Scenario for graduation in kindergarten: “Graduation party. Scenario for graduation party in kindergarten material (preparatory group) on the topic Scenario for graduation party in kindergarten for children

Scenario for the graduation party in the preparatory group of the “Wish Machine” kindergarten
Ship, steering wheel, Wishing Machine, island nameplates, paintings of insects, Teremok house, hats
To the solemn music of “ABBA”, the teachers enter the hall.
Teacher 1: Hello, dear guests.
Teacher 2:
Voices will now be heard in this hall
Our sweet and kind guys
The last holiday
A little sad
It will begin for our guys.
Teacher 1:
Once upon a time in this kindergarten,
You mothers brought them.
They gave us their guys
And we took care of them.

Educator 2: Yes, time has flown by, but today is the very last day for the children in kindergarten. And I want him to remain in their memory forever.
Educator 1: Yes, time flew by completely unnoticed. It seems that just recently our guys were such babies, they didn’t know how to hold a spoon or put on sandals.
Educator 2: Remember how many funny stories happened to our children.
Teacher 1: Yes, yes, I remember it just now. (The teacher tells a funny incident from the life of a child.)
Educator 2: Yes, since then our children have matured and become wiser. And many of them dreamed of becoming a driver, a bodyguard, a director, or a director.
Educator 1: It would be great if all their wishes came true today. Maybe we should try?
Teacher 2: What should I try?
Educator 1: Construct a wish machine.
Educator 2: Will we succeed?
Teacher 1: I think so. After all, everyone who works in kindergarten is a bit of a dreamer and wizard. Well, let's get to work?
Educator 2: Let's try.
(They begin to finish building the wish machine. When finished.)
Teacher 1:
It would be great in our life,
What I wanted came true right away.
I would really like to go back to my childhood.
Educator 2: And all my life I dreamed of going on a cruise on a ship and visiting different countries.
Educator 1: Well, I think it’s time to test the wish machine. Maybe make some wishes for us?
Teacher 2: Come on.
(Teachers stand in the circle of the Wish Machine, the scene from the movie “Guest from the Future” is turned on with the words of the machine.)
Stand in a circle. Grab the handrails. Close your eyes. Don't peek.

(The teachers close their eyes, the illumination on the Machine is turned on. The melody of the song “Top-Top-Topotushki” sounds, children run into the hall and disperse around the hall.)
Educator 1: In my opinion, my wish is coming true. (They move away from the “Wish Machine” towards the children.)
Child 1:
We invite everyone to the ball
In an elegant music room,
Where there will be music and laughter,
And a mindset for success.
Child 2:
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope for future meetings,
Fragrance of flowers
And the chirp of children's voices.
Child 3:
Holiday, holiday celebrated!
Children perform together
Everybody's dancing and singing
They invite everyone to visit.
Child 4:
We invite everyone to the holiday
Kind, bright, mischievous!
The holiday is sad and happy -
Our preschool graduation!!!
SONG “SO CLAP YOUR HANDS” (Children sit on chairs. A boy comes out into the middle of the hall.)
Boy (captain): Can I make a wish?
Teacher 2: Of course.
Boy (captain):
We guys love the sea,
And we dream along the waves
Walk in the blue space
Today here, and tomorrow there.
(The boy approaches the “Wish Machine”, presses the button, the illumination turns on, the sound of the sea sounds, the ship rises, the children (4 pairs) go out to the individual dance of the Sailors, the boy captain puts on a jacket and cap.)

Teacher 2: It seems to me that my wish is beginning to come true.
SAILORS' DANCE (Sailors go to their chairs, girls with sailboats go out the door.)

Captain: (Behind the ship, with the helm in his hands.) Guys, we are setting sail to the school islands. Our flotilla raises sails. We are on one of the beautiful brigantines, and in our flotilla there are many wonderful sailing ships, admire them. (The lights go out.)

Captain: (looks through binoculars) Release the mooring lines, raise the anchor, full speed ahead. I see the first island. Yes, this is Toy Island. (A girl comes out carrying the first island with the name.)

Educator 2: Why are you sitting, Vika, quietly sad alone?
I want a big, big toy,
But you can't buy one like this in a store.
So that this toy becomes my friend,
This is the wish I made.
Teacher 2:
We sewed a big toy ourselves,
And she will be friends and play with us.
“BIG TOY – MOUSE” comes out to cheerful music (teacher junior group).
Girl: (takes the Mouse by the hand.)
I recently had a dream like this,
It was as if he had come to visit me.
We composed and sang music with him.
We also played the pipe with him.
And here he is now in front of me, in reality,
Let's go, I'll show you all my friends. (Points to the children.)
Dance for us Little Mouse, I beg you
I'm talking about this in the yard,
I'll tell all my friends.
And with me, more toys. Get out of the box. (A large gift box opens and toys come out of it.)

First Doll:
I am the doll Tanyushka,
Favorite toy.
Have you all managed to grow up?
And it's time for you to go to school!
You don't need a bear anymore
You need a notebook and a book.
I'm no longer good for you
But I'm not angry with you!
You played with me to your heart's content -
They threw me up and onto the floor!
But we will meet at school too,
There's football and basketball!
Second Doll:
Always study "excellently"
Behave like yourself!
And at least sometimes in your school
Remember your garden, loving!
Bear, Ball and Tanya and I -
Funny toys!
A goodbye for you
Let's dance for the last time!
Dear kids, thank you,
That they came to congratulate us.
And today, goodbye
We want to give you a gift. (They give gifts to the kids.)
Attention, I see some kind of island. The music sounds cheerful. We need to swim closer and find out what kind of island it is. (Skazka Island is illuminated.)

F-ma: to the tune of the song “About Love” by the group “Factory” (“There is a star in my fist, if I put it to my ear, it rings”).
An island is visible in the sea, (bark la-la)
The tower there is not high, (bark la-la)
Teremochek is not simple,
It is beautiful, “golden”.
This is a school for children
For children and animals.
A fly flies across the sky
It flies up and knocks. The Fly Girl “flies up” to a pre-designated house, knocks and sings to the tune of the chorus of Katya Lel’s song “Musi-pusi”.
Mushi-mushi, pusi-pusi, open the door,
I want to go to school, oh-oh-oh!
I flew over everything like a butterfly
And everything is no problem, but time
Everyone should learn. (2 times)
Mushka flew into the little mansion,
Now she's waiting for a call,
A mosquito has arrived
And I wanted to study.
This is what a school is like!
Maybe it's already a lesson?
HOST: And a mosquito is knocking here...
KOMARIK: I want to study quickly!!!
Oh, mosquito, come on in,
Look at the desk,
Both on the board and in the classroom,
They will teach us everything here!
There will be happy faces!…
I want to study quickly
This will be useful in life.
(sings to the tune of the verse of the song “Cool you got on TV”)
I want to know everything in the world and read from the Primer
I want to make my dream come true in my life,
But without school, without learning, I can’t see happiness,
And my dream is this: I want to become an artist!
(in a recitative half-whisper) And then they will tell me...
(to the tune of the chorus of the song “It’s cool you got on TV”)
Cool you got on TV
You are a star,
You are a star, let's surprise the people. (2 times)
Here's a mosquito flying up
And I sat down at my desk with a fly,
Not even half a minute has passed
The mouse came running
And, of course, she goes to class
She knocked immediately.
Did I really have time?
That's how I wanted to study
That I got up early today,
Didn't wake up for school this morning
So she ran, she was in a hurry,
Which almost fell into a puddle...
(sings to the tune of a verse of Glucose’s song “Forgive me, baby”)
The asphalt shone, I was all wet,
And the cars are honking, but I won’t take a step back
I'm going to school, right on the go,
I'm singing a song...
(to the tune of the chorus of the song “Forgive me, baby”)
Let the kid be jealous, at school...
I'm going to school
Don't be sad, baby, why...
I'll take it in a year.
MOUSE (extending his hand to the mosquito):
Shall we meet? I am Mouse
And I'm no longer a baby.
I'm enrolling now
To the long-awaited first grade!
Here the Mouse sat down at the desk,
She has a notebook, a book.
Everyone heard footsteps...
FLY: Mouse, who's there? Look!
Oh, frog! Oh, wah!
You will be my girlfriend!
The frog sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “The boy wants to go to Tambov” and makes small jumps to the beat of the song.

And I will study at school with five grades,
I will know everything in the world
And I can even fly to the moon,
Even fly to the moon!
To school, to school, I want to! Chicky-chicky, chicky-chicky-ta!
I will gain knowledge! Chicky-chicky, chicky-chicky-ta!
(end of singing, then poetry)
Everything will be taught here,
Add and multiply?
I dream after school
Become a traveler
And so study
I will always be a high five!
The Frog sat down with the Mouse,
She became her friend
Then Bunny came running
There was a soft knock on the door.
Hello, here I am,
My name is Bunny!
(sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “Chocolate Bunny”)

I will be a student, hic, hic, hic!
I hiccup from fear, but I know so little
I can only - prik (jump), prik, prik, prik.
(jumps several times)
I am an uneducated bunny, but I am an affectionate boy,
I will be a student, y-che-nick!
So the bunny galloped,
He began to look at the class,
Met everyone
He sat down at his desk and said:
Well, when is class already?
The bell hasn't rung yet.
I hear someone coming there,
Sings a sonorous song.
And he’s still going to study
Red fox to school
Cheerful singer.
Here she comes into class...
Come on, who do we have here?
(looks around the class)
Who will offer to sit at the desk,
He will pour tea for the little fox,
Will give you candy, chocolate
And will he carry my briefcase?
Bunny: What's your name, girl?
FOX: Just Red Fox,
Well, however...
(sings to the Bunny, stroking his head, to the tune of Valeria’s song “The Clock”)
Call me your little fox
And seat me with you, carry my briefcase,
Little foxes are sitting at a desk,
They don't chatter, they don't squeal, they don't scream.
I will help you in our class,
I can count, I can write
And, of course, only if you're with me,
You will be my hero, you will be so smart!
Here the Fox sat down with the Bunny,
But the bell doesn't ring,
Just someone, very quickly
He's in a hurry and running to class.
Looks like I'm not late
But did I get there?
I'll probably ask you,
This is a school? First grade?
Yes, you came to first grade,
What is your name, tell me? (extends his hand to the Wolf) The Wolf sings to the tune of the Star Factory song “Sasha + Masha” (“Her name is Masha, she loves Sasha...”)
Your name is White, my name is Gray,
The fox's name is Red, after all.
The frog is a croak, and the mouse is a norushka,
It’s not easy to remember, but everything is ahead!
Let me study soon,
I want to know everything in order to be literate.
I want to know letters, I want to know numbers,
Let me study, otherwise I will howl!
The animals show the wolf a desk, sit him down, not allowing him to open his mouth so that he does not howl.
That's it, the bell is already ringing,
The lesson begins.
It's coming in now
Our first grade teacher.
Everyone is excited, everyone is quiet,
But the door opened, and there...
Teddy bear on the doorstep
He's a little late
He walks through the rows
You can hear rustling here and there,
Stepped on the Fox's tail
I crushed the hare's paw,
And accidentally to the Frog
I pressed my lower back.
Nudged the mouse in the side with his elbow
And Komarik shoved
And when I reached the Wolf,
Gray shouted loudly.
What kind of elephant is this?
How will he study?
We have no place for him,
Your friend is not in first grade!
You belong in the garden
Where do carrots grow?
You will stand as a scarecrow
There's a way to scare the crows!
HOST: The little bear cried and said...
I'm clumsy
Stepped on a hundred puddles
I didn't want to offend you.
And I'm not very brave.
But everyone is happy to learn,
I graduated from kindergarten
And where to go now?
There's no turning back!
Then the teacher entered the class
And he said to Mishutka:
“Hurry, my friend, sit down,
Learn wisely.
Well, you little animals, sit down,
Don't offend anyone
Be it small, big,
Clubfoot or lame.
School teaches only good things,
Increases knowledge
First graders today
The school accepts!”
The final song “What they teach at school”, the parents-artists leave the hall.
Captain: Our ship is losing balance. What could it be? Probably there was a storm at sea and the rolling started.
Sailor 1: (at the chair) No way. The instruments show a calm sea.
Captain: And I feel a strong list in the stern. Apparently our ship took on some extra cargo. Check the stern.
Sailor 2: (at the high chair) Check the stern. (Sailors 3,4 go out the door.)
Captain: Have you checked?
Sailor 3: That's right, the extra cargo has been found. These are two unknown passengers.
Sailor 4: They are overboard, clinging to the stern and pulling our ship to the bottom.
Captain: Call everyone up, people overboard, save and bring. (The sailors go out the door, take out two Deuces, and sit on chairs.)

Captain: Who are you? Why did they cling to the side of our ship?
Deuce 1: We are your future deuces.
Deuce 2: How will you be at school without us?
Sailor 1: (at the chair) We don’t need you at all. Leave the ship immediately.
Deuce 2: Yes, not a single teaching can do without us.
Sailor 2: (at the chair) It’s getting around, it’s getting around.
Deuce 1: Clear, clear. They want to be excellent students. But to be excellent students, you must have enormous knowledge. Do you have them?
Children: Yes.
Deuce 2: First, let’s find out whether you can get ready for school and who will help you.
Deuce 1: We'll check now.
The game “Get ready for school” is played (team of children + mom, dad, grandma)
On call
1 runs, opens briefcase
2 puts down the pencil case
3 books
4 folder with notebooks
5 Mom makes a sandwich, puts it in a bag, then in a briefcase
6 dad inflates the balloon
7 grandma makes a bouquet and puts foil on it
8 the child closes the briefcase, puts it on his shoulders, runs to the team
Game “My Grades” (children)
(Children, while listening to music, blindfolded, choose the grade they will study for, and the Twos confuse them with hints, but despite this, the children must be given the opportunity to choose a good grade.)

Captain: We need to take away the rope from the Twos and then they will not cling to the ships.
Educator 1: And our parents will help us with this.
Game “Rope” (parents) (select and play)
To the music, adults walk around a rope placed on the floor, at the end of the music they stand on the rope, whoever does not fit in, leaves the game, each time the rope is folded in half, in four, etc.
Deuce 2: Yes, these children definitely don’t need us.
Deuce 1: Look, friend. There’s another ship coming, let’s sail to it, we’ll definitely be useful to someone there. Follow me, friend. (They leave.)
(All the lights go out, the Siren appears in the background.)
Guys, guys, we've gone off course,
No matter how bad things happen along the way.
Voice-over (Siren): Who are you to swim in my sea without asking my permission? You see, I drowned everyone, I’m happy!.. And they float here, ruining my mood! It’s just that even chips don’t float past me. I’ll put everyone to sleep and sink the ship.
(A sleepy box melody sounds.)
Guys, our ship is sinking! We urgently need someone's help. (Gentlemen come out with chairs.)
Gentleman 1: They radioed that the ship was in trouble. We want to help.
Gentleman 2: Oh, something is happening to me. (Sits on a chair.)
Gentleman 3: And with me. I can't stand. (Sits on a chair.)
Gentlemen: (one by one) Me too. (They sit on chairs in turn, saying a phrase.)
DANCE OF GENTELMEN (at the end of the dance they fall asleep)

What kind of miracles are these?
Look, the fish is not simple,
This fish is gold!
Fish, help fish!
Show us the right path!
Fish doll:
I'll help you guys
I will save your ship.
And the lights will help me,
After all, they are magical. (The color music ball turns on.)
Voiceover (Siren):
It’s not a pity to agree,
But I have to admit:
You defeated me
Goodbye, kids!
To the left is the sea, to the right is the sea, the waves are splashing in the open space!
Oh, I think I see the edge of the earth in the distance.
(Island of Desires is highlighted.)
Misha Kurchangin, Egor, Vika P.:
SONG ABOUT DRAWING (with pictures)

And I love to play the piano,
And in the near future I dream
Perform at the Bolshoi Theater.
I dream of being a pop star
And give hits to you all.
SOLO SONG “STANDING SINGER” (At the end of the song, the children leave the hall. They are preparing for the grand entrance.)
On-board computer, full speed ahead! We are sailing to the School Islands. I see the shore! We've docked! Our journey is over.
Teacher 2:
Finally, it feels like home.
Is everyone alive and well?
Well, then we need to continue
We have to say goodbye to kindergarten.
Teacher 1:
To the sounds of music, applause in this hall,
The moments of celebration that we have been waiting for have arrived.
Teacher 2:
We invite graduates of the Sadko nursery-kindergarten to the hall,
And we gladly call their names. (Children enter the hall in pairs, teachers solemnly announce each child. Everyone stands in pairs, as at the beginning of the holiday.)
Teacher 1:
We are preschoolers today,
We'll see you off to first class.
We invite you to say goodbye,
Dance a preschool waltz.
Our last year has ended,
Within these walls, and it’s sad to the point of tears.
After all, he went with him into the magical world
Early childhood of fairy tales and dreams.
We lived here, laughing and playing.
And grew up in our kindergarten,
As an adult, I suddenly understand
That I won't come here again.
Something important is leaving now,
Breaking away from us forever.
Let time take us further and further,
Never forget these days.
And you probably shouldn't
No big words here
Take it as a reward
Admiration and love.
Teacher 1:
At our holiday today,
The entire kindergarten
From adults to children they came,
To invite you to school.
Teacher 2:
And a holiday is a congratulation,
Gifts, jokes, loud laughter.
Instruction from adults to school,
Flowers, surprises from everyone.
Are you ready to accept gifts?
Children: Yes.
Teacher 2:
Then sit down quickly
Greet with applause
Our manager quickly.
Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.
And how difficult it is for us to part with you
And let you out from under the wing into the world!
You became family, you became friends,
And it seems like you couldn’t be found better.
Today, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to study and make friends.
We wish you all success and health
And never forget your kindergarten!
The selection committee decided that the kindergarten graduates of 2012 successfully passed the exams and were solemnly awarded transferable diplomas and graduate ribbons.
(Phonogram “Snow Creaking” - pause. “Mom” comes out and talks on a cell phone.)
Back and forth all day
I'm exhausted, it's a disaster.
I'm looking for a suitable garden
To send my son there.

(He approaches the screen with the inscription “SADKO” and notices him.)

Scenario for the prom “Flying Ship”


(Background melody sounds)

Ved (to parents):

Dressed up dads, quiet moms...

Our last holiday is today for you!

He is always the most important in kindergarten -

Today the guys are leaving us.


Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

1-leader : Well, friends, the hour we have been waiting for has come,

We gathered for the last time in our cozy hall.

2-leader : Cheerful and unique, from the best kindergarten

"Fairy Tale" No. 7 graduates of 2016! Meet!

Children perform a dance composition with balloons

“The graduation ball brought us together today”

For the last chorus, the children release balloons into the auditorium,

return to their places. It is possible without balls.

1-leader : You came to the group as yellow-throated chicks with your mother,

They fledged, became older, and grew up well.

We've grown up, we've grown wiser, it's time for everyone to fly out into the world,

On a good journey, to the land of knowledge, step with firm steps!

Presentation about kindergarten and graduates

1 Ved. - 1 slide (image of a kindergarten) –

Not in a distant state, not in a wonderful kingdom overseas,

Not near golden palaces, but among simple people

The garden is nicely located, everyone is happy to visit here.

2 Vedas . - 2 -3 slide (children in a nursery) –

How flowers, berries, and mushrooms don’t grow in this little garden.

There are boys in jackets and pants growing up there

And girls in dresses and skirts bloom.

1 Vedas . - 4-5 slide (children in middle group)

This is an unusual garden! It's full of guys!

Here children were always loved, washed and fed,

We played and taught games and walked around.

2 Vedas . - 6-7 slide (children in the preparatory group)

Days and months go by, the children grow and grow...

They grew up big - like this!

And they said: It has become cramped for us here, there is too little space.


And the kids jumped from the garden bed

They were like flowers, berries, mushrooms

And now on holiday

1st and 2nd led. together: Future first graders!
Children: (one by one)

Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,

Today is graduation day!

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, it is like a home for us.

We say goodbye to you, kindergarten,

You see, the years fly by like birds.

We say goodbye to you, really?

Have the boys and I grown up already?

The rowan trees stand quietly in the alley,

It seems to us that the rowan trees are sad.

We will no longer meet at the gate,

More "Hello" for us! they don't whisper.

The time has come to part with friends,

We just don’t need to be sad:

Our first lesson will begin at school -

The mountain ash will send us an autumn leaf.

This holiday is unusual,

It only happens once.

Everything is so new and unusual,

We're off to first grade!

School subjects are waiting for us,

ABC book pages are waiting,

We will learn about the planets

About deserts and seas.

We will learn beautifully

Write in clear handwriting:

“Our Motherland is Russia”,

“Elders must be respected”

We are leaving kindergarten,

Everyone is very happy about the school.

Let's smile goodbye:

Don't be sad, our kindergarten!

A song is being performed"Song about kindergarten"

After summer, winter - the years flew by,
Since we once came here.
And although the kindergarten is still waiting for us,
It's time for us to say goodbye. The school is calling us.

It's very sad to leave,
Leaving your beloved home.
A home where it's fun to meet
In our hometown.

Together with dad, together with mom
Let's sing this song:
“The kindergarten is the best
In our native city."


Happy time has not passed in vain, -
And your love and native warmth
We will carry it in our hearts forever.
Thanks a lot! Thanks for all!

Chorus (2 times)

The soundtrack of music from the film is playing"Flying ship"

Leading: You are growing up, growing up, and soon you will go to school.

In the meantime, let's look at the fairy tale.

Please, fairy tale, come! Good fairy tale heroes

Bring it with you!

1st play: There is one country in the world

Can't find another like it.

Not marked on the map

And the size is small.

2nd play: But he lives in that glorious country

Wonderful people

And wherever you look -

A friend is walking next to you!

1st play: Hey, brave guys, tanned guys,
Everyone hurry to the deck,
Let us dance together!

Dance "Salazhata"


We are sailing away, it is difficult for us to say goodbye
With that island that greeted us kindly,
What raised us. And I will dream about it for a long time
Our kindergarten pier is calm.

Zabava (adult) enters, the Tsar (adult) runs after her.

King: Wait, Fun, stop! My law is this:

You will go to first grade to study!

There you will be a student!

Fun: (sings to the tune of “The Song of Princess Zabava”):

What unfortunate princesses we are,

We don't have time to frolic.

In royal families this is the ancient order.

I need to go to first grade soon!

But I don’t want, I don’t want to study,

Jump rope, frolic in the garden,

And I want to dance, I want to dance!

Leading: Well, Fun, you can dance!

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Fun: And all the same - freedom, freedom, give me freedom!

I'll fly away from you soon!

King: What are you, what are you! Here, take a bite of the apple!

Fun: (capriciously): I don’t want to!

King: Read a book!

Fun: I don't want to!

King: So what's the matter?

Fun: There is a reason: our life is very boring without miracles.

In fairy tales, every step is a miracle!

King: So what would you like?

Fun: What I want, you will hardly understand

And no one on earth knows.

My dream is to fly on a plane,

Fly across the sky, but on a ship!

Tsar: That’s the task! I have a craftsman in the kingdom - Ivan,

He will help! Vanya, my friend, help me out!

Vanya comes out important.

Fun: Vanya, father is sending me to the Land of Knowledge - to study,

And I want, if I’m going to fly there, then on a Flying Ship!

Vanya: Your Majesty! You know I'll get it

Anything - I’m even a miracle for my friend!

I have, fun, a flying ship

Fun: Really? For real?

(approaches the model ship and looks at it.)

Then let's fly!

Vanya: But I don’t know the magic words,

And without them the ship will not fly to the Land of Knowledge.

Fun: Go on a long journey, Vanya...

King: And get us the necessary words!

Fun and the Tsar leave, Vanya returns.

A song is being performed« Goodbye kindergarten"

For five years we have been a friendly family
We went to kindergarten.
You and I played and sang,
Everyone is happy to learn

Goodbye, kindergarten
We'll never forget
What are you school little brother
We are big people now.

And she was the second mother
Our teacher is here.
We are magic words
We found out for the first time.


Here every corner is familiar
Where is the yard for walking?
There was a kindergarten, our second home,
But we are going to school.


Leading: Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

Vanya walked along the roads, walked halfway around the world, wanted

On the hill, sit down to rest.

Vanya approaches the small chair and sits down: cheerful music sounds and Kikimora enters. Music"Children's square dance" - phonogram

Kikimora: Here I am, without an invitation! And here I am, without permission!

Where is the quarrel, where is the fight?

Where is all the crap here? And I am Kikimora!

How many kids do I see! I'll offend you all now!

Leading: What are you saying, Kikimora, you can’t offend us!

Kikimora: Hello, they arrived - they didn’t ask, and you can’t offend them!

How brave!

Girls dance performed"Dance with Umbrellas"

Kikimora: - Why did he appear in our swamp?

Are you here on business? Are you hunting?

We protect our swamp from people,

We never let strangers in!

Go, boy, I’ll pick you up and say hello...

Otherwise you will be lost, take my word for it!

Vania: (addresses Kikimora)

Dear Kikimora, we have one concern:

We really want to fly!

And we can’t get to the land of knowledge without magic words!

Kikimora: First, iris, complete the task!

Relay game “Collect “A”s”

Children are divided into 2 teams. Take turns running up to a hoop in which fives, twos and threes are mixed. They take the five and return to their team. The team that completes the task first wins.

Kikimora: And now I want to play - find a house for myself!

Host: Here. Kikimora, we respected you, tell us

Magic words please!

Kikimora: I don’t know the words at all, but I will help you.

Here is my frog, here is my frog, where will she jump,

Go there too, don’t deviate from the path!

He gives Vanya the frog, he goes and returns to his place.

Leading: A lot of time passes, and where does he come?

The Merman Appears

Water: (looks at the children):Where did you come from here?

Children: answer

Vodyanoy: And you? (addressing Vanya)Where did you come to us from?

Al was sent? Ali himself?


But we have one concern: we really want to fly!

We cannot get to the Land of Knowledge without magic words!

Vodyanoy: I also have a dream, that’s what it is!...

Performs the song “I am the Vodyanoy” - phonogram

Leading: So help us, tell us the magic words!

Vodyanoy: Uh, no, I’ll look at you,

I’m not sure if they’re strong, but we’ll check if they’re smart!


1-: Black birds on every page

They are silent, waiting, who will guess them?(letters)

Vodyanoy: What - what? Can not hear anything!

Come on, louder, more friendly!

Look, you guessed it! Well, nevermind, I still have some questions!

2-: The white pebble melted and left marks on the board...(chalk)

3-: Let’s take textbooks and cards and in class we’ll sit down to...(desks)

4-: The letters are all from A to Z on the pages...(primer)

5-: To write with pens, we will prepare...(notebook)

5-: You carry a new house in your hand, the doors of the house are locked

Schoolboy. Don't forget - check?

What do you put in your...(briefcase)

Vodyanoy: Look how smart they are! It was not in vain that you were taught. And now?...

Water: (takes out briefcases, pours out various items from them

And school supplies):

I barely understand what you put in your briefcases?

We will be with you, brothers,
We're training!
To go to school on the first day
Get ready right!
Mom will supply breakfast,
Dad will bring the ball,
You need to keep up
And pack your briefcase quickly!

The game is being played "Pack your briefcase"

Vodyanoy: I don’t know the magic words - Grandma Ezhka knows.

She will sing, and you listen carefully: after the song she says

He’ll say they’re magical – remember them! And don't be angry with me.

Goodbye! Goodbye!(leaves)

Baba Yaga flies in with a whistle (a doll, maybe alive)

They say it's witchcraft

Nonsense and self-indulgence!

Although I don’t believe in nonsense,

Little by little I conjure:

Tsamba, dramba, scallop,

Fried bag of toads!

Kroll - trolls - profutrolls

Without mustard and without salt,

I'll conjure, whisper,

Do everything as I want!

The children of the SENIOR GRUN run in to the music. dance "Quadrille"

CHILDREN senior group SPEAKING WORDS TOGETHERKindergarten, goodbye! Good luck!

Vania: (repeats after them):

Kindergarten, goodbye! Good luck!

(screams, calls Zabava)

Fun: I’m running, Vanya, I’m running!

Vanya: I found the cherished words, listen: “Kindergarten, goodbye!

Good luck!"

Fun: Now I'll be happy to go to school,

It’s so interesting there, I learn a lot of new things there!

Hello school!
Hello school
We are looking forward to meeting you.
School is about you today,
Let's sing this song!

SONG “In September the bell is cheerful.”

In September the call is cheerful

Will call us for the first time, -

We will enter the big school

And a spacious, bright classroom.


Goodbye, goodbye

Our favorite kindergarten,

Are you seeing off today

To the first class of my children.

2. You taught us to work,

Songs, music to love,

To be proud of our Motherland,

Cherish true friendship.


3. We will study at school,

Let's read a lot of books

And we will always remember

Their educators.

It's a pity to leave!


Guys! We sincerely congratulate you!

You go to school - to study, to make friends.

We wish you all success and health

And never forget your kindergarten!

CHILDREN read poetry

1. Our kindergarten, goodbye,

We're going to first grade

And, although it’s sad to leave,

Don't worry about us!

2. Everything we were taught

We will always remember!

We know that we were loved here,

Years passed here day after day.

3. We used to play school,

But the game is over.

We are envied today

Preschool children from the yard.

4. This holiday is a day of farewell -

Sad and cheerful.

Our kindergarten, goodbye!

Hello, hello, school!

5. We promise - this is how we will learn,

So that everyone will finally know about us

So that you can hear this everywhere:

From a fairytale"? Well, then, well done!

6. And today, on the farewell day,

We will not lose heart

We will remember our kindergarten,

Good words to remember!

7. With tender sadness, “Goodbye!”

Let's tell the group we are dear,

We never parted with her,

Only on weekends.

8. School is waiting for us,

Lessons, desks, books

Grades, knowledge and new friends

And the little ones will come to kindergarten again

The same as you and I were.

They will come to you in our group,

Well, we'll close the doors -

Great things await us.

10. Kindergarten, thank you!
You taught us a lot
Into the world of art, singing, dancing
He opened the doors wide.

11. We especially want to say

“Thank you” to the teachers!

You have so much knowledge and strength on us,

They spent their souls!

12. Lessons from your kindness

They are unlikely to be forgotten

After all, you are from morning until dark

They replaced our mother.

13.Hello school!

Hello school!
Open the doors wider!
And flowers and calls
Meet the first graders!

14. We are leaving today

Like birds from a nest

It's a pity we have to leave

Happy kindergarten forever.

DANCE “We fly away like birds from a nest”

Leading: And now let's get down to the most pleasant moment - the presentation of the first in your life - DIPLOMAS.The head of the kindergarten “Skazka” Kolegova M.A. congratulates the children on their graduation from school

Be brave, guys, go to first grade!

The teachers are waiting for you at the school.

Be brave, guys, good time!

Into a bright, interesting, new world!


A word to parents

Closing song “Don’t Twist the Motley Globe”

Don't spin the colorful globe,

You won't find it there,

That country, a special country

Which we sing about.

Our old planet

Everything has been studied for a long time,

And this country is big

Always a "blank spot".

Let this country

The trains don't go, the trains don't go,

Us moms for the first time

They bring you here by the hand.

They greet us like new residents,

This country is always in my heart.

To a new class, like to a new city,

We come every year

A tribe of young dreamers,

Restless people.

So we have to fly and sail again

Across that endless country

To unexpected discoveries,

For graduation in the spring.

Let this country

The trains don't go, the trains don't go,

Us moms for the first time

They bring you here by the hand.

In this ringing, cheerful country

They greet us like new residents,

This country is always in my heart.

Here we sometimes hear

In the quiet rustle of pages

The hum of distant new buildings

The wind of wanderings turns the globe,

Waving its wing to us

In that country, a special country,

Which we sing about.

Let this country

The trains don't go, the trains don't go,

Us moms for the first time

They bring you here by the hand.

In this ringing, cheerful country

The theme from " Flying ship"all the heroes (adults) come out,

They stand at the edges of the ship.

Fun: The fairy tale is coming to an end, it calls everyone with it,

As a farewell, we will take our magical flight!

Children and adults say magic words:

“Kindergarten, goodbye, good luck!”

The model of the ship rises up.


Time flies and it cannot be returned,

You guys have gotten big.

We send you on your way today,

You said goodbye to kindergarten.

We love you all! It's a pity to leave,

But like it or not, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Our kindergarten will remember all of you...

School is calling! It's time for you! Good morning!


Psychologists call kindergarten graduation the completion of the first stage of a child’s socialization. Methodologists and educators say that the event needs to be carefully planned: decorate the hall beautifully, find a place for a children's banquet, think through the scenario and gifts for everyone. The end of kindergarten is a bright and memorable holiday, and parents whose children graduate in 2017 need to know several important points.

Features of children's graduation

Kids get proof that they have already grown up and learned a lot. For parents, this day becomes an opportunity to become full participants important event in a child's life. Graduates, seeing them in the audience, feel confident.

The following people take part in this important holiday for children:

  • the children themselves demonstrate what they learned in kindergarten;
  • teachers - know and can prove the preparation of students for school, create a graduation scenario;
  • parents make sure that their children have the proper level of knowledge, perform organizational functions, decorate the group, assembly hall, and cafe premises.

Preparations for the event need to be done from the beginning of the school year: Parent meeting, decide what you really need and what you can abstain from. Teachers whose experience will help organize the graduation must be invited to the meeting.

Decoration of the hall and group

Everything is welcome here: handmade items, balloons, paper numbers and much more. What to choose? Everything you find in stores. To prevent the group room from being too colorful, you need to decorate it correctly:

It is better to start preparing for registration a couple of months before the children's graduation. This time will be enough to decide on the decoration of the hall. Ceiling balloons, garlands or compositions filled with helium must be delivered on the day of the graduation.

Photographer and videographer services

  • An important part of a children's party. The necessity is not even specified: a fun and important moment in your child’s life should be captured. Of course, there will be amateur photographs, but they have a place in the family archive. High quality photos You can place it at home, show it to your friends and grandparents.
  • Parents plan video shooting in kindergarten in different ways. Someone begins to agree to make recordings of the kids’ everyday life a few days before the event.
  • Methodists and organizers of children's events advise recording the most striking events of the group, its educational process and walks from the very beginning of the school year. Together with the graduation itself, you will get a unique film about the life of your baby.

An example of a kindergarten graduation video - video

How to choose a holiday script?

There is no universal recommendation on how to conduct a matinee in kindergarten. Teachers simply follow the rules for structuring the event. Typically, a fun graduation script for preschoolers consists of four parts:

  1. Solemn. Children go into the hall, the teacher says a welcoming speech. Then songs and dances are performed and poems are read.
  2. Costume performance. At this time, a fairy tale is created in which the children themselves play roles.

    Adults, teachers or guest animators participate in graduation scenes. A variety of games can be played.

  3. Climax. The penultimate, most touching part. There are also moments of creativity here: children sing, dance, read poetry.
  4. The end of graduation. Teachers present certificates and gifts to future schoolchildren. Parents give preschool employees small gifts and flowers.

The plots of the script are different: a journey on a magic train to the Land of Knowledge, a meeting with sorceresses, a story about fairy tale characters etc. Often used modern script graduation: the kids’ favorite cartoon characters come to visit them - the Fixies, Luntik, Dasha the Explorer, the Barboskins, Masha and the Bear...

The most important condition for graduation in kindergarten: all children must take part in it. The event should be as interesting as possible for them, so you should refrain from long parting words from teachers and thanks from the parent committee.

The role of the formal part at children's graduation

The official part is necessary in any holiday scenario. It is important to carry it out at the very beginning, when the children have not yet gotten tired and are interested in what is happening. The ceremonial part necessarily includes a word from the kindergarten director and teacher, but no more than 5 minutes, otherwise parents and children will be bored. Next script High school prom(or matinee) is carried out according to the following algorithm:

The presenter announces the end of the official part and the beginning of the entertainment part. It can occur in the form that is most interesting to the child. An unusual graduation includes outdoor games, songs or dances, but it needs to be designed correctly.

What kind of graduation can be called unusual?

Preschoolers today are much more “advanced” than their parents. That is why it is important to interest them, and for this they are created unusual scenarios. If you feel like you have a writer's streak in you, look for inspiration in the life around you. If the theme and plot do not come to mind, pay attention to the following options:

There are countless options, but all of them must be connected in one way or another with the school and include game elements.

The role of games at a children's party

At the end of the game round, a song and dance program is held. Then gifts are presented. Future schoolchildren and teaching staff even receive them at an unusual graduation.

Presents for educators

The organizational plan for the graduation scenario includes the choice of gifts for employees preschool. What to give to people who have spent several years paying attention to the upbringing, development and training of children? Presents are:

  • Symbolic. These are medals, certificates and other little things as part of graduation. This group includes tea sets, sweets, blankets for cooks, laundresses, nannies and nurses.
  • Showing respect for the administration, in particular the director or manager. You need to choose from things that will be used not at home, but in the garden. A laptop, a painting, a decorative vase, curtains, a printer, a carpet - the gift depends only on financial opportunities parents.

Decorative vase

  • Thanking the teacher. If the teacher and parents have established a trusting relationship, you can present practical gifts. Appliances, bed sheets, Gift certificates and vouchers will be appropriate. Would you like to personally thank your teacher? Modest jewelry, expensive coffee, perfume or a stylish diary should be presented during the buffet reception.

If everything is clear with adults, then with children it’s a different story. Let modern children understand gadgets from the cradle; they need to be given something that will demonstrate your care.

Attention - children

Gifts given to schoolchildren also come in several types. Most often, parents choose individual and group sessions. Individual mothers and fathers purchase them on their own and give them as gifts during the matinee. So, children's gifts are:

Group gifts - memorabilia: medals, cups, ribbons, graduation albums, diplomas - will remind you of the time spent in kindergarten.

But this is important for parents, kids want attention. Therefore, it is better to focus on personal gifts and remember that the main gift to a graduate is your support in preparing for the holiday.

Festive buffet

As parents call it, “sweet table”. They themselves plan snacks, sweets, drinks, and calculate the amount of money for an adult and a child.

Various tricks, shows soap bubbles, funny clowns, outdoor games - this will be the best graduation party for your child.

Important to consider

When organizing a kindergarten graduation, you need to pay attention to the little things. Event organizers, methodologists, stylists and parents themselves advise:

  • Carefully consider your child's outfit. The girl needs to choose a beautiful, fluffy and at the same time comfortable dress. The boy does not need to wear a jacket, because it will interfere during active games.
  • It is best to decorate the group room and banquet hall in advance, and leave the holiday for other matters.
  • When you are in different halls with children, you need to check how they behave, whether the competitions are safe, and whether there are enough drinks and sweets.

  • The responsibilities of parents should be distributed: some take care of the table, others - shopping for gifts, and others - decorating the room.
  • Children's and adult menus need to be coordinated; the most common cause of disagreement is an allergy to certain foods.
  • Preschoolers should be allowed to sit however they want.

By taking into account all the little things, carefully thinking through the scenario and decoration of the hall, and choosing the right gifts, you will make your child’s graduation the best in the world.

At the end of the school year, senior groups of kindergartens hold graduations. Preparing for this event is not easy, because children's party fundamentally different from an adult. If for most adults the holiday is associated with a feast, then for children the best celebration is a performance, the main actors which they themselves are. In order for children to find it interesting, the scenario describing a kindergarten graduation should consist not only of teachers’ speeches and songs, but also of pranks, jokes, and competitions.

Pirate theme

The kindergarten graduation scenario, a journey on a pirate ship, will appeal to both boys and girls. Children associate the pirate theme with the sea, adventures, brave captains and stolen beauties. Decorate the room: hang paraphernalia on the walls (toy guns, fake steering wheels, sails). For children, buy bandanas and make a chest with “treasures” - prizes. Because it's still not New Year, and graduation, then there is no need to achieve a complete transformation of children into pirates, it is enough to just slightly emphasize the theme of the holiday.

The main characters of the “pirate” prom are Jack Sparrow, the presenter (teacher), the pirate baron-samurai, Elizabeth Morgan and other characters (it all depends on your imagination and budget). At the beginning of the holiday, Jack Sparrow invites children to go on a journey and visit his friends - pirates living in different countries. As the action progresses, travelers visit Japan, Sweden, Africa and find in each place fragments of a map on which the path to treasures is indicated.

During the journey, Jack Sparrow invites children to solve riddles and take part in outdoor games. The prizes are fragments of the map, which at the end of the performance must be put together and a treasure chest containing gifts must be found. Gifts do not have to be themed; stationery, which will soon be useful to children at school, is best suited for this occasion. The point of arrival for little travelers is school. Jack Sparrow says goodbye to the children and makes them promise to study well and become real, educated captains.

To organize a pirate party, it is not necessary to use a script based on the theme of “Pirates of the Caribbean”. You can take the good old “Treasure Island” and invite Jim Hawkins, Captain Flint and other heroes familiar from childhood to the stage. In this case, the children will need to be divided into two teams (royal navy sailors and pirates) and have a battle between them for the treasure chest. At the end, you can reconcile the warring parties and distribute prizes to everyone.

Wild West

Another popular theme is the Wild West. Scenario graduation party in Western style is an excellent reason to organize an active, fun holiday. Cowboys fearlessly embark on risky adventures, solve riddles, and take part in competitions. Of course, in the conditions of an ordinary kindergarten, it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize equestrian competitions (although there are companies that provide similar services), but it is possible to bring a bit of the romance of the first conquerors of the Wild West into the celebration.

The premises are decorated in American style: the doors of the hall turn into the doors of a saloon, Colts, flowers, balls, and garlands are hung on the walls.

Divide the children into two teams: cowboys and Indians. Give out hats to the first (girls - headbands with flowers), to the second - headdresses with feathers. Come up with several competitions for dexterity and intelligence. You can, for example, organize races on horses - stools or races in Indian sacks. For girls, organize a braiding competition using colorful ribbons. Little heroes will also enjoy shooting competitions (pistols with sticky cartridges).

The heroes of the cowboy matinee are the brave conqueror of the Wild West, cowboy Jack and his girlfriend Mary. You can also involve the Indian chief, his squaw, the lazy young Indian, the industrialist Uncle Sam and other heroes in the performance. Children will definitely love the Mustang, which will be played by two adults dressed in a horse costume (remember the famous Pull-Push?). If possible, invite professional actors to a theatrical performance; if this is not possible, use own strength(teachers, parents, older brothers and sisters of children).

The cowboy party ends with the distribution of gifts - delicious chocolate prizes, toys and stationery. For the holiday, prepare stylized diplomas with grades in different disciplines (the fastest eater, the best constructor of construction sets, a skilled shoe lacer, the girl with the longest braid) and distribute them. To avoid any offense, diplomas must be distributed to all children.

Visiting a fairy tale

Preparing for a kindergarten graduation scenario for parents and children is not an easy task. As a rule, someone is always not happy with something. Young parents want to organize a matinee in a modern spirit, older parents, as well as grandparents, vote for a classic scenario. We offer an option that will suit everyone: “Visiting a fairy tale.” This is a classic holiday with the participation of Russian heroes folk tales. You can decorate the room for such a holiday in a traditional style: ordinary flowers, balloons, green branches. Place Baba Yaga's cardboard hut in the corner, decorate the window sills with paper trim, and you can start the holiday.

Another advantage of this party is that children can come to it in their usual clothes. festive clothes. White shirts for boys and dresses for girls will be enough to create the necessary ambiance. Offer the girls ribbons as decoration, give the boys caps, and you can start the holiday. The heroes of the day are known: Baba Yaga, Gray wolf, Alyonushka, Ivanushka, Zmey Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal. As usual, there are forces of good and forces of evil. The former help children win competitions, the latter confuse everything, get in the way, steal prizes and just play around.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of poems, nursery rhymes and songs suitable for the topic. The main thing is not to overdo it with creating images and not to turn the holiday into an event dedicated to Russian folk art. Let Baba Yaga be cheerful, Koschey the Immortal - cowardly, Gray Wolf - reasonable. Take the kids on a journey through Russian folk tales. Let them guess the heroes themselves, continue the proverbs and sayings started by the presenters, and guess the riddles. Just too much difficult riddles don’t make any guesses, because children get worried in such situations and cannot always understand what is required of them.

In addition to Russian folk tales, you can use almost any plot: based on Pushkin’s fairy tales, based on the adventures of Pinocchio, based on modern cartoons (“Smeshariki”, “Luntiki”).

Or you can “mix” the characters and make a medley of different fairy tales. Children will be happy to remember familiar episodes and take part in the celebration led by their favorite characters. At the end of the celebration, give the graduates prizes - books of fairy tales, and make them promise to soon read these books on their own.

Graduation in kindergarten. Secret of success

Graduation party in kindergarten is a special holiday. Children are taking part in a celebration of this kind for the first time and expect to see a wonderful performance, an extravaganza created by the imagination of teachers and parents just for them. Therefore, when developing a scenario for a graduation party in a kindergarten, you need to provide time for active games and relaxation in advance, clearly assign responsibilities and roles, and conduct a rehearsal for the celebration.

Conventionally, the holiday can be divided into several stages

  • Official part. At the beginning of any holiday, teachers and parents speak, speeches are made, and symbolic diplomas are issued. Parents thank the teachers, teachers thank their parents, children read poems dedicated to the end of kindergarten, perform dances, and sing songs.
  • Tea party. After the ceremonial part, the holiday continues with tea drinking. Tea (compote, juice) is served with cake, fruit, and other sweets. You can order a cake specially for this event and cut it to the applause of children and parents.
  • The entertainment part. A theatrical performance with the participation of actors (professional or home-grown). During the performance, the solemnity “flies away” from the children, and they finally begin to enjoy the holiday.

The success of graduation in kindergarten practically does not depend on the amount of invested funds. It depends on imagination, on the desire of parents and educators to create a holiday atmosphere for children. Don’t put your own interests first, forget about ambitions at least for one day and imagine yourself in your child’s place. Take more fun, add spontaneity to it, season everything with humor that children can understand, and be sure that everything will work out!


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