How to design a company logo. How to create a logo in Photoshop: step by step instructions. Mistakes when creating a logo

In this article, we'll go over the basic principles of logo design and share some tips to improve your skills.

Logos are all around us. To the general public, logos are an instant reminder of a company or product; For entrepreneurs, the logo serves as a visual image, a point of recognition on which branding is based. Therefore, it is not surprising that logo design occupies such an important place in our lives. In an era when every business is big company or small internet a store must have its own style, brand, the demand for a logo is greater than ever.

Who will benefit from the article?

Now there are more designers than ever before, and it is very difficult to be different from others, to create your own unique style. If you are a beginner designer, you can learn a lot about creating a logo in this article.

If you are an entrepreneur, startup, blogger and decide to create a logo yourself, this article will also be useful to you. Here you will find all the information you need about logo design. Let's start.

01. Search for inspiration

Many advise before creating a logo to look for inspiration on various sites where the best logos are collected. This great idea. Inspiration can come from anything, anywhere. Obvious resources are sites like Logo Gala and Logo Moose, but if you're a designer or just interested in design, you're probably already familiar with them. So our advice is to expand your list of sites to include other design and art sites. For example, such as Dribbble or Deviant Art.

02. Learn the principles of creating a logo

The difference between an effective logo and an ineffective one is that it is practical, suitable, simple in form and content, and conveys a targeted message.

In his simplest form The purpose of a logo is to identify, but in order to do so, it must follow the basic principles of logo design:

The logo should be simple. A simple logo is easy to recognize, which allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. Effective logos have something unexpected or unique without being overloaded with details. How easier logo the more memorable it is.

The logo must be memorable. An effective logo must be recognizable, and this is achieved through simplicity and relevance.

The logo must be durable. An effective logo must stand the test of time, be “timeless”, which means that it must be effective in 10, 20, 50+ years.

The logo must be universal. The logo should look great in different environments and on different surfaces - on the website, business card, employees' clothes, etc.

The logo must match. The way you position the logo should be relevant to its purpose. For a more detailed explanation, see .

03. Design your own logo process

Every designer has their own process, and it's rarely linear.

But in general, the process of developing a logo is as follows, which, by the way, can become the basis of your own:

Create a brief. Conduct a survey or interview with a client to get a brief.

Study. Conduct research on the industry itself, its history and competitors.

Reference. Explore successful logos, as well as current styles and trends that are associated with the company's activities.

Sketches and conceptualizations. Develop a logo concept around the brief research you provided above.

Meditate. Take breaks during the design process. This allows your ideas to mature and gives you a chance to see something new. Get feedback.

Presentation. Choose a few logos or a whole collection to present to your client. Get feedback and repeat the process to completion.

04. How much does it cost to create a logo?

"How?" is one of the most frequently asked questions that is not so easy to answer as every company has different needs and expectations. You have to consider a number of factors when designing a logo/brand, such as how many concepts to present, how many revisions and improvements will be needed, how much research needs to be done, how much big business etc.

Jeff Fischer, a well-known designer and author, addressed this issue in his article "What to Price": “The main message I want to convey is that designers need to be smarter, no matter what their talents, skills and experience. They must show the customer the amount without explanation or apology. Presenting a normal price will allow you to work less, earn more in the future. ”.

If you are an entrepreneur, then the picture below will help you decide on the cost of the logo.

05. Learn from others

Understanding what other brands excel at will help you in your own work. Consider the classic Nike swoosh as an example. This logo was created by Caroline Davidson in 1971 and is a perfect example of a strong, memorable logo that works without color or scale.

It is not only simple, fast and dynamic, but also symbolic - it represents the wing of the famous statue of the Greek goddess of Victory, and this is the perfect symbol in the sportswear business. The Nike logo is just one of the great logos, but let's take a look at other famous brands that you know and analyze their logos.

06. Avoid cliches

Light bulbs to create the image of "ideas", clouds for "discussion", globes to indicate the concept of "international", etc. These are the ideas that come to mind when brainstorming and for the same reason we should discard them first. How can your design be unique if the same idea is present in other logos? Avoid such visual clichés and come up with original idea and design.

As already stated, do not steal, copy or borrow designs from others. Although this happens quite often. The designer sees an idea that he likes, quickly mirrors, changes colors, words, and calls the idea his own. Not only is this unethical, illegal, and downright stupid, but you're bound to get caught doing it sooner or later. Don't use stock icons or clipart - the whole point of a logo is to be unique.


07. Working with a client

A good logo is not only about creating something beautiful for everyone around to say “wow”, but also conveying the meaning of the company, the message of the brand and the philosophy of the company. That is why the first step in creating a logo is research.

08. Dive into the brand

“Listen to the past,” urges Martin Christie of Logo Design London. Before you start sketching out ideas, spend some time gathering information about your client (or your company if you're designing a logo for yourself) - who they are, what they are. are concerned with who their customers are.

Look at previous versions of the logo (if there were any) and ask yourself what was wrong or cool about them. This approach can be especially interesting if the company has its own history and has been on the market for a very long time. You can go back in time if they want to position themselves as an ancestral brand, or you can drastically change the logo to something fresh and futuristic.

09. Save all logo sketches

“Old sketches can be a source of new inspiration”, Martin Christie says. “I can imagine that for each logo you create a dozen sketches before you choose which one to work with next”, Martin Christie adds. “Never throw away these early ideas, they form a valuable resource.” Just because one sketch didn't work for one client doesn't mean it won't work for another. Go back to what you've created and you'll find seeds that can be turned into the logo you want.

10. Look beyond logo galleries for ideas

Logo Moose and Logo Gala are two great places to start researching and looking for inspiration. However, it is always important to know when to stop. It's better to see what worked and didn't work out of 10 relevant logos than to get lost among 50-100 original logos.

If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, try looking up keywords in a dictionary or thesaurus, or Google images for inspiration. If you have a sketchbook, you can look at the previous drawings - you probably have unused ideas from previous projects and perhaps you already have the perfect solution, which we talked about earlier.

11. Fight the temptation to imitate

We all have design icons and sometimes we admire them so much that we want to imitate their style. Indeed, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. However, in real world it's just the laziest way to get creative. Ask yourself if the style you're using will suit the client? Do they need a logo in the same Saul Bass font that was used in the 70s?

12. Don't let clients dictate

Working with a client does not mean doing everything that he tells you to do. Review the client brief and start asking questions if you find any ambiguity or need Additional Information. “The logo must be iconic and memorable” are the most typical clichés that customers need to be dissuaded from. A man kicking a chicken dressed as Santa Claus is, of course, remembered, but most likely for other, unnecessary reasons. So, with this whole set of conditions, you need to meet the client's expectations by setting realistic goals and figuring out exactly what your work should convey. Remove information noise, separate the wheat from the chaff. Perhaps the client himself does not know what he wants, so try to be careful about his wishes.

13. Mind maps (associative maps)

Use the mind map technique to organize your thoughts into something more coherent. This way you can sort out your thoughts and make them work for you. Play around with keywords and synonyms and gather inspiration from different sources on the same board and see how they fit together.

14. Use a modular grid for a long-lasting logo

The Shell logo has evolved over the years but still adheres to the same fundamental design principles. When Raymond Loewy sat down to design a logo oil company Shell, he used the modular grid as a way to create an iconic design that hasn't changed since 1971.

The grid structure for creating a logo can be any, for example, it can be a combination of horizontal, vertical and inclined guides that interact with circles of different diameters. What will be the modular grid, the designer decides. If you want to create a strict, simple logo based on the principles of geometric harmony, you cannot do without a modular grid. This is the only way to make a unique logo, in which the width of the letters, the radii of the elements and the spacing between the characters will obey certain standards. More information .

15. Use appropriate grid systems and geometric shapes.

A perfect example of the appropriate grid that makes a logo design very successful is the Sagmeister & Walsh corporate identity for the Jewish Museum in New York.

S&W created an entire corporate line based on the Star of David grid system, and the result was a cohesive and impressive visual branding. Using the grid system and geometric shapes from the start worked well in this case, and that good lesson for us when creating the logo.

17. Don't Overdo Math Grids

When rebranding Yahoo in 2013, Marissa Mayer and her design team used the math blue matrix as a guide to create the logo. They also released a video explaining the design process and highlighted what exactly was the cool math in the design. When it came to the exclamation point, Maier mentioned that "our final touch was to tilt the exclamation mark 9 degrees to add a bit of playfulness."

This is a perfect example of an overly rationalized logo and how using a mathematical sequence doesn't always lead to the best design.

18. Don't cheat and digitize your sketches

As we already wrote, creating a logo sketch is good way put your ideas on paper and then bring them to life

But Ben Powell recommends resisting the temptation to jump straight to the computer. What was the first thing you learned to do - use a computer or pencil and paper? this is a rhetorical question. "Sketches are more fast way creating the first ideas before you take on Photoshop CC. It doesn't matter that it looks crooked, what matters is the correctness of the transfer of the idea and understanding.

19. Create a logo in vector

After creating a simple sketch, some beginners start to draw a logo in Photoshop. But the most The best way avoiding embarrassing moments and frustration while editing your logo in the future is to start creating it right away in vector format. This is where Adobe Illustrator is your friend, as you will be able to scale and edit your creation without losing quality.

20. Use Smart Objects

You can copy and paste your logo in Photoshop as a Smart Object (again without losing quality when scaling) if you need to combine it with other elements. light” fonts. It is possible that not all elements will be clearly visible.

Focus on typography

21. Choose Your Logo Typeface Carefully

Typography is very important for a good logo. You have two main options: create your own font or adapt an existing one. When creating your own font, try not to make it too trendy because it can get outdated quickly. Keep it simple and easy to read. Read how to create your own font.

22. Adapt an existing font

There is no rule that you have to create your own font to stand out or make a logo stand out. This is not an easy process that requires a lot of time and resources. So, as an option, consider adapting an existing font.

Removing, expanding or adding some of the letters can be enough to make the logo font original and your design unique.

23. Avoid Cursive Cursive Fonts

Don't be tempted to make your logo stand out with complex swirly fonts. They are the equivalent of printed calico and this is the reason why most of them are free. Out of pure professionalism, you need to avoid them at all costs. Most curlicue typefaces are too frilly, too thin, and are likely being used (badly) on hundreds of different cheap business cards right now. When it comes to logo design, choose a classic and simple font, avoid over-decorations.

24. The font must match the brand

Fonts come in many shapes and styles that resonate differently depending on different characteristics. But when it comes to choosing a font for a logo, it is important not only to choose a beautiful font, but to make sure that the font matches the features of the business. For example, a creative company needs a fun gambling font, construction company— a serious, traditional font that would emphasize the stability and reliability of the company.

Jiyong Li created a text logo for this industrial construction company. You can also use the simple solution and create a logo using just a font. There are many examples where a logo works great without an icon. Think about it.

26. Think about the space around the logo design

Most brand books will indicate a “exclusion zone” around the logo. This is an area that cannot be occupied by other content in order to protect the integrity of the logo (and the extension brand) and make it easy to read.

27. Using Negative Space Effectively

The FedEx identity is a good example effective use negative space.

Some of the best logo designs have hidden meanings in their negative space. A classic example is the Fed Ex logo, which uses a combination of the letters E and X to form an arrow in negative space. There are many other great examples where a logo looks ordinary at first glance, but reveals interesting and well thought out details upon further examination.

28. Don't overdo it

The easy-to-navigate collection contains everything: online logo generators, designer exchanges, sites with fonts, color matching services, icon search, tutorials, instructions on how to create a logo, videos and much more.

Adapted translation of article 65 expert logo design tips.

Step 2. Logo based on the example

Click on the button to upload a ready-made example to the constructor.
In the window that opens, you can choose finished example and create your logo based on it.

Sample logos are categorized according to different topics.
After the name, a counter of the number of ready-made logos within the category is displayed.

Step 2.2 Choosing an example logo

Hover over the appropriate logo, it will be highlighted with an icon with a “+” sign. After that, click on the logo in order to proceed to create a new one based on it.

When proceeding to create a new logo, all unsaved actions performed with the current logo being edited will be lost.

Step 2.3. Layer List

After selecting a finished logo, the system will display a list of its layers with their settings and properties. They are available for change.

Step 2.4. My designs

The logos you have previously saved are available in the "My Designs" section, so if you want to continue creating a logo that you have not finished, select it from the list and continue editing.

All changes that you will make to the logo during the editing process will be displayed on the screen to the right of the settings. In the same place, if necessary, you can manually drag layers by hovering and holding the cursor on the desired shape (desired text), and then moving it to the desired location on the screen.

Step 3. Create a logo

If you didn't choose a logo in step 2, then by default the logo will contain two randomly generated layers - a shape layer and a text layer.

Step 4 Editing Layers

You can proceed to editing these layers by clicking on the corresponding lines in the list of layers or on the shape itself (the text itself) in the viewport. When you click on a shape/text - the settings of the selected shape or selected text will be displayed to the right of the logo viewing area.

You can also delete layers by clicking on the icon in the settings of the selected layer and create a logo from scratch.

Let's see how to add layers.


  • The maximum number of layers for one logo is 15.
  • Another way to delete a shape is to remove a layer from the list of layers by clicking on the corresponding button.

Step 5: Adding a Shape Layer

In order to add a layer containing an image, you will need to:

  1. Click on the "Shape" button.
  2. In the displayed list of figures, first select the category of figures (they are divided by subject, when you select one or another category, the sets of figures will change).
  3. After selecting a category, click on the icon you need from the set.

The picture will be added. To proceed to editing it, click on the layer line in the layers list or on the shape itself in the viewport.

Let's consider in detail what parameters are available for editing for a layer with a shape.

In some themes, the figures are divided into lines so that the first in the line is a figure that can be used as the main / background for all subsequent ones (for example, in the line with fish, the first figure is an aquarium, you can add an aquarium first and place it on its background already fish figures).

Step 5.1. Image replacement

If necessary, you can replace the shape of this layer. To do this, in the shape settings, click on the "Select" button, in the drop-down list of shapes, go to the desired category and select the desired picture.

Step 5.2. Figure location

Edit the position of the shape using the arrow buttons (the button with a dot - aligns the text to the center).

You can also manually drag shapes directly on the preview screen. To do this, simply move the cursor over the image, hold down the left mouse button and drag the shape to the location of the logo you need. You can drag shapes by one pixel using the ←, →, , ↓ keys. If you hold down CTRL and use the same keys, the shape will move 5 pixels.

Step 5.3. Shape color

Set the color for the selected shape by first choosing a mode (1 Color, 2 Colors, or No Fill) from the appropriate list.

If necessary, you can turn on the "Frame" for the shape and choose a color for it.

Step 5.5. Rotation, size and position of the shape

To rotate the figure around its axis at a certain angle, use the left or right rotation buttons.

To increase or decrease the figure - use the "+" and "-" buttons.

To flip a shape vertically or horizontally, use the corresponding rotate buttons.

You can also manually drag the shape directly on the preview screen. To do this, simply move the cursor over the shape, hold down the left mouse button and drag the shape to the place you need in the logo.

Step 6 Adding a Text Layer

To add a layer with text content, click on the "Text" button.

The layer will be added to the list, click on it (in the layer list or in the viewport) to display the text settings on the right side of the screen.

Step 6.1. Layer text

First, specify the logo text in the settings.

Step 6.2. Text Format

You can change the font of the text, as well as make it bold or italic.

Step 6.3. Text position

Edit the position of the text using the arrow buttons (the button with a dot - aligns the text to the center).


  • You can also manually drag and drop text directly on the preview screen. To do this, simply move the cursor over the text, hold down the left mouse button and drag the text to the location of the logo you need.
  • You can drag shapes by one pixel using the ←, →, , ↓ keys. If you hold down CTRL and use the same keys, the shape will move 5 pixels.

Step 6.4. Text color

Now color the entered text in the desired color by first choosing the mode ("1 color", "2 colors" or "No fill") from the appropriate list.

Step 6.5. Text frame

If necessary, you can enclose the text in a frame and specify the color of the frame.

Step 6.6. Text rotation and size

To rotate the text around its axis at a certain angle, use the left or right rotation buttons.

To increase or decrease the text size - use the "+" and "-" buttons.

To flip text vertically or horizontally, use the corresponding rotate buttons.

To reset all changes (rotation, size, position), click on the cross.

Depending on your artistic talents, creating a logo can be something you can do even in your sleep, or it can be something that will give you insomnia. If you are one of those who find it difficult to invent and draw pictures, this article is for you. In this article, a specialist from Logaster will tell you how to create a logo step by step - from choosing an idea to choosing the format of the finished file. Your logo may not win any awards, but at least you will have a decent logo that you can put on your website or business card. So let's get started! Steps 1 to 4 are all about brainstorming the logo. Steps 5 to 7 will teach us how to create a logo design, including aspects such as choosing a shape, font, color. And in Step 8 we will learn how to create the final design as a finished file.

Logo Creation Statistics
Before we move on to tips on how to create a logo, we would like to provide some statistics about top brand logos. Here are a few key points, which you might want to explore while developing.

Step 1. Finding an idea for your logo
Online logo galleries like and are great places to get inspiration from designers.

Look at the logos of other companies that are similar to yours. Ask yourself what you like and dislike about them. What works and what doesn't, but don't copy the design - just find what you like and follow that style in your own design. Your goal should be to come up with a logo design that tells who you are, what you do, how you do it, and who you do it for.

Another way to find an idea for a logo is to make a few sketches of the future logo. Write the name of your logo in different styles and fonts, draw different symbols, icons - in a word, everything related to your company and product/service. Perhaps one of these sketches will become the basis of your logo.

Step 2: Think About Your Target Audience
The logo is created not because it is necessary or fashionable. The logo should carry a certain function, the benefit of the company. Therefore, on initial stage creating a logo, you should clearly understand who your customers are, what they like, what qualities of your company they appreciate. Finding out is necessary to create a logo that will evoke the feelings and emotions that you need and thus create a positive brand for your company. To do this, you can ask yourself 11 questions that you need to answer before creating a logo

Step 3. Stick to the principles and rules of creating logos
To make a logo really effective, you need to follow certain rules. Discover detailed information about the principles of creating a logo, you can in the article, below we have selected the most important principles with a brief description.

The logo must be simple A: The simple design of the logo makes it easy to recognize and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable.

The logo must be memorable: An effective logo design must be memorable and this is achieved through the originality of the logo, which will stand out from others.

The logo must be durable: The logo must stand the test of time - not lose its effectiveness under the influence of fashion or any other short-term phenomena, be "for the future" and effective in a few years. For example, well-known companies do not create new logo, but only slightly improve it, making it more modern.

The logo must be universal: A quality logo always looks great in any environment and in any form.

Step 4. Draw some sketches of the logo
Sketches are quick and easy way transfer ideas from head to paper. So after you have collected all the ideas, take paper and pencil and draw some examples of the logo. If you do not know how to draw with a pencil, you can use graphic programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop. If they can’t do it, use online logo designers. With their help, you can find the right icon or font for the logo.

Step 5. Choose a Logo Shape
The shape of the logo has a psychological effect on people. With the help of certain forms, you can evoke the right feelings and emotions. For example, a square symbolizes stability and constancy, a triangle symbolizes strength and knowledge. How to choose the right logo shape? Look at the picture below from Logowiks and choose the one that suits your business.

Step 6. Decide on a logo color
When choosing a color for your logo, think about what color reflects your company's personality. For example, if your company is fun, creative, and vibrant, consider using yellow or orange shades in your logo. Using the infographic below, you can choose the color of the logo based on the theme of your business. Click on the picture to view it in a larger size.

Finally, think about what colors your competitors are using. This is important in order to stand out from their background. Sometimes, choosing a color that is the opposite of your main competitor can help customers distinguish you.

Also don't forget to think about functional impact colors for things like readability, eyestrain, attention-grabbing. To do this, follow the rules below:

1. Stick to 2 primary colors, and don't use more than 4. A small amount allows you to achieve the desired effect.

2. Choose only 1 or 2 primary colors and the rest should be subtle complementary colors.

3. Resist the temptation to add more colors - use more shades instead.

4. Provide enough white space so that the eyes can remain relaxed.

Useful services for color matching
Finding the right color is not an easy task. Luckily, there are many online services that can help you with logo color matching.
The service from Adobe provides a large library of ready-made color schemes, and also using a special color wheel, you can choose colors that will be combined with the desired color. Detailed video how to work with

This is a Russian-language service for selecting colors and generating color schemes. The service works similarly to, but with slightly fewer features. Detailed video how to work with Colorscheme

Step 7. Choose a font for the logo
Font selection is an important aspect of logo design. The right font can emphasize the dignity of your company, and the wrong one can make the logo unreadable and nullify all your efforts in creating a positive image of the company. At the same time, among the thousands of the most diverse and so attractive fonts, how can you find the one that is ideal for your logo? Click on the picture to view it in a larger size.

Here are a few simple tips to help you: Avoid popular fonts Yes, your Microsoft Office suite includes a set of fonts. The problem is that everyone else has it too. Therefore, using a font from your OS library would be a bad idea. The same rule applies to popular publicly available fonts. Be timeless If it seems like everyone is suddenly using a particular typeface style (like the ubiquitous Sketch Block these days), keep looking. Look for original fonts that will make your logo stand out. Remember, the font and logo as a whole must stand the test of time. Trends come and go, and what you definitely don't need is to invest a lot of your time and money into a design that will become outdated almost overnight.

Choose a readable font. Logo text should look great, and even more readable at a small size. Check how the font will display in different sizes. Give Some Space The great jazz trumpeter Miles Davis once said that the notes you don't play are just as important as the ones you play. Therefore, when choosing a logo font, it is necessary to take into account the distance between characters (kerning). Too much spacing can make the logo look “scattered” and incoherent, while too little can make it illegible.

Use font personality. Your logo is the face of your brand. It is number 1 on the list of your company's touch points with society. Therefore, when choosing fonts, think about the nature of your brand and what you want to convey with your font. Is it speed, strength, reliability, affordability or attention to detail? The style and personality of a typeface go a long way in creating a quality logo.

Useful sites for finding fonts
Among the popular services for searching fonts are the following.
MyFonts is one of those places where you can find all the free fonts at once. In addition, there are paid unique fonts.
Some fonts on the site are distributed for free, but for using it in commercial purposes you need to buy a license.
Catalog of free fonts (there are Cyrillic fonts). There is a search and filter by font families.

Also see a selection of 200 free fonts for creating logos.

Step 8: Create the final design
After you have made a few sketches of the logo, you need to move on to its actual creation. You can do this in 3 ways: - create a logo yourself in a graphics program; — create a logo using an online logo generator; - use an online logo maker tool.

Create a logo yourself
If you choose this method, you will need to decide on a drawing program such as Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Illustrator is a vector drawing program. It is often used to draw illustrations, diagrams and logos. Logo design tutorials with Adobe Illustrator:

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular photo and bitmap editing software. Its use ranges from full-featured editing of large photographs to the creation of complex digital paintings and drawings. Logo creation tutorials with Adobe Photoshop:

Create logos with an online logo generator
Online logo generators are a good option if you don't have the skills and knowledge to self-creation logos and lack of resources (time, money). We have collected several online services that will be useful to you when creating logos.
Russian-language online logo generator with Cyrillic support in logos. We have described the process of creating a logo using this service below. Let's just clarify that after creating the logo, you can download files in raster (PNG and JPEG) and vector formats (SVG and PDF). You can also make business cards, envelopes, letterheads, favicons based on the created logo.

Zillion Designs
This is a simple logo design tool. You can create your logo in just 3 steps, similar to Logaster. In Zillion Designs, you choose all the elements of the logo yourself - the picture, color, font. After successfully creating a logo, you can download the file in EPS, JPEG and PNG formats.

Hipster Logo Generator
An interesting service for creating a logo. This service is full of various tools and settings so you can create a logo that looks exactly the way you want. With Hipster Logo Generator you can create simple but interesting logos. There are also disadvantages - you cannot edit the elements, in addition, the interface is in English.

How to create a logo online
Let's create an example logo using the Logaster service. Go to the main page of the service and click "Create a logo".

Enter your logo text and choose a theme. Click "Next".

The service will offer dozens of logo options. Choose the one you like and click on it.

If you need to make edits, for example, change the text, color, icon, font, etc., then click "Edit logo".

Use the color matching infographic to help you choose the right font for your business. Similarly, use the tips for choosing a font. If you're happy with the logo, click Save. Download the logo for free (small size) or for $9.99 full size.

In addition to the logo, you can also create other products. For example, business card or form.

Keep listening
Once your logo is created, it's important to stay open to feedback. To do this, show the logo to a test group of people who match your client's profile. You can show them multiple designs or just the one you feel is the strongest. Ask them if they like the logo, what emotions it appeals to. If you are satisfied with the answers, congratulations! You have created a great logo. If not, you might need to redesign your logo.

Choose the right file format for your logo
Your logo can be saved in two formats. One is known as vector and the other as raster. You need logo files in both formats. Vector format (PDF, CDR, EPS, SVG) is used for logo editing, as well as for scaling, printing. Raster format (PNG, JPEG) is used for web browsing. For example, to place your logo on the website, social networks, in the caption to e-mail. To work with vectors, programs such as Corel, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape ( free program), for a raster - Adobe Photoshop, Pint.Net and others.

That's all! I hope our article was helpful. Do not forget to write what tips you have when creating a logo and share a link to the article on social networks.

What if you have a website or blog but don't know how to design a logo and don't have the extra money to hire professional designer who would make it for you? In that case, here are some websites and online services that will help you create your own logo easily, quickly and for free.

Over time, most of these services are moving to the provision of paid services. Therefore, download the logo itself - often payable service, but take the idea on their service and create a logo for your needs - who will stop. For example, in this article you can read how to create a logo yourself. In the end, you can make a printscreen of the picture and finalize it in Photoshop!


Logaster is a Russian-language service that offers both free and paid logo creation services. Great interface, easy to use, lots of templates and advanced settings. We can say that LOGASTER can be considered a real in-house designer and an indispensable assistant!

The LOGASTER online logo creation service will help you not only in creating logos, but in editing existing ones. In addition, after a simple registration, you will have the opportunity to create your own unique corporate identity or product branding.

Doubtless advantages of the service for creating a logo online is that:

  • the program independently generates logos and produces many different options in a matter of minutes,
  • there is an option to compare your chosen logos and edit each selected option according to your wishes,
  • all logos created by you in the LOGASTER program will be saved and available to you at any time.


  • access to full-size logos is available only in the paid version.

2. Logotype Maker

Logotype Maker is free service for online creation logo for your website. In a few steps, you can create a professional and high-quality logo. You do not need any additional knowledge or skills.

  1. Enter text in the box that says "input slogan here" (insert slogan here) and click the button "Generate Logo Now!" (Create a logo now).
  2. On the next page, choose a template for your logo. It can be changed later. If you want to take advantage of the free templates, choose the ones marked with the Free icon.
  3. After you click on the template, a pop-up window will open, in which click Download logo now (Download logo now).

There are several tools at your disposal with which you can easily customize your own logo and even a business card. You can change the text that you entered first, add new text, move it, change the color, size and shape of the letters (font), add one of the effects (shadows, reflection). You can also change the image, rotate it, move it, select a different one, and so on. With a little tweaking, you can create your own professional yet free logo.
When you are satisfied appearance logo, just click on the button at the top right of the Download logo page. You will receive the logo in the following formats: PNG, JPG, Ai and Eps.
One of the advantages of this service is that it is not necessary to register in order to create and upload a free logo.

3 Flaming Text

Flaming Text offers a free logo design service. It is also very easy to use. In "logo categories" select the logo category: business, cinema, nature, children, Web 2.0 and others. Then personalize your logo in the same way as in the previous service. Then click the Create logo button. Flaming Text Logos can be used free of charge for personal and educational purposes. If the logo is created for commercial use, then you need to pay $9.95.

The following two services offer tools for quick and easy logo design, however, not for free download. Downloading the logo will cost some money.

4. Logo Ease

Logo Ease is a free online logo maker. It is very easy to use. The logo is created in three stages.
1) Select an image. Images are organized by category. For example: abstract pictures, flowers, houses, space and time, letters, holidays, animals, etc.
2) Logo personalization. Add text, choose a writing style, enlarge or reduce the frame and letters, rotate the text or the image itself, change the color of the image and text. Finally, click the save button to save the logo. Only registered users can save their logos.
3) Downloading the logo. The logo can only be downloaded after payment. The logo here can only be created for free, but not downloaded to your computer.

5. Logo Maker

Logo Maker is the next free logo design web application. It has almost the same principle of operation as the previously described applications and the same quality of the created logos.


cool text

Cool Text is one of the most popular free online logo generators for web pages. It allows you to create logos for free and without much design knowledge.
Choose one of the options that suits you and click on it.
Fill out the form to personalize the logo: enter text (website, blog or company name), select the text shape and size, effects and format in which you want to download the logo (GIF, PNG, PSD, XCF).
Click on the render button to see how successful your logo turned out.

After that, save the logo or edit it. In addition, here you can get the HTML code of the logo or send it by e-mail.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

In the previous article, we talked about, but how to make a logo yourself?

Quite a painstaking task, but if you manage to come up with something ingenious, then believe me, it's worth it.

Initially, the logo was invented in order to highlight your company / website in the market. If you want to achieve this, then you must definitely read this article.

The logo is the face of your company/website. If there is no original logo, and your site does not attract attention at all, then it is unlikely that it will stand out from the huge number of similar sites.

If you want as many users as possible to visit your Internet resource, then you just need to create something that really attracts attention.

First, let's figure out what logos are.

Types of logos


Displaying the logo in the form of pictures, signs, symbols, icons. This type popular among huge modern companies or websites. An image can be meaningful, it all depends on what meaning you put into it. Popular companies with this type: Apple, Nike


This type is quite simple, but just as popular as the symbolic one. It represents ordinary letters that are displayed in different shells. Examples with this type: M-motorola, ACER, Nokia.


This type of logo consists of the previous two. It includes various images of objects, animals, plants and the text itself. Examples: Adobe, Adidas, Microsoft.
What type will you choose? The choice is yours alone.

Creating a logo for the site

There are many programs (services) on the Internet for creating logos for websites online. Some of the most popular programs:

  • LogotypeGenerator
  • Flamingtext
  • hipsterlogo generator

The program is simple to use, all actions are performed step by step. Believe me, a logo can be created very quickly, and you need to have at least a little skill. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always trust a professional.

Below is an instruction for creating logos using the flamingtext service as an example:

Notes! It will be free to download only with a watermark.

Website favicons

To draw the attention of the masses to the site, many people use Favicon.

A favicon is an icon in a special format that appears in front of a page's URL in the address bar, next to a bookmark.

Favicon and logo usually look the same. Only the favicon is much smaller and has a different format (.ico)

In order for it to carry a semantic load, certain requirements must be met:

  • Create a Favicon in the same style as the site is being developed. Use the same design elements, color palette.
  • Keep your Favicon simple and easy to understand.
  • Don't use complex images.

To create a Favicon, there is such a resource X-Icon Editor . The program has the functionality of import, export, as well as a preview of the Favicon on the browser tab.

Photoshop and Paint

I would like to note that the most wonderful logos can be created in Photoshop, because you completely invent them yourself. Photoshop has rich functionality, a wide palette of colors.

Do not be afraid if you have never had to work in such a program. There are many on the web detailed instructions, video tutorials on working with the program are collected. But if there is no time to study, then find a pro on one of the freelance exchanges. Here are the most popular:


There is also a well-known standard program "Paint". This is a very simple program. It, of course, is very inferior to Photoshop, since it contains only the simplest tools. But even with these tools, you can create a masterpiece

In conclusion, I would like to note that everyone can do everything, it is worth setting goals correctly and loving what you do.

If this article was informative for you, subscribe to blog updates, recommend reading the article to your friends on social networks.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan


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