I want to be a rich woman. Billionaire Cinderella: How ordinary women became rich and famous. Accept that being poor is a choice.

September 20, 2013

This is a slightly pretentious title. This is because today I want to talk about how to become a rich woman, how to become a rich and successful woman, and even how to become a rich woman from scratch, how to become a successful woman from scratch.

I won't teach you anything today. I just want to talk about how smart women get rich. And I will do it with an example.

I came across this information on the Internet. This story hooked me so much that I decided to reprint it in full, in the form in which I read it. I think that my readers, and readers, it will be interesting and necessary.

I am sure that this information is for those who do not know how to change their lives and their situation, but really want to. For those who want to understand how to become a happy and rich woman.

Of course, this story is from American life. But there are a few things you can use for yourself. But by the way, read and draw your own conclusions about what successful women they are in business. And is this your way?

So: "10 lessons from the woman who made a million."

This woman's name is Sarah Blakely. She is the owner of the company she created. She herself made her life, she herself accomplished what many dream of, but not everyone can achieve this.

Although this story suggests that you really need to want, you need to understand what you want, and you need not give up at the first failures.

When Sarah started, she had $5,000, which she collected for several years. Then she worked as a fax salesman.

And when Sarah had already launched her business, she continued to work. She left her job only when the sales of her goods exceeded one million dollars. When she was 37 years old, she gave birth to a son.

It turns out that for the last 50 years, women have been wearing very uncomfortable slimming underwear. Sarah was the first to cut off the feet of the tights. Since this all started. Here are her 10 lessons that will be useful to every woman if she wants to change her life.

And, by and large, it does not matter at all what will bring good luck. The main thing is that you like the business. The main thing is to enjoy what you do and what to bring you earnings.

  1. Failure must be big.
    Every day, dad asked Sarah: “Tell me, what didn’t work out for you today?”. If there were no failures, the father was upset. Focusing on big failures made her realize that failure is not an end result, but a lack of effort. It's vegetating in your comfort zone, it's stopping trying than yesterday. (It's an interesting, fresh look, and very useful for building success.)
  1. Visualize.
  1. Don't share fragile ideas too soon.
    Sarah had an idea for a new type of lingerie for women for a year before developing the first prototype. Only after she was 100% ready to launch did she meet up with friends and talk about her work. Sarah says that ideas are too fragile and defenseless. Wait until everything is ready. Wishing you only the best, people will offer you many reasons why it won't work. But by this time you will already have all the answers. (Very accurate point. No need to tease people and make them jealous).
  1. Don't take "no" as the last answer.

Sarah contacted a huge number of manufacturers and lawyers to patent her idea and create a successful design. Every time she was asked who she was and who was behind her. When she replied that she was just Sarah, everyone said no. Until one manufacturer said "ok". Why? He told his daughters about the idea, and they liked it very much. (Here I can give a famous example of J.K. Rowling, who dangled with "Harry Potter" from publishers and received refusal after refusal).

  1. Hire people you like and trust.

Even if they know little of what they might need. Sara hired a product development manager and a PR director from her friends, who had supported her from the very beginning. None of them knew the fields they started working in, but Sarah was confident that they could handle the new roles, and they did. (Here it happens for everyone, I don’t think that this is the key to success and that this is generally correct. There is exactly the opposite opinion - that you should never hire friends and acquaintances).

  1. You don't have to move in order.

Sarah was so passionate about product development that every issue that came along the way was dealt with as it came up, not at all in the order that would have been best for a smooth launch. She negotiated a deal with a major retail network Neiman Marcus before establishing a mass production method for one important piece of her lingerie. She arranged to meet Oprah at her office when she didn't even have an office. Everything went well. (On the one hand, it is right to solve problems as they arise, but, in my opinion, at least rough plan worth having. This makes it easier to organize.

  1. You can figure out anything.

You have enough ability. Sarah knew absolutely nothing about lingerie, patents, manufacturing, marketing and online trading. But that didn't stop her. She studied the issues she needed, hired people to do what she couldn't, and moved forward with tireless energy. Don't drop an idea if you think you're missing something. (Very true! You need to really want, make efforts and move forward).

  1. You can build a billion dollar business starting with $5,000.

Sarah had only $5,000 in savings the day she cut off the heels of her tights and wore them under her pants to look better. At that moment, she realized that the world needed a product that was both comfortable and female-enhancing. . For her five thousand, she created a prototype, chose a manufacturer, named the product, patented it, and found potential buyers. You don't have to be rich to get started with your idea. (I consider this point very important - everyone has some kind of eternal problem with the “initial capital”, when they don’t need it. I myself went through this.).

  1. You don't have to worry about expansion at first.

Sarah worked tirelessly from her apartment without spending on office, marketing or any business expenses. She didn't even have a website until she was on Oprah and she really needed it. (I note that this was a long time ago, now everything is a little different). Everything that was not required to create a product was not included in her priorities.

  1. Break the usual arrangement of things.

Breaking ice is good. When Sarah began to study the issue of lingerie, and how it has been produced for the last 50 years, she was very surprised. Starting with absurd sizes (for example, they were all designed for one waist - regardless of the size of the thing itself), and ending with standard testing on mannequins (and not on living people). Sarah decided that the industry needed a female vision - for products to be useful, effective (that word again) and as comfortable as possible. She broke the ice and developed a whole new approach to designing lingerie. (Female understanding, this is a terrible force in energetic hands)

Most important tip:

"Believe in your idea, rely on your instincts, . It took two years from the moment my idea appeared to the start of sales of the product to stores. I've heard the word "no" a thousand times. If you believe in your idea 100%, no one will stop you! A key success factor for Spanx is that I wasn't afraid of failure."

Since 2000, Spanx tights have been sold in the most expensive stores. And sales are growing all the time.

Why did I reprint this material? To make you realize that you can do anything. You can change your life by following all the conditions. And the first among these conditions, the thought warms you: "I want to become a rich woman."

If you are thinking about how to become a rich woman at 40, and maybe even about how to become a rich woman at 50! I'm not talking about those who want to become rich and successful, and you are only 20 or 30 years old. If you believe in your success. If you are ready to make the most of your efforts. If you are not stopped by sidelong glances and distrust. Sooner or later you will succeed.

Try it, keep it up. You can, you can.
And I wish you success and prosperity.

V modern world rich lifestyle is in vogue. Losers are left behind. All conversations come down to success, money, wealth. Moreover, in the public mind, a successful person is one who can afford a lot. And these, of course, are people who have a dimensionless bank account. No one remains indifferent to prosperity, the weak half of humanity is increasingly thinking about how to become a successful and rich woman.

Change the way you think

Everyone who strives for success understands that it will take a lot of work. However, readiness alone is not enough here. You need to take full responsibility for what happens in your life. That is why the first step on the path to success should be a complete change in the way you think. Look at the world with a new look. Everything is only in your hands, you do not need to wait for the appearance of benefactors, help from the government, inheritance from relatives. Of great importance on the path to success is your financial discipline. When incomes increase, many begin to turn on the thoughts of the poor, who has long dreamed of the external attributes of wealth: a new car, a luxurious apartment, expensive clothes. At a time when you need to do investments, such people "take everything from life", but soon they are left with nothing. Not everyone thinks about how to become a successful and rich woman on their own. Most in society believe that "a woman is meant to feed her husband and raise children, but those who are trying to establish themselves are like men, they have no feminine principle." Cast aside doubts, overcome fear and do not listen to judgmental speeches. Go towards your goal firmly and without hesitation.

Ways to achieve goals

How to achieve success and wealth in life if there is no base behind you, that is, start from scratch? Many well-wishers claim that for a woman The best way is to marry well. There are also suggestions that the source of financial independence is a profitable divorce. In the question "how to become a successful and rich woman" these methods will not work for us. In these cases, the money is still earned by the man, here the woman simply takes it tactfully. The disadvantages of such methods are as follows: well-being is not in your hands, financial independence can be lost at any time. Secondly, with such methods, a woman does not rise higher, she does not learn financial discipline, she does not begin to have the way of thinking of a rich person, she does not learn to earn money on her own. Such a case is reminiscent of winning the lottery - there is money, but there is no ability to handle it. This needs to be learned. Having learned this once, a woman will be able to extricate herself from any life situation. Of course, to learn this, you need to make a lot of effort.

Develop personal qualities, make yourself successful

So, have you thought about how to become a successful and rich woman? Magic in this case is unlikely to help you, rely only on yourself. If the intentions are sincere, then you will soon begin to change the world around you. You will understand that rich people have a completely different worldview, they think a little differently:

  • They look for any opportunities, find them and do not miss them.
  • They never give up in case of failures, draw conclusions and act further.
  • They study someone else's experience, strive for new knowledge.
  • They make money work and don't worship it.
  • Communicate with active and successful people never complain.
  • Life is planned for several years ahead.
  • They take risks, act without delay.

Passive, poor people do this:

  • They don't make plans, they live one day at a time.
  • They look for the culprits of their failures.
  • Their money is at the head of everything.
  • They do not learn anything useful, new.
  • Avoid risks in any business.
  • They experience fear of failure.
  • They are surrounded by the same dissatisfied people.

If you decide to change your life, get ready for the fact that your environment will dissuade you, convince you of danger, impose your thoughts on how to become a successful and rich woman from scratch: work hard and listen to your bosses. Appreciate the opinion of those who have already passed this way, trust only those people who have achieved something in life! Look for information not only about work (it quickly becomes outdated), develop as a person, read up-to-date business information, personal development change your outlook.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Boost your self-esteem

Many who know how to become a successful and rich woman created their own business from the fifth to tenth attempt. Do not think that you will succeed the first time. Mistakes are the way to success, learn to walk in the world of business as a baby takes steps in the first year of life. Only your "bumps" will help to understand what was done wrong, what is the problem and how to find a solution. It is better to make a mistake several times and draw conclusions than to sit and wait for "manna from heaven", lost in conjectures.

The main obstacle in business is low self-esteem. Raise her. Many people have some special unsurpassed qualities, but the mistake of many is to think that they are not worthy of success, it will never come to them. The reasons for this are different - youth or old age, physical disabilities, low level of qualification, the result is always the same in this case - passivity. Forget about failures, always think about your successes, even the smallest ones. If you need to, take a few psychology courses. You will always have as much money as you allow yourself to have.

How do you feel about money?

Now think about how you feel about money. In human life there is nothing more that would be surrounded by such myths as money, and yet it is just "paper". Learn to treat money as a tool for achieving goals, and not as a measure of good and evil. You are probably familiar with examples of stereotypes:

  • Money is the cause of all troubles, it is evil.
  • Money solves all problems.
  • Big money - big problems.
  • Wealth is only for the lucky ones.
  • Only hard work leads to money.
  • Thrift is the sister of wealth.
  • Money can not buy happiness.
  • Save for a rainy day, not for pleasure.
  • Poverty is a virtue.

These principles will never lead you to wealth. With these attitudes, a person who has even accidentally received capital will subconsciously strive to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Manage your expenses

For those who know how to become a successful and rich woman from scratch at 40, there is no concept of "shopping for the sake of shopping." They know how to spend money wisely and buy only the most necessary things. It would seem that there is nothing easier than controlling your expenses. However, 75% of people don't even keep track of their finances. The way of thinking of the poor makes many people do stupid things, they want to look like wealthy people in the eyes of others - they take a car on credit, buy expensive gadgets, for which they then pay for years. If you are striving for success and want to become rich, learn to manage your expenses wisely. We're not saying you have to be a cheapskate, but overspending on your thirtieth pair of shoes shows that you haven't learned how to spend wisely.

Main goals

There are some secrets that reveal the essence of how to become a successful and rich woman from scratch at 40. Remember, the main thing in life at any age is to be able to set your goals correctly. Aimless movement will not get you anywhere. In matters of wealth, it is especially important to set the right goals. Of course, your global goal may seem fantastic. yesterday employee cannot imagine that he will be the owner of millions. That is why break the path to the goal into stages. So the abstract dream will begin to turn into a concrete plan, according to which you will act in the near future. The goal must be specific. "Getting rich" is not the goal. But "to earn a hundred thousand a month in a year" is already a specific setting. For example, "I want to lose weight" is not a goal, the question "I want to lose ten kilograms" is more realistic. An unattainable goal is the most powerful demotivator. Don't follow the society. If it is now fashionable to be an entrepreneur, you do not need to set yourself such a goal, dreaming of becoming a highly qualified psychologist. Achieve your goals and strive to become successful in your field, even if you dream of opening your own mental health office.

Go to action

It is not an easy task to leave your comfort zone, to radically change your life. You can change jobs if the old one hinders your development or get additional education which will allow you to get a highly paid specialty. Become a master of your craft. Thousands of girls feel successful without even resorting to business. You should not think that you can earn capital only by hard work, a good specialist can get more in an hour of work than a beginner in a week. Achieve it. You can realize your dream with the help of your favorite activities at home. After all, there are cases when a favorite hobby helps a woman become a specialist and open her own business, whether it be sewing, floriculture, making dolls, painting, even breeding cats. Move forward, study popular materials on how to become a successful and rich woman. Books in which people who have risen in life share their successes will help you. Read Napoleon Hill, John Kehoe, Robert Kiyosaki, your outlook will change completely.

How to become a successful and rich woman. start your own business

If you decide to change your life, at any age, be it 30 or 40, you will have to make a choice - to be employed or to become independent and open your own business. In many cases, the first option with a good salary is preferable, but for those who want to find freedom, it is worth taking the risk and building your own business. It may not work the first time, but step-by-step actions, the fulfillment of the planned step-by-step goals will lead you to a dream - you will become a rich and independent woman. Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed in life.

The modern world imposes on us the cult of success, where the losers are left behind. All conversations come down to success, money and wealth. Even Small child knows that without money it is impossible to afford anything. No one remains indifferent to prosperity, and women are increasingly thinking about how to become successful, influential and not depend on the whims of men. Let's talk about how to learn how to make money.

Change your mindset

Every successful wife understands that wealth does not fall on her head for beautiful eyes. Do you want financial independence? Then you will have to work hard, but desire alone is not enough here. First, change your mindset and attitude towards money. As soon as people start earning more, thoughts of unfulfilled dreams in the past burst out.

You, too, will have to pass this test and put an end to unforeseen expenses and the desire to join the attributes of a chic life. Rich people cannot afford to spend money on unnecessary things, they prefer to invest. Remember that people who live one day end up with nothing.

Give up the easy ways

Success and prosperity in life can be achieved even if you start your business from scratch. Throw away prejudices and gender stereotypes, according to which a successful woman is one who successfully married or sued half of the property from her former oligarch spouse in a divorce. When the main breadwinner in the family is a man, the spouse is responsible for raising children and maintaining a home.

However, if you choose this path of enrichment, you will face a lack of control over your life. Your well-being is not in your hands, and financial independence can be lost at any time. This model has another obvious disadvantage: an addicted woman cannot acquire skills financial discipline and cannot develop the mentality of a successful person who is used to earning money on his own.

Develop the necessary personal qualities

Magic and conspiracies are unlikely to help you if you decide to build successful career. Rely only on your own strength, attend refresher courses and business trainings. And if you want to change the world around you, you will have to devote some time personal growth. Rich and poor people behave very differently. Here are the qualities that lead to success:

  • Search for any opportunities for development, unwillingness to miss the chance.
  • Failures cannot break, they become part of an invaluable experience.
  • learning from the experience of others and constant striving to new knowledge.
  • Money does not become a cult, it is part of independence.
  • Communication with active and successful people who do not grumble at fate.
  • Planning your life for several years ahead.
  • Risks and ability to act without delay.

Here is what the poor people used to do:

  • The desire to live one day, lack of plans for the future.
  • The eternal search for the perpetrators of failures and shifting responsibility from their shoulders to them.
  • Money becomes the most important value in life.
  • Unwillingness to develop and learn something useful.
  • Complete avoidance of risks and total fear of failure.
  • Constant dissatisfaction with your life.

If you decide to change your life, be prepared for the fact that those around you will begin to dissuade you from changing. Therefore, listen to the opinion of only those who have independently reached any heights.

Boost your self-esteem and give yourself the right to make mistakes

Know that many successful and wealthy women have started their business on their fifth or even tenth try. Do not think that everything always has to work the first time. See mistakes as the path to success. Compare yourself to a child taking their first steps in entrepreneurship. It is better to make a few mistakes and draw conclusions than to sit and wait for manna from heaven.

The main barrier to women's success in business is low self-esteem. Therefore, try to work on eliminating this defect. Even if you are too young or already have grandchildren, have a disability or low qualifications, this is not a reason to give up and let others go ahead. Passivity will never bring success, so you must live by the principle "water does not flow under a lying stone."

Attitude towards money

Our society actively cultivates several myths, one of which is that money is just pieces of paper. This delusion will prevent you from earning. Learn to treat money as a tool to achieve goals, and not as a measure of good and evil. And here are other financial stereotypes:

  • Money is evil, the cause of all human troubles.
  • Money can solve all problems.
  • The thicker the wallet, the more problems.
  • Rich people are lucky.
  • Only hard work bears fruit.
  • Thrift goes hand in hand with wealth.
  • Money cannot buy happiness (health).
  • It is better to save for a rainy day than to spend on pleasure.
  • Poverty is a virtue.

Throw away all these principles, as they prevent the creation of capital.

Cost Management

Rich people never go from one extreme to another. Yes, they are not used to overspend on luxury items, however, many of them do not live in total economy mode. They know how to spend money wisely and buy only the most necessary things. It would seem that there is nothing easier than keeping track of your expenses, but 75 percent of people neglect this rule. And if you still do not keep track of finances, urgently correct the situation.

The poor man's mindset makes him do stupid things. Well-being in the eyes of others through a life in debt is too exhausting. If you want to be successful, you must impulsive purchases and desires to have branded things by all means. Stop and think, why do you need the thirtieth pair of shoes?

Achievement of the main goal

Planning is the most important aspect of success. Aimless chaotic movement will never lead you to the goal. In questions financial well-being it is especially important to set the right priorities. Despite the fact that your global goal may initially seem too unattainable, live by the principle "the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." Yesterday's employee cannot imagine himself a millionaire, but if he breaks the whole path into smaller stages, the movement forward will accelerate significantly.

Turn an abstract dream into a concrete plan, avoid vague wording. For example, if your goal is to achieve wealth, we are in a hurry to disappoint you. This setup will not lead you to success. But the desire to earn 3 million rubles a year is a specific setting. If this number is too high, lower the bar a little. An unattainable goal can be the most powerful demotivator.

Go to action

Your challenge is to leave your comfort zone and change your life. You can change jobs, find your calling, and start doing the things you are best at. Find your own niche, gain additional knowledge, learn new skills, become a master of your craft.

Thousands of women feel successful without having own business. Don't think that working up a sweat is the only way to get rich. Services a good specialist are much more expensive. By becoming a guru in any business, you will earn more in an hour than a beginner earns in a week.

We are always perplexed when we see a woman who suddenly soared "from rags to riches." We always wonder why money sticks to some of us? But people do not make any special efforts for this. Or does it just seem to us and they have some special secrets of success? In our publication we will talk on the topic: "How to become a successful and rich woman."

A topical and urgent question

The question we asked is even more topical and urgent than the topics: “How to become beautiful?” or “How to find happiness in life?” These are the realities of the post-Soviet space, men in our environment are far from long-livers. Therefore, beautiful ladies have to rely only on themselves. This is especially true in a period when children have already matured and have their own families. Right now is the time to think about how to become a successful woman in everything. We will reveal the first secret to our readers. Having decided to become independent, self-reliant and successful, it is necessary to stop envying someone else's wealth or thinking that someone in this life initially has more chances. This setting will lead you to a dead end. As soon as you free yourself from thoughts that torment your ego, everything will immediately move off the ground. Do you want to know how to become a successful and rich woman? Do not neglect our advice.

Unnecessary option

Of course, you can take the easy route, especially if you are young. In order not to need anything, you will have to meet an oligarch or a prominent industrialist. If you're lucky, you can marry a wealthy man. But will you feel at the same time self-sufficient, confident and independent? Of course not. Therefore, we will not even consider this option.

Desire for change and work on yourself

Before you step into the world of entrepreneurship or start working tirelessly, you have to make some efforts and change the mentality. You must be ready for new connections, new opportunities and new perspectives. If you do not feel ready to change in your life, then it will be difficult for you to figure out how to become a successful and rich woman. You must be able to analyze thoughts, actions, learn from mistakes and not be afraid to make important decisions. Remember that successful ladies are never content with a tit in their hand. They strive to grab the crane in the sky, which is why they surpass you in their abundance. And now it's time to get rid of unnecessary virus installations that have occupied your consciousness.

Away thoughts of hard work for 12 hours

In our publication today, we touch on the topic of how to become a successful and wealthy woman. To begin with, get rid of the stereotypical consciousness that has been firmly rooted in recent years. It is much easier to become successful by finding a high-paying stable job than to work in three low-paying jobs without vacations and days off. Think about what your health will be like in the next decade. The situation is inevitable when the well-being earned by sweat and blood will have to be spent on medicines. Will you be happy with the money you have earned if you don’t know the rest at all? Ultimately, your strength will run out, and the family will receive less precious attention. Remember that you are a woman, not a draft horse. Appreciate your time, energy and nerves.

Away with thoughts of unworthiness!

If, deep down, you believe that you are not worthy of high material wealth, you will also have to change the setting in your mind. Thoughts that you have little experience in any professional field, that you are not educated enough and are no longer young, will also lead you to a dead end. Remember that it's never too late to learn, and the best and most successful careerists learn new things throughout their lives.
Eliminate thoughts that you already have a good life, if only the children were fed and clothed. If deep down you dream of prosperity, but do not know how to become a successful and rich woman, remove all these restrictions from yourself. If someone once told you that your place is in the kitchen, do not trust this person. Create from yourself the woman you want to become ideally. You will definitely succeed!

Away with thoughts of total economy

And here is another setting that you should definitely get rid of. You want to have big money, but you are afraid that the notorious rainy day will come soon. How to get rid of the idea that it is necessary to save on everything and constantly save extra money? Do you ever allow yourself to go on vacation, fearing that tomorrow you will need money for something important?

We assure you that with such an approach to life, you will not need wealth. History knows many cases when women denied themselves everything all their lives, but had bank account a tidy sum. The depreciation of the currency turned their fortunes into a bust soap bubble. Therefore, always approach your savings wisely. Remember that if the money does not fulfill its functions, but lies in the bank account as a dead weight, gradually there will be less and less of it.

Choose an activity to your liking

Today we are considering an urgent question: “How to become a successful and rich woman?” The advice of those who have already succeeded is very similar. First of all, in choosing a field of activity, be guided by intuition, heart and vocation. The main source of income for you should be the business to which the soul lies. Psychologists say that if a person does not like his work, he will not achieve grandiose results in this field, will not move far in career ladder, will not feel satisfied. And if you are not satisfied with the current area of ​​employment, urgently change the type of activity. Do not console yourself with the thought that millions of people go to unloved job. This argument is in favor of the poor. Only your favorite business can bring you real wealth.

So, now you know a lot about how to become a successful and rich woman. Rules for self-sufficient individuals also exist. When choosing a business in which you succeed as a source of income, remember that the results may not come immediately. Be patient, believe and improve. When the work is pleasant, a person can really become a guru.

Can conspiracies be used?

We are talking about how to become a rich and successful woman. Conspiracies in this matter are not that inappropriate, they are able to bring discord into your destiny. But you can use amulets to attract wealth. Some people make cute things out of coins and wire and keep them around the house. Someone buys magic toads or Hotei (a feng shui wealth talisman), someone plants a money tree. Some entrepreneurs wear jewelry made of chrysopase, citrine or rhodonite on their bodies. But all this is more like self-hypnosis.

Success Secrets: Create a Plan and Follow It

We talked a lot about how to become a successful and rich woman. Where to begin new life? First of all, you need to create a vision of future well-being, as well as develop an action plan for the next period, for example, for a year. Don't keep your thoughts in your head, entrust them to paper. Follow the plan, purposefully move forward. To do this, break the main task into several local ones. Write down in your diary what you need to do in the next week or month. Control execution. Remember that you can not give yourself concessions. But you can have a weekend. But only if the deed is done.

Get the right goals

However, in order to follow the intended goal, it is necessary to learn how to set it correctly. To begin with, you need to adequately assess the situation and start small. Do not be afraid to get bogged down in the little things, big tasks will gradually come. Otherwise, the intended goals will remain unfulfilled dreams. Look for funds for implementation and be open to new acquaintances. You can never know who this random passerby on the street is.

Don't give up when you fail

Remember that failures not only build character, but also give great experience! If you correctly assess the situation, then next time you will not make such a mistake again. Do not be afraid to take risks, remember the famous saying. Boldly go forward, so you will not have the slightest reason to reproach yourself for missed opportunities.


In our publication today, we talked about how to become a successful and wealthy woman from scratch. We hope that our advice will benefit you, and, of course, financial well-being.

Money will not buy you happiness, but it will buy you a yacht on which you will go in search of him ...
/Johnny Depp/

Reading books and meditating will help you become spiritually rich. We will reveal the topic of how to legally achieve a high material level - how to become a rich woman.

In search of a universal recipe for enrichment

"Beware of your desires - they tend to come true!" - said one Chinese sage. An analysis of the life stories of many people confirms this saying.

In the modern world, the possibilities of men and women are approximately equal, therefore, if you set yourself the cherished goal of becoming wealthy - and are ready for anything for it - you have a high chance of achieving what you want.

Is there a universal recipe to achieve this goal?

Let's make a reservation right away: there is no universal recipe suitable for absolutely every woman. We will deliberately not write about such mythical ways to get rich, like winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance from a deceased lonely overseas relative. Inheriting the property of your deceased parents is almost a guaranteed income, but you are certainly counting on other ways to enrich yourself. And they are!

There are two different real ways that will help you become a wealthy woman.

Method number 1

To achieve material well-being and high social status, you can marry an oligarch. If you are so mercantile that you are ready to put your personal happiness on the line, this option is for you. Call, write letters, look for meetings with Petya Listerman. True, the most famous pimp has very strict criteria for selecting girls. To get into the portfolio, which he shows to the oligarchs, you must have the appearance of a Hollywood beauty.

Alternatively, you can try to find an oligarch or just a rich businessman on your own. For example, through international marriage agencies.

In a marriage of convenience, by the way, there is a possibility of a happy marriage. But very small...

You must keep in mind that a rich man who meets your requirements is smart. Therefore, he, most likely, will not want to voluntarily become a victim of the hunt of a mercantile person.

Do not be open about your intentions. Gained popularity online a story that has become almost a parable called “She was looking for a rich husband. Banker's answer. This is a story about a beautiful, smart, funny 25-year-old girl who was looking for a wealthy (earning at least 200 thousand dollars a year) man. The girl directly stated her desire to find a rich husband, writing about it on a popular website for traders. She was interested in whether there were those guys who suit her on this site and asked for advice on where (in which restaurants, bars, gyms and other establishments) they can be found. Declaring her material claims to the chosen one, the girl justified them with her spectacular appearance, culture, sense of taste, ability to manage the household, and most importantly, the desire to stay at home with future children. She lamented what many rich wives have - nondescript ugly girls and "simple women "- and opposing them to herself - a clever and beautiful woman.

The girl's letter did not go unnoticed. Just the kind of guy she needs - with a high income and position in society - wrote to her. But on his part, it was by no means an interest ... Being a pragmatist by nature, like all real financiers and traders, the guy explained to the girl that her proposal was nothing more than a deal: beauty in exchange for money. But this transaction is by no means equivalent in terms of the proposed conditions, because beauty, unlike capital, tends to fade over time, which makes its owner a depreciating asset. The guy concluded that a 25-year-old girl would be attractive to men for a maximum of ten years, and even then less and less every year. According to the laws of the stock exchange, this makes her an unfavorable "trading position", since marrying her is like "buying and holding an asset." To use Petit Listerman's terminology, buying "shaggy gold" is bad business. In order not to have problems with how to get out of the “asset” (when the beauty fades), it is much more profitable to rent it. The guy explained that the deal that is appropriate is dating, but not a wedding. But this option contradicted the girl's goal.

What is the conclusion? Straightforwardness and open demonstration of a consumer position are inappropriate. Show ingenuity and flexibility, hiding selfish intentions.

Even if you consider a marriage of convenience acceptable for yourself, you probably want to see a reverent attitude from the chosen one, to be for him. And those feelings don't come from a cold-blooded business deal...

Since the first way of enrichment rightly deserves criticism, we will smoothly move on to the presentation of the second.

Method number 2

Wealth as the purpose and meaning of life

Why are you seeking wealth? If wealth itself is ultimate goal you may find the following instructive parable.

One day an American banker came to a small coastal Mexican village. He was standing on the pier when he saw a boat with a fisherman moored to the shore. The banker drew attention to a good catch of tuna and asked the fisherman how much time was spent on fishing. The fisherman replied that not much.

Why don't you stay at sea longer and catch more fish? the American asked in surprise.

What for? This is enough for my family,” was the answer.

How do you spend the rest of your time? the banker did not let up.

Well, I sleep a lot. Then I fish a little. I spend time with children. We have lunch with the whole family. Then my wife Gabriela and I have an afternoon rest - a siesta. In the evenings I meet with friends. We walk around the village, drink wine and play the guitar. I live a full life.

There was a smile on the banker's face.

I graduated from Harvard and am well versed in business organization,” he said. - I can help you. You need to fish longer. Over time, you will be able to buy a bigger boat, then a few boats, and after a while - a whole fishing fleet. This will allow you to sell your catch directly to the processor, bypassing an intermediary. Then you can buy your own fish processing plant. And then it will be possible to control the entire seafood market. You will reach a new level: you will move to Mexico City, then to Los Angeles, and after a while to New York, from where you will control your expanding enterprise.

And how long will it take? asked the fisherman.

In 15-20 years, the banker answered.

And then?

Then the most pleasant. The shares of a successful enterprise can be sold, becoming a very rich person - a millionaire.

Then you can go on vacation. You will go to a small village. You will sleep for a long time, spend time for your own pleasure: relax with your family, walk around the village, meet friends, drink wine, play the guitar ...

It is clear that such a prospect seemed meaningless to the fisherman, because he already has all this.

“If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it,” John Davison Rockefeller, the first dollar billionaire in human history, warns. Any goal should be specific and supported by a clear algorithm for achieving it.

Perhaps someone will see the purpose of wealth in the transfer of inheritance to children. Say, they no longer have to strain, and they can safely enjoy life. But this approach is a disservice to children. That's how they think the richest people world - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. “Children will not receive billions. They need to understand that work should be done and that work should be important,” the Microsoft founder emphasized.

And Gates is absolutely right. Remember the parable of the earned ruble? The lazy adult son of a blacksmith spent his time idly, did not want to work and only spent his father's savings. When his father demanded that he earn his own money, he tried to deceive him. Begging for gold coins from his mother, the son several times passed them off as his own, earned by hard work. But you can't fool a wise old man - his father mercilessly threw rubles into the fireplace. The son realized that he would have to work on his own. After working hard for a whole week, he brought his father his first honestly earned ruble. When the incredulous father threw the coin into the fireplace, the guy rushed after it right into the fire and scooped it out with his bare hands. “You see,” said the old man, “for the labor ruble, even the heart hurts.”

If you wish your children well, then you must definitely give them a good education. It is education that will contribute to their development; will help you develop your abilities and achieve your goals.

Since we quoted the founder of Microsoft above, let's give the floor to his competitor, the late CEO of Apple Steve Jobs: “The constant race for profit turns a person into a puppet. It happened to me too. The wealth that I have made in my life I cannot take with me. All that I will take with me are only memories associated with love.

Take care of your health. This is the greatest value for every person.

Do not spare money for health!
In life, this is the main condition.
Why? Yes, just because
What without real health
We don't need money anymore!
/Eduard Asadov/

Do you still dream of becoming rich? Then do not forget that we have one life, do not put it off for later. Start making your dreams come true today. Even if your goal is not achieved soon, let it become a cherished guide that motivates your development and self-improvement.

And finally, in summary, let's rephrase Stendhal's statement a little: "A woman lives on earth not to become rich, but in order to".


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