Biography of Viktor Vekselberg. Vekselberg's path. Biography. Twelve immigrants from the ussr in the list of the richest people in switzerland

Awards and prizes:


Tyumen Oil Company and TNK-BP

V.F. Vekselberg and Patriarch Alexy

In September 1997, Vekselberg was elected to the Board of Directors of OJSC Tyumen Oil Company (TNK).

On April 28, 1998, at a meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC Tyumenneftegaz (a production company in the structure of TNK), he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Tyumenneftegaz.

Since July 1998 - First Vice President, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of TNK.

From June 1998 to 2000 - member of the Board of Directors of OAO Nizhnevartovskneftegaz.

On July 12, 1999, he was elected to the Board of Directors of OAO Nizhnevartovsk Oil and Gas Production Enterprise. On the same day he was elected to the Board of Directors of Samotlorneftegaz OJSC.

Since November 2000 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC ONAKO.

Since July 2001 - Director of strategic planning and corporate development OJSC "TNK".

Since March 2002 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC RUSIA Petroleum.

In April 2002 Vekselberg was appointed chairman of the board of the Tyumen Oil Company.

September 1, 2003 BP, Alfa Group and Access / Renova (ААР) announced the creation of strategic partnership and the intention to combine their oil assets in Russia and Ukraine.

Since September 2003 - Member of the Board of Directors of TNK-BP.

Since 2005 - Executive Director for Development gas business TNK-BP.

Since 2009 - Executive Director of TNK-BP

Skolkovo innovation center

  • Since March 2010 - coordinator of the Russian part of the innovation center in Skolkovo.
  • Since June 2010 - President of the Development Fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Foundation).
  • Since June 2010 - Co-Chairman of the Board of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Cultural and Historical Foundation "Link of Times"

In April 2004, he established the Link of Times Cultural and Historical Foundation and was headed by its Board of Trustees.

Already the first project of the Link of Times Foundation - the acquisition in the United States of the world's largest private collection of works by the great Russian jeweler Peter Carl Faberge and its return to Russia - caused a colossal public response both in Russia and abroad. Now the Fund is holding a series of expositions of the collection in the largest metropolitan and regional museums. The first place for the exposition was the Moscow Kremlin, where the exhibition "Faberge: Lost and Found" from the collection of the "Link of Times" Foundation was held from May to July 2004. To date, the collection has been exhibited in 18 cities of Russia and the world.

Among the projects of the Link of Times Foundation:

  • the return from the USA of the bells of the Holy Danilov Monastery;
  • the return in 2006 of the archive of the Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin to Russia and its transfer to Moscow State University for safekeeping;
  • restoration of the Vrubel Hall in the Tretyakov Gallery;
  • restoration of the historical monument Fort Ross (California, USA).


  • The largest private shareholder of TNK-BP (12.5% ​​- the same stake in Access-Renova partner Leonard Blavatnik).
  • Coordinator of the construction of the innovation center in Skolkovo.
  • Renova Group of Companies is represented in 36 regions of Russia, as well as in Europe, Africa, Asia and America.
  • More than 80% of the total investment volume of the Renova Group is made up of long-term investments in the Russian economy.
  • More than 100,000 people work in companies belonging to the Renova Group.
  • Owns the world's largest collection of Faberge jewelry. Vekselberg promised to give two Faberge Easter eggs, worth $ 37 million, to the Russian Museum, but for some unknown reason he never gave them.


Social activity

Member of the Commission on Federal, Interregional and Regional Socio-Economic Policy under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Member of the Coordination Council of the metallurgical complex of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

Renova's Swiss assets

The official date of the company's entry into the world markets in Renova is considered 2006 year.

In July 2006, Renova announced the purchase of a 10.25% stake in the Swiss concern Oerlikon, and in May 2007, the Group acquired a blocking stake in the Swiss engineering and mechanical engineering concern Sulzer, hoping for synergy from combining its existing lines of business and some production segments of Oerlikon and Sulzer including solar and vacuum technologies.

Renova gradually increased its shares in the concerns, and today its share in Oerlikon is 44.7%, and in Sulzer - 31%.

Business activity Vekselberg in Switzerland was not cloudless: the Federal Department of Finance (Ministry of Finance of Switzerland) at various times conducted investigations within the framework of administrative criminal law against Vekselberg, Pechik and Stumpf on suspicion of violating their obligations arising from the exchange legislation in the framework of the acquisition of shares in Oerlikon and Sulzer. The initiation of a criminal case against Sulzer strangely coincided with negotiations between Switzerland and the United States to remove bank secrets from the accounts of businessmen suspected of tax evasion in the United States, and just before the OECD put the “banking republic” on the list of “gray” countries contributing to money laundering criminal proceeds. The criminal investigation was so publicized that the question arises: did Vekselberg become a victim of a campaign organized by Switzerland to avoid the sanctions promised by the "twenty"?

In 2010, the Swiss Federal Court ruled that the decision of the Swiss Ministry of Finance on a fine related to the acquisition of a stake in Oerlikon in 2006 was unjustified and subject to complete annulment. In the autumn of the same year, the investigation into the acquisition of Sulzer shares by Renova in 2007 was terminated, which confirms the legality of the company's actions.

Vekselberg views its Swiss assets as a strategic investment that has enabled Renova to achieve synergy through access to technology.

An example of such a synergistic effect is the joint venture between Rusnano and Renova to create the largest production of solar modules in Russia based on Oerlikon Solar's thin-film technology - Hevel.

In 2010, Vekselberg was forced to move from Zurich to the canton of Zug. One of the factors is the abolition of the lump-sum taxation in Zurich, which was voted for by the majority of the citizens of the canton. In Zug, the lump-sum tax is still in effect, but even if it is canceled, Vekselberg will pay significantly less taxes than in Zurich.

see also

  • The richest citizens of the CIS countries and the descendants of emigrants from the USSR and the Russian Empire in 2007

Notes (edit)

  2. Vekselberg Becomes Richest Russian After Rosneft Oil Deal
  3. Viktor Bulba: "Pan Vekselberg bouv, і and become a Drogobychian" - Drogobich Info
  4. Renova Group of Companies website
  5. Viktor Vekselberg resigned from the post of chairman of the board of directors of UC Rusal, INTERFAX
  6. Russian "Silicon Valley" will be coordinated by Viktor Vekselberg
  7. More than Silicon Valley (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany)
  8. Skolkovo Innovation Center
  9. "Kommersant", "Egg-bearing person", October 22, 2007
  10. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 No. 1474 "On rewarding with state awards of the Russian Federation"
  11. Business: Two years of war. Archived from the original on February 12, 2012. Retrieved August 8, 2011.
  12. Strafverfahren gegen Vekselberg im Fall Sulzer, 6 April 2009 (German)

Viktor Vekselberg's path to success cannot be called simple. His business empire - Renova Group of Companies - is only part of the assets of the billionaire who owns Swiss companies Sulzer and Schmolz + Bickenbach, Oerlikon, the Italian insurance company Octo Telematics, the Columbus Nova investment fund and part of the offshore bank, Rusal, T-Plus and Akado shares. The sale of a stake in TNK-BP for $ 7 billion in 2013 provided the successful businessman with a leading position in the Russian Forbes rating. Over the past year, his capital has increased by another $ 1.9 billion. As of mid-2017, he is ranked 89 in the Forbes world ranking with a capital of $ 12.4 billion.


  • Date of Birth: April 14, 1957
  • Education:

    MIIT - Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, Faculty of Automation and computing technology;

    postgraduate studies at the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

  • start date entrepreneurial activity/age: 1989/32 years
  • Startup activity: sale of secondary copper and aluminum
  • Current activity: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renova Group of Companies, investment activities
  • Current state:$ 12.4 billion as of 2017 according to Forbes
  • Link to pages in social networks:

Viktor Vekselberg - a Russian Jew with Ukrainian roots became an influential person in Russia and the richest man in the world. With a name and short biography Viktor Vekselberg is connected not only with successful projects, but also high-profile scandals, from which the billionaire always came out without loss.

The Renova company, the foundation of which was laid back in the 90s, systematically expanded its horizons, mastering new directions and capturing promising objects. Vekselberg's interests extend to metallurgy, energy, development, telecommunications, nanotechnology, the chemical industry, gold mining and oil.

It was the deal to sell part of the shares in TNK-BP for $ 7 billion that brought Vekselberg in 2013 the name of the richest man in Russia. His fortune in 2014 was estimated at $ 17.2 billion (according to Forbes), which is $ 1.4 billion less than the leader of the rating Alisher Usmanov.

“For me, being rich is first and foremost being responsible. It is difficult to earn money, but it is even more difficult to dispose of it correctly ", - V. Vekselberg

Owning assets and real estate abroad, Vekselberg is not going to leave Russia.

"The world treats foreigners badly in general, and Russians are doubly treated", - V. Vekselberg

But it is not the attitude towards Russians abroad, but completely different reasons that keep the billionaire. After all, his empire is growing successfully and acquiring high-tech assets. Scandals and courts do not prevent the oligarch from buying airports and factories, engaging in scientific and philanthropic activities. He was accused of:

  • in "secret seizures" - the case of the gold mining company Petropavlovsk and the privatization of "Khimprom";
  • fraudulent activities - the purchase of shares in Sulzer;
  • corruption - withdrawal of money from Skolkovo;
  • funding of American Democrats, in particular the Clinton campaign.

As always, Vekselberg got out of scandals “dry” and with minimal losses. And even the high-profile case of Renova, in which top managers of the corporation were detained, accused of giving especially large bribes, did not affect the reputation of the billionaire. In March 2017, he personally received the distinction "For Benefit" from Putin's hands.

Fig 1. Putin presents Vekselberg with the distinction "For Benefit".
Source: RIA

The success story continues - Viktor Vekselberg further expands the horizons of his business, increasing his capital.

Buys and builds airports, greenhouse complexes, chooses scientific activity as a new direction for the Renova Group. Meanwhile, together with Prokhorov, in October 2017, he is selling 3% of the shares of RUSAL for $ 315 million.

Fig 2. Vekselberg and Prokhorov.
Source: biznes-new

And he confidently holds positions not only in the ranking of "The richest people in Russia", but also in the Forbes list of world billionaires.

Table 1. Dynamics of changes in the state of V. Vekselberg in 2005 - 2017.
Source: Forbes

Condition, million $

Changes in the state of the billionaire are more clearly reflected in the graph.

Childhood dreams and cruel reality

What could a boy who was born into a Jewish and Russian family in April 1957 dream of in the small town of Drohobych in Western Ukraine, not far from Lvov? Already from childhood, he realized that the Jewish surname leaves a certain imprint on fate. Their large family actually consisted of numerous relatives on the mother's side. Nevertheless, the relatives of his father, a Jew by nationality, were shot in 1944.

He counted exclusively on his own strength, “gnawed at the granite of science” and dreamed of entering Moscow State University - he took preparatory courses for the correspondence school of mechanics and mathematics.

Friends advised not to tempt fate, but to immediately enter MIIT.

“For obvious reasons: my surname is“ too complicated ”, - V. Vekselberg

The guy chooses the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, which he successfully enters. As a student, Viktor Vekselberg made friends with many interesting people. In the future, they will become his business partners or competitors.

Figure 4. Vekselberg - student.
Source: social networks

His institute friends were Leonard Blavatnik (closest business partner), as well as Volodya Kremer, Zhenya Olkhovik (heads of structural divisions of the Renova company).

Active position Komsomol member and the desire to be the first in everything helped Victor graduate from the university with a high average score, which gave an advantage in distribution. But this time, too, a Jewish surname played a cruel joke. All acceptable employment options, including the prestigious Moscow research institutes, were completely dismissed. Therefore, the graduate had to look for a job on his own, for which he "asked for a free diploma."

Vekselberg's entrepreneurial streak originated in his last year at the institute. He married early. To feed his wife and child, the guy worked part-time at the department, lectured in junior courses. But I also had to earn extra money at a meat processing plant, a confectionery factory.

Figure 5. Vekselberg with his wife.
Source: site Know all

Having access to scarce goods, which were imported to Western Ukraine in special ways, he traded in records and jeans in order to earn a “penny” for a more decent life.

The design office, where the engineer worked from 1979 to 1990, worked on the development of Konnas rodless pumps for oil production.

He had to visit oil fields by occupation.

“And, of course, I could not imagine that later I would become the owner of some of them. I did not have the slightest premonition that someday in my life I will be engaged in private business ", - V. Vekselberg

The first pancake is "not lumpy" - from science to business

The idea that his knowledge can be used in commercial areas was prompted by Artem Tarasov, the first Soviet millionaire, whom Vekselberg considers an ideological inspirer and business teacher. The engineer organized his own business at the turn of the 90s. His research and production association "KomVek" (Vekselberg's Company) was engaged in the development project documentation.

But apart from scientific activities, the company bought up used cable products, from which copper and aluminum conductors were mined on a machine developed by him personally. Non-ferrous scrap was bought from the population on the cheap. The cost of secondary raw materials was $ 100 per ton. They sold the goods in Germany at $ 3,000 per ton.

Back in 1987, at an oil exhibition in America, Vekselberg ran into his student friend Leonid Blavatnik, who went abroad in 1978. The meeting was crucial, as it was decided to create a joint project.

Fig 6. Friends and partners: Vekselberg and Blavatnik.
Source: Newspaper. RU

This decision was realized in 1991. The company "Renova", 2/3 of which belonged to NPO KomVek Vekselberg, 1/3 - to Blavatnik, was initially engaged in the purchase computer technology abroad, which in Russia was exchanged for privatization vouchers.

This made it possible to collect a sufficient number of checks and become owners of factories. The choice was obvious - non-ferrous metallurgy.

  • 1995 - privatization of the Irkutsk and Uralsk aluminum smelters;
  • 1996 - creation of the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company (SUAL);
  • 1997 - obtaining a license for the development of the Sredne-Timan deposit.

It was at this stage that the interests of SUAL and Oleg Deripaska's Rusal company crossed.

Vekselberg Viktor Feliksovich- President of the Skolkovo Foundation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies.


Fixed assets of Viktor Vekselberg are concentrated:

  • investments (Renova group of companies).


Takes 8th place in the rating of the Russian-language version of Forbes "The Richest Businessmen of Russia - 2012". Viktor Vekselberg's fortune is estimated at $ 12.4 billion.


Was born on April 14, 1957 in Drohobych, Lviv region, Ukraine.

1979 - graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering (Department of Automated Control Systems) of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers (MIIT).

Completed postgraduate studies at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

1978-1990 - have worked research assistant, Head of the Laboratory of the Special Design Bureau for Rodless Pumps (OKB BN "Konnas").

Since 1989 - general manager JSC NPO KOMVEK.

1990: Creation of the joint venture "Renova" together with Leonid Blavatnik

Since 1997 - Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Industrialists of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Russia.

2000 - President of the SUAL-Holding Management Company.

2000 - was elected to the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

2003 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of SUAL-Holding.

2003 - Member of the Bureau of the Management Board Of the Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs (RUIE).

Since 2004 - Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Renova Group of Companies. Since 2010 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies.

2005 - Chairman of the Committee on International Activities of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

2007-2012 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the united company Rusal (UC Rusal).

2010: Head of the Skolkovo Foundation

In 2010, by the decision of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Viktor Vekselberg was appointed head of the Skolkovo Foundation, which is implementing a project to create an Innovation Center in Skolkovo.

For 2012, co-owner and CEO of Sual Partners.

2012 - announced his resignation from the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of UC Rusal, which he had held since the company was founded in 2007. Viktor Vekselberg also announced his resignation from the Board of Directors of UC Rusal.

Works as the chairman of the board of the Tyumen Oil Company OJSC. One of five beneficiaries of Sovlink investment company and Alba Alliance bank. Then in 2012, he announced that he did not intend to sell his stake in TNK, the purchase of which was interested in Rosneft.

Member of the Board of Directors of the companies controlled by Renova - ONAKO, RUSIA, SIDANCO, Petroleum.

Member of the Commission on Federal, Interregional and Regional Socio-Economic Policy under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Member of the Coordination Council of the metallurgical complex of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

Viktor Vekselberg is a member of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety (MANEB), as well as the Coordination Council of the metallurgical complex of the Russian Ministry of Economy.

2016 - scientific advisor, chairman of the academic council of the federal state budgetary institution Science Center for Photochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences; member of the board of directors "

Victor Feliksovich Vekselberg was born in 1957 in the city of Drohobych, Lviv region. The family had a mother, there were uncles and aunts on her side, Victor had many cousins, a grandmother, and a large Ukrainian family. And there was dad. A dad with the last name Vekselberg, Felix Solomonovich, and there was not a single relative, no brother, no sister, no grandmother or grandfather. When he was little, everyone said that they died during the war. The whole tragedy of this story lies in the fact that about 15 thousand Poles, about 10 thousand Ukrainians and 15 thousand Jews lived in Drohobych before the war (it was actually on the border with Germany). When the war began, almost no one left the city. Only a few escaped, including Felix Solomonovich. In 1944, all people practically lived in normal conditions. But then they were simply rewritten, labels were handed out to be glued to the chest, and everyone was shot in 4 days. Such a small Babi Yar. The executed were buried in large holes dug in the woods near the city. Viktor Vekselberg lived in this city for 17 years and did not know that 18 members of his family, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, were buried in this forest. There was no monument there, only in the early 90s a small monument was erected there, and Viktor Vekselberg and his father made a small slab with 17 names of family members on it. Perhaps that is why Vekselberg himself is not very fond of remembering his Jewish roots. In any case, according to his passport, he is Russian. As they say, in one of his interviews, he explained this situation: "Jews do not consider me a Jew, because my mother is Russian. For their part, the Russians do not consider me Russian either, since my father is a Jew." Viktor Vekselberg at school studied only "good" and "excellent". He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers in 79th with honors and a specialty "systems engineer". He showed himself well in graduate school at the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences. In the design bureau for rodless pumps "Konnas" by the beginning of the 90s he rose to the rank of head. In 1990 Vekselberg founded and headed a number of commercial structures. NPO "KomBek" ("Vekselberg's Company") and TO firm "KAM" were engaged in research activities, LLP "OLIMP" - in public education. At the end of perestroika, Gorbachev gave the go-ahead to the cooperatives, and Viktor did not miss his chance. At that time, he got the idea to get aluminum and copper conductors from waste cables. They say that for greater processing efficiency, even a special unique machine was invented, which was demonstrated as an example of a successful innovation activities... So, Vekselberg bought copper and aluminum from cables at a cheap price (at $ 100 per ton), and sold it to Germany for $ 3000. Perhaps he was drawn from science to business by cooperation with Artem Tarasov's Tekhnika (there was such a first millionaire at the time of perestroika). Vekselberg even called him his teacher. In 1987, being an employee of the KB, Viktor Vekselberg went to an international oil exhibition in the United States. Arriving for the first time in America, Vekselberg found his friend, Leonid Blavatnik, with whom they studied at the institute. Blavatnik emigrated to America in 1978 from the 4th year, changed his name to Leonard, and since then Vekselberg has not met or corresponded with him. Nevertheless, the classmates restored relations, and in 1990, having created the first cooperative, Vekselberg invited Blavatnik to start a joint business. By that time, the latter had already graduated from Harvard University, received a degree from Columbia University, and had a fairly large own business... He was engaged in trade distribution, was a co-owner of a fairly large transport company, which carried out the transportation of various goods throughout America. In 1991, Vekselberg, together with Leonard Blavatnik, founded the Renova company, two-thirds of the shares of which were owned by NPO KomVek, and one-third by the American investment fund Access Industries, owned by Blavatnik. Vekselberg's partner in Komvek, lawyer Vladimir Balaeskul, has become the general director of the company. He was born and raised in Moldova, after graduating high school and serving in the armed forces worked in law enforcement; in 1984 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute; since 1984 he worked in legal positions in the State Insurance of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR. With "copper" money, Vekselberg began, with the help of Blavatnik and their joint company, Renova, to buy computers that were scarce in Russia at that time in the West and exchange them for privatization checks. By the mid-90s, Renova had accumulated so many vouchers that it was time to start a massive purchase of factories. Vekselberg was most familiar with two industries: oil and non-ferrous metallurgy. Big business friends decided to start with aluminum. In 1991, Renova came to the Irkutsk Aluminum Plant (IrkAZ). By general agreement concluded at that time, IrkAZ leased out to Renova the electrolysers that had been shut down earlier due to a shortage of raw materials. The parties agreed that Renova will launch these capacities. The third-party partner at the factory site was treated with caution. Muscovites won the sympathy of factory workers in different ways. For example, one of the top managers of the plant recalled that when there was an acute shortage of cash in the region and wages There was nothing to give out, representatives of "Renova" carried money in sacks from Moscow, handed it over to the cashier of the plant in order to give out wages to the workers. In the same 1991, IrkAZ was privatized according to a very common scheme at that time: 51% of the plant's shares were received by personnel, 29% of the shares from the state share were immediately sold at a check auction, and the remaining 20% ​​were sold much later, at an investment competition in 1993. It is clear that the management managed to buy the controlling stake in IrkAZ. The IrkAZ-Fininvest company was even specially created, which, among other things, was engaged in buying up the plant's shares. And they showed interest in the enterprise different people, for example, an authority named "Kissel". And in order to resist any "raids" in February 1993, a security service appeared at the plant. The Irkutsk Aluminum Smelter was classified as a federal enterprise. This means that Moscow should have privatized the state-owned stake. After it became clear that the state block of shares would be privatized, the plant bosses went to the capital to negotiate to sell the state block of shares in Irkutsk. According to the calculations of local experts, the volume of investments should have been at least 120 million US dollars. The trades were held twice before there was a person willing to buy the plant. Between the first and third trades, the cost of investment terms has almost halved. The winner, of course, was Renova. A number of other enterprises in the aluminum industry were privatized in a similar manner. Until the mid-90s, the Renova company put under control, in addition to the Irkutsk, the Ural aluminum plant. In 1996, a joint venture between Vekselberg and Blavatnik initiated the merger of the Irkutsk and Ural aluminum plants. On their basis, the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company was created. At the meetings of shareholders of both plants, a decision was made to switch to a single share. On September 26, by the decree of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, OJSC Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company (SUAL) was registered. However, before the leaders of the Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk regions signed an agreement on the distribution of taxes, eliminating the loss of the tax base. Thus, the first vertically integrated company appeared in the domestic aluminum industry. However, at the time of the merger, an active purchase of shares began at the Sverdlovsk enterprise. Then the management of IrkAZ did not give an opportunity to buy this plant, financially supporting its partners. Now Vekselberg needed his own "philosopher's stone", which would justify the cost of obtaining aluminum from bauxite. Considering that a ton of Russian raw materials then cost at least twice the price of a similar Greek one, the task seemed insurmountable. Nevertheless, a solution was found - tolling became the support for SUAL. About 80% of aluminum was produced using tolling schemes in the "new" Russia, Russian factories provided only processing services, and the owner of raw materials (alumina) and finished products(aluminum) was a foreign counterparty. In this case, neither alumina nor its processed products were subject to customs duties and VAT was not paid. For a long time, this system calmly existed, until at one not the most beautiful moment for the aluminists it was canceled by the decision of the federal authorities. However, analysts say that SUAL continues to use tolling to this day. Her management has proven to add 15% Greek bauxite to improve the quality of their products. By the way, the company feeds mainly on its own products - bauxite from the Severouralsky bauxite mine. In 1997, SUAL grew seriously - it became the owner of the license for the development of the Sredne-Timan bauxite deposit. Its reserves are estimated at 260 million tons. Until now, this object is considered one of the largest in the world, and, by the way, it was on it that the first private Railway in modern Russia. Sredne-Timanskoye field was also the first experience working together SUAL and Rusala. Until 2004, everyone considered Alcoa to be Viktor Vekselberg's partner in this project, but the latter's management did not like the lack of guarantees of low electricity prices, without which the project risked not being profitable. Then SUAL's partner became its main Russian competitor, which was experiencing problems with raw materials. Now SUAL and Rusal own the field on a parity basis. IRON GRIP

But not all metallurgical projects ended with integration. In 1997, together with partners from Alfa-Group, Renova entered the fight for the Korshunovsky mining and processing plant. Alpha's representative became the external manager of the West Siberian Metallurgical Combine (ZSMK) in Novokuznetsk, which consumed 90% of the iron ore concentrate produced at Korshunikha. The work of IrkAZ to a large extent depended on supplies from ZSMK, and, consequently, on the rhythmic work of the GOK. 60% of coal tar pitch went to the plant from this plant. Despite receiving external management in 1998 within the framework of the bankruptcy procedure of Korshunovsky GOK, the task of providing pitch from Novokuznetsk was solved with great difficulty. Since August 1998, due to the arrival of a new administration at ZSMK, supplies have stopped altogether. In October, the management of SUAL held negotiations with representatives of Evrazholding who took over the management of the metallurgical plant and offered to sign an agreement under which iron ore concentrate from Korshunovsky GOK would be supplied to ZSMK at a market price. At the same time, 50% of the cost of raw materials supplies should have been paid for by deliveries of pitch for the needs of IrkAZ. In turn, ZSMK offered to reduce the price of ore and, in addition to this, complex credit schemes. Soon IrkAZ found new partners. But the situation on Korshunikha, which has a monopoly consumer, was not possible to change. Evrazholding had its own views on the Korshunovsky GOK. And there they decided to starve out the enterprise. In 2002, not satisfied with the price, ZSMK stopped buying Korshunov ore altogether. Although the GOK was a non-core business for the aluminum industry, SUAL did not want to part with it for a penny in favor of Evraz. The company preferred to find a less impudent buyer who could pay the real price for the plant and return the investment in the project. By that time SUAL had spent on the purchase of 55% of the commercial debt of the GOK and acquired another 75% of the shares of the plant. The situation was rescued by the rise in prices for rolled metal and the resulting increase in its production. Metallurgists all over the world began to experience serious problems with raw materials, and companies playing in this market began to look at Korshunikha with different eyes. SUAL managed to bargain with the Chelyabinsk Mechel in May 2003 for $ 70 million. Along with this, Vekselberg transferred to Mechel the payables of the GOK. Despite the tough corporate war that unfolded after that for a period of six months, everything turned out very well for SUAL: the business was sold, and with Evrazholding and Federal Service financial recovery, requiring the state to pay an additional 1.2 billion rubles, was already fought by Mechel. ALLIANCE WITH TRUSTCONSULT

It was at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries that the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company was finally formed. Then she changed from just SUAL to SUAL Group. And it grew in breadth. Viktor Vekselberg is called the initiator of this process, who in 2000 was able to find an approach to the main shareholder of another aluminum giant - the company "Trustconsult" Vasily Anisimov. For the first time, Renova "ran into" this Ural businessman at the Severouralsk bauxite mine (SUBR), and the miners have already begun to prepare for street firefights. However, the competitors still found a common language. It was Mr. Vekselberg who persuaded the future partner to join SUAL, adding his own enterprises to it and receiving half of the company's shares for this. There was one caveat: since all the assets of Trustconsult (the Bogoslovsky and Kandalaksha aluminum smelters, as well as the Severouralsky bauxite mine) were pulled only by 17%, Mr. Anisimov was offered to pay the cost of the remaining 33% with other assets or cash. Such a turn seemed beneficial to the businessman, and he agreed. Those who worked in SUAL at that time recall: Viktor Vekselberg personally supervised the legal elaboration of the association, making sure that the documents being prepared would insure him against any surprises from partners. For the first time, the merger of SUAL and Trustconsult was announced on April 11, 2000. And on April 12, 2000, in Yekaterinburg, in her apartment, the daughter of Vasily Anisimov from her first marriage, Galina, who worked as a DJ at the local radio "Pilot", was brutally murdered. As the investigation later found out, her killers were 2 drug addicts who were intoxicated and were looking for money to continue their holiday. Shocked by the death of his daughter, in November 2000, Mr. Anisimov sold his stake to Viktor Vekselberg and went to live abroad. He spent several years in Acapulco (Mexico). However, he subsequently continued to actively engage in business. 2004 owned the Coalco company. At that time, Forbes magazine estimated Anisimov's fortune at $ 350 million. In February 2006, Finance magazine estimated Anisimov's fortune at $ 1.7 billion (37th place in Russia), and in March 2006 Forbes - at $ 1.3 billion ( 606th place in the world). As of January 2009, Anisimov owned 20% of the Metalloinvest. At the end of 2009 he became the owner of 51% of the Moscow vodka distillery "Kristall", in June 2010 he increased the share to 86%. To optimize the management of enterprises and to coordinate their production, technological, investment, transport, energy and social policy September 13, 2000 was established Management Company"SUAL-Holding", which coordinates the activities of the enterprises of the SUAL Group and determines the long-term strategy of their development. By that time, SUAL Group, which already included four aluminum plants - Uralsky, Bogoslovsky, Irkutsk and Kandalaksha, had become the production core of the association of 19 aluminum enterprises in nine regions of the country. Among others, the Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Plant (KUMZ) became part of the Group. The next experience of mergers and acquisitions in Viktor Vekselberg's company happened two years after Trustconsult. On December 4, 2002, SUAL got an unexpected partner - the management company SevZapProm, which ranked third in Russia in terms of aluminum production. This structure included the Pikalevo association "Alumina", "Volkhovsky aluminum" and "Volgograd aluminum plant". At that moment, Rusal also proposed an alliance to SevZapProm, but Mr. Vekselberg's option turned out to be preferable. Giving three of his assets to SUAL, the owner of the northwestern financial and industrial group, Alexander Bronstein, received 18% in the enlarged holding. Viktor Feliksovich raised SUAL from eighth place in the world ranking to sixth. It is important to note that the takeover itself did not go very smoothly - less than a year later, Rusal appeared as a shareholder of one of the assets of SevZapProm, and Mr. Vekselberg's lawyers had to work hard to force Deripaska to sell his shares. Also in 2002, SUAL incorporated the Nadvoitsky Aluminum Plant. At the same time, significant investments were directed to the construction of the alumina-aluminum complex "Komi Aluminum" in the Komi Republic. In 2005, Vekselberg made good money on operations with securities OJSC "Verkhnyaya Salda Metallurgical Production Association" (VSMPO). Having spent about $ 50 million on the purchase of his block of shares (13.4%), he received $ 148.6 million for it on the return sale. Not a bad deal in just a year! BUSINESS VEKSELBERG: OUR DAYS

At the moment, Viktor Feliksovich's metallurgical business includes, in addition to the SUAL group (in which Vekselberg has a 40% stake, "other" 40% are owned by Leonard Blavatnik), the following enterprises are also included: Komi Aluminum CJSC is a vertically integrated company that develops, construction and operation of a modern bauxite-alumina-aluminum complex in the Komi Republic. Komi Aluminum controls the full production cycle - from the extraction of raw materials to the production of metal; its structure includes a bauxite mine, an alumina and an aluminum smelter. OJSC Kamensk-Uralsky Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant (KUZOTSM) is one of the leading enterprises in the non-ferrous metal working industry, one of the three largest non-ferrous metal producers in Russia. Currently, the plant produces about 16 thousand standard sizes of products from copper, nickel, zinc and more than a hundred alloys based on them. JSC "Yekaterinburg non-ferrous metal processing plant" - unique enterprise on the scale of Russia and the CIS countries, providing consumers with a full range of services for refining (the process of obtaining high-purity metals), processing and manufacture of practically any products from precious metals. The plant produces 256 alloys, 170 types and 100,000 standard sizes of technical products. Koryakgeoldobycha (KGD) is one of the three leaders in terms of platinum production in Russia. Over the past ten years, the company has mined at least 2.5 tons of platinum annually. KGD operates on the territory of the Kamchatka region and Koryaksky autonomous region... KGD is the largest shareholder of Kamgold (Aginskoye gold mining enterprise). The Russian-South African consortium "Manganets Kalahari" is a joint mining and metallurgical project in which the Renova Group has a 49% stake, and 51% of the shares belong to companies representing the interests of historically discriminated segments of the population. In case of positive results of geological exploration, it is planned to start construction of a mine with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 million tons per year. CJSC "Titanium-Apatite Company" (TAKO) - conducts pre-design preparation for the development of the Fedorov titanium-apatite deposit (Chernyakhovsky district of Zhytomyr region, Ukraine). The volume of ore reserves of the Fedorov apatite-ilmenite deposit is 170.9 million tons of crude ore. In 2003, TAKO received a license to develop the field for a period of ten years with an extension until the completion of field development and entered into a contract with the engineering and consulting company Ferroshtal (Germany) to carry out a preliminary feasibility study for the Fedorovskoye field. "RUSSIAN ALUMINUM"

On October 9, 2006, Rusal, Sual and Glencore announced the merger of their bauxite, alumina and aluminum assets into a single company with a capitalization of about $ 30 billion. Shareholders of Rusal will get 66% of Russian Aluminum, shareholders of Sual - 22%, Glencore - 12%. The result is the world's largest aluminum producer. After integration, the company, whose annual turnover will be over $ 12 billion, will account for about 12.5% ​​of the global primary aluminum market and 16% of alumina production. The world's largest aluminum holding, United Company Russian Aluminum, which is being set up by Rusal, SUAL and Glencore, is registered on the British island of Jersey. PRIVATIZATION OF "TNK"

According to the consolidated privatization plan, OJSC TNK consisted of 10 enterprises: - oil and gas producing enterprises: OJSC Nizhnevartovskneftegaz, OJSC Tyumenneftegaz. Also, OJSC "TNK" had licenses for the right to use subsoil at 23 fields and 5 prospecting blocks; - JSC Ryazan Oil Refinery; - oil product supply enterprises of five regions of Russia (OJSC Tyumennefteprodukt, Kursknefteprodukt, Ryazannefteprodukt, Kaluganefteprodukt, Tulanefteprodukt), including more than 90 oil depots, as well as stationary and mobile filling stations; - specialized enterprises OJSC "SpetsUBR" and OJSC "Obneftegaz Geology". In July 1997, 40% of TNK's shares in an investment competition were bought by the New Holding company, established by Alfa Group and Renova. She paid $ 25 million for the shares and pledged to fulfill the investment program for $ 810 million. At the same time, market price of all shares at the time of privatization was $ 5 billion. In addition, out of 810 million, the state received only 170, and the rest cash TNCs were left to develop production. The Accounts Chamber found out the fate of the funds remaining in TNK and admitted that they were used for other purposes. Based on the results of the audit by the Accounts Chamber, a criminal case was initiated, within the framework of which searches were carried out. In 2000, based on the materials of one of the inspections, the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs even opened a criminal case under the article "fraud". Investigators believed that the share price was understated, and “the conditions were formulated for Alpha. But the case against Novy Holding was closed because the company was liquidated. After that, the epic of expulsion from the company of the ambitious Viktor Paliy, the general director of the key enterprise, began. TNK, Nizhnevartovskneftegaz, which ended successfully for Alfa and Renova. In 1998, Alfa and Renova bought out 9% of shares from private shareholders and acquired about 1% at a specialized auction. In 1999, they acquired 49 , 8% of TNK shares in a new investment tender. As a result, 99.9% of TNK shares were controlled on a parity basis by Alfa and Renova. The style of behavior of the new TNK owners was notable for harshness. The first was the conflict with Sidanko, which began in 1998 after the purchase of TNK as part of the bankruptcy procedure of the key component of Sidanko - AO Chernogorneft. In Sidanko, this deal was regarded as an attempt to cheaply "plunder" the company with the help of arbitration courts ( only $ 176 million was paid for the "Chernogorka", which was even lower than the starting price of $ 200 million). TNK's actions against Sidanko caused a negative reaction in the United States, as one of the shareholders of the "offended" company was the American-British BP Amoco. As a result, the US State Department for some time blocked the allocation of a loan by the US Eximbank to TNK. However, a compromise was nevertheless found: in 2001 TNK became a shareholder of Sidanko, having bought out for a real price (more than $ 1 billion) the share of Interros, which previously had a controlling stake in the company. The majority in the board of directors now belongs to TNK, but the management of the company for another three years will be carried out by the management of BP Amoco, headed by Robert Sheppard. These were the conditions that allowed TNCs to "correct" their image and "build" relations with such an influential minority shareholder(10% of shares) Sidanko as BP Amoco In 2000 TNK acquired a controlling stake in the Orenburg oil company ONAKO, and then got involved in a conflict with Slavneft for control over its subsidiaries (in particular, in Yaroslavl). However, after decisive actions by the head of Slavneft, Mikhail Gutseriev, TNK's expansion was stopped. However, in the end, TNK and Sibneft jointly acquired Slavneft in December 2002. OOO Investoil (the winner of the auction for the sale of the state-owned stake in Slavneft) was owned by Sibneft and TNK on a parity basis. Sibneft and TNK each contributed 50 percent of the $ 1.86 billion, for which 74.95 percent of Slavneft was acquired. TNK-BP

On September 1, 2003, British Petroleum (BP), one of the largest international oil companies, and Alfa Group, together with Access / Renova holding, announced the conclusion of a strategic partnership and their intention to combine their oil assets in Russia and Ukraine. The agreement resulted in the creation of the TNK-BP holding. The new holding is the third Russian company by the size of reserves and volumes of oil production. BP and Alfa / Access / Renova (ААР) each own 50% of TNK-BP. AAR contributed to the new holding its stakes in TNK International, ONAKO, SIDANCO, shares in RUSIA Petroleum (the owner of the license for the development of the Kovykta gas condensate field and the Verkhnechonskoye oil and gas field), the Rospan International gas production enterprise in Western Siberia (development Novo-Urengoyskoye and Vostochno-Urengoyskoye fields). BP's contribution was its stake in SIDANCO, a stake in RUSIA Petroleum and a stake in the Moscow auto network filling stations... AAR's stakes in OAO Slavneft and BP's stake in LukArco, as well as BP's Russian assets in oil trading, supply of sea and air transportation, production lubricants did not become part of the deal. In addition to the assets transferred, BP contributed $ 2.6 billion. In January 2004, BP and AAR entered into an agreement, according to which AAR's share in Slavneft (47.5%) was included in TNK- BP (previously 95% of Slavneft's shares were owned by AAR and Sibneft on a parity basis). British Petroleum paid $ 1.35 billion for half of AAR's stake in Slavneft (23.75%). At the moment, TNK-BP includes 13 oil producing enterprises, 5 oil refineries (including the Lisichansk refinery). The company's retail network includes approximately 2,100 filling stations in Russia and Ukraine operating under the TNK and BP brands. Now a member of the Board of Directors of TNK-BP Viktor Feliksovich Vekselberg owns 12.5% ​​of the company's shares (the "other" 12.5% ​​are owned by Leonard Blavatnik) and holds the post executive director for the development of the gas business of OJSC TNK-BP Management. CHEMICAL INDUSTRY

This area is under the control of the management company Renova Orgsintez and is represented by the following enterprises: - JSC Sayanskkhimplast produces: suspension polyvinyl chloride (PVC), caustic soda, cable and shoe compounds, corrugated pipes, wall panels, cable ducts for PVC based, electrical boxes, wall panels, corrugated pipes. Sayanskkhimplast is the largest PVC producer in Russia, providing up to 40% of its total output. Renova Group of Companies owns 50% of Sayanskkhimplast shares. - JSC "Khimprom" is one of the largest enterprises domestic chemical complex. Currently, the main activities of VOAO "Khimprom" are the production and sale of inorganic and organochlorine compounds, polymers and plasticizers, solvents and freons. One of the new directions of the enterprise's activity is the production of fire retardants (flame retardants). JSC "Khimprom" is actively engaged in the production of goods popular consumption, including various names of synthetic detergents, insect preparations, disinfectants and detergents, car care products, aerosol preparations, chemicals plant protection. The Renova Group of Companies owns 34% of the shares of VOAO Khimprom. - Corporation "Togliattiazot", which includes: the world's largest producer of ammonia "Togliatti Nitrogen Plant", the leading regional manufacturer of cement engineering "Volgocemmash", a unique plant for the production of spare parts for chemical and petrochemical enterprises "Azotremmash", the country's largest producer wood-based panels Sheksna plant, regional bank Togliattikhimbank, producers of agricultural products and consumer goods. Renova Group of Companies owns 10% of Togliattiazot shares. - OJSC "Promsintez" produces nitrobenzene, explosives and fuses. Renova Group of Companies owns 96.6% of Promsintez shares. - JSC "Leningradslanets" extracts about 1800 tons of oil shale per day. Until the beginning of 2005, Leningradslanets supplied its products to the Baltic State District Power Plant in Narva, but then Estonia refused to purchase Russian oil shale - the enterprise stopped. By the end of 2006, the Renova group of companies accumulated almost 75% of the shares of Leningradslanets, and in mid-January 2007 the plant was launched. The group wants to build a plant for the processing of oil shale in order to produce alternative fuel for Western Europe. It will take at least three years, and until then "Leningradslanets" will work at the warehouse (since the enterprise has no consumers). - JSC "Neftekhimiya" is a large PVC producer. In December 2006, the Renova group of companies acquired from the company's top management 100% of the shares for $ 70 million. production plan enterprises, taking into account the seasonality of product consumption, coordination of sales of Renova Orgsintez enterprises and enterprises of leading industry players, development additional services for clients. The company is 100% owned by Renova Orgsintez. ENERGY AND Utilities

Renova's key enterprise in the field of energy and housing and communal services is ZAO Kompleksnye energy systems"(IES), established in December 2002 at the same time as the start of the energy reform. IES-holding is one of the largest private companies operating in the energy business, housing and communal services, gas distribution. IES-holding manages assets in the energy sector, develops business provides services in several areas in the generation, distribution and sale of electricity, in energy construction.Today, the main direction of the IES-holding's energy business is the management of strategic blocks of shares in a number of territorial generating companies (TGCs). IES represents the interests of shareholders in TGK-9 ( OJSC Perm Generating Company, OJSC Sverdlovsk Generating Company, OJSC Komienergo), TGK-6 (OJSC Nizhegorodskaya Generating Company, OJSC Ivanovskaya Generating Company, OJSC Vladimirskaya Generating Company, OJSC Penza Generating Company ", TGK-5 (OJSC" Udmurt territorial generating company ", OJSC" Vyatskaya e Electrothermal Company ", JSC" Mari Regional Generating Company "). IES-Holding also manages stakes in RAO UES of Russia, OJSC Irkutskenergo, OJSC Yaivinskaya GRES (part of OGK-4) and OJSC Serovskaya GRES (part of OGK-2). subsidiary IES - "IES-Energostroyengineering" - provides services for the design, construction of new power facilities, power lines, etc. IES-holding is also engaged in the utility business - the company has been working in the housing and utilities sector since 2003. At the beginning of 2006, the IES utilities business was consolidated on the basis of the largest Russian private operator in the housing and communal services OJSC "Russian communal systems". OJSC" RKS "was established in 2003 with authorized capital in 1 billion rubles. Currently, IES-Holding controls 75% of RKS and 25% of RAO "UES of Russia". The company provides comprehensive services for electricity, heat, water supply, as well as wastewater disposal. The GAZEKS company (part of the IES-holding) operates in the field of gas distribution in the territories of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. GAZ-EKS manages the following companies: OJSC Ural Gas Networks (unites 9 gas distribution companies of the Sverdlovsk Region), OJSC Chelyabinskgorgaz (Chelyabinsk), OJSC Sibirgazservice (Novosibirsk), OJSC Irkutskoblgaz (Irkutsk Region), OJSC Chitaoblgaz ( Chita region), SG-Trade LLC (Moscow), Dneprogaz OJSC (Dnepropetrovsk), Kharkovgorgaz OJSC (Kharkov), Krivorozhgaz OJSC (Krivoy Rog), Donetskgorgaz OJSC (Donetsk). GAZEKS is engaged in gas transportation, sales of gas (natural, liquefied), operation of gas supply facilities, construction of gas facilities, energy security and implementation of energy-saving technologies, construction of multi-fuel filling stations, a network of points for converting vehicles to gas fuel. OTHER BUSINESSES OF VEKSELBERG

Mechanical engineering CJSC Ural Turbine Works, 50.6% of which is owned by Renova, designs, manufactures and maintains turbine equipment that meets customer requirements and meets national and international standards. The plant is one of the leading manufacturers of steam heating turbines of medium and large capacity in Russia, intended for combined generation of electric and thermal energy; condensing turbines; combined cycle plants; steam turbines with back pressure; crumpled steam turbines; gas pumping units; gas utilization compressorless turbines for ferrous metallurgy and power engineering and power gas turbine plants. Development and construction The management company CJSC "Renova-StroyGroup" works in the field of development. The company is engaged in the development and implementation (management) of residential and commercial real estate construction projects. The main product of "Renova-StroyGroup" is the projects of Integrated Development of the Territory, as well as network projects in commercial real estate. The Integrated Development of the Territory project involves the creation of a new, attractive urban environment. Attractiveness is ensured through the development of a comprehensive and balanced urban planning solution (housing, infrastructure, work, recreation) and its implementation on a specific land plot. Infrastructure business International Logistics Partnership (MLP) is a developer of a network of Class A warehouses in Russia and Ukraine. It is planned to create the largest player in the industry, owning up to 1.35 million m2 storage facilities by the end of 2008. Currently MLP has started construction of warehouse complexes in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Kiev, Yekaterinburg, Rostov on Don, Novosibirsk, Samara, Kazan. The area of ​​each of the warehouse complexes will range from 100 thousand m2 to 200 thousand m2. Logistic operator Relogix, founded by Renova Capital in June 2005, is developing towards providing integrated warehouse and transport solutions to large manufacturers and retail chains throughout Russia. The company provides a wide range of services: safekeeping and handling of goods, non-standard operations, return logistics, packaging and labeling, freight forwarding, customs clearance services, etc. Renova also owns 45.26% of shares in Koltsovo International Airport (OJSC Koltsovo Airport ") in Yekaterinburg and a large block of shares in the Kandalaksha commercial sea port on the White Sea. Telecommunications Renova got involved in telecommunications in 2004, having bought a 34% stake in Moscow CableCom (MCC), later increasing its stake to 40.3%. At the end of 2005, Renova acquired 100% of the operator Corbina Telecom. Corbina's business consists of three main segments: corporate telephony, broadband for private clients and a virtual mobile operator. In June 2006, Renova and the Moscow telecom operator Komkor merged their telecommunications assets into a single holding company, Renova Media. The controlling stake in the holding went to Viktor Vekselberg's Renova, the rest of the shares to a group of private investors headed by Yuri Pripachkin, President of the Cable Television Association. The main activity of the new company was the provision of TV, high-speed Internet and telephony services in a single package (triple play) based on modern fiber-optic cable technologies. Renova Media became the owner of the controlling stakes in Komkor, MCC, Teleinform and a 50% stake in the Belarusian Cosmos TV. At the moment, Renova-Media holding owns 75% of Komkor shares, which in turn owns 23% of voting shares in MCC. Thus, Renova directly and indirectly owns about 63.3% of MCC. Renova is also a minority shareholder in Svyazinvest, with a smaller stake in 25% of the stake. owned by the company Access Industry by Leonard Blavatnik. Financial sector In 1993, in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky (Sverdlovsk Region), METKOMBANK was created - today one of the largest banks in the Urals. In recent years, METKOMBANK has significantly expanded, creating a network of its own branches: Moscow, Volgograd and Shelekhovsky. Business card METKOMBANK has become a system of educational lending, which, in cooperation with leading universities in Yekaterinburg, was one of the first in Russia. In the summer of 2003, on the initiative of Renova, a unified pension system was organized, the purpose of which was to accumulate and increase pension savings on individual pension accounts of enterprise employees and their family members, as well as to pay additional pensions to war and labor veterans. Currently, the unified pension system includes the Interregional non-state "Bolshoi Pension Fund", which maintains individual pension accounts of employees of enterprises participating in the system," Pension Savings Company Management Company "LLC, which annually increases the pension savings of the system participants, as well as" United Pension Administrator "OJSC, which coordinates the activities of the unified pension system and conducts quarterly reporting of the results of its work. Retail sector At the end of 2004, Renova Capital, a private equity fund, acquired 37% of shares in the pharmaceutical company Natur Produkt Holdings from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The fund also repurchased part of the company's management shares and shares of the additional issue of the company (28.26%), thereby bringing its share to 65.26% of shares. Now Natur Produkt - pharmaceutical company, which has two lines of business: - production and distribution of its own drugs; - retail sales of medicinal products through a network of pharmacies. All of the company's own drugs are manufactured in Western Europe (France, the Netherlands, etc.). The presence of relationships with a large number of manufacturers allows the company to maintain high flexibility and independence. With more than 32 lines of its own drugs on the market, the company is constantly updating and optimizing its product line. The company's pharmacy network covers Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Voronezh, Samara, Omsk and other regions of Russia and has more than 190 pharmacies. The company is currently actively developing this direction and plans to significantly expand its presence in this market. Rebranding was carried out in 2006 retail network with the aim of splitting the brands of business areas, and currently the company's pharmacies operate under the brand name "Healthy people". In July 2006, Renova Capital acquired a blocking stake in the Moscow supermarket chain Spar. For 25% of Spar Moscow Holdings, which manages the Spar supermarket chain in Moscow and the region, Vekselberg paid about $ 30 million. The Russian Spar chain consists of 62 supermarkets, some of which are open under a sub-franchise. In October 2006, Renova Capital, a private equity fund, officially announced the acquisition of a 42% stake in SPSR Express, one of the leaders in the domestic express delivery market in Russia. The deal amounted to about $ 10 million. Today, the SPSR Express company operates its own network of 115 branches in Russia, which ensures the delivery of items to more than 3000 cities. In November 2006, Renova Capital signed an agreement to acquire a 25% stake in the Holiday group of companies, which owns the Holiday Classic supermarket chain (30 supermarkets) and Sibiriada (30 stores in the Novosibirsk region). The deal amounted to about $ 150 million. Innovative technologies Oerlikon specializing in nanotechnology and manufacturing industrial equipment... Oerlikon, famous in the Second World War for its aircraft and tank machine guns, is now one of the world leaders in the technology business, developing technologies for the production of Intel and AMD chips, iPod players, equipment for the production of CD and DVD, high-definition projection displays. Renova acquired a 10.25% stake in Oerlikon for $ 420 million in July 2006 and has already increased its stake to 23.8%. In January 2010, the Swiss Ministry of Finance fined Renova holding $ 38 million for violating the procedure when making a deal with Oerlikon's securities. It was noted that when purchasing Oerlikon shares, Vekselberg's holding did not register a separate group, as required by Swiss law. Vekselberg appealed against this decision, and in September 2010, the Swiss Federal Criminal Court acquitted the businessman, dismissing him from charges of violating the country's exchange laws. March 23, 2010 Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the Commission on Modernization and technological development Russian economy in Khanty-Mansiysk announced the appointment of Vekselberg as president, and to be more precise terminologically - coordinator of Russian projects - the Development Fund for the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies, known by its laconic name - the Skolkovo Foundation. During this time, Viktor Vekselberg and his team managed to do something. As follows from the oral report of the fund, 5–6 R&D centers will soon start operating, of which the largest (for 100–150 people) is being created by IBM. 40 Skolkovo participants were registered, and expert council Fund approved 15 applications for grants totaling 3596 million rubles. The Board of Trustees decided to create an international technological university, which will have 15 interdisciplinary research centers, 1200 students and 200 professors, and next year the construction of the first stage of the center (850 residential buildings, clusters for 1000 people and a university for 600 students) and a road network will begin ... However, Skolkovo is reproached for the fact that innovators - actual and potential authors of startups - are somehow in no hurry to find a place under its auspices. So, so far the most famous startup in the virtual innovation city is the notorious "spy" Anna Chapman, who has expressed a desire to engage in 3D technologies at Skolkovo. Vekselberg is blamed for the fact that the construction of the "city of the innovative dream" is progressing neither shaky nor shaky: of all buildings and structures designed for compact living of 50 thousand of the best brains from around the world, so far only a project of a certain "Hypercube" has been approved, the author of which is one of the most famous young Russian architects Boris Bernasconi. And the 6 km long section of Skolkovskoye Highway connecting the capital with the innovation city, on the repair of which nearly 6 billion rubles were spent. (more than $ 30 million per kilometer), has already fallen into disrepair. True, the head of the Skolkovo fund himself, Vekselberg, compared the innovation city project with the notion of a "valley of death" in the venture capital business. According to him, this definition of Skolkovo fits both literally and figuratively. Usually, the "valley of death" in the innovation business is called First stage project. During this period, there is no product sample, but there is only a technology in which it is necessary to invest. Since June 2010 Vekselberg President of the Development Fund of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Foundation). In one interview, Vekselberg explained the reason for his participation in the project: “For me personally, this is very interesting. Skolkovo is engaged in five markets: energy, IT, biomedicine, space and nuclear technologies. Do not forget: I actively work as an entrepreneur in these segments. Modernization Russian economy opens up tremendous opportunities. I really immersed myself in this project, although some friends tell me: "Nonsense!" But I love these challenges. I want to show that it works. " FATAL EGGS

Before Saul, there was no king over the Jews. The first king of the Jewish people was Saul - the son of Kish from the tribe of Benjamin.
At God's command, Saul was anointed by the prophet Samuel.


Viktor Feliksovich Vekselberg was born in 1957 in Drohobych, Lviv region. The family had a strange construction of family ties. There was a mother, there were uncles and aunts on her side, Victor had a bunch of cousins, a grandmother, a large Ukrainian family, hospitable. And there was dad. A dad with the surname Vekselberg Felix Solomonovich, and there was not a single relative, no brother, no sister, no grandmother or grandfather. When he was little, everyone said that they died during the war. The whole tragedy of this story lies in the fact that about 15 thousand Poles, about 10 thousand Ukrainians and 15 thousand Jews lived in Drohobych before the war (it was actually on the border with Germany). When the war began, almost no one left the city. Only a few escaped, including Felix Solomonovich. Until 1944, all people practically lived in normal conditions. But then they were simply rewritten, labels were handed out to be glued to the chest, and everyone was shot in 4 days. Such a small Babi Yar. Those who were shot were buried in large holes dug in the woods near the city. Viktor Vekselberg lived in this city for 17 years and did not know that 18 members of his family, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, were buried in this forest. There was no monument there, and the remaining individual Jewish population was afraid to officially, publicly go to the graves and pay tribute to their relatives. And only in the early 90s a small monument was erected there, and Viktor Vekselberg and his father made a small slab with 17 names of family members on it. Perhaps that is why Vekselberg himself is not very fond of remembering his Jewish roots. In any case, according to his passport, he is Russian. In one of his interviews, he explained this situation: “Jews do not consider me a Jew, because my mother is Russian. For their part, the Russians do not consider me Russian either, since my father is a Jew. "

Viktor Vekselberg at school studied only "good" and "excellent". He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers in 79th with honors and a specialty "systems engineer". He showed himself well in graduate school at the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences. In the design bureau for rodless pumps "Konnas" by the beginning of the 90s he rose to the rank of head.

In 1990 Vekselberg founded and headed a number of commercial structures. NPO KomBek ("Vekselberg's Company") and TO firm "KAM" were engaged in research activities, LLP "OLIMP" - in public education.

At the end of perestroika, Gorbachev gave the go-ahead to the cooperatives, and Viktor did not miss his chance. At that time, he got the idea to get aluminum and copper conductors from waste cables. They say that even a special unique machine was invented for greater efficiency of processing, which was demonstrated as an example of successful innovation. So, Vekselberg cheaply bought copper and aluminum from cables (at $ 100 per ton), and sold it to Germany for $ 3000. Perhaps, he was drawn from science to business by cooperation with Artem Tarasov's Tekhnika (there was such a first millionaire at the time of perestroika). Vekselberg even called him his teacher.


In 1987, being an employee of the KB, Viktor Vekselberg went to an international oil exhibition in the United States. Arriving for the first time in America, Vekselberg found his friend, Leonid Blavatnik, with whom they studied at the institute. Blavatnik emigrated to America in 1978 from the 4th year, changed his name to Leonard, and since then Vekselberg has not met or corresponded with him. Nevertheless, classmates restored relations and in 1990, having created the first cooperative, Vekselberg invited Blavatnik to start a joint business. By that time, the latter had already graduated from Harvard University, received a degree from Columbia University, and had a fairly large business of his own. He was engaged in trade distribution, was a co-owner of a fairly large transport company that transported various goods throughout America.

In 1991, Vekselberg, together with Leonard Blavatnik, founded the Renova company, two-thirds of the shares of which were owned by NPO KomVek, and one-third by the American investment fund Access Industries, owned by Blavatnik. Vekselberg's partner in Komvek, lawyer Vladimir Balaeskul, became the general director of the company.

Using "copper" money, Vekselberg began with the help of Blavatnik and their joint company "Renova" to buy computers that were scarce in Russia at that time in the West and exchange them for privatization checks.

By the mid-90s, Renova had accumulated so many vouchers that it was time to start a massive purchase of factories. Vekselberg was most familiar with two industries: oil and non-ferrous metallurgy. Big business friends decided to start with aluminum.

In 1991, Renova came to the Irkutsk Aluminum Plant (IrkAZ). Under the general agreement concluded at that time, IrkAZ leased out to Renova the electrolysers that had been shut down earlier due to a shortage of raw materials. The parties agreed that Renova will launch these capacities. The third-party partner at the factory site was treated with caution. Muscovites won the sympathy of factory workers in different ways. For example, one of the top managers of the plant recalled that when there was an acute shortage of cash in the region and there was nothing to pay out wages, representatives of Renova carried money in sacks from Moscow, handed it over to the cashier of the plant in order to give workers wages.

In the same 1991, IrkAZ was privatized according to a very common scheme at that time: 51% of the plant's shares were received by personnel, 29% of the shares from the state share were immediately sold at a check auction, and the remaining 20% ​​were sold much later, at an investment competition in 1993.

It is clear that the management managed to buy the controlling stake in IrkAZ. The IrkAZ-Fininvest company was even specially created, which, among other things, was engaged in buying up the plant's shares. And different people showed interest in the enterprise, for example, an authority named "Kisel". After that, in February 1993, a security service appeared at the plant.

The Irkutsk Aluminum Smelter was classified as a federal enterprise. This means that Moscow should have privatized the state-owned stake. After it became clear that the state block of shares would be privatized, the plant bosses went to the capital to negotiate to sell the state block of shares in Irkutsk. According to the calculations of local experts, the volume of investments should have been at least 120 million US dollars. The trades were held twice before there was a person willing to buy the plant. Between the first and third trades, the cost of investment conditions has almost halved. The winner, of course, was Renova. A number of other enterprises in the aluminum industry were privatized in a similar manner.


Until the mid-90s, the Renova company put under control, in addition to the Irkutsk, the Ural aluminum plant.

In 1996, a joint venture between Vekselberg and Blavatnik initiated the merger of the Irkutsk and Ural aluminum plants. On their basis, the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company was created. At the meetings of shareholders of both plants, a decision was made to switch to a single share. On September 26, by the decree of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, OJSC Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company (SUAL) was registered. However, before the leaders of the Irkutsk and Sverdlovsk regions signed an agreement on the distribution of taxes, eliminating the loss of the tax base.

Thus, the first vertically integrated company appeared in the domestic aluminum industry. However, at the time of the merger, an active purchase of shares began at the Sverdlovsk enterprise. Then the management of IrkAZ did not give an opportunity to buy this plant, financially supporting its partners.

Now Vekselberg needed his own "philosopher's stone", which would justify the costs of obtaining aluminum from bauxite. Considering that a ton of Russian raw materials then cost at least twice the price of a similar Greek one, the task seemed insurmountable.

And yet a way out was found - tolling became the mother's support for SUAL. About 80% of aluminum was produced using tolling schemes in “new” Russia, Russian factories provided only processing services, and the owner of raw materials (alumina) and finished products (aluminum) was a foreign counterparty. In this case, neither alumina nor its processed products were subject to customs duties and VAT was not paid.

For a long time, this system calmly existed, until at one not the most beautiful moment for the aluminists it was canceled by the decision of the federal authorities. However, analysts say that SUAL continues to use tolling to this day. Her management has proven to add 15% Greek bauxite to improve the quality of their products. By the way, the company feeds mainly on its own products - bauxite from the Severouralsky bauxite mine.

In 1997, the "baby" SUAL seriously "got fat" - it became the owner of the license for the development of the Sredne-Timan bauxite deposit. Its reserves are estimated at 260 million tons. Until now, this facility is considered one of the largest in the world, and, by the way, it was on it that the first private railway in modern Russia was built.

The Sredne-Timanskoye field was also the first experience of joint work between SUAL and Rusal. Until 2004, everyone considered Alcoa to be Viktor Vekselberg's partner in this project, but the latter's management did not like the lack of guarantees of low electricity prices, without which the project risked not being profitable. Then SUAL's partner became its main Russian competitor, which was experiencing problems with raw materials. Now SUAL and Rusal own the field on a parity basis.

Metallurgical grip

But not all metallurgical projects ended with integration. In 1997, together with partners from Alfa-Group, Renova entered the fight for the Korshunovsky mining and processing plant. Alpha's representative became the external manager of the West Siberian Metallurgical Combine (ZSMK) in Novokuznetsk, which consumed 90% of the iron ore concentrate produced at Korshunikha. The work of IrkAZ to a large extent depended on supplies from ZSMK, and, consequently, on the rhythmic work of the GOK. 60% of coal tar pitch went to the plant from this plant.

Despite receiving external management in 1998 within the framework of the bankruptcy procedure of Korshunovsky GOK, the task of providing pitch from Novokuznetsk was solved with great difficulty. Since August 1998, due to the arrival of a new administration at ZSMK, supplies have stopped altogether. In October, the management of SUAL held negotiations with representatives of Evrazholding who took over the management of the metallurgical plant and proposed to sign an agreement under which iron ore concentrate from Korshunovsky GOK would be supplied to ZSMK at market prices. At the same time, 50% of the cost of raw materials supplies should have been paid for by deliveries of pitch for the needs of IrkAZ. In turn, ZSMK offered to reduce the price of ore and, in addition to this, complex credit schemes.

Soon IrkAZ found new partners. But the situation on Korshunikha, which has a monopoly consumer, was not possible to change. Evrazholding had its own views on the Korshunovsky GOK. And there they decided to starve out the enterprise. In 2002, not satisfied with the price, ZSMK stopped buying Korshunov ore altogether.

Although the GOK was a non-core business for the aluminum industry, SUAL did not want to part with it for a penny in favor of Evraz. The company preferred to find a less impudent buyer who could pay the real price for the plant and return the investment in the project. By that time SUAL had spent on the purchase of 55% of the commercial debt of the GOK and acquired another 75% of the shares of the plant. The situation was rescued by the rise in prices for rolled metal and the resulting increase in its production. Metallurgists all over the world began to experience serious problems with raw materials, and companies playing in this market began to look at Korshunikha with different eyes.

SUAL managed to bargain with the Chelyabinsk Mechel in May 2003 for $ 70 million. At the same time, Vekselberg transferred the GOK's payables to Mechel. Despite the tough corporate war that unfolded after that for six months, everything turned out very well for SUAL: the business was sold, and Mechel was already at war with Evrazholding and the Federal Financial Recovery Service, which required an additional 1.2 billion rubles to be paid to the state.

Merger with Trustconsult

No matter how pompous it sounds, it was at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries that the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company was finally formed. Then she changed from just SUAL to SUAL Group. And it grew in breadth. The initiator of this process is called Viktor Vekselberg, who in 2000 was able to find an approach to the main shareholder of another aluminum giant - the company "Trustconsult" Vasily Anisimov. For the first time, Renova clashed with this Ural businessman at the Severouralsky bauxite mine (SUBR), and the miners have already begun to prepare for street firefights. However, the competitors still found a common language. It was Mr. Vekselberg who persuaded the future partner to join SUAL, adding his own enterprises to it and receiving half of the company's shares for this.

There was one caveat: since all the assets of Trustconsult (the Bogoslovsky and Kandalaksha aluminum plants, as well as the Severouralsky bauxite mine) pulled only 17%, then Mr. Anisimov was offered to pay the cost of the remaining 33% with other assets or cash. Such a turn seemed beneficial to the businessman, and he agreed. Those who worked in SUAL at that time recall: Viktor Vekselberg personally supervised the legal elaboration of the association, making sure that the documents being prepared would insure him against any surprises from partners.

For the first time, the merger of SUAL and Trustconsult was announced on April 11, 2000. And on April 12, 2000, in Yekaterinburg, in her apartment, the daughter of Vasily Anisimov from her first marriage, Galina, who worked as a DJ at the local radio "Pilot", was brutally murdered. As the investigation later found out, her killers were 2 drug addicts who were intoxicated and were looking for money to continue their holiday. Shocked by the death of his daughter, in November 2000, Mr. Anisimov sold his stake to Viktor Vekselberg and went to live abroad. He spent several years in Acapulco (Mexico).

To optimize the management of enterprises and to coordinate their production, technological, investment, transport, energy and social policies, on September 13, 2000, a management company SUAL-Holding was established to coordinate the activities of SUAL Group enterprises and determine their long-term development strategy. By that time, SUAL Group, which already included four aluminum plants - Uralsky, Bogoslovsky, Irkutsk and Kandalaksha, had become the production core of the association of 19 aluminum enterprises in nine regions of the country. Among others, the Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Plant (KUMZ) became part of the Group.

SUAL and SevZapProm

The next experience of mergers and acquisitions in Viktor Vekselberg's company happened two years after Trustconsult. On December 4, 2002, SUAL got an unexpected partner - the management company SevZapProm, which ranked third in Russia in terms of aluminum production. The structure of this structure included the Pikalevo association "Alumina", "Volkhovsky aluminum" and "Volgograd aluminum plant".

At that moment, Rusal also proposed the alliance to SevZapProm, but Mr. Vekselberg's option turned out to be preferable. Giving three of his assets to SUAL, the owner of the northwestern financial and industrial group, Alexander Bronstein, received 18% in the enlarged holding. Viktor Feliksovich raised SUAL from eighth place in the world ranking to sixth. It is important to note that the takeover itself did not go very smoothly - less than a year later, Rusal appeared as a shareholder of one of SevZapProm's assets, and Mr. Vekselberg's lawyers had to work hard to force Deripaska to sell his shares.

Also in 2002, SUAL incorporated the Nadvoitsky Aluminum Plant. At the same time, significant investments were directed to the construction of the alumina-aluminum complex "Komi Aluminum" in the Komi Republic.

In 2005 Vekselberg made good money on operations with securities of OJSC Verkhnyaya Salda Metallurgical Production Association (VSMPO). Having spent about $ 50 million on the purchase of his block of shares (13.4%), he received $ 148.6 million for it on the return sale. Agree, a good profit in just a year.



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