Work in the Russian Federation from Belarus on a rotational basis. Features of work on a rotational basis in Russia for citizens of Belarus. Is notification necessary when hiring Belarusians

Almost all foreigners who arrived in Russia to carry out labor activity must file a patent. But Belarus is an exception. This country is from The Russian Federation in the Union State. And its citizens do not need any special permits to work in the neighboring country.

The relations between Belarus and Russia differ from the relations between themselves in other countries. The Union State is unprecedented in legal and political terms. Citizens of both countries equal rights for employment throughout its territory.

By the way. The migration policy is also special. Belarusians go to Russia without a visa and can stay in the country for 180 days a year (90 days for every six months).

The rules of employment are fixed in According to them, Belarusians can freely come to the Russian Federation and work for individuals and legal entities as well as run your own business.

Nevertheless, residents of the neighboring state are not citizens of the Russian Federation, and legally remain migrants. Therefore, they must fill out a migration card, register and, if they wish to extend their stay longer than the prescribed period, provide evidence of the need for an extension. One of these proofs is a civil or employment contract.

Important! The official agreement is the most important document thanks to which a resident of Belarus can stay and work in the Russian Federation.

Simplified procedure

It is much easier to hire a citizen of the Republic of Belarus than any foreigner. Labor migrants who came from the union state are considered privileged workers.

By the way. According to statistics, about half a million Belarusians are constantly working in the Russian Federation, and most of them are employed in the intellectual sphere and their own business.

When hiring a Belarusian, the employer has the following priorities:

  • The employer is not required to obtain a permit for the employment of foreigners;
  • The employee does not need a labor patent;
  • There are no restrictions that exist for labor migrants from other countries on the recruitment of individuals;
  • Belarusians can work in retail, sell alcohol and tobacco products, pharmaceuticals and be employed in all areas where the admission of migrants from other countries is restricted or prohibited;
  • The employer may not notify the tax service and labor inspectorate either about registration or termination of relations with a Belarusian worker.

For workers from the Republic of Belarus, the advantages are also obvious:

  • Wages are higher;
  • Working conditions are often better;
  • There is an opportunity to work on a convenient rotational schedule, which allows you to periodically go home;
  • Taxes if the working period is more than a calendar six months (183 days) - 13%.

Important! If a migrant from Belarus works in Russia for less than six months, he must pay tax at a rate of 30%.

Employment process

Starting from crossing the border to the moment of employment, a Belarusian will have to take the following steps:

  1. Fill out a migration card at the entrance to the country and indicate in the paragraph about the purpose of the visit "Work";
  2. Come to the employer, if the place of employment (as is usually the case) is agreed in advance;
  3. Register the migration registration at the Main Directorate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs within a week (other registrations are not required, but no one exempted Belarusians from migration registration);
  4. If a job is found and a preliminary interview is held, the employer registers the employee, and this can be done without penalties up to 30 days after his arrival;
  5. Conclude an employment contract with the employer;
  6. Take on responsibilities.

By the way. A Belarusian can submit a Soviet-style document as a work book; it will be valid in the Russian Federation. But if a document of a new type is presented, it is considered a foreign document.

Contracting process

  1. If employment history foreign, the employer starts a new, Russian model;
  2. When drawing up a civil law contract, a work book is not needed;
  3. The employee must present a document proving his identity and citizenship, this is a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus - the original;
  4. If there is a certificate of pension insurance, the employer must enter the information in the Russian insurance register;
  5. If there is no insurance certificate, and the migrant has not previously worked in the Russian Federation, the employer must issue a new pension insurance with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  6. The employee presents a diploma of education and all additional certificates of qualification, its improvement;
  7. After that, an employment agreement is signed.

Important! Belarusians do not need to change their license or take any exams. They can work with their driver's license in any category, including those related to the transport business.

Drivers work both in industry and in the industry of overall cargo transportation, public transport, taxi, construction industries.

In addition to professions directly related to driving, in Russia drivers who understand the structure of transport and mechanics are relevant. Vacancies are also popular among Belarusians:

  • Bulldozer drivers;
  • Tractor drivers;
  • Excavators.


Most often by this method employment is taken by builders. But it can also be other specialties related to oil production and oil refining, gold mining, in the timber industry.

In this case, Belarusians find many bonuses for themselves:

  • The hiring process is simple;
  • Not required higher education, many vacancies with low qualifications;
  • All registration is official, with sick leave and vacation payments;
  • Salaries, especially in remote regions, are much higher than in Belarus;
  • The employer often provides housing and even food;
  • Shifts range from 20 to 60 days with different rest periods during which the employee can go home.
  • Maids;
  • Accountants;
  • Catering workers;
  • Storekeepers;
  • Service staff.

Working in the north

The Far North is a part of Russia that will always need working hands. This is due to both the climatic features of the regions and the specifics of the work.

  • Extraction of precious metals;
  • Transportation of oversized cargo;
  • Logging.
  • It is not only labor migrants who go to the north to work, but also the Russians themselves, and from quite prosperous regions. Because salaries there are four or more times higher than the national average.

    Advice. The main thing is to find a bona fide employer and conclude an official labor contract with him with payment for sick leave, overtime, bonuses and the provision of maximum bonuses and benefits.

    Russians willingly hire Belarusians. It is no more difficult to issue them than citizens of the Russian Federation. Belarusian workers have the opportunity to work without a patent and special documentation. The retirement record is taken into account, and Belarusians living permanently and working in the Russian Federation enjoy all the social benefits of Russian citizens.

    Knowing the peculiarities of working as a watch in Russia for Belarusians in 2020, it is possible to minimize the risks of being caught by fraudsters and thereby not get paid. You need to know the main nuances when looking for an employer.

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    Over the past few years, many Belarusians have preferred to carry out their labor activity on the territory of Russia.

    This is largely due to the higher level of wages than in the Republic of Belarus. In particular, we are talking about work on a rotational basis.

    At the same time, it is necessary to know the main features of watch work in Russia for Belarusians.

    Basic moments

    Before considering the main issue, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic theoretical information.

    Thanks to this, you can understand the work on a rotational basis from the inside and decide whether it should be considered as a source of income at all.


    Rotational work implies the performance of labor duties outside the boundaries of their region of residence. It often refers to seasonal or periodic work.

    The used version of work is widespread in such areas as:

    • gas and oil production;
    • logging.

    On a watch, they carry out labor activities in order to search for deposits of precious metals or in the fishing industry.

    Provides for seasonal shift work, under which it indicates that employees are required in a specific period, for example, in the summer.

    Periodic work is envisaged - the work of employees is involved throughout the year, who come periodically to fulfill their duties.

    There is a misconception that the watch is one of the varieties. However, this is not at all the case.

    This is largely due to the fact that employees who are sent on a business trip by the direct employer carry a job assignment.

    In most cases, payment is carried out within the established salary and allowances.

    At the same time, the rotational option of work implies a departure to a specific object or to another region, where labor remuneration occurs upon completion of a certain amount of work.

    Moreover, the rotational method requires drawing up an employment agreement with the employer.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The main advantages of working on a rotational basis are considered to be:

    Among the shortcomings, the presence of high risk getting caught by fraudulent employers. If hit, employees may be left without.

    Features of employment

    Employment on a rotational basis for Belarusians carries many different nuances that you need to know about in order to minimize the risks of various misunderstandings.
    Let's consider them in more detail.

    What to do before starting a search

    Working on a rotational basis provides an opportunity to receive decent wages.

    Initially, citizens need to determine the region that is in priority for future activities.

    This kind of work can be provided not only in the Far North, but also in Moscow and other large cities of Russia:

    Before starting employment You must initially familiarize yourself with the available vacancies
    It is necessary to decide on the type of work activity And after that, start searching for a vacancy according to the specified parameters. It is necessary to pay attention to the list of recently opened vacancies
    If you are looking for a vacancy, please contact With the direct employer and get answers to your questions
    It is imperative to consider the ratio of indicators of the prestige of the profession with the amount of payment With high salaries for regular work, you must at least think about possible fraud
    Do not rush to give your consent In case of finding the ideal work option. Initially, you need to check the reputation of a potential employer, at least by looking for reviews about him on the Internet

    To be able to minimize the risks of various troubles, it is necessary to document work and stay in Russia.

    • and weekends;
    • payment ;
    • and other organizational issues.

    It is important to remember: a prerequisite for work is officially the signing of an employment agreement.

    How to arrange safe travel abroad and avoid fraud

    Some employers, in the process of hiring persons from foreign countries, propose not to formalize official labor relations, or, on the contrary, indicate the minimum wage in the contract, while offering a high salary in an envelope.

    Potential employees often hear a lot of explanations in their address that the formation of this type of agreement will be used exclusively for the tax authority.

    In most cases, upon completion of the work, the promises remain the same. An option is possible in which the level of wages will be an order of magnitude lower than the promised amount.

    Due to the fact that the minimum wage is reflected in the employment contract, there is no point in going to the judicial authority.

    It is difficult to find a vacancy on a rotational basis with optimal working conditions in the current reality.

    It is recommended to initiate the travel registration procedure for the purpose of official employment through firms that have all the necessary licenses to provide services.

    The permit is granted by the Department of Citizenship and Migration. This institution is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

    Information regarding the availability of the required company can be obtained on the official portal of the Ministry.

    During the receipt of all necessary information it should be clarified for which particular strange and professions the permit was issued.

    This was due to the fact that companies have the right to work with direct employers from a specific state in a specific specialty.

    They are allowed the opportunity to conduct business with intermediary companies, with the exceptions being only international student programs.

    Most recruiting agencies will deceive citizens who have income plans. The main feature of fraudsters is considered to be the requirement to make an advance payment without a preliminary offer of vacancies.

    After contacting a specialized company, it is imperative to sign, which reflects the responsibilities of the parties.

    The set fee for the services provided should be paid only after the employment agreement with the employer is completed and received.

    If the need arises to resolve the issue through the judicial authority, then according to the laws, it is possible to compensate not only material, but also moral damage.

    Video: the north from the inside - working on a rotational basis

    It is the responsibility of the company to provide all kinds of assistance in the conclusion labor contract between a potential employee and an employer.

    The document must be formed in writing, in a language understandable for the client. Registration with the Citizenship and Immigration Office is mandatory.

    Citizens of the Republic of Belarus are required to contact companies located in the country.

    Reputable organizations have contacts with direct employers, which provide an opportunity to work not only in the North, but also in other regions of Russia.

    Why is it better from direct employers

    In the process of cooperation with a direct employer, citizens can receive many benefits. In particular, we are talking about such advantages as:

    Seek direct direct employer can be done in the same way as standard employment (not on a rotational basis), namely:

    • with the help of newspapers - often employers place their ads in them;
    • using official portals on the Internet;
    • other.

    It is possible to search by:

    The most popular search option for direct employers is posting your resume on Avito's bulletin board.

    Thanks to the service, you can find jobs for free as a tractor driver, seamstress, security guard and so on. Moreover, there are vacancies both in Moscow and in other regions of Russia.

    Most common vacancies

    Regardless of whether a man is looking for a job or a woman, there is a job for everyone.

    The most common vacancies are considered to be:

    • accountant for production;
    • tractor drivers;
    • drivers;
    • security guards;
    • medical staff;
    • kitchen staff;
    • handymen;
    • cleaners;
    • construction engineers;
    • storekeepers;
    • movers;
    • assemblers of metal structures.

    The list can be continued, since the range of vacancies is simply off scale, despite the difficult economic situation in Russia.

    Moscow and the Far North are popular migration destinations work force... Working on a rotational basis is the best option for employment in large cities and industrial zones.

    Working in Russia as a watch for Belarusians

    Many employers prefer to hire Russian citizens who have Required documents... But workers from neighboring countries, such as men and women from Belarus, are a great opportunity to use cheap labor.

    According to the rules, an employer must fulfill the following conditions when applying for a job:

    • conclude an employment contract with an employee;
    • provide accommodation;
    • provide food;
    • reimburse transportation costs (to the place of work and back).

    Citizens of Belarus can find rotational work on sites on the Internet. In the search, you can find options for any preferences and material queries.

    Popular jobs that do not require work experience:

    • security guards for the protection of objects;
    • salespeople in trade;
    • pickers, packers, sorters;
    • construction workers
    • nannies and nurses;
    • loaders, handymen, tractor drivers, fellers;
    • welders, electricians;
    • drivers.

    All of the listed vacancies are generally available for work. Such positions provide for a minimum wage or a salary that is slightly below average.

    You can also find expensive vacancies that are offered by representatives of direct employers. The high-paid segment is distinguished by competition. Therefore, to get a job there, you need a special education and good work skills.

    High paying jobs online:

    • work in VIP restaurants in Moscow;
    • engineer in private or public firms;
    • IT employees.
    • specialties related to the oil and gas industry.

    There is a lot of competition for such positions. To apply for a job, citizens of Belarus will have to go through an interview and prove their professional abilities. Some employers give preference to employees who provide portfolios and references with previous place work.

    What needs to be done before starting a search?

    Work as a watch is offered construction companies and enterprises of the oil and gas industry. First, decide on the region you would like to travel to.

    Cons of working on a rotational basis:

    • remoteness from the place of residence;
    • separation from family and friends;
    • negative living conditions (especially in the construction industry);
    • heavy work regime - 12 hours.

    What do you need to pay attention to?

    1. The size of the salary. A potential employee should understand that a fantastic salary with minimal responsibilities is a trick of fraudulent organizations.
    2. Schedule. The employer must document the work schedule. Some companies work without a schedule and extend their working days.
    3. The right to rest. The employer may deliberately reduce the number of days off. For example, instead of 2 months, provide 1-2 weeks, and then transfer to another place of work.
    4. Eligibility for sick leave payments. In the event of disability, many employers refuse to help employees.
    5. Conclusion employment contract required condition labor relations on legal grounds... The contract specifies the following points: salary, working conditions and termination of one of the parties to the employment relationship.

    Popular services offering vacancies

    Rosrabota is the main site with resumes and vacancies on a rotational basis. The portal helps in finding a job on a rotational basis.

    The task of the Rosrabot website is to create an effective and simple job search. The site's job seeker can track vacancies and contact employing companies.

    RosVakhta is regional representation enterprises offering work on a rotational basis in Russia. The portal offers vacancies that are required in manufacturing, construction, logistics, trade enterprises regions of the Russian Federation.

    Recruitment technology excludes:

    • payment to intermediaries;
    • payment for SMS;
    • payments that provide income to intermediaries.

    JobinMoscow - search high-paying job in Moscow and Russia.

    Beware of scammers!

    A characteristic feature of swindlers is prepayment for the provision of a vacancy. There are personnel and recruiting agencies who conduct dishonest employment activities. The agency receives an advance payment from citizens and provides a list of outdated vacancies, the coordinates of employers. You pay money for employment, and you only receive information services.

    Tips for citizens looking for work:

    • not make an advance payment for the provision of a vacancy;
    • conclude a contract for the provision of work;
    • require formal employment.

    Job search on a rotational basis - actual question for many job seekers. The ideal job search option for Belarusians and Ukrainians is search through personnel services the region in which the candidate lives.

    Such services have links with personnel organizations Russia, have information on the required vacancies and can actually provide jobs.

    Pay attention to one of these sites, where you can find:

    • The most in-demand jobs in the North
    • Rotational work for Belarusians
    • Working in the North
    • Notes on working in the North of Russia

    The Russian Federation has its own rules for the admission of foreign citizens to official work... In this case, the status of a foreigner must be taken into account, since the details of the procedure for hiring a new employee depend on this. As for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, in respect of whom special legal documents, then their legal status is equal to the status of Russian citizens, in light of which work in Russia for Belarusians implies a facilitated procedure for employment.

    The procedure for the implementation of labor activities of foreign citizens in Russia

    Labor activity of citizens of other states in Russia is regulated by the Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" dated July 2, 2002 No. 115-F3.

    Foreigners have the full right to employment in the Russian Federation, which is allowed only when a foreigner reaches the age of 18 and has either.

    The last requirement is true for those who enter Russia without a visa and intend to find a job here.

    About the employment process

    Employment of Belarusians, unlike citizens of other states, has a number of features (according to Law No. 115-F3).

    In particular, the following points are important in this area:

    1. Belarusians do not need a work permit.
    2. When hiring citizens of Belarus, it is allowed not to notify state institutions RF: Tax Service, Employment Service, Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    3. The Belarusians have nothing to do with the clause of the law, which prescribes restrictions on the hiring of persons who have arrived in Russia temporarily.

    Such a facilitated registration of Belarusians for work in Russia is possible due to the presence of separate legal acts: the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on equal rights of citizens (of December 25, 1998); Decision No. 4 of the Council of Belarus and Russia (dated June 22, 1996); Treaty on the Creation of the Union State (December 8, 1999).

    The most popular vacancies and regions for Belarusians to work in Russia

    Working in Russia is a real chance additional earnings for Belarusians who are going through another economic crisis today.

    Drivers and builders from a friendly republic are in special demand in the Russian Federation. Official employment of Belarusians in Russia for such vacancies is possible both in large metropolitan areas of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg), and in other regions of the country (Siberia, Transbaikalia, Far East, Sochi). There are also enough people willing to get such a job among Belarusians, which is quite understandable: employment is completely official, and the procedure itself is simplified as much as possible; wages in Russian companies several times higher than the income received at home.

    Belarusians also work in the field of “white collars” - engineers, teachers, doctors, but working specialties are still more popular.

    Features of rotational work

    Many potential workers are interested in whether Belarusians can work on a shift in Russia, since most of them, as a rule, do not have their own homes in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The rotational method is considered one of the most popular types of labor among Belarusians. Working conditions differ depending on the specifics of the object of employment and the region of its location.

    The duration of the shift is also different:

    • 20 days of work - up to 10 days of rest;
    • 45 days of work - up to 45 days of rest;
    • 60 days of work - up to 30 days of rest.

    The duration of the shift is 11 hours per day.

    When applying for a job on a rotational basis, the question naturally arises whether Belarusians need registration to work in Russia, which, as you know, is mandatory for foreign workers. Since December 2015, the term of citizens of the Republic of Belarus in Russia, which was already 30 days instead of the usual 7, was increased to three months. However, this does not apply to those who wish to study or work on long-term contracts: they still have to adhere to the general rules.

    As for the professions, construction workers are most in demand for the rotational service. If we talk about traditionally female vacancies, the most often required are cooks, cleaners, laboratory assistants, dispatchers, accountants, commandants.

    Speaking about the spheres of the economy where Belarusians are allowed to work in Russia, it should be borne in mind that citizens of both states have equal rights to employment. Therefore, they can be found in any region and in any sector of the economy, not excluding transport, for example, as taxi drivers. Moreover, Belarusian drivers, unlike other foreigners, are allowed to use driving licenses issued in their state.

    Documents required for employment

    Since citizens of the Union State have the same rights and guarantees when hiring in the Russian Federation, the question of what documents Belarusians need to work in Russia, as a rule, does not arise for either the new employee or the personnel department. It goes without saying that the list of documents when hiring a Belarusian will be the same as in the case of employing a Russian, that is, in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    It is necessary to bring to the personnel department:

    • passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus;
    • work book;
    • diploma of education (or other document on education or qualifications).

    It should be noted that citizens of Belarus do not need a work permit or patent.

    Features of the conclusion of an employment contract

    Applying for a job as a citizen of another state is a rather troublesome business both for an employer and for a person applying for a job in the Russian Federation. All required documents must be available and comply with the rules.

    Details of the preparation of documentation for the recruitment of foreigners are discussed in a separate material on the conclusion.

    If violations are detected, the parties to the agreement can be brought to administrative responsibility (Chapter 18 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses).

    It is not difficult to conclude an employment contract with a Belarusian, in contrast to the same procedure with another foreigner, especially if new employee presents an old (Soviet) work record book. Such books are valid in the Russian Federation even today, so a record of work can be entered into it immediately.

    What to do and how to get a Belarusian to work if he has a work book of a new (post-Soviet) model, which is considered foreign in Russia and is not recognized on the territory of the state? In this situation, the employee is already issued a Russian labor, which begins "with blank slate"(Ie, records from the previous document are not transferred).

    Russian rights when working as a driver in the Russian Federation: do you need to issue

    When employing citizens of a friendly republic in Russia, there is another bonus that concerns the transport industry. Unlike other foreigners, Belarusians do not need to change their national driver's license to a Russian one. This question was considered in the appeal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the head of the Government of Russia D. Medvedev. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the recognition of national driving licenses in the territory of the Union State" dated June 16, 2017 No. 29 allows citizens of the Republic of Belarus to carry out labor activities directly related to driving Vehicle, on the territory of the Russian Federation without obtaining Russian rights.

    Is notification necessary when hiring Belarusians

    Despite the simplified procedure for employment, Russian employers still have doubts about whether it is necessary to notify the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about hiring a Belarusian. It is necessary to put a citizen of Belarus on the migration registration at the territorial body of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues, while the tax and employment services are not required to be notified.

    It is better not to neglect and hesitate in registering a Belarusian employee for migration registration, because if you did not notify a Belarusian on time about hiring, a fine may well be imposed for this.

    Nuances of taxation

    The income of an employee who has citizenship of the Republic of Belarus is taxed at a rate of 13% in two cases:

    • when concluding an open-ended employment contract;
    • when concluding a contract for a period of more than six months.

    Income tax natural person will be 30% only if by the end of the year the stay in the Russian Federation is less than six months (183 days), since in this case Foreign citizens, including those with a Belarusian passport, according to the Tax Code, are not considered tax residents of the Russian Federation.

    The special tax rate (13%) is valid only for residents of Russia, while for citizens of Belarus this status is established from the moment of the conclusion of an employment contract, the total period of stay in the country is not taken into account.

    Highlights on dismissal

    Step-by-step instructions in case of dismissal:

    • the territorial body of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation must be notified of the termination of the employment contract, a period of 3 working days is given for this (clause 8 of Article 13 of Law No. 115-F3);
    • upon dismissal of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus before the expiration of six months from the date of the conclusion of the agreement, a recalculation will be made automatically at income tax rates of 30% (based on the documents: Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation; Article 207 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union, Article 73 ).

    On the advantages and disadvantages of working in Russia

    Hiring a Belarusian to work in the Russian Federation in 2020 is an extremely relevant topic for many Russian employers. In terms of employment, it is no more difficult to apply for a Belarusian than a citizen of Russia, but his capacity for work often turns out to be several times greater. Such diligence may be due to the fear of Belarusian citizens to lose a profitable and more highly paid job than in their homeland.

    The employer also does not need to worry about obtaining a TIN for Belarusians working in Russia: a foreign citizen himself can apply to the appropriate service to obtain a tax identification number.

    For the Belarusian workers themselves, the main advantages of working in Russia are a high-paid rate and a number of other rather favorable conditions:

    • small income tax;
    • fast registration;
    • no need to buy a patent for a job;
    • minimum documents for concluding an employment contract;
    • the ability to use national rights when working as a driver;
    • receiving payments from the state social insurance, as in the case of citizens of the Russian Federation (assistance with the birth and adoption of a child, single mothers, low-income families, for burial, compensation for an accident at work, unemployment benefits);
    • the ability to open current or deposit accounts, debit cards in Russian banks.

    Of the shortcomings, citizens of the Republic of Belarus often note difficulties:

    • when looking for a decent company, i.e. one that fulfills its promises of wages and working conditions;
    • when working on a rotational basis (meaning not quite easy living and working conditions);
    • at .

    Working in Russia for Belarusians is a rather tempting and profitable enterprise, as evidenced by the annual massive influx of their country - about 200-300 thousand migrants per year.

    How to find a job in Russia for a migrant: Video

    and a choice of 35/45/60 shifts;

    Schedule to choose from: 6/1, 7/0;

    Corporate workwear;


    Working with the scanner

    We are waiting for you!

    shift work in Moscow, shift work, shift method, vacancies from a direct employer, shift and direct employer, work
    2. Advances weekly for 1500 rubles;

    3. Free or preferential nutritious meals;

    4. Reward for brought friends - 2000!

    Work experience - not required

    Education - not required

    We will help with paperwork

    There are family rooms

    Easy job

    We provide:

    Schedule to choose from: 6/1, 7/0;

    Accommodation in a comfortable hostel;

    Corporate workwear;

    Work within walking distance from the hostel;

    Settlement at the end of the shift (twice a month);

    Performance awards;


    Working with the scanner

    Without work experience, we will teach everything

    Call from 9:00 to 21:00 or leave your number and we will call you back.

    WhatsApp / Viber around the clock, write, we will answer any of your questions.

    To speed up the answer, write: name, age, citizenship, telephone for communication.

    We are waiting for you!

    Work experience will be a plus: handyman, loader, picker, packer, packer, stacker driver, forklift driver, sticker maker, marker;

    Metro: Savelovskaya

    Employment: Watch
    - People from DPR, LPR, RB are successfully working for us

    We provide:

    Employment and settlement on the day of application;

    We do not waste your time on an interview. They called, arrived, took shape, settled;

    Watch and a choice of 35/45/60 shifts;

    Schedule to choose from: 6/1, 7/0;

    Accommodation in a comfortable hostel;

    Corporate workwear;

    Work within walking distance from the hostel;

    Settlement at the end of the shift (twice a month);

    Performance awards;


    Working with the scanner

    Without work experience, we will teach everything

    Call from 9:00 to 21:00 or leave your number and we will call you back.

    WhatsApp / Viber around the clock, write, we will answer any of your questions.

    To speed up the answer, write: name, age, citizenship, telephone for communication.

    We are waiting for you!

    Work experience will be a plus: handyman, loader, picker, packer, packer, stacker driver, forklift driver, sticker maker, marker;

    shift work in Moscow, shift work, shift method, vacancies from a direct employer, shift and a direct employer, shift work without experience, work with a residence direct employer, work vacancies, shift work, vacancies with accommodation, shift work new method, watch with food, work with food, watch

    Metro: Kievskaya

    Employment: shift method

    Salary: 81,000 . . . . .


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