Always remember that there are practically no laws in treatment that are binding on everyone. A benevolent smile is your adornment

You need to realize that according to Genesis 1: 26-28, you are created in the image and likeness of God, which means that nothing is impossible for you. Besides, you cannot be worse than any other human being. With God's help, you can achieve what successful people do. It is important that you look at yourself the way God looks at you.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy people, people taken as an inheritance, in order to proclaim the perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.

Always remember that you are chosen by God, that you are holy and that God has taken you as His inheritance. I advise you to go to the mirror and say to your reflection: "I am chosen, I am special ..." This is how John G. Lake, a preacher who went down in history as God's general, developed faith in himself. Every day, putting on a suit, he went to the mirror to say: “Jesus lives in you. You are the temple of God. Great God in this costume! " Thus, he broke out of the circle of life failures.

Since the world lies in evil (1 John 5:19), it is not surprising that for a long time they drowned us, “poured mud”, destroyed, humiliated and constantly said: “You can do nothing! You are nobody!" If you hear such things addressed to you, you need to do what John G. Lake did: keep telling yourself that you are chosen by God, that you are a royal priesthood.

You may ask: "How did God not be afraid that I would be kindled, and did not hide this truth from me?" God has not hidden this truth because He wants you to know how He sees you. And in case you become proud, He has a thousand ways to humble you. See yourself the way God looks at you. This will help you achieve significant success in life.

You are no worse than others, you can cope with any task. Especially when it comes to your calling. Looking at yourself in the mirror, say: "You are beautifully and wonderfully created!" (Ps. 139: 14). I believe in you". In this way, you will tell yourself what the Lord is telling you. Keep saying this even if you don't like the shape of your nose, because your appearance has nothing to do with who you are in God's eyes. First of all, you are a spirit.

I have traces of chickenpox on my face, which I suffered several years ago. But until recently, I didn't even notice them, because I stopped looking at myself as flesh. Therefore, I did not even notice spots on my face. And only after one person in a conversation with me asked: "Why do you have spots on your face?", I drew attention to them. Today they are not, but even if they remained, there would be something else in me that would supernaturally attract people to me.

People will perceive you as you see yourself, and they will also see in you what you are filled with. Be filled with God, the word of God, and build confidence.

Jesus was not a proud man, but He said radical things. His words disconcerted the Pharisees:

Again Jesus spoke to the people and said to them:

“I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. "

(John 8:12)

What gave Jesus the right to say about Himself: “I am the light! You have to follow Me! ”? Jesus knew who He was. And when He was rebuked: “You testify of Yourself!” Jesus replied: “I myself bear witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me” (John 8:18). In other words, He said: "I speak about myself what corresponds to the opinion of the Father about me." Jesus spoke what he knew and spoke like one who has dignity.

You need to know yourself

If you do not know yourself, you have no right to demand from others that they understand you.

This is a problem in our society. Teenagers, not understanding themselves, create families. So, children marry children and give birth to children. Then they come to live with their parents: "Feed us." This is a catastrophe!

If you do not understand yourself, what right do you have to demand from a husband or wife to be understood? Today you think of yourself that you are like that, tomorrow you will think of yourself differently, in a day you will perceive yourself in a completely different way. How can your husband or wife know who you are today? Yesterday you said one thing about yourself, today you think another. How can loved ones know about this?

Be confident in yourself

Agree with God's opinion of you and be human with feeling self-esteem. Jesus never hesitated to say who He was.

“He who sent Me is with Me; The Father did not leave Me alone, for I always do what pleases Him. " When He said this, many believed in Him.

(John 8:29, 30)

Jesus declared that God is with Him, that the Father did not leave Him, and that He Himself always does what pleases God. Notice that when He said this, many people believed in Him. People love those and follow those who know themselves. This is why pastors who say, “I don’t know the will of God ...” have churches falling apart. Nobody wants to follow an insecure person. Conquer yourself and then you can conquer the whole world!

2. Surround yourself with those, which will help you believe in yourself

Finally, my brothers, what is only true, what is honest, what is just, what is pure, what is kind, what is glorious, what is only virtue and praise - think about that.

(Phil. 4: 8)

Think about "Whatever is true." Is it not true what the Lord says about us? True. Think about "... what is honest, what is fair, what is clean, what is kind, what is glorious." God doesn't want us to be humiliated. He wants us to think about what is worthy of glory and honor.

"... whatever is only virtue and praise - think about that." Do not read anything that humiliates you and speaks of your sinfulness. So we know that we are sinners. Otherwise they would not have come to repentance.

Read books by successful people, read about those who have already achieved something in life. Read literature to help you grow creatively. Read what will help you fulfill your calling (I advise you to read my book "Fulfill Your Calling").

Let there always be stickers or Bible passages in front of your eyes that inspire you and confirm your faith in yourself. For example: "I am wonderfully made", "I can do everything in Jesus Christ who strengthens me." If you are struggling with sin, tell yourself that you are called to holiness and that your body is made to honor the Lord.

For someone, a photograph of a pastor or someone you worship might be an inspiring image. When problems come, look at her with faith and say: “Lord, let the Spirit that is on him come down on me!” And God will work a miracle - he will strengthen you, give you strength to overcome difficulties.

Study the lives of successful people. Explore how they succeeded and what difficulties they had to overcome.

And do not conform to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may know what the will of God is, good, acceptable and perfect.

(Rom. 12: 2)

God knows that it is difficult for us to renew our mind if we do not work on ourselves. Let's look at how this principle worked in the life of Abram.

God wanted to bless Abram, but knew that first he needed to renew his mind. To do this, God drew his attention to what helped Abram to believe.

And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift up your eyes, and from the place where you are now, look to the north and to the south, and to the east and to the west; for all the land that you see, I will give you and your offspring forever. And I will make your offspring like the sand of the earth; if anyone can count the sand of the earth, then your offspring will also be counted. Get up, walk along this land in its length and breadth, for I will give it to you and to your offspring forever. " And Abram moved his tent, and went and dwelt by the oak grove of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and there he built an altar to the Lord.

I think Abram was in a terrible mood after Lot separated from him. Abram was depressed, and in such a state it is difficult for a person to think about success. God knew how to help Abram. He needed to show an image that would renew the mind of Abram and give strength to believe. God told Abram to look north, south, east and west: "... For all the land that you see, I will give you and your offspring forever." Abram needed to be seen.

Let the stickers and Bible verses be something you can use to help you believe in yourself. After all, what you constantly hold in front of your eyes is imprinted in you.

By learning about how other people have achieved success, you will know what you yourself want to achieve and what you need to do to achieve it. After Abram saw, he had to do something else ...

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There are people who can do everything by themselves. From the outside, it seems that they do not even make any effort to achieve what they want. And there are others who are always haunted by failure.

Our mind has an amazing ability to focus. If it is poorly developed, many tasks seem impossible. If well developed, a person immerses himself in work and is not distracted - tasks are done as if by themselves, easily and effortlessly.

Our brain has a special mechanism - the reticular activating system, for short, the RAS. It filters the huge streams of data that the brain constantly has to deal with, and finds the most important at any given moment. Without her, the brain would have burned out. An important fact: the RAS finds among the billions of bits only what we tell it to look for. We set the focus point ourselves.

The familiar focus point can be compared to glasses with colored lenses. Every time we put on glasses, the world around us changes color. If the glasses are pink-coated, the world will turn pink; if with the dark, the world will darken.

This is an important reason to focus on the positive. The more we think about the good, the more good things happen around us.

Those thoughts that occupy our mind depend on the focal point. If right now we are most worried about the pain in the eyes, thoughts about the eyes come to mind: how much they hurt, what kind of cataract did my grandfather have, or why they can hurt and how to solve the problem. If we focus on running, we think about either how hard it is to run, or a good running shoe and the next step.

The same goes for everything else. We ourselves are able to give a command to thoughts in which direction to flow. Or climb the wall for days because of pain in the eyes, or think about when to go to the ophthalmologist and what eye drops work well.

If we decide to focus on the reasons why we can achieve what we want, we will find them. If we focus on why we cannot, then we will find a thousand reasons.

As easy as shelling pears: consciously focus on what you want to see in your life.

Many people are familiar with the feeling of so-called "bad luck", when the whole world seems to deliberately insert sticks into the wheels. But the world is not kind and not evil, it has no favorites, but the laws by which it works are there.

The most successful people on this planet intuitively understand these laws and live by them. They just think of themselves as successful: I'm smart, I'm lucky, I can do anything. With the help of their thoughts, they attract well-being.

And vice versa: failures happen to a person when he is sure that he is doomed to problems and bad luck. He believes that he is weak and that the world is cruel and difficult, and acts in accordance with that confidence. Such a focal point can bring nothing but failure to life.

Our thoughts affect our lives. And thoughts are influenced by the focal point, which we can consciously change.

Try it yourself, focus on the very things you want to see: happiness, love, money, success. Thoughts will change - your feelings and actions will change. Train yourself to think about your cherished desires more often. And life will change at once.

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Each of us is an independent individual, with our own metabolic conditions, our own troubles, desires, abilities, capabilities, etc.
What becomes a miracle cure for a spouse may not help her husband at all. For example, she will be able to easily endure the removal of toxins by enhanced methods. He will have to choose the path of "careful removal of toxins."
Never follow unverified advice given by relatives, acquaintances, clients, friends, etc.! It may turn out that they are perfect for your to the best friend, and you will only be harmed.
If you do decide to follow these tips, then at least proceed carefully and slowly. Of course, it may turn out the other way around, when the best way out for you is to follow someone else's advice. You may even have to act much faster and more decisively than the advisor. Anything can happen, so it's best to make decisions and act individually.
This judgment is related to our requirement that each of us should take greater responsibility for our own health and think about each of our actions. But this in no way means that we should deal exclusively with our diseases and health. Even one who has been healthy as a bull will get sick from this.

In a society that cares about the health of its citizens from birth, such activities would not be needed at all. We would be healthy and could devote ourselves to intelligent life in earthly incarnation. Instead, we are used for selfish purposes, offering all kinds of pleasures, and we suffer from the consequences that affect our health.

Try for a few months or at most years to heal your body, cleanse it and free it from toxins, re-fill the "warehouses" with minerals and live without complaining about your health. We sincerely wish you this.


As you read this book, you’re probably exposed to data and hypotheses that you haven’t heard of yet.

You can be sure that we have not given here a single fact that could not be confirmed by the results of many years of research or in practice.

While our book touches on other topics, we couldn't help but reflect on intelligent disease prevention and effective preventive medicine.
Prevention makes sense and success only in careful and skillful hands. Excess (in a good sense of the word) can be harmful in the same way as careless restrictions. First of all, this applies to sports, as well as taking vitamins, eating raw plant foods, etc.

We affirm that at present in our country there is no system of disease prevention and preventive medicine, but, on the contrary, since childhood, much has been done to make the Germans sick, weak, obsessed with painful passions. It starts with vaccinations, which even many traditional medical doctors have come to believe do more harm than good.

First, the children consume sweets immoderately, then the turn of school smokers and vending machines with carbonated drinks comes, and so we come to countless vending machines for cigarettes, shops with alcoholic beverages etc.

We keep in touch with hundreds of healers, doctors and clinics, who confirm the touch of vision on body chemistry and help in our work with a large number of clarifications and additions that allow us to penetrate even deeper into the topic. For this we express our heartfelt gratitude to them.

The time has come when it became necessary to support and encourage the personal responsibility of men, women and children for their own health.



First, here from different sources collected information on acid-base balance. From different sides, in different languages, from different angles, sometimes just short facts.
And secondly, of course, here I also collect everything that concerns the violation of this balance - all the factors that violate it in one direction or another.
Basically, this is, of course, the problem of acidification - acidosis.


The first step is strictly scientific about pH. From lecture courses in biochemistry for medical students. And here, by the way, we can see the role of sodium bicarbonate in general in metabolism. After all, there is whole system based on sodium bicarbonate and called - "sodium bicarbonate buffer"!
And to see how it all works, we will touch here not only this buffer, but also other buffer systems of the blood - systems that are involved in maintaining acid-base balance (which in this strictly scientific language is called the acid-base state).

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that you discover this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps.
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Anyone on your way can be a dedicated friend, valuable partner, mentor, or ally. You will never guess in advance what roles you will play in each other's lives.

site gives the rules followed by those who value dating and understand the true value of connections.

Do a little research before meeting

Most new acquaintances, business meetings are predictable or planned. Make an effort before the meeting - try to learn more about the other person- about him professional experience, hobbies, personal interests. This will positively affect your perception of the other person and the meeting will be more productive. Successful people do not neglect this simple rule.

Prepare for the context of the meeting

Whether you have a first date, a negotiation with a new supplier, or an interview (no matter which side you are from the employer or the job seeker), get ready - Think about the questions you want to ask and the answers to the prospective questions for you.

And, of course, it is important not to forget that you see the situation only from your side and have a limited understanding of the motives of the interlocutor - so it would be ideal think over several options for the flow of the conversation and be flexible.

Always remember that no one is comfortable enough.

Few for whom communication with strangers is comfortable enough, and it is not so important whether it is a first date or a business meeting. We are all worried about the impression we have made, we are afraid to miss the important thing. And your interlocutor, despite all the feigned seriousness, also feels uncomfortable and worried.

If you realize that in front of you a common person , you will forget about your worries, and communication will be calmer.

A benevolent smile is your adornment

“Smile” is a fairly well-known piece of advice. But not all smiles are alike. A fake or inappropriately wide smile can be intimidating, a smile that usually sells unnecessary junk compulsively.

Let the smile be real, sincere, coming from within. Let a smile be born from the anticipation of interesting communication, arise from the chance to be pleasantly surprised, learn something new or start a relationship that may become important in the future.

A direct look speaks of sincerity, openness and courage. Running, lowered eyes make an unpleasant impression. Make eye contact with the other person. But it is also important that the gaze is calm and appropriate, so that it does not look like a gaze game and does not look like an attempt to dominate.

Remember also about the differences of cultures - a benevolent meeting of the eyes in our society can be regarded as impolite or even aggression in other countries. A little background research will help you establish rules for yourself depending on the person you are going to meet. If you did not have the opportunity to find out about a person in advance, observe him, orient yourself in the process of communication.

Offer a culturally appropriate greeting

Greetings in the world are very different, and what is normal in one culture may be impolite in another. be careful to that. Of course, foreign interlocutors understand that there is a difference between cultures, but if you offer them a culturally acceptable greeting, the chances of a successful meeting will be greatly increased. Show courtesy and consideration and it will not go unnoticed on their part.

Pay attention to surrounding objects for clues about the interlocutor

If the meeting is taking place in someone's office, at home, or in some other place where the other person is often, look around. You can find clues and clues to a person's personality, with whom the meeting is taking place. Books and art, furniture, small furnishings, or even photographs. Get to know them, pay attention, this will help to establish trusting contact.

A small book for getting great luck Pravdina Natalya Borisovna

Always remember what you want!

Your desires are milestones on your path to success, pointers in the right direction. This is a kind of radar of your innate autopilot, tuned to unleash the potential inherent in you. In order to move in the right direction, you must always keep this essential tool in "combat readiness". If you don't know what you want, other people can easily control you! Therefore, constantly remind yourself of your true desires and ask yourself: "What I am doing now brings me closer to the fulfillment of my desires?" Better yet, as I have already recommended, make a beautiful list of your desires every year and check it out more often. Make adjustments - don't be afraid to change something, if you change your mind, write down new goals. This is your list, so it should be lively and flexible.

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