Who needs rubber. Areas of application for crumb rubber. Coating production from free raw materials

This section focuses on the topic of truthful disclosure of information on scopes crumb rubber and other products of used tires processing.

This article is created for the purpose of:

To inform all those interested in this type of business about how things really are with the sale of crumb rubber of one or another fraction in the regions of Russia.

Indicate which areas of application of rubber crumb are promising, which are real, and which are invented or theoretical

To indicate which areas of application of crumb rubber have a future, and which ones are less promising.

We are often asked for equipment by people who do not have practical experience works in the field of tire and production processing finished products from rubber granules. Naturally, their beliefs are formed on previous life experiences that have nothing to do with tire recycling; with the information that they managed to find out on other sites dedicated to this topic. So it turns out that the majority of those who applied have false ideas about which fractions of crumb rubber are in demand and which are not. Which rubber crumb is preferable to make, and which fractions are not desirable to produce, taking into account all the nuances (region, type of equipment available, etc.)

And so, the scope of crushed rubber crumb, starting with the most popular, ending with the less common:

1) Colored tire rubber seamless coatings. Such rubber coatings can be of various purposes and different recipes: the surface of children's playgrounds; covering for outdoor sports grounds; covering for running tracks, tennis cords and other objects for various kinds sports. Also, seamless crumb coatings are widely used for arranging pedestrian areas, as anti-slip coatings for entrances and stairs. They are made mainly in the open air directly at the facility, in the warm season at temperatures above 0 degrees.

The main used fraction of rubber granules is 2-4 mm. The ideal option is a chopped granule of the correct shape 2-4 mm without admixture of rubber dust and textiles. The homogeneity of the crushed rubber fraction greatly affects the quality of the rubber coating. Impurities in the form of small fractions of rubber, textile dust cause a significant overspending of the binder adhesive, which is very expensive. 1 kg of binder is more expensive than 1 kg. crumb rubber by 9-17 times depending on the region. In some cities, the cost of glue in the coating is higher than the cost of crumbs, and the overspending by 25-100% of the binder greatly affects the overall cost of the coating and, as a result, its competitiveness. Also, the use of tire dust greatly affects the important properties of rubber seamless coatings: water permeability and anti-slip properties. We repeat: the ideal fraction for colored monolithic coatings from rubber granules: 2-4 mm, the particle shape is preferably cubic regular chopped, obtained on knife granulators and crushers with sharp knives. A small inclusion of larger crumbs up to 6-7 mm in the total fraction of 2-4 mm is allowed. If a seamless coating is made only from large fractions, for example, 5-8 mm, then it will also lose quality, since the contact surface between the particles will be less than in the running fraction of 2-4 mm.

The use of torn granules 2-4 mm makes: the consumption of glue is higher than for cubic ones due to the larger specific surface of the particle (more glue is required to envelop each such particle); the coating is softer (in some cases this is even a virtue); coating less resistant to breaking loads; a coating of torn granules conducts water more slowly and retains it more due to the large number of micropores and cavities (such a coating dries longer than chopped rubber granulate).

This area of ​​application of rubber crumb is by far the most massive of all existing ones, however, it has seasonality and is limited to the warm season. Seamless rubber coatings from tire crumbs are usually made directly on the site in the open air.

There are technologies and recipes for the manufacture of such seamless coatings in size in a workshop. After manufacturing in the factory, the coating is transported to the place of future operation and is laid ready. Such coverings are sometimes called carpets.

There is such a pattern: the longer the warm season lasts in a particular region, the fewer rainy days, the more money a year can earn enterprises producing "seamless". Although in cold regions during the warm period, enterprises earn enough to survive the winter without working.

It is advantageous to buy rubber crumb 2-4 mm in the cold season: there is not much shortage as it happens in summer and the price is cheaper than in the “last year” season. Many manufacturers of seamless tiles are entering the market for molding colored rubber tiles from granules.

2) Colored rubber tile products from rubber crumb (mats, segments, rugs, paving stones). It is the second most popular tire crumb rubber product. The most popular granule fraction is 2-4 mm chopped cubes, as well as for seamless coatings - for the same reasons. However, there are significant differences: as a rule, rubber tile products are made in 2 layers. The bottom layer is thicker up to 70-80% of the total thickness of the product. Recently, more and more often it is made from larger crumbs, which are cheaper to manufacture. The size of such a crumb can be up to 15 mm. It is possible to use a mixture of a fraction of 2-4 mm with a coarse fraction of up to 15 mm for the lower layer. The upper layer is thinner, as a rule, colored from crumbs of medium fractions of 2-4 mm.

It is allowed to make the top layer from larger crumbs, however, such a surface, when painted, will be less resistant to discoloration over time. Unlike seamless coatings, tiled coatings are made by molding on a press (with significant compression of the total mass of the crumb), so their strength does not decrease when using large fractions of granules, but, on the contrary, becomes better. Tile coatings with a large granule in the bottom layer are more durable, especially if it is an elongated “Christmas tree needle” crumb.

It is allowed to use in tile coverings (mainly in the lower layers) liners made of solid pieces of rubber, such as rubber strips and chips. The use of such liners in crumb tiles leads to significant savings in adhesive, greater resistance to impact loads, as well as increased tensile, torsion and bending strength.

The larger the crumb rubber, the harder the tile flooring.

There are many varieties of such block coatings made by molding, for example: rubber curbs; artificial bumps; protective rubber plates and other elements for parking, which are installed in order to protect the paintwork of cars from damage, etc.

Since during molding, the mass of the mixture of crumbs and glue is compressed, the binder is required almost 2 times less than for the production of seamless coatings - this is the main plus of the method.

Also, the advantage of the method is that it is possible to mold rubber tiles at any time of the year, in any weather, since the whole process takes place in the workshop.

The performance on tiled floors is lower than on seamless ones with the same number of workers used per shift - this is a minus (if we compare the technology of seamless laying and tile production).

Seamless and tile rubber coatings from crushed rubber account for more than 90% of the sales of all crumb rubber produced in the Russian Federation. In other words, almost all rubber crumb produced in the Russian Federation goes into rubber coatings. The most popular fraction is 2-4 mm. Both technologies are very complementary.

3) Rubber crumb as a filler in "artificial grass" coatings. In this case, crumb rubber 1.5-3 mm is freely poured and smoothed out on the surface of artificial grass. On average, 1 standard football field takes about 80 tons of crumb rubber. The use of fine crumb fractions in such coatings is less critical than in rubber coatings, however, this leads to a deterioration in the characteristics of the coating. When using fine fractions, water is better retained in such a coating and it stays wet longer. The use of larger granules is also not desirable, as it makes the coating more rigid. Crushed rubber is used for backfilling fields, mainly in the warm season.

4) Rubber crumb in the upper layers of asphalt. This is not a common, but promising area of ​​application of crumb rubber. There are various technologies for introducing rubber particles into the structure of the binder bitumen. Applied crumb fraction from 0.1 to 1 mm. There are technologies, for example, according to which only dust up to 0.6 mm is used.

The main consumer of such a crumb is located near Moscow Region. These are organizations that build roads with experimental rubber-bitumen coating. Such coatings have been showing their effectiveness for more than 10 years, but they are not widely used for 2 main reasons: a) even if all factories for processing tires into crumbs are reoriented to the production of the necessary dust, the resulting crumbs will not be enough to cover even 7-10% of the needs of the road grown in such raw materials. For this reason, permanent specifications on the production of asphalt rubber-bitumen mixtures, but there are only temporary (not mandatory). B) It is profitable for road builders to often repair roads - this is their income. It is not profitable to make roads that will serve many times longer and not need repairs for a long time. Therefore, there are many interested parties, so that the baby program does not work on the road. According to many experts, in the next 10 years, such high-quality roads will not be massively built in Russia. For 1 m2 of such high-quality asphalt, 1 kg of rubber dust is used.

Usually, with the complete crushing of car tires, crumbs up to 1 mm are produced as a by-product from the main fractions of 2-4 mm. Depending on the line settings and grinding technology, the output of dust up to 1 mm is from 30 to 5% of the total mass of the rubber granule at the output.

5) Rubber crumb into bituminous mastics. As a rule, rubber dust up to 1 mm, which is obtained as a by-product during the classical crushing of tires, is handed over to such production facilities.

However, many factories only accept rubber dust obtained from the crushing of rubber pneumatic tire tubes, which have a composition different from tire rubber.

The need of such plants for dust is not great.

6) Rubber crumb into rubber reclaim. There are several technologies for processing rubber crumbs of medium and small fractions into rubber reclaim. At the same time, the rubber crumb from the elastic state passes into the plastic state. Such a rubber compound is an additive, a semi-finished product for the production of rubber compounds according to various recipes. Equipment for the production of reclaimed rubber, as a rule, is more expensive than a tire recycling line of the same capacity, is energy-intensive, and requires significant production space.

Since relatively expensive small rubber crumb is obtained in Russia, and the production of reclaimed rubber significantly adds to the cost of such a mixture, this area of ​​application of rubber crumb is not very popular in Russia. Manufacturers of rubber compounds in Russia prefer to work with primary raw materials.

7) Crumb as a sorbent of oil products on water and land. This scope of crumbs is more theoretical. It is used very rarely, as there are cheaper analogues. We know cases of using crumb rubber as an oil sorbent as an experiment.

8) Crumb as a raw material for the production of soundproofing materials. It is used extremely rarely, as there are cheaper and more effective analogues. This scope is theoretical. Another thing, if we consider rubber floor coverings, as an additional sound insulation. For example, laid rubber mats on the floor of a gym are a good noise insulator, in addition to being a wear-resistant, anti-slip, impact-resistant rubber sports flooring.

9) Tire granulate for the production of crushed rubber roofing. This is more of a theoretical scope. There are more efficient and less expensive analogues, for example, flexible shingles "Shinglaz"

10) Other exotic applications. Often these areas of application repeat those already outlined above. For example: the production of shoe soles or rubber boots is from the field of production from reclaimed crumbs, and then the production of a rubber blend according to a specific recipe and molding the finished product. Or pr-in sleep pads. They can be made either from reclaimed rubber and a rubber compound or by thermoforming with a polyurethane binder (like mats and pavers)…

From the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions when determining the most interesting areas for using crumb rubber in order to obtain maximum and stable profits:

If you are planning to open a new production for tire recycling, then initially you should focus on proven, stable areas of application of crumb rubber: rubber seamless coatings and block products in the form of mats, paving stones. This is a tiny fr. : 2-4 mm and larger.

The most expensive and popular crumb fraction is "chopped granule of regular shape" 2-4 mm. We recommend that you focus your production on this faction.

There are technologies for the production of chips in the shape of a "Christmas tree needle" - this is a very promising direction in the segment of the production of tile products from rubber granules.

Initially, you should not reinvent the wheel and go into theoretical areas of application. We must initially deal with what is 100% effective, profitable and profitable. In the future, with the accumulation of experience and knowledge, it is possible to reorient our production to a different type of rubber granule and other areas of its application. For example, over time, it will be possible to purchase crushers and produce rubber dust in large quantities for the needs of road workers.

In a separate paragraph, we want to highlight another important aspect of recycling tires into crumbs.

When opening a production facility for processing tires into crumbs, you should immediately occupy a niche in the local market for the production of colored rubber flooring from crumbs.

Do not try to start your business in stages, this is only worth doing if there is a shortage of funds. If funds permit, it is worth launching the production of rubber tiles and seamless coatings in parallel with the opening of a tire processing plant (or even earlier). For example, the cost of a complete set of equipment manufactured in Russia for the production of seamless coatings is only 350,000 rubles.

Set for the production of colored rubber paving stones from 500,000 rubles. The money is not as big as for the organization of a tire recycling workshop, however, such equipment will pay off easily in the first month of operation. At full capacity, the equipment for the production of "seamless" pays for itself within 3-5 working days!

There are many examples when they initially launched the production of recycling tires into crumbs, sold crumbs to neighboring regions and to their city. By this, cultivating competitors under their noses, and then after a couple of years they came to the idea that it would be profitable to engage in the production of finished products from their own crushed rubber crumb. But by this moment a strong competitor has been grown with his own hand nearby.

Price wars begin, the struggle for the client and various kinds of meanness.

In the best case, there is a competitor for the production of coatings, with which they have to share the market, in the worst case, the competitor also opens a tire processing plant in order to provide himself with the necessary basic raw materials. All this could have been avoided by initially investing in inexpensive equipment for the production of rubber coatings from crushed tire rubber. This would significantly raise barriers for competitors and their entry into the local market of your city.

We also want to draw attention to one more point: many suppliers of tire processing equipment deliberately or through their ignorance mislead consumers, indicating that all the crumbs produced on their equipment are fractions up to 1 mm, 1-2 mm and 2-4 mm is suitable for forming rubber coatings. What is ideal for the top layer is the use of crumbs up to 1 mm or 1-1.5 mm. THIS IS NOT THIS! As we wrote above, the ideal fraction is without impurities of 2-4 mm, a larger crumb is acceptable in the lower layers of the tile.

Why do some suppliers of such equipment give such information? The answer is simple: they adjust the reality to the capabilities of their equipment, since the crumb of fine fractions with complete crushing of tires is obtained as a by-product and the consumer needs to be shown its simple and stable sale.

Therefore, they write that fine crumbs are ideal for thin upper layers of rubber mats. We wrote above that when using fine crumbs, the cost of the coating increases significantly, they become more slippery and less strong. But these are not the problems of the equipment supplier, but of the one who bought it. The competitiveness of such products will be lower than that of the "correct" coatings of 2-4 mm chips.

If you are already a manufacturer of rubber coatings and do not have much experience in using crumbs from different manufacturers, most likely you are buying the cheapest torn-shaped crumbs obtained on rollers and cone crushers. Try to use a cubic granule, be sure to check that the crumb rubber is homogeneous and free of dust and fine grinding. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Scopes of other components received at utilization by a mechanical method of worn-out automobile wheels.

In addition to the main product - crumb rubber, other materials are formed during the crushing of car tires:

A) crushed textiles. Depending on the technology of grinding and the stage of processing, it may have the following form: semi-fluffed thread; fluffy fabric cord with stuck pieces of rubber and dust. This type of material can hardly be called a product, since it does not have a stable market. As sound insulation and thermal insulation, this material loses much to mineral wool materials, since the fabric cord strongly absorbs moisture, is combustible and toxic. Even giving away this material for free can be very problematic. With a large accumulation, the fabric cord fiber can ignite spontaneously and it is very difficult to extinguish it. In fact, it is a waste from tire recycling.

B) Crumpled thin wire that reinforces the tire carcass. As a rule, when selecting such a steel cord from the general mixture, rubber and fabric cord also get into the metal. Often, scrap metal receivers do not accept such steel, as it burns during remelting. Theoretically, such a metal can be used for pouring into concrete.

C) Thick bead wire in a bundle, drawn by a special machine from the seat rings of the tire. High-alloy steel is valued more than ordinary black scrap. Rent for money at scrap metal collection points. This is a valuable product, not a waste.

The tightening of registration and migration registration rules announced by the Russian president has recently become one of the most important news on the real estate market. The main goal of the campaign should be the fight against "rubber houses", but in fact this is a completely independent and very necessary segment of the market. Alexey Lossan, lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, talks about it.

The tightening of registration and migration registration rules announced by the Russian president has recently become one of the most important news on the real estate market. The main goal of the campaign should be the fight against "rubber houses", but in fact this is a completely independent and very necessary segment of the market. Alexey Lossan, lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, talks about it.

The details of Vladimir Putin's initiative have been known for quite a long time; he outlined them in one of his campaign program articles last year. It is assumed that registration at the place of residence or stay will be much more strictly controlled, and if a person does not live at this address, then he will face a fine. Even more serious responsibility awaits those who do not register the people living in his apartment. The legal nuances of the new initiative have already become the talk of the town: it is difficult to imagine a more inconsistent and ridiculous document that would be so much at odds with the practice that has developed in recent years, and also incredibly different from the documents regulating this area.

Moreover, the agency responsible for registration - the FMS - has officially stated many times that in Russia it is necessary to cancel not only registration, but also internal passports. The world has already developed many effective tools migration registration without using the antediluvian system of stamps in the passport. For example, in the United States there is no institution of registration, but you can quickly find out where a person lives by analyzing, for example, where he pays public Utilities. In the former Soviet republic of Estonia, there is also no registration in the Russian sense, a person should not be tied to any place. But if he wants to receive, for example, social benefit or assistance from the state, he is obliged to report his address to the city government. No documents are needed for this, registration takes place without prior notice. Supporters of Vladimir Putin's new initiative like to cite Germany as an example, where registration allegedly exists. In fact, there it also has a notification character. Moreover, the tenant registers without any participation of the landlord, simply by presenting the lease agreement.

Let's imagine that you are thirty years old, you moved to Russia from another former Soviet republic, you have been working in the capital for many years and regularly pay taxes. At first you had the citizenship of another country, but you decided to connect your life with Russia, if only because you, like all your relatives, are Russian by nationality, and Russian is your native language. Once you have obtained Russian citizenship, the fun is just beginning. By law, a Russian citizen is required to register somewhere. Between the moment you were issued a passport and that happy moment when you figure out where to register, you are a legitimate victim of any policeman who can fine you several thousand rubles every fifty meters.

Most young Muscovites, regardless of whether they were born in the Russian capital or moved from other cities and countries, prefer to live in rented apartments. In conditions of total inaccessibility of mortgages and interest rates at the level of 13-15% per annum, the prospect of buying your own home is relegated to the unknown. However, many landlords refuse to register tenants in their apartments.

There are three reasons for this problem: firstly, the sphere of rental relations in Russia is so unregulated that all agreements are often concluded on parole. Secondly, for many landlords, the inertia of the Soviet era is still relevant, for which registration is equal to registration and implies some kind of right to housing. Thirdly, registration involves a number of actions on the part of the landlord himself. If the first two problems are easy enough to solve on your own, then the third point is much more important. It turns out that many landlords do not register their tenants not because of malicious intent, but because they are afraid to face the bureaucracy. There is only one difficulty in all this - all public services to which a citizen is entitled under the Constitution are tied to registration. If there is no registration, then there is no free medical care, kindergarten and schools for children.

In the current Moscow realities, there are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to save up about 4 million rubles for the cheapest apartment on the outskirts of the capital. The second is "rubber houses". As paradoxical as it sounds, rubber houses help Russians born in other regions and countries to get the whole complex public services which belongs to them under the Constitution. For example, today it is quite realistic to buy one hundredth of a two-room apartment for about 300 thousand rubles on the outskirts of the capital. You won't be able to find a cheaper offer. Initially, it is stipulated that this is a share “without the right to use the premises”, that is, you will not be able to enter the part of the apartment that belongs to you and put a folding bed there. The only thing you get is the right to live in the city you want, get medical treatment for free and arrange children in school and kindergarten. All participants in the transaction understand that the buyer pays only for this.

If the “rubber houses” are canceled, then all these people will become illegal immigrants. To prevent this from happening, there are two options. For example, you need to make mortgages cheap and affordable. Well, or cancel the registration as a Soviet relic in principle, as many experts have long been calling for, but such a logical step is not yet included in the government's plans, unfortunately.

Alexey Lossan, Lecturer, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University

Rubber crumb coating is the trend of this year. Moreover, the production of this coating is a very popular area that can bring serious profits. There is practically no competition in this niche, and there are no large monopolies either. In addition, there are more and more new directions where this coating is applied.

What are the benefits of crumb rubber coating? This modern material has mass positive qualities that attract consumers:

  • The coating looks expensive, of high quality;
  • Wide range of colors;
  • Large size range;
  • Various thickness;
  • Impact resistant surface;
  • Does not slip;
  • Moisture does not accumulate on it;
  • Does not lose the brightness of colors under the influence of solar radiation;
  • Thermal stability;
  • Long service life - more than 40 years.

The manufacturing technology is quite simple - a mixture of glue with crumb rubber and the desired color dye is heated to a certain temperature.

Sales market and features of coating production

Before starting to implement the idea, you need to analyze the demand and identify a potential market. Since the use of rubber crumb coating is quite versatile, sales can be found in different directions. So, the rubber coating will be in demand for:

  • Creation of a covering on children's playgrounds;
  • landscaping adjoining territory in the private sector;
  • Equipment of production sites with a non-slip surface, which reduces injuries;
  • Floor coverings in washing and dressing rooms in saunas and baths;
  • Covering blind areas and areas near ice rinks or pools;
  • Farm floor coverings.

The production technology is so simple that special skills are not required. This direction can even be done as an extension of the service sector.

For example, owners of a tire shop can use old and unnecessary tires to optimize their workspace and earn additional income from used parts. They are the basis for creating such a convenient product in the future.

The composition of the rubber coating is as follows:

  • rubber crumb;
  • polyurethane adhesive;
  • powder dye.

Automobile tires and tires are crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. This raw material makes up 85% of the total mass of the finished coating. It should be noted that there is another direction - the production of rubber tiles, but it is somewhat different from what is being considered now. Directly for the production of crumb rubber, you will need quite expensive equipment, but it quickly pays for itself.

To expand the range, as an option, rubber granules of different colors can be added in the form of patterns.

The production process is called pressing, and it looks like this:

  1. rubber crumb, polyurethane glue and dye of the desired color in the ratio of 85:10:5 are loaded into the bunker, everything is mixed;
  2. molds are filled with the mixture;
  3. the desired vulcanization temperature is set depending on the parameters of the tile;
  4. finished tiles are removed from the molds after cooling.

There is a second option for making a rubber coating from crumbs, vibrocasting: instead of molds, molds are poured in a vibrating table for two days.

Where to begin?

If you have 1.7 million rubles for the initial start, you can immediately rent a room for workshop equipment, buy molds or a vibrating table, equipment for crushing rubber, and start producing crumb coatings.

If you buy a grinder, it will be able to produce almost 2.5 tons of crumbs per day. The average price of a kilogram on sale fluctuates around 12 rubles.

Of course, attractive numbers do not guarantee successful development events. Each step should be worked out, expressed in a business plan with a time period of at least 3 years. You will also have to rely on a certain sales market, that is, simply starting production without sales is an absolutely unsuccessful undertaking.

Costs and payback

When it comes to payback time launched production, here everything is individual and depends on the scale of the enterprise itself and on the success of the sale of finished products. On average, this figure ranges from one and a half to two years.

The calculation of costs (for the purchase of basic equipment for the organization of the workshop) will be approximately as follows:

  • molds for the press - 30 thousand rubles. for one piece;
  • press - about 300 thousand rubles;
  • mixing hopper - approx. 200 thousand rubles;
  • a chamber for drying the finished coating - it will require the cost of improvised materials, and so - you can do it yourself.
Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Except minimal necessary equipment you will need to spend a certain amount of money on the purchase of raw materials: glue, the crumb itself, powder dyes.

The possibility of production using a two-layer technology should also be considered, which will increase the quality of the finished rubber crumb coating. The point is that the bottom layer of the coating will be made from large and cheaper crumbs, and the top layer will be made from a fine fraction of rubber crumbs.

The retail price per square meter of finished products reaches 1,500 rubles.

Coating production from free raw materials

Since obsolete rubber products are used for the production of crumb rubber, mainly wheel tires, it is not difficult to find raw materials for production - any tire shop will give away a bunch of tires and other rubber waste for free.

In general, the raw materials for production are free auto junk.

It should be emphasized the advantages of opening such a business in Russia. The free disposal of broken rubber products for cars determines the behavior of people - everything unnecessary is simply thrown away. Compared to European countries, the owner of the car must pay a commission for recycling unnecessary tires, and also deliver them to a special recycling center himself.

In our country, the car owner will be happy to give away tires for free, just not to waste his time on it. If the tires themselves are free, then to collect them you need to go around the city and nearby settlements. Depreciation on fuel and lubricants and payment to the driver are added to the expenses. Alternatively, you can enter into an agreement with large transport companies about the supply of tires - the flow of rubber for production will be stable.

Grinding technology rubber tires is one of two options:

  1. mechanical impact;
  2. shock wave effect.

The second option is more compact (in terms of installation dimensions) and economical in terms of electricity consumption, but the installation itself will require serious investments to purchase it. In addition, it will be necessary to supplement the shock wave installation refrigeration equipment. The tire will break into small pieces under the influence of a temperature of 90 degrees.

In order to locate production, it is necessary to find and rent a room provided with electricity with a voltage of 380 kW versus the usual 220, this is due to the fact that the characteristics of the installation require an energy flow of 15 kW/h. The area sufficient for production is 60 square meters. m.

From work force you can limit yourself to hiring a minimum number of employees, based on round-the-clock work without days off in three shifts - two operators per shift, and in general, a staff of 8 employees. Two storage rooms should be equipped - one large for raw materials, the second - 4 times smaller for finished products.

As already mentioned, a working seven-day round-the-clock week will be the most profitable and cost-effective. You should be prepared for fairly large expenses. For example, if the productivity of the workshop is 100 kg / hour, you will have to spend:

  1. $30,000 for the purchase of equipment (depending on the model and equipment of the instruments);
  2. 2,000 dollars for the execution of various documents, certificates;
  3. $3,000 monthly to pay rent for the premises;
  4. Approximately $5,000 should be payroll for staff, monthly.

At the indicated productivity, 72 tons of coating will be produced at the end of the month, with the implementation of which most of the costs will already be covered. And this is - if you sell crumbs, $ 500 per 1 ton of crumb rubber ($ 36,000 for the first month of work).

There will still be a small additional income to support the enterprise - 25% of the total mass of raw materials is metal released from tires, plus tires are often given away with broken metal parts of the wheel. The sale of metal will bring a small income, compensating for part of the costs.

If you organize the production of rubber tiles on your own, combining the processing and production of rubber coating, the cost of delivering raw materials will be equal to zero, increasing all economic indicators firms.

A working idea for the recycling of tires and the production of rubber crumb and coating from it can not only bring good income to the organizer, but also make the environment cleaner without harming nature.

It must be said that such an idea has already been put into practice in the production of pavement, to which the mentioned material is added - crumb rubber. Thus, the constructed roads become less expensive, and for crumb producers it is a fairly stable consumer, providing stable work orders for even a large enterprise.

At the moment, already operating enterprises offer to open their own franchise business. Don't be afraid to take action, grow and market your business the right way.

Collection points for old tires are located in most large cities. At the same time, the problem of accumulation of worn tires remains relevant due to the reluctance of car owners to pay funds from own pocket for recycling. Many drivers are interested in the question: “Is it possible to sell old tires for money?”.

In European countries, it is possible to hand over old tires for money. Processing centers in Russia are just introducing this innovation. Therefore, find rubber collection points where the driver will be paid a certain amount for worn tires is difficult, but real.

Cash, offered for old products, are not very large - this is about two rubles per kilogram of tires, on average up to 80 rubles for four wheels. Getting rich, of course, will not work, but getting rid of worn-out rubber and compensating for the costs of transporting it to a collection point is realistic.

The main disadvantage of these recycling centers is that they do not buy old car tires on a permanent basis. You can find places to receive tires using the Internet. Before going to the enterprise, we recommend that you first clarify the relevance of the information posted on the company's website regarding the purchase of tires for money.

Caring for the environment

Old tires are environmentally hazardous waste. It will take more than a hundred years for the natural decomposition of worn-out products, in the places where tires are burned, the soil does not bear fruit for about ten years.

Recycling tires allows you to get raw materials for the manufacture of roofing waterproofing materials, car mats, and so on. During the processing of tires, crumb rubber is formed, which has increased elasticity, resistance to mechanical stress, and a large number of goods applicable in everyday life are made from it.

Second life for worn tires

To make a decision: where to put old tires, of course, each motorist will be on his own. The state and processing plants cannot force motorists to hand over worn-out products to collection points. At the same time, each person must take into account that discarded tires pose a threat environment. For example, tires left in the forest, in the event of a forest fire, will burn for a very long time. And the black smoke emitted during combustion by old tires will interfere with the work of a fire helicopter. Tires can serve as a catalyst for the spread of fire: their combustion temperature is equal to the combustion temperature charcoal.

Why do you have to pay extra?

Legislative base In our country, manufacturers are not responsible for the disposal of old tires. In simple words: the price of new tires does not include the cost of transporting worn-out products to processing plants. For this reason, sometimes, motorists have to hand over old tires, paying extra money. The cost of renting one wheel costs 50-100 rubles. You have to pay more for studded tires, because the removal of the studs from the rubber is done manually before it is disposed of. These funds are taken by car services and other collection points for transporting tires to a processing plant.

Old tires are accepted subject to the following rules:

  • products are delivered unassembled: the tire must be removed from the disk;
  • there should be no protruding cord (this condition is rare);
  • tires are accepted without cameras;
  • foreign inclusions - oil, bitumen - should not be present on the surface of the tires.

During operation, car tires wear out, experiencing enormous loads. In the production of these tires, expensive and high-quality materials are used:

  • natural rubber;
  • synthetic rubber;
  • emollient oils;
  • fillers.

For this reason, tire rubber is one of the strongest and most durable of all rubber products. It has other necessary qualities, such as elasticity, resistance to aggressive chemical elements, extensibility, bending strength, abrasion. One of the most important qualities during the mechanical processing of tires into crumbs is that the physical and chemical composition of rubber is absolutely preserved. And since recycling with subsequent recycling costs manufacturers not only 3-4 times cheaper, but is also a more environmentally friendly option, tire recycling has turned out to be a useful and profitable business.

Where is crumb rubber used?

In modern life, there are many areas where crumb rubber is used, moreover, the demand for this product is growing from year to year. During mechanical processing, tires are separated into such components as rubber itself, fiber (textile), metal. Textile fiber is considered a by-product during grinding and, nevertheless, it is widely used in construction. Textile fiber is an excellent insulation and noise and thermal insulator. It is also one of the components of slate and some concrete structures. Inclusion in these building materials textile fiber increases their crack resistance and soundproofing properties. Such materials have a low coefficient of shrinkage and water absorption and high frost resistance. It is also used in the production of drywall. Textile fiber is widely used in the production of sports equipment. The steel formed during the processing of tires is used in the manufacture of small molded products. In addition, it is a cost-effective reinforcing material used during construction works when laying concrete roads.

What is crumb rubber for?

What rubber crumb is for, now many people already know, because the scope of this material is very wide. These are both internal waterproof and external waterproof coatings produced by pressing. The composition of such coatings includes a mixture of crumb rubber with a dye and a binder. The components of the future coating are pressed under pressure and at a certain temperature into certain shapes.

Who needs crumb rubber

Recently, among organizations that need crumb rubber, a new customer has appeared - these are road builders. A mixture of rubber crumb with an equal amount of metal and textile cords with standard mineral additives embedded in the road substrate allows the pavement to be maintained much longer. This happens due to the improvement of physical and mechanical parameters, cracks appear less often, and the elasticity of the coating increases, and most importantly, considering climatic conditions our country, almost by half, increases the coefficient of frost resistance. Of the users who need crumb rubber, a special place is occupied by municipal and sports organizations. They are the customers of modern safe, wear-resistant and practical coatings for yard sports playgrounds. But in addition to coatings, there is another area for which rubber crumb is needed - this is the filling of punching bags and bags, as well as mats. There are a lot of areas of use for rubber crumb, because it is an amazing and unique product obtained from recycled materials.


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