What to do with the snitch. How to get rid of a bug in a team. Office snitches are different

Work plays important role in our life - for each his own. For some it serves only as a means of earning money, while for others it becomes a lifelong affair. If you do what you really love - you are a real lucky woman! What could be better than an activity that helps you realize your potential and unleash all your talents? However, sometimes it happens that a fly in the ointment is found in a barrel of honey, which can spoil the enjoyment of the work process. Society is an important part of life, and our mood often depends on the people around us. Unfortunately, it is very difficult in one company to gather employees, each of whom would only have positive qualities... This is especially true for large corporations with a large staff. The bosses have to make a difficult choice between character and professionalism, and most often the latter is preferred - while the head can only turn a blind eye to the difficult character of a colleague. As a result, such colleagues take advantage of their position and do what they want. They are able to spoil our lives in order, causing daily spoiled mood and constant stress. How to teach a colleague at work who is annoying with his rudeness and impudence? There are a few effective ways to help you get on with the annoying employee.

If a colleague is a thorn

  1. Try to invite a picky colleague with you for lunch, and over a cup of coffee, calmly discuss the situation, having a one-on-one talk about the issue of your concern. Straightforwardness and frankness on your part, coupled with a trusting attitude, in most cases is a very effective technique.
  2. Reduce tense situations and skirmishes with a colleague to a joke, or even "pin up" over him, showing that you are not in the least offended by his attacks. Faced with your calmness and equanimity, he will understand that you are "too tough for him", and he will quickly get bored with this business.
  3. If the bully begins, among other things, to speak negatively about the work - listen to him to the end. Then, if you are lucky, you can turn this information against him.
  4. If your colleague is smart and experienced, and finds fault with you on business - do not rush to bicker and argue. Take his opinion into consideration and think - maybe he wants only good things for you, but because of his persistent or even harsh character, did you take the behavior of a colleague for aggression? This also happens quite often. Watch him, maybe he just has a kind of "cocky" manner of communication. In this case, it will take some getting used to. The main thing is not to create negativity in the relationship on your part. Be balanced and judicious.

How to teach a scammer a lesson?

  1. If your colleague is extremely hostile and tries to get you fired by denunciations to your boss, he clearly sees you as a competitor. This behavior must be nipped in the bud. In order for the spiteful critic not to have a chance to "wash your bones" over and over again - reduce communication with him to a minimum, or rather keep silent altogether. It is not for nothing that they say that silence is golden. Discuss everything personal questions out of the office and at work try to be as less talkative as possible. Do not give the slightest reason for gossip.
  2. A good way to put the scammer in his place, or even get him demoted, is through disinformation. Tell the informer knowingly false information, and the more absurd they are, the better. When the authorities realize that they are trying to fool them, your ill-wisher is definitely not good.
  3. Do not try to repay the dastardly colleague with “the same coin” by complaining about him to the manager. This will not lead to anything good, moreover, it is highly likely that both of you will get "on the hat". It is much more reasonable behavior towards the informer to ignore his antics.
  4. Put the slave in an unfavorable light in front of the team - tell everyone about his behavior. They do not like informers, so perhaps this will discourage him from doing this in the future.
  5. If you like to act decisively and boldly - use hard, evil humor and irony. This will show the offender that he was wrong with the choice of “victim”.

How to deal with boors

  1. Mockery and condescending smile are the most the best way to combat boors. If you hear rudeness, condemnation, or even name-calling, deliberately confirm the words of the offender and repeat them in your relationship, only in an exaggerated form. The opponent will immediately feel wounded and powerless, and in an instant “go out”.
  2. Treat the cheeky colleague with emphatic affection and kindness, as if you were dealing with a patient in a psychiatric clinic. Agree with him in everything and speak in a deliberately sweet voice. Such a psychological "straitjacket" will instantly siege a violent colleague.
  3. Make an effort and try to overtake a colleague on career ladder having achieved a promotion. Then his rudeness will seem childish to you, and you can simply "crush" him like a bug.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 5 minutes


For many people, work is not only a source of replenishment family budget and an anchor of stability, but also a hobby that is a way of self-expression and brings a certain joy in life. Unfortunately, work is not always associated only with bright and pleasant emotions: relationships with colleagues can force even a calm person to slam the door.

How to put in place insolent colleagues?

5 responses to a colleague if he constantly nags at work

Is your "comrade" at work vigilantly watching your every step, unreasonably finding fault with every little thing, exhausting you with attacks, reproaches and jokes? Do not rush to splash lemonade in the face of an impudent person or send him on a long journey to a famous address - first, make sure that you have exhausted all cultural methods.

  • "Would you like a cup of coffee?" And have a heart-to-heart chat. You will be surprised, but goodwill sometimes not only discourages the impudent and deprives him of "thorns", but also quickly solves the problem. In the end, adequate adults are always able to find a common language.
  • Be flexible and compromise. Even if nothing comes of it, your conscience will be clear - you at least tried.
  • "You have parsley stuck in your teeth." Limit all attacks to a joke. With a smile, but categorically "move out" from any reproach. And continue to calmly do your job. On the principle of "smile and wave." On the 10th time, a colleague will get tired of your answering jokes and “non-action” (the best answer to a hammam is precisely non-action!) And will find himself another victim.
  • "Your suggestions?". And really - let him show and tell. Give the person the opportunity to express themselves, and give yourself the opportunity to move on to a normal dialogue with a colleague. Calmly listen to his objections and suggestions. Also, calmly agree or, in case of disagreement, reasonably and, again, calmly voice your point of view.
  • “And indeed. And how did I not immediately realize? Thanks for noticing! Let's fix it. " No need to go into the bottle. The most bloodless option is to agree, smile, do as you are asked. Especially if you are wrong, and the colleague is a more experienced person in your work.

5 right steps to be followed by a work colleague and reported to your boss

Have you got a "sent Cossack" in your team? And more and more for your soul? If you are an exemplary worker and have a firm habit of keeping your mouth shut, then you do not need to worry. However, it will not hurt to know about the rules of behavior with "informers".

  • Putting a colleague in an information vacuum. We discuss all important and personal issues only outside of work. Let the comrade starve without food for denunciations. And, of course, we take a responsible approach to our work. If you come in after noon, run away long before the end of the working day, and spend most of your working time in the "smoking room", then the boss will assign you indefinite vacationers even without the bad guys.
  • We act from the opposite. Calmly and confidently we launch "misinformation", and let the informer warm his long ears and spread this misinformation around the company. The minimum that awaits him is a reprimand from his superiors. The method is radical, and it may well turn out to be a double-edged sword, so choose the material for the "disinformation" very carefully.
  • "Who is there?". We ignore the colleague himself and his attempts to ruin your life. And as for the bosses, there is no need to worry: no one likes informers. Therefore, do not try to run after your colleague-informer to the manager and insert your 5 kopecks. Just "sit by the river and wait for the corpse of your enemy to float past you."
  • "Well, shall we talk?" A heart-to-heart conversation is a very realistic solution to the problem. But without bosses and in the presence of witnesses - other colleagues. And preferably those colleagues who are on your side. In the process of a sincere conversation, one can explain to a colleague that everyone knows about his actions that no one supports these actions, and that at all times the fate of informers was unenviable (everyone chooses the tone of the conversation and epithets to the best of their intelligence). It is worth noting that as a result of such conversations, informers very often realize their mistakes and take the path of correction. The main thing is to convey to the person that they do not stay long in your friendly and strong team with such life "principles".
  • To hell with delicacy, we count the ribs of the snitch! This is the worst case scenario. It will not increase your "karma" unambiguously. Therefore, emotions - aside, sobriety of thinking and calmness - above all. Better yet, humor can help relieve tension. It is humor, not sarcasm and skillfully inserted hairpins.

In the matter of denunciations, it is always harder than with ordinary rudeness. A boor can, if desired, be pulled over to his side, calm down, brought to a conversation, turned into a friend from an enemy. But to be friends with an informer - this pride, as a rule, does not allow anyone. Therefore, if in your friendly team a snake started up, deprive it of its venom right away.

A colleague is openly rude - 5 ways to lay siege to an insolent person

We meet boors everywhere - at home, at work, in transport, etc. But if a bus boor can be ignored and forgotten as soon as you got off at your stop, then a boor colleague is sometimes a real problem. After all, you will not change jobs because of him.

How to lay siege to an insolent person?

  • We answer every boorish attack with a joke. So your nerves will be more intact, and your authority among colleagues - higher. The main thing is not to cross the line in your jokes. "Below the belt" and black humor are not an option. Don't stoop to the level of a colleague.
  • We turn on the recorder. As soon as the boor opens his mouth, we take out the dictaphone from our pocket (or turn it on on the phone) and with the words “Wait, wait, I'm recording,” we press the record button. There is no need to frighten the boor that you will take this audio collection to the boss, write down "For history!" - defiantly and certainly with a smile.
  • If a boor asserts himself in this way at your expense, deprive him of this opportunity. Does he bother you during your lunch break? Eat at a different time. Does it interfere with your workflow? Transfer to another department or work schedule. There is no such possibility? Ignore the lunges and see point 1.
  • "Want to talk about it?" Every time someone tries to piss you off, turn on your inner psychiatrist. And look at your opponent with the forgiving eyes of a psychiatrist. Specialists never contradict their violent patients. They pat them on the head, smile affectionately and agree with everything the patients say. For especially violent ones - a straitjacket (a phone camera will help you, and the whole series of videos on YouTube).
  • We grow personally. Take care of yourself - your work, hobbies, growth. At personal growth all the boors, scammers and gossips remain somewhere outside of your flight. Like ants underfoot.

5 answers to how to deal with a gossip colleague

Of course, everyone is thrown off balance by the false rumors spread behind their backs. At this moment, you feel “naked” and betrayed. Especially if the information about you spreading at the speed of light is true.

How to behave?

  • Pretend that you are not aware of the situation and continue to work calmly. They'll gossip and stop. As you know, "everything passes", and this too.
  • Join the discussion of yourself. With humor and jokes, jokes. Get involved in the gossip and boldly add a couple of shocking details. Even if the gossip continues, at least relieve the tension. It will be much easier to work further.
  • Point a colleague to specific articles of the Criminal Code on libel which he breaks with his gossip. Doesn't understand in an amicable way? File an honor and dignity lawsuit.
  • Every day, deliberately and defiantly toss a colleague new topic for gossip. Moreover, the topics should be such that in a week the team is completely tired of them.
  • Talk to the boss. If all else fails, then only this option remains. Just don't rush into the boss's office and do the same thing that your colleague is doing. Calmly ask your superiors for help without naming names - let them advise you on how to get out of this situation with honor without harming the general microclimate in the team.

If you have not yet encountered such a phenomenon as snitching at work, then you will inevitably have to get acquainted with this type of struggle for "a place in the sun." The phenomenon is not uncommon and unpleasant for the entire team, because it brings a tinge of nervousness to both production and personal relationships of employees. And if you yourself have become a victim of such a headphone, it would be very nice to know how to prevent him from ruining your reputation in the eyes of your bosses and the team, how to punish a snitch at work so that no one else will be discouraged to engage in this kind of "solo creativity".

So, how to punish a snitch at work

Calculate the scammer it is possible by external signs: he likes to initiate a conversation, but never expresses a clear opinion on the issue under discussion. Speaks in general phrases, in the third person ("there is an opinion that ...", "they say that ..."). He is pleasant to talk to, sociable, always in the center of events. If someone's bones are washed or a conflict is outlined somewhere, he is right there. He has no time to work - he is on duty.

About the good: if someone knocks on you, it means that in the eyes of your bosses you are something of yourself, otherwise why would a “woodpecker” try to denigrate you? Since the informer informs you, it means that he is hurt by the very fact of your existence, and this is already the beginning successful career... And although this is a weak consolation in a situation where you, thanks to the "well-wisher", are under the close scrutiny of the leadership, you can even benefit from it: work with a twinkle, and the bosses will have to notice it. And even then your boss will think for himself how to punish the informer who misled him into your account.

Some people think that by offering the informer their friendship, they will protect themselves from the results of his activities. Alas! Born to inform makes no exceptions for anyone. He will regard your friendship as a chance to get to know you better in order to sniff more about you. And it is useless to appeal to his conscience: he will not understand you, he does not consider snitching something shameful. If you don't want the boss to gossip about you, do not tell anything unnecessary about yourself ... Do not feed the curiosity of your employees, do not feed the informant with food for speculation and invention.

Provide information in a measured manner and for your own benefit. Tell, for example, that in your spare time you are studying foreign language that you read special literature in order to improve your professional level. In between times, hint that you have strong patrons, this will add points to your boss. But do not overdo it: the boss may ask you to solve a serious problem through your connections, and you may not be able to help him.

Thinking over moves, like in chess, you can put the snitch in a puddle. Drain , for example, in a general conversation in the presence of a "woodpecker" some misinformation , with which he will immediately run to the authorities. When it turns out that "misinformation" has taken place, the boss's anger will fall on the head of the informant. A couple more of such punctures, and the reputation of a snitch in the eyes of the chief will perish irrevocably.

If the informer does not hide his vile nature and runs to the manager's office, not ashamed of anyone, the method of dealing with him should be just as frank: ignore the woodpecker at all levels except production. Don't talk to him, don't make any requests, don't answer his questions, look through him. No one can endure such an attitude for long. Usually, half a year is enough to bring the informer to dismissal.

In fact, only the boss can be guaranteed to eliminate the "woodpecker". He just needs to stop encouraging denunciations and punish the informer. But there are few such principled leaders, most of them, although they do not like “masters of artistic knocking,” but want to know what is happening in the team behind their backs, and secretly encourage this kind of office art. It is difficult for an ordinary employee to fight an informant, but you can try to deprive him of reasons for creativity: do not be late, do not walk, do not hang out in work time in social networks. In short, observe labor discipline, and the "office orderly" simply will have nothing to impute to you.

Informants are not born, they become. But nevertheless, in order to inform, you need to have a special character. Only in cheap detectives does a smart detective catch someone on something illegal and offer an alternative: either you work for me, or you go to jail. And that's all, information flowed to the opera. This is nonsense, after a while the compromising evidence will become obsolete. In addition, a decent person will choose the second - prison. Well, if the detainee agreed to "help" the authorities, then he was already ready to become an informant. He was just pushed to it.

Opera, by the way, offers to cooperate with almost all those arrested, but not everyone agrees. As a rule, blackmail is appropriate only if the person is constantly under control. It happens that in pre-trial detention centers, operatives recruit child rapists. We, they say, will hide your article from the inmates, put you in front of inexperienced pioneers, and you will report: who is saying what, and who has what prohibited items in the cell. And since the rapist in case of refusal will expect unpleasant (for whom how) manipulations with the rectal sphincter, he accepts the offer. Basically, people themselves make contact with the administration. Someone - to have smoke and tea, others - for visits with relatives, still others - because they are embittered with the whole world and by their rotten nature they cannot help but knock. Sold to operas for a pack of cigarettes and a mess of tea are the most primitive and I can easily ransom a gay man. Usually these are convicts who have been convicted many times. They are hooked up to inexperienced first-timers. And repeat offenders, using the cheap credibility of the newcomers, act as an advisor. Not only will they ask about the crimes of a cellmate, they will also recommend to write a confession, promising that they will be released on recognizance not to leave.

Opera in prison is imprisoned according to the regime. First voyagers, planners and special officers separately. So, if everyone is convicted for the first time in the cell, and a "long-time" convict with outstanding convictions is sitting with them, you should be on your guard. The sexots described above continue to knock with great enthusiasm even after liberation. And since, due to their limited mental abilities, they cannot commit a major crime, they hunt for trifles. When such a copy comes across, the opera, remembering his past merits, can "smear" his person.

The situation is more complicated with the so-called volunteers. They knock because they despise the gray mass. Consider themselves superior to others. Envy gnaws at them. They have a mess of false justice and personal meanness in their heads. Such, just to get the opportunity to do someone badly, convey with inspiration. This category literally burns at work, just to find out information from a particular person. At the request of the operative, they can easily sit in a punishment cell with an object of interest to the administration. It happens that their intelligence is more powerful and it is rather difficult to calculate them. This is in the SIZO.

In the correct ("black") zone, it is not so difficult to identify the informant. Although his contact with the operative, of course, takes place without witnesses. And the sexot will always open up, saying that they called for by registered mail... All the same, everyone knows about the "godfathers," but does not contact them. It happens, of course, if someone was "burnt" by his denunciation or drunkenness, the informants are severely beaten, "lowered", killed, but rarely. Who wants to get an extra time limit?

On the other hand, informers only benefit law-abiding citizens. But they are hated by the people. Status plays an important role here. If you are a policeman and infiltrated a gang, then you are a scout hero. And if without shoulder straps, then - phew, informer-informer!

However, in Russia every second person is a sex worker. There are more than a million prisoners in the zones and prisons, they didn’t surrender themselves. In the "red" colonies the people are knocking all over the place, running to the headquarters in a race. Look, with what enthusiasm our people responded to the call of the authorities after the terrorist attacks to report suspicious neighbors. True, the authorities themselves were not happy afterwards. They were not informed of anything concrete, one district police officer had to receive a hundred calls a day: the neighbor looked askance at his neighbor and immediately fell into the category of suspicious.

V kindergarten we called the informers sneaks, and that was a terrible insult. But since we became adults, this phenomenon has not been eradicated. Some even now run to a more influential person in the same way and try to punish a colleague they dislike with his hands.

What drives the scammer?

“How to make an informer quit? There are no more strengths, he sits in the same office with us, warms his ears, makes "mines", then walks around knocking to the authorities, what she heard or imagined, besides, he regularly spreads gossip and weaves intrigues, spoils the whole atmosphere in the team, now he is still trying new ones employees to make friends with themselves. It’s impossible to work like that anymore, there’s nothing to fire her management, she’s not going anywhere either, she’s satisfied with everything. The atmosphere is clearly unhealthy, and working with such a lousy person is not at all a joy ... "- complains one of the forum users on the Web.

This situation is probably known to many. According to various polls, 84 percent of people have snitches at work. 86 percent know who is engaged in denunciations, the majority condemn such “informants”, but at the same time one in four considers it a normal practice. And the informers themselves, as an explanation of their behavior, cite the following arguments: “I cannot live without it, this is part of my character”, “I hope for a promotion”, “I suck up to the leadership”, “I fight for justice”, “This is revenge, I do this from harm ". But whatever the reasons for the informer, his presence in the team creates an alarming and unpleasant atmosphere.

Office snitches are different. In addition to those who like to write official slander, there are so-called psychologists. They are unlikely to scribble a denunciation, but in the course of a casual conversation with their boss they will drop "random" phrases, remarks, turned at the sharpest angle. These are mostly feminine tactics. The employee will not say directly that engineer Ivanov is not fulfilling his duties, but rather will say that Ivanov said something bad about the boss himself. And unmistakably hit the very sore spot the boss is his egotism. Another couple of such phrases spoken in time - and the boss subconsciously begins to treat Ivanov less loyally.

The second type is the silent. They will express their apt remark not in the management's office, but as if by accident. For example, so - the silent man stands in the smoking-room next to the chief, listens with an understanding look to what he says about the employees, and as soon as it comes to the victim, the silent man exhales cigarette smoke, characteristically frowns, says barely audible “Yes, he doesn’t work. … ”, Puts out a cigarette butt and leaves. This denunciation tactic also works well, and the more effective the more authoritative the informer looks.

Another type of denunciation is self-affirmation in the eyes of the collective at the expense of the victim. Such a brawler under the leadership begins to shout at a colleague, accuse him and point out his own merits. It turns out, as it were, from a pure heart: “Well, I can’t keep all this in myself!”, And the squabbler himself in the eyes of the management looks like an honest employee who sincerely worries about the quality of work and is ready to lay his heart for it.

Control methods

How to deal with office sneaks? You can try to survive the snitch from the company. “We had such a thing - she knocked on the authorities, and invented, and did nasty things, and threw open accusations in the face of people, in what they didn’t even do,” one employee says at the forum. - The four of us were sitting in the office, as a result, the three of us did not communicate with her. For example, she asks something outside of work, everyone is silent ... she is still something - silence again. She starts talking about herself (she loved it very much) - no one reacts. After six months, she herself quit. "

You can also try to get ahead of the informer. If you see that the informer is preparing to go to the director with another slander, visit the "carpet" earlier and openly inform that Marfa Ivanovna initiates conflict situations during working hours, which will certainly lead to a decrease in labor productivity and an unhealthy atmosphere in your friendly team. And that with all this, you understand that she is a valuable employee, and you want the situation to be resolved in an amicable way. This will not be sneaking on your part, because the director will hear opposing opinions on one issue.

In fact, only the manager will be able to guarantee the elimination of the informer. To do this, it is enough just to punish the subordinate for slandering and not take into account his words. Unfortunately, this policy is not common - few people admit it, but usually the bosses want to know what is going on in the organization, so behind the scenes head-off is encouraged.

Scammers, snitches, sneaks - these are all representatives, somehow not typical for our soil. If in the West such behavior is absolutely normal, then our attitude towards informers has always been and is sharply negative. But if in one case this needs to be done in the name of the safety of people (in Switzerland, if a person drank and got behind the wheel, then the owner of the bar where he drank will immediately report this to the police), then as far as encouraging internal corporate denunciations is concerned, this can provoke an atmosphere of mistrust among employees and completely destroy the team spirit. In addition, most often those who are not sure of the quality of their own work and are looking for someone who can be blamed for their own mistakes are most often "looking" to the work of others.

Prepared by Alexandra Bilyarchik,
based on materials


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