Download templates for presentations on health-saving technologies. Health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution T.M. Timonina

Purpose of the presentation: Dissemination of pedagogical experience in the application of health-saving technologies in the educational process.

Tasks: Formation elementary representations about health-saving technologies and the possibilities of their application;

To acquaint educators with a variety of techniques and methods that have a positive impact on a healthy lifestyle.



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"Modern health-saving technologies in kindergarten" The presentation was prepared by the educator: Kuznetsova Ekaterina Evgenievna

“Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, only children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will beware.” Janusz Korczak

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ( World Organization healthcare)

Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interconnection and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his education and development.

The tasks of health preservation are the preservation of children's health and the increase in motor activity and mental performance, the creation of adequate conditions for the development, education, and rehabilitation of children, the creation of a positive emotional mood and the removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Health saving educational technologies are divided into three groups: 1. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health 2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle 3. Corrective technologies.

Technologies of preservation and stimulation Dynamic pauses Mobile and sport games Relaxation Finger gymnastics Eye gymnastics Breathing gymnastics Dynamic gymnastics

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle Physical education lessons Acupressure Lessons in the pool Problem-playing and communicative games

Correctional technologies Fairy tale therapy sand therapy Art Therapy Su-Jok Therapy Music Therapy

Finger gymnastics Helps to master fine motor skills Helps develop speech Increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex Develops mental abilities: thinking, memory, imagination Relieves anxiety

Respiratory gymnastics has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play important role in blood supply, including lung tissue Improves the drainage function of the bronchi; - restores impaired nasal breathing Promotes the restoration of normal blood and lymph circulation Increases the overall resistance of the body

Su-Jok therapy Affects the biologically active points of the body Stimulates the speech zones of the cerebral cortex Promotes treatment internal organs, normalizes the work of the body as a whole Develops fine motor skills of the hands Develops memory, attention, coherent speech

Acupressure and self-massage Teaches children to consciously take care of their health Is the prevention of colds Increases vitality in children Instills in them a sense of responsibility for their health, confidence that they themselves can help themselves to improve their well-being.

Gymnastics for the eyes Improves blood circulation and intraocular fluid of the eyes Strengthens the muscles of the eyes Improves accommodation (this is the ability of the human eye to good quality vision at different distances)

Relaxation Teaches children to relax Promotes concentration Helps relieve tension Reduces arousal

Music therapy Increases children's immunity Relieves tension and irritability Relieves headaches Restores calm breathing

Application in the work of the preschool educational institution health-saving technologies, increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations among teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils.

The health of the child is above all, The wealth of the earth will not replace him. Health can not be bought, no one will sell. Take care of him like a heart, like an eye!!!

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Quick transition to the course lessons.

Analysis of the media lesson from the standpoint of health saving.The whole lesson should not be "tied" to the presentation. The total time of working with the presentation in the lesson should not exceed 20-25 minutes. This does not mean that all this time students are looking at the screen in a row. When planning a lesson, it is necessary to provide for a change in the forms of work with children. In the presentation demonstration mode, using the right mouse button, select the Black Screen command. In this case, the glowing screen will go out and you can organize a different form of work.

Common mistakes seen on slides

1. Eliminate slides with the text "Hello children", "Thank you for the lesson", " Homework". Do not forget that in the lesson, students should hear the live speech of the teacher. And at the beginning of the lesson, when the teacher says “Hello, children,” the students should look into the eyes of the teacher and understand the sincerity of his wish for health to all his students. Don't be afraid if your presentation is shortened by three slides. Believe me, quantity is not quality.

2. A large amount of unreadable text on the slide. Small font. With such a slide design, one gets the feeling that the presentation for the teacher is a summary that he did not learn by heart. Each slide designed for demonstration in a lesson should have a minimum of textual information. The font is large and easy to read.

3. Another error in working with text. Applying beautifying effects to text snippets. For example, the shadow effect. Look at the picture for the Pythagorean theorem. Reading such records is sure to strain the eyes of children. All embellishments that strain the eyes should be excluded.

4. Animation for text objects. Often in the work of teachers, animation of the text irritates the eyes. For example, text appears one letter at a time. When we read, we perceive words and even entire lines. Therefore, our eyes are waiting for all the letters to “pop out”, and only then will it be possible to read the text string. Such animation of the text irritates the eyes. Animation for text is better to use less often.

5. Choose high-quality pictures of large sizes. Sometimes, looking at images in presentations, you want to rub your eyes - this is a feeling of discomfort from low-quality images. When scaling, small pictures will lose quality, a blur effect or a stepped effect will appear. The person strains his eyes to see, but without success.

Try to avoid placing animated pictures on the slide. Animated characters accompanying the presentation, as a rule, do not carry a semantic load. But the appearance of such pictures irritates the eyes. When playing a presentation, the eye will definitely “catch” on the animated picture, the student will need time to switch his attention to other objects on the slide. And many children will only look at the jumping picture and will not be able to switch.

6. The background of a presentation can also be a test for a child's eyes. Blue, red and other bright colors are not comfortable for the eyes. It's not just the eyes that get tired. After watching such a presentation, the student suddenly loses his ability to work or, on the contrary, is overly excited. The background for math presentations should be without an additional background image. It is clear that, for example, a section of a polyhedron will be difficult to perceive if there is an additional background image on the slide. When choosing a background for an educational presentation, be sure to check in class: how the text is perceived on this background, is it visible from the last desk, it may be worth increasing the thickness of the lines in the drawings.

7. Uniform presentation style. New fonts appearing on the slides, a variety of colors - all this is an additional load on the eyes. One day in class, I noticed how the children's eyes "darted" across the screen. It turned out that on the previous slides the text was at the top, and on the next one in the lower right corner. The text was not visible to the student from the last desk at all, he experienced obvious discomfort, because. could not comprehend the essence of the question. I try not only to follow a single style within one development, but also to adhere to this style in all my presentations. He is well known to the students, they are comfortable. Children do not experience unnecessary emotions about the new background beauty, all the free space on the slide is given to the beauty of mathematics.

8. Using sound effects in math presentations. I doubt the educational effect of using sounds in presentations. For example, noisy sounds in some presentations annoy me. Therefore, if you decide to apply sound effects, you should be aware that an incorrectly set sound level can adversely affect the hearing of your audience in the audience.

9. If the projector in the classroom is installed on the desk. The projector must be permanently fixed to the auditorium ceiling. But often one projector is used by several teachers working in different classrooms (for example, one projector at the teaching and methodological department). If the projector is permanently mounted on the ceiling, then a beam of bright light passes over the teacher's head. If the projector is installed on the desk, then the beam of light enters the teacher's eyes. This is very dangerous for the retina. Therefore, try to avoid direct exposure to light. For example, I use a very long pointer when I'm working at the screen with a drawing on a slide. In no case should children be invited to the screen if there is a danger of a beam of light falling into the child's eyes.

Conclusions. The irrational use of a computer presentation during a lesson can lead to the opposite results - increased fatigue and psycho-emotional stress. Unlimited use of the projector in the classroom and ignore generally accepted rules when designing a presentation, it can negatively affect the vision of students and teachers in the classroom.

The duration of the continuous use of technical teaching aids in the classroom

It is necessary to alternate during the lesson different types learning activities(with the exception of control works). Average continuous duration various kinds learning activities of students (reading with paper carrier, writing, hearing, questioning, etc.)
  • in grades 1-4 should not exceed 7-10 minutes,
  • in grades 5-11 - 10-15 minutes.
The distance from the eyes to the notebook or book should be at least 25-35 cm for students in grades 1-4 and at least 30-45 cm for students in grades 5-11.

After use technical means training associated with visual load, it is necessary to conduct a set of exercises to prevent eye fatigue (Appendix 5), and at the end of the lesson - physical exercises to prevent general fatigue (Appendix 4).
Download attachments 4, 5 [ , 31Kb].

Recommended set of eye gymnastics exercises

Annex 5 to SanPiN

In order to prevent fatigue, impaired posture and vision of students in the classroom, physical education and gymnastics for the eyes should be carried out.

1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.
2. Close your eyes tightly (count to 3, open them and look into the distance (count to 5). Repeat 4-5 times.
3. Pull out right hand forward. Follow with your eyes, without turning your head, the slow movements of the index finger of the outstretched hand to the left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.
4. Look at the index finger of the outstretched hand at the expense of 1-4, then look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times
5. At an average pace, do 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, the same amount to the left side. After relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 1-2 times.

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Purpose: Creation of a health-saving educational space, where pedagogical technologies are used that do not harm the health of the child, contribute to the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, develop health culture skills

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Tasks: 1. mastery and use of health-saving technologies by teachers in the educational process; 2. maintaining a favorable psychological microclimate in the school team; 3. organization of optimal motor mode, balanced nutrition; 4. creation of a rational regime for organizing the educational process at school, compliance with hygiene requirements to him; 5. shaping healthy lifestyle life as a style of behavior, lifestyle, development of hygiene culture skills, immunity to bad habits

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Mechanisms for the implementation of educational goals and objectives 1. Ensuring the quality of hygienic conditions, which in essence are of an objective nature (thermal conditions, size of classrooms, lighting, design and quality of furniture, quality of food, state of plumbing, ecological state of the territory)

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2. providing educational and organizational conditions that are subjective and depend on the quality management activities(management style at school, way of life school life, psychological microclimate, load volume, schedule quality, volume and quality of physical activity during the school day, week, medical and psychological support of the educational process)

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Health-saving technologies are implemented through: 1. teaching the elements of health culture; 2. introduction to the norms of a healthy lifestyle; 3. creation of healthy conditions for organizing the educational process; 4. use active methods and forms of personality-oriented education and upbringing; 5. organization of complex monitoring: a) dynamics of the state of physical health; b) dynamics of psycho-physiological indicators; c) social support of the educational process

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1. Teaching elements of the culture of health conversation (class leader, school doctor) cool watch(class hands, parents) parent meetings interchangeable posters (canteen, classrooms, corridor, library, children's drawings) appearance of the teacher

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2. Familiarization with the norms of a healthy lifestyle classroom hours (class teacher, library, school doctor) recipes of parents gardening classes, corridors (class teacher, school staff) aromatherapy (class teacher, doctor, responsible for duty in classroom) health group for teachers and school staff (physical education teachers, initiative group) classes with children with scoliosis (physical education teachers, 1 hour per week) breathing exercises (physical education teachers, doctor)

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3. Creation of healthy conditions for the organization of the educational process gardening of classrooms, corridors daily walks, outdoor games (GPA, physical education lessons, sections) cleaning of premises, lighting, ventilation, sanitary condition furniture and its quality (AHCh, class of hands.) balanced nutrition, vitaminization (canteen manager, doctor)

Health is one of the main values ​​of human life. That is why the problem of deteriorating health of the country's population and especially children is becoming a national one. Children's health is the future of the country, therefore, teachers, the public, and parents are faced with the task of educating a healthy generation. The main goal of preschool education is the development of the child while maintaining health, that is, the development of the child in accordance with the principle of expediency. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to perceive their life and health as the greatest value. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, by which we mean the active activity of people aimed at maintaining and improving health. The main components of a healthy lifestyle are: 1. Proper nutrition. 2. Rational motor activity. 3. Hardening of the body. 4. Development of the respiratory apparatus. 5. Preservation of a stable psycho-emotional state.

Concepts: “technology” is, first of all, a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education (UNESCO). “Educational technology of health saving pedagogy” is the process of reproducing pedagogical actions from the arsenal of pedagogical and methodological tools within the framework of the “Teacher-Student” relationship, carried out through the systematic use of forms, means and methods that ensure the achievement of planned results, taking into account the goals and objectives of health saving pedagogy. “health-saving technology” is a system of measures that includes the interconnection and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of a child at all stages of his education and development. The concept of preschool education provides for not only the preservation, but also the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and the health of pupils.

FINGER GYMNASTICS A set of exercises that serves as the basis for the development of fine motor skills, manual skill and coordination of hand movements, which, in turn, contributes to the development of the speech center of the brain. It is used in all types of activities and in free time.

WAKE UP GYMNASTICS Uplifts mood and muscle tone, and also serves to prevent postural disorders. Includes air (contrast) hardening method in combination with general developmental and coordination exercises. Performed after sleep.

RESPIRATORY GYMNASTICS A system of breathing exercises aimed at developing the respiratory apparatus by training the speech and vocal apparatus, combined with appropriate movements. Breathing exercises are recommended 2-3 times a week. Breathing exercises are carried out 2 times a day: in the morning on exercises, in sports, music classes to restore breathing. The use of breathing exercises in combination with aromatherapy.

Sound gymnastics Breathing exercises with the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. It is used in all types of activities and in free time. Bioenergoplasty A new method of articulation gymnastics, which helps children cope with speech difficulties. It is carried out simultaneously with the movements of the hand (right or left), then both, imitating the movements of the jaw of the tongue, lips. Conducted by speech therapists and educators speech groups in the morning and evening hours, in the classroom. Logorhythmics A system of musical-motor, speech-motor and musical-speech games and exercises carried out for the purpose of logopedic correction. It is used in all types of activities and in free time. Corrective gymnastics A set of exercises aimed at preventing postural disorders and flat feet. Classes in corrective gymnastics are held 2 times a week with a subgroup of human children, the duration is 45 minutes. Gymnastics for the eyes A set of exercises that helps prevent visual impairment. Middle of class. Game-gymnastics It serves as the basis for the child to master various types of movements (combat, open switch, acrobatic exercises, exercises to relax muscles, to strengthen posture). Used in physical education, rhythm.

Wellness massage Helps to strengthen various muscle groups, relieve tension, fatigue in individual muscle groups, reduce pain, restore muscle functions. Massage must be combined with therapeutic exercises. It is carried out before and after gymnastics. Self-massage, mutual massage The basis of hardening and healing of the child's body, helps to reduce irritability and aggression, stimulates biologically active points. At the beginning of classes. In the morning, during the gymnastics of awakening. Acupressure Massage Pressing with fingertips on the skin and muscle layer at the location of tactile and proprioceptive points and nerve branches, as an element of psychophysical training. Helps to relax muscles and relieve neuro-emotional stress. It is used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, influenza, to improve the course of nervous processes.

HEALTH PAUSES Includes physical exercises, "studies for the soul." The task of health breaks is to give knowledge, develop skills and abilities to strengthen the spine, feet, arms, relieve fatigue and static stress, find peace and balance. In the classroom: - Stretch 1-2 times - Sit down evenly and calmly, which means rest - Drive away bad thoughts and calm the brain - Say kind words to each other correction of various aspects of the child's psyche, as well as the formation of various mental functions in children, teaching the elements of self-relaxation and developing the ability to express various emotional states. RELAXATION Exercises aimed at relieving physical and mental stress, creating a positive emotional mood, mastering the simplest skills for correcting one's own psychosomatic state. At the end of the lesson. FRONTAL-OCPITAL CORRECTION This is a technique that is used to concentrate attention, develop memory mechanisms and relieve stress. Beginning and end of the lesson.

MUSIC THERAPY Creation of such musical accompaniment, which most effectively contributes to the correction of the psychophysical status of children with certain developmental problems, in the process of their motor-playing activity. The technology is both corrective and preventive and can be widely used in working with children. Music therapy (as background), in free time. Inhibited babies need stimulating music, excited babies need calming music, dystonic children need stabilizing music. Depending on the part of the lesson or organized activity in which music acts as a background, music is also used. different kind(the division of music into types is arbitrary to a certain extent) COLOR THERAPY This is a targeted selection and application of an appropriate light regimen for a child (a group of children) in order to achieve the desired preventive, corrective or rehabilitative effect in his psychophysical status. Elements of color therapy can be traced in the color design of the premises and in the use of color spots in the organization of motor activity. This technology allows you to project problems, fears that excite the child onto a fairy-tale situation and allows the child himself, or with the help of an adult, to find ways to overcome them. Used in free activities, in classes with a psychologist

AROMOTHERAPY The use of essential oils of medicinal plants for the prevention of stress, nervous tension, various infectious and acute respiratory diseases, and the creation of a comfortable environment. Through the aroma lamp, the air is saturated with vapors of essential oils, individual aroma medallions, pillows with fragrant herbs to improve sleep. In the autumn-winter period, during the influenza epidemic, onion and garlic, cut into small pieces, are laid out indoors. PHYTOTHERAPY Use of the complex medicinal herbs to strengthen the adaptability of the child's body to the influence harmful factors environment, health improvement, disease prevention. IN children's institution it is advisable to use decoctions of herbs for rinsing, to saturate the indoor air with pairs of medicinal herbs. Used in autumn and winter

Directions in the work of teachers of MADOU d / s "Vasilek" for the improvement of children ensuring a favorable course of adaptation; implementation of the sanitary regime; solution of health problems by all means of physical culture; implementation of social, sanitary and special measures for the prevention and spread of infectious diseases; organization of a health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions; determination of indicators of physical development, motor fitness, objective and subjective criteria of health by diagnostic methods; study of advanced pedagogical experience in the improvement of children, selection and implementation of effective technologies and methods; systematic professional development of teaching staff; promotion of healthy lifestyles and health improvement methods in the team of children, parents, employees.

Conclusion The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations among teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils.

Eva Trubnikova
Presentation of work experience on the topic "Health-saving technologies"

Dear colleagues! I want to bring to your attention presentation of work experience on the topic«» .What is " Health saving technologies"?

Health saving technologies in preschool education - technology aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching health subjects of the pedagogical process in children's garden: children, teachers and parents.

aim health saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child is an: providing a high level of real health pupil kindergarten and the upbringing of valeological culture as a combination of a child's conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and ability to protect, support and save it.

Health saving educational technology most significant of all known technologies degree of influence on children's health.

Health nation is one of the most urgent problems modern society. Optimization problem health and the physical development of children in the conditions of preschool educational institutions in the current socio-economic conditions of the development of society is such that a serious issue is the unsatisfactory condition health and physical development of a significant part of preschool children.

For these reasons, conservation problems health adults and children are becoming especially relevant in all areas human activity and especially acute - in the educational field.

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