How to sell sneakers in a job interview. How to Sell a Pen in an Interview - Best Techniques and Example of Dialogue. Why is asked to sell a pen at a job interview

How to sell a pen in a job interview? The question is, to put it mildly, unusual. However, it is very popular, so much so that users ask it. search engines several thousand times a month. And all because this "trick" has recently been used by employers hiring. To determine if a candidate has developed sales skills, they tell him: "sell me a pen!" or some other object lying on the table.

This technique became popular after the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", where one of the heroes, as a demonstration of the sales skills of another, who, according to him, can sell anything, offers him: "Sell me a pen!" Many candidates are perplexed by this question: they get lost, do not know what to do, and fail the interview. Therefore, you need to prepare for such tricky questions in advance.

Today I decided to bring to your attention a few examples of how to sell a pen in a job interview and thus make a great impression on an employer.

How to sell a pen in a job interview? Examples.

First of all, I want to say that selling a pen in an interview can be done in traditional and non-traditional ways. The method should be chosen based on the type of personality and position of the person conducting the interview, based on his preferences for the candidate - all this should be tried to be revealed on initial stage conversations, before you receive this tricky offer: “sell me a pen!”.

If you notice that your interlocutor is a serious person, and he is primarily interested in real sales skills, he looks at you appraisingly, leads a conversation in a strict style - then it is best to use more traditional methods of selling a pen. That is, to show him that you are familiar with the tactics of selling and negotiating - I will discuss this further with an example.

If you are facing a positive, smiling, creative person, asking many non-standard questions, conducting an interview in a relaxed, friendly manner, then it is quite possible to “take” him with an unconventional approach to selling a pen.

After being offered to "sell me a pen!" or some other subject, do not rush, ask for a little time to prepare for the dialogue: this is quite normal and natural, rarely does anyone make a sale suddenly, usually this is preceded by a process of deliberation and preparation.

Carefully study the subject of sale, think over what it is used for, to whom and how it can be useful. Draw up a sales plan in your mind, think over its main stages. And only after that proceed to the task.

How to sell a pen in a job interview? An example of traditional dialogue.

When choosing the traditional method of sale, we act in accordance with all key rules making contact with a potential customer and making a sale. For example, something like this:

Stage 1. Introduction and acquaintance. First of all, say hello, introduce yourself and establish contact with the interlocutor. Next, you will refer to the “client” by name (name-patronymic), based on how he will introduce himself to you.

For example: Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, I am a manager of the Happy Pen company, tell me how I can contact you?

Stage 2. Identifying the needs of the client. Next, you need to identify the needs on which your further sale will be based. Ask the interlocutor only such questions, the answers to which will be in the affirmative and will stimulate the continuation of the dialogue.

For example: Sergey, I have a very interesting offer but first I would like to ask you a few questions.

  • I see that you are a business person, you probably often have to work with documents?
  • What accessories, emphasizing status, in your opinion, is necessary for a businessman to produce good impression on potential client or a partner?
  • How do you prefer to record important points, contacts, amounts in the course of business negotiations?
  • How detailed do you keep your organizer?
  • How many people do you receive per day?

Stage 3. Product presentation. After you have identified the needs and found in the answers of the interlocutor those points on which you will focus during the sale, proceed to the presentation of your product, focusing not on the pen itself, but on the benefits that the interlocutor will receive from its use.

For example: Thank you, Sergey. Based on your answers, I would like to suggest you ...

  • a pen that will allow you to quickly and conveniently write down any important information, wherever you are;
  • a spare pen that will help you out if you run out of pasta in the main one;
  • a stylish pen that will emphasize your status as a business person when communicating with partners;
  • an additional pen that you can offer candidates to fill out a questionnaire;
  • etc.

Stage 4. Work with objections. Your interlocutor, of course, will start to object to you. And at this stage, you must competently work out all his objections.

For example :

  • I already have a pen that suits me completely!
  • Of course, you wouldn't use a pen that doesn't suit you. At the same time, you must agree that if at the most crucial moment the pen stops writing, it will be very inconvenient. Therefore, I offer you an inexpensive additional pen that will save you from such unpleasant incidents. For example, I myself always carry a second pen with me, and it has helped me out more than once!

Stage 5. Additional purchase incentives. And finally, to finally "finish off" the client, offer him additional conditions that he cannot refuse.

For example :

  • Today we only have one day special promotion: every pen buyer becomes a participant in the drawing of a new i-phone!
  • By purchasing this inexpensive pen, you will receive a loyalty card, and in the future you will be able to purchase more expensive items with a good discount!
  • There are only 3 pens left at this price, the next batch will already be more expensive;
  • Etc.

Stage 6. Completion of the sale, cross-sale. Finally, when the client is ripe, close the deal nicely and be sure to cross-sell.

For example :

  • Each buyer of a pen from us has the opportunity to purchase a new pencil with eraser at a special promotional price;
  • Will you take one pen, or will you already take the other three? You can present them to your colleagues, because the holiday is coming soon.

Stage 7. Farewell to the client. After completing the transaction, thank the customer for the purchase, say goodbye and install business contact for future sales.

For example: Sergey, thanks, I'm sure you did right choice... When we have new offers that may interest you, I will definitely contact you. See you!

This is roughly how you can sell a pen in an interview in the traditional way. Now let's look at more specific options.

How to sell a pen in a job interview? Alternative examples.

These methods can be used either if you are facing a creative and extraordinary person, or if the traditional option frankly does not work (you can switch to the unconventional one at any suitable moment).

  1. Take the pen for yourself and leave. This method works if you are offered to sell an expensive pen or some more valuable item (smartphone, laptop, etc.). Just say, “Well, since you don’t want to buy, I’ll probably keep it for myself,” and leave in silence. When you receive a call asking you to return the item, offer to buy it back for a small cost. You can rest assured that the sale is complete.
  2. Emphasis on the skill of the interlocutor. If the sale does not add up, ask the person who offered to sell you a pen: “could you sell it yourself?” Most likely, he will answer that he could. Then offer him to buy a pen from you at a low price and resell to someone else at a higher price, making money on it. After all, he is a real sales guru, and he will definitely succeed.
  3. Ask for an autograph. If you notice that the interlocutor does not have another pen on the table, tell him that he is a great authority for you, and you would like to get his autograph. And when he does not have a pen to give it, offer him to buy it from you. By the way, this is exactly the technique used by the hero of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street” to the request “sell me a pen”.

In addition to all of the tips above, you can figure out how to sell a pen in an interview yourself. And it will be much better, because this advice can be used by many, and your own development will be individual, and with it you will have a much better chance of a successful sale and interview.

In addition, on the Internet you can find many videos “How to sell a pen?”, Some of which are quite interesting - they can also be taken as a basis.

It is important to understand that successfully selling a pen is important not so much for the interview and the employer as for yourself. Because the salesperson shouldn't get lost in non-standard situations, this skill is a big plus for his work.

Anyone who can sell a pen quickly and easily in an interview will have high rates sales during work, which means - and make good money. Remember this.

Now you know how to sell a pen in a job interview. Hope this information helps you. I wish you success in all your endeavors! See you at!

Exercise sell a pen at an interview, pencil, stapler are most often given to sales agents in order to test their sales skills. So that such a question does not baffle the applicant, it is advisable to prepare in advance a high-quality presentation of the product, come up with arguments in the direction of the benefits of the product, its irreplaceability in different situations, its unique characteristics... After all final goal any "salesperson" - satisfaction of the needs of the buyer. Below is one of the possible options for solving such a task - selling pens at job interview.

How to sell a product in a job interview. Sample

- "The quality of the goods plays for you important role, it is so?"
- "Yes".
- "You want to have a useful and reliable thing, right?"
- "Yes".
“That is why I would like to bring to your attention this wonderful reliable handle, which combines solidity and practicality, is made of high quality materials and speaks of the respectability of its owner. It is a highly practical pen with a lasting gracefulness that fits easily into your pocket, purse or diary. This pen will become an indispensable thing for you if you urgently need to write down some important information. For example, phone number, person's name, meeting date, store opening hours, words from a song you like. "
"But I have another pen / pencil / mobile phone."
- “This is great, but just at the most inopportune moment, it may run out of ink / the pencil may break the lead / in mobile phone the battery may run out. And then this pen will come to your aid. Also, this original ballpoint pen can be a good gift for any person - someone from your family, friends or employees. Do you agree, who doesn't like to receive gifts? "

Preparing to answer the question How to sell a pen in a job interview, it will be easier for you to sell any offered product.

Humanity is divided into two categories - some think that the position of a sales representative is cool, constant communication with nice people and a good salary. Others, presenting themselves in this place, are sure that they will be pissed off, not taken seriously and ignored everything, from the cleaning lady to the spring on the door. The problem with the last category is that they don’t know (or don’t want to learn) how to sell.

Indeed, a successful sales rep should not be intimidated by the prospect of selling anything to anyone. This quality is considered a priority for this profession, so do not be surprised if you are asked to sell a pen (or pencil) to a person who was not going to buy anything.

An example is now considered a classic one and can be found everywhere - in the movies, at all kinds of trainings and courses. Even in the comedy "The Bartender" director D. Shturmanova used this technique when interviewing the protagonist.

Do not be afraid if at first this task seems impossible to you - by acting correctly and competently, you can easily become a "guru" of sales and the ideal of a sales representative. You will not care about frowning eyebrows and sour mines of your interlocutors, you will learn to bypass crossed arms and terrible signs "No entry for sales agents."

Having heard such a proposal, do not get lost, instantly join the business game and connect your intellect. Who would like an employee who immediately refuses to complete a task, especially such an easy one? This is just an example of a sales rep, and in reality, testing can be worse.

How to Sell a Pen in an Interview: Key Commandments of a Sales Representative

Commandment 1. Thorough knowledge of your product. A good manager should know all the virtues of a brand, its advantages over competitors, and why this particular color suits you best.

Emphasize the uniqueness of the product. An example of a speech of a successful representative: “The handle is automatic, with a wonderful thin shaft and a rubberized insert. The manufacturer has been on the market for some years and is in first place in terms of sales.

If the pencil breaks, the pen will last for a very long time and will never let you down. Its blue body matches your eyes beautifully, highlighting your personality. " By the way, healthy flattery is pleasant to all, without exception, the inhabitants of planet Earth, and this should also be used.

Commandment 2. Know how to enter into a dialogue with the client.

  • Remember to make eye contact. Do not lower your eyes and look at the interlocutor all the time. The ability to hold the gaze is an example of a successful and confident sales agent.
  • Find out the interviewer's needs. You can visually assess workplace interlocutor, how often his phone rings (accordingly - how much information is received). Then use all the highlights in your presentation.
  • When asking, use the method of open-ended questions, the answers to which necessarily imply a detailed response, and not dry "yes" and "no". "What do you think?" or "Why?" - the most common variants of such questions.
There is also a method closed questions resembling interrogation. It should be avoided at all costs so as not to irritate the buyer. We don't need an angry customer.

Commandment 3. The secret to selling a pen in a job interview is simple: a skillful presentation. She should be bright, with a smile, assertive and benevolent. Tell us about the advantages of the pens of this company, come up with a super action or special offer.

Your speech should be beautiful, memorable and in no case pass over the ears of the client. Even if you have to stand on your head or do an acrobatic element - this is for the sake of the cause and do not be afraid to seem funny or stupid.

Try not to enter into any discussions with your interlocutor, but to bend your line. Say that your counterpart's boss or Bill Gates has such a pen. Nobody will check this information, but any of us wants to be the owner of the same thing that the powers that be.

It is fashionable to be successful these days, and some objects are symbols. Convince your counterpart that the pen is the key to future wealth, and your business is in the hat.

Commandment 4. Important: you are not selling a product, but the opportunity to use it to deprive the problem. Find and demonstrate to him the benefits that will come with this pen.

A person may turn out to be a lover of crosswords and he cannot do without a pen. Or a parent of a schoolchild, or perhaps a writer of denunciations against neighbors (and it is easy to figure out the owner of the equipment using a color printer, so denunciations should be scribbled only with a pen). And in daily work what office plankton would do without this writing object? (It is better not to talk about plankton in the face of the interlocutor).

Take a piece of paper and show everything a pen can do - draw lines or draw a sketch. Remember that the first impression is the most important, and only then comes specifications subject.

Commandment 5. Be sure to let the person hold the pen. This is one of the main rules of successful sales. Firstly, feeling the future purchase in hand, the potential buyer will be able to see clearly in its best qualities.

Secondly, there is another important nuance here - any of us, holding a new object in our hands, feels like the owner and, giving it back, feels regret and desire to become its owner. As you can see, even human greed can be attracted to help.

Commandment 6. Do not delay the moment of the transaction. Use another method: the "consent accumulation technique." In the course of communication, ask neutral questions to which the buyer will say "yes". Example: "Do you agree that this pen is pleasant to hold in your hands?"

Having answered positively at least three times, it will be psychologically difficult for a person to say “no” for the fourth time. Therefore, by asking a direct purchase question, you will become a successful seller, to the satisfaction of both parties.

Commandment 7. It happens that a counterpart deliberately complicates the task, refusing to dialogue and answering all "no" and "not needed." In this case, give yourself (and him) three more tries, and then be sure to say that you do not want to spoil long term relationship with such a wonderful partner.

The main thing is for the interviewer to see your potential, pressure, a well-hung tongue and the ability to get out of difficult situations. At the end, be sure to add: "If you don't want a pen, I also have a ruler, pencil, stapler ..." And then use the same scheme for further dialogue.

When selling a pen or pencil, the main thing is that you can demonstrate your business qualities and persuasion skills to the future employer. Be confident from the first second to the end.

Remember the rhino is the symbol of direct selling.
- thick skin that does not let the negative pass through,
breaking through
and able to flatten competitors.

Take it on board best qualities, and you will definitely succeed - you will be an example of a stress-resistant, assertive, sociable and purposeful merchant, which the next generations will look up to.

The stories about job searches and job interviews have now become like anecdotes. While some ridicule the behavior of recruiters, others are outraged: “I was asked why dogs don't fly! How is this generally related to my position ?! " We asked the hiring specialist, Tatiana Arsenovich, Deputy Head of the Personnel and Career Department at the GANDALF IT company, what happens during the interview, what these questions mean, and what HRs want to hear in response. For example, we took a position that is found in almost any enterprise - a salesperson.

Tatiana Arsenovich, Deputy Head of the Personnel and Career Department at the IT-company "GANDALF"

- What kind of people are you looking for?

- A person should want to work, not collect vacancies, test a recruiter. Be adequate, understand that he is in the interview. This is not enough to hire a person, but this is the first thing I want to see: the person understands that he has come for an interview, imagines what kind of job he wants. And he also understands that he is also being checked - whether he is suitable for the vacancy.

- What should be ideal?

- Looking for burning eyes. This person begins to sell himself, already entering the HR department. A man who knows his strengths and weak sides and shows positive ones favorably. I don't want to hear from him: "Well, I can't sell you right now, you are not a buyer ..."

The salesperson is not a role. This is a stock of competencies and skills. I am waiting for a person who respects the profession of a seller, wants to be one and understands that this is not temporary, this is a vocation. He respects the client, is tuned in to positive interaction, at the same time knows how to insist on his own, is interested in how to make money, and understands that there is a difference between receiving and earning. He will say: "Give me a foothold, and I will turn the world, give me a product, price, customer base, and I will earn myself." He thinks in terms of "I get as much as I sell."

And he asks the right questions. A candidate for the position of a sales manager last week asked us: “Is your office not noisy? Can I leave at 18:00? " These are important things, but the seller should be interested in something else: “Do you have a salary cap? Can I sell to other regions? Can I sell courses or services from another department? "

- Does it happen at first glance that a person does not fit? What gives him away?

- Low emotional tone. If a person walks in as if he is bored, tired, has lowered eyes, shoulders, he moves slowly ... More often than not, it will not be a salesperson. If a person is not proud of himself, considers himself and his achievements mediocre, does not name his results, this is not a seller. A salesperson is a confident person.

- With what "baggage" do applicants come to you for a sales manager?

- With different things. To the same extent, in our company, salespeople with the education of a biologist, robotics, philosopher, and management proper became successful. Experienced candidates are interested in their level of knowledge, ability to learn, skill of working with a client. This greatly accelerates their entry into the profession and brings success closer, but does not guarantee it. And there are many cases when a person with no experience, but greedy for work, became very successful in short time and made up for the lack of knowledge. Fighting qualities play a big role here.

- What from your experience is worth mentioning, and what is better not to talk about?

- Any experience of working with people is a plus. Not necessarily in sales. Even a waiter - working with a conflicted client, the ability to insist on his own, the ability to manage the dialogue. Interesting successes in the study of complex materials and goods. Ability to overcome difficulties.

And the sales experience is undoubtedly rewarding. But correct: where there is an identification of needs, work with objections, the ability to establish contact with a client, knowledge of the stages of sales, including the stage of completion of the transaction, understanding the logic of the sale. If a person is used to sniffing, deceiving, or, conversely, giving up at the first objection of the client, then such an experience is harmful. There is no worse salesperson who hangs up at the first "no" from the client.

- Are interviews different for an experienced candidate and for an inexperienced candidate?

- The questions will not be very different. As I said, there is also a harmful experience - "just to sell." When choosing, we are guided not by the number of lines in the resume, but by the skills and knowledge that we reveal during the conversation. We find out the achievements, and if there are no work results, we ask about the personal ones.

We will learn the principles of working with a client. Only an experienced person can have examples from practice, and an inexperienced person can have his fantasies, ideas on this topic, which can also be analyzed.

We identify personal traits: fighting character, motivation, goals. It is important for us not only to close a vacancy, but for the person to work in his place. So that the company also allows the employee to realize himself. I'm trying to understand: what a person expects and what we can provide to him are the same? And here it makes no difference whether he is experienced or not.

The practical part may differ. An inexperienced candidate can be given simpler cases: for the ability to ask questions, identify the need for simple goods... An example is the banal sale of a pen or seeds. And we will offer an experienced candidate to sell what he sold before or the product with which he worked. And we check how this corresponds to our idea of ​​professionalism.

- So we come to the notorious pen. What is the real purpose of selling it?

- First, you need to back up your words with deeds. I have met experienced candidates who did not know the elementary basics, or could not demonstrate their experience in practice. Therefore, we need the sale of a pen in order to check which sales technology the candidate is using. Does he use his own methods, "chips": an experienced person should have them.

Secondly, we test the ability to do uncomfortable, unpleasant things. It is understandable that an experienced candidate is uncomfortable. The process of validation and evaluation itself is exhilarating. It's one thing to share your experience, it's another to demonstrate it in a stressful situation. And for the salesperson, this is an important skill.

There were comical situations when a seemingly experienced seller began to ask and beg to buy from him. There are people who very quickly leave the role and begin to explain every word, why he said so, to make excuses - the mask of the "experienced" immediately falls off. But there were also unexpected good sales: cases when the applicant took the initiative, entered the game and began to sell not only the given, but also everything that he sees around him. They are great sellers, even in an uncomfortable situation, they make you play by their own rules.

Shot from the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street"

- Is it possible to say at the interview that you came to work for money?

- Can. The company needs employees to make a profit and go towards some goals. And the employee needs money - it would be strange if it were different. Especially for the seller. A salesperson who doesn't say he wants to make a lot of money is a terrible salesperson. He must understand that the more he sells and the more he earns, the more the company gets. We are extremely interested in the seller wanting to earn more. The key word is "earn". It is important that the employee can correctly estimate how much he must sell in order to earn a lot.

We ask how much the manager wants to receive, we find out - 50,000. And how much should you bring to the company then? And the person replies: "Well, bring 50,000!" With such an understanding of the situation, it is difficult to get such a salary. When a person realizes that he needs to sell a product worth 250,000 in order to get his 50,000, this is normal.

But when a person is only interested in money and nothing else, this is not an ideal picture. After all, money can always be found somewhere more. There is no limit. And it will be difficult for such a person to build a career in one company. Therefore, a person should be driven by something else: ambition, desire, or an expert on his product. Additional motivation helps build a career.

- Often asked to fill out a questionnaire before the interview. But why fill out a questionnaire if a person has sent a resume?

- If the questionnaire repeats the resume word for word, then this is an unnecessary questionnaire. But more often than not, the questionnaire contains open-ended questions that allow the recruiter to understand certain competencies. Or the questionnaire serves as an additional source of information for conducting interviews, and you need to correlate some data with others.

A fresh example: we take an employee to work with partners in one of the offices. And the person in the questionnaire indicates the priority labor condition for him - the team. And the position involves working alone, the person is in the office alone. And I have already agreed to this. For me, such conflicting information is a signal of risk. We need to clarify the real motives and see if we can give it to him. It may be necessary to adjust the adaptation system, draw up agreements on interaction, arrange for the manager to call him 5 times - and then the person will have the feeling of a shoulder nearby. Therefore, it is important that the person answers the questions both orally and in writing, since these are different circumstances of the answer. Orally we answer faster and can give in to the intonation of the dialogue, we can think over the answer in writing.

And if a person gives different answers to questions in the questionnaire and at the interview, this is a signal that this person should be less trusted.

We also check the literacy of writing, this is important for a seller who constantly leads business correspondence with clients. And the adequacy of the answers. One of the candidates recently wrote in a questionnaire in response to the question of what you are proud of in life: "I knocked down a dog, and then I saved it." Are these stories relevant when applying for a job? Not always.

- The questions that are asked at the interview have already set the teeth on edge for many. Why do they keep repeating them over and over again?

- Why and why they ask similar questions are two different topics.

Why - because the science of personnel assessment is common among HRs. Like 33 letters in the alphabet: years pass, and there are still 33 of them. So here, the assessment technology is built approximately according to the same structure. However, a good HR needs to be able to diversify his arsenal and not tire applicants with the same questions over and over again.

Why - in order for the recruiter to fulfill his task. This task is not to have a nice conversation or ask a hundred questions and get data to predict the success of a person in this position. How responsible a person is, how he treats clients, how persistent he is ... And so on. To do this, a recruiter has only two types of verification: interviews and cases.

Therefore, questions can be directed to the past in order to understand how a person acted before - after all, this is how he can act in the future. Questions can be projection, when a person discusses a certain topic, so that we can predict his behavior in similar situations. And the cases that represent future work perhaps exaggerated to understand its potential behavior.

I do not have prepared cases, I make them up during the interview, depending on what caused the candidate to doubt. For example, if I doubt customer focus, then the case will contain a conflict situation with the client: "Suppose you are a salesman in a store, a client comes in, takes a brick and knocks out the glass." If there are doubts about the responsibility of the applicant, then the case will be different: “You need to submit the report right now, the manager is already calling, rushing, suddenly a call comes from the client, and the second client walks through the door. What are you going to do?".

- Why does a sales manager ask who he sees himself in 5 years? Let's say one answers: "Sales manager", and the second: "Your director." Who will answer correctly?

- There are not enough factors to evaluate. After all, it is not the position itself that is interesting. If this department needs a leader, and the candidate wants to become one, then this is a signal - look, this person has ambitions, maybe it’s him.

In reality, I need the answer for another. I need to understand the level of motivation (motivation for a HR manager is the same as a need for a salesperson - it needs to be identified). I need not only a position, but how he sees himself as a whole. And from what he calls, I understand what is more important to him. He talks about income - that means income is important, he talks about a position - I clarify that this is the main thing - income, status or the ability to influence, or he wants to be a professional in his field. And I analyze from the point of view of whether a person is suitable specifically for this department. Suddenly, the department does not need a manager in the near future (although this is conditional, we always have growth), then you can consider a vacancy in another department. We immediately assume his further career planning so that the candidate's goal can be achieved.

And this is a very important point: we are not only engaged in hiring. Our Human Resources and Careers Department brings together both Human Resources and Human Resources Development. Our job doesn't end when the person signs labor contract... It is important for us that a person grows further. If a person finds a job today, resigns tomorrow - this is not a result for us.

- Do you pay attention to the applicant's speech?

- Necessarily. Speech, voice is a salesman's tool. Considering that we work in B2B, in telephone sales, the voice is the image of the seller and the company for the client for many years. There are no strict requirements, but weedy or common speech, or speech defects will complicate communication with the client. The advantage is when a person has a large vocabulary, he can correctly express his thoughts, give examples.

- If the applicant is late, how do you react? Can such a person be given a chance?

- There is a chance. Well, if he was late, he warned about it: it will be polite and appropriate. But if this is the third delay in the time of our acquaintance, then we will draw conclusions for ourselves.

- What to do to fail an interview?

- Be sure to wear jeans with holes and Dad's worn T-shirt. Be an hour or two late for an interview, and when you come, ask for special attention... Argue with the recruiter and don't answer his questions. Better yet, knock your fist on the table and demand to stop this stupid interrogation. Be sure to refuse to fill out the questionnaire, it is better to tear it up and burn it right in your office. Don't tell anything about yourself, let them read your resume, silly girls. The main thing is not to comply with agreements, refuse assignments and say that you are tired of interviews. And finally, at a meeting with your boss, call him a fool.

Sales applicants are often asked to sell a pen. This feature has found a response in many companies, the interviewer during the conversation gives his pen and asks to convince him to buy it. Such a technique can immediately show a person's ability to navigate the needs of people and his power of persuasion. In Internet search engines, the question “How to sell a pen at an interview?” Often flashes, so we tried to answer it as fully as possible, tell about all the tricks and nuances, and give the most successful options for conducting a dialogue.

The main secret of selling pens

At the very beginning of this proposal, the specialist on the first reaction of the job seeker draws a conclusion about his competence in the field of sales. According to the evoked reactions and emotions to the proposal behind the scenes, applicants are divided into three types. Of these, the first two subgroups do not pass interviews, and the representatives of the third immediately gain points for themselves and demonstrate their ability to work in the company:

  1. Uncomprehending ... At the first such offer to sell a pen or pencil, their face shows a lack of understanding of the problem, they get lost and withdrawn, responding to the offer with silence. And there are those who immediately abandon the experiment.
  2. Jokers ... They decide that this is some kind of practical joke and begin, as if in jest, to offer to buy a pen, using formulaic arguments: "how good it is" or "you shouldn't spare money for such a purchase."
  3. Creative professionals ... After a short pause, they accept the rules and begin to demonstrate non-standard approaches and suggestions for drawing attention to such a thing as a pen. Almost every such applicant passes the interview with brilliance. According to statistics, this group includes 20% of applicants.

The essence of such a test is not the ability to sell stationery, but in demonstrating the leverage of sales and the ability to influence a specific person, taking into account his needs. This is the subtext of the assignment and the main secret of passing the interview. If you use it correctly, you can easily get the coveted position.

What should you avoid when selling a pen?

In this test, all the stages of its passage are very important, you need to keep the attention of a potential buyer before making a "virtual" transaction, and for this you should avoid some points and wrong questions:

  • You cannot categorically refuse the proposed test, you can stipulate the conditions in advance, but nothing more.
  • Do not resort to formulaic phrases that can be heard in any store: "well-known manufacturer", "quality material". Be original, be smart and bring out the qualities of a pen that the interviewer did not know about.
  • It is not necessary to praise only the product itself, without talking about the benefits of its acquisition, to impose it.
  • Avoid a long monologue, you need to bring a potential client into a dialogue, to ensure that he recognizes the positive aspects of such a purchase.
  • It may take a long time to sell the pen, so there is no need to show dissatisfaction with the wasted time, as the interview can definitely fail. You need to be patient and clearly explain why you need to buy it.

The difficulty of such a test also lies in the fact that with a "bad game" the employer may think that you have not taken the task seriously, and with strong pressure and seriousness that you have entered the role too much. You need to find some kind of balancer that will show your interest, but at the same time indicate that this is just a game. With the right definition, you can easily sell the pen in a job interview to anyone, even a picky buyer.

How to sell a pen in an interview in examples

In the proposed situation, you should not be afraid to be funny and stupid, spontaneous decisions are also welcome, set aside insecurities and you will succeed. Just study the typical sales patterns, then the task will become really feasible.

Recognizing customer needs

Successful conduct sales should start with recognizing the consumer, his habits and tastes. You can immediately navigate the items on his desk. If it is filled with a bunch of papers, then you should take advantage of this and offer an excellent pen that will write in any situation and it will be possible to sign all available documents or fill out forms. As soon as the employer shows the slightest interest in the product, you need to move on to clarifying questions regarding the specifically proposed office supply.

Consider a typical example of how to sell a pen in a conversation interview:

  • Tell me, do you have to sign a lot of papers in a day?
  • And for this you constantly need a pen?
  • Are you sure your pen is reliable?
  • Do not know.
  • And mine has indisputable advantages: reliability, practicality and solid appearance... It can be useful to you at any time to sign an important document, write down the required contact phone number or make a note in your diary. Think about our proposal.
  • I thought and remembered that I had a spare pen.
  • That's fine. And ours will be a good gift for your colleague or loved one, she will talk about your concern for them.

As you can see, in the dialogue, they first applied the trap method: from the very beginning, the person began to agree with the obvious. Then they sowed a grain of doubt in him about the reliability of his pen, and then they began to give good reasons in favor of acquiring its best analogue.

Product presentation

After obtaining the necessary information about the interlocutor, you need to apply it in practice. Start selling an item, taking into account the needs of the client, so that he understands all the benefits of this offer.

It is required to focus on two or three qualities of the handle, which are so necessary for the buyer. It is worth pointing out their exclusivity or prestige. If a benevolent person sits in front of you, without conservative views, and he has a glass with handles on his table, then you can feel free to take it and say:

  • Let's not waste time on trifles, I offer you a whole set of pens, do you need it?
  • Will you get them?
  • In that case, this was the last offer, there are no more pens in stock.

And the interviewer will have to agree with the proposal, since there will be no more pens left on his desk.

Agreement and successful transaction

The ideal end of an interview is to close the deal and shake hands. As a result, the employer will receive good employee while you are the desired position.

You can break sales patterns by being prepared for the test ahead of time and purchasing a pen with the name of the prospective employer or firm you will be applying for. The interviewer will surely evaluate your preparation for the situation when, at the moment of the offer to sell his pen, you pull your exclusive copy out of your pocket and start selling it. This will immediately confirm your serious attitude to the interview.

If the employer is not against jokes, then after his refusal to buy a pen, say goodbye and get ready to leave. He will probably want to return his thing, then you can offer him your terms of its acquisition. It's a creative solution to how to sell a pen in an interview and pass the test brilliantly.

After all, the employer will not be ready for such a turn, and will accept your conditions. But you can't stop at this and feel like a winner, you need to correctly end the conversation, as if the interviewer is a real buyer, and you managed to sell a really worthwhile thing, and he will definitely want to buy another one of the same.

The final stage of the test "how to sell a pen in an interview" example of a dialogue:

  • Congratulations on your great purchase.
  • And you with its sale.
  • I hope you appreciate all its advantages and make your next purchase from us. As soon as other tempting offers appear, we will immediately contact you. Until next time!

You can secure the deal with a handshake. This will strengthen the employer in your professionalism.


The point of this test is not to sell a pen; the main task is to pass an interview with dignity. Demonstrate knowledge of the stages of sales and leverage on the buyer, so that he wants to buy any product himself because of its properties: economy, necessity, exclusivity and practicality. This is the only way to sell a pen in a job interview. You need to be calm, confident and convincing, then the employer will appreciate your efforts, even if the deal does not take place.


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