Personnel recruiting service - what is it? How recruiting agencies work

Online recruiting (E-recruiting) is a method of recruiting personnel online, using job sites, as well as any actions on the network to search for candidates (work with social networks, professional virtual communities, messengers).

Job sites (job sites) contain information about employers and job seekers. Many job sites are built in such a way as to enable employers to place requirements for a candidate for a vacancy by filling in the required form fields. Some job sites post information about employers, advice on finding a job. Through such sites, a potential employee can post a resume or fill out a form or add a CV to his account.

As you know, Internet recruiting, in addition to posting vacancies and searching for resumes on job sites, involves additional opportunities. This, for example, working with forums, blogs and LJ, social networks.

Forums, blogs and LiveJournal offer a set of discussion sections through which you can find required specialist... Forum and blog differ, in general, by the vastness of the circle of communication, narrow specificity. LJ offers a choice of a directory of communities, by visiting which a recruiter can identify a potential candidate, having learned about his interests, professional activity, place of work.

These methods are especially relevant when looking for rare specialists, for example, engineers narrow specialization or translators of "exotic" languages. It is often more likely that a good specialist can be found on a professional forum. This search method often assumes the possibility of a preliminary assessment of a specialist - on the forum you can familiarize yourself with the candidate's posts and get an impression of his knowledge of the essence of the commented issue.

Social media is another way to find a job or candidate. The essence of the method is as follows: you use your connections (acquaintances, friends, colleagues) to make even more connections (acquaintances) and with their help find, in the end, the desired job or the required specialist.

There is another method of Internet recruiting - posting vacancies on a corporate website. The advantage of this method is that a potential employee will be able to get to know your company better on the website. As a rule, people are responding to vacancies, especially those who are interested not only in search new job, but also in cooperation with your company.

Using Internet resources, more and more employers conduct their first interview with candidates online and send them to candidates test tasks... This approach allows all stakeholders to save time and money.

But the candidates themselves are actively using the advantages of the Internet. Video summaries appear on the web. There are already several thousand videos on YouTube, marked as "resume". Basically, such videos are the applicant's story about himself, designed in the form of a video. Usually, the link to the video is duplicated in profiles on social networks, in personal blogs, in text resumes, and attached to the cover letter.

The direct-mail method is also used (direct mailing list) - mailing of vacancies to the address or non-address base. The peculiarity of the method is when by post the proposal can be described as extensively as possible. Another very important point - each letter will reach its addressee.

The number of users of job portals is increasing every year.

The online recruitment market is segmented. Sites such as,, Alljob., Rabota.UA, contain information about applicants of various levels from working specialties and service personnel to specialists and middle and top managers. Resources, with candidates for middle and top management positions (mostly office); offers exclusive recruiting services for elite talent and unique talent. E-recruitment is being developed by the profile sites,, - specialists in the field of IT - technologies, - the first thematic portal for specialists in the field of sales, ua is a professional website and forum of medical and pharmaceutical representatives of Ukraine and Kiev. and are active in the regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Europe and America. Internet resources, like ordinary companies, are exploring new markets - they open local sites in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other promising regions. posts both vacancies from European companies looking for elite Russian-speaking employees and announcements of Moscow clients opening vacancies in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

Online selection forms

Online recruiting takes place in several ways.
1. The HR manager can simply view the resume of job seekers posted on free Internet resources (free for direct employers). The resume banks on these sites are pretty solid. The undoubted advantages of this form are its simple interface and free access. For large companies with a large staff of recruiters and recruitment agencies is the most effective method... For companies with a limited number of HR managers involved in recruiting, this method is not suitable: it takes a lot of time to look through a huge number of resumes and find the right employee. The simple interface is convenient for applicants - you can enter your data in a few minutes by copying your resume. For a recruiter, this translates into viewing a large number of mini-resumes, which often lack important information about the applicant, such as contact information. This information is often lost when copied to the site field.
This method is not suitable for finding top managers and rare specialists. Job seekers of this level do not tolerate popularization, their resumes cannot be found on free resources.

2.Large companies with active personnel policy prefer placing banner advertisements on informational Internet portals. It provides an image of the employing company and the flow of resumes. Network advertising recruiting agencies can be seen both on specialized resources and on information portals... Banner advertising is most effective for mass recruitment of personnel. This method is quite expensive - on average around US $ 3,000 per week - and is therefore not considered effective when looking for a small number of specialists.

3. Step by step on specialized sites. The first step is to post an ad with a job description. Then the integrated system regularly sends this message to applicants who have specified search parameters for the relevant specialty and position. The second stage is getting feedback from applicants. The third - review and selection of resumes, correspondence with candidates, appointment of interviews. Thus, all preliminary stages before the interview take place within the site system. Everything in this case is built taking into account the provision of strict confidentiality to applicants, as a rule, managers of the highest category, occupying responsible positions.

Everyone knows that the most valuable resource of any enterprise is its personnel. Only people ensure the smooth operation of modern machines, produce goods and services, and raise capital. In this regard, the question arises: recruitment - what is it? Attraction valuable employees or earning money from the owners of companies and those in need of work?

Modern employee search

Any business owner is interested in good staff, but where to find the right staff? It is for these purposes that the techniques of successful recruitment have been developed.

This fashionable word has entered our lexicon not so long ago, but it has already firmly established itself in it. So recruitment - what is it? This word refers to recruiting, which includes finding the right people for the organization and training them. Personnel agent, HR manager - these phrases are synonymous with the word "recruiter".

Types of recruitment by performer

Who is the recruiter? There are two options. The first, more costly for the company, is the organization of its own service, which looks for employees, selects the most worthy candidate among them and trains him. These recruitment technologies are considered obsolete today.

The second option, more modern and less costly for an enterprise that needs an employee, is the services of individual recruitment agencies, the purpose of which is to select specific personnel for each company that has made an order.

How do recruiting agencies work?

The way the recruiting company works is not a secret, although the success of the company in the market depends on the correctness of the applied techniques. After all, recruitment - what is it? First of all it is effective method making money.

How is the recruiting process organized?

At the first stage, recruiters analyze the vacancy that needs to be filled and draw up a portrait of the future applicant. It is necessary to say about the field of activity "recruitment", that this is a job for a subtle psychologist. You need to have a good idea of ​​what vacancy you are looking for a person and what requirements are imposed on him during the interview.

The second step is finding a candidate. For this, all kinds of techniques are used, including viewing resumes on the network, placing ads, analyzing "passive candidates" and so on.

After selecting several possible employees, recruiter conducts interviews with potential employees. Resume, person's communication skills, work experience and professional skills are assessed.

Leaving three or four most suitable candidates, the recruiter matches them with the person who placed the order for the vacancy. As a rule, at this stage, the final verdict is made about which of the applicants will take the position. After that, the employee hired for the vacancy undergoes adaptation at the enterprise in a short period of time and starts working.

There are several options for finding employees. For example, you can resort to the services of a recruiting agency, the main purpose of which is the search and selection required staff for the customer organization.

Of course, it will be much cheaper to submit an ad in a newspaper, but at the same time you will lose a lot of your working time and you will hardly be able to find a qualified specialist the first time.

Definition of the concept

The concept of "recruiting" just a few years ago seemed like something mysterious and unknown. And now everyone who monitors the state of the modern labor market is planning their own career growth or development own business, it is known that a recruiting agency is a kind of regulator labor relations, as well as a mediator who helps to organize a meeting of people who need each other for a long time.

Today's agencies are able to provide a wide variety of services related to work with personnel. They are characterized by the following types of classification:

  • looking for specialists with a high level of qualifications;
  • recruiting candidates with secondary education;
  • universal agencies.

Analysis of the global personnel industry and Russian economy allows us to assert with confidence that recruiting in Russia will actively develop, there are all the prerequisites for this. Employees of a recruiting agency are able to predict a number of the most important trends in both the external and internal labor market.

Most likely, global recruiting will be concentrated on large network agencies, thereby stimulating the growth of new market participants.


For the first time, a company engaged in the search and selection of personnel in accordance with the given requirements of the employer appeared in the 19th century in Germany, and only then such activities began to be practiced by France and Great Britain. And in the USA in the XX century, after the Second World War ended and production and industry began to develop, the first recruiting agency arose.

Over the past fifty years, recruiting has improved and evolved from a concomitant link in politics, trade and production into an independent business line.

It can be different:

  • Targeted Search or Bounty Hunt is to find the best candidate for a leading position. Such a name this kind it was not in vain, because usually a leader is sought among those who have shown themselves at work as successful and active employee, and not among those who are in active search... That is, such recruiting tends to engage in "poaching" the most best workers from other firms, attracting them with higher fees and more favorable working conditions.
  • Outplacement- a service that implies the employment of personnel dismissed from the customer company in accordance with clearly established terms and certain conditions. As a result, the dismissal procedure is much easier - excess stress goes away, and compromise decisions are made much faster. The customer company pays for this service.
  • Personnel leasing- a service according to which the agency provides the customer with the required employee on a “lease” basis. The task of this employee is to perform work in accordance with the position held for a certain period. Mutual settlements between the parties in this case look as follows: the customer company pays to the lessor company the fee fixed in the previously signed agreement, and that, in turn, pays for the work of the “rented” employee.

The search for personnel with an average skill level is based on conventional recruiting methods, such as placing an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, the Internet and other databases. Mid-level specialists include: secretaries, accountants, sales managers, etc.

A recruiting agency usually performs the following jobs:

  • consideration of all submitted questionnaires and resumes;
  • weeding out candidates who are definitely not suitable, and there is no need to meet with them in person;
  • organizing a personal meeting with a suitable highly qualified specialist for;
  • providing the customer with selected candidates (preferably no more than 3-5 people).

Large corporations can afford to hire a recruiter. And if the organization is small, and staffing table does not allow this, then it is worth using the services of a recruiting service, which:

  • is competent in finding qualified personnel and has a long work experience;
  • owns an exhaustive amount of information about the labor market and, accordingly, will be able to quickly and efficiently implement the wishes of the customer;
  • has an extensive database;
  • complies with the conditions of complete confidentiality when searching for personnel (if, for example, the manager is not interested in advertising information about the change in personnel);
  • can save a lot of time.

Internal recruiting

The use of recruiting within the organization is very developed in many large and medium-sized companies. Typically, these responsibilities fall on the shoulders of HR specialists and include:

  • posting vacancies on the organization's website;
  • analysis of employee recommendations;
  • working with an external association or professional group;
  • attraction of university graduates.

Among large employers, it is more welcome to turn to third parties for help in finding personnel, but still the generally accepted approach is to attract personnel from the internal resources of the organization.

You can learn more about the IT recruiting process in the following video:

Agencies aiming to find a "passive candidate"

These agencies study (discover) a passive candidate and employ him in the customer's company. In a recruiting organization, an hourly wage or a fixed amount of remuneration for a found employee is usually practiced. To select the right employee for the customer, you need to go through the entire chain sequentially:

  • Analyze available vacancies to identify the requirements that the employer needs. This information should be kept in job description, but, unfortunately, it is often a historical collection of tasks, the implementation of which in modern world nobody is engaged. Hence, this document you need to revise and rework, and only then start a search aimed at a successful result.
  • Directly the search itself which includes the following:
    • placing advertisements in various media - the Internet, newspapers, professional publications, as well as employment centers and alumni admission programs;
    • search for other ways of recruiting for specialists whose qualifications allow them not to respond to ads. This method has got the name "passive perspective", because it involves drawing up a list of potential candidates with whom you can subsequently contact and receive their resume.
  • Carry out selection and selection... If several people are suitable for the requirements of one vacancy, you can determine the best one, for example, by communication skills or knowledge of computer programs. Qualification level the employee is assessed on resume, work applications, interview, educational and professional experience and also by results.
    Many countries require the employer to establish a level playing field for candidates. For this, the recruiting agency is offered to establish special computer programs with automation of the testing process. And for recruiting organizations, a personnel tracking system was created, which allows filtering in parallel with software tool performing psychometric testing.
  • Adapt the selected employee to the conditions at the new place of work, so that he can start productively performing his duties as soon as possible. Many organizations seeking to retain best specialist, can spend it from 1 week to six months.

Personnel search through specialized websites

The work of such sites usually has two directions: the submission of advertisements for available vacancies and a database that includes the resume of candidates. The vacancies section is intended for those who are in active search decent work, and the resume section is for potential employers seeking to select qualified personnel. Of course, in order to gain access to the above-described sections, you need to make the appropriate payment.

Online recruiting was actively developed in the late 90s: websites began to rapidly post databases with detailed information about candidates.

Online recruiting conducts for the customer company the attraction, testing, recruitment, use and retention of qualified personnel at minimal financial costs.

The website will also help an active job seeker find a lucrative job, but unfortunately cannot attract a “passive candidate”. For example, if a person wants to change his place of work, then he is unlikely to post his resume on the Internet, because he does not want his current colleagues, or even more so to the manager, to know about it.

Process steps

Effective recruiting includes the following steps:

  1. Finding the perfect target. At the beginning of the journey, the most important thing is to decide on what performance, qualifications or status in the market recruiting services will be directed. For example, if an agency will deal only with highly productive employees or lure employees from competitive structures, then you need to create an offer for them that they will not be able to refuse.
  2. Study of the criteria according to which the target audience will make the final decision.
  3. Locating targeted candidates. Information is useful only if it becomes known to the right applicants.
  4. Employer branding aimed at setting up the channel to attract new talent. If on this stage everything will be done at the highest level, then the organization will become the most desirable in the minds of the necessary mass of the population.
  5. Detailed study of the path of job search by potential candidates. In order for the target audience not to pass by, it is necessary to use advertising opportunities correctly, which should offer exactly what the potential employee needs.
  6. Mass placement of ads for active candidates, because they almost always prefer an independent job search. The job description should be attractive and located in a popular location.
  7. Establishing contacts and developing relationships with “inactive” potential candidates.
  8. Bringing additional information to the attention of potential employees. This is necessary so that the person who has made the decision to consider your company as one of the suitable options no longer has any doubts. That being said, keep in mind that it will not be difficult for a smart candidate to find information about your organization, not only on the firm's website, but also on blogs or social networks. The best company should track the information it publishes in all possible sources so as not to disappoint the client.
  9. Acceptance of applications. When a potential candidate is ready to apply, care must be taken to ensure that the procedure does not tire or disappoint him.
  10. Sort according to vacancies... The best quality profiles can be selected manually or using software.
  11. Pre-screening so that only the most suitable candidates move to the next level.
  12. And finally, the final interview, verification of recommendations and drafting a job offer in such a way that both parties are as happy with the result as possible.

The Internet has firmly entered our life, or certain areas of our life have moved into the global network, the question is rhetorical, and it is obvious that recruiting as a business process, activities for the search and selection of personnel, this fate has not escaped.

The emergence of the term "Internet recruiting" is a living confirmation of this. What is it, what is the scale, prospects of Russian Internet recruiting and what is the place of traditional recruiting in the modern labor market.

Coincidence or not, but the emergence of the Internet and recruitment in Russia roughly coincided - the beginning of the 90s. Their "union" began with the emergence of the first web server designed to search for personnel as an alternative to specialized print publications or headings on hiring / finding a job. Human Resourses ON-Line (HRO), which was founded on May 17, 1996, provided an opportunity to post vacancies from organizations and recruitment agencies on a paid basis. Six months later, a similar Internet resource PointJob ( was launched. This was the beginning of electronic recruitment. Then the sites,,,,,, and many others began to appear. Some of them were free, later they switched to a paid operating principle.

Today, Internet recruiting (or online recruiting) is understood as a wide range of methods in the search for employees of different levels and industry affiliation, as well as the methods of communication between the employer and the candidate using Internet resources.

The following types of Internet recruiting can be distinguished:

Everything listed types online recruiting can be divided among themselves according to the principle of the tasks that they solve: attracting, searching and selecting (evaluating) personnel. If we talk about "search" tasks, then job sites are most actively used here, as an additional resource - companies' own official sites with information about vacancies, and last of all, Social media. According to the Superjob Research Center for 2012, only 19% of 1,000 HR respondents surveyed use social media as a candidate search tool.

Over the past, perhaps, 5 years, job sites have turned from databases, which they were at the beginning of their appearance, into full-fledged service systems focused on hr-needs of customers. Today's well-known job search sites are trying to embody the idea of ​​universality, combining technologies that, according to some opinions, can replace a personnel specialist. And therefore, by Internet recruiting, most often, they mean the search for personnel using job portals.

What do these sites offer the employer? In addition to access to the resume of applicants, where, in addition to actual and personal data, you can familiarize yourself with the candidate's portfolio, and even with the video CV, follow the links to his profile in social networks; You will be offered to conduct an initial assessment of a candidate using an online test - recruiting without personal contact in a time-saving mode; filtering and searching for resumes using automatic selection - if a candidate has not responded to a vacancy, he will be detected by an intelligent autosearch. We offer a service in the development of branded HR communication: original presentation company, unique visual and graphic design of the vacancy. Moreover - virtual 3D tours around the company office and virtual job fairs!

Job sites are aimed at further intellectualizing their services (although much more so) and the question already arises not about the prospects of Internet recruiting, but about the prospects for "real" recruiting, where a live dialogue between a recruiting specialist and a candidate is at the forefront. Economical in terms of time, financial and resource costs, online recruiting is inferior to classical recruiting on other points.

First, the features Russian market labor is such that today it is not the candidate who is looking for a job, but the job of a candidate. The reason is “ staff shortage»And a general shortage of specialists in a number of industries (construction, IT, manufacturing, etc.). And also there is that category of applicants who are ready to consider job offers, but are not ready to actively search for them themselves: they post, but do not update their resume; not too flexible in terms of coordinating the time of face-to-face interviews with HR. In this case, only the recruiter's creative approach to the choice of search methods and high initiative can make it possible to find a candidate of the required qualifications.

As for the selection of senior executives, as a rule, they do not resort to using job sites, as a last resort, posting CVs with limited visibility settings. They prefer not to advertise their intention to change employers and avoid lowering their own value in the labor market: there is an opinion that good managers they are not looking for work, but they are invited by business owners; a similar situation with the top vacancy published in open sources. Searching for such professionals is an art that can only be controlled by a person, maybe armed with the Internet, but hardly HH or Superjob.

Secondly, in the selection of personnel, the assessment personal qualities the future employee is far from the last place in the list of requirements for qualifications, experience, education. The higher the status of the prospective position, the more important the concept of personal compatibility of the candidate and the leader becomes. In choosing the prospective manager of the first, second line of subordination, the "mental coincidence" of the applicant and the hiring person becomes almost key. Such a task can only be done by an experienced recruiter who can rely not on tests and responses on the job portal, but on his own intellectual tools for assessing people, experience and intuition.

In principle, depersonalization of the recruiting process deprives it of flexibility and significantly reduces its effectiveness.

This leads to the third drawback of Internet recruiting - the inability to influence the motivation of the candidate, to work with his doubts about working in specific company and actively form the image of the employing company in the eyes of the applicant. In conditions of staff shortage, this is a serious task assigned to an HR specialist.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is a great way to overcome geographic distances, save time and get the necessary information, which is 30% the key to success in solving the problems of finding the necessary specialist. But the strategy and tactics of working on a vacancy is determined (or should be determined) by the needs of the business and the abilities of the recruiter, and not by the "capabilities" of special sites.

Simanova Irina
Recruiting company AVICONN
Recruitment Consultant


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