1s sed corporate document flow. Electronic document management system "corporate document management". Low cost of licenses

Not so long ago I had to deal with the EDMS 1C: the workflow of one of the customers, the situation is painfully typical:

  • the enterprise actively uses 1C, for example, UPP or newfangled ERP, for accounting and personnel, the site uses 1C-Bitrix as a management system
  • sysadmins against another 1C product,
  • a commercial director loyal to 1C thanks to franchisees with their gifts and seminars, of course FOR. He has been working with 1C for a long time and is used to it.

As a result, the system administrators approached me with a request to explain to the management why it is not necessary to blindly use the 1C platform for everything.

I propose to take a sober look at the advantages of 1C and its lack of stack.

About EDMS 1C: document flow.

The 1C company is known as a developer of enterprise automation systems for accounting, personnel, warehouse, etc.

1C: Document flow - software product russian firm "1C" on a technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" , designed to automate workflow.

In 1C: Document flow there are the following editions:

  • "1C: Document Flow 8 PROF" is intended for small and medium-sized businesses and budgetary institutionshaving a simple organizational structure and workflow.
  • "1C: Document flow 8 CORP" is recommended to be used to automate budgetary institutions and commercial enterprises with complex organizational structure or complex document flow.
  • "1C: Document Flow 8 DGU" is produced specifically for large budgetary institutions with a complex organizational structure.

Main directions of work this decision - office work, general document flow, management of contractual activities, electronic archive and work with appeals.

Advantages of 1C: Document flow

Both the 1C company and its numerous franchisees speak mainly about the following advantages of the 1C solution: Document flow:

  • Low cost of licenses- 1C edition: PROF document flow costs from 36,000 rubles.
  • Organization of document flow in a short time- everything is included, all functionalities are included in the delivery set, which significantly speeds up the launch time of the solution.
  • Developed partner network- more than 10,000 permanent partners in 600 cities of 23 countries provide services for the implementation and customization of the program.
  • - the interface already familiar to 1C users, including the presence of a web client and mobile applications for iPAD and Android.
  • Easy search for any documents stored in the systemquick search documents in the absence of an employee in the office
  • Easy integration with other 1C products- the ability to integrate the used 1C products with each other already in the box.
  • Regular release of updates- the functionality of the program is constantly evolving, new features appear, new editions are released every six months.
  • Easy to set up- the system is easily configured according to the customer's requirements.

Well, in general, these are excellent competitive advantages, which, with the first approach, can really convince a person of the correct choice of 1C: Document Management.

What we really have ...

And now the reality. Disadvantages of 1C: Document flow

Let's analyze each advantage of 1C: Document flow in order.

Low cost of licenses

The low cost of 1C: Document flow is a myth, since the cost of owning a system is not taken into account in the context of a certain time period, and not just licenses alone. It is optimal to calculate the cost of ownership of the system in the context of 3 years, which includes not only server and client licenses for the configuration and platform, but also the cost of the work of a 1C specialist or franchisee for implementation, the cost of information and technical support for 3 years (ITS), support and solution constant update problems, downtime due to constant updates, etc., etc.

After calculating the cost of ownership for 3 years, it turns out that the budget solution from 1C for automating electronic document management is not the same.

Developed partner network

On the 1C website you can find a list of certified partners providing services for the implementation of 1C: Document Management in your region.

In fact, to get status certified partner 1C, you need to have only 1 specialist in the staff, who can leave the given franchisee long ago, and the franchisee will retain the status of the company. In addition, it is not a fact that it is a certified specialist that will be involved in your project, there are many projects, and there are usually not enough specialists. Therefore, in fact, anyone can come to you, even a freelancer who was hired for your project, even a student who offered low price, or universal 1C-ik, which comprehends the intricacies of electronic document management in your project.

Most of the franchisees are excellent salespeople, but as for the practice of introducing EDMS and further maintenance, there is clearly a lack of competence in organizing electronic document management, there is no experience in solving non-standard problems with EDM, lack of knowledge of Russian legislation, and therefore successful implementation 1C: Document flow can only be in the SMB sector.

Therefore, the presence of one or another franchisee on the 1C website in the list of certified ones is not a guarantee of project success.

The quality of project implementation and further maintenance is not controlled by 1C, as a result, after-sales service is very low and ends in fact only with the sale of updates on the ITS.

All inclusive or implementation in a short time

The functionality of the boxed version is not enough to organize a full-fledged electronic document flow, and to expand the functionality, programming in the 1C language will be required.

Refinement by means of programming greatly increases the implementation time not so much for the revision itself, but for the process of testing the developed add-ons and configuration as a whole.

What do we have as a result? It is much more difficult to maintain the modified configuration, because with each update of 1C you will have to test all additional developments, including the need to "rewrite" additional functionality anew.

Simplicity of functionality, accessible interface

The interface of the 1C platform is a parable in izytsy, even after updating the interface, the system interface remains incomprehensible to ordinary employees, far from accounting. The 1C interface seems too confusing, as if specially complicated. And a number of simple and commonplace for other EDMS actions in 1C: the workflow is clearly crooked or does not work at all.

Looking for examples? You are welcome...

When registering documents, you come across, for example, such restrictions:

  • you cannot create a linked card of another incoming document from the card of an incoming document
  • the registrar cannot view who approved the document if the registrar is not a participant in the "Approval" process
  • as well as illogical permissions (for example, the ability to register a document with the status "Not approved")
  • there is no check for duplication of incoming documents from legal entities
  • duplication check is implemented in manual mode only for citizens' appeals.

The execution control system also has a number of features:

  • in the "Order" business process, you cannot address a task to several executors
  • in the "Execution" business process, if one user checks both the quality of execution and the deadline, it is necessary to install 2 roles Inspector and Controller and, accordingly, the business process will have to be done twice
  • there is no provision for the appointment of several responsible executors
  • work with multi-point documents, draft resolutions is not provided.

Well, and a few more found "features" of 1C: Document Flow, which frankly surprised:

  • There is no separate search engine for details
  • To record the movement of a paper document within the organization, the "Document Transfer Journal" can be used, but all marks on the movement of the document will have to be done manually.
  • The movement of internal documents between structural units even in in electronic format comes to a dead end, tk. rights to internal documents are implemented through folders, there is no right to access a folder - there is no right to access a document from this folder
  • For outgoing documents, work with registers of external dispatch, printing of postal registers, overprinting of envelopes, not to mention batch mail is not provided.
  • The functions of working with cases of documents are reduced to the possibility of printing a nomenclature of cases and printing documents for processing a case for transferring it to the archive. In this case, there are gaps, for example, the document "Internal inventory of the case" is formed with an empty column "Document number in the case". Other functions of the organization's archive are not implemented either in this or in other configurations of 1C.
  • In the standard delivery there is no independent accounting of draft documents. This functionality can be configured additionally by means of revision during implementation.
  • There is no way to maintain the user's personal folders.
  • There are no built-in viewers for attached files, you click on the document, the same Word, Adobe Reader, etc. opens.
  • No viewing of group tasks, assignment of an executor by a group leader
  • You cannot configure mandatory filling for additional details
  • Weak possibilities for setting the numbering of documents - there is no functionality that allows you to number documents within a department
  • And the most gusto that got almost all users and administrators of 1C: Document Management - the rights often fly off

And there are plenty of such imperfections, inconveniences, repeated actions, unnecessary clicks and just outright blunders in the system.

Of course, those who have already worked with 1C products will seem familiar a lot, as in the old joke about hedgehogs who injected, but continued to eat cactus ... but those who have not worked with 1C before, managers, office supplies, many managers, those employees frankly sorry. The efficiency from work will be low and the implementation of the EDMS will obviously not do without conflicts.

Easy to set up

In the administration and maintenance of 1C: Document flow, not everything is smooth either

  • A simple establishment of a new user is a whole event that can drag on for an hour or even more, since the update takes place on a discretionary basis.
  • The rights in the system are flexible, but difficult to configure, fly off often, and take a long time to update. During recalculation, users lose tasks, in the list of the last opened recording documents, the error "Object not found" often flies, various messages from the series "No access rights to the database" pop up, if we want to check which of the users has access rights and click on the link "Access rights", then all who actually have access to the document (bug) are not displayed.
  • Changing user access rights has similar problems.
  • The ease of integrating different 1C is also not as simple as 1C itself presents, there are too many BUTs, let's start with at least the main problem - all 1C integrated with each other must have the latest updates, otherwise the integration falls off. And having updated 1C-ki everything else falls off. See the appropriate section.

It turns out that servicing 1C: Document flow becomes profitable ... right - for 1C: Franchisee.

1C updates are a disaster for the client

Do you know how programs from 1C work? In most cases, the client buys one or more software products, consisting of the platform itself and configuration (applications for this platform).

On implementation, the programmer adjusts the operation of this configuration to the client's requirements, finalizes reports, installs additional. plugins, etc.

At the same time, the 1C platform itself and the configurations based on it are not so stable, there are enough bugs both there and there, both from the side of 1C itself, and from configurations and modifications from the franchisee.

To fix all sorts of bugs, you have to install updates that 1C releases with an enviable consistency 3-4 times a month, the same accountant will confirm that 1C-nicknames are frequent guests who come with updates and fixes, due to which later 1C collapses again, according to 1-2 times a week.

At the same time, when updating, you have to update not only the components used, but the entire platform, even that part and those modules that are not used by you.

As a result, it is necessary to rewrite the settings made, test the system as far as possible, including because of the new functionality, due to which the functionality written for the client does not work now, to repair the falling off 1C license keys, which fall off with enviable regularity when updated, etc. etc. And all this in a production environment, when the system needs a working one, when it stores some kind of data, when you need an operational report or quickly solve a problem, for example, negotiate a contract, as a result, users are forced to forget about electronic document flow and switch back to the e-mail link + approval sheets "runners".

The new update brings new bugs, which is why again something falls off, you have to rewrite something in the configuration and settings, test, install new updates, despite the new problems they bring, and again rewrite, test, etc. This is such a vicious circle, thanks to which the 1C franchisee business has remained profitable for so many years, and survived all possible crises of 1998, 2008, and 2015, too, thanks to the created 1C ecosystem.

Of course, you can refuse 1C updates, and update only if necessary for stable updates, which 1C still have, but what if the salary and staff are sitting on the same platform, which require regular updates, for example, on taxes? You can refuse updates altogether and use the same SBIS ++ or KonturExtern for reporting, and pay them for connection, tinker with integration and export between them. But again, this will affect both the total cost of ownership of the system and the usability. And the accounting department will not be happy with this approach ...

Resume on 1C: Document flow

The 1C platform is very large and cumbersome, which is designed to cover all possible tasks of enterprise automation: from accounting and personnel, production and warehouse, customer accounting, archive and document management, etc. At first, this approach in the platform is admirable, but as it is used, admiration quickly passes.

Does 1C: Document Management have a future? Definitely yes, due to the huge network of 1C: Franchisees, which already firmly "sits" from small businesses to medium-sized businesses in the country and the CIS. I think 1C: Document flow in the near future, despite its bloopers and jambs, will be able to capture the EDMS market, displacing the current leaders Directum and EOS (EDMS Delo and EOS for Sharepoint) from there, and will bite off up to 70% of the EDMS market in the next 3-5 years old.

Is 1C: Document flow suitable for your company you decide. Before choosing 1C: Document Management as an EDMS, study the reviews about the platform itself, talk about 1C problems with the same accountants, ask about the frequency of platform updates, how often franchisees come to them, thoroughly study the functionality and interface of the system.

Maybe you shouldn't keep all your eggs in one basket and solve all tasks using one system? The market now has excellent solutions specialized for electronic document management from other vendors, which have already been tested thousands of times.


If you are interested in the features of 1C and 1C: Document flow, I also recommend reading the following articles and forums:

  • Why 1C is bad and why 1C programmers are so disliked Compare with 1C

We are confident in our prices: if you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference.

If you decide to buy the 1C EDMS 8 program from us today you is free get:

    • first 3 months of support, consultations and updates
    • delivery in Moscow and regions
    • installation

Electronic document management system 8 (hereinafter - 1C SED) Is a software product that allows you to carry out activities with various types of company documentation. In addition, the system makes it possible to manage the business processes of the enterprise and monitor their activities.

Part 1C SED includes several subsystems:

  • actual documents. This subsystem includes work with company documentation that is relevant to this stage activities;
  • employee tasks and work processes. Here the program creates the company's business processes, which are then controlled. This also includes setting up a matrix of acting deputies in the absence of an executor, as well as the function of role-based task addressing
  • preparation of reports and statistics. This subsystem includes a list of reports required for statistical analysis of documentation, as well as control over the activities of employees and the implementation of their assigned tasks;
  • automatic processing of information. This subsystem implies mechanisms by which automatic processing of documents occurs. This includes control over directories with files, issuing periodicals to company employees, etc.;
  • archiving. This includes the means used when working with the archive, for example, viewing, issuing information, withdrawing a document, etc.;
  • data exchange. The subsystem facilitates the exchange of data between the constituent parts of the structure;
  • administration function. With the help of this subsystem, the system is configured, and personal data of users are entered into it;
  • forum and chat. This subsystem contributes to the organization of the team and its activities. It also contains company news and a list of links on the Internet that may be useful to employees.

The system works with the business processes of the company, while the users of the program can customize these business processes "for themselves", taking into account various options and parameters. In addition, the program can automatically redirect these business processes to the deputies of those performers who are currently absent.

The reporting module includes the preparation different types reports, including statistics on workflow, tracking the dynamics of file changes, performance discipline, etc.

The program also allows users to customize the appearance of documents, change the composition of the details, while not resorting to the configuration of all 1C Enterprise 8.3 software.

Main advantages of the system

  • the program is easy to install and use;
  • building business processes is possible both in normal mode and using the web interface;
  • the program is perfectly combined with other software tools from the 1C company;
  • data can be easily modified;
  • the library that stores business processes is publicly available and updated.

The 1C EDMS software product makes it possible to fully automate all processes at the enterprise, including the issuance of tasks to personnel, as well as control over the execution of these tasks and the receipt of reports. In addition, using the program, you can also automate the accounting of documents and their registration in the system. The program allows you to quickly find in the database required documentwhile having minimal information.

Additional program features

Thanks to the use of 1C EDMS, you can also create various templates, for example, document templates that can be used in the future. It is also possible to keep records of documents in the archive, as well as organize access to them. The electronic document management system 100% uses the capabilities of the 1C platform, since all the constituent modules of the system are created on the basis of the managed platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2".

It is also worth noting that an alternative to this program can be the product "1C: Document Management". It can also be used to keep track of corporate documents and manage business processes.

Attention! KPI for 1C Document flow
Extension for "1C: Document Flow CORP"

One of the best russian systems workflow based on "1C: Enterprise 8.3" -EDMS "Corporate document flow" allows you to effectively solve the problems of automation of enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries. (a new window will open)

Among competitive advantages of the electronic document management system "Corporate document management" the following can be distinguished:

1. Fast implementation - install and run! Installation of the system does not cause any difficulties, since the system is supplied as a standard configuration for the 1C: Enterprise platform.

Implementation and training are much easier, since in most cases, enterprise personnel are already familiar with other programs based on the 1C: Enterprise platform. Users intuitively feel how to use the system objects, because they are already familiar with the basic principles and interface of 1C: Enterprise.

The user manual is supplied in printed and electronic form, including in MS Word format, which facilitates the preparation of instructions and additions to job descriptions personnel of the enterprise.

2. Powerful subsystem for working with business processes. The EDMS "Corporate document flow" system supports the design and editing of business processes using a visual editor. Visual design makes it possible to automate almost any business process of an enterprise simply and without additional programming. A business process library is supported for process exchange.

click on the picture to enlarge

3. Integration with standard configurations "1C". EDMS "Corporate document flow" contains tools for integration with external information databases. Integration is carried out through DCOM technology, by directly connecting to the database without the need to combine metadata.

4. Changeable, open source! Completely open product code and the absence of hardware protection provides convenience for programmers and users of the "Corporate Document Management" EDMS.

Any specialist with knowledge of 1C: Enterprise can always make changes to the product to meet the needs of your company as much as possible.

"... When choosing a system, we focused on various parameters, including the possibility of arbitrary construction of business processes, flexible customization of corporate documents, integration with the file system and mail, the ability to work with EDS, easy integration with other databases based on 1C.

The document management system "Corporate document management" of the company "Analytics. Projects and solutions" suits us completely .... "

It is a document flow automation system for enterprises in various fields of activity. The system provides ample opportunities for managing corporate documents and business processes, while the employees of the enterprise can work with the "Corporate Document Flow" system from anywhere in the world via the Internet.

EDMS "Corporate document flow" built on the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" which uses a new, different from previous versions, the concept of building a user interface. Thanks to the new platform, application solutions created on its basis can work not only inside local area networks, but also via the Internet, using low-speed communication channels.

In the "Corporate document flow" system, all documents, reference books and reports are created with full support for the "managed forms" functionality provided by the "1C: Enterprise 8.3" platform.

The "Corporate Document Management" software product is supplied as a ready-made box product and contains the following set of features:

  • Business process automation enterprises with customizable business processes;
  • Maintaining a structured storage of enterprise information;
  • Document accounting in the context of contracts, work groups, users, projects, nomenclature of cases, organizations, corporate folders and other analytical sections;
  • Maintaining an archive of documents and keeping records of documents in physical places of their storage;
  • Integration with 1C: Enterprise 8.3 configurations;
  • Accounting for the validity of documents, performing the specified automatic actions with documents after the expiration of their storage period;
  • Support for user-configurable document numbering;
  • Integration with MS Office and OpenOffice (including the use of document templates);
  • Wide customization options appearance documents and business processes to users without contacting developers.

Among the competitive advantages of the electronic document management system "Corporate document management" are the following:

  • Fast implementation - get it up and running! Installation of the system does not cause any difficulties, since the system is supplied as a standard configuration for the 1C: Enterprise platform. Implementation and training are much easier, because in most cases, enterprise personnel are already familiar with other programs based on the 1C: Enterprise platform. Users intuitively feel how to use the objects of the system, because they are already familiar with the basic principles and interface of 1C: Enterprise. The user manual is supplied in printed and electronic form, including in MS Word format, which facilitates the preparation of instructions and additions to the job descriptions of the enterprise personnel.
  • Powerful subsystem for working with business processes. The EDMS "Corporate document flow" system supports the design and editing of business processes using a visual editor. Visual design makes it possible to automate almost any business processes of an enterprise simply and without additional programming. A business process library is supported for process exchange.

The goals of automating work with documents in different enterprises can be radically different in scale and dynamics. For example, building a document management system large holding, who decided to completely abandon paper documents, involves the launch of a project that is incomparable in scale and nature with a project for the implementation of the same system, but at a small single enterprise. Moreover, in both cases, we can talk about the introduction of "1C: Document Flow 8".

A universal tool for the purpose of building electronic document management systems (1C EDMS is also often used) at enterprises of any size - the 1C Document Management program was developed by 1C as modern ECM system (Enterprise Content Management), which, in addition to documents, helps to launch a complex process, monitor and manage business flows and organize joint work employees. The solution implements proven methods and has functionality that provides a full cycle of document processing at the enterprise.

Functional 1C: Document Flow 8 makes it possible to:

  • Store documents centrally and securely;
  • Register incoming and outgoing documents;
  • Create, store and process organizational, administrative, informational, reference and other internal documents, contracts, service notes;
  • Get online access to documents, taking into account user rights;
  • Establish teamwork of employees with transparent agreement, approval and control over the execution of documents;
  • Flexible configuration of document routing, control and analysis of the performing discipline;
  • Perform automated loading of documents from email and from the scanner;
  • Keep track of and control the working time of employees.

There are four options for supplying the 1C configuration: Document flow 8

  • 1C: Document flow CORP for any enterprises with a complex organizational structure and a developed, multi-level document flow.
  • 1C: Document flow of a state institution for state (municipal) institutions with a complex structure and developed document flow.
  • 1C: Document flow PROF for small business enterprises and budgetary institutions with a simple organizational structure and minimal paperwork.
  • 1C: Document Management with bilingual interface: English and Russian. Can be used in Russian enterprises with branches or subsidiaries abroad, in Russian enterprises with a significant proportion of foreign employees, as well as in branches foreign companies in Russia.

1C Document flow program has no industry affiliation. Due to its versatility, 1C document flow is easily configured and adapted to the specifics of a particular organization. Let's consider in more detail the functionality of the solution using the example of 1C: CORP Document Flow (release

Functionality of 1C: Document flow 8

Accounting for incoming and outgoing correspondence

The program has a built-in associated display of incoming and outgoing documents. The integrity of responses is monitored, the history of correspondence is monitored

Internal document flow

Service notes, ORD, orders, project documents, technical documents. The storage of internal documents is organized in a journal. It is possible to view all documents in a continuous list.

The figure shows the folder structure - this is a rubricator for grouping internal documents (by folders, by types of documents, by contractors, by categories, by projects).

Information search, bar coding

The program is capable of storing a large amount of information. For the convenience of users, the following data search methods are implemented:

  • Search by requisites;
  • Search in lists (using quick selections);
  • Full text search;
  • Search for paper documents by barcodes.

1C: Document flow supports printing barcodes directly to a document file and printing on a separate sheet, as well as printing glue-based barcodes for printing on a paper version. The use of such technologies greatly simplifies the search for documents and the creation of a clearly structured archive: it is enough to read a barcode with a scanner to automatically open a document card, or document tasks that exist at the moment.

The program has the ability to use an electronic signature, with which you can endorse document cards, attachment files, approval visas, resolutions, approval decisions, etc.

Contractual documents and everything connected with them

  • Agreeing contracts;
  • Control of amounts, control of the passage of accompanying documents under the contract;
  • Control over the life cycle of the contract;
  • Receipt of scanned copies of originals of contracts with signatures and seals.

Files are created and edited by employees on a daily basis. Collaboration, multi-user work is provided, control mechanism is laid life cycle files, links to documents.

So-called "Business mail" in terms of functionality, it is similar to ordinary email programs, but supplemented with useful tools (more than 40), which greatly simplify the work of employees. For example, the control function "internal - external mail" allows you to see warnings that internal mail is going to an external server and promptly confirm or prevent this action. The mechanism is implemented in KORP and DGS configurations.

Business processes and tasks

The concept of a process approach in the framework of the 1C: Document Flow 8 program includes not only the method of routing documents. The business process is also a unit of accounting around which everything is built that is associated with increasing the efficiency of employees, transparency and accuracy of work execution and, ultimately, bringing the quality of the organization of the enterprise as a whole to a new level.

The tasks in the program are formed within the framework of elementary processes, distributed by default into 6 types:

  • Consideration, the result of which is the statement by the head of the resolution and the return of the certified document to the author.
  • Execution: transfer of documentation in development to all users, according to the list, as well as to the controlling person for performing the performance discipline. One of the users is appointed as the responsible executor.
  • Coordination: As part of this business process, the selected respondents make corrections or certify the documentation, and then return it to the initiator for working through the results and further actions.
  • Statement: the document is submitted for approval to the designated responsible person. The result is a return to the author to make corrections or review the resolution.
  • Check in: the document is forwarded to the secretary. The secretary assigns a registration number, affixes the seal of the organization and sends it to the correspondent.
  • Familiarization allows everyone on the stakeholder list to review the document.

On the basis of these processes, it is possible to form more complex, multi-level schemes and routes with various transitions - complex cross-functional processes with an unlimited level of nesting.

Project management

This block 1C: Workflow 8 is necessary to break down the entire array of documents and the amount of work of employees on projects, as well as to help teams working on projects in administrative and organizational matters and control tasks, starting with maintaining the project plan, ending with the execution of tasks for this project ... The project management mechanism is implemented in the KORP and DGU configurations.

Time tracking

A simple functional block 1C: Document Flow 8, which allows employees to record in a convenient, intuitive form the issues they dealt with during the day, as well as what types of work they spent time on. In this case, all data about the work is tied to documents, tasks, processes and projects with which the employee interacted. The time attendance unit helps to assess how realistically structured work time employees, what percentage was spent on meetings, and what percentage was spent on the preparation and approval of documents.

A small but very useful mechanism that informs about the absence of an employee and allows you to find options for replacing the responsible person at all stages of the process or project, where interaction with him is implied.

Performance discipline control

An important functionality built into the program is the control of performing discipline by tasks:

  • Control of the timing and scope of tasks;
  • Daily tracking of employees' working time in the context of work performed (including automatic based on completed tasks);
  • Analysis of the costs of working time of individual employees, departments and projects based on reports.

Classic office work

The forms necessary for paper workflow are already fully included in the 1C Document workflow program, for example, case cover printing, transfer log and much more.

1C: Document flow 8 provides comprehensive opportunities for recording events, starting with the plan for a meeting or meeting, ending with monitoring the implementation of those decisions that were made at this event. If at an event that took place all the points of the protocol were not fully developed or decisions were not made on all points, the next event will be displayed in the program as related to the previous one, which increases the transparency and control of the approval process decisions taken and enhances performance discipline. Implemented in versions KORP and DGU.

with the ability to bind to a specific organization and schedule of events, helps employees quickly find a room in the immediate vicinity. It is possible to view the premises on the plan.

A tool built into 1C: Document Flow 8 for solving work issues by employees with the degree of formalization that is accepted in the organization: from informal communication, before business correspondencethat serves to underpin decisions and actions. Moreover, all discussions on the forum are tied to documents, tasks, processes. The forum is easy to use for the first line of support, where experienced staff explain to newcomers certain working points. The "Forum" mechanism is implemented in the KORP and DGU configurations.

The mechanism is designed to differentiate user access rights to the workflow database by parameters such as access policy, folders and work groups.


  • Directly "in the box" 1C Document management is the integration mechanism with 13 other 1C configurations. In particular, it is possible to integrate with ERP configuration through an exchange plan and seamless integration.
  • Configuration works on mobile devices on the Android, IOS, Windows Phone platform, as well as through browsers, thanks to the capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.
  • Personal and general calendars, in which you can keep not only records, as in MS Outlook, but also documents and user tasks.
  • Interface customization - the standard feature of 1C: Enterprise, but in the 1C: Document Management 8 program it has a wider application, allowing the program to customize all interfaces, that is, to change the composition of details, make colored lists, set up sorting, assign the composition of columns, etc.

There are no restrictions (except for the appropriate technical support) for the implementation of the document management program from 1C company: the possibility of its use does not depend on the industry affiliation of the enterprise, its structure, organizational form, type of activity, number of personnel, etc. The system can be configured and adapted for specific tasks and customer requirements, is easily mastered by users, and today there are more than 1,700 successful implementations of 1C Document Flow 8 in trade, services, industry and budget organizations.


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