" (shows a table depicting flowers and leaves made of droplets), so simple, but how many different flowers and leaves you can draw with it (shows flowers and leaves on products). How can you draw a "drop"?

Children: - The droplet is drawn by wetting the brush pile to paper.

Educator:- Well, since you know everything so well, you can start decorating our dishes. Choose for yourself the product that you like best, think about where the border will be located, and where is the largest and most beautiful flower. And to make your work go well, but to argue, I will turn on the music for you. After all, music inspires and disposes to creativity.

(In the process of independent activity, the teacher provides children creative freedom providing personalized assistance. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition is arranged. The guys hang their work on easels and, together with the teacher, admire the beauty of the Gzhel painting).

Educator:- Guys, today I introduced you to the art of the Gzhel masters. Tell me, what material are the dishes made of? (It is molded from white clay). What are the dishes fired in? (The dishes are fired in the oven). What color do the Gzhel masters paint the dishes? (Blue-blue on a white background).

Educator:- Now let's look at your work, what can you say about them? (Together with the children, they analyze children's work).

Educator:- Oh yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both that and that are good,

Everything is smart and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

Here are roses, daisies, dandelions, cornflowers,

With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off.

This miracle did not work from Gzhel masters,

She painted those utensils from the kindergarten of the kids.

Consultation for parents

"The influence of folk crafts on the aesthetic education of preschool children."

Get a beginning in childhood

aesthetic education means

to get a feeling for life

beautiful, the ability to understand and

appreciate works of art,

join the artistic


ON. Vetlugin.

Aesthetic education in kindergarten is a daily work in all types of child's activities. None of the most progressive techniques can make a person who can see and feel beauty.

Solving the issues of aesthetic education in the classroom for visual activity will not lead to the desired results. Therefore, it is necessary to try to teach children to see the beauty in nature, hear music, feel in poetry and, as a result, convey what they see through the image.

For a long time, preschool pedagogy has recognized the enormous educational value of folk art. Through the close and familiar creativity of their fellow countrymen, it is easier for children to understand the creativity of other peoples, to receive an initial aesthetic education.

To start working on familiarizing preschool children with folk art, you can turn to folk craft. Decorative and applied art by its origin is folk art. And who, if not children, is close and understandable to many works of folk masters of decorative painting, whether it be Dymkovo clay toys, Khokhloma chairs and spoons, Zagorsk nesting dolls, etc. helps a lot in shaping the artistic taste of children and guiding their artistic activities.

Before starting work, you need to study the materials related to the history of a particular painting, to clarify the methods and techniques used to familiarize preschool children with this craft.

You can do the practical material yourself. These are flat and three-dimensional products, and the most important thing is to draw the main elements of the painting in the order of their complexity.

Children need to be told that even the most complex pattern consists of the simplest elements: a circle, an arc, dots, peas, a straight and wavy line, a leaf, a flower, a curl, etc. First, you should show how to draw a simple pattern, and then invite the children to do it themselves. Gradually, children must learn the elements of the painting.

Introducing children to the products, you need to present each thing brightly, emotionally, using various comparisons and epithets. All this will arouse interest in folk art among preschoolers, a feeling of joy from meeting beauty.

Folk art, cheerful in color, lively and dynamic in design, realistic in images, captivates and charms children, responds to their aesthetic feelings. Comprehending this art, children in an accessible form assimilate the customs and customs of their people.

Familiarization with folk arts and crafts has a great impact on preschoolers: it contributes to the formation of a deep interest in different types art, develops children's creativity and forms an aesthetic taste, fosters love for their native land.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at your fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, there are thin streams that feed the sources of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child's hand, the more subtle the interaction with the instrument of labor, the more complex the movements are necessary for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of hands with nature, with social labor, into the spiritual life of the child. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child. "

Excursion to the local history museum of the city of Shatura.

Exhibition of children's drawings "Fairy Gzhel".

Visual demonstration material.

Used Books:

  1. Averyanova A.P. Visual activity in kindergarten. Practical guide for teachers preschool institutions... - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2006. - 74 p .;
  2. Bobrova M. A. Heavenly azure: M. A. Bobrova // author's tale / Preschool education. - SPb .: 2006, No. 2. - 20 p .;
  3. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A.From birth to school: An approximate general educational program preschool education/ N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasil'eva. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2014 .-- 368 p .;
  4. Vohrintseva S.N. Gzhel: informative and educational coloring book for preschool children / S. N. Vokhrintseva / - E .: Publishing house of the Country of Fantasy, 2005. - 8 p .;
  5. Gzhel. Ceramics of the 18-19th centuries. Ceramics of the 20th century. - M .: PLANET, 1982 .-- 178 p .;
  6. Lykova I. A. Heavenly gzhel: an album for children's artistic creativity of children 3-7 years old: a visual-methodical guide for teachers and parents / I. A. Lykova.- M .: Publishing house Karapuz, 2008. - 10 p .;
  7. Nina Stepanovna Suryaninova. Blue Gzhel flowers. - M .: Malysh, 1986 .-- 14 p. color ill .;
  8. TS Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the senior group of kindergarten." - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2009;
  9. Chizhkova, T.N. Dorofeeva, A.N., Gzhel: a visual-didactic guide for children 3-7 years old / T.N. Chizhkova, A.N. Dorofeeva. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2003 .-- 10 p .;
  10. Yu. G. Dorozhin. Fabulous Gzhel. Workbook on the basics of folk art. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2009, 18 p.

Theme: Fabulous Gzhel Sine - blue roses, leaves, birds. Seeing you for the first time, Everyone will be surprised. Miracle on porcelain - Blue font. This is called Just painting ... GZHEL Blue - blue roses, leaves, birds. Seeing you for the first time, Everyone will be surprised. Miracle on porcelain - Blue font. It's called Just painting ... GZHEL

Project objectives: To acquaint with painting Gzhel, its characteristic features, elements of painting, its application in the modern world. Objectives: 1. To teach the ability to highlight and analyze the characteristic means of artistic expression in the work of folk artists. 2. To teach to paint household items in the traditions of Gzhel masters. 3. To foster feelings of pride and respect for the work of folk artists.

Methods of project implementation Information support Search method Graphical communication method Verbal Interdisciplinary communications: MHC, literature, history Informational support Search method Graphical communication method Verbal Intersubject communications: MHC, literature, history

Research stage In the project, on the basis of research, searching for literature and information on the Internet, viewing illustrations, students form an idea of ​​the Khokhloma folk craft. In the course of independent work, the children get acquainted with the illustrative material on the research topic. In the project, on the basis of research, searching for literature and information on the Internet, viewing illustrations, students form an idea of ​​the Khokhloma folk craft. In the course of independent work, the children get acquainted with the illustrative material on the research topic.

Diving into the problem 1. What have we learned about the history of the fishery? Why is the painting of some household items called "gzhel"? 2. What is the difference between the methods of writing with a brush of herbal Khokhloma ornament from the Gzhel painting? 3. What is the role of arts and crafts in human life?

Research stage Legend of Gzhel: In the very center of Russia, in the picturesque Moscow region (Ramensky district), porcelain is produced with elegant blue painting and multicolored majolica. Gzhel is the cradle and the main center of Russian ceramics. Here she was born, and here her highest achievements were manifested, as a visual example of the heritage of folk art. From the second half of the 18th century, she became famous for the release of majolica dishes. These were items made of colored clay with bright multicolored painting on white enamel. At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, there was a gradual transition from the multicolored painting, characteristic of majolica, to one-color, underglaze. The legend of Gzhel: In the very center of Russia, in the picturesque Moscow region (Ramensky district), porcelain is produced with elegant blue painting and multicolored majolica. Gzhel is the cradle and the main center of Russian ceramics. Here she was born, and here her highest achievements were manifested, as a visual example of the heritage of folk art. From the second half of the 18th century, she became famous for the release of majolica dishes. These were items made of colored clay with bright multicolored painting on white enamel. At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, there was a gradual transition from the multicolored painting, characteristic of majolica, to one-color, underglaze.

From history In the history of the development of the Gzhel craft there were also periods of deep crisis, this is the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Then it seemed that Gzhel art had perished forever. And only in the post-war years, through the efforts of enthusiasts, the revival of the creative traditions of the craft continued, and by the beginning of the 80s of the twentieth century, Gzhel porcelain was gaining recognition in our country and abroad. Currently, products from Gzhel ceramics are produced at six modern production in the Gzhel Association, which employs 1,500 highly qualified personnel. Four workshops of the association produce porcelain, two majolica. Now we can say that the decorative and applied art of Gzhel has passed the test of time, remains in demand and fulfills artistic requirements today... In the history of the development of the Gzhel craft there were also periods of deep crisis, this is the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Then it seemed that Gzhel art had perished forever. And only in the post-war years, through the efforts of enthusiasts, the revival of the creative traditions of the craft continued, and by the beginning of the 80s of the twentieth century, Gzhel porcelain was gaining recognition in our country and abroad. Currently, products from Gzhel ceramics are produced at six modern production facilities in the Gzhel Association, which employs 1,500 highly qualified personnel. Four workshops of the association produce porcelain, two majolica. Now we can say that the decorative and applied art of Gzhel has passed the test of time, remains in demand and fulfills the artistic requirements of today.

Literature art. Decorative and applied art in human life. Grade 5: textbook for educational institutions / L.A. Nemenskaya; edited by B.M. Nemensky. - M .: Education, - 175 p .: ill. Internet resources

Research project "Gzhel. Tea-set"

4th grade student

MBOU "Semetskaya Secondary School"

Tishkina Yulia

Head: Elena Anatolyevna Eliseenko.

  • My dad often makes various products from wood: dishes, toys, animals, birds. And then he paints them with paints and it turns out very beautifully. I love watching him work. I am especially attracted by the painting of finished products.

My dad Tishkin Vladimir Ilyich demonstrates his work.

This is me and my dad with his amazing woodwork.

One of her favorite works is the Swan Princess.

The Swan Princess

Wooden toys: bun, parrot and sun.

Gingerbread man, parrot and sun.

Funny parrot.

Parrot Kesha

Swan with a swan and a duck (made of wood).

A pair of white swans and a duck.



The duck is painted in the style of Khokhloma painting.

  • Once the thought came to my mind: how does dad do it? Why does he choose such paints for painting?
  • As a result, the topic of my research arose: "Folk paintings". But I still did not know which painting was more interesting to me.
  • But after observing, I realized that I was more attracted by the painting of dishes in white and blue tones, that is, Gzhel.

  • How were Gzhel dishes painted?
  • What material was it made of?
  • In which region of Russia did this trade develop?
  • What colors did the Masters use when painting dishes?
  • Was it only the Gzhel craftsmen who painted the dishes?

  • Describe the art of Gzhel
  • Prove that I can also make dishes and paint them in white and blue Gzhel

Object of study: folk art - Gzhel.

  • The subject of research is dishes.

Research methods:

  • observation, collection of information from books, magazines and other sources, practical work, generalization.

My suggestion

  • I think this craft is very old. Great masters who achieved high results in their field were engaged in it.
  • This craft is still developing today, as in stores you can buy the same items that are kept in museums.
  • I think I can also make dishes and paint them like the Gzhel craftsmen.

  • Gzhel is the name of the picturesque Moscow region, 60 km from Moscow.
  • Gzhel is famous for the mass production of ceramic dishes, toys and figurines.
  • The word "gzhel" is incredibly popular today. This is the beauty of harmony, fairy tale and reality.
  • Porcelain with an elegant blue painting is now known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.
  • Gzhel products attract everyone who loves beauty.

Elements of painting

Traditional painting is hand-made floral and geometric designs applied with quick, luscious brush strokes. Hand-painting allows you to create many variations of the same decorative motif.

My product "Tea set"

  • I decided to make a papier-mâché tea set and paint it in white and blue, like Gzhel.


The hostess is waiting for guests!

Enjoy your tea!

I invite everyone to tea!

We are waiting for your visit!

And here the guests have come. Enjoy your tea!

Oh, how delicious!

Research result

My hypothesis was completely confirmed.

I got a great tea set.

Her grass is silk

Her spring flowers -

And the skill is magical


From this cup of roses.

Have some wonderful tea.

Guests for a joyful holiday

Meet me more cordially.


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