Abstract for drawing bullfinches on a branch. Synopsis of directly educational activities in drawing in the middle group “Bullfinches. Abstract of a drawing lesson "Bullfinches on the branches"

Abstract of NODv middle group

Topic: "Bullfinch on a branch of mountain ash"

Integration educational areas : « Artistic creation"," Cognition ".


Educational: Exercise children to depict a bullfinch using the poke method, draw berries with fingerprints, and evoke an emotional and aesthetic response.

Developing: To develop a sense of composition and color in the process of using various techniques, to create an expressive image of a bullfinch on a rowan branch, to develop cultural and hygienic skills.

Educational: To educate children in an interest in visual activities, love of nature, teach to draw rowan berries using finger painting (drawing with one finger).

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations depicting bullfinches, reading poems, stories ,; didactic and word games.

Materials and equipment, gouache of red and green colors, wet wipe for each child, cotton swabs, album sheets, prepared in advance, silhouettes of bullfinches, audio recording (Tchaikovsky. Seasons.)

Guys, who do you think sings so beautifully?

That's right, these are our birds winter forest.

And today we received a letter from the magic forest, and here is what we will see here.

Show of the teacher of images of birds. (Tit, crossbill, thrush)

Who of you know if these are wintering or migratory birds?

Rightly, these are wintering birds, they winter in our forests.

And I still have one more bird in the envelope, and which one you will find out after you guess my riddle.

Black and red red-breasted

And in winter will find shelter

He is not afraid of a cold

With the first snow right there (bullfinch)

That's right, bullfinch.

Nature becomes even more elegant in winter, when Handsome Bullfinches who have flown in to visit appear on the trees and bushes covered with snow. They are called so because it appears in our area with the first snow. The bullfinch is a plump, bosom-breasted bird with a blue-green back and a black head. The bullfinch flies easily and beautifully. The stronger the frost, the calmer the bird sits, occasionally moving around to pick a berry. The bullfinch feeds on plant buds, tree seeds, rowan berries.

Now let's get some rest guys

Physical education

We got up in the morning somehow in a row

Ten small bullfinches

The feathers were cleaned

The head was turned

The berry was pecked

We flew together

Waving their wings

They sat on a tree

We rested together.

Guys, please tell me what the bullfinch likes to eat?

Children's answers.

That's right, well done.

Let's try today with you to draw handsome bullfinches and draw rowan berries, so that our bullfinches do not freeze from hunger.

You have album sheets on top of your rooftops, and a bullfinch is drawn on them. But today we will not paint over it with a brush, but with cotton swabs, using the poke method. First we will paint over the back of the bullfinch. And what color is the back of the bullfinch? (Children's answers)

What color is the bullfinch's breast? (children's answers)

We need a brush to draw a rowan branch. What color will we draw the rowan branch? (children's answers)

And in order to draw rowan berries, our fingers will be needed.

Before we start drawing, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Let's put a bird on the palm

The bird pecks the grains

Sings songs to children

Shadow, shadow, sweat

I fly all day !!!

Well done, guys, you painted the bullfinches very beautifully. Now our feathered friends won't go hungry.

Today, guys, I cooked a pesha and a feeder. What do you think for what?

That's right, guys, in order to feed the birds that will fly to our site in the de's garden.

Ruchkina Tatiana Viktorovna

Svetlana Telnova

Abstract lessons« Bullfinches»

purpose: improving and deepening visual skills, unleashing creativity and personal qualities pupils through non-traditional visual art techniques.

Tasks: teach techniques and techniques, methods of image using various materials (cardboard, potatoes)... Develop the creativity and imagination of children. Strengthen technical skills in drawing to form the ability to build the composition of the picture. To foster in children an interest in visual activity, independence and creative activity.

Methodical techniques: problem situation, game technique, TCO, artistic word, questions, examination, rewards, individual work, analysis.

Material and equipment: easel, illustrations of birds, album sheet, gouache, cardboard, potatoes, brush, stand, water.

Preliminary work: talking about wintering birds, looking at birds on walks, looking at illustrations about birds, making riddles, drawing birds.

1. Organizing time :

Children stand in a circle.

2. Introductory conversation:

Educator: The dove delivered a letter to us. Let's honor him.

Reading the letter - “Dear children! Help! We have been bewitched by an evil wizard. Fly to the Kingdom of Birds! Birds."


What are we going to do?

Children: let's help, you need to fly to the Kingdom of Birds!


Where can you go to the Kingdom of Birds?

Children: You can go to the Kingdom of Birds by car, by train, on a carpet-plane….

Educator: Well done! And what kind of transport will we get there faster?

Children: On a flying carpet.

The teacher invites the children to sit down. Children sit on the carpet in comfortable positions.

Educator: Close your eyes and imagine we are flying on a flying carpet

Educator: Open your eyes. Where did we end up? (Music accompaniment singing birds. The light turns on.) Children go to the easel.

Children: In the Kingdom of Birds.

Educator: How did you guess?

Look at the cages (on the easel, the illustrations of birds are covered with sheets on which drawn cells, and there are birds.

To defeat the evil wizard and save the birds, you need to guess riddles:

Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray in body.

Wanders through dirty swamps,

Catches frogs in them.

Children: long-legged crane.

Educator: Why did you decide that it was a crane? What kind of bird is a crane?

Children: the crane is a migratory bird. ( "Opens" cage and bird flies away)


All migratory birds are blacker

Cleans arable land from worms.

Children: rook.

Educator: Rook what bird?

Children: rook is a migratory bird. ( "Opens" cage and bird flies away)


On the pole is a palace

There is a singer in the yard

And his name is (starling)

Children: starling

Educator: Starling what bird?

Children: the starling is a migratory bird. ( "Opens" cage and bird flies away)


They love wires very much,

And they always sit on them.

And chirp under the window

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon.

Children: swallow.

Educator: Swallow what bird?

Children: the swallow is a migratory bird. ( "Opens" cage and bird flies away)


In winter, apples on the branches!

Hurry to collect them!

And suddenly the apples flew up ...

Yes it …. (bullfinches)

Children: bullfinches. ("Opens" cell)

Educator: Bullfinch what a bird?

Children: bullfinch wintering bird.

Educator: Well done boys. You completed the mission and freed the birds!

Migratory birds flew away to warm lands, and remained bullfinch one, and completely sad.

What do they say about a person who is sad? (hung up nose)

That's the bullfinch hung its beak.

3. Main part:

Educator: Why is he sad?

Children: at bullfinch no friends.

Educator: What can we do to raise bullfinch mood?

Children: to find bullfinch friends, feed him ...

Educator: A good idea - find our bullfinch friends... But as?

Children: draw.

Physical education.

Children go to tables.

Consideration bullfinch, survey.

Educator: Name the body parts of the bird.

Children: at bullfinch has a beak, head, wings, tail, legs, neck, chest.

Educator: what is the shape of the bird's head?

Children: round head.

Educator: what is the shape of the body bullfinch?

Children: the body is oval.

Educator: which parts of the body bullfinch black?

Children: at bullfinch black wings, head, legs.

Educator: what kind of breast bullfinch?

Children: red breast at bullfinch.

Educator: how will we draw a twig?

Children: using cardboard. (attach and remove)

Educator: and the torso bullfinch?

Children: with a potato stamp. (a semicircle of potatoes, impaled on a toothpick)

Educator: and paws? Tail? Wings?

Children: paint with a brush.

Independent work of children.

Individual work is carried out.


Guys, tell us what unusual tricks drawing you used(children talk, share their impressions).

Well done! You have got amazing work! How festive lanterns glow on the branches bullfinches.

And we can now return to kindergarten from the Kingdom of Birds?

What do you think the bullfinch is still sad? And why?

Correctly, we freed the birds from the spell of the evil wizard and friends found a bullfinch!

Children sit on a flying carpet and return to kindergarten. (Airplane engine noise sounds. Light turns off.)

Abstract directly educational activities

on drawing in the middle group "Bullfinches".


To form the ability to reflect a bullfinch in a drawing. Clarify understanding of appearance bullfinch (structural features, color). Arouse interest in drawing birds on a branch. Cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, interest in drawing.

Materials and equipment: A4 paper, gouache, paint brush.

Preliminary work:

observation of birds arriving at the site, viewing images of birds in illustrations, photographs. Reading and learning poems about birds, acquaintance with the silhouettes of various birds; a conversation with children about wintering birds, about how a person helps birds in winter.

Music sounds: birds singing in the forest.

Educator: What do you hear?

Children: the sounds of birds singing.

Educator: Indeed, birdsong.

Educator: Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.
Children: Bullfinch


What a miracle: on a winter day
All the lilacs came to life.
Red-breasted lumps
They rustled like leaves.
Like bouquets of red roses
The wind threw on the lilacs.
Flocks of friendly bullfinches
Crumbs eat on it.
Vova with little Tanyushka
Feeders were made for the birds.
Educator: Winter is famous for its white tones. In the white kingdom, the bullfinch, a songbird of the genus of bullfinches, stands out for its bright color. The bullfinch looks smart - he is always in red. The bird especially likes forest areas, because it is in the forest that it breeds chicks. A bullfinch is about the same size as a sparrow. The physique is dense. Nature has endowed the bullfinch with a thick, wide beak.

In the fall, bullfinches huddle in small flocks and settle closer to people's homes. Rowan and other berries left over from the generous autumn are the main food of bullfinches in winter. In winter, they wander through parks, gardens, groves and squares in the hope of getting food for themselves.

Bullfinches build nests on small Christmas trees. They are very nice and caring parents. They feed on berries and seeds.

The peculiarity of bullfinches also lies in the fact that they sing. Their trill is melodic, light and clear. If you find yourself in the forest early in the morning, a pleasant song of bullfinches can reach your ear. Not only males sing, but also females. But in other birds, only males have this wonderful feature.

Educator: Look, what kind of bullfinches? What do they look like? What colour?

Children: Bullfinches are beautiful, like apples, red.

Educator: Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak?

Children: to get seeds from the buds.

Educator: What else can a bullfinch eat?

Children: dried rowan berries, larvae.

Educator: Why do they come to the city?

Children: Looking for food.

Educator: How can we help them?

Children: Hang up the feeders

Educator: That's right, we feed them by hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

Educator: We will start drawing the bullfinch in stages. Where do you think we will start drawing?

Children: From the torso, head, tail.

Educator: Correctly, what is the geometric shape and color of the bullfinch's body? Head? Tail?

Children: The torso looks like an oval, red in color, and the head is round and black. The tail is slightly widened at the end, similar to a triangle.

Educator: Think about how to arrange the birds so that the bullfinch fits on a piece of paper. But before drawing, we will have a little rest.

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Look at the branches, (Hands slap themselves on the sides)
Bullfinches in red T-shirts (showing breasts)
Dismissed the feathers, (Hands slightly to the sides,)
They bask in the sun (wiggle their fingers)
Turn the head, turn it, (Turn the head to the right, to the left)
They want to fly away. (Run in circles, waving their arms)
Shoo! Shoo! Flew away!

Calm music "singing bullfinch in the forest"

Educator: Now let's get to work. We try to work carefully so that the paints do not mix with each other. Do not forget to rinse the brush. In case of difficulty, I advise some children along the way.

Educator: So our drawing is over. What beautiful bullfinches you got. Everyone is so different and beautiful. What is the name of the bird we drew? Who does she look like? What does a bird have? Etc. At the end of the lesson, arrange the exhibition "Bullfinches Have Arrived".

Abstract of direct educational activities in drawing in senior group: "Red-breasted bullfinches".

« Red-breasted bullfinches »

purpose: To teach children draw bullfinches.


To deepen knowledge about the world around, about wintering birds.

Clarify children's perception of appearance bullfinch, its structural features, coloration.

Improve the ability of children to convey in drawing bullfinch image, his character traits.

To improve visual skills and abilities.

Develop compositional skills.

To foster a caring attitude towards birds, benevolence, love of nature.

Preliminary work:

1. Birdwatching on a walk.

2. Consideration of illustrations of wintering birds.

3. Conversation about wintering birds, about the help they need in feeding.

4. Collective application "Birds at the trough".

5. Riddles, didactic games.

Vocabulary work: wintering and migratory birds, bullfinch, red-breasted, plumage, coloration, feeder, flock.

Materials: illustrations with wintering birds, separately bullfinch on a branch in different projections, gouache, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, blue A4 tinted paper. Video: « Bullfinches » ... Audio recording of birds singing, work by P.I.Tchaikovsky "Seasons. January".

Integration educational areas according to FSES: artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, speech, physical.

The course of educational activities directly.

Organizing time.

Children stand in a circle. Everything is prepared on the tables in advance for drawing... The teacher shows illustration: "Wintering birds".


Guys, what time of year is it?

And who flies to our trough in winter?

What are these birds called?

Why are they called that?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, these birds do not fly away to warm regions, but remain next to us.

What kind of wintering birds do you know?

Look at the pictures and name the birds that are here depicted(crow, sparrow, magpie, dove, woodpecker, owl.)

The teacher shows the following illustrations, in which bullfinches depicted.

The black, red-breasted,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of a cold.

With the first snow is right there. (Bullfinch .)

Children's answers.

Educator: Correctly. it bullfinch... Let's take a closer look at it. Bullfinches - very beautiful birds , they live in a flock. Bullfinch slightly larger than a sparrow, dense build. She has a black and gray back, a black cap, bright red breast.

What bullfinch beak? That's right, strong, thick.

For what bullfinches need such a beak? Right to get the seeds out of the buds.

And what else can you eat bullfinch? That's right, rowan berries, hawthorn berries.

Have you ever seen such beautiful bullfinches... Let's see together ...

Oh, how angry the frost is!

There is snow, snow all around ...

Bullfinch sitting on a twig,

The bullfinch is on fire and on fire,

Like a little checkbox.

And the garden, and the grove, and the wasteland ...

Everything is in a quiet winter sleep.

What are you thinking about, bullfinch?

Sometimes these birds fly closer to humans in the city, as they do not have enough food. They really need our help. And we are very grateful to those who make feeders and pour grains, seeds, seeds, bread crumbs.

Educator. Who do you think we will be today draw... That's right today we will be with you draw bullfinch.

Educator: Our bullfinch will sit on a rowan branch. For this we need to take a brown paint, brush. And neat draw a twigon which our bullfinch(teacher show)... And so that our bird is not hungry, we will draw rowan berries, and bullfinch will be able to feast on them.

What kind beautiful you got the twigs! And soon they will fly bullfinches... But first, let's play with you.

Finger game : Bullfinches

One two Three! One two Three!

Have arrived bullfinches ("Thumbs" interlocked, waving fingers).

The breasts are shown (one palm clasps the other).

The berries were nibbled (tapping with one finger on the palm).

They jumped on branches (tapping fingers on the palm).

Over the torso of black paint the head like thisso that it slightly overlaps the body, since the neck bullfinch is very short(teacher show).

Now you have to choose how you will draw your birds. Bullfinch it can look at you, it can sit sideways, and it can even fluff its wings.

For this, the teacher shows all three possible options.

Educator: We draw a medium-sized tail with two wide lines and wings. They are raised up if the bird fluttered, and pressed to the back if sitting. If it sits sideways, we draw only one wing.

Independent work is carried out. The work of P.I.Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons. January".

Educator: Well done. Now for the small details.

Beak first. It is short and thick, black in color. We draw the beak with short strokes, and if it is open, then with two strokes.

Eyes slightly higher, light paint, the tip of the brush.

Well done, now let's finish our paintings snowfall... For this we will play, we need a brush and a white paint. We carry out:

Let's take a brush here so: (hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part).

It's difficult? No, nothing.

Proudly like a queen

The brush went jabbing

Knocked "Heel".

Educator: We depict snowfall, Little snow put on top of the rowan branch, and on the berries themselves.

Well done! Wonderful you got bullfinches! We will make an exhibition of your work so that parents can look at your work.

GCD for drawing in the senior group

on the topic: "Red-breasted bullfinches"

Software content:

- Deepen knowledge about the world around; continue to improve the ability of children to convey in the drawing the image of birds - bullfinches; teach to convey characteristic details, the ratio of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.

To improve visual skills and abilities, to form artistic and creative abilities.

Encourage creativity.

To cultivate observation, caring attitude to birds, benevolence, mercy.

Equipment and materials: illustrations depicting a bullfinch, a sparrow, a crow, etc., a simple pencil, watercolors, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, tinted blue paper, a drawing made by a teacher.

Preliminary work:birdwatching on a walk, viewing illustrations, clarifying the structure of birds, reading stories by V. Sukhomlinsky "Red-breasted bullfinches", "Bullfinch - carver"; collective modeling "Birds at the trough"; didactic game: "Learn by description"

Vocabulary work: To seek full detailed answers from the pupils, an introduction to the active vocabulary of red-breasted children, a flock.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time"Give a smile"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And we will smile at each other.

Left - turn right

And we will smile at each other.

Educator hangs out a poster "Wintering Birds" andasking questions:

Guys, what time of year is it? (winter)

Who flies to our trough in winter? (birds)

What are these birds called in one word? (wintering)

Why are they called that? (because they do not fly away to warm lands, but remain next to us?)

What kind of wintering birds do you know? Look at the pictures and name the birds that are depicted here (crow, sparrow, magpie, dove)

Now, guys, paint a flock of birds - flapping your wings, fly to your places.

Educator: There are such birds that come to us only for the winter. And to find out this bird, guess the riddle:

Black, red-breasted,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of a cold.

With the first snow right there... (Bullfinch.)

Educator ... Correctly today we will draw a bullfinch.

The teacher shows an illustration depicting this birdand conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich children's ideas about the appearance of bullfinches (body parts, body shape, feather color).

Explains the way of doing the work, talking with the children about the characteristics of a bullfinch.


I take a simple pencil and sketch. Next, I begin to draw the bird with paint, with wide lines. First, I paint an oval body with red paint. On the one hand, where the breast is wider, and where the tail will be, it is narrower (looks like an egg).

Above the chest, I draw an oval head with black paint so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the bullfinch's neck is short.

Now I will draw the tail of medium size with two wide lines and the wings. They are raised up if the bird fluttered, and pressed against the back if sitting.

And what is the beak of the bullfinch? That's right, he's short and thick. Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak? (to get seeds out of the cones). Eyes - above the beak, legs are short, located closer to the tail. I will draw the beak with short strokes, if it is open - with two strokes. The bullfinch has already been drawn.

The teacher, with the help of questions, fixes the sequence of the method of depicting the bullfinch.

Before independent work,

Finger gymnastics

On the trees in the yard

Bullfinches have come!

(Children show with movements how the bird flies.)

Like a little apples

I would have taken them in my palms!

(Hands with bent fingers.)

And the apples sat ...

(Movements that simulate picking apples.)

(Children show with movements how birds fly.)

And now you can start to work.

Children draw on their own.

The teacher observes the sequence of work, with the help of questions clarifies the name of the form, proportional relationship.

Praises those who added additional elements to their work, for example, drew a bullfinch in a different pose, changed the position of the head.

Summary of GCD

At the end of a productive activity, the pupils lay out their drawings to dry. The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem

Z. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in the summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

Bullfinches on the branches.


What bird did we draw today? (Bullfinch).

What is the bullfinch doing in the picture? (The bullfinch sits on a branch, flies, pecks seeds).

Well done! Now a whole flock of bullfinches has appeared in our group. How beautiful and completely different they are!

Pupils consider who, how he painted the birds: spread wings - wants to fly; sitting on a twig, biting something.

Children choose the most interesting works.


It might be helpful to read: