We are launching a marmalade production line. Other factors in the production of marmalade. What are the varieties of marmalade

Fruit jelly production: necessary ingredients, technological process, finished line and necessary equipment, drawing of the production line of marmalade.

Marmalade, along with other sugary sweets, can be considered a completely dietary confection. Especially if it is a real marmalade, and even not sprinkled with sugar - this can be eaten even by diabetics.

Marmalade came to us from the countries of the Middle East. Lots of fruits and heat are the main factors behind the emergence of this delicacy, which at first was just a way to preserve fruit. There were only two ways: drying and boiling the fruit almost to a solid state. And so the marmalade appeared.

Marmalade is formed thanks to a substance that is found in almost all vegetables, fruits and berries - pectin. However, marmalade was not obtained from all fruits - initially it was cooked from apples, quince, plums, melons. Thanks to the advent of pectin production technology, it became possible to produce marmalade from any fruits or berries, even vegetables. And, unfortunately, no fruit at all (sugar, pectin, water, flavors and colors) - but this product cannot be called marmalade, at least not real.

Today there are many types of marmalade - fruit, fruit and berry, chewing, jelly. The production of marmalade in Russia is very developed, but not all manufacturers can offer a truly high-quality product.

The best option would be to produce pectin-based marmalade - this is the most “natural” marmalade that can be made from any fruit or berry. The production of jelly marmalade on agar is no less developed (also a natural thickener, which is obtained from algae). In addition to agar, sugar, molasses, flavors, natural juices are used. If we talk about the "naturalness" of such marmalade, then the optimal would be the use of fruit juices, exclusively natural dyes and flavors. It is far from real marmalade, but nevertheless it is a tasty and quite healthy product. It is also possible to make dietary marmalade, without sugar, with natural sweeteners (stevia extract).

The production of gummies requires the use of another thickener, gelatin. Gelatin is of animal origin. Its use allows you to get fruit jelly of the desired consistency and hardness. The naturalness of such marmalade is equated to the naturalness of marmalade on agar.

Fruit jelly production technology:

  1. Preparation of components (fruit puree, berry puree, juices, other components, depending on the recipe).
  2. Preparation of molasses.
  3. Preparation of marmalade mass by mixing fruit purees, sugar, molasses, pectin and other additives, depending on the recipe.
  4. Boiling down the mass.
  5. Forming marmalade (figured marmalade, marmalade in layers).
  6. Cooling marmalade.
  7. Decorating.
  8. Package.

Marmalade recipe

Today, each manufacturer himself determines the recipe for his marmalade. Some make marmalade according to the classic recipe (fruit and berry), others based on fruit juices, fruits and pectin / agar / gelatin (fruit jelly), someone makes marmalade based on sugar, molasses and gelling substances with the addition of natural dyes and flavors, and someone - with the addition of artificial (jelly). Therefore, a clear recipe cannot be given. On average, the marmalade mass contains from 0.8% to 1% agar, or from 1% to 1.5% pectin; from 50% to 65% sugar; from 20% to 25% molasses, from 23% to 24% water. It should be noted that modern consumer became more demanding on the quality of sweets, and marmalade, as well. First of all, this concerns the composition of the product - the more natural ingredients it contains, the better.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution higher professional education

Tula State University

Department of Food Production

Test and course work



Marmalade production technology

Machine-hardware diagram of a flow-mechanized line for the production of marshmallows on pectin

The principle of operation and calculation of the digester




This paper considers technological equipment for the production of marmalade, in particular, a digester with a mechanical stirrer. Its mechanical calculation and calculation of productivity are given, appropriate conclusions are drawn about the advantages and disadvantages of the selected tempering machine.


The confectionery industry, along with other sectors of the food industry, is designed to meet the needs of the population for food. Pleasant taste, delicate aroma, attractive appearance, high calorie content and digestibility to confectionery products is provided by a variety of high-quality raw materials: sugar, molasses, honey, flour, fruits, eggs, cocoa beans, nuts, food acids, gelling and aromatic substances.

Confectionery has been known to mankind since time immemorial. The main raw material for the manufacture of these products was originally honey. In Russia, already in the 15th century. there was a gingerbread craft.

The accelerated development of the production of confectionery products was received in our country at the beginning of the 20th century, when the industrial production of sugar from beets was established. However, the production was handicraft, lollipops, sweets, cakes, a chocolate drink, etc. were prepared. Since the 60s of the XX century. factory production of confectionery began to develop.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. confectionery production was concentrated only in large cities. In the middle of the century, new enterprises were built and put into operation, equipped with progressive equipment for that time and flow-mechanized lines. The emergence of a large number of confectionery factories in the East and South of the country made it possible to significantly reduce the costly transportation of confectionery products and bring their production closer to the places of consumption. During that period, on the basis of the achievements of science and technology, the technology of many types of confectionery has undergone a significant change.

Nowadays, the confectionery industry is a highly mechanized production, equipped with modern technology for the production of caramel (candy, with fruit and dairy fillings, with layered filling), sweets (from masses of pralines, fondant and milk, toffee), marshmallows on pectin and agar , chocolate, etc. The growth in the production of confectionery products is accompanied by a significant increase in quality and expansion of the range.

Great contribution to the creation and improvement of technology and technology confectionery production introduced by the All-Russian Research Institute confectionery industry and scientists from industrial universities in Russia.

In the Concept of State Policy in the Field of Healthy Nutrition of the Population Russian Federation for the period up to 2005, it is planned to create conditions that will ensure different age and professional groups people with rational nutrition, taking into account traditions, habits, the state of the economy and the requirements of medical science. In the field of confectionery production, the problem of increasing the share of products with high nutritional and biological value, including 20-30% of products enriched with vitamins, minerals, and biologically active additives, should be solved. At the same time, measures are being taken to bring the quality and safety indicators of products in accordance with the recommendations of major international organizations, such as the World trade Organization, World organization Health and the World Food Organization.

The paper considers equipment for the production of marmalade.

Marmalade production technology

The scheme for the production of marmalade is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Technological scheme for the production of jelly shaped marmalade on pectin

Preparation of pectin-sugar-syrup. Used dry commercial pectin powder or pectin, swollen in water. Dry powder is used if the pectin dissolves well in water upon preliminary swelling.

Boiling of syrup is carried out in a continuous way, for example, in a coil cooker (33-A5) or in a periodic way in a filling vacuum apparatus (grade 31 A), as well as in an open digester (for example, grade MZ-2S-244B).

In the continuous process, water-swollen pectin is most often used. For its preparation, high-speed mixers can be used, as well as special pectin solvents. The mixer is a container with a stirrer. The tank outlet is connected to a pump that can pump water-swollen pectin into a dissulator or an open digester, i.e. recirculate the mixture. In the latter case, a significant water hammer is created, which prevents the dry pectin from clumping when it is loaded into the mixer.

Water at a temperature of (45 ± 5) ° C is poured into a mixer or pectin solvent from a measuring tank in a 20-25-fold amount in relation to pectin. They turn on the stirrer, pump and pour in the pectin. The duration of the swelling of pectin in water is 15-20 minutes. The pectin solution can be prepared in a special pectin solvent. Pectin swollen in water is pumped into a dissulator or open digester and dissolved by boiling for 2-3 minutes.

Then add sodium lactate and load granulated sugar. At the end of the dissolution of granulated sugar, the molasses is loaded. Pectin-sugar-syrup with a dry matter content of (59 ± 1)% is poured, filtered through a sieve or a double layer of gauze, into a receiving storage tank in front of the coil cooker. The syrup is boiled down to a dry matter content (76.5 ± 1)% at a heating steam pressure (0.3 ± 0.1) MPa.

With the periodic method of boiling the syrup in an open digester, both dry pectin powder and pectin swollen in water are used. When using pectin swollen in water, the order of loading the components is the same as indicated above. In the case of using dry pectin powder, a dry mixture of pectin with granulated sugar is preliminarily prepared so that the pectin is evenly distributed in the water without clumping. To prepare a dry mixture for each part of pectin powder, take 3-5 parts by weight of granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. The granulated sugar consumed for the preparation of the dry mixture is then subtracted from the total amount of granulated sugar provided for in the recipe for the preparation of pectin-sugar-treacle syrup.

Water is poured into an open digester in a 20-25-fold amount in relation to the pectin powder and, with constant stirring, the dry pectin-sugar mixture is poured. Pectin is dissolved in water by boiling for 3-5 minutes. Then add sodium dictate and load granulated sugar. The molasses is added at the end of the syrup boiling.

Cooking marmalade mass. Carried out in continuous or periodic ways. In the continuous process, pectin-sugar-syrup is continuously fed into the mixer above the hopper of the gummy machine by a plunger dosing pump (for example, grade Zh7-ShDS). In the same mixer, simultaneously with a syrup pump (for example, YARK-3 brand), an emulsion of acid, essence and dye is continuously dosed. The marmalade mass is thoroughly mixed and enters the hopper of the marmalade molding machine.

With the periodic method, the marmalade mass is cooked in sensible portions. A certain amount of pectin-sugar-syrup is loaded into a tempering machine or container with a stirrer and a heating jacket, the corresponding amounts of acid, essence, dye are added and mixed. The resulting marmalade mass is sent to molding.

Indicators of marmalade mass:

Mass fraction of reducing substances,% - 14 + 2

Temperature, ° С - 85 ± 5

pH - 3.1 ± 0.1

Forming and gelation of the marmalade mass. These operations, as well as the selection of marmalade from the molds, are carried out in a continuous or periodic way.

The process of gelation of the marmalade mass and the strength of the resulting jelly are influenced by three main factors: the concentration of pectin, the content of dry matter in the mass and pH. With an increase in the concentration of pectin and the content of dry substances in the mass, as well as with a decrease in the pH value, the process of jelly formation proceeds faster, and the strength of the resulting jelly increases. By varying the values ​​of these factors within acceptable limits, their optimal values ​​are selected, which provide normal conditions for molding and gelation of the mass. The prepared portioned marmalade mass is molded by hand for a certain time. So that during this period the process of gelation does not occur in the marmalade mass, it should be prepared with a lower dry matter content, and the pH value should be increased.

Machine-hardware diagram of a flow-mechanized line for the production of marmalade on pectin

The line (Fig. 2) includes a prescription and brewing complex, a gummy machine and a dryer. The puree, preliminarily wiped on a wiper through a sieve with a mesh diameter of 1.5 mm, is pumped into mixers 1, which are used to compose blended puree in order to obtain a homogeneous mass of puree with the required acidity and gelling ability.

From the mixers, the mashed potatoes are pumped by pump 2 into the wiping machine, 3 for control wiping through a sieve with holes of 0.8 mm in diameter. The mashed potatoes are fed through a metal chute into the receiving collector 4 and then by a gear pump is pumped into the mixer 10 for the sugar-apple mixture. Required amount puree is determined by level.

Rice. 2. Machine-hardware diagram of a mechanized production line for the production of molded marmalade

The mixer is equipped with a horizontal mechanical stirrer U-shaped blades mounted on the shaft along a helical line. In the mixer 10, according to the recipe, sugar, puree, sodium lactate, molasses and waste are loaded. Granulated sugar is sieved before being loaded into the mixer, passed through magnetic traps with a bucket elevator, fed into the bunker of 7 auto scales 6. Molasses is fed from a measuring tank 8, and sodium lactate - from a tank 9.

From the mixer, the sugar-apple mixture, passing through the filter 11, is fed by the gear pump 12 to the 13 digester with a stirrer, where it is brought to a boil. Further, the plunger pump 14 feeds the mixture into a continuous three-chamber cooker 15 - vacuumless boiling. From the cooker the boiled mass enters the steam separator 16. The final moisture content of the marmalade mass is 30-32%, the mass temperature at the outlet is 106-107 ° C.

The boiled mass from the steam separator 16 enters the tempering machine 17, and from there, by the plunger metering pump 18, into the casting head 21 of the casting machine. Essence is added to mixer 20, food coloring and acid. The mixer is only four. The casting head is also divided into 4 sections, which allows you to cast marmalade in four colors.

In the lower part of the casting head, a metering and casting mechanism with twenty plungers is installed.

The casting machine has a chain plate conveyor 22; four rows of molds are mounted in the cells of the metal plates, stamped from of stainless steel... The dosing mechanism pours the mass into the mold cells of the moving conveyor. The upper branch of the conveyor passes after pouring the molds through a cooling chamber 19 with a fan 36 and a refrigerating battery 37, where the gelling and structure formation of the marmalade mass takes place. The molds from the conveyor then go to the lower part of the machine, are heated from the coil 23 and go to the mechanism 4 for sampling the marmalade.

When the molds are heated, the surface of the products is somewhat melted in contact with the metal. As a result, the bond between the product and the mold material is weakened. Products are removed from the molds pneumatically. For this, the molds have a common cavity, and the bottom of each cell is connected to it with several holes. At the sampling site, a chamber is pressed against the mold, into which compressed air is supplied from the compressor in a pulsating mode. Through the common cavity and openings, air presses into the bottoms of the products and pushes them onto the tray installed on the conveyor 33.

The trays enter the gumming machine on a conveyor 34, then two boat vertical conveyors 35 remove them, lift them and place them on a conveyor 33 under a sampling mechanism 24.

Conveyor 33 delivers trays with marmalade to dryer 25. The dryer is designed for continuous drying and cooling of marmalade. The dryer is made in the form of a welded frame, thermally insulated with shields, inside of which are mounted two closed vertical shelf conveyors 26, which serve to raise the trays and two similar conveyors 30 for lowering them. Vertical conveyors are connected to each other by an upper conveyor 27. During lifting up, the trays are blown with hot air supplied by fans 28. The air from steam heaters 29 is heated. The conveyor 27 removes the tray from the conveyor shelves 26 and installs it on the conveyor shelves 30, which lower them down. Moving in vertical shafts, the marmalade is heated by hot air and dried.

When passing the last tiers of the second mine, before leaving the trays from the dryer, the marmalade is blown from the fan 32 by the shop air and cooled.

The lower conveyor 31 brings trays of marmalade out of the dryer. Empty trays are returned to the conveyor 34 to the casting unit for loading, and the marmalade goes for stacking. The line capacity is 290 kg / h. Next, we will take a closer look at the work and make a calculation of the digester with a stirrer.

Principle of operation and calculation

The machine body is cylindrical and equipped with a tempering jacket. (Fig. 5) It is a combined paddle mixer with planetary movement of a vertical paddle and frame mixer.

Rice. 5. Mixing machine: 1 - stirrer shaft; 2 - water jacket; 3 - working chamber; 4 - stirrer blade; 5 - thermometer; 6 - movable gear; 7 - stationary gear; 8 - carrier; 9 - pipe; 10 - stirrer frame; 11 - drive shaft; 12 - drive motor; 13 - worm gear; 14 - bed; 15 - cover; 16 - unloading branch pipe.

The mixer consists of a cylindrical working chamber with a flat bottom, the outer surfaces of the chamber are protected by a water jacket. The container is installed on a frame, in which there is a drive electric motor and a worm gear, a pipe is fixed to its flange, and a drive shaft of the agitator is located in it. A stationary gear and a carrier connected to the agitator frame are fixed on it. At the opposite end of the carrier, a propeller agitator shaft support and a drive gear are fixed. The container is closed from above with a lid, the components of the mixture are loaded through its hinged half. Water and steam are connected to the jacket. The temperature of the water in the jacket is regulated by a thermometer. The unloading of the mixture is carried out through a branch pipe with a damper. The combined type of agitator was chosen, taking into account that the marmalade mass has an average viscosity.

Let's calculate the power of the mixing device.

Since the mixer is combined, we calculate the required power for each component.

Rice. 6. Design diagram of a mixer with vertical blades.

1. Power of paddle stirrer

Let's select on the horizontal blade (Fig. 6) an infinitely small elementary area df at a distance x from the axis of rotation. The size of this area

where h is the height of the blade, m.

When the blade rotates, the elementary platform df sets in motion in 1 s the elementary volume of the liquid, m3 / s,

where is the peripheral speed of an elementary site, m / s; - the coefficient taking into account the increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the liquid jet in relation to the value of the elementary volume of the liquid dv in motion, can be calculated as the kinetic energy

where is the specific gravity (density) of the liquid, kg / m3

g - acceleration from gravity, m / s3

Substituting here instead of dv its value, we get

Peripheral speed of an elementary site

where n is the frequency of rotation of the shaft, mixer, rev / s.

Substituting the values ​​of ω and df, we have

for mixers with vertical blades, x varies from rB to rH. Integrating the equation within these limits and substituting the required values, we obtain the required starting power, W, for mixers with z pairs of vertical blades.

The rotational speed of the paddle mixer n = 6s-1. We select the diameters and height of the mixer constructively. Since the mixer has two vertical pairs z = 2.

dH = 0.22 mm, dw = 0.134 m, ψ = 1.1.

The density of the jelly mass is ρ = 1100 kg / m3, h = 0.1 m.

2. Power of the frame agitator Nram

We will consider a frame mixer as a type of paddle mixer, consisting of three horizontal blades:

The power for horizontal blades is calculated by the formula (1), taking into account that for one blade dн = 0.489 m, h = 0.04 m (we choose constructive dimensions), the frequency of the frame mixer nр = 1 s-1.

Constructive dimensions of the second blade dH = 0.089 m, dv = 0.045 m, h = 0.04 m

The design dimensions of the third blade are dH = 0.425 m, dw = 0.045 m, h = 0.044 m.

Thus, the power of the frame mixer Nр, W

3. The power spent on friction in the stuffing box for seals


where f is the coefficient of friction, f = 0.2; d - shaft diameter, cm d = 2.8 cm (structurally), l - packing length, cm l = 2.5 (structurally), p = 0.1 MPa (since the pump pressure pH = 0.1 MPa ), n - shaft rotation frequency, s-1

4. Required engine power Nдв, W


where is the drive efficiency, = 0.8.

We select a general-purpose asynchronous electric motor in accordance with GOST 28330-89 type 90LB6 / 700, for which bdw = 1.1 kW, n = 700 min-1.

The productivity of batch mixers (in kg / s) is determined by the formula

where is the mass of the loaded product, kg;

loading time, s;

processing time, s;

unloading time, sec.

The rotation frequency of the mixers (c) is determined by the formula

where c is the coefficient;

difference in density of mixed particles and medium, kg / m3

solid particle density;

fluid density;

diameter of solid particles, m;

internal diameter of the mixer, m;

mixture density, kg / m3;

agitator blade diameter, m

The value of the coefficient and exponents and in the equation are given in table. 2.

table 2


In this work, the calculations of the selected digester are given, as a result of which it is possible to judge the advantages and disadvantages of this apparatus. The work also contains a detailed description of the principle of operation and the specification of the boiler engine. The general descriptions indicated in the work make it possible to judge the correctness of the choice of this particular device.


1. Skobelskaya ZG, Goryacheva GN Technology of sugar confectionery production: Textbook. for the beginning. prof. education.- M .: IRPO; ProfObrIzdat, 2002 .-- 416s.

2. Gerasimova IV, Novikova NM, Karusheva NV Fundamentals of confectionery production: Textbook. for the beginning. prof. education. - M .: "Kolos", 1996. - 224s.

3. Dragilev AI, Sezanaev Ya. M. Equipment for the production of sugar confectionery products: Textbook. for the beginning. prof. education.- M .: IRPO; Ed. Center "Academy", 2000. - 272p.

The main feature of pastille-marmalade products is their widespread use in the production of fruit and berry raw materials. In this regard, they are referred to the group of fruit and berry products, which, in addition to marshmallow and marmalade, also includes jam and jam.

All these products contain much less water (15-30%) than natural fruits and berries (75-90%), and a significant amount of sugar (up to 60-75%).

In terms of structure, jelly products are jellies, and pastilles are foams.

The composition of pastel-marmalade products includes all the main substances that make up fruits and berries (sugar, food acids, tannins, nitrogenous and mineral substances), as well as compounds that give fruits and berries a characteristic aroma. The content of the latter, as well as the preservation of vitamins found in fruits and berries, depends on the technology used, mainly on the intensity and duration of heat treatment.

Depending on the jelly-forming base, marmalade is divided into two main types: fruit and berry and jelly.

Jelly formers for fruit and berry marmalade is pectin contained in fruit and berry puree (apple, plum, apricot). In the production of jelly marmalade, agar, agaroid, pectin and other gelling agents isolated from plant materials are used as a gelling agent. Research has been carried out on the development of technology for the manufacture of jelly marmalade based on synthetic gelling agents, for example, polyvinyl alcohol.


Fruit and berry marmalade is divided into the following groups: of various shapes covered with a sugar crust from crystallized sugar during drying); carved in the form of rectangular bars, sprinkled with granulated sugar or powdered sugar; reservoir in the form of rectangular layers, cast directly into containers. Jelly marmalade is subdivided depending on the used gelling agent (agar, agaroid, pectin). In addition, jelly marmalade is subdivided according to its shape: shaped (products of various shapes), carved (in the form of lemon or orange slices or rectangular or diamond-shaped bars), figured (in the form of figures of animals, fruits, cones, etc.). The surface of the jelly marmalade is covered with a layer of fine granulated sugar.

In our country, the predominant type of raw material in the production of confectionery products from fruits is apples. They are processed mainly into applesauce, which serves as the basis for the production of almost all fruit and berry confectionery and semi-finished products.

A valuable quality of puree from some varieties of apples is the high content of gelling pectin with the simultaneous presence of a significant amount of organic acids and sugar. Such puree is an irreplaceable raw material in the production of marmalade and some other products with a gelatinous structure.

For the confectionery industry, the most valuable are winter varieties of apples, from which mashed potatoes are mainly prepared, intended for the production of fruit and berry products with a jelly-like structure. Especially valuable is the Antonovka apple variety in the central and western regions of the country. This variety has long been used in the confectionery industry. These fruits have a high content of pectin, acid, a significant amount of sugar and forms a jelly with a characteristic property. Jelly from applesauce turns out to be brittle, and gelation occurs at a high moisture content of the product (in the production of marmalade at a humidity of 39-40%), after cooling, they normally gel. This feature, characteristic of marmalade jellies, is explained by the quality of the pectin contained in the raw material and its properties.

Also, to create a jelly in the confectionery industry, agar, agaroid, pectin and, in small amounts, gelatin are used. In the production of confectionery products containing agar, the technological process should be built taking into account its property to reduce the jelly-forming ability under the action of acids when heated.

When agar is used in the confectionery industry, its gelling ability and degree of purification are extremely important. Agar and its aqueous solutions should be free of foreign smell, taste and dark color.

Sugar is also the main raw material in the confectionery industry. It is almost chemically pure sucrose, therefore its physicochemical properties are determined by the structure of the technological regime for the production of most types of confectionery. Sucrose is readily soluble in water. The solubility of sucrose increases with increasing temperature. In the presence of other sugars, the solubility of sucrose decreases. But the total solubility of sugars increases. If sucrose is added to an aqueous solution, for example, glucose, then sucrose will dissolve less than in pure water. But the total solids content in such a solution will be greater than in a pure sugar solution. This property of sucrose - in a mixture with other sugars, to give solutions with a high sugar content - is extremely important for the confectionery industry.

The boiling point of sugar solutions depends on their concentration. The higher the concentration, the higher the boiling point of the solution. This is the basis of the principle of controlling the degree of boiling of confectionery masses used in industry.

For the confectionery industry, the processes occurring during the heating of concentrated sugar solutions are important. Experiments show that concentrated solutions of pure sucrose chemically change little when heated. But in the presence of other sugars, the decomposition process proceeds much more intensively: other sugars are decomposed, one of the products of their decomposition - acids - catalytically accelerate the hydrolysis of sucrose. The resulting invert, in turn, is intensively decomposed.

The amount of sucrose decomposition products increases sharply with increasing temperature and, especially, with increasing heating time.

Confectionery factories receive mainly granulated sugar. Granulated sugar should be free-flowing, not sticky, dry to the touch, white, shiny. It must completely dissolve in water, giving clear solutions, free of foreign smell and impurities, as this affects the quality of the product and its storage.

Molasses is used as an anti-crystallizer. It has the property, together with sugar, to give saturated solutions containing a greater amount of dry matter than purely sugar saturated solutions. Molasses has a high viscosity, which is given to it by the dextrins contained in it. Therefore, the introduction of molasses into confectionery semi-finished products increases their viscosity. An increase in the viscosity of solutions reduces the rate of crystallization, delays it. In the production of marmalade, molasses dextrins impart certain plastic properties to the marmalade mass.

Food acids are added in the manufacture of some confectionery products to soften the sugary sweet taste, bringing it closer to the pleasant sweet and sour taste of fruits and berries. For this purpose, tartaric, citric, lactic and malic acids are used. All these acids are crystalline with the exception of lactic acid. Crystalline acids used in the confectionery industry are interchangeable. Lactic acid is of limited use. It is used in such cases when the introduction of moisture into the product together with acid does not impair its quality and does not complicate the technological process, for example, for acidification of fruit masses in candy and marmalade production and fruit caramel fillings.

Synthetic and natural food colors are used for a higher presentation.

The shape of the marmalade should be correct, with a clear pattern, a clear outline, without deformation, sagging, burrs. In multi-layered marmalade, the thickness of the alternating layers is uniform. The crust of orange and lemon slices should not lag behind.

The surface must be dry, not sticky, the crust is fine-crystalline, elastic, with a shine; slightly dull crust allowed. The surface of jelly marmalade and some types of fruit and berry is evenly sprinkled with fine-crystalline granulated sugar or powdered sugar, without signs of sugar dissolving.

The consistency of the marmalade is jelly-like, dense, amenable to cutting with a knife. Pata and jelly marmalade prepared on agaroid have a lingering consistency. The fracture is clean, homogeneous, for marmalade on pectin and agaroid it is translucent, not glassy, ​​unclear, for marmalade on agar it is glassy and transparent. In quince and pear marmalade, single small non-rigid inclusions are allowed - stony cells (granules). The smell and taste should be clearly expressed, characteristic of each type of marmalade, without a pungent smell and taste of essences and acids; the taste is sweet and sour.

The number of deformed products (crumpled, broken, irregular) is allowed in each packaging unit of fruit and berry marmalade (shaped, carved, pat) no more than 6%, jelly - no more than 4% per unit of packaging.

It is not allowed to sell the marmalade that is deformed, crumpled, crushed, lingering (stringy, viscous), formed from a large amount of molasses or invert sugar in it; from a high content of mashed potatoes and excessive boiling of the mass, with a flabby consistency - from a lack of gelling substances or a violation of the cooking regime, with an overly sour and too harsh taste and aroma resulting from a high content of acid and essence, with an off-taste (spoiled, fermented puree), with an unexpressed slightly acidic, sugary taste, with foreign inclusions and crunching of sand on the teeth.

In terms of physicochemical indicators, marmalade must meet the content requirements mass fraction moisture, reducing substances, total acidity and the amount of glaze.

Packaging and storage. Packing and packaging. Marmalade of all types is produced by weight or packaged in boxes.

Loose fruit and berry marmalade, shaped and carved, is packed in corrugated cardboard boxes, net weight is not more than 5 kg; in boxes-trays, net weight no more than 5 kg. The number of rows is no more than 3.

Jelly marmalade is placed in the same boxes and trays, net weight is up to 4 kg, the number of rows is not more than four (for mold and three-layer), and lemon-orange slices are eight. Deviation of net weight of marmalade by weight is not higher than ± 1% and marmalade in boxes is ± 10g.

Boxes for plastic marmalade are lined with parchment or parchment, the net weight of trays is no more than 7 kg and boxes of corrugated cardboard are no more than 5 kg.

Marmalade, packaged in boxes, is stacked in no more than two rows. Net weight should not exceed 500g. It is allowed to be packed in packs, bags made of cardboard or cellophane. The net weight of the packaging unit is not more than 500g.

The boxes are beautifully decorated and tied with silk or paper braid. Bonding with branded paper tape is allowed.

The box and box with marmalade must have a label or stamp indicating the name and location of the enterprise, subordination, name of the marmalade, net weight, date of stacking, shelf life, RTU and price on the boxes.

Store the marmalade in a clean, moderately dry area. Temperature not higher than 18 ° С, relative air humidity 75-80%. Sudden temperature fluctuations are not allowed.

Optimal storage conditions: temperature 10 ° C, relative humidity 75%.

Table 1. Fruit jelly defects.


Reasons for education

Impact on commercial properties

Wrong shape

Violation of technological modes during molding, drying and packaging; non-observance of the rules of transportation and storage

Sugared consistency

Violation of cooking regimes (low content of reducing substances and moisture); improper storage conditions

Unsatisfactory appearance, rough consistency

Surface wetting

Violation of the cooking and drying regimes (high content of reducing substances, high humidity); improper storage conditions

Unsatisfactory appearance

Extraneous inclusions

Poor quality raw materials. Violation of the sanitary regime of production

Crunching of sand on the teeth, the presence of foreign inclusions

Certification, identification and possible falsification of marmalade products

Marmalade products, like all food products, are subject to certification. Certification can be mandatory or voluntary. The definition of these forms is established by the law on certification.

Compulsory certification is subject to products, in the standards for which there are requirements for the safety of life and health of people, environmental friendliness, compatibility and interchangeability. These requirements must be met. Such products include agricultural raw materials and food products, baby products, goods popular consumption in contact with food and drinking water other.

Certification is a procedure adopted in international, and now in domestic practice, and offers the issuance of a written guarantee by a third party, an "arbiter," confirming the conformity of a product, a technological process, or a service with specified requirements or established standards. Availability of this document is for the consumer a certificate of compliance of the purchased product with the regulations in force in the country, regardless of who, when and where made this product.

According to the rules and the approved procedure for certification of products, the certified one receives its registration number in accordance with the adopted classification.

Rules for the certification of marmalade products.

Certification of marmalade products includes:

filing an application for certification;

making a decision on the application, incl. choice of scheme;

selection, identification of marmalade and their testing

production evaluation;

analysis of the results obtained and making a decision on the possible issuance of a certificate of conformity;

issuance of a certificate and license for the use of the conformity mark;

inspection control over certified products;

corrective actions in case of violation of product compliance with established requirements and incorrect application of the conformity mark;

information on certification results.

With the change in socio-economic conditions, some problems again become topical and require new approaches. These problems include, in particular, the identification of goods to detect or prevent their counterfeiting.

Identification - establishing the conformity of the name of the goods indicated on the labeling or in the accompanying documents with the requirements for them.

Product identification is a procedure by which compliance with the requirements for this kind(type) of products (in regulatory and technical documentation, in product information).

The purpose of identification is to identify and confirm the authenticity of a specific type and name of goods, as well as compliance with certain requirements or information about it indicated on the labeling or in shipping documents.

The end result of identification is of an alternative nature: either compliance or non-compliance with certain requirements is revealed. A negative result during identification indicates falsification of goods. Thus, falsification is one of the possible results of identification.

Falsification is an action aimed at deceiving the recipient or consumer by forging an object of sale for a mercenary purpose. V broad sense falsification can be viewed as actions aimed at deteriorating consumer properties goods or a decrease in its quantity while maintaining the most characteristic, but insignificant for the intended use of properties. Falsification food products most often produced by giving them some of the most typical features, for example, appearance with a general deterioration or loss of other most significant properties nutritional value, including security.

Marmalade is a unique product. This delicious tasting treat is one of the healthiest, if not the best, in the confectionery category. The usefulness of this product is due to the content of gelling substances in it, which, as a rule, are agars, carrageenans and pectins, rich in various vitamins, minerals and fiber. Among Russian consumers, marmalade is in high demand, but it cannot be said that all products of this category are our compatriots are equally popular. We will talk about consumer preferences, trends in the Russian marmalade market and the prospects for the development of this segment in this article.

Types of marmalade

Depending on the raw materials that are used in the production of marmalade, the following types of these confectionery products are distinguished: fruit and berry (based on gelling fruit and berry puree), jelly (based on gelling agents), jelly-fruit (using gelling agents in combination with fruit berry puree) marmalade.

Its organoleptic properties depend on how the marmalade is made. In particular, fruit and berry products, which are made with the addition of pectins obtained from fruits and berries as a structure-forming component, have a delicate and slightly viscous texture. If manufacturers want to get hard and transparent marmalade, they use agars, carrageenans or gelatin as gelling agents.

For fruit and berry, jelly and jelly and fruit marmalade, GOST 6442-89 is in force, which determines the requirements for raw materials, quality and appearance of products.

There is also a classification of marmalade depending on the method of its molding: molded (the marmalade mass is cast into rigid forms), layer (the mass is cast directly into the container) and rifled (the molded mass is cut into separate pieces).

Market structure

Today on Russian market you can find both domestically produced marmalade products and products that are supplied to our country foreign companies from the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey. As a rule, foreign enterprises supply chewing marmalade to Russia, and they go to buyers both directly and through distributors.

It would be quite logical to assume that the supply of marmalade from European states in connection with the imposition of an embargo on a number of foreign goods in August, it may end, and Russian manufacturers will have an opportunity to occupy a vacant niche. However, when asked whether the restrictions on the import of a number of goods into Russia from abroad, Russian companies working with suppliers of marmalade from the EU countries, replied that they receive products from their foreign partners in the same volume in which they received them before the imposition of sanctions.

Nevertheless, experts believe that the production of marmalade is enough profitable business... Moreover, marmalade products can be successfully produced by both large and small enterprises, because the equipment for their production is inexpensive, and the production technology is quite simple.

In any case, domestically produced marmalade products are this market prevails. This is due not only to high transport costs and limited shelf life of products, but also to the great confidence of buyers in domestic brands.

For the manufacture of marmalade, our confectionery factories use both Russian and imported raw materials (mainly agar and pectin). Paradoxically, until recently, raw materials brought from abroad were often even cheaper than domestic ones, but with the growth of the dollar and the euro, the situation has changed somewhat, and now Russian suppliers of ingredients for the production of marmalade have a good opportunity to expand their client base.

Technological nuances

The complete set of the line for the production of marmalade includes a marmalade machine, steam boilers (for cooking marmalade mass of various colors), a steam generator for generating steam, a tempering machine, a cooling cabinet, a cutting unit, a drying unit - chamber, conveyor or cabinet, packing machine. Depending on the complexity of the product being manufactured, the line may include a churning machine, filling stations, etc.

Depending on the gelling component used, a certain production technology is used. Technological features production different types marmalade directly affect the cost of production. So, figured marmalade is more expensive than jelly-shaped marmalade, which does not prevent it from being very popular among consumers.

"The technology for the production of marmalade is a series of stages in the processing of raw materials and special know-how of confectionery factories. In stores, most often you can find three main types of marmalade: fruit and berry, jelly and jelly and fruit. different methods making each kind of sweetness "- notes Svetlana Gorelova, an analyst of the marketing department of the group of companies" Sweet Skazka ".

It is possible to produce marmalade both in large volumes and in small batches. In the first case, confectionery enterprises establish automatic lines... Their productivity is on average 2-2, 5, and sometimes 5 tons per hour. However, in many bakery and confectionery factories, marmalade is produced in small quantities. As a rule, in these cases, high-tech equipment is not used for its manufacture: the syrup is boiled in a saucepan, mixed with other ingredients and poured into molds.

Alexander Panikarov, head of confectionery at the bakery department of the Russian Trapeza company, will tell you more about the technology of marmalade production.

The first stage of the marmalade production process is weighing the ingredients. For this, a weighing container is used. Then a syrup is prepared, the basis of which is sugar and water. Sometimes molasses or fruit puree (for cloudy jellies) can be added to it. In large enterprises, syrup is cooked, as a rule, in a cooking column, and not in a boiler, since cooking in a column gets a more stable product quality. The minimum productivity when cooking in the column is 350 kg per hour, the maximum, as a rule, is 2 tons per hour.

The finished syrup enters the supply container, where additional ingredients are added to it. Since in most cases the marmalade should be transparent, only clarified juices are added to the syrup.

The casting of the finished product is carried out in different ways. For a long time, it was popular to use sugar mixed with glycerin for casting, however, this technology is very costly: to mold marmalade, it takes about three tons of sugar for a capacity of 500 kg, while sugar cannot be reused after combining with glycerin.

Therefore, casting the product into starch is more popular today. By itself, starch is non-aggressive and does not enter into a bundle with the product.

After casting, the product goes to the vystoyka, during which it is gelled. The marmalade is then waxed or coated with sugar to prevent the products from sticking to each other during packaging. The final stage is packaging of finished products.


Traditional jelly and jelly-fruit marmalade is still in demand among Russian consumers, but manufacturers offer the market all new types of products, in particular, a lean version of marmalade, products based on fructose, marmalade with "fashionable" flavors, such as green tea, mojito, and products with various fillers. The latter, by the way, are in increasing demand in the market.

Marmalade products with fillings, as a rule, are made out as candies, the most famous of which is "Mad Bee" brand Ukrainian corporation Roshen, products are manufactured in the Lipetsk region, however, according to media reports, the demand for the company's products has fallen sharply. The management of the production sites even had to stop production for almost a month on September 15 due to the overstocking of the company's warehouses caused by the refusal of retail chains and the region's population to buy products manufactured in Lipetsk. The fact is that the name of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is associated with the Roshen company. Roshen Corporation acquired shares of the Lipetsk confectionery factory in 2001. It is not known how the fate of the company's assets will be decided in the near future, but it can be assumed that if Russian manufacturers appear on the market who can make gummy candies with filling, in quality and taste that are not inferior to the products of the Mad Bee trademark, then they are more likely in all, they will be in high demand and will seriously compete with the well-known brand, the manufacturer of which is associated with the conflict in Ukraine.

By the way, some domestic enterprises already produce marmalade products similar in composition and recipe to "Mad Bee". Among them are sweets “Bee Zhu-Zhuka” (confectionery “Globus”, Ulyanovsk), “Playful bee” (company B&B, Moscow region), jelly candies with filling “Lenten sweets” (CJSC “KONTI-RUS”) and etc.

However, in order to produce such filled marmalade products, high-tech equipment is needed, which most factories are not yet able to afford. But even businesses unable to acquire new equipment are finding ways to expand their product range by introducing marmalade with unusual flavors or products containing stevia, fructose or other naturally occurring sweeteners instead of sugar, offering healthy sweets to consumers leading healthy image life. By the way, there are more and more of them.

Thus, if we talk about consumer preferences in the marmalade segment, then, as experts and manufacturers themselves note, buyers from large cities of Russia prefer more expensive products with the addition of natural juices, in high-quality packaging, and loose marmalade from inexpensive raw materials is popular in cities , villages and villages with low per capita income.


A relatively high level of competition in this segment of confectionery makes manufacturers fight for their place in the market and take into account all the factors that make consumers make a purchase: the cost of products, the appearance of packaging, the quality of marmalade, a wide range, unusual tastes, etc.

It is noteworthy that most of the Russian confectionery factories producing marmalade do not pay enough attention to the positioning of their trademark, since this requires serious marketing support, and, consequently, an impressive budget.

However, some companies are very serious about marmalade promotion. Among them is the confectionery factory "Krasny Pischevik", for which recently marketing agency Fabula Branding has carried out a comprehensive development of the marmalade trademark.

It was decided to create a new trade mark in the classical European spirit, which would not only set it apart from competitors, but also make it stand out from the company's own assortment. They took the vintage style with its laconicism, sophistication and aristocracy as a basis.

The name Bonmelade was created by fusing the recognizable stems bon ("fine, good") and "marmalade". The result is a fancy name that directly indicates the TM product category and has a positive evaluative coloration. In addition, the sonorous, melodious sound of the name favorably envelops the product with a veil of French romance and charm.

In the development of the concept design of the project, the typographic approach that is fashionable today was used. Bright, luscious colors combined with vintage fonts, illustrations and dies create an image that combines both a touch of antiquity and modern catchiness. The plasticity of the dies and vignettes is emphasized by contrasting fonts - handwritten and typesetting, and the curly cutting repeats the smooth lines of the main plate. To adjust the types of products for each SKU (stock keeping unit, literally - a unit warehouse accounting) developed its own color scheme and a unique author's vintage illustration.

According to experts, The best way promotion of marmalade, like almost any food products, - presence in all large retail chains (provided affordable price and good quality goods), but get on the shelves chain stores- a rather difficult task, especially for companies that do not have a wide range of products or cannot provide the required volumes of supplies. In such situations, small grocery stores or multi-brand confectionery stores should be considered as a sales channel. You can also try to work with networks through intermediaries - distributors who can offer retailers products of several brands at once in the required volume and range. The profit with such cooperation may be less than when working with buyers directly, however, marmalade producers will not need to spend time negotiating with networkers and thinking about transportation costs.

Weight products are packed in closed corrugated boxes or in cardboard boxes, covered with a transparent film on top. Retailers prefer the latter type of packaging, which acts as a showcase, allowing the buyer to get a good look at the product, as opposed to completely closed boxes.

For packaged marmalade, transparent packaging is used, which attracts the attention of buyers. The lower part of the marmalade package is often covered with a pattern so that the spilled sugar is not visible. For packing more expensive products, it is used cardboard packaging with a transparent "window" made of film so that customers can see the products inside.

Experts point out clear tendencies for the growth of the confectionery market in the marmalade segment (mainly jelly-shaped). Despite the consistently high demand for these sweets, the domestic market is still far from being oversaturated.

However, the competition in this segment is also rather big (in total, about eight to ten large manufacturing companies and dozens of small enterprises in the regions can be named), since the equipment for the production of marmalade products is inexpensive and the production technology is quite simple.

As experts and manufacturers themselves note, the situation in this segment is gradually beginning to change: buyers from large cities of Russia prefer more expensive marmalade with the addition of natural juices, and cheap jelly-shaped marmalade is popular in cities, villages and villages with an average per capita income. no more than 10 thousand rubles per month.

Manufacturers are beginning to expand their product range, offering consumers special types of sweets, for example, a lean version of marmalade or marmalade with various fillings. Although most factories are not yet able to update their equipment and, as a result, can only change the form and content of their products, without making any major changes to the recipe.

Most large enterprises and small confectionery companies are trying to occupy narrower and more labor-intensive segments, producing, for example, fructose marmalade or jelly candies. Domestic products prevail in this market. This is due not only to high transport costs and limited shelf life, but also to the great confidence of buyers in domestic brands.

Despite the fact that a year ago, experts predicted the emergence of possible difficulties with raw materials for producers of marmalade, these forecasts were not confirmed. The factories use both Russian and imported raw materials (mainly agar and pectin). Paradoxically, raw materials brought from abroad are often even cheaper.

Types of marmalade

Depending on the raw materials that are used in the production of marmalade, the following types of these confectionery products are distinguished: fruit and berry (based on gelling fruit and berry puree), jelly (based on gelling agents), jelly-fruit (using gelling agents in combination with fruit berry puree) marmalade.

In order to save and reduce the cost of production, modern domestic manufacturers prefer jelly marmalade, which, nevertheless, is inferior in taste to fruit and berry. For the production of jelly marmalade, syrup from sugar and molasses, agar or agaroid (gelling components), dyes, flavors and food acids are used.

There is also a classification of marmalade, depending on the method of its molding: actually molded (the marmalade mass is cast into rigid forms), slab (the mass is cast directly into the container) and rifled (the molded mass is cut into separate pieces).

Equipment for the production of marmalade

The complete set of the line for the production of marmalade includes a marmalade machine, steam boilers (for cooking marmalade mass of various colors), a steam generator for generating steam, a tempering machine, a cooling cabinet, a string cutter, a drying cabinet. If you are also going to produce marshmallows or mixed types of marmalade, you cannot do without a churning machine for preparing an opaque layer and a tubular apparatus. You will also need Silicone forms and trays for drying products. Used equipment will cost at least 550-700 thousand rubles, depending on the condition, configuration and performance.

To accommodate all equipment you will need production room with an area of ​​at least 250 sq. m. Renting of such premises will cost 50-60 thousand rubles a month. To work on the line, 6-8 people are enough, who will work in two shifts.

Marmalade production technology

At the heart of the most common jelly marmalade lies such a component as agaroid, agar or pectin. Depending on the component used, a specific production technology is used. As mentioned earlier, most of the assortment of many domestic manufacturers is jelly shaped marmalade.

The procedure for its manufacture on the basis of agar or agaroid includes several stages: soaking and rinsing the gelling components, preparing syrup from previously prepared agar, sugar and molasses, boiling the jelly mass, cooling and cutting it, casting the mass into molds, gelatinization of marmalade, sampling from forms and layout of marmalade on the sieve. At the end, the marmalade is dried at a temperature of 40 ° C for 45-60 minutes and sprinkled with sugar, dried again and cooled, and then packed in boxes or bags.

Cooking technology fruit and berry marmalade is somewhat different from jelly and includes the following stages: preparation of raw materials, preparation of the recipe mixture, boiling the marmalade mass, cutting it, casting into molds or trays (respectively, molded and sheet marmalade), drying (for molded marmalade) or holding (for sheet marmalade), packaging and packaging.

To prepare the recipe mixture, blended mashed fruit and berry (most often apple plus various additives) mashed potatoes with sugar and molasses are used. To reduce the viscosity of the mass during boiling and to reduce the rate of solidification of the marmalade mass, modifier salts (sodium lactate or disodium phosphate, as well as other salts) are added to the puree.

After that, the mixture is mixed and sent to the cooking apparatus for boiling at a temperature not exceeding 85 ° C. If boiling is carried out in a batchwise manner, a spherical vacuum apparatus is usually used.

Then the marmalade mass cools down a little and goes for cutting, where various dyes, flavors, acids are added to it. This happens in a periodic manner in tanks with a stirrer. Then the mass is mixed again and transferred to casting - either into molds (in the production of molded marmalade), or directly into packaging or boxes (in the production of plastic marmalade). The marmalade is molded into molds on a jelly-casting machine, and then laid out on perforated aluminum sheets, on which it is fed for drying.

There are several types of dryers: chamber, conveyor and cabinet. Since drying takes place at a high temperature, then after it the marmalade must be cooled at a temperature of 15 to 30 ° C - in special chambers or just indoors. The latter option, although it allows you to save on buying drying ovens, is less desirable. Chilled marmalade is packed in bags or boxes.

Technological features of the production of various types of marmalade directly affect the cost of production. So, figured marmalade is more expensive than jelly-shaped marmalade, which does not prevent it from being more popular among consumers. For fruit and berry, jelly and jelly and fruit marmalade, GOST 6442-89 is in force, which determines the requirements for raw materials, quality and appearance of products.

Deformation of products caused by irregularities in the order of molding, stacking, transportation and storage of marmalade, sagging and burrs, wet and sticky surface, rough crust on the surface, dense and hard or, on the contrary, sugary and low elastic consistency, unexpressed taste and aroma, impurities - all these are considered signs of inadequate product quality. Please note: storage conditions finished products are also of great importance.

Sales and promotion of products

The relatively high level of competition in this segment of confectionery makes manufacturers fight for their place in the market and take into account all the factors that force consumers to make a purchase: the cost of products, the appearance of packaging, the quality of marmalade, a large assortment, etc.

It is noteworthy that most of the Russian confectionery factories producing marmalade do not pay enough attention to the positioning of their trademark, since this requires serious marketing support, and, consequently, an impressive budget.

According to experts, the best way to promote such products is to be present in all large retail chains (subject to an affordable price and good quality goods). Dealing with the latter is the most difficult task, especially for a young company. If this has not yet been achieved, then it is worth thinking about the production of not packaged, but weight marmalade and selling it in retail grocery stores.

Don't skimp on packaging design and production. Weight products are packed in closed corrugated boxes or in the so-called "TV sets" (cardboard boxes covered with a transparent film on top). Retailers prefer the latter type of packaging, which acts as a showcase, allowing the buyer to get a good look at the product, as opposed to completely closed boxes. For the packaged marmalade, transparent and bright packaging is used, which attracts the attention of buyers. The lower part of the jelly-shaped marmalade package is often covered with a pattern so that the spilled sugar is not visible.

The marmalade business, like the entire confectionery market, is subject to the seasonality factor: after new year holidays demand increases sharply, and from the beginning of autumn to the end of the year - it decreases markedly. This is due to the fact that with a cold snap, consumers give preference to chocolate products, cakes and cookies. The peak of sales falls on the warm season. Unlike chocolate products, marmalade retains its presentation and freshness even in the heat, therefore it is bought much more often in the summer.

So, for the organization own production marmalade will require capital in the amount of one million rubles. Average production capacity is 25-35 tons per month. With such indicators, the profitability reaches 20-40%, depending on the cost of the raw materials used. With a minimum production volume of 25 tons of products per month, the monthly turnover is 700 thousand - 1 million rubles.

Sysoeva Lilia
- portal of business plans and guides


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