DDO Klimova Methods Interpretation of the results obtained. What type of profession suits you? Processing data source

One of the most famous and common tests in our country. Despite the honorable age, Klimov's questionnaire allows you to accurately determine the level of motivation to various activities. Thanks to its simplicity, it can be used for testing both adults and teenagers.

In accordance with the classification of types of professions of the Russian psychologist E.A. Klimov, each person is characterized by more or less clearly pronounced preference of activities. According to his theory, each person will cope with any work subject to the successful passage of relevant learning. However, due to the prevalence of various interests and features of the person, all possible professions were divided into 5 pairs in accordance with the prevailing activity:

  • Man - Nature
  • Man - machinery
  • Man - sign
  • Man - man
  • Person - artistic image

A questionnaire can be used as an initial or basic to quick and briefly define the desired type of activity independently or in schools. Passage time does not take more than 10 minutes.

Instructions for Klimova Questionnaire

You will be asked to answer 20 questions of the species "Suppose you have the opportunity to do what you like, what kind of lesson you would prefer?" With different couples of responses. In each question, you can choose only one answer option. Carefully read the answers and select the most suitable for you.

Test time: about 10 minutes.

If the scale is scored 0-2 Point, then interest in this sphere was not identified.
When set 3-6 Public interests and professional orientation are expressed average.
7-8 Points will indicate a pronounced professional orientation and interest in associated with the scale of professions.

Questions to the test


2. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

3. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

4. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

5. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

6. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

7. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

8. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

9. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

10. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

11. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

12. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

13. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

14. Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any work. But if you had to choose only one of two possibilities, what would you prefer?

Tutorial on psychology Examples Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Differential and diagnostic questionnaire (E. A. Klimov)

E. A. Klimov allocated five types of professions: a person man, a man-nature, a person, the person, a man-sign system, an artistic image. The developed questionnaire allows you to identify orientation to one of these types.

You are offered to evaluate 20 pairs different species Classes indicated by letters "A" and "B". Carefully read each pair of classes under the same number (for example, 1a and 1b). Choose that of two options that seems more attractive to you.

Processing results: check your answers with the key:

Nature Man: 1a, 3b, 6a, 10a, 11a, 13b, 16a, 20a.

Technique: 1b, 4a, 7b, 9a, 11b, 14a, 17b, 19a.

Man-man: 2a, 4b, 6b, 8a, 12a, 14b, 16b, 18a.

Man-sign System: 2B, 5a, 9b, 10b, 12b, 15a, 19b, 20b.

Artistic image: 3a, 5b, 7a, 8b, 13a, 15b, 17a, 18b.

For each coincidence with the key one score is charged.

Interpretation of test results:

Brief description of the types of professions:

Labor subjectfor representatives of most professions like "Nature Man":

- animals, conditions for their growth, lifetime;

- Plants, conditions for their growing. Activities:

- study, explore, analyze the condition, living conditions of plants or animals (agronomist, microbiologist, zootechnics, hydrobiologist, agrochemistry, phytopathologist);

- grow plants, care for animals (forest rig, field, flowers, vegetable breeder, poultry farmer, animal husbandry, gardener, beekeeper);

- to carry out prevention of diseases of plants and animals (veterinarian, a quarantine service doctor).

Psychological requirementsprofessions "Man-Nature":

- developed imagination, visual-shaped thinking, good visual memory, observation, the ability to foresee and evaluate changeable natural factors;

- Since the results of the activity are detected after a fairly long time, the specialist must have patience, perseverance, should be ready to work outside the collective, sometimes in difficult weather conditions, in dirt, etc.

II. "Technique".This type is for people who are interested. laboratory works in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, who love to collect models, disassemble household appliancesThey want to create, operate or repair cars, mechanisms, devices, machines.

Labor subject:

- technical objects (machines, mechanisms);

- Materials, types of energy. Activities:

- Creation, installation, assembly of technical devices (specialists are designing, designing technical systems, devices, develop the processes of their manufacture. From individual nodes, parts are collected by machines, mechanisms, instruments, adjust and establish them);

- operation of technical devices (specialists operate on machines, manage transport, automatic systems);

- Repair of technical devices (specialists detect, recognize malfunctions technical Systems, appliances, mechanisms, are repaired, adjust them).

Psychological requirements:

- good coordination of movements;

- accurate visual, auditory, vibration and kinesthetic perception;

- developed technical and creative thinking and imagination;

- skill to switch and concentrate attention;

- Observation.

III. "Sign System".This type of professions is predominantly interested in those who like to perform calculations, drawings, schemes, card files, systematize various information, would like to program, economy or statistics, etc. Most professions of this type are related to information processing.

Labor subject:

- Texts on native or foreign languages (editor, corrector, typist, clerk, telegraphist, typewriter);

- figures, formulas, tables (programmer, operator EMM, economist, accountant, statistics);

- Drawings, Schemes, Maps (Designer, Technologist, Dresscher, Copier, Sturman, Geodesist);

- Sound signals (radist, stenograph, telephone player, sound operator).

Psychological requirements:

- good operational and mechanical memory;

- the ability to a long concentration of attention on the abstract (iconic) material;

- good allocation and switching attention;

- accuracy of perception, the ability to see what stands behind the conditional signs;

- preferably, patience;

- logical thinking.

IV. "Art-artistic image"

Labor subject:

- Artistic image, ways to build it.


- creation, design of artwork (writer, artist, composer, fashion designer, architect, sculptor, journalist, choreographer);

- reproduction, manufacture of various types of patterns (jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, carpode reserves);

- reproduction of artworks in bulk production (Porcelain Master, stone grinder and crystal, painter, printer).

Psychological requirements:

- artistic abilities; developed visual perception;

- observation, visual memory; visual-shaped thinking; creative imagination;

- Knowledge of psychological laws of emotional impact on people.

V. "Man-man"

Labor subject:


- upbringing, training of people (educator, teacher, sports coach);

- medical care (doctor, paramedic, nurse, nanny);

- domestic service (seller, hairdresser, waiter, watcher);

- informational services (librarian, guide, lecturer);

- Protection of society and state (lawyer, policeman, inspector, soldier).

Psychological requirements:

- the desire for communication, the ability to easily come into contact with unfamiliar people;

- Sustainable good health when working with people;

- goodwill, responsiveness;

- Exposure;

- ability to restrain emotions;

- the ability to analyze the behavior of others and their own, understand the intentions and mood of other people, the ability to deal with the relationship between people, the ability to settle differences between them, to organize their interaction;

- the ability to mentally put yourself in place of another person, the ability to listen to, take into account the opinion of another person;

- ability to own speech, facial expressions, gestures;

- developed speech, the ability to find a common language with different people;

- the ability to convince people;

- accuracy, punctuality, collens;

- knowledge of the psychology of people.

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Differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO), he is also a Climova Questionnaire on vocational guidance, intended to identify a person's predisposition, which is expressed in its value orientations, to certain types of professions.

The Klimov Questionnaire is based on the assumption that a person who needs the necessary learning and the appropriate profession will be able to perform any work, regardless of which category from the following it belongs. And at the same time, if a person initially had the opportunity to choose his future and professional field, what kind of activity did he actually prefer?

Instructions for test

Below are 20 pairs of statements that are disclosed in a compressed form one or another type of activity. Each statement, in turn, has two letter notation - A and b.

Read each of the two statements carefully, and then select one of them, putting along the "+" sign, which you found the most appropriate and appropriate to you. You can put two characters "+", which will talk about even greater attractiveness of your chosen activity. In case the selected work, you really like you can, put three characters "+".

Sign "-" Mark the work that you are not attractive. According to the degree of inconsistency of this type of activity, your preferences, you can put two signs "-", and in the case when this work really does not like you, put three signs "-".

1a. Care for animals 1b. Service machines
2a. Helping sick people to treat them 2b. Make tables, schemes, programs for computing machines
Per. Participate in the design of books, posters, magazines 3b. Follow the condition and development of plants
4a. Process materials (wood, fabric, metal, plastic, etc.) 4b. Bring the goods to the consumer (advertise)
5a. Discuss popular science books, articles 5 B. Discuss art books (or plays, concerts)
6a. Contain animals 6b. Training comrades (or younger students) in performing any actions (labor, training, sports)
7a. Copy drawings, images (or customize musical instruments) 7b. Control lifting crane, tractor, diesel locomotive, etc.
8a. Report (explain) to people any information (in the help desk, on excursions) 8b. Artistically draw exhibitions, showcases (or participate in the preparation of plays, concerts)
9a. Repair things (clothing, equipment), dwelling 9b. Search and correct errors in texts, tables, drawings
10a. To treat animals 10b. Perform calculations, calculations
11a. Render new varieties of plants 11b. Design, design new types of products (cars, clothing, houses, etc.)
12a. Resolve disputes, prevent quarrels, convince, clarify, encourage, punish 12b. Wake up in drawings, schemes, tables (check, specify, put in order)
13a. Participate in the work of artistic amateur circles 13b. Watch, study the life of microbes
14a. Establish medical devices, devices 14b. Provide people with medical care for wounds, bruises, etc.
15a. Conduct accurate descriptions, reports on observable phenomena, events measured by objects, etc. 15b. Artistically describe, display events (observed or represented)
16a. Perform laboratory tests in the hospital 16b. Take, examine patients, talk with them, assign treatment
17a. Paint or paint walls or rooms, product surface 17b. Installation of buildings or assembly of machines, devices
18a. Organize cultures of peers or junior comrades (in theaters, museums), excursions, tourist hiking, etc. 18b. Play on stage, take part in concerts
19A. Produce in drawings details, products (cars, clothes), building buildings 19b. Engage in drawing, copy drawings, cards
20a. To fight against plant diseases, with forest pests, garden 20b. Work on keyboards (typewriter, teletype, etc.)

Keys to the test:

After filling out a table consisting of five rows, each of which corresponds to a specific type of profession, the number of "+" signs is calculated vertically. The resulting number of advantages is recorded in the first of the three empty lines at the bottom of the table. Then the number of signs "-" is calculated in the same way and their number is written to the second empty string of the table.

After that, for each of the five vertical series, it is necessary to do the following operation: from the number of advantages to subtract the number of minuses and the result obtained to write to the last empty string at the bottom of the table.

In the interpretation of the results, it is recommended to use not only the indicators of the last line of the table, in which the total amount of scored points is prescribed, but also the indicators of the other two lines: the number of pluses and the number of minuses. For example, in the column "Ch-h" contains 7 advantages and 1 minus, the sum accordingly is 6; and in the column "Ch-T" contains 13 pros and 7 minuses, the amount as a result is also obtained 6; In this case, more complies with the profession of the type "cht", since more advantage in this column.


Test analysis and interpretation of results

Thus, in this last row, both positive and negative number may appear. The result obtained is an indicator of the severity of the conscious tendency to one of the five types of professions, which are encoded in a questionnaire under letters ch-h, Ch-t, ch-p, ch-z, h-x:

Ch-h - profession like "Man - Man";

Cht - profession like "Man - Technique";

Ch-P - profession like "Man - Nature";

H-3 - profession like "Man - Sign System";

H-X - profession like "Man - Art Image".

Man is a man (ch-h).

  • upbringing, training, training of other people (educator preschool institutions, orphanages, teacher in schools and other educational institutions, Master of Production Training, Sport Coach, etc.);
  • medical care for people and leaving them (doctor, dental technician, nurse);
  • legal aid (judge, lawyer, legal adviser, police worker, etc.);
  • organizing people, management and management of them (administrator, manager, etc.);
  • study, description, research of other people (sociologist, psychologist, journalist, investigator, etc.).

Man Engineering (Ch-T).

The work of people of this group of professions is associated with:

  • transformation of parts, products, mechanisms (manufacture parts, machines, manual mechanisms, on machines and automatic lines, fitting and assembly works, installation and electrical, construction and finishing, production of the extraction and processing of industrial raw materials, manufacturing of food);
  • maintenance of technical objects (adjustment and maintenance of equipment, managing machines, machines, mechanisms, vehicles and construction machines);
  • restoration (restoration and repair technical equipment, products);
  • study (control and analysis of the quality of products and mechanisms, test quality tests).

Man - Nature (Ch-P).

The work of people of this group of professions is associated with:

  • transformation, processing (gardener, technologist food Industry, fishellier, etc.);
  • service, protection of flora and fauna (forestry worker, flowerfish, poultry truck, animal husbandry, etc.);
  • product preparation, operation natural resources (Hunter, fisherman, logger, agronomist, zootechnics, etc.);
  • restoration, treatment (veterinarian, ecologist, forestry and pr.);
  • study, description, exploration (genetics, geologist, botanist, zoologist, metrologist, etc.).

Man is a sign system (ch-s).

The work of people of this group of professions is associated with:

  • transformation, calculation, sorting (accountant, economist, postman, etc.);
  • encryption, decoding, symbol recognition (stenograph, radio lane, linguist, philologist, historian, mathematician, librarian, etc.);
  • motion control (dispatcher, traffic police inspector, etc.);
  • preparation and storage of documentation (notary, archivist, clerk, etc.);
  • restoration, elimination of distortion (corrector, editor, etc.).

Man is an artistic image (s).

The work of people of this group of professions is associated with:

  • transformation, creation (architect, designer, sculptor, fashion designer, artist, director, composer, etc.);
  • execution, manufacture of products according to a sample in a single copy (conductor, musician, vocalist, actor, jeweler, restorer, designer, etc.);
  • with reproduction, copying, reproduction of artistic works (Master of painting, stone grinder, painter, etc.).

Differential diagnostic Questionnaire E.A. Klimov will help any person to determine its tendency to various kinds of professions, the method of calculating a personal psychotype. Each person is more located to a certain type of activity, this is due to the public life, thinking, skills and subconscious aspirations. For one person it is important to realize your creative potential for another - to benefit the public, and the third prefers the work aimed at the economic result. Relying on this technique online, you can find out your personal type and deeper to understand your inconsistencies to the nature of the activity.

Test Klimov on vocational guidance is suitable for:

  • teenager-schoolboy (applicant), which is in search of and thinks to whom to go to learn;
  • a student who is interested to comprehend the correctness of his choice;
  • companies that carefully select the staff when admission to work;
  • a person who has already has a profession, but wants to be returned and thinks which profession is worth choosing;
  • an employee of any company, in order to better organize its workflow and direct the ability in the right key.

Follow the differential diagnostic questionnaire Klimov on Prevolio and find out what type you feel!

The interests of Klimov was created by an outstanding Russian candidate of psychological sciences, which specialized in labor psychology and published over 300 works and about 30 benefits and textbooks. He dedicated one of the books by the topic of professional self-determination, in which he describes in detail about this technique (questionnaire). In contrast to the test on the method of Golomstock on our website, where the author highlights sixteen groups on the scoring system, the author of this test describes five major groups - the inconsistencies that characterize the identity.

E.A. Klimov allocates 5 psychotypes of the person:

  1. Man - Nature - this type, characterized by people seeking to improve the state ambient, Those who are easy to contact with nature and animals. These are gardeners, landscape designers, forestry and garden industrial workers, veterinarians and environmentalists, researchers of flora and fauna, zoologists, botany, as well as geologists, cartographers and metrologists.
  2. Man is a man - this type, as a social, inclined to communicate, help to other, understanding with the audience. Such people are suitable for education, education, social activity, medicine, legal assistance, journalism, as well as administrative work.
  3. Man - an artistic image - calls such people creative, prone to artistic, writing, musical and architectural activities, etc. Such a person can deal with the work of something or create works of art (designer, artist, composer, writer or director). And also to perform and produce (designer, musician, jeweler, actor, and so on) or work with works of creativity (restorer, painting, grinding, master painting).
  4. Man - Sign System - This type of people of the mathematical warehouse of the mind. They will be suitable for professions such as a programmer, accountant, librarian, economist, notary, editor, organizer of office work, inspector, historian, mathematician and the like.
  5. Man - Technique - Determines this type as people who are prone to technical species of professions, denotes the ability to make parts, equipment, mechanisms, restoration and repair, inventions and innovations, testing and testing.

Method of Klimov on Prevolio - Benefits

  • We have an online DDO Climov Test for free, without registration and without SMS;
  • Total 30 questions;
  • You need to choose the options for answers "Yes" or "No";
  • Automatic counting results;
  • Excellent opportunity to pass the Klimov Questionnaire in a convenient interface;
  • The passage time is not limited, so you can think good answer;
  • You can see all types of professions on Klimov (classification) and the measure of your location to each of them.

DDI makes it possible to recognize your professional inclinations and subconscious deposits to a certain type of activity. Therefore, this test for vocational guidelines for schoolchildren and adolescents is ideal. Our site offers you, right now, to pass the Klimov test on vocational guidance in comfortable conditions without leaving home. You can drink coffee and calmly answer questions. But it is very important to approach the answers to questions responsibly. If you doubt the answer, then most often the first answer that came to mind is right.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Klimov (1930-2014) - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Developer of System and Genetic Psychophysiology Professional Style. The greatest fame in domestic psychology was obtained by the classification of professions on the subject of labor, which allocates five types modern professions: Man - wildlife, technique, man man, man-sign system, artistic image.

The technique is intended to identify the inclination (predisposition) of a high school student to certain types of professions. It is a rather short questionnaire consisting of 20 alternative judgments.

The use of the technique is possible both individually and in the group. Above questions should not be thought for a long time.

The subject must in each of the 20 pairs of the proposed activities to choose the most preferred.

Rooms and alphabetic notation in the lift sheet cells correspond to the numbers and designations of questions. Each question has no two parts connected by the Union "or". Depending on whether the occupation is described in the first part of the question, put the "+" or "-" sign in the list of answers. Similarly, it should be done with the second half of the question. One of the halves should surely prefer - it should be more advantages.

Suppose that after appropriate learning you can do any job. However, if you had to choose only from two possibilities, what would you prefer?

The text of the questionnaire

Care for animals.

Service machines, devices (monitor, adjust).

Helping sick people to treat them

Make tables, schemes, programs for computing machines

Follow the quality of book illustrations, posters, artistic postcards, records

Monitor the state, developing plants

Processing materials (wood, fabric, plastic, metal, etc.)

Discuss popular science books, articles

Discuss art books (or plays, concerts)

Grow young (animals of any breed)

Training comrades (or younger) in performing any actions (labor, training, sports).

Copy drawings, images (or customize musical instruments).

Manage any cargo (lifting or transport) tool: lifting crane, tractor, diesel locomotive, etc.

Artistically draw exhibitions, showcases (or participate in the preparation of plays, concerts)

Repair things, products (clothing, equipment), housing

Search and correct errors in texts, tables, drawings

To treat animals

Perform calculations, calculations.

Render new varieties of plants

Design, design new types of industrial products (cars or clothing, houses, food, etc.)

Disassemble disputes, quarrels between people, convince, explain to encourage, punish.

Wake up in drawings, schemes, tables (check, clarify, put in order).

Watch, study the work of artistic amateur circles

Watch, study the life of microbes.

Discuss, establish medical devices, devices

Support medical care for wounds, bruises, burns, etc.

Conduct accurate descriptions - reports on observed phenomena, events measured by objects, etc.

Artistically describe, depict events (observable or represented)

Make laboratory tests in hospital

Take, examine patients, talk with them, assign treatment.

Painting or painting the walls of rooms, the surface of the product.

Installation of buildings or assembly of machines, devices.

Play on stage, take part in concerts

Making Drawings Details, Products (Machines, Clothing) Building Buildings

Engage in drawing, copy drawings, cards

To fight against plant diseases, with forest pests, garden.

Work on keyboards

Analysis of the results

The greatest number of advantages and the smallest number of minuses are symptoms of preferences, the inclinations of the latter. Very often they indirectly speak about the abilities of the subject.

This questionnaire helps at least partly limit the area of \u200b\u200bchoosing a profession, preferring certain zones of the world map of professions. You should not exaggerate the accuracy of the measured preferences. According to the questionnaire, you can find out what area of \u200b\u200bthe activity a person is more inclined to what less. Points indicate only the direction, and not the magnitude of the change in the evaluated feature. That is why illegally, strictly speaking, mutually destroy the pros and cons, obtained in the processing of each column. It is also impossible to give values \u200b\u200bto differences in the value of the total (on columns) of the numbers when comparing the results of the diagnosis of two different people. For example, if one is the result in any column (scale) result 11, and another - 15, it is wrong to conclude that in the second case, the preference is expressed "stronger". It is legitimate to draw conclusions about the differences in the preference of professions of a certain type. So, DDO allows you to determine which professions a person prefers (but not how much).

In accordance with the object of labor, five types of professions are distinguished:

1. "Nature Man" (P).

Representatives of these professions unites one very important quality - love for nature. But love is not contemplative. Which possesses almost all people, considering the nature of the most favorable medium for relaxation, and the active associated with the knowledge of its laws and the use of them. One thing is to love animals and plants, play with them, rejoice in them. And completely different - regularly, day after day to care for them, observe, treat, walk, not counting with personal time and plans. The specialist should not just know everything about living organisms, but also to predict possible changes in them and take action. A person needs an initiative and independence in solving specific tasks, caring, patience and foresight. A person working in the field of "Nature Man" must be calm and balanced.

2. "Technique" (T).

The feature of technical objects is that they, as a rule, can be accurately measured in many assessments. When processing, converting, moving or evaluation from an employee, accuracy is required, definiteness of actions. Technique as an ore subject represents wide opportunities for innovation, fiction, creativity, therefore, such quality becomes important as practical thinking. Technical fantasy, the ability to mentally connect and disconnect technical objects and their parts are important conditions for success in this area.

3. "Man-sign system" (s).

We meet with signs much more often than usually imagine. These are numbers. Codes, symbols, natural or artificial languages, drawings, formula tables. In any case, a person perceives a sign as a symbol of a real object or phenomenon. Therefore, a specialist who works with signs is important to be able to abstract from real physical, chemically, mechanical properties objects, and on the other - to express and perceive the characteristics real phenomena or objects behind signs. To work successfully in some profession of this type, you need to be able to mentally dive into the world, it would seem that dry designations and focus on the information they carry. The special requirements of the profession of this type are presented to attention.

4. "Art-artistic image" (x).

The most important requirements that make professions associated with the visual, musical, literary-artistic, acting and scenic activities of a person - the presence of ability to arts, creative imagination, figurative thinking, talent, hardworking.

5. "Man-man" (h).

The main content of labor in professions like a man is reduced to the interaction between people. If this interaction does not work, it means that work will not work. The quality necessary for working with people: Sustainable, good mood In the process of working with people, the need for communication, the ability to mentally put yourself in place of another person, quickly understand the intentions, thoughts, the mood of people, the ability to understand human relationships, good memory (the ability to keep in mind the names and features of many people), patience.

Examples of professions in accordance with the presented types of human relationships to the world around

Type of occupations

Examples of occupations

Man - Nature (P)

Gardener, zootechnic, vet, animal husbandry, geologist, agronomist, biologist, forester, beekeeper, soil scientist, etc.

Man - Technology (T)

Locksmith, turner, radio engineering, communication, seamstress, driver, electrician, engineer, assemblyman, etc.

Man - Sign System (3)

Draftsman, typist and operator computer, radio lane, planner, economist, corrector, programmer, telegraphist, typewriter, etc.

Man - Artistic Image (x)

Malaver, engraver, architect, photographer, actor, grinding of stones, artist, musician, fashion designer, glass fiber, etc.

Man - man (h)

Seller, teacher, educator kindergarten, nanny, pre-submarket school, technical school, university; doctor; medical sister, waiter, administrator, etc.

Of course, it is impossible to strictly distribute in five types. This approach to the classification of professions is more correct: it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the profession can be characterized by signs at the same time different typesbut equally. So, the conductor of the choir is both the musician actually, and the organizer of the group of people. Agronom is a specialist in the field of crop production, and the organizer of production, and an expert of agricultural machinery, and to some extent the cartographer (who, besides him, will be special maps of landmarks of this farm?). Therefore, grouping such complex many characteristic phenomena as professions, it is necessary to take into account the fact of the fuzziness of their borders and orient to the main, the main groups of signs. Different groups are possible for different purposes.

Processing data source

In each column, the amounts of pluses and amounts of minuses are separately calculated. The amount of pluses is set in the third bottom line in the corresponding column, the sum of minuses is in the second line. Algebraic amount is affixed in the bottom line.


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