Placement of settlements. Options for settlements of settlements and administrative units where settlements of steppes are located

accommodation settlements It has an impact on the specialization of the production form and the number of production units, the placement of their land arrays, the placement of production centers and the landscaping of villages. Improving the placement of settlements of residents of the production facilities of the economy should be carried out taking into account the existing long-term prospects and the use of land resources and the placement of productive forces, creating the best conditions for the life of the population, to allow to ensure the long continuity of the population in the production process and reducing new construction costs. When placing settlements, take into account the existing form of settlement that are very diverse depending on the natural and economic conditions.

Under the placement of settlements, it is required thoroughly taking into account the local natural and economic conditions of the entire network of existing accommodation to select those settlements that have the greatest perspective for the development of both the residential cultural and manufacturing fund of buildings and the placement of them in the attitude of service land ., To determine the prospects for the development of settlements, for this use materials, land management scheme of the municipality. Locations are divided into developed persistent and sophisticated.

When locating settlements simultaneously establish the economic purpose of each settlement (which of the villages will be with the central estate and which of the villages will be the centers of production units). The center of the economy and the morning of production units is chosen by the largest settlements developing a good residential foundation, culturally household buildings, improvement and are located near the main schemes. In order to save capital investments for the construction and improvement of settlements, it is advisable to combine the center of the economy with the center of one or several brigades. Under settlements of non-central estate and centers, brigades can be placed separate production centers, taking into account the use of existing equipped production buildings. The method of placement of settlements largely depends on the zone of location and types of settlement. Under the settlement system, they understand the collection of settlements located on a certain territory and related general management of management, transport service and population participation in labor. From numerous diverse conditions, 6 main types of resettlement can be distinguished that affect the content of the project and the methodology for its preparation. 1) The farms in which there is one major selenium item, therefore the settlement will be a central estate developed by the central estate and the centers of production units. In these cases, the issue of the placement of the production area is solved. 2) There are several large and medium-sized settlements on the territory of the economy. In these cases, it is necessary to determine which one will be the central estate and which will be the centers of the brigad and refineed the placement of production centers. 3) The farm has several large villages. 4) All settlements are small. 5) The farm retains the farm system of settlement. In these cases, the platform is removed. 6) settlements are subject to demolition. The platform is removed under the new settlement.

The choice of platform for the new settlement is issued by the Commission as part of the land surveyor, architect, representative of the fire department, the head of the economy chaired by the representative of the rural administration. For the right choice of the site, as well as to evaluate existing business centers, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements that are divided into: economic, sanitary and aesthetic, construction and planning, environmental. TO economic requirements Refers: a) the central location of the settlement relative to the main schemes. b) Availability of a convenient report of product sales and acquisition of various kinds of cargo and materials (fertilizers, fuel and fuel, objects of consumption and so on. c) Cultural household construction facilities should be placed on lands not suitable for agriculture or less suitable. Sanitary hygienic and aesthetic belongs: a) the place in the natural landscape should be consistent with the cultural and aesthetic requirements. b) settlements must be placed in damage from wetlands, harmful and noisy industries and is not closer to 300-500 m from existing cemeteries. But a certain distance from the rivers, on one side of the highway and railway tracks and at a distance no closer than 10 m from them. c) the transportation of products, from fields and manure to fields, as well as distillation of animals along the streets of the village should not be carried out. The construction and planning requirements include: a) the platform should be sufficient for the placement of all types of construction. b) Supportable conditions must be provided for the cleaning system. c) Soils are suitable for growing vegetable crops on household plots and growing fruit-berry plantations. d) relief with slopes ensuring the removal of surface waters and at the same time allowed to build a building and structures, the device of communication roads with the smallest volume of earthworks. e) the level of groundwater, if possible, should be lower than basements, cellars, trenches. e) Soils should be suitable for building buildings and structures without the construction of expensive foundations. Environmental requirements include: the right placement of residential and industrial zones in relation to water sources, terrain relief, winds.

This video tutorial is designed to independently familiarize themselves with the theme "Population and the farm of the forest-steppe and steppe zones". From the lecture of the teacher you will be discouted about what features of nature are peculiar to forest-steppe and steppe zones. Discuss how they affect the population and the economy of these regions, as people change and guard them.

Topic: Natural and Economic Areas of Russia

Lesson: population and forestry and steppe zones

1. Introduction

The purpose of the lesson: learn about the characteristics of the nature of the steppes and the forest-steppe and how they affect the life and economic activities of people.

2. General

Natural zones of forest-steppe and steppes are the most developed and modified natural zones of Russia. The forest-steppe and steppes are characterized by the conditions for the human life.

Fig. 1. Map of comfort natural conditions

Real forest-steppes and steppes can now be seen only in reserves, all other territories are strongly changed by a person and are used mainly to conduct agriculture thanks to fertile soils.

Fig. 2. Rostov Reserve

3. Residents of the steppes. Farm

Representatives of the peoples of the steppe zone - Stepnyaki, conducted a nomadic lifestyle, were engaged in cattle breeding. Top peoples include Kalmykov, Tuvintsev, Kazakhs, Buryat, Kazakhs and others.

The steppes are open flat or hilly landscapes where herbs growing, cereals, flowers.

Fig. 3. steppe

In the steppes and forest-steppe people actively engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture. In the steppes bred goats and sheep, horses and camels, large cattle. Some farms are breeding fish, fur animals, bird.

Fig. 4. Breeding poultry

Fig. 5. flock of sheep in steppe

On the Yule of the Urals in the Orenburg region, the famous goats are divorced, their wool is so thin that the Orenburg handkerchief bound from this wool can be returned to the engagement ring. Actually as some people and check the authenticity of the Orenburg handkerchief.

In Buryatia and the foothills of the Caucasus are diluted with yaks.

One of the main problems of steppes and forest-steppes is a re-fall of livestock. Animals eat only certain plants, which, in turn, disappear. In addition, when reeling, vegetation is pulled out.

In the northern part of the steppes and forest-steppes are engaged in agriculture. Steppes and forest-steppe are the main residents of Russia, they grow wheat, corn, sunflower, sugar beet, vegetables and fruits here. For the protection against wind along the perimeter of the fields landfast strips are planted. In some places in the steppe rain, 85%!

Fig. 6. Sunflowers at sunset

4. Violation of steppes and forest-steppes

Due to active economic activity Many steppe species of plants and animals disappear, soil loses its fertility, ground pollution occurs chemical fertilizers. Same negative influence On the nature of the steppe and forest-steppe zone has mining minerals (for example, iron ores, coal), road construction, expansion of cities, towns. Therefore, the steppes and forest-steppes need protection. For this, reserves are created, reserves, measures are being held to rational use of the nature of these landscapes.

Fig. 7. Reserve "Black Lands"

The traditional housing of the peoples of the steppes is the yurt, which is a wooden frame, covered with felt.


Paragraph 36.

1. Give examples of man's economic activity in the forest-steppes and steppes.



1. Geography of Russia: studies. For 8-9 cl. general education. institutions / ed. A. I. Alekseeva: in 2 kN. Kn. 1: Nature and population. 8 CL- 4th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2009. - 320 p.

2. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8 CL: student. For general education. institutions / I. I. Barinova. - M.: Drop; Moscow textbooks, 2011. - 303 p.

3. Geography. 8 cl.: Atlas. - 4th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, Dick, 2013. - 48 p.

4. Geography. Russia. Nature and population. 8 cl.: Atlas - 7th ed., Revision. - M.: Drop; Publisher Dick, 2010 - 56 p.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A. P. Gorkin - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Thematic control. Geography. Nature of Russia. 8th grade: tutorial. - Moscow: Intellect-Center, 2010. - 144 p.

2. Tests on the geography of Russia: 8-9 classes: to textbooks are ed. V.P. Dronova "Geography of Russia. 8-9 classes: studies. For general education. institutions "/ V. I. Evdokimov. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2009. - 109 p.

Stepnyaki (the presentation prepared a student of grade 8 Budko Irina). We live in the natural zone of steppes, where the main vegetation is grass. Soil -Changs. These are the most fertile soils. The area of \u200b\u200bsteppes is open, feeling space, a lot of air.

Slide 4. From the presentation "The influence of natural conditions for a person". Archive size with a presentation 2438 KB.

Geography 8 class

summary other presentations

"Biological role of water" - water consumption in industry. Water content in nature. Water consumption in agriculture. A life. Problem question. Intelligence. Water resources. The role of water in life and economy. 1500 tons of water. Water content in living organisms. Numeral. Water consumption in everyday life.

"Map of Water Resources of Russia" - large rivers. Rivers of Russia. Reservoirs in Russia. The longest rivers of Russia. Directions of use of water resources. International prospects for the use of water resources of Russia. The uneven distribution of the river drain of Russia. Water resources of Russia. Property problems with water resources. Lakes of Russia. Total water resources of Russia. Lake Russia. Ten largest rivers of Russia. Basic information.

"Beautiful Waterfalls of the World" - Diavol's throat. Victoria's waterfall slowly moves back. Waterfall. Angel. The best waterfalls of the world. The highest waterfalls of the world. Iguazu. Waterfall of the visa or maiden eyebrow. The eternity of the Universe is what Iguazu is. Iguazu is located in South America. With formation on the river Sun waterfalls, a beautiful legend is connected. Angel translated into Russian means. Waterfall Fisht. Kivach. Gaudecha. Iguazu is one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world.

"Relief of the territory of Russia" - relief. Textonic structures. Mountains Caucasus. Relief area of \u200b\u200bRussia. Ural mountains. The patterns of placing the form of relief. Beluha. Mountains. West Siberian Plain. The main features of the relief.

"The Temple of Arkhangel Mikhail" is needed a Sunday school. Lack of time. Poll among students. From the letter of Stepanov P. The internal device of the temple. Temple device. Internal work. The fate of the church. House of Culture. Archpriest Nikolay. Nikolai Kramarenko. Church. Restoration of churches. Temple. History of Horseradish Husainov M. Past. Noah the Ark. Church of Archangel Mikhail in Serpukhov. Temple building. Participation. Mella house. Nezhinsky Church.

"Russian hour zones" - a rendition time. DECORD TIME. Time within adjacent time zones. It is interesting. Time zones of Russia. The plane flew from Moscow. Winter and summer time. Borders of time zones. Territory of Russia. Plane. Russia on the map of time zones. The local time. Date change line. Ulan-Ude. The boundaries between time zones. Hour zone. Hour zones of Russia. About calculus. Moscow time. Difference in time.

I do not know why, but for me there is always the presence of large areas around the settlement meant his belonging to rural settlements. But the economic geography on this is another opinion. The whole question is whether these lands are used and how.

Rural settlements in the zones of steppes and forest-steppes

Science determines the city like a settlement where at least 12,000 people live, and in which 95% of the inhabitants are working or employees. Accordingly, in contrast to this definition, the bulk of residents of the rural settlement should be occupied in agriculture. Thus, a large rural settlement must be formed on the basis of factors favorable agriculture. And where is it possible to do in full, as not in the zones of steppes and forest-steppe, where the adjacent territories (as a rule) are fertile land? Therefore, the emergence of a large rural settlement depends on:

  • size and remoteness of arable land from the center of the settlement of a person;
  • favorable local climate;
  • provision of water resources.

In antiquity, these factors could be more determining to create a rural settlement. But these days when transport system Reached certain heights, the factor of remoteness of fertile lands is not the main one.

Where large rural settlements are located

Formation of large rural settlements very much depends on the possibilities natural zones. It is in the forest-steppe and steppe zones that the placement of large agricultural settlements is characterized by the so-called "long chain" method. These zones have extensive land areas that do not have enough irrigation. Therefore, settlements are formed along the shores of nearby rivers on all possible lengths, which allows you to irrigate arable land. So there are chains of agricultural settlements. As an example can be given:

  • Ryazan Oblast - OK.
  • Volga region - along the Volga.
  • Altai - in Katun.

This shows that irrigation for agricultural settlement still has a dominant value.


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