Equipment. Trading inventory Trading inventory Lesson topic :. Trade Inventory Presentation

Commercial non-mechanical equipment To perform various operations related to acceptance, storage, preparation for sale, display and sale of goods, non-mechanical commercial and technological equipment (furniture for commercial premises) is used in stores. One of the main functions of the trading non-mechanical equipment is to ensure technological process at a trading enterprise.

Rationally organize the trade and technological process; - mechanize heavy and labor-intensive operations; - expand the range of goods; - make the most of the area and volume of retail and warehouse premises; - to reduce commodity losses; - introduce progressive forms of sale; -to level up trade service, labor productivity of trade workers, efficiency of TP work; - to improve the aesthetic design of retail premises.

For displaying goods (showcases, stands), - for displaying and selling goods (slides, hangers, counters), - for displaying, transportation, temporary storage and sale of goods (packaging - equipment), - for settlements with customers (cash booths), - for storing goods (racks, item items), - for checking the quality and preparing goods for sale (tables for scrapping goods, packing goods), - for providing additional services customers (fitting booths, tables for packaging goods, counters for selection baskets and shopping bags, bedside tables for check weights), etc.

Metal, wood, combined, using metal, wood, glass, plastics and other materials. Metal furniture parts are made of round and rectangular pipes, bar, wire, angle steel, sheet steel, aluminum. For finishing their surfaces, zinc, enamel and other coatings are used. Lumber, chipboard and fiberboard, plywood are used for wooden parts;

Non-collapsible - collapsible - collapsible, - foldable, - collapsible - foldable, - sectional, - universally - prefabricated. Non-dismountable furniture consists of parts connected with one-piece joints. Parts of collapsible furniture are connected using bolts, screws, brackets, hooks and other detachable connections. Foldable and collapsible - Foldable furniture has parts with articulated joints that allow them to be folded, thereby reducing the size of the furniture and the volume it occupies. Sectional furniture consists of separate sections. The section is ready product equipped with the necessary parts: shelves, drawers, brackets, etc. The sections are installed separately or connected to other sections. In this case, blocks or lines of any length are formed. When connecting sections in a line, fewer support posts are required, which reduces the weight of the furniture, the cost of purchasing and installing it. Universal - prefabricated furniture consists of unified legal items, from which you can assemble furniture of various functional purposes and sizes. Using a combination of various parts, as well as a combination of various devices for displaying goods, you can create a wide variety of types of furniture for organizing trade in all groups of food and non-food products;

There can be both piece products and furniture sets. Commercial equipment factories produce both individual products by order of trade organizations, and sets of furniture. Sets represent a group of products with different functional purpose with the same architectural and artistic design;

Economic requirements... The design of furniture for a trade enterprise should be simple, economical to manufacture and operate. The economy of production is determined by the laboriousness of the application of progressive production technology, and the economy of operation is determined by the degree of convenience for buyers and store employees, reliability, and functional feasibility. Furniture should not take up a lot of space, but at the same time, it should be large enough to ensure the layout and storage of the required amount of goods. Ergonomic requirements. The optimal dimensional ratios of furniture for trade enterprises (length, width, height, distance between shelves, etc.) are determined during its design, taking into account anthropological data - the average height and proportions of a person's figure. This provides free access to goods, good visibility for buyers and minimal fatigue of service personnel when filling furniture with goods. Aesthetic requirements. The shape, proportion and color of the furniture should correspond to its functional purpose and the architectural and artistic design of the interior of the sales area, emphasizing the unity of the store interior ensemble, the arrangement of commercial furniture should not play an independent role. Sanitary and hygienic requirements. The design of the furniture of commercial enterprises should not make it difficult to clean the premises and the furniture itself. For furniture finishing, such materials should be used from which dirt can be easily removed. The surface of the furniture should be smooth, without protrusions, sharp corners, gaps and crevices. To protect goods from dust and dirt, visors, awnings, covers should be arranged.

Convenience for visual display, demonstration and selection of goods by buyers; - sufficient capacity; - the ability to quickly replenish stocks of goods; - compliance of the design with the requirements for optimal use of the trading floor area; - standard sizes and collapsible design; - ensuring the safety of goods and the possibility of using the most rational methods of their layout and placement; - sufficient strength.

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The trade equipment of stores includes: Trade furniture Refrigerating machines and equipment Trade measuring equipment Cash register equipment Marking and labeling equipment Scanning devices Trade inventory Vending machines

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Electronic trade equipment

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    Technical means for settlements with customers in stores

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    Cash register machine (KKM) - designed to register the purchase of goods and print a cash register receipt. Cash register machine (KKM) is an instrument of state control over cash circulation, completeness and timeliness of accounting by enterprises of cash proceeds. Cash register - an electronic device equipped with a device for printing a cash register receipt. This device has a screen, keyboard and a printer that prints on a special paper tape. Cash registers provide clarity, simplicity and correctness of calculation, control over the conduct of cash and settlement operations, accurate accounting of cash receipts, increase the productivity of cashiers, reduce to a minimum the possibility of errors in calculations, provide information on the volume of sales of goods and the number of serviced buyers by the hours of the work shift. At the same time, the process of settlements with customers is significantly accelerated. FEDERAL LAW of 22.05.03 n 54-fz "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of personal cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards" Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.07.2007 N 470 organizations and individual entrepreneurs ". five

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    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2007 N 470 approved the Regulation on the registration and use of cash registers used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Application requirements. In all organizations and enterprises, only serviceable cash register machines with long-term and non-volatile storage of information in the fiscal (control) memory can be used. Before purchasing KKM, you must make sure that they are: approved for use in accordance with the classifier; have, in cases established by the State Commission on KKM, application programs; equipped with visual control means " State Register "and" Service "; are registered at the technical service center (TSC), which annually (in January-February) is obliged to check the operability; are registered with the tax authorities. to be removed from registration with the tax authorities and from this moment it is prohibited to use it. Requirements for the details of the check. Previously, the requirements for the details of the check were limited only to the reflection of the cash register number, the date of receipt of cash and the amounts received. Now, instead of a cash register check, the buyer (client) is allowed issue a supplementary (underlay) document posted through the cash register and reflecting, like a check, the following details: name of the organization; identification number of the taxpayer organization; serial number of the cash register; serial number of the check; date and time of purchase; cost of purchase or service; sign of the presence of a fiscal Memory Requirements for documentation. Changes have been made to the order of keeping the book of the cashier-operation onist for KKM and during the storage period of documents confirming monetary settlements with buyers. If earlier it was allowed to maintain a common book of a cashier-operator for all cash register in the trading floor, now all cash register requires a control tape and for each cashier a book of a cashier-operator, certified by the tax authority, is kept separately. The control tape, the book of the cashier-operator and other documents confirming the carrying out of cash settlements with buyers must be kept for the period established for the primary accounting documents, but not less than 5 years. The head of the organization is responsible for ensuring their storage. Operational requirements. In order for a cash register machine to be admitted to work, it must meet the following requirements: compliance of the design of the machine with the type of enterprise, the method of sale, the level of prices for goods; simplicity of design, providing ease of use and repair; impeccable accuracy of calculations; high performance; reflection of the type of operations and results of calculations; clarity of indications of the indicator mechanism; reliability in work; ability to document transactions; registration and accounting of data for studying consumer demand and obtaining commercial information; compact design and low weight; the lowest cost and price; ergonomic keyboard; compatibility with computer systems; availability of an interface. Aesthetic requirements. These requirements include: current design; high quality finishing materials; correspondence of proportions and finishes to a functional purpose; harmonious combination of color solutions with the interior of the sales area.

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    Cash registers are fiscal (used in countries where fiscal legislation is in force) and non-fiscal. Fiscal cash registers differ from non-fiscal ones by the presence of fiscal memory - an information carrier from which data cannot be deleted, as well as other design features described by local fiscal legislation. Fiscal memory accumulates data on transactions performed with the help of this cash register. Fiscal memory is a set of software and hardware as part of cash register equipment, providing uncorrected daily (monthly) registration and non-volatile long-term storage of summary information required for full accounting of cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards, carried out with the use of cash registers, in order to correctly calculate taxes Cash registers are used for settlements with customers: electromechanical cash registers, (single-counter, multi-counter or multi-section; with counters summing up the cost multiple purchases for self-service stores); automatic cash registers (for paying for one-time services and purchasing sets of products); electronic check-out machines; complex-automated settlement systems (automate the process of settlement with buyers, accounting and reporting; contain electronic cash registers, a memory unit, a computer, a control panel).

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    Functions: take into account the amounts received from buyers in section meters; on the receipt tape, the amounts posted line by line on the cash register are printed, indicating the cipher and counter number. indicate in the indicators each amount spent, the counter number on which it was posted, and the code. take into account all posted amounts (the cost of individual goods) of one buyer in the counter of private totals. issue a cashier's receipt indicating all the amounts spent and their total, conventional sign (cipher) and counter number (against each amount), serial number of the receipt, date and cliché of the commercial enterprise (name trade organization, store number, etc.). the amount of change due to the buyer is calculated and printed on the check (after the subtotal has been deduced and the amount contributed by the buyer has been entered into the machine). indicate the amount of change in indicators. issue a cashier's receipt indicating all the amounts posted, their total, the amount contributed by the buyer and the amount of change, counter numbers and ciphers, check serial number, date and cliché of the trade enterprise. print and issue cash receipts for one amount (under the appropriate cash register modes) for stores that do not use self-service. print and issue reporting sheets "Indications of sectional meters" and "Blanking of sectional meters". print on the control tape the amounts posted on the cash register (indicating the counter number and cipher), the total deposited by the buyer, change, as well as the amounts accumulated in section counters (indicating the counter number), when taking meter readings or clearing, and the total these amounts.

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    The list of required documents for registering the KKM:

    Application to the IFTS at the place of registration of the legal entity / individual entrepreneur; Premises lease agreement + its copy; OGRN and TIN certificates + copies; Bank details; Seal; Cashier-operator's journal (form KM-4); Technical specialists call log (form KM-8); Registered KKM. Documents for KKM: version passport, additional sheet to the version passport, EKLZ passport, KKM passport (form); Service agreement with TSO; Power of attorney for the right to sign (in the absence of the director or chief accountant of the company). Service hologram and seal stamp. nine

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    For the first time a cash register was invented at the end of the 18th century in America by David Brown. Brown's checkout machine was used by the largest store in Massachusetts and has never malfunctioned over a century of operation, it allows you to control inventory and cash flow, increase sales, and also reduce trading time. 1884 was a watershed year in the history of cash registers, with a new cash register invented by the Ritty brothers. The device allowed the cashier to carry out calculations faster and more correctly and, most importantly, saved information about the payments made in memory, which made the tax authorities very pleased. In Russia, Western cash registers were used in trading activities. But since 1977 in Ryazan, the production of domestic Oka vehicles based on the Swedish model began. By the beginning of 1990, the Ryazan plant was the leader in the production of three models of cash registers that were used not only in Russia.

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    PFC classification

    By areas of application The basis of their classification is the "Classifier of cash registers used in the Russian Federation", approved by the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission (GMEC). for trade; for the service sector; for trade in petroleum products; for hotels and restaurants. Autonomous KKM by design; passive system KKM; active system KKM; fiscal registrar. According to the power source - KKM with a built-in battery (battery or rechargeable battery); - with power supply from the alternating current network; - with connection to an external battery; - with combined power supply. eleven

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    Autonomous cash register machine is a cash register machine, the expansion of the functionality of which can be achieved only by connecting additional input-output devices controlled by the cash register according to the programs placed in it. Autonomous KKM also includes portable KKM that can work without a permanent connection to the power grid. Passive system cash register machine - cash register machine that has the ability to work in a computer cash system, but does not have the ability to control the operation of this system. Passive system KKM can be used as an autonomous KKM. An active system cash register machine is a cash register machine (KKM) that has the ability to work in a computer cash register system, while controlling the operation of the system. TO active system KKM also includes a POS terminal - KKM with fiscal memory, which has the capabilities personal computer on input-output, storage, processing and display of information. POS systems are hardware and software systems that include a fiscal recorder, a computer, a monitor, a keyboard, a scoreboard for buyers, and magnetic card readers. An active system PFC can be used as a passive system or stand-alone PFC. A fiscal registrar (FR) is a cash register machine capable of working only as part of a computer cash register system, receiving data through a communication channel.

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    Cash register equipment

    autonomous (portable) cash registers active system passive system fiscal registers

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    Selection technical characteristics that you need in the cash register can be divided into several stages: Collecting complete information about the types of cash registers available for sale, Determining the amount that a company can spend on cash register machines, Taking into account the specifics of a particular trade enterprise (trade method, assortment, type of goods, intensity, etc. sales technology, as well as required amount cash registers), Obtaining a guarantee from the manufacturer for the KKM and software for the selected software system. Purchase of a cash register.

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    Traditional. The main problem of automation of counter trade is the delivery of information about the goods selected by the buyer to the cash register. In this case, the following options are possible: KKM is on the counter, and the seller himself punches the check; the seller writes out a soft check for the goods, the buyer hands it over to the cashier, the cashier punches all the goods listed in it at the checkout (cash registers are located in separate booths, the information carrier is a soft check); the seller scans with the data collection terminal all the selected goods, as well as a special buyer's card. The buyer gives the card to the cashier, the cashier scans the buyer's card, and the cash register automatically generates the commodity part of the receipt (cash register in separate booths, information transfer: customer card and data collection terminal). These options, differing in the size of equipment costs, distribution of functions and work technology, have their pros and cons, namely: the option of placing cash register directly on the shelves is the most technologically advanced; the option of using soft checks is the cheapest, at the same time, it can only be suitable for stores with a small assortment and low traffic; the option using data collection terminals is the most difficult to implement.

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    Supermarket. In the supermarket, KKM are located at the exit from the self-service hall, which reduces the need for KKM and increases the store's throughput. In supermarkets, it is most rational to use bar-coding of goods, which dramatically speeds up customer service at the checkout point. Trade by samples. With this form of trading, the trading floor is actually a showroom, in which the sales assistant, working individually with the buyer, helps him to select the goods and place the buyer's order. The buyer pays for the order and receives the selected and paid goods at the warehouse or at the point of issue, where it comes from the warehouse.

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    Cach & Carry. With this form of trade, the maximum amount of goods is placed on the trading floor in transport packaging (in boxes on pallets). Due to this, a reduction in costs for separate warehouses and work on displaying goods is achieved. Otherwise, this trading method differs little from self-service stores. Discount. Discussions are characterized by a focus on reducing all costs, including the design of the sales area and operating costs. Due to this, they manage to reduce prices and, accordingly, increase turnover. Discounts are most successful in retail chains. Technologically, discounts are similar to Cach & Carry, but the number of staff and the level of service are minimized, and all management and commercial functions are moved to the central office.

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    The choice of electronic trade equipment depends on the method (form) of trade. But in any case, it is necessary to make an optimal decision on the choice of: cash registers; barcode scanners; barcode printers; data collection terminals, etc .; cash registers of POS terminals; fiscal registrars, etc. Electronic cash registers are the cheapest, but they have a smaller scope of functions, they are less flexible and, as a rule, have restrictions on the number of items stored in the memory. Computer cash registers combine functionality, flexibility and the power of a professional solution. They should be used in stores with a large assortment and high traffic. Fiscal printers can be connected to any computer and any software package, however, this option can be recommended only for specific trading technologies when it is impossible to use other options.

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    It is also necessary to take into account the design of the cash register housing. From this position, one can distinguish: monoblock, modular and dispersed cash registers. Monoblock cash register machines are supplied in a single housing that combines all the main units: keyboard, cashier monitor, receipt printer, display for the buyer. In modular KKM, these units are enclosed in independent enclosures. This arrangement allows the components of the cash register to be placed more freely on the cash register. Dispersed CCMs are similar to modular ones. But their design features make it possible to fully implement the “Front-Facing” concept, when all the units of the cash register are placed strictly between the cashier and the customer. The "Front-Facing" concept, coupled with a productive receipt printer and scanner, maximizes the throughput of the cash register. Dot matrix printers and thermal printers are distinguished by the method of information output to the receipt tape. The print speed for a thermal printer is up to 40 lines / s, for a matrix printer - 2-4 lines / s. Replacement check tape a thermal printer is simple, and a matrix printer is complex. A thermal printer only needs a paper receipt tape, for a matrix printer, a paper receipt tape and an ink ribbon cartridge.

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    The main functionalities of POS terminals: Registration of sales at a free price; Registration of sales by code or barcode; Percentage discount / markup for a position in a check; Percentage discount on the amount of the check; Visual search for goods in the directory; Refund by check number; Seasonal and time-based discount; Receiving a report on product sales; Loading a reference book of goods via a local network from a computer trading system; Possibility of connecting various additional devices (scales, magnetic card and barcode scanners); Possibility of customizing the appearance and printing of receipts.

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    When equipping a store with a passive KKM, it is necessary to decide on the method of connecting the computer and the cash register. There are three common ways: 1. In the fiscal registrar mode, while on workplace the cashier is installed a computer that connects to the cash register. In this case, receipts are printed on the cash register, and sales are processed on a computer. 2.On-line mode. In this case, the KKM has a permanent connection to the computer that stores the product database. To service several cash registers, one computer can be used, which can be placed in a separate room. 3.Off-line mode. In this mode, one or more cash register machines, which are equipped with their own internal memory, are connected to a computer that stores a database of goods. The KKM makes a connection with the computer only for the duration of the exchange of information, when it transmits data on sales from the cash register, and the computer transmits updated information on prices and assortment of goods. This method is the most preferable and reliable, since cash registers work almost autonomously and cannot be affected by problems of the main computer or network. The next thing you need to pay attention to is the existing limitations for this model of the device: Simultaneous work with several peripheral devices (scales, scanners of bar codes and plastic cards); Programming of different modes of operation of the cash register from a computer (powers of cashiers, check header scheme, etc.); Maximum distance of POS printer from computer (as a rule, no more than 25 m for POS printer and up to 250 m for POS terminals); The ability to update the product directory, which does not require stopping the cash register.

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    Cash register is a compact set of functional mechanical and electronic units in various combinations, designed for cash settlement operations. KKM can have the following main functional blocks: installation; indicator; counting; typing; closing; transmission; drive; random access memory; blocking device; food; interface. All blocks are arranged on a metal frame, covered with a casing, in the lower part of which there is a cash drawer. The installation mechanism (keyboard) is a set of keys for displaying the amount, sections, department, conditional codes, activation and other control keys. There is also a correction key that blanks out incorrectly entered information. The indicator mechanism can be one-sided, having one window only from the side of the controller-cashier, and two-sided, allowing the buyer to see the amount collected. The indicator shows in the viewing window the amounts entered, the meter number, the amount due from the buyer, and the amount of change.

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    Electronic control and registering machine "Oka-DOO": 1- control tape window; 2 - casing of the printing device; 3-check tape; 4 - keys for transportation of receipt and control tapes; 5 - display device; 6 - casing of the electronic part of the machine; 7 - calculator mode keys; 8 - keys for ongoing operations; 9 - keys of sectional registers; 10 - cashier's lock; 11 - lock "XZ"; 12 - emergency lock of the cash drawer; 13 - numeric keys; 14 - tumbler for turning on the machine; 15 - cash drawer.

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    The counting mechanism is a collection of different counters. The machines have one or more totalizing counters, control and operational counters. Cumulative counters automatically cumulatively add up all monies sent through the machine. After reaching the maximum capacity, the counters automatically overcome it, and the counting starts over. The control counters are connected with the summing counters and automatically take into account how many times the summing counters reached their maximum capacity during operation, and were forced to zero with a special key. There are control counters that take into account the number of readings of the totalizing counters. The presence of control counters prevents the possibility of abuse when working on the cash register. Operating counters also serve monitoring purposes. They automatically account for the number of transactions performed by the machine, the number of receipts issued, items sold and customers served. The printing mechanism is used to print a cash document (cashier's check or statement), issue it and register it on a control tape. The details of the receipt and control tape depend on the type and model of the cash register. The check may contain private terms and the total purchase amount, check number, date, cliche (company name, car number, etc.). On the control tape, with the exception of the date and cliché, the same details are printed in one line.

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    The closing mechanism is designed to close the entire mechanism of the machine and its individual parts, assemblies, turn it on in a certain mode of operation, take readings of the summing money counters and translate them to zeros. The transmission mechanism transfers movement from the drive group to the actuators and provides a certain sequence of all operations during the working cycle. The drive mechanism is used to drive all mechanisms and components of the machine. Random access memory allows you to save the programmed current time and date, percentage discounts or surcharges, fixed price items, cashier and tax inspector passwords. The blocking device prevents the machine from operating in the absence of a control or receipt tape, the occurrence of emergency situations in the machine, leading to damage to the printing document, absence or overflow of fiscal memory, no power supply.

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    The calculation of the required number of KKM can be performed in two ways: 1) using the Approximate norms technical equipment trade enterprises, taking into account the retail space of the store. This method is applicable for new (standard) stores, the construction of which meets building codes and design rules (SNiP11-77-80. Shops. Design standards) (the number of jobs for cashiers is calculated based on the area) 2) by the calculation method, which is used for determining the need for KKM atypical stores, i.e. in cases where the trading rooms of enterprises after reconstruction or major repairs do not meet building codes and design rules.

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    The procedure for determining the need for KKM by calculation is as follows. The average number of visitors who made a "purchase" per hour nСР = TO / (СtС), where nСР is the average number of visitors who made a "purchase" per hour; TO the average turnover per shift, rubles; С  the average cost of a "purchase" attributable to one customer, rubles; tС number of hours of work of the store per shift, h. The throughput of the calculation unit P = 3600KI /  = 3600 KI / (p  + ), where P is the throughput of the calculation unit, people. at one o'clock; КИ factor of using the cashier's working time equal to 0.7; p  the average number of commodity units per customer, pcs. (depending on the location of the store and the assortment of goods, it ranges from 4 to 6 units);  average time spent on punching one amount (for one product unit), s (take: up to 5 - 8 s  for electromechanical KKM and up to 1.5 - 2 s  for electronic KKM);  average time spent on servicing one customer (for reading prices, accepting money and issuing change, etc.), s (take from 25 to 30 s). The estimated number of KKM NР = nСР / Р where NP is the estimated number of KKM. The total number of KKM NOTSH = NP + NRES. where NOBSCH is the total number of KKM; NREZ - the number of reserve cash registers.

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    When designing new stores (according to the first method), the number of workplaces of controllers-cashiers is calculated based on the area of ​​the trading floor according to the formula, where NP is the number of workplaces of controllers; S is the area of ​​the trading floor, m2; q - sales area per customer (2.5 m2 according to SNiP, clause 5.8); t is the average settlement time with one customer (t = p  + , here p,  and  see explanations above), s; K is the coefficient of using the working time of the controller-cashier, equal to 0.7.

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    A task. Determine the need for KKM food supermarket with an area of ​​about 120 m2, the average turnover of which is 50,000 rubles per shift. The average check in this supermarket is about 150 rubles. Work time a day - 11 hours. nСР = 50,000/150 * 11 = 30 Р = 3600 * 0.7 / (5 * 7 + 30) ≈ 39 NP = 30/39 = 0.76 ≈ 1 NOT = 2 Thus, according to calculations, this trading enterprise must have two cash registers.

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    A skanerbarcode is a device that reads a barcode printed on the packaging of goods, and transmits this information to a computer, cash registers, POS terminals. By the type of execution, scanners are divided into: manual, which the operator brings to the readable barcode, stationary, which are fixed in one place, and in this case it is already necessary to bring the object marked with the barcode to them. Stationary barcode scanners can simply stand or be built into the checkout counter. The industry also uses conveyor barcode scanners. According to the device of the reading element, barcode scanners are subdivided into: LED Laser Imaging scanners In LED, the reading element is a CCD matrix. These scanners are the cheapest and most reliable, but have a short reading range, the barcode must be brought very close. Laser barcode scanners read from a much greater distance and at a higher speed. But the mechanism for unfolding the laser beam has moving parts, and therefore is sensitive to falls. Some manufacturers are trying to compensate for this disadvantage with a shockproof case. And the most advanced barcode reader model is imaging scanners. Fast, reliable, with good read range not only linear or composite, but also two-dimensional (2d) barcodes. One of the important characteristics of the scanner is its resolution; the size of the readable barcodes depends on it. Some scanner models have improved capabilities for reading damaged barcodes.

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    Scanning devices

    contact pencils and scanners laser scanners mobile terminals

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    By the method of connection to a computer, the following main types of scanners are distinguished: RS-232. If the barcode scanner is connected to the serial port, then the data is transferred from the scanner to the serial port in the form of a sequence of ASCII characters. Features of RS-scanners: Requires additional external power supply Can be connected to cash register, PC or POS system. You need special software (barcode scanner driver) when connecting the scanner to a PC or POS system. Keyboard Wedge: If a barcode scanner is plugged into the keyboard port, after reading the barcode, the data is transmitted by emulating keystrokes on the keyboard. Features of KB Scanners: Handheld barcode scanners do not require an external power supply. Can only connect to PC or POS system. No special software is needed to connect the scanner to a PC or POS system. The barcode scanner is more difficult to use from a programming standpoint, since it is necessary to distinguish between receiving data from the keyboard and from the scanner. USB When the barcode scanner is connected to the USB port, the data from the scanner is transferred to the USB port as a sequence of ASCII characters. The main difference between connecting to the USB bus and breaking the keyboard is the possibility of "hot" plugging (that is, without turning off the PC) and the ability to connect to the USB bus up to 127 devices. Wireless data transmission There are several ways: Infrared channel Radio channel Bluetooth technology

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    An imprinter is a mechanical device designed to draw up a slip when performing an operation with a payment card.

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    A magnetic card reader is a necessary equipment for obtaining information from cards of various types: from discount cards with information about the buyer, the composition of the list of purchases and the amount of the discount, to identification cards with data about a company employee who is trying to gain access to the premises, etc. Such a reader can also be used to read data from bank cards accepted for payment in shops, businesses Catering, points of payment for certain services, etc. Magnetic card readers can be used both as a separate device and built into certain models of cashier monitors, programmable keyboards, etc., i.e. various POS peripherals. Depending on the characteristics of a particular model, the reader can work with certain types of cards or allow accepting any types of cards. In this case, information from the card is transferred to the software installed in the POS system, or directly to the commodity accounting program used to maintain accurate accounting of goods and register all transactions with financial flows. The magnetic card reader makes it possible to quickly read all the necessary information recorded on the card and process it in the used program to automate the control of trade operations, thus providing quick access to information. BIT offers equipment from leading manufacturers - CipherLab, Zebex and Posiflex.

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    Data collection terminals are specialized portable devices representing a mini computer with a built-in barcode scanner designed to quickly collect information about goods and transfer them to information system(database) through a specific communication channel (infrared port, radio channel, wired connections, WiFi access points, etc.).

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    Auchan and his experience.

    Self checkout system

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    Format "Rainbow" - discounter with an area of ​​5 thousand square meters. m.

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    The checkout line in the sales area was replaced by Selfcheckout self-service terminals based on Fujitsu TP-X models. The self-service system includes a goods scanning station and a payment station. There are 20 stations for scanning goods in the store. Payment is made by the buyer independently through the machines for accepting bills, and there are more of them - 28 pieces, because a person can hesitate, picking up bills and taking change. The checkout line is separated from the scanning line. The entire solution is built on the basis of Fujitsu equipment. The security system is equipped using Wanzl-Mawy solutions. The buyer calculates for purchases according to the following scheme. A customer with a cart of groceries approaches the scanning station. The store employee - now the term "scanner" has appeared - alternately scans the barcode of the goods, transferring the goods to a free, exactly the same cart. Since the scanner only performs one operation, the process is very fast - only a few minutes. As a result, a coupon with a barcode is generated, which is automatically printed on a fiscal printer. The coupon contains all the information about the purchased product: name, quantity and amount, and a barcode is printed. The coupon is issued to the buyer, and he moves to the payment area. Here the buyer calculates for the purchased goods. The buyer needs to scan the previously received barcode coupon. The screen displays the purchase amount. Money is inserted into the device for accepting banknotes and coins, the device issues change and a fiscal receipt, on which there is a barcode. This check is a pass through the security system: the buyer moves to the pass system, where a scanning device is built in. Having scanned the received fiscal receipt, the system checks where and when the purchase was made, automatically opens the barrier, and the buyer can leave the store. The security system is supplemented by video surveillance and security personnel. The total time savings for customer service were 40%. Separation of scanning and payment lines in comparison with conventional cash registers saves time: scanning - by 15–20%, payment - by 20–30%.

    Slide 51

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    Marking and labeling equipment Modern trade technologies include automated goods accounting systems. An important component of the system, contributing to the organization of control over the flow of goods in wholesale and retail, is equipment for labeling goods. The purpose of product labeling is to provide the necessary information to both the buyer (production date, price, preparation method, product information, etc.) and the seller (product code, article number, etc.). There are two groups of markers - mechanical and electronic. The first includes hand-operated etiquette guns (or markers) and ready-made label applicators (dispensers), the second includes etiquette guns for barcode printing (hand-held printers), portable stationary printers and scales with a built-in printer.

    Slide 54

    Trade inventory is a generalized name for a variety of fixtures, tools and devices used in the acceptance, quality control, preparation and sale of goods at each link on the path of goods movement to the consumer. Its use helps to improve the quality and speed up the performance of basic and especially auxiliary operations. In commercial enterprises, along with commercial inventory, household inventory is also used. Commercial inventory must be of high quality, convenient to use, durable and cheap, and meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

    Slide 55

    Food slicing machines.

  • Slide 57

    At the place of use: for storage and utility rooms of shops (hammer-clipper-scissors, household axes, hammers, pliers, a knife for opening soft containers, etc.); for sales areas of grocery stores (trading tongs and forks, trading scoops, trays for displaying goods, barcode readers, etc.); for sales areas of shops selling non-food products (a device for checking electric drives and electric lamps, a device for checking electric batteries, equipment for trying on shoes, hats, etc.); ubiquitous use (counting, fire-prevention, for cleaning premises). By drive and design complexity: non-mechanical (trays for displaying goods, samplers, ovoscopes-winoscopes, etc.); mechanical (hoop puller, ice cream, guillotine knives, etc.); electric (a device for checking light bulbs, etiquette guns, an electric container stapler, etc.); pneumatic, i.e. based on the use of pneumatic motors that convert the energy of compressed air into mechanical work. It is used as a drive for various mechanisms in explosive and damp places (drills, wrenches, pneumatic beaters); hydraulic (fire-fighting hydraulic control panel, lifting platform, trolley); electronic (microcalculators, marking devices, barcode readers, etc.). By material of manufacture: wooden (boards for cutting, meter for measuring fabrics, etc.); metal (sheet steel trays, nail pullers, scissors, etc.); plastic (stands, funnels, plastic trays, mannequins, hangers, holders, etc.); cardboard (boxes for packaging, signs, trade symbols, etc.); combined (for example, metal knives with wooden or plastic handles). There are tens of thousands of items of trade equipment in the world. Let's consider its most typical types in accordance with the above classification.

    Slide 58

    Furniture for preparing goods for sale

    tables for packing tables for packing, packing

    Slide 59

    Machines for cutting, sawing and chopping products In the trade and technological process of a grocery store, a significant share is occupied by operations related to cutting, cutting, cutting and chopping meat, fish, butter, sausages and other gastronomic products. Allocate: Machines for cutting food. This group includes machines for cutting gastronomic products; for cutting oil monolith; for cutting frozen food; for high-quality cutting of meat. Below are brief characteristics of some models of machines of domestic foreign production. Machine for slicing and sawing meat. Slicer is the foreign name for a machine for cutting gastronomic products (sausages, cheese, ham, etc.) into slices. Such a machine can be abbreviated as a ham sausage cutter. Cutting of products is carried out at trade enterprises for further packaging in small portions into vacuum packaging. In food outlets, sliced ​​slices are used to make sandwiches and cold dishes. The most widespread in the Russian market are slicers from the Italian companies TOPAZ, SIRMAN and the domestic company QUARTZ. The band saw PM-FPL-351A is designed for cutting quarters and cuts, portioned cutting of meat and meat and bone semi-finished products into pieces of various weights and sizes. The Finnish-made KT-750 band saw is designed for cutting into pieces of fresh and frozen meat, bones and fish. In fig. 1.7 shows machines for cutting and sawing products. Machines for grinding food. For the preparation of minced meat and fish in stores, meat grinders are used.

    Slide 60

    Machines for cutting and sawing products: 1 - slicer; 2 - band saw PM-FPL-351A; 3 - band saw KT-750

    Slide 61

    The vending machine is perfect technical means, which, according to a certain program, accepts a means of payment and automatically issues the goods to the buyer. Vending through vending machines does not completely replace its traditional forms, but it is the most effective additional form of selling goods. Trading with the use of machines: provides the buyer with the opportunity to purchase goods at any time of the day; enhances service culture through comprehensive product information, high speed turnover; helps to reduce the time for the purchase and consumption of goods; helps to remove the rush demand for certain goods; provides optimal conditions for the storage and sale of goods, a high level of hygiene in the storage and sale of food products; reduces the cost of human labor, eliminating the need for sellers; brings the sale of goods closer to the buyer by installing vending machines in places of mass demand; provides mobility of movement and installation; allows you to buy goods using banknotes, tokens, as well as plastic cards; makes it possible to organize trade in those places where the presence of a stationary trade network is impractical; when properly organized gives high profitability which cannot be achieved with traditional sales methods. The conditions for the development of trade with the use of machines are as follows: high development of science and technology, especially the electronics industry; highly developed network of stationary enterprises and competition; the presence of prepackaged goods in consumer packaging; stable demand for a certain type of product; sufficient solvency of the metallic money in circulation; high quality maintenance, preventive maintenance and care of vending machines.

    Slide 62

    By product groups: for food products; for non-food products; universal. By type of product: for piece goods of any geometric shape; for piece goods of a certain geometric shape (specialized); for chilled or hot piece goods. According to the degree of readiness of the goods for sale: for goods completely ready for consumption; for goods produced or prepared by the vending machine itself. By consistency of goods: for liquid goods; for piece goods; for bulk goods.

    Slide 63

    By location: for enclosed spaces; for open areas (including under a canopy). By external design: automatic cabinet-type machines; panel type machines; vending machines. By the method of installation, individual machines; established by groups; installed in the complex (a group of machines of different purpose). By the type of payment for coin goods; token; for calculating with paper bills; for calculating with plastic cards; free (at enterprises).

    Slide 64

    It is customary to classify commercial furniture according to the following criteria: by functional purpose - for storage (racks, pallets, item items), preparation of goods for sale (tables for packaging, packaging, quality assessment, cutting and scraping), their display, display and sale (slides, showcases, counters), transportation, storage and sale (containers), settlements with customers (cash booths), additional services (fitting rooms, mirrors, tables for packing); at the place of use - for sales areas of mats, premises for acceptance, short-term storage, preparation of goods for sale; according to the method of installation - wall-mounted, island, privytrinny, wall-mounted and built-in. Depending on the design, commercial furniture is subdivided: according to the principle of the device - shelf, frame, tubular; by completeness - parts, elements, devices, slides composition; according to the method of assembly - non-collapsible, collapsible and collapsible. Non-dismountable furniture is mounted using welding, screws and screws, glue; collapsible hooks, brackets, bolts, screws; folding - with the help of various types of articulated joints. Collapsible equipment consists of separate unified parts, from which ready-made single products or sections interlocked in a line can be completed; by material of manufacture - plastic, glass and mirrors, metal, wood, combined, with the use of metal, wood, chipboard, glass and plastics in various combinations.

    Slide 65

    With regard to the forms and methods of selling goods, commercial furniture is classified: by product profile - specialized trade furniture (for certain product groups) and universal (for various product groups); on the organization of trade services - for the sale of goods with individual customer service (counters, sections, closed-type cabinets with access only from the seller's side); for the sale of goods by the self-service method (open, accessible to the buyer showcases, counters, counters, hangers); for the sale of large-sized non-food products according to samples with home delivery (podiums, racks); for the sale of grocery products on preliminary orders of buyers (showcases). Depending on the nature of the trade and technological process of selling goods, trade furniture is classified: according to the content of the trade and technological process - technological, exhibition, and accessory furniture; according to the progressiveness of the technology for the delivery and sale of goods - using packaging equipment (containers, pallets, containers-hangers). Depending on the needs of the customer, commercial furniture is subdivided into standard and exclusive, made to order. Depending on the nature of production, commercial furniture is classified: according to novelty - experimental, traditional; by serialization - small-scale, serial and mass production (large-scale).

    Slide 75

    Refrigerated cabinets

    Refrigerated cabinets with BLIND doors Refrigerated cabinets with glass doors

    Slide 76

    Commercial storage furniture

    racks pallets tableware

    View all slides

    Classification of commercial furniture. It is customary to classify commercial furniture according to the following criteria: According to the method of installation - wall, island, privytrine, wall and built-in. The most common wall, insular and privatized trade furniture, which is subdivided into mobile and stationary.

    At the place of use - for sales areas of shops, premises for reception, short-term storage, preparation of goods for sale. By functional purpose - for storage (racks, pallets, items), preparation of goods for sale (tables for packing, packaging, quality assessment, cutting and scrapping), displaying, displaying and selling (slides, showcases, counters), transportation , storage and sale, settlements with customers (cash booths), additional services (fitting rooms, mirrors, tables for packing).

    Depending on the design, commercial furniture is subdivided: By the principle of the device - shelf, frame, tubular By completeness - parts, elements, devices, composition of slides (groups of different purpose, but unified slides with the same architectural and artistic design)

    According to the method of assembly - non-collapsible, collapsible and collapsible. Non-dismountable furniture is mounted using welding, screws and screws, glue; collapsible - hooks, brackets, bolts, screws; folding - with the help of hinged joints of various types According to the material of manufacture - plastic, glass and mirrors, metal, wood, combined with the use of metal, wood, chipboard, glass and plastics in various combinations.

    With regard to the forms and methods of selling goods, trade furniture is classified: By product profile - specialized trade furniture and universal By organization of trade services - for the sale of goods with individual service; for the sale of goods by self-service method; for the sale of large-sized non-food products according to samples with home delivery; for the sale of grocery products according to the preliminary orders of buyers.

    Depending on the nature of the trade and technological process of selling goods, commercial furniture is classified: By the content of the trade and technological process - technological, exhibition, accessory furniture; By the progressiveness of the technology of delivery and sale of goods - using packaging equipment (containers, pallets, hanging containers).

    Depending on the nature of production, commercial furniture is classified: by novelty - experimental, traditional by serial production - small-scale, serial and mass production (large-scale). Depending on the needs of the customer, commercial furniture is subdivided into: standard exclusive software individual orders

    Operational and technical requirements Standardization and versatility are the guiding principles in the design of commercial furniture. Commercial furniture should be developed taking into account the latest achievements in the organization of trade, be responsible modern requirements technical aesthetics. Its parts must be distinguished by their interchangeability, sufficient strength, ease of assembly, and manufacturing technology.

    Commercial furniture should ensure optimal use of space, ease of replenishment of goods, demonstration visibility and free access to goods for buyers. When designing commercial furniture, they strive not only to maximize its exposition area, but also equip some of its types with fluorescent lighting, inclined brackets, mirrors and other devices in order to ensure a wide display of goods and create maximum convenience and comfort for customers in the selection of goods.

    Ergonomic requirements. The design of commercial furniture is carried out taking into account the average anthropometric data of a person, which largely determines the size of the equipment. The main parameters of commercial furniture (length, width, height, etc.) should correspond to the average anthropometric data of a person, minimize fatigue during the work of service personnel, ensure sufficient visibility and free access to goods.

    Aesthetic requirements It is necessary that the shape, proportions and color of commercial furniture correspond to its functional purpose and the architectural and artistic design of the interior of the sales area. Commercial furniture should meet the following aesthetic requirements: the finish should be coordinated with the general solution of the arrangement and technical equipment of the sales area, the light sources should be positioned so as to highlight the product, draw the attention of buyers to it

    The color of the furniture and its individual elements should be in harmony with the interior of the store and emphasize the features of the laid out product when designing commercial furniture, the possibility of using modern technological and finishing materials should be taken into account when installing commercial furniture in a line, there should be no visual impression of sagging shelves and disharmony in the design solution.

    Sanitary and hygienic requirements The arrangement of commercial furniture, as well as the materials used for its manufacture, should not impede its cleaning during operation and cleaning of commercial premises. In this regard, commercial furniture should have a high-quality finish with a smooth surface without unnecessary gaps, protrusions and recesses.

    The working surfaces of commercial furniture in contact with food must be made of materials approved for use in the trade with food products. It is not allowed to wash commercial furniture with a generously moistened unwashed cloth. Moisture penetrating into the gaps between parts and fittings leads to swelling of wood and corrosion of metal parts.

    Typification, unification and standardization of commercial furniture The dimensions of individual structures of commercial furniture must correspond to the parameters of the premises of stores, which in mass production is impossible without typification, unification and standardization. In international practice, a system of modules has been introduced for these purposes. Modulus (M) is understood as a unit of measurement in the form of a standard value equal to 90 mm and derivatives of 0.5 M (45 mm), 2 M (180 mm), 5 M (450 mm), 10 M (900 mm).

    One of the most important conditions for organizing the mass production of commercial furniture is its typification, that is, the elimination, diversity and selection of the most rational designs. The second important condition for organizing highly efficient mass production of commercial furniture is its unification, i.e., bringing to uniformity of shapes, designs and sizes of parts from which commercial furniture is assembled. In the process of unification, the unnecessary variety of parts with the same functional purpose is reduced.

    Along with typification and unification, an indispensable condition for the organization of highly efficient mass production of commercial furniture is its standardization, that is, compliance with regulatory requirements for dimensions, materials, workmanship, rules for acceptance and labeling, packaging, transportation and storage. Mandatory technical documents when organizing the production of commercial furniture by enterprises of various organizational and legal forms are standards and technical conditions... A prerequisite for their development is the typification and unification of commercial furniture.

    Typification, unification and standardization in the production of commercial furniture allow: to identify, check and select the most rational sets of furniture that have justified themselves in terms of profitability, high quality customer service, labor productivity of sales workers and competitiveness in the commercial equipment market to interchange individual parts and units of commercial furniture simplifying its installation and operation

    Each manufacturer, in accordance with its niche in the commercial equipment market, can additionally develop new options for commercial furniture, taking into account the introduction of progressive methods of trade and expanding the product range, reduce the total number of varieties of commercial furniture sets, eliminating their excessive variety and at the same time increasing competitiveness to establish mass industrial production of commercial furniture high quality and lower cost, taking into account the market conditions.

    Classification of commercial inventory According to its purpose in the commercial and operational process, it is: for the acceptance of goods: a) for opening containers and packaging (electric shears, opener of cardboard containers with a replaceable knife, scissors for cutting, etc.); b) to check the size and quality of goods (samplers, ovoscopes-winoscopes, bore gauges, calipers, micrometers, etc.)

    To prepare for the sale and sale of non-food products (irons, ironing boards, brushes for cleaning clothes and shoes, an electric device for packing nails and screws, etc.); advertising and exhibition (mannequins, half-mannequins, stands, clothes holders, etc.); for preparation for the sale and sale of food products (devices for cutting, cutting and cutting meat, offal and fish, meat axes, production knives, butcher's, boning knives, etc.)

    For the selection of goods by buyers; cash register (microcalculators, barcode readers, finger wetters, check tattoos, etc.); sanitary and hygienic (vacuum cleaners, scrubber driers, waste baskets, etc.); fire-fighting (foam and carbon dioxide hand-held fire extinguishers, hydraulic control buckets, sets of fire-fighting tools).

    At the place of use: for warehouse and utility rooms of shops (hammer-clipper-scissors, household axes, hammers, pliers, a knife for opening soft containers, etc.); for sales areas of grocery stores (trading tongs and forks, trading scoops, trays for displaying goods, barcode readers, etc.);

    For sales areas of shops selling non-food products (a device for checking electric drives and electric lamps, a device for checking electric batteries, equipment for trying on shoes, hats, etc.); ubiquitous use (counting, fire-prevention, for cleaning premises).

    In terms of drive and design complexity: non-mechanical (trays for displaying goods, samplers, ovoscopes, wine scopes, etc.); mechanical (hoop puller, ice cream, guillotine knives, etc.); electric (a device for checking light bulbs, etiquette guns, an electric container stapler, etc.);

    Pneumatic, i.e. based on the use of pneumatic motors that convert the energy of compressed air into mechanical work. It is used as a drive for various mechanisms in explosive and damp places (drills, wrenches, pneumatic beaters); hydraulic (fire-fighting hydraulic control panel, lifting platform, trolley); electronic (microcalculators, marking devices, barcode readers, etc.).

    By material of manufacture: wooden (boards for cutting, meter for measuring fabrics, etc.); metal (sheet steel trays, nail clippers, scissors, etc.); plastic (stands, funnels, plastic trays, mannequins, hangers, holders, etc.); cardboard (boxes for packaging, signs, trade symbols, etc.); combined (for example, metal knives with wooden or plastic handles).

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    Presentation slides text content:
    The value of refrigeration equipment The use of cold in trade allows: - to create stocks of perishable goods in a wide range; - to increase the duration of their storage; - to transport goods at any distance; - to sell seasonal goods evenly throughout the year; - to reduce commodity losses; - to satisfy the population's need for good quality goods. Classification of refrigeration equipment According to the conditions of use - for stores with a traditional method of sale; - for self-service stores. By designation - equipment for storing perishable goods; - equipment for displaying and selling goods; - demonstration (for display only). According to the storage mode - medium temperature (from 0 to 8 ° C, intended for storing chilled food); - low temperature (from -12 to –23 ° C, intended for storing frozen food and ice cream). By the nature of air movement in the cooled space - with natural air movement; - with forced air movement (air is blown by an electric fan through the evaporator). According to the degree of tightness of the refrigerated volume - closed (has doors that tightly cover the refrigerated volume; used in self-service stores and traditional forms of service); - open (the cooled volume is covered by a cold air curtain, used in self-service stores). According to the location of the unit - with a built-in unit; - with a free-standing unit; According to climatic zones of application - for a temperate climate (outside air temperature up to 32 ° C); - southern version (outside air temperature up to 40 ° C). It is designated by "Yu". According to the refrigeration system - with individual refrigeration supply (each unit of refrigeration equipment is served by a separate refrigeration unit) - with centralized refrigeration supply (a group of showcases, counters and other equipment is connected to one refrigeration unit; the unit is located in a utility room). By types - wardrobes; - showcases; - counters; - counters - showcases; - bonnets; - lari; - refrigerated slides; - refrigerating chambers. To designate commercial refrigeration equipment, special symbols are adopted: P-counter; B-showcase; PV-counter-showcase; W-cabinet; X-refrigeration; C-medium temperature; H-low-temperature; South-southern version; - the number after the hyphen indicates the location of the refrigeration unit (1-built-in, 2-out); - the number after the second hyphen indicates the internal volume or useful refrigerated volume (in m3). for example: PChN - 1 - 0.15 (refrigerated counter, low temperature, with built-in refrigerating machine, internal volume - 0.15 m3). Refrigerated cabinets are designed for short-term storage of chilled and frozen products before sale. They are used in traditional shops and in self-service stores. Refrigerating cabinets are produced with a capacity of 0.40; 0.65; 0.71; 0.81; 1.12; 1.40 m3. The temperature in the refrigerating cabinets is automatically maintained within the range from 1 to 10 ° C. They are completed with a built-in refrigeration unit. Lattice shelves are installed in the refrigerated chamber. Refrigerating cabinets can be with upper and lower location of the refrigeration unit, one - and two-door. Doors can be either metal or glass. Self-service stores use refrigerated cabinets with glass doors so that the customer can see the entire assortment. Cabinets can be: - with hinged doors - with sliding - wardrobe - compartment (with self-closing sliding doors, which are equipped with an anti-fog device). In shops with a traditional service method, refrigerated cabinets are installed at the sellers' workplaces and in the back rooms. They have a panel - frame construction. Internal and external surfaces are lined with sheet metal. Lattice shelves are installed in the refrigerated chamber. Refrigerated display cases are designed for demonstration, short-term storage and sale of goods. Showcases of two types VHN and VHS are produced. Dimensions (mm): length - 1100 - 1700; width - 800 - 1100; height - 1200 - 1300.-showcase with straight glass-showcase with curved glass Refrigerating counters - showcases (calculated counters) are intended for storage, display and sale of goods. They consist of a refrigeration unit built into the body, a panel with straight or curved glass, and also have a countertop for cash registers and scales. Dimensions (mm): length - 1300 –1880; width - 1100; height - 1200. Lari - horizontal refrigerators with a lid. The lid can be transparent, made of special glass, or opaque (dull) - from the same material as the side walls. Supermarkets mainly use low-temperature chests operating in the range from –10 to –24 ° C. The chest with a blank lid is not intended for installation in the sales area and can be used in the back room of the store. A chest with a glass lid (counter) is intended for use in the sales area. The cover can be of different shapes: - straight horizontal; - straight inclined; - convex inclined - improves the overview of the contents of the chest and attracts the buyer. Bonetta are open island display cases. They have a large volume for storing goods and a large display area, which allows you to expand your view. There can be low-temperature, medium-temperature and combined. Sizes (mm.): Length - 1920 - 2520; width - 1000 - 1048; height - 870. Refrigerated slides are intended for displaying various goods. Especially convenient for self-service shops. The design of the rack allows you to lay out the goods in such a way that the entire assortment is clearly visible. The range of products that can be stored and displayed in refrigerated cabinets is very wide. It includes meat and dairy gastronomy, meat, fish and vegetable canned food, fresh vegetables and fruits. Some types of slides provide storage of products not in one, but in different temperature regimes, which is very convenient for storing different types of goods. The slide is equipped with a night curtain, which significantly saves energy at night. From the inside, the slide is equipped with halogen lighting. The dimensions of the slides (mm): length - 1260 - 2060, height - 1930. Prefabricated refrigerating chambers are designed for storing chilled and frozen products for no more than five days in small trade enterprises, where it is impractical to install stationary chambers. They are collected from separate unified shields. There are two types of prefabricated chambers: KHN and KHS. Refrigerating chambers are installed in utility rooms. Dimensions (mm): length - 1960 - 5560; width - 1360 - 2560; height - 2200 - 2720. Rules for the operation of refrigeration equipment Refrigeration equipment is installed in dry, well-ventilated rooms at a distance of at least 1 m from the heating devices. Aisles are left near the equipment, convenient for loading goods, selecting them by buyers, and also for maintenance. Shop equipment must be kept clean. The outer parts are periodically wiped with a damp cloth and wiped dry. The internal parts are washed at least once a week with warm water and soap, then with clean water and wiped dry. Persons who have undergone special training and instruction in safe working conditions are allowed to operate the refrigeration equipment. The salesperson, to whom the equipment is assigned, is fully responsible for it, monitors the correct operation and maintains it in proper order. During operation, it is prohibited to: Turn on the refrigeration unit in operation in the absence of grounding or the presence of faults; Load equipment in excess of the permissible rate specified in the passport; Keep the doors open for a long time; Place hot and warm food; Remove frost from the evaporator mechanically; Smoking indoors, where is the refrigeration unit


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    Slide captions:

    REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT MDK 01.01 Fundamentals of product assortment management O.O. Goldin

    The use of cold in trade allows you to: create stocks of perishable products; increase the duration of their storage; transport to any distance; sell seasonal goods evenly throughout the year; reduce product losses; introduce progressive forms of selling goods; to meet the needs of the population in good-quality food products; to provide a high level of trade services and sanitary conditions of trade enterprises, etc.

    An uninterrupted cold chain is a complex of refrigeration facilities and measures that ensure the maintenance of an optimal temperature regime along the entire path of movement of perishable products from the places of their production and procurement to retail outlets and public catering establishments.

    Links of the cold chain: procurement refrigerators for wholesale enterprises, refrigeration equipment for retail trade enterprises, household refrigerators.

    The link between the links of the refrigeration chain is carried out by refrigeration transport: ships, wagons, trains, refrigerated vehicles.

    Types of refrigerated warehouses The first type is conventional refrigerated warehouses, which are actually large freezers. The second type is refrigerated warehouses for storing dairy products, sausages, vegetables, fruits, flowers, some medicines.

    The third type is refrigerated warehouses for cooling meat and meat products. The fourth type is warehouses for shock freezing of products.

    Classification By type: Cameras Cabinets Showcases Showcases-counters Slides Larry Bonetta

    2. By temperature mode: Medium-temperature Low-temperature 3. By the nature of air movement: Natural Forced

    4. According to the degree of tightness of the refrigerated volume: Closed Open 5. According to the location of the refrigeration unit: Built-in Remote

    6. By the degree of cooling: Individual Centralized 7. By climatic zones of application: For southern regions For regions with a temperate climate

    Conditional alphanumeric indices: K - chambers, W - cabinets, P - counters, H - showcases, PV - display counters, X - refrigerated, C - medium-temperature, H - low-temperature.

    The numbers after the hyphen indicate the location of the refrigeration unit: 1 - built-in, 2 - taken out, After the second hyphen, the internal or useful refrigerated volume (in m3). Subsequent letters denote the methods of displaying goods: P - on equipment shelves, K - in containers or equipment containers), Further, the degree of equipment tightness Z - closed, O - open.

    КХС-1-8, OK means a medium-temperature refrigeration chamber with a built-in refrigeration machine, with an internal refrigerated volume of 8 m3, intended for storing goods in containers.

    Requirements: technical, commercial and operational, economic, sanitary.

    The main conditions for the smooth operation of refrigeration equipment are as follows: high quality installation, qualified maintenance; compliance with all operating rules by the store staff.

    Refrigerating equipment must ensure: a specified temperature regime for storing goods; permissible noise standards for sales areas of shops; appearance matching the interior of the store; ease of use for buyers and sellers; low thermal conductivity; convenience for sanitization and maintenance, etc.

    During the operation of refrigeration equipment, it is prohibited: to allow unauthorized persons to inspect, repair the refrigerating machine and adjust automation devices, as well as perform these works on their own; touch the moving parts of the refrigeration unit during operation; remove frost from the evaporator mechanically using scrapers, knives and other items); obstruct the refrigeration unit and passages with foreign objects,

    The rules for the operation of refrigeration equipment: the equipment should be loaded with products only after reaching the normal temperature regime; the number of loaded products should not exceed the permissible rate of a one-time loading of equipment; stack or hang goods loosely between each other at a distance of 8 - 10 cm from the walls; do not store food on evaporators, cover grating shelves and food with paper, cellophane, etc., do not store foreign objects in refrigerated equipment;

    the commercial neighborhood should be observed; closed doors should be tightly pressed against the body, they should be opened as little as possible and for a short period of time. there must be no frost on the evaporator, cold air must circulate freely between its fins.

    For trade workers, a special introductory briefing should be carried out on safety rules, operation of automatic refrigeration units, electrical safety and the procedure for providing first aid in case of an accident. At least once every 6 months. there must be on-the-job training.

    Types of refrigeration equipment




    Shock freezers (shock freezers)

    Polybox cabinets

    CHAMBERS Refrigerated


    For storing fur coats

    For flowers

    DISPLAY CASES Freezers







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