OKPD2 codes for products. Codes okpd2 products Okpd 2 codes of divisions of the enterprise

OKPD-2 codes - a classifier that groups types of products based on the type economic activity. OKPD-2 is used for coding goods, works, services for various purposes. Let us consider in more detail this classifier, approved by the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st.

Classifier OKPD 2: basic concepts

Code designations, which are given by the OKPD-2 system, are one of the areas of work of the national sphere of standardization and allow you to correlate the designations of product classification levels in the Russian Federation and European countries.

Objects that fall within the sphere of influence of OKPD-2:

  • services;
  • performance of work;
  • manufactured products.

The OKPD-2 code (2018) is used in the process of filling out statistical reporting, in the field of taxation, when grouping fixed assets of enterprises, etc. In this case, different levels of ciphers can be assigned to types of products.

The classifier presents the structure of the OKPD-2 code in the form of numerical combinations. Products can be identified by a code of 9 digits. If according to OKPD-2 with a breakdown by type of activity, no division into product categories is made, then "0" is put instead of the corresponding code numbers.

The OKPD-2 code (classifier 2018) consists of the following digits:

  1. The first two characters indicate belonging to a particular class (for example, "31. Furniture").
  2. The next hierarchical link is the subclass (“31.0 Furniture”).
  3. With further detailing, a group of objects (“31.01 Office furniture”) is displayed.
  4. At the next stage, OKPD-2 (2018) is given with a breakdown of the subgroup and type of product (“31.01.12 Wooden office furniture”).
  5. The last two blocks of designations are a category and a subcategory detailing it (“ Wooden desks for educational institutions”, “ Tables for preschool institutions”).

Types of activities according to OKPD 2

The classifier consists of several parts, in each of which the same type of goods or services are grouped. A complete list of current codes is presented in the table.

OKPD-2 (2018), broken down by type, structurally consists of the following sections:

  • A - products from the category Agriculture, fish products;
  • B - products obtained in mining industry, according to OKPD-2, equipment and inventory, special-purpose vehicles are also in this section;
  • C - the results of the work of manufacturing manufacturing organizations;
  • D - in OKPD-2, the decoding of the codes collected in this block refers to the production and supply of electricity, gas, steam, activities related to air conditioning;
  • E - this group in OKPD-2 - work on the disposal and reclamation of waste, water supply;
  • F - in OKPD-2 - repair, complex construction works and generalized information about structures;
  • G - in OKPD-2 - supply and sale of goods wholesale and retail;
  • H- transport services and operation of warehouse facilities;
  • I - in OKPD-2 - service by catering organizations and hotel enterprises;
  • J - a block of information services and works related to the field of communication;
  • K - in this section, the funds of the financial and insurance services market are systematized according to OKPD-2 codes;
  • L - complex of operations with real estate;
  • M - in OKPD-2 - technical, engineering, scientific activities;
  • N is the scope of services provided by auxiliary and administrative structures;
  • O - public administration, military security and social security;
  • P - services of educational institutions;
  • Q - this section is medical (OKPD-2 in it groups therapeutic, prophylactic and social services);
  • R - the field of art, the organization of sports and entertainment events;
  • S - reflection of the activities of public institutions and associations;
  • T - results of work of households;
  • U - types of services related to the sphere of influence of extraterritorial organizations.

When selecting a code for a generalized product group, a separate list of ciphers can be created as a result. For example, according to OKPD-2, stationery can be found in groups 17.23 (paper products), 22.29 (for plastic stationery), 23.13 (for glass products) and 25.99 (if the product is made of metal).

Section H. Transportation and warehousing services Section I. Hospitality and catering services Section J. Information and communication services Section K. Financial and insurance services Section L. Real estate services Section M. Scientific services , engineering and professional activities Section N. Administrative and support services Section O. Public administration and military security services; compulsory social security services Section P. Educational services Section Q. Health and social services Section R. Arts, entertainment, recreation and sports services Section S. Community services; other services for the population Section T. Various goods and services produced by households for their own consumption, including employer services for domestic staff Section U. Services provided by extraterritorial organizations and bodies

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD 2) OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008)
(adopted and put into effect by order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of January 31, 2014 N 14-st)

With changes and additions from:

1/2015, 2/2015, 3/2015, 4/2015, 5/2015, 6/2016, 7/2016, 8/2016, 9/2016, 10/2016, 11/2016, 12/2016, 13/2016, 14/2016, 15/2016, 16/2016, 17/2016, 18/2016, 19/2017, 20/2017, 21/2017, 22/2017, 23/2017, 24/2017, 25/2017, 26/2017, 27/2018, 28/2018, 29/2018, 30/2018, 31/2018, 32/2018, 33/2018, 34/2019, 35/2019, 36/2019, 37/2019, 38/2019, 39/2019

Russian Classification of Product by Economic Activities

Date of introduction - January 1, 2017
with the right of early application in
legal relations that arose from January 1, 2014.

Information about changes:

The introduction was changed from October 1, 2018 with the right of early application in legal relations that arose from July 13, 2015 - Amendment 30/2018


The All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD 2) is part of national system standardization of the Russian Federation.

OKPD 2 is built on the basis of harmonization with the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2008 version (CPA 2008) by keeping unchanged in OKPD 2 from CPA 2008 codes (up to six characters inclusive) and volumes of concepts of the corresponding positions. However, there are cases for which national characteristics are reflected by changing the CPA 2008 groupings with 2 to 6 digit codes. Features reflecting needs Russian economy according to product details, are taken into account in OKPD 2 groupings with 7 - 9-digit codes.

The objects of classification in OKPD 2 are products (services, works).

OKPD 2 is designed to provide information support for tasks related to:

Classification and coding of products (services, works) for the purposes of state statistics;

Development of normative legal acts concerning state regulation certain types economic activity;

Implementation of a set of accounting functions within the framework of work on state statistics related to meeting the needs of authorities state power and management in information about products by type of economic activity in solving analytical problems;

Providing a system of state contracting and wholesale trade in the domestic market;

Preparation of statistical information for comparisons at the international level;

Placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work (rendering of services) for state and municipal needs;


Ensuring the classification of fixed assets used in the All-Russian classifier of fixed assets;

Standardization and mandatory confirmation of product conformity:

Classification and coding of services provided to the population by economic entities.

OKPD 2 uses a hierarchical classification method and a sequential coding method. The code consists of 2-9 digital characters, and its structure can be represented as follows:



To ensure that the codes for OKPD 2 and CPA 2008 are consistent, a dot is placed between the second and third, fourth and fifth characters of the code. If there are 2 additional division levels in OKPD compared to CPA 2008, a dot is also placed between the sixth and seventh digits of the code. By analogy with CPA 2008, OKPD 2 includes sections and subsections with the preservation of their letter designations.

In cases where the species is not divided into categories, i.e. detailing of products (services, works) at the national level is not carried out, 7-9 code characters have the value "0" (zero), and in cases where the division is made, 7-8 code characters have a value other than "0" ( zero).

Detailing at the lower stage of the classification division is carried out only in cases where the category of products (services, works) is divided into several subcategories.

For example:

Products and services of agriculture and hunting

Annual crops

Grain crops (except rice), leguminous crops, oilseeds

durum wheat

Winter durum wheat

Grain of winter durum wheat

Winter durum wheat seeds

If necessary, explanations are given for individual groupings of OKPD 2, which are intended for:

Uniform understanding of individual words or phrases in the group names;

Clarification of the scope and features of products (services, works) classified in a particular grouping;

Enumeration of products (services, works) that may be included in this grouping;

Exclusion of the possibility of falling into this grouping of the classifier of products (services, works) included in another grouping.

Explanations given to higher groupings apply to all groupings included in them.

Explanations to the groupings of OKPD 2 with codes up to six characters inclusive in terms of the volume of concepts correspond to the explanations for similar groupings of CPA 2008. When detailing groupings with six-digit codes, explanations for these groupings may be absent (if the explanations for the lower groupings in the aggregate correspond to the scope of the concepts of the explanation for the six-digit grouping of the CPA 2008) or not be given in full (when the explanations included in the explanations to the subordinate groupings are excluded from them).

For example:

Forage crops

This grouping includes:

Rutabaga, fodder beet, fodder root crops, clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, fodder corn and other grasses, fodder cabbage and similar fodder products

This grouping does not include:

Granules and flours for fodder crops, see 10.91

National features that require changes to the 2008 CPA groupings with 2-6 digit codes include the following groupings:

The changes come into force on December 1, 2019 with the right of early application in legal relations arising from July 1, 2019.

The changes come into force on May 1, 2019 with the right of early application in legal relations established

The structure of the OKPD is harmonized in accordance with the Statistical Classification by Type of Activity (CPA 2002) used in European countries. The Russian classifier retains six-digit codes and volumes of naming concepts taken from a foreign analogue. Also, the compilers of the classifier took into account the special needs of the national economy of Russia, and for better product detailing, they provided for the possibility of using codes with 7-9 digits of alphanumeric combinations.

In OKPD, produced goods and services are classified by type of economic activity. The list of presented positions has a hierarchical structure. Each type of activity is indicated by a special code consisting of 2-9 groups of symbolic combinations. Having conditionally designated each character with the symbol "Z", the composition of the code can be represented by the following formula;

ZZ - class of service or product;
ZZ.Z - subclass;
ZZ.ZZ – group;
ZZ.ZZ.Z – subgroup;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ – view;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ0 – category;
ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZZ is a subcategory.

The seventh, eighth and ninth digits are indicated by the number "0" in cases where product detailing at the national level is not carried out. The detailing of the last characters of the code is performed only on the condition that services or goods of the same type can be divided into several categories or subcategories. For example, tropical nuts are indicated by the code, and the code - coconuts as a subcategory of tropical, - Brazil nuts, - cashew nuts.

Explanations may be provided for individual groups to clarify information.

The OKPD-2 2020 classifier, broken down by type of activity, is the All-Russian classifier of products, goods and services.

What is it needed for?

The main purpose of developing and introducing such a document is to unify the list of goods and services. OKPD2 since 2020 with decoding and search by name is used for coding, classification and identification of goods for a variety of purposes:

  • when conducting statistical research;
  • during the development of laws on the regulation of certain types of activities;
  • when compiling some documents of strict reporting and primary documents.

Entrepreneurs use OKDP2 to search for lots in public procurement, in determining what tax incentives apply to the production and sale of certain goods.


The Directory replaced the previously used GPC and OKPD. The OKPD 2 classifier with search by name was introduced by the order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st. The new classifier supplemented and deciphered some of the provisions of the "old" one; from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2017, there was a transitional period when both versions were used. But from January 1, 2017 only applies new classifier, which is abbreviated as OKDP2.

What is

The directory allows you to directly search for the desired position by belonging to the system classification units. Goods and services are systematized from more common feature to narrower. OKPD 2 2020 with a decryption with a search by name has a system navigation that does not allow you to get confused in the classification, you can progressively determine the numerical values ​​​​of the next, narrower product group by the code. In fact, this is a “matryoshka” of nested codes, each subsequent, smaller code refines the previous one.


Classifier codes are a clear structure. OKPD2 codes for 2020 have a maximum length of 9 digits, a minimum length of 2 digits.

The codes are read as follows:

  • the first two digits indicate the product class, here the details of the properties are not yet made;
  • three - a subclass determined in accordance with the purpose of the product;
  • four - a group by the name of which the composition is judged;
  • five - a subgroup of goods, the name contains information about the scope of the product;
  • six digits - this is the type of product, the name discloses full information about consumer properties;
  • more than six - categories and subcategories.

It looks like this.

Under all-Russian classifier products are usually understood as a national standard that is directly related to unified system coding. The purpose of its practical use is to organize the processing of information about products within all spheres of the national economy. It is directly about standardization, statistics, economics, accounting. What is OKPD2, how this norm is regulated, and how to use it rationally - will be studied in the article.

What is the OKPD2 classifier and why is it needed?

The OKPD2 system is a classifier of products and services. The systematization of such a plan is necessary for the simple reason that in the process of placing an order for the provision public services specificity is required on the goods/works that must be received from the supplier. It is OKPD2 that copes well with this task. Its use contributes to obtaining an extensive selection of purchases due to the unequal indication of the subject of delivery by customers.

This classifier should not be in conflict with the CPA 2008 data (classification by type of economic activity). To ensure that these parameters match, the document separates individual parts of the code using special periods. The largest sections have a letter designation. An important role is played by the division into categories and detailing. In its absence, some characters are assigned a zero value. Separation is used in situations where a category includes several narrow subcategories.

How is its use regulated?

Since February 2014, within the framework of the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st, it has been introduced into continuous operation CPA 2008 classifier. It is European and contributes to the replacement of some obsolete Russian norms. The document was developed by the Ministry economic development RF.

The norm is based on the principle of harmonization with the statistical classification of product units by line of business in the EEC. Within the framework of the document OK 034-2014, a significant increase in the detail parameter is expected. After all, the number of sections in it is 21, while in the OK 034-2007 standard their number is 17. Special denoting letters in the sections do not take any part.

Guide updates from 2020

The directory is regularly subject to change in accordance with the norms of the current legislative acts. Therefore, within the framework of a classic virtual instrument, it will not be difficult now:

In 2020, the procedure for using the guide has become even more convenient and comfortable.

The structure of the directory and the rules of orientation in sections

Since 2018, this handbook has been used everywhere, as it has become a worthy replacement for the OPK and OKPD. As part of the new document, there was a decoding and addition of the previous provisions. Although both versions were used simultaneously from 2014 to 2017, from January 1, 2017, only new standard OKPD2.

The document contributes to the organization of a direct search for a particular position on the basis of its belonging to the system classification elements. At the same time, a detailed systematization of products from the general to the particular takes place.

Due to well-thought-out navigation, difficulties in terms of orientation in the instrument are excluded. By code designation, you can easily determine the numerical parameters of all product groups. In fact, the system is a "matryoshka" in which one code is nested in another, refining the generalization for each subspecies.

Structure and decoding of the OKPD2 code

In total, there are 99 codes in the document. An example list is as follows:

  • 1-3 - agricultural, fishing, forestry products;
  • 4-9 - minerals (this includes coal, ore, oil, mining);
  • 10-12 — food industry(these are everyday products (food), drinks and tobacco products);
  • 13-15 - clothing - textiles and leather products;
  • 16-18 - paper products and printing;
  • 19-25 - materials (this group includes oil products, metals, medicines, plastics, rubber);
  • 26-30 - machinery and equipment;
  • 31-32 - furniture and other finished products, respectively;
  • 33 - repair work;
  • 34-37 - water / gas and work related to them;
  • 38-39 - waste;
  • 40-43 - construction and installation activities;
  • 44-47 - trading activities;
  • 48-52 - comprehensive transport service;
  • 53 - mail and delivery;
  • 56 - public catering;
  • 58 - publishing;
  • 59-63 - television, radio, IT-sphere;
  • 64-66 - financial, insurance services;
  • 68 - transactions with real estate;
  • 69-70 - jurisprudence, accounting, office activities;
  • 71-74 - architecture, research, scientific work;
  • 75 - veterinary activities;
  • 77 - rent, leasing;
  • 78 - selection of staff;
  • 79 - travel agencies;
  • 80 - investigations;
  • 81 - maintenance of buildings and certain territories;
  • 84 - management of a state character;
  • 85-86 - education and healthcare;
  • 87-94 - public and social services and leisure activities;
  • 96-99 - other services.

The system itself has a completely logical and thoughtful construction. The document must strictly comply with the norms of the EU classifier. The maximum code value length parameter is 9 digits. The minimum value is 2 characters. Detailed breakdown is as follows

  • to specify a class - **;
  • subclass - **.*;
  • groups - **.**;
  • subgroups – **.**.*;
  • type – **.**.**;
  • categories – **.**.**.**0;
  • subcategories – **.**.**.***.

On practice the OKPD2 scheme under consideration is as follows (detailed description):

  • 01 Agricultural direction
  • 01.1 Annual crops
  • 01.11 Cereals, legumes, seeds
  • 01.11.1 Wheat
  • 01.11.11 Durum wheat.

Where can I find a guide?

You can find a convenient directory format on the official website, but an acceptable search form is usually present on some commercial portals (for example, ppt.ru). There are also instructions on how to use it, so this question will not cause much difficulty.

However, the official and current version of the document can only be found in the latest edition of the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st (with all changes and additions).

When placing an application on the website of the United information system public procurement, you can use the built-in code search system.

Rules for searching for the necessary codes

You can find the required symbols using several common methods:

  1. by name. Knowing the type of product / service to be found, you can get detailed information about the code by entering the name in the search line. As a result, the system will issue a full code designation with a type, category and group.
  2. By part of the code. By entering some part of the code value into the search bar, you can get the whole picture, that is, the entire code. The system will determine which product/service the entered element belongs to and will return the result upon request.
  3. By industry. You can also search depending on the industry (medicine, construction, education, science, entertainment, etc.). You need to enter the direction that interests you and get the desired result.

A well-thought-out navigation system in virtual mode will allow you to find the desired code as simply and quickly as possible.

Errors in the application of OKPD2 codes and the consequences of violations

Codes may not always be correct. Sometimes errors occur. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • systemic defects (occur rarely);
  • technical difficulites;
  • incorrect user input;
  • his lack of an idea of ​​​​what you need to get as a result (what type of code and how many values ​​\u200b\u200bare needed).

The use of the wrong code entails flaws in filling out the documentation and requires immediate correction.

Thus, OKPD2 is a system designed to detail product units, commodity items, certain works and services. The purpose of this tool is to provide the user with comprehensive assistance and simplify the procedure for filling out commercial documentation.

Terms of use online search the required code is shown below.


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