Business plan: crumb rubber. Production of rubber crumb: plan with calculations Machine for the production of rubber crumb

How to make rubber crumb with your own hands - methods, features

Due to the increase in the number of road transport, the amount of waste began to increase exponentially, so the ecological situation was under great threat. Every year, thousands of tires are taken to landfills and landfills, where they become a source of negative impact on the entire environment.

Car tires belong to the 4th class of waste by danger, since in the process of decomposition they release carcinogenic and toxic substances that can destroy the shell of the biosphere. Recycling requirements have become more stringent over the past few years (particularly in large cities) and the recycling of rubber products is regularly checked.

What is crumb rubber made from at home?

According to the rules fire safety and it is completely forbidden to store tires due to the fact that they are prone to spontaneous combustion. Active people who have basic knowledge of physics, as well as carpentry skills, can turn rubber waste recycling into a main source of income. Rubber crumb, which will be obtained through recycling, will act as a secondary raw material for the manufacture of new goods. Let's look at how to make crumb rubber from wheels yourself and how to expand this business to a business scale.

Rubber crumb is made from car tires, which have become unusable, since they lend themselves much better to the mechanical type of impact, and it is also easier to extract metal wire (cord) from them. Recycling used tires makes it possible to obtain crumbs with the desired diameter and at the same time waste raw material to a minimum. Volumetric figures carved from car tires are often used to decorate courtyards of residential areas or garden plots. Often you can see flower beds, not very high fences, or fences on the playground, which are made of tires.

Note, that with the help crumb rubber large size, you can lay out the tracks in a private house and summer cottage, and this will help give them an aesthetically beautiful look. Also, with the help of rubber coatings, which have excellent noise-absorbing and waterproofing properties, sports grounds and children's areas are equipped.

Recycling small amounts of rubber at home

In order to make rubber crumb with your own hands in a small amount, you do not need a large amount of raw materials, as well as special equipment. You can use improvised tools, such as scissors, an ax or a guillotine cutter. A well-sharpened knife is also perfect for cutting an old tire.

Tire recycling steps for small crumbs at home:

But in order to be able to work with a large amount of waste in personal and commercial purposes, financial investments will be required - for the purchase of special equipment, the lease of premises for the processing of raw materials. The cost of units that are offered from direct manufacturers will depend on the configuration and power. Imported and domestic manufacturers provide full-cycle waste rubber recycling lines, but if you have a good knowledge of physics, then you can make your own tire crumb recycling equipment and it will meet all your needs.

Capable of creating crumbs from a car tire

What are the ways to get crumb rubber?

  1. Cooling of raw materials with liquid nitrogen to a brittle state and further grinding. This type of processing will require the use of special freezers, as well as cooling the raw material to a temperature of -70..-90 degrees, which is simply impossible at home.
  2. Grinding of rubber products on a specialized line of a full cycle of processing. This method is used for industrial production, on which the production of rubber crumb is carried out in a large volume, and also requires large financial investments.
  3. Recycling of rubber products into homemade device, i.e. crushers. If you have welding and milling equipment, you can make a chopper with your own hands. If this is not possible, then the parts should be ordered in the workshop according to your own scheme. The cost of a do-it-yourself device will be much less than finished equipment.

Note, that if you are going to be recycling rubber waste on a regular basis, you will need a spacious and well-ventilated area to install all the equipment and store a huge amount of rubber waste. The advantage will be the location of the production premises in the industrial zone.

Unit device

The design features of the grinder are distinguished by the fact that they have a knife mechanism (shredder), which makes it possible to process tires, tubes and other rubber elements. With this method of grinding, the material is able to fully maintain its own molecular formula, and will not lose its elasticity properties. The performance of the equipment will depend entirely on the power indicators.

The main components of the unit for the processing of rubber products are:

  • Electric motor - helps ensure the rate of recycling of rubber waste, the recommended engine power is approximately 4 to 5 kW.
  • Box with cutting discs - helps to grind the raw material to the required size.
  • The grate that calibrates the crumb - allows you to adjust the diameter of the resulting rubber crumb.
  • Worm gear - eliminates the possibility of jamming of the raw material, as well as its jamming.
  • Device frame - ensures the stability of the machine.
  • Bunker for loading.
  • Guide tray.

In general, the mechanism of the machine will be placed in a housing, on top of which a loading hopper will be installed. Before immersing the material, be sure to remove all foreign objects from the metal (nails, spikes, etc.). Tires should be cut into strips to help reduce recycling time. Now let's take a closer look at how to make crumb rubber from tires using a special mechanism.

Box of cutting discs

The main part of the device is precisely the shredder installation. The box contains steel, heat-treated milling discs with a high level of strength. They are sufficiently resistant to wear and do not require frequent replacement during the operation of the machine. The manufacture of the structure will require accurate hole calculations, as well as various cutting discs, so it is better to entrust such work to the designer.

Grids for crumb calibration

Under the box where the milling shafts are located, a sizing grid should be installed, which allows you to adjust the diameter of the rubber crumb, which is obtained during the grinding of the tire inside the shredder.

Worm gear

A mechanical type gearbox will convert the angular velocity using a worm gear, which will allow processing rubber material with varying degrees of elasticity without hanging and winding. The mechanical gears of rotary motion should be set between 25 and 36 units, which will ensure a high level of device performance.

Machine frame

The safety of processing work will be guaranteed by the frame of the machine, which is made of profile material. It will ensure the stability of the position of the working device during grinding and loading of raw materials inside.

Hopper loading

The machine necessarily has a hopper, which is required in order to load tire raw materials, which, for convenience, are located at the top of the body and near the guide tray. They will ensure a uniform flow of raw materials into the shredder (i.e. shredder), and will also prevent the formation of congestion during operation.

Device that cuts tires

In order to cut the tires and remove the metal cord, structures made from a carrier frame and a rack are used. The housing will house systems for clamping the bar, which will rotate with the bar when cutting. The design strut has a wedge-shaped knife that is built into a specific tire size. This technology of installation of the structure will help save time on preparing the material for consumption for further grinding inside the shredder.

tire shredding

The technological process of grinding involves the following actions:

  • Sorting of tire raw materials, as well as removal of foreign metals (thorns, nails, etc.).
  • Removal of cord from metal.
  • Cutting tires into strips.
  • Grinding of raw materials in a shredder.
  • Calibration of the resulting crumb.

Each of the five points is important in its own way.


Now that you know how to make crumb rubber out of wheels yourself, let's find out what it is used for. It is often used for various areas of production, sold to the public, or used for personal purposes. A surplus of worn tires and other rubber products will ensure that material is always available for use. The cost of crumb rubber for the most part will depend on the diameter and quality of the resulting granules. High demand at the moment it has powdered crumbs, as well as granules that have a diameter of 0.2 to 0.4 cm. The popularity of this size will be due to the low cost of manufacturing goods, as well as the lower consumption of the adhesive composition, the price of which is several times higher than the cost of secondary raw materials.

Rubber crumb is used to make the following products:

  • Rubber Shoes.
  • Roll covers.
  • Fuel.
  • Pavement tiles.
  • Insulation and rubber seals.
  • Volumetric figures that were cut from used tires.
  • Paths for a garden / suburban area, a private house.
  • Noise-absorbing and waterproofing coatings for sports and playgrounds.
  • Asphalt mixes.
  • Technical rubber products.
  • Seamless rubber flooring.

At the moment, the recycling industry is considered promising enough to open own business as competition is low and demand for recycling services is increasing. Even with small amounts of work, all financial investments that will be spent on equipment will pay off in record time. Recycling tires inside the crusher is recognized as the best and most environmentally friendly way for recycling, which allows you to make a profit with a small investment.

And a little more about the tire recycling business

So, you have learned how to make crumb rubber with your own hands, but let's take a closer look at how to turn recycling into your own business. Since old tires are waste, a license is required to work with them. It should be issued at your own expense, and this should be taken into account in advance. The second point is to receive a package of documents from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

In order to receive all the papers, you will need:

  • Install filters.
  • Choose the right location for the processing plant. Recycling should be carried out as far as possible from a residential building, as well as social facilities such as schools, kindergartens, and others.

Also be sure to register the company in public institution And tax office sign a supply agreement electrical energy and solve the issue of fire safety.

Premises selection

Recycling car tires requires a huge area, you must have at least 500 m 2. In addition, an area is required to store the finished crumb rubber as well as the raw material. Also remember that the processing plant must be located as far as possible from settlements, because otherwise you will start receiving massive complaints, and you may be closed without explanation. The requirements for the processing line are ideally met in individual areas, for example, located in an industrial area or somewhere on the outskirts. Land in an industrial zone is worth its weight in gold, so it will be cheaper to buy or rent a production facility, which should have convenient access routes.


In general, equipment can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Equipment from Europe that fits all modern requirements. It is extremely efficient and reliable.
  2. Heavenly equipment. PRC products most often have dubious quality, as well as a short service life. Naturally, if you buy Chinese products from well-known brands, then the quality will be excellent, then the price will be like that of European instruments.
  3. The middle link will be Europe and China will be a reliable unit made in Russia. The cost of domestic equipment will be 2-3 times lower, and 2 times higher than in China.

These are a few options for those who don't want or can't make their own equipment. I would also like to note that rubber processing can be both crumbly and diesel fuel, but the latter material will require large financial investments. The process consists of sorting and future grinding of raw materials, and then the selected material is loaded into a reactor that is able to extract fuel from secondary raw materials, which can be liquid, metal cord or gas. The finished product can be used for further processing.


For an enterprise where you can make crumb rubber, you will need:

  • Driver with own truck. You can also buy your own car park and just hire drivers.
  • Accountant.
  • A person who helps with sales finished products.

To select employees, it makes sense to apply to a special company, but you will conduct the decisive interview yourself. Tire recycling in Russia is a growing business, and most companies will be happy to take future employees on training courses. You can either train people yourself, or hire professionals who have already worked in this area.


Before you make a purchase and start doing everything according to a business plan, calculate all the costs. Tires are practically garbage, but recycling equipment costs a lot of money. The total cost will be about 3 million rubles, so it would be more expedient to find an investor in order to implement the business plan. The cost of cleaners should be added to the amount, without which SanPiN will not give permission to operate a miniature plant. The cost of raw materials will be minimal, it can be bought almost for nothing. You will be surprised, but certain organizations themselves are willing to pay for the disposal of old tires.


Modern and compact equipment for grinding worn-out car tires into crumb rubber. Tire recycling line "ATR-250" - minimum investment, fast payback periods, minimum space and personnel. Ideal tire recycling solution for small businesses in small towns, as well as organizations involved in the production of rubber tiles and seamless rubber coatings based on crumb rubber.

The ATR-250 plant for processing used car tires into crumb rubber is a complex technological equipment which makes it possible to obtain not only high-quality crumbs, but also metal cord and textiles during tire recycling. All materials received are in demand and have their price. The optimal solution for those who want to buy tire recycling equipment inexpensively due to a limited budget or a small amount of raw materials.

The compact plant "ATR-250" makes it possible to process worn-out car tires with the production of high-quality crumb rubber. This installation easily recycles worn-out passenger wheels, as well as truck tires from cars and special equipment.

Location of the ATR-250 tire recycling plant indoors

The ATR-250 rubber processing plant has small installation dimensions, minimal power consumption, and 3-4 people of the working staff are enough for the full operation of the line.

The productivity of the equipment is up to 300 kg of rubber for incoming raw materials and up to 250 kg for the output of finished rubber crumb per hour. The productivity of the machine may increase or decrease depending on the quality of the incoming raw materials, the efficiency of the personnel and other factors. The average power consumption of the installation is 60 - 80 kWh.

The principle of operation of the line for processing tires into crumb "ATR-250"

1) At the first stage, used car tires undergo a detailed inspection for the absence of spikes and other elements unsuitable for recycling.

2) At the second stage, cutting takes place truck tires into small segments, approximately 30x30 cm, passenger tires are cut in half, while the bead rings of the tires can not be removed.

3) After cutting the tires, the resulting rubber segments are fed through the conveyor to the shredder, for grinding into a finer fraction, the bead wire and other metal inclusions are removed from the rubber composition.

4) The material processed after the shredder and having been cleaned from metal through a system of magnets is fed into the impact crusher for grinding to the final fraction.

5) The material brought to the final fraction passes through the separation system to remove the textile cord from its composition, with one more step of separating the metal cord.

6) After the final cleaning, the material (finished crumb rubber) is fed to a rectangular vibrating sieve, on which crumb rubber is sorted into 3 main fractions.

Specifications and requirements for the ATR 250 tire recycling line

Requirements for the premises

Occupied area (excluding warehouse space)

60 m²


4.2 meters


3 meters


15 meters

2 shifts of 10 - 12 hours, including maintenance

Temperature regime

From 0 to +40С°

Electrical power (required)

120 kW (starting currents)

Average power consumption

60 - 80 kWh

Input Line Performance

Up to 400 kg of raw materials per hour

Output line performance (average)

Up to 250 kg crumbs per hour

3 fractions from 0 to 5 mm

Textile cord output

Up to 50 kg per hour

Metal cord output

Up to 80 kg per hour

Annual tire recycling capacity when loaded 360 days a year, 20 hours a day

Up to 2,500 tons of tires

Max tire diameter

1200 mm (23 in)

Number of personnel per shift

3 - 4 persons

Delivery set of equipment for processing tires into crumb "ATR-250"


Tire Recycling Shredder

Bead ring puller

Tire cutting guillotine

Loading belt conveyor

transport fan

Magnetic separation system

Cyclone collectors small

Pneumatic transport system

Stream transport system

Impact crusher complex

Shaker system

Cyclone collection

Dust extraction system

Electrical equipment, wiring, electrical and other

System of bonding metal structures and protection

Belt conveyor for metal cord

Technical documentation, passport, operation manual

We are manufacturers of equipment for processing tires into crumbs, and it is very important for us not only long-term cooperation, but also the opportunity to provide existing professional knowledge and information support to potential partners and customers. In order to study in more detail the characteristics of the ATR 250 rubber processing line and get the commercial part, please make an inquiry to our company or contact the company's managers to get all the necessary and detailed information about equipment and prices.

Video: ATR-250 Tire Recycling Equipment

The service life of car tires is quite short, after which they must be replaced.

Disposal of used tires a big problem for the ecology of the whole world.

Every year the number of used cars increases by almost 10%.

Obviously tires need to be recycled.

In this article, we will consider the following questions:

  • what is the technology for processing crumb tires;
  • what equipment is used;
  • where rubber crumb is used;
  • Is it possible to make it yourself.

Not only worn-out tires, but also any other used rubber products can serve as raw materials for rubber crumb production.

In practice, only two main ways obtaining crumb rubber from used tires:

  • shock wave;
  • mechanical.

Let's consider both methods separately.

shock wave

This technology for grinding car tires and other rubber waste into crumbs was invented relatively recently.

The recycling process is product cooling to ultra-low temperatures followed by crushing shock wave.

Cryogenic chambers are used for freezing, and the shock wave is formed by a special electrical device or by detonating a small amount of explosive.

This technology for recycling used car tires requires the installation of expensive equipment, which is economically beneficial only for large enterprises with large quantities of raw materials.


This is a classic technology for processing tires into crumb rubber, which, unlike the first, is used everywhere.

The essence of the process is gradual mechanical action on raw materials with obtaining the necessary fraction of crumb rubber and by-products.

Exists multiple methods tire recycling by mechanical action:

  • grinding at normal temperature;
  • at high temperature;
  • with cooling of raw materials;
  • using the "ozone knife";
  • by forcing raw materials with a powerful press through special dies.

The most popular way is conventional mechanical grinding at normal temperature.

This technology is classic and is great for organizing small enterprises for recycling used car tires.

Classic tire shredding technology

In the presence of necessary equipment this technology makes it possible to obtain rubber crumb of any fraction up to a powdered substance.

The whole tire recycling process can be divided into several stages, each of which uses a certain type of machine tools and mechanisms.

Main technological stages crushing tires and types of equipment that is used on each of them:

  1. In the first stage of processing, sorting tires by size, which is necessary to configure the equipment for certain tire sizes. Crushing itself begins with cutting the side rings on a special punching machine.
  2. The second stage of tire shredding takes place using hydraulic shears, mechanical cutters or guillotines, with the help of which cutting into strips and pieces medium sizes.
  3. The crushing process continues in a special shredder, where large pieces of rubber crushed into small chips size from 2 to 10 sq. cm, which arrive at the next technological operation.
  4. At this stage, the final grinding of raw materials to the required fractions takes place. Rotary mills with square blades or other equipment capable of withstanding enormous mechanical loads are used.
  5. After complete grinding of waste tires, the resulting crumb rubber separate from by-products: chopped metal court and textile waste. For this, magnetic and air separators are used.
  6. On the final stage the resulting crumb rubber is passed through a special vibrating sieve, where fractionation. The resulting material is packaged and sent for further processing.

This is the classical scheme of the technological process of crushing tires into crumbs at normal temperature with an approximate list of machines and mechanisms.

Number of processing steps can be reduced or increased depending on what equipment will be used and what kind of crumb you need to get at the output.

Transportation of raw materials from one technological operation to another can be carried out both manually and automatically.

If the movement of tires, pieces of rubber, chips and rubber crumb is carried out using belt and screw conveyors, then the whole complex of equipment for recycling old tires, in fact, becomes a production line.

To organize a small recycling workshop installation of an automatic line is the best solution.

What equipment is needed?

In the tire recycling equipment market a lot of offers.

Russian and foreign manufacturers offer both fully equipped lines and plants, as well as individual machines, devices and mechanisms. The price will depend on the type and performance of the unit.

Consider the minimum set of what is needed for recycling tires into crumbs.

Bead removal machine

This is the first unit in the entire technological chain of tire grinding. Its purpose is removal of seat rings from the tire.

The principle of operation of bead removal machines is based on:

  • cutting down;
  • cutting;
  • pulling out the landing rings.

Each of the methods does not have any advantages over the others.

Further processing of the removed rings is carried out on pressing machines, where the metal base is squeezed out and the remaining rubber is crushed in the general flow.

Tire shredders without bead

  • shredders;
  • tape cutters;
  • hydraulic shears;
  • roller milling devices;
  • mills.

The production line may include several of these devices:

  1. Hydraulic shears and tape cutters cut tires into large pieces.
  2. Shredders process them into smaller fragments.
  3. Roller aggregates and mills bring the type of raw material to the required fraction.

Metal and textile separators

The magnetic separator removes the chopped remains of the metal court from the crumb rubber.

The principle of operation of this device is simple: a powerful electromagnet pulls metal waste from the mass of raw materials and sends them to a receiving hopper.

Removal of textile residues takes place in a cyclone-type air separator, where a powerful air stream simply blows light textile fluff into a receiving hopper.

Read more about textile and metal cord, as well as where it can be used with benefit, read.

Vibrating screens for separating the product into fractions

Tire recycling facilities include at least two vibrating screens: coarse and fine cleaning.

On the first device, large, not completely processed, pieces of rubber are screened out, and on the second, the standard fraction of rubber crumb is separated.

A vibrating sieve is a device consisting of a table with holes corresponding to the crumb fraction to be separated, and a mechanism that vibrates the table at a certain frequency.

Conveyors and other mechanisms and devices

Tire recycling lines and plants include belt conveyors for moving tires, pieces of rubber and rubber crumb from one technological operation to another.

Some manufacturers use in their lines screw conveyors for moving and packing finished rubber crumb. Besides, automatic lines tire recycling are completed bunkers, security and control systems technological process.

All of the above equipment is equipped with automatic lines for processing old tires into crumb rubber.

The number of machines and mechanisms depends on the volume of production and the final type of product that needs to be obtained as a result of processing.

What can be made from the obtained granulate?

Crumb rubber itself, obtained by recycling old car tires, is an intermediate product. Raw materials, depending on their fraction, are used in the manufacture of the following products:

  • floor coverings for placement indoors and outdoors;
  • curbs, chippers and speed bumps for road facilities;
  • substrates and gaskets to protect goods during transportation;
  • figures for playgrounds;
  • building materials - waterproofing and noise-absorbing;
  • dielectric products for the electrical industry;
  • ICBM- bitumen-rubber mastic.

Granulate is also added to asphalt mixtures, obtaining a durable and durable pavement.

From fine crumbs, it is possible to produce various rubber products by hot pressing, namely:

  • bushings;
  • videos;
  • rubber shoes;
  • many other goods.

In addition, it can serve as an additive in the manufacture of new tires, thereby reducing its cost.

The entrepreneur receives not only crumb rubber, but also grinding by-products: metal court and textiles, which are also liquid goods. They can be sold and get additional profit.


Rubber crumb is a multifunctional material necessary for a person in many fields of activity. Its huge plus is that it can be made from old tires, thereby giving a second life to obsolete products.

Recycling rubber is easy, equipment for this purpose is available everywhere.

In contact with

The industrial business idea of ​​​​launching a mini-factory for the production of crumb rubber by recycling tires attracts with an excellent ratio of large cash turnover and short payback periods. And most importantly, recycling is the production of money from garbage. Your attention is invited to a business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations and analysis of opportunities. For example, it is worth paying attention to the additional income from the extraction of metal from tire cords, in which it is already 7%. What other useful secrets this production keeps, we will consider in more detail.

Tire crumb mini-factory

How to correctly calculate the rate and volume of production of rubber crumb from recycled car tires? The answer to this question is not so simple. The production of rubber crumb depends on many nuances. There are two key factors that made this activity attractive from an investment point of view. They will help answer this question.

Factor #1: Industrial Small Business Entry Threshold

First of all, you should correctly assess your financial reserves that you own (own savings and possible loans). It is worth noting that this type of industry is possible with different investment volumes, which means that such a business scales well. With a small investment in the initial phase, income can be minimal, taking into account regular expenses for electricity, transportation costs, salaries of employees, taxes, etc. It is worth noting here that this concept of a business idea underlies the recycling of waste (used car tires). And according to tradition, in order to get gold from garbage, you need to do a lot of work. Therefore, too little investment significantly increases the risks. It is possible to start production on a large scale by constructing a specialized enterprise with large areas, for example, several hundred square meters, which will be worth a large investment. Do optimal choice investment strategies in favor of the golden mean between these boundaries.

Factor #2: Small Business Manufacturing Capacity

In case you have about $17,000 of money, the choice should not be an issue. For this money, you can purchase a production line for processing tires into crumbs with a minimum configuration and a capacity of 100 kg / hour. In this case, the most important thing will be finding and renting a warehouse with an area of ​​about 100 m 2 and a production room with an average area of ​​40 m 2, plus a few more small storage rooms. In this case, the production of crumb rubber can start from a production volume of 800 kilograms of the finished product daily (100 kg / hour in 1 work shift).

What you need to process tires into crumb rubber

The minimum complete line for processing tires into crumb rubber includes the following equipment, which can be found on the Internet at prices:

  1. Bead cutting machine - $ 2,150
  2. Tape cutter - $ 2,700
  3. Shredder for shredding rubber - $ 7,650
  4. Circular sieve - $ 1,000
  5. Conveyor with magnetic separator - $1,000
  6. Bead ring processing machine - $2,500

TOTAL: $17,000

Technology for the production of crumb rubber by recycling tires

Video clip, which is shown schematically in the form of 3D animation technological process tire processing by crushing into crumb rubber:

As you can see in the video, the production process is extremely simple.

If you decide to conduct this activity on a more serious level, an analysis of the sales market in the region where you are going to launch your project will be necessary. Without this work, it is unlikely that the products will generate a profitable income. You will have to include in the business plan the cost of market research for the finished product in a particular region.

What is the need for this product and in what distribution channels can it be sold? Who else is interested in this industry and what is the competition in the market?

The answers to these questions need to be taken into account and, obviously, to calculate the development opportunities economic activity over the next few years. It is unlikely to accurately foresee the subsequent course of events, but approximate calculations will indicate at least the direction in which it is worth moving. Such determination is better than blind action.

Business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations

In the production of crumb rubber, used, old, defective car tires were used. For obvious reasons, one should not even talk about the search for raw materials and their price. Old tires can be found in large quantities. You can buy them for a minimal fee, and sometimes you can pay for shipping to your company.

The production of crumb rubber, as already mentioned, is quite affordable for small businesses. The $17,000 production line can quickly process a wide variety of tires: car, bus and other tires.

At the moment, there are two main methods by which crumb rubber is produced:

  1. mechanical crushing.
  2. crushing method shock wave.

Shock wave crushing of rubber into crumbs is a relatively young method of tire processing. The most popular mechanical crushing.

The production of rubber crumb using a shock wave requires a special approach. In particular, it is necessary to have equipment in which the products will be located, similar to refrigerated pantries, which are quite expensive. The advantageous possibility of installing equipment for the production of rubber crumb from tires using the shock wave method on smaller production areas is noticeable. You can save on monthly rent. At the same time, the cost of electrical energy will be less than with an analog installation. But all the same, such equipment is fully justified for large and medium production volumes, since it is very expensive.

The manufacture of crumb rubber can start with a small production volume and at a relatively low cost. Enough 40 square meters of production space with a ceiling height of 3m. A direct rubber crumb production line will be installed, a 380 volt power supply will be connected and 2 workers will control the operation of the semi-automatic equipment.

The best option during the period of reaching the payback point of the business is to work continuously for a whole week. To do this, three work shifts should be organized. As a result, the staff will consist of eight persons. In addition, you should take care of the places of storage of raw materials and finished products. In this case, the space for storing tires should take out four, and even five times more. In this regard, the surface of the room for raw materials (tires) may require up to 100m 2, and for the storage of finished rubber crumb - 20m 2.

On this basis, the cost of 100 kilograms of products per hour will change and change. IN this business plan Let's define monthly fixed costs:

  1. Purchase of tires at a price of $40 per 1 ton - $960 (requires 24 tons of raw materials per month).
  2. The cost of renting a warehouse will be about $400-600 per month.
  3. The salaries of workers who maintain the production line are $300-$700 per month;

It's a good idea to give customers the opportunity to recycle tires for money. Your own collection point will help not only reduce transport costs for the delivery of raw materials, but also immediately receive a preliminary additional income, which is described below.

If Production Line produces 100 kilograms per hour, working without interruption, then in a month the amount of finished products takes out 24 tons of crumb rubber (100 kg * 8 hours * 30 days = 24000).

Taking into account the average retail price of crumb rubber of $0.28 per kilogram, we get a gross monthly income of $6720 (0.28*24000).

It is also worth noting that during production, metal remains in the waste (wire in the tire courts). Its volume is about 7%.

Interesting fact! According to Goodyear Tire and Rubber, the average tire weight is about 22 pounds (up to 10 kg). At the same time, it contains 0.68 kg of steel cord (it serves as a reinforcing for the rubber structure in tires).

On the one hand, this is production waste, and on the positive side, this is a significant additional profit: 0.7 kg of metal wire and tire steel cord. And that 0.7 * 10 tires / hour * 8 hours * 30 days = 1680 kg of metal from 24 tons of tires - monthly!

The average price of scrap metal is about $200 per ton. As a result, we will receive an additional $336 profit from the sale of metal cord wire. It is worth considering how to organize your acceptance of car tires for recycling for money.

This amount of benefit is sometimes a more economically justified income received in the process of implementing this activity.

Tire recycling products

Where is rubber crumb from tire recycling used? This unique and durable building material is indispensable in the following industries:

  1. Production of paving slabs from crumb rubber.
  2. When covering roads, asphalt and concrete fences on roads with the addition of crumbs.
  3. In the production of safety coating for sports, playgrounds and gyms.
  4. in landscape design.
  5. Production of hydrophobic materials.
  6. The granules are used in the construction industry for the production of rubber boards, palettes, roofing materials etc.
  7. Granules of rubber crumb are also used in the production of rubber mats for pedestrians.
  8. Rubber crumb found use in filtration different kind liquids, creating thermal insulation of industrial premises.

In order to minimize the risk, it is possible to expand the scope of rubber crumb manufacturing. So, it is possible to produce rubber plates or other shells of this material. The need for these products does not depend on the need for crumbs. Therefore, in one enterprise you can create two completely different directions activities.

One of the big expectations of the industry is the production of crumb rubber. We have this type of industry today is not particularly developed.

Do not forget about such an important component, which is the sale of finished products. The popularity of crumb rubber as a building material is growing. There are more and more new competitors on the market. Finally, if there is the right approach to the sale of this product, sales channels can be easily adapted. This type of production does not require special skills, it is technologically simple.

Depending on the amount invested in the product, the payback period can stretch from six months to two years. Relatively short payback periods are the next plus in the interests of this type of activity. Consequently, the high demand for the product (as with all building materials), the minimization of risks and the mentioned thresholds for entering the production technology make it attractive from the point of view of investment.

One of the options for organizing production at home is the production of crumb rubber. Today this direction quite promising, and the niche itself, despite the low entry threshold, is not overly busy. On the territory of the CIS, the number of competitors in this area remains relatively small, which eliminates the possibility of monopolization of even a part of the market. If we talk about the regions, then it is worth noting the rather large dispersal of suppliers, which opens up prospects in places remote from the points of manufacture of crumb rubber. The demand for these products continues to grow steadily, and the scope of its application is steadily expanding.

The manufacture of crumb rubber, like other industries, is highly dependent on distribution channels. Demand for it is steadily growing, which allows proper organization business to sell this product in the required volumes. This production does not require high qualifications and does not require the use of high-tech equipment. Depending on the amount of investment available, the payback period can vary from 0.5 to 2 years. There are various factors and risks that can reduce the efficiency of a business, but there is also the possibility of increasing its attractiveness for an investor.

Crumb rubber production

First of all, it is worth making a calculation to determine the optimal volume of production. The lower it is, the lower the turnover and the longer the payback, however, with excessive output of crumb rubber, you can be bankrupt. To make a decision, you need to rely on several factors. The first step is to assess the constraints imposed by the existing project budget. How much money do you have in your personal accounts, how much can you get from a bank as a loan, how much are investors willing to provide?

The bottom line is that the production of rubber crumb makes it possible to choose virtually any volume of production due to the flexibility of technology and equipment (compare with). Based on the existing conditions, it is better to choose the most optimal option or combine two directions in the same territory with capital and excess space.

You can start with small volumes. Subsequently, it is possible to build a large-scale plant for the production of crumb rubber with a total area of ​​​​several thousand "squares". It should be understood that for such a project it will be necessary to prepare approximately several tens of millions of rubles. A number of regions will be able to serve such a giant, it will be able to claim one of the leading places in its direction throughout the country. Not everyone has that kind of money. Therefore, often the most acceptable option will be the minimum option that will allow you to arrange the first deliveries in as soon as possible, and then smoothly move on to expanding their own capacities.

It is also important to be aware of the size of the market. If there are few consumers of goods in the region or there are already competitors, then it sometimes decreases by a fairly large amount. Of course, for those who have a sufficiently large capital at their disposal, it is possible to increase production and establish work with a large wholesale customer even in another region, and ensure profits due to large product turnovers at a small margin. In some embodiments, approximately 2.5 tons of crumb rubber can be produced daily to interest such a consumer. For conditions of high competition, it is necessary either to open a mini-factory in another region, or to abandon this direction. For example, you can replace the production of crumb rubber with the resale of cheap things.

In any case, preliminary marketing research need to be carried out. After evaluating supply chains, marketing and competition, you can plan for several years. At the same time, it is often profitable to start with a small workshop, and then order additional lines of equipment. It is advisable to work out various options as much as possible so that when faced with some difficulties, promptly respond to obstacles and resolve relevant issues without any financial losses.

The price of equipment for the production of rubber crumb

If you organize a line that allows you to produce crumb rubber with a capacity of 600 kg / h, then you will need the following equipment:

  • Bead cutting machine - 250-280 thousand rubles;
  • Machine for processing bead rings - 290-315 thousand rubles;
  • Tape cutter - 325-360 thousand rubles;
  • Chip cutter - 360-430 thousand rubles;
  • Rubber shredder complete with a direct conveyor - 2.6-2.75 million rubles;
  • Impact crusher - 650-700 thousand rubles;
  • Vibration separator complete with filter, cyclone and exhaust hood - 360-400 thousand rubles;
  • Magnetic separator complete with two bucket conveyors - 320-370 thousand rubles;
  • Vibropneumocomplex with a bucket conveyor - 350-380 thousand rubles;
  • Vibrating sieve complete with bucket conveyor - 315-340 thousand rubles;
  • Electrical equipment - 290-340 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the height of the room should be at least 5 meters, while the total area for equipment capable of providing such production volumes should exceed 150 square meters.

Advice: to save money, separate equipment can be purchased from the hands, however, it is advisable to refuse used conveyors if you cannot strictly control their condition. This element of the production line can fail at the most inopportune moment and cause downtime of the entire equipment. Even if this or that used device is supplied by the seller along with the conveyor, purchase a new one and install it right away.

Rubber crumb production technology

Almost any pneumatic chambers and tires can be used for production. The presence of fabric or metal fibers in their composition will not become an obstacle. Among the rubber crumb manufacturing technologies, the most common are grinding by the shock wave method and mechanical restoration. The first method is more modern approach, but the latter is more widespread. The bottom line is that the line for the production of crumb rubber by shock wave grinding requires the use of more expensive equipment.

The advantages in this case will be a reduction in energy costs and the space occupied by the equipment. Such equipment for the production of crumb rubber is perfect for medium-sized and large-scale production, but the use of technology with mechanical grinding is more preferable due to cost reduction and, as a result, increase in economic feasibility.

Rubber crumb business plan

It is possible to organize the production of crumb rubber with relatively low amounts of capital. The simplest production lines occupy about 60 square meters, require a power supply network that provides a stable voltage of 380 V, and only two people to maintain equipment in one shift. For organization continuous work You will need at least 8 hired employees.

It is important to take into account other points, among which the need for warehouses for raw materials and finished products. In this case, the first should be approximately 4 times or more higher than the second, based on practical considerations. If we talk about exact numbers, then you should focus on 200 and 50 "squares" at least.

  • Equipment and raw materials - 70-150 thousand dollars, depending on the manufacturer and the distance from the seller to the place where the technical line is organized;
  • Conducting examinations and obtaining quality certificates - 2 thousand dollars;
  • Warehouse rental - 3-8 thousand dollars, depending on the region and conditions;
  • The salary for all staff is 5-10 thousand dollars (hired workers for line maintenance and sales department employees).

In total, we have 80-170 thousand dollars based on the first month. Then there are the costs of raw materials and wages, advertising and other expenses may be added to them. Ideally, the revenue will cover all costs at once, but it is desirable to have a capital reserve to ensure the operation of the line. If such costs are prohibitively high, consider . It may be easier to finance another direction. It should be understood that for a line that can produce 500 kg / h of rubber crumb, the cost of equipment alone can exceed $ 1.5 million, or can be 10 times cheaper.

As a rule, the more power, the higher the associated costs, but when buying the entire production line, you can save a lot. In general, start-up entrepreneurs can be of great help. Hard to find in the countryside industrial premises necessary areas and characteristics, there will be problems with the supply of raw materials and the shipment of crumb rubber due to infrastructure difficulties. The situation is different with .

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Can be upgraded economic efficiency of their own production, if they produce not only crumb rubber, but use part of it to create finished products, for example, rubber tiles. Of course, this will require additional investments, but it is possible to expand the business in this direction after the full payback of production, which usually takes 4-6 months. If it is possible to finance the necessary expenses, the production of crumb rubber will be a fairly profitable enterprise, and will also have promising opportunities for further development and expansion.

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