Business plan for opening a truck tire service. Idea for a business with minimal investment: Truck tire fitting. What it takes to get started

Sooner or later, any driver will need to change the tires on the wheels of their car. And this is not to mention those people who could have problems with the car, due to which it is necessary to change the wheels. The cost of tires is also a difference from many factors, but this attribute in any case will not be the cheapest.

Therefore, such profitability and demand for tire change services can become an ideal basis for creating your own business. Basically, all start-up entrepreneurs in the tire business have a question about the location and payback of this enterprise... But besides all this, there are various nuances, pitfalls, documentation issues and, in general, knowledge of the market.

It is quite clear that on this basis, after the first impulse of desire to create your own tire fitting business, there is a need to acquire knowledge from relevant sources and literature about the production and differentiation of goods. In addition to selling the tires themselves, there are also many types of services in the form of balancing, changing wheels, vulcanizing wheels for which it will also be necessary to hire appropriate specialists.

The main types of tire fitting

Tire services are divided into two types: mobile and stationary. For different types services will depend on the cost of premises, personnel, equipment. These are two very different areas of this business. Therefore, you need to clearly understand what types of work and with what materials a novice entrepreneur is ready to cooperate. Mobile tire fitting is much cheaper and more profitable in investment, but this is a completely different area that will bring much less income than stationary tire fitting and will have to work with a huge number of cars.

Stationary tire service is a traditional tire business that is often chosen as a business. This kind tire fitting includes a very large and varied range of services. To do this, you need to purchase a much larger amount of materials and goods, different types wheels and also look for several specialists. This range of services is also divided into middle and luxury class. The first one is more of a workshop, where there is no concept, visual style of the premises and customer orientation. It's just a place where a person can quickly change wheels or fix certain problems. The second option is a luxury one, it consists in a specific car dealership, which has its own staff, several rooms with various services, customer orientation. This type of tire fitting is provided mainly to more respectable customers, for a higher fee, and to those people who do not want to understand at all about the cause of the breakdown or the needs of the car, but simply came to comfortably service their car for a certain fee. It is important to distinguish between these types of stationary installation, since this will affect not only the cost of equipment, premises and personnel, but in general - the concept of doing business.

Mobile tire fitting is not called such in vain - it is really, mainly, a very quick work procedure. A client using this type of service expects an ambulance for his wheels. Also, such a business is also called "exit" or "exit workshop". This type of service does not provide for the departure of the client for installation, but vice versa. Such tire fitting can be both complex and partial. Also, such a business needs advertising, a bright room and a sonorous name.

The logic of the mobile installation is quite simple: the client calls and informs the operator of the necessary needs, he calculates the cost of the service and Supplies as well as remoteness and time of arrival. If the client is satisfied with everything, then specialists with the necessary requisites visit him, do the necessary procedures, and the client pays for the services on the spot. In this business model, most of the costs are not occupied by premises or equipment, but by the quality and number of personnel.

We need experienced workers who can and can navigate in any situation and with any client, who can also be completely different. Also, the number of staff - the more, the better. This is due to the fact that customers do not want to wait for an employee. While he is free and comes to serve them, they can turn to another company. It is necessary that the number of staff satisfied the average flow of customers per day. At different times of the day, this is a different amount. So, during "rush hour", that is, in the morning and in the evening, three tire workers are needed for two cars. Considering that there can be a lot of such machines, one can imagine how many people will have to be hired for maintenance. In addition, it is necessary to provide the enterprise the required amount operators and premises for them, as well as the right amount of communication and appropriate marketing. However, here marketing ploy you can limit yourself to the employees themselves, supplying them with the necessary flyers, uniforms and transport, but still, full-fledged advertising is necessary for such a business - among the multitude of tire fitting services, the client should prefer this one and generally find out about it from somewhere.

Paperwork procedures for business registration

In order for a new enterprise and business launch not to turn into an ordinary "sharashkin office", it must be officially registered. It can also take some time and some costs, but this point is required. To begin with, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of documents that may be needed in a particular type of business and in doing business in general.

The main stages of documentation issues:

  • Registration of a company with the tax service and registration of an entrepreneur.
  • Preparation and collection of documentation for referring to the pension fund.
  • Registration of documentation about a lease agreement for a premise or several premises.
  • Arrangements and coordination of issues with various services of electricity and heat supply.

Although the opening of the tire fitting business itself begins with the process of documentation, but the main launch of the project can be considered when the company is registered, this is possible after the already signed papers. Some documents can be processed very quickly and without delay, but with some real difficulties can arise. One of the most difficult procedures is a contract with a sanitary-epidemiological organization. Therefore, there are many so-called "auxiliary" or additional organizations that are specifically engaged in a separate design of a certain document. You can draw up an agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service in one of these departments, but it will cost some funding. But if we argue according to the saying "time is money", then this can be quite justified. The main documents that need to be drawn up are:

  1. registration individual entrepreneur or natural person... Registration of the company LLC.
  2. Documents from the tax office.
  3. Approval of the sanitary-eidological assessment.

In order to issue and receive approval from the sanitary and epidemiological organization, it is necessary to prepare the following series of documents and the corresponding procedures:

  • A document on the program and organization of sanitary and epidemiological control standards, which should indicate the proper implementation of sanitary standards in the process of tire fitting.
  • The conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological consent of Rospotrebnadzor, which indicates the suitability of the premises in which all tire fitting procedures will take place to the sanitary and epidemiological standards.
  • The permission of Rospotrebnadzor itself, which is issued by the relevant employees.
  • Agreement on the issue of the procedure for the disposal of solid and hazardous household waste during the operation of the enterprise.
  • Approval of sanitary standards: room disinfection, disinsection and deratization procedures.
  • Agreement on compliance with hygiene standards: washing the uniform of employees and the presence of washing machines with laundries.
  • Coordination and agreement on the correct disposal of fluorescent lamps and batteries.
  • Approval of competent, organized ventilation and cooling system (air conditioning.
  • Personal documentation of the tire fitting about the work within the company.

Where to start a tire service

The main success of the business in the work of tire fitting activity is just the accessible location of the premises where the main tire fitting procedures will be carried out. This may be an area that is close to other car-related businesses. It is quite obvious that the busy area next to the highway is already a good choice for a business location. However, it must be remembered that the more lively the area, the more expensive it is to rent and acquire land.

The most common and successful one will be the acquisition of a separate section on a busy highway. Various transport interchanges will also be the right choice for this business. Every day, hundreds of thousands of cars pass through such highways and it is clear that some of them will definitely need help and those who need it will be profitable to contact a company that is located not far from the roadway.

Noisy city highways are also leading positions, and similar business and will have no problems in the design. You can also set up your business near existing enterprises that work with cars, such as: gas stations, parking lots, car dealerships, garage cooperatives and the like. However, finding such a place is already quite difficult, since often they have long been "warmed" by such companies.

It is always worth checking carefully if there are any other tire service companies nearby, this can create unnecessary competition.

However, avoiding all such competitors is also not worth it. You can study their clientele and the amount of demand per day in order to study how much that company has a busy day. Perhaps the new tire company will be able to offer something better.

So, the main places to consider when choosing a tire fitting business organization are:

  • Entrance to the sleeping areas.
  • Parking lots and cooperatives, garages.
  • Busy highways.

In any case, more or less bright advertising will be needed in order to attract passing cars.

Costs and equipment

It is quite clear that more than a dozen of the main ones will be used for the tire fitting. various materials... Basically, all of them can be divided into several categories:

  • Automated;
  • Semi-automated;
  • Computerized.

Of the required funds you will need diagnostic equipment, as it will identify all existing breakdowns and defects. Without it, the diagnosis and resolution of the breakdown will be impossible. The more of such equipment and the more expensive it is, the better breakdowns and solutions will be predicted.

Of the tools, it will be necessary to purchase a welding material that can handle argon and other types of welding.

Balancing equipment is significant and one of the most important. It helps to improve some indicators: without wheel balancing, many technical indicators will be inaccurate, and it will also protect against tire wear.

Next, you need equipment that goes to pump the tires with nitrogen. This is done to prevent corrosion and wear. You also need a wheel alignment adjuster. To install and remove the wheels, hydraulic equipment is used, which will mount and dismantle the wheels from the car.

Then you will need various auxiliary materials in the form of a bead expander. This is already necessary for servicing large and oversized trucks.

A vulcanizer is used to handle and work with already damaged tires. It is used for processing tire material.

In addition, a huge smell of various tools and materials is imperative, along with a decent amount of uniforms with gloves.

It is necessary to purchase equipment without saving on quality, since it must serve a huge number of machines, not only imported, but also the simplest domestic unit.

It is also worth providing for the workshop to be able to service both domestic transport and foreign-made cars.

Pitfalls in the tire business

Problems in creating a business cannot be avoided, however, no matter how careful and thoughtful the way of introducing tire services into the field of activity and personal entrepreneurship, it is still impossible to foresee possible troubles. There are a number of invisible blind spots that can make a big difference in starting a business. Therefore, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself and predict possible troubles and questions that will provide a good leap into successful implementation. entrepreneurial activity in the tire industry.

The tire changing path is pretty seasonal business... It is not in vain that there are notions of "changing summer or winter tires." In the off-season period, the largest number of orders occurs and profits in this area reach the highest peak. This is due to the fact that during this period all car owners seek to replace the wheels, and the condition of roads and weather conditions significantly worsens the condition of the wheels and has an abundance of breakdowns. In summer, for example, business can be considered a dead season, since in addition to calm weather conditions and roads, most of the population goes on vacation to another area.

Competition can also play an important role. Basically, where the "gold mine" has long been justified by more well-known and proven organizations to provide the same services. And remote places are not so in demand. Then you have to choose: either compete or rely on advertising. The best solution would be, together with the organization of the business, to come up with your own unique concept or feature that will stand out from many other tire companies.

Also, a very large one is built responsibly on the owner of the company and its employees. All specialists, led by the organizer, are responsible for the safety on the roads of those vehicles that have undergone their handling. Often with unsuccessful work that can lead to emergency situations, the auto mechanic runs the risk of sacrificing not only the guarantee in monetary terms, but also affecting the health and life of the client. And all this will have a very detrimental effect on the business as a whole and can lead to ruin.

A typical business plan for opening a tire fitting point. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a loan from a bank, state support or attracting private investment.

Description of the project

The aim of the project is to organize tire fitting in the city of N with a population of 150 thousand people. In the area where the organization of tire fitting is planned, using marketing research an additional need for this type of service was identified. The number of operating tire shops does not fully satisfy the demand from car owners in the area.

How much money is needed to open a tire shop

For the implementation of the project, it is planned to attract investments in the amount of 566,000 rubles. Of them own funds will amount to 166,000 rubles, and 400,000 rubles - loans received from a commercial bank.

The economic indicators of the project implementation, according to the calculations of the business plan, will be:

  • Net profit per year = 570,920 rubles;
  • Return on sales = 34%;
  • Payback of the project = 12 months.

What taxation system to choose for tire fitting

The organizational and legal form of the tire workshop will be individual entrepreneurship. We consider this OPF the most suitable for this business. The initiator of the project - Petrov I.V.

It is planned to use the patent taxation system as a tax regime. This is a very convenient tax regime that eliminates the payment of income tax, VAT and property tax. In addition, the application of the patent releases from the obligation to keep accounting records. The annual cost of a patent for tire fitting will be 32,000 rubles.

At present, practical activities have begun on the implementation of the project:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurship in the local IFTS was made;
  2. A lease agreement for a private land plot with an area of ​​120m2 has been concluded. The plot is located in close proximity to a large car park. The monthly rent for the site will be 18 thousand rubles.
  3. Found a company that manufactures and supplies ready-made modular buildings for "turnkey" tire fitting.

Description of products and services

The tire workshop is planning to provide the following services:

  1. Tire fitting and balancing of wheels with a diameter of 13 to 20 inches. The price for the service is from 600 to 1200 rubles for a set of four wheels.
  2. Removal and installation of cast and metal wheels. Price for a set of four wheels: from 40 to 120 rubles.
  3. Removing the tire from the disc. Service price: from 40 to 70 rubles.
  4. Mounting the tire on the disk. Service price: from 40 to 70 rubles.
  5. Checking, pumping up one wheel. Service price: 10 rubles.
  6. Installing the camera in the wheel. Service price: from 10 to 40 rubles.
  7. Camera repair. Service price: 50 rubles.
  8. Sealing one side of the wheel with a bead seal. Service price: 50 rubles.
  9. Wheel repair, patch / fungus. Service price: 100 rubles.
  10. Curing. Service price: 112 plaster - 400 rubles, 114 plaster - 500 rubles, 115 plaster - 600 rubles.

The operating mode of the tire fitting is planned to be set from 9:00 to 19:00. During the high season, during the period of increased demand (spring, autumn), the operating mode will be adjusted.

Download tire fitting business plan

The location of the tire service near a large city parking lot will allow, without additional advertising, to attract a significant part of customers, car owners using the services of this parking lot.

The cost of tire fitting services is planned to be set slightly below the market average, which will also have a positive effect on the growth of the number of service customers.

Tire advertisement

  1. Distribution of leaflets, flyers, posting announcements informing about the opening of a new tire fitting in our city.
  2. Active advertising on the Internet: registration on message boards, on city portals in sections of services to the public, publications in blocks, contextual advertising.
  3. Exchange of contact information and business cards with operating car dealerships, auto parts stores and other services that provide related services to car owners.

The nearest tire fitting point will be located at a distance of 700 meters from our service. In total, there are 2 direct competitors providing similar services within a radius of 1 km from our tire fitting:

Let's calculate the estimated monthly income of the tire service.

First, let's determine the average traffic to our service. Since the demand for tire fitting services is seasonal, the flow of customers should be adjusted depending on the season. Thus, the largest flow of customers is observed in autumn and spring, when there is a seasonal change of tires by car owners.

The average daily traffic in October, November, March and April will be about 15 customers - this is the maximum that one tire changer with two employees can serve. The average cost of the service (as a rule, "re-shoeing" tires) will be 800 rubles per car owner. Hence, daily earnings will amount to 12,000 rubles, monthly - 360,000 rubles.

In other months, the profitability of the tire fitting, that is, the monthly revenue will be only 30% of the income in the "high" season. That is, the average monthly revenue for the remaining 8 months will amount to only 108,000 rubles.

Thus, the volume of annual revenue from tire fitting will be about 2,340,000 rubles.

Choosing a room for tire fitting

It is planned to use a modular tire fitting complex ( mobile tire service). A modular tire fitting complex is a building consisting of collapsible metal structures, with all the necessary communications and tire fitting equipment.

Compared to capital construction, a mobile building is in no way inferior in functionality, safety and convenience, and even surpasses it in terms of lower costs for starting a project and a smaller package of documents permitting the operation of the facility. The main advantages of the modular complex:

  • The modular mobile tire changer is easy to assemble and disassemble, which allows it to be transported to a new location at any time and without serious consequences for the structure.
  • From the entire list of documents for mobile tire fitting, only confirmation of ownership or lease of a land plot is required.
  • When installing the structure, only a connection to the mains is required, since the wiring and other communications are already built into the module.
  • The purchase of a modular building will cost several times less than the construction of a capital facility, that is, the investment in starting a business will be lower, which means that the payback period will also be lower.

The modular building for tire fitting will be equipped with all the necessary equipment to provide high-quality and timely services:

  • Balancing machine "Master" SBMK-60
  • Tire changer / machine
  • Vulcanizer
  • Water tank
  • Compressor SB4 / C-100
  • Rolling jack 2.5 t
  • Work tool

It is assumed that the total cost of purchasing equipment will amount to about 150 thousand rubles.

Thus, the annual wage fund will amount to 921,600 rubles.

The owner of the tire service will personally undertake the functions of the service administrator.

Financial plan

Total fixed costs tire fitting per month - 139,840 rubles, per year - 1,678,080 rubles.

The main annual costs of tire fitting will be the payment of wages to employees - 55% in general structure service costs. In second place are the costs of insurance deductions for employees - 16% of the total annual costs, in the third place - the costs associated with the payment of rent for use land plot- 13% of total expenses.

Payment economic indicators tire fitting is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of tire fitting:

How much can you earn by opening a tire shop

The net profit of the tire fitting according to the results of the annual work will amount to 570,920 rubles. The profitability of the service, according to the calculations of the business plan, will be 34%, which is a good indicator for such a business. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in 12 months.

Recommended download tire fitting business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. It is full-fledged, finished project which you will not find in the public domain. Business plan content: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Object characteristics 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

If you want to do business in another area, then today there are enough opportunities for this. In the first stages, you don't need a lot of money, but knowledge is needed. Meet with profitable investment strategies and get rich.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a rough guide. The business plan that best suits your business conditions needs to be created with the help of specialists.

Any kind automotive business attracts start-up entrepreneurs who expect high returns. It is rather difficult to create a business plan for truck tire fitting and implement it without the necessary experience, so we propose to organize a standard tire fitting.

This business is characterized by numerous nuances, and one of the most important points is the seasonality of income, since car owners usually apply for services twice a year.


Firstly, the success of this type of entrepreneurial activity directly depends on the place chosen for the location of the tire fitting. The best solution would be an area near the highway, garage cooperatives or gas stations, large car washes.

Secondly, it is necessary to rent non-residential premises for the placement of all the necessary equipment, the actual provision of services.

Our business plan for the opening of a tire service provides for any dry and bright room, the area of ​​which should be at least 40-50 square meters.

You should also pay attention to the presence of a good access road to the premises, the possibility of parking several cars.

Thirdly, you will need to purchase necessary equipment... Tire service in its pure form provides only services for the replacement of wheels, their repair. However, it was already indicated above that this activity is strongly influenced by the seasonal factor, therefore it is recommended already on initial stage expand the list of services provided.

The most logical addition that the proposed tire fitting business plan provides is balancing. Thus, we need to purchase: tire changer, vulcanizer, balancing stand, jack, compressor, tools, consumables.

Fourth, it will require hiring professionals to provide these services. At the initial stage, it will be enough to hire two qualified craftsmen, their work usually does not require the presence of a manager.

If ready-made business plan tire fitting provides for the location of a busy highway nearby, then a good solution would be to install a road board with a pointer. In other cases, distribution of leaflets and installation of a signboard is sufficient.

Financial part of the plan

The following main items of one-time costs should be considered when opening a tire fitting:

  • - expenses for the purchase of equipment - 100-110 thousand rubles;
  • - advertising expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

In addition, it will be necessary to bear recurring costs:

  • wage two workers on a piece-rate basis (percentage of profit) - 30 thousand rubles a month;
  • - rent - 15 thousand rubles a month;
  • - consumables - 5 thousand rubles a month.

Thus, recurring costs are approximately 50 thousand rubles per month. Tire fitting on average (taking into account the seasonal increase in demand for services, as well as the provision of additional services) brings 80-100 thousand rubles a month.

Every year there are more and more cars on the streets, which means that the need for guarded parking lots, tire fitting, car services, gas stations will always grow along with the number of new cars.

Today we will consider the strategy for opening our own tire fitting, we will list the main problems of this business that you can face at the start. And also give useful tips and recommendations for starting your own tire business, which will not only simplify the opening process, but also help make it profitable and famous.

So how to open a tire shop from scratch?

To open your own tire service, you will need to perform a number of activities:

1. Go through the procedure registration of their activities. It is enough if the business starts to build alone. The presence of a companion, suggests registration

Features of the tire business

Tire fitting can perform various works at the discretion of the management and the capabilities of employees. However, there is a minimum of services that should be done in such an establishment.

Your service specialists should be able to do the following types of work:

  • Dismantling of wheels;
  • Tire repair (punctures, cuts);
  • Wheel balancing;
  • Tire change (seasonal);
  • Installation of new tires on wheels.

From the size of the list of services that the service can offer customers in many ways its success and, accordingly, income depends.

If you initially plan to provide a narrow range of services, you can organize a mobile tire service that goes directly to the client. To do this, you will not need to look for a place, but only buy or rent a car of a suitable size.

A place to open a workshop

The most suitable place to open a tire shop is an area with constant traffic.

Entrances to garage cooperatives, areas near gas stations, roadside cafes and hotels, shopping centers, near parking lots, outskirts of the city, are perfect for the location of such a service.

When looking for a suitable place, it is important to take into account the presence of other similar establishments on this street, or If there are a large number of them and they have been working here for a long time, it will hardly make sense to open your installation next to them.

But if you have information about any of their shortcomings - long terms of work, high prices, poor quality of services provided, then you can and should open up next to them and work in contrast.

For tire fitting, you will need about 30 sq. m. territory to be able to comfortably and efficiently perform work. In such a room, all the necessary equipment will freely fit and there will be space for cars.

You can consider open-air option, but it should be understood that there will be few people willing to repair cars on the street in bad weather, and this will provoke a turnover of valuable personnel, who are not easy to find without it.

As a building for tire fitting can serve garage, change house or any other suitable place for this.

Building a new building is a costly affair, it is better to rent the existing one and carry out small repairs in it. It is desirable to have heating, water supply and electricity in such a building.

The more amenities there will be in the tire service, the more willingly people will go to work there. The premises must fully meet the requirements of the fire inspectorate and the SES, only after receiving their conclusions can work begin.

The room should contain:

  • Place for eating;
  • Sink with toilet;
  • Locker room.

In the future, you can equip a separate room for clients to rest so that they do not stand on the street waiting for the car, but sit on a comfortable sofa with a cup of coffee.

Tire workshop equipment

To complete the service, you will first need to determine the range of services provided and, on its basis, draw up a list of equipment required for the purchase:

  • Rolling machine for rolling discs;
  • Balancing stand for cars;
  • Vulcanizer for repairing rubber products, tubeless tires, restoring tightness;
  • Jacking equipment;
  • Bathroom for checking wheels;
  • Compressor;
  • Machine for tire fitting;
  • Battery charger;
  • Tools.

In addition to listed equipment you will need to purchase consumables: patches, harnesses, chemicals and more.

You can start with renovation works passenger cars, and by gaining a foothold in this below you can to expand the range of services and include the maintenance of trucks.

Workshop staff

The selection of personnel must be approached responsibly: take quality, not quantity. Let there be 1–2 specialists in the service at first, but they should know their business well and perform the assigned tasks with high quality.

Special education in this area is optional. It is important to know cars, love to work with them and having hands growing from the right place. Satisfied customers will definitely talk about your service if they quickly and efficiently repaired their car.

Minimum staff:

  • Director (you can independently perform his functions);
  • 1 or 2 repair workers.

Employee appearance and behavior play an important role because hardly anyone wants to return to where they swear, constantly smoke or are slightly drunk.

The working uniform of the employees will give the institution solidity, and the politeness and attentiveness towards each car owner will inspire confidence and gain respect.

Tire advertisement

To promote your tire service, you will have to make a lot of efforts, given that there is no shortage of such establishments. It is necessary to attract attention, to stand out from the background of other services.

This requires:

  • come up with a name and make a sign on the building;
  • equip employees' uniforms with emblems with the name of the service.

The name should be memorable, with meaning, even with humor.

After you need to print flyers with the word: "ACTION" and insert them under the windshield wipers. Information about any discount will certainly interest motorists, and they will gladly look into the salon.

You can offer a free wheel inflation or replacement of the spool and caps for seasonal wheel changes. You can also invite car owners to visit your tire service without waiting in line by appointment. This opportunity will delight those who like to save their time.

Tire fitting from scratch: a business plan

Having analyzed the required cost items, you can roughly calculate the costs:

  1. - 10,000 rubles.
  2. will cost 30,000-60,000 rubles. The final figure depends on the area, the busier the avenue, the higher the monthly fee. Electricity and water costs must be included in this cost. If you have your own premises, such an item of expenses is excluded.
  3. Equipment costs an average of 400,000 rubles. You can save on it by purchasing the necessary equipment from your hands, already previously in operation. But to select used equipment, you must have a person who understands this technique. This will help you not to run into damaged or not working devices.

Required amount Money for opening a tire fitting - an average of 500,000 rubles.

Tire fitting as a business: payback

Everything related to cars with a competent organization is capable of generating high incomes and tire fitting is no exception. There will always be a demand for such services, especially in spring and autumn, when it becomes necessary to replace rubber.

With the correct location of the service, the presence of employees who are versed in cars, and high-quality performance of work, a constant flow of customers will be ensured. In this situation, the service will pay off in a few months.

considered highly profitable since it does not require large financial investments at the initial stage, while already from the first months it can bring good income.

Prices for services are varied and depend on the difficulty of the work. So, re-boarding four wheels costs from 1300 to 3100 rubles, depending on the radius of the wheel, repairing a tire from 100 to 1000 rubles.

Every day, with a good flow of customers, the service can bring revenue up to 20,000 rubles, but even more in season.

Possible problems

The main problem in the tire business is big competition. Car services, tire centers are located literally in every courtyard and it is very difficult to settle, hold on and develop your business.

When opening a tire service, you should carefully study the area, identify the demand for the services you offer.

The opening of such a service will be cost-effective in big city, even if there are competitors, than in sparsely populated areas where there are few cars.

The second problem in the tire business can be called the seasonality of this business. When opening your service, you should understand that incomes may not be stable. The peak of profit will be in autumn and weight - the time of replacing winter wheels with summer ones and vice versa.

The rest of the time, income may decline significantly. To increase income in a "quiet" time, you can offer additional service customer - wheel storage, for example. But in this case, free space is required.

When opening your own tire fitting business, you need to focus on the quality of the work performed, their implementation in short time without prejudice to the final result. Affordable pricing policy and polite staff will attract customers, over time, some of them will become permanent and will tell friends and relatives about your service.

At the initial stage, there may be difficulties with those who want to use your services, hence the constant staff turnover, but with a little effort you can stabilize your activity and then, tire fitting will begin to bring consistently high income.

How to open a tire service? Watch the following video for detailed instructions:

By creating your own business a tire fitting plan should understand that this is not a business where you will earn a huge amount in a couple of months. The complexity of this business lies, first of all, in the huge competition - in big cities you can find about fifty tire shops with excellent craftsmen and reasonable prices. In addition, one should not forget about the large amount of equipment required to open a tire workshop. You have to invest a pretty big sum just to get started. So why, if everything is so complicated, are we writing about this business? The fact is that with an increase in the number of cars on the road, the number of potential clients tire fitting. And these customers will, in any case, use the services of a tire workshop twice a year, and whether it will be your workshop or a competitor's workshop depends on personal efforts and advertising.

We recommend reading:

The advantage of this business is the constant flow of money, albeit not a lot. In certain periods, you will not earn very much money, which is only enough for the payback of functioning, and in the season you will earn 5 times more than usual. In addition, we will tell you how you can reduce rental costs, staff salaries, as well as present possible prospects to expand the business in the future.

Tire business plan: first steps

The first thing to do is to register your company. Registration of a company as an individual entrepreneur is suitable for us - it will be easier for us to pay taxes, and indeed for small business this is the most the best way... Registration takes place in several steps, the main thing is to come up with the name of the company, indicate authorized capital and the owner of the company. In addition to this, there will be many more references, which not everyone wants to collect - there are special companies for this. They themselves, for a certain amount, will go through all instances and receive a work permit. Drawing up documents will cost 3 thousand rubles, these are our first costs of tire fitting.

After the registration of the tire business has been completed, you need to look for a room for tire fitting. This is a very important, if not the most important, point of a business plan. If you do not know where to open a tire service, then you should use a couple of professional advice. We need to choose the most suitable place for our business based on accessibility for clients, openness of the area and low rent, which allows us not to cheat too much on our services. Do not chase the city center, the influx of customers will increase insignificantly, but the price will be 200 thousand per month. Too expensive for young business... Try to find a spacious garage or tire box in an open area to accommodate multiple vehicles. In the Moscow region, you can find boxes for tire fitting for 10 thousand rubles a month. The fact is that such a box costs 60 thousand and its owner simply earns on rent.

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How to start a tire fitting business

The main difficulty in opening a new tire fitting is the price of the equipment; for the most part, the costs of the tire fitting business are made up of it. If you buy absolutely everything you may need, of the highest quality, then the price will reach 40 thousand dollars. Naturally, a new player in the tire fitting market does not have such a budget. We'll cut our costs, buy cheaper equipment, and get by with the most needed tools. Now we will tell you how a tire fitting business plan can "lose weight" with the help of simple secrets.

In order to replace the tires on the car, it must be raised. Cool tire change firms use a crane, which the car drives into, rises up, after which the tires are changed. Such a crane costs 160 thousand rubles. Let's replace it with a jack, which performs the same functions, only the process does not look so impressive. The price of a jack starts from 1.5 thousand rubles and goes up to 17 thousand. Moreover, the jack for 17 thousand rubles raises freight car... Also, when opening a tire shop, it is advised to buy a car for cleaning old tires. This is a small installation worth 130 thousand rubles, which will wash old tires in ten minutes. But only 10% of customers want to pay for it, the rest just throw the tires in the trunk and take them to their garage. We only need to buy the equipment that is useful in our work, we will not spend such amounts on unnecessary equipment.

We need to purchase a tire changer for passenger car wheels, a balancing stand and a compressor for pumping up pressure. This is the basis of tire fitting, the main tools for working with tires and repairing them. It is also worth purchasing a vulcanizer, it is inexpensive and is used quite often. All this equipment will cost us 102 thousand rubles and this is the largest cost in our tire fitting business plan. These one-time expenses make this business one of the hardest to start.

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Tire fitting business plan: personnel search

Usually, a tire workshop works in the afternoon, as car owners work up to two hours, and after work they go to change tires and repair their breakdowns. We will start from this schedule and hire one person to do all the work in the workshop. For perfect work we need two people, but if we decide to cut costs to a minimum, we will have to work on our own. We will not carry out any special work, we will simply provide assistance in installing the jack, feeding the tool. We will also carry out accounting work and receive payment for the work performed.

The salary in the field of tire fitting fluctuates depending on the range of services provided by the master. Just adjusting the car, jacking it up and replacing the tires is one thing, but adjusting the pressure in the tires, checking them for internal damage and so on is another level of work. We'll find good specialist and we will offer two types of wages - piecework or time-based. It is more profitable for us to provide piecework wages, this stimulates the employee more. In addition, during the “off season” we will not waste money without generating any income. The optimal rate is 10% of total profit enterprises per month.

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Finding customers for the tire business

In any business, customers are the most important element. Clients bring their money and allow us to recoup our operation, clients force us to compete. Before you start your work, take care of your customer base - create an interesting advertising campaign, hand out flyers at the car wash to all customers, tell your friends that you have opened your own business and you can provide services at a discount. Our task is to give some kind of start to your business, if you stand still, then soon you will not only go into debt, but also lose the desire to work.

Don't forget about the power of the internet - these days it is very effective tool for marketing and if you do it right, customers will show up. Write ads on special boards, they appear on the Internet at every step, tell us about your services in in social networks... Such advertising will come out in a couple of hundred rubles, but it will bring about a dozen clients and will definitely pay for itself. Remember - the main thing by winter and summer is to have a sufficient client base, which in the season will bring enough money to operate on them until the next season. This is how all small tire shops live.

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Tire fitting business plan: expenses and income

Pay attention to how much money is spent on equipment. These are huge expenses of the tire business and you do not have to pay 102 thousand for all the equipment right away - gradually buy each item on the list and when you decide to open your tire service, you will already have everything you need. We need to spend a total of 102 thousand rubles on equipment. You can't do without consumables - patches, oils, and so on. With a small flow of customers, our costs for materials will amount to 6 thousand rubles.

The operating costs are also rather big. We will pay 10 thousand rubles for the rent of the premises and 15 thousand rubles will go to the salary of the master. Let's add also advertising costs - 3 thousand rubles a month will be enough. As a result, we need 28 thousand rubles a month for the functioning - it is quite a payback amount.

Let's talk about income in this area. Replacing tires will cost the client 1,800 rubles, add here the price of tire pressure diagnostics - 1,000 rubles and get the average bill from the customer. In order to recoup ourselves and pay taxes, we need to serve 10-12 clients per month. At correct advertising you get 10 clients a day.


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