Professional interview. Interview using projective questions. Competency interview

As practice shows, the most effective and convenient recruiting tool should be called the methodology professional interview , the most optimal from the point of view of the ratio "reliability - labor intensity". A professional interview cannot be short and superficial. Its duration is determined by the level of the position for which the employee is selected and the experience of the interviewer. Depending on the position, a professional interview may include:

    interviews on competencies (accordingly, the applicant is asked questions such as “Please tell us how you meet visitors?”, “Tell us exactly how you organized the work of your subordinates?”, etc.);

    assessment of the results of activities at previous jobs - an analogue of the MBO method (the candidate is asked questions such as “What results did you manage to achieve while working in the position ...?”, etc.);

    case methodology (questions such as “What will you do in a situation ...?” are asked, etc.).

If the candidate is promising, then he goes through several interviews. At the first stage, the correspondence of what is written in the applicant's questionnaire to reality is checked. Even an inexperienced recruiter can conduct such an interview. Then comes the turn of the competency and personal interviews, which should be conducted by a recruiter with extensive experience. And only after that a business interview is conducted, aimed at understanding the candidate's attitude to the company, his career, and the owners of the enterprise. Business interviews should be conducted by the most experienced interviewer - headhunter, head of recruiting department.

11. Interview on competencies

Competence interview (from English. competency-basedassessment) - is considered the most modern and efficient approach to recruiting. The methodology is based on the analysis of typical situations - cases. You make a list of questions in advance to check whether the applicant has the basic qualities (competencies) required for this position, put down points for each of the competencies, and then analyze the results. At the same time, your emotional assessment does not affect this analysis in any way.

Competence is any business or personal quality or knowledge, the presence of which can be measured on a scale from - 5, if the quality is completely absent, to +5 if it is fully present.

In total, there are about 600 competencies in personnel management. It makes sense to check one candidate for 7 - 15 positions. Moreover, each specific vacancy will have its own competencies.

Criteria to consider when choosing competencies:

Position for which the candidate is applying... For the head of the department, these will be "Leadership", "The ability to motivate employees" and "The ability to delegate authority." For the programmer "Diligence", "Focus on results", "Focus on quality", etc.

General company policy- if the company expects fresh ideas from its employees, it is possible to include such qualities as “Initiative”, “Ability to find a non-standard solution”, “Sense of humor”. If, on the contrary, the company is waiting for the exact fulfillment of the assigned tasks, within the framework of strict corporate rules, you should check "Punctuality", "Diligence" and "Ability to obey".

Role in the team- remember that each candidate must become a member of an already formed team. A company needs different types of people to thrive.

Determine what type the candidate should be in order to successfully complement the team. Based on this decision, select the appropriate competencies.

How to qualitatively evaluate a person. Desk book HR manager T.M. Tibilova

Professional interviews

Professional interviews

By professional, we mean interviews that are conducted by HR specialists and are aimed directly at assessing and selecting personnel. Allocate structured and unstructured interviews.

? Structured (formalized) interview this is an interview with a predefined list or blocks of questions. It serves to obtain information of the same type. When conducting it, it should be possible to quickly process and compare the responses of all candidates. Questions should be formulated in such a way that differences in responses can be identified.

? Unstructured (informal) interview. The content of the interview is not rigidly constrained. The purpose of such an interview is to obtain a variety of information that allows you to intuitively understand the candidate.

A preparatory informal interview often serves to identify significant points that will need to be clarified within the framework of a formalized interview. In addition, the recruiter gets the opportunity to assess the applicant's reaction to various questions and touch on a variety of topics.

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High Schools and Vocational Schools Organizations interested in recruiting staff for clerical and other industrial positions often rely heavily on high schools and vocational schools. Many of these educational institutions have special programs

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Professional Associations Many professional associations in business areas such as finance, marketing, accounting and human resources provide recruiting and recruiting services for their members. For example, the American Society for Management

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Occupational groups In the study by McClelland and Dailey (1974), conducted among social workers, the factors that determine the difference between high and mediocre quality of work were identified. These factors include: the confidence that

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23. Interviews, Online Interviews and Commentary InterviewToday, the music PR man certainly can't get away from this genre! The interviewed DJs are his bread, one might say. All of us - journalists - know, well, or at least should know the capital journalism

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From the book How to qualitatively evaluate a person. HR Manager Handbook author Tibilova T.M.

7. Professional communities Professional communities give you the necessary self-development, give you the opportunity to declare yourself, hone your offer. By personal experience I will say that you constantly need to petrify your eyes where possible. Appear at different conferences, do

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Professional communities The vastness of the Internet is huge, so it is worth segmenting all the resources in accordance with your target audience... Professional communities are great for this. Such communities are also present in the aforementioned social networks and

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Read also:
  1. I. Declaration-application for the certification of the quality system II. Initial data for a preliminary assessment of the state of production
  2. A Classification and general characteristics of the main methods of quality control.
  3. A) Quality parameters in regulation for static and static objects
  4. A) Quality parameters in regulation for static and astatic objects
  5. Algorithm of methods for assessing water quality for various purposes of its purpose
  6. Analysis and management of production and sales volume and product quality.
  7. Analysis of product quality and production process
  8. B) they have established a unified, internationally recognized approach to contractual conditions for the assessment of quality systems;



General preparation for the interview

Specific preparation of the interview

Beginning of the interview

The main part of the interview

Completion of the interview

Processing interview materials


1. Grechikhin V.G. Lectures on methodology and technique sociological research... - M .: Moscow State University, 1988.

2. Devyatko I. F. Methods of sociological research. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural, un-that, 1998.

3. Merton R., Fiske M., Kendall P. Focused interview: Per. from English / ed. S.A. Belanovsky. Moscow: Institute of Youth, 1991.

4. Sociologist's workbook / Under total. ed. and with a foreword. G.V. Osipova. Ed. 3rd. M .: Editoral URSS, 2003.

5. Sociology: Tutorial/ V.V. Burega, V.A. Kalganov, I.M. Chernin, I.V. Lyashko. - Donetsk: DonGAU, 1998.

6. Sociology: Navchalnyy posibnik for quiet, hto vivchaє problems of social management / Pid zag. ed. V.V. Buregi, O.V. Mazurik. View. friend, add. and re-try. - Donetsk: "Nord-computer", 2005.

7. Surmin Y. Methodology and methods of sociological research. - K .: MAUP, 2000.

8. V.A. Yadov Sociological research strategy / Description, explanation, understanding of social reality. - M .: Dobrosvet, 1998.

Interview Is the most flexible method collecting social information, which involves conducting a conversation based on direct, personal contact between a sociologist and a respondent. Sociological interviews have a wide range of applications. It is used: · at the preparatory stage of research; · When conducting a pilot study with the aim of adjusting, working out sociological tools; · As an independent research method (today one of the main ones); · As a way to control the reliability of information obtained by other methods of sociological research.

Interviewing, like other survey methods, is a kind of technology that includes the following steps:

- preparation of interviews, including general and specific preparation;

- Start;

- main part;

- completion;

- processing of results.

General preparation for the interview

It is customary to divide interview preparation into general and specific preparation.

General training means preparation for interviewing in general.

Specific training means preparatory work for conducting interviews with specific respondents on a predetermined topic.

General preparation for interviewing involves the preparation of qualified interviewers.

What professional qualities should an interviewer have?

Professional quality interviewers

The qualities of a good interviewer consist of:

1) His individual abilities;

2) Possession of the technique;

3) Sociological training;

4) Preparation in the subject area, which is researched using in-depth interviews.

These groups of qualities are in a certain relationship, mutually complementing and reinforcing each other.

Individual abilities - it is a set of qualities, innate or socially acquired, inherent in a person, regardless of his professional skills.

As with most other professions, interviewing abilities vary widely in the human population.

The existence of differences in individual interviewing abilities sets the task of developing test methods for the professional selection of interviewers.

· At the first stage of their creation, a professiogram is developed, that is, an empirically verified set of personal qualities necessary for the successful mastering of this profession.

· In the second step, a test is developed to quantify these qualities.

A good interviewer is characterized by the expression Give-and-take , which means that when conducting a conversation, he must be able not only to receive the required information from the respondent, but also to give him a feeling of moral satisfaction in return. It is known that a well-conducted interview has a kind of therapeutic effect on the personality of the interviewee:

· Relieves anxiety;

· Helps to make decisions;

· Increases self-esteem, etc. (This is the basis for the widespread use of interviews in psychotherapeutic practice).

The ability to induce this psychological effect and use it to obtain more complete information is considered the main quality of a good interviewer.

The list of types of bad interviewers, judging by the literature, is quite extensive. It includes:

· Interviewers are “missionaries” who strive to convey an idea to the respondent instead of receiving information;

· "Moralists";

· "Windy" (frivolous);

· Overbearing;

· Disturbing;

• sentimental;

· Acting on a template.

This list can probably be continued. The styles of improper interviewing listed above are predefined in most cases. personal qualities interviewers, so they are difficult to adjust.

Possession of the technique, unlike individual abilities, it is acquired through training. The role of training in the preparation of interviewers is extremely great.

Training for interviewers, like any professional training, should be based on a combination of theory and practice. For theoretical training, textbooks, teaching aids and lecture courses are needed. Practical training is carried out through special training.

Sociological training important in at least three ways.

At first, every interviewer should understand well the well-known methodological principle of the analysis without value judgments. When applied to interviewing practice, this principle means the evaluative neutrality of listening.

Secondly, sociological (primarily theoretical) training makes it possible to correctly understand the statements of the respondents, especially in cases where the interviewer and the respondent belong to different subcultures and different professional fields.

Thirdly, this training develops the interviewer's ability to capture and develop relevant (related to the research problem) by what is one of the main prerequisites successful holding interview.

Preparation in the subject area of ​​research means that during the interview

In the field of economics, the qualification of an economist is required from the interviewer,

In medicine (for example, when collecting detailed anamnesis) - a physician,

When developing technologies - a technologist,

· In the study of emotional reactions - a psychologist, etc.

Especially often the need for subject qualification of interviewers arises in applied and interdisciplinary research (the latter include such areas as economic sociology, sociology of medicine, etc.). Subject training, like general sociological training, increases the interviewer's ability to correctly understand the respondents and to select relevant (necessary) topics.

The above four groups of qualities have the property of mutually reinforcing each other and at the same time are partly interchangeable.

The highest qualifications are interviewers with all four qualities.

At the same time in practical work people who possess only some of them can act quite effectively. In particular, it has been observed that people with high subject qualifications within their area of ​​competence can successfully conduct interviews even without knowledge of survey methods.

Sociological qualification contributes to the rapid assimilation of the deep interview technique.

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I. VOROBYEVA: Good evening, today we will talk about professional education in Russia - what it should be. Today the Vedomosti newspaper published a large publication of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov and the rector of the Skolkovo business school Andrey Volkov. Luckily for us, both authors of the article are in the studio.

T. FELGENHAUER: We have read more than once an article about a new type of higher education - an amazing, amazing, optimistic, joyful article and absolutely utopian. Did you understand how they would react to it when it was written? It’s impossible.

A. VOLKOV: You are absolutely precise in your wording. My version - yes, I'm surprised at all. I thought that it would not cause any resonance and attention, since very distant things are being discussed here, from my point of view - such an education with a huge swing and lag forward.

T. FELGENHAUER: You write that the perspective is 10-30 years.

A. VOLKOV: Yes, but the questions that I received - tomorrow the children will go to school, what is changing for them?

T. FELGENHAUER: Fair question. It’s impossible to change everything in 10 years, so some changes will start from tomorrow?

A. VOLKOV: There should be a model, you need to move gradually, moving and changing. And the discussion about this model makes sense in the public space, I think.

T. FELGENHAUER: You outline the key trends and the steps to be taken. Do you think this is doable?

D. LIVANOV: Certainly, doable. The question, of course, is the timing, how much resources must be spent in order to achieve certain goals. But it seems to me that everything that has been written is undoubtedly realistic. The question is whether we need it and how to achieve it. The purpose of this article is not to postulate some knowledge, but to start a discussion about what kind of higher education we need in the medium term - not in 3-5 years, and not even in 10.

I. VOROBYEVA: Since you are talking about this, then we need it. What time frame do you anticipate when this will happen?

D. LIVANOV: It is necessary to clearly distinguish what will happen, since the article does indeed indicate several changes that should occur, some of them have occurred earlier, or are already taking place, some of them will occur later.

T. FELGENHAUER: Then let's go step by step. The first thing you write about is a massive renewal of people working in higher education... That is, those teachers, professors, university professors should be replaced? Where are you going to take them?

A. VOLKOV: This is a strong exaggeration, of course. We say that another generation will come anyway.

T. FELGENHAUER: Where does it come from if it is taught by the old generation? After all, nothing changes in teaching.

A. VOLKOV: We are writing about this - the environment itself, technology and content must change. And it will be attractive to other people.

I. VOROBYEVA: What tools should this happen?

A. VOLKOV: I will tell you my position so that there is immediate mutual understanding. I am an inveterate idealist.

T. FELGENHAUER: This is evidenced by your place of work.

A. VOLKOV: What do I mean? If you do not agree on a simple ideal future - ideal - in the sense of a simple one - without details, regulations, laws, - agree on a simple, ideal model, then further you can discuss mechanisms, money, terms. But it is this fundamental agreement about the future that very rarely occurs in our public debate. We are happy to discuss some particulars: we are closing a university in such and such a city, or we are not closing it.

T. FELGENHAUER: We want an ideal future - now let's talk about mechanisms.

D. LIVANOV: We started talking about teachers. We understand perfectly well who teaches our students today - they are people between the ages of 55 and 60, the age of these people has increased by about 10 years over the past 15-20 years, and it is more or less clear what they teach, how and what is the result this activity. Let us ask ourselves the question - what will happen in 10-25 years ?: Will they be the same people, aged from 765 to 80 years old? They will probably be new people. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the question of what kind of people they will be, what requirements should be presented to them and what technologies they will bring to our higher education.

T. FELGENHAUER: The age renewal is clear - new people will come, one way or another. But these new people were taught by the same teachers who should leave, the training system does not change. Young people will come, but they have the same idea in their heads.

D. LIVANOV: If you think like you, there would be no technological revolutions, no discoveries, no evolution in the world.

T. FELGENHAUER: Only a few people make discoveries, but we are talking about mass education.

D. LIVANOV: Technological evolution is a business in which millions are involved. Maybe in the beginning there are only a few, tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions participate in this.

I. VOROBYEVA: Has the educational system of those people who will later work in universities begun to change, or not ?:

A. VOLKOV: In a number of small samples, yes. But here I have to say about our modest contribution - thinking over our school, and this gives me reason to write about it, we conceived and organized a number of other technologies for attracting and training people. Very specific: in the field of management education, a person without real experience is not able to work in the classroom. Consequently, the requirements for people who are then ready to enter the classroom and talk to it fundamentally change for certain types of education. I think that for modern technological, design, engineering, medical, legal education this is an urgent requirement - the availability of relevant experience. Previously, there was no such requirement, and this is the imperative of the new time.

I. VOROBYEVA: Tanya and I are not idealists, so step by step - how will this happen?

D. LIVANOV: There is a world market for academic work, there is a market for professors. We understand very well how much a professor of a leading university receives on average per year, how many in middle-level universities, we know what tools for recruiting teachers are in the world, of course, if we want to renew our professors on a large scale, we need to use these tools. You don't need to invent any bicycles for this. There is a mechanism that needs to be used much more widely than it is used today. Already today, Russian universities, however, are very limited quantity employ teachers and administrators on international market... This does not mean that they are necessarily foreigners, it means only one thing - these people are competitive in the international market, regardless of what language they speak and what citizenship.

T. FELGENHAUER: But also competitive pay.

D. LIVANOV: Of course. The level of compensation for labor is competitive.

T. FELGENHAUER: Do you understand what kind of resistance you will face from those people who, in theory, need to be removed, and how this resistance can hinder you?

I. VOROBYEVA: Or will there be no such resistance?

A. VOLKOV: The question is constructed in such a way that I want to answer yes and no at the same time. Because of course, always in history, in any processes, people who have already become stronger, who are more or less comfortable, who do not want to change anything - this concerns not only education - do not want to move. All the more so now, when we clearly have a shortage of teaching staff in many educational institutions, there are clearly not enough teachers. On the other hand, yes, it is required to resolve this issue by opening the market from the outside, to provide an opportunity for others. After all, this is a rather caste profession - you need to be a doctor of sciences, a candidate of sciences - and only in this way can you get there. In the concept of a traditional university, this is all accurate, but in the concept of open education, where different people perform different roles - experts, researchers, other people who organize communication or design work, the market is expanding dramatically. And there is no such problem, it seems to me, as resistance - it goes away. Because we need other people who are not inside now. They simply won't have anyone to compare with: well, I'm a Doctor of Science, and this is some kind of industry expert.

T. FELGENHAUER: Great - we started the discussion. Do you have any kind of calendar, "road map"?

D. LIVANOV: Undoubtedly, we designate a "road map" for ourselves. I think we have about 15 years to restore the competitiveness of higher education in a number of segments. We have about a year to discuss and make key decisions, which means that in a year we need to start moving. That is, in those universities that agree to participate in this program, we need to start changes.

T. FELGENHAUER: Is this the nearest perspective?

D. LIVANOV: yes. And then we need to track what is happening on an annual basis, look at these changes, evaluate the results, receive feedback, if necessary, adjust the approaches, maybe adjust the goal - this is absolutely possible. But it is important that the movement takes place.

I. VOROBYEVA: Competitive universities are those where people come to study, including from abroad.

T. FELGENHAUER: It says here: “They will become centers of gravity best students and professors from all over the world. "

I. VOROBYEVA: In this case, in what language should teaching be conducted in these universities? In Russian, English - what?

A. VOLKOV: There is no escape - in a number of areas, many things will have to be done in English. Do we want to play the world game? Some of the subjects, courses, disciplines will have to be - by the way, this is nothing new, a number of educational institutions already do this, and not only in Moscow - by inviting a professor, and teaching goes to English language... I was recently in Arkhangelsk - well, not an educational center of the Universe - there is a specialty that is related to the oil and gas sector, teaching the last two years in the magistracy - offshore drilling - in English. For those who entered and chose this field of activity. Not to mention Skol-TEK - this is not the Skolkovo business school, it is science and technology.

T. FELGENHAUER: Do you already teach in English?

A. VOLKOV: I have had to work in an international environment for several years, so I have a lot of English doctors. But we can't get away from this. By the way, in many areas - not necessarily in the area general education.

D. LIVANOV: We must clearly understand that today the language of science, politics, diplomacy, and to a large extent the language of art is English.

I. VOROBYEVA: “Russia has every reason to join the world leadership in training people who will be able to think outside the existing generally accepted ideas” - but I cannot give such a definition to most people living in our country. How can you expect this from students?

A. VOLKOV: But we are discussing truly higher education, therefore, it will not be available to everyone. And the principle of meritocracy - power and quality - is opposed to the principle of democracy. It can be a shame, of course, but nothing can be done about it, there will always be competition for the best minds, for those people who can go beyond the limits of ideas, there will be. Not everyone will get it. If we take the global context, not only the Russian one, then it is obvious that not everyone who is on the list of UN members will be on the list of world educational powers, it will be a small club - those who develop energy, or fundamental science, or space exploration. These clubs are small, unfortunately. Not because it is difficult to get there, but because it is a huge investment. But, thank God, Russia was there. Therefore, we have historical reasons not to fall out forever from this club of countries that hold a very high level of education - I mean the USSR. I would even say that we have a genetic memory, institutional - to be a cool educational power.

D. LIVANOV: In general, it seems to me that our people have always been characterized by creativity. In general, we have good children's abilities. And this gives us the opportunity to hope for success. We have good starting positions, despite the fact that we have lost a lot over the past 20 years, we still have good opportunities to start.

T. FELGENHAUER: You write that you do not need to blindly and roughly copy Foreign experience, you need your own approach. In Russia, from the very beginning, everything has its own approach - and our democracy is sovereign, too. What is the principle here? What will you adopt that you won't?

A. VOLKOV: Everything will fit - everything that can be good and suitable for the construction of a new engine - sorry for the slang - will fit for a good cause. But to be specific - for example, there is the Institute of Life Professorship - Tenjo-Track - which is used by all leading research universities. An interesting question - we did not have this institution - should we impliminate? My point is no. Since this institution was formed 500 years ago as a result of certain processes in Europe, and lasts historically. Let's say that it is very difficult for the United States to leave this form of life-long professorship - there is a deep history. And in our country, due to our historical mistakes, it is possible not to repeat this path, but to step directly into another forum of teachers' relationships. Dmitry Viktorovich has already said that in fact, before our very eyes, the world market for academic research teaching is emerging - 20 years ago it would have been ridiculous to discuss this. And in this market, the already lifelong professorship is not a working tool. Maybe we don't need to copy it. That is why we write in the article that we do not need to transfer everything. And it will not work. I have already spoken about the endowment fund - Europe has failed to create such funds, while the United States has succeeded - as a result of a certain historical tradition of freedom. You cannot blindly transfer.

I. VOROBYEVA: What's next, what's above universities? My friend is studying to be a biologist - do you know what he wants to become? - to a British scientist., - for him, it is a symbol of people who make discoveries in unexpected things, who are allocated a lot of money to find out if they love each other the bats... He believes in this creativity. Here, above the universities, will something change?

D. LIVANOV: In modern world scientists have already lost their nationality, what is a "British scientist" - he is American or Swiss five years later.

T. FELGENHAUER: But when we talked about the rover, everyone was very concerned about the nationality of scientists in the Russian media.

D. LIVANOV: By the way, Russian nodes operate on it. Therefore, intellectual work today is extremely globalized, has no boundaries. Of course, we would like to see first-class scientists, Nobel laureates working in our universities, research institutes - so that these people teach our students.

I. VOROBYEVA: And what needs to be done for this? Do everything that is planned in the article?

D. LIVANOV: This article is not a detailed transition program.

A. VOLKOV: Unfortunately. There is no "golden key" - turn it around, double the budget, and happiness will come. It won't come. It is required to solve the issues of financing, infrastructure, management, maintenance.

T. FELGENHAUER: You haven’t even written about corruption anywhere.

A. VOLKOV: Thank you, God, that we did not mention this traditional issue in this article. We started with idealism.

I. VOROBYEVA: You started with idealism.

A. VOLKOV: Although you call it utopianism, with which I strongly disagree. But if we keep talking about who stole what from whom, we will not be able to discuss the horizons of a serious idea.

T. FELGENHAUER: Are we talking about how people will get to the campus on Russky Island across the bridge?

D. LIVANOV: I moved around, nothing.

A. VOLKOV: And people even drive cars.

I. VOROBYEVA: There are many myths about Skolkovo, is this the first step in your program?

A. VOLKOV: If you like, we are ready to become and be considered such a laboratory. Moreover, these are not dreams at all, we have been doing this for 6 years - we are building a different type of program, attracting foreign and our excellent specialists, we are boldly moving along this path. That is why I am writing with such confidence together with Dmitry Viktorovich about the changes. Because there are a number of samples in history, and our practice shows that everything is possible.

I. VOROBYEVA: Let's see how you do it.

T. FELGENHAUER: In 30 years.

I. VOROBYEVA: Of course, we are talking about our future children and thank God that there is a serious discussion about the higher education of our children. Thanks a lot. I hope that what we called utopia will come true. We will closely observe this. Thank you gentlemen.

A. VOLKOV: Thank you.

The success of any company depends on how professionally selected employees are. And it is up to any leader to assemble just such a team that can cope with difficult and unexpected situations. In order to evaluate the prospective employee, we suggest conducting an interview with him. This method of interviewing is very common abroad, but in our country, not all employers have yet come to make a decision on hiring based on an interview with a candidate.

What is the essence this method interviews? And what should a professional interview look like? There is such a concept as the "40 second rule" - its essence is that the first impression of each other among people is formed precisely during this period of time. Therefore, the task of both the candidate for the position and the leader is to try to produce good impression... There is an opinion that the host does not need preliminary preparation for the meeting with the candidate, but this is not the case. Indeed, in the process of communication, not only the manager finds out the details about the experience and character of the applicant, but also the candidate can understand whether he needs this job or not. In addition, the applicant not only has the right, but must also clarify for himself all questions regarding wages and career growth... The leader must be ready to answer, otherwise he will question his competence and the reliability of the company.

One more important rule conducting a professional interview - the ability to create a comfortable atmosphere for the applicant. Only if the interlocutor can feel calm and relaxed will he be able to freely and openly answer all the questions posed. Now for the questions. There is a list of standard information that is usually requested when applying for a job. However, in addition to information about the aptitude of the job seeker, it is important for a competent manager to find out details about the character and habits of a potential employee. After all, such qualities as responsibility, dedication, strategic thinking, independence, etc. are often very important. For example, asking the interlocutor about why he was interested in working in Moscow, you will learn not only about the interlocutor's professional aspirations, but also about his possible difficulties in finding employment. Often, answering a seemingly abstract question, the applicant unconsciously expresses what an experienced leader should note and take into account. Thus, an interview is not only an opportunity to learn about the working qualities of a future employee, but also to compose his psychological portrait.


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