Some kind of professional activity. Problems of professional activity. From the experience of psychologists

For the actual performance of professional activity, each person must have a number of psychological qualities necessary for this profession, these qualities are interpreted as professionally important qualities. Thus, professionally important qualities include individual mental and personal qualities subject, which are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of a particular productive activity. In addition to the actual mental properties (individual psychological characteristics), certain functions of professionally important qualities can also be performed by some extra-psychic properties of the subject - somatic, constitutional, typological, neurodynamic, etc. For example, physical strength and endurance are an example of pronounced professionally important qualities (PVC) for many activities.

According to A.V. Karpov, professionally important qualities (PVK) are divided into 4 main groups, forming in their totality the structure professional suitability:

· absolute PVK - the properties necessary to perform the activity as such at the minimum allowable or normatively specified, average level;

Relative ETC, which determine the possibility for the subject to achieve high (“above the norm”) quantitative and qualitative performance indicators (“EQ of mastery”);

motivational readiness for the implementation of a particular activity. It has been proven that high motivation can significantly compensate for the insufficient level of development of many other STCs (but not vice versa);

anti-PVC: properties that are contrary to one or another type of professional activity. The structure of professional suitability implies a minimum level of their development or even the absence. In contrast to the qualities of the first three groups, they correlate with activity parameters significantly, but negatively.

Psychologists have established that any activity is carried out on the basis of the PVK system, which is a set of peculiar symptom complexes of subjective properties specific to a particular professional activity. Symptom complexes are formed in the subject in the course of mastering the corresponding activity and contain specific subsystems of the ITC that ensure the implementation of each next stage of professional activity (formation of the "motive-goal" vector, activity planning, processing of current information, conceptual model, decision-making, actions, verification results, correction of actions).

In all types of activity, it is customary to distinguish between those individual qualities that are actually responsible for its performance, and those that are necessary for the perception and reception of professionally significant information. Therefore, it is customary to talk about the performance and information PVCs.

So, we can give the following definition of PVK. Professionally important qualities (PVK) are the individual properties of the subject of activity, which are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of this activity at a normatively specified level.

For future skilled workers and specialists, the most important condition for the formation of the EEC is properly organized at school, and then in primary and secondary institutions. vocational education professional orientation.

Main directions vocational guidance are professional information, professional consultation, professional selection (selection), professional adaptation. Each of these areas, to one degree or another, involves the study of professionally important personality traits. Thus, professional information acquaints various groups of the population with modern views production, the state of the labor market, the needs economic complex in qualified personnel, the content and prospects of the market of professions, the forms and conditions for their development, the requirements for professions for a person, the opportunities for professional and qualification growth and improvement in the process labor activity.

Today we have to state that the efforts of teaching staff in career guidance work, unfortunately, do not give the desired results. The interest of students in the once considered prestigious professions machine operator, builder, electrician, etc. The reasons for this are different, but not the least role is played by shortcomings in the joint career guidance work of schools, vocational schools, lyceums and production, as well as poor consideration of the psychophysiological characteristics of students. One of the shortcomings is the advertising, inviting nature of many of the events held at the general education school and professional lyceum. Often these events are limited to campaigning for a profession, showing the attractive aspects of certain specialties. At the same time, many questions of career counseling remain unanswered. What is the complexity of this or that profession? What are the psychophysical requirements for it? What are the requirements for the general and special abilities of a person who has chosen a particular specialty? After all, it often happens that in a professional lyceum a beginner is either disappointed in his profession because of the discrepancy between his ideas about it and the actual nature and content of work, or the psychophysical data and health of a young worker turn out to be contraindicated for the chosen profession or specialty. In practice, this, as a rule, leads to a change of profession, as a result of which both young people and society as a whole bear moral and material costs. Eliminate these shortcomings in the first place with the help of properly delivered professional advice.

The consultation is advisory in nature. In the process of it, the correspondence of the state of health of young people to professional requirements, the level of psychological readiness of the individual to master this profession is fixed. In order to take into account professional contraindications and determine the profession that best suits the personal abilities and interests of a person, professional selection and professional selection are carried out.

Professional selection is the determination of the degree of professional suitability of a person for a particular profession (job) or position in accordance with regulatory requirements.

There are four aspects of professional selection: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological. Medical professional selection is made on the basis of medical procedures for measuring the level of development and formation of the human body and its individual functional systems. Physiological selection takes into account the specific functional state of a person: the degree of his fatigue and performance, exposure to stressful factors, the ability to function effectively in conditions of risk, night shifts, information uncertainty. Pedagogical professional selection is aimed at assessing the formation of the employee's special knowledge, the development of his skills and practical professional skills. Psychological selection is implemented with the help of verbal tests and questionnaires, instrumental methods, personality projective tests, interviews. Such selection is aimed at identifying and assessing the inclinations and abilities of a person, his value orientations, professional orientation, motivation, interests and preferences.

Professional selection is the provision of recommendations to a person about possible areas of professional activity that are most appropriate to his psychological, psychophysiological and physiological characteristics, based on the results of psychological, psychophysiological and medical diagnostics. A person is selected a profession, a professional sphere and those specialties that most of all correspond to his individual psychological characteristics for the full realization of his potential in labor activity.

In professional educational institutions professional selection and professional selection act as a special form of labor expertise. It should be borne in mind that for the qualitative conduct of both the first and second forms of examination, the main tasks are:

prevent a person from entering a job for which he has contraindications (he is not capable of age, health status, education, psychophysiological data);

select the most efficient people for work in this profession, who can perform labor duties in their specialty without harming their health;

Determine what type of work this or that person is most capable of, in order to recommend this or that type of activity to him.

If in professional selection the first two tasks are mainly solved, and the third task is performed in the interests of the first two, then in professional selection the main task is the third of the above.

Psychological professional selection is expedient and effective in carrying out following conditions:

the presence of an objective socio-economic necessity (for example, the presence of a large number of free workers for certain professional vacancies);

the presence of a certain range of professions in which the professional suitability of an employee is of great importance for him to achieve high labor efficiency (for example, the work of an operator, which requires special psychological selection of workers according to the stress resistance factor);

· the presence of a developed and tested system of selection ("batteries" of diagnostic methods compiled in accordance with the principles of validity, reliability, complementarity and interchangeability);

Availability of specialists trained for professional selection and having practical experience in the organization and implementation of professional selection procedures.

An important goal of career guidance activities is satisfaction with a specific professional activity and professional adaptation. professional, industrial and social adaptation- this is a system of measures that contribute to the professional development of an employee, the formation of appropriate social and professional qualities, attitudes and needs for active creative work, achieving a high level of professionalism.

The formation of the professionalism of an employee occurs on the basis of the action of two groups of factors - objective and subjective. Objective factor - these are the requirements, norms and restrictions put forward by the profession to the work of a person and the presence of certain properties and characteristics (professional knowledge, skills, professionally significant qualities). TO subjective Factors include the employee's inclinations, abilities, motivation and level of claims, self-esteem and psychological protection from mistakes and failures.

It should be noted that professional suitability is based on professionally important personality traits that are formed in the course of a long-term work activity of an employee. The inclinations, the potential to carry out this or that specific activity, due to the individual psychological properties of the personality, are inherent in a person from the very beginning.

Simultaneously with the formation of professionally important qualities, the professional thinking of a person develops, his professional type is formed with the corresponding value orientations, character, individual characteristics of professional behavior and lifestyle in general.

Thus, the analysis of the literature shows that any activity is implemented on the basis of the PVK system. This means that each activity requires a certain set of PVK, which is their naturally organized system. The PVK system acts as a certain set of subject properties specific to a particular activity. It is not set in ready-made, but is formed in the subject in the course of mastering the activity.

The psychological theory of activity can be conditionally divided into two areas - the actual theory of activity and the theory of the subject of activity. If the first considers the problems of the psychological structure, mechanisms and patterns of activity as such, then the second is connected, first of all, with the study of the so-called subjective determinants of activity. These are the factors that underlie effective implementation activities and are related to the characteristics of its subject. These include motivation, orientation, the degree of preparedness of the subject - his " training"(professional competence), etc. However, the main place among them is occupied by those individual, personal qualities of the subject that are necessary and sufficient for the normative implementation of a particular activity. They are designated in the theory of activity by the concept of professionally important qualities (PVK). In connection with their decisive role in the mental organization of activity, it is necessary to consider some of their main features.

Professionally important qualities- these are the individual properties of the subject of activity, which are necessary and sufficient for its implementation at a normatively set level and correlate with at least one of its main effective parameters (quality, productivity, reliability). The function of professionally important ones can be not only mental, but also extra-psychic properties of the subject - somatic, biological, morphological, constitutional, typological, neurodynamic, etc. For example, elementary " physical strength and endurance» - a pronounced PVK of many types of activities. For a more complete disclosure of the specifics and features of the PVK, it is advisable to dwell on their main classifications.

So, first of all, there are four main groups of individual qualities that form the structure of professional suitability. These are, firstly, the absolute PVK - the properties necessary to perform the activity as such at the minimum allowable, or normatively specified, "average" level. Secondly, these are relative PVK, which determine the possibility for the subject to achieve high (“ above-standard”) quantitative and qualitative performance indicators (“ PVC craftsmanship"). Thirdly, in the role of important subjective determinants of activity and, consequently, in the role of PVK, adequate motivational readiness for the implementation of a particular activity has recently been considered. It has been proven that it can significantly compensate for the insufficient level of development of many other STCs (but not vice versa!). Finally, fourthly, the so-called anti-PVC are distinguished - properties, the presence of which acts as a professional contraindication to a particular activity.

Further, any activity is characterized by certain basic performance parameters - first of all, quality and productivity. V psychological research it has been proved that various individual qualities of the subject are necessary to ensure them. The professionally important qualities of these parameters partially overlap, but more often they do not completely coincide with each other, and sometimes they enter into antagonistic relationships. In the latter case, the same PVC is such in terms of ensuring the quality of activity and anti-PVC - in terms of ensuring productivity.

One of the important results of the study of the internal control system was the establishment that any activity is carried out on the basis of a specific system of internal control. This means that each activity requires a certain set of PVCs; the latter, however, is not a side by side, "mechanical" sum of qualities, but their regularly organized system. Functional interrelations of compensatory and assistive types are established between individual PVKs; the PVK system itself acts as a certain symptom complex of subjective properties, specific to this or that activity. It is not set in finished form, but is formed by the subject in the course of mastering the activity. In this case, the degree of integration of such SVC systems usually significantly increases. Those STCs that are characterized by the greatest connection with activity parameters (correlation with them) are called leading. And the STCs, which have the largest number of intrasystem connections with other qualities, i.e. characterized by the greatest "structural weight" and, therefore, occupy a central place in the entire system of qualities, are called basic. They may not correlate significantly with performance parameters; however, they are no less and often more important for its implementation. They can be found through special method analysis - a method for finding the intercorrelation matrices of the PVC.

Not all STCs are associated with activity parameters in a simple - linear - dependence, i.e. dependence of the type "the higher the level of PVK, the more effective the activity." A number of PVK are connected with the parameters of activity by a non-linear dependence of the optimum type: these parameters take the highest values ​​not at the maximum, but at some average - optimal - levels of PVK development. For instance, managerial activity is most effective at some, albeit rather high, but still not the maximum level of development of reflexivity as the STC of this activity.

Along with this, the so-called PVK of development of activity and PVK of execution are separated. The former are most important for effective, i.e. high-quality and fast, mastery of the subject of activity; the second - for its given level as such. These two groups of PVK also partially coincide, and partially differ.

For a wide range of activities, it is relevant to differentiate the PVK into those that act as such under normal conditions of its implementation, and those that are necessary in complicated, and often even in extreme conditions, of its implementation.

Finally, it has been proven that for many types of professional activity it is necessary to distinguish between those individual qualities that are "responsible" for its own performing part, and those that are necessary for perception - the reception of professionally significant information. In this regard, it is customary to talk about the performance and informational PVCs.

Thus, it can be seen that general structure PVK as the main subjective determinants of activity turns out to be quite complex and internally differentiated. It includes a number of main categories of PVK, the presence of which is the main condition for the effective implementation of professional activities.

    Types of professional activity

    Activities for employment contract(labor activity)

    Professional activity within the framework of civil law relations

    Professional entrepreneurial activity

    Professional official activity

1. The concept of professional activity

1.1. Legislative regulation of professional activity

        Basic concepts of professional activity

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no legal definition of the concept of "professional activity", although this term is used quite widely. Thus, the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation” enshrines the right of citizens to professional activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation (Article 10). This right includes the independent search for work and employment outside the territory of the country.

This term is found in the electoral legislation, according to which, election campaigning is the dissemination of information about the activities of candidates that are not related to their professional activities or the performance of their official (official) duties.

The Federal Laws regulating the civil service refer to professional service activities, and the Federal Law “On Service in the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation” refers to professional activities in the implementation of the functions, rights and obligations of customs authorities that are part of the system of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the term "professional activity" is found in laws regulating labor, constitutional and administrative relations. At the same time, it does not have a single content. Moreover, the legislation allows for its various interpretations. Thus, it follows from the electoral legislation that professional activity is a purely labor activity that does not coincide with official work. For administrative legislation, the concept of “professional service activity” is a single category.

In the theory of law professional activity refers to activities carried out on the basis of special knowledge and skills, requiring certain training and education. Professional official activity is associated with the performance, as a rule, as the main activity of special official powers for remuneration paid at the expense of the relevant budget.

Professional activity this is the type of labor activity that is the main source of income for a person who owns a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience.

The presence of a certain profession in a person is evidence that he can competently perform this type of work. Many professions are divided into specialties.

In Russian legislation, "Professional activity" receives legal regulation for the types of activities of various specialties, and the subjects of professional activity are individuals who carry out professional activities regulated by Russian laws.

Speciality- this is a type of occupation within one profession, a narrower classification of professional activity that requires specific knowledge, skills, acquired as a result of education and ensures the formulation and solution of narrower professional tasks. Persons who own a certain specialty are subdivided according to qualifications.

Employee Qualification- this is the level of professional readiness, depending on the amount of knowledge, skills, experience and skills he has, necessary to perform a certain job with the greatest efficiency and quality.

Position- this is an established set of duties and rights corresponding to them, which determines the place and role of an employee in an organization.

Engagement in professional activity is possible only after appropriate registration, and for certain types of activity, state registration and (or) licensing is required. Otherwise, the most adverse consequences may occur. For example, for the implementation of illegal business activities without registration or without a special permit, if such activity caused major damage, criminal liability is provided (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

        Subjects of professional activity

Professional activity can be carried out by a person as a specialist, leader (manager), representative of the authorities or as an official.

Specialist- a person with special knowledge, skills in a particular field of activity.

A specialist in management functions is a leader (manager).

Head of the organization(manager) a person is recognized who permanently, temporarily or by special authority performs organizational and administrative or administrative and economic duties in a commercial organization, regardless of the form of ownership, as well as in non-profit organization, which is not a state body, local government, state or municipal institution.

Most of the heads of organizations, according to labor legislation, are employees - hired managers. But the legal position of the head in the region labor relations is determined not only by an employment contract, but also by laws, other regulatory legal acts on labor, as well as constituent documents. These acts define both the rights of managers and their duties.

On the one hand, the manager as an employee is subject to all the guarantees provided for by labor legislation, the obligation to ensure which lies with his counterparty under an employment contract - the employer. On the other hand, the head - a hired manager in his activities for the management of labor and capital, carried out on behalf of the owner of the organization, must be guided by the provisions of not only labor, but also civil, tax, administrative and other legislation, which is an integral part of his labor function. In this regard, it can be stated that the head is a special subject of an administrative offense and a criminal offense. At the same time, the manager as an employee is brought to administrative and criminal liability precisely for failure to fulfill his duties stipulated by the employment contract. So, for violation of labor protection legislation, the head can be brought to administrative (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) or criminal (Article 143 of the Criminal Code) liability. Especially to stimulate conscientious performance by managers of their job duties the Code of Administrative Offenses formulates a rule on liability for improper management of a legal entity (see Article 14.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Officials persons are recognized who permanently, temporarily or by special authority perform the functions of a representative of the authorities or perform organizational, administrative, administrative and economic functions in government bodies, local governments, state and municipal institutions, state corporations, as well as in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military units Russian Federation.

Persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation are understood to mean persons holding positions established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws for the direct execution of the powers of state bodies.

Persons holding public positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are understood to mean persons holding positions established by the constitutions or charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the direct execution of the powers of state bodies.

government representative recognized executive law enforcement or regulatory body, as well as another official endowed in the manner prescribed by law with administrative powers in relation to persons who are not dependent on him.

    Types of professional activity

    1. Sphere of realization of professional activity

Professional activity can be implemented in various organizational and legal forms. A person who has special knowledge in any area of ​​public relations can realize himself in labor relations with an employer or in civil law relations when performing works and services specified by the contract. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows the combination of these forms of activity. Special specificity has a professional service activity, implemented in the sphere of state and municipal government. Persons who are state and municipal employees, as a rule, are not entitled to engage in other types of paid activities.

Along with professional activity, entrepreneurial activity stands out. At the same time, professional activity and individual entrepreneurial activity in Russian legislation are considered as of the same order. This allows us to single out the fourth type of professional activity - entrepreneurial activity, carried out on the basis of existing special (professional) knowledge.

Thus, a person with special (professional) knowledge has the right to carry out his activities in order to generate income in four forms:

Labor activity (on the basis of an employment contract);

Activities on the basis of a civil law contract;

Official activity (state or municipal service);

Entrepreneurial activity (as legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

2.2. Legislative types of professional activity

V Russian law in recent years, certain types of special (professional) activities have received detailed regulation. For each of them, a special law has been adopted that regulates the mode of implementation of this activity. In particular, the following types of professional activity are distinguished:

Journalistic professional activity;

Professional activity in the securities market (brokerage, dealership, management securities, clearing, depository activities, maintaining the register of securities holders, organizing trading in the securities market)

Professional activity of insurers;

Professional physical culture and sports activities;

Activities of lawyers, notaries;

Customs activities;

Rescue activities (rescue);

Professional activities of a judge, investigator, prosecutor, deputy, etc.

Audit activity;


Appraisal activities, etc.

The world of professions is very diverse, and besides, it is dynamic. According to domestic and foreign reference books, there are up to thirty-five thousand types of professional activities and their names. In the field of psychology, in order to solve scientific and practical problems, such as, for example, career guidance, systematization is required. human activity, its distribution, as well as comparison according to some criteria: complexity, danger, load, tension, and so on.

Lack of a unified classification

It is believed that the theory of labor requires psychological classification. It is also necessary for practical research. Many analyzes and studies could be carried out much faster if a certain typology of professions already existed. But today there is no single approach to the classification of human activity.

The main drawback of many of them was that they proceeded from the predominance of a certain mental process in a particular type of activity. In addition, classifications have been proposed according to criteria such as attention and intellectual activity, but this is just a one-sided approach.

Attempts have been made to create a classification of areas and types of professional activity by types of engineering, industry, metallurgy and agriculture. But such a division cannot be psychological, since in each industry there is a fairly large variety of types of work that are radically different from each other.

Types of professional activity according to Tatishchev and Strumilin

In the eighteenth century, the famous historian and statesman Tatishchev studied this issue. They proposed their own classification of the main types of professional activity:

  • The necessary sciences in the form of education, health, economics and law.
  • Useful sciences such as physics, agriculture, mathematics and biology.
  • Smart, or, in other words, amusing sciences, such as art and literature.
  • Vain sciences in the form of alchemy and astrology.
  • Wrecker sciences, to which Tatishchev equated witchcraft.

A very interesting approach was proposed in the twenties of the last century by the prominent Soviet economist Strumilin, who based the classification on the level of a person's independence in work. At one time, the approach was considered quite progressive, but today much is outdated.

So, Strumilin divided all professions into the following list of types of professional activity, consisting of five types of work:

  • The first type is automatic strictly regulated labor. It included conveyor work, characterized by the execution of the same type of operations throughout the working day.
  • The second type is semi-automatic labor. Telephone operators and machinists were classified as workers of this type, within the framework of whose work actions are not always strictly regulated.
  • The third type is a template-executive work. This category is perhaps the most vulnerable in Strumilin's entire classification, in which he included almost all types of machine tools. manual labor. Thus, this included machine builders, seamstresses, and so on.

The next two types are not related to working professions. One of them is called "self-employment". This category includes the work of designers and engineers. The last type of profession is the category of free creative labor, which refers to workers in various types of art.

In general, it is believed that there is a rational link in this classification, especially if we consider the first two sections. But, of course, for the modern stage of history, this classification is very outdated.

Modern classification of professions

Currently, the classification of professions according to Klimov is actively used, which is of great importance in resolving issues related to the career guidance of young people. This method is based on the multifactorial principle. According to this classification, the following types of professional activity are distinguished:

  • "Man - Nature".
  • "Man - Man".
  • "Man - Technique".
  • "Man - Sign systems".
  • "Person - Artistic image".

Let's take a closer look at each of these categories.

The professions of the category "Man - Nature" include seed growing, animal husbandry, as well as such specialists as livestock specialists, agronomists, dog handlers, laboratory assistants for chemical and bacteriological analysis, and other types. The goals of professional activity in this category are related to plant and animal organisms.

This includes professions that are related to agriculture, and in addition, with food industry, scientific research and medicine. Some interest in nature, but not the main one, should be pursued by psychologists and tourism managers, as well as employees from the hospitality industry.

The presented division does not mean at all that human labor is directed exclusively to the professions mentioned above. Crop growers, for example, working in a team, use a variety of equipment and, among other things, deal with issues economic analysis labor. But at the same time, crops and the environment of their existence are the main subject of attention and concern for plant breeders.

As part of the choice of this type of activity, it is important to understand exactly how a person relates to nature: as a recreation area or he perceives it as a workshop in which he intends to devote all his strength to production.

The peculiarity of biological objects of labor activity is that they are difficult and changeable, and besides, they are non-standard according to their laws. Plants, animals, and microorganisms live and grow, get sick and die. Anyone who belongs to this type of professional activity needs not only to know a lot about organisms, but to be able to foresee probable changes in them, which can sometimes be irreversible. A person is also required to take initiative along with independence in solving certain labor tasks, he must show care and foresight.

In the category "Man - Technology" the main and leading subject of labor are technical objects in the form of machines, mechanisms, materials and types of energy. The specialties that are equated to this group are the following: tunnellers, carpenters, metallurgical technicians, mechanical engineers and other types. The sphere of professional activity of the category "Man - Technique" includes electricians, radio mechanics, builders, computer assemblers, telecommunications specialists, and so on. Among the considered professions, there is the following division:

  • Specialties in the extraction and processing of soils, as well as rocks.
  • Professions in the processing and application of non-metallic industrial materials along with products and semi-finished products.
  • Specialties in the production and processing of metals, the installation of machines and devices, as well as mechanical assembly.
  • Professions related to the repair and adjustment of technological machines, as well as installations and Vehicle.
  • Specialties in the repair and installation of buildings, structures and all kinds of structures.
  • Professions related to the assembly, as well as the installation of electrical equipment, instruments and apparatus.
  • Specialties in the adjustment, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, apparatus and instruments.
  • Professions related to the use of lifting and transport vehicles, as well as their management.
  • Specialties related to the processing of agricultural products.

As part of the processing, transformation, movement or analysis of technical objects, the employee is required to perform accurate actions. Given that technical objects are almost always created directly by humans, there is a particularly wide scope for invention, innovation and creativity in this industry. In addition to a creative approach to business in the field of technology, a high level of performance discipline is required from someone who considers himself to be this type of professional activity.

In the case of the category "Man - Man", the main and leading subject of labor are people. This includes types of professional teaching activities, as well as doctors, psychologists, hairdressers, tour guides, managers, leaders of art groups, and so on. Among this group, the following professions are distinguished:

  • Specialties that are associated with human learning, as well as the organization of children's groups.
  • Professions aimed at managing production and managing people, as well as all kinds of teams.
  • Specialties related to commercial and consumer services.
  • Professions aimed at information service.
  • Specialties that involve information and artistic service to people and leadership of teams.
  • Professions that are related to medical services.

For successful labor activity in the professions of the presented category, it is necessary to learn not only to establish, but also to maintain contact with people, understanding them and understanding the characteristics of each individual, and in addition, to acquire knowledge in the field of production, art or science. Here is a small list of qualities possessed by people related to the classification "Man - Man":

  • stable positive mood while working with people.
  • Great need for communication.
  • The ability to understand the intentions, as well as the thoughts and moods of other people.
  • The ability to instantly understand someone's relationships.
  • The ability to understand and find a common language with a variety of individuals.

The leading subject of labor in the classification "Man - Sign Systems" are conventional signs along with numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages. Professions in this case are as follows: translators, draftsmen, engineers, topographers, secretaries-typists, programmers and others.

Among the professions of this type of professional information activity of a person, the following groups are distinguished:

  • Specialties that are related to the preparation of documentation, office work, as well as the analysis of texts or their partial or complete conversion and recoding.
  • Specialties, the subject of labor of which are numbers, as well as quantitative ratios.
  • Specialties that are associated with the processing of information in the form of a system of conventional signs along with schematic representations of objects.

This type of professional information activity of a person using dry notation is typical for people who, being distracted from the properties of the surrounding world, can focus on the information that various signs carry. When processing information in the form of symbols, control tasks are formed along with verification, accounting, data processing, as well as the creation of new systems.

The leading subject of labor related to the type of professional activity "Man - Artistic Image" is an artistic image, as well as ways to build it. Workers in this classification include artists, painters, musicians, designers, stone carvers, and literary workers. The professions of the "Man - Artistic Image" group are as follows:

  • Specialties related to visual arts.
  • Professions aimed at musical activity.
  • Professionals working in the field of literary and artistic activity.
  • Acting professions.

One of the features of the activity "Man - Artistic Image" is a large proportion labor costs, which remains hidden from outside observers. In addition, it is often necessary to make special efforts to achieve the effect of lightness, as well as the ease of the final result.

Classification on the basis of labor goals and tools

Within each type of professions from the above modern classification, three groups are distinguished according to the purpose of work:

  • Gnostic types of professional information activities, that is, professions that include tasters, controllers, sociologists, proofreaders, art historians, and so on.
  • Transforming professions in the face of livestock breeders, turners, teachers, accountants, flower decorators and the like.
  • Survey professions, which include pilot-observers, design engineers, educators, programmers, and also those who prefer types of professional human activities using technical means.

Each of the previous classes of professional activity is divided into four types according to the type of professional information activity of a person using the main labor tools:

  • Specialties of manual labor, which include supervisors of plumbing work, laboratory assistants chemical analysis, veterinarians, locksmiths and so on.
  • Professions related to machine-manual labor, such as turners, car drivers, excavator drivers, and the like.
  • Professions that are associated with the use automated systems. These include CNC machine operators, air traffic controllers, and so on.
  • Specialties that are associated with the predominance of functional means of activity, such as actors, acrobats, and the like.

Classification based on operating conditions

In each of the four above groups of professions, the following categories of activity are distinguished on the basis of working conditions:

  • Activities in a normal microclimate, for example, those who belong to the types of economic professional activity.
  • Labor activity in the open air. In this case, we are talking about agronomists, installers, police inspectors, and so on.
  • Work in non-standard conditions, such as divers, high-altitude workers, miners, firefighters and the like.
  • Work in conditions of excessive responsibility: kindergarten teachers, teachers, investigators, and so on.

Types of cognitive activity

Teaching, along with cognitive activity, is referred to the spiritual spheres of society. There are four types of professional activity using information resources drawn from the spiritual life:

  • Ordinary activity. This category involves the exchange of experiences and images that people carry in themselves and share with others.
  • Scientific activity. This group involves the study and use of various laws, as well as patterns. main goal scientific activity is the creation of an ideal system of the material world.
  • Artistic activity is based on the attempts of creators and artists to analyze the surrounding reality and find in it both shades of beauty and something absolutely ugly.
  • Religious activity. The subject of the type of professional activity of a person of this category is the person himself. This also includes the norms of morality, as well as the moral aspects of actions that make up the whole life of a person, therefore, it is spiritual activity that plays an important role in their formation.

Classification of spiritual activity

The spiritual life of a person includes religious, scientific, as well as creative activities. Having an idea about scientific and religious activity, one should consider in more detail the creative direction of human life. This includes artistic or musical directions, as well as literature and architecture, directing and acting. Creative inclinations are inherent in every person, however, in order to reveal them, it takes a long and hard work.

Types of economic activity of the company

Economic activity has recently been challenged by conservationists, as it is based on natural reserves, which in the near future may exhaust themselves. To types of professional activity with the use of technical means economic activity People include the extraction of minerals in the form of oil, metals, stones and everything that can be beneficial, but, unfortunately, damages not only nature, but also the planet.

Classification of information activity

Information is an important part of human interaction with the world. The types of this activity include the receipt, application and storage of information, as well as its dissemination. Information activity often becomes a threat to life, as there are always people who do not want third parties to learn and divulge any information. Besides this species activity is capable of being provocative and serves as a means of manipulating public consciousness.

Types of mental activity

Mental activity affects the state of the individual, as well as the productivity of her life. The simplest type of mental activity is the ordinary reflex. These are habits and skills that are established through constant repetition. They are practically invisible in comparison with such a complex type of mental activity as creativity. This category is distinguished by diversity, as well as originality, carries originality and uniqueness.

Thus, the above categories of features partially coincide with a large-scale list of professions. The proposed classification of the main types of professional activity makes it possible to designate an overview scheme of the general map of the world of professional activity and draw up an approximate formula for a certain type of work. Such a classification is not suitable for sorting out all professions, it seems impossible and unnecessary. We must be aware that most professions are determined by a large number of heterogeneous features. But within any complex set, it is useful to find some at least approximate differences.


Kutugina V.I.

The article deals with the concepts of "self-determination", "self-realization", "professional development of personality". The problem of becoming a professional, the problem of personal and social development future specialist as a subject social action and the main factors influencing career choice.

In recent years, against the backdrop of economic and political stabilization of Russian society, the "gap" in the field of labor motivation, which was characteristic of the state of economic and economic life in Russia in the early 1990s, is gradually being filled. Priority place in labor motivation in modern Russia is striving for professional development and professional growth. There is a huge need for highly professional, socially active people with initiative, organization and creativity.

The problem of becoming a professional is, first of all, the problem of the personal and social development of the future specialist as a subject of social action. A modern professional must see his profession in the totality of its wide social ties, know the requirements for it and its representatives, understand the content and specifics of their professional activities, navigate the range of professional tasks and be ready to resolve them in changing social conditions.

Choosing a profession should be treated as one of the most important life events. Allocate the main factors influencing the choice of profession, which are usually combined into two groups: subjective and objective. Interests, abilities, features of temperament and character are classified as subjective. To the objective - the level of training (success), the state of health and awareness of the world of professions. Social characteristics are closely related to objective factors, for example, such as the educational level of parents, the social environment, etc.

The concept of "self-determination" is quite consistent with such concepts as "self-actualization", "self-realization", "self-realization" ... At the same time, many thinkers associate self-realization, self-actualization with labor activity, with work.

E.A. Klimov distinguishes two levels of professional self-determination: 1) gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness); 2) practical (real changes in the social status of a person)

Self-determination implies not only "self-realization", but also the expansion of one's original capabilities - "self-transcendence" (according to Frankl): the full value of human life is determined through its transcendence, i.e. the ability to go beyond oneself, and most importantly - in the ability of a person to find new meanings in a particular case and in his whole life. Thus, it is the meaning that determines the essence of self-determination, self-fulfillment and self-transcendence...

The concept of professional development of a personality is understood as a process of progressive personality change under the influence of social influences, professional activities and one's own activity aimed at self-improvement. Professional development is a rather complex, lengthy, highly mobile, multifaceted and sometimes contradictory process, in which four stages are clearly distinguished.

The first stage of the professional development of a person is associated with the emergence and formation of professional intentions under the influence of general development personality and initial orientation in various areas of work, in the world of work and the world of professions.

The second stage is the period of vocational training and education, that is, targeted training in the chosen professional activity and mastering all the subtleties of professional skills.

The third stage is an active entry into the professional environment, reflecting the student's transition to a new type of activity - to professional work in its various forms in real production conditions, the performance of official duties.

The fourth stage involves the full or partial realization of the professional aspirations and capabilities of the individual in independent work.

Almost throughout the process of professional formation and development, the transition from one stage to another can often be accompanied by the emergence of certain difficulties and contradictions in a person, and often crisis situations. It is essential that the change of some stages of the process of professional development by others is not always rigidly tied to a certain age stage, biographical period. It reflects the psychological age of professional and personal formation, development and maturity of a person. Similar problems and crises can arise and often actually arise not only during the transition from one stage of the process of professional development to another, but also within the individual stages of this process.

Studies show that it is difficult to establish the exact age limits for the periods of professional self-determination, since there are large individual differences in the timing of social maturation - some are determined with the choice of a profession even before graduation from school, for others, the maturity of professional choice comes only by the age of 30.

In addition to individual and personal characteristics that affect the terms of professional self-determination, the factors that determine such a choice include belonging to one or another social group, as well as gender differences in professional self-determination. According to one of the leading experts in the field of labor psychology E.A. Klimov, professional choice is determined by eight main factors. These are: the position of elders, family; peer position; position of the school teaching staff (teacher, class teachers etc.); personal professional and life plans; abilities and their manifestations; claim to public recognition; awareness of a particular professional activity; inclinations.

Among the subjective factors influencing the choice of a profession, the level of a person's intelligence, his abilities and the orientation of interests are especially noted. A number of experts believe that each profession has its own critical parameters of intelligence, so people with lower mental performance cannot successfully cope with the functional content of this profession. In addition, a developed intellect allows a person to critically and realistically relate himself to the requirements, to successfully learn, taking into account the experience of his professional activity. It is known that the choice of a profession, professional self-determination requires a high activity of the subject and depends on the degree of development of his control and evaluation sphere.

E.A. Klimov, analyzing the concept of "professional self-determination", emphasizes that this is not a single decision-making act, but constantly alternating elections. The most relevant choice of profession becomes in adolescence and early youth, but in subsequent years the problem of revision and correction of a person's professional life arises.

Primary professionalization (includes the acquisition of professional skills and abilities necessary for the successful start of a professional activity, i.e., the acquisition of a specialty) of a person begins in childhood, as part of preschool and school training. Its essence lies in the assimilation of generally significant social and professional values, such as the prestige of a particular profession, its social significance.

The professionalization of the individual is essentially a social process, which is an integral component of the overall socialization of the individual. The social nature of professionalization is due social meaning professional activity that arose in the course of the social division of labor and is of an institutional nature.

Professional socialization is a process by which a person joins certain professional values, includes them in his inner world, forms professional consciousness and culture, objectively and subjectively prepares for professional activities.

Due to its social nature, the professionalization of the individual is carried out through the activities of certain social structures and social institutions. The social agents of professionalization are the family, general educational institutions, social organizations and labor collectives, the state as a whole.

Since, on present stage, the problem of becoming a professional is, first of all, the problem of personal and social development of the future specialist as a subject of social action. The development of a personality (its orientation, competence, flexibility, self-awareness) determines the choice and preparation for a profession, and at the same time, this choice and development of a particular professional activity determines the strategy for personality development.

The sooner personal and professional development begins, the more predictive of psychological well-being, life satisfaction and personal growth every person in the modern world.


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Bibliographic link

Kutugina V.I. FACTORS OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF A PERSON IN MODERN CONDITIONS // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2007. - No. 1.;
URL: (date of access: 12/11/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


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