What is a brand and how to create it. How the logo is being developed. Errors that should be avoided when creating a brand

According to industry experts, the development of the name and visual aidki for a product or service is one of the most difficult and strategically important tasks of marketing. Therefore, in the article on how to create your brand from scratch, we will pay attention, first of all, this issue.

Neeming for brand

Understanding the psychology of the consumer is the key to success in any marketing start. Subject without having examined this question - it is impossible to figure out how to create your brand. One of the principles of perception of the branded symbol is: Buyers tend to replace, forget or "indulge" the name of the goods or service, if it is not distinguished by accuracy and capacity. Therefore, defined in how to create a brand company, focus on the fact that the name must be very accurate. The story knows a lot of cases when the folk expression was glued to the goods tightly and was used instead of the official name. It should be remembered by the promotion of the name, imagery and good memorability.

One more important characteristic The name of the goods or service is conciseness. How to make a brand recognizable if the consumer is unable to remember or pronounce the name?! In everyday life, buyers prefer the most brief symbols and reduce long ones at their discretion. So, Sberbank of Russia is magically transformed into "Sber", Windows - in Winda, and McDonalds - in Mac. Similar fate comprehends any excessively long name. Solving the question of how to create your own brand, make the tents of the classic: "brevity - sister of talent."

How to come up with a brand?

The name plays a key role in promoting the product. By making a decision on how to make a brand-selling, give preference to such names that will cause positive emotions and associations. A good name should carry a certain emotional-shaped promise. If you are not sure that it was fully dealt with how to develop a brand, try to beat one of the following advantages of goods or services: the difference from competitors, the benefit when buying, the effect of use, quality, composition, price. The more categories will be reflected in the title, the more effective it will be from the point of view of marketing.

We summarize. If you are reflecting on how to create a new brand, check for yourself the following moments. The name should not be cumbersome and difficult to articulate, should not be bored with long use. Ideal is such a name, which easily fits into any context, reflects the benefits of the product and causes pleasant associations.

Brand for your product, you need to know what other similar products are on the market and which one has the strongest brand. He will be your competitor. Your task is to position your product as the same, but having some advantage. For example, your fat hair shampoo not only rinsing the hair well, but also affects the skin of the head in such a way that the hair does not become fat for a long time, because the skin of the head is "to blame" in excessive fatty hair.

The brand always carries a certain positive message for a certain circle of persons. For someone who goes to Nissan Teana, this positive message may be the elegance and solidity of the car in combination with its reliability. For someone who drinks "Klinsky" - Fite, fun, freedom from obligations, the ability to "go into the gap".

The brand consists of trifles. Each item may be both key and failure. You can extol the durability of the car - a very important quality for it, but have a low level, because people who are ready to buy this particular car, more importantly, style, the ability to ride high speed etc.

Start promotion to the output of the product on, warm up the consumer's interest. Before you go and buy shampoo (take advantage of and further example with shampoo for fatty hair), the consumer must firmly know that, among others, there is a special shampoo that works well on the fatty skin of the head, which distinguishes it from all other similar shampoos .

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  • Site about small business. In 2019.

The clothes appeared in a very long time as a means of protection against cold, insect bites. According to the history of the costume, you can trace the evolution of mankind. Creating a suit is associated with human physiology, technical progress.

Clothing at the dawn of mankind

The first "costume" can be considered animal skins who wore a primitive man. With the development of civilization, clothing becomes a sign of social status, the production industry. Over time, the person passes from the classes of hunting and gathering to the producing farm - breeds cattle, plowing the earth, mastering the crafts. People learned how to process the fibers of plants and create a canvas. During this period, a weaving machine was invented, and stitched fabric needles from the bones of small animals and fish. To obtain threads of wool came up with spindle.

With climate change, there was a need to protect the body from the cold, which led to the appearance of fur. Animal skins were treated with scrapers made of stone, shells, subsequently made of metal, dubbed the sour milk products, oak and willow cortex and received soft skins and leather, from which shoes, tulup, fur coats. Fur to this day remains an important raw material for the manufacture of outerwear. An old way to process wool - felting. Especially common were things from felt from nomadic peoples.

Evolution costume

Each historical period made his own style in clothes, its own forms, material. The costume displays aesthetic views that existed in those or another times. Clothes Ancient Greece And Rome represented a piece of fabric, skillfully draped. The main raw material from which the fabric was made was flax.

Time went, drapery gradually crowded out the outdated dresses. They began to distinguish between the back and before, separately cut out and sewn sleeves. The outfits of medieval Europe, the form of body shapes as much as possible and were far from perfect. Gothic fashion brought the world a tightly fitting bodice of clothing and narrow sleeves. Fashion dance complemented narrow sharp shoes and a high cone-shaped cap.

In the era of the Renaissance, the costumes have a simple cut, without excess personnel, in the dress skirt separated from the bodice. In the XVII century, France becomes the law law. In the time of Louis XIV in fashion, the Baroque style is a magnificent, highly durable. Characteristic elements - high stand collar and abundance of lace.

In the XVIII century, a sewing machine appears, cumbersome and uncomfortable. In 1850, Isaac Zinger improved the design of the machine. This served as a sewing factories. In the XIX century, the massive tailoring begins.

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  • History of clothes.

Tip 3: When and for which the first clothes with a hood appeared

Hooded clothes are very popular among young people. It is not used for no first year. It is difficult to say when it was invented. Most likely, the hoods were invented in ancient times, as there is nothing easier than folded together two pieces of skins and bore them with each other.

What do sources say

The first appearance of clothes with hoods was marked by the Bronze Age. At the current territory of Denmark in the III century, our era lived ancient Scotti - ancestors. It was they who wore short wool rains, the hood on which was mounted under the throat due to a fastener or belt.

Later, the Catholic monks began to wear such raincoats, taking as the basis of this garment from ancient cattle. They changed only their length, completely faster under them legs. It was then that the word "hood" appeared. It comes from the monks consisting in the Order of Capuchins. These clergymen necessarily needed to hide their faces in hoods.

Other sources suggest that the hood was invented on the basis of the tissue cap, which was used as a handle for knights. At that time, this element of clothing covered the neck and ears of noble men.

The role of monks in the history of the hood

The right to wear this object of clothing for a long time belonged to only the clergy. The hood symbolized death, retreat and invisibility. Covering the head of the monks, he indicated spirituality and thought.

By the way, some ancient deities also depicted in hoods. These include the Celtic God of the Underground World, which was depicted in a pointed red hood.

In the XIII century, this piece of clothing has become popular in secular salons. At that time, the hood was widely sold. They wore him and women, and men. The weak half of humanity gave the hoods of some form. As a result, something like a chumbana was opened. Men were allowed to wear this detail of clothes, freely hanging to the belt.

In the notes of the Monk-Augustinian, you can find confirmation of the fact that the hood has become a fashionable piece of clothing. In his scriptures, a vain city stop was marked, which wore a male hood.

After some time, this item wardrobe will go to Spain. It was there that for the first time black lace hoods were introduced into fashion. Thus, the Spaniards hid their faces from Spanish's ardor's eyes.

After having ceased to be a means of protection against bad weather, the hood has become a luxurious toilet. It was decorated with feathers, ribbons or fur. He not only well emphasized the female beauty, but also added a beautiful mysterious floor.

New story

In the XX century, the movement of feminists. Hoods ceased to be the embodiment of grace and grace and were subject to persecution. Decking coquetry remained in the past - frankness and determination became combined. Women began to wear only men belonging to only men.

Feminists for a long time did not give the hoods to return to fashion. But it was understood that they could be not only silk and air, decided to return this element of clothing in the wardrobe women. But him appearance And I still have changed. Now the hoods were similar to the knightly prehempers, which gave the face of severeness.

It took a little more time before the hood began to be used as an independent detail of the clothes. It is sewn to jackets, jackets, coats, sweatshirts. The hood can not only be sewed, but also to tie. He makes clothes more practical.

Trademark "Brand" and Brand "Brand" are not identical concepts. Before talking about how the brand is created, you need to decide what exactly this word means.

The concept and structure of the brand

The basis of the brand is the information filed in symbolic form associated with some products or services and has a special value for target audience (Ka). The brand becomes unique thanks to the integrated development of such elements as:

  • name;
  • designer solution (from logo, colors and fonts - to corporate clothes);
  • corporate culture and behavior (norms and values \u200b\u200bcommon to all employees; company anthem and the so-called "musical logo"; uniforms);
  • corporate communication (PR and promotional activities);
  • tactile component (materials used for the production of the goods itself and its packaging);
  • specific flavors (perfumery or just smell of packaging).

Basic functions of the brand

Why do you need to create a brand? We allocated the following functions and tasks:

  • capture a certain niche in the market of goods and services;
  • installing a well-traceable associative connection between the manufacturer and its products;
  • ensuring the company's recognition;
  • guaranteeing the quality of goods and services;
  • formation of a reasonable pricing policy;
  • creating a base for increasing sales;
  • establishment of goods and search for permanent business partners.

Brand and Brand: What's the difference

Many entrepreneurs do not see the difference between these terms. But it is. Mark is an original verbal, pictorial or combined display of the company and produced by it. The concept of the brand is narrower. It implies not only the uniqueness of the presentation of information about a particular company and products, but also a high degree of recognition for customers.

Thus, it turns out that each brand is a brand. However, the brand is only the trading mark, which the target audience knows well.

Only in case of establishing the maximum strong, trusting relationships between clients and the company, the trademark has chances to get brand status.

Stages of creating brand

The brand development procedure includes a plurality of steps.

  1. 1. She begins with the study of competitors.
  2. 2. At the next stage, customer needs are determined. To do this, it is necessary to conduct PC surveys to learn the opinion of its representatives about similar companies: in particular, what is missing in the products of competitors, and that consumers like it in it.
  3. 3. Then the firm should take a certain position in the market (it should be a unique, which gives the opportunity to consolidate the company's positive image in the consciousness of the consumer).
  4. 4. After that, the time of work comes on the concept. At this stage, the original name, motto, legend, advertising texts, logo and other visual components are born.
  5. 5. The creation of the brand is completed by the development of an advertising campaign. Methods of promotion brand Selected based on financial opportunities firms.

Brand promotion

Currently, the owner of the trademark has a variety of tools to help increase its popularity and recognition. Here are the most common of them:

  • advertising banners and shields;
  • rollers broadcast on TV;
  • radio advertising;
  • branded products;
  • official site;
  • organization of business meetings and training events;
  • "Viral" promotions;
  • epatition of the public;
  • activity within social networks;
  • organization of the specialized community;
  • launch of socially significant projects;
  • hiring "fake ducks" that distribute information about the trademark (brand).

For brand awareness, the original name and expressive logo are of great importance. It is for these two elements that the consumer is focused when considering the possibility of acquiring a service or product.

They also serve to form a general understanding of the company in consciousness potential customer. That is why, creating a brand, you need from special attention Go to the question of choosing the name and logo.

Development of neminiga

Not any name contributes to the popularity and recognition of the brand. To make the promotion occurred as quickly as possible, the name must be:

  1. 1. Simple (in order to avoid incorrect associations).
  2. 2. Laconic (short combination of words is easier to remember).
  3. 3. True (otherwise, customers are disappointed in the product and will not support it).
  4. 4. Low-profile (will always be heard and will remember faster).
  5. 5. Positive (positive emotions arising from the mention of the brand is a guarantee of loyalty to it).
  6. 6. Frantic.
  7. 7. Unique (otherwise it can not be patented).
  8. 8. Graphic (since the clarity of writing contributes to better recognition).
  9. 9. Multivalued (causing interesting associations and, as a result, a allocating company (product) from a number of similar).
  10. 10. Corresponding (since to ensure the desired reputation it will be necessary to implement legal protection of the name).

How logo is being developed

The logo is a guarantee of the company's recognition. It allows the consumer to allocate its products among numerous analogues produced by competitors. The logo testifies to the high quality of the goods, its aesthetic advantages. It is another brand advertising tool.

But not any logo will be able to fulfill the mission entrusted to him, and only the one that was developed taking into account all the rules of marketing. In other words, the logo should be:

  • spectacular (memorable);
  • relevant (that is, meeting the ideas of the Central Asian and the right);
  • unique (to ensure maximum differences from competitors);
  • harmonious in colors (abundance of shades and details of the logo harms);
  • able to express the company's ideas, do not compromise it and create a positive image;
  • associative (to consumerly perceived the company's value displayed in the symbolic form).

Not every brand, even if an old and respected, turns into a brand. Improving status requires serious financial injections. To create a brand, the owner of the brand must have outstanding entrepreneurial abilities.

With each, not even a year, and the day the competition is becoming stronger and stronger. Giant companies appear, which bite a large piece of cake from customers under cream.

Small competitors appear, which also pinch off a dessert spoon of a piece of market.

In order not to lose in this race, there are more than 5000+ marketing methods.

But if you plan to go long and stable, then you are time to engage not only by chips, but also more long-term tasks. Namely, think about how to create a brand from your company.

If you think that under the word "brand" implies the process of creating a logo or slogan, then you are mistaken.

Everything is much global than it seems. Also, if you think that the brand is a pathos and a huge amount of money on, I hurry to disappoint you.

Often, this is sinning well-known companies that aggressively promote their brand in the masses.

In fact, under the word, the brand is hidden much more:, the value of the company, its recognition among consumers, etc.

All this is part of why the client decides to buy exactly you.

And, as already said, if you plan to do business "in the long", then without creating your own brand anywhere. Although at the beginning of his marketing path, I thought quite differently.

Do I need it?

Let's immediately. If you do not want to create your brand, then either the market will make you do it, either throw off from your orbit.

Naturally, you can get small money from sales and without a brand. Such also takes place to be.

But if you look at large players, then they will not find any one who works without it.

You already have a company, name and perhaps even a logo. If you work for a long time, then there is a corporate style, and maybe even.

Nishdka can be said that you have a brand created. Well, let's check out not on the eyes, but everything is in science.

Right now answer, please questions below, to appreciate which of us gets candy for the truth in your reflections:

  1. Does your company have a mission? What?
  2. Do you know your customers? Who are they? How do they relate to your company?
  3. What advantages are your products and a company?
  4. What impression should you have to stay from customers?

Stop! The question arises: "Why is the mission, values, customers, benefits, as well as the impression?" It is mentioned when evaluating the brand.

All questions are some philosophical, without specifics, this is true. Because the concept of "brand" in the world is often incorrectly interpreted.

For most entrepreneurs, it is just a logo and a slogan, which is advertised everywhere. But in fact it is much wider.

Brand - These are associations, ideas, fantasies: and even the emotions that arise in the head of the consumer when mentioning your company.

In fact, this pop-up abstraction in the head, which is just created at the expense of the logo, colors, slogans and other things.

What you need to develop a brand company we will discuss in the next chapter. Still, the article should be with clear instructions, and not by fragmentary knowledge.

But before that, I want to warn you. Create a company brand is just a small part of a great task, which is called branding.

Branding - This is a work on the creation and "promotion" of the brand to create a positive image and associations in consumer minds.

If you succeed in doing everything along the fanish, then the result will make the King of the Copper Mountain. The risk will be justified by the list of advantages that you get, having passed this volumetric work. Here is some of them:

  1. The right perception of your company;
  2. Increased recognition among competitors;
  3. Reducing drawdowns during the crisis;
  4. An increase in the number of loyal buyers;
  5. Increased loyalty of employees.

All this does not lead to the mythical benefits, but to quite measurable, which will affect the company's personal account.

Therefore, the creation process must be started now, although not, you needed to start yesterday. And the cause of all this is one.

Road - Long in Life

Bad news. Branding implies a rather long sequence of actions to develop a company.

No one knows what you need to create a strong brand for centuries. This work with blurred boundaries. The only thing we know is that it happens in 5 directions:

  • Brand positioning. It is here that the brand is born. What a place he will occupy and what the company will go. Remember famous Stew Jobs and his company Apple.

    If you are easier, then you can split the brand on: product, place, price and promotion. This is if quite rude.

    And what to do it?

    It is important to understand the specific algorithm for creating, the sequence of steps and actions that bring you to a strong brand.

    We looked at the directions that generally describe the situation. Now everyone consider under the microscope.

    And we define 11 steps (all books are reduced to them), each of which is responsible for one of the previously studied areas.

    Big idea

    What the brand is created and what image of the company will be to promote it.

    You can also call this key message that you will convey to your customers in all your communications.

    In our case, this "only an integrated approach (marketing, sales and staff) will lead the company to stable and predicted sales."

    Example 1: Geox shoe company broadcasts the idea of \u200b\u200bhealthy shoes. In addition to the fact that it is made of high-quality materials, it is made taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person.

    And in this struggle, the brand is properly created by a rather good help and weapons, which, even in the long run, but still provide the company's growth and loyalty to consumers.

What is branding and what are his functions? How is the development and promotion of a successful brand online? How to create a company logo with modern technologies?

Hello, friends. In touch, Alexander Berezhov, an entrepreneur, a marketer and a permanent author of the site "Khitirbobur.ru".

In this article we will talk about creating a brand online. Every day all more companies Give advertising on the Internet, improve their sites, and some projects at all exist only in the worldwide network and earn on selling advertising or providing services. The development of the brandbook is an important step in positioning and further promoting your company, both on the shelves of the supermarket and in the struggle for online sales.

In a separate section of the article, I will also tell you how we created your own brand on the Internet - our website is hetic bober.ru, where they started and what "chips" and techniques we use today for effective promotion and "self-confident".

1. What is brand and branding - their impact on the development of the online business and business business

The modern consumer market is inextricably linked with advertising and marketing technologies. A successful brand says for himself - he sells goods even before the buyers saw him.

Today it is difficult to find a civilized person who would not call with a dozen successful world brands and famous trademarks of their country.

Everyone familiar such "offline brands" as BMW, McDomalds, Lukoil, Mars, Gazprom, Beeline, Sony, Coca-Cola, Nike, Armani and others.

However, in recent decades appeared and the largest online brands:

I am sure that you used at least half of them in your life.

Moreover, active buyers (users) can always be said than one brand is better than the other and what kind of unique qualities has products from a particular manufacturer.

IN large companies The branding is paid to maximum attention: whole departments are engaged in the creation, promotion and positioning of brands and logos of the firm.

If you want to succeed in your business, then without developing a strong and memorable brand can not do. Successful brand is the very first and most effective method Increase sales and an integral part of the brand.

The brand includes:

  • logo;
  • corporate design (style);
  • representation of the consumer about the product;
  • emotional characteristic of goods or service;
  • tagline.

The brand is not just a sonorous name, but also the advantages (benefits) that the consumer receives when it acquires the product of a certain brand. This is a kind of quality guarantee and the buyer's confidence in the fact that he is not deceived.

Creating successful businessIt is necessary to strive for the quality of the product to suit the expectations of the target audience or exceeded them. People should get exactly what they pay and what they count.

Brand is always something more than a logo or an attractive symbol. This is a product or whole company With a positive credit of trust and high level support for the consumer audience.

The attitude of the buyer's target group affects the product image and even its properties, but the goods itself is always primary. If you do not have a quality product, even the most brilliant branding will not help to resist the consumer market.

2. Stages of Implementing Effective Online Branding

Any modern business Presented on the Internet. Moreover, some of the commercial projects works exclusively inside the worldwide network.

For this reason, creating brands online is a particularly relevant issue for current market conditions.

If you intend to sell your product online, you need a recognizable brand. And each brand or newly created business needs its own website through which its goods or services will be sold. To do this, I advise you to use the online designer of Wix sites and website creation to implement on it.

In my opinion, this is the most convenient and promising design of sites with millions of users throughout the world.

The newest digital I. information TechnologySubmitted by WIX developers will help to make their own online project without effort, even users who have no idea about programming or working with graphic editors.

Now go directly to creating brands. Like any responsible task, this process is performed in stages.

Stage 1. Defining goals and planning

The main value of any business is determined by its benefit for others and as a result - the commercial efficiency of the project.

If your product is useful to the consumer, his image will be positive, which will inevitably affect the promotion of the brand itself. And then a positive brand will affect the consciousness and perception of the buyer.

On the initial stage It is necessary to put branding goals, develop the concept of the company and create strategic Plan. It is also necessary to identify the target audience and understand what communication channels with consumers will be.

At this stage are also determined:

  • mission brand;
  • the life cycle of the brand (for what time the active period of the product or service is calculated);
  • brand place in the structure of the company;
  • budget.

Perfect branding does not necessarily mean costly. The main thing is to high-quality audience research and creative approach.

Stage 2. Market Study and Competitive Analysis

Analysis of market I. competitive environment - the most important stage of effective branding. The study means a competent analysis of the overall market situation regarding the products of your segment. This also includes the definition of price parameters and the study of the market.

It is also necessary to understand how long the brand will be able to maintain its presence on the market, is characterized by the dependence on the season, what are the regional features of the consumer audience.

An important point is the analysis of competitors. A big mistake to think that you will be accepted in the market with open arms. Error error - refer to competitors condescendingly and underestimate them.

Detection of strong I. weak Parties Competizing companies are a whole art. Experts say that no one will hold a full-fledged competitive analysis better than the owner of the business.

Stage 3. Development of the name and corporate identity

About choosing a memorable and strong name for companies or commercial products written whole volumes. As part of this article, we will specify the main signs of an effective name.

Here they are:

  • laconicity (the shorter the name is the easier to remember it);
  • phonetic harmony;
  • meaningfulness (even in the incomprehensible name should be hidden meaning);
  • uniqueness.

Ideal if the name is directly related to your company's activities. A unique brand is worth registering in a patent organization (in the Russian Federation it is Rospatent). Legal protection - the basis successful development Brand in the future.

Please note that the brand is registered in the form of a trademark ™, it can only belong to a legal entity.

Refidentally and successful name - only half of the case. Now you need to create a unique design and visual style of the brand - this task can be entrusted with an experienced designer or use modern technologies - the WIX constructor already mentioned.

Using the WIX site constructor, we are easily "sketched" the site of a possible consulting agency Khitirbobur.Ru

Here is what his hat looks like (screenshot):

To be honest, it is a powerful tool for those who do not own various technologies at all, such as HTML, CSS and wants to create a professional site for an hour and a half.

When you get to the designer's website, then you are invited to choose the type of site that you plan to create:

It's nice that the developers have so carefully approached the needs of the user.

What I liked it personally when working with this designer is the flexibility of each element.

For example, if it is a picture, then dozens of her species and color schemes will help create a certain mood of the site depending on the type of activity you do.

The same can be said about fonts when using Wix - everything is here as in the famous Word editor - the size, color, text, alignment and other familiar parameters are adjusted.

Now a very popular type of site has become one-page or Landing Page. There are no problems - on this constructor you can create professional lingards with effects and unique "juicy" pictures.

As soon as the site itself is ready, you can press one button to publish it on the Internet in the form of a full-fledged site.

You will just run traffic on the created page and receive customers.

Therefore, friends, when creating a brand online, if you do not want to "bother" with complex technologies, software codes and designs, sincerely recommend you WIX as a professional tool.

We can say that Vix is \u200b\u200byour free webmaster that implements any of your wishes, turning the creation of a site in a simple and exciting occupation.

Stage 4. Brand positioning on the Internet and its Promotion

Positioning - the choice of a unique position for the brand in the consciousness of the consumer. Ideally, the product, service or company should take a free niche in the buyer's perception and associate with unique benefits.

A professional approach instructs the development of the "brandbook" - the leadership in which it is clearly spelled out exactly how the brand is used, what is his mission and the main idea.

Media plan is developed for promotion and prepared advertising campaign. The competent advertising depends, whether the new message will reach the target audience or get stuck somewhere halfway to it.

Stage 5. Evaluation of efficiency

Efficiency check is a set of activities that make it possible to evaluate the acting brand after its "launch in the mass".

Monitoring is carried out either in the form of an individual survey of the audience, or through a professional audit of the company's activities.

Speaking simple wordsThe brand can be recognized effective if, after it is created and promoting the profit of the company or the organization increased markedly.

But here it is worth understanding how thanks to a successful brand (logo) has grown sales.

In the table below, I visually presented stages and steps to develop an attractive brand including online:

3. Five properties of a strong brand on the Internet

Branding, spent on all the rules, will definitely give a positive result: your product (site) will be recognizable, in the consciousness of the consumer, a positive image of the sentence is formed.

What properties has a strong brand? The same properties relate to branding as a whole, it does not matter about online projects or off-line business.

We list them in the order of importance.

Property 1. Honesty

A company that is honest with the consumer has more chances to form a positive image of a brand. This brand never deceives the audience and does not flirt with it.

If the firm shows through its logo (slogan) lowered or overestimated expectations, this is directly reflected at the sales level. Consequently, you need to strive for the maximum compliance of the supply and expectations of consumers.

Property 2. Review

Reviewality is simplicity and accessibility. Quality data helps the brand to be implemented in all other directions.

To make a brand recognizable, you need to focus on the psychology of consumers and rely on, first of all, on the benefits that the product gives the client.

An example of a competent application of this property is an advertisement for the well-known shampoo that is picked up in the consciousness of the buyer as a means of dandruff №1.

Property 3. Uniqueness

The brand that does not look like other brands is experiencing a minimum of negative impact on the part of competitors.

It is necessary to ensure that your product is unique and unique in the consumer market both in the functional plan and in terms of the emotions that he causes.

Property 4. Integrity

Integrity is a brand awareness at all levels of communication with the audience. This is the result of the carefully done work of designers and marketers.

Integrity means that 100% invested in the product work on its positive image. If the brand is undermined at some point, its promotion will remind a "deaf phone" - you say, but the audience does not hear you.

Property 5. Maximum audience coverage

Obviously, the brand that everyone has a hearing and in sight brings maximum profits. Try to promote your brand in all ways that are available to you.

There are dozens of product promotion on the Internet and every year new effective techniques appear every year. Use them before others, and your messaging will come to every potential consumer.

4. Case "Khitirbobur.ru" - how we created a popular online brand from scratch

Friends, a small practical history for marketers and just interested people about how we created our popular online brand.

About 4 years ago, with my friend and business partner, Vitaly, we created a personal blog - "Cher Bobur".


Choosing a name, we discharged on a sheet of paper 74 options. Each of them should have been answered by several fundamental criteria.

Here they are - settings for the selection of the name of the brand of our site:

  1. Memory.The name must "crash" in memory and for a long time to be in it.
  2. Rhymedness.Based on the first criterion on its own experience, I will say that the rhymed brands and names are better remembered.
  3. Intrigue.Man hearing the intriguing site name already wants to go on it. After all, it is interesting that there was a "tricky beaver" for him;)
  4. Simplicity.The name must be simple. We immediately overtakes the options like "InfoBizconomt.ru" "businessmasterguer.ru" and the like.
  5. Free and relevant domain name.I also wanted to write a Latin domain to 100% identical to the Russian name of the brand ..


Based on the name, we position our website as a project for beginner entrepreneurs and people with active vital position. The brand itself of our site on the Internet is associated with a cunning and clever animal, which will teach something new and non-standard.

Besides, financially wealthy and enterprising people often call bobors , this moment we also took into account when creating a brand.

In general, to fully form the correct positioning of the brand or suggestions, you must answer a few questions.

Let's answer these 7 questions from the point of view of the positioning of the brand of the site "Khitirbobur.ru"

  1. Who! Khutirbobur.ru.
  2. What? A unique site providing expert materials from small business practitioners.
  3. For whom? For beginner entrepreneurs, existing businessmen and people with an active life position.
  4. What is the need? Actual information According to ways of doing business and earn money on the Internet and real life.
  5. Against who? Unlike competitors and similar sites, we write for ordinary people, without discrepancy schemes and complex terms.
  6. What is the difference? All expert advice, instructions and suggestions are proven in practice personally by the authors of articles.
  7. In this way? You get ready-made step-by-step practical technologies For opening a business and make money on the personal support of the authors of the project.


As you can see, we have several "branding points" and elements of use corporate style Online. Thanks to these techniques, we are often quoted, add the site to bookmarks, advertise placed on it.

What elements (components) are used on the site as "branded":

  • corporate colors (yellow, dark blue);
  • logo (located in the header and footberry (basement) of the site;
  • branding pictures on the site;
  • mention in the welcome site name "Khitirbobur.ru"

A few words about the site logo. As you can see a beaver, we have a kind one, one hand is in his open position, as if calling "to swim" (stay) on the site and study the project materials.


  1. Search promotion. It is carried out at the expense of specially developed technology for writing and optimizing the materials of the site. You can read about it in our separate article about drawing up.
  2. "Sarafanny Radio" and direct signs from bookmarks. It uses the promotion to the account of the elements of "viral marketing", the basis for which is intrigue and humor, laid out in the site name.

Let's summarize the section.

That is how we created, and after a few weeks the efforts developed our "beaver". Now we have not only online branding, but also another attribute.

Attributes of the brand "Khitirbobur.ru":

When we ask than you do and we answer that we have our popular site with such a name, people immediately appear smile.

Most importantly - the name is remembered and the site want to visit at least from curiosity.

And in the next section, I touched the rules for developing a logo, since in the past several years worked as a designer and created no logo for different customers.

Developing the name of a unique brand, you showed the world who you are and what you want. Now you need to add to the product (company name) a unique sign or writing to stand out among others.

Effective logo always has some internal promise if you want - contains short story Success. The symbol must have an emotional component and a unique style.

As a rule, graphic vector graphics editors are most often used to develop logos: Adobe Issustrator and Corel Draw - market leaders.

More often for this purpose, photoshop is used, but since this program is mainly designed to work with raster graphics, to solve such a task, professionals for drawing logos are almost not used.

Now online programs and various services are used to develop logos.

If you do not solve professional designer tools, then in this case you can take advantage of simpler solutions.

For example, a popular platform for creating Wix sites has a logo creation feature. Using the capabilities of this designer, you will easily figure out for a virtual environment and can do it yourself.

As you can see modern technologies Allow to become a creator and an artist to everyone who wants it. It is easy, accessible and very effective.

Several Designer Soviets for Creating Logos:

  • a good logo should look equally expressively on the package, and on the log page, and on the computer screen;
  • a qualitative symbol transmits the client atmosphere of the product and emphasizes its advantages;
  • the spectacular logo always works on the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe company;
  • special attention is paid to color - it must comply with the spirit of your company and influence the emotions of the consumer;
  • from time to time, the logo needs to be refined in accordance with current trends in marketing;
  • do not stop at design: the main thing is not the picture itself, but its inner promise.

The perfect logo works on the brand for years and always corresponds to the target audience. A successfully created symbol of a product or company in which material and creative resources are embedded will help save on advertising and other costs in the future.

6. Conclusion

Let's sum up, friends. Branding is an extensive and very promising area of \u200b\u200befforts to effectively position your company both online and on the Internet.

The formation of a positive image of the brand is a long-term and painstaking deal. However, successful branding always pays for itself, and repeatedly.

The value of the brand is a very important element that is able to provide the company a long-term profit growth and a stable position in the market (in its industry). Branding is becoming a real weapon in a competitive struggle.

I wish you success in creating the development of your brands and ask you to evaluate the article.


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