How to start a massage business. How to open a massage parlor: advice, recommendations, calculations. Massage room at home - advantages and disadvantages

Human life in modern world associated with constant stress and stress. Office work is very tiring, and constant fatigue over time becomes the cause of a depressive state.

Probably, it is for this reason that many people have recently been trying to lead a correct lifestyle and take care of their health. This trend has made its own amendments in the field of wellness services, and entrepreneurs began to think about how to open a massage parlor.

This type of business is quite simple to organize and does not require large investments at the start. In addition, the money invested in the massage parlor pays off quickly, especially if you hire highly qualified specialists with their own client base.

Market analysis

Before you open a massage room, you need to determine the main target audience and explore interests potential clients... Also, you should consider the possibility of business development and carefully consider the list of services, based on the conducted market analysis. It's great if you offer your customers different kinds massage. This will allow you to expand your circle of potential audience and, accordingly, increase the profitability of your business.

Business registration

Before opening a massage room, it is necessary to prepare the legal basis of the business: register a private enterprise with the tax authorities, obtain permits and a license for related activities. But first you need to decide on the services that you plan to provide.

In accordance with the eastern classification of massage, it can be structured according to the following principle: wellness, sports, medical and cosmetic. The methods of carrying out the procedure are also different: manual, hardware and combined.

Licensing of a massage parlor is required only if therapeutic massage is included in the list of services. If you have the appropriate certificate, and you will provide massage services to clients on your own or with the help of hired specialists, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or entity... The first organizational form more preferable, as it greatly simplifies the taxation system.

Documents for starting a business

In addition, before opening a massage parlor, you must obtain the following documents:

  1. Permission from SES and fire service authorities.
  2. Certificate authorizing the provision of massage services to clients.

It should be noted that the main requirement for obtaining a license is that the applicant has a building or premises on the right of ownership. At the same time, it is allowed to place massage rooms in rooms without natural light, if the standardized indicators of the microclimate and air exchange are provided.

Room selection

Before you open a massage room, you need to find a room. If we talk about its location, then here you need to take into account many factors. If you have an experienced specialist with your own customer base, you can choose a room in any convenient place. His regular customers will come to any part of the city. You just have to take care of the availability of a convenient access to the building and parking for cars.

If you are just about to gain a clientele, then you should give preference to the habitable bedroom area or the area of ​​expensive new buildings. People prefer to visit massage parlors within walking distance. There is another option - opening such an office on the basis of an existing fitness or sports club, beauty salon, sauna, and so on. Every visitor of a club or salon can become your client here.

SES requirements for the premises

In order to coordinate all issues with the SES, it is necessary that the room you have chosen meets a number of mandatory requirements, namely:

  1. The area of ​​the massage room depends on the number of specialists who will work for you. For one workplace there should be at least 8 sq. m.
  2. It is necessary to equip a relaxation area where clients can relax after massage treatments.
  3. The room must have all the necessary communications: water supply, sewerage and a bathroom.
  4. It is necessary to allocate an area for the administrator's workplace.

Therefore, to organize a massage room with one specialist, it is enough to purchase a room with an area of ​​30 sq. m. If your plans include the provision of diversified services, then you will need an area of ​​at least 70-100 sq. m. m. In addition, the SES requires tiles or washable wallpaper on the walls of the room, since once a week in the office it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis and disinfection. You will also need to make sure you have clean towels and purchase a washing machine to keep them in good shape.

Before you open a massage parlor with a staff of more than 4-5 masseurs, consider whether it will be cost-effective. If your funds permit, then perhaps the best option will be the opening of several offices of different profiles. Or it is worth opening several small shops in different parts of the city.

To equip a massage room, you need to purchase special equipment. The main attribute, of course, is a massage couch or a stationary table. The selection of such tables is quite extensive both in terms of functionality and software. outward appearance... In addition, you will need furniture for the reception and reception area, ionizers, Consumables, massage accessories, cosmetic oils, massagers and so on.

Massage staff

The work of a massage parlor cannot be established without specialists. To provide massage services to clients, you need to hire massage therapists with an average medical education and the presence of a certificate giving the right to engage in this type of activity. This requirement is also mandatory according to the SES standards. Hiring already established professionals with their own customer base is, of course, profitable, but, as a rule, they have private practice and want to receive about 50% of the cost of the massage, while the usual salary of a massage therapist is 30%.

It used to be thought that massage is a purely handiwork medical professionals... However, today we are faced with services of this kind, which are offered by private studios, salons and fitness centers. Such popularity of this business is due to the fact that the threshold for entering it is small. How to equip massage parlor and how to open an institution that will be in demand, we will tell you in this article.

  • How to start opening a massage parlor?
  • Massage room requirements
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money is needed to start a business
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED should be indicated for a massage parlor
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for a massage parlor
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Business technology

The massage is different. The need to obtain a license from the Ministry of Health depends on its appointment. It is not required for all types of relaxing and cosmetic manipulations. Medical massage and chiropractic therapy require such specialized licenses to operate.

How to start opening a massage parlor?

Service professionals estimate that only about 30% of clients come to massage for medical reasons. The rest prefers to do it for relaxation and for cosmetic purposes. Based on these studies, you can begin to select a room for rent. The majority of visitors will prefer a salon near their home, since special skills or equipment for a relaxing massage is not required. Few people will be ready to travel anywhere in the city to specific specialist... It is better to open the office on the first floor of the building.

It is usually customary for each specialist to allocate a separate office. Only recently has it become popular to arrange couples massage sessions. They are in demand among married couples and women's companies. From an economic point of view, it is unprofitable to put more than 5 tables in one salon. If you have funds, and, most importantly, specialists, then it is better to open several massage parlors in different parts of the city.

Below we will consider the requirements for any massage parlor, without which it will be difficult to start a business.

Massage room requirements

1 The area is calculated based on the fact that one workplace will need 8 sq.m. A separate office must be at least 12 sq.m.
2 The room must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.
3 All the year round, at the workplaces, the temperature must be maintained at least +20 degrees. Central heating or heating appliances are required. It is possible to open an account only when comfortable conditions for the client are created.
4 The salon must have a shower, bath and toilet. These are the requirements of the SES.
5 Cabinets should be equipped with fluorescent lamps. They provide the best illumination of the workplace and do not create discomfort for the client.
6 The room will need to be disinfected regularly, so floors, walls and other surfaces must be washable. Most often, linoleum, ceramic tiles or special moisture-resistant wallpapers are used for coating. These materials are also ideal for daily wet cleaning. All requirements are also checked by the SES when issuing a permit.
7 The office must have a first aid kit for first aid. In addition, the administrator must have a tonometer and a thermometer.
8 As for the equipment for a massage room, it must be special: a massage table, a couch, a trestle bed, a wardrobe, a waiting area for clients. Requirements are not spelled out here. It can be selected depending on the type of massage.

During the massage, the client lies down on a special massage table. There are several types of them today. Almost all models are height adjustable. Some have headrests and armrests. The design can allow the headboard to be raised. Recently, tables with a heated base have appeared on the market. The procedure becomes more comfortable and pleasant for them. Such heating allows you to relax absolutely all muscles. The effectiveness of the procedure is increased. This is not a requirement for a massage, but a very good addition.

The length of the couches is usually 2 m 10 cm, width 65 cm, and height 60-80 cm. Other devices that are smaller in size are used to massage different parts of the body.

Now let's figure out what you need to buy to open a massage parlor. In the table, we will consider the approximate costs that will be the initial investment.

Another important point to consider for successful work, this is the staff. Often people go to the procedure not just to the salon, but to a specific specialist. The location of clients depends on their skills and experience. The salary of a massage therapist is a percentage of the cost of the sessions performed. It usually accounts for 40% of the revenue.

If you open such a small massage room, then the costs will pay off in a few months. This is only possible with a full workload of specialists. To do this, you need to use all the methods of advertising and promotion that exist today.

How much can you earn

Typically, the average profitability of massage parlors is slightly above 30%. In most cases, the initial capital investment pays off within a year. At correct organization business, the monthly profit can reach 150,000 rubles.

How much money is needed to start a business

A little more than one million rubles will be required to open a full-fledged massage parlor. Cash will be required:

  • to pay for the lease of the premises and carry out repair work in it;
  • for registration and purchase of related material;
  • for other unforeseen expenses.

How to choose equipment

In order for a business to fully function, it is necessary to purchase:

Special couches equipped with a foam pad;
chairs for some types of massage;
round rollers;
sofa and soft armchairs;
table and TV for visitors.

What OKVED should be indicated for a massage parlor

When registering, we simultaneously indicate in the submitted application two codes according to OKVED:
provision of services rendered in beauty salons and hairdressing salons, code 93.02 corresponds to it;
activities for the provision of services related to the health and fitness direction - code 93.04.

What documents are needed to open

To reduce the time for registration and collection of documents, it is best to open an individual entrepreneur. For individual entrepreneurs, you will need to provide a minimum package of documents. As for obtaining an additional license, it is not required. An exception is the case when the list of services includes medical massage and manual therapy.

What taxation system to choose for a massage parlor

To minimize the cost of paying taxes for a massage parlor, we choose a special system - a simplified system. It allows you to pay 6% of the proceeds received. Upon submission of documents on the expenses incurred, it will be possible to pay tax in the amount of 15% of the net profit.

Do I need permission to open

In addition to the certificate state registration you will have to apply for permission from the fire inspectorate and sanitary station.

Business technology

For massage parlors, it is necessary not only to adapt their services to new current technologies, but they must also meet the requirements. The following are very popular:
preparatory and thermal procedures;
hydrotherapy and body wrap;
massage of various types, etc.

Having your own massage room is one of the most profitable species business that allows minimum investment make good money. To open it, it is enough to have a small specially equipped room, a couch and a specialist with a diploma of completion of the course of massage therapists. In addition, for the provision of cosmetic and restorative massage services, you absolutely do not need permission from the Ministry of Health.

Salon registration

An important stage in starting a business is the registration of an enterprise. At the same time, it is important to determine the direction of services, since the type of entrepreneurial activity and whether you need a medical degree.

If you are going to provide services exclusively for cosmetic or hygienic, restorative massage, then you do not need a medical education. In this case, you will need:

  1. Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Conclude an agreement with special services waste disposal.
  3. Conclude contracts with the services that carry out disinfection and disinsection.
  4. Obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  5. Obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Pass the fire service check.

The situation is somewhat more complicated when you are going to provide manual therapy and medical massage services. In this case, you must obtain a license to provide services from the Ministry of Health. . A person with a medical education can get it. Therefore, if you do not have a medical diploma, as well as a certificate of completion of massage courses, you must register the company as an LLC and invite a person with higher medical education to the role of director. At the same time, it will be he who will officially provide the services, not you.

Requirements for the premises

Serious requirements are also put forward for the choice of premises for the provision of services. It must comply with the following standards:

  • The room should not be located in the basement.
  • One masseur should have at least 8 sq. M.
  • If two specialists work in the same office, providing services of pair massage, the room should have an area of ​​12 sq. M.
  • The room should have tiles or washable wallpaper.
  • The room must be equipped with a bathroom.
  • Availability of working ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Availability of showers with cold and hot water for employees.

Also, for the convenience of visitors, it is desirable that the office is located on the first or second floor.

A relaxation bath will be a big plus.

It is desirable that each massage therapist has a separate room and 1-2 rooms are equipped for pair massage.

In addition to the massage room, there should be an administrator's office, combined with a waiting room. A rest room for employees will not hurt either. In general, 70-80 sq. M is enough to open the salon.

As practice shows, the salon should have up to 5 workplaces. If there are more of them, the right decision would be to open another salon in another area of ​​the city.

As for the geographical location, it is desirable that there are no competing salons next to the new salon. A very good option is to place the salon in the building of the fitness center or not far from it. By the way, you can also open a fitness club yourself,.

Sanitary Requirements

As in any establishment that provides cosmetic or medical services, to the massage parlor sanitary requirements... The main one is weekly disinfection.

In this case, it is important to record the date of cleaning, the products used during it. Once a month is needed spring-cleaning in the offices.

Water must be supplied to the masseur's workplace. Hand sanitizers should also be available.

The service business is in great demand among start-up entrepreneurs; it does not require the purchase of products for sale, which significantly reduces initial costs. It is important to choose a niche characterized by stable demand and assemble a team of professionals to fight competitors. Massage is such a popular service today. Thousands of people are buying tickets for relaxing treatments. We will tell you how to open your own massage room from scratch in today's article.

Massage services are now provided in all establishments specializing in beauty and health (fitness clubs, beauty salons, health centers). To get started, you need minimum capital for the purchase of a couch and special oils. In the event that you do not provide manual therapy services, then you will not need a license from the Ministry of Health, which greatly simplifies the registration of a business. Due to the small investment, the project pays off very quickly (from 2 to 6 months).

Massage services are now provided in all establishments related to beauty and health.

Legal issues

To open a massage parlor, you must register with the tax office as individual entrepreneur or societies with limited liability... If planned small business, then it will be enough to open the PI. The amount of costs will be 800 rubles (state duty). Activity code by classifier OKVED- 93.04 physical culture and recreation activities and 85.14.1 secondary activities medical staff in the field of therapeutic massage.

If the massage room involves the conduct of therapeutic massage, manual therapy, then it is subject to compulsory licensing. All cabinet specialists must have secondary medical education and specialized certificates that allow them to engage in this activity. If you remove manual therapy and therapeutic massage from the list of services provided, then you will not be able to obtain a license. However, the masters are required to have knowledge in the field of medicine and take various massage courses in order to conduct professional sessions. The same requirements apply to the opening of a children's massage room.

Room selection

The room must be selected for reasons of convenience for customers and the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station. More than 70% of clients visit the massage room for the purpose of relaxation, so the environment must be appropriate: comfortable furniture, a professional couch, an audio system with suitable music, fresh renovation.

According to the requirements of the SES, a minimum of 8 square meters of area is required for one workplace of a masseur.

Remember: Permission to carry out massage procedures will not be given if the office is located in the basement, as this is a violation of sanitary standards.

For the comfort of visitors, the massage room should have a waiting room with a comfortable sofa, TV and a variety of magazines. It is also possible to install a counter for the administrator in it. It is necessary to find a room with an area of ​​50-60 square meters. It is imperative to install a bathroom, walls and floors should be covered with tiles and washable wallpaper. You can arrange a massage parlor and at home. In this case, the minimum area you need is 10 square meters.

There should be several parking spaces near the building so that customers do not have any difficulties with where to leave their car. This will greatly increase visitor loyalty.

As for the acquisition of premises, this is a personal matter for each entrepreneur. It is best to rent it with the possibility of further purchase. And if the business will bring stable income then you can purchase it.

The room for the massage room must meet the SES standards and the requests of visitors


The massage room must be equipped with:

  • massage couch (1-2 pieces);
  • massage table;
  • sofa and coffee table for the waiting room;
  • wardrobes and shelves for the administrator.

Also for work, masseurs will need special oils... They are usually purchased in bulk, since large volumes are sold at low prices, and due to the fact that during the sessions, towels are used that need to be washed, it is recommended to buy and install a washing machine.

The massage room requires a table, couches and special oils

Service list

The massage parlor offers various types of massage:

  • medical (license required) is prescribed by doctors for general or local strengthening of the body;
  • hygienic is carried out for the prevention of diseases, increases blood circulation, promotes psychological relief;
  • sports - for muscle tone and recovery after workouts;
  • cosmetic - to improve the condition of the skin.

Massage can also differ in the degree of influence on the body: acupressure, classical, fragmentary. According to statistics, more than 70% of visitors prefer anti-cellulite and relaxation massage.


The first step is to find an experienced therapist who can do various types of massage. This is a daunting task, as professionals often work for themselves. However, this is not an insoluble problem: by creating favorable conditions and high wages, you will be able to attract the right employee. The payment for a massage therapist can consist of a salary, which ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, and a percentage for the sessions performed (from 30 to 50 thousand rubles). On average, their salary is 40-50 thousand rubles. It is advisable to have two specialists on staff who will work in shifts.

For the well-coordinated work of the office, an administrator is needed who will accept orders and record customers. An employee's salary is 18–20 thousand rubles.

To prepare reports, you should hire an accountant on a remote basis, he will free you from paperwork. His salary is 10 thousand rubles a month.

It is most profitable to hire a universal masseur in the state, his salary will be about 50 thousand rubles

Service promotion

For effective promotion massage parlor uses several types of advertising:

  • word of mouth, grateful customers - best view advertising, they will bring friends and acquaintances with them;
  • luminous sign that will attract potential customers;
  • advertising on television will allow you to tell a wide audience about the massage parlor;
  • development of a loyalty system for regular customers will allow you to retain visitors.

Expenses and income

Opening a massage parlor will require an initial investment of 300-350 thousand rubles. They will be spent on renovating the premises, purchasing furniture and equipment, and an advertising campaign.

Also, a monthly entrepreneur will spend 200-220 thousand rubles for renting premises, wages employees, purchase of oils, communications and the Internet.

The average income of a massage parlor, whose area is 60 square meters, ranges from 300 to 350 thousand rubles. In this case, the payback period of the project will take from 3 to 6 months.

How to open your massage room (video)


As we were able to see the massage parlor is a profitable investment. With a starting cost of less than 500 thousand rubles, an entrepreneur gets the opportunity to pay off already in the third month of work. Therefore, if you decide to open a business providing services, then try your hand at massage. Good luck!

Not so long ago, it was possible to sign up for a massage only in medical institutions for masseurs with education, only according to the testimony of a doctor and only for treatment and health promotion.

Today, massage services are offered by many institutions: massage rooms, beauty salons, fitness clubs. Various types of massage are presented, ranging from classical to exotic.

And, of course, doing business in the field of massage is very profitable - it attracts a rapid payback and small investments for initial stage... In order for a business to be successful, you need to know how to open a massage parlor from scratch, be able to create business plans and understand all the features and nuances.

To adequately assess the profitability of a massage business, you need to thoroughly study competitive environment: how many massage parlors are located in the city, the demand for massage services and their cost.

To start a massage services business, you need to draw up a business plan, register a company, choose premises, personnel and equipment. The choice of methods of attracting clients and organization is also important. advertising campaign.

Business registration

To start implementing a business plan, you need to collect a complete package of documents and choose the form of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur, because the package of documents in this case is minimal, the preparation of which will take a little time.

To open a massage room, the Ministry of Health does not require additional permission, except if the salon is engaged in manual therapy.

Premises for rent

The first step in terms of space is choosing the location of the massage room. It depends on the specificity of the massage.

If the salon provides massage services for medical reasons, then the location will not be particularly important factor, because for medicinal purposes, people choose not proximity to home, but the quality of the procedure.

If the salon is focused on providing a relaxing, aesthetic massage or conducting SPA programs, then it is better to choose a place near residential areas or complexes.

To save on rental costs, you can use a joint rental option, for example, with a beauty or hairdressing salon.

SES requirements for a massage parlor:

  1. Location on the 1st floor.
  2. For the employment of one masseur, at least 8 sq. m.
  3. A separate room for receiving waiting clients.
  4. The total area of ​​the salon is from 20 sq.m.
  5. Necessary equipment for massage.

Room equipment

Furniture required for massage services:

  • a massage table;
  • additional folding massage table for home visits to the client;
  • wardrobe, racks for staff, a screen for clients;
  • sofa, armchairs, table, office equipment for the reception hall.

The room must be properly planned. Equip with a practical bathroom with a toilet and possibly even a bath (for complete relaxation of clients).

The walls and, especially, the floor, should be laid with high-quality anti-slip tiles. Put on a good washing machine that can withstand the stress of daily washing of towels, bathrobes and other things.

Also, you will need oils, creams, lotions and all kinds of massage products. For specialized massage techniques, additional equipment will be required.

And, of course, every self-respecting massage parlor should provide personal hygiene items, such as disposable slippers, bathrobes, individual towels, and napkins.

The initial stage of creating a business is registration of activities and rental of premises, with a competent choice of the location of which, the success of the massage parlor is guaranteed.

Staff recruitment

An important point in the business plan is the choice of specialists for a future massage salon. The dominant place is given, of course, to the masseurs.

For successful work, there should be at least two of them, it will be convenient for them to replace each other, that is, to work in shifts.

It is better to choose massage therapists from among the experienced, with a medical education, because they will be able to provide quality services to more people than beginners. Moreover, they will present the massage parlor among others in a decent light.

Also, a massage parlor will need a competent accountant and administrator. But if there is a limitation in the budget, then you can work as an administrator yourself for the first time.

Client search and advertising campaign

After the start of the work of the massage parlor, and better before, it is necessary to deal with the issues of the advertising campaign. In order for a stable profit to appear, there must be enough customers.

And in order for them to appear, information is needed among people that a new massage parlor has opened and what advantages it has over others.

The most common and effective ways to attract customers are advice from friends, a competent sign that attracts attention, flyers, leaflets.

An additional way would be to submit an ad to a local newspaper.

It will be useful to create a website for a massage salon on the Internet, or at least, at first, a community in in social networks who will tell you in detail about the new massage parlor.

A very effective way of holding promotions, providing interesting discounts that will perfectly attract potential customers.

The atmosphere in the massage parlor

An important part of a successful massage parlor is a relaxing indoor atmosphere. There are several methods for creating this atmosphere:

  • calm pastel colors in the interior of the room, dim light - will provide relaxation and comfort;
  • with the help of aroma sticks and essential oils, an aroma is set, which sets the cosiness of the room. But it is important to know when to stop so that the air is not oversaturated;
  • quiet, calm, relaxing music promotes complete relaxation, helps to forget about problems and relax;
  • A cup of tea or coffee will not only relax the client, but also show respect and personal approach to the client.

From how correctly the atmosphere in the room is created, the attendance and the number of clients who will be pleased to visit the massage parlor again and again will envy.

Experienced and qualified staff, creating a special atmosphere in the room - all this works for the success of the massage salon, attracting a large number of clients.

Calculation of costs and benefits

It is necessary to focus on what types of massage are in high demand. Currently, the most popular are Thai, anti-cellulite, relaxation massages.

It is necessary to focus on them in order to attract a large number of customers at the initial and subsequent stages.

According to experts, in 1 month of work of the massage room the number of clients will be 5-8 per day, in the subsequent their number may increase to 8-10 people per day.

With a full workload of 2 workplaces and 2-3 specialists, the massage parlor will be able to serve up to 15 people per day, which is undoubtedly high rate, which can be achieved after three months of intensive work.

The massage therapist should have a half hour break between sessions. Typical time for regular massage is 20-60 minutes, relaxation time - up to 90 minutes, massage of individual body parts - 15-20 minutes.


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