Professional skill contests as a means of creative self-realization of teaching staff. Management Skills Competitions - Effective Motivation and Learning Practice

On November 8, a solemn awarding ceremony took place following the results of the Competition professional excellence SRO Association "School without Danger" on better organization work in the field of protection of educational institutions in Moscow.

The competition was held from April 1 to October 30, 2017 and consisted of five stages, during which the jury evaluated the participants according to various criteria. The contestants, with the support of the teams of their private security organizations, created video presentations, demonstrated theoretical knowledge and passed the stage of testing the practical skills of security at the posts.

Twenty-nine of the best professionals in the field of ensuring the protection of educational organizations were identified, from among whom six finalists were selected, who won prizes.

The President of the SRO Association "School without Danger" Sergei Saminsky in his opening remarks emphasized that such a competition is not just an initiative of the organization's leadership, but also an undertaking universally supported by the state. Recently, the President of the Russian Federation congratulated the winners of the international competitions in professional skills WorldSkills. Russia first took part in this competition in 2013. Then our team did not take a high place. Now we are leaders in the training of blue-collar occupations.

The security industry has also joined this endeavor. The staff of the SRO Association "School without Danger" became a pioneer in this matter. Perhaps, in the future, the selection criteria and evaluation of the participants in the competition, as well as its other nuances, will change. But the main thing is that it has started.

We will continue the contests, - emphasized Sergey Saminsky. - Since the apparatuses of all private security structures, a self-regulatory organization, all functionaries exist only so that the guards at the post at the right moment clearly and professionally fulfill their duties. And we will do our best to build up their skills.

Supervisor working group Coordinating Council on the security of the Moscow Department of Education, Alexey Zhuravlev said that, in his opinion, is fundamental in the work of security.

An integral part of your job is the ability to instantly navigate a difficult environment. This is the most important thing: to be able to correctly react to an incident and thereby save the lives and health of those who are in educational organization... Comparing with the situation in 2010, I can say that the level vocational training security has grown. I ask you all to support the level you have come to now.

Sergey Saminsky noted the representatives of the SRO Association "School without Danger", without which the competition would not have taken place. Among them is the vice-president of the SRO for scientific and methodological work Nikolai Stepanov, head Training center professional qualifications SRO Tatyana Zaretskaya, SRO executive director Maria Shapkina and others.

This event gave a lot to improve our educational process and our work in general, - said Nikolay Stepanov. - We marked as positive traits, knowledge and skills of our guards, and those nuances that need to be paid more attention in the future.

Tatiana Zaretskaya, who first proposed the idea of ​​holding a professional skill competition, said that this tradition has a long history. However, in the security community, she reminded, such a competition was held for the first time.

You are the best in your profession. Winner status is good, but it obliges a lot. Therefore, I wish you further professional development, I wish you not to give up my professional positions.

The head of the expert department of the SRO Association "School without Danger" Vadim Yelenskiy, who became one of the examiners during the field tests of the competitors' knowledge, shared his opinion about the competition.

A difficult task was set before private security organizations - to select best employees to participate in the competition. Based on the results, we can say that they treated this in good faith and as responsibly as possible. Before us are really the best of the best.

Maria Shapkina, Executive Director of the SRO Association "School without Danger", also addressed the contestants with warm words:

The most worthy representatives of the profession have gathered here. Each of you, I will emphasize - everyone, regardless of whether he won a prize or not, is already a winner. We can with complete confidence say that you all do yours job duties not only conscientiously and responsibly, but also with soul. We have seen many times during the checks with what respect and love children treat you. In our opinion, this is the most important indicator your work.

Who are these people, who have shown outstanding results among thousands of their colleagues, many of whom are also undoubtedly worthy of praise, who coped with the excitement, who were not at a loss before the sometimes tricky questions of the inspectors? Let's imagine them.

The third place was shared by E.V. Sergeeva and the security guard of the private security company "SOBR" N.N. Zharikov. They received a prize of fifty thousand rubles each, a diploma signed by the president of the SRO Association "School without Danger" Sergei Saminsky and letters of thanks from the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Anatoly Vyborny and the deputy of the Moscow City Duma Inna Svyatenko.

The second place - the security guard of LLC "Private Security Company" Shield "A.N. Belous and the security guard of "LLC CHOP" Yug-Delta "S.A. Pankov. They also received a diploma signed by Sergei Saminsky and letters of thanks from Anatoly Vyborny and Inna Svyatenko. The cash prize was one hundred thousand rubles each.

The winners were the security guards of the private security company "SOBR" D.P. Gamzyukov and E.A. Kovalev. In addition to the diploma signed by Sergei Saminsky and thank you letters from Anatoly Vyborny and Inna Svyatenko, they received a cash prize of two hundred thousand rubles each and a trophy - the challenge cup of the winner of the professional skills competition.

Denis Gamzyukov, thanking the organizers of the event, expressed his conviction that it is impossible to stop at one competition. “This experience needs to be strengthened for the sake of what matters most - children and their safety,” he said. Elena Kovaleva expressed gratitude to the creators of the competition for giving the guards the opportunity to prove themselves.

The real triumph of the competition was the Euro-Alliance Group of Companies, several representatives of which were among the best in their profession. Group Executive Director Nikolay Aksenov shared how he managed to achieve this success.

We approached this competition very seriously, having conducted a thorough internal selection, one might say, an internal competition. We considered each candidate both from the point of view of his current state and from the point of view of his learning ability, having invested a lot of work in the preparation process. Each competition increases the prestige of the profession. Any athlete will tell you that the best workout is competition. Any competition is better than classroom training. This competition is the concentration of experience and knowledge, their adjustment and understanding. Its meaning is that after its completion we have become smarter and more professional.

All members of the jury note: during the competition, they did not see indifferent, and each guard put maximum effort into this competition.

Such a competition is needed by the security community. Its importance is evidenced by the support provided to the organizers by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Anatoly Vyborny and the deputy of the Moscow City Duma Inna Svyatenko, who highly appreciated the idea of ​​such a competition. Therefore, no one doubts: next year will be held new competition and its winners will demonstrate an even higher level of professional excellence.

SRO Press Service Association "School without Danger"

The competition is held annually by the Ministry of Labor of Russia jointly with interested federal and regional executive authorities, all-Russian associations of trade unions and all-Russian associations of employers. Its main goals are to increase the prestige of blue-collar occupations in demand on the labor market; promotion of the achievements and best practices of the participants in the competition; assistance in attracting young people for training and employment in blue-collar professions.

In 2018, the competition will be held in the following nominations approved by the Organizing Committee of the competition:

  • "The best confectioner" "(federal stage - October 30-31, 2018, on the basis of the Tambov regional state budget professional educational institution"College of Commerce, Catering and service ”, Tambov);
  • "The best sailor of the river fleet" (federal stage - August 25-26, 2018, based on the river port of the city district of Togliatti, Samara region);
  • "The best laboratory assistant in chemical analysis" (federal stage - October 22-26, 2018, on the basis of the regional state-budgetary professional educational institution "Tomsk Industrial and Humanitarian College", Tomsk);
  • "The best electrician on duty at the hydroelectric power station" (federal stage - September 2-8, 2018, based on branch of PJSC RusHydro - Kabardino-Balkarian Branch, Nalchik);
  • "The best operator for oil and gas production" (federal stage - November 1-2, 2018, based on JSC Gazpromneft-NNG, Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

The final of the "Best in Profession" competition will be held taking into account the results of regional competitions, in the form of face-to-face competitions with the implementation of specific production tasks. The final stage for specific nominations is organized on the basis of manufacturing enterprises.

The prize-winners of the competition in each nomination are paid a monetary incentive: 300 thousand rubles - to those who took first places, 200 thousand rubles - to those who took second places and 100 thousand rubles - to those who took third places.

Per additional information contact the Ministry of Labor of Russia to the Deputy Head of the Development Department social partnership Department of Remuneration, labor relations and social partnership of the Ministry of Labor of Russia Gorkova Elena Vladimirovna by e-mail

For reference:

The competition is open to employees of organizations registered in Russian Federation regardless of the form of ownership, organizational and legal form, industry affiliation, their branches in agreement with the legal entities that created them.

Employees with at least three years of professional experience are allowed to participate in the competition.

The federal stage of the competition is attended by the winners of the regional stage of the competition, nominated by the regional competition commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Participation in the competition at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and federal level is free.

    The main goal of this work is to help the masters of industrial training to develop and conduct competitions of professional skills in the following professions: "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment", "Master of finishing construction works».

    The work will be interesting for the heads of secondary vocational schools in terms of organizing competitions, as well as masters of vocational education and training to improve the quality of vocational training of students.

    2. From the history of professional skill competitions.

    Competition (from the Latin concursus - confluence, collision) - a competition to identify the best of the number of participants, submitted works, etc.

    Who will do the job best? Under this motto, competitions appeared spontaneously at the dawn of the development of handicrafts. In Russia, traditional fairs, for example - Nizhegorodskaya, have always turned into holidays. There were booths, merry-go-rounds and games. Often, labor tournaments were also organized at fairs - competitions for carpenters and blacksmiths. True, these tournaments had their own characteristics: each competitor jealously guarded his secrets, showing only the final result.

    And now, in many countries of the world, competitions are held annually, for example, for plowmen. There is even a World Organization for Holding Competitions for best quality plowing. The main trophy "Golden Plow", which is awarded to the winner, bears the motto "Let the world work the land."

    In our country, All-Union competitions were held annually, and now All-Russian competitions are held for the title of the best turner, milling machine operator, driver, culinary specialist, builder, electrician, tailor, etc. In the Russian Federation, the procedure for holding a competition since 1973 has been concretized by decisions of the boards of the RSFSR Gosprofobra, annual orders and orders. In the vocational education system, from that time until the early 90s, competitions were massive. Now in connection with financial problems sometimes it is difficult to hold these events, but the students' interest in the competitions has not disappeared, because they meet the psychological needs of young people, their natural desire to assert themselves in life, they open up wide opportunities for the development of talents, skill, love for the profession, working ingenuity, form professional responsibility, professional honor - high moral qualities of a specialist.

    Professional skill, developing and improving, fulfills both personal and social needs, and at the same time is a means of personal self-expression. “The fact is that the ability to do your job well gives great satisfaction, and the recognition of your skill by others becomes the main form of affirmation of the individual in the team.”

    Professional skills include not only high quality indicators of the work performed, subject to the specified technology and labor safety rules; but also such characteristics as the speed of operations, the minimum possible consumption of materials, energy, respect for tools and equipment, the ability to help and replace a comrade, which is most important in brigade forms of labor organization. Naturally, the labor of each worker is only a particle in the overall technological chain of a site, workshop, enterprise, but the final result of the team's work depends on its results. Here it should be borne in mind that the quality of the operation performed by the worker affects the operational characteristics of the manufactured products, i.e. on indicators that are so important not so much for the manufacturer as for the consumer. Of course, the component of professional skill and their hierarchy are different for certain professions.

    3. Development and holding of a professional skill competition for the professions: "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment", "Master of finishing construction works".

    The competition of professional skills is preceded by a large organizational work, which begins at least 1 month before the date of the competition. To organize and conduct the competition, by order of the director, an organizing committee is created, which includes: deputy. Director for UPR, Deputy. directors for water resources management, teachers of the professional cycle, the most experienced masters of industrial training. The professional competition is held in the office and workshops of the technical school for 1 day. 3-5 students from each group take part in it, who are selected according to the results of group competitions. The organizing committee develops the regulations of the competition (Appendix No. 5), approved at meetings of the subject-cycle commission, it reflects:

  • objectives of the competition;
  • organization and holding of the competition;
  • summing up, encouraging participants;
  • jury composition.

The main goals are: improving the organization educational process, determining the quality and increasing the level of professional training, developing the creative activity of students, developing interest in the profession being studied, deepening knowledge in special subjects, identifying and encouraging the most talented students.

The competition of professional skills consists of 3 stages: preparatory, the competition itself, summing up and awarding the winners.

The preparatory stage includes:

  • development by the organizing committee of the regulations on the competition;
  • the development of practical and theoretical assignments by the masters of p / o and teachers of special disciplines, coordination of assignments with the organizing committee;
  • development of criteria for assessing competitive tasks by the masters of the field, coordination with the organizing committee (the maximum amount of points in the theoretical part should not exceed the amount of points in the practical one);
  • preparation and testing of equipment, materials;
  • festive decoration of the technical school workshops.

(This is necessary in order to create a friendly comradely atmosphere and a good psychological mood during the competition).

The competition itself should be a holiday, so it starts with solemn ruler and greetings by the director or deputy. Director for UPR. Then the participants of the competition are introduced to the procedure. Each participant draws an emblem with his number, which is pinned to his chest. Participants go to the room to complete the theoretical task, and after a 20 minute break, to the workshops, where the practical part is held.

The theoretical task of the competition is a test, consists of 10-15 questions on MDC, materials science and drawing. (Appendices 1.1 - 1.6) Practical task corresponds to curricula and requirements qualification characteristics corresponding category. All participants perform the same tasks on the same type of equipment with their own instrument. The norms of time for the implementation of the practical task are determined. Pre-developed criteria for assessing each element are communicated during the induction briefing.

The main task of the jury members is to monitor the observance of safety procedures by the students in the process of work, the organization of the workplace, the discipline of the technological sequence, the correctness of the performance of labor techniques and work. They write down all the violations committed by the contestants. The jury sums up the results according to the evaluation criteria. (Appendix 3.1) In case of equality of points, the time of delivery of practical tasks is taken into account.

The awarding of the winners is carried out in a solemn atmosphere in the assembly hall by presenting certificates of honor and valuable gifts.

The results of the competition are taken into account when assigning qualification categories to graduates.


In order to improve the quality of vocational training, to promote blue-collar occupations, to improve the forms, methods and means of industrial training, a professional skill competition was held at the school, defining creative youth mastering blue-collar occupations.

The main objectives of the competition are to improve the professional skills of students, to identify and encourage the best students in construction specialties; increasing the importance and prestige of the profession of a builder.

The competition of professional skills among the students of the school was held on the basis of the order of the director of the institution No. 287 "O" dated 05.12.2008. The same order approved the Regulations on the competition, the composition of the organizing committee, the composition of the jury, the plan of events, and a responsible administrator (deputy director for UPR) was appointed. The terms of the competition are from 08.12.2008 to 23.01.2009.

The preparation and conduct of the professional skills competition was carried out by the organizing committee, which included:

To evaluate the results, a jury was created consisting of:

A professional skill competition to identify the "Best in Profession" among students is held annually. In the 2008-2009 academic year, the competition was held in several stages:

1) holding a competition of professional skills among students within the study group;

2) holding a competition of professional skills among students for each profession separately.

The opening of the professional skills competition was held in a festive atmosphere on December 11, 2008 at the general school lineup. The order of the director on the holding of the competition, the composition of the jury and the organizing committee were announced, the schedule of events was posted at the stand. The opening was accompanied by multimedia presentation, the content of which regulated the order of the competition and the historical moments of last year's competitions. Each group was presented with a symbolic "outfit" to participate in the competition.

In the preparation of competitions of professional skills by profession, whole system organizational and pedagogical activities:

1. Improvement of the educational and material base of the workshops, in particular, purchased Construction Materials for joiners - carpenters (a sheet of plywood), gloves for masons were purchased, products for cooks - confectioners were purchased.

2. The Organizing Committee competition, a rational set of educational production works for participants in the competition to identify the best in a specific profession.

3. The developed tasks for the theoretical training of the participants in the professional skills competition contained an exact formulation of the goal of the task in accordance with the content of the educational and program documentation.

4. The content and quantity of production works to be performed by the participants of the competition were clearly defined.

5. The norms of time for the performance of work have been established.

6. We took into account the possibilities of equipping workshops, the degree of preparedness of students, the demand for manufactured products in Everyday life schools, the amount of material passed on special subjects.

7. The scope of work performed was selected from the list of trial qualification works by profession for the IV category.

8. The necessary training and technical documentation was developed. Each student was provided with it.

Before the beginning of each competition by profession, a ceremonial formation of participants was held. The deputy chairman of the jury announced the tasks of the competition to the participants of the competition, handed over envelopes with tasks. The initial stage included a theoretical task in the form of a test for knowledge of special technology, terms, materials science by profession, the second stage was the execution of a production task.

The results of the professional skill competition for the best student by profession were summed up by the jury, through an open vote. The jury members of the competition gave an assessment practical work participants of the competition, and the level of their theoretical training within the limits established by the competition tasks. During the competition, the jury members monitored the correctness labor practices, technological literacy of work, time for completing tasks, compliance with labor protection and safety requirements.

The winners of the competition were determined by the best performance indicators of the competition tasks. The main criteria for assessing the results of the execution of competitive tasks were:

  • labor productivity and quality of completed tasks;
  • level of theoretical training;
  • the use of rational techniques and methods of work;
  • fulfillment of student norms of time (development) for the test task;
  • the degree of industrial independence of the student in the performance of competitive tasks; rationality of the organization of labor and workplace;
  • compliance with labor safety requirements in the performance of competition tasks.

In case of equality of the indicators established for the competition, the preference was given to the student with the best indicator in industrial training.

The jury of the competition issued nine protocols on the results of the competition of professional skills, reporting the results and indicating the winners.

1. Based on the results of the intra-school competition "The best by profession" Master of finishing construction works "among freshmen, it was decided to assign:

2. According to the results of the intra-school competition "The best in the profession" Master of finishing construction works "among the II and III courses, assign:

3. According to the results of the intra-school competition "Best in Profession" Master general construction works", Among students of the II, III course, assign on the basis of the final statement:

4. Students of the 1st year (group No. 2) were awarded with encouraging letters:

"For strong knowledge of the theory of stone work":

Nikolay Grigoriev,
Volkov Andrey,
Dmitry Vasiliev.

"For the desire to win":

Nikitin Sergey,
Krdyshov Sergey,
Kudryashov Arthur.

5. According to the results of the intra-school competition "Best in Profession" Master carpentry", Assign on the basis of the summary statement:

6. According to the results of the intra-school competition "The best in profession" Auto mechanic "among the II and III courses, assign:

7. According to the results of the intra-school competition "The best in profession" Cook "to assign:

The winners of the competition, who won prizes, were awarded diplomas, they were awarded the title "Best in Profession" and were awarded certificates and valuable prizes during the final competition "Rainbow of Professions".

The creative contests were aimed at identifying talented youth through the activation of the work of the self-government body in the group, the implementation of tasks to unite the student team, reveal the facets of student talent, as well as the formation of over-professional competencies of students.

In the competition for wall newspapers "Moya Professiya", it was decided to allocate places as follows:

In the nomination "Exhibition of technical creativity of students in the framework of the competition of professional skills" Best in Profession-2009 "the places were distributed as follows:

2. In a research paper competition

Ivan Kostrov,
BodroGordo, Creative Director

In small companies, people compete, as a rule, for their own percentage of the sale or bonus from the implementation of the plan and the achievement of the overall success of the company. Competition in small organizations makes sense when representatives of the same profession compete. Otherwise, the "competition" will be dishonest.
In some large companies especially with democratic governance, there is a practice of competition within departments or throughout the organization. It is especially noteworthy that this is not directly called a competition or competition, but is neatly embedded in the corporate culture. And this is probably the best I've seen inside organizations. Let's take a look at how the Swedish company IKEA implements this, which currently employs about 20 thousand people, and each store has about 300 employees.

The whole company is divided into departments, departments into departments, departments are divided into business zones. Each of the business zones has its own plan for a day, a week (more important than a day) and a month, which is combined into overall plan store. Employees do not have a personal sales plan, which allows them not to compete with each other, but to organize themselves to achieve common goal... A department can differentiate itself from the rest of the store by increasing the percentage of reaching its weekly goals and contributing to a common cause - the fulfillment of the sales plan for the entire store. Result an individual will not be noticeable against the background of the entire store and even the department, although the employee as a whole has leverage to make more purchases by visitors.

With a certain frequency, employees, including managers and top managers, participate in rotation and work in neighboring departments of the same department. And they even migrate by department, for example, the head of furniture can swap places with the head of related products. Thus, all employees become interchangeable in case one of the departments needs help to achieve, again, the common goal of the store. This is an important aspect, it fosters collectivism.

Anna Molchanova, deputy
executive director National Roofing Union

The goal of participating in the competition is to win. It's like in sports. And the "training" of the participants to win is no less. Example: In 2009, in St. Petersburg, the National Roofing Union hosted the IFD Roofing Championship. Everyone understood our technological lag in the tile nomination from the leaders - Germans, Swiss, Austrians. We invited a German teacher who came and studied with our team. When the guys took the first place - it was such an intensity of passion, such jubilation! They still remember.

To what extent are skill contests related (and are they generally related), motivation and employee engagement? Directly. Actually, the goal is motivation. Another thing is that some contests turn out to be so ugly organized, so boring and formal that the effect turns out to be the opposite. Much depends on the organizers and their experience.

Along with the competitions of professional skills, traditionally held by companies, there are competitions and championships for students and young professionals.
When applying for participation, each competitor has a specific goal. However, there are key motivating factors regardless of age and status: whether it is an undergraduate student or a specialist with experience in the company. These "drivers" often have deep psychological roots.
First, it is an opportunity to test yourself in a “safe” environment. In the conditions of voluntary passage of the competition, participants are insured against the inevitable receipt of an assessment of knowledge and skills. The ideal situation to try without fear of being wrong or “being bad”. At the same time, if the result of the competition satisfied the participant himself, he can present it to interested parties (indicate in the resume, show it to the employer or teacher at the department).
Secondly, this is a chance to show yourself, to realize your ambitions. There may not be a desire for material reward, it is enough to get recognition of skills and talents. After all, the need for praise, approval and recognition is a basic psychological need for a person.
Thirdly, this is an opportunity to establish oneself as a professional and start (and for already practicing specialists - continue) a successful career in the field of interest. For example, for those who show the best result in the ACCA-IFRS PROFESSIONAL Student competition, partner employers will offer internships or even vacancies. Thus, professional competition becomes a "social lift": in a short time you can move from the category of an ordinary student to a popular student young specialist

Konstantin Gozman, general manager agricultural holding
"Doronichi" Kirov region

The purpose of any competition of professional skills is to improve the skills of a specialist, his professional qualities, raising the bar for achieving certain business goals and objectives, developing new projects and ideas for the development of business processes, plus assessing professional qualities in order to promote a specialist in career ladder.
The approach will undoubtedly be different - if in managerial positions and managerial positions we introduce clear KPIs with the definition of indicators and set deadlines for their achievement, then for the line personnel of the agricultural sector and processing enterprises we conduct brigade and personalized contests with a clear system of criteria. All this works for development corporate culture holding, when personnel, not only individually, but also in a group of colleagues, can develop, apply new advanced experience and knowledge in business processes and, what is important, support a great desire for development in people.

A correctly set task of a professional skill competition can contribute to the development of a unity of views on business processes, the development of team spirit and dedication to the enterprise in achieving results.


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