How to choose equipment for the production of polypropylene bags. Production of polypropylene bags: technology and equipment Raw materials for the production of polypropylene bags

Production polypropylene bags are organized on modern compact technological lines. The relevance of opening such a business confirms the wide demand for finished products... Food and non-food bulk materials, construction and household waste require inexpensive, durable packaging for transportation and storage. Polypropylene containers do an excellent job with such tasks, and the costs of creating such a production are quickly recouped.

The relevance of the production of polypropylene bags

PP bags are durable industrial packaging. It is characterized by abrasion resistance, reusability, water resistance, versatility and low cost. Differs in the type of feedstock:

  • White bags made from virgin polypropylene. Used for transportation and storage of bulk food products: sugar, flour, salt, starch;
  • Gray produced from secondary raw materials with the addition of primary polypropylene. Less durable than white, suitable for transport and storage building materials and waste, pellets, fertilizers and chemicals;
  • Green produced entirely from recycled materials. Slightly inferior to gray in strength. Used for the disposal of construction waste.

Industrial activity related to the production of pp bags is in great demand. The wide possibilities of such packaging and the low price allow it to be in high demand among construction companies, agrofirms, representatives of the food and chemical industries.

Business strategy

Before organizing industrial production: rent a room, purchase equipment, hire employees, even at the stage of developing a business plan, it is worth analyzing the ways of selling finished products. The main consumers of the products:

Any production is not complete without defects. For the processing of waste and products that have worked out their life, there are special devices. The purchase of a crusher for processing plastic and a granulator will help organize the process of recycling polypropylene. Recycling- an important component of the environmental program for the disposal of industrial waste.

Business organization

Since the manufacture of PP containers is associated with the processing of polymer raw materials, the location of the production workshop should be located far from residential buildings. The best option when creating a plant is to rent a suburban space with the possibility of its subsequent redemption into ownership.

When organizing production, it is mandatory technical requirements to equip the workshop is the presence of:

  • A good ventilation system;
  • Necessary communications (water, heat and electricity, sewerage);
  • Cleaning air filters.

The amount of space required depends on the size of the purchased equipment. On average, a processing line takes up 50 m². It is necessary to provide warehouses, rooms for staff, garage, if delivery of finished products is planned.

There is a large selection of machines for the production of polypropylene bags, machines and apparatus on the domestic market. You can choose those that are suitable in terms of power and price. The system of equipment leasing with subsequent buy-out has proven itself well. The price of a fully equipped line with a capacity of about 4,000 items per shift will be at least 3,500,000 rubles.

To maintain a high-quality, automated line for the production of polypropylene bags, at least six people are required, three people in two shifts, with wages 25,000 rubles per month.

The approximate amount of capital investments is as follows:

  • Equipment cost - 3,500,000 rubles;
  • Delivery and installation of a technological line - 350,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of pellets - 320,000 rubles;
  • Registration in tax office, payment of monthly rent, overhead costs - 280,000 rubles;
  • Total - 4,450,000 rubles.

If you plan to organize a garage, you need to add at least 1,500,000 rubles to this amount.

The value of the constants monthly expenses consists of:

  • The salary of six employees is 150,000 rubles.
  • Social payments to the wage fund - 45,000 rubles.
  • The cost of renting a workshop is 110,000 rubles.
  • Administrative payments - 60,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100,000 rubles.
  • Total - 465,000 rubles.

Technological stages

The main stages of production:

  1. Mixing and drying of raw materials. Primary and secondary polypropylene granules are mixed with dyes and necessary additives. Calcium carbonate is often used. It gives the packaging a white color and the required rigidity. The finished mixture is fed into a flat slotted polypropylene extruder and heated to 260 ° C.
  2. Production and winding of flat thread. The heated mixture passes through the nozzle in the form of a thin film. After cooling, it is cut into flat threads of the required thickness, tempered, stretched and wound on spools.
  3. Fabric production. The circular loom is adjusted to the required parameters: the density of the weave of the threads and the width are set. The resulting polypropylene bag is wound onto large bobbins.
  4. Cutting. The finished polypropylene fabric is cut into blanks by hot cutting. The trim line can be straight or wavy.
  5. Final product manufacturing... A special apparatus, from the side of the bottom, folds the polypropylene fabric for the bags the required number of times and stitches it with a strong synthetic thread. The neck is left untreated or stitched. In some cases, polyethylene liners are sewn to the bottom.
  6. Logo laying on. The flexographic press applies a polychrome or black-and-white logo to the finished product.
  7. Package.Finished goods placed in packs of 500 or 1000 pieces, pressed, tied with twine and stored.

Video: "Cutting and hemming of bags"

Necessary equipment for the production (manufacturing) of polypropylene bags

Standard Production Line comprises:

  • Machines for drying and mixing the components of the mixture;
  • Feeding device;
  • Extruder for the production of polypropylene filaments complete with a winding device;
  • Weaving machine;
  • Thermal knife for cutting blanks;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Flexo printing machine for applying a logo.

Optionally, you can use the machine for laminating bags on one or two sides. There is an industrial machine with simultaneous lamination and multi-color printing on film.

For the disposal of defective products, purchase:

  • A crusher for crushing possible rejects and production waste;
  • Granulator. Converts shredded material into granules for recycling.

To avoid problems with service, it is preferable to look for local suppliers.

Video: "Making a polypropylene sleeve for bags"

Video: "Printing on a Flexographic Machine"

The payback period is calculated as the ratio of the amount of capital investments to the amount of monthly net profit: 4,450,000 / 255,000 = 17.5. Thus, the company will be able to recoup the costs of organizing the production of PP packaging in about a year and a half.

The opening of a mini-plant for the production of polypropylene bags is seen as a profitable investment. Given the wide range of applications, the products of such a plant are in high demand and are quickly sold. Finished products do not require special conditions storage and are not limited by the shelf life.

Considering such wide possibilities of use, bags of this type are in great demand on the market and are sold quite quickly. Finished products do not require special storage conditions, have no expiration dates, and take up little space during transportation.

Polypropylene bags (PP) are a durable type of industrial packaging that is made from polypropylene threads woven into bags. PP bags are very strong, widely used for packaging and transportation of bulk materials industrial type and building materials, the agricultural sector and Food Industry.

Depending on the type of fabric, the bags can be used for cereals, sugar, flour, grain, mixed feed, mineral fertilizers, expanded clay, cement, etc.

Sales of finished products

Target consumers of PP bags are:

The sale of finished products can be carried out through the following main distribution channels:

  • through and agricultural shops (wholesale construction bases);
  • by promoting products end consumers through the media - printable advertisement on stands in gardening and dacha cooperatives, printed announcements) and using interactive media - creeping line on electronic displays, advertising on monitors and light boxes.

Production technology

The following main stages of manufacturing can be distinguished:

  1. mixing and drying of raw materials;
  2. production and winding of threads;
  3. obtaining a woven fabric;
  4. cutting the canvas into bags;
  5. logo laying on;
  6. sewing a finished bag;
  7. package.

Required equipment

Let's consider a complete set of a production site using an example.

This line is designed for the production of 1.5 million pieces of bags per year, the equipment is characterized by a high degree of automation, most of the components and assemblies responsible for controlling the line are made in Japan.

The total cost of completing this technological line is 3 696 139 rub.

Feasibility study

Capital investments

  • Purchase of a line: 3 696 139 rubles.
  • Delivery of equipment, adjustment: 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials in granules: 300,000 rubles.
  • Registration in the INFS, payment of rent for one month. Other expenses: 200,000 rubles.

The total amount of initial investment in the business for the production of polypropylene bags is 4 496 139 rubles.

Revenue calculation

Cost calculation

The average weight of the bag is 70g.
14 bags are made from 1 kg of granules (-2% technological losses).

Production cost of one bag:

General expenses.

  • Wage(6 people, with two shift work, 3 people per shift) - 108 thousand rubles.
  • Social deductions from the wages fund - 32 thousand rubles.
  • Premises rental - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Administrative expenses - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Total fixed costs: 390 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation

Profit = RUB 998,400 - 359,424 rubles. - 390,000 rubles. = 248 976 rubles.

Return on investment(Capital Cost / Profit): 18 months.

Recently, polypropylene bags have been widely used. Most often they are used in the agricultural and food industry, as well as in.

Polypropylene bags are packed with:

  • Loose food products;
  • Stern;
  • Cement;
  • Building mixtures;
  • Sand.

The manufacture of such packaging products is a fairly promising direction, since it is in great demand. The production of polypropylene bags is profitable business, which provides a stable high income.


To open your own business, you must complete all documents and permits. Novice businessmen usually register an individual entrepreneur.

If you are planning to open a large enterprise, it is better to register a company with limited liability... In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from all the necessary authorities.

Raw materials

Before purchasing equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, you should first decide on the production technology and the type of raw material.

Bags can be made from virgin or recycled polypropylene. Recycled material is called recycled material obtained from various polypropylene products.

Raw materials are supplied in the form of granules. To provide it with certain properties, various substances are added to the granules during processing. Finding a supplier of raw materials will not be difficult, since there are many similar offers on the market.


For the production of bags, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 800-1000 sq. meters.

It should be divided into separate zones:

  • Workshop for the production of polypropylene yarn;
  • Weaving shop;
  • Slicing workshop;
  • Warehouse for finished products;
  • Warehouse for raw materials;
  • Administrative premises.

Production areas should be located at a distance of 50 meters from residential premises. It is advisable to decorate the walls and floors in workshops with ceramic tiles.

Be sure to take into the room:

  • Heating;
  • Ventilation;
  • Sewerage;
  • Water pipes.

Project development industrial premises can be ordered by specialists.


The standard line for the production of polypropylene bags includes:

  • Mixing machine;
  • Feeding device;
  • Extruder and winding device;
  • Loom;
  • Thermal knife;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Printing device for applying a logo.

You can also purchase a finished product laminating machine. There are special devices that simultaneously laminate and apply color printing.

In addition, you will need a crusher for recycling waste products, as well as a granulator, with which the crushed waste is processed into granules. They are used for recycling.

In order not to have problems with servicing the equipment, it is advisable to buy it from local suppliers. Since the cost of equipment for the production of polypropylene bags is quite high, its purchase must be taken seriously and responsibly.


The production line can be serviced by three people. Typically, such an enterprise operates in two shifts. The salary of one worker is 18–20 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need a sales manager, movers, accountant and driver.

Since the machine for the production of polypropylene bags is fully automated, it does not require a lot of personnel to maintain it. All workers must be trained. The training courses can be organized by the equipment supplier.


The technological process of manufacturing polypropylene bags includes the following stages:

  • Drying and mixing of raw materials. Polypropylene granules are mixed with all the necessary additives and colorants. Calcium carbonate gives the bags the necessary rigidity and snow-white color. The finished mixture is fed into an extruder;
  • Hot polypropylene is passed through a special nozzle. After cooling, a thin film is obtained, which is cut into threads of the required thickness. After quenching, they are pulled out to be wound onto a reel;
  • Fabric production. On a loom, the width and density of the weave of the threads are set. The polypropylene sleeve is wound on bobbins;
  • With the help of a thermal knife, the canvas is cut into blanks. The cutting line can be wavy or straight;
  • Polypropylene fabric is tucked several times using a special apparatus and stitched with synthetic thread. The neck can be sewn or raw. Polyethylene liners are sewn into bags intended for certain products;
  • A black-and-white or multicolor logo is applied to the finished product using a flexographic machine;
  • Products are packed in packs of 500 pieces and tied with twine.


To start the production of polypropylene bags, you will need a large start-up capital:

  • Premises rental - 1 million rubles;
  • Equipment - 0.6 million rubles;
  • Salary - 0.6 million rubles;
  • Other expenses - 400 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials - 500 thousand rubles.

To ensure the operation of the enterprise for one year, it is necessary to invest approximately 2 million rubles. If you manage to find regular customers and establish sales, in 10-15 months your business will start making a profit. The enterprise will fully pay off in 2.5 years.

Production profitability

One kilogram of polypropylene costs 33–45 rubles. From one kilogram of raw materials, 14 bags are obtained. The cost of one product unit is 2.9–3 rubles. They sell it in bulk for 8 rubles.

Accordingly, factories for the production of polypropylene bags receive a monthly net profit of 250 thousand rubles. Therefore, this business can be described as very profitable and profitable.

Summing up

Since the production of polypropylene bags in Russia is very popular, this business can provide you with a stable high income. The products can be sold to manufacturers of building mixtures, as well as to agricultural enterprises. In addition, the bags can be delivered to hardware stores and hardware stores.

To open our own plant for the production of polypropylene sacks, it is necessary to collect about 3 million rubles. You will spend part of it on the purchase of equipment and raw materials, and the rest of the money will be needed to develop a project and equip a production facility that must meet all the established requirements.

To save money at the start, you can purchase Chinese equipment. Despite the low cost, it is of good quality. You can also lease machines in order to redeem equipment over time. The production of polypropylene bags as a business requires an attentive and responsible attitude to the execution of all the necessary documents.

A mini-enterprise for the production of polypropylene bags is considered a fairly profitable investment. The widespread use of such products leads to high demand, so there will be no problems with the sale of bags. Finished products can be stored anywhere. In addition, it has no expiration date limits.

presented in the 2020 catalog. Manufactured from domestic materials. Affordable prices wholesale, contractual terms. The list contains 60 companies. Well-known suppliers in the Russian market:

  • "HIMPEK",
  • "PromPolyPlast",
  • "Master-Pak",
  • UralPolytex,
  • "Suraplastic", etc.

Polypropylene and paper packaging 1-50 kg. The products are used in packaging waste and waste, storage and transportation of construction products, food products, perfumes, etc. Factories also produce polyethylene products from LDPE and HDPE. Manufactures offer paper bags, soft big bags, containers of various sizes.

The enterprises have established the production of bags from fabrics and films of different colors and densities. The assortment includes packaging goods with inserts and folds, disposable. Food bag - glued or stitched with nylon thread. Companies make laminated bags, colored. Delivery options - Moscow and the region, regions, abroad.

Manufacturers offer cooperation to suppliers of raw materials, dealers, trade organizations... Production of polypropylene packages up to a weight of 1.5 tons. The address, website, telephones are indicated in the "Contacts" tab. To buy in bulk, download the price list - write to the manager. Sale is carried out at negotiated prices.

As processes are optimized industrial production goods are changing and approaches to their technical organization... The use of compact machines allows the use of small premises, which also affects production cost savings. The trend towards rationalization in ensuring the manufacturing process is especially noticeable in the areas serving domestic needs. Thus, the production of polypropylene bags is oriented towards a wide audience of consumers, among whom, however, not only ordinary buyers, but also large enterprises... This leads to interest in the segment from small entrepreneurs who decide to open their own production lines.

What is a PP bag?

This is a kind of packaging bags, the purpose of which can be considered as universal. And yet, the main area of ​​application of such products is reduced to household use - as a rule, they contain dry mixtures, feed fillers, etc. Use a polypropylene bag and storage non-food products... Even the construction industry widely uses such packaging for the storage and transportation of cement, coal, various mixtures and waste.

Depending on what manufacturing technology is used by the enterprise, the product is endowed with certain characteristics. For example, the production of polypropylene bags in Russia has recently been actively developing the technology of conductive fabrics. Thanks to the innovation, the range is supplemented with electrically conductive and antistatic bags. With regard to the primary characteristic in the form of the ability to cope with loads, the standard polypropylene is targeted at a mass of 5-10 kg. Specialized big bags are capable of withstanding 50 kg or more, but such products are usually produced according to individual orders.

Technological stages of production

The process begins with the preparation of raw materials, from which the basis for the formation of bags is subsequently produced. First of all, the plastic granule filler is mixed and dried. In order to save money, the production of polypropylene bags from recyclable materials is also allowed, which can be mixed with a clean base, after which the mixture is colored and diluted with modifying additives.

The next stage is the supply of the prepared mass to the extruder, where it is heated to 260 ° C. The result of this stage is the process of forming flat filaments. Cutting and cooling methods allow technologists to form optimal-sized flat fibers for weaving of future bags.

The creation of the fabric base is carried out on circular looms, which release the sleeve by winding the woven fibers onto special bobbins. The final stage is cutting the finished fabric base according to the specified dimensions and stitching the material into the finished product. This is how the classic production of polypropylene bags looks like. The technology and equipment can also provide for some of the process features due to customer requirements. For example, flexography can be introduced as an additional step.

Flat Yarn Extrusion Line

The direct production of the material from which the polypropylene bag will be made begins with the extrusion process. To begin with, an appropriate mixture must be prepared, which is also developed taking into account the required performance of the final product. The line is based on a plastic film extruder. Most of the models work with a wide range of polymer bases, but in any case, heating, extrusion and stretching can be attributed to the main operations. If the production of polypropylene bags of large sizes is envisaged, then the extruder is initially set to supply wide dense fibers. However, the subsequent steps allow you to adjust the film for the desired format.

Circular looms

Circular weaving units are used to form the fabric base. With their help, solid polypropylene sleeves are created. There are several modifications of such equipment, which differ in the number of shuttles. So, among the basic versions, a 4-shuttle machine can be noted. The advantages of this unit include the minimum number of parts subject to wear, thanks to which it outperforms its counterparts in durability. It also increases the overall reliability of the line on which the production of polypropylene bags is carried out.

The equipment is supplied with a transmission system with roller wheels that do not need constant lubrication. These nuances, in turn, determine the ease of maintenance.

Bag cutting and sewing machines

Cutting can be done mechanically and manually. On an industrial scale, the first option is more often used. In this case, units are used, which in automatic mode perform cutting of bags from prepared sleeves at an average speed of 40-50 pcs. At the same time, the maximum width of rolls available for processing reaches 800 mm in standard formats. In some cases, manual production of polypropylene bags is also justified.

Cutting technology of this type provides for the use of special tables, on which operators serve, among other things, sleeves of non-standard sizes. After that, the equipment for sewing the cut base for bags comes into play. Typically, these aggregates form a hemming seam over the top and bottom layers of the plastic fabric.

Flexography machines

Printing is carried out by special machines equipped with photosensitive matrices. Most common flexible machine provides the ability to print on plastic fabrics made of polyethylene and polypropylene. Some lines also use offset machines, which are distinguished by the ability to apply two- and three-color printing. These are modern high-precision devices controlled through electronic panels. In particular, the production of polypropylene bags (photo is shown below) involves the use of flexographic equipment of this type.

Requirements for production conditions

Regardless of the composition of the working line, the production owner must ensure proper operating conditions for the equipment. First of all, like all workshops, the functioning of which is associated with the processing of polymers, such lines should be removed from residential buildings. In the premises themselves, an effective ventilation system should be provided, communications should be carried out in the form of sewer and water supply circuits, and also take care of the installation of cleaning filters.

As for the size of the premises, the production of polypropylene bags is usually carried out on technological lines with an area of ​​at least 50 m2. Accordingly, for optimal maintenance of such a complex, the size of the working area should be at least 80 m2.


The process of making polypropylene bags requires considerable investment in the organization. Renting premises and purchasing equipment are only basic items of expenditure, but in the future it may also be necessary to create additional technological stages of the enterprise's work.

For example, the competitive production of polypropylene bags in modern conditions is possible only with careful control of product quality. Consequently, an arrangement and an item will be required for carrying out examinations of manufactured products. You will also need to organize the storage conditions for the goods. Although polypropylene bags do not take up much space and do not require special storage conditions, they appearance may be damaged by mechanical influences during transportation - this should also not be forgotten.


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