How is the premium for controllers calculated? Regulations on bonuses for the technical control department. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of audit work

Labor quality indicators and reduction factors for the inspector, testers and locksmiths of the CIS QCD are established by the regulation on the SBT QCD.

Employees who made absenteeism without good reason, who appeared at work in drunk or who were absent from work for more than three hours continuously or in total during the working day without a good reason, who committed theft of property of an enterprise

iyatiya (raw materials, materials, tools, parts, etc.) or contributed to their theft, allowed postscript in orders or other documents, are deprived of the award in full.

Brigades or individual workers Those guilty of defects that caused complaints about products, the return of poor-quality products identified by the consumer, may be deprived of the bonus in full, about which an order is issued for the division.

Full or partial deprivation of the bonus is made during the billing month in which the omission in work was committed and is formalized by order of the director of the enterprise, the head of the shop (department).

If there are facts of additions and misrepresentations of reporting, claims for products and the return of low-quality products, the deprivation of the bonus is made in the billing period in which these violations were discovered or reports were received.

Worker fired from previous place work for systematic violation labor discipline, absenteeism without a valid excuse or appearing at work in a state of intoxication, bonuses are paid at half the rate for six months. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The payment of bonuses in full to these employees within six months of work is made even if they change their place of work within the enterprise during this period.

The reduction of the premium is made by the accounting department on the basis of the entry of the head of the personnel department in the order for employment.

The team of the subdivision (workshop, department, section, brigade) after at least 3 months of work has the right to apply in the future for the payment of a bonus in full, if the employee does not violate labor discipline and conscientiously treats the performance of his duties.

The application is considered by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee.

The decision is issued by order CEO. The draft order is prepared by the department in which the employee works.

With a collective (team) form of organization and stimulation of labor, an employee dismissed from former place work for the above reasons, the reduction of the bonus is made based on its amount accrued to the employee, taking into account his real contribution to the overall results of the work of the team team (including accrued taking into account the coefficient of labor participation).

The unpaid part of the bonus is not subject to distribution in this period among the steel members of the team and remains in the fund from which it must be paid.

Workers who have worked for an incomplete month in connection with conscription into the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, transfer to another job, admission to educational institution, retirement, redundancy, own will and for other valid reasons, the bonus is paid for the actual hours worked.

Workers who have worked for an incomplete month and have been dismissed for violating labor and production discipline are not entitled to a bonus for that month.

In order to increase the material interest of a team of specialists and employees in fulfilling the tasks of increasing production volumes, reducing its cost, accelerating turnover working capital, improving the quality of labor at the enterprise, the Regulation "On bonuses for managers, specialists and employees of the Zeiss-BelOMO JV for the main results of economic activity" was introduced.

Bonuses for production teams, workshops, departments, sections and other divisions of the enterprise for the main results of work are carried out monthly at the expense of the cost within the bonus fund accrued to these divisions.

Subdivisions monthly prepare a report on the formation of a bonus fund for the main results of economic activity.

The main condition for calculating the bonus for workshops and departments is the implementation of the plan:

- for the main workshops, industries and sites that are part of them, the implementation of the plan for the mandatory nomenclature is not lower than 100%.

- for departments and auxiliary workshops - the implementation of the profit plan.

If the range of the most important products is not fulfilled by one or several main workshops, the departments, auxiliary workshops and the management of separate and subsidiaries due to the fault of which the failure occurred are excluded from the list of bonuses, regardless of their performance.

The fact of non-compliance and the specific perpetrators are reflected in the orders based on the results of the last month.

The bonus fund is accrued monthly as a percentage of the planned fund wages managers, specialists and employees of the relevant department, depending on the implementation of fund-forming indicators.

If the bonus conditions are not met, the specified fund is reserved. If the bonus conditions are met in subsequent periods of the calendar year, the bonus is paid in the amount of 50% of the accrued fund.

Accounting for the performance of bonus indicators is made on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year.

Indicators, sizes and conditions of bonuses for shops and sections of the main and auxiliary industries are reflected in Appendix B.

General indicator bonuses for all divisions of the enterprise are reflected in table 2.9.

Table 2.9 - General bonus rate for all departments of the enterprise



Premium percentage

In the absence of safety violations

When there are safety violations

For departments 30, 41, 42, 45, 46, shop 26

From the accrued fund for bonuses, the amounts of unreimbursed fines, losses from marriage and downtime, additional payments for deviations from normal working conditions made through the fault of this unit, as well as the amount of the cost of containers located in the unit in excess of the standard and 3 times the amount of the cost written off in excess of the standard or lost.



Are you a successful and promising employee, but you are unhappy with the fact that the company, in your opinion, is not spending money very efficiently or the working conditions leave much to be desired? Do you know how to fix it? Do you have ideas and have you even calculated how much profit can be brought to the plant if something is changed in the department or workshop? Contact Lean Manufacturing (BP). Initiative people are always welcome here and new ideas are appreciated.

Suffice it to say that this year Aviastar employees wrote 3,500 applications in order to further improve the quality of work at the enterprise. Many of them are specific rationalization proposals and kaizen proposals with an economic effect, - explains the head of the bureau for innovation, invention and kaizen proposals Dmitry Mironov, with whom we decided to talk on this topic.

He noted that in order to work with thinking and creative people, responsible engineers of the main and auxiliary productions are working in each factory unit today. In some places, responsible representatives for the workshop are introduced - these are metallurgy, UIT, etc. They are engaged in paperwork, holding workshop committees, at which the proposals of the authors are considered and appropriate decisions are made. Employees wishing to take on this responsibility within their department may contact the Improvement Department. production system. Cash surcharges are provided for this, taking into account each submitted proposal that brought economic effect.

According to Dmitry Mironov, metallurgists most often turn to them with effective proposals. And there are practical results. So, in shop 215, the manufacture of stampings for the Il-76MD-90A product was previously carried out on a two-ton hammer. At the same time, the insufficient force of the stamping equipment led to incomplete filling deep ribs and understamping of streams on the mirror of the stamping equipment. As a result, the guide hammers often broke. In this regard, it was decided to transfer the production of stampings for aircraft parts to a three-ton hammer, which made it possible to eliminate defects and obtain an economic effect. The application was accepted in 2014, and the project itself was implemented in 2015. The bonus for a fruitful idea was paid to employees in June of this year.

Here is another high-performance example implemented in production. To check some specifications on an airplane, four batteries were previously used: two on each wing console, which was costly. One of the POS leaders suggested making two portable simulators that can be recharged to replace them. And most importantly - they do not need to be bought and they significantly reduce costs. This project has been successfully implemented and is effectively used in our company.

Specialists of the bureau for innovation, invention and kaizen proposals ask you to pay attention to the fact that in order to submit an application for improving productivity or working conditions, you must be ready to reasonably prove the proposed economic efficiency her for the enterprise. Therefore, with innovators is Full time job in order to bring their creative idea to its logical conclusion.

By the way, for each kaizen proposal, authors or participants are paid monetary rewards from 200 to 2000 rubles monthly. For a rationalization proposal with a kaizen effect, the amount of payments is measured on a gradation scale, but not more than 10 average salaries for the enterprise. Permanent innovators are waiting for additional rewards. Thus, two young specialists of Aviastar were recommended for the nomination “Best Young Innovator”. These are employees who have already submitted more than 10 effective ideas. And on August 10, Aviastar will launch a special contest for the "Best Efficient Proposal" in order to intensify the "Lean Production" program.

As statistics show, a person who submitted the first application with a productive idea and received a monetary reward for it becomes a “professional” innovator, actively thinking, looking for new ways to reduce production costs.


Sergey Popov, Managing Director of OJSC PMZ, head of the Engines for Civil Aviation division, talks about how he managed to get away from rash costs, what tools lean manufacturing uses the company and what goals it sets for the coming years.

The previous two years were quite successful for the Perm Motor Plant. The enterprise managed to be made profitable, first of all, due to the well-coordinated work of the team. In more detail, the company began to pay more attention to costs. We have tried to completely get away from rash costs - whether it is the purchase of expensive equipment or an order to a component supplier, there must be a justification for each action. Moreover, we tried to convey this to each employee - specific goals were set, their significance was explained. The results speak for themselves. The principles of lean manufacturing are being introduced at the plant. To be honest, I would like them to be used more widely. I think, first of all, work in accordance with the principles of the 5S system accustoms people to the simplest and most complex - to order. This includes cleanliness in the workplace, and the consistency of compliance with technologies, rules, and standards.

But the most important thing in applying lean manufacturing tools is consistency. After all, you can by force to introduce anything, but one has only to ease the pressure, and if people do not understand the need to use this or that toolkit, we will very quickly give up the won positions. And it is also important not to slide into the demonstration of application. Last year, beautiful markings were drawn in all workshops, bedside tables were painted, it would seem that here it is in order, put in place. But these changes were perceived by the team with skepticism - many did not understand what the essence was, how it could be useful specifically for each of them.

And this year we went a different way - workshops were held not only for the heads of workshops, but also for the heads of the factory services of the upper and middle levels.

These were a kind of “subbotniks”, where, in real “combat” conditions of workshop chaos, teams of specialists had to work together to figure out how work should be organized at a particular site, what was needed for the job and should be left, and what should be simply thrown away without regret. breaking the usual stereotypes. And at first it was really hard for everyone, but then - the result exceeded expectations. The workers themselves became active participants in all the transformations, they believed that this system works. But I understand that this task will not be solved at the same time, all at once. To destroy stereotypes in the minds, to teach, to teach, and not to force, to think in a new way is a long and laborious process and it requires a lot of patience. But I believe that we will succeed.

Over the past couple of years, a large number of new high-tech equipment has come to the enterprise. The machine park of the enterprise has not been updated for quite a long time, and the equipment that we have purchased today is only a small part of the need. Negotiations are underway with suppliers on the acquisition of the next batch, they have reached the final stage. A tender for the purchase will be announced in the near future. It is planned to purchase about 50 pieces of equipment for welding, heat treatment, machining centers. It will be supplied to almost all major machine-assembly shops, primarily to areas that are "narrow" for production process.

It is worth mentioning the ongoing increase in the share of aircraft engines in the total production of the enterprise. This is a smooth, gradual process, mainly associated with the start of operation of the Il-476 aircraft. So far, the aviation theme, according to sales plans for next year, is about 30-35 engines for aviation and 70-80 ground engines. In the future, we will achieve a ratio of 50 to 50. Of course, we would like more of our engines to fly. And the aviation future of the plant, which we count on, is connected with the PD-14 engine and civilian customers.

If we talk about the Civil Aviation Engines division, which I have been in charge of since April 29 of this year, it is worth noting that all enterprises of the corporation organize their work within the framework of overall strategy UEC. It spells out the role of each enterprise and mutual obligations, and production cooperation between the companies of the division, not only under the PD-14 project, will certainly expand.

We hold weekly meetings within the division and discuss issues of cooperation, the state of affairs on joint projects. So, now I see an increase in the transfer of certain types of work on the production of the PS-90 engine to NPO Saturn. And this is quite understandable - we are definitely not able to master the volumes of production of engines based on PS-90, which are expected at the PMZ, alone. We have an outdated machine park, we will have to buy a fairly large amount of equipment, and it is already difficult to fit in existing buildings, we are forced to look for free space. At the same time, significant funds were invested in the technical re-equipment of NPO Saturn. The capabilities of this enterprise and its competencies will be in great demand by us. It is necessary to draw up a "road map" for the preparation of production there during August, to determine the amount of funding and sources.

In different periods, the production of the ASh-62 engine was transferred from Perm to Rybinsk, then the D-30, and now the PS-90. The idea of ​​producing this engine through cooperation is not new. I have a 1988 document on my desk, which was given to me in Rybinsk. Even then, it was planned to organize the production of PS-90 there, with the construction of appropriate areas and the allocation of funds. This decision was worked out by the Ministry of Aviation Industry. Surprisingly, our technical specialists, having looked at the calculations of that time, they confirmed: everything converges with modern proposals for the organization of production.

I think that the Perm Motor Plant has serious prospects, ambitious development plans - after all, by 2027 we should reach the production level of up to 270 engines per year. And for this it is necessary, using the advanced experience of creating high-tech industries, to build the best engine plant in Russia.


From September 1, in all main workshops of the Trubodetal plant, the regulation on material incentives employees to identify product nonconformities.

Previously, such a system was tested for five months at sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the thermo-press-welding shop No. 1. The regulation was developed in order to improve the quality of products and exclude the possibility of unintentional ingestion of defective products by the consumer. Also, the new rules should help increase the personal responsibility and motivation of the plant's employees and eliminate the material interest of workers in concealing defects.

Trubodetal specialists saw a similar system at the Packer enterprise in the city of Oktyabrsky (Bashkiria). It is based on the principles of the three "don'ts" - don't accept the marriage, don't make the marriage, don't pass the marriage on to another.

Recall what is included in this system. If an employee at the input control reveals a defect, he receives an incentive in the form of 500 rubles. The one who allowed or overlooked this discrepancy, on the contrary, will be punished with deprivation of the bonus by 10 percent. If a person himself made a discrepancy, no matter through his own fault or due to a malfunction of the equipment, but reported this by filling out a registration form, then he will not be punished. Each case will be dealt with by a commission composed of the foreman of the site, QCD controller and technologist. Thus, the need to hide the marriage disappears.

I must say that the system will begin to operate at the enterprise already in a modified mode. During the implementation, her five-month experience in the first workshop will be taken into account. Pavel Voznyuk, Acting Head of the Technical Control Department, spoke in more detail about the test results:

Now we can say that the system works, but it does not work as productively as we would like. In fact, the non-conformity registration forms are filled out by the same people and complain about the same defects. At the same time, the number of inconsistencies identified by the technical control department did not significantly decrease. Not all employees of sections 1.1 and 1.2 have adopted such a product quality control system, and I am talking now not only about workers, but also about craftsmen. It's also about the mentality of the people. To some, the submission of such forms seems almost a betrayal, although in fact it is only a professional attitude to business.

We will take into account the shortcomings of the original version and, in order to involve more people, we will work on changing the reward and punishment system. Workers, in my opinion, need to remember that the quality of products, like nothing else, affects the reputation of the enterprise. If we want to work in a successful factory, then each of us must take care of the quality of the products we produce.

What do you think is the biggest barrier to implementation? new system product quality control?

In order for it to take root, first of all, it takes time. People have to get used to innovations. At the same Packer, such a culture has been formed over the years, so it is naive to expect that it will work one hundred percent from the first day at Trubodetal. Nevertheless, we need to move forward, to improve the quality of products, which means we need to start somewhere. I think if the workers and their leaders show activity and begin to monitor the quality of their products themselves, then soon we will get the first results.



The best kaizen of August can rightfully be called the kaizen of the master of the neutralization station Petr Murashko. This is perhaps one of the most unique kaizens that our factory workers have come up with.

Working at a neutralization station is not an easy task, and all activities related to cleaning Wastewater must be done in a certain order. For example, sludge pumping operations are carried out before the vacuum filter is started. At

This vacuum filter must be put into operation between 08:00 and 08:30. Since it is not possible to carry out sludge pumping with the vacuum filter running at the same time

had to start work earlier (from 07:00 instead of 07:30). Moreover, any delay in operations led to a shift in the schedule and, as a result, led to work in an emergency mode. This is exactly what Petr Murashko paid attention to. He developed a new work schedule for the neutralization station. By and large, only the sequence of operations was changed, but after this change, operations began to be performed in normal mode, delays no longer lead to a shift in the schedule, and the time to complete operations has also decreased. “Changing the station's work schedule allows you to perform operations at a measured pace, and this improves the quality of performance, reduces the risk of injury and damage to equipment,” notes Petr Murashko, the author of the improvement.

This is far from the only improvement that was introduced by Petr Murashko at the neutralization station entrusted to him. For a short period of work at our enterprise, he submitted about 6 kaizen proposals, developed more than 7 working standards, fully numbered and visualized workplaces and storage areas.

And this is not the limit. According to Peter, he plans to organize a unified automated system control of the level of media boundaries in all containers, which will simplify the work of the operator, as well as speed up the time of the process.

We thank the editors of the newspaper "News in details" JSC "Trubodetal" for providing this material.

Previously, such a system was tested for five months at sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the thermo-press-welding shop No. 1. The regulation was developed in order to improve the quality of products and exclude the possibility of unintentional ingestion of defective products by the consumer. Also, the new rules should help increase the personal responsibility and motivation of the plant's employees and eliminate the material interest of workers in concealing defects.

Trubodetal specialists saw a similar system at the Packer enterprise in the city of Oktyabrsky (Bashkiria). It is based on the principles of the three "don'ts" - don't accept the marriage, don't make the marriage, don't pass the marriage on to another.

Recall what is included in this system. If an employee at the input control reveals a defect, he receives an incentive in the form of 500 rubles. The one who allowed or overlooked this discrepancy, on the contrary, will be punished with deprivation of the bonus by 10 percent. If a person himself made a discrepancy, no matter through his own fault or due to a malfunction of the equipment, but reported this by filling out a registration form, then he will not be punished for the first time. Each case will be dealt with by a commission consisting of a foreman, a QCD controller and a technologist. Thus, the need to hide the marriage disappears.

I must say that the system will begin to operate at the enterprise already in a modified mode. During the implementation, her five-month experience in the first workshop will be taken into account. Learn more about test results Pavel Voznyuk, Acting Head of the Technical Control Department:

- Now we can say that the system works, but it does not work as productively as we would like. In fact, the non-conformity registration forms are filled out by the same people and complain about the same defects. At the same time, the number of inconsistencies identified by the technical control department did not significantly decrease. Not all employees of sections 1.1 and 1.2 have adopted such a product quality control system, and I am talking now not only about workers, but also about craftsmen. It's also about the mentality of the people. To some, the submission of such forms seems almost a betrayal, although in fact it is only a professional attitude to business.

We will take into account the shortcomings of the original version and, in order to involve more people, we will work on changing the reward and punishment system. Workers, in my opinion, need to remember that the quality of products, like nothing else, affects the reputation of the enterprise. If we want to work in a successful factory, then each of us must take care of the quality of the products we produce.

— What, in your opinion, is the main obstacle to the introduction of a new product quality control system?

“In order for it to take root, first of all, it takes time. People have to get used to innovations. At the same Packer, such a culture has been formed over the years, so it is naive to expect that it will work one hundred percent from the first day at Trubodetal. Nevertheless, we need to move forward, to improve the quality of products, which means we need to start somewhere. I think if the workers and their leaders show activity and begin to monitor the quality of their products themselves, then soon we will get the first results.


The effectiveness and quality of the ongoing state financial control depends on the effectiveness of the audit body. Efficiency audit work can be evaluated. In this case, an assessment can be given both to the entire work of the audit body, and to the work of auditors performing financial control functions in the supervisory body in question. This article proposes criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of audit work.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of audit work can have several directions, the author suggests two:

Evaluation of the activities of auditors;

Evaluation of the results of the audit work of the controlling body.

Evaluation of the performance of auditors can be used to reward and punish employees, distribute bonuses based on the performance of auditors, etc.

Evaluation of the performance of auditors

When evaluating the activities of auditors, you can use various conditions of control and supervisory activities. Here are some of them:

Conditions related to performance official duties;

Conditions related to the performance of particularly important, complex and urgent tasks;

Conditions associated with intensity, tension and high performance;

Conditions related to the quality of work;

Other conditions: the use of modern forms and methods of labor organization in the work, the development of proposals for the organization of work, etc.

When evaluating the activities of auditors, it is necessary to take into account the conditions that reduce the effectiveness of work, such as:

Comments on the preparation and execution of acts (certificates) of audits and inspections;

Late completion of tasks;

Violation of labor discipline, etc.

The best way to assess the effectiveness of the work of auditors is in points.

Let us present in the table the criteria for evaluating the work of auditors and the recommended number of points.

Criterion ¦Number of points

Fulfillment of official duties, including: ¦Up to 3

Fulfillment of duties beyond the established ¦ up to 1

relevant official regulations. In this case,

without changing job responsibilities, an employee can

be entrusted with the performance of the duties stipulated by the

regulations of other positions similar in content ¦

works equal in complexity, the performance of which is not ¦

requires a different specialty and qualifications

Fulfillment of duties of temporarily absent ¦ up to 1

worker ¦

Compliance with labor discipline and internal rules ¦ up to 1

work schedule ¦

Performance of especially important, complex and urgent tasks, in ¦Up to 13

including: ¦

Participation in inspections of large institutions ¦ up to 4

Participation in inspections carried out on instructions ¦ up to 4

higher and / or law enforcement agencies ¦

Summarizing the results of inspections, drawing up reports, ¦ up to 2

certificates and letters on the results of inspections ¦

Completion of particularly difficult tasks ¦ up to 2

Performance urgent work¦up to 1

Intensity, tension and high results ¦Up to 25

work, including:

Actual time (timeliness) of work completion¦up to 3

Work results ¦up to 5

Amount of work performed (volume of checked funds) ¦up to 5

Special mode of work, working conditions (business trips, ¦ up to 1

large institutions, special working hours) ¦

Management of the audit team ¦up to 1

Number and list of checked questions ¦ up to 10

High-quality performance of work, including: ¦Up to 8

Responsibility and competence in making ¦up to 1

relevant decisions

High-quality preparation of materials for inspections and revisions¦up to 1.5

Successful, conscientious and high-quality execution ¦up to 1.5

professional and job responsibilities

Professionalism and efficiency in execution ¦ up to 2

labor functions

High quality document preparation ¦up to 2

Application of modern forms and methods in work ¦Up to 1

organization of labor

Training for beginners and interns ¦Up to 1.5

Initiative and conscientious attitude to work, personal¦ Up to 3.5

contribution to the fulfillment of the tasks of the superintendent's management ¦

organ, including:

Development of proposals for the organization of work ¦up to 1

supervisory authority

Active participation in the activities of the controller ¦ up to 2.5

Conditions that reduce work efficiency, including: ¦Up to 20

Notes on the preparation and execution of acts (certificates) ¦ up to 5

revisions and checks

Late completion of tasks ¦ up to 5

Violation of labor discipline ¦up to 10

Total ¦Up to 55

Evaluation of the auditors' performance is set by calculation ranging from zero to the maximum value of the evaluation in points for each criterion.

For example, when calculating the size of the auditor's bonus, the sum of points is determined, which is then converted into percentages. The bonus is calculated on the basis of its base size, taking into account the number of points in which the auditor's activities are assessed based on the results of work for the billing period.

We offer the following scale of dependence of the size of the award on the number of points:

1. When assessing from 25 to 40 points: the premium is 100% of the base amount.

2. When assessing more than 40 points: multiplying coefficients are applied to the base premium in the amount increased by 0.1 for each point scored. For example, when scoring 41 points, a coefficient of 1.1 is used, when scoring 42 points, 1.2, etc.

3. When assessed from 20 to 25 points: the premium is 75% of the base amount.

4. When assessed from 10 to 20 points: the premium is 50% of the base amount.

5. When assessed from 1 to 10 points: the premium is 25% of the base amount.

6. With a score of 0 points: the premium is not paid.

From the proposed criteria for evaluating the work of the auditor, the most appropriate for the activities of the supervisory authority can be selected. The scoring may also be different.

Evaluation of the results of the audit work

supervisory authority

Evaluation of the results of the audit work of the regulatory body involves an assessment of the quality of work, namely the correctness of the execution of the results of control measures. Here are the following criteria:

Compliance with the procedure for organizing the planning of audits (inspections) provided for by the regulatory legal act;

Compliance with the procedure for preparing the audit (inspection) program;

Compliance with the established procedure for the appointment of an audit (inspection);

Compliance with the established procedure for issuing an audit (inspection) act;

Assessment of the quality of the act of audit (inspection) in accordance with the established requirements;

Evaluation of the results of the implementation of audit (inspection) materials in accordance with the requirements.

Let us present in the table the criteria for evaluating the results of the audit work of the regulatory body and the recommended number of points.

Criterion ¦Number of points

Compliance with the organization of audit planning ¦Up to 5

(checks) provided for by the regulatory legal act,¦

including: ¦

Timeliness of the plan control work,¦up to 2

the completeness of its implementation

Compliance with the name of the control measure ¦ up to 1.5

(revisions, checks), names of the checked ¦

organization of the approved control work plan ¦

The basis for the audit (inspection) (plan ¦ up to 1.5

control work, instructions, assignments of a higher ¦

body, law enforcement agencies, unscheduled ¦

checks) and its compliance with the authorities ¦

supervisory authority

Compliance with the procedure for preparing the audit program ¦Up to 5

(checks), including: ¦

Availability of an audit (check) program containing ¦ up to 1

list of audit (audit) issues. Compliance with deadlines

approval of the audit program (verification) ¦

Correspondence of officials who approved ¦ to 1

and signatories of the audit program (verification), requirements¦

normative legal acts

Compliance of the content of the audit (verification) program ¦up to 2

requirements of regulatory legal acts ¦

Compliance with the topic of the revision (check) specified ¦ to 1

in the program, the topic of the revision (check) specified in the plan¦

control work ¦

Compliance with the established procedure for assigning revisions ¦Up to 5

(checks), including: ¦

Availability of an order to appoint an audit (inspection) ¦ up to 1

and compliance of its content with the requirements

normative legal acts

Availability of an audit certificate ¦up to 2

(checks). Compliance with its content

established requirements. Presence in the certificate

renewal, suspension and renewal notices

revisions (checks)

Reasonableness of making decisions on extension and ¦ up to 1.5

suspension of the audit (check). Availability ¦

motivated presentation of the head of the audit ¦

groups and orders for extension, suspension and ¦

resumption of revision (check) ¦

Bringing decisions on extension and suspension to 0.5

audits (checks) to the attention of the audited organization ¦

Compliance with the established procedure for issuing an act ¦Up to 15

revisions (checks), including: ¦

Availability of the original act of revision (inspection) at ¦ up to 2

supervisory authority in accordance with the requirements

normative legal acts regulating

activities of the supervisory authority

The presence on the last page of the act of the necessary ¦ up to 0.5

signatures ¦

Compliance with the established requirements for registration ¦ up to 1.5

act of audit (inspection) ¦

Compliance with established content requirements ¦up to 2

parts of the act of audit (inspection) ¦

Compliance with the established structure of the audit act ¦ up to 0.5

(checks) ¦

The presence in the appendix to the act of revision (inspection) ¦ up to 1

information on specific issues of the program and / or ¦

interim acts prepared by members of the audit committee¦

groups, and matching the order of their signing ¦

the established requirements

Compliance with the procedure for the delivery of the act of audit (inspection)¦ up to 1.5

the head of the audited organization or ¦

person authorized by him. The presence in the original of the act ¦

revisions (checks) of the record made by the manager ¦

a verified organization or a person authorized by it,

on receipt of one copy of the act or record ¦

the head of the audit group about the refusal of the management ¦

verified organization from signing or receiving ¦

Confirmation of the results of the audit (check), ¦ up to 2

reflected in the act of audit (inspection), the results ¦

control actions and counter checks, explanations¦

officials, financially responsible and other persons

verified organization, other materials. Availability ¦

in the appendix to the act of revision (inspection) of the indicated ¦

documents and materials certified by signature

the head of the audited organization or ¦

an official authorized by him and the seal ¦

verified organization

Compliance with the requirements for indication in the description ¦up to 2

each violation identified during the audit

(checks), the period to which the revealed ¦

violation; the nature of the violation; documented

the confirmed amount of the violation; officials,

financially responsible or other persons verified ¦

organizations that violated

Timeliness of drawing up an audit (inspection) act ¦ up to 0.5

Absence in the act of revision (verification) of conclusions, ¦ up to 0.5

assumptions, facts, not confirmed ¦


Absence in the act of revision (inspection) morally - ¦ up to 0.5

ethical assessment of the actions of officials, financially

responsible and other persons

Absence of blots in the act of revision (inspection), ¦ up to 0.5

erasures and other unspecified corrections ¦

Assessment of the quality of the act of audit (inspection) in accordance with ¦Up to 15

with established requirements, including:

The correctness of the qualification of the identified violations, ¦ up to 4.5

their reflection in the act of revision (inspection) and in ¦

reporting in accordance with ¦

established requirements, namely:

The presence in the act of revision (verification) of references to ¦ to 1

provisions of legislative and regulatory legal acts, ¦

which have been violated

Correctness of qualification of violations in the audit report ¦ up to 2

(checks) ¦

The correctness of the reflection of the identified violations by ¦ up to 1.5

corresponding lines of the submitted reporting ¦

Correctness of classifying violations as financial ¦up to 2.5

violations (with an indication of the total amount for each type ¦

violations, in thousand rubles, including a breakdown by ¦

pages of the act, in a column: misuse ¦

budget funds, inefficient use of

budget funds, lack of money, material

funds, shortfalls in payments to the budget, other ¦

financial violations)

Correctness of classifying violations as non-financial ¦up to 2.5

violations (the essence of the violation with an indication in the column ¦

pages of the act) ¦

Compliance with the requirements for non-admission in the audit report ¦ up to 1

(checking) conclusions, assumptions, facts, not ¦

confirmed by relevant documents; instructions ¦

on the materials of law enforcement agencies and testimony, ¦

data given to the investigating authorities by officials, financially

responsible and other persons of the audited organization ¦

Completeness of coverage of issues of the audit program (audit) ¦up to 2

Compliance with the powers of the supervisory authority ¦up to 1

Timeliness of preparation of reasoned ¦up to 1.5

conclusions on objections, taking into account the qualitative

preparation of objections (objections are reasonably not ¦

accepted, partially accepted, fully accepted

considered on time or in violation of the deadline) ¦

Evaluation of the results of the implementation of audit materials ¦Up to 5

(checks) in accordance with the requirements, including: ¦

Compliance with the order of preparation of the report on the results¦up to 1

audits (checks) and referrals to its manager ¦

regulatory body to the established requirements ¦

Compliance with the order of direction to the checked ¦ up to 1

organization required documents(for example, ¦

mandatory for execution by a verified organization ¦

(her officials) instructions for elimination ¦

revealed violations of the budget legislation, ¦

obligatory to consider submission about ¦

improper execution budget, letters of identified ¦

violations, etc.). Compliance and ¦

territorial administration, the legislation of the Russian Federation ¦

in the financial and budgetary sphere

Measures taken by the head of the controller ¦ up to 1

body to exercise control over the timely

execution of orders and consideration of submissions

or requirements specified in letters sent to ¦

verified organization

Results of proceedings on administrative cases ¦up to 1

offences, including those stipulated by

Art. Art. 15.14 - 15.16, 19.5, 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Compliance

procedure for proceedings in cases of administrative

offenses, deadlines for the execution of procedural

documents and requirements for their content in accordance with

with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ¦

Compliance with the requirements of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from ¦ to 0.5

03/03/1998 N 224 “On ensuring interaction”

government agencies in the fight against crime in

economy" in terms of immediate ¦

informing the relevant authorities of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation ¦

about detected offenses in the sphere of economy

Ensuring interaction with law enforcement ¦up to 0.5

bodies on transferred materials and measures taken ¦

Total ¦Up to 50

This assessment can be used to calculate the size of the bonus for the heads of regulatory authorities, as well as to determine the position of the regulatory authority in the system of control authorities (ministry, service, agency, etc.).

The management bonus can be calculated in a manner similar to that proposed above for assessing the performance of auditors.

The place of the controlling body in the system of controlling bodies is determined by the number of points scored in descending order: the highest number of points - 1st place, etc.

In conclusion, we note that the proposed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of the supervisory authority and auditors can be used by the heads of supervisory authorities, and also modified depending on the specifics of the system of supervisory authorities.

The premium for this indicator depends on the performance production plan. The amount of the bonus for the fulfillment of the plan is calculated according to the following scale: Fulfillment of the plan, % Amount of the bonus, % Less than 80 0 80-90 10 90-100 15 100 20 constitutes the department operational planning to calculate the production premium. 3. The indicator of bonuses for the controllers of the QCD, the senior control foreman of the workshop is the absence of claims from production units on the quality of the QCD employee fixtures and tools. The bonus for this indicator is set at 40% of the salary.

Regulations on bonuses for employees of the technical control department

We thank the editors of the newspaper "News in details" JSC "Trubodetal" for providing this material. Previously, such a system was tested for five months at sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the thermo-press-welding shop No. 1. The regulation was developed in order to improve the quality of products and exclude the possibility of unintentional ingestion of defective products by the consumer.

Also, the new rules should help increase the personal responsibility and motivation of the plant's employees and eliminate the material interest of workers in concealing defects. Trubodetal specialists saw a similar system at the Packer enterprise in the city of Oktyabrsky (Bashkiria). It is based on the principles of the three "don'ts" - don't accept the marriage, don't make the marriage, don't pass the marriage on to another.

Recall what is included in this system. If an employee at the input control reveals a defect, he receives an incentive in the form of 500 rubles.

Insufficient funds on the account

Development of proposals to increase the quality requirements for products manufactured and consumed by the enterprise, to improve the regulatory and technical documentation that establishes these requirements, aimed at stimulating the production of high quality products and combating the production of poor quality products.V. The relationship of the department of technical control with other divisions of the enterprise1. With the main accounting department Receives: information on the results of accounting for losses from marriage in the workshops according to marriage notices and on the assignment of amounts to the guilty. Submits: acts of marriage and conclusions on those responsible for the formation of marriage; conclusions on the acceptance of the complaint and the calculation of losses in connection with the elimination of the detected deficiencies.2.

On approval of the Model Regulations on the department (management) of technical control industrial enterprise(associations) RESOLUTION dated December 11, 1979 N 1094 On approval of the Model Regulations on the department (management) of technical control of an industrial enterprise (association) (as amended on December 1, 1987) Document amended by: Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 1, 1987 N 1367 (entered into force on January 1, 1988). The Council of Ministers of the USSR decides: 1. To approve the attached Standard Regulations on the department (management) of technical control of an industrial enterprise (association).

Regulations on the motivation of the technical control department

Control over the timely preparation and implementation of activities related to the introduction of new standards, specifications and normals.8. Control over the presence of a trademark (brand of the enterprise) on finished products.9. Systematic monitoring of the state of control and measuring equipment at the enterprise, as well as their timely submission for state verification.10.

Control over the quality of manufacturing products and inspection of the state of tools and production equipment in operation at the enterprise.11. Drawing up and submission to the director of the enterprise for approval and timely implementation of schedules for periodic (repeated) type tests of serial products in accordance with the requirements of GOST, MRTU, TU, as well as verification of compliance with the requirements of the most important technological processes.12.
GOST, TU and production instructions; conclusions on complaints, necessary decisions on parts, assemblies, assemblies and products that have certain deviations from the drawings and specifications, as well as calculations necessary to determine the quality of products; technological processes for the coordination of control operations. Represents: information about the identified shortcomings of the technology; notification of violations of technological processes affecting product quality; recommendations and proposals for improving technology and improving product quality; information on the quality of products supplied by the enterprise; reclamation acts received from customers for conclusion, as well as protocols and conclusions on the results of testing units, products, systems, components and parts.4.
The one who allowed or overlooked this discrepancy, on the contrary, will be punished with deprivation of the bonus by 10 percent. If a person himself made a discrepancy, no matter through his own fault or due to a malfunction of the equipment, but reported this by filling out a registration form, then he will not be punished for the first time. Each case will be dealt with by a commission consisting of a foreman, a QCD controller and a technologist.

Thus, the need to hide the marriage disappears. I must say that the system will begin to operate at the enterprise already in a modified mode. During the implementation, her five-month experience in the first workshop will be taken into account. Pavel Voznyuk, Acting Head of the Technical Control Department, spoke in more detail about the test results: - Now we can say that the system works, but it does not work as productively as we would like.

I. General Provisions The technical control department (QCD) is independent structural unit enterprises and reports directly to the director.II. ObjectivesPrevention of the release (delivery) by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of standards and specifications, approved samples (standards), design and technological documentation, terms of delivery and contracts, or incomplete products, as well as strengthening production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all links production for the quality of products.III. Structure1. The structure and staff of the department are approved by the director of the enterprise in accordance with the standard structures of the management apparatus and the norms for the number of managers, specialists and employees, taking into account the volume of work and production features.2.


QCD or manufactured by persons working in conditions of self-control. A certificate, passport, form or other document certifying the conformity of these products to the established requirements must be issued for the products. 4. System of technical control (objects of control, control operations and their sequence, technical equipment, modes, methods, means of mechanization and automation of control operations) is an integral part of the production process, is developed (determined) simultaneously with the development of production technology by the service of the chief technologist (chief metallurgist, chief chemist, etc.) of the enterprise (association) or the corresponding design and by technological organizations with the participation or in agreement with the QCD and is mandatory recorded in the approved technological processes.


If we want to work in a successful factory, then each of us must take care of the quality of the products we produce. - What, in your opinion, is the main obstacle to the introduction of a new product quality control system? - In order for it to take root, first of all, it takes time. People have to get used to innovations. At the same Packer, such a culture has been formed over the years, so it is naive to expect that it will work one hundred percent from the first day at Trubodetal. Nevertheless, we need to move forward, to improve the quality of products, which means we need to start somewhere.

I think if the workers and their leaders show activity and begin to monitor the quality of their products themselves, then soon we will get the first results.


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