Laws of the successful life of VKontakte. Telegram Channel 'Laws of Successful Life. On errors learn

Happy relationship with the second half is easy! ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘จ.

We want to reveal you a few secrets of a happy relationship between a man and a woman!
Only TSSS?

๐Ÿ’Œ Respect
Happy relationship is impossible without respect for each other. Your views on life, interests and attachments may not just differ, but even be radically opposed. Nevertheless, with due respect for the opinions of the other you are capable of completely peacefully and happily coexist. ๐Ÿ’Œ Trust
Well, what can be happy relationship between a man and a woman, if the couple is not used to trusting each other? Mutual suspicions, jealousy and tyranny will not lead to anything good. Only faith in each other can give harmony, peace and happiness.
๐Ÿ’Œ Care
With all its strength, independence and primacy, male psychology in relations is such that he needs care. Even if you are busy, tired or in a hurry, the manifestation of care for the Middle with gratitude will respond in the men's heart.
๐Ÿ’Œ Cheerfulness
In the world around the world, there is enough negative and minor, so let them in the family there will be a sweat and a reliable rear from all troubles. Therefore, it is important not to lose heart and give each other optimism and joy, humor and positive - so much easier to make up a happy relationship between a man and a woman.
๐Ÿ’Œ Feelings
Do not hesitate to manifest your feelings. Even if the partner knows about them, it will not be superfluous to remind you like you like each other. Show your affection, smile, touch gently and thrill.

Tell me yes
Innovation in business, breakthrough thinking and ability to find non-standard approaches To solving business problems!

Just read this book.

Tina Silig "Why no one told me this at 20?"

And you will find answers for long-suffering questions you have:
๐Ÿ“Œ From what to repel, starting your own business?
๐Ÿ“Œ Where to find new idea?
How to learn to solve problems?
๐Ÿ“Œ Over what to work and what to spend strength and time?
Everything is simple if you know where to scream necessary knowledge For development! โ˜๏ธ

Life priorities as the key to financial success

1. Health. Without it, no money earn money. There is just a direct correlation.

2. Education. Learn continuously, but only in professionals, successful practitioners. No one can teach earn more than it can. Have it in mind.

3. Create cash flows. Let them initially be small streams, but the more sources of income you can create and the less personal time each of them will take away, the better.

They say happiness does not happen much ...

But we do not believe it and know what you need to do to be a happy person always! โ˜บ๏ธ
Read ๐Ÿ‘‡

๐Ÿ’ซ Do not stop for the achieved and constantly post new goals.
Let them and the global, such as building a house or visit the exotic country, and everyday, for example, to pass the report or start walking on fitness.

๐Ÿ’ซ Do not regret anything.
Thinking about what could be changed in the past - it is absolutely useless, it is better to concentrate on what can be done in the present and future.

๐Ÿ’ซ Take the decisions yourself and carry responsibility for them.
No one except you knows what is better for you. Of course, the advice is sometimes worth listening, but try on your life only on yourself.

๐Ÿ’ซ Learn to forgive and forget the offense.
After all, keep negative emotions in yourself - the same thing that drink poison, but think that he poisoned someone else.

๐Ÿ’ซ Exercise, fitness, regularly make gymnastics or at least just walk a lot.
It is proved that during the physical stress, the brain absorbs more oxygen, and in the body "hormones of joy" (dopamine, serotonin), which increase the mood at least 4 hours.

๐Ÿ’ซ Learn to love yourself every day, respect and appreciate, thus balancing healthy egoism with proper self-criticism.

Thick wallet! ๐Ÿ’ธ

We all want to earn a lot! But not want enough, you need to do something! ?
Today we will give you several delight tips how to replenish your budget:

1๏ธโƒฃ pay for the result you give
It can be very exaggerated that if you are a builder, then you will pay for the number of laid bricks. If you are a dentist, you will receive money according to the number of cured teeth. Etc. It is important to understand that only the result is in the offset. The experience in itself is not needed by anyone. If there is a specialist with a 20-year experience and a young student, it will earn anymore who gives a greater amount of result. Whoever works better and faster, that is great.

2๏ธโƒฃ Learn to pretend and sell
The same product or service can cost differently, this is a fact. For example, one and the same haircut may vary in price every 10 depending on the cabin. The ability to sell allows you to earn a lot of money. You can at the interview or when you congently with the client, so give your work and so raise the value of the future result that you will pay much more.

3๏ธโƒฃ Select the case you like
The one who chooses the work on the basis of its prestige and profitability often exhales and loses interest in business. It happens in about 3-5 years. If you want long-term success, choose your favorite business. It shifts you and every morning will be kind to you. Favorite business is inspiration, pleasure from work, huge successes and large money. For this it is worth living and even wake up early.

4๏ธโƒฃ Develop an expert
It does not matter what you decide to become an expert - in medicine, aviation, marketing or entrepreneurship. Develop and learn in the selected direction. Becoming a professional in your business, you will understand how to make a lot of money. This will not be a question for you.

5๏ธโƒฃ Well rest
Who works well, he rests well.

How to determine your optimal diet?
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1. Let go of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe perfect diet
Perfectionism in any field of life inevitably leads to disappointments and challenges. Perfectionism in food is a straight road to digestive disorders and disorders of food behavior.
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2. make friends with a sense of hunger
Feeling of physical hunger - your best friend In the power adjustment. When you are truly hungry, your body is ready to take and recycle food, and in this case it extracts all benefits even from non-optimal combinations.
The real feeling of hunger is always in the stomach, in particular in the stomach. If you are not sure if you really want to eat emotional, put your hand on the stomach and feel if you want to eat in your stomach. Like all skills, to evaluate your feeling of hunger becomes easier with practice.
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3. Make food ritual
Food with distractions and on the go - worse than any burger, eaten consciously and with pleasure. Not only for your shape, but also for well-being and health. Unconscious food does not allow all physiological processes to flow fully, which leads to all kinds of discomforts and violations. Make a ritual ritual, which she was at all times. Beautifully cover the table, even if you eat one, bring more awareness to all stages of cooking, and before proceeding, think what way each ingredient has done before you get to your plate.
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4. Feed diverse
This is one of the most important principles of what needs to be to be slim and healthy. The more diverse your diet, the more colorful and more interesting - the more different nutrients receive your body and the less likely to move.
Try different types Nutrition, let's be time to experience the effect, but do not bind to the outside.

How to become the best version of yourself?

Start harmoniously develop in different spheres of life.

This can be done with a convenient training platform breakthrough.

In June, several streams start, we suggest familiarizing yourself, maybe some of the topics for you is relevant today?

Launch and programs of some courses:

12.06 -Kak to raise a successful child
13.06 -๐Ÿ’ƒ๐ŸปShicar woman
14.06 -? ๐Ÿปโ™€๏ธPilates
18.06 -? ๐ŸปY - Non-Maker
18.06 - Formula of happy relationship
20.06-๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป Come on productive
22.06 -โœ๐ŸปMarafon Master Sales
29.06-๐Ÿ‘‘online revolution. Network. Business. Money
06.07 - "10 km Like
10.07 -๐Ÿ’ฐRory in personal finances

Other games of the start date of the start date are not yet defined, as new streams started recently:

Man Magnet
-๐Ÿ’žRead beauty
- ๐ŸŽฏkriptovata world trend
- ๐Ÿ’ถProtoney
-? Turbo english

Per detailed information Contact your private messages ๐Ÿ‘‡
Oleg @olegstockholm.
Catherine @KatyshaGorbunova.

Excellent all day?

Beauty will save the world

Beauty is a tensile concept. To this day, literary critics and art historians argue about the sense that Dostoevsky has invested in this phrase.

Perhaps most of them are right - Fedor Mikhailovich meant the beauty of spiritual. We will talk about her today! ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Internal beauty is the most important quality in man. All actions that we do in life mainly come from what we do not appear outwardly, but internally. After all, everything that we do, all of our actions - by and large are dictated by what we have inside, our life values and moral qualities.

It would seem that all people should equally feel and understand beauty. But why are our ideas about beauty? Why what seems to be a beautiful one, others will not even notice?

Individual views, the tastes of a person, the degree of culture, its level of development - all this affects the perception by a person's excellent

We welcome the external beauty of people. Beauty, given to human nature - gratuitous gift. The man did nothing to get it. But a person should strive to become as much as possible. A man, beautiful outwardly not necessarily a wonderful person, and on the contrary, a beautiful person does not necessarily turn out to be beautiful.

It is worth thinking about it, because beauty has such power over the person, which seems to us sometimes some label of good, and other beautiful human qualities.

The cultivation of inner beauty in itself is a painstaking and continuous work, this is one of the most important stages of the process of improving personality, this is the spiritual side of work on himself. The inner beauty of a person is able to work wonders! โœจ

Excerpt from the book of Robert Kiyosaki "The leadership of a rich dad in investment."

How to hire an accountant.

During the interview, you need to ask him: "How much will one plus one?"

If the accountant responds: "Three", do not hire him, he is hopelessly stupid.

If the accountant responds: "Two", also do not hire it, because it is not smart enough.

But if the accountant responds: "How much do you want?" - hire it immediately!

A successful person is sometimes the one who found himself in the right place in opening time with the right people.

Maybe today the very day?

At 19.00 Moscow time will be held a very cool master class: how to earn a million on the Internet.

3 working, proven systems, register, see where the market is moving, maybe someone will be very information\u003d3211&gcpc\u003d9f699.

The letter with the entrance to the webinar will come to you by mail, so point the mail to which you have access.

7 tips parents how to educate a successful child

We all like responsible parents strive to grow their child as best prepared for independent life in this unpredictable world. But alas, not everyone gets to raise honest, good, responsible, good, and in one word - successful man.
Therefore, we have prepared several reclinations to raise children, so that you, as a parent, it is easier to form a personality from the kid.

1. Love, but designate borders
Education of a successful child is always balancing between two extremes: love and boundaries permitted, warmth and rigor, generosity and refusal.

2. Stop patronate
Good upbringing is not about being confident that your baby is happy. It is more about teaching it to cope with failures, failures, mistakes and troubles.

3. Teach how to empathize
Successful children are not always taught to the fore. Instead, they know how to reckon with opinions, desires and interests of the surrounding people (especially close).

4. Develop financial responsibility
One of our main tasks as parents - to teach the child to live, relying only on yourself. This means that we must teach it to manage our finances on our own, and not wait for endless handouts from the parents.

5. Speak "No" without a sense of guilt
The constant satisfaction of the child's desires will not help teach him that it is not always life to follow his plan. Add the word "no" to your vocabulary and do not feel guilty when they are forced to pronounce it. Believe me, in the long run, your children will still be grateful to you.

6. Learn to give, and not just get
Give your children the opportunity to understand that they can change lives, just giving or making something for other people. After all, many of them do not even realize what is possible.

7. I replace me
Children are egocentric. They think that the world rotates only around them. They are more interested in themselves and their own needs, and the opinions and desires of others they do not pay attention. And in order not to allow them to buy only on themselves, you need to lead them from the infinite I-I-I, and teach you to think in the format we are-we.

How to recharge your energy when there is no strength

Every day we face a lot of problems and tension, and therefore energy is a necessary source of success.
We have prepared several pleasant ways for you, how to recharge your energy:

๐Ÿ”บ Drink a lot of water - a lot of water!

๐Ÿ”ป Check - charge every morning! This is not necessarily exercise.
It may be pleasant music, dancing, yoga, etc.

๐Ÿ”บ Drink a little, but often!
How to determine the portion for one meal? Can she fit on two palms? ๐Ÿฝ

๐Ÿ”ป Rest - take breaks while working. It can be 20-30min. Rest when you close in your office or go to walk in the park.

๐Ÿ”บ Meditate - meditation reduces alarming state, improves memory and concentration.

๐Ÿ”ป Be optimists. Optimists have more energy, pessimists have more stress. It all depends not on objective circumstances, but on the point of view on them.

Choose a suitable occupation and be always energetic! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

7 Lifehakov who will make you smarter
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Non-obvious things that make the brain will work more efficiently.
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Use bright light
Simple bulb replacement in the lamp on a brighter will help to become smarter.
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Go to nature
If you are replied that instead of working on the project, you look out the window, boldly answer that pumping your creativity. Contemplation of nature, especially if you go to the forest, field or on the coast, is a magic tablet that can improve creative abilities by 50%
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Training
According to research, even one training can cause neurochemical changes that have a positive effect on the brain. Scientists believe that the positive effect is observed due to the inflow of oxygen to body tissues, including the contents of the cranial box.
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Take sex
Dopamine and oxytocin, which are produced in intimate proximity, have a positive effect on the brain.
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Exit the sun
A sufficient amount of vitamin D provides an improvement in cognitive abilities. Animal studies show that his intake in the body provides a quick positive effect when solving problems for memory and training.
The easiest way to get a portion of vitamin D3 is to reach the sun. It is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet.
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Early go to bed
Researchers from the University of Rochester found out that during sleep, the intercellular fluid in the brain washes toxic protein waste, which are formed during the wake period.
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๐Ÿ“ˆ Write by hand
Tablets and laptops are literally glued to the hands modern peopleBut scientists advise more often to postpone the gadgets and write notes on the old manner, handle on paper.
According to studies of scientists from Princeton, this causes information to process information in the process of its fixation.

Happy relationship: recommendations that work
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There is a huge number of theories and books about relationships that promise not only to help meet their "half" but also live with her long and happily.
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Men and women ... We are so differently perceive the world and information.

First we need to remember and learn and assimilate that men are not "women with a beard", and women are not "men in skirts."
The second men want to please women and make them happy, but we do not understand each other as much and do not know how to communicate that you yourself come up with problems and because they suffer from them.
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How to talk to a man to hear him?

Stop to expect from a man with the people of the reactions inherent to women, the question arises: how to communicate to us to understand each other?

The main thing is to remember to women: if you want to be heard, you need to make sure that when you appeal to him, a man is not busy anything else.
Men should be ready for the flow of a female consciousness, which can change, and in which it is necessary to learn to silence the essence. And the more often you can easily listen to what a woman tells you, the faster she starts saying what he wants, and not that she considers "right" to say.
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What do men attract most in women?
There are no two identical people, and we all like different qualities - both external and internal. Of course, appearance - important factor attractiveness, but more and more surveys and research shows that personal traits As a result, it is more important and more valuable, especially in the construction of a long relationship.

The well-known American specialist in relations to Alison Armstrong, the most part of his life studying men, allocated the most valuable features for them, to which they have serious intentions: self-confidence, naturalness, passion and ability to take.

It is possible to figure it deeper in this topic.

Within the framework of the Breakthrough application, the 60th day course of the formula of a happy relationship with a well-known coaching and an expert in the field of loving and trusting relationships Alex Olymsky starts.

This course will help boot up with a step to reach a new level of relationship with your partner or create new relationships, if so far than you soliday and avoid old errors.

Alex Olyazovskaya Savior from divorce already hundreds of families.

Happiness, love, trust and understanding does not prevent any family at

Applications for the course are submitted in advance, on all issues, write on contacts below
Oleg @olegstockholm.
Catherine @KatyshaGorbunova.

10 habits that prevent you from becoming happy
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1. compare yourself with others
A happy person does not matter what others do and what they achieved. He knows what goes his way. Comparison, Competition with others simply do not make sense.
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2. Focus on someone else's opinion
Try everyone to please - initially failed strategy. Every person will have their own opinion as you need to live, but no one knows you so good to decide what to do. Therefore, it is worth stop thinking that others say about you.
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3. Thinking about bad in advance
A little optimism has not prevented anyone. The mood for a negative result often makes it take a matter at the very beginning, because anyway nothing will come.
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4. Condemn people for "wrong" life
A happy person does not come to mind that someone lives wrong. He is confident that those surrounding themselves know what they need, and does not impose their ideas about the norm.
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5. Friend yourself
Bad things happen and with good people. But the happy person does not spend time to regret herself. He applies effort to influence what is happening.
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6. Worry for the situation that you can not control
It is not always possible to influence the events, even if they affect you directly. Happy man Releases the situation that does not control.
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7. Shoot the responsibility for your happiness
Happiness is a choice, and you do not need to seek to blame that you are not experiencing it.
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8. Fight loneliness
A happy person is not afraid to stay alone with her thoughts, and he does not need to create information noise around him, spending time with a company that is not particularly interesting for him.
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9. To drag the load of the past
Being happy prevents excessive loopedness both on negative and positive events from the past. The sad experience makes it difficult to decide on new discoveries in the present.
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10. Be afraid of change
Changes do not necessarily lead to the better, but without them it is impossible to develop.

How to avoid emotional burnout?
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In the XXI century, a person has completely different psychological problems than, say, century ago. This is an impostor syndrome, and excellent syndrome, and emotional burnout syndrome. About the last psychological term and ways to get out of such a state will be speech in today's article.
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Emotional burnout syndrome is not new. For the first time, it was spoken in 1974. This concept Intruted the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger into the psychology. In his opinion, emotional burnout is more often observed in people who are prone to sympathy, and those who are somehow working with people (teachers, doctors, managers, managers).
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How to avoid emotional burnout?
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1. Observe the notorious Work-Life Balance
The glossy magazines are filled with this term, psychologists without tired talk about the importance of maintaining a balance. This is actually important: to be able to be distracted from work, alternate work and rest and have business outside work.
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2. Sports
It can be both active sports and meditative. The main thing is that it will help you at least briefly unload the brain.
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3. Change your attitude
If you observe emotional burnout, it does not mean that you need to change work. The problem is most likely not in work, but in your attitude to it.
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4. Take a pause and raise
Noticing in the workplace outbreak of displeasure, highlight a couple of minutes to quickly raise. As a result - you have improved my health, and you with new forces will take over the solution of the problem.
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5. Learn to say "no"
No need to take over the excessive amount of obligations. If you do not have time and strength, you can simply say no. Important: There is no need to experience the feeling of guilt.
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6. Lighten the Time Management Rules
Take the rule in the morning to write a list of cases for the day (you can do from the evening the next day), highlight the time when you do not respond to mail and messages in messengers.

'Magic Morning "Hal Elod

If the morning it seems to you the most hated sometimes, and the alarm ring is a hell of a hell of a hell - this book is for sure!

Elhod writes about the correct start of the day, which largely lays out how events will continue to develop. Already thousands of people have changed their lives, thanks to this book.

A set of morning actions that suggested by the author of this book helped dozens of thousands of people to change their lives, feel better and good. From the book you will learn how the first hour of the day determines your success and allows you to reveal your potential completely.

Change how and when you wake up and how to spend the first hour - and you can change your life, namely:

Laying the level of stress
Expose general health, reset excess weight (if necessary)
It's easy every morning with a charge of energy
More than earning
โŒ›๏ธNate your calling and follow him
โŒ›๏ธSide productivity and learn how to focus on key tasks

And how do you have an idea to pass the marathon and form these promoting habits in yourself?

Make a challenge yourself?

As part of the application, a breakthrough in the training "Wake up productive" you will receive a small task every day and step by step approach to your goals. Together with you a 100 day marathon will be over 500 participants

During this time, you will have new habits, skills and a new attitude towards yourself.

Just imagine - September, cool morning, and you wake up with dawn, cheerful and full strength, the mood is excellent, the house is a great atmosphere, close to you, and you. You are going to work with a smile, where you are already completely different about you, where you have time to do more than before and getting completely different results. You may lose weight or simply led your body into shape.

You started seeing this world, not as the world of problems, but as the world of the opportunity and it changes your life for the better.

How do you think so? 100 days and perhaps the most unusual and decisive summer in your life

To get into the stream write right now
Oleg โ €
3. Teach by heart
The more you do in the gym, the better your muscles are developed. The same principle works with memory. Learn by heart: poems, lists of affairs and shopping, excerpts from prose, monologues of kinheroev, dosage of drugs.
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4. Sunlight
Want to develop an auditory memory? Overhear. Yes, we know, Mom told you that it was indecent. But what you just do not go for your own memory? When traveling in the tram or subway, listen to what people around you are talking about. And, as in the Aivazovsky method, close your eyes and reproduce everything heard - with accurate intonations, remember the faces of people.
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5. Walk to different routes
It is not only boring on the facility path, but also useless for memory. Give your brain new impressions. Be careful when you go home: remember signs, houses, shops. In general, any new events strengthen brain activity, so do not refuse themselves and attend museums, theaters, cafes, movies, holidays and festivals.
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6. Compound stories
This method is suitable to memorize lists: lists, shopping, events. Just tie everything into a single story. The plot should develop consistently and logical, but the fantasy can be included on the full one. More bright images remember easier. This may be a fairy tale, there may be a mnemonic phrase (a well-known example - "every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits). This method will help memorize both adults and children.

8 tips to fill the meaning every day
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To make your life conscious, it is not enough to find some kind of lifehak and stick it to it. Serial daily activities - here is the key to sustainable changes. Also need to change environment And habits, otherwise the intention to change will quickly disappear, even if the motivation was the fiery itself.
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1. Find the time to listen to the inner voice
Check. Ask yourself why you decide exactly so, and not otherwise. Ask, why do you do something before do it.
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2. Remember: Control over thoughts - Your main force
When was the last time you noticed that negative thoughts occupy your mind? Maybe it happens right now? Learn to track negative thoughts, organize them and distracted by something else.
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3. Look for stream moments
Explore the moments in which you act in a stream state, find out what environment stimulates this condition, and try to create the necessary conditions during the day.
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4. Removal personal experience in a global perspective
Look at the ocean, play with the dog, touch the tree - every day devote some time the classes that will remind you that you are part of the ideal system, much more global than your life.
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5. Revise your core values \u200b\u200bevery week.
Ask yourself how you keep your values \u200b\u200bon personal, professional and social levels. Be honest with you. If what you do during the day does not correlate with your true values, it means that you are not doing that expensive.
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6. Do not look for short ways.
You either perform your mission in this life and see progress, or not. Not simple ways lead the life for which you are intended.
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7. Write on paper every day
Just express your thoughts, plan and dream.
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8. Choose the right environment
Surround yourself really active, passionate, honest and versatile people, communities and thoughts.

5 tips, how to move to the goal and not stay halfway
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Put the goal easily, start doing steps to her and not stop - a completely different story. Good news is that, contrary to popular belief, the motivation can be controlled. There are proven ways, thanks to which you can stay inspired to turn the mountains on the way to the conceived, even when it seems that the whole world is against you.
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Council No 1. Remember "What The Hell?" - Effect
Understanding the plan once, we subconsciously justify themselves and as a result we turn off the way. Therefore, having done a step towards, do not criticize and do not justify yourself. Just analyze what caused such behavior, and, making the appropriate conclusions for the future, return to the path following.
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Council NO 2. Share your achievements
Contrary to common superstitious opinion, it is not easy to share your success, but even need. Studies of the University of South Carolina show that the story of the close circle of friends about her goals will bring you closer to its achievement.
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Council NO 3. Use psychological tricks
This is what will remind you, why did you start your way to goal. Pick up the option that best works with you. It can be a big poster or collage with a detailed visualization of your dreams, various to do - sheets, detailed plan With the distribution of action by complexity, breakdown the main task to small and so on.
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Tip No 4. Enjoy challenges
Have you ever heard the expression: "What does not kill us, makes us stronger"? To understand what we are really capable of, you need to leave challenges. Then a healthy dose of positive stress is produced, referred to in the scientific community "Estrass".
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Council No 5. Measure Progress
It is very important to see progress. For example, publishing an article in your telegram-channel daily and without seeing the rapid increase in subscribers, the desire to try will disappear, and the motivation will not remain a trace.

From Walt Disney and Napoleon to Steve Jobs and the master of iodine: the statements of the Great, who will serve as a source of inspiration.

1. Pochka

"If you are not ready to risk usually, you will have to be content with the ordinary," - Jim Ron.

2. Inspiring

"Do not ask what the world needs," ask yourself that fills you with life. The world needs people filled with life, "Howard Truman.

3. Endurance

"I do not wear you down, but the way you carry it," Lou Holz.

4. Opportunity

"Opportunities do not come themselves - you create them," Chris Groser.

5. Impossible

"Nothing is impossible. The Word itself says: "I am possible!" (Impossible - I "M Possible)", - Audrey Hepburn.

6. Beginning

ยซ The best way Take on something - stop talking and start doing. " - Walt Disney

7. Dreams

"Trusting your dreams and goals with paper, you begin to turn into a person who would most like to be. Let your future be in safe hands - your own, "Mark Viktor Hansen.

8. Enthusiasm

"Success is the ability to tolerate defeat without loss of enthusiasm," Winston Churchill.

9. Action

"Want to know who you are? Do not ask. Act! The action will describe and define you, "Thomas Jefferson.

10. RISK

"I'm not afraid to die, but I'm afraid not to try," - Jay Z.

11. Good deeds

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget what feelings you have called", - Maya Angela.

12. Movement

"Do not let the day yesterday take too much from the day today," Will Rogers.

13. A look in the future

"The entrepreneur is a person who implements his visions into life ... He can imagine something and immediately understand what to do to happen to happen," Robert L. Schwartz.

14. Victims for Success

"Whenever you see a successful person, you notice only the glory surrounding it, but not what he donated for this," Vaibhav Shah.

15. Good company

"Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. This feature is characteristic of small people. great personOn the contrary, inspires you feeling that you can become great, "Mark Twain.

16. Direct

"There is nothing absolutely erroneous in the world. Even broken watches are shown twice a day exact time", - Paulo Coelho.

17. Striving

"Jump - and the network will appear," John Burrow.

18. Set

"If you think that you are able to perform something, or think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases," Henry Ford.

19. Persistence

"It is not important that you shot down from your feet, - IMPORTANT, whether you have risen again," Vince Lombardi.

20. Passion

"Passion is the key to motivation, but only determination and readiness for a ruthless pursuit for its purpose will allow you to achieve success to which you are striving," Mario Andrietti.

21. True success

"Strive to be not the most successful, and the most valuable." - Albert Einstein

22. Self-satisfaction

"To win, you must believe that you are worthy," Mike Dike.

23. Motivation

"Motivation, of course, cannot be supported constantly. But this is how to take a bath: you need to do it on a regular basis, "Zig Zigar.

24. Genuine wealth

"If you look at what life awarded you, you will always have enough. If you concentrate on what was not like you, you will always be lacking for something. "- Opra Winfrey.

25. Standing work

"If you work on what is really important for you, you do not have to customize. Your dream is pulling forward, "Steve Jobs.

26. Constancy

"You can not replace persistence in the world. He cannot replace the talent - you will not meet anyone as often as a talented loser. He cannot replace the genius - unrecognized geniuses were almost entered into the proverb. One formation is also not enough - the world is full of educated rogue. Only perseverance and determination of the All-Fivy. The phrase "Work further" was and remains to solve all the problems of the human race, "Kalvin Kulidge.

27. Dialogue

"Great minds are discussing ideas. Middle minds are discussing events. Little minds are discussing people, "Eleanor Roosevelt.

28. Award

"At that moment, when you agree to a smaller compared to what you deserve, you get even less than what they agreed," Morin Daoud.

29. RISK

"It is better to dare to mighty things, to seek glorious triumphs, albeit interfering with failures than to stand in the same row with weak spirit, which can neither enjoy from the soul, nor suffer much, because they live in gray twilight, where there are no victories, Neither defeats, "- Theodore Roosevelt.

30. Ability to adapt

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can deploy sail so that I always get to where I need," Jimmy Dean.

31. How to change the world

"The world is changing those who are enough to believe in order to believe that they are capable of it," Rob Sallyan.

32. How not to give up

"I did not fail. I just found 10 thousand options that do not work, "Thomas Edison.

33. Fear

"Too many of us do not live by our dreams, because they live with their fears," Brown Forest.

34. Age

"It's never too late to establish a new goal or rushing to the new dream," Clive Lewis.

35. Beginning

"The starting point of all achievements is desire," Napoleon Hill.

36. Confidence

"Pretend until it turns out! Take the form that you are so confident in yourself how much it is necessary, until you find that it is, "- Brian Tracy.

37. Obstacles

"Achievements need to be measured by obstacles that you had to overcome to achieve your goals." - Booker T. Washington

38. On errors learn

"Want to know the formula of success? It is elementary. It is only necessary to double the number of failures. You think that failure is the enemy of success. But it's not at all. This is your choice - to succumb to failure or learn from them. So brave forward - and make mistakes. Do whatever you can. Because this is how you can succeed, "Thomas Watson.

39. goal

"The goal does not always have to be achievable, often it only serves as you can strive for," - Bruce Lee.

40. Path to success

"I missed more than 9 thousand goals for my career. I lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times they trusted me to make a decisive throw - and I missed. All my life I suffered defeat - again, and again, and again. And that is why I achieved success, "Michael Jordan.

41. Genuine power

"Strength is not from victories. The power creates the struggle. When you pass through difficulties and decide not to give up - this is power, "Arnold Schwarzenegger.

42. Search for answers

"If you want to change something forever, stop thinking about how great your problems and think about how great you are", - Harv Ek.


"I am not the result of circumstances. I am the result of your own decisions, "- Stephen Kovi.

44. Constructive impatience

"If you really want something, do not wait - teach yourself to be impatient," Gurbaksh Chahal.

45. The power of the idea

"Take the idea. Make her idea of \u200b\u200ball your life - think about her, dream of her, live this idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, each part of your body will be full of this idea. Just leave all other ideas aside. This is the way to success, "Swami Vivekananda.

46. \u200b\u200bFear eyes are great

"Much seems impossible until you do this," Nelson Mandela.

47. Older

"Always lay out on full. As we will lay, then you will get enough. "- Frame Mandino.

48. Chief Principle

"Start from there where you are now. Use what you have, and do everything you can ", - Arthur Ash.

49. Effort

"Do. Or do not. Do not try, "- master iodine.

50. Comparison

"Stop comparing your first chapter with my fifteenth. We are all on different chapters of your life, "John Rampton.

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You can, of course, naively believe that you yourself, and the world itself. Do not share. All that happens outside and inside you are closely intertwined and connected.unshakable. They always work, everywhere and under any circumstances.

And ignorance of laws, as you know, does not exempt from responsibility. Therefore, you can hide your head as much as an ostrich. But while you do not realize that every thing your act, action, thought, emotion affects what you in response from the surrounding world, you will not be able to find your way to happiness.If you want to be successful, loved, harmonious, abundant, implemented by man, then start living in these laws. After alllife laws of man Invented not by us. They are laid by the Creator himself in each cell of micro and macrocosmos. Therefore, you want or not, their influence on your life you cannot cancel.

One of the laws with which we all get acquainted in early childhood - that laziness-mother ahead is born to us, but under the laying stone water does not flow.

We invite you to a free webinar Konstantina Dovlatova " Tired of lie down towards a dream? 3 super-exercises that will undermine you from the sofa. Recipe movement to goal from true reaches".

The main 5 laws of life.

  1. The law of cause and effect.

Any event, condition, action, result - everything in this world has its cause. Nothing happens just like this, in itself, does not take away from nowhere. If you live in the paradigm that something happens in your life by chance, then you are doomed to failure.Only the ability to trace causal relationships can lead you to success and improve the quality of life itself.Even the most negative events seemingly independent of you, still have the cause within the person himself.You always have freedom of choice - how to think how to feel how to act, how to build relationships, how to react, etc. And it is your elections here and now laid the one that will happen in the future.

Therefore, if you have now come to some disappointing result, we got some kind of negative experience, turn back and analyze what you provoked the current events in your life. Make conclusions, remove the lessons to continue not to step on the same rake.

There is another law that says that our life is in our hands and it all depends on personal relationship.

Ensure this on a free webinar Konstantina Dovlatova " How vitality crises turn into resources".

  1. The law of faith.

In our life, there is exactly what we believed. And neither the opposite. If you are convinced that you are not talented that you will not work out that people are all bad and cruel that the world is unfair, etc., then the universe does not have anything to do, as soon as you give you external confirmation to your beliefs.No wonder they say - both thoughts and live. The man himself creates his reality by what believes or does not believe.Do not limit yourself with your unbelief, fear, some kind of casual points of view. At least allow what can be otherwise. And you will already see a sea of \u200b\u200bnew features that were not available earlier.

  1. The law of waiting.

Usually the fact that we will predict, then we get. If you know the failure of some kind of event, he will definitely happen.The expectation law is associated with two previous. This, self-realizing the prophecy, which you yourself and create your own thoughts.Start seeing the pros in everything, find, expect the best from yourself and from the world, even if you can hardly imagine a positive outcome.Only so you can turn your life for 180 degrees and get some other result than earlier, change the negative experience to positive and consolidate it in his new life.

  1. The law of attraction.

Those people, events, circumstances that correspond to your inner state appear in your life. You vibrate at certain frequencies and in resonance attract the like.Therefore, if you want to change something, just analyze what and how you yourself created this or that situation in your life, what a particular person attracted.Only excavating these internal "hooks" and pulling it out, you will drastically transform the current circumstances.

  1. The law of conformity.

It is very difficult sometimes happens to accept that everything that happens in your life created you yourself. We will rather blame all the white light in their troubles and misfortunes, but do not take responsibility for what is happening.But, if you do not create inside the world you want to see outside, you should not hope for the best. The outside world is just a mirror reflection of the inner world.Make a total audit in myself inside, yourself in your own eyes. Be honest with yourself. Find those points of inconsistency where you lie to yourself where you are sly and lose responsibility. Understand this, and life will shine new paints.

Laws of society, laws of lifevery closely intertwined with each other. Here we are not talking about legal and constitutional aspects, but about human interaction.If you want to communicate effectively with other people, create harmonious relationships in all spheres of life, it is easy to solve all the vital tasks, listen to these laws.

  1. I'm fine and everything is in order with me.

This postulate makes it possible not to impained other people and do not fall over someone. It should be understood that everything that happens to you and with another person, in any case, does not diminish it and your value, significance and importance.This makes it possible to be relatively objective in relation to what is happening and, accordingly, choose the most optimal forms of interaction in each particular situation.

  1. Each person has enough resources to solve any life task.

Do not treat anyone and to yourself biased. Never put a person in a deliberately losing position of the weak and do not take responsibility for his life on yourself.Everyone is able to resolve the situation. And if he does not, it means that his will and his choice.If you are asked for help, then you can help. And it does not mean - to do something instead of the person who appealed for help. You just need to give him the opportunity to see the direction, give support, but not to be a lifeguard.

  1. What a man does at the moment is the best thing he can do right now.

This law allows you to understand the true causes of what is happening with you or other people and get rid of condemnation. After all, each of us lives with their individual "trailer" of beliefs, negative scenarios, roles, emotional blocking. And we act precisely in accordance with them. This is neither good nor bad. It's just there.Therefore B. current Moment We do, we think we act precisely in a certain way and really better simply here and now.

  1. At the heart of any act lie positive intentions.

This postulate is associated with the previous one. Believe me, no one ever wishes to deliberately be bad, make unacceptable deeds. We all want to like and show love. Only sometimes it takes such veiled and surrogate forms, which is not to see this positive intention.If you accept this law, then automatically freed from the accusation of yourself and others in any way. You understand that this is the best, for which a person was able to now. And it eliminates you from the need to experience negative emotions, feelings and even tragedies in certain circumstances.

  1. Never put the stigma and do not hang labels. Everything changes every second of time. Changes are inevitable.

If a person now comes in one way or another, this does not mean that it will always be so. When we, yielding stereotypes of thinking, inspire labels per person, then, first of all, herself deprive the chance to consider something else in it. Thus, we suvium and their capabilities in cooperation with the world, in general.There is nothing static. Everything is modified every second. Do not narrow your world to one-sided clichรฉ, always watch wider.In other words, always choose, then you can be as if a little over the situation and consider the entire picture of the event entirely, and not its separate fragment. Expand your mind and know the world in its entirety.

Spiritual laws of life.

No matter how much we talked about the laws of life as such, the spiritual laws are at the head of everything. It is always important to pay attention to them and look for the disclosure of their meaning through real life situations, people - in other words, through our earthly experience.

  1. Potential law.

In the universe, everything is enough and everything is possible in it. The only question is, we allow you to take it or not.

  1. Abundance law.

The universe is abundant. It all grabs everything. To live in abundance is our natural condition.

  1. The law of cause and effect.

We have already spoken about him, but here it is presented in his broader sense. A person not only affects his thoughts, actions, feelings, affairs on the surrounding people, events, but also on the whole universe. Equally, as it receives feedback from it.

  1. The law of intent.

In your life, it happens that you have been allowed, more precisely, it was possible to get. Where the intention and attention, then you have. That is why all the dreams come true, and others do not even come true.

  1. The law of the least effort.

In the Universe, everything happens easily and naturally, without any effort. Everything that goes on rigid overcoming, usually does not end with nothing good.

  1. The law of unpetuation. The ability to let go.

In a different way, you can say - remove the importance from anything. When we are very strongly tied to the result and are very worried about it, thereby blocking the energy released by the Universe for the realization of the conceived.Move your focus of your attention from the result to the process itself.Boldly turn into a game called Life. There is nothing terrible and impossible in it. But there is a buzz, drive, feeling of freedom and endless flight. Especially if you know

Laws successful life

1. Early rise.
Successful people, as a rule, early birds. This peaceful period before the awakening of the whole world is the most important, inspiring and peaceful part of the day. Those who discovered this habit for themselves argue that they did not live a full-fledged life before they began to wake up at 5 am every day.

2. Employed reading.
If you replace at least part of the amelessly leakage in front of the TV or computer reading useful and good booksYou will be the most educated person in the circle of friends. You will have a lot to get as if by itself. There is an amazing quote Mark Tweed: "A person who does not read good books, has no advantages to a person who can not read."

3. Simplification.
Be able to simplify - it means to eliminate the unnecessary so that it might speak the necessary. It is important to be easy to simplify everything that can be simplified. This is also eliminated and useless. And this is not so easy - it requires a lot of practice and a reasonable look. But this process clears memory and feelings from the unimportant, and also reduces the experiences and stress.

4. Slow out.
It is impossible to enjoy life in a permanent employment environment, stress and chaos. You need to find a quiet time for yourself. Slow out and listen to your inner voice. Slow out and pay attention to what matters. If you can work out the habit of waking up early, it can be exactly the time. It will be your time - time to breathe full of breasts, reflect, meditate, create. Slow down - and everything for what you chase will drive you yourself.

5. Training.
The lack of activity destroys the health of each person, while the methodological exercise will help save it. Those who think they do not have time for exercise, sooner or later will have to find time for diseases. Your health is your achievements. Find your program - sports can be engaged and without leaving the house (home programs), as well as without subscriptions to the gym (for example, jogging).

6. Daily practice.
There is such an observation: the more the person is practiced, the striving becomes. Right? Good luck is a place where practice meets with opportunities. Talent can not survive without training. Moreover, the talent is not always necessary - the trained skill may well be replaced.

7. Environment.
This is the most important habit. She will speed up your success as nothing else. The environment of inspired people with ideas, enthusiasm and positive is the best support. Here you will find and useful advice, and the necessary impetus, and continuous support. What, in addition to disappointment and depression, will give communication with people stuck at work that they hate? It can be said that the level of possible achievements in your life is directly proportional to the level of achievements of your environment.

8. Start thanks.
This habit is creating wonders. Be grateful for what you already have, and strive for the better. Be sure that by defining your goal in life, it will be easier for you to "find out" opportunities. Remember: with gratitude more reasons appear for joy.

9. Be stubborn.
Only the 303rd bank agreed to provide Walt Disney Foundation for the founding of Disneyland. More than a million photographs have been required for 35 years before photo of Steve Mkurry "The Afgan Girl" began to equate to the masterpiece da Vinci "Mona Lisa". 134 publishers rejected the book by J. Kanfield and Mark V. Hansen "Chicken Broth for the Soul" before he turned into a mega-bestseller. Edison made 10,000 unsuccessful attempts, inventing the light bulb. See the pattern?

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Many underestimate the importance of sleep. And in vain. Here are sad statistics from the documentary not sleeping in America. That is, many of your problems in life can decide if you start just get enough sleep. And it largely depends on how fast you can fall asleep. If you have insomnia and a problem with falling asleep, then the dream will be bad. Therefore [โ€ฆ]

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If you are familiar with these experiences, this is a video for you. WITHOUT ENERGY, you will have little time. And without action it is impossible to achieve success. So remove these reasons for lack of energy from your life. You give a little energy the more you move physically, the more energy you have. The more often you sit in place, the less vigor. Physical [...]


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