Research work "Dove - a bird of our village". Research work "studying the relationship of man to pigeons Topics of research papers about pigeons

State institution "Zhalgyskan secondary school"

department of education of the akimat of Karasu district

Research work on the topic

"My favorite pets are pigeons"

Section - Biology

Performer Akhmedov Tofig Grade 5

State institution "Zhalgyskan secondary school" of Karasu district, Kostanay region

Head: Akhmedova N.G. teacher

State institution "Zhalgyskan secondary school"

Study period 2013-2015


1. Introduction.

2. Information about pigeons.

3. Breeds of pigeons. Distribution and habitat

4. Reproduction and crossing of pigeons. Breeding a new breed.

5. Feeding pigeons


7. Conclusion


The relevance of research . We live in the 11th century - this is the century of technological progress. We are surrounded by many technological innovations: computers, cell phones, LCD TVs, and so on. we so quickly get used to everything new that man invents, completely unaware of what surrounds us, created by nature itself.

My work is dedicated to pigeons. I will answer why I chose this topic.

We live in a village. My dad passed on his love for pigeons to me. Pigeons occupy a special place in his life. He started breeding them as a child. His love for pigeons was transferred to me. Dealing with them, we “rest our souls. You can watch for hours how doves perform miracles higher flight, go up, sparkling plumage in the sun. At the same time, it becomes joyful, all anxieties and sorrows recede away.

Topic my research is devoted to the study of various breeds of pigeons and the breeding of a new breed by crossing a wild female and a thoroughbred male.

Target my research is to learn something new for myself about pigeons, about their habits and habits, and the most interesting thing for me is breeding a new breed. My mom and I did this for a year.

The objectives of my research are:

1. Pick up literature and a variety of pictures with images of pigeons.

2. Use in the work the materials found on the Internet on the research topic.

3. Observe the life of pigeons of various breeds during the year when breeding and feeding chicks.

The main methods of my research were: viewing books and various literature; observation of my pets, a description of the results.

Research hypothesis

We assume that the true passion for pigeons, communication with them makes a person kinder, purer in soul and nobler in heart. Pigeon breeders can watch for hours how their pets, performing miracles of aerobatics, go up, sparkling with plumage in the sun. At the same time, the soul comes to life, all anxieties and sorrows recede away. This is one of the pleasures that a person receives by communicating with nature.

this work belongs to the section of problem - research

1. Information about pigeons

Rock dove Columba livia

The rock dove, along with sparrows, is a typical city dweller. It can be found throughout the European part of Russia, Western Siberia and in the south Far East. The wild species of these birds is common on the coast. Sea of ​​Azov, in the Urals and the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan. Birds that settle in an urban environment have different colors, while in wild nature The rock dove is always colored the same: gray-gray plumage, two stripes on the wing, a gray tail and a dark beak. Through breeding, many new breeds of pigeons were obtained from the Blue Pigeon. About my breed, which I bred, I want to tell you below.

scientific classification

Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordates
Subtype: Vertebrates
Class: Birds
Order: Pigeons
Family: Pigeons
Genus: Pigeons
Species: rock dove


Pigeons, common in the wild, do not look like all the usual city birds. Urban birds can have more than 30 color options: from white and beige to almost black.

There are practically no differences between the male and the female, except for the fact that the plumage on the female's chest is less shimmery with silver. Juveniles have lighter plumage and a gray or brown iris for the first six months.

An ordinary pigeon has a grayish-gray plumage, gray wings with two characteristic stripes, on the chest the plumage casts a metallic yellowish or purple color. The size of the dove ranges from 30 to 35 cm, weight - about 300 grams. Feathers densely tear the body, but are poorly fixed on the skin. Around the eyes of the dove there are non-feathered areas. The beak is dark, almost black, surrounded by a characteristic white area - cere. The eyes are orange-red or yellow. Wings with a metallic sheen, span - up to 65 cm. The tail is straight or slightly rounded, with a dark stripe along the edge. Paws are red or pink.

2. Breeds of pigeons. Distribution and habitat

Pigeons inhabit the entire Eurasian territory. They can be found from the Yenisei to Altai, on the borders of East India and Myanmar, and even in Africa. They live on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, the British, Faroe and Canary Islands. Initially, in Russia, pigeons settled only on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, in the Volga region and in the North Caucasus. Over time, the birds spread throughout the country. Today, pigeons can be found all over the world. They live even in cool, high-altitude places, and always inhabit areas cultivated by man. Pigeons settle not only near settlements, but also in forests. Also, some birds prefer rocky areas and mountains. For example, rocky pigeons make nests in the recesses of rocks, in caves. In the south, rock pigeons are sedentary, while in the north, birds move to warmer places for wintering. Pigeons settle in flocks, colonies, but at the same time they are monogamous. population wild species pigeons is not large and over time the number of birds decreases. Pigeons were brought to other continents and islands (America, Great Britain) on purpose, initially not living there. Pigeons were brought to Nova Scotia by colonists in the 15th century. In Kazakhstan, 5 species of pigeons are common: rock pigeon, rock pigeon, stock dove, pigeon, Japanese pigeon. People breed and decorative pigeons to enjoy looking at these beautiful birds. This is a peacock dove, and a puffin, and Bukhara pigeons, and many, many others.

pigeon breeding

In the wild, pigeons settle in colonies, within which they form pairs. Pigeons are monogamous and remain faithful to their partner throughout their lives. The male attracts the female with a beautiful marriage dance: he cooes, walks around her, spins, spreads feathers, puffs up his goiter. Sometimes both doves take off, flapping their wings vigorously, and soar in the air. In response to courtship, the female begins to show attention to the male and usually the dance ends with mutual encouragement: the birds clean each other's plumage, touch each other with their beaks, the female can peck the male on the head. The nesting period for pigeons has no clear boundaries and can last at any time throughout the year. In many ways, it depends on the area where the pigeons live. In Eurasia, pigeons breed mainly from March to October.
Pigeons make nests in rocks or other places inaccessible to predators. Pigeons - inhabitants of cities for nesting choose places of the cultural landscape, reminiscent of natural conditions: house attics, cornices, crevices in brickwork. I built a dovecote for my pigeons.

Having built a nest, a pair of pigeons can use it repeatedly to breed offspring.

When building a dwelling, the male produces construction material, which is served by various twigs, straws and blades of grass. The female is directly involved in the construction of the nest. The nest is made simply, one might say, carelessly, and has a flat shape. Pigeons are very careful and try to equip their nests so that it is extremely difficult for a person to detect them.

The female lays 1-2 white eggs with a smooth shiny shell in the nest. The female lays eggs intermittently (about two days).

Both partners incubate the offspring. The male is in the nest, as a rule, in the morning, while the female is busy eating. If the female lingers for a long time, the male begins to coo invitingly so that the female will quickly replace him in the nest. The incubation period lasts from 17 to 30 days, depending on the breed of the pigeon. Chicks are born at intervals of a couple of days, they are absolutely helpless and covered with sparse hairy down. At first, their parents feed them " bird's milk"- a nutrient fluid released into the goiter.It consists of 64-82% water, 7-13% fat and fat-like substances, 10-19% protein, 1.6% minerals and astringents, vitamins A, D, E, B. In appearance, in the first days, the milk resembles liquid yellowish sour cream, and rancid butter tastes like rancid butter. After 3-4 days, it becomes thicker, on the 6-7th day, the parents mix crushed food particles into it. And on the 10-11th day, the chicks already receive grain and mineral impurities with water.

After the first chick hatches, the parents immediately start feeding it. The female usually starts feeding first. The dove lowers its head to the chick, grabs its beak with its beak and regurgitates the prepared food. By the time the second chick appears, the first one has time to get goiter two or three times. After each regurgitation, the female raises her body and beak again and, without releasing the chick's beak, gives him another portion. For one feeding, she produces 10-15 regurgitations, with an interval of 10-20 seconds. After a short break -6-10 seconds - feeding is resumed. Having sated, the chick takes it under the dove. After 1.5-2.5 hours, feeding is resumed. Pigeons secrete milk for an average of 9-10 days. From the 10th day after hatching the chick, milk production is reduced. If the production of milk is timely, and the hatching of the brood is delayed by 2-3 days, the pigeons may leave the nest,

without waiting for the appearance of the chicks. The brood in this case dies from overcooling.

Such food has a great energy value contains a lot of proteins and few carbohydrates. When the chicks grow up, the parents begin to feed them with plant seeds. Outwardly, young pigeons are similar to adults, but have a faded plumage and a brown color of the iris. After a month or so, the chicks become independent, fly out of the nest. The ability to reproduce in pigeons appears at the age of about six months.

The interest of bird lovers in pigeons has a long history. Pigeons have been bred in captivity since ancient times. Birds began to be tamed in Central Asia and Egypt. Then they spread to Italy and further throughout Europe. In India, too, many were engaged in the selection of pigeons. Thus, considerable experience has been gained in breeding birds in captivity. During this time, more than 800 different breeds of pigeons have been bred. They can be divided into three main groups: meat, sports and decorative. Representatives of various breeds of pigeons have characteristics according to which they are assigned to one species or another.
Pigeons differ not only in size, but also in physique, plumage color and ability to fly. Most often, pigeons are bred for sporting purposes, but there are also lovers of breeding and maintaining pure breeds, which stand out for their beautiful plumage and voice.

Many breeders are interested in improving the flying ability of birds. Carrier pigeons belong to the sport species.

They can fly over long distances (300-500 km) in a short time. At the same time, they are well oriented and always return home. The flight speed reaches 60 km. in hour.

Today, sports (mail) pigeons participate in various competitions. So, at the beginning of the 19th century, the first tournament for sporting pigeons was organized in Belgium. This was the beginning of a new breed of pigeons, called "Voyageurs" ("Travelers"). These pigeons are aces of flight. They can reach speeds up to 140 km. in hour.
The meat pigeon breeding industry is not widespread in Kazakhstan, but is popular in other countries (France, Italy, Hungary). Its purpose is to bring out large birds, weighing about 1 kg., capable of rapid reproduction.

Breeders have bred many decorative breeds of pigeons. These birds are amazing appearance. For example, warty pigeons are distinguished by a “neck collar” on their necks, and among the so-called Asiatic pigeons, one can meet peacocks with beautiful tail plumage, curly pigeons, deep Jacobins, having a beautiful “crown” or “wig” on their heads.


Pigeons eat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In search of food, birds are able to make long-distance flights.
The main diet of pigeons is grain. They also feed on seeds, fruits, berries, and rarely insects. Pigeons easily adapt to the food offered to them by humans. In the conditions of cities, pigeons can often be seen in the garbage heaps, looking for food among the garbage. Pigeons are illegible in food for the following reason: there are no more than 40 taste buds on their tongue (a person has 10 thousand of them).

Water plays an important role in the nutrition of pigeons. It contributes to the swelling of the grains. Pigeons drink water in a way that is not typical for birds: they immerse their beak in water to the very nostrils and suck in the liquid.

pigeon breeding

On the given time More than 800 different breeds of pigeons have already been bred. Pigeons are crossed either of the same breed to maintain the valuable qualities of birds or pigeons of different breeds - to improve the species.
Pigeons in breeding science can be divided into three main groups: meat, sport and decorative. Representatives of various breeds of pigeons have characteristic features according to which they are classified as one or another species. Pigeons differ not only in size, but also in physique, plumage color and ability to fly.
In Russian tradition, there is a special term - pigeon breeding. There are special nurseries for breeding pigeons - pigeon houses. Until recently, they were extremely popular among ordinary residents - dovecotes could be found in the courtyards of cities and in the suburbs. Dovecotes are equipped with special nest boxes - steam boxes. There are still hundreds of thousands of pigeon breeders all over the world. By selection, hundreds of species of pigeons were bred, which are distinguished by an amazing variety, both in external

traits and ability to fly.I decided to see what kinds would come out if cross a wild dove

and purebred male .

That's what happened!

Pigeons are strong and hardy birds. And I want to note one more quality. Pigeons are very responsible parents. They do not abandon their nests even in extreme situations. During a fire in the dovecote, the pigeons did not abandon their nests, but continued to sit on them, protecting their unhatched chicks. The rest of the doves hovered in the air without flying far. After extinguishing the fire, the whole flock flocked to the still hot roof. I was very touched by such a responsible attitude of pigeons to their family.

In Palestine, doves were sacrificed to the gods; among the Jews, the dove was a symbol of love and moral purity. In Christianity, the dove has a special meaning: this bird is a symbol of peace and friendship.

I love my pigeons so much!!!


In my work, I tried to give a variety of information about pigeons. He considered questions from the history of pigeon breeding, learned a lot about the breeds of pigeons and their reproduction.

Based on their work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Pigeons - amazing birds that bring joy to people.

2.Exists many breeds for various purposes.

I would like to end with these words

Literature review

From literary sources, we found out that at present there is an increasing interest of society in breeding pigeons.Schmidt H. “Doves. 300 breeds for exhibition and breeding. Complete Atlas.”-From this atlas we learned about more than three hundred breeds of pigeons: their history, use, exhibition and breeding value, as well as all important and characteristics these amazing birds.It says that pigeon breeding is one of the many hobbies of people. Devoting his leisure time to breeding pigeons, a person creatively approaches his favorite pastime, constantly experimenting, trying to get a new breed of domestic pigeons or offspring from exotic species of these birds. We also learned that in the cities of Kazakhstan, clubs of pigeon breeders have been created, which conduct great propaganda on the protection of birds and the development of amateur pigeon breeding in their cities, provide assistance and give helpful tips beginner pigeon breeders, arrange exhibitions, organize work with children - pigeon breeding sections and circles.

In books such as: "All About Pigeons" S.P. Bondarenko , the magazine "Pigeon breeding", the book.A.F. Ziper "All about pigeons" -described in detail biological features pigeons, the conditions of their maintenance and breeding, the classification of breeds of pigeons is given.


1. Bondarenko S.P. “It's all about pigeons. Practical Tips» Moscow 2002

2.S.P. Bondarenko. “All about pigeons” -2004

3.A.F. Ziper “All about pigeons” -2001

4. Magazine "Pigeon breeding" Moscow 2009

5. Schmidt H. “Doves. 300 breeds for exhibition and breeding. Complete Atlas.-2008.


for research work

“My favorite pets are pigeons” by a 6th grade student of the State Institution “Zhalgyskan School”

Akhmedova Tofiga

This research work, carried out on the topic "My favorite pets are pigeons" is theoretical, research, problem-search.

The work is done on 19 sheets. In the course of the work, the author used additional literature, Internet resources, did a lot of research work, observing the breeding of pigeons.

Relevance research is that we live in the 11th century and do not notice at all what surrounds us, created by nature itself.

But one has only to stop a little, look around, observe.

The world of birds is very colorful and diverse. There are a lot of birds in nature. In the forest, on the river, in the field - birds live all around. And every bird is beautiful in its own way.

It is human nature to desire nature.

This desire also implies communication with other living beings.

Hypothesis research lies in the fact that a true passion for pigeons, communication with them makes a person kinder, cleaner in soul and nobler in heart. Pigeon breeders can watch for hours how their pets, performing miracles of aerobatics, go up, sparkling with plumage in the sun. At the same time, the soul comes to life, all anxieties and sorrows recede away. This is one of the pleasures that a person receives by communicating with nature.

Head of research N.G.Akhmedova

Vera Rogova
Research work "The Life of Pigeons"


I chose this topic because I am very interested in learning more about pigeons, about care


If I study additional literature, I will learn about breeds pigeons.


How can you find out more about pigeon life.

Participate in exhibitions

Watch video films

Watch out for pigeons

Learn about care and equipment

Give advice to friends on how to breed pigeons

Methods research:

Search for information when work with literary and Internet sources

Getting information from pigeon breeders

Generalization and conclusions.

Stages work


study of sources of information



Exhibitions pigeon breeders

summary and conclusions


building dovecote


Care pigeons

Feed pigeons


reproduction pigeons

building dovecote:


AT dovecotes every dove must have its own seat and nest (for breeding chicks).

During the cold winter months pigeons in the dovecote a significant part of the day is spent on perches.

Boxes are cardboard.



Frequent bathing promotes health and tidiness pigeon.

Especially in hot summer time for humidity so that eggs hatch.


Flooring in winter large sawdust.

The mat makes cleaning easy dovecote and is necessary for the period of mating and incubation.

You can put straw, hay and small twigs.


Care pigeons.

AT dovecote clean up the litter regularly.

Feeders, drinkers, nests and a bath for bathing once a month, washed, rinsed and dried.

We change the litter in the nests.

Feed pigeons.

fed pigeon mostly grain, barley, millet, seeds The water is clean and not cold.

Boxes with greens - with oats and barley.

In winter, it is necessary to provide green fodder.

Mineral additives - chalk.


Someone will think it's just a hobby, but I can say that it's much more - it's a love for birds of amazing beauty, diversity of character.

You can watch them for hours - it's always a joy.

Pigeons live in pairs.

We have dovecote, so I often observe the behavior of these wonderful birds.

People brought out such breeds: flying - they rise high into the sky, it is interesting to watch them.

There are postal pigeons, they exist for many, many years, they have been known since ancient times.

They carry letters across the seas and oceans.

It's a breed pigeons are very hardy, sometimes they don’t eat for a whole week, but carry letters to their destination.

Dad has these breeds pigeons.

Baku residents are high-flying.

They have excellent flying qualities.

Among the Baku breeds pigeons there are bare-footed and with feathered legs, smooth-headed (no teeth) and with large forelocks from ear to ear.

breeds: "Povladar Reds"





reproduction pigeons.

(from spring to autumn)

pigeons multiply very quickly.

The dove lays one egg, the second day later.

The female and male take turns incubating the eggs.

Male during the day and female at night.

They incubate eggs for 18 days and feed the chicks together.

Pigeon pierces the shell with its beak and comes out of it.

The male then removes the shell.

The female and the male gorge themselves to feed pigeon.

They feed him: burp gruel into his beak.

After about a month, the baby flies off the nest, begins to peck at the grains and drink some water.

Soon chick "goes outside" and takes the first steps on the ground.

He pecks grains, sand, pebbles.

Somewhere in a month it starts to fly.

Per pigeon very interesting to watch.

The life of flying pigeons interesting and captivating.

They rise up, sometimes above the clouds and fly until the evening.


1. From literature read with mom from dad's stories, pigeon breeders and videos I learned a lot about pigeons and their lives

2. I also learned about different breeds pigeons.

Learned. How to care for birds, about equipment, food,

breeding and what kind of feeding birds need.

3. Dad and I took part in the exhibition - pigeons with. Hasty. For which I received a Letter of Appreciation

Perhaps, pigeon- This is the first bird my dad introduced me to.

And even though these are not the most thoroughbred birds, they teach us goodness.

Anyway pigeons go through a person's life.

A symbol of peace- pigeon carrying a palm branch.

If we talk about work, then pigeons are great workers, because it was they who flew hundreds of kilometers with letters, which not every courier managed to do.

Hundreds and thousands of people at different times were fond of pigeon breeding from kings to simple peasants.

Dad instilled a love for these birds, I think that in our life there will always be an island of joy and happiness.

Thanks to my dad

Trofimenko Evgeny Viktorovich

To the educator Vera Nikolaevna Rogova.

Thank you for your attention!

Trofimenko Artem - 6 years old.

Purpose: To study the features of the lifestyle and reproduction of rock pigeons at home. Tasks: To select literature on the issue of breeding and caring for pigeons. Use in the work materials found on the Internet on the topic of research. Conduct a survey among the residents of the village about breeding pigeons. Find out how people relate to pigeons. Observe the habits of birds, what kind of food they prefer, how they breed; Bring out a pigeon at home; Learn to love and admire them;

Problem (why the study was done) Pigeons came to me by accident. What conditions do they need to create, how does mating occur? I could not answer these questions, but I really wanted to. Relevance: Keeping pigeons for breeding, increasing numbers and just as an exciting hobby has been and remains a common activity among adolescents, especially in countryside. The main research methods were: viewing books and studying special literature, interviews with experienced breeders, experiments, observations of pets, description of the results obtained and comparison.

Research methodology: 1. Determine the species of the pigeon by the determinant 2. Study the peculiarity of their structure according to various sources. 3. Visit the dovecote every day and observe: 3.1 what food I prefer 3.2 how to distinguish a dove from a dove 3.3 how doves create a family; 3.4 how chicks develop; 3.5 age-related changes in pigeons; 3.6 importance of feather cover for birds Laboratory work Study of the effect of oil on bird feathers Equipment: bird feathers, a beaker with water, a test tube with oil. Progress. Pour oil into a glass of water and lower the bird's feather. How has the structure of the pen changed? Compare a clean feather and a feather contaminated with oil. Trying to wash the oil off the feather with water is the only remedy for birds. 4. Draw conclusions

species affiliation. Taxonomy: Order: Columbiformes (Columbiformes) Family: Columbidae (Columbidae) Genus: Pigeons (Columba) Species: Rock dove (Columba livia) Birds with a dense massive body. The legs and neck are short, the wings are long and sharp. The beak is rather short, the nostrils are covered from above with leathery caps.

Table 2. Results of the experiment to identify the food preferences of the pigeon. n / p Proposed food product 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 1 Seeds ++ 2 Oats +++ 3 Millet + 4 Peas + 5 Earthworms Scattered 6 Colorado beetles 7 White bread (crumb) + 8 Apple slices (small)

My observations on the life of pigeons. Day 1 - I have a pair of wild rock pigeons. Day 5 - The pigeon began to care for the dove, which means the pigeons were mating. Day 12 - The dove laid the first egg, the second egg will be laid by the dove in an hour. Day 14 - Dove with a dove begin to incubate eggs. They incubate them in turn, if a dove during the day, then a dove at night. Day 20-My dad and I look at 6-7 days after incubation, whether a fertilized egg or not. Day 27 - We have a new offspring. Day 30-Our little pets got a little stronger.

3.5 Age changes in pigeons. Stages of development Age Feeding chicks with goiter milk up to 6-8 days Beginning of plumage development 6-7 days Complete warming up 9th day Complete plumage of chicks 30 days Start of flight On the day First molt 7 weeks Beginning of the first cooing 2-2.5 months

Table 2 Change in the weight of a pigeon chick Age of the chick (in days) Weight of the chick (in grams) In terms of growth, pigeons rank first among all domestic birds. After 1 month, the young pigeons were already dressed in the first plumage and were slightly inferior in weight to their parents.

Conclusions: 1. People have different attitudes towards pigeons. 2. Cereals are preferred from the feed ration. 3. Keeping and breeding pigeons is easy. 4. In our temperate climate, pigeons can breed not only in spring, but also in summer. 5. Optional and minor physical and material costs you can breed a new breed of pigeons or improve the quality characteristics of an existing breed of pigeons.

Recommendations for the use of work by students Use the materials of this work to illustrate the meaning of birds in nature and in human life. The biology teacher should use this work in the lessons on the topic “Class of Birds.”. The young pigeon breeder should use the work of breeding pigeons as a practical guide.

1. Barkhanova G.I. Pigeons. "Phoenix", "Selyanochka" portal for farmers 3. article "Let's talk about pigeons" 4. damir "All about pigeons" 5. Kozlov M A textbook Biology Animals Grade 7-8 M .: Education, Dolgintseva Yu. Pigeons. RESPEX, Oil Spills and Living Organisms Author: Peter H. Albers, Literature

Konovalov Dima

The work tells about how pigeons live in my village, where they build nests, what they eat, how a chick pigeon grows up. It also describes interesting features of pigeons.



MBOU "Divnenskaya secondary school No. 2"

How do pigeons live in my village?

The type of work: research work

Age nomination: 4th grade

Territory: settlement Divny, Novoselovsky district

Place of study: MOU Divnenskaya secondary school No. 2

Leader: Yakimenko Natalya Ivanovna, teacher primary school MOU Divnenskaya secondary school №2


Konovalov Dima

Divny village, Novoselovsky district, MOU No. 2, grade 4

“How do pigeons live in my village?”

Supervisor: Yakimenko Natalya Ivanovna, primary school teacher

Objective : find out the features of the life of pigeons in my village

Working methods

Main results of the work: as a result of the work, I got acquainted with how pigeons live in my village, where they build nests, what they eat, how a chick pigeon grows up. And I also got acquainted with the interesting features of pigeons.



The dove is so familiar that sometimes we do not notice it. He, like other birds, has a beak, neck, head, torso, tail, wings, paws and the body is covered with feathers.

The dove tries to be closer to the person. Why? Probably from us he is waiting for warmth and attention. Maybe you should try to establish contact with this bird, take a step towards it. For this, I tried to learn more about the bird.

Main content

Objective: find out the features of the life of pigeons in my village


  1. Study and analyze information on the topic;
  2. Find out interesting facts about pigeons

Hypothesis: pigeons live everywhere in my village

Working methods : analysis and synthesis, experiment

Work results

Wild pigeons appeared on earth 35 million years ago. The ancestor of all modern pigeons was the rock dove, which still lives in Europe, North Africa, South Asia and the Caucasus.
The dove is often mentioned in ancient legends and traditions. For example, among the Assyrians, Queen Semiramis turned into a dove after her death. In Palestine, doves were sacrificed to the gods; among the Jews, the dove was a symbol of love and moral purity. In Christianity, the dove has a special meaning: this bird is a symbol of peace and friendship. Back in antiquitypigeonpeace. Ancient people thought that the dove had nogallbladder, a bile from the time of Hippocrateswas considered the cause of an evil, quarrelsome disposition.pigeonswere considered sacred birds and messengersgods in countries East. It was believed that devil and witchescan take on any form, except for a dove, a donkey and a sheep

Researching the life of pigeons, I decided to start by browsing encyclopedias and the Internet. I was interested in the following questions. Pigeon - what kind of bird is it? What does it eat? What is the life expectancy? What is the flight speed of a pigeon? How does a dove breed its offspring?

Order: Pigeons, family: Pigeons; genus: Pigeons; species: gray dove. Pigeons are widely distributed throughout settlements and become almost tame, gullible to humans. The same species that live in the wild are distinguished by attentiveness and caution - it is not so easy to approach them, they will certainly notice an outsider. They have developed vision and hearing. The voice of the pigeons is not loud, the sounds are jerky, reminiscent of a dull cooing. The rock dove, along with sparrows, is a typical urban and rural dweller. Birds that settle in urban and rural environments have different colors, while in the wild the Rock Pigeon is always colored the same: gray-gray plumage, two stripes on the wing, a gray tail and a dark beak. Through breeding, many new breeds of pigeons were obtained from the Blue Pigeon. There are practically no differences between the male and the female, except for the fact that the plumage on the female's chest is less shimmery with silver.
An ordinary pigeon has a grayish-gray plumage, gray wings with two characteristic stripes, on the chest the plumage casts a metallic yellowish or purple color. The size of the pigeon ranges from 30 to 35 cm, weight - about 300 grams .. The beak is dark, almost black. The eyes are orange-red or yellow. Wings with a metallic sheen, span - up to 65 cm. The tail is straight or slightly rounded, with a dark stripe along the edge. Paws are red or pink.
Pigeons are very greedy. Their main diet is grains. At the same time, pigeons need to drink a lot in order to soften solid food. Pigeons drink, unlike many other birds, by plunging their beak deep into the water and thus sucking in the liquid.
Pigeons settle not only near settlements, but also in forests. Also, some birds prefer rocky areas and mountains. For example, rocky pigeons make nests in the recesses of rocks, in caves. In the south, rock pigeons are sedentary, while in the north, birds move to warmer places for wintering. Pigeons nest in flocks, colonies. The nesting period for pigeons has no clear boundaries and can last at any time throughout the year. Pigeons - inhabitants of cities and villages choose places to place nests that resemble natural conditions: attics of houses, cornices, crevices in brickwork. Having built a nest, a pair of pigeons can use it repeatedly to breed offspring.
When building a dwelling, the male extracts building material, which is various twigs, straws and blades of grass. The female is directly involved in the construction of the nest. The nest is made simply, one might say, carelessly, and has a flat shape. Pigeons are very careful and try to equip their nests in urban areas so that it is extremely difficult for a person to detect them.
The female lays 1-2 white eggs with a smooth shiny shell in the nest. The female lays eggs intermittently (about two days). Both partners incubate the offspring. The male is usually in the nest in the morning, while the female is busy eating. If the female lingers for a long time, the male begins to coo invitingly so that the female will quickly replace him in the nest. The incubation period lasts from 17 to 30 days, depending on the breed of the pigeon. Chicks are born at intervals of a couple of days, they are absolutely helpless and covered with sparse hairy down. At first, their parents feed them "bird's milk" - a nutrient fluid secreted in the goiter. When the chicks grow up, the parents begin to feed them with plant seeds. Outwardly, young pigeons are similar to adults, but have a faded plumage and a brown color of the iris. After a month or so, the chicks become independent, fly out of the nest. The ability to reproduce in pigeons appears at the age of about six months.
In the course of studying literature, I managed to find out many interesting facts about pigeons. It turns out: 5 thousand years ago, domestic pigeons were already known in ancient Egypt. According to legend, the god of war Mars did not fight because a dove made a nest in his battle helmet. The formidable warrior did not dare to destroy the bird's nest, and the war was prevented. From that moment on, the dove became a symbol of peace and friendship, and among the ancient Jews - love and morality. Pigeons are cruel. And if in dogs the winner licks the one who surrenders, then these meek birds can beat the vanquished to death with blows of their beaks. Well-trained carrier pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60 - 70 kilometers per hour. The height of their flight in bad weather is 100 - 150 meters, in good weather - 300 - 350 meters. They withstand a sports distance of up to 500 - 600 kilometers. The radius of departure of pigeons from the dovecote in search of food reaches 40 kilometers. The resulting pigeon pairs are strong and do not collapse during any family troubles (with the exception of the death of one of the spouses). And another curious fact is that the plumage of a dove is heavier than all its bones. Feathers are heavier than a skeleton. To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of the father's or mother's nose and licks milk, which is more like sour cream. On this sour cream, the chick grows by leaps and bounds - the very next day after coming into our world, it weighs 2 times heavier. A week later, parents mix the grains softened in the goiter with sour cream. On the 10th day, the dove stops feeding, but dad does not dare to take the children away from his "breast" for several more days. Pigeons are used as postmen. And each time, having forwarded the message, he comes back. Where is the compass of the pigeons? The mystery is shrouded in darkness to this day. Pigeons do not fly home in a straight line. Observations show that they often fly in the opposite direction, but then an unknown force makes them return and fly correctly.

I also managed to find many signs about pigeons: Where pigeons are found, that house does not burn. At the wedding, a ribbon (blue and pink) is tied to each dove's foot, and when they take off, the gender of the first-born is determined by the one who has risen higher - a boy or a girl. If a dove sits on a table, it portends an illness. If a dove flew in through a window or a door, there will be a fire or someone will die, sometimes there will be news.

Very often I heard how adults swear at pigeons: that they dirty cars, window sills, balconies. It became interesting to me: does the dove bring benefit or harm? And what is more in them - good or evil? .. Having studied the literature, I found out:

Harm from pigeons: pigeons and sparrows are the same rats. They rummage through the garbage heaps and spread various contagious diseases; pigeons stain cars, windows and window sills, as well as people passing by Benefits of pigeons: pigeons are a symbol of happiness and prosperity. They are released at weddings. It's just a beautiful sight! According to some myths, doves are the souls of dead children.Birdwatching.

My further research went through the observation of birds in their natural environment.

Having studied the relevant literature, I decided to find out in what places they live in our village.

The results of the observation I issued in table No. 1.

No. p / p


Feature of the place


In the attic, a warm place

Kindergarten building

Abandoned building


On the roof, warm


Lots of food

Residential buildings

Attics, warm

Table 1. The result of observation of the dispersal of birds.

Conclusion: the pigeon is found in those places where it is warm, where there are abandoned buildings, where there is food. But I did not meet pigeons near wooden houses, in the forest, thus I was not able to confirm the hypothesis that I put forward at the beginning of my work.

The next stage of my work was to find out how pigeons nest in our country. I managed to find out the following.

When I went up to the attic, I saw a pigeon sitting in a nest. At my appearance, the dove took off from its place and, flapping its wings, flew away. I was able to see the nest. It was made of twigs, had a flat shape and was on the floor, in a place protected from light in the corner. I found two eggs in the nest. I was surprised, it was already August, and here is an egg. So, doves really lay eggs several times a year. After I left, the dove came back. This suggests that pigeons do not leave their nests if a person appears there, but return back.

Then I was interested to know on what day the chicks hatch, what kind they are born, when they are able to fly out of the nest. Almost every day I went to the nest in the hope that the chicks had hatched. But it happened only on the 10th day of my observation. The chicks appeared blind, covered with a yellowish fluff. I put my following observations in the form of a table.

Among other things, I was interested to knowWhat kind of food do pigeons prefer? I decided to conduct an experiment.

During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered different foods, which were given at the same time (in different piles). I wanted to know what kind of food birds prefer. For several days I went and brought food, but the birds did not touch the food. On the fourth day, when I came to the attic and laid out the food, the birds began to flock. I thought, maybe they didn’t fly up to me in the first days because they were afraid of me, and when they got used to it, they began to fly up. I fixed which of the feeds the bird eats first. The result is shown in table 2.

No. p / p

Suggested food item

Food eaten first


Day 5


Day 7



White bread (crumb)

Apple pieces (small)

Table 2. Results of the experiment to identify the food preferences of the pigeon.

Conclusion: the most pigeons prefer grain, then they peck at seeds. But they did not touch the fruit. It was interesting to observe how the birds held themselves during feeding. It was possible to determine where the couples were and where they weren't. Pairs kept close to each other and did not take food from each other. Other pigeons kept nearby.


Summing up my work, we can conclude that the goal that I set was achieved. Having studied the reference, popular science literature, I was able to learn a lot of interesting facts about the pigeon.

Wild pigeons appeared on earth 35 million years ago.
The dove is often mentioned in ancient legends and traditions. In Christianity, the dove has a special meaning: this bird is a symbol of peace and friendship. Well-trained homing pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60 - 70 kilometers per hourpigeonwas considered a symbol of fertility, and laterpeace . I learned very interesting fact, it turns out that pigeons feed their chicks with milk. To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of the father's or mother's nose and licks milk, which is more like sour cream.

I managed to find out where these birds live in our village, how their nest is arranged. I learned that pigeons lay eggs in batches of 2, several times a year. Chicks appear naked, blind. But after 10 days they can see, they have feathers. Most of all, pigeons love grain. I think this happens because they are not used to other food, and it is easy for birds to find grain in the village. I managed to find out that some people do not like pigeons, they believe that they only cause harm. But how can you not love them, because the dove is a symbol of peace, love and fidelity!

I believe that my work can be used in the lessons of the world around us, when studying the topic "Birds"


  1. B.E. Raikov, M.N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Zoological excursions" M .: "Topical" 1994
  2. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist. M.: "Pedagogy - Press"
  3. Birds of fields and forests. M .: Terra - Book Club. 1998
  4. Singing birds. M .: Terra - Book Club. 1998

Nomination " Children's project in primary school"

If you ask yourself what kind of birds we see on the streets of the city most often, the answer will be unambiguous - pigeons. Most of them are easy to tame and are not afraid of humans. But living with these birds literally side by side, we do not see pigeon chicks. In the flock, everyone is the same size, so what the chicks look like and what they do until they are fully grown is a mystery to many.

Problem question:Why on the streets of the city, where there are so many pigeons, we never meet their chicks?

Objective of the project: find out if pigeons have chicks, and if so, why we don’t see them.

Project objectives:

1. Conduct a survey (questionnaire) among adults and children.

2. Study the materials of the library and Internet resources.

3. Watch the pigeons.

4. Create a calendar "Unusual pigeons".

Hypothesis: I assumed that there are no small pigeons and they are born immediately as adults.

Object of study: pigeons.

Project participants: children, parents.

Implementation period: one year.

Research methods:study of literature;conducting a survey;own observations.

Project description

After conducting a sociological survey, I confirmed my assumptions. 80% of respondents have not seen pigeon chicks, 40% think they exist, but have never seen them, but everyone wants to know where they are hiding.

From additional literature, we found out that there are approximately 300 species of pigeons. These birds live in all parts of the world except for extremely cold areas, but most species live in tropical climates.

In Christianity, the dove symbolizes the holy spirit, purity, peace, baptism, good news. The Bible says that Noah sent a dove in search of dry land after the flood, which then brought an olive branch. Having become a symbol of peace, the dove is depicted as a monument in many cities of the world, it is installed in 33 cities.

Pigeons are heroes. With the word hero, we have an image of a brave man who saved many lives. Unfortunately, not many people know that our feathered friends, pigeons, were also heroes. AT war time they carried out difficult assignments and often risked their lives. The most famous bird was a dove named Commando. In 1945, the pigeon received a medal for his courage. And in 1946, the dove Soldier JOE was awarded for saving thousands of lives.

Conclusion: my hypothesis is not Confirmed, chicks exist! And there are explanations for the fact that we do not see them.

First, pigeons build their nests in places resembling caves and rocks. In nature, pigeons are inhabitants of mountains, rocks and steep banks. They settle in places inaccessible to those who like to taste game - cracks and caves, where they place nests, incubate eggs and feed chicks. City pigeons easily adapt in settlements, since buildings and structures remind them of natural conditions and allow them to settle in places inaccessible to humans and predators. In cities, they nest on rooftops, under window sills, under bridges.

Secondly, the chicks do not leave the nest for up to six weeks, until they grow up. At the age when the chicks fly out of the nest, they are absolute copies of their parents, but smaller. Another difference is that up to 8 months the plumage of chicks does not have a characteristic metallic sheen, as in adults. Teenage pigeons can be recognized by hyperactive behavior, pestering other pigeons (begging for food). Even adolescents can be found mostly near the nesting site.

Project "The Secret of the Pigeons Revealed"


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