Professional skills of an engineer in a resume. Professional skills of an engineer. List of required knowledge

In the world modern technologies without an engineer. A designer is needed at any construction site, industrial enterprise or in the invention center. It is not difficult for a specialist who has an analytical mind and logical thinking to find a job. But a high-quality resume can speed up the process of employment for a promising position. Employees of our service analyzed the job market and compiled the most effective sample of an engineer's resume, which can be used immediately after filling out and downloading to your computer.

Sample resume for an engineer position - 2019

A qualified PTO engineer is able to solve the most complex technological problems, establish production processes and advise the manager on development prospects. The profession assumes that such a specialist has the skills to draw up estimates for the performance of various works using reference books and regulations.

A typical resume structure for an engineer is as follows:

  • Title of the document, last name and first name with patronymic of the candidate for vacancy, the title of the position of interest and the amount of salary.
  • The nuances of working hours: consent to business trips, shift work, etc.
  • phone number for feedback.
  • Personal data: the citizen of which country the job seeker is, the address of his registration, marital status, whether there are children.
  • Information on previous places jobs indicating their legal name, duration of the contract and position held - starting from the last employer.

Enumeration labor functions performed technical specialist from previous employers. As a possible option, the following list is possible:

  • implementation activities technical control, organization and information support of the construction process;
  • adjustment production cycle, control over individual work operations;
  • preparation of budget and regulatory documentation for projects;
  • analysis of quantitative indicators, performing complex calculations using software tools and application devices;
  • organization of work to educate employees about the rules for operating this or that equipment;
  • other actions aimed at increasing the profitability of production.

Achievements of the employee that characterize him as a professional:

  • simplification of work schemes that were previously in effect at the enterprise, which led to a tangible economic effect;
  • implementation new technology, which has been previously tested in practice;
  • real change in working conditions for other members of the team, etc.;
  • educational level of the vacancy applicant indicating educational institution, specialty and graduation date;
  • Availability additional education: successfully mastered courses, seminars, trainings.

Other important information about professional skills that help in the work of an engineer:

  • knowledge foreign languages, which allows you to read instructions and special literature without an interpreter;
  • possession personal computer at the level of a confident user;
  • Basic knowledge of electrical and engineering design.

Enumeration of the personal qualities of the applicant for the vacancy, which will help him more effectively perform his duties.

A photo inserted in a resume helps you get a job faster a good place. Without exception, employers want to imagine in advance what a job seeker looks like.

Key Skills for an Engineer Resume

Compiling a resume on your own is difficult and time-consuming, so we suggest using ready template. The specialists of the SimpleDoc service found out that, for example, the following character traits are painted on the main designer:

  • responsibility,
  • decency,
  • scrupulousness,
  • attentiveness,
  • honesty,
  • sociability.

A competent specialist should be able to develop technological processes, take part in testing new equipment and tools, draw up cost estimates, check contractors' calculations and ensure the safety of all work processes in production. Labor protection for an engineer is one of the functions assigned to him during employment. If in large firms there is a separate specialist for these purposes, then in medium and small enterprises, an engineer is responsible for compliance with labor protection requirements.

An electrician must be not just attentive, but extremely attentive to details. Any engineer is a profession in demand on the labor market, but many employers announce a competition.

The resume template developed by our service will allow you to easily bypass the rest of the applicants. The user can see an example of design in the corresponding tab. And after entering personal data - download your own form.

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Engineer is a profession that requires high responsibility and precision, indispensability this employee in any of the corporations large and small - makes his work as important and inalienable as possible.

  • attentiveness,
  • responsibility,
  • balance and restraint
  • endurance and patience,
  • ingenuity and originality.

Given the versatility of this profession, the work of a master can require very strong physical strength, and sometimes it is not needed at all.

For the position of engineer

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:


Get a Job as an Engineer

  • Qualified professional with 14 years of experience.
  • Knowledge of the entire range of regulatory documentation (ESKD, GOST, SNiP, TU), international standards.
  • Teamwork skills.
  • Personnel management experience.

Achievements and skills

  • Experience in the development of engineering projects.
  • Knowledge of the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of engineering design.
  • Experience of interaction with supervisory and licensing organizations.
  • Experience in technical expertise of project documentation.
  • Participant of the international scientific conference "Project Management".
  • I can work with technical literature, drawings, catalogues.


200_ - 200_ National Technical and Technological Institute. Engineering. Engineer. Specialist Diploma.

Additional education

200_ Technical English course. The educational center State Philological University.
200_ Refresher courses " Modern techniques calculations and measurements.
200_ Course "Project management based on the PMI HVBOK standard".

200_ ZD - design course.

200_ Course 1C "Enterprise".

work experience

200_ - 200_ Manufacturing enterprise. Engineer.

  • Organization and control of production.
  • Working with contractors.
  • Development of material and technical equipment.
  • Organization of production and financial work on reconstruction.

200_ - 200_ Machine building plant. Design engineer.

  • Design work.
  • Coordination and control of project work.
  • Conducting an examination of project documentation.
  • Organization of technically correct operation of equipment.

Personal qualities and character traits

  • Analytical mindset, technical thinking, result oriented.
  • Organized, focused, diligent, ambitious.
  • I don't have bad habits.

Additional Information

  • Competent PC user.
  • Knowledge of office equipment.
  • Knowledge of specific programs (Autocad, Matlicad, Compass, 3D, 1C).

Knowledge of foreign languages: I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

CV examples

PTO - production and technical department (there is still a transcript

This division is found in big companies. The tasks of employees are to control the quality of products or compliance with regulations (for example, construction).

What is an engineer?

Engineer - specialist the highest category. In order to find a highly qualified employee in the department, it is necessary to analyze the responses to the vacancy. The VET engineer resume should contain a list of previously performed functional duties. Practical experience, and not theoretical knowledge, is what is important for an engineer.

In different business sectors functional responsibilities not much different for this category of employees. However, the basic knowledge and skills that the employee applies in business are different. Analyzing the experience of a candidate, it is necessary to place special emphasis on experience in the particular industry where he will have to work.

Important Knowledge

A resume for a PTO engineer in construction should contain a list of standards that a specialist has to deal with.

In construction, the engineer must know:

  • regulatory legal acts, legislation, other directive and administrative documents regulating construction activities;
  • normative, as well as methodological materials on issues that are within its jurisdiction;
  • profile of the enterprise, its specialization, structural features, development prospects in economic and technical terms;
  • production capacities, the specifics of the company's activities and its features;
  • principles applied at work, specifications, features used technical means and materials, as well as their properties;
  • norms and rules used in construction;
  • the main requirements that apply to technical documents, products and materials;
  • technical conditions, current standards, as well as instructions and regulations that apply in the preparation of technical documents and their preparation;
  • methods used during calculations and calculations economic efficiency development and research;
  • the procedure in which construction plans are developed and approved, design estimates and other documents are drawn up, records are kept and reports are drawn up in the field of construction;
  • methods, rules, processing technology and conditions for construction work;
  • requirements for labor protection during construction;
  • the procedure in which economic and financial contracts are concluded and executed;
  • basic provisions relating to the economy, labor, management, organization of production;
  • the order in which the acceptance of objects, works, as well as quality control;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • an experience foreign companies, as well as domestic;
  • industrial hygiene rules, fire safety, TB and OT.

Job Responsibilities

The PTO engineer has a huge range of duties, performing which, he ensures the timely and high-quality delivery of objects. The speed of delivery of objects in construction, as well as the quality of constructed buildings, depends on how qualified a specialist will be, how well he applies his skills, which norms he considers mandatory and which he omits.

Since most of the architectural objects that are currently being built are residential, the company is obliged to hire an employee who will ensure the high-quality implementation of all requirements. Very often in a modern new building there are moments when, as a result of a negligent attitude to their duties, houses are rented out, near which asphalt sags after the first rain, plaster crumbles, cracks appear on the walls as a result finishing works at the newcomers. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to look at which items in the candidate's resume correspond to his future job responsibilities.

A construction PTO engineer resume, a sample of which can be found on any job posting site, should list job responsibilities.

List of required knowledge

The engineer must:

  • determine the cost of costs and work performed;
  • calculate and determine the actual volume of work performed;
  • take into account the cost of additional work;
  • monthly provide the customer with calculations and acts of work performed. In the resume, this item should reflect the availability of work on the KS-2 forms and a certificate of the cost of the work performed on the KS-3 form;
  • check every month the volumes that contractors perform according to the specified forms KS-2 and KS-3;
  • compile a register that lists the work performed per month by contractors and departments of the enterprise.

Customer Relations

Also, the PTO engineer resume should contain paragraphs that indicate interaction with contractors that the client hires.

It is specified as:

  • maintenance of accumulative volumes and costs of work performed by third-party organizations and contractors;
  • accounting for the costs of materials provided by the enterprise to contractors;
  • keeping records of excess consumption of materials that are provided to contractors, calculation and control of documentation of excess consumption of material, as well as timely provision of these data for mutual settlements.

The implementation of monthly write-offs of the use of fixed assets for building materials at construction sites on the basis of the submitted reports of financially responsible persons in the form M-29 must also be present in the resume of a PTO engineer.

The engineer must calculate necessary materials and their volumes, compare usage with the customer. Placing orders for precast concrete and steel structures is one of the main responsibilities. For this, it is necessary to cooperate with the manufacturer of reinforced concrete structures.

For objects under construction, this specialist prepares bills of materials, as well as components, determines the necessary materials and their volumes for tenders.

Timely provision of the necessary documents to customers characterizes the candidate as a responsible employee. If the considered example of a VET engineer's resume contains a list of documents that he had to work with, then it is necessary to figure out at what level and with which documents he worked. Acts of intermediate acceptance, acts on hidden works, executive schemes, passports, certificates for materials used in the work, etc. These concepts should not surprise a qualified specialist.

Additional Responsibilities

In his work, an engineer is faced with a huge number of contractors, documentation that needs to be filled out. If the duties include some items that help in communicating with contractors, then this candidate is more likely to be employed in the company.

  • receives from subcontractors Required documents and technological materials;
  • prepares, as well as reviews and approves design documentation;
  • is responsible for reporting and preparing relevant documents.

In his work, the engineer cooperates with the GATI - ensures the timely opening and extension, as well as the closing of GATI orders for the implementation of work and their registration in the relevant services. A VET engineer resume, a sample of which lists the required acts and interactions, can be reviewed more closely to determine how suitable the candidate is for the vacancy in a particular company.

Time management

Time management is one of the most in-demand skills for this position. Timely implementation of work plans, ordering production plans in design organizations, sending plans to responsible persons require great coordination and concentration of the employee. In order for a person to have time to coordinate and complete a large number of assignments, each of which has strict deadlines, it is necessary to analyze the resume of a VET engineer and find out how responsible and disciplined the candidate is.


Construction is one of the industries in which mistakes are costly. When submitting a resume for a position, the VET engineer must indicate what he was responsible for in his work. If she had an exclusively executive nature, and the responsibility was shifted to someone else, then such a candidate is not suitable for the company.

  • failure to perform or improper performance of their immediate duties;
  • providing false information regarding the status of the work performed (terms, amounts, materials, etc.);
  • violations or non-fulfillment of incoming orders and instructions from the management;
  • violation of established HSE rules;
  • ignoring the moments when it is necessary to take measures to suppress the identified violations that relate to health and safety, fire safety, threats to the employer and employees of the company;
  • violation of labor discipline.

trade secret

In addition to performing their immediate duties, an employee appointed to the position of a PTO engineer must comply with the mandatory items regarding trade secret. With access to sensitive information, some employees abuse their position and provide sensitive information to third parties. This is especially common at the stages of working with tenders or the purchase of building materials. Responsible for keeping secrets is the PTO engineer. Duties, resume should contain their complete list, as well as responsibilities - important characteristic future employee.

The engineer is responsible for:

  • non-fulfillment of planned indicators;
  • inconsistency of the quality of work with the declared indicators;
  • provision of false data to the management of the company;
  • company drawing material damage;
  • which is a trade secret;
  • offenses committed within the criminal, civil, administrative codes Russian Federation.

Sample resume

Considering the responses to a vacancy opened in a company, we can highlight the main points that must be present.

In a VET engineer resume, the best that can be listed is:

  • preparation of estimates for execution of work contracts for repair and maintenance, general construction, as well as electrical installation contracts in the regulatory bases of FER, TER, TSN on the basis of TK, defective statements, design documents, statements of premises finishing, specifications;
  • drawing up and monitoring the signing of acts of work done (for KS-2), as well as certificates of the cost of work performed (KS-3) under contractor contracts (for general construction and electrical work in the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Armed Forces, the SS, the EMR, as well as the VO and OV);
  • drawing up and monitoring the implementation of work contracts for repair and maintenance, electrical installation and general construction and work;
  • preparation and inspection of budget documents on the basis of MRR and SBC;
  • drawing up and reassessment of the norms for the consumption of materials used for repair and maintenance, electrical installation, civil works, reconciliation of their compliance with the current price level;
  • ensuring the ratio of developed budget documents regulatory documents and design documents
  • creation of executive budget documents on the basis of actually completed contracts for KS-2.


A reviewed resume for a job is a sample. A PTO engineer, especially a highly qualified one, can also be characterized by other items that are not always indicated in the resume. Responsibility, attention to detail, punctuality are not always written in black and white. Such moments are important for this position, it is important to ask about them.

The PTO engineer must be present at any production or in any construction company. The engineer of the production and technical department regulates the preparation of production and construction. This person is necessary for making calculations and monitoring the quality of work in the production and technical department.

The hiring of a PTO engineer is carried out by order CEO on the recommendation of the head of the structural unit.

Requirements for a PTO engineer

The candidate must have a higher or secondary education in the construction industry and experience in this direction at least 1 year.

An applicant for the position of a PTO engineer must:

  • have experience in drafting executive and permissive documentation;
  • own graphic programs at the level of a confident user;
  • own a computer at the level of a confident user;
  • know the regulatory framework for environmental, labor legislation;
  • know the procedure and rules for compiling budget documentation;
  • know the technology and methods of conducting construction work;
  • know the procedure and rules for the acceptance of works or objects, as well as methods for controlling their quality;
  • have experience in reporting on the progress of construction;
  • be able to apply in practice methods of quality control of works.

Responsibilities of a PTO Engineer

The responsibilities of the PTO Engineer include:

  • implementation of technical supervision over the implementation of construction and installation work;
  • checking the volume of construction and installation works and structures for compliance with the approved estimate documentation, working drawings, building rules and regulatory documentation, standards, specifications and labor protection standards;
  • taking part in the consideration of amendments and additions to existing estimate documents, drawings and projects;
  • if necessary, prompt decision-making on the replacement of materials and structures that do not entail a decrease in the quality of work;
  • study of the reasons that led to a decrease in the quality of the result of construction and installation works, taking measures to eliminate them;
  • technical acceptance of completed building objects or installation works, preparation and execution of necessary technical documents;
  • participation in the commission for the acceptance and commissioning of completed facilities;
  • keeping records of finished construction projects and completed installation works and preparing reports on the implementation of plans;
  • verification of estimate documentation for construction projects;
  • calculation of the cost of construction and installation works, accounting of work performed;
  • preparation and execution of materials necessary to resolve disputes with the subcontractor;
  • preparation and execution of estimate documentation for the necessary additional construction and installation works;
  • verification of the estimate documentation provided by the contractor and preparation of a final conclusion on the quality of the estimate provided;
  • coordination with the customer of work and with design organization construction estimates, prices for possible costs for materials, statements of work performed, specifications, acts of work performed;
  • conducting established by the enterprise reporting;
  • execution of individual orders from the immediate superior.

Additional information about the applicant

The VET Engineer should be a person well versed in the legislation. He must be aware of all the specifics of the work and the development opportunities of his enterprise. The engineer must understand all the intricacies of the development and approval of work plans. In addition, the applicant must have:

  • resistance to stressful situations;
  • increased attention;
  • developed visual memory;
  • perseverance;
  • analytical mind.

A person applying for the position of a PTO engineer must remember that he is responsible for failure to perform or negligent performance of his duties, for non-compliance with instructions, orders and orders of the enterprise on non-disclosure of trade secrets, as well as for violation of internal labor order, discipline in production, safety regulations and fire safety.

With all the many areas of activity of engineers ( design engineer, process engineer, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer and many others) these positions have general functions- creation of new material objects, structures and technological processes.

General Skills and Responsibilities for an Engineer Resume:

  • Development of project documentation;
  • Development of technical specifications;
  • Setting a task for subordinate design engineers;
  • Control of execution, verification of the results of work;
  • Collection of initial data;
  • Implementation of coordination of work in the implementation of projects;
  • Implementation of design technological studies;
  • Preparation of technical and commercial proposals;
  • Calculation of material costs;
  • Preparation of technical documentation, drawings, diagrams, layouts;
  • Conducting technical negotiations with customers and subcontractors;
  • Carrying out the necessary calculations and selection of equipment;
  • Selection of equipment for power supply, heat supply, water supply systems;
  • Organization and control of installation works;
  • Safety control during the performance of work;
  • Ensuring trouble-free and reliable operation of serviced equipment;
  • Drawing up technical documentation;
  • Testing control;
  • Setting up the object before demonstration to the customer;
  • Control production processes and product quality;

For the employer, the most valuable employee will be the one whose work experience most closely matches the direction of the company. Therefore, in order to compile successful engineer resume you, along with the indication of universal skills, need to highlight those highly specialized skills and responsibilities that correspond to the direction of the company to which you are applying summary.


(full name)

Date of Birth: "….." ………………….. …….……. G.

Citizenship: …………………………………………...

Phone: …………………………………….…………..

Email mail: ……………………………………………….

Family status: …………………..……………………...…………………………………...
(married / single / children)

Desired work schedule: ………………………………………………………………………………
(full/part time)

Target: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
(application for the position of engineer / process engineer / design engineer / other)

(years of study, name of educational institution)

Speciality: …………………………………………………………………………………...

work experience

1 ….………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Job responsibilities:


2 ….………………………………………………………………………………………………...
(period of work, name of organization)

Position: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Job responsibilities:


3 ….………………………………………………………………………………………………...
(period of work, name of organization)

Position: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Job responsibilities:


4. Professional skills and knowledge

Successful experience in designing large facilities

Confident User ……………………………….…………………………….....…………...
(PC (MS Office: Word, Excel, Outlook; AutoCAD; Internet))

Knowledge of design regulations

5. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​…………...……………………..…………………………………..
(language - technical level / basic level / fluent)

6. Other …………………………………………………………………………………………...
(performance, systematic thinking, high speed work, responsibility for achieving results, lack of bad habits)




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