Basic attitudes and experience filters are metaprogram patterns. Metaprograms. Studying and using client metaprograms in the communication process Metaprograms examples

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Metaprograms are internal characteristics, the ways of thinking of a person, on the basis of which his behavior is built. This is a very complex concept, so let's look at it from different angles.

Thinking and behavior are interconnected. If a person is confident in himself, he will speak in a certain way and feel and behave in a special way. And vice versa - in case of uncertainty, he will look appropriate.

Metaprograms are mental keys that guide your decisions, behaviors, actions, and interactions with others. They are internal representations of the external experience of reality. They determine how and what the brain pays attention to. It is a form of pattern recognition where the brain tries to make sense of what the body is feeling and experiencing.

Metaprograms are like computer operating systems that run a number of programs. Such software works in the background and guides your thoughts, beliefs, values, memories and reactions. Therefore, it all controls our life on an unconscious level.

Metaprograms work on a sorting basis, determining which of our perceptions is chosen for attention and is represented internally from the vast array of sensory inputs and many possibilities. In other words, it is a filtering process that helps change and direct thought processes, resulting in significant differences in behavior depending on a particular situation.

It is important to note that the manifestation of certain metaprograms in a particular context does not automatically mean that they will appear in a different context or situation. They are unstable and can change over time as you come across new information and expand your knowledge. For example, this often happens when you are under strong or other emotional difficulties. Therefore, they are more adaptive than stable.

Why is knowledge about metaprograms useful?

The first: studying metaprograms will help you and your psychological characteristics. How you understand the world, make decisions, interpret your life and circumstances, how you interact with others - it all depends on the metaprograms on the basis of which your brain works. They are also able to communicate your values, beliefs, habits, behaviors and patterns of self-sabotage.

Second: They will help you better understand other people and their tendencies. This is beneficial because it will help you adapt your behavior and approach when communicating with others.

Metaprograms make it clear what a person's motivation is. And by realizing the motives of the interlocutor, you will receive a key that will help influence his choices, decisions and actions.

Third: Understanding how you filter and sort information gives you unique opportunities to change, change, or transform your behavior in ways that improve beliefs, values, decisions, habits and levels of motivation.

How to identify a metaprogram

Identifying metaprograms (yourself or others) takes practice and serious effort. You should look for clues in speech, behavior, beliefs, and even physiology.

When it comes to defining your own metaprograms, it is important to determine how useful they are and how they affect your life. Perhaps after you have worked through the examples of metaprograms we have listed, you will determine that not all of them serve your good.

For each metaprogram, ask yourself:

  • How useful and effective is this metaprogram?
  • How does she shape my life and circumstances?
  • Given the desired results, is it good or bad?
  • Do I need to make any changes? Why yes? Why not?

Ask yourself these questions as you work through each of the metaprograms below.

Common metaprograms

So far, about 50 metaprograms have been identified (although there are undoubtedly many more). However, this figure is constantly increasing, as the interest of scientists in them increases.

Study different types Metaprogramming is an interesting process, but there is a lot to learn, and it can take a long time to understand and process this information. So instead of going through each of the 50 metaprograms, let's focus on the most common knowledge that will help you better understand yourself and others. These metaprograms are:

  • need or opportunity;
  • act;
  • coincidence or mismatch;
  • Me or others;
  • point of view.

Let's take a look at each of them separately.

Need or opportunity

This metaprogram is based on whether a person makes a decision based on need, or having an opportunity. That is, involuntarily or voluntarily.

A person who makes a decision by force is often satisfied with what gives him life. He does this only to avoid pain. Agrees only on what is available and does not seek to look for a better option. Therefore, in order to influence, motivate and build a relationship with him, you need to focus on making him feel safe and comfortable. Offer him something familiar, easy, and safe.

A person with a metaprogram of opportunity seeks variety and variation. He makes the decision to enjoy, not avoid pain. To influence him, you need to offer him risk and new challenges.

Tony Robbins wrote: "Everything that a person does, he does either to avoid pain or to enjoy." What kind of person do you want to be?


A person can be reflective or active: either think before taking action, or take action right away. This metaprogram is completely context dependent, so you can be active in one case and reflexive in another.

A reflexive person rarely makes decisions quickly. He must first think about what he intends to do. He needs time and space to think about a solution.

An active person doesn't like to think about what he is going to do. He quickly jumps up and takes action. Encourage him to constantly participate in any activity - this will keep him motivated.

Match or mismatch

A person with a metaprogram of coincidence is optimistic, he is looking for similarities and a common point of view with his interlocutor, therefore he bases his decisions on the similarities that he sees in others, circumstances and life. Mirroring their experiences, beliefs, values \u200b\u200band perceptions helps develop a strong emotional connection and a higher level of mutual understanding.

A person with a mismatch goes against the flow. He tends to find flaws in life and circumstances. He is always looking for differences and will not agree with you, regardless of the arguments. Remember that this is not a character, but just a metaprogram that can be changed. Or, use reverse psychology: offer what you don't want and don't offer what you want.

Me or others

The “I or others” type is based on how a person thinks of himself in relation to others.

A person whose metaprogram is based on "I" will be more egocentric. He makes decisions based on his interests. To influence, motivate and find mutual understanding with such a person, you need to determine how you can meet his needs.

A person with the opposite metaprogram is often very curious and focused on the needs of others. When making a decision, he will think about how others will benefit from it. So if you want to influence him, focus the conversation around the needs of others.

Point of view

This metaprogram is based on external or internal perception of the situation.

A person with an inner perception is intuitive and self-oriented. This means that he often makes decisions based on feelings and personal opinion. Therefore, in communicating with him, it is important to focus on emotions and experience.

A person with external perception is focused on the environment. He consistently seeks answers and approval from others. Therefore, in order to influence, motivate and build rapport with him, you will need to provide him with powerful suggestions of your own or talk about ideas and suggestions of other people.

We wish you good luck!

The article was written based on materials from the website.

A.L. Lostyakhin


Exploring and Using Client Metaprograms

in the process of communication

Selling involves a psychological impact on the client - persuasion, instilling confidence in the correctness of the action, etc. This is understandable to any sales manager working in the field of sales, an insurance agent. It is also clear that such an impact requires taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular person who is a potential client. This task for the seller is extremely complicated by the fact that he does not have the opportunity to study the client, for example, using psychological tests, based on the test results, draw a conclusion about the type of personality, and then, taking into account this type, build a persuasive strategy. To implement the transaction, the seller needs to obtain information about psychological characteristics potential client literally in the first minutes of communication. And it is possible. The idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality meteorological programs, the ability to study them in the process of communication makes it possible to find an individual "key" to a person.

The very concept of a metaprogram has been introduced and is widely used in one of the areas of practical psychology, which is called neurolinguistic personality programming (abbreviated as NLP). S. V. Ivanova, I. M. Mostovaya showed the possibilities of using metaprograms in personnel work... EV Samsonova was one of the first to suggest using this knowledge to improve sales performance.

In psychology, the prefix "meta-" is used to denote a phenomenon of a higher level than the phenomenon that denotes the main part of the word. M. Hall and B. Bodenhamer write that meteorological programs are programs that stand above the everyday thoughts and emotions that visit us. Everyday thoughts and emotions manifest themselves at the primary level as content that describes exactly what we think and feel. On top of the content of our thoughts, we have other thoughts and feelings, which most often manifest themselves outside the framework of consciousness. “These 'programs' function as sorting and perceiving 'rules', they govern as we think and feel. This software, like any operating system, determines structure our thoughts and feelings. It determines what exactly we select. "

Metaprograms are often defined as filters on the path of perceived information that determine the type of thinking, characteristics of motivation and preferences, the nature of decisions and actions of a person. Without special work, metaprograms are not recognized by humans. Having identified the presence of a certain metaprogram in a communication partner, we can assess those individual characteristics that are associated with it. Moreover, the most valuable thing for the seller is that metaprograms appear in a person's speech. Knowing their signs and carefully listening and observing the interlocutor during a conversation, it is possible to identify them and make adjustments to the communication, tune in to the client, switch to his language, seize the initiative and lead. In addition, metaprograms appear not so much in the content of speech, but in its form, the structure of phrases. The partner practically cannot consciously control the form of speech and deliberately mislead us in this regard.

Consider the essence of metaprograms that are of the greatest practical importance for the activities of an insurance agent.

Reference type

This metaprogram shows how one's own and someone else's opinion correlates when making decisions and a person's self-esteem. There are people who, when making decisions and forming their views, are guided by others, by public opinion and generally accepted norms of behavior. But there are others who are always guided by their own opinion, not paying attention to the approval or disapproval of other people. The former are dominated by the so-called external reference , the second - internal ... It should be emphasized here that we are talking about the predominance of a certain type of reference, i.e. a person with an internal reference can also make a decision, focusing on others, but still the focus on his own beliefs prevails. An approximately equal combination of both orientations allows us to speak of mixed references .

People with external reference are oriented towards other people, capable of finding new solutions, know how to reach a compromise, and are easily controlled. But they are insecure in the decision-making process, are subject to external influences and can easily change their minds. “An externally referential person has a decision-making focus outside. The more people approve of his choice or have made the same, the more he will be sure that he is doing the right thing. " In view of the difficulties in making a decision, they constantly need your support and advice.

E.V. Samsonova does not recommend clients with a pronounced external reference to say the following:

Decide for yourself ...

- You should know better ...

- I do not know all the circumstances and I cannot advise ...

In her opinion, they are contraindicated in statements prompting them to make their own decisions.

People with internal reference, on the contrary, have the focus of decision making within. They make decisions on their own and do not need someone else's advice. They themselves know what they need. They are ready to firmly defend their point of view, have a certain vision of goals and take clear positions, are more able to resist pressure and manipulation. But, at the same time, they often do not see other solutions, they are not flexible enough in negotiation processes. A person with an inner reference “can listen to a lot of advice or read a lot of recommendations, but his final decision may surprise you a lot. He seems to have an inner core, own system criteria for making a decision. … Intrareferential people hate when they are given advice, when they are taught or something is recommended to them by those whom they themselves do not yet consider worthy of trust (their trust) ”.

Clients with a pronounced internal reference E.V. Samsonova categorically forbids speaking the following or similar phrases:

I advise you ...

- Listen to me…

- All our clients are happy with this ...

- Most people think that ...

It should be borne in mind that over time, the type of reference can change both under the planned influence and as a result of changes in a person's life.

Open-ended questions help to determine the prevalence of this or that type of reference (or their ratio), answering which, the client can explain WHY he thinks so, HOW he came to make this or that decision. These may be questions: "Why did you choose this particular company?", "Do you find the conditions acceptable? Why? ”,” How do you decide which of the candidates to give preference to in the elections? ”,” Do you easily adapt to the new team? Why do you think so?" other.

Answers like: “It seems so to me”, “I feel so”, “I like it so much” or others containing references to inner, own feelings, will indicate an orientation, first of all, to one's own opinion, i.e. to internal reference. If the answers contain references to an objective result, to the opinion of other people or generally accepted norms, then this will indicate an external reference.

Reference signs

(after E.V. Samsonova)

- I want to see this ...
I think that…

- Things of this style don't suit me ...

- Send me the terms, I want to study.Most of the statements contain a passive "I":

- I was told that the things of this company are not of very high quality ...

- Tell (advise) which is more suitable ...

- Friends did not advise me ...2. The Role of Other People Other people or sources of information are only mentioned in passing:

- I saw it (read about it) in the magazine. Show me, I want to see for myself (check, figure it out) ...

- Friends said that the conditions are very favorable. I want to make sure myself. Let me…Other people or sources of information appear in the story as important advisors:

- The magazine "X" wrote that they are now popular ... Do you have such?

- Friends advised me to contact you. They think it is beneficial ... What do you say?3. Controllability of behavior Their behavior is poorly controlled. In the office (room) where they entered, they themselves decide where to go and when to sit. They may ignore your invitation or accept it, but do it differently. Their behavior is controllable. Once again they will ask if something can be done. Your invitation will be gratefully accepted. In further communication, they will be guided by your recommendations and advice. 4. Need for help from loved ones When making a decision, no help is needed. Even if they come to the office with someone, they exclude him from participating in the transaction. Often they come to the office (store, presentation, viewing) not alone, but with advisers (relatives, girlfriends, specialists) who are involved at the assessment stage (is it worth it or not to deal with it).

E.V. Samsonova suggested following rules communicating with people with different types of reference.

Rules for communicating with an intrareference person:

  1. Be respectful of the opinions expressed, even if the client is wrong.
  2. Do not argue (do not say: "No, this is not correct. I will now tell you how it should be ...").
  3. Provide information without pressure or explicit nudge. Such pressure is quickly tracked and causes resistance not to the proposal, but to the form in which it is made.
  4. Find out who the client himself considers to be a specialist in your field, whom he listens to and considers worthy of trust. Please refer to this source when arguing.
  5. The formula that allows you to influence the intrareference client is formulated as follows:

“I can give you information (tell, show, etc.), but only you make a decision ... (and then you talk about what you offer)”

Such a formula, according to E.V. Samsonova allows you to bypass the control system of the intrareference client.

- I can acquaint you with the terms of various life insurance programs. Think and decide for yourself which one suits you best.

- When you decide to spend your vacation abroad, you probably thought about insurance. I can provide you with a detailed list of travel insurance programs. This type of insurance is voluntary. You decide on what conditions and type of travel agreement to stay.

The rules for communicating with an externally referential person:

  1. Find out who advised him and what. During the presentation, try to make references to the advice and recommendations of those who were the advisor.
  2. If the person came not alone, but with a "support group", find out who is in charge of it. In further communication, focus more on him than on the client.
  3. Rely on recognized and respected sources of information and assessments, in particular link to famous peoplethat your client respects. It can be both world famous personalities and people from the circle of acquaintances. this client... Rely on the majority opinion.
  4. Try not to release the client from your influence until the final completion of the transaction. “Even if you spent two hours on persuasion and a person confident in his choice went to get the money, then you cannot have any confidence that he will return. Any phrases like: “This is nonsense. Do not take ", uttered by a casual acquaintance, can nullify all your efforts."
  5. Give advice, like a specialist, and clearly express your opinion about what this person needs to do:

I've been doing this for a long time. Listen to me as a specialist. These are excellent conditions. Take ...

Concluding the consideration of this metaprogram associated with this or that type of reference, it should be noted that there are almost no "pure" intra-referential and externally referential people. Researchers are paying attention to this. Much depends on the specifics of the situation. An internally referenced person may behave like an externally referential person in an area where he is incompetent. Conversely, a client with an external reference may behave like an internal reference in matters with which he has long known, if he is confident in his opinion. In addition, people may not show their reference if the price of the issue is low. The error in this case does not really matter. Reference is clearly manifested in situations of serious choice, when the issue price is high.

The next metaprogram is associated with the presence of two types of deep motivation for actions.

Avoidance / achievement

One of the important personality traits that can be identified during communication is the potential client's motivational tendencies, which may consist in the predominance striving to achieve anything or avoidance of failure or something undesirable. These two tendencies are sometimes referred to respectively as "K motivation" and "From" motivation ". This factor must also be taken into account in the process of communicating with the client.

The fact is that people who have a predominant tendency to avoid failure have difficulty communicating. For fear of failure, they do not dare to take risks, they do not like innovations, they tend to double-check everything, prefer to act in old proven ways. Such people feel insecure in constantly changing conditions, in stressful situations, they need stability. But, since they are focused on finding errors or negativity, they are very successful in controlling types of work, in analytical activities, they are better at predicting possible problems... Such people can easily tell what they are do not want, what do they want to avoid what shouldn't be. From the story of such a person, one can easily understand what he does not want. But you won't be able to hear what he wants. There is no positive component.

I would not like to purchase policies for the whole family.

- I do not want the cost of insurance to increase.

- I don’t want state clinics to be on the list.

In contrast, achievement-oriented people (or those with a "K" motivation) set themselves specific goals and strive to achieve them, while often willing to take risks. They welcome innovations, are not afraid of changes, generate new ideas themselves, but at the same time tend not to notice the "pitfalls" on the way of their implementation. If we give short descriptions, then we can say that people with a predominance of the tendency of aspiration know what they WANT, and people with a predominance of the tendency of avoidance know what they DO NOT want.

I want to insure my child.

- I want you to narrow down the list of clinics, as well as detail - for what diseases where they will be sent for treatment.

- Tell me my rights, I want to know what actions will need to be taken in case ...

Avoidance as a speech characteristic manifests itself in the formal expression of a neutral position ("normal", "acceptable") or negation (the prefix "not"). Positive language indicates a desire for achievement. THEM. Mostovaya gives the following example: if, when asked what kind of work will be optimal for a candidate, he answers that it is non-routine, not far from home, normally paid and there is no overwork, then we can say that in terms of motivation, his tendency to avoid failures dominates. In this answer, out of four characteristics of work, one is neutral ("normally paid"), and three negative (contain "not" - NOT routine, NOT near home, NO overwork). If we get the answer to the same question: “Interesting, well-paid, in a pleasant team,” this indicates that the candidate has a desire for achievement. The answer "Creative, non-routine, with good pay, in a well-known company" will rather indicate the prevalence of striving for achievements, but at the same time, the presence of negative experience associated with routine work or increased criticality to this factor.

Questions that make it possible to determine the prevalence of the desire to achieve or avoid failures can be associated with clarifying the client's ideas about the optimal conditions for something (for example, insurance conditions), clarifying his preferences, etc.

How to take into account the presence of these trends in communication with the client? E.V. Samsonova notes that if a person has one of the motivations as dominant, then he does not perceive the arguments oriented towards another type of motivation. Sometimes he simply does not hear, his "filter" (ie math program) does not let such information pass. A person does not pay attention to the words "not belonging to his world." For example, a person with avoidant motivation should not be told that they will receiveas a result of insurance. This he may not hear. He needs to be told about what he can to avoid... “Not realizing this, sellers often start to get nervous and offended:“ I just told everything in detail. And he didn't even seem to hear me. Asks the same questions! " I have not heard! This is true. And this must be understood and taken into account. "

E.V. Samsonova formulated some rules for working with people different types dominant motivation.

With clients who have an "Out" (avoidance) motivation:

  1. At the presentation stage, present information according to the formula "From"\u003e "To", i.e. listen to fears, assure that he can to avoidtroubles bothering him and only then offer something.
  2. In communication, be sure to use significant the words client.

You do not need to worry about organizing and paying for a doctor's consultation at home, you do not bear the costs associated with possible hospitalization, payment for drugs, physiotherapy, if you need consultations of narrow specialists, you do not need to pay for them. Our insurance contract includes the risks of acute diseases ...

With clients with motivation "K" (achievements):

  1. The information needs to be presented in a positive manner. These customers only want to hear "positively packaged" information.
  2. If possible, exclude all sorts of "scarecrows" and "horror stories" that annoy such people. They can even express their indignation about this.

- Travel insurance is necessary condition quiet rest. By purchasing our policy, you get not only maximum health protection, but also high-quality support, and most importantly - a guarantee that the insurance will really help you if necessary.

Speaking about this metaprogram, many authors also point to a certain conventionality of dividing people into two large groups or two types. The presence of a certain motivation should be viewed precisely as a dominant tendency. A person, as a rule, shows both one and another motivation. Each person avoids something and strives for something. But at the same time, some are dominated by "scaring themselves" with various undesirable options for the development of events, while others prefer to think about what they will get if they do something. In insurance, too, someone tries to avoid undesirable consequences, and someone thinks more about the benefits that he will receive. And yet, as a rule, a person is closer to one of the poles

In addition, in different situations the same person may show different motivational tendencies. For example, as E.V. Samsonov, at work, a person can be result-oriented, and at home more avoid unpleasant situations of clarification of relationships. In this regard, the general recommendation: listen carefully, collect and analyze information in the process of communication. It is advisable to understand in which moments the client manifests himself in the style of avoidance, and in which he seeks to achieve something. And then present your product with these features in mind. “It is always necessary to join present moment... The client will tell everything himself. You just need to listen, analyze and immediately use the information received to present your product. "

We looked at the concept of a metaprogram and analyzed the features, the role of the two metaprograms, and the rules for communicating with clients who have different manifestations of these metaprograms. In the next issue of the magazine we will continue our conversation on this topic.



  1. Derks L., Hollander J. The essence of NLP. Keys to personal development... - M .: "KSP +", 2000. - 704 p.
  2. Hall M., Bodenhamer B. 51 NLP Metaprograms. Predicting behavior, "mind reading", understanding motives. - SPb
  3. Knight S. NLP at work. Differences that are important in business / Per. from English. V. Eremenko. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2007 .-- 444 p.
  4. Ivanova S.V. The art of recruiting: how to evaluate a person in an hour. - M. Alpina Business Books, 2004 .-- 160 p.
  5. Ivanova S.V. Motivation 100%: And where is the button. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2005 .-- 288 p.
  6. Mostovaya I.M. Studying the personality in the interview process: we structure the interview and ask the questions correctly / Personnel Officer Handbook, No. 6, 2005 - P.85 - 89; No. 7, 2005 - P. 80 - 83
  7. Samsonova E. Dance of the Seller, or Non-Standard Textbook on System Sales. - SPb .: Peter 2009 .-- 352 p.

Metaprograms are certain "patterns" (unconscious automatisms) of human thinking. That is, a kind of "rails" along which the mind moves and, as a result, any communication, search for solutions, thinking and even getting pleasure.

There are more than 51 metaprograms in NLP, and you will begin to study some of them already in the course of NLP practices.

But why do we need to know metaprograms and how people generally think? What opportunities does this open up for us?

In short, it is a) freedom and b) control.

Freedom from our own "rails" that limit our thinking, and which we do not see until we know what other "rails" are there?

And of course, if someone has a habit to which he has become attached, it is quite easy to manage him. In order to help him, to motivate and direct, or vice versa, to make this person do what you need, considering this own desire - this is your personal choice. Metaprograms are just a tool.

Let's take a look at some of the most interesting metaprograms.

Polar transponders

You've probably met people who always argue with you. Even when they agree, they start with the words "No, of course ...".

They just do not dare to say otherwise, because their brain is so arranged. Rather, the "operating system" of their brain. Despite their habit of arguing, it is quite easy to control them due to this very habit. Just start proving to them the opposite of what you want to achieve from them and stop when they say what you need;)

If you want to pin up such a person publicly, then the moment he once again begins his answer with the phrase “No, but ...” just tell him that he always starts with denial. What do you think he will do right there? Yes, he will begin to deny it! The audience's laugh will sound as many times as he tries to deny that he denies everything)))

Among the polar responders, there are more flexible ones. They love the "Yes, but" speech pattern.

They seem to agree with you, but in reality this is only an appearance. They can be fooled in the same way as the first ones, by starting to prove to them the opposite of your goal, although it will no longer work to play. Apparently, they have already passed this joke in their lives;)

Processors and outcomes

Quite a lot has already been written about these comrades, since the metaprograms “process” and “result” very strongly determine both motivation and, in general, the fate of a person.

Outcomers make excellent leaders because of their ability to plan and control in the results format. They don't give a damn, they are goal-oriented and will be quite flexible and resourceful in their choice of ways.

But processors really know how to enjoy life. Unlike the results, they do not put "flags" and "plus signs" in their lists of achievements. They do not understand at all how to motivate with a "plus sign" - they care about the intensity of their experiences, the range of sensations, to be in the flow and let the amazing happen ...

True, they nifiga do not know what exactly will happen)) so in business they need to be controlled and directed.

Naturally, each of these metaprograms has its own system of motivation - the first need results, the second - what the path to the result will be like. ... however, it doesn't matter to them exactly what the path will be))

Global and detailed

There are people who adore details, nuances, details to the smallest detail.

I hate them !!!))) They will drown you in these damn details and you will never see the whole picture! Normal people think globally, perceive the world as a whole ... and they do not soar that someone at this moment begins to fall asleep))

In general, as you correctly understood, the global ones have great difficulty finding a common language with the detailed ones. And as you might guess, there is a professional inclination, and features of motivation, and a way to find an approach to a person.

Sorting gate

And finally, for today, let me show you a different type of metaprogram. Let's do an experiment.

Try to remember some bright, but not a regular event in your life, like a friend's wedding. What question do you ask yourself in the first place to get this memory out of the bins of your memory?

Where was it?

Who was there?

What were you doing there?

When it was?

What did you get for the newlyweds?

How did it end?

Or perhaps you are enumerating a chain of events to arrive at this sequentially?

The "sorting gate" is a kind of "grid of coordinates" by which we structure the contents of our memory and operate on it. In total, there are seven types of "coordinates", and each person is some of the leading, and close to 3-4 maximum. Thinking in other coordinates is extremely unusual, and it is difficult to find a common language with the people living in them. These "coordinate grids" are:

A place




Things (objects)

Results (meanings)


Can I change my metaprograms?

Above I have listed only a few metaprograms, but this is already enough to start noticing how different people are from each other. ... Although, it will be interesting for someone to see who you have something in common with;)))

The question arises. If metaprograms so strongly limit our thinking (or rather, if we have a lot of new opportunities to think differently)))) then how can we master other metaprograms? And is there a chance to completely change your character, or will the prevailing metaprogram profile determine a person's nature throughout his life?

The good news is that we can develop habits of thinking in other metaprograms that we didn't have before. This is the same skill as the ability to count, write and speak another language. He trains.

The bad news (although I am sure the operatives do not think so))) is that the basic metaprograms that have developed in a person from birth and have become what we call his "character" will always be closer to him. And in an ordinary situation (when a person does not need to look for non-standard solutions or adjust to someone's style of thinking), he will think in his usual way.

Solution for James Bond

The difference between metaprograms, by the way, is the reason why we like to consult or resort to the help of coaches when we cannot find a solution ourselves. If a solution is in the "blind spot" zone, then it is not at all necessary that the reason is "fear of admitting it" or some other diagnosis - it may simply be a restriction of metaprograms, which is solved by an alternative "angle of view" of another person. The more unlike you, the better.

Well, if you do not want to ask for advice all the time, but on the contrary, prefer to sell your advice for money))) ... Well, or you just want to develop the flexibility of your thinking, learn to speak with each person in the language of “his brain”, causing him to feel that you understand it like no one else (which is true), then develop new metaprograms. This can be done in NLP courses.

P.S. Tatiana Muzhitskaya's NLP practice course for leaders starts this Saturday - November 15th. There are already more than 80 people in the group, !

NLP: skills effective presentation Dilts Robert

Basic Attitudes and Experience Filters - Metaprogram Patterns

Metaprogramming differences can be thought of as a more general version of many of the processes that we have already covered in this book. Metaprogramming patterns describe different ways approach to the space of perception or its elements. Below is a list of them.

We can say the same about metaprograms as about other characteristics that we have already considered: a person uses metaprogram patterns regardless of content and context. Metaprograms do not operate on an all-or-nothing basis and can be combined in various proportions.

Metaprogramming patterns

Considering a problem or idea, a person can focus on moving towardsanything, or on moving away fromsomething, or in a certain ratio combine both of these approaches. The group may approach a problem or idea with varying degrees activityor reflexivity.

Group size, into which information is divided, speaks about the degree of detail or generalization with which an individual or a group of people approaches the analysis of the problem, goal or space of perception. Ideas and situations can be analyzed with varying degrees of detail (dividing information into small groups) and generalization (dividing information into large groups).

A problem or situation can be studied in relation to long, medium or short time frames, as well as in the context of frames of the past, present and future. Time frames, within which the problem or task is considered, have a great influence on its interpretation and the way of approaching it. In the context of the past, present or future, it is possible to use both long and short time frames.

Some people tend to look to the past for a solution, while others look to the future. A good example can serve as the differences between the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and those people who tried to overthrow him before the collapse Soviet Union... One tried to prepare the future, others tried to preserve the past.

The problem or situation can be viewed from the position of "achievement", that is, relative tasksor from the position relationsconsidering the problems of "power" or "affiliation". Balancing task and relationship is obviously key to leading a group of people. Achieving a goal implies an emphasis on goals, procedures and choices. The problem of relationships can be approached by making more or less emphasis on one's own position of perception, positions of perception of other people, and on the position of the environment (“company”, “market”, etc.).

The problem or task can be investigated by comparing the similarities ( consent) and differences ( disagreements) between elements. At the group level, this manifests itself either in seeking consensus or in promoting diversity.

A strategy for approaching a problem or task may emphasize a wide variety of combinations of vision, action, logic, and emotion. Cognitive micropatterns at the individual level can be expressed in terms of general thinking styleat the macro level or at the group level. Seeing, acting, logic and emotion are more abstract concepts in relation to visualization, movement, verbalization and feeling.

Different teaching and learning styles are characterized by different set, sequence and ratio of metaprogram patterns. One person in their approach to a situation can focus 80% on the task and 20% on the relationship. He also focuses 70% on long time frames and 30% on short ones. Someone else may be focusing 90% on a task and think primarily in short time frames.

It is clear that different aggregates patterns of metaprograms cover different areas of the space of perception. From this point of view, there are no "right" or "wrong" metaprograms. In contrast, the effectiveness of metaprograms in terms of learning and teaching depends on the ability to use them in such a way as to cover the space needed to adequately work on a problem or task.

In practice, various attitudes and approaches are used depending on the field of activity. Some activities require the ability to focus on dividing information into small groups or details. In others, you need to be able to see the big picture. At different stages of the work of a group or team, the need for different styles of thinking may arise. Consequently, specific attitudes or sets of metaprogram patterns may be more or less useful at various stages of the group process. The emphasis on the result, rather than on the procedure, can be both an advantage and a limitation for the learning process in a group, depending on the moment. At some stages, consensus may be needed, while at others it may be very important to encourage different points of view.

Thus, different thinking styles and approaches will have different values \u200b\u200bdepending on the learning task. For example, in the conceptual stage, it can be helpful to think in terms of a big picture and long time frames. When developing procedural skills, it may be more helpful to focus on short-term actions. When solving an analytical problem, it may be more appropriate to think logically and in detail, with an emphasis on the task, and so on.

Based on the above, the process of leading a group requires the ability to recognize and direct the various patterns of metaprograms, both own and the group members, in order to find “missing links” and expand the perception of a concept or idea.

Basic Attitudes and Experience Filters - Metaprogram Patterns

Thinking and learning styles

1. General approach:

- "movement from" something or "movement to" something;

- activity or reflexivity.

2. Units of analysis:

- detailing - dividing information into small groups;

- generalization - division of information into large groups.

3. Time frames:

- short or long;

- emphasis on the past, present or future.

4. Basic cognitive style:

- vision;

- action;

- logic;

- emotions.

Basic Provisions

Metaprogramming patterns describe the ways in which a person approaches "grouping" experience, information, or their perception of a situation.

Metaprograms are associated with different styles of sorting and filtering information and experiences.

Metaprogramming patterns can be used to classify individuals, cultures and roles.

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