Stephen Segal turned to Vladimir Putin. Steven Seagal addressed the great Pu Steven Seagal: what is behind the secret visit to Kazan


The newspaper "BUSINESS Online" the day before told about the mysterious arrival of the Hollywood actor, master of aikido Steven Seagal to Kazan. As it turned out, this meteoric visit became part of a series of trips by the star across Russia, which began with his meeting with Vladimir Putin after Segal published an open letter to the President of Russia about the mysterious strategy "Russia 2045". The ideology of the movement, the apogee of which is human immortality, the biography of its leader Dmitry Itskov, as well as the trace of the global struggle of world clans, were studied by the correspondents of our publication.


Hollywood actor left Kazan last night Steven Seagal, whose arrival in Tatarstan was a surprise for everyone. With private individuals, he spent three hours in the recently opened restaurant "Sultanat", in the evening he met with the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov... As the press secretary of the president told the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" Andrey Kuzmin, it was a private visit of an actor visiting Russia, and the meeting took place on his initiative. According to sources from BUSINESS Online, Hollywood star Segal lived in Kazan at the Mirage Hotel for three days along with his guards. Kazan Sigala was recommended as one of the cities where you should definitely visit. Segal has been closely studying Russia for several years now, after Vladimir Putin responded to his open letter, which, in a sense, is the key to Segal's unusual mission in Russia.

Dear Vladimir Putin,

I am planning to visit Russia soon, and I would like to meet with you to discuss possible cooperation with a Russian project, in which I am very interested. Recently I learned from my Russian friends about the social movement “Russia-2045” and decided to join and represent it in the USA.

The main purpose of this movement, as you probably know, is to integrate existing technology of artificial human bodies and the ability to produce new things. To achieve these goals, it is planned to create a network of research and production centers with headquarters in Russia.

The success of this project will significantly increase the duration and quality of people's lives. We can help any person suffering or dying from any disease or injury, as we can regenerate or fully generate their organs and / or other parts of the body. For example, if someone is involved in a serious car accident or suffers from an illness that causes them to lose their legs, they may be able to get new legs. Any person who is crippled can be fully recovered. This will probably be the most startling scientific breakthrough in human history. In many ways it will be almost like heaven on earth.

For me as a Buddhist, this is one of the greatest things the world has ever seen. I am proud to be part of this movement. This movement not only relieves suffering, but can even give new life in cases where a person is on the verge of life and death.

I consider myself Russian. I have Russian roots, and I am proud that the need for the development of these technologies was paid attention to in Russia, that its forerunners are the great Russian scientists and researchers; with the help of this technology, humanity will be able to make an unprecedented breakthrough to the new, better quality life.

It is obvious to me that this initiative will strengthen Russia's position in world science, emphasize the role of Russia in the international community as a country that takes the lead in identifying and solving global problems for the sake of improving humanity.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, I know you as a significant world leader and a person who has already done a lot for Russia. Therefore, I appeal to you with the hope of mutually beneficial cooperation to make the world a better place. It seems that you are now putting more emphasis on the issues of life expectancy and extension. I see that you are working actively and diligently to find solutions that will enable Russia to face the future with confidence, and [I invite you to] set an example to the world through technology that will surely make the world a better place.

Steven Seagal

The correspondent of "BUSINESS Online" managed to contact Maria Tuchina, the press secretary of the strategic public movement "Russia-2045", who briefly answered the questions of our publication.

How did you get in touch with Steven Seagal?

These are personal contacts of Dmitry Itskov, the founder of the movement.

- How is interaction with him organized?

As far as I know, now there is no close cooperation, he simply supported the ideas of our movement. He is a participant, informally supports us and considers what we do important.

- And what are you doing?

When Stephen supported and asked Putin to support our project, it was at the dawn of the movement, so at that time there were no concrete projects yet. It was still only an ideology, there was a manifesto with an appeal to the president.

- For what purpose does Segal travel to Russian cities?

You could have clarified yourself when he was in Kazan. I am engaged in movement and do not really know what is happening with Stephen, he is not our employee, we do not control him, he may have his own plans related to sports. He is friends with Vladimir Vladimirovich.


Name Dmitry Itskov familiar to regular readers of "BUSINESS Online". This is the same multimillionaire who is confident in the coming of the Singularity in 2045. The concept of a singularity is also known to our readers: in this case, we are talking about a technological singularity, that is, a point in the development of technology, after reaching which extrapolation becomes meaningless. A well-known futurist is engaged in the scientific substantiation of the singularity Raymond Kurzweil who is working now technical director at Google - perhaps the world's most powerful research center artificial intelligence.

Dmitry Itskov

According to Kurzweil, technological singularity is such a moment in the development of artificial intelligence, when the whole Earth will turn into one big computer, the difference between man and machine, physical and virtual reality will disappear, and this process will gradually spread to the entire Universe according to an exponential law. After this moment, perhaps, in general, everything is within the framework of the laws of nature, and in a very close perspective, including physical immortality, as far as it is theoretically permissible in general. The onset of the singularity Kurzweil predicts in 2045.

It was from here that Itskov took the date included in the name of the social movement he founded, the full name of which is “Strategic social movement"Russia-2045".

Itskov himself is the founder of New Media Stars, which owns the pro-Kremlin Internet resources,, and Born in Bryansk in the family of the director of a musical theater and a school teacher in 1980. Graduated from the Faculty of Corporate Management of the Russian Academy of Economics. Plekhanov with a degree in National Economy. In 2005, he successfully sold his stake in the company and started looking for the meaning of life, which, in the end, led him to the idea of ​​the social movement "Russia-2045".

On the website of the movement there is a whole manifesto, the provisions of which are reduced to the following four:

First. Humanity is mired in consumption, and this must end.

Second. Modern civilization cannot overcome the physical limitations of the human body.

Third. Humanity needs a new ideology based on the super task of humanity - changes not only in the natural environment, but also in the nature of man himself.

Fourth. Russia should become the place where the project will be implemented.

According to the organizers, the project currently has 30 619 people, about whom, however, it is not easy to say what they are doing there.


There is nothing fundamentally new in Itskov's ideas. This is just a cross between Kurzweil and Marx. In fact, according to Marx, the onset of communism is the point of singularity, when “the free development of everyone will become a condition for the free development of everyone,” and the productive forces will receive unlimited opportunities for development. There was simply no such term then, otherwise Marx, perhaps, would not have hesitated to use it.

The communist idea itself has a purely religious nature - it is the transfer of heavenly paradise to earth. It is no coincidence that the philosopher's characterization Nikolay Bulgakov Marx as a religious type became common place both here and abroad. Paradise ended up in heaven because religious thinkers perfectly understood the impossibility of its implementation on earth due to the contradiction to the laws of nature. Paradise implies eternal health, youth and immortality - a person grows old, gets sick and is generally mortal; paradise requires unlimited consumption - physical laws do not allow this; in paradise, everyone does what he wants, how he wants and when he wants - but in society this is impossible. Therefore, until now, all attempts to build communism have ended sadly.

Itskov is the same religious person as Marx, and the difference between them in relation to communism is only that Itskov hopes to replace heavenly unlimited possibilities, independence from any physical and social laws, a kind of paradise singularity, earthly, technological singularity ...

It is not surprising that among the supporters of the Russia-2045 movement is the American actor Segal, known not only for his high art in aikido, but also for his adherence to Buddhism - not the most widespread religion in Europe and America. But Buddhism, unlike Christianity and Islam, is very technological - it offers psychological technologies for achieving nirvana, which, however, is by no means equivalent to the traditional paradise of Christianity and Islam. On the other hand, the Buddhist psychological adaptability is quite equivalent - at least congruent - to the adaptability of the technological singularity (here the tautology cannot be avoided), so the appearance of the Buddhist Sigal as an adherent of the Russia-2045 movement is quite natural.

“For me as a Buddhist,” Segal wrote in a famous letter to Putin in 2011, “this is one of the greatest things the world has ever seen. I am proud to be part of this movement. This movement not only relieves suffering, but can even give a new life in those cases when a person is on the verge of life and death. "


Sigal calls himself Russian, but in reality his origin is as mysterious as the sudden sudden appearance of his hero in critical situations for the Earth in the films "Capture" and "Territory of Darkness". According to one version, his paternal grandfather and grandmother, Nathan Siegelman and Dora Goldstein, came to America as children from St. Petersburg. Sigal himself claims that his paternal grandfather came from Buddhist regions of Russia and even that he was either Mongol, or Buryat, or Kalmyk, and his grandmother comes from Vladivostok. Segal finds its roots in St. Petersburg and Ukraine.

Segal's mother is considered Irish, but this is only an assumption. He himself admits that his mother is a foundling, she was found in a shoebox thrown to the porch of someone else's house.

But all this does not matter - what matters is Segal's self-awareness. “I consider myself Russian,” he wrote in the same letter. - I have Russian roots, and I am proud that the need for the development of these technologies was noticed in Russia, that its forerunners are great Russian scientists and researchers; with the help of this technology, humanity will be able to make an unprecedented breakthrough to a new, better quality of life. "

Of course, it was not only Segal's Russian roots that prompted him to come to Russia more than once, and this time even to look into Tatarstan. Whatever the famous aikido master does in our area, his visit should be viewed in the context of the struggle of global clans unfolding before our eyes, and the participation of Russia and Putin personally in it. Events such as the adoption of Russian citizenship Gerard Depardieu; sudden and extremely effective assistance to Russian diplomacy Barack Obama in the situation with Syria and its grateful acceptance (and this against the background of general anti-Americanism and the story with Snowden!); refusal of governments, including the American one, to numerous demands to boycott the Sochi Olympics; unexpected self-elimination Lawrence Summers from the struggle for the post of chairman of the Fed; Pope's letter to Putin and many others are clearly lining up in one chain: Russia and its president have joined the Great Global Game, and, it seems, are on the right side, on the side of the future winners. Benefactors visit the losers; strategically minded and strong people visit the winners.

And in such a situation, Itskov's initiative, which at first glance looks like a quasi-religious fantasy, begins to acquire the features of a real project. It is one thing to try to break through to the singularity alone, in a hostile environment, and quite another thing - having next to you as a partner of Google, behind your back in the form of support - the American president (maybe even with the Rothschilds, as Khazin claims), and in as propagandists using Sigal and the Dalai Lama (with whom Itskov met and who supported the Russia-2045 project).

What place is allotted to Tatarstan in this project is still impossible to say. It is only clear that the intellectual and technical potential of the republic allows us to hope that the project "Russia-2045", if it begins to be implemented in state level instead of Skolkovo and other Medvedev simulacra, it will find a worthy place.

Steven Seagal: what is behind the secret visit to Kazan?


Hollywood actor Steven Seagal left Kazan tonight, whose one-day visit to Tatarstan was a surprise to everyone. With private individuals, he spent three hours in the recently opened restaurant "Sultanat", in the evening he met with the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. As the press secretary of the president Andrey Kuzmin told the newspaper BUSINESS Online, it was a private visit of an actor visiting Russia, and the meeting was held on his initiative. Kazan Sigala was recommended as one of the cities where you should definitely visit. Segal has been studying Russia closely for several years now, after Vladimir Putin responded to his open letter, which, in a sense, is the key to Segal's unusual mission in Russia.


A famous Hollywood actor, director, stuntman, screenwriter and film producer unexpectedly flew to Kazan Steven Seagal... In the evening, the 61-year-old Hollywood star met with the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov- the meeting took place at about 8-9 pm, the press secretary of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan told the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" Andrey Kuzmin... The conversation, according to him, had no special purpose - Sigal came to see Kazan, as well as several other cities of Russia, and expressed a desire to meet with Minnikhanov.

At about 15:00, Sigal, as it turned out, stopped with several accompanying private persons for lunch at the Sultanat restaurant, where he spent about three hours. “He walked around the whole restaurant, and this is still 2.5 thousand square meters, was in good mood, took pictures with the guests, with the staff, everyone was very pleased ", - the owner of the restaurant told the correspondent of" BUSINESS Online " Ayrat Zabirov... Sigal's table was set in an oriental style, of course, there were also national dishes. The restaurateur avoided the details of the menu, citing ethics, and added that the guest turned out to be a very good-natured, sociable person.

As was told to the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" in one of the production companies of Kazan, Seagal's visit was planned in advance. In the summer, negotiations were underway to organize a concert musical group Sigala in Kazan. Sigal expressed his wish to visit the capital of Tatarstan in the spring, when he came to Russia. The concert was planned for the end of September, but the artist's royalties did not coincide with the real possibilities of the Kazan fans. Therefore, given the lack of time for the promotion of the concert, the citizens of Kazan advised their Moscow colleagues to postpone Sigal's concert in Kazan. Segal has been performing classic blues since 2005 with his band Thunderbox. Stephen's first work, Song From The Crystal Cave, appeared 7 years ago, and in 2006 Segal's blues album Mojo Priest was released.


Segal has recently become a frequent visitor to Russia, and in the Western press they write about him as a man who took sides Vladimir Putin, as well as Gerard Depardieu, in contrast to a number of Western stars who are calling for a boycott of the Sochi Olympics.

It all began in May 2011, when Segal, speaking with an open letter to Putin, declared his support for the Russian strategic social movement Russia-2045. It is a social movement and Internet community with a transhumanist orientation and advocating for human development, including through the acceleration of technological progress and integration. modern technologies, for resistance to the further growth of the "consumer society" and the exploitation of the natural environment. Representatives of the movement believe that no later than 2045, an artificial body will not only significantly surpass the existing one in its functional capabilities, but will also achieve perfection of form and be able to look no worse than a human ... (that is, in fact, we are talking about creating a cyborg). After that, Putin met with the actor.

In May of this year, Putin met with Sigal again - first at breakfast at the Novo-Ogarevo residence, and then in Moscow, where, together with the mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened a sports palace "Sambo-70". Then the head of state noted that despite great efforts to promote values healthy way life, the situation with mass, especially children's sports has not changed dramatically. As one of the options for solving the problem, the President proposed to recreate the TRP physical culture complex in Russia.

“I have Russian blood, my grandmother is from Vladivostok,” Sigal himself said in an interview with the Dozhd TV channel. - There are roots in St. Petersburg, one of my ancestors was born in Ukraine, which I consider part of Russia. Well, it was once part of Russia, right? So I am Russian, I love Russia, I love Russian people, and I love your president. I really like that he provides tremendous support in the development of martial arts in Russia. He did a lot for the development of sports in this country, so that children have the opportunity to practice martial arts with the best coaches... I also think that the support he provides to the Olympic movement in Russia is very important. The Russians had tremendous success in judo at the Olympics. I also admire him as a person, as a great leader of the state. I was in Russia when there was no food, money, and simple people suffered and died. I myself saw how Russia is collapsing, and I myself saw how Vladimir Putin took a country that was simply in disastrous conditions, and turned it into a country with a great economy, where there is practically no unemployment. I must say that Russians are a prosperous nation, people live really well here. And this is the merit of Putin. It is very difficult for any head of state to achieve such indicators, that's why I love Russia. "

Sigal's visit to Grozny in May of this year is widely known, following which the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on Instagram that Sigal is almost Chechen. In Chechnya, Sigal attended the Spring-2013 annual comprehensive military exercise to repel terrorist attacks. In Grozny, he was shown a lezginka, and the actor also danced on the steps of the presidential palace, admitting later that he had never seen anything more beautiful. Then the guest of honor was given a tour of the city residence. In the same May, the Hollywood star became an honorary guest of the All-Russian Youth SAMBO Tournament. Akhmerova in Saratov.

On June 1, 2013, Segal visited a school destroyed by terrorists in Beslan. The actor was shocked by what he saw, and he even promised to devote the rest of his life to the fight against terrorism, and already on June 4, Sigal visited the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region, in which weapons production is actively developing, Atomic industry... He was asked to advertise weapons produced at the plant. Degtyareva (created entirely for private investment), which is the main competitor to the products of the Kalashnikov concern. As the federal media quoted the Deputy Prime Minister at the time Dmitry Rogozin, an American celebrity could help Russian gunsmiths to “promote the brand on the foreign market, on the international major exhibitions, show products in comparison with the best examples American and Western weapons in general ”.


Steven Seagal

Actor, director, producer, master of aikido (7th dan). Born in the USA on April 10, 1952. At the age of 16 he became interested in karate, at the age of 17 he left for Japan, about four years later he began to seriously study aikido and added elements of other martial arts to it, in fact, opening his own direction in aikido.

In 1984, Segal, having met a Hollywood actor in Japan James Coburn, left for California. Coburn starred with Segal in a number of TV programs. Various methods of fighting weapons and without aroused great interest in Seagal. In 1988, the first film with Segal's participation, "Above the Law", was released. The budget of the film was only $ 7 million, the film brought $ 30 million and worldwide fame for the protagonist.

He starred in 44 films, the most famous - the films "Under Siege", "Under Siege-2". Produced 37 films, worked on 11 films as a screenwriter.

Recommend " Write to editor
Print " Date of publication: 03.02.2013

Dear Vladimir Putin,

I am planning to visit Russia soon, and I would like to meet with you to discuss possible cooperation with a Russian project, in which I am very interested. Recently I learned from my Russian friends about the social movement “Russia-2045” and I decided to join and represent it in the USA.

The main purpose of this movement, as you probably know, is to integrate existing technology of artificial human bodies and the ability to produce new things. To achieve these goals, it is planned to create a network of research and production centers with headquarters in Russia.

The success of this project will significantly increase the duration and quality of people's lives. We can help any person suffering or dying from any disease or injury, as we can regenerate or fully generate their organs and / or other parts of the body. For example, if someone is involved in a serious car accident or suffers from an illness that causes them to lose their legs, they may be able to get new legs. Any person who is crippled can be fully recovered. This will probably be the most startling scientific breakthrough in human history. In many ways it will be almost like heaven on earth.

For me as a Buddhist, this is one of the greatest things the world has ever seen. I am proud to be part of this movement. This movement not only relieves suffering, but can even give new life in cases where a person is on the verge of life and death.

I consider myself Russian. I have Russian roots, and I am proud that the need for the development of these technologies was paid attention to in Russia, that its forerunners are great Russian scientists and researchers; with the help of this technology, humanity will be able to make an unprecedented breakthrough to a new, better quality of life.

It is obvious to me that this initiative will strengthen Russia's position in world science, emphasize the role of Russia in the international community as a country that takes the lead in identifying and solving global problems for the sake of improving humanity.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, I know you as a significant world leader and a person who has already done a lot for Russia. Therefore, I appeal to you with the hope of mutually beneficial cooperation in order to make the world a better place. It seems that now you are putting more emphasis on the issues of longevity and extension of life. I see that you are working actively and diligently to find solutions that will enable Russia to face the future with confidence, and [I invite you] to set an example to the world through technology that will surely make the world a better place.

World renowned Hollywood actor and martial artist Steven Seagal wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with a proposal to meet and discuss possible cooperation with the public movement "Russia 2045", which promises to significantly improve the quality of life of people with the help of high technologies and make them practically immortal by 2045.

I learned about the existence of the social movement "Russia 2045" from my Russian friends and decided to join it, "Sigal writes.

The actor calls on the Russian prime minister to pay attention to the problems of aging and death, as well as to the possibilities of drastically prolonging the life of people, which are being worked on by Russian scientists who have united in the social movement “Russia 2045”.

Sigal is a Buddhist, the suffering of human beings is not an empty phrase for him. The goals and objectives of "Russia 2045" are close to him because this movement "promises not only the satisfaction of suffering, but also the salvation of those who are on the verge of life and death."

We will be able to restore or even completely recreate the organs and body parts of those who suffer or die from diseases and wounds. For example, a person who has lost his legs as a result of an accident will receive new ones, and the crippled will be able to return to normal life. This could be the most amazing scientific breakthrough in the history of mankind. I am honored to be part of this movement, ”says Stephen.

Steven Seagal is a longtime fan of Russia and Russian literature. The actor was enthusiastic about the fact that a project with such ambitious goals was launched in our country.

I have Russian roots, - recalls Steven Seagal. - I consider myself a Russian and am proud that the need to develop these technologies was paid attention to in Russia, that its forerunners are the great Russian scientists and researchers; with the help of this technology, humanity will be able to make an unprecedented breakthrough to a new, better quality of life. "

Stephen called the Russian prime minister "an outstanding world leader" and hopes that he will respond to his proposal.

I am writing to you with the hope of a mutually beneficial partnership that can improve our world, ”writes Stephen. “I know that you pay a lot of attention to extending life and improving its quality and are actively working to find solutions that will enable Russia to confidently move forward.”

Reference Information:

Steven Seagal- American actor, blues musician, martial artist (aikido, karate, judo, tai chi, kung fu, kendo, ken jitsu), the only non-Asian who managed to open a martial arts school in Tokyo. Producer, director, writer, Buddhist, actively involved in charity work. In February 1997, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche recognized Stephen Segal as Rinpoche and Tulku as the reincarnation of the 17th century Terton Chungdrag Dorje.

Strategic public movement "Russia 2045" was founded by Dmitry Itskov, president of the New Media Stars media holding, in February 2011 with the participation of leading Russian experts in the field of neurointerfaces, artificial organs and systems. Final goal project - the creation of an artificial human body. Intermediate goals: the creation of artificial organs, the development of ways to prolong life. The movement participants are sure that modern society mired in the satisfaction of their momentary needs, forgetting about the main thing. “Modern civilization with its space stations, nuclear submarines, iPhones and segways is not able to save a person from the limitations of the physical capabilities of the body, disease and death,” says Dmitry Itskov, initiator of the Russia 2045 movement.

Acquainted with Manifesto and the composition of the initiative group, as well as to support the Russia 2045 movement, visit the website

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Moscow, Russia, May 16, 2011. World famous Hollywood actor and martial artist Steven Seagal wrote an open letter to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with a proposal to meet and discuss possible cooperation with the public movement Russia 2045, which promises to use high technologies to significantly improve the quality of life of people and make them almost immortal by 2045.

Steven Seagal's letter to Vladimir Putin

“I learned about the existence of the social movement Russia 2045 from my Russian friends and decided to join it,” Sigal writes.

The actor calls on the Russian prime minister to pay attention to the problems of aging and death, as well as to the possibilities of drastically prolonging the life of people, which are being worked on by Russian scientists who have united in the social movement “Russia 2045”.

Sigal is a Buddhist, the suffering of human beings is not an empty phrase for him. The goals and objectives of "Russia 2045" are close to him because this movement "promises not only the satisfaction of suffering, but also the salvation of those who are on the verge of life and death."

“We will be able to restore or even completely recreate the organs and body parts of those who suffer or die from diseases and wounds. For example, a person who has lost his legs as a result of an accident will receive new ones, and the crippled will be able to return to normal life. This could be the most amazing scientific breakthrough in the history of mankind. I am honored to be part of this movement, ”says Stephen.

23-year-old fashion model Kayden Nguyen has filed a $ 1 million civil lawsuit in Los Angeles against Hollywood star Steven Seagal. The girl claims that the actor hired her as a secretary, but later ...

TMZ .com website dedicated to high life posted full text statement of claim Kaiden Nguyen. Steven Seagal is charged on the following counts:

1. Sexual harassment
2. Illegal human trafficking for the purpose of providing sexual services
3. Providing false information about employment
4. Violation of public order

The document states that in February 2009, Nguyen found a job as Segal's personal assistant at the company that promoted his television program "Steven Seagal the Advocate" in New Orleans.
The girl sent her resume with a photo attached and after the interview was hired. At the interview, she was told that she would be performing the standard duties of a secretary. She was also informed that she would replace a recently retired girl in this position.

Nguyen, she said, was flown on Segal's personal plane to New Orleans, after which she was escorted by limousine to a secluded home away from the city, where it became clear that she was expected to perform duties that had nothing to do with the work of a secretary.

“On the first day, Segal asked me to give him a massage. He immediately made it clear that he viewed me as a sex toy. Despite my objections, he put his hands under my blouse, ”the document says. Seagal allegedly responded to her attempts to resist the violence: “Relax. We're not going to do anything special today. I'll save it for another night. "

In total, according to Nguyen, Sigal harassed her three times, although after the first incident she complained about what was happening to her employers. When the girl showed her dissatisfaction with the fact that she had to perform different functions that she had previously agreed on, she was told to contact Sigal directly. When she told the actor that she was not ready to be his sex slave, he said that there was a misunderstanding, and after that "forced her to use illegal drugs" and again "physically abused."

Two Russian "helpers"

According to the plaintiff, Steven Seagal, his wife and two Russian girls, who had already worked as “personal assistants” for the actor, lived in the house where she was brought, providing him with various sexual services. "Segal kept two young Russian girls who had to satisfy him on demand, at any time of the day or night, 24 hours a day, seven days a week," the statement said. former model... One of the Russian girls managed to "quit", as Nguyen found out, so they had to look for a replacement for her, which turned out to be the former model.

"Segal ran after me with a pistol"

On February 28, the girl managed to escape. When she told Segal that she needed to meet with her family and that her absence from the family meeting would look suspicious, the actor forbade her to leave the house. Nguyen tried to call a taxi for three hours, but no one agreed to go to the remote area. When she finally managed to catch the car, she hurriedly left the house, sat in the front seat and asked the taxi driver to go as fast as possible.

According to Nguyen, Sigal was chasing her, holding "a pistol with a flashlight attached to it." The girl was in such a hurry to leave the house that she left all her personal belongings there - clothes, laptop and car keys. Later, she said, Sigal told her through his representatives that she should remain silent about what was happening in his house. He stated that he would not return her things until she signed a pledge not to sue him for sexual harassment.

Wife didn’t mind

According to the girl, the actor assured her that his wife was not against his amorous pleasures with other women. “I am a family man and live with my wife. But she will not mind if you become my mistress, "- quoted Nguyen Sigala.

Steven Seagal, 57, is married to Arissa Wolfe, 32, who once worked at Segal's home as a nanny for his children. At the end of 1994, because of her, the marriage of Steven Seagal and model Kelly Le Brock broke up. Seagal has two children from Wolf - a daughter born in 1996 and a son born in September 2009.


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