Decoration of the counter for the new year. New Year's shop windows: how to attract buyers with decor? We zoning and decorating

26.11.2014 16689

The turnover of an average retail store in December is about 200% of the sales volume of the previous month. In January, the activity of buyers decreases slightly, but, nevertheless, retailers collect 30% more revenue than in the autumn months. This year, the numbers are likely to be less impressive and the market for New Year's deals is even more competitive. How not to go unnoticed in the festive tinsel? Visual merchandising experts know how to attract customers to your store.

Once upon a time in Moscow there was an unspoken rule for window dressing - a Christmas tree in every window! They say that such an order came from the ex-mayor of the capital. In Europe, hardly anyone gave such instructions, however, general trends were visible there: all stores mercilessly replicated the images of Santa. Today, festive display cases are not just Christmas trees, lanterns and plastic grandfathers with wadded beards. These are whole stories, “deliciously” told through designer finds. Non-trivial solutions turn an ordinary showcase into a real "looking glass", into which every passer-by dreams of getting.

V English language there is even an expression "go window-shopping", which means walking specifically for the purpose of exploring the windows. But this phrase also has a deeper marketing meaning: it reflects how the storefront affects the decision of the buyer to buy something in this store. According to the American visual merchandising specialist Linda Kahan: “Showcases require a lot of effort from store owners, but they should always remember from three things:

  • Showcases work much better than direct advertising;
  • A successful showcase is not always the most expensive;
  • In the window, something different from what is sold in the store may be displayed! "

It is the desire to attract as many customers as possible to their counters that makes retailers resort to unthinkable ideas. And the main "weapon" for the conquest of the public, of course, becomes showcases. They are the first to remind consumers of the approaching Christmas and New Year. They create mood and manage consumer behavior by involving shoppers in the general holiday atmosphere and provoking impulsive purchases. The famous Parisian store Printemps, which became famous all over the world for its stunning compositions, has become a classic of the New Year's showcase genre. And this is not surprising. “The New Year holidays are a very important period for us, since the beginning of the 20th century we have been attracting the maximum number of customers at this time and earning 20-25% of the annual revenue, so our windows are truly fantastic,” says general manager Shop Printemps Pierre Pellarey.

On your marks!

When should the New Year's paraphernalia appear in the shop windows? In our country, the festive decoration begins no later than the first half of November. Typically street retailers get prescriptions municipal authorities decorate your facades no later than the 15th. But in some shopping centers, registration is delayed until December 1. The change of scenery takes place no later than January 15th.

But the registration is preceded by a long preparation. British visual merchandising expert Kate Winsley says that leading market players start developing and discussing ideas 14 months before editing! Of course, such deadlines in our country can be observed, except that large shopping centers... Small retail stores start preparing for the holidays not earlier than September. Annual change of exposure - additional article expenses. And many retailers buy decorative items and materials, counting on reusability. But changes in design concept, even with old inventory, cannot be avoided.

Especially in street retail: you cannot count on the help of a developer, it is much more difficult for you to attract the attention of buyers and stand out from the crowd of competitors. If your neighbors are not in a rush with New Year's window dressing, according to merchandising experts, you should not be equal to them, otherwise you will miss out on opportunities to increase sales during the hot season.

Analyze it!

Regardless of the season, it is worth taking into account the fact that commodity-emotional showcases are suitable for shoe stores, that is, the whole composition is built around a priority seasonal product. So your design plans should start with a thorough analysis of your sales. First, it is necessary to study the experience of sales of previous seasons: which models were the best at this time? On which of them was the maximum margin, and which gave a small profit? It is also important to take into account the trends of the season. Compare all the data with which of these models were displayed in shop windows in the past seasons and how it "worked" to increase conversion in the store. If you thoroughly study all the indicators, you will get an accurate understanding of the behavioral characteristics of your target audience - what they want to buy and in what quantity.

Trends and popular stories

The window dressing, just like fashion, has its own tendencies and seasonal trends. For example, the agency WGSN has been forecasting trends in both fashion and merchandising for the past 16 years. The company examines hundreds of storefronts around the world every year to map out major décor trends, uncover storylines, and set direction for the next holiday season. So, in 2013, merchandisers worked within five main themes. Other agencies are working in the same direction. In 2013, merchandisers worked around five main themes.

"Bright 80s". A return to 80s fashion found its way into showcase concepts as well. There were a lot of rich colors and bright decorative elements, neon lights and animal prints.

Disney Fairy Tales. Theatrical, fantasy showcases that refer us to the plots of old fairy tales are a trend in which leading retailers such as Harrods and Printemps have been working for several years.

Glamor and Grace Kelly. The release of The Great Gatsby sparked a new wave of interest in the aesthetics of the 1920s. Following the trend, many retailers presented refined and laconic festive showcases, not overloaded with details and unnecessary decor.

"Graphics". Along with the development of new technologies, there is a shift in design priorities towards simplicity and naturalness. Available materials - paper and cardboard - become the main elements of the decor: both simple flat paintings and voluminous futuristic compositions are created from them.

"Jungle". This is a real exotic with its characteristic deliberate congestion: an abundance of gold and shades of green with bright splashes of red and blue elements. There are many floristic elements - huge paper flowers and floral and floral ornaments. A complex trend, which is not easy to work in without proper experience.

Of course, such trends are not a guide to action, but only material for thought. It is quite difficult to compete with the monsters with millions of merchandising budgets. Moreover, in small companies in the context of the ongoing crisis, marketing budgets are cut in the first place. But most important rule that must be taken into account when developing a concept - a "call to action". Your festive showcase should not only be beautiful, its main task is to lure the consumer to the store. In addition, it should be designed taking into account the target audience of the store. “How often can you find New Year's windows that do not attract, but, on the contrary, repel a potential buyer. Merry dancing Santa Clauses or some kind of disco tinsel decorates a store that sells goods designed for a wealthy adult audience! This is unacceptable, ”comments Marina Polkovnikova.

7 rules for an effective showcase

Colour. Helps to convey the mood and emotions of the holiday. In the design of New Year's windows, as a rule, they resort to traditional colors that are strongly associated with this time of year - snow-white, coniferous green, shimmering gold.

Balance. It is very important to achieve a balance in the arrangement of goods and design elements, in this case the components of the composition are equal in terms of optical perception. There are two main types of composition: asymmetric (informal) and symmetrical (formal) balance.

Focus. A showcase should have a focal point at which the gaze instinctively stops when looking at the showcase from the street. In large showcases, sometimes one focal point is not enough and then you have to create several. However, their number should not exceed 3-4.

American visual merchandising specialist Linda Kahen: “It's best when the focal point is just below the eye level and slightly off-center. The gaze can then be directed across the entire display to other products. You should always look at a shop window from the street to determine where the main focus should be. The flow of passers-by also affects the way people look at the storefront. If the majority of pedestrians approach the shop window from the left, then the composition should also face to the left. When decorating trade showcases, it is unreasonable to place the main products at the side walls, leaving a lot of empty space in the showcase ... ”.

Lighting. Typically, lighting focuses the customer's attention on the focal point of the composition. The norm of showcase lighting on ordinary days is about 1,500 lux, but during the festive period this threshold can be exceeded by equipping the showcase with metal halide projectors and garlands.

Layout. There is an unshakable rule here - "Better less is more." Do not seek to display the entire best product... A pile of objects is much worse than graceful simplicity. There are several classic layout options:

- in the form of a pyramid (triangle): the idea is that racks and products form a pyramid together. This is a proven way of arranging products in such a way that the gaze first focuses on one main point and then moves to other surrounding focal points. The pyramid also fixes the eye on the highlighted main product.

- repetitive layout: this is a way of placing goods at checkout trade showcase when items are grouped by similar "blocks". “It makes the display case easier to see,” comments Linda Kahen. - However, in this case, the buyer can easily lose the focal point inside the shop window. The B-pillar will not be a focal point if it doesn't stand out enough to grab attention. For example, one of the mannequins can be made brighter and more eye-catching to attract the eye of the buyer in the window. " To create a powerful composition, the American specialist recommends using many of the same products.

Distance. When decorating shop windows, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the pedestrian. “If there is some distance between the pedestrian and the showcase, for example, a greening strip more than 2 m wide, then it is necessary to artistically fill the entire showcase space,” advises Armen Kanayan, head of the design and design department at Union-Standard Consulting. - If passers-by are close to the shop window, then you need Special attention pay the middle of the bottom - psychologists say that this area is given about 10 times more attention than the rest ... ”As you can see, effective and efficient showcases are created by experienced professionals who take into account all the design rules that have been created over the years.

The size of the objects. Here you need to consider the location of the store. If it is located on a busy street, then it is important for you to draw attention to the store not only for pedestrians, but also for drivers. In this case, it is important to place a large item in the display case. A look from afar distinguishes, first of all, large inscriptions and objects.

After completing the decoration, do not forget to take a photo of the shop window. In the next season, these photographic materials will form the basis of the analysis of sales during the holiday period and will help to analyze and work out the mistakes made so as not to make them again and again.

We zoning and decorating

Linda Murray and Phil Hill, owners of InternationalVisual merchandising company, are confident that there are a few simple window dressing techniques in fashion retail that can be applied to any store.

Divide the showcase into 3 zones - background (back), mid ground (central part) and foreground (outer surface, that is, glass).

Backdrop- this is directly the wall of the showcase. If the showcase and the store space are not separated by a solid wall, it can be created using lightweight portable panels or directly using New Year's decor - hanging elements. To create a New Year's showcase, the backdrop is very important, as it is the background for your composition. You can repaint a standard wall or paste over with a film with a selected pattern.

central part Is the most important space to use to promote your products. This is where you place mannequins or mobile structures on which the product will be presented.

Showcase foreground Is the glass itself, which can be used to create depth and perspective for the entire display case. For this, various stickers are used. It is very important that such decor supports the entire composition as a whole and only enhances the impact of the artistic image on buyers.

For your idea to succeed, remember following rules showcase creation:

  1. Start with blank slate... Before you start creating new showcase, you should completely cleanse it from the previous design elements!
  2. Determine the focus of the showcase, think about where and what item will be placed.
  3. Start adding decorative elements. Continue to "play" with them - until you are sure that they are in their places. After the completion of the entire project, it will be much more difficult to correct something (it's like with a cake - before you cool it, you need to bake it well).
  4. Keep it simple, don't try to tell too many stories in one showcase.
  5. Choose products for your showcase presentation that work together in terms of style, color, and complement each other in your wardrobe.
  6. Build compositions, "inscribing" them in a regular or right-angled triangle, or use the principle of repeating the same compositions.
  7. Showcase the products that best represent your store. Strive to show your best product.
  8. Make sure that the clothes in the window are flawlessly ironed and that the shoes are polished to a shine.
  9. Remember the rule: “Less is better! In the case of window dressing, it always works.

You should also pay attention to the following points:

  1. Make sure that the lighting is fine-tuned: the main beam of light is directed towards the center of the composition and helps to present your product in a winning way.
  2. Price tags and pos-materials are neat and do not stand out from the overall composition.
  3. Check that the accessories (fasteners, etc.) are not visible.
  4. Floor and any reflective surfaces are clean and polished.
  5. Check the display every day to make sure nothing has fallen and all decorative items are in good condition.

Bloomingdale’s showcases last year had huge gift bags with different designs. When a person came close to the shop window, the packages slowly opened and the drawing that was outside "came to life": Santa Claus began to dance with a deer, children were dancing, etc. Bloomingdale's showcase was also truly interactive. If you come very close to it and look at a special sensor, then you were photographed by a special camera and your photo was posted on the department store's corporate Facebook page.

Ideas for inspiration

This month, within the framework of the International Exhibition of Decorative and Technical Lighting, Electrical Engineering and Building Automation Interlight Moscow powered by Light + Building, for the first time, there will be a competition “Street of New Year's showcases for the best design project of window dressing in New Year's style. It is already known that out of 18 works submitted for the competition, 8 finalists have been selected. The designers presented sketches for the design of not only fashion stores, but also grocery retail. Which project the competent jury recognizes as the best - we will find out very soon (look for the report on the pages of our publication), but for now let us be inspired best ideas past new year seasons.

Unusual Christmas trees. Of course, the tree is the most readable New Year's attribute. Direct association with New Year's holidays. And although there are no obligations to use it in window dressing today, you can beat this symbol of the New Year in a very original way. For example, hang toys-shoes on a cone-shaped frame. Or, as Tommy Hilfiger did in one of the seasons, decorate shop windows and the store with "Christmas trees" collected from empty plastic bottles... Often, it is enough to fold a pyramid out of cubes and shelves and place “toys” goods on it in order to observe new year theme and create an original composition.

Gigantomania. A giant tube of lipstick, a huge clutch bag or a shoe - such a design will be visible from afar, and most importantly, it will accurately set accents. In the shop window of the shoe designer Charlotte Olimpia, a giant slipper was displayed, like a sled, rolling down an ice slide. And in the YSL window - a huge gold clutch, powdered with snow.

Kinetics. More and more often, shop windows use moving objects in their works. Such mechanical elements, according to experts, are very appropriate in the New Year's decoration. Moreover, it is not necessary to be equal to Harrods in the windows of which trains are "moving" and the wheels of a huge clockwork are spinning, sometimes, it is enough to find one simple and easily realizable idea. For example, to place a wind blower in a showcase, which will create the illusion of movement: effectively inflate a skirt on a mannequin, or drive artificial snow.

Commodity compositions. In the windows of the John Lewis store, even on Christmas, you can see only the goods presented on its shelves - cutlery, household utensils ... But its festive windows are recognized as the most original from year to year! Why? Designers create whole compositions from goods: they collect deer figurines from brushes, from knives - fabulous birds... No extra costs! At the last GDS exhibition, designers made huge flowers from multi-colored shoes - it looked really beautiful!

New Year Marketing

So, the change of scenery in retail takes place in mid-November, while the main discount season falls on the end of December - beginning of January. Many shopping centers oblige tenants to keep New Year's window dressing until January 14. Thus, the retailer is faced with the task of making the shop window not only festive, but also commercially profitable by announcing the size of the discount provided. Experts recommend making adjustments to the design of the window, dividing it in half: leave part of the exposition with New Year's attributes, and give the other part for pos-materials informing about discounts. Experts believe that the best option, however, is the initial implementation of elements in the design that will help you in the right time post pos-materials without breaking the general idea of ​​the festive design.

Experts believe that discounts are not the only way to increase sales during the New Year period. Additional promotions, contests, unique offers - all this works not only for the average bill, but also for the store's image.

- Pos materials with tips. Even austerity will not make the majority of Russians refuse to buy gifts for themselves and their loved ones. Help them make a choice! place next to the product - leaflets with useful tips... It's added value that won't cost you big money but will give the consumer a feeling of being cared for.

- Mix and match. Try small goods, for example, to combine accessories into groups and announce a special offer - "when buying 3, the fourth for free."

- Announce a competition. In the New Year, everyone is waiting for gifts, and even those who themselves decided to save on this expense item! Conduct a competition among buyers using social networks... Thus, you will have a "conversation" with your customers.

- Festive party. Corporate events and New Years parties in the current conditions will be much less than usual. But nobody canceled the holiday, which means you have a unique opportunity to become a generator of great mood. Invite customers who are truly loyal to the store and regularly make purchases from you


color trends in merchandising

According to experts from the British merchandising agency SFD, color is the first thing a designer should think about when creating a New Year's showcase, since human emotions are inextricably linked with it. White, which is strongly associated with winter, should not become a serious constraint on creative thought.

Color schemes or a series of color combinations - palettes - will become the basis for developing a sketch of a festive showcase. One of the best sources of inspiration when it comes to creating a palette is nature itself, whose colors naturally grab people's attention. The SFD company offers its own development of color palettes for the design of winter display cases.

Natural colors in winter are usually muted tones. Snow covering the ground minimizes visual clutter by creating an almost monotonous canvas. It acts like a white mist, throwing a translucent veil over all colors, thereby muffling their brightness. The winter palette is formed preferably by cold tones - instead of blue, purple dominates, instead of red, frosty scarlet.

Winter shades don't have to be uniform. Spicing up the muted colors of the palette with bold accents can create a more interesting design.

50 shades of grey

Remember the metal grate or the snow-covered hedge? In this picture, not just one shade of gray - but dozens! The combination of various cool shades creates a calm color palette that will serve as an excellent backdrop for any decor. According to SFD designers, this color scheme can be used to create minimalist designs.

Frosty berry

Image of a red berry covered with thin layer fragile ice is a very seasonal picture. Here we are working on contrast: pure white is in perfect harmony with bright red.

Winter evening

The soft purples and soft pinks of the sunset sky, combined with the dark silhouettes of mountains and trees, create a very calm color palette. Unlike summer, when at sunset the sky appears to us bright orange, in winter twilight colors the horizon in shades of blue - from blue to gray-violet. This palette is very feminine and perfect for young girls stores.

Cold sunsets

Tinted with soft pinks emanating from the setting sun, the winter sky produces soft browns. This palette is composed of soft pastel tones that are suitable for projects that require muted backgrounds.

Flowers in the snow

Apple blossom or cherry buds caught off guard by belated spring snow is a picture from the future that can become an inspiration for the day of the present. This palette contains incredibly delicate tones - from light gray to coral scarlet.

Sparkling snow

In the rays of the dawn sun, the snow shimmers in thousands of shades of gold - from delicate almost lemon to rich yellow-sandy. A palette that is strongly associated with the holiday.

Snowy road

A winter road, with a series of trees frozen along the side of the road, draws a calm and familiar palette - from asphalt gray to transparent blue. These colors are considered very pleasant and non-irritating to the eyes. The perfect palette for the simplest and most complex New Year's designs.

Hoarfrost and thistle

Fluffy caps of snow over fluffy bolls of a frost-hardy plant ... This almost monochrome color palette is perfect for minimalist designs. Such color schemes often form the basis of the entire concept of the store and the brand of the company.

Tire tracks in the snow

A deep tread mark on the snow, a blue horizon and pointed fir trees in perspective give rise to a color contrast, not pronounced, but rather soft. A winter palette to help you create a real, fabulous showcase.


tips for New Year's showcase

Leading Russian merchandisers told Shoes Report which New Year's windows are worthy of imitation, and which ones should be forgotten like a bad dream.

Questions to the experts:

  1. New Year's holidays coincide with the season of sales, how to decorate the window so that it is festive and commercial at the same time?
  2. Give an example of the most successful design, in your opinion. What attracted you to this showcase?
  3. What mistakes are most often made when decorating New Year's windows?
  4. What is the trend in festive decoration today? What materials?
  5. Is there a difference in the window dressing of a street store and a point in a shopping center?
  6. Can a New Year's showcase be budgetary?

- Chief Editor information project VITRINISTIKA.RU, a consultant in the field of visual merchandising, specialization - window dressing and interior decoration of stores.

  1. The most interesting are the plot showcases, which have some kind of history. The plot (showcase theme) can be anything: "vacation", some kind of "fairy tale", "party", "winter sports", etc. Appropriate images - associations are selected to the theme, which are then embodied in a showcase by showcase decorators. When developing a design, you can schedule the appearance of information blocks in the storefront, informing about a sale, for example. The task of the designer: to correctly arrange all the material in terms of composition.
  2. Recently, most of all from the shoe I liked the TOD’s showcase. First of all, color works in it, attracts attention. Further, the form is already catching - understandable and at the same time very original in view of its understatement. The showcase is super!
  3. The most common mistake is the desire of store owners to show as brightly and on a large scale as possible that there is some kind of promotion in their store. Of course, we all tend to pay attention to "lucrative" offers, but less and less we believe them. In this sense, it is much more effective to attract the attention of passers-by not with banners in a half of the showcase "-50%", but with an interesting showcase design from the point of view of design.
  4. Nowadays, the use of paper in window dressing is incredibly popular.
  5. It depends on what to call budget. If the owner of a store with a glass window of 5-6 square meters expects to spend 5 thousand rubles on registration, as they say, God help him! You have to pay for the design. All the more so for a good and efficient one.
  6. There is a definite difference. Firstly, from the point of view of the flow, for whom the showcase is designed: in a shopping center there are always “passers-by”, in street retail it is very often just “motorists”. Secondly, from the point of view of lighting: street windows should be brighter so that they can be seen during the day, you can't get away from daylight.

- Founder and CEO of VMC-Retail agency, consultant in visual merchandising, window dressing and store design.

  1. Not all brands are adept at combining sale and New Year... But there is successful projects... For example, a couple of years ago, one of the famous fashion retailers played the style of the 20s in the plot of a festive showcase: mannequins in evening dresses, golden Christmas balls, and in the center of the composition there is a spectacular expensive baguette, which contains a pos-poster informing about a discount ... Everything turned out surprisingly harmoniously - both the mood of the holiday was conveyed, and important information about the discount was reported.
  2. I remember an interesting and not the most expensive project in execution: the showcase was decorated with tear-off calendars, they were distributed over the entire area of ​​the showcase. And each one reported certain information - the size of the discount, congratulations on the new year. In the center were the shoes. Let me remind you that the goods in the New Year's showcase must be mandatory. It is best to collect a composition not only from shoe models, but also from accessories, thus demonstrating the entire range of your store.
  3. Recently, interesting design solutions have been offered by Econika stores, and the Mascotte grid has also been tightening up. If we talk about global retail, the most striking example of a perfectly played out New Year's theme can be Moschino showcases, when the mannequins were dresses, the skirt of which was made of Christmas tree branches.
  4. The most unfortunate idea is to put up an ordinary plastic Christmas tree in the window or "tighten" the entire window with ordinary cheap light garlands! Unfortunately, every year there are holidays there is a great multitude. And it often happens that a retailer forgets to remove summer posters while decorating a shop window! And against the background of the images, with the image of models in summer dresses and shorts, that same plastic Christmas tree appears.
  5. In the past seasons, there was a lot of color: some retailers decorated shop windows, keeping all the decor in a single shade - lilac, yellow. Merchandisers have used an incredible amount of floral and animalistic elements. Analyzing the trends of past seasons, one can predict the future: when decorating shop windows, figures of animals will be used in large numbers, especially the symbol of 2015 - a sheep. Just like last year, when retailers exploited the horse image. It is important to skillfully beat this rather hackneyed technique.
    In recent years, more original lighting has been used in window dressing. There are more volumetric figures and fewer conventional arakal stickers.
    A trend so popular in Europe as kinetics is still used ineptly in our country. There are only a few real masters. Among them is the St. Petersburg designer Igor Kulimov.
  6. The New Year's showcase is the most expensive; the largest budget is allocated for its decoration. It is difficult to do it without any investment at all.
  7. Undoubtedly. From the point of view of perception: a street showcase should attract the attention of not only passers-by, but also motorists. It should be brighter.

- Founder and head of the VM Guru agency, one of the leading expert practitioners of the Russian fashion market in commercial visual merchandising (VM) and store design, author of training VM programs, business coach.

  1. Most brands have a multi-phase sale: there is an initial phase, an active one, and a final one. Displaying a seasonal collection (in this case, New Year's) in showcases may coincide with the initial phase of sales. In this case, it is very important that the information messages in one showcase are not mixed. If a store has two or more showcases in stock, then one, not a priority showcase is given for sale. So that the New Year's emotional showcase does not contain a huge sticker announcing a sale and introducing disharmony into the overall concept of the showcase. This confuses the buyer and, accordingly, devalues ​​your seasonal product. During the period of active sales, you can announce discounts at the entrance, and not in the shop window - it will be visible and you will not “kill” your New Year's window. If there is only one showcase at the store and a decision has been made to inform buyers about the sale and at the same time keep the New Year's design, it is necessary to inform about the maximum discount on one pos-material, and not "litter" the entire showcase with stickers "-20%", "-30%" and etc.
  2. Emotional showcases are usually impressive. In order for a merchandising specialist to retain in his memory information about the concept of this or that last year's showcase, it, of course, must be done in an emotional way. Its task is not to sell a product, but to cut into the subconscious, to detach itself from competitors. These are, as a rule, showcases of the luxury segment - brands Hermes, Louis Vuitton. They rely on image, not sales. It is more difficult to recall the festive showcases of mass-market brands. As you know, there are 2 types of commercial showcases: emotional and product-emotional. The latter are aimed specifically at selling. They, of course, also have the task of expressing the DNA brand, detaching themselves from the competitor, but not all of them successfully cope with them.
  3. It is difficult to generalize the problems, it is necessary to analyze the errors of each individual project. But in general, I can note that the shoe display cases are much weaker than the display windows of the clothing segment. Most brands perform very poorly with a complimentary product. It is important to understand that complimentary products, and in our case, these are bags and other accessories - if properly laid out, help to sell the main product - shoes. It is very important to work with color, you cannot put black shoes in the window, even if they are the lion's share your collection. Weak grouping, poor lighting, and lack of concept are the main drawbacks.
  4. There are two enduring trends in New Year's showcase - "surrealism" and "fantasy world". Within the framework of these concepts, fairy tales are recreated in the windows of the store, and this works flawlessly: in the new year everyone is waiting for a miracle. And another trend is the use of multifaceted, multidimensional surfaces - these are cut mirrors that create 3D effects. Moreover, this is not even glass, but a special plastic that is easily deformed, taking the necessary forms. This is a very effective material for a New Year's showcase.
  5. New Year's showcases are the most expensive. They are allocated from 30 to 40% of the annual budget for showcases. Yes, low budget showcases are possible. Cheap doesn't mean bad. But you need to understand that these are the most important showcases of the year and funds must be pledged for their design.

The turnover of an average retail store in December is about 200% of the sales volume of the previous month. In January, the activity of buyers decreases slightly, but, nevertheless, ...

It is impossible to imagine the pre-holiday bustle without the entourage corresponding to the upcoming celebrations. Everywhere they decorate the facades of buildings, windows, doors, transport, and, of course, shop owners and designers do not ignore the preparation of shop windows for.

Window dressing is, first of all, a kind of expression of respect for regular and potential customers, creating an appropriate festive mood for them and, as a result, an increase in sales growth. The site team is delighted with some of the embodied design ideas of the designers and store staff, as well as their work to create unique New Year and Christmas showcases. Therefore, we decided to acquaint our visitors with a collection of the most successful original and unusual festive showcases.

It should be noted that different stores require a different approach to decor.

Festive decoration of retail premises is an integral part of the pre-New Year's fever. But the use of traditional details such as a Christmas tree, balls, garlands are far from all possible decorative details used.

After all, a decorated showcase is unconventional, bright and bold - this is, first of all, a competent marketing ploy... A move that must be thought out to the smallest detail and depends on the target and specialized trade focus of the store. A creatively designed showcase is a vital necessity of modern trade.

Large bright sleighs, mannequins in winter clothes, figurines of deer, bears will replace the familiar balls, snowflakes and inexpensive tinsel that have become boring over many years.

Large posters and plotters (posters and stickers) with the image of Christmas balls, cheerful children, complemented by 3D compositions and unusual combinations and bold decisions of using monogram decorative elements look beautiful and unique. The peculiarity of the store, especially in the evening, is emphasized by flashing garlands, artificial lighting.

When compiling a list of materials used, it is necessary to adhere to the rule of the "golden mean" - the ideal combination of chic and conciseness, avoid pretentious design. A minimum amount of text and a maximum amount of light and color are encouraged. Such design and preparation of showcases for the New Year holidays, as well as individual parts of showcase compositions in home windows, are "not alien".

New Year and Christmas holidays are coming soon. The purchasing power at this time grows several times, and with it the competition also increases. What should be the New Year's decoration for shop windows? In our article we will tell you about the basic rules and consider examples of unique compositions from around the world.

7 rules for New Year's window dressing

The task of the New Year's window is to create a mood, control the behavior of passers-by, involve them in a festive atmosphere and push them to commit impulse buying... There are certain rules for window dressing used by merchandisers and designers.


To decorate shop windows, traditional colors are often used that are associated with the New Year and Christmas: white, silver, blue, gold, red.


Don't try to showcase more goods... The main rule when composing a composition is "Better less is more."


The showcase should have a focus - the main point at which the glances of passers-by stop. There can be several such points in the showcase, but no more than 4.


Lighting plays important role in the design of any shop window. Use additional lighting elements for holiday shop windows - spotlights, garlands. Make sure the lighting is well tuned.

Arrangement of elements

When arranging goods and other elements, it is important to achieve balance. The composition can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, but at the same time correctly balanced, without “white spots”.

Object size

If the store is located on a busy street, large objects or signs can help motivate pedestrians and drivers. You should not get carried away - it is better to attract attention with an interesting design, rather than huge banners with messages about discounts.


Conventionally, the showcase can be divided into 3 zones: the background of the composition, the central part, the foreground - glass. When creating a showcase, pay attention to all areas.

New Year's attributes

A Christmas tree is a traditional New Year's attribute that can be played up in an original way.

Another symbol of the New Year, which is often used when creating compositions, is Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

Examples of New Year's window dressing from around the world

Every year from December in the showcases of large European stores the real show begins. Showcases become the main weapon for capturing customers.

To attract as many shoppers as possible, retailers use the most incredible design ideas.

The famous French shop Printemps, which became famous all over the world for its compositions, became a classic example.

“Since the beginning of the XX century during new year holidays we attract the maximum number of visitors. We earn 20-25% of our annual revenue during this period, which is why our showcases are truly fantastic, ”says Pierre Pellarey, General Manager of Printemps department store.

Most interesting are plot showcases that “tell” a story. Fairy-tale themes are presented in the windows of the Moscow Central Department Store.

Dollhouse and sleigh with gifts from Tiffany Jewelry House.

The magical windows of the De Bijenkorf store in Amsterdam.

London's Harrods department store and its Christmas Express, with each carriage featuring a different collection of clothing and accessories.

Deer from hair dryers and hares from shoe care products in the creative windows of the John Lewis store.

A snowy tale in the windows of a Bergdorf & Goodman store in New York.

New Year's showcase is a whole science, with the help of which you can not only attract the attention of people, evoke emotions and increase sales, but also create an atmosphere of fairy tale and magic.

The windows of Minsk were also dressed up for the New Year. The largest stores are, of course, GUM, TSUM, Trading house on Nemiga.

As it turned out, there is a position of a full-time designer in Minsk department stores, who is engaged in the design of windows and interiors of the stores themselves. It is not customary to contact designers, for example, those who periodically participate in Minsk fashion shows, stores cope on their own... And, unfortunately, this year it turned out not very bright - Christmas trees, garlands, snowflakes and snowmen. There are not so many solid, decorated in the same style, original showcases.

GUM. State department store. The entrance to GUM was decorated in a very traditional way - there are Christmas trees on the sides. As always. But this makes it no less beautiful. Tradition is always good. Side showcases pleased with snowmen and gift boxes, but the main showcases ... GUM was very interesting in October, having made a kind of excursion through the eras for its anniversary and, unfortunately, by winter it did not change epochs for something more wintery. I just added hats, scarves and trees.

New Year showcases - glass fairy tale

The trading house on Nemiga was decorated with white Christmas trees.

And below the windows of several clothing stores along M. Tanka street. The most interesting are showcases with flashlights. There really is some kind of intention here. And the flashlights are just wonderful.

And in the end there is a very nice showcase of one of the Minsk cafes. Definitely a Christmas card.

So that magical time has come when walking around you can see beautiful and fabulous shop windows, full of original decorations and bright illuminations. Colleagues from the edition have collected for you the TOP 12 most beautiful shop windows in Moscow, which not only attract, but also make you stop and consider all the New Year's details. So let's get started!

1. Decoration of the TSUM showcase in the style of a fairy tale

The older we get, the less we believe in miracles! But it was not there! TSUM showcases are designed exactly in the style New Year's fairy tale, which beckons and bewitches. Here you can find a sleeping beauty, and a frog princess waiting for the prince, and mermaids, who have settled down on golden chains. Fairy-tale heroes dressed in chic evening dresses from famous designers as if they were from the 19th century.

2. Showcases of Tiffany & Co in GUM in the style of the Tiffany theater

New Year's showcases are made in a combination of shades "gives" and white that New Year's showcases special tenderness and New Year's mood. In the showcases themselves, it is as if a real theater is located with its own small performances. These mini-theaters are framed with natural spruce branches covered with snow. On the "stage", that is, in the window, one can observe fabulous deer and wolves, a fireplace with gifts and even a sleigh with the desired blue boxes.

3. Bosco (Prive) and showcases in winter forest style

The stylish personalized service showcase immerses us in winter forest who sit on a polar bear girls, enclosed in a ball of glass and constantly swirling fluffy snow. The fairy-tale bear is skillfully disguised as a wooden deck, and the composition itself is immersed in a snow-covered forest grove.

4. Hermès and the bears

All six windows of the Hermes boutique delighted with their creativity and positive attitude... Here you can observe bears and fish in a variety of situations (who is fishing, and lacy went into hibernation). The most interesting thing is that the figurines made of wood and folded from sticks were combined with branded goods (wallets, shoes, service, belts and watches).

5. Agent Provocateur and the ski slopes

The showcase of the boutique is decorated quite frankly, because the mannequins clearly demonstrate what is under the warm mountain winter clothes, namely fancy lingerie and stockings. The girls have golden skis in their hands, and they have puffy boots on their feet.

6. Chanel showcase in winter garden style

In the display case is a tree with iron rods and white camellia flowers. Mannequins with clothes from the new Chanel collection are located under the branches of such a New Year tree.

7 Dolce & Gabbana and family values

Red chairs upholstered with velvet, bright carpets, an openwork tablecloth, vases of flowers, a festive table with fruits and photographs - expensive and stylish, everything as designers love.

8. Louis Vuitton and the luminous target

The luminous target against the background of silvery rhombuses seems to call for the purchase of new handbags, which are displayed as a target. The showcase is very bright and noticeable, which was the designer's idea.

9. Central Children's Store in the style of the traditional New Year

The shop window is decorated in the best New Year's traditions with children's eyes: pink-cheeked Santa Claus, gifts, a magic deer, bears and a large number of tin soldiers. The showcase is replete with toys of impressive size and bright garlands.

10. Spring and festive illumination

The shop window displays polar bears, snowflakes and multi-colored lamps that constantly change colors. Thanks to this idea, one can observe what is happening inside the store through the window.

11. Christmas Holidays at the Ski Resort by Ralph Lauren

The window displays mannequins wearing chic 80s-inspired clothing paired with skis and a cowboy hat. This is the kind of dress that designers recommend for a New Year's party.

12. "Traffic" and its snow-white showcase

In the shop window, there is artificial snow created from packaging film and colorful lanterns. The snow-white design is associated with snow, winter and the upcoming New Year!


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